Yuki-chan Discord Bot
Welcome to Yuuki
Music Bot
- !m - the main Music Command (have own help)
- !music - the main Music Command (have own help)
Music Command
- !now | np | info - Info about the current Song
- !queue | playlist | pl - show playlist
- !volume | v | vol- show volume
DJ Commands
- !play | add | p - add songs
- !skip | next - skip the song
- !volume | v | vol- can also change the volume
- !stop - stop the musicbot
- !pause - pause the musicbot
- !resume - resume the musicbot
- !shuffle - shuffle the playlist
- !clear - clear playlist
Level System
- !rank - see you rank
- !ranklist - show the ranklist top ten
Fun Commands
- !neko - show a random neko
- !fox - show a random fox
- !hug - hug someone
- !cuddle - cuddle someone
- !pat - pat someone
- !poke - poke someone
- !slap - slap someone
- !kiss - kiss someone
- !cfg - the main Config Command (have own help)
General Commands
- !serverinfo - show how long you been on the server
- !userinfo - shows users info
- !botinfo - shows bot info
Bot Permissions System
The bot has a own permissions System.
The Roles are:
- Admin
- Mod
- DJ
All Users that have the permissions Administrator have admin rights. or the Server Owner it self.
to set the Roles use !cfg role
The moduls are the functions of the bot
you can enable moduls whit: !cfg moduls enable
and disable whit: !cfg moduls disable
you dont need to enable the modul to configure them.
Moduls that are enable when the bot join the first time:
Moduls Info
a working musicbot. can play Youtube / Soundcloud / links to mp3 / Twitch
Users can level while writing. and can get roles as reward for a level.
planned: get xp for be in voicechannel.
send message when a user leave/join in a specific channel. (not yet implemented)
Fun commands to hug/cuddle people. get random neko images. (in progress)
How to setup the Bot
IMPORTANT: for setting up you need to be the Server Owner or have the permission: ADMINISTRATOR
- Add the Bot to your server.
- set the Admin role whit "!cfg role admin add (role as Mention)"
- set the Mod role whit "!cfg role mod add (role as Mention)"
- set the DJ role whit "!cfg role dj (role as Mention)" ps: whit "!cfg role dj everyone" everybody on the server can use the MusicBot
- Check whit "!cfg role info" if everything how you wanted to be.
- enbale the moduls you want whit !cfg moduls enable (modul).
For help write me on Discord.
Feature request to my private or on the Support Discord.
Yuki-chan Discord Bot
Source: https://top.gg/bot/451841098478780446
Posted by: lightyproffecanded69.blogspot.com
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