
Kerala Bus Design 3d Sea Org

Development Area Ref No Title UNDP Office UNDP Country Procurement Process Deadline Posted CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85990 Recrutement d'un(e) Consultant(e) national(e) « Consultant(e) National(e) Réalisateur Vidéaste » GUINEA, Office GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 03-Dec-21 22-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85989 PROCUREMENT NOTICE: UNDP/IC/Graphic Design Consultant/Spotlight/2021/027 UNDP Liberia Country Office LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Nov-21 22-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85986 19207-2021 - Apoyo en la Implementación Regional del Programa Global Sello de Igualdad de Género en las Instituciones Públicas Regional Centre PANAMA RFP - Request for proposal 06-Dec-21 22-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85987 CHL-SDP-189-2021 Diseño y ejecución de Diplomado, en modalidad e-learning, sobre Acción Climática y Gestión Basada en Riesgos para Gobiernos Locales de ciudades costeras de América Latina UNDP Country Office CHILE RFP - Request for proposal 30-Dec-21 22-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85985 RfQ140 - Drones UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Nov-21 22-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85227 CLOSED EARLY
Assessing COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance in Georgia UNDP Country Office GEORGIA RFP - Request for proposal 26-Nov-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 22-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85983 SOLICITUD DE COTIZACION - COL 0000160503 - Adquirir equipos e insumos de piscicultura para la reactivación de productores piscícolas en zona rural del municipio de Valledupar UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Dec-21 22-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85984 Renovation of Office in Benue State Nigeria UNDP Nigeria Country Office NIGERIA ITB - Invitation to bid 30-Nov-21 @ 11:59 AM (New York time) 22-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85982 RFQ/199/21 CAMPAIGN FOR RAISING AWARENESS ON IMPORTANCE OF CLIMATE ADAPTATION UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Dec-21 22-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85981 UNDP-RFP-2021-416 Rights Based Community Stabilization UNDP CO Pakistan PAKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 06-Dec-21 @ 02:30 AM (New York time) 22-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85980 Розробка відео кампанії на тему сексуальної освіти для підлітків UNFPA UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Dec-21 22-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85979 KAP survey on Explosive Ordnance Risk Education UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND (UNICEF) UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 03-Dec-21 22-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85978 INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANCY-TRAINING OF SUPPLIERS IN THE BUSINESS SUPPLIER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME (SDP)'S MINING SUPPLY VALUE CHAIN, ON COSTING AND PRICING' BOTSWANA BOTSWANA IC - Individual contractor 03-Dec-21 22-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85977 Development of Gender and Climate Change communication material UNDP SOUTH AFRICA SOUTH AFRICA RFP - Request for proposal 03-Dec-21 22-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85976 Recrutement d'une société de communicaton UNDP ALGERIE pour le BCR ALGERIA RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Nov-21 22-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85975 Long Term Agreement for Procurement Consultant, Quality Assurance and Oversight Support Bangkok Regional Hub THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 06-Dec-21 22-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85968 Individual Contractor (IC) – Communications Specialist UNDP RBAS Amman office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 28-Nov-21 22-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85974 RFQ/LBY/START/2021/082 - Supply of Materials for the tailor shop at Libyan Korean Centre to produce medical gowns, Tripoli, Libya. UNDP Country Office LIBYA RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Nov-21 22-Nov-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85972 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL- National consultancy - Drone Training and Mapping in Bundibugyo District, Uganda KAMPALA UGANDA RFP - Request for proposal 30-Nov-21 22-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85973 Поставка десяти водных велосипедов UNDP Country Office BELARUS RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Dec-21 22-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85970 Recrutement d'un Expert National pour la réalisation d'une enquête sur les connaissances, attitudes et pratiques (CAP) relatives à l'utilisation de la biodiversité et l'APA UNDP Algeria ALGERIA IC - Individual contractor 06-Dec-21 22-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85971 RE-ADVERTISED RFQ - Supply, Delivery and Assembly of Fridges for Cold Beverages and Vegetables UNDP OFFICE DJIBOUTI RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Dec-21 @ 08:30 AM (New York time) 22-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85969 RFQ/LBY/START/2021/081-Supply of Equipment for the tailor shop at Libyan Korean Centre to produce medical gowns, Tripoli, Libya. UNDP Country Office LIBYA RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Nov-21 22-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85966 ITB182021 Construction of a CICOV-Hospitalization UNDP Country Office MOZAMBIQUE ITB - Invitation to bid 06-Dec-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 22-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85967 UNIDO RFP 1100163258 - PROVISION OF EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES FOR SETTING UP 3 RECLAMATION CENTERS IN TURKEY UNDP Country Office TURKEY RFP - Request for proposal 10-Dec-21 22-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85965 Individual Contractor (IC) – Partnerships Specialist UNDP Regional Hub Office-Amman JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 28-Nov-21 22-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85964 Firm for Supply fitting and fixing of Furniture UNDP Country Office BANGLADESH RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Dec-21 @ 05:30 AM (New York time) 22-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85961 Individual Contractor (IC) – Migration Specialist RBAS Regional Hub JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 29-Nov-21 22-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85962 COMMUNICATIONS AND VISIBILITY OF UNDP NIGERIA UNDP Nigeria Country Office NIGERIA RFP - Request for proposal 03-Dec-21 @ 11:59 AM (New York time) 22-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85960 Supply furniture of Al-Baaj General Hospital UNDP Country Office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Dec-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 22-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85959 IC/UNDP/RESTORE-IFL/163/2021 - Public Finance Management and Disaster Risk Management (Indonesian nationality only) UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 06-Dec-21 22-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85958 Recrutement d'un bureau d'études international pour l'élaboration d'un Startup Act en Mauritanie. UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE MAURITANIA RFP - Request for proposal 30-Nov-21 21-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85957 Recruitment of a team of National Individual consultants (A Legal Practitioner, and a Public Health Expert/Doctor) to conduct law and policy reviews with key ministries and institution to review gaps and recommend solutions for key populations and integr UNDP ZAMBIA ZAMBIA IC - Individual contractor 27-Nov-21 21-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85956 Grant to support COVID-19 affected youth living in slums or on the streets with social services Sierra Leone, RBA SIERRA LEONE CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 25-Nov-21 21-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85953 Provision of Translation and Interpretation Services on Long Term Agreement (LTA) Basis UNDP Aden sub-office YEMEN ITB - Invitation to bid 12-Dec-21 @ 08:50 AM (New York time) 21-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85955 National consultant to undertake vulnerability and adaptation assessment of the health sector to climate change in Jordan UNDP Country Office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 28-Nov-21 21-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85810 fournitures et mobiliers de bureau pour l'appui au renforcement de la sécurité frontalière à l'aéroport international de Bangui-Mpoko et aux cinq (05) unités de Police Centrafricaine et Gendarmerie Nationale à Bangui dans le cadre de la police de proximit République centrafricaine CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Nov-21 21-Nov-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85952 RBAS-RFQ-028-2021 Server and SQL License RBAS Regional Hub Office in Amman JORDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Nov-21 @ 11:00 PM (New York time) 21-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85875 Efficient Cook Stove Fabrication Training UNDP Somalia, Mogadishu Office SOMALIA RFP - Request for proposal 25-Nov-21 @ 06:05 AM (New York time) 21-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85951 REHABILITATION 10 WATERS POINTS SOUTH WEST CAMEROON CAMEROON ITB - Invitation to bid 04-Dec-21 @ 11:01 PM (New York time) 21-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85798 ITB-421-21-Rehabilitation of Ashmeet Bridge in Zab UNDP IRAQ OFFICE IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 07-Dec-21 @ 09:27 AM (New York time) 21-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85950 ITB-425-21 Phase-II-Rehabilitation of 300 Housing Units in Al-Ghizlani and Wadi Hajar Neighborhoods-West Mosul,Iraq RBAS IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 12-Dec-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 21-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85949 ITB-424/21: Phase-II-Rehabilitation of 361 Housing Units in Al Khazrag Neighborhood-Old City-West Mosul, Ninawa, Iraq Service Center IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 19-Dec-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 21-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85948 RFQ-BD-2021-026: Long-Term Agreement for Internet Service for UNDP Bangladesh Country Office UNDP Country Office BANGLADESH RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Dec-21 @ 05:30 AM (New York time) 21-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85947 RFP-PAP3543-2021 Develop Tech Guidelines - Rwanda Rome Center for Sustainable Development UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RFP - Request for proposal 05-Dec-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 20-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85946 RFQ-UNDP-RESTORE-161300-040-2021 - Moveable GBV center in 40th Container UNDP Country Office INDONESIA RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Dec-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 20-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85945 IAL/PNUD/GNQ/21.010: ACUERDO A LARGO PLAZO PARA LA PROVISIÓN DE SERVICIO DE SEGURIDAD UNDP GE EQUATORIAL GUINEA ITB - Invitation to bid 10-Dec-21 20-Nov-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 85944 RFQ/090/21 – Поставка трех легковых автомобилей / Procurement of three vehicles UNDP Uzbekistan UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Dec-21 20-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85943 SdP ADQ 21 159431 programa integracion economica UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 16-Dec-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 19-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85942 RFQ/UNDP/HAI/21/204 (Lot Régions ) - Services d'Hôtellerie : hébergement, location de salle, restauration (Contrat à long terme) PNUD HAITI RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Dec-21 19-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85941 SDP-PNUD-GNQ-21.009 Support the government of Equatorial Guinea in developing a resources mobilization strategy on blue economy_ UNDP Guinea Ecuatorial EQUATORIAL GUINEA RFP - Request for proposal 03-Dec-21 19-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85940 SDP-046-2021 Servicios de consultoría para elaborar un análisis de los resultados obtenidos en el proyecto completo de Residuos COPs y hacer una proyección de su viabilidad para implementarse en México, que incluya análisis de barreras y recomendaciones. UNDP Country Office MEXICO RFP - Request for proposal 03-Dec-21 19-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85939 PROCESO COL 0000160160 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Apoyo administrativo y logístico para la compra y entrega de activos a los emprendimientos en el marco de los convenios con MinCultura y Gobernación del Tolima UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 02-Dec-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 19-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85938 Video production to promote Ukraine's commitments under the Paris Agreement UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Nov-21 19-Nov-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 85937 RFQ2021/WSM/74 SCCI Farmer Tools and Materials UNDP Country Office SAMOA RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Dec-21 19-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85936 RFQ 2021-80 : Achat, Fourniture, Pose, Installation Et La Mise En Service Des Équipements De La Sonorisation Des Salles D'audiences De La Cour D'appel Et Du Tribunal De Première Instance De Médenine UNDP Country Office TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Dec-21 19-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85935 IC 19212 - IC. Training and Learning Advisor. REGIONAL CENTER PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 06-Dec-21 19-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85934 RFQ 2021-79 : Achat, Fourniture, Pose, Installation d'un Faux Plafond, du Nouveau Mobilier, et des Travaux de peinture de la Cours d'Appel des deux salles d'audiences de la Cours d'Appel de Médenine et du TPI de Médenine ( 3 Lots séparables ) UNDP Country Office TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Dec-21 19-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85933 19156-2021 Content partnership for the Green Commodities Prog & the Good Growth Partnership- REGIONAL CENTER PANAMA RFP - Request for proposal 06-Dec-21 19-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85929 Consultant expert juridique UNDP HAITI IC - Individual contractor 10-Dec-21 19-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85932 Consultant (e) – Elaboration du Code d'éthique du CNAL UNDP HAITI IC - Individual contractor 10-Dec-21 19-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85931 CHL-SDP-185-2021 Consultoría para análisis y generación de plataforma comunicacional de resultados de Encuentros de Juventudes 2021 Country Office CHILE RFP - Request for proposal 10-Dec-21 19-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85930 CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT TRAINING 500 YOUTH IN BORNO Nigeria NIGERIA RFP - Request for proposal 29-Nov-21 @ 08:51 AM (New York time) 19-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85928 MNG/RFP/2021/064 - Local Vendors - Development of a digital platform for "Ger and Nature" (G&N) scheme UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA RFP - Request for proposal 02-Dec-21 19-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85927 Consultation Nationale - «Expert en GRD et en genre » UNDP HAITI IC - Individual contractor 26-Nov-21 19-Nov-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 85921 RFQ-TKM-022-2021-Procurement and supply of a hybrid sedan and hybrid SUV UNDP Country Office - TURKMENISTAN TURKMENISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Dec-21 19-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85926 Assessing readiness of Georgia for EU Green Deal UNDP Country Office GEORGIA RFP - Request for proposal 07-Dec-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 19-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85924 ETH3085 – Recruitment of National Consultant to Formulate full-fledged bankable project proposal for Ministry of Finance (MoF) UNDP Country Office on behlaf of Minstry of Financ ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 03-Dec-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 19-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85925 CONSULTORÍA PARA LA REVISIÓN INTEGRAL DE LOS MANUALES OPERATIVOS, DE ORGANIZACIÓN, DE CARGOS, DE FUNCIONES Y DE PROCEDIMIENTOS DE LA UNIDAD EJECUTORA DE PROGRAMAS Y PROYECTOS (UEPP) DEL MEC Asunción PARAGUAY RFP - Request for proposal 03-Dec-21 19-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85922 717-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-SCR-Electronic queue UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Dec-21 @ 04:59 AM (New York time) 19-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85923 LBN-CO-RFP-318-21 - Monitoring and mapping UNDP Country Office - LEBANON - LEBANON LEBANON RFP - Request for proposal 10-Dec-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 19-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85920 RFP- STUDY ON ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (ESIA) KAMPALA UGANDA RFP - Request for proposal 27-Nov-21 19-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85919 Q-057-21-brand new generator South Sudan -RBA SOUTH SUDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Nov-21 @ 04:32 AM (New York time) 19-Nov-21 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS 85918 CISCO IP TELEPHONE UPGRADE INSTALLATION AND INTEGRATION PROJECT UNDP Country Office ZAMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Nov-21 19-Nov-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85917 Procurement of video-conference equipment to Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan UNODC KAZAKHSTAN EOI - Expression of interest 25-Nov-21 19-Nov-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85916 UNDP/RFQ/43/2021 Request for Quotation for supply of Photocopier for AISN Project UNDP Country Office for AISN Project NEPAL RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Nov-21 19-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85915 UNDP/PN/30/2021 Individual Consultant Procurement Notice for International Consultant for the Preparation and Development of the Nepal. United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) 2023-2027 UNDP Country Office for UNRCO NEPAL IC - Individual contractor 29-Nov-21 19-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85914 RFQ #22102021 Solar Panels Bada (Gabu) UNDP Country Office GUINEA-BISSAU RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Dec-21 19-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85913 RFP-: CONSULTANCY TO PROVIDE WORK ETHIC IMPROVEMENT FOR THE BOTSWANA NATIONAL PRODUCTIVITY CENTRE BOTSWANA BOTSWANA RFP - Request for proposal 03-Dec-21 19-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85912 RFP-SDG-2021-87 Develop Policy Research Publications UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFP - Request for proposal 06-Dec-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 19-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85911 RFQ for Provision of Vehicle Repairs UNDP Country Office SOMALIA RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Nov-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 19-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85910 UNDP-IC-2021-418 - Services of Individual Consultant as Junior Software Developer (Consultant) Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 03-Dec-21 19-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85893 International Consultant to support research activities related to Youth Entrepreneurship (Senior Consultant) UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub (BRH) – Youth Unit THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 03-Dec-21 19-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85909 Поставка двух детских игровых комплексов UNDP Country Office BELARUS RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Dec-21 19-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85908 Розробка посібника та тренінгових матеріалів щодо забезпечення ефективної підтримки працевлаштуванню постраждалих від гендерно зумовленого насильства (ГЗН) UNFPA UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Dec-21 19-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85906 UNDP-IC-2021-417 Hiring of IC as Senior Software Development Consultant Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 03-Dec-21 19-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85907 CFP-107 Mobile Game Application Revenue Management (Responsible Party Agreement) UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 03-Dec-21 19-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85903 RFQ 2021-92 Food and Hygiene products UNDP Country Office KYRGYZSTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Dec-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 19-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85902 UNDP-IC-2021-415 Hiring of IC as a Manager Infrastructure Projects Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 03-Dec-21 19-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85901 Firm for Printing and Supply of IEC materials UNDP Country Office BANGLADESH RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Dec-21 @ 05:30 AM (New York time) 19-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85900 RFQ-CHN-022 Event Organization Service China CHINA RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Nov-21 19-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85899 Digital Marketing Services UNDP Country office SOMALIA RFP - Request for proposal 25-Nov-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 19-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85898 Construction of Livestock Health and Welfare Center Akkise UNDP Country Office TURKEY RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Dec-21 19-Nov-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85897 IC2021/WSM/055 CERO Waste – APP Developer (National Consultant) UNDP Country Office SAMOA IC - Individual contractor 03-Dec-21 19-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85896 RFP-CHN-018 RFP Web development China CHINA RFP - Request for proposal 26-Nov-21 18-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85895 International Business Operations Strategy (BOS) Consultant UNDP Country Office VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 30-Nov-21 18-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85894 Proofreading and Editing Consultant UNDP Country Office VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 22-Nov-21 18-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85892 Individual Consultancy Services for Project Implementation Support on Reporting UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 02-Dec-21 18-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85891 RFP-103-PHL-2021 Battery Study UNDP CO Philippines PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 02-Dec-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 18-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85890 RFQ Sawmill and Sawmill Parts(Re-advertisement) UNDP Pacific office- Fiji FIJI RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Nov-21 18-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85889 SDP-045-2021 Elaboración de un Plan de Manejo en un ámbito de aplicación nacional, colectivo, modalidad mixto atendiendo la corriente de residuos: 1) Televisiones, 2) Computadoras de escritorio y portátiles, 3) Aparatos grabadores/reproductores de sonido, UNDP Mexico Country Office MEXICO RFP - Request for proposal 02-Dec-21 18-Nov-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 85888 314-2021-ITB-UNDP-BMP - Procurement of minivans and accessories to UNDP UNDP Country office TAJIKISTAN ITB - Invitation to bid 02-Dec-21 @ 02:00 AM (New York time) 18-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85887 CI/136/OCR/2021 CONSULTOR NACIONAL PARA MONITOREO DE MEDIOS Y APOYO PROGRAMÁTICO DEL SISTEMA DE LAS NACIONES UNIDAS EN VENEZUELA. UNDP Country Office VENEZUELA IC - Individual contractor 02-Dec-21 18-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85886 Розробка сценарію інтерактивного фільму та серіалу UNFPA UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Nov-21 18-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85885 316-2021-RFQ-UNDP-GAVI UNDP Country office TAJIKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Dec-21 @ 02:00 AM (New York time) 18-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85884 Consultant Expert/e National/e chargé/e de la Communication et du Plaidoyer cameroon CAMEROON IC - Individual contractor 29-Nov-21 18-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85883 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA No.: COL-0000160149 -Diseño e implementación de un piloto de trazabilidad para una cadena láctea local en el sector de las Sabanas del Yarí en los municipios de San Vicente del Caguán y La Macarena. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 06-Dec-21 18-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85881 RFQ/BDI10/UGP-FM/0011/2021- FOURNITURE DES ARTICLES DIVERS DE COMMUNICATION AU PNILP UNDP Burundi BURUNDI RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Nov-21 18-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85882 LBN-CO-RFP-316-21-ESA -LTA Country Office LEBANON RFP - Request for proposal 02-Dec-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 18-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85879 01 International Social and Environment Safeguards Consultant (A-211101) UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 02-Dec-21 18-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85880 RFQ/198/21 Presentation of climate change reports and documents of BiH by organizing two high level hybrid events in entity parliaments UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Dec-21 18-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85878 MNG/RFP/2021/062 - National Institutions - Conduct training for unemployed people on establishing mini, small enterprise (cooperatives) and development of start-up business UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA RFP - Request for proposal 01-Dec-21 18-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85877 37401-RFP-Roster for Facilitators United Nations Volunteers (UNV) GERMANY IC - Individual contractor 09-Dec-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 18-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85876 LBN-CO-RFP-312-21ISWM in Al Fayhaa Phase 2 UNDP Country office LEBANON RFP - Request for proposal 02-Dec-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 18-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85874 RFP-139-IND-2021-"Conduct of research, policy advocacy and knowledge product development towards mainstreaming climate resilience and data-driven approaches in agriculture policies of Telangana". India INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 02-Dec-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 18-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85873 RFP-Provision of Physical Fund Disbursement UNDP Pacific office- Fiji FIJI RFP - Request for proposal 01-Dec-21 @ 04:33 AM (New York time) 18-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85872 IC NOTICE N°051/2021/PNUD-BFA Recrutement d'un (e) Consultant (e) National (e) pour l'appui à la mise en place d'un dispositif opérationnel d'incubation au sein du CFPRZ Country Office BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 24-Nov-21 18-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85871 RFP for vehicle rental RESEAL and ROMA Albania ALBANIA RFP - Request for proposal 03-Dec-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 18-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85858 SOLICITAÇÃO DE PROPOSTA para cotratação de um Consultor Nacional para avaliação do impacto social e ambiental da construção do armazém para o Ministério de Saúde UNDP São Tome SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE RFP - Request for proposal 12-Dec-21 18-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85870 Rebuilding of Agricultural Extension and Training UNDP Country Office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Dec-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 18-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85869 LBN-CO-RFQ-315-21 Electrical Works at the MDB room Country Office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 18-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85868 Grid Connected Small-Scale Photovoltaic Systems UNDP Egypt Country Office EGYPT IC - Individual contractor 28-Nov-21 18-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85867 RFQ/197/21 PREPARATION OF THE MAIN DESIGN OF THE GREEN MARKET IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF ODŽAK UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Nov-21 18-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85866 Rehab Salhiyah Mid-Mixed School Hawija Kirkuk Iraq UNDP Country Office, Erbil, Iraq - IRAQ IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Dec-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 18-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85863 RFP 139-2021 for rapid assessment of the water-food-energy nexus in North Macedonia UUNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFP - Request for proposal 02-Dec-21 18-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85865 Independent Consultant (National) for the role of Team Expert UNDP Country Office MAURITIUS IC - Individual contractor 23-Nov-21 18-Nov-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 85864 RFQ Purchase of Hybrid Vehicle for UNDP office nee UNDP Kosovo Kosovo, UNSCR 1244 (1999) RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Dec-21 @ 11:30 AM (New York time) 18-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85861 (Re-Adveritsed) International Expert Final Project Evaluation, UNDP CO and Ministry of Municipal, Rural Affairs and Housing, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia CO Saudi Arabia SAUDI ARABIA IC - Individual contractor 09-Dec-21 18-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85862 Civil works for Bossaso Hospital UNDP Country Office SOMALIA RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Nov-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 18-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85854 Individual Contractor (IC) – Communications Consultant UNDP Regional Hub Office-Amman - JORDAN JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 26-Nov-21 18-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85859 RFP/044/21 Support to implementation of labour market solutions in Canton Sarajevo UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFP - Request for proposal 01-Dec-21 18-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85857 Consultant (e) National (e) en charge de l'évaluation de l'effet 2 du Programme « Appui au renforcement de la résilience des adolescents et jeunes de Centrafrique République centrafricaine CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 27-Nov-21 18-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85856 EDFC II/RFP/001/2021- develop report on DEVELOPMENT CO-OPERATION IN NEPAL: A GUIDE TO OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES AND COUNTRY SYSTEMS-2021 UNDP - EDFC NEPAL RFP - Request for proposal 26-Nov-21 18-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85855 L211103 - 02 National Individual Consultants to assess baseline of waste flow and develop concept for MRF in Binh Dinh province UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 25-Nov-21 18-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85853 01 International Social and Environmental Safeguards Consultant UNDP Country Office VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 25-Nov-21 18-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85740 Individual Contractor (IC) – Consultant for Enhancing Social Cohesion in Human Mobility Contexts in the Arab States UNDP Regional Hub Office-Amman - JORDAN JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 30-Nov-21 18-Nov-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85852 753RE-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-EEPB-Server and equipment (re-announcement with changed TOR) UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Dec-21 18-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85851 to Establish Returnees Re-integration Information UNDP Office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 02-Dec-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 18-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85850 RFP- Fund Disbursement Through E-Transfer UNDP Pacific office- Fiji FIJI RFP - Request for proposal 01-Dec-21 @ 05:26 AM (New York time) 18-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85849 RFP- Fund Disbursement Through Mobile Wallet UNDP Pacific office- Fiji FIJI RFP - Request for proposal 01-Dec-21 @ 05:09 AM (New York time) 17-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85848 RFP-C19R-2021-86 Enhancing UNDP's Communications, Knowledge management and results dissemination. UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFP - Request for proposal 01-Dec-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 17-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85847 PNUD/IC-699- 2021 - Elaboración de una guía práctica sobre la investigación de personas jurídicas y la aplicación de sanciones a partir de casos emblemáticos en Panamá, Colombia y Perú UNDP Country Office PERU IC - Individual contractor 01-Dec-21 17-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85846 LLAMADO A PRECALIFICAR: COL-0000159991 -Precalificación para la identificación de proveedores para la organización y gestión de eventos. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA ITP - Invitation to pre-qualify 02-Dec-21 17-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85845 SOLICITUD DE COTIZACIÓN (SdC) COL 0000160121 -Suministro de materiales de obra y alquiler de elementos para construir alojamientos para la comunidad indígena Jiw en el Municipio de Mapiripan UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Nov-21 17-Nov-21 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS 85844 PROCESO No. COL 0000160119 -Adquisición de elementos y equipos tecnológicos para dotar la emisora del Pueblo Nasa en el municipio de Toribio Cauca. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Nov-21 17-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85843 Local Consultant - Anti-Corruption UNDP RDCONGO CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 29-Nov-21 17-Nov-21 HOUSING HOUSING 85842 RFQ/LBY/PBF/2021/080 - Supply and installation of Office Furniture, Gym equipments, Music instruments, kitchen appliances and IT equipment at Youth Center PBF project in Sirte, Libya. UNDP Country Office LIBYA RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Nov-21 17-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85841 Solomon Islands Integrated Financing Framework (SIIFF) Sensitization and Strengthening Consultant Fiji FIJI IC - Individual contractor 02-Dec-21 17-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85840 Consultancy – Revision of the Draft UNDP-Supported Guarantees Policy HQ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 25-Nov-21 17-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85839 SDC 126 MALARIA 2021 UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE VENEZUELA RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Dec-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 17-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85838 4655 PAN 2021 - Consultoría para la Estrategia del Plan de Comunicación Externa del Ministerio de Gobierno UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 30-Nov-21 17-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85836 JAM-0000157189-2021 Knowledge Management Consultant UNDP Multi-country Office-JAM JAMAICA IC - Individual contractor 17-Nov-21 17-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85837 RECRUTEMENT DE DEUX CONSULTANTS INDEPENDANTS POUR UNODC UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE BENIN IC - Individual contractor 24-Nov-21 17-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85835 CONSULTORÍA PARA LA ELABORACIÓN Y VALIDACIÓN DE LA PRIORIZACIÓN CURRICULAR DE LOS PROGRAMAS DEL 1º Y 2º CICLO DE LA EDUCACIÓN ESCOLAR BÁSICA, CONFORME CRITERIOS TÉCNICOS ESTABLECIDOS POR EL MEC Asunción PARAGUAY RFP - Request for proposal 01-Dec-21 17-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85834 SdP ADQ 21 160970 actualizacion agenda nacional co UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 07-Dec-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 17-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85833 SDC-66-2021 "SUMINISTRO E INSTALACION ARCOS DETECTORES DE METALES PARA EL TRIBUNAL CONSTITUCIONAL" UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Dec-21 17-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85832 CI 135 ODS 2021 CONSULTORÍA PARA LA TRADUCCIÓN DE UN DOCUMENTO DE ANÁLISIS DE INDICADORES DE GOBERNANZA REGIONAL UNDP Venezuela VENEZUELA IC - Individual contractor 29-Nov-21 17-Nov-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 85831 MAQUINAS FORRAJERAS PARA PROYECTO RIESGO (CONSUMIMPORT)-Relanzamiento UNDP Cuba CUBA RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Nov-21 17-Nov-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 85830 MAQUINAS FORRAJERAS PARA PROYECTO RIESGO-Citricos Caribe Relanzamiento UNDP Cuba CUBA RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Nov-21 17-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85829 Communications Consultant UNDP Seoul Policy Centre KOREA (REPUBLIC OF) IC - Individual contractor 01-Dec-21 17-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85827 INCORPORACION AL REGIMEN DE PROPIEDAD HORIZONTAL UNDP Country Office PANAMA RFP - Request for proposal 17-Dec-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 17-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85828 Impresión de las Guías de Biodiversidad de Asunción y su área metropolitana UNDP Office Paraguay PARAGUAY RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Dec-21 17-Nov-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85826 RfQ21/02397: EU4MD/ Procurement of IT equipment UNDP Country Office MOLDOVA RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Dec-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 17-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85825 IC2021/WSM/054 NATIONAL CONSULTANT TO DEVELOP SAMOA'S CERO WASTE POLICY UNDP Country Office SAMOA IC - Individual contractor 02-Dec-21 17-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85823 Consultant on Identifying Lessons Learned from the Korean Green Transition UNDP Seoul Policy Centre KOREA (REPUBLIC OF) IC - Individual contractor 01-Dec-21 17-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85824 Recrutement d'une structure de production audiovisuelle pour l'appui à la collecte de données visuelles pour le projet « Facilite de Stabilisation de la Région du Liptako-Gourma » - fenêtre BURKINA FASO (FSRLG-F-BF) Country Office BURKINA FASO RFP - Request for proposal 25-Nov-21 17-Nov-21 POWER POWER 85822 LTA for the supply of Solar Solutions PSU DENMARK ITB - Invitation to bid 22-Dec-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 17-Nov-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85821 RFQ N°049-2021/PNUD- ACQUISITION DE MATERIEL INFORMATIQUE AU PROFIT DU MFPTPS UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Nov-21 17-Nov-21 HEALTH HEALTH 85819 : RFQ/UNDP/HAI/21/235-Etude comportementale et épidémiologique auprès des ménages sur le Paludisme en Haïti Country Office HAITI RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Nov-21 17-Nov-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85820 RFQ N°048-2021/PNUD-BFA : ACQUISITION DE MATERIEL ET SERVICES POUR LA MISE EN SERVICE DU SITE MIROIR DE LA CENI UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Nov-21 17-Nov-21 HEALTH HEALTH 85818 LONG TERM AGREEMENT FOR REFILL OF OXYGEN CYLINDERS FOR UNSARI UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE NIGERIA RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Nov-21 17-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85817 SDP-044-2021 Servicios de consultoría para la consolidación e implementación de grupos de ahorro solidario para 100 mujeres indígenas de Chuchiltón, Larrainzar en el estado de Chiapas. UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO RFP - Request for proposal 01-Dec-21 17-Nov-21 POLLUTION POLLUTION 85816 Materials to Decrease the Oil Pollution Effect Syria SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Dec-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 17-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85815 LBN-CO-CFP-311-21Direct Support Sahel Akar-Reluanc UNDP Country office LEBANON CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 01-Dec-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 17-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85814 LBN-CO-CFP-310-21Labour Intensive-Cash for Work UNDP Country office LEBANON CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 02-Dec-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 17-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85813 PROCESO COL 0000160999 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Especializado Equipo Jurídico - Ambiental con sede Bogotá D.C. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 30-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 17-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85812 PROCESO COL 0000160998 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional ingeniero de sistemas para el Equipo de Planeación. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 30-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 17-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85811 RFQ/196/21 provision of guidance on the process of design, management and monitoring of public financial schemes in line with EU rules and regulations UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Nov-21 17-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85766 PNUD/IC-691/2021 – Elaboración de un plan de negocios en Turismo Sostenible para la Asociación de Pobladores para el Desarrollo Sostenible de Playa Caliente, Zona de Amortiguamiento de la Reserva Comunal Yanesha, Distrito de Palcazú, provincia de Oxapampa UNDP Country Office PERU IC - Individual contractor 30-Nov-21 17-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85804 RFQ/089/21 - Строительство объекта «Создание инфраструктуры водопада «Сувтушар» для развития туризма охранной зоне Гиссарского Государственного заповедника в Шахрисабзском районе UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Dec-21 17-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85809 Assorted Supplies/Materials for Wulu Lulu Oil Cottage, Wulu, Lakes State, South Sudan UNDP Country Office SOUTH SUDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Nov-21 17-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85808 Construction of Prefabricated Toilets in Kuajok, Warrap State, South Sudan UNDP Country Office SOUTH SUDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Nov-21 17-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85807 RFP No-Q-051-21-LTA Vehicle Insurance South Sudan SOUTH SUDAN RFP - Request for proposal 05-Dec-21 @ 06:16 AM (New York time) 17-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85806 RFQ 42-2021 Articles promotionnels pour le bureau Morocco MOROCCO RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Dec-21 17-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85805 Re-advertised Fire Alarm System for UNDP Hodeida UNDP Country Office YEMEN RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Nov-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 17-Nov-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85803 RFQ/UNDP/ICT/156295/036/2021 - Wireless Cisco Meraki Access Points Upgrade UNDP Country Office INDONESIA RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Dec-21 17-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85801 RFP2021-82 Acceleration program UNDP Country Office KYRGYZSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 02-Dec-21 @ 07:03 AM (New York time) 17-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85795 MNG/RFP/2021/061 - National Institutions - Video production to promote Ger & Nature scheme UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA RFP - Request for proposal 26-Nov-21 17-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85802 IC – Recrutement d'un consultant national pour appuyer un consultant international à mener une étude sur la pauvreté multidimensionnelle au Burundi UNDP CO BURUNDI IC - Individual contractor 26-Nov-21 17-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85794 ITB-TKM-002-2021 On selection of a supplier for procurement, delivery, installation and commissioning of cardboard and printing equipment at the cardboard and printing workshop of the Training and Production Enterprise (TPE) No. 1 UNDP Country Office - TURKMENISTAN TURKMENISTAN ITB - Invitation to bid 08-Dec-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 17-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85800 Call for Proposals from Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including NGOs and CBOs, for small grants to provide legal aid including legal awareness, legal advice, legal representation and counsel to women entrepreneurs and women in business in Central, W UNDP Country Office SOUTH SUDAN CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 26-Nov-21 17-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85793 Solid Waste Removal in Al-Ashara City in Deir Ezzo UNDP Office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Dec-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 17-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85799 RFQ - Kindergarten Appliances under EU4S Albania ALBANIA RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 17-Nov-21 HEALTH HEALTH 85797 RFQ/195/21 Supply, delivery and installation of Automatic Coagulation Analyzer UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Nov-21 17-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85796 Recrutement d'un consultant international chargé de mener une étude sur la pauvreté multidimensionnelle au Burundi UNDP CO BURUNDI IC - Individual contractor 26-Nov-21 17-Nov-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85792 RFQ-2021-094 «Закупка и поставка ИТ-оборудования для АО «Центр развития торговой политики QazTrade» International Trade Centre KAZAKHSTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Nov-21 17-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85791 UNDP-RFQ-2021-405 for Supply Delivery and Installation of Electronic Equipment UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Nov-21 @ 02:30 AM (New York time) 17-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85745 Establish and Refurbish of Hebron One Stop Center Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES ITB - Invitation to bid 09-Dec-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 17-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85788 RFQ138 -2021 Co-design, regulation, and empowerment of the institutional set-up of the processes for formulation of the National Development Strategy (NDS) UUNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Nov-21 17-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85790 RFQ/194/21 supply and delivery of diesel (fuel) UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Nov-21 17-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85789 Disaster Risk Management Consultant UNDP Country Office LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 01-Dec-21 17-Nov-21 POLLUTION POLLUTION 85787 Assessment CBAM impact on Ukraine's selected industries UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 01-Dec-21 17-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85786 RFQ_63_2021 COMMUNITY HEALTH PORCH & RESIDENCE FOR THE CHIEF OF LOCALITY IN NACATE, MACOMIA DISTRICT, CABO DELGADO UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE MOZAMBIQUE RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Nov-21 17-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85785 MNG/IC/2021/156 - National Consultant - Podcaster (2 consultants) UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Nov-21 17-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85784 RFP-C19R-2021-85 Management of Incubation Porgramme for HackaDev Enterprises 2021/22 in a post COVID-19 New Socio-Economic Normal UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFP - Request for proposal 30-Nov-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 17-Nov-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85783 Supply and Delivery of ICT Equipment for UPU UNDP Country Office TIMOR LESTE RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Nov-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 17-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85782 RFP for K-Hub Pilot Programme UNDP Country Office NEPAL RFP - Request for proposal 03-Dec-21 @ 06:15 AM (New York time) 17-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85780 Local firm to develop the layout for the report on Study on Maldives Relief/Stimulus Packages and Inclusion of Women in the Informal Sector UNDP Maldives Country Office MALDIVES RFP - Request for proposal 28-Nov-21 @ 07:51 AM (New York time) 17-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85779 Service to Support to NCDDS to Review and Enhance UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFP - Request for proposal 01-Dec-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 16-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85749 IC/025/21-Storekeeper for WFP Termez Hub Manager UNDP UZBEKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 30-Nov-21 16-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85778 MNG/RFP/2021/058 - National Institutions - Develop an online module for registration of short-training providers by expanding platform UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA RFP - Request for proposal 30-Nov-21 16-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85777 CI-063-2021 CONTRATACIÓN DE SERVICIOS DE CONSULTORÍA NACIONAL INDIVIDUAL PARA EL ESTUDIO DE FACTIBILIDAD DEL PROYECTO EXPEDIENTES JUDICIAL ELECTRÓNICO (EJE)." UNDP Dominican Republic DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 30-Nov-21 16-Nov-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85776 RFQ 037 2021 ICT equipment - operations country office INDONESIA RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Nov-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 16-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85775 CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL - PROCESO COL 0000160982 - Profesional Junior Gestión Documental para el Equipo Administrativo y Financiero. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 30-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 16-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85772 CI-062-2021 ASISTENCIA TECNICA EN LEGISLACIÓN AMBIENTAL Y ÁREAS PROTEGIDAS PARA EL FORTALECIMIENTO DEL MARCO LEGAL Y REGULATORIO VINCULADO A LA GESTIÓN INTEGRAL DE LAS CUENCAS HIDROGRÁFICAS Y LOS RECURSOS ECOSISTÉMICOS UNDP Dominican Republic DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 30-Nov-21 16-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85774 CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL - PROCESO COL 0000160980 - Profesional Especializado Equipo Jurídico con sede Bogotá UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 30-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 16-Nov-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85773 RFQ-102-PHL-2021: Supply and Delivery of Various ICT Equipment Manila PHILIPPINES RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Nov-21 16-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85771 Recrutement d'un bureau d'étude pour la Collecte de données quantitatives auprès d'un échantillon de réfugiés, PDI et réfugiés de retour en République Centrafricaine UNCDF BURKINA FASO RFP - Request for proposal 24-Nov-21 16-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85769 IC URU18G31-1182 "Consultor/a nacional para generar insumos para la estimación de las emisiones de gases efecto invernadero en humedales gestionados en Uruguay" PNUD Uruguay URUGUAY IC - Individual contractor 30-Nov-21 16-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85767 RFP Statistician to Support the Development of a Data and Analysis Repository UNDP CO SURINAME RFP - Request for proposal 26-Nov-21 16-Nov-21 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS 85765 Network System for UNDP Hodeida Office UNDP CO YEMEN RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Nov-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 16-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85585 CI 131 OCR 2021 CONTRATACIÓN DE CONSULTOR INDIVIDUAL INTERNACIONAL PARA EL MARCO DE EVALUACIÓN DE RIESGOS DE LA POLÍTICA DE DEBIDA DILIGENCIA EN MATERIA DE DERECHOS HUMANOS (HRDDP) UNDP Venezuela VENEZUELA IC - Individual contractor 24-Nov-21 16-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85764 UNDP CYP ITP 003 EID 10980 2021 - INVITATION TO PREQUALIFY TO BID ON UPCOMING CONSTRUCTION OF HAMITKOY (MANDRES) SEWERAGE NETWORK Cyprus CYPRUS ITP - Invitation to pre-qualify 15-Dec-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 16-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85763 RFQ-CONSTRUCTION OF WEIRS AND IRRIGATION CANALS IN MAFINGA DISTRICT-MUCHINGA PROVINCE OF ZAMBIA Undp Country Office ZAMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Nov-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 16-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85762 Local Individual Consultant: Promoting and Celebrating SDG Integration by Trinidad and Tobago Businesses UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO IC - Individual contractor 26-Nov-21 16-Nov-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85757 66293-ITB-Audio-Visual-Equipment United Nations Volunteers GERMANY ITB - Invitation to bid 01-Dec-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 16-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85760 RECRUTEMENT D'UNE SOCIETE DE NETTOYAGE ET RAMASSAGE GUINEE GUINEA RFP - Request for proposal 30-Nov-21 @ 10:20 AM (New York time) 16-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85758 Procurement for the services of an IC for Electrical Engineering or related discipline for the MERP project LBN/CO/IC/313/21 UNDP Country office LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 23-Nov-21 16-Nov-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 85759 RFQ2021/WSM/73 Water Tanks for Farmers (SSIC) UNDP Country Office SAMOA RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Dec-21 16-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85756 Consultancy for Climate Change Advisor – National Adaptation Plan, IC/PNG/065-2021 UNDP PNG Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 01-Dec-21 16-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85755 Provision of Canteen and Catering Services for the UN Agencies at the UN House UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE ON BEHALF OF FUNSAL LIBERIA RFP - Request for proposal 30-Nov-21 16-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83764 RFQ_71_2021_Installation of Donated Flat Packs UNDP Country Office MOZAMBIQUE RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Nov-21 16-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85754 PCI-107-2021 Sistema en línea para la identificación y seguimiento de RAE en aduanas mexicanas y curso de capacitación a distancia para personal de PROFEPA, Aduanas y gobiernos locales UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 30-Nov-21 16-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85753 MyRFP2021-033 Communications and Creative Services for Malaysia UNDP Country Office MALAYSIA RFP - Request for proposal 30-Nov-21 16-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85687 Recrutement d'un Expert National et d'un Expert International pour effectuer une analyse de l'impact économique des incendies dans les régions affectées UNDP Algeria ALGERIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Nov-21 16-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85684 Recrutement d'un Expert National et d'un Expert International pour l' Elaboration d'un diagnostic relatif à l'impact de l'incendie sur la perte de la biodiversité UNDP Algeria ALGERIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Nov-21 16-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85752 4622 PAN 2021 Insumos para los cursos de Tapicería del Instituto Nacional de Formación Profesional y Capacitación para el Desarrollo Humano (INADEH) a nivel nacional PANAMA PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Dec-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 16-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85751 UNDP-RFQ-2021-407 - LTA for SSAFE Training Venue UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Nov-21 @ 02:30 AM (New York time) 16-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85750 develop a Technical Cooperative Agreement on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development in South Africa South Africa SOUTH AFRICA RFP - Request for proposal 29-Nov-21 16-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85747 Media Buying Services for Radio Jingle in 36 States Plus FCT UNDP Nigeria Country Office NIGERIA RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Nov-21 16-Nov-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85748 RfP21/02359: EU4MD/Implementation of SMART City (Data Management) Platform in the Local Governments of Ungheni and Cahul Municipalities UNDP Country Office MOLDOVA RFP - Request for proposal 07-Dec-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 16-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85715 Consultancy: Communications Support to the UNDP Governance Portfolio, IC/PNG/064-2021 Papua New Guinea PAPUA NEW GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 30-Nov-21 16-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85746 LBN-CO-RFQ-307-21Diesel Generator for Al Hamshari UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 16-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85744 TVET_ICT EQUIPMENT TO SUPPORT TEACHING AND LEARNING South Africa SOUTH AFRICA RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Dec-21 16-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85743 Provision of Final Independent Evaluation Services within the scope of Turkey Resilience Project in Response to the Syria Crisis (TRP) UNDP Country Office TURKEY RFP - Request for proposal 06-Dec-21 16-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85741 LBN-CO-RFQ-301-21 PV System Al Hamshari Hosp UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 16-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85742 RFP/STUDY ON SECTOR WISE CONTRIBUTION GDP /2021/010 UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE LIBERIA RFP - Request for proposal 25-Nov-21 16-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85739 Provide Digital product for training and development in science, technology, engineering and mathematics to three selected public TVET Colleges South Africa SOUTH AFRICA RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Dec-21 16-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85738 UNDP/RFP/30/2021 (RE-BID) Re-Invitation of Request for Proposal for Study on the Impact of COVID-19 on Achieving SDGs and Required Strategy UNDP Country Office for AISN Project NEPAL RFP - Request for proposal 26-Nov-21 16-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85737 National Consultant to undertake vulnerability and adaptation assessment of the socioeconomic sector to climate change in Jordan UNDP Country Office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 23-Nov-21 16-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85736 RFQ-417-21 Rehabilitation of Mosul University Theater- and Library Access Road and Surroundings-East Mosul, Ninewa Governorate UNDP Iraq IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Nov-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 16-Nov-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85735 RFP-138-IND-2021 - Internet Service Provision (ISP) to UNDP India Country Office UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 29-Nov-21 @ 07:30 AM (New York time) 16-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85734 ITB 10982-Electrification of Health Facilities CO AFGHANISTAN ITB - Invitation to bid 01-Dec-21 @ 07:30 AM (New York time) 16-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85733 Provide Vehicle Components for Auto Training South Africa SOUTH AFRICA RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Dec-21 16-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85732 RFP 2021-23 ( Republication) : Recrutement d'un bureau d'études pour la conception d'un indice d'inclusion numérique en Tunisie UNDP Country Office TUNISIA RFP - Request for proposal 30-Nov-21 @ 05:59 AM (New York time) 16-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85731 TRAINING OF LECTURERS IN BLENDED LEARNING TECHNIQUES UNDP SOUTH AFRICA SOUTH AFRICA RFP - Request for proposal 03-Dec-21 16-Nov-21 HEALTH HEALTH 85730 Pak-HIV-UNDP-RFQ-2021-001 UNDP country office PAKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Dec-21 @ 02:30 AM (New York time) 16-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85729 UNDP-IC-2021-331 - National Cyber Security Expert Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 30-Nov-21 16-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85728 UNDP-IC-2021-332 - Consultant to Review Police Training Modules Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 30-Nov-21 16-Nov-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85727 RFQ2021/WSM/62: RFQ2021/WSM/64: E-Youth Hub Server UNDP Country Office SAMOA RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Nov-21 15-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85726 RfP for a National firm to produce television video trailer and two 5-minute videos UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 22-Nov-21 15-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85725 Proceso No. COL-0000160862 - Profesional Junior Equipo Jurídico Regional Centro Sur UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 15-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85724 Proceso No. COL-0000160861 - Profesional Junior Equipo Jurídico Regional Llanos UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 15-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85723 Proceso No. COL-0000160860 - Profesional Junior Equipo Jurídico Regional Pacífico UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 15-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85722 Proceso No. COL-0000160859 - Profesional Junior Equipo Jurídico Regional Centro Oriente UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 15-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85721 MNG/IC/2021/154 - National Consultant - Value chain consultant to provide support and mentoring for new cooperatives (value chains) of Bayanchandmani soum UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Nov-21 15-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85720 Proceso No. COL-0000160858 - Profesional Junior Equipo Jurídico Regional Eje Cafetero UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 15-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85719 Proceso No. COL-0000160856 - Profesional Junior Equipo Jurídico Regional Caribe 2 UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 15-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85718 Proceso No. COL-0000160855 / Profesional Junior Equipo Jurídico Regional Caribe 1 UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 15-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85717 Proceso No. COL-0000160702 - Profesional Equipo Jurídico Regional Centro Oriente. 4 POSICIONES UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 15-Nov-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 85670 RFP Local Firm to Develop Communication Material for Public Awareness Campaign on the Constitution and Role of the Justice Sector UNDP Maldives Country Office MALDIVES RFP - Request for proposal 17-Nov-21 @ 05:22 AM (New York time) 15-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85716 MNG/IC/2021/158 - National Consultant - Local Tourism Coordinator UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Nov-21 15-Nov-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85685 RFQ/UNDP/SPOI/149579/039/2021 - Web Developer NAP SPO Information and Knowledge Platform Country Office INDONESIA RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Nov-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 15-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85714 PROCESO COL 0000160163 Asistencia técnica para diseñar e implementar herramientas de recolección de información de entidades oficiales para mejorar la preparación y respuesta ante emergencias en Colombia UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 29-Nov-21 15-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85713 SDP/00124696/164/2021 "Campaña de visibilización de las actividades del proyecto Fortalecimiento Institucional de la Secretaría de Trabajo y Seguridad Social (STSS)" Oficina de Pais HONDURAS RFP - Request for proposal 22-Nov-21 15-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85712 SdP ADQ 21 161128 elaboracion de norma tecnica UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 13-Dec-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 15-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85711 UNDP-SOI-IC-2021-082 - External Evaluator IGNR (National) UNDP Pacific Office SOLOMON ISLANDS IC - Individual contractor 29-Nov-21 15-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85710 UNDP-SOI-IC-2021-081 - External Evaluator IGNR (International) UNDP Pacific Office SOLOMON ISLANDS IC - Individual contractor 29-Nov-21 15-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85709 PNUD/IC-710/2021 "Guía técnica de uso y manejo de equipos portátiles para la medición de metales pesados en aire y suelo para zonas mineras en el Perú" UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE PERU IC - Individual contractor 29-Nov-21 15-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85708 PNUD/IC-709/2021 "Servicio de mejora del sistema de monitoreo del proyecto planetGOLD, periodo 2019-2021". UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE PERU IC - Individual contractor 24-Nov-21 15-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85707 CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL - PROCESO COL 0000160735 - Profesional Equipo Técnico Regional Eje Cafetero UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 15-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85706 CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL - PROCESO COL 0000160865 - Profesional Especializado Equipo Jurídico (8 POSICIONES) UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 15-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85705 CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL - COL 0000160877 - Líder Regional Caribe 2 UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 15-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85704 CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL - PROCESO COL 0000160878 - Líder Regional Centro Sur UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 15-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85703 RFQ2021/WSM/71 TV Advertisement Slots for 16 Days of Activism 2021 UNDP Country Office SAMOA RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Nov-21 15-Nov-21 IRRIGATION IRRIGATION 85702 Water Supplies-Wells and Pumping Stations-Hasakeh UNDP Syria SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC ITB - Invitation to bid 01-Dec-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 15-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85701 CI/133/PDP/2021 CONSULTORÍA PARA LA APLICACIÓN DE UN PROYECTO DEL PROGRAMA DE DESARROLLO DE PROVEEDORES CON EMPRESAS VINCULADAS AL SECTOR ALIMENTOS EN LOS ESTADOS ARAGUA Y PORTUGUESA UNDP Country Office VENEZUELA IC - Individual contractor 26-Nov-21 15-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85700 CI/132/PDP/2021CONSULTORÍA PARA LA APLICACIÓN DE UN PROYECTO DEL PROGRAMA DE DESARROLLO DE PROVEEDORES CON EMPRESAS VINCULADAS AL SECTOR ALIMENTOS EN EL ESTADO ZULIA. UNDP Country Office VENEZUELA IC - Individual contractor 26-Nov-21 15-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85699 RFP for Social Enterpreneurship Platform Country Office AZERBAIJAN RFP - Request for proposal 26-Nov-21 15-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85698 National Survey on Violence against Women and Girls in Public Spaces UNDP on behalf of the UN Women Office in Serbia SERBIA RFP - Request for proposal 26-Nov-21 15-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85696 PROCESO COL 0000160111 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultoría para apoyar el diseño de mobiliario de los espacios laborales en el marco de la implementación del proyecto de Smart Working en la Secretaría Distrital de Gobierno de Bogotá (SDG). UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 15-Nov-21 AGRO-INDUSTRY AGRO-INDUSTRY 85695 Supply, Delivery and Installation of Equipment for Shea Butter Processing UNDP Ghana GHANA RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Nov-21 @ 10:30 AM (New York time) 15-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85694 MNG/RFP/2021/059 - Behavioral Insights research and analysis on voting behaviors UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA RFP - Request for proposal 26-Nov-21 15-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85693 RFP/BPPS/2021/3515 – IATI Datastore Classic UNDP HQ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RFP - Request for proposal 26-Nov-21 15-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85692 Reruitement of National consultant for Development of Country Strategic Options Paper for the #WeBelongAfrica Young Key Population Project in Zambia UNDP ZAMBIA ZAMBIA IC - Individual contractor 20-Nov-21 15-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85691 RECRUTEMENT CONSULTANT POUR RFF BASELINE RESILIENCE Country office SENEGAL IC - Individual contractor 21-Nov-21 15-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85686 MNG/IC/2021/153 - National Consultant - Political Party and Gender Expert UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Nov-21 15-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85689 Licitación Pública Internacional Nº 06/2021 "Adquisición de Material de Artes Gráficas" UNDP ARG ARGENTINA ITB - Invitation to bid 17-Dec-21 15-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85690 IC2021/WSM/053: National Consultant for Midterm Review for AREAN project UNDP Country Office SAMOA IC - Individual contractor 29-Nov-21 15-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85688 01 National Consultant to develop a guidance document on strengthening access to justice for survivors of violence (Ref. P211103) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 29-Nov-21 15-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85656 « RFQ 038/2021 Travaux de diverses constructions au niveau du marché hebdomadaire du village de Mangaïsé en deux (02) lots » Niamey NIGER RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Nov-21 15-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85657 RFQ 039/2021 travaux de réalisation de deux (02) forages dans la commune de Tondikiwindi (Mangaizé) Département de Ouallam pour le compte du projet CTCP Niamey NIGER RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Nov-21 15-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85682 RFQ 266/2021 - The Lease of printing/copying equipment for the Committee on Missing Persons UNDP CYP CYPRUS RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Dec-21 15-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85683 RFQ-095-IND-2021 - Domestic and International for UN Agencies in India UNDP Country Office INDIA RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Dec-21 @ 07:30 AM (New York time) 15-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85681 RFP-136-IND-2021 - Block wise Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment for select blocks in three Districts of Chhattisgarh UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 29-Nov-21 @ 07:30 AM (New York time) 15-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85680 RFQ 267/2021 - Personal Accident Insurance for Committee on Missing Persons in Cyprus UNDP CYP CYPRUS RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Nov-21 15-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85679 RFP-135-IND-2021 - Block wise Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment for select blocks in two Districts of Bihar UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 29-Nov-21 @ 07:30 AM (New York time) 15-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85678 LBN-CO-RFQ-306-21-Covid19 kits - polling stations UNDP Country Office - LEBANON - LEBANON LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 15-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85677 RFQ 2021-75 : Recrutement d'une agence pour la sponsorisation des publications sur les réseaux sociaux UNDP Country Office TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Nov-21 15-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85676 Open Call for Pilot Site Selection for District Cooling Installations UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO EOI - Expression of interest 28-Dec-21 15-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85675 LBN-CO-RFQ-303-21 - Voting booth UNDP Country Office - LEBANON - LEBANON LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 15-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85671 International Institutional Consultancy Services for "climate-land use-energy-water nexus analysis with integration of socio-economic considerations in Sistan-and-Baloochestan province UNDP Country Office IRAN RFP - Request for proposal 29-Nov-21 15-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85674 LBN-CO-RFQ-302-21 - Ballot Boxes and Seals UNDP Country Office - LEBANON - LEBANON LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 15-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85672 RFP-137-IND-2021-"Development of Thematic Module on Accessible and Inclusive ICTs in Urban Development" UNDP India Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 29-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 15-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85669 Engineering Firm for Supervision of Construction UNDP Country Office YEMEN RFP - Request for proposal 21-Nov-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 15-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85667 RFQ-104 Services of a Firm to Develop a Biodiversity Monitoring and Evaluation Platform UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Nov-21 15-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85664 RFP-105 Services of a Firm to Conduct a Business Model and Feasibility Study ICE Hub UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 26-Nov-21 15-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85668 Plastic Storage Tank and Waste Container UNDP Country Office IRAN ITB - Invitation to bid 29-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 15-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85666 LBN-CO-RFQ-309-21 - Bullet Proof sliding doors UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 15-Nov-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85665 Purchase of IT equipment to Oman RBAS Regional Hub Office in Amman JORDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Nov-21 15-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85663 Recrutement d'un consultant national en appui à l'évaluation et la révision de la politique nationale de la jeunesse – PNJ - GUINEE GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 22-Nov-21 15-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85662 MACHINING WORKSHOP: TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT To Coastal KZN College, Swinton Road Campus, Mobeni, Ethekwini IN SOUTH AFRICA South Africa SOUTH AFRICA RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Dec-21 15-Nov-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85661 Supply and Delivery of Laptop Computer and Accesso Country Office AFGHANISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Nov-21 @ 07:30 AM (New York time) 15-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85658 RFQ-PNG-005-2021-Provision of Audio Visual Service UNDP Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Nov-21 @ 02:00 AM (New York time) 15-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85654 Solar Stoves Materials UNDP Country Office SUDAN ITB - Invitation to bid 06-Dec-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 15-Nov-21 URBAN DEV'T. URBAN DEV'T. 85655 LBN-CO-CFP-308-21 Small Businesses in Old Saida UNDP Country Office LEBANON CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 29-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 15-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85653 RE-RFP-PNG-012-2021-RE-ADVERISE-Event Management Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA RFP - Request for proposal 01-Dec-21 @ 02:00 AM (New York time) 15-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85652 International Debt Financing, Sustainable Financing and Macroeconomic Analysis Consultant (s) UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Nov-21 15-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85650 IC2021-89 Local Expert on Migration UNDP Country Office KYRGYZSTAN IC - Individual contractor 01-Dec-21 @ 11:56 PM (New York time) 15-Nov-21 TOURISM TOURISM 85651 Development of tourism branding for Laamu Atoll UNDP Maldives Country Office MALDIVES RFP - Request for proposal 28-Nov-21 @ 12:12 AM (New York time) 15-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85649 SOLICITUD DE COTIZACIÓN No.: COL-0000158955 - Suministro de materiales de obra para construir alojamientos para la comunidad indígena Jiw en el Municipio de Mapiripan – Meta.Alojamiento. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Nov-21 15-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85648 SOLICITUD DE COTIZACIÓN No.: COL-0000158829 - Adquisición de elementos Alojamiento. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Nov-21 15-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85647 SOLICITUD DE COTIZACIÓN No.: COL-0000158828 - Adquisición de elementos Aseo. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Nov-21 15-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85646 4628 PAN 2021 Herramientas e insumos para los cursos de colocación de Gypsum Board del Instituto Nacional de Formación Profesional y Capacitación para el Desarrollo Humano (INADEH) a nivel nacional. PANAMA PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Dec-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 14-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85645 RECRUTEMENT D'UN CONSULTANT STRATEGIE POUR LA MOBILISATION DE PARTENAIRES ET DE RESSOURCES EN VUE D'UN PASSAGE A L'ECHELLE DU PROJET CONJOINT PLATEFORME COVID19 / SPV Country office SENEGAL IC - Individual contractor 21-Nov-21 14-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85644 SDC 125 MALARIA 2021 MOTORES FUERA DE BORDA UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE VENEZUELA RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Nov-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 14-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85643 UNDP/RFQ/40/2021 - Supply and installation of Shatter Resistant Film (SRF) over glass surface with required skill fitting human resource UNDP - Country Office NEPAL RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Nov-21 14-Nov-21 WATER SUPPLY  (POTABLE) WATER SUPPLY (POTABLE) 85642 930/RFQ/REAP/2021 - Achat d'équipements d'approvisionnement en eau. COUNTRY OFFICE - MADAGASCAR MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Nov-21 14-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85641 SDC 124 MALARIA 2021 MOTOS CARGUERO UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE VENEZUELA RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Nov-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 14-Nov-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 85640 UNDP/RFQ/41/2021 - Supply and Delivery of 1 unit of Sports Utility Vehicle (SUV) UNDP - DCRL NEPAL RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Nov-21 14-Nov-21 POWER POWER 85639 125 Solar Street Lighting systems in Dier Ezour UNDP Syria SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC ITB - Invitation to bid 28-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 14-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85638 Supply of Assistive devices for PWD UNDP Syria SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 14-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85637 CONSTRUCTION OF DRIP IRRIGATION AND WATER SCHEMES Undp Country Office ZAMBIA ITB - Invitation to bid 02-Dec-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 14-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85086 RFP-126-IND-2021 (Request for Proposal for Social Inclusion and IEC activities to build skill-ecosystem in Uttarakhand) UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 17-Nov-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 14-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85636 Recrutement d'un prestataire de service pour la rédaction d'une charte et d'un document de communication pour une vulgarisation de l'ESS UNDP Algeria ALGERIA RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Nov-21 14-Nov-21 IRRIGATION IRRIGATION 85635 Supply electric motors 6 KV for main pumps UNDP Syria SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 14-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85634 Provision of Cleaning, Gardening Services, Hygiene Services and Supplies for UN Agencies in Zambia on Long Term Arrangement Basis (LTA) UNDP ZAMBIA ZAMBIA ITB - Invitation to bid 03-Dec-21 @ 08:45 AM (New York time) 14-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85633 RFP-BD-2021-037: Hiring firm to Development and Maintenance of Unique Business Identity (UBID) Platform a2i UNDP Country Office BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 06-Dec-21 @ 05:30 AM (New York time) 14-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85632 Recruitment of a team of National Individual consultants (A Legal Practitioner, and a Public Health Expert/Doctor) to conduct law and policy reviews with key ministries and institution to review gaps and recommend solutions for key populations and integr UNDP ZAMBIA ZAMBIA IC - Individual contractor 20-Nov-21 13-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85631 01 Vietnamese Firm/Institution/Organization to produce a video clip on successes of resilient houses. UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 28-Nov-21 13-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85630 PROCESO COL 0000160962 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Junior del Equipo de Planeación. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 13-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85629 IC NOTICE N°047/2021/PNUD Recrutement d'un(e) consultant(e) en Communication pour l'élaboration et la mise en œuvre d'une stratégie de communication permettant l'optimisation de la visibilité du programme. UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 19-Nov-21 13-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85628 PROCESO COL 0000160960 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Asesor de la Regional Llanos. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 13-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85625 ITB SOCIETE DE GARDIENNAGE UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE BURKINA FASO ITB - Invitation to bid 30-Nov-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 13-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85627 PROCESO COL 0000160959 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Asesor de la Regional Pacífico. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 13-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85626 PROCESO COL 0000160815 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Junior Equipo Técnico la Regional Pacífico UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 13-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85624 PROCESO COL 0000160814 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Junior Equipo Técnico Regional Centro Oriente UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 13-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85622 PROCESO COL 0000160813 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Junior Equipo Técnico Regional Eje Cafetero UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 12-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85621 PROCESO COL 0000160812 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Junior Equipo Técnico Regional Caribe 2 UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 12-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85620 PROCESO COL 0000160811 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Junior Equipo Técnico Regional Caribe 1 UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 12-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85619 PROCESO COL 0000160740 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Equipo Técnico Regional Centro Sur. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 12-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85618 PROCESO COL 0000160739 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Equipo Técnico Regional Llanos. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 12-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85617 PROCESO COL 0000160738 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Equipo Técnico Regional Pacifico. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 12-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85616 PROCESO COL 0000160734 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Equipo Técnico Regional Caribe 2. (se requieren 2 posiciones) UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 12-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85615 PROCESO COL 0000160731 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Equipo Técnico Regional Caribe 1.(se requieren 4 posiciones) UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 12-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85614 Public Perception Tracker Survey on Local Safety a Country Office IRAQ RFP - Request for proposal 30-Nov-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 12-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85613 CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL - PROCESO COL 0000160958 - Asesor de la Regional Centro Oriente UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 12-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85612 CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL - PROCESO COL 0000160956 - Asesor de la Regional Eje Cafetero UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 12-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85611 CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL - PROCESO COL 0000160955 - Asesor de la Regional Caribe 1. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 12-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85610 CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL - COL 0000160817 - Profesional Junior Equipo Técnico Regional Centro Sur UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 12-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85609 CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL - PROCESO COL 0000160816 - Profesional Junior Equipo Técnico Regional Llanos UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 12-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85608 Proceso No. COL-0000160701 - Profesional Equipo Jurídico Regional Pacifico. (2 POSICIONES) UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 12-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85607 UNDP-IC-2021-328 - Technical Team Lead - PMIS Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 29-Nov-21 12-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85606 UNDP-IC-2021-329 - Senior National Cyber Security Instructor Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 29-Nov-21 12-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85605 UNDP-IC-2021-330 - Senior National AMLCFT Expert Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 29-Nov-21 12-Nov-21 RURAL DEV'T.  (MISCELLANY) RURAL DEV'T. (MISCELLANY) 85604 Supply of Feeds for Dairy Animals at WALIC UNDP Gambia GAMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Nov-21 12-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85602 Provision of Interactive Data Visualization Design Services for the Human Development Report 2021/2022 Human Development Report Office UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RFP - Request for proposal 28-Nov-21 12-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85603 RFQ 41-2021 Supports de communication COAPH Morocco MOROCCO RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Nov-21 12-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85601 RFP 137-2021 for Development of a Water Management Strategy for the Skopje Agglomeration UUNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFP - Request for proposal 29-Nov-21 12-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85600 Proceso No. COL-0000160700 - Profesional Equipo Jurídico Regional Eje Cafetero UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 12-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85599 Proceso No. COL-0000160699 - Profesional Equipo Jurídico Regional Caribe 2. 2 (POSICIONES) UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 12-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85598 Proceso No. COL-0000160697 - Profesional Equipo Jurídico Regional Caribe 1. (6 POSICIOENS) UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 12-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85597 Proceso No. COL-0000160675 - Profesional Junior Equipo Técnico con sede Bogotá (5 POSICIONES) UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 12-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85596 Proceso No. COL-0000160546 - Profesional Junior del Equipo de Planeación. (3 Posiciones) UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 12-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85595 Proceso No. COL-0000160543 - Profesional Junior Equipo Administrativo y Financiero. (2POSICIONES) UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 12-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85594 Proceso No. COL-0000160156 - Construcción de una ruta de gestión para emprendimientos sostenibles urbanos y rurales del Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar –ICBF- y PNUD. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 12-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85593 Proceso No. COL-0000160155 - Identificación de herramientas, mecanismos y condiciones habilitantes jurídicas, normativas y regulatorias colombianas que permitan incentivar los emprendimientos de los jóvenes y adolescentes UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 12-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85592 PNUD/IC-536/2021 "Asistencia técnica especializada para el seguimiento de la consultoría de Desarrollo e Implementación del Sistema Informático de Gestión de Procesos para la Dirección Regional de la Producción de Tumbes." UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE PERU IC - Individual contractor 25-Nov-21 12-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85591 Providing and Installation of a Photovoltaic Syste UNDP Office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 12-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85590 SOLICITUD DE COTIZACION SdC-ADQ-21-160966 UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Nov-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 12-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85589 UNDP CYP ITB 272 EID 10931 2021 - Conservation works at Agios Georgios Church in Ardana/Ardahan Cyprus CYPRUS ITB - Invitation to bid 07-Dec-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 12-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85588 National Event Organizing firms/companies for the provision of event services for International Conference on Sustainable Ocean Economy and Climate Change Adaptation (December 13-14, 2021) (B-211103) UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Nov-21 12-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85587 RFP 2021-90 UNDP Kyrgyzstan KYRGYZSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 29-Nov-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 12-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85586 RFP-BIOFIN-2021-84 Conducting an Assessment on Subsidies Harmful to Biodiversity and Options Available for Re-purposing in Sri Lanka UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFP - Request for proposal 25-Nov-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 12-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85584 RFQ/192/21 RAISING AWARENESS ON NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF AIR POLLUTION IN SARAJEVO CANTON UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Nov-21 12-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85583 MyRFP2021-032 Provision to develop a Sustainable Covid Recovery Finance Guide for Malaysia UN Environment Programme (UNEP) MALAYSIA RFP - Request for proposal 10-Dec-21 12-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85582 RECRUTEMENT D'UN EXPERT EN FINANCE ENVIRONNEMENTALE UNDP Country Office GABON IC - Individual contractor 19-Nov-21 12-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85581 RECRUTEMENT D'UN EXPERT EN POLITIQUES ET EN INSTITUTIONS UNDP Country Office GABON IC - Individual contractor 19-Nov-21 12-Nov-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 85580 RFQ/LBY/SLCRR/2021/078 - Supply and delivery of three (03) Backhoe Loaders to 1. Maya; 2. Maamoura and 3. Garabuli Municipalities, Libya. UNDP Country Office LIBYA RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Nov-21 12-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85571 RFQ-TKM-021-2021 Reconst. of st.Lighting PilotSite UNDP Country Office - TURKMENISTAN TURKMENISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Nov-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 12-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85569 RECRUTEMENT D'UN(E) CONSULTANT(E) NATIONAL(E) - CONSEILLER TECHNIQUE PRINCIPAL (CTP) / EXPERT FINANCIER PRINCIPAL DU PROGRAMME BIOFIN UNDP Country Office GABON IC - Individual contractor 19-Nov-21 12-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85579 LBN-CO-RFP-296-21-Management Plans for NR Country Office LEBANON RFP - Request for proposal 29-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 12-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85578 ETH3043-Two National Consultants to undertake a terminal evaluation of the Governance and Democratic Participation Programme (GDPP) – June 2017 – December 2021 UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Nov-21 @ 03:59 PM (New York time) 12-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85575 SOLICITAÇÃO PARA COTAÇÃO Para o fornecimento e entrega de Mobiliários de Escritório UNDP São Tome SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Nov-21 12-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85572 ETH3072: Recruitment of Local Consultancy Firm to Prepare Advocacy Products for the Project SIP-BRI Project UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA RFP - Request for proposal 26-Nov-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 12-Nov-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85573 LBN-CO-RFQ-304-21 Provision of IT Equipment Lebanon LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 12-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85576 LBN-CO-RFQ-305-21Electrical W I1 and J1 in Taamir UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 12-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85574 RFQ - Supply and delivery of Home Gardening equipment for Shan UNDP country Office MYANMAR RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Nov-21 12-Nov-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85570 RFQ/193/21 Supply, delivery and installation of Server UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Nov-21 12-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85568 Fourniture des equipements pour la Radio FM UNDP CO BURUNDI RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Nov-21 12-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85567 RFP-CHN-017 Multi-media Products and Services for Chinese CSOs Capacity Building to Engage in International Development Cooperation China CHINA RFP - Request for proposal 19-Nov-21 12-Nov-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85566 468-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-RPP Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Nov-21 @ 04:59 AM (New York time) 12-Nov-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85564 Appel d'offres n° UNDP/RFQ/2021/119 fourniture d'équipements de maintenance électronique Côte d'Ivoire COTE d'IVOIRE RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Nov-21 12-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85565 Resource Mobilization Advisor UNPD Global Facility TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 26-Nov-21 12-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85563 Sale of UNDP Vehicle Huyndai Tucson UNDP Country Office GEORGIA Other 22-Nov-21 12-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85562 International Consultant for Building Resilience Bangkok Regional Hub THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 28-Nov-21 12-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85561 790-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-CORSIA-Assess CORSIA implications on aviation and carbon market development UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 28-Nov-21 12-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85560 Consultancy for Monitoring, Reporting and Evaluation Consultant – the Spotlight Initiative - PN/FJI/105/21 Fiji FIJI IC - Individual contractor 26-Nov-21 11-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85559 CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL PROCESO COL 0000160704 - Profesional Equipo Jurídico Regional Centro Sur. (3 POSICIONES) UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 25-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 11-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85558 CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL - PROCESO COL 0000160703 - Profesional Equipo Jurídico Regional Llanos. (8 POSICIONES) UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 25-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 11-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85557 CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL - PROCESO COL-0000160680 - Profesional Junior Equipo Jurídico (5 POSICIONES) UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 25-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 11-Nov-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85556 Appel d'offres n° UNDP/RFQ/2021/120 fourniture d'un serveur d'hébergement Côte d'Ivoire COTE d'IVOIRE RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Nov-21 11-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85555 ITB-Construction Bâtiment pour le Tribunal de Paix à Goma en RDC UNDP DRC SENEGAL ITB - Invitation to bid 02-Dec-21 @ 11:55 AM (New York time) 11-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85554 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL: subject CI/CRI/2021/116880/160678/"External evaluation of the Joint SDG Program" UNDP COSTA RICA COSTA RICA IC - Individual contractor 25-Nov-21 11-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85553 IC 1114157/163-2021: Consultoría de Asistencia Técnica a la Unidad de Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales, en la Temática de Desalojos Forzosos Contrato Individual de Servicios Honduras HONDURAS IC - Individual contractor 25-Nov-21 11-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85550 IC 19212-2021 Training and Learning Advisor RBLAC Regional Hub PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 26-Nov-21 11-Nov-21 POWER POWER 85552 Supply Transmition Line Nimrud-Bashiqa-Qarqosh Irq UNDP Country Office, Erbil, Iraq - IRAQ IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Nov-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 11-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85551 RFP-2021-088 Хакатон «ИТ против гендерного насилия»/ IT Against GBV Hackathon UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 25-Nov-21 11-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85547 Appel d'offres n° UNDP/RFQ/2021/118 Fourniture de lego d'apprentissage au lycée technique d'Abidjan (LOT 1) et au lycée professionnel de San-Pédro (LOT 2) Côte d'Ivoire COTE d'IVOIRE RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Nov-21 11-Nov-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 85549 SDC-65-2021 "ADQUISICION DE MONTACARGAS PARA RECOLECCION DE RESIDUOS SOLIDOS DEL INTERCEPTOR 004" UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Nov-21 11-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85548 RFQ 29-21-R Procurement of Forensic Equipment and Materials UNDP CO MONTENEGRO RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Nov-21 11-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85546 PROCESO COL 0000160363 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional para el Equipo Administrativo y Financiero. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 24-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 11-Nov-21 WATER SUPPLY  (POTABLE) WATER SUPPLY (POTABLE) 85545 Extension Pipe and Distribution Networks for (Sfirat, Minizla, Jamalia, Sliman Al Ghrab, Burglia, Arisha)-Hawija District-Kirkuk Governorate Iraq UNDP Country Office, Erbil, Iraq - IRAQ IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 01-Dec-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 11-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85544 IC URU21001-1190 Consultor nacional para análisis de mercado de los proyectos de resiliencia y adaptación al cambio climático en la zona costera (Río de la Plata y Atlántico) PNUD Uruguay URUGUAY IC - Individual contractor 24-Nov-21 11-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85536 National Consultant to Conduct Institutional, Policies and Regulation Assessment of Relevant Inter-Ministerial Agencies UNDP Country Office TIMOR LESTE IC - Individual contractor 26-Nov-21 11-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85534 National Consultant (capacity assessment specialist) to support Undertaking of the Institutional Capacity and Needs Assessment in natural Resource Management in Arafura and Timor Seas Portion of Timor-Leste UNDP Country Office TIMOR LESTE IC - Individual contractor 26-Nov-21 11-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85543 PROCESO COL 0000160361 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional del Equipo de Planeación. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 24-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 11-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84388 National Consultant (Team Leader) for Undertaking Institutional Capacity and Needs Assessment in Natural Resource Management in Arafura and Timor Seas Portion of Timor-Leste UNDP Country Office TIMOR LESTE IC - Individual contractor 26-Nov-21 11-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85541 PROCESO COL 0000160358 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Especializado del Equipo de Planeación. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 24-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 11-Nov-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 85540 RFQ2021/WSM/65 Supply and Delivery of Vehicle UNDP Country Office SAMOA RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Nov-21 11-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85542 Interpreter & Translator (English – Russian-English) Казахстан KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 26-Nov-21 11-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85538 26/TCD/11/2021/IC Recrutement d'un consultant individuel Assistant (e) Chargé de projet pour le Bureau régional de l'ONUDC. UNDP CHAD CHAD IC - Individual contractor 26-Nov-21 11-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85539 Individual Contractor (IC) – Consultant for Operationalizing Conflict Prevention and Human Mobility Strategies RBAS Regional Hub Office in Amman JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 24-Nov-21 11-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85537 RFQ/LBY/PSJP/2021/077 - Supply of Sewing Equipment for MOJ Rehabilitation Centre in Tripoli, Libya UNDP Country Office LIBYA RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Nov-21 11-Nov-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 84860 Consultoría para elaborar un documento comparativo de ofertas educativas de educación inclusiva y realizar la conversión de los contenidos del Curso de Tecnicatura en Educación Inclusiva, en la modalidad virtual, para su desarrollo en la plataforma Moodle UNDP Office Paraguay PARAGUAY RFP - Request for proposal 12-Nov-21 11-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85345 CLOSED EARLY
CONSULTOR ESPECIALISTA EN GESTIÓN DE PROYECTOS TIC UNDP Office Paraguay PARAGUAY IC - Individual contractor 11-Nov-21 11-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85535 918/RFQ/REAP/2021 FOURNITURE ET LIVRAISON DE KIT SPORTIF POUR 12 COMMUNES A BETROKA (maillots, godasse, …) MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Nov-21 11-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85496 Re-tendering ITB-UNDP-UNCITY CPH-2021-CHANGING ROOMS REFURBISHMENT UNDP Common Services DENMARK ITB - Invitation to bid 10-Dec-21 11-Nov-21 FORESTRY FORESTRY 85532 RFP-2021-092 конкурс на услуги «Разработка рабочего проекта создания зеленой зоны города Павлодар на площади 20 гектар»/ RFP-2021-092 "Provision of services to develop a detailed design for the creation of a green area in Pavlodar (20 hectares)" UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 25-Nov-21 11-Nov-21 POWER POWER 85533 UNDP-SYR-ITB-094-021 Electricity NETWORK UNDP Syria Office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC ITB - Invitation to bid 25-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 11-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85531 SALE OF SURPLUS ASSETS - UNDP/AFG/RFQ/2021/0015 Country Office AFGHANISTAN Other 23-Nov-21 11-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85530 Supply of Electrical Equipment to Bashiqa UNDP Iraq IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Nov-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 11-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85529 RFQ/191/21 SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF FURNITURE FOR HUB COWORKING CENTER, SARAJEVO UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Nov-21 11-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85526 RFP-2021-099 Accessibility assessment of buildings for people with disabilities in Nur-Sultan/ Оценка доступности зданий для людей с инвалидностью в городе Нур-Султан UNPD Country Office - KAZAKHSTAN KAZAKHSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 25-Nov-21 11-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85528 DCRL/RFQ/001/2021 - Supply and Installation of Solar Back-up for DCRL PIU office at Okhaldhunga UNDP - DCRL NEPAL RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Nov-21 11-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85519 DCRL/RFQ/002/2021 - Refurbishment of DCRL PIU office at Okhaldhunga UNDP - DCRL NEPAL RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Nov-21 11-Nov-21 URBAN DEV'T. URBAN DEV'T. 85525 RFQ POUR ACQUISITION LAMPADAIRES SENEGAL SENEGAL RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Nov-21 11-Nov-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 85524 Call for Proposal Low Value Grant - Strengthening the Roles of Women to Promote Resilience against Women Extremism, Regardless of Different Religious Backgrounds UNDP Country Office INDONESIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 25-Nov-21 11-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85523 Provision of paints -RFQ-YEM-0077-2021 UNDP CO YEMEN RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Nov-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 11-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85522 LBN-CO-RFQ-300-21 Supply and delivery of Municipal Police pairs of Boots Lebanon LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 11-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85520 IC/UNDP/IFL/162 - Public Finance Consultant for National and Sub-national Climate Budget Tagging (Local Consultant) UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 25-Nov-21 11-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85521 National Consultant for Gender Responsive Budgeting and Institutionalization UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 24-Nov-21 11-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85471 Innovation Community Specialist Regional Innovation Centre, UNDP Bangkok Regional THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 25-Nov-21 11-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85514 ITB-Construction du Bâtiment pour le Tribunal de Paix à Nyiragongo en RDC Senegal SENEGAL ITB - Invitation to bid 30-Nov-21 @ 11:55 AM (New York time) 11-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85518 UNF-ECA-KAZ-CFP-2021-002_Call for Proposals (CFP) for Responsible Parties (For Civil Society Organizations- CSOs) UN Women KAZAKHSTAN CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 30-Nov-21 11-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85517 Implementation of Online Systems UNDP Country Office MAURITIUS RFP - Request for proposal 03-Dec-21 @ 11:00 PM (New York time) 10-Nov-21 MINES MINES 85516 JAM-0000182627-2021 Project Support Assistant-Development Minerals Programme UN Resident Coordinators Multi-country Office-JAM JAMAICA IC - Individual contractor 24-Nov-21 10-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85515 IC NOTICE N°048/2021/PNUD-BFA Recrutement de deux consultants nationaux dont 01 expert(e) en accès à la justice et assistance judiciaire et 01 (expert(e) en genre et en accès à la justice des femmes UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 19-Nov-21 10-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85513 IC1436/00117646 "CONSULTOR TÉCNICO EN ELECTRÓNICA EN APOYO PARA LA RED DE MONITOREO AGROCLIMÁTICO" UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 24-Nov-21 10-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85511 SdP ADQ 21 159432 diseno y ejecucion productos UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 09-Dec-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 10-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85512 IC URU/20/007-1169 LLAMADO A EXPERTO/A PARA EL FORTALECIMIENTO DEL CAPÍTULO PLANIFICACIÓN, DE LA CAJA DE HERRAMIENTAS DEL SISTEMA NACIONAL DE EMERGENCIAS URUGUAY URUGUAY IC - Individual contractor 24-Nov-21 10-Nov-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85510 REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ ST31.2021) SUPPLY OF LAPTOPS SAO TOME SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Nov-21 10-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85509 National Short-Term Legal Expert on Constitutional Court and Ethics UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 24-Nov-21 10-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85508 Recruitment of National Consultant to support the development and launch of a national Investment Case for Implementation of WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in Ghana UNDP Ghana GHANA IC - Individual contractor 25-Nov-21 10-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85507 IC URU/21/001-1183 Consultor/a nacional o internacional para el análisis de las oportunidades e implicancias de los mecanismos de mercado incluidos en el Art.6 del Acuerdo de París y los mercados voluntarios para promover la inversión climática en Uruguay URUGUAY URUGUAY IC - Individual contractor 23-Nov-21 10-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85506 SLE/RFP/YOUTH/2021/008 NATIONAL CONSULTANCY FIRM: Install and configure a LAN (Local Area Network) according to the attached diagram at Tower Hill Marine Forecasting Center (including the installation of patch panels and switches) Sierra Leone SIERRA LEONE RFP - Request for proposal 23-Nov-21 10-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85505 PROCESO COL 0000159833 Precalificación para diseñar, implementar y evaluar la metodología Cash for Productivity UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA ITP - Invitation to pre-qualify 24-Nov-21 10-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85504 RFQ.21.142 UNDP BERA Media Monitoring Services UNDP BERA - NY UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Nov-21 10-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85503 ITB 159/21 Supply and installation of solar photovoltaic system UNDP Country Office ARMENIA ITB - Invitation to bid 25-Nov-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 10-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85501 Consultoría para la evaluación final de" Alianzas para la conservación de la biodiversidad: Financiamiento sostenible de los sistemas de áreas protegidas en la cuenca del Congo. Guinea Ecuatorial EQUATORIAL GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 22-Nov-21 10-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85500 CHL/SDP/179/2021 "Desarrollo de plataforma web interactiva y recorrido virtual de Antofagasta y Taltal"" UNDP Country Office CHILE RFP - Request for proposal 02-Dec-21 10-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85499 Supply and Delivery of Compound Fertilizer UNDP country Office MYANMAR RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Nov-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 10-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85497 272-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-RPP_Reconstruction of a part of building to create the shelter for survivors of domestic and/or gender-based violence in the Prymorsk, Zaporizhzia Oblast Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Nov-21 10-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85495 LBN-CO-ITB-299-21 - Rehabilitation of Ag Roads UNDP Country Office - LEBANON - LEBANON LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 24-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 10-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85494 WOMEN LEADERSHIP AND EMPOWERMENT PROGRAMME UNDP TANZANIA IC - Individual contractor 22-Nov-21 10-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85492 458-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-RPP_Assessment of the institutional capacity of the target displaced higher educational institutions Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 28-Nov-21 10-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85493 BIH/RFQ-190-21 Construction works on elimination of architectural barriers in 2 public buildings in Canton Sarajevo" UNDP Country Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Nov-21 10-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85491 147-RFQ-CPRD-2021-D - Equipements et accessoires de coupe et coutures pour la Mise en place des filières de formation professionnelle des personnes détenues - REPUBLICATION UNDP Country Office CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Nov-21 10-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85490 RFQ-412-21 Rehabilitation and supply furniture for (LOT1) Sheikh Fathi Police Station-West Mosul-Ninawa Governorate,Iraq and (LOT2)Al-Thakafah Police Station-East Mosul-Ninawa Governorate,Iraq RBAS IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Dec-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 10-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85488 National Consultant for Support to the GrEEn project for the establishment of a scalable local information system for climate change adaptation (LISA) within the MLGRD hosted District Development Data Platform (DDDP) UNCDF Ghana GHANA IC - Individual contractor 24-Nov-21 10-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85489 RFQ for Supply of Sawmill and Sawmill Parts UNDP Pacific office- Fiji FIJI RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Nov-21 10-Nov-21 INDUSTRY INDUSTRY 85487 RFQ/088/21- на поставку швейного оборудования в Каракалпакстан / Sewing Equipment for Karakalpakstan UNDP Uzbekistan UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Nov-21 10-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85486 RFQ40-2021 for Procurement of Travel Management Services and air-tickets UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Nov-21 10-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85485 ITB-410-21-Rehabilitation of Seed Receiving Yards Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 01-Dec-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 10-Nov-21 HEALTH HEALTH 85484 Procurement of Motorbike Emergency Tool Kit - BRTI UNDP Country Office ZIMBABWE RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Nov-21 @ 09:06 AM (New York time) 10-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85482 Recrutement Consultant National Evaluation Finale du projet PAREC Cameroun CAMEROON IC - Individual contractor 24-Nov-21 10-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85481 RFP-134-IND-2021-Develop Integrated Landscape Level Management Strategy for India High Range Mountain Landscape Project India INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 24-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 10-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85480 RFQ/189/21 Preliminary and Main design Business zone Svilaj - Odzak UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Nov-21 10-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85479 UNDP CYP RFQ 263 EID 10838 2021 - Design Services for Sections at Famagusta Wall Cyprus CYPRUS RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Dec-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 10-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85478 UNDP-SOI-IC-2021-080 - National Consultant - Regulatory Framework Integrity UNDP Pacific Office SOLOMON ISLANDS IC - Individual contractor 24-Nov-21 10-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85477 RFQ 10901 for Supply of Efficient Stove in Bamyan CO AFGHANISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Nov-21 @ 07:30 AM (New York time) 10-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85476 Services d Ingenierie et de Consultance PSU KL Hub MALAYSIA RFP - Request for proposal 22-Dec-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 10-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85475 RFQ/087/21-Разработка видеокурсов для онлайн платформы, в целях организации дистанционного обучения сотрудников органов государственной власти на местах UNDP Uzbekistan UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Nov-21 10-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85474 RFQ-CDLG-2021-83 - Printing and Supply of T-Shirt UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Nov-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 09-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85472 Local Firm to Support the Implementation of the Practice Parliament UNDP Maldives Country Office MALDIVES RFP - Request for proposal 23-Nov-21 @ 06:02 AM (New York time) 09-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85473 L211102 - 02 National Consultants to develop the thematic papers on gender equality in grassroots mediation and legal aid for the development of the Gender Equality Plan of Ministry of Justice in the period 2021-2025 UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 21-Nov-21 09-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85369 International Consultant to Final Evaluation of UNDP's Regional Youth Project on Leadership, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Youth Co:Lab) UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub (BRH) – Youth Unit THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 24-Nov-21 09-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85470 SdP ADQ 21 159430 programas de capacitacion UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 08-Dec-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 09-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85469 RFP-2021-052: Impact Venture Pre-Acceleration Program Bangkok Regional Centre THAILAND RFP - Request for proposal 24-Nov-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 09-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85468 RFP to prepare the Drainage Master Plan at UN Compound UNDP Country Office TIMOR LESTE RFP - Request for proposal 02-Dec-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 09-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85467 SdP ADQ 21 159333 analisis riesgo climatico patrim UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 07-Dec-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 09-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85466 IC No:00117646-1432 Elaboración e implementación de un plan de fortalecimiento organizacional para la consolidación y funcionamiento de las estructuras de conducción estratégicas de las mesas de Cadenas de Valor del Oriente de El Salvador. UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 23-Nov-21 09-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85465 Proceso No. COL-0000160038 - Prestación de servicios profesionales de un experto en Gestión de Conocimiento con énfasis en Derechos Humanos y comunidades étnicas. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 23-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 09-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85464 IC NOTICE N°046/2021/PNUD-BFA Recrutement d'un(e) consultant(e) en vue de la formation des leaders de communautés, d'associations et des éducateurs sur la communication non violente. UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 16-Nov-21 09-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85463 19151-2021 – Strategic Projects Consultant Regional Centre PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 26-Nov-21 09-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85462 Individual Contractor / Survey Coordinator- Africa Borderlands Centre Innovation Challenge Lusaka ZAMBIA IC - Individual contractor 17-Nov-21 09-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85461 Individual National Consultant on Public Investments (Ref.P211102) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 25-Nov-21 09-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85460 Proceso No. COL-0000160112 - Consultoría para apoyar el diseño de acabados e iluminación para los espacios laborales en el marco de la implementación del proyecto de Smart Working en la Secretaría Distrital de Gobierno de Bogotá (SDG) UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 23-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 09-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85459 Individual Consultant to Conduct Technical Assessments, Capacity Building, and Develop a Draft Renewable Energy Policy for Trinidad and Tobago UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO IC - Individual contractor 24-Nov-21 09-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85458 IC No: 00117646-1433 "Consultoría para el Diseño y Formulación de Políticas Agropecuarias del Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería". UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 23-Nov-21 09-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85457 AVISO DE SERVICIO PARA CONSULTOR/A INDIVIDUAL 2021/1434 UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 23-Nov-21 09-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85456 IC No:00117646-1431 "Consultoría para el Diseño y Desarrollo de Proyectos de Infraestructura". UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 23-Nov-21 09-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85455 International Research Assistant UNDP country Office MYANMAR IC - Individual contractor 21-Nov-21 09-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85454 AVISO DE SERVICIO PARA CONSULTOR/A INDIVIDUAL 2021/1424 - Formulación de PACC a ADESCOPAZYD - Morazán UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 23-Nov-21 09-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85453 AVISO DE SERVICIO PARA CONSULTOR/A INDIVIDUAL 2021/1423 - Formulación de PACC a Ciudad Barrios - San Miguel UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 23-Nov-21 09-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85452 National Consultant, Computer Graphics Designer UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE ON BEHALF OF RCO LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 30-Nov-21 09-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85415 IC No: 00117646-1429 "Consultoría para el Diseño y Formulación de planes y proyectos agropecuarios del Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería". UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 23-Nov-21 09-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85451 RECRUTEMENT D'UN(E) CONSULTANT(E) NATIONAL(E) REALISATION DE L'ÉVALUATION DU FINANCEMENT DU DÉVELOPPEMENT AU TOGO UNDP Togo, RBA TOGO IC - Individual contractor 16-Nov-21 09-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85446 RFP Training Service Provider for Energy Sector SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE RFP - Request for proposal 21-Nov-21 @ 05:51 AM (New York time) 09-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85450 Proceso No. COL-0000159839 - Consultoría para la construcción, diseño y transferencia de los productos de gestión del conocimiento de los proyectos que apoyaron y fortalecieron a las Comisión para el Esclarecimiento de la Verdad en el cumplimiento de su m UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 23-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 09-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85449 Proceso No. COL-0000159599 - Consultor en prevención de la proliferación de las armas de destrucción masiva y fronteras UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 23-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 09-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85448 Брендовані товари UNFPA UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Nov-21 09-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85447 Товари для реалізації ініціативи відповідального батьківства в м.Рубіжне UNFPA UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Nov-21 09-Nov-21 POWER POWER 85445 PROCUREMENT OF SOLAR SYSTEM UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE GHANA RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Nov-21 09-Nov-21 HEALTH HEALTH 85444 PROCUREMENT OF MEDICAL ITEMS UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE GHANA RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Nov-21 09-Nov-21 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS 85443 Provision of Mobile Phone Services for UN Agencies Albania ALBANIA RFP - Request for proposal 24-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 09-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85442 CLOSED EARLY
EDI-688-2021 Asistencia técnica para la obtención de la Certificación Rainforest Alliance a productores individuales de cacao UNDP Country Office PERU EOI - Expression of interest 23-Nov-21 09-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85441 LBN-CO-RFP-298-21 - Socio-Economic Assessment UNDP Country Office - LEBANON - LEBANON LEBANON RFP - Request for proposal 30-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 09-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85439 Закупка многоигольных вышивальных машин, швейных машин и гладильных систем / Procurement of multi-needle embroidery machines, sewing machines and ironing systems UNDP Country Office BELARUS RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Nov-21 09-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85440 LBN-CO-CFP-294-21 - Forest Activities UNDP Country Office - LEBANON - LEBANON LEBANON CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 23-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 09-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84634 MyRFP2021-031 Research on the Role of Resilient Communities in Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism UNDP Country Office MALAYSIA RFP - Request for proposal 23-Nov-21 09-Nov-21 HEALTH HEALTH 85438 Evaluation of the access to treatment and assessment of the COVID-19 impact on the provision of healthcare services for patients with rare and orphan diseases in Ukraine UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 24-Nov-21 09-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85437 Acquisition de kits d installation pour jeunes UNDP NIGER NIGER RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Nov-21 @ 12:03 AM (New York time) 09-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85436 Rehabilitation of the Citizen Service Center in th UNDP Office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 09-Nov-21 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS 85435 RFQ-Supply and delivery of Public Address System UNDP Afghanistan AFGHANISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Nov-21 @ 07:30 AM (New York time) 09-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85434 RFP-132-IND-2021 -Human Rights Due Diligence training sessions for Private Sector (general and sector specific)' India INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 23-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 09-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85433 Call for Proposal UNDP Country Office GEORGIA Other 29-Nov-21 09-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85432 RFP-BD-2021-048: Hiring Firm/Institute for a Feasibility Study for applying PPP model for - climate resilient housing, drinking water options, polder management, vertical agriculture, and climate bonds-EI4NGG UNDP Country Office BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 30-Nov-21 @ 05:30 AM (New York time) 09-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85431 ITB-Construction batiment cour constitutionnelle Senegal SENEGAL ITB - Invitation to bid 29-Nov-21 @ 11:30 AM (New York time) 09-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85430 RFP-CHN-016 policy research services China Office CHINA RFP - Request for proposal 17-Nov-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 09-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85429 Innovation Learning Modules Institutionalization for the Royal School of Administration and National School of Local Administration UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFP - Request for proposal 23-Nov-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 09-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85428 ITB/LBY/SLCRR/2021/10846 - Rehabilitation of Sports center and Physiotherapy department in Emsad Municipality, Libya. UNDP Country Office LIBYA ITB - Invitation to bid 29-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 09-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85427 Local Consultant Midterm Review (MTR) of the full-sized project Support to the Orange-Senqu River Basin Strategic Action Programme UNDP SOUTH AFRICA SOUTH AFRICA IC - Individual contractor 19-Nov-21 09-Nov-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 85426 UNDP-SYR-RFQ-093-21 Reh.Water Network UNDP Syria Office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 09-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85425 RFP-21-049-Digital Impact Mgt Platform-EI4NG UNDP Country Office BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 16-Nov-21 @ 05:30 AM (New York time) 09-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85423 APPEL A PROPOSITIONS DE PROJETS POUR LE RECRUTEMENT D'UN PARTENAIRE LOCAL D'EXÉCUTION DANS LE CADRE DE LA REPRISE ECONOMIQUE ET LE RENFORCEMENT DE LA RESILIENCE A TRAVERS LA REHABILITATION DES ROUTES PAR LA FABRICATION DES PAVES ARTISANALES EN PIERRE / PR UNDP-KINSHASA, DR CONGO - CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 30-Nov-21 09-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85422 Recrutement d'un prestataire pour la réalisation des travaux de sécurisation de la prison pour femmes de Bimbo et travaux de sécurisation par la construction du mur de soutènement de la prison du Camp de Roux à Bangui République centrafricaine CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Nov-21 09-Nov-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 85424 RFQ/188/21 Procurement and delivery of various equipment and materials to 18 municipalities in BiH UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Nov-21 09-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85421 RECRUTEMENT D'UN (E) CONSULTANT (E) NATIONAL (E) POUR L'EVALUATION DU FINANCEMENT DU DEVELOPPEMENT (DFA) UNDP ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE IC - Individual contractor 18-Nov-21 09-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85420 RFQ-409/21 Model Police Station Initiative - Al-Malaab Police Station in Ramadi City, Anbar Governorate, Iraq Service Center IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Nov-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 09-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85419 RFQ 2021 99 FSI TRAVAUX DE REHABILITATION DES BATIMENTS FSI DE BAMBARI_ BOUAR_SIBUT ET BERBERATI EN 04 LOTS République centrafricaine CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Dec-22 09-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85414 RFQ 2021 100 ETAT DE DROIT REHABILITATION COMMISSARIAT CENTRAL DE BANGUI République centrafricaine CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Nov-21 09-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85418 UNDP-IC-2021-403 - Development Expert Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 23-Nov-21 09-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85417 IC/UNDP/SPOI/161/2021 - Expert Consultant for Development of Communication Strategy for National Action Plan for Sustainable Palm Oil (NAP SPO) UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 24-Nov-21 09-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85370 International Consultant to support Multimedia Production activities related to Youth Co:Lab Initiative (Junior Consultant) UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub (BRH) – Youth Unit THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 23-Nov-21 08-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85413 SOLICITUD DE COTIZACION: SDC-2021-021 Producción de Videos CONUBI II UNDP Country Office COSTA RICA RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Nov-21 08-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85416 4649 PAN 2021 Herramientas e insumos para los cursos de Albañilería Básica del Instituto Nacional de Formación Profesional y Capacitación para el Desarrollo Humano (INADEH) a nivel nacional. PANAMA PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Nov-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 08-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85412 CONSTRUCTION OF FISHPONDS IN KAZUNGULA, SESHEKE, LUANGWA AND CHIRUNDU Undp Country Office ZAMBIA ITB - Invitation to bid 26-Nov-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 08-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85411 RFP 38-21 Development of Online Service Platform UNDP CO MONTENEGRO RFP - Request for proposal 22-Nov-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 08-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85410 PROCUREMENT NOTICE: UNDP/IC/Field Assessment of Armories Storage facilities/2021/025 UNDP Liberia Country Office LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 17-Nov-21 08-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85408 Consultant National, Ingénieur en génie civil ou génie rural pour le suivi et le contrôle de qualité de 3 infrastructures en construction dans les villages cibles MANGATA (Préfecture Coyah), HOWOUROU et FORO GUINEA, Office GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 19-Nov-21 08-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85407 Recrutement d'un(e) Consultant(e) national(e) « Consultant National, Expert (Gestion axée sur les résultats) ». GUINEA, Office GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 19-Nov-21 08-Nov-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85406 REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ) SUPPLY OF COMPUTERS SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Nov-21 08-Nov-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85404 Supply and Delivery of Nine (9) Desktop Computers UNDP Ghana GHANA RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Nov-21 08-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85405 ITB 708 Duvaniste MoI Storage Works CO Serbia SERBIA ITB - Invitation to bid 06-Dec-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 08-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85403 AVISO DE SERVICIO PARA CONSULTOR/A INDIVIDUAL 2021/1427-Formulación de PACC a Alcaldía Villa San Antonio UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 22-Nov-21 08-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85402 AVISO DE SERVICIO PARA CONSULTOR/A INDIVIDUAL 2021/1426 Formulación de PACC a Cacaopera - Morazán UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 22-Nov-21 08-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85401 AVISO DE SERVICIO PARA CONSULTOR/A INDIVIDUAL 2021/1425-Formulación de PACC a Alcaldía de San Simón - Morazán UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 22-Nov-21 08-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85400 AVISO DE SERVICIO PARA CONSULTOR/A INDIVIDUAL 2021/1422-Alcaldía de Yamabal - Morazán UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 22-Nov-21 08-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85398 RFP 051-2021Long-Term Agreement for Consultancy Su Bangkok Regional Hub THAILAND RFP - Request for proposal 25-Nov-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 08-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85386 RFQ/84/Appui pour le Développement Local/2021 TRAVAUX DE CONSTRUCTION ET DE REHABILITATION Country Office, CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Nov-21 08-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85399 RfQ 136-21 Preparation of Technical documentation for construction of three pedestrian bridges in Gostivar [LOT 1, LOT 2, and LOT 3] UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Nov-21 08-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85395 SDC-57-2021 "REPARACIONES Y ADECUACIONES BAÑOS Y CONTENERORES EN LA AUTORIDAD PORTUARIA DOMINICANA" UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Nov-21 08-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85396 RFP/BIH30/2021/04208 Assessment of the Strategic documents for Women Entrepreneurship in Bosnia and Herzegovina - EXTENSION OF DEADLINE!!! UNWOMEN in BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFP - Request for proposal 30-Nov-21 08-Nov-21 URBAN DEV'T. URBAN DEV'T. 85391 MYRFQ2021-096 Digital Rights Survey UNDP Country Office MALAYSIA RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Nov-21 08-Nov-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85394 ITB2353 Relaunch Procurement of IT Equip on LTA UNDP Country Office MONACO ITB - Invitation to bid 26-Nov-21 @ 09:30 AM (New York time) 08-Nov-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 85393 RfQ 135-21 4 pcs Pick-Up 4x4 double cab vehicles UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Nov-21 08-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85392 Sensemaking and Foresight Specialist Bangkok Regional Hub THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 26-Nov-21 08-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85390 Provision of Case Management Services UNDP country Office MYANMAR RFP - Request for proposal 30-Nov-21 @ 11:30 AM (New York time) 08-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84633 MyRFP2021-030 CSO Engagement UNDP Country Office MALAYSIA RFP - Request for proposal 22-Nov-21 08-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85387 RFQ Procurement of Furniture for CSW UNDP Kosovo Kosovo, UNSCR 1244 (1999) RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Nov-21 @ 11:30 AM (New York time) 08-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85389 LBN-CO-RFP-293-21 - Municipal Training Curriculum UNDP Country Office - LEBANON - LEBANON LEBANON RFP - Request for proposal 29-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 08-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85384 ACCORD A LONG TERME POUR LES SERVICES DE GARDIENNAGE DES BUREAUX ET RESIDENCES DES STAFFS DES AGENCES DU SYSTEME DES NATIONS UNIES (SNU) AU CAMEROUN Cameroon CAMEROON RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Nov-21 08-Nov-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85385 RFQ-CO-2021-82 - Procurement of IT Equipment for UNDP UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Nov-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 08-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85383 RFP-050-20 Consultancy Firm South Sudan SOUTH SUDAN RFP - Request for proposal 21-Nov-21 @ 07:09 AM (New York time) 08-Nov-21 HEALTH HEALTH 85382 Licitación Pública Internacional Nº 05/2021 "Adquisición de Equipo de Monitoreo Ambulatorio de Presión Arterial" PNUD Argentina ARGENTINA ITB - Invitation to bid 10-Dec-21 08-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85380 TRAVAUX DE REHABILITATION DE LA BRIGADE TERRITORIALE DE LA VILLE DE BOZOUM ET TRAVAUX DU RENFORCEMENT DE LA SECURITE DU SITE DU COMMISSARIAT DE POLICE DE BOZOUM UNDP RCA CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Nov-21 08-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85381 Supply and Deliver of Vegetable Seeds UNDP country Office MYANMAR RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Nov-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 08-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85377 UNDP Afghanistan Peace Pillar, ACTION project- Anti-Corruption Grants Program 2022, CFP No 2 Afghanistan AFGHANISTAN Other 21-Nov-21 08-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85379 RFQ/187/21 PRINTING AND DELIVERY OF MEG BEST PRACTICE BOX SET UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Nov-21 08-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85378 RFP-2021-082 Provision of services on strategic environmental assessment of the draft Master Plan for the development of Nur-Sultan city Казахстан KAZAKHSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 29-Nov-21 08-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85375 A national consultancy team of two members for development of communication and training materials on information technology application and digital transformation in the field of social assistance UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 15-Nov-21 08-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85376 IC/PNG/O63-2021 Anti-Corruption Programme Consultant (International Consultant) UNDP Papua New Guinea, Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 21-Nov-21 08-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85374 The impact of subsidies and incentives on SA Biodiversity UNDP SOUTH AFRICA SOUTH AFRICA RFP - Request for proposal 22-Nov-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 08-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85371 Provision of 20KVA generator -RFQ-Yem-75-2021 UNDP CO YEMEN RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Nov-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 08-Nov-21 85373 SETTING UP AND HOSTING A WOMEN MEDIA UNIT RFP - Request for proposal 23-Nov-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 08-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85372 Supply and Delivery of RCC Solar Items. UNDP Country Office SOMALIA RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Nov-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 08-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85256 782-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-RPP: Procurement of the technical equipment to support underwater demining tasks in the east of Ukraine (Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts) UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 22-Nov-21 08-Nov-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 85368 SUPPLY OF A REPRESENTATION VEHICLE /HYBRID CAR TO UNDP RWANDA Rwanda RWANDA RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Nov-21 08-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85367 National Consultant for Strategic Communication and Outreach for the Combatting Marine Plastic Litter Project UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 22-Nov-21 07-Nov-21 INDUSTRY INDUSTRY 85366 Rehabilitation the Yeast Factory in Homs UNDP Syria SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC ITB - Invitation to bid 28-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 07-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85365 INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANCY-TRAINING OF PARTICIPATING SUPPLIER SMMES ON THE UNDP SUPPLIER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME ON SAFETY, HEALTH & ENVIRONMENT, FOR THE MINING SECTOR VALUE CHAINS. BOTSWANA BOTSWANA IC - Individual contractor 18-Nov-21 07-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85359 RFQ-088-2021 UNDP Country Office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 07-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85364 National consultant to undertake vulnerability and adaptation assessment of biodiversity to climate change in Jordan UNDP Country Office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 21-Nov-21 07-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85363 RFQ/2021/29 Procurement of Water Chiller (Delivery and installation) UNDP Country Office JORDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Nov-21 07-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85362 Rehabilitation of group of halls in in Al Dalia UNDP Syria SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 07-Nov-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85361 ICTEQUIPMENT, SMARTPHONES AND TABLETS UNDP ZAMBIA ZAMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Nov-21 07-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85360 Customs Clearance and transportation LTA in Yemen UNDP Yemen Country Office YEMEN ITB - Invitation to bid 30-Nov-21 @ 09:54 AM (New York time) 07-Nov-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 85358 UNDP-SYR-RFQ-087-21 For Vehicle Maintenance UNDP Syria office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 06-Nov-21 AGRICULTURE  SEEDLING AGRICULTURE SEEDLING 85357 Providing A drip-irrigation network UNDP Office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 06-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85356 IC 21 159453 Desarrollo fase de alcance UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 22-Nov-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 06-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85355 ITB-Construction du PALAIS DE JUSTE A KALEMIE Senegal SENEGAL ITB - Invitation to bid 26-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 06-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85354 RMI National Employment Policy Consultant - PN/FJI/101/21 – Re-advertisement Fiji FIJI IC - Individual contractor 12-Nov-21 06-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85353 IC NOTICE N°046/2021/PNUD-BFA Recrutement deux consultant(e) s spécialistes en planification et suivi évaluation en appui à l'unité de gestion du projet GLOCOS UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 15-Nov-21 06-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85352 RFP 023/2021 - Recrutement d'un bureau d'études et de contrôle pour la réalisation d'« Études géophysiques d'implantation de forages ainsi que le suivi contrôle à pied d'œuvre UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO RFP - Request for proposal 23-Nov-21 06-Nov-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85351 UNDP-SOI-RFQ-2021- 073 - ICT equipment for SECSIP and DRM UNDP Pacific Office SOLOMON ISLANDS RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Nov-21 06-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85313 Consultancy for Evaluation of the Papua New Guinea UNDP Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA RFP - Request for proposal 19-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 06-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85350 Kiribati KDP M&E Framework consultant - PN/FJI/093/21 – Re-advertisement #2 Fiji FIJI IC - Individual contractor 26-Nov-21 06-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85349 Consutoria en Ingenieria Costera. preparacion de TORs CO CUBA IC - Individual contractor 21-Nov-21 05-Nov-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85348 SDC/00118949/151/2021 Adquisición de 2 UPS para Rack PNUD OFICINA DE PAÍS HONDURAS RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Nov-21 05-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85347 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA No.: COL-0000158678 -Evaluar la implementación de mejores técnicas disponibles y mejores prácticas ambientales en empresas metalúrgicas. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 24-Nov-21 05-Nov-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85342 Solicitud de Cotización (SdC) 124738 - 2582/21 "Adquisición de equipos para sistemas de videoconferencia virtuales para Juzgados del Organismo Judicial" PNUD GUATEMALA GUATEMALA RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Nov-21 05-Nov-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85340 Solicitud de Cotización (SdC) 124738 - 2585/21 "Adquisición de Equipo de Cómputo para Juzgados del Organismo Judicial" PNUD GUATEMALA GUATEMALA RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Nov-21 05-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85346 Servicios de Operadores para Radio Nacional del Paraguay 920AM y 95.1FM (Asunción) -Servicios de Operadores para Radio Nacional del Paraguay 105.9FM (San Pedro) UNDP Office Paraguay PARAGUAY IC - Individual contractor 24-Nov-21 05-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85344 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA No.: COL-0000159737 -Evaluar cuantitativa y cualitativamente la pertinencia, la eficiencia, la eficacia y la sostenibilidad de la implementación de los Planes de Ordenamiento Social de la Propiedad Rural en los municipios de El Guam UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 23-Nov-21 05-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85338 Consultancy Services to Design a Subnational Pooled Financing Mechanism for Local Governments and Cities in Uganda UGANDA UGANDA RFP - Request for proposal 19-Nov-21 05-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85343 SdP ADQ 21 152155 LTA Educomunicacional UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 23-Nov-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 05-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85341 ENERGY AND CLIMATE - Project monitoring and closure specialist SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE IC - Individual contractor 19-Nov-21 05-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85339 ITB Provision of Cleaning Services UN House on LTA Belgium BELGIUM ITB - Invitation to bid 26-Nov-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 05-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85336 Fourniture de carburant pour le compte du PNUD UNDP OFFICE DJIBOUTI ITB - Invitation to bid 29-Nov-21 @ 08:35 AM (New York time) 05-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85337 Recruitment of a firm to conduct a continent wide survey of priority issues around cross – border digital trade in Africa Senegal SENEGAL RFP - Request for proposal 18-Nov-21 05-Nov-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85335 RFQ/086/21 – запрос на закуп IT оборудования / supply of IСT equipment UNDP Uzbekistan UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Nov-21 05-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85334 SdP ADQ 21 159233 Experimento ciencia conductual UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 23-Nov-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 05-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85328 Pak-HIV-UNDP-RFP-2021-001-Hiring of Training Firm UNDP country office PAKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 25-Nov-21 @ 02:30 AM (New York time) 05-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85330 AVISO DE SERVICIO PARA CONSULTOR/A INDIVIDUAL 2021/1435 UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 19-Nov-21 05-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85327 LOT 8 Design and Supervision Tirana-Durres Albania ALBANIA RFP - Request for proposal 01-Dec-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 05-Nov-21 RURAL DEV'T.  (MISCELLANY) RURAL DEV'T. (MISCELLANY) 85325 RFP/UNDP/RESTORE/153732/031/2021 - Study on Disaster Insurance Readiness in Indonesia (Re-Advertisement) UNDP Country Office INDONESIA RFP - Request for proposal 22-Nov-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 05-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85326 ITB JOF-3439-2021 UNDP Country Office - BRAZIL BRAZIL ITB - Invitation to bid 06-Dec-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 05-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85323 BIH/RFQ-186-21 URGENT SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF FUEL FOR KJKP "RAD" D.O.O. SARAJEVO UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Nov-21 05-Nov-21 HEALTH HEALTH 85324 ITB-041-21 Supply Delivery Mass Spectrometer UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA ITB - Invitation to bid 30-Nov-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 05-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85321 IC/UNDP/PROTECT/160/2021 - Local Consultants to support the Implementation of SNAP on PCVE (5 positions/1 post for 1 city) UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 19-Nov-21 05-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85322 RFQ 258 EID 10717 - CMP Project Preparation -Technical Specifications and Safety Descriptions UNDP Cyprus CYPRUS RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Nov-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 05-Nov-21 POWER POWER 85320 ETH2941- Supply and Install Solar PV Systems Ethiopia ETHIOPIA ITB - Invitation to bid 26-Nov-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 05-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85319 RFP-2021-050: Behavioural science and behavioural insights (BI) Research to promote gender justice Bangkok Regional Hub THAILAND RFP - Request for proposal 26-Nov-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 05-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85318 RFQ - ICT equipment UNDP country Office MYANMAR RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Nov-21 05-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85314 Appel à manifestation d'intérêt dans le cadre de la vente aux enchères de quatre (04) véhicules Côte d'Ivoire COTE d'IVOIRE EOI - Expression of interest 16-Nov-21 05-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85317 NGOs/national research institutions/national firm to study on gender quota in public offices in Viet Nam: international good practices and policy implications (B-211102) UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 19-Nov-21 05-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85316 RFQ/185/21 SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF AIR PURIFIERS FOR THE NEEDS OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS AND HIGH-SCHOOLS IN THE AREA OF MUNICIPALITY OF NOVO SARAJEVO UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Nov-21 05-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85315 RFQ 2021-87 Procurement of single use paper cups UNDP Country Office KYRGYZSTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 05-Nov-21 INDUSTRY INDUSTRY 85237 Request For Information on High Volume ID CArd personalization systems UNDP PRocurement Services Unit DENMARK RFI - Request for Information 17-Nov-21 05-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85312 APPUI AUX OCB/ONG LOCALES POUR LEUR CONTRIBUTION A LA PROTECTION DE L'ENVIRONNEMENT ET LE DEVELOPPEMENT LOCAL A TRAVERS DES INITIATIVES LOCALES UNDP RCA CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC Other 18-Nov-21 05-Nov-21 POWER POWER 85311 LBN-CO-ITB-295-21-LED Lighting Fixtures Country Office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 26-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 05-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85310 IC/PNG/062-2021 Consultancy for a Adviser Sub-National programme: Public Finance and Anti-Corruption (Framework or Long-Term Agreement) UNDP Papua New Guinea, Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 18-Nov-21 05-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85309 832/RFP/OHCHR/2021 RECRUTEMENT D'UN CABINET POUR UNE ETUDE SUR LA SITUATION DES MINORITES ET DE LA DISCRIMINATION RACIALE A MADAGASCAR MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFP - Request for proposal 15-Nov-21 05-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85307 IC/UNDP/PROTECT/159/2021 - Expert on Policy Engagement to Promote Fundamental Reform in Educational System and Critical Thinking Method UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 19-Nov-21 05-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85308 RFQ_69_2021 Material List for C4W for Macomia & Quissanga UNDP Country Office MOZAMBIQUE RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Nov-21 05-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85305 IC/PNG/061-2021 Consultancy for a Governance Adviser (Framework or Long-Term Agreement) UNDP Papua New Guinea, Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 18-Nov-21 05-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85306 RFQ_68_2021 General Tools for C4W for Macomia & Quissanga UNDP Country Office MOZAMBIQUE RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Nov-21 05-Nov-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85304 CLOSED EARLY
753-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-EEPB-Server and equipment UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Nov-21 05-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85301 925/IC/RIO/2021 Recrutement consultant National pour l'élaboration d'un Guide méthodoligique standard avec proposition des canevas de l'intégration des dimensions Développement Durable et des 3 conventions de RIO dans les politiques sectorielles Antananarivo Madagascar MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 19-Nov-21 05-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85303 RFQ-408-21 Rehabilitation of Maternity Halls in Riyadh Sub-district-Hawija District-Kirkuk Governorate Country Office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Nov-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 05-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85302 RFQ-405-21 Rehabilitation of Maternity Halls in Zab Sub-district-Hawija District-Kirkuk Governorate Country Office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Nov-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 05-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85300 924/IC/RIO/2021 - Recrutement d'un consultant spécialiste en développement durable Antananarivo Madagascar MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 19-Nov-21 05-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85299 923/IC/RIO/2021 Recrutement Consultant National Spécialiste en Economie de l'environnement Antananarivo Madagascar MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 19-Nov-21 05-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84558 MyRFP2021-029 Wastewater Technical Feasibility Assessment UNDP Country Office MALAYSIA RFP - Request for proposal 19-Nov-21 05-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85255 National Consultant for preparation of the national report on implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN IC - Individual contractor 18-Nov-21 05-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85297 AVISO DE SERVICIO PARA CONSULTOR/A INDIVIDUAL 2021/1428 UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 18-Nov-21 04-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85296 Recrutement d'une firme en vue de réaliser l'étude de faisabilité de la nouvelle prison civile de l'Ouest UNDP-HAITI HAITI RFP - Request for proposal 03-Dec-21 04-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85295 Recrutement d'un consultant national Animateur/ Formateur pour l'organisation d'un atelier de partage et d'échanges sur le Modèle de Prévision Budgétaire (MPB) et formation sur les guides des utilisateurs Mauritanie MAURITANIA IC - Individual contractor 12-Nov-21 04-Nov-21 POWER POWER 85294 SDC 12/2021 – "Adquisición de Luminarias LED" ARG ARGENTINA RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Nov-21 04-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85292 800/IC/RIO/2021 consultant pour l'Elaboration d'un Lexique en version Malagasy les termes (mots vocabulaires et expressions) techniques en langue française et anglaise liées à l'éducation relative à l'environnement et au Développement Durable Madagascar Antananarivo MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 18-Nov-21 04-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85293 SOLICITAÇÃO PARA COTAÇÃO Para o fornecimento de Eletrodomésticos & Afins UNDP São Tome SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Nov-21 04-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85279 799/IC/RIO/2021 Consultant National pour l'élaboration d'un Guide/canevas de l'intégration des 3 conventions de RIO Madagascar Antananarivo MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 18-Nov-21 04-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85291 IC notice N°045/2021/PNUD_ Recrutement de trois expert (es) en sciences sociales_Fenêtre Nationale de la Facilité de Stabilisation de la Région du Liptako-Gourma UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 17-Nov-21 04-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85280 IC NOTICE N°044/2021/PNUD-BFA Recrutement d'un (e) consultant (e) Expert(e) en Maîtrise d'Ouvrage - Fenêtre Nationale de la Facilité de Stabilisation de la Région du Liptako-Gourma UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 11-Nov-21 04-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85290 Recruitment of a firm for Public Relations and Communications Services for "UNDP Through COVID" Campaign (Geographic Focus – West and Central Africa). Senegal SENEGAL RFP - Request for proposal 18-Nov-21 04-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85288 SDP/PNUD/GNQ/21.007 Convocatoria de Propuestas de las ONG/OSC PNUD GE EQUATORIAL GUINEA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 18-Nov-21 04-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85289 Consultor Nacional, Jurista Especializado en Derecho de la Administración Pública Guinea Ecuatorial EQUATORIAL GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 12-Nov-21 04-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85287 BIH/RFQ-184 Procurement of materials, construction and delivery of wooden market counters with wheels for 21 Municipalities in BiH/Nabavka materijala, izrada i isporuka drvenih tezgi sa točkovima za 21 opštinu u BiH UNDP Country Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Nov-21 04-Nov-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 85286 Développement de master class et formation en mode MOOC Morocco MOROCCO RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Nov-21 04-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85284 Innovation Challenge PHASE 2 UNDP Algeria ALGERIA Innovation Challenge 13-Nov-21 04-Nov-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 85283 REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ) - ASSORTED AGRICULTURAL EQUIPMENTS FOR THE CSAII PROJECT. Uganda UGANDA RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Nov-21 04-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85285 Fourniture Liaison secours d'accès au CBS Cameroun CAMEROON RFP - Request for proposal 25-Nov-21 04-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85282 National Consultant – Upgrading of the criminal justice case database and expansion to Courts of Appeal UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 24-Nov-21 04-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85281 National Consultant - Mapping of Informal Economy in East Amman UNDP Country Office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 11-Nov-21 04-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85278 Technical Consultant – Develop Financial Management Manual UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 25-Nov-21 04-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85277 Providing Installing and Testing a 5 tons UNDP Office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 04-Nov-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85268 RFQ_67_2021_Acquisition of IT equipment to Support AR Technical Office UNDP Mozambique CO MOZAMBIQUE RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Nov-21 04-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85276 Renovation of Al-Masanaa School 6 Classes Rooms in Hawija District-Kirkuk Governorate UNDP Iraq IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Nov-21 @ 07:52 AM (New York time) 04-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85275 RFQ - Procurement of Playground Toys Albania ALBANIA RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 04-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85274 SDC-64-2021 "Impresiones Publicaciones para el Tribunal Constitucional" UNDP OFFICE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Nov-21 04-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85273 Surveyor UNDP Country Office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 11-Nov-21 04-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85272 Individual consultancy - Provision of services of a Scientific Assessment of Research Expert - LBN-CO-IC-297-21 UNDP Country Office - LEBANON - LEBANON LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 19-Nov-21 04-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85270 Site Civil Engineer UNDP Country Office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 11-Nov-21 04-Nov-21 TOURISM TOURISM 85271 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL - NGO/CSO to Deliver Cash for Work KAMPALA UGANDA RFP - Request for proposal 21-Nov-21 04-Nov-21 POWER POWER 85261 Supply and Delivery of RCC Solar Items. UNDP Country Office SOMALIA RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Nov-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 04-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85269 Recrutement d'un (e) Consultant (e) National(e) pour l'identification des chaines des valeurs porteuses, le diagnostic et renforcement des capacités des dynamiques économiques locales dans la Province du Kasaï. UNDP RDCONGO CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 29-Nov-21 04-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85267 Rehabilitation and Supply Furniture for the Management Building for Al-Jazeera Irrigation Canal-Ninawa Governorate UNDP Iraq IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Nov-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 04-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85266 RfP for Communication on the application of the death penalty UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 15-Nov-21 04-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85265 X-Ray Machines for Sanaa and Aden UNDP Yemen Country Office YEMEN RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Nov-21 @ 09:40 AM (New York time) 04-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85264 Technical Consultant on Formulation of Project Operation Manual UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 25-Nov-21 04-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85263 National firm/company to support organizing the Press Award in "Mitigating Marine Plastic Debris (B-211101) UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 16-Nov-21 04-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 81385 FOURNITURE ET INSTALLATION DES MATRIELS SOLAIRES A OBO ET A BANGUI UNDP CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Nov-21 04-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85262 RFQ133-2021 for Finishing works on facade of replaced exterior doors and windows in 50 households in Municipality of Aerodrom [Lot 1 for 25 households), and Lot 2 for 25 households UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Nov-21 04-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85260 SOLICITAÇÃO DE COTAÇÃO RFQ-ST28.2021A - Obras de reabilitacao parcial MdS UNDP SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Nov-21 04-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85253 RMI NSP Data collection and monitoring consultant - PN/FJI/083/21 – Re-advertisement (#2) Fiji FIJI IC - Individual contractor 12-Nov-21 04-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85259 IC/UNDP/IFL/158/2021 - Senior Specialist for Financial Inclusion and Fintech Lending UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 18-Nov-21 04-Nov-21 HEALTH HEALTH 85257 726-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-RPP_Procurement of medical equipment for training for emergency technicians at the ambulance station UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Nov-21 04-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85258 Reconstruction of Municipal Shops in Bashiqa-Ninaw UNDP iraq office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Nov-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 04-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80960 Rehabilitation of Park in Karamles-Ninawa UNDP Country Office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Nov-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 04-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85226 779-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-RPP_Procurement of furniture for the Centers of integrated administrative and social services of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Nov-21 04-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85254 IC/UNDP/IFL/157/2021 - Youth Start-up Support and Partnerships Consultant UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 18-Nov-21 04-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85252 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA No.: COL-0000158598 -Diseñar, desarrollar e implementar un sistema de información web escalable y de alta disponibilidad, que contemple los módulos y requerimientos actuales bajo los lineamientos técnicos del Ministerio de Justicia UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 23-Nov-21 04-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85251 RFQ N°0044/BFA/PNUD -2021: Acquisition de matériels de renforcement en trois lots pour le centre d'incubation pour la ville de Ouahigouya. UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Nov-21 03-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85250 RFQ N°043/BFA/PNUD -2021: Conception et production d'outils de communication en deux lots _ PNUD Burkina Faso. UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Nov-21 03-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85249 Proceso No. COL-0000159072 - Apoyar la gestión de comunicaciones del proyecto Sello de Igualdad Equipares, en conjunto con la líder de comunicaciones del área de Reducción de Pobreza e Inequidad del PNUD. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 17-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 03-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85248 Network System for UNDSS New Building UNDP Country Office YEMEN RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Nov-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 03-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85247 Consultancy - Development of a Policy Brief of South-South Global Thinkers Network: Transformative power of South- South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) for digitalization Home-based Stateless IC - Individual contractor 23-Nov-21 03-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85246 Consultancy – Development of 3 Policy Briefs of South-South Global Thinkers Network Home-based Stateless IC - Individual contractor 15-Nov-21 03-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85244 RFP - Micro Assessments and Other UNDP Country Office GHANA RFP - Request for proposal 25-Nov-21 @ 02:09 PM (New York time) 03-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85245 National Consultant for supporting operation of the Office of the National Steering Committee on the implementation of the Strategy on sustainable development of Vietnam's (Ref. P211101) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 14-Nov-21 03-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85242 SDP-49-2021 Servicios profesionales para el Análisis Focalizado de Escenarios UNDP OFFICE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 22-Nov-21 03-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85241 RFQ/085/21 - Текущий ремонт фасадов административного здания Гиссарского государственного заповедника и Чаткальского биосферного заповедника UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Nov-21 03-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85240 Milk formula UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND (UNICEF) UKRAINE ITB - Invitation to bid 09-Nov-21 03-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85239 SDC 14/2021 ARG/Servicios Generales - Aires Acondicionados VRV PNUD Argentina ARGENTINA RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Nov-21 03-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85238 Proceso No. COL-0000158723 - Consultoría para liderar el diseño y la consolidación participativa del Modelo Regional de Ocupación Territorial de la RAPE- Región Central. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 17-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 03-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85236 IC/UNDP/UNODC/156/2021 - Senior Specialist for Public‐Private Partnerships Prisoners Reintegration Programme in Indonesia UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 18-Nov-21 03-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85233 National consultant for Training of Prison Officers Gambia GAMBIA IC - Individual contractor 12-Nov-21 03-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85235 JOF-3057-2021 Carteira de Projetos Estruturadores UNDP Brazil Country Office BRAZIL RFP - Request for proposal 01-Dec-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 03-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85234 RFQ/183/21 PREPARATION OF THE PRELIMINARY AND MAIN DETAILED DESIGN FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF A PART OF "MUSALA" STREET IN SARAJEVO UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Nov-21 03-Nov-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 85232 RFQMUS2021-015 Procurement of one Four Wheel Drive (4WD) Double Cabin Pick-Up Van UNDP Country Office MAURITIUS RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Nov-21 03-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85231 LBN-CO-ITB-292-21 Rehabilitation Works at El Buss Country Office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 18-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 03-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85230 Walkthrough Metal Detector to UNDP Aden UNDP Aden sub-office YEMEN RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Nov-21 @ 11:25 AM (New York time) 03-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85229 A national consultancy team of two members for technical Assistance for the Formulation of a Government's Decree on Digitalization of Social assistance self-registration, management and delivery UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 10-Nov-21 03-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85228 52-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-RPP_Current repair of internal premises and entrance group of Lysychansk Trade and Culinary Lyceum, Lysychansk, Luhansk Oblast, Ukraine UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Nov-21 03-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85225 CLOSED EARLY
IC/UNDP/IFL/155/2021 - Consultant for Integrating Mitigation Components in the Budget Submission for Agriculture Sector UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 18-Nov-21 03-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85223 CONSULTANCY FOR EVALUATION OF UN JOINT PROGRAMME ON CROSS BORDER COOPERATION FOR DEVELOPMENT IN LIPTAKOGOURMA REGION & FOR FACILITATING STRATEGIC RETREAT UNDP REGIONAL HUB FOR WEST AND CENTRAL AFRICA SENEGAL IC - Individual contractor 14-Nov-21 03-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85004 333-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-RPP: Production of video, audio and photo (2 LOTs) UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Nov-21 03-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85224 « RECRUTEMENT D'UNE ONG POUR LA PREVENTION DES CONFLITS INTERCOMMUNAUTAIRES EN GUINEE FORESTIERE POUR UNE ECONOMIE MUTUALISEE ET L'AMELIORATION DE LA GOUVERNANCE GUINEA, Office GUINEA RFP - Request for proposal 17-Nov-21 03-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85222 Consultant chargé de réaliser une analyse critique des faiblesses et insuffisances du cadre juridique et institutionnel de la gouvernance foncière en Guinée, ainsi que sa cohabitation avec le droit coutumier lié au foncier et à l'accès des femmes GUINEA, Office GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 15-Nov-21 03-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85218 RFP- Recruitment of Dedicated Expertise AfCFTA CHAD SENEGAL RFP - Request for proposal 16-Nov-21 @ 11:13 AM (New York time) 03-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85219 RFP 37-21 Upgrade of Software MESPH UNDP CO MONTENEGRO RFP - Request for proposal 26-Nov-21 @ 09:01 AM (New York time) 03-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85221 National Consultant for Terminal Outcome Evaluation on the Environment Sustainability, Climate change and Resilience Pillar, UNDP Tanzania UNDP TANZANIA IC - Individual contractor 15-Nov-21 03-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85220 International Consultant for Terminal Outcome Evaluation on the Environment Sustainability, Climate change and Resilience Pillar, UNDP Tanzania UNDP TANZANIA IC - Individual contractor 15-Nov-21 03-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85217 UNDP/PN/26/2021 – Round 2 : National / International Consultant for UNCT Results Monitoring and Reporting UNRCO NEPAL IC - Individual contractor 12-Nov-21 03-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85176 RFP 36/21 Development of Campaign on Digitalisation and e-Services UNDP CO MONTENEGRO RFP - Request for proposal 23-Nov-21 03-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85216 UNDP/RFP/32/2021 - Enhancing Local Leaders' Capacity for Adolescent and Youth Friendly Local Governance UNDP- Country Office NEPAL RFP - Request for proposal 22-Nov-21 03-Nov-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85215 RFQ 2021-55 : Fourniture et installation de réseaux informatiques et systèmes de vidéosurveillance UNDP Country Office TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Nov-21 03-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85214 BIH/RFQ/181-21 Supply, delivery and installation of Microscopes UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Nov-21 03-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85213 Solar systems foundation construction civil works. UNDP Country Office SOMALIA RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Nov-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 03-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85212 RFQ2021/WSM/049 Provision of Internet Connection, Mobile and Landline Telephony Services for the One UN House, Tuanaimato UNDP Country Office SAMOA RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Nov-21 @ 06:59 AM (New York time) 03-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85211 RfQ 134-21 Review of Technical Documentation for water filter plant in Pehcevo and wastewater treatment plant in Novo Selo UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Nov-21 03-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85210 L211101 - 02 National Consultants to identify, develop and complete standardized costs for biodiversity monitoring in protected areas in Vietnam UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 17-Nov-21 03-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85209 Recrutement d'un cabinet chargé de l'Accompagnement de l'Administration Burundaise pour la mise en œuvre d'une activité pilote de E-commerce UNDP CO BURUNDI RFP - Request for proposal 24-Nov-21 03-Nov-21 HEALTH HEALTH 85208 Call for Proposal Low Value Grant - Joint Study ADP and World Bank on Economic Analysis of the Use of Technology in Health Sector - Health Governance Initiative Project. UNDP Country Office Indonesia INDONESIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 17-Nov-21 03-Nov-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85207 715-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-SCR-3 DMS stations (re-announcement with changed Spec) UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Nov-21 03-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85206 Providing Spare Parts for the Dumpsite in Wadi Al- UNDP Office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 03-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85205 Appel à proposition pour la selection d'une institution financiere UNDP CO BURUNDI RFP - Request for proposal 20-Nov-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 03-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85204 Supply of Air Conditions for demonstration program Timor Leste TIMOR LESTE RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Nov-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 03-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85203 278/IC/RIO/2021 Recrutement d'un Consultant individuel national pour l'Analyse des textes législatifs et légaux qui ont une incidence directe sur l'intégration des obligations de la Convention de Rio dans les politiques et les plans sectoriel MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 10-Nov-21 03-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84631 792/IC/RIO/2021 Recrutement d'un Consultant national pour l'élaboration d'un Guide ou modèle de célébration des journées mondiales liées aux conventions Internationales relatives à l'environnement signées par Madagascar MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 10-Nov-21 03-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85202 830/IC/TRANSV/2021 Recrutement d'un(e) consultant(e) national (e) expert(e) pour la conception d'un modèle amélioré du volet Cash For Work (CFW) MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 12-Nov-21 03-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85201 Provision of Integration of Regional 2021 HRs Day UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFP - Request for proposal 24-Nov-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 03-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85200 RFQ - the Supply and Delivery of Electric Vehicles (SUV) Country Office MYANMAR RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Nov-21 02-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85199 Recruitment of a firm for Public Relations and Media Services for Sahel Campaign (Geographic Focus – 10 UNISS Sahel Countries) Senegal SENEGAL RFP - Request for proposal 16-Nov-21 02-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85197 Servicios de Auditoria Microevaluacion y Spotcheck UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE HONDURAS RFP - Request for proposal 29-Nov-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 02-Nov-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 84769 SOLICITUD DE COTIZACION: SDC-2021-020 Recursos Informáticos para SINIRUBE UNDP Country Office COSTA RICA RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Nov-21 02-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85196 PNUD/SDC-689/2021 – Adquisición e instalación de equipos de purificación de aire UNDP Country Office PERU RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Nov-21 02-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85195 PNUD/IC-651/2021 – Consultoría Actualización del Programa de Acción Nacional de Lucha Contra la Desertificación (PAN LCD) UNDP Country Office PERU IC - Individual contractor 24-Nov-21 02-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85194 19106-2021 INDIVIDUAL CONTRACT for "Consultant Policy Note -The analysis of the justice sector in corruption cases in Latin America and the Caribbean-". Regional Centre PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 29-Nov-21 02-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85193 IC2021/WSM/051 (READVERTISED) NATIONAL CONSULTANT TO CONDUCT A SCOPING EXERCISE FOR ACCERDITATION OF STANDARDS FOR CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANISATIONS WORKING IN THE AREAS OF GBV AND DV/IPV UNDP Country Office SAMOA IC - Individual contractor 17-Nov-21 02-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85192 RFQ2385 EU4MD Study Visit UNDP Country Office MOLDOVA RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 02-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85189 Hiring of Consulting Firm for Design, Feasibility Study and Construction Supervision of House of Justice in the identified area of Buba UNDP country Office GUINEA-BISSAU RFP - Request for proposal 19-Nov-21 02-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85191 4656 PAN 2021 SERVICIOS DE SEGURIDAD Y VIGILANCIA PARA ONU PANAMÁ BAJO UN ACUERDO A LARGO PLAZO (LTA) UNDP Country Office PANAMA ITB - Invitation to bid 24-Nov-21 @ 07:00 PM (New York time) 02-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85188 RFP-21-055 - Survey on genetic resources UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA RFP - Request for proposal 26-Nov-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 02-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85187 786/RFQ/PNA/2021 - Fourniture et livraison de meubles, matériels et fournitures pour la coopérative FILANTSOA dans la commune rurale Androy Kely, District Lalangina, Région Haute Matsiatra RBA MADAGASCAR MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Nov-21 02-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85184 Appel à propositions de projets d'investissement UNDP CO BURUNDI RFP - Request for proposal 29-Nov-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 02-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85186 Local Renewable Energy Planning Facilitator UNDP CO PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 12-Nov-21 02-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85185 Terrorism Prevention Workshop Organizer and Facilitator to support the Implementation of Projects on Screening, Prosecution, Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Local or Foreign Terrorist Fighters and their families, Inter-Agency Collaboration UNDP CO PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 12-Nov-21 02-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85183 RFP 729 Formulating the E-Commerce Development Programme and Action Plan UNDP Country Office SERBIA RFP - Request for proposal 19-Nov-21 02-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85182 Avis d'appel à propositions Appui aux initiatives de la société civile pour le développement local durable et la réalisation de l'ODD 16 au niveau municipal dans les gouvernorats de Médenine, Tataouine et Gabès TUNISIA TUNISIA Other 30-Nov-21 02-Nov-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 85181 RFQ 157-21 Supply and installation of groats making equipment Armenia ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Nov-21 02-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85180 CLOSED EARLY
RFP/2021/36: Mapping of Informal Economy in East Amman UNDP Country Office JORDAN RFP - Request for proposal 10-Nov-21 02-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84557 MyRFP2021-028 Development of Programme Effectiveness and Evaluation Survey for SMEs on UNDP's Business Integrity Training Programme. UNDP Country Office MALAYSIA RFP - Request for proposal 24-Nov-21 02-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85179 MNG/IC/2021/150 - National Consultant - Employment Promotion Coordinator UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 15-Nov-21 02-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85178 Товари для реалізації ініціативи відповідального батьківства в м.Рубіжне UNFPA UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Nov-21 02-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85177 Construction of Two Livestock Health and Welfare Centers UNDP Country Office TURKEY RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Nov-21 02-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85175 National Consultancy for Project Formulation (Improved Access to Justice and Rule of Law in Tanzania UNDP Country Office TANZANIA IC - Individual contractor 15-Nov-21 02-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85174 Rehabilitation of Three Wells and a Concrete Reservoir water tanks in Big Hatara Village-Telkaif-Ninewa Governorate - Iraq Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 28-Nov-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 02-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85173 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL - Mid-Term Evaluation KAMPALA UGANDA RFP - Request for proposal 14-Nov-21 02-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85172 LBN-CO-RFQ-286-21 - LAN Networking UNDP Country Office - LEBANON - LEBANON LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 02-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85171 RFP-UNDP-KW-2021-05 Security Guards Services Kuwait KUWAIT RFP - Request for proposal 30-Dec-21 @ 04:19 AM (New York time) 02-Nov-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 85170 Provision of Three Electric Forklifts-Damascus Syria SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 02-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85169 RECRUTEMENT D'UN BUREAU D'ETUDE OU GROUPE D'EXPERTS POUR EFFECTUER UNE ANALYSE DES CONFLITS DANS LA REGION DE LIPTAKO-GOURMA Regional HUB For West And central Africa - Dakar SENEGAL RFP - Request for proposal 17-Nov-21 02-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 84680 722-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-RPP UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Nov-21 @ 04:59 AM (New York time) 02-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85161 National Consultant for developing the citizen participation software UNDP Thailand THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 16-Nov-21 02-Nov-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85163 RFQ/BPDLH/GCF/00001/021/2021 – Penyediaan Barang dan Jasa Peralatan BPDLH-GCF 2021 UNDP Country Office INDONESIA RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Nov-21 02-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85168 RFP-131-IND-2021-Production of Short Film on Co-WIN (Winning Over COVID) India INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 16-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 02-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85167 UNDP-RFQ-2021-398 - Construction of Shelters Pakistan PAKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Nov-21 @ 02:30 AM (New York time) 02-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85166 RFP-Design and Administration of Lessons Learned UNDP CO, SEEDS Project ETHIOPIA RFP - Request for proposal 20-Nov-21 @ 06:47 AM (New York time) 02-Nov-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85165 RFQ-130-IND-2021 (Request for Quotation for "Re-designing of animation from .mpeg to .mp4 format, using contemporary graphics and illustration style) UNDP Country Office INDIA RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 02-Nov-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85162 Supply 30 Laptops and other IT Equipment UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Nov-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 01-Nov-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 85164 RFP-CHN-015 Youth Training and Course Design China Office CHINA RFP - Request for proposal 08-Nov-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 01-Nov-21 AGRO-INDUSTRY AGRO-INDUSTRY 85160 INVITACION A LICITAR PNUD-ECU-IaL-ADQ-21-159602 UNDP Country Office ECUADOR ITB - Invitation to bid 22-Nov-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 01-Nov-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 85159 UNDP/NGA/2021/108-SUPPLY OF VEHICLE SPARE PARTS FOR UNDSS UNDP ABUJA NIGERIA RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Nov-21 01-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 84590 Inclusive Innovations for Insurance Expert Pacific Multi Islands PACIFIC MULTI ISLANDS IC - Individual contractor 01-Nov-21 01-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84864 Technical Consultant; Financial Services and Products - Home based with travel across Asia UNCDF UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 10-Nov-21 01-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85158 Expert(e)s UNCDF en Securite Alimentaire et Nutrition/Financement des PME/Financement de l'economie bleue/Financement climatique, de l'economie verte et énergies renouvelables/Inclusion et innovation financières/Financement des Infrastructures locales UNCDF UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 30-Nov-21 01-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85151 UNCDF Roster of Consultants with skills in the focus sectors of Food Security & Nutrition / SME Finance / Blue Economy Finance / Green Economy, Climate Finance & Renewable Energy/ Financial Inclusion and Innovation / Local Infrastructure finance UNCDF UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 30-Nov-21 01-Nov-21 RURAL DEV'T.  (MISCELLANY) RURAL DEV'T. (MISCELLANY) 85157 Procurement of Tent Products and Life Containers UNDP Country Office TURKEY ITB - Invitation to bid 02-Dec-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 01-Nov-21 URBAN DEV'T. URBAN DEV'T. 85156 Recrutement d'une firme pour : APPUI AU RENFORCEMENT DES CADRES TECHNIQUES DES COLLECTIVITÉS TERRITORIALES DANS LES DÉPARETEMENTS DE LA GRAND'ANSE ET DU NORD-EST UNDP-HAITI HAITI RFP - Request for proposal 29-Nov-21 @ 07:30 PM (New York time) 01-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84938 CLOSED EARLY
PROCESO COL 0000158826 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultor en Ingeniería SGR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 08-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 01-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85155 RFP 2021-24 : Recrutement d'un bureau d'études ou groupement de bureaux d'études pour conduire une étude sur le cadre règlementaire et institutionnel en lien avec les risques de catastrophes et la gestion de la crise de la COVID-19 en Tunisie TUNISIA TUNISIA RFP - Request for proposal 22-Nov-21 01-Nov-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 85152 Call for Proposals for small project grants to support community-based projects Strengthening Integrated Sustainable Landscape Management Project in Enga Province, Papua New Guinea (Enga SISLaM) UNDP PNG Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 31-Jan-22 01-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85154 RFP-CONSULTANCY TO REVIEW THE COST OF BIODIVERSITY SUBSIDIES AND PROPOSE OPTIONS FOR BIODIVERSITY HARMFUL SUBSIDIES BOTSWANA BOTSWANA RFP - Request for proposal 12-Nov-21 01-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85153 IC - SME ACCESS TO FINANCE EXPERT UNDP country Office on behalf of UNCDF Myanmar MYANMAR IC - Individual contractor 11-Nov-21 01-Nov-21 HOUSING HOUSING 85150 RfQ 131-21 Procurement of furniture for Center for children at risk in Shuto Orizari UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Nov-21 01-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85147 INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANT FOR Consultant to conduct a comprehensive Capacity Assessment of the NEC and electoral stakeholders Liberia LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 05-Nov-21 01-Nov-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85149 RFQ 156-21 Procurement of tablets and accessories Armenia ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Nov-21 01-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85148 RFQ/MRT/007/2021_fourniture des équipements et matériels aratoires UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE MAURITANIA RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Nov-21 01-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85145 Rehabilitation of the Citizen Service Center in Do UNDP Office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 01-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85142 RFP (N-211101) 01 National Firm/Institution/Organization to organize the Golden Bell Challenge for secondary school pupils in Viet Nam UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 25-Nov-21 01-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85144 RFQ 2021/74 : Achat d'équipements de réaménagement et de restauration dans le cadre du projet de valorisation du patrimoine culturel et naturel et la promotion du tourisme dans trois municipalités du Sud de la Tunisie (Médenine, Beni Khedeche et Tataouine TUNISIA TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Dec-21 01-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85143 RFP-129-IND-2021 - Block wise Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment for select Districts in States of Rajasthan and Odisha UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 15-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 01-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85140 RFP-128-IND-2021 - Value Chain Analysis and Market Linkages in three districts of Karnataka state UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 22-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 01-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85141 RFQ/180/21 Construction works on the location Gradina - Prozor Rama Municipality UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Nov-21 01-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85139 LBN-CO-IC-291-21-Provision of services of an Environmental Journalist Country Office LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 19-Nov-21 01-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85137 RFQ-UNDP-KW-2021-006 Cleaner Kuwait KUWAIT RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Nov-21 @ 03:32 AM (New York time) 01-Nov-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85136 RfQ for Laptop & Accessories, Jabra Speakers and Acrobat licenses UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Nov-21 01-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85135 Rehabilitation of Municipality Shops in Sinjar Erbil IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Nov-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 01-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85134 RFQ-407-21: LOT-1- Rehabilitation of Sayed Hammid School in Hawija-Kirkuk Governorate LOT-2- Rehabilitation of Al Quraishia School in Hawija-Kirkuk Governorate Iraq Country Office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Nov-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 01-Nov-21 OTHER OTHER 85133 RFP-2021-048: Organizing YOUTH CO:LAB AUSTRALIA PROGRAMME 2021 Bangkok Regional Hub THAILAND RFP - Request for proposal 29-Nov-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 01-Nov-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85131 Design Consultancy Service for the Phase 2 of improvement civil works for the NDC Office in Gizo, Western Province Country Office in Solomon Islands SOLOMON ISLANDS RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Nov-21 01-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85132 NPL10-RFP31-2021 - Request for Proposal for RSLUP UNDP - CDRMP NEPAL RFP - Request for proposal 17-Nov-21 @ 07:15 AM (New York time) 01-Nov-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85130 IC/UNDP/RRU-RESTORE/154/2021 - Consultant for COVID-19 Social and Economic Impact on Households in Indonesia (International Consultant) UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 15-Nov-21 01-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85128 RFP-BD-2021-047-Hiring a firm to conduct a National Representative Study to understand & usages of various financial services and different thematic areas of Digital Financial Service in Bangladesh UNDP Country Office BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 17-Nov-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 01-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85127 Facilitador BRIDGE acreditado para desarrollar procesos de capacitación en el Órgano Electoral Plurinacional (OEP) de Bolivia UNDP BOLIVIA IC - Individual contractor 07-Nov-21 01-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85126 Facilitador Senior BRIDGE acreditado para desarrollar procesos de capacitación en el Órgano Electoral Plurinacional (OEP) de Bolivia UNDP BOLIVIA IC - Individual contractor 07-Nov-21 01-Nov-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85125 RfP for Piloting the establishment of women's leadership networks at provincial level UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 15-Nov-21 31-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85124 supply and installaion of ICT equipment UNDP Country Office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Nov-21 @ 09:01 AM (New York time) 31-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 85123 Fire Alarm System for UNDP Hodeida Office UNDP Country Office YEMEN RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Nov-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 31-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85122 Model Police Station Initiative - Falluja Police Station in Falluja City – Anbar Governorate- Iraq Country Office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Nov-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 31-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85121 UNDP/RFQ/39/2021 Request for Quotation for Supply and Delivery of Laptops, Desktop Computers, Printers, Scanners etc. for Nepal Post UNDP Country Office for UPU NEPAL RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Nov-21 30-Oct-21 AGRO-INDUSTRY AGRO-INDUSTRY 85120 RFQ/083/21-Поставка и установка системы капельного орошеня и поставка солнечных панелей / Supply and installation of drip-irrigation system and supply of solar panels UNDP Uzbekistan UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Nov-21 30-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 85119 SDP 115 MALARIA 2021 - GESTIONAR PAGOS DE INCENTIV UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE VENEZUELA RFP - Request for proposal 15-Nov-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 29-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 85118 SDC/00128273/149/2021 Adquisición de Material Promocional y de Visibilidad Oficina de País HONDURAS RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Nov-21 29-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85117 CLOSED EARLY
PROCESO COL 0000159317 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultor Junior Gestión de la Información. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 12-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 29-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 85116 RFQ-406-21 Supply of Equipment to Nimrud Electrical Substation for Testing Switchgears and Transformers, Nimrud, Ninewa Governorate,Iraq RBAS IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Nov-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 29-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85115 SDC-61-2021 "ADQUISICION DE SWITCHES PARA LA DIRECCION DE TECNOLOGIA DEL AYUNTAMIENTO DEL DISTRITO NACIONAL (ADN)" UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Nov-21 29-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85114 PNUD/SDP-671/2021 - Diseño y testeo inicial de la estrategia nacional de integración socioeconómica de la población refugiada y migrante y población de acogida UNDP Country Office PERU RFP - Request for proposal 17-Nov-21 29-Oct-21 FORESTRY FORESTRY 85113 PNUD/SDP-675/2021 - Análisis de los factores socioambientales que regulan la dinámica espacial del cultivo de coca en el país UNDP Country Office PERU RFP - Request for proposal 16-Nov-21 29-Oct-21 FORESTRY FORESTRY 85112 PNUD/SDC-674/2021 - Estudio de erradicación y superficie cultivada con coca en el Perú con nuevas tecnologías UNDP Country Office PERU RFP - Request for proposal 15-Nov-21 29-Oct-21 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS 85111 PNUD/SDC-679/2021 - Adquisición y procesamiento de imágenes de alta resolución y datos geoespaciales UNDP Country Office - PERU PERU RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Nov-21 29-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85109 Consultant pour le développement d'outils de vulgarisation et de modules de formation sur la loi sur l'assistance légale et les notions de garanties judiciaires UNDP HAITI IC - Individual contractor 19-Nov-21 29-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85110 PCI-106-2021 Servicios de consultoría para la evaluación final del proyecto de "Impulso a la Participación Política de las Mujeres UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 19-Nov-21 29-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85108 RFQ_66_2021 MACOMIA EPC PRIMARY SCHOOL LOCATION 1 and LOCATION 2 UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE MOZAMBIQUE RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Nov-21 29-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85107 IC NOTICE N°039/2021/PNUD-BFA/RELANCE:RECRUTEMENT D'UN/E CONSULTANT/E POUR L'ELABORATION D'UN MANUEL DE PROCÉDURE OPÉRATOIRE DU DISPOSITIF DE L'ALERTE PRECOCE ET DE PLAN DE RÉPONSE SUR LES CAS DE VIOLATIONS/ABUS DES DROITS HUMAINS Country Office BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 11-Nov-21 29-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 85106 IT equipment UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND (UNICEF) UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Nov-21 29-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85105 AVISO DE SERVICIO PARA CONSULTOR/A INDIVIDUAL 2021/1419 UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 19-Nov-21 29-Oct-21 HEALTH HEALTH 85104 RFQ_61_2021_Supply, delivery and Installation of Laboratory Furniture UNDP Mozambique CO MOZAMBIQUE RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Nov-21 @ 09:42 AM (New York time) 29-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85100 Consultoría Nacional para la elaboración del Proyecto de Estrategia de Diversificación Económica en Guinea Ecuatorial Guinea EQUATORIAL GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 12-Nov-21 29-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85103 INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANCY-HUMAN RIGHTS AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS ONLINE TRAINING MODULE DEVELOPER BOTSWANA BOTSWANA IC - Individual contractor 12-Nov-21 29-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85101 CHL/SDP/173/2021 "Aplicación Multiplataforma para Estudiantes Programa Inglés Abre Puertas" UNDP Country Office CHILE RFP - Request for proposal 29-Nov-21 29-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85102 "INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANCY-DEVELOPMENT OF A CIVIL SOCIETY DATABASE BOTSWANA BOTSWANA IC - Individual contractor 12-Nov-21 29-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 85099 RFQ-TKM-019-2021: Tender for selection of a supplier on delivery of analytical device - dust analyser UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Nov-21 29-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85098 UNDP-RFQ-2021-091- Acquisition de foyers améliorés y compris livraison ABIDJAN-CÔTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Nov-21 29-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 85096 RFQ-2021-096 "Purchase and installation of the X- ray inspection system for the inspection of baggage and goods (introscope)" Kazakhstan KAZAKHSTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Nov-21 29-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85097 EXTENDED: National consultant on assessment of production capacities of sewing workshops of the Blind and Deaf Society of Turkmenistan in Mary and Turkmenabat and provision of recommendations for reconstruction and procurement of new sewing equipment UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN IC - Individual contractor 17-Nov-21 29-Oct-21 HEALTH HEALTH 85095 Information campaign aimed at raising public awareness of the risks of foodborne botulism and disease prevention measures UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 19-Nov-21 29-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85092 RFQ_65_2021 REHABILITATION OF MACOMIA GOVERNMENT GUEST HOUSE UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE MOZAMBIQUE RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Nov-21 29-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84556 UNDPIRH-CFP-202106 Polish Challenge Fund Autumn Istanbul Regional Center TURKEY Innovation Challenge 20-Dec-21 29-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85093 RFP-127-IND-2021 - "Development of a National Roadmap on Assistive Technologies" UNDP India Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 16-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 29-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 85091 LBN-CO-RFP-284-21 - Voter Education Campaign UNDP Country Office - LEBANON - LEBANON LEBANON RFP - Request for proposal 01-Dec-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 29-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 85090 RFQ - Supply and delivery of ICT and Postal equipment UNDP country Office MYANMAR RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Nov-21 29-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85089 UNDP/PN/29/2021 Individual Consultant Procurement Notice for International Consultant for Provision of Technical Assistance to support institutional transition of Town Development Fund, Nepal for UNCDF UNDP Country Office for UNCDF NEPAL IC - Individual contractor 08-Nov-21 29-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85088 IC/UNDP/UN-PAGE/153/2021 - Senior National Consultant for Green and Low Carbon Development (G-20 Development Working Group) UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 12-Nov-21 29-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 85087 RFQ: Provision of Software Licenses UNDP Country Office GEORGIA RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Nov-21 29-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85085 IC/UNDP/UNODC/152/2021 - National Expert Consultant for the UNODC Guideline for Drug Treatment during COVID-19 Pandemic Implementation Study in Indonesia UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 12-Nov-21 29-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85067 RFQ/179/21 Design and Delivery of "Via Dinarica Trainings for service providers and hubs" UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Nov-21 29-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 85084 657-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-RPP_Procurement of special equipment (electronic information kiosks and queue) for Centers for administrative services UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Nov-21 29-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER UNDP-MD-00005,3 RfQ2366 Procurement of forensic laboratory equipment for Law Enforcement Project UNDP-MD MOLDOVA RFQ - Request for quotation 04-Nov-21 @ 10:30 AM (New York time) 29-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 85083 Consultancy Services for Pre-Incubation, Incubation, Post-Incubation and BDS Management Services on a Long-Term Agreement basis UNDP Country Office MALAWI RFP - Request for proposal 30-Jan-22 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 28-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85082 Consultoria Individual - Proceso No. COL 00000158972 -Apoyo en la formulación del Plan de Ordenamiento Territorial del Mosquera. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 10-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 28-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85081 ELABORATION DES PLANS D'ACTION DE DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE DU MNISTERE DE L'INTERIEUR Morocco MOROCCO RFP - Request for proposal 12-Nov-21 28-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85080 RFQ: Joint UN-Wide Syntheses of Evidence of SDGs' Achievements in Peace, People, Prosperity, Planet, Partnership UNDP Independent Evaluation Office UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Nov-21 28-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85079 896/IC/GOUDMADA/2021 (RELANCE) Recrutement d'un consultant Spécialiste en design, mise en page, illustration des supports de formation et sensibilisation du BIANCO Antananarivo Madagascar MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 25-Nov-21 28-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 85078 613/RFQ/PSPE/2021 Acquisition de vélos tout terrain pour homme et femme Antananarivo Madagascar MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Nov-21 28-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85075 Recrutement d'une structure locale (ONG) pour assurer l'appui conseil/accompagnement et la Formation continue des Comité Féminins de Gestion (CFG) des Plateformes multifonctionnelles pour l'autonomisation des femmes–Projet PTFM Coyah-Forécariah UNDP GUINEE GUINEA RFP - Request for proposal 10-Nov-21 28-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85077 PCI-105-2021 Servicios de consultoría para realizar la Evaluación Final del Proyecto. (Consultor/a INTERNACIONAL) UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 25-Nov-21 28-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85076 Acuerdo a Largo plazo para Mantenimiento de Equipos de Oficina de la Dirección de Pensiones No Contributivas del Ministerio de Hacienda Asunción PARAGUAY RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Nov-21 28-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85074 4599PAN2021 INFRAESTRUCTURA INADEH GUARARE Y COCLE PANAMA PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Nov-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 28-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85073 RECRUTEMENT D'UN(E) CONSULTANT(E) NATIONAL(E) CHARGÉ(E) DE L'ÉLABORATION D'UNE STRATÉGIE NATIONALE DE COMMUNICATION INCLUSIVE POUR LES NDC DE CÔTE D'IVOIRE, ACCOMPAGNÉE D'UN PLAN D'ACTIONS UNDP ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE IC - Individual contractor 11-Nov-21 28-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85072 PCI-104-2021 Servicios de consultoría para realizar la Evaluación Final del Proyecto. (Consultor/a NACIONAL) UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 25-Nov-21 28-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85071 SDC-62-2021 "Equipos de comunicación para la red de datos" UNDP Country Office DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Nov-21 28-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85070 Recrutement de deux consultants nationaux pour l'évaluation à mi-parcours du Document de programme de pays (CPD) du Gabon 2018-2022 UNDP Country Office GABON IC - Individual contractor 07-Nov-21 28-Oct-21 IMPORT/EXPORT IMPORT/EXPORT 85069 RFQ/NER/36/2021/Matériel de couture au PNUD Niger NIGER RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Nov-21 28-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85068 Consultant Humanitarian Affair Assistant cameroon CAMEROON IC - Individual contractor 11-Nov-21 28-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85066 Local Firm to Develop Communication Materials UNDP Maldives Country Office MALDIVES RFP - Request for proposal 14-Nov-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 28-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85065 IC - International Communications Consultant UNDP country Office MYANMAR IC - Individual contractor 07-Nov-21 28-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85064 PN(N-211002) A national consultant to provide technical supports in mangrove monitoring 2021 in Nam Dinh, Thanh Hoa, Quang Nam, Quang Ngai, and Ca Mau. UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 19-Nov-21 28-Oct-21 POLLUTION POLLUTION 85061 CLOSED EARLY
185-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-RPP_ПРИДБАННЯ МЕТЕОРОЛОГІЧНОГО КОМПЛЕКСУ ДЛЯ ВИЯВЛЕННЯ ЗАБРУДНЕННЯ ПОВІТРЯ ТА СТАНУ ДОВКІЛЛЯ/ PURCHASE OF METEOROLOGICAL COMPLEX FOR THE DETECTION OF AIR POLLUTION AND THE STATE OF THE ENVIRONMENT Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Nov-21 28-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85063 RFP- Cleaning Services KAMPALA UGANDA RFP - Request for proposal 21-Nov-21 @ 11:59 AM (New York time) 28-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85062 RFQ 155-21 Supply of hardware equipment Armenia ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Nov-21 28-Oct-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 85060 Procurement of hybrid SUV vehicle for UNDP Albania Albania ALBANIA RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 28-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85059 02 National Consultants to conduct a Terminal Evaluation of the Korea-Viet Nam Mine Action Project (A-211005 Readvertised) UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 16-Nov-21 28-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85058 IC/UNDP/UNODC/151/2021 - National Consultant for AML/CFT Professional Development System Road Map Delivery UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 12-Nov-21 28-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 85057 RFP 151/21-Providing professional services on developing design package for No. 74 Kindergarten (3 groups) in Erebuni administrative district in Yerevan, and positioning same design for No. 75 kindergarten in Erebuni administrative district in Yerevan" UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFP - Request for proposal 15-Nov-21 28-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85056 RFP N°21-2021/PNUD/BFA RELANCE: Recrutement d'un cabinet pour l'étude diagnostique du financement du développement pour le compte de l'Unité des Politiques et Stratégies du PNUD. Country Office BURKINA FASO RFP - Request for proposal 10-Nov-21 28-Oct-21 HEALTH HEALTH 85055 RFQ 026-2021-UNDP-UKR UNDP CO - UKRAINE UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 28-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 85054 UNDP-RFP-2021-393 Portal Development for PD UNDP CO Pakistan PAKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 11-Nov-21 @ 02:30 AM (New York time) 28-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85053 IC/UNDP/IFL/150/2021 - Green Waqf Framework Development – Expert/Advisor UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 12-Nov-21 28-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 85052 RFQ rental of strategically placed billboards. UNDP CO SURINAME RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Nov-21 28-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85031 SDC-47-2021 SERVICIOS DE REMODELACION DE BAÑOS DEL PRIMER NIVEL DE LA SEDE DEL TRIBUNAL CONSTITUCIONAL UNDP Country Office DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Nov-21 28-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85051 IAL/PNUD/GNQ/21.006: Adquisición de materiales informáticos UNDP GE EQUATORIAL GUINEA ITB - Invitation to bid 15-Nov-21 28-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85050 ETH3007 – Recruitment of National consultant for MOF GCF Accreditation Upgrading UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 25-Nov-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 28-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85046 ETH2824: Recruitment of Consultant to Conduct Capacity Assessment on the Implementation of Social Environmental Standards for UNDP Ethiopia Country Programme UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 10-Nov-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 28-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85049 DCRL/RFP/002/2021-Review and Update Project Baseline of Developing Climate Resilient Livelihoods in Vulnerable watersheds in Nepal UNDP-DCRL NEPAL RFP - Request for proposal 14-Nov-21 28-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85048 DCRL/RFP/003/2021 -Assessment of the Majhi Community's Livelihoods to Promote Traditional Watershed Friendly Practices and the Mapping Local Institutions UNDP-DCRL NEPAL RFP - Request for proposal 14-Nov-21 28-Oct-21 LIVESTOCK LIVESTOCK 85045 785/RFQ/PACARC/2021 - Fourniture et livraison de petits ruminants et de matériaux de construction de chèvrerie pour la Commune de Tranovaho District de Beloha, et la Commune d'Imongy District de Tsihombe dans le cadre du projet PACARC dans COUNTRY OFFICE - MADAGASCAR MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Nov-21 28-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 85047 Construction of 11kV SC Over Head Transmission UNDP Country Office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Nov-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 28-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85044 RFQ-078-2021 UNDP Country Office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 28-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 85043 JAVNI POZIV ZA PODNOŠENJE PROJEKTNIH PRIJEDLOGA ORGANIZACIJA CIVILNOG DRUŠTVA (OCD) U SKLOPU PROJEKTA „STVARANJE POVOLJNIJEG OKRUŽENJA ZA CIVILNO DRUŠTVO" (EMBRACE) - PRODUZETAK ROKA ZA DOSTAVU! UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 26-Nov-21 28-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85042 RfQ 132-21 Review of Detailed design for reconstruction and adaptation with improvement of PHI General hospital Gostivar UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Nov-21 28-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 85041 Брендовані товари UNFPA UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Nov-21 28-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84782 sélection d'un(e) consultant(e) international(e) chargé(e) de l'élaboration des manuels et guide de formation dans le cadre du projet d'appui à la lutte contre la corruption en République démocratique du Congo UNDP DRC CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 05-Nov-21 28-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85040 IC/00080822/147/2021 - Consultoria Producción de Videos Tutoriales Institucional para Herramientas Digitales. Oficina de Pais HONDURAS IC - Individual contractor 08-Nov-21 28-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85039 RFP 35/21 Maintenance of Servers and Networks UNDP CO MONTENEGRO RFP - Request for proposal 17-Nov-21 28-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85034 RFP-2021-046 Virtual Policy Innovation Platform UNDP Thailand THAILAND RFP - Request for proposal 03-Dec-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 28-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85038 RFQ-125-IND-2021 (Supply of Business Series Laptop) UNDP Country Office INDIA RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 28-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84999 International Consultant to Support Virtual Mentoring Platform Development (Junior Consultant) UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 10-Nov-21 28-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85011 102874 - 118640 Technical Support to Implementation of the Developmental Housing Initiatives CO Saudi Arabia SAUDI ARABIA IC - Individual contractor 17-Nov-21 28-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 85037 851/RFQ/RMIICPS/2021 ACQUISITION, LIVRAISON ET INSTALLATION DE 200 LAMPADAIRES dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre de plan de paix dans le Sud, répartie en deux lots MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Nov-21 28-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85035 RFP-CDLG-2021-80 Analysis of mainstreaming Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at provincial and local level in Northern, Eastern, North Central and Uva Provinces in Sri Lanka. UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFP - Request for proposal 11-Nov-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 28-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85033 Recruitment of an international consultant - Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Action Public Expenditure and Institutional Review SENEGAL SENEGAL IC - Individual contractor 09-Nov-21 @ 05:52 AM (New York time) 27-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84876 Consultoría Individual -Proceso No. COL-00000159036 -Servicio de consultoría para apoyar la realización del concurso para disminuir la informalidad en Colombia. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 10-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 27-Oct-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 85032 PRC/ZWE/RFQ/0048/28/10/2021 Request for Quotation for the Supply and Delivery of Seeds and Fertilisers UNDP Zimbabwe ZIMBABWE RFQ - Request for quotation 04-Nov-21 27-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85030 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA (SdP) No. 00106130 /5166 ASISTENCIA PSICOLÓGICA Y TALLER DE PRIMEROS AUXILIOS PSICOLOGICOS UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR RFP - Request for proposal 10-Nov-21 27-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85029 IC No: 00117646-1406 AGRO CLIMATÓLOGO PARA SISTEMA DE INFORMACIÓN AGROCLIMÁTICA, SEDE MARN" UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 10-Nov-21 27-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85028 IC No: 00117646-1404 CONSULTORÍA DE UN TÉCNICO EN APLICACIONES AGROCLIMÁTICAS. UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 10-Nov-21 27-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85027 Recrutement d'un(e) Consultant(e) national(e) Reporter-monteur-vidéaste professionnel pour la réalisation d'un film documentaire sur le Projet PTFM & Autonomisation des femmes de Coyah-Forécariah et sur l'axe routier Coyah-Pamelapou UNDP GUINEE GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 08-Nov-21 27-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 85024 Technical Consultant – Financial Services and Products UNCDF HQ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 10-Nov-21 27-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85026 IC 21 159053 Asistente en microbiologia UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 11-Nov-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 27-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85025 SEGUNDA CONVOCATORIA - 4467 PAN 2021 - Consusltoría para la inspección de los trabajos de suministro e instalación del sistema de luminarias tipo LED con paneles solares en el Complejo Penitenciario La Joya. Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 11-Nov-21 27-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85023 IC 21 158976 diagnostico gestion PCBs UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 17-Nov-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 27-Oct-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 85022 Llamado a Licitación 01/2021 - Venta Toyota Camry PNUD Argentina PNUD Argentina ARGENTINA Other 12-Nov-21 27-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85021 PROCESO COL 0000158930 Acuerdo de Largo Plazo para la provisión de Servicios de Spot Check para PNUD y Agencias del Sistema de Naciones Unidas en Colombia UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 10-Nov-21 27-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85020 JOF 3101-2021 Plataforma Socioeducativo Brasil UNDP Country Office BRAZIL RFP - Request for proposal 29-Nov-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 27-Oct-21 INDUSTRY INDUSTRY 85019 4616 PAN 2021 Suministro de Insumos para los cursos del Área Textil del Instituto Nacional de Formación Profesional y Capacitación para el Desarrollo Humano (INADEH) a nivel nacional PANAMA PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Nov-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 27-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 85018 4614 PAN 2021 Herramientas e insumos para los cursos de Plomería Domiciliaria del Instituto Nacional de Formación Profesional y Capacitación para el Desarrollo Humano (INADEH) a nivel nacional. PANAMA PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Nov-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 27-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85016 IC NOTICE N°050/2021/PNUD-BFA/ONUHABITAT: Recrutement d'un Consultant(e) chargé des Achats/Approvisionnement Country Office BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 10-Nov-21 27-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85015 UNDP/NGA/2021/107-SUPPLY OF LAPTOPS AND ACCESSORIES UNDP ABUJA NIGERIA RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Nov-21 27-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85013 Re-announcement RFQ-UNDP-UNCITY CPH 2021- Coffee Vending Machines and Consumables Supply UNDP Common Services DENMARK RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Nov-21 27-Oct-21 TOURISM TOURISM 85012 RFP for the conduct of the Kosovo Tourism Brand re UNDP Kosovo Kosovo, UNSCR 1244 (1999) RFP - Request for proposal 10-Nov-21 @ 11:30 AM (New York time) 27-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85010 International Consultant - support partnerships and youth programme development (Junior Consultant) Bangkok Regional Hub THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 11-Nov-21 27-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85009 UNDP-RFP-2021-104 CONNEXION INTERNET BACK-UP DU BUREAU ABIDJAN-CÔTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE RFP - Request for proposal 09-Nov-21 27-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 85008 Web Content and Website Design and enhancement UNDP Country Office BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 15-Nov-21 @ 05:30 AM (New York time) 27-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85007 Providing Technical Support for ISA's Investment Series - (RFP No.: 1/10/2021-ISA) UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 24-Nov-21 27-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 85006 BIH/RFQ-178-21 DEVELOPMENT OF FEASIBILITY STUDY AND ENERGY AUDIT FOR PUBLIC LIGHTING IN SARAJEVO CANTON (ILIDŽA-VIJEĆNICA) UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Nov-21 27-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 85003 Recrutement d'un cabinet pour la réalisation des vidéos éducatives pour les classes de 6e et 3e UNDP Togo, RBA TOGO RFP - Request for proposal 12-Nov-21 27-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85005 National Team Member to conduct a review and assessment of legal framework and policies UNDP Country Office VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 04-Nov-21 27-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85002 Individual Contractor (IC) Policy Research: conduct baseline and needs assessment of youth participation in the Arab region RBAS Regional Hub Office in Amman JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 03-Nov-21 27-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 85001 National Consultant to Support Review/Evaluation of the National Action Plan for PWDs Inclusion 2018 – 2022, Identify Gaps and Update Next NAP for the Period 2023 – 2027 UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 08-Nov-21 27-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 85000 RFQ/177/21 Construction works on the location "Čečava" - Teslić Municipality UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Nov-21 27-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84997 RfQ 130-21 Construction works for regular maintenance works and incorporating energy efficiency measures of 16 households in Municipality of Aerodrom [Lot 2, Lot 3, and Lot 4 - RETENDER] UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Nov-21 27-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84998 International Consultant to Support Review/Evaluation of the National Action Plan for PWDs Inclusion 2018 – 2022, Identify Gaps and Update Next NAP for the Period 2023 - 2027 UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 08-Nov-21 27-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84993 RECRUTEMENT D'UN PRESTATAIRE POUR LA REALISATION DES TRAVAUX DE CONSTRUCTION DU SAS-PARLOIR DE LA PRISON DE BERBERATI EN TROIS (03) LOTS UNDP CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Nov-21 27-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84996 International Consultant - Pacific Blue Economy Coordinator Bangkok Regional Hub THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 10-Nov-21 27-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84995 RFP-098-PHL-2021: Services of a Firm to Conduct Baseline Study for "Preventing Violent Extremism through Promoting Tolerance and Respect for Diversity" in the Philippines Philppines PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 10-Nov-21 27-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84994 RFP-099-PHL-2021 - Services of a Firm for Citizen Science to Monitor and Assess Plastic Waste. Philippines PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 09-Nov-21 27-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84992 RFP-2021-045 Data Visualization of Youth Policy UNDP Thailand THAILAND RFP - Request for proposal 09-Nov-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 27-Oct-21 HEALTH HEALTH 84991 UNDP/RFQ/FJI/025/2021 - Desktop Computers and Laptops to Ministry of Health, Vanuatu UNDP Pacific Office in Fiji FIJI RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Nov-21 26-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84989 Solicitud de Propuesta - SDP/118273/729/2021 - Consultoría para la identificación de procesos, flujos y gestión de la información como base para el desarrollo del Sistema Integral de Gestión Forestal (SIGF) Paraguay CO PARAGUAY RFP - Request for proposal 12-Nov-21 26-Oct-21 HEALTH HEALTH 84990 Custom clearance and inland transportation services PSU KL on behalf of UNDP Cambodia CAMBODIA RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Nov-21 26-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84988 Convocatoria "ACCIONES DE CONSERVACIÓN Y PRESERVACIÓN DE LOS PÁRAMOS" UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA Other 22-Nov-21 26-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84987 Convocatoria "CUIDADORAS Y CUIDADORES DEL AGUA" UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA Other 22-Nov-21 26-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84986 SDC 077 PNUD 2021. SERVICIOS LOGISTICOS DE TRANSPORTE Y DISTRIBUCION DE BIENES ADQUIRIDOS EN EL MARCO DEL PROGRAMA DE MALARIA UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE VENEZUELA RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Nov-21 26-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84985 Convocatoria AMIGAS Y AMIGOS DEL CLIMA UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA Other 22-Nov-21 26-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84984 01 National Consultant for formulation of a Project Identification Form (PIF) on integrated coastal management/marine spatial planning in Viet Nam (Ref. P211004) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 09-Nov-21 26-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84983 National Consultant to Develop training of trainers on Vietnamese Legal Code (Ref.P211003) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 10-Nov-21 26-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84982 RECRUTEMENT D'UN CONSULTANT MODERATEUR POUR LE COMPTE DU PROJET PAPE AU BURKINA FASO Country Office BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 01-Nov-21 26-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84981 02 National Consultants to Conduct an assessment of the situation of civil status registration for children of Vietnamese women with foreigners and Vietnamese women in their marriage relations with foreigners who are returning back in VN (Ref.P211002) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 10-Nov-21 26-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84980 ITB-LBY-CO-2021-10743-TRAVEL MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO UNDP LIBYA UNDP Country Office LIBYA ITB - Invitation to bid 15-Nov-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 26-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84979 National Consultant - Study on the Evaluation of Sector-wise Contribution to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Liberia. UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 02-Nov-21 26-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84978 LBN-CO-ITB-290-21 Basements Rehab in Taamir UNDP Country Office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 16-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 26-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84951 Replacement of two Passenger Elevators at UN House UNDP Country Office LESOTHO RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Nov-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 26-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84912 ACHAT ARTICLES DE VISIBILITE ECA UNDP Country Office CONGO RFQ - Request for quotation 31-Oct-21 @ 10:18 AM (New York time) 26-Oct-21 HEALTH HEALTH 84976 RFQ-035-2021 EQUIPEMENTS MEDICAUX ET REACTIFS DE LABO Niger NIGER RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Nov-21 26-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84975 Un.e Consultant(e) national(e )– Appui en encadrement et formation en fact checking TUNISIA TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 19-Nov-21 26-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84974 RFQ 153-21 Procurement of hybrid SUV vehicle for UNDP Armenia Armenia ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Nov-21 26-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84973 SELECTION DE DEUX (02) PRESTATAIRES POUR LA FOURNITURE DES SERVICES TELEPHONIQUES ET DE INTERNET MOBILE AU PNUD GUINEE DANS LE CADRE D'UN CONTRAT A LONG TERME (LTA) GUINEA, Office GUINEA RFP - Request for proposal 30-Nov-21 26-Oct-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 84972 RFQ/082/21 – Supply of Electric Vehicle (EV) and Portable Fast Charging station/Поставка электромобиля (EV) и портативной станции быстрой зарядки UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Nov-21 26-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84970 RFQ/UNDP/Ramp construction service center/ 2021/0067 UNDP Liberia Country Office LIBERIA RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Nov-21 26-Oct-21 HEALTH HEALTH 84971 RFQ/176/21 Supply and Delivery of Stationary defibrillators - amendment and extension of deadline!!! UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Nov-21 26-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84969 National Consultant to map Youth-led organizations and ecosystem in Kenya Country Office KENYA RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Nov-21 26-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84953 Predictive Analytics Consultant United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Bangk THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 09-Nov-21 26-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84968 Small-Grant Opportunity Call - To support the resumption or development of non-agricultural micro-entrepreneurship / entrepreneurship by socially vulnerable individuals or families UNDP Country Office ARMENIA Other 10-Nov-21 26-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84966 02 National Consultants and 01 International Consultant to Develop Rule/Regulation on court-annexed dialogue and mediation (A-211004) UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 09-Nov-21 26-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84967 Provision of Server equipment including construction server room UNDP CO YEMEN RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Nov-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 26-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 84965 RFQ/175/21 Supply and delivery of IT equipment UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Nov-21 26-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84964 IC NOTICE N°049/2021/PNUD-BFA/RELANCE: Recrutement d'un(e) consultant(e) international expert en Imprimé électoraux Country Office BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 03-Nov-21 26-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84963 Extension: MNG/IC/2021/146 - Review of the National Environmental and Social Safeguards and legal environment UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 17-Nov-21 26-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84962 RFP-2021-083 "Installation and pilot of water measurement device for the irrigation water supply system and automatization of vertical drainage wells" Казахстан KAZAKHSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 29-Nov-21 26-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 84961 RFQ73/2021/Des Travaux d'aménagement des pistes et des accès afin de faciliter le transport et l'installation des six (06) stations de mesures du vent TUNISIA TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Nov-21 26-Oct-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 84960 Supply of Electric Vehicle to UNDP office UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Nov-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 26-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84959 RFQ/147/21 supply and delivery of office suppplies UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Nov-21 26-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84958 RFP-2021-075 "Services for the development of a design project for the arrangement and the implementation of works on the arrangement of 3 pilot tour routes in Katon-Karagai, Sairam-Ugam and "Kulsay kulderi" national natural parks" Kazakhstan KAZAKHSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 09-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 26-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84948 Supply Delivery Installation of Generator 350KVA UNDP country Office MYANMAR RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Nov-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 26-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84956 3-2021-RFI-RPP_ REQUEST FOR INFORMATION (RFI) FROM CSO/NGO UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFI - Request for Information 21-Nov-21 26-Oct-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 84957 Procurement of Mobile Clinics UNDP Country Office IRAN ITB - Invitation to bid 29-Nov-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 26-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84954 UNDPIRH-ITB-202125- Provision of Event Management Istanbul Regional Center TURKEY ITB - Invitation to bid 14-Nov-21 @ 04:00 PM (New York time) 26-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84955 RFQ/2021/27: Portable Air quality monitors UNDP Country Office JORDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Nov-21 26-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84952 Environmental Goods and Services (EGS) – Circular Economy Expert (International) UNDP MYANMAR IC - Individual contractor 04-Nov-21 26-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84950 RFP-2021-UNDP-MMR-PN-044 UNDP Country Office MYANMAR RFP - Request for proposal 08-Nov-21 @ 07:12 AM (New York time) 26-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84942 RFP-CHN-013 Youth Training and Course Design China Office CHINA RFP - Request for proposal 01-Nov-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 26-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84949 RFP-2021-UNDP-MMR-PN-043 UNDP Country Office MYANMAR RFP - Request for proposal 12-Nov-21 @ 07:12 AM (New York time) 26-Oct-21 WATER SUPPLY  (POTABLE) WATER SUPPLY (POTABLE) 84947 RFQ-Canal cleaning and Tools for Mazar and Kunduz UNDP Co AFGHANISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Nov-21 @ 07:30 AM (New York time) 26-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84946 Consultancy for Food Security, National Expert, RE_ADV_IC_PNG_057_2021 UNDP PNG Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 01-Nov-21 26-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84945 L211008 - 02 National Consultants to access the potential and adaptability of the solutions of the Ending Plastic Pollution Innovation Challenge (EPPIC) at the provincial and national level and suggest suitable policy recommendations UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 02-Nov-21 26-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84944 RFP 2021-85 FACTORING LEASING OPERATIONS UNDP Kyrgyzstan KYRGYZSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 03-Dec-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 26-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84943 L211007 - 02 National Consultants to develop a legal handbook and leaflet on securing performance of obligations and registration of secured measures to increase legal awareness and promote credit access for poor women and ethnic minorities UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 02-Nov-21 26-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84941 CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL - PROCESO COL 0000158798 - Formador especializado en Derecho Penal para el desarrollo de contenidos de curso E-learning UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 09-Nov-21 @ 08:13 PM (New York time) 25-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84872 PNUD/SDP-605/2021 – Desarrollo e implementación de programas de capacitación para Gobiernos Regionales UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE PERU RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Nov-21 25-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84940 Recrutement d'un Cabinet de formation Graphisme–Designer pour le compte du bureau de la Coordination du SNU (UN RCO) UNDP GUINEE GUINEA RFP - Request for proposal 04-Nov-21 25-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84939 CLOSED EARLY
PROCESO COL 0000158827 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultor Jurídico SGR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 08-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 25-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84937 4508 PAN 2021- Consultor/a especialista en Desarrollo y Creación de Unidad de Administración Integral de Riesgos. UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 08-Nov-21 25-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84935 RFQ -CLEANING SERVICES UN BUILDING Botswana BOTSWANA RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Nov-21 @ 09:11 AM (New York time) 25-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84936 IC 21 158552 tramites MERNNR UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 16-Nov-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 25-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84934 UNDP-SYR-RFP-077-021 for Media Plan for CULTURAL UNDP Syria Office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 09-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 25-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84933 ETH3002-International Consultant for a Study on Innovative Financing for Social Protection in Africa Regional Centre ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 08-Nov-21 @ 03:59 PM (New York time) 25-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84931 IC 21 158550 insumos tecnicos para procesos coord UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 15-Nov-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 25-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84932 RFP N°23-2021/ PNUD/PAPE:Recrutement d'un prestataire pour l'organisation d'une caravane de presse à l'occasion de la révision exceptionnelle des listes électorales Country Office BURKINA FASO RFP - Request for proposal 03-Nov-21 25-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84929 RFQ/LBY/PSJP/2021/076 Supply of Cooking Equipment for MOJ rehabilitation Centre in Tripoli, Libya UNDP Country Office LIBYA RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Nov-21 25-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84930 Recrutement de trois Consultant(e)s nationa(les)/(ux) en design de produits en accompagnement de femmes artisanes UNDP Country Office TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 21-Nov-21 25-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84900 IC2021/WSM/049 International Consultant – Gap Analysis of the Mobile Banking Systems in Samoa UNDP Country Office SAMOA IC - Individual contractor 08-Nov-21 25-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84928 Consultancy to develop Jamaica's National Transport Policy, Plan and Strategy. REGIONAL CENTER JAMAICA IC - Individual contractor 09-Nov-21 25-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84927 [EXTENDED] IC2021/WSM/050 National Consultant for the Needs Assessment of Women Market Vendors in Samoa UNDP Country Office SAMOA IC - Individual contractor 17-Nov-21 25-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84926 RFP/STRENGTHENING AFRICA'S BORDERLAND /2021/009 - Relaunched UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE LIBERIA RFP - Request for proposal 05-Nov-21 25-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84924 consultant national en charge de former et d'accompagner les cadres pédagogiques dans les centres de formations professionnelles TUNISIA TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 08-Nov-21 25-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84925 IC/00114412/141/2021 - Consultoria para Evaluación Técnica del Plan Nacional contra la violencia hacia la mujer en Honduras. Oficina de Pais HONDURAS IC - Individual contractor 11-Nov-21 25-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84923 Recruitment of International Consultant for the Environment and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for GCF funded project UNDP Ghana GHANA IC - Individual contractor 05-Nov-21 25-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84922 Recruitment of National Consultant for the Environment and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for GCF funded project UNDP Ghana GHANA IC - Individual contractor 05-Nov-21 25-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84921 RFQ/174/21 Rehabilitation works in Zenica and Laktasi UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Nov-21 25-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84920 Consultant national expert en GRD et en genre UNDP HAITI IC - Individual contractor 12-Nov-21 25-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84918 UNDP-RFP-2021-357- Management Consultancy To Conduct Orientation Sessions On Parliamentary Engagement, Sindh SDG's Framework, Pakistan National Human Development Report (NHDR) and Capacity Building for Bureau of Statistics (BoS) Pakistan PAKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 08-Nov-21 @ 02:30 AM (New York time) 25-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84919 RFQMUS2021-014: Procurement of multispectral drone and side scan sonar UNDP Country Office MAURITIUS RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Nov-21 25-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84917 UNDP-RFP-2021-344- Developing of Digital Mechanism For Tracking and Updating Results Management Framework for SDG's Pakistan PAKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 08-Nov-21 @ 02:30 AM (New York time) 25-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84916 LBN-CO-RFQ-273-21 Print templates municipal pol. Country Officer LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 25-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84915 Услуги Консультанта по продвижению инструментов тестирования на ВИЧ, г. Cветлогорск UNDP Country Office BELARUS IC - Individual contractor 18-Nov-21 25-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84908 RfQ 128 - Preparation of Technical documentation for construction of a sports hall in the "Hristijan T. Karpos" School in Staro Nagoricane UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Nov-21 25-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84914 02 National Consultants to support the implementation of a data collection system for management of marine plastic litters (Ref. P211001) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 09-Nov-21 25-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84913 RFP 728 Energy Certification and Audits UNDP Country Office SERBIA RFP - Request for proposal 29-Nov-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 25-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84911 Providing Equip for the industrial school in Homs Syria SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 25-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84910 RFQ 2021-70 : Réhabilitation Du Nouveau Siege De L'instance Nationale De La Lutte Contre La Traite Des Personnes En Tunisie (INLCTP) UNDP Country Office TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Nov-21 25-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84909 Appel d'offres n° UNDP/RFP/2021/103 recrutement d'une firme internationale chargée de l'élaboration d'un plan de mise en œuvre des Contributions Déterminées au niveau National (NDC) de la Côte d'Ivoire Côte d'Ivoire COTE d'IVOIRE RFP - Request for proposal 10-Nov-21 25-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84907 Rehabilitation and Furniture for (Police Emergency Unit) and (Qabak Police Station)-Talafar District-Ninawa Governorate - Re-announcement Service Center IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 18-Nov-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 25-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84906 RFQ-396-21 RFQ-377-21 Upgrading COVID-19 Isolation Wards in Basra,Iraq RBAS IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Nov-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 25-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84905 Rehabilitation and Furniture for Ba'aj Court-Ba'aj District-Ninawa Governorate, Iraq - Re-announcement Service Center IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 15-Nov-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 25-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84904 Rehabilitation of Al Jamaliyah School-Riyadh-Hawija District-Kirkuk Governorate Erbil IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Nov-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 25-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84903 Home Gardening Equipment and Tool Re-advertisement UNDP country Office MYANMAR RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Nov-21 @ 01:30 AM (New York time) 25-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84902 RFQ: Provision of Refrigerant recovery tank, refrigerant recovery cylinder, mechanical Manifold Gauge Set, refrigerant charging scale, UV leak detection kit, refrigerant Identifier, refrigerant portable leak detector) UNDP Country Office GEORGIA RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Nov-21 25-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84901 Consultancy for Fisheries National Expert, RE-ADV- IC/PNG/057-2021 UNDP PNG Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 15-Nov-21 24-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 84899 Supply and Delivery of ICT Equipment for UNDP TL UNDP Country Office TIMOR LESTE RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Nov-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 24-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84898 RFQ for the procurement of assorted Tailoring, Bakery, Agricultural, Carpentry and Hairdressing Items UNDP Country Office SIERRA LEONE RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Nov-21 24-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84897 DRILLING WORKS SOLAR-POWERED DEEP BOREHOLE IN MON UNDP Nigeria sub office Maiduguri NIGERIA ITB - Invitation to bid 05-Nov-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 24-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84896 Leading the design and implementation of Business UNDP Syria SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 09-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 24-Oct-21 POLLUTION POLLUTION 84895 RFQ-ZIM-GF- 041-2021 REPAIRS TO INCINERATORS UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE ZIMBABWE RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Nov-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 24-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84894 Recrutement cabinet d'expertise internationale en développement SITE-WEB pour le compte du bureau de la Coordination SNU UNDP GUINEE GUINEA RFP - Request for proposal 05-Nov-21 24-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84893 UNDP-RFP-2021-389 Law firm UNDP CO Pakistan PAKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 08-Nov-21 @ 02:30 AM (New York time) 24-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84892 Recrutement d'un Expert Formateur National en Séquençage des virus : application au virus SARS-COV2 UNDP Algeria ALGERIA IC - Individual contractor 30-Nov-21 24-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84891 Recrutement d'un Expert Formateur National en " Douleur et Covid-19" UNDP Algeria ALGERIA IC - Individual contractor 30-Nov-21 24-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84890 Recrutement d'un Expert Formateur National en "CAVITE BUCCALE ET COVID 19" UNDP Algeria ALGERIA IC - Individual contractor 30-Nov-21 24-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84889 Recrutement d'un Expert Formateur National en " Phytothérapie et Covid-19" UNDP Algeria ALGERIA IC - Individual contractor 14-Nov-21 24-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84888 Hiring a Firm/organization for Comprehensive Design, supervision for Low-cost Housing in Noakhali'' Dhaka BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 07-Nov-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 24-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84886 Re-RFP-21-41-Hiring a firm to promote Anondomela for CMSME Entrepreneurs UNDP Country Office BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 07-Nov-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 24-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84885 Hiring a Firm/organization for Comprehensive Design,Supervision for Low-cost Housing in Kushtia Dhaka BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 07-Nov-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 24-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84884 Rehabilitation of Totally Damaged Municipality Sho UNDP Iraq IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Nov-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 24-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84883 Hiring a Firm for branding and communications (Re-advertisement) UNDP Country Office BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 31-Oct-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 24-Oct-21 POWER POWER 84882 LBN-CO-RFQ-288-21-PV ELCIR MKalles Country Office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 23-Oct-21 HEALTH HEALTH 84881 Supply of PCBS Screening Equipment and Test Kits UNDP ABUJA NIGERIA ITB - Invitation to bid 21-Nov-21 @ 11:59 AM (New York time) 23-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84880 RFP 2021-23 : Recrutement d'un bureau d'études pour la conception d'un indice d'inclusion numérique en Tunisie UNDP Country Office TUNISIA RFP - Request for proposal 15-Nov-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 23-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84879 CLOSED EARLY
PROCESO COL 0000158811 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultor Jurídico UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 05-Nov-21 @ 08:16 PM (New York time) 22-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84878 PROCESO COL 0000157136 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL CONSULTOR(A) PARA EL ABORDAJE DE LA TASACIÓN DEL DAÑO AMBIENTAL EN EL ÁMBITO JUDICIAL UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 05-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 22-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84875 UNDP-BMS-RFP-2021-011-Support Services UNDP HQ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RFP - Request for proposal 03-Dec-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 22-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84877 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA No.: COL-0000158415 -Diseño de estrategias de diferenciación basados en factores sociales y culturales en el marco de la Política Nacional de Minería de Subsistencia y Política de Género que permitan ahondar la inclusión social de l UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 17-Nov-21 22-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84874 Proceso COL 0000156655 Desarrollar la estrategia de acceso a servicios financieros a través de la implementación de la metodología Grupos de Ahorro y Crédito Local, en municipios de interés del proyecto planetGOLD Colombia UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 05-Nov-21 22-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84873 UNDP CYP RFQ 257 EID 10673 2021 - Assessment, Inspection, Prescription and Conservation Services in Churches and Similar Cultural Heritage Sites Cyprus CYPRUS RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Nov-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 22-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84871 PNUD/SDP-665/2021 Identificación y delimitación de hábitats críticos de las especies de flora y fauna silvestre UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE PERU RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Nov-21 22-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84869 Proceso No. COL-0000158058 - Consultor experto en bases de datos de información pública de contratación pública en tiempos de emergencia. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 04-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 22-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84856 IC/024/21 - National Consultant/Evaluation Team Assistant for Evaluation of UN JP "Youth for Social Harmony in the Fergana Valley" UNDP UZBEKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 05-Nov-21 22-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84855 IC/023/21 - National Consultant/Evaluator for Evaluation of UN JP "Youth for Social Harmony in the Fergana Valley" UNDP Uzbekistan UZBEKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 05-Nov-21 22-Oct-21 POWER POWER 84853 RFQ #22102021 Solar Panels Gabu (Bada) UNDP Country Office GUINEA-BISSAU RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Nov-21 22-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84868 RfP2381 Implement Migration Development Model TD UNDP Country Office MOLDOVA RFP - Request for proposal 25-Nov-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 22-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 84867 PROCUREMENT OF LAPTOP COMPUTER AND TONERS Sierra Leone SIERRA LEONE Other 26-Oct-21 22-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84866 SDP-660-2021 - análisis situacional sobre las dificultades y cuellos de botella en la ruta de atención de casos de violencia de género en los distritos judiciales de Cajamarca, Junín, Huancavelica y Lima Este UNDP Country Office - PERU PERU RFP - Request for proposal 09-Nov-21 22-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84865 Individual Consultancy - National Resident Engineer/Architect - LBN/CO/IC/289/21 UNDP Country Office LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 29-Oct-21 22-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84863 ETH3000-National Consultant to Conduct assessment of Jurisdiction of City Courts and Federal Courts in Addis Ababa, overview of the Role and Power of City Courts in Federal Countries UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 19-Nov-21 @ 03:59 AM (New York time) 22-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84862 Private Sector Partnerships Account Management consultant UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 04-Nov-21 22-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84861 Conseiller gestion des connaissances Energies Renouvelables Mauritanie MAURITANIA IC - Individual contractor 27-Oct-21 22-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84859 RFP129-2021 for design of innovative, comprehensive public awareness campaign, and media related content production for promotion of the Improving Resilience to Floods in the Polog Region project UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFP - Request for proposal 08-Nov-21 22-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84858 BIH-ITB-040-21 LED public street lighting UNDP Country Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA ITB - Invitation to bid 15-Nov-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 22-Oct-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 84857 RFP Development of Short-Animated videos of anti-c UNDP Kosovo Kosovo, UNSCR 1244 (1999) RFP - Request for proposal 03-Nov-21 @ 11:30 AM (New York time) 22-Oct-21 POWER POWER 84854 RFQ/081/21 - Поставка Комплектной трансформаторной подстанции сельского типа (КТПС) в Каракалпакстан / supply of Complete set of transformer substation of rural type to Karakalpakstan UNDP Uzbekistan UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Nov-21 22-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84852 Recrutement d'une Agence de Communication pour la mise en valeur et la visibilité des résultats du Programme conjoint des Nations Unies sur la coopération transfrontalière pour la région du Liptako Gourma MALI MALI RFP - Request for proposal 05-Nov-21 22-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 84851 Supply and del of IT eq 3 Lots LBN-CO-RFQ-282-21 Country office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 22-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84850 RFP-2021-089 Provision of services for the Development of Management Plans for 8 pilot forest conservation institutions/ Оказание услуг по Разработке Планов управлений 8-ми пилотных лесоохранных учреждений UNPD Country Office - KAZAKHSTAN KAZAKHSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 12-Nov-21 22-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84849 LBN-CO-RFP-281-21-PA solid waste management Country Office LEBANON RFP - Request for proposal 12-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 22-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84848 LBN-CO-RFP-283-21 - Website for Baalbek Governerate - Event ID 0000010749 UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFP - Request for proposal 12-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 22-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84847 Knowledge management and capacity-building support consultant - Fiji Fiji FIJI IC - Individual contractor 04-Nov-21 22-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84846 RfP for a Research on Human Trafficking in the Fishing Industry in Viet Nam UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 04-Nov-21 22-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84845 Javni poziv za predaju projektnih prijedloga u sklopu projekta Regionalni program lokalne demokratije na Zapadnom Balkanu 2 (ReLOaD2) na području općine Centar Sarajevo UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 23-Nov-21 22-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84844 Knowledge management and capacity-building support consultant -(Federated States of Micronesia, Kiribati, the Marshall Islands, Nauru or Palau)) Fiji FIJI IC - Individual contractor 04-Nov-21 22-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84843 Knowledge management and capacity-building support consultant UNDP Fiji Office FIJI IC - Individual contractor 04-Nov-21 22-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84842 RFP-124-IND-2021 (Request for Proposal for Building a brand name and creating a dedicated e-commerce portal for women artisans) UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 03-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 22-Oct-21 HEALTH HEALTH 84841 RFQ-JPP-2021-74 Supply and Delivery of Medical Equipment to District General Hospital in Mullaitivu UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Nov-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 22-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84840 Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Radiator and Automatic Changeover Switch and Civil Works UNDP TANZANIA RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Nov-21 21-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84839 T211010 - 01 National Consultant to lead all sub-teams of the national counterparts on logistic, reception and communication of the International Conference UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 27-Oct-21 21-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84838 T211009 - 01 National Consultant to lead all sub-teams of the national counterparts on substantive contents of the International Conference UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 27-Oct-21 21-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84837 IC 21 158563 Analista de planificacion ejecucion UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 04-Nov-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 21-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84835 SdP 21 158253 analisis riesgo climatico sector al UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 30-Nov-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 21-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84836 SDP/00120739/137/2021 Servicios para Inspeccion Puntual (Spotcheck)Realizadas por Proveedores Externos en el marco del Proyecto Asistencia a Trabajadores Independientes o de Cuenta Propia Afectados por las Medidas de Contingencia para la Prevención del Co Oficina de País HONDURAS RFP - Request for proposal 10-Nov-21 21-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84834 IC/00110454/139-2021 "DISEÑO DEL PLAN ESTRATÉGICO PARA EL FORTALECIMIENTO DE LA COMISIÓN INTERINSTITUCIONAL DE SEGUIMIENTO A LAS INVESTIGACIONES DE MUERTES VIOLENTAS DE MUJERES Y FEMICIDIOS (CISMVMF)" Oficina de País HONDURAS IC - Individual contractor 08-Nov-21 21-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84833 SDP/507/2021 Desarrollo e Implementación de un Sistema Informático de Gestión de Procesos para la DIREPRO Tumbes UNDP Country Office PERU RFP - Request for proposal 09-Nov-21 21-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84559 PNUD/IC-571/2021 Servicio de asistencia técnica a las Autoridades Regionales Forestales y de Fauna Silvestre – ARFFS del Gobierno Regional de Huánuco en el proceso de programación y formulación de su presupuesto multianual y demanda adicional para el per UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE PERU IC - Individual contractor 12-Nov-21 21-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84832 SDP/00080822/135/2021 Difusión de productos de conocimientos de la Campaña de Sensibilización, Nuevas Masculinidades en contexto COVID -19 Oficina de País HONDURAS RFP - Request for proposal 09-Nov-21 21-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 84831 IAL 5178-HYPERCONVERGENCE TECHNICAL SOLUTION UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR ITB - Invitation to bid 11-Nov-21 @ 01:00 PM (New York time) 21-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84830 4486 PAN 2021 - ADQUISICION DE EQUIPOS DE AUDIO Y VIDEO PARA LA GOBERNACION DE PANAMA UNDP Country Office PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Nov-21 21-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84829 PNUD/IC-573/2021 – Elaboración de documentación técnica MEF para incorporar meta al Programa Incentivos a la Mejora de la Gestión Municipal UNDP Country Office PERU IC - Individual contractor 08-Nov-21 21-Oct-21 HOUSING HOUSING 84828 SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF FURNITURE AND TOOLS AT BORN Nigeria sub office NIGERIA RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Nov-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 21-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84827 CI/114/ODS/2021 CONSULTORÍA DE ANALISIS Y MODELAJE ESTADÍSTICO DE DATOS UNDP Country Office VENEZUELA IC - Individual contractor 04-Nov-21 21-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84826 ITB-318-21R-Rehabilitation of 2 Distribution SS 11 UNDP IRAQ OFFICE IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 09-Nov-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 21-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84825 Regional Consultant Regional Office for West and Central Africa (ROSEN) - United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) DAKAR SENEGAL IC - Individual contractor 29-Nov-21 21-Oct-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 84824 RECRUTEMENT D'UN CONSULTANT CHARGÉ DE FORMER L'ADMINISTRATION CENTRALE À L'APPROCHE DE LA SÉCURITÉ HUMAINE UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE SENEGAL IC - Individual contractor 07-Nov-21 21-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83958 IC-21-156393 automatizacion difusion resultados UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 26-Oct-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 21-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 84805 RFQ/080/21 - Supply of ICT equipment for School in Karakalpakstan / Поставка ИКТ оборудования для школ в Каракалпакстане UNDP Uzbekistan UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 04-Nov-21 21-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 84823 Avis de recrutement pour d'un intégrateur de solutions d'archivage électronique de données et documents électoraux Country Office BURKINA FASO RFP - Request for proposal 29-Oct-21 21-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84822 UNDP-RFP-2021-380 WASH Survey UNDP CO Pakistan PAKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 15-Nov-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 21-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84821 ITB/LBY/PEPOL/2021/0000010742-Global Logistics Support OCV UNDP Country Office LIBYA ITB - Invitation to bid 05-Nov-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 21-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84818 PNUD/SDP-570-2021 Elaboración de línea de base y valor agregado de 3 indicadores UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE PERU RFP - Request for proposal 11-Nov-21 21-Oct-21 POWER POWER 84819 UNDP-SYR-ITB-076-21 Rehabilitating a 20kv medium-voltage network of 12km overhead lines in the Southern Rural region of Qamishli City as LOT 1 . Installation of street lighting devices in Taldo- Homs as LOT 2 UNDP Syria Office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC ITB - Invitation to bid 04-Nov-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 21-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84820 SDP-658-2021 - Diagnóstico situacional sobre la interacción de la justicia de paz con las autoridades comunales y ronderiles, instituciones y redes locales en la atención de víctimas de violencia de género UNDP Country Office - PERU PERU RFP - Request for proposal 08-Nov-21 21-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84811 RFQ-LBY-RFF-2021-072 - Production of Telemedicine Promotional Video UNDP Country Office LIBYA RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Nov-21 21-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84816 252-2021-ITB-UNDP-BMP - Construction of Kokul Border Crossing Point (BCP) in Farkhor District, Khatlon Region, Republic of Tajikistan UNDP Country office TAJIKISTAN ITB - Invitation to bid 10-Nov-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 21-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84817 Penilaian Kapasitas Lembaga Perantara (PENTAS LEMTARA) UNDP Country Office INDONESIA Other 09-Nov-21 21-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84815 SDP-659-2021 - Consultoría para realizar un análisis situacional con enfoque de género e intercultural UNDP Country Office - PERU PERU RFP - Request for proposal 05-Nov-21 21-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84799 IC/022/21 - International Consultant for Evaluation of UN JP "Youth for Social Harmony in the Fergana Valley" UNDP Uzbekistan UZBEKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 04-Nov-21 21-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84814 National Consultant to Develop an Induction Manual for New Amkeni Grantees Country Office KENYA RFQ - Request for quotation 04-Nov-21 21-Oct-21 POWER POWER 84810 RFQ/UNDP/OPS/Moonshot/033/2021 – Provision of Solar PV System UNDP Country Office INDONESIA RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Nov-21 21-Oct-21 HOUSING HOUSING 84813 RFQ127 / 2021 for pellets stoves UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 04-Nov-21 21-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84809 National Consultant to Strengthen Civil Society Organizations on Social Entrepreneurship for Organizational Sustainability Country Office KENYA RFQ - Request for quotation 04-Nov-21 21-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84807 Scoping Research on Digital Finance for Making Acc UNCDF SOUTH AFRICA RFP - Request for proposal 17-Nov-21 @ 02:00 PM (New York time) 21-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 84808 For the Provision and installation of IT equipment Syria SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 21-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84806 ETH2996-International Firm for Digital content development and support for a second phase of the Journey to Extremism in Africa study UNDP Regional Center ETHIOPIA RFP - Request for proposal 12-Nov-21 @ 03:59 AM (New York time) 21-Oct-21 URBAN DEV'T. URBAN DEV'T. 84802 Provision of Capacity Building on Urban Efficiency UNDP Saudi Arabia Country Office SAUDI ARABIA RFP - Request for proposal 21-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 21-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84803 Recrutement d' Consultant(e) individuel(le) pour l'élaboration d'une feuille de route pour l'actualisation de la stratégie nationale de l'économie verte et l'identification des secteurs porteurs et l'analyse du potentiel de développement UNDP Country Office TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 14-Nov-21 21-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84804 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL - CONSULTANCY TO UNDERTAKE CAPACITY BUILDING TRAINING FOR DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEMBERS Uganda UGANDA RFP - Request for proposal 10-Nov-21 21-Oct-21 INDUSTRY INDUSTRY 84801 RFQ 133675-2021 Achat matériels & équipements électriques de transformation agroalimentaires pour plateformes dans trois villages au compte du Projet PTFM Coyah-Forécariah UNDP GUINEE GUINEA RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Oct-21 21-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84800 RFQ 727 Procurement of Wood waste shredder UNDP Country Office SERBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 04-Nov-21 21-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84798 Development of Blue Economy strategy and investmen Guinea-Bissau GUINEA-BISSAU RFP - Request for proposal 29-Nov-21 @ 09:30 AM (New York time) 21-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84797 RFP-BD-CXB-2021-006-Hiring a consultancy firm to conduct Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) UNDP Cox's Bazar Crisis Response Office BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 07-Nov-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 21-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84796 RFP 146/21 Development of the design and estimate documentation package for construction works of a barn in Chambarak community of Gegharkunik region UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFP - Request for proposal 09-Nov-21 21-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84795 RFQ/2021/26: MOVABLE SHREDDER MACHINE FOR AGRICULTURAL WASTE UNDP Country Office JORDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 04-Nov-21 21-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84794 International Consultant - Employment Growth Bangkok Regional Hub THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 06-Nov-21 21-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84790 862/RFP/PNUD/2021 - L'APPUI DU PNUD A L'ORGANISATION DES JOURNEES INTERNATIONALES DES REGIONS SOFIA DU 28 AU 30 OCTOBRE 2021 - ANTSOHIHY RBA MADAGASCAR MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Oct-21 21-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84788 RFQ- PAL-0000158122 - Rafah Shoreline Protection UNDP/PAPP PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES RFQ - Request for quotation 04-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 21-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84792 RFQ119-2021 LOT 1 Engineering designs for landslides (LOT1.1 and 1.2) UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 04-Nov-21 21-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84793 Provision of IT Service to set up Computer Lab for 2 Public Schools UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFP - Request for proposal 16-Nov-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 21-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84791 International Consultant – Foresight & Scenarios (Climate Foresight) Strategy, Policy and Partnerships (SPP) team, UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 05-Nov-21 21-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84789 UPDATED----RFQ124-2021Engineering designs for stabilization of landslides Lot 2 ( LOT 2.1 and LOT2.2] UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Nov-21 21-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84787 RFQ125-2021 for Engineering designs for stabilization of landslides Lot 3 (LOT 3.1 and LOT 3.2 and LOT 3.3 UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Nov-21 21-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84786 National Consultant Urban Resilience UNDP Somalia, Mogadishu Office SOMALIA IC - Individual contractor 01-Nov-21 @ 03:05 AM (New York time) 21-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84785 SUPPLY OF FURNITURE AND ICT EQUIPMENT. UNDP Country Office SOMALIA RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 21-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84784 RFP/UNDP/MTRE3/157988/034/2021 - Study on the Indigenous Peoples Assessment and Chance Find Procedure Country Office INDONESIA RFP - Request for proposal 11-Nov-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 21-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84783 la sélection d'un(e) consultant(e) à l'expérience international(e) chargé(e) de la mise en réseau et du renforcement des capacités des organisations de la société civile compliquées dans la lutte contre la corruption en République démocratique du Congo UNDP DRC CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 08-Nov-21 21-Oct-21 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS 84781 Provision of Internet Services for UNDP Papua New Guinea Office on a Long-Term Agreement Basis (Re-advertise) UNDP Country Office and Projects PAPUA NEW GUINEA ITB - Invitation to bid 01-Nov-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 21-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 84780 Procurement of modelling software for hydrodynamics simulation around Mauritius, Rodrigues and Seychelles UNDP Country Office MAURITIUS RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Nov-21 21-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84779 Cash Based Intervention Under the ABP CO AFGHANISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 30-Nov-21 @ 07:30 AM (New York time) 21-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84758 « Fourniture d'outils de communication dans le cadre de la participation de Madagascar à la COP26» 825/RFQ/PNA/2021 RBA Madagascar MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Oct-21 21-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84778 RFP-2021-047: Strengthening the capacity of human rights defenders to engage grievance mechanisms in Asia Bangkok Regional Hub THAILAND RFP - Request for proposal 12-Nov-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 21-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84777 RFQ/2021/25: X-Ray Fluorescence detectors (XRF) for spot determination of brominated plastic material in e-waste (WEEE)" UNDP Country Office JORDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 04-Nov-21 21-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84776 MNG/IC/2021/145 - Research and Administrative Assistant for Support to medium-term development policy and planning process UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 04-Nov-21 21-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER UNDP-PSU-00018 Procurement of Laptop Computers for UNDP HQ Units UNDP-PSU UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Nov-21 @ 04:00 PM (New York time) 21-Oct-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 84775 Request for Quotation: RFQ-097-PHL-2021 - Supply and Delivery of Brand New unit 4 x 4 SUV Philippines PHILIPPINES RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Nov-21 20-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84773 « Offre pour fourniture et installation d'un Système d'éclairage et Recâblage électrique - RFQ/MRT/010/2021 » MAURITANIA MAURITANIA RFQ - Request for quotation 04-Nov-21 20-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84772 PCI-103-2021 Servicios de consultoría individual para la sistematización de los trabajos de la Semana Conmemorativa del Día Internacional Contra la Corrupción UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 03-Nov-21 20-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 84770 SOLICITUD DE COTIZACION: SDC-2021-019 EQUIPO DE COMPUTO UNDP Country Office COSTA RICA RFQ - Request for quotation 31-Oct-21 20-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84771 SDP-21-ADQ-157566 implementacion pagina web UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 24-Nov-21 @ 04:59 PM (New York time) 20-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84768 GRAPHIC DESIGN CONSULTANT UNDP CO SURINAME RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Nov-21 20-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84766 19078-2021 – Review existing CARICOM regional citizen security frameworks from gender equality perspective and to integrate family violence against women and girls, including family violence Regional Centre PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 23-Nov-21 20-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84767 ETH2991-National Consultant - Human Rights Monitors in Humanitarian Context UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 01-Nov-21 20-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 84765 RFQ N°41-2021/PNUD : Acquisition d'imprimante de grande capacité au profit de la CENI Country Office BURKINA FASO RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Oct-21 20-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84764 IC NOTICE N°050/2021/PNUD-BFA Consultant (e), Expert (e) National(e) en sensibilisation et éducation électorales Country Office BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 27-Oct-21 20-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84756 Recrutement d'un consultant international pour l'évaluation anticipée du Cadre de Coopération pour le Développement 2019-2023 UNDP Togo, RBA TOGO IC - Individual contractor 03-Nov-21 20-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84754 Recrutement de 3 Consultants nationaux pour l'évaluation anticipée du Cadre de Coopération pour le Développement 2019-2023 UNDP Togo, RBA TOGO IC - Individual contractor 03-Nov-21 20-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84763 Розробка посібника та тренінгових матеріалів щодо забезпечення ефективної підтримки працевлаштуванню постраждалих від гендерно зумовленого насильства (ГЗН) UNFPA UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Nov-21 20-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84762 RfQ2379 Re-advertised Works for Ungheni OSS UNDP Country Office MOLDOVA RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 20-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84760 MNG/IC/2021/144 - National Contractor - Designer UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 01-Nov-21 20-Oct-21 MINES MINES 84759 Invitation to Bid - Mining Equipment KAMPALA UGANDA ITB - Invitation to bid 07-Nov-21 @ 04:59 PM (New York time) 20-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84757 RFQ/173/21 Design and Delivery of "Via Dinarica Final Conference" UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Nov-21 20-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84707 102716 - Consultancy – Guideline for National Voluntary Carbon Footprint Programmes (NVCFP) USA UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 01-Nov-21 20-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84755 UNDP-RFQ-2021-387 Supply of Law Books UNDP-Pakistan PAKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Nov-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 20-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84753 RFP 2021-83 FINANCIAL ANALYSIS UNDP Kyrgyzstan KYRGYZSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 11-Nov-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 20-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84751 RECRUTEMENT D'UN CONSULTANT NATIONAL ARCHIVISTE – DOCUMENTALISTE UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE SENEGAL IC - Individual contractor 28-Oct-21 20-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84752 UNDP-SYR-ITB-079-21 Rehabilitation of the Sewage Net work Syria SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC ITB - Invitation to bid 03-Nov-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 20-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84748 Consultant (e) international (e) pour faciliter la préparation de la retraite de l'UNCT UNDP Country Office COMOROS IC - Individual contractor 03-Nov-21 20-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84750 RFP 147/21 Designing and Conducting Climate Change Trainings UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFP - Request for proposal 03-Nov-21 20-Oct-21 HEALTH HEALTH 84749 RFQ/172/21 Supply, delivery and installation of Elisa reader UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Nov-21 20-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84746 ETH2987 International Consultant o perform as Ecosystem Advisor/Consultant, timbuktoo UNDP Regional Center ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 10-Nov-21 @ 03:59 AM (New York time) 20-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84745 RECRUTEMENT D'UN CONSULTANT NATIONAL CHARGE DE L'ANALYSE DE LA VULNERABILITE ET DES CAPACITES DE REPONSE AUX URGENCES EN GUINEE GUINEE GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 31-Oct-21 20-Oct-21 HEALTH HEALTH 84744 RFQ/171/21 Transportation, storage and handling of Covid-19 vaccines for the needs of vaccination centers/health-care institutions in Sarajevo Canton - AMENDED and EXTENDED! UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Nov-21 20-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84743 Conception et impression du bulletin d'information AMAYAS UNDP Algeria ALGERIA Other 03-Nov-21 20-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84742 694/IC/PNA/2021 Recrutement d'un consultant national pour le « Développement des directives techniques pour intégrer le CCA dans le cadre budgétaire à moyen terme - CDMT, et le cadre de dépenses à moyen terme - MTBF aux niveaux national et sectoriel et fo MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 03-Nov-21 20-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 84741 RFQ2368 Seesac Selection of a company for procure UNDP Country Office MOLDOVA RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Nov-21 @ 09:30 AM (New York time) 20-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84740 T211008 - 01 National Consultant to support technical coordination of the International Conference on Sustainable Ocean Economy and Climate Change Adaptation UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 27-Oct-21 20-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84739 RfQ 120-21 Preparation of Technical documentation for re-construction of facade and roof of four schools in the Municipality of Caska UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Nov-21 20-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84738 RFP-115-IND-2021 -Re-advertise (Journey of India's National Action Plan on Business & Human Rights (NAP): Contributions of Civil Society, Businesses and Business & Human Rights (BHR) Experts) UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 27-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 20-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84737 ITB - Travaux de Construction du centre de Prise en charge Holistique des victimes des violences basées sur le Genre à Kayanza BURUNDI CO BURUNDI ITB - Invitation to bid 03-Nov-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 20-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84736 RFP-CDLG-2021-79 Conduct Social Innovation Programme through Design Thinking Exercises in 134 Local Government Authorities in the North, East, North Central and Uva Provinces in Sri Lanka UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFP - Request for proposal 08-Nov-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 20-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84735 T211007 – 01 International Consultant to support media coverage and communication of the International Conference on Sustainable Ocean Economy and Climate Change Adaptation UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 26-Oct-21 19-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84731 SRFP- Re-Ad Provision of Capacity dev strategy UNDP Country Office Timor Leste TIMOR LESTE RFP - Request for proposal 01-Nov-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 19-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84734 CI-060-2021 Servicio de Consultoría para apoyar la formulación de la agenda ambiental provincial en la provincia Bahoruco UNDP Dominican Republic DOMINICAN REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 29-Oct-21 19-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84733 CI-059-2021 Servicio de Consultoría para apoyar la formulación de la agenda ambiental provincial en la provincia Independencia UNDP Dominican Republic DOMINICAN REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 29-Oct-21 19-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84732 CI-058-2021 Servicio de Consultoría para apoyar la formulación de la agenda ambiental provincial en la provincia San Jose de Ocoa UNDP Dominican Republic DOMINICAN REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 29-Oct-21 19-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84560 PNUD/IC-572/2021 Asistencia técnica para la elaboración de la documentación técnica ambiental de la meta "Acciones de municipios para promover la adecuada conservación de los ecosistemas" a ser incorporada al Programa de Incentivos UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE PERU IC - Individual contractor 15-Nov-21 19-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84730 PNUD/IC-579/2021 - Especialistas en actividades forestales UNDP Country Office PERU IC - Individual contractor 05-Nov-21 19-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84729 PNUD/IC-578/2021 - Especialistas planificación territorial UNDP Country Office PERU IC - Individual contractor 05-Nov-21 19-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84728 PNUD/IC-577/2021 - Especialistas en actividades productivas sostenibles UNDP Country Office PERU IC - Individual contractor 05-Nov-21 19-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84727 PNUD/IC-575/2021 Consultores enlaces interculturales UNDP Country Office PERU IC - Individual contractor 10-Nov-21 19-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84725 IC 21 157704 planes de vida UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 22-Nov-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 19-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84726 IC 19073 - Consultor/a especialista en gobernabilidad democrática, participación política e igualdad de género. REGIONAL CENTER PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 04-Nov-21 19-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84723 SDC58-2021 CONSTRUC MUELLES FLOTANTES UNDP OFFICE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Nov-21 @ 04:00 PM (New York time) 19-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84722 CHL/IC/164/2021 "Consultor(a) para apoyar la implementación del plan de mejora del sector Procesos Industriales y Uso de Productos (IPPU) del Inventario Nacional de Gases de Efecto Invernadero de Chile" UNDP Country Office CHILE IC - Individual contractor 01-Nov-21 19-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 84721 SDC-60-2021 "ADQUISICION DE EQUIPOS TECNOLOGICOS PARA EL MINISTERIO DE MEDIOAMBIENTE Y RECURSOS NATURALES" UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Nov-21 19-Oct-21 POWER POWER 84720 Rehab Elect Net Alkhalis District Villages Diyala UNDP Country Office, Erbil, Iraq - IRAQ IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 10-Nov-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 19-Oct-21 POWER POWER 84719 Rehab Elect net UmAlkarami1-2 EayanlaylaDhaim Khal UNDP Country Office, Erbil, Iraq - IRAQ IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 10-Nov-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 19-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84716 SdC-21-ADQ-157281 adquisicion biorreactor UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Nov-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 19-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84718 4489 PAN 2021 – Consultoría para para el Diseño e Implementación de una Estrategia de Evaluación para los Programas de Transferencia Condicionada (PTMC) del MIDES en Panamá, República de Panamá. UNDP Country Office PANAMA RFP - Request for proposal 23-Nov-21 19-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84717 Proceso No. COL-0000157296 - Consultoría para elaborar y diseñar piezas gráficas, animadas y audiovisuales que apoyen la estrategia de sensibilización Colombia Libre de Mercurio, en el marco del proyecto GOLD "Gestión integrada para la eliminación del mer UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 02-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 19-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84705 CHL/IC/163/2021 "Consultor(a) para la elaboración de reportes ante la CMNUCC y planes de garantía y control de la calidad del inventario nacional de GEI de gases de efecto invernadero" UNDP Country Office CHILE IC - Individual contractor 01-Nov-21 19-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84715 Proceso No. COL-0000157291 - Consultoría para liderar el diseño, la armonización y la consolidación participativa del Plan de Ordenamiento Social y Productivo de la región central bajo el marco de los lineamientos del trabajo articulado entre el PNUD y la UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 02-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 19-Oct-21 HEALTH HEALTH 84509 ITB-ZIM-GF-040-2021 Sample Packaging Zimbabwe ZIMBABWE ITB - Invitation to bid 01-Nov-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 19-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84714 REQUEST FOR QUOTATION-LIGHT THE KAZUMGULA BRIDGE BLUE ON WORLD CHILDREN'S DAY BOTSWANA BOTSWANA Other 26-Oct-21 19-Oct-21 POWER POWER 84713 SDC/PNUD/GNQ/21.002: Adquisición e instalación de mini central de Energía Solar Foltovoltaica en el Municipio de MBOMO UNDP Guinea Ecuatorial EQUATORIAL GUINEA RFQ - Request for quotation 04-Nov-21 19-Oct-21 POWER POWER 84711 SDC/PNUD/GNQ/21.001: Adquisición e instalacion de Demostración Hídrica en BELEBÚ UNDP Guinea Ecuatorial EQUATORIAL GUINEA RFQ - Request for quotation 04-Nov-21 19-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84712 RFQ123-2021for for Preparation of Urban project for infrastructure for regulation of river Vardar in Municipality of Jagunovce UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Nov-21 19-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84710 625-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-RPP-Conducting a representative survey of the residents of conflict-affected communities and users of administrative services, provided at the entry-exit checkpoints (EECPs) and through a network of mobile administrative service cent Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 08-Nov-21 19-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84699 IC/020/21 - International Consultant on Capacity Building in Functional Review UNDP Uzbekistan UZBEKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 10-Nov-21 19-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84709 RFQ122-2021 for Supervision for Construction Works on Regulation of Bogovinska river UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Nov-21 19-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84708 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA No.: COL-0000157259 - Apoyar el diseño y diagramación de piezas de comunicación impresas y digitales, y la producción de videos, animaciones e infografías en temas ambientales y de cambio climático. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Nov-21 19-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84706 BBRSO157439:Records Management Consultant UNDP Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean DOMINICA RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Nov-21 19-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84703 IC/021/21 - International Consultant/Master Coach on Business Process Re-engineering UNDP Uzbekistan UZBEKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 10-Nov-21 19-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84704 Supply of Materials for Manufacturing COVID Supplies Batch 2 UNDP Country Office MALAWI RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Nov-21 19-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84702 RFQ/170/21 Presentation of climate change reports and documents of BiH by organizing two high level hybrid events in entity parliaments UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 04-Nov-21 19-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84701 RFQ - TPM/RFQ/02 - Conduction of a nationwide phone-based CATI survey in Uzbekistan ILO Uzbekistan UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Oct-21 19-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 84700 Office equipment-Thiết bị văn phòng (B-211003) UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Oct-21 19-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84698 Proyecto PNUD ARG 19/010 - "ADQUISICIÓN DE ANGIÓGRAFOS, TOMÓGRAFOS Y RESONADORES" PNUD Argentina ARGENTINA ITB - Invitation to bid 06-Dec-21 19-Oct-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 84697 RFQ 05-10-2021--UNDP-ICTA Huduma Whitebox Upgrade- GrEYAP Kenya KENYA RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Nov-21 19-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84696 CALL FOR PROPOSALS FOR GRANT COMPETITION UNDP Country Office GEORGIA Other 11-Nov-21 19-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84695 Impression du rapport d'activités 2020 UNDP Togo, RBA TOGO RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Oct-21 19-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84656 Recrutement de deux (02) Consultants(es) : Un(e) International(e) Un(e) national(e) pour l'évaluation à mi parcours du projet CPS. UNDP CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 01-Nov-21 19-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84694 ITB 123/21 Supply of energy efficient light equipment UNDP Country Office ARMENIA ITB - Invitation to bid 09-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 19-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84690 RFQ121-2021 for Review of Urban project for infrastructure for regulation of river Vardar in Municipality of Jagunovce UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Nov-21 19-Oct-21 HEALTH HEALTH 84692 UNDP/RFQ/FJI017/2021 - Supply of 6 x 7m Fibreglass Cabin Boats to Ministry of Health, Vanuatu UNDP Pacific Office in Fiji FIJI RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Nov-21 19-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 84693 RFQ/169/21 Supply and delivery of IT equipment UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Oct-21 19-Oct-21 HEALTH HEALTH 84689 UNDP/RFQ/FJI/027/2021 - Supply of 40hp and 15hp 2 Stroke Outboard Motor Engines to Ministry of Health, Vanuatu UNDP Pacific Office in Fiji FIJI RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Nov-21 19-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84685 RFQ- PAL-0000158123 - Gaza Shoreline Protection UNDP/PAPP PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES RFQ - Request for quotation 31-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 19-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84688 RFQ118-2021 for Engineering Review of Basic Design Project for redesigning the corridor of the quay of Vardar River UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Oct-21 19-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84687 ETH2986-National Consultant/Human Rights Officer to Strengthen Human Rights Integration into the CEWS and RECs Tools and Frameworks UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 01-Nov-21 @ 03:59 PM (New York time) 19-Oct-21 FISHERIES FISHERIES 84686 Supply and delivery of Motorcycles UNDP TANZANIA RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Oct-21 19-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84681 RFP-BD-CXB-2021-006-Hiring a consultancy firm to conduct Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Bangladesh BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 01-Nov-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 19-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83730 TRAVAUX DE LA CONSTRUCTION DE LA MAISON DE LA FEMME A MBAIKI UNDP CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Oct-21 19-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84684 Supply Equipment for Building of Training Center- UNDP iraq office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Nov-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 19-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84682 UNDP-IC-2021-386; Services of Individual Contractor - Moderator/Facilitator to moderate/facilitate conferences, workshops, and consultative sessions UNDP Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 03-Nov-21 19-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84679 ITB-364-21- Rehabilitation of Al-Hasudiya Compact Unit (50m3hr), Supply and Installation of Equipment-Namroud-Ninewa Governorate Iraq Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 08-Nov-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 19-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84678 IC2021/WSM/048 National Consultant to Develop the Concept Note for Women in Leadership in Samoa (WILS) Project Phase II UNDP Country Office SAMOA IC - Individual contractor 02-Nov-21 19-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84676 Consultancy: Design of Post-Conflict Community Needs Assessment Tool Papua New Guinea PAPUA NEW GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 02-Nov-21 19-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 84677 RFQ-UNDP-STRATEGIC-157783-035-2021 UNDP Country Office INDONESIA RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Nov-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 19-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84675 Production des supports de communication CAMEROON CAMEROON RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Oct-21 18-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84673 MNG/IC/2021/143 - National Consultant - SDG Finance Expert UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 02-Nov-21 18-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84672 IC1401_"SERVICIOS PARA LA FORMACIÓN EN GÉNERO Y AUTO CUIDO AL PERSONAL Y PERSONAS MIEMBROS DE CONSEJO NACIONAL PARA LA PROTECCIÓN Y DESARROLLO DE LA PERSONA MIGRANTE Y SU FAMILIA (CONMIGRANTES)" UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 29-Oct-21 18-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84671 IC No 00117646-1407 ESPECIALISTA EN ELECTRÓNICA DE APOYO PARA LA RED DE MONITOREO AGROCLIMÁTICO. UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 01-Nov-21 18-Oct-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 84670 ADQUISICION CAMIONETAS PARA EL INABIE UNDP OFFICE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC ITB - Invitation to bid 10-Nov-21 @ 10:00 PM (New York time) 18-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84669 ETH2976-Two National Consultants for assessment on Judicial Mapping and the need for Geographical Rezoning of Federal Courts UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Nov-21 @ 03:59 PM (New York time) 18-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84668 ETH2971-International Firm Level Consultancy for Fund Structuring Advisor, timbuktoo Regional Centre ETHIOPIA RFP - Request for proposal 15-Nov-21 @ 03:59 PM (New York time) 18-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84569 RMI National Employment Policy Consultant Fiji FIJI IC - Individual contractor 01-Nov-21 18-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84667 RfP2377 EU4MD Re-advertised Brand Promotion UNDP Country Office MOLDOVA RFP - Request for proposal 16-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 18-Oct-21 INDUSTRY INDUSTRY 84661 RfP2384 EU4MD Elaboration and promotion of focal r UNDP Country Office Moldova MOLDOVA 29-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 18-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84666 SdP 21 157852 analisis riesgo climatico patrimoni UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 24-Nov-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 18-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84660 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA: SDP-2021-028 Programa Incubación de Emprendimientos de Turismo Indígena UNDP Country Office COSTA RICA RFP - Request for proposal 09-Nov-21 18-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84665 748-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-EEPB UNDP UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 01-Nov-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 18-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84664 National Evaluation Consultant UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE ON BEHALF OF UNWOMEN LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 09-Nov-21 18-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84663 4582 PAN 2021 Suministro de uniformes para el personal administrativo del Centro INADEH de Tocumen PANAMA PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Nov-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 18-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84662 International Evaluation Consultant UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE ON BEHALF OF UN WOMEN LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 09-Nov-21 18-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84655 Request for Proposal-Proposal Hiring firm/organization to a conduct a perception survey on citizens view of the Citizens Feedback Mechanism (CFM). UNDP Country Office LIBERIA RFP - Request for proposal 26-Oct-21 18-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84659 INNOVATION CHALLENGE EN REPONSE A LA COVID-19 UNDP Algeria ALGERIA Innovation Challenge 09-Nov-21 18-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84658 RFP/042/21 Review of the internal control environment in local and cantonal governments in BIH - amendment and extension! UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFP - Request for proposal 08-Nov-21 18-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84657 CFP - Nigeria Youth Fellowship Programme UNDP Nigeria Country Office NIGERIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 30-Oct-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 18-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84654 Товари для спеціалізованих служб з протидії ГЗН у м. Києві UNFPA UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Oct-21 18-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84653 RECRUTEMENT D'UN CABINET/ONG CHARGE DE LA REALISATION DES CONSULTATIONS DANS LE CADRE D'UNE ANALYSE COMMUNE DE PAYS (CCA). UNDP CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 26-Oct-21 18-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84652 ICN-018-2021-EXPERT NATIONAL EN COMMUNICATION POUR L'ELABORATION D'UN DOCUMENT PROMOTIONNEL ET DE CAPITALISATION DES ACQUIS DU PROJET. UNDP MAURITANIA IC - Individual contractor 25-Oct-21 18-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84651 Recrutement d'un Expert National-formateur en communication digitale et gestion des réseaux sociaux UNDP Algeria ALGERIA IC - Individual contractor 18-Nov-21 18-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84650 318-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-RPP_underwater search complex for divisions of Main Department of State Emergency Service in Zaporizhzhia Oblast, working in water area of Azov sea Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Nov-21 18-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84649 INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANT (IC) TO DEVELOP LICENSING GUIDELINES FOR WASTE CARRIERS AND WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITIES FOR BOTSWANA BOTSWANA BOTSWANA IC - Individual contractor 01-Nov-21 18-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84648 NATIONAL CONSULTANT ON THE SOCIO-ECONOMIC IMPACTS OF THE RECENT POLITICAL UNREST IN THE KWAZULU-NATAL PROVINCE South Africa SOUTH AFRICA IC - Individual contractor 12-Nov-21 18-Oct-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 84647 RFQ 143-21 Supply and installation of autoclave sterilizer and jam cooking pot for UNDP Armenia Project. Armenia ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Nov-21 18-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84646 GRANT MANAGEMENT SERVICES UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE, RBA SWAZILAND RFP - Request for proposal 15-Nov-21 18-Oct-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 84645 RFQ 142-21 Supply of combined fodder for the Vulnerable Groups in Syunik, Vayots Dzor and Gegharkuniq Marzes UNDP country office -Armenia ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Nov-21 18-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84643 RFQ-UN CITY CPH-2021- Canteen Equipment UNDP Common Services DENMARK RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Oct-21 18-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84644 ETUDE SUR LA PERCEPTION COMMUNAUTAIRE DE LA SECURITE ET LA COHESION SOCIALE DYNAMIQUE DES CONFLITS DROITS DE L'HOMME ET FORCES DE SECURITE DANS LES COMMUNES DE SEYTENGA ET FALAGOUNTOU REGION DU SAHEL Burkina Faso BURKINA FASO RFP - Request for proposal 28-Oct-21 18-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 84642 IT Material RFQ #1810 Country Office GUINEA-BISSAU RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Oct-21 18-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84641 Rehabilitation of emergency exit road at the UN House in Longacres Lusaka UNDP Country Office ZAMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Oct-21 18-Oct-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 84640 Sale of UNDP Vehicle Toyota Prado UNDP Country Office GEORGIA Other 28-Oct-21 18-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84639 RFQ/167/21 DEVELOPMENT OF STUDY FOR MAPPING FLASH FLOOD RISKS OF URBAN AREAS IN BIH WITH PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENTS OF THE APPLICATION OF PROTECTIVE MEASURES ON THE BASIS OF NATURE-BASED SOLUTIONS UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Nov-21 18-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84638 RECRUTEMENT D'UN CABINET D'ETUDE INTERNATIONAL ŒUVRANT EN SOCIO-ECONOMIE AVEC EXPERTS ECONOMISTES & STATISTICIENS POUR DEVELOPPER UN MODELE ECONOMIQUE DE SOUTIEN AUX METIERS ET FILIERES GENERATRICES DE REVENUS AU PROFIT DES COOPERATIVES UNDP CO BURUNDI RFP - Request for proposal 18-Nov-21 18-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84637 EXTENDED: RFQ-TKM-018-2021: Tender for maintenance of ventilation and HVAC systems in TB institutions of Turkmenistan UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Nov-21 18-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 83611 National Consultancy for UNDP Tanzania-Gender Impact Terminal Evaluation across the 3 programme outcomes UNDP Country Office TANZANIA IC - Individual contractor 25-Oct-21 18-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84636 T211006 – 01 National Consultant on organizing a virtual 2-day training workshop on selecting indicators to monitor the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) in Viet Nam UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 21-Oct-21 18-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84635 MNG/IC/2021/141 - National Consultant - Conservation Biologist UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Oct-21 18-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84632 835/RFP/PACARC/2021 Recrutement d'un Cabinet d'étude pour l'évaluation finale du Projet « Amélioration des capacités d'adaptation et de résilience face au changement climatique dans les communautés rurales des Régions Analamanga, Atsinanana, Androy, Anosy MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFP - Request for proposal 29-Oct-21 17-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84630 CI/110/OCR/2021 CONSULTOR PARA LA TRADUCCIÓN DEL DOCUMENTO SOBRE SISTEMAS ALIMENTARIOS VENEZUELA UNDP Country Office VENEZUELA IC - Individual contractor 29-Oct-21 17-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84629 Thematic Evaluation of Rehabilitation of HealthCar UNDP Syria SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 02-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 17-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84628 ITB-21-049 Construction and Rehabilitation Works UNDP Country Office SUDAN ITB - Invitation to bid 28-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 17-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84627 Rehabilitation of Agriculture Directorate in Al-Nimrud with Furniture - Ninawa Governorate Iraq Country Office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 31-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 17-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84626 Individual Contract (IC) – Researcher: Environmental scan incubators, innovation hubs and financing landscape in the MENA region RBAS Regional Hub Office in Amman JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 26-Oct-21 17-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84625 Supply Furniture to Mar Gorgeas Kindergarten and Primary School in Bashiqa Sub-District, Ninawa Governorate UNDP iraq office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 31-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 17-Oct-21 WATER SUPPLY  (POTABLE) WATER SUPPLY (POTABLE) 84586 ITB for Supply of Rainwater Harvesting System UNDP Pacific Office in Fiji FIJI ITB - Invitation to bid 28-Nov-21 @ 11:28 AM (New York time) 17-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84624 International Expert for the Joint UNDP-ILO Research Project – Understanding better the paths to formalization in Cambodia: an integrated vision UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 31-Oct-21 17-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84623 Enhancement Works for the UN HUB in Deir Ezzor Gov UNDP Office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC ITB - Invitation to bid 07-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 17-Oct-21 INDUSTRY INDUSTRY 84622 Provision of equipment materials for Sewing UNDP SERVICE CENTRE Erbil- Iraq IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Nov-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 17-Oct-21 INDUSTRY INDUSTRY 84621 Supply and install 3 ton hr for yellow corn flour UNDP SERVICE CENTRE Erbil- Iraq IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 04-Nov-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 17-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 84620 RFP-PNG-014-2021-Hiring the firm for LUKIM GATHER CO PAPUA NEW GUINEA RFP - Request for proposal 04-Nov-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 16-Oct-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 84619 RFQ/079/21 - Supply of agricultural technique to Karakalpakstan / Поставка сельскохозяйственной техники в Каракалпакстан UNDP Uzbekistan UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 31-Oct-21 16-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84618 Equipment for Compost Product OrganicWaste Karbala UNDP Country Office, Erbil, Iraq - IRAQ IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 16-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84617 RECRUTEMENT DE CONSULTANT POUR L'EVALUATION DU PROJET D'APPUI A L'AMELIORATION DE L'EFFICACITE DE LA POLITIQUE ECONOMIQUE (PAEPE) UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE SENEGAL IC - Individual contractor 24-Oct-21 16-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84616 RFQ : 037-2021- Acquisition de matériel pour la dotation en kits de 32 jeunes ayant suivi la formation en technique de montage des projets et à la création des Groupements d'Intérêt Economique (GIE) des régions d'Agadez, Diffa et Tahoua UNDP NIGER NIGER RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Oct-21 16-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84615 CI.108.OCR.2021.CONSULTORÍA NACIONAL PARA EL APOYO EN EL DESARROLLO DE TÉRMINOS DE REFERENCIA DE CONTRATOS A LARGO PLAZO PARA LA IMPLEMENTACIÓN DEL BOS UNDP Country Office VENEZUELA IC - Individual contractor 25-Oct-21 16-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84612 156841-2021 Communications and Advocacy Consultant UN Resident Coordinators Multi-country Office BAHAMAS IC - Individual contractor 29-Oct-21 16-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84614 4564 PAN 2021- Acompañamiento Técnico para el "Fortalecimiento del INADEH para la Gestión Integral y la sistematización de acuerdos del Diálogo de Política Pública de Juventud". PANAMA PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 02-Nov-21 15-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84611 PNUD/IC-576/2021 Tres (3) técnicos de enfermería UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE PERU IC - Individual contractor 10-Nov-21 15-Oct-21 POWER POWER 84610 Supply transmission line equipment 3 Locations Nin UNDP Country Office, Erbil, Iraq - IRAQ IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 15-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 84609 Supply IT Equip Agric-Livestock Dpt Mosul Universi UNDP Country Office, Erbil, Iraq - IRAQ IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 15-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 84608 Supply IT Equip Agric-Livestock Dpt Mosul Universi UNDP Country Office, Erbil, Iraq - IRAQ IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 15-Oct-21 POWER POWER 84607 ITB600995 Biomethanation Plant and Natural Gas Filling Station in Cuba UNDP Country Office CUBA ITB - Invitation to bid 10-Dec-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 15-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84606 DRC-Construction microcentrales hydroelectriques UNDP DRC CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC ITB - Invitation to bid 23-Nov-21 @ 11:50 AM (New York time) 15-Oct-21 IRRIGATION IRRIGATION 84605 LBN-CO-ITB-287-21 -Deir El Ahmar Irrigation Canals - Event ID: 0000010704 UNDP Country Office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 05-Nov-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 15-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84604 Gender-Based Climate Resilience Baseline Analysis Suriname Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) UNDP CO SURINAME RFP - Request for proposal 09-Nov-21 15-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84603 CLOSED EARLY
4498 PAN 2021 - Consultor/a (1) para analizar la problemática de tráfico de madera en América Latina y desarrollar la metodología relativa a la implementación de unidades móviles de aplicación de la ley UNDP Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 23-Nov-21 15-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84601 Procurement of Electrical fittings & specialized equipment Country Office GUYANA RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Nov-21 15-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84600 PCI-102-2021 Servicios de consultoría para la evaluación final del Programa de Prevención de la Migración Forzada y no Acompañada de Niñas, Niños y Adolescentes en comunidades de origen del Triángulo Norte de Centroamérica (TNCa), implementado por Save th UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 05-Nov-21 15-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84602 Consultant Power BI Developer HQ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 29-Oct-21 15-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84599 19063-2021 Training and Learning Advisor REGIONAL CENTER PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 08-Nov-21 15-Oct-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 84598 SOLICITUD DE COTIZACION - COL 0000157847 - Instalación y montaje funcional de cuatro sistemas de invernadero para el establecimiento de parcelas agroalimentarias y propagación de especies vegetales nativas UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 31-Oct-21 15-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84597 ICN-022-2021 Recrutement de deux consultants nationaux pour l'actualisation de la Stratégie Nationale de Lutte contre la Corruption (SNLC). Mauritanie MAURITANIA IC - Individual contractor 28-Oct-21 15-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84593 RFQ_62_2021 REHABILITATION OF MACOMIA POLICE STATION UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE MOZAMBIQUE RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Oct-21 15-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84594 4583 PAN 2021 – Servicio de Consultoria para el Apoyo a la Gestión del Centro de Innovación y Tecnologías en Vacunas y Biológicos (CRIVB) UNDP Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 29-Oct-21 15-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84595 SdP-21-ADQ-157185 analisis costos COPs UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 15-Nov-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 15-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84596 International Consultant for Assessing the Food Security and Nutrition Needs and Priorities of the PIDF Member States Bangkok Regional Hub THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 05-Nov-21 15-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84592 RFQ/077/21 – Supply of field and agricultural equipment / Поставка полевого и сельскохозяйственного оборудования UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Oct-21 15-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84591 IC NOTICE N°043/2021/PNUD-BFA:Recrutement d'un (e) consultant (e) international (e) pour l'évaluation finale du projet GPCL. Country Office BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 29-Oct-21 15-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84589 SOLICITUD DE COTIZACIÓN "Impresión de Atlas Metropolitano de Asunción y fichas municipales " UNDP Office Paraguay PARAGUAY RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Oct-21 15-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 84588 RFQ/076/21 - supply of IСT equipment / поставка ИТ оборудования UNDP Uzbekistan UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Oct-21 15-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84587 RFQ/078/21 – Supply of Hydraulic Drilling Rig to Karakalpakstan / поставка Гидравлической буровой установки в Каракалпакстан UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Oct-21 15-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84583 ETH2977 – Recruitment of National Consultant to Conduct Assessment to Strengthen Federal-Regional Judicial Cooperation UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 01-Nov-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 15-Oct-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 84585 RETENDER - REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS - F-SURE KARAMOJA PROJECT AWARENESS ON LANDUSE RIGHTS Uganda UGANDA RFP - Request for proposal 24-Oct-21 15-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84580 Request For Quotation_ PR Platform For UNDP South Africa Country Office UNDP Country Office SOUTH AFRICA RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Oct-21 15-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84584 Recrutement d'un Consultant(e) national(e) pour l'élaboration de la politique nationale de la jeunesse – PNJ GUINEE GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 29-Oct-21 15-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84582 ETH2885A- Re-Advertisement - Recruitment of a Technical Advisor to support the Federal Civil Service Commission (FCSC) for the development of the Civil Service Act to Restructure the Executive Branch of the Federal Government UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 05-Nov-21 @ 03:59 AM (New York time) 15-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84579 UNDP-IC-2021-384 Individual Consultant for coordinating the Mover's Programme in Pakistan UNDP-Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 29-Oct-21 15-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84578 BIH/RFP-041-21 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL „HOUSEHOLD AFFORDABILITY SURVEY" IN THE TEN LOCAL GOVERNANCE UNITS IN THE BiH UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFP - Request for proposal 17-Nov-21 15-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84577 (RE-ADVERTISEMENT) RFP/UNDP/IFL/033/2021 - SERVICE PROVIDERS FOR BASIC ENTREPRENEURSHIP TRAINING UNDP Country Office INDONESIA RFP - Request for proposal 28-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 15-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84576 National Expert on Quality in Kazakhstan: Import of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables from Tajikistan to Kazakhstan, Fruit Juices from Uzbekistan to Kazakhstan International Trade Centre KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 15-Nov-21 15-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84575 National Expert on Quality in Kazakhstan: Import of Dairy products from Kyrgyzstan to Kazakhstan International Trade Centre KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 15-Nov-21 15-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84574 RFP 726 Expert Report WWTP for 8 Municipalities UNDP Country Office SERBIA RFP - Request for proposal 19-Nov-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 15-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84573 National Expert on Quality in Kazakhstan: Export of wheat flour from Kazakhstan to Uzbekistan and Tajikistan as well as of vegetable oils from Kazakhstan to European Union International Trade Centre KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 15-Nov-21 15-Oct-21 RURAL DEV'T.  (MISCELLANY) RURAL DEV'T. (MISCELLANY) 84572 RFQ 01-10-2021- GrEYAP MOTORCYCLES Kenya KENYA RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Oct-21 15-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84571 MNG/RFP/2021/050 - National Institutions - Development of IT system to combat illegal logging and environmental crimes UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA RFP - Request for proposal 27-Oct-21 14-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84570 L211006 - 02 National Consultants to provide National professional Services supporting the general statistics office in capacity building of estimating and disseminating national and provincial Human Development Index (HDI) UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 21-Oct-21 14-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84568 RFP-093 DREAMS Communication and Branding Strategy UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 10-Nov-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 14-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 84567 4525 PAN 2021 - CONSULTORIA VENTANILLA UNICA UNDP Country Office PANAMA RFP - Request for proposal 17-Nov-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 14-Oct-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 84566 ITB - Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Services UNDP Country Office SIERRA LEONE ITB - Invitation to bid 08-Nov-21 14-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84565 3448PAN21 CONSTRUCCION TORRES VIGILANCIA UNDP Country Office PANAMA ITB - Invitation to bid 23-Nov-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 14-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84564 IC 21 156861 fortalecimiento capacidades instituci UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 27-Oct-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 14-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84563 SDP/109/PNUD/2021 - CONSULTORÍA PARA EL DESARROLLO E IMPLEMENTACIÓN DE UN SISTEMA DE INFORMACIÓN WEB PARA GESTIONAR LA PARTICIPACIÓN INCLUSIVA DE PRODUCTORES/AS AGRÍCOLAS Y FORTALECIMIENTO DE MÓDULOS DIGITALES, EN UN SISTEMA BURSATIL AGRÍCOLA PARA SUBASTA UNDP Country Office VENEZUELA RFP - Request for proposal 28-Oct-21 14-Oct-21 FORESTRY FORESTRY 84562 LBN-CO-CFP-280-21-Re-Advertise Jbeil Reforestation Country Office LEBANON CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 28-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 14-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84561 SDC-53-2021 "ADQUISICION DE MOBILIARIO PARA LA AUTORIDAD PORTUARIA DOMINICANA UNDP OFFICE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Oct-21 14-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84554 Re-advertisement: RFP/020/2021 RFP Illustrator Voice of Tana River UNDP Kenya Country Office KENYA RFP - Request for proposal 22-Oct-21 14-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84555 Development of Administrative and Financial Operational manuals for the Ministry of Social Affairs and Public Housing (Sozavo) UNDP CO SURINAME RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Oct-21 14-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84553 Recrutement d'un consultant pour le recensement et l'intégration des jeunes actifs à la forêt classée de Mbao DAKAR SENEGAL IC - Individual contractor 26-Nov-21 14-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84552 IC 19024 - IC Green Commodities Community Assistant (second publication) REGIONAL CENTER PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Oct-21 14-Oct-21 FORESTRY FORESTRY 84490 Consultant pour l'évaluation finale des « Partenariats pour la conservation de la biodiversité : Financement durable des systèmes d'aires protégées dans le bassin du Congo » Congo CONGO IC - Individual contractor 24-Oct-21 14-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84550 IC 21 157180 apoyo solucion tramites UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 11-Nov-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 14-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84549 le Recrutement d'une entreprise pour la réhabilitation des ouvrages de drainage des eaux de pluies à la forêt classée de Mbao dans le cadre du projet RFF Dakar Regional HUB SENEGAL RFQ - Request for quotation 31-Oct-21 14-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84551 RECRUTEMENT D'UN.E CONSULTANT.E NATIONAL.E POUR LA REALISATION DE L'EVALUATION FINALE DU PROJET D'APPUI AU DEVELOPPEMENT D'UN PLAN STRATEGIQUE DE PRODUCTION AGRICOLE DURABLE ET DE RESTAURATION DES PAYSAGES FORESTIERS POUR LES REGIONS DU BELIER ET DU CAVAL UNDP ABIDJAN, CÔTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE IC - Individual contractor 02-Nov-21 14-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84548 FINAL COUNTRY PROGRAMME EVALUATION OF UNDP PROGRAMME 2017-202 UNDP Gambia GAMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 28-Oct-21 14-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84547 Construction of Livestock Sheds UNDP Country Office TURKEY RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Nov-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 14-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84546 RFP 145/21 to conduct a feasibility study on innovative financial instruments and provide targeted recommendations on feasible SDG-aligned financing tools/mechanisms for Armenia UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFP - Request for proposal 04-Nov-21 14-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84545 PCI-101-2021 Realización de una estrategia de posicionamiento ante públicos estratégicos de la herramienta en línea "Autoevaluación de riesgos de corrupción". UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 05-Nov-21 14-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84542 RFP 122/21 Technical Consultancy Services to Conduct Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment and Develop Adaptation Plan for Armenia's Healthcare Sector UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFP - Request for proposal 25-Nov-21 14-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84544 Recrutement d'un prestataire de services audiovisuels pour la vulgarisation et la communication, en vue l'intégration du risque climatique dans les politiques, les stratégies et les plans de développement au Gabon UNDP Country Office GABON RFP - Request for proposal 24-Oct-21 14-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84543 CHL/SDC/167/2021 "Adquisición de 475 atenciones psicoterapéuticas, online o presenciales para distribuir entre jóvenes, de acuerdo con los criterios de las y los psicólogos que atienden el chat HDT." UNDP Country Office CHILE RFQ - Request for quotation 04-Nov-21 14-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84539 Governance and Local Governance Junior Research Consultant Regional HUB Amman JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 23-Oct-21 14-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84541 Conduct Training On Prevention Of SGBV Nigeria NIGERIA RFI - Request for Information 13-Aug-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 14-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84538 RFP/BIH30/2021/04008 Provision of technical support to Ministry of Interior of Federation of BiH and at least two Cantonal Ministry of Interior in providing standardized response to cases of domestic violence and violence against women in FBIH - EXTENSION UNWOMEN in BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFP - Request for proposal 09-Nov-21 14-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84537 RECRUTEMENT D'UN (E) CONSULTANT (E) INTERNATIONAL (E) POUR L'ELABORATION DE LA STRATEGIE NATIONALE DE RECONCILIATION ET DE COHESION SOCIALE (SNRCS) 2021-2025 UNDP ABIDJAN, CÔTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE IC - Individual contractor 29-Oct-21 14-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84536 RFP/0020bis/BFA/2021 recrutement d'une coopérative de services agricoles / GIE pour la formation sur les intrants biologiques Republication Burkina Faso BURKINA FASO RFP - Request for proposal 22-Oct-21 14-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84535 RECRUTEMENT D'UN (E) CONSULTANT (E) NATIONAL (E) POUR L'ELABORATION DE LA STRATEGIE NATIONALE DE RECONCILIATION ET DE COHESION SOCIALE (SNRCS) 2021-2025 UNDP ABIDJAN, CÔTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE IC - Individual contractor 29-Oct-21 14-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84534 CONDUCT CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT TRAINING TO 500 YOUTH Nigeria NIGERIA RFP - Request for proposal 20-Oct-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 14-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84533 Removing Solid Waste from the Temporary Dumpsite o UNDP Office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 14-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84531 Individual Contractor (IC) –Web Content Editor and Specialist on the Economies of the Arab Region RBAS Regional Hub Office in Amman JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 24-Oct-21 14-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84529 National Consultant to Conduct Baseline and End-line Assessment for the "Enhancing Women Participation in the Solid Waste Management Sector in Jordan" project UNDP Country Office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 23-Oct-21 14-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84530 CFP-YPI-2021-78 CSO Engagement on Youth Participation and Engagement for a Healthier, Equitable, Safer and United Sri Lanka UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 02-Nov-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 14-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84528 Recrutement d'un bureau d'études pour l'appui à l'élaboration de plans communaux de développement (PCD) dans vingt et une (21) communes des régions du Centre-nord, du Nord, du Centre-Est et de la Boucle du Mouhoun UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO RFP - Request for proposal 25-Oct-21 14-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84461 UNDP-RFQ-2021-376 Supply and Delivery of Generator UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Oct-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 14-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84526 Re-advertisement: Gender and Public Leadership Research Assistant (National) UNDP MYANMAR IC - Individual contractor 05-Nov-21 14-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84527 IC/UNDP/EU-KALFOR/149/2021 - LTA – Senior Platform and Monitoring and Evaluation Advisor (International Consultant) UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 28-Oct-21 14-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84525 Gender and Public Leadership Researcher UNDP MYANMAR IC - Individual contractor 24-Oct-21 14-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84524 LBN-CO-RFP-278-21-Re-Advertised GAP Training Country Office LEBANON RFP - Request for proposal 01-Nov-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 14-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84523 RFP/2021/34: Design and Implement electrical and electronic waste (e-waste) National Public Awareness Campaign Country Office JORDAN RFP - Request for proposal 26-Oct-21 14-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84522 RFP-PNG-013-2021-RFP HACT Services UNDP LTA Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA RFP - Request for proposal 03-Nov-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 14-Oct-21 AGRO-INDUSTRY AGRO-INDUSTRY 84521 RFQ food solar dryers - National competition Lusaka ZAMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Oct-21 @ 07:10 AM (New York time) 14-Oct-21 FORESTRY FORESTRY 84520 ETH2969- Establishment of Clonal Forest Nursery in Selected Area of Ethiopia Ethiopia ETHIOPIA ITB - Invitation to bid 09-Nov-21 @ 03:59 AM (New York time) 14-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84519 4550 PAN 2021- ADQUISICION DE MOBILIARIO DE OFICINA PARA LA GOBERNACIÓN DE BOCAS DEL TORO . UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Oct-21 13-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84517 Impression de documents d'information préventive (Sacs à dos scolaires bons réflexes) UNDP HAITI RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Nov-21 13-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84518 4469 PAN 2021 - Consultor Relator General del Diálogo por la Caja del Seguro Social. UNDP Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 26-Oct-21 13-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84516 PROCESO COL 0000157295 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultoría para apoyar la implementación de la estrategia digital que fortalezca el plan de comunicaciones y sensibilización en el marco del proyecto GEF GOLD Colombia UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 27-Oct-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 13-Oct-21 AGRO-INDUSTRY AGRO-INDUSTRY 84421 RFQ for 50units of soil analysis kits - national competition Lusaka ZAMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Oct-21 @ 10:46 AM (New York time) 13-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84515 RFP -PROVISION OF INTERNET SERVICES BOTSWANA BOTSWANA RFP - Request for proposal 01-Nov-21 @ 04:15 AM (New York time) 13-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84513 MNG/IC/2021/139 - National Consultant - Legal Advisor UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Oct-21 13-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84514 PCI-100-2021 Servicio de consultoría para desempeñar las funciones de asistente de investigación en la elaboración de un policy brief basado en evidencia sobre sobre un modelo gestión de riesgos de corrupción y su relación con la redefinición del contrato UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 27-Oct-21 13-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84512 RFQ-390-21 Rehabilitation of Intisar Municipality Park in Bashiqa-Ninawa Governorate,Iraq RBAS IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Nov-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 13-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 83867 TDR RFQ 38-2021 : Développement d'une base de données des Organisations de la société civile OSC Morocco MOROCCO RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Oct-21 13-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84506 IC NOTICE N°041/2021/PNUD-BFA Recrutement d'un(e) consultant(e) spécialiste national(e) dans la conception et la mise en œuvre de systèmes locaux d'intégrité (SLI) en appui a l'unité de gestion du projet GOLCOS. UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 21-Oct-21 13-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84510 APPEL A MANIFESTATION D'INTERET POUR UNE SESSION DE FORMATION ET EXPOSITION PHOTO UNDP ABIDJAN, CÔTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE IC - Individual contractor 30-Oct-21 13-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84508 02 National Consultants for the assessment of public non-business service providers UNDP Country Office VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 22-Oct-21 13-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84507 ETUDE SUR LA PREVALENCE DE LA COÏNFECTION VIH-HEPATITES VIRALES B ET C AU BURUNDI UNDP Burundi BURUNDI IC - Individual contractor 22-Oct-21 13-Oct-21 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS 84505 RFQ N° 0041/BFA/PNUD -2021: Acquisition de matériels divers en 2 lots pour le compte de PACOS. UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE BURKINA FASO RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Oct-21 13-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84503 RFP N°21-2021/ PNUD/Recrutement d'un cabinet pour l'étude diagnostique du financement du développement pour le compte de l'Unité des Politiques et Stratégies du PNUD. UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE BURKINA FASO RFP - Request for proposal 25-Oct-21 13-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84504 Republication_Recrutement d'un Bureau d'études National pour l'actualisation de la stratégie nationale de lutte contre la corruption en Mauritanie Mauritanie MAURITANIA RFP - Request for proposal 25-Oct-21 13-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84495 RECRUTEMENT D'UN(E) CONSULTANT(E) NATIONAL(E) LEGAL ADVISOR UNDP ABIDJAN, CÔTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE IC - Individual contractor 27-Oct-21 13-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 84501 LBN-CO-RFQ-276-21 - HCI solution UNDP Country Office - LEBANON - LEBANON LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 13-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84499 RFP21-80 Mapping on crowdfunding and migrants UNDP Country Office KYRGYZSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 30-Oct-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 13-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84497 RFP 34/21 Support to Improvement of Open Data Management System UNDP CO MONTENEGRO RFP - Request for proposal 02-Nov-21 13-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84493 Hiring a Company or team of consultants to Elaborate Security Plans Mozambique MOZAMBIQUE RFP - Request for proposal 08-Nov-21 13-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84496 MyRFP2021-026 Conduct Survey for Youth Perceptions on Preventing Violent Extremism UNDP Country Office MALAYSIA RFP - Request for proposal 04-Nov-21 13-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84498 Individual Consultancy - International Animal Feed Expert (rendering end-products of poultry slaughterhouse waste) - LBN-CO-IC-279-21 UNDP Country Office LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 27-Oct-21 13-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84492 NATIONAL INDIVIDUAL CONTRACTOR - INTERIM EVALUATION Undp Country Office ZAMBIA IC - Individual contractor 31-Oct-21 13-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84494 RFQ 39-2021 Amélioration de l'accessibilité au niveau des services du pôle social Morocco MOROCCO RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Nov-21 13-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84491 RFP-038-21 Water utilities-Strengthening capacity - amended! UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFP - Request for proposal 22-Nov-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 13-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84489 CONSULTANCY FOR CAPACITY BUILDING AND ASSESSMENT OF LOCAL HAND SANITIZER PRODUCERS LESOTHO LESOTHO RFP - Request for proposal 28-Oct-21 13-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84478 UNDPIRH-RFQ-202123-M4EG Urban Imaginaries Mentoring Istanbul Regional Center TURKEY RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Nov-21 13-Oct-21 POWER POWER 84488 Green Solution Harare ZIMBABWE ITB - Invitation to bid 25-Oct-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 13-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84487 Technical Assistance on Universal Service and Fin. Albania ALBANIA RFP - Request for proposal 27-Oct-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 13-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84486 Procurement of Furniture - CO Albania ALBANIA RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 13-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84485 IC NOTICE N°049-2021/PNUD -BFA Recrutement d'un(e) consultant(e) expert en imprimé électoraux. Burkina Faso BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 22-Oct-21 13-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84483 REOI/SD/EDU/2021/02 Metal Storage Box UNDP Country Office INDONESIA EOI - Expression of interest 29-Oct-21 13-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84484 « IC NOTICE N°047-2021/PNUD -BFA Recrutement d'un(e) consultant(e) expert en formation Burkina Faso BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 19-Oct-21 13-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84482 IC NOTICE N°046-2021/PNUD -BFA Recrutement d'un(e) consultant(e) expert en communication. Burkina Faso BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 19-Oct-21 13-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84479 UNDPIRH-RPQ-202124-M4EG Graphics video Production Istanbul Regional Center TURKEY RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Nov-21 13-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84480 ITB172021 - SUPPLY, INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIONING OF 6 GROUP GENERATORS FOR HEALTH FACILITIES, UNDER 6 LOTS: LOT 1: Beira (Sofala) LOT 2: Inhambane (Inhambane) LOT 3: Tete (Tete) LOT 4: Chimoio (Manica) LOT 5: Lichinga (Niassa) LOT 6: Xai Xai (Gaza) UNDP Mozambique CO MOZAMBIQUE ITB - Invitation to bid 27-Oct-21 @ 11:30 AM (New York time) 13-Oct-21 HEALTH HEALTH 84477 ITB-345-21-Veterinary Equipment Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 03-Nov-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 13-Oct-21 MINES MINES 84476 Supply Rehabilitation Equipment to UNDP Project UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Nov-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 13-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84475 LBN-CO-RFP-271-21-PA Remote Sensing Country Office LEBANON RFP - Request for proposal 02-Nov-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 13-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84473 Consultant pour le Statut Juridique des Hubs de la Paix et de la Jeunesse TUNISIA TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 27-Oct-21 13-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84474 RFQ/166/21 Main design for landscaping and development of green and sports areas within Campus of University of Sarajevo UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Oct-21 13-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 84472 ETH2968: Firm Level Consultancy Service to Develop, Configure, and Install Electronic/Technology – based Case Management System Software (International) UNDP Country Office on behalf of EHRC ETHIOPIA RFP - Request for proposal 03-Nov-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 13-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84471 Re-announcement of RFP for Delivering a training on communication, advocacy and networking for policy influence for national CSOs in Azerbaijan Country Office AZERBAIJAN RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Oct-21 13-Oct-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 84468 787/RFQ/PACARC/2021 Acquisition et livraison de matériels et de fournitures de bureau pour les groupements villageois d'épargne communautaire (GVEC) des communautés réparties en quatre (4) lots MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Oct-21 13-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84470 Rehabilitation of Al-Dhibaniya Compact Unit 200m3 UNDP Iraq IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 09-Nov-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 13-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84469 647-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-RPP_Developing an environmental strategy and conducting a strategic environmental assessment of Shchastia Territorial Community (TC) Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 26-Oct-21 13-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84466 646-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-RPP_Developing an environmental strategy and conducting a strategic environmental assessment of the Kurakhove Territorial Community (TC) Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 26-Oct-21 13-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84467 815/RFQ/COV/2021 Acquisition de petits materiels, d'équipement individuel pour les agents de voirie de la Commune Urbaine d'Antananarivo pour appuyer la collecte et le tri des ordures au niveau des quartiers répartie en trois (3) lots, - Lot 1 : 200 b MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Oct-21 13-Oct-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 84465 713-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-SCR-6 vehicles UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Nov-21 @ 04:59 AM (New York time) 13-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84464 UNDP-RFP-2021-322 Training of 3000 Professionals UNDP Pakistan PAKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 26-Oct-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 13-Oct-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 84462 719-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-RPP_procurement of a vehicle for the rescue and diving service of the Main Department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Zaporizhzhia Oblast Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Oct-21 13-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84460 SAFE Project GIS Consultant UNDP Pacific Office SOLOMON ISLANDS IC - Individual contractor 20-Oct-21 12-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84459 Advocacy toolkit developer for the Pacific Climate Change Migration and Human Security Programme UNDP Fiji Office FIJI RFP - Request for proposal 23-Oct-21 12-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84458 PNUD IC 554-2021 Servicio de Asistencia Técnica al Gobierno Regional de Huánuco (GOREHCO) para la Instalación, Seguimiento y Operatividad de la Mesa Regional de Control y Vigilancia Forestal y de Fauna Silvestre UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE PERU IC - Individual contractor 15-Nov-21 12-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 84456 SDC-56-2021: "ACUERDO A LARGO PLAZO (LTA) PARA ADQUISICION ACCESORIOS TI POR UN PERÍODO DE UN (1) AÑO PARA EL PNUD, FAO y PMA" UNDP Country Office DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Oct-21 12-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84457 N° ICN-023-2021 Conseiller Senior en Développement Durable UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE MAURITANIA IC - Individual contractor 20-Oct-21 12-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84455 PROCESO COL 0000157195 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultor Junior Gestión de la Información UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Oct-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 12-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84454 PROCESO COL 0000157194 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultor SGR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Oct-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 12-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84453 IC/00080822/131/2021 - Consultoría Nacional Interfaz Ingreso de Información Automatizada Oficina de Pais HONDURAS IC - Individual contractor 08-Nov-21 12-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84452 : SDC-50-2021 "Servicios de limpieza para las áreas de oficina del Tribunal Constitucional" UNDP Country Office DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Nov-21 12-Oct-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 84450 SDC54-2021 ADQUISICION VEHICULOS APORDOM UNDP OFFICE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Nov-21 @ 11:00 PM (New York time) 12-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84451 IC 21 156260 evaluador tecnico para capacitacion UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 09-Nov-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 12-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84448 IC 21 157175 diagnostico y plan de accion plaguici UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 10-Nov-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 12-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84449 UNDP-IC-2021-378-Support to PBS to Strengthen SDGs Work Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 27-Oct-21 12-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84447 Recrutement d'un Centre de Recherche haïtien pour faciliter des consultations auprès des parties prenantes incluant les groupes en situation de vulnérabilité, exclus et marginalisés UNDP-HAITI HAITI RFP - Request for proposal 10-Nov-21 12-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84445 UNDP-IC-2021-377-Support to PBS to Strengthen SDGs Work Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 27-Oct-21 12-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84444 Local Governance and Social Innovation Platform Consultant UNDP Country Office FIJI IC - Individual contractor 03-Nov-21 12-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84443 DEVELOPING A POLICY BRIEF ON CREATING AN ENABLING ENVIRONMENT FOR KEY AND VULNERABLE POPULATIONS (KVP) PROGRAMMING IN TANZANIA UNDP TANZANIA IC - Individual contractor 25-Oct-21 12-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84442 RENOVATION AND CONSTRUCTION WORKS AT GSS ZADAWA Nigeria sub office NIGERIA ITB - Invitation to bid 29-Oct-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 12-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84441 01 National Consultant - Climate Adaptation and Environmental Health Expert UNDP Country Office VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 18-Oct-21 12-Oct-21 WATER SUPPLY  (POTABLE) WATER SUPPLY (POTABLE) 84440 DRILLING WORKS OF SOLAR POWERED BOREHOLE IN GOMBI Nigeria NIGERIA ITB - Invitation to bid 29-Oct-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 12-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84438 SDP-21-ADQ-157290 estudios de prefactibilidad UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 17-Nov-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 12-Oct-21 RURAL DEV'T.  (MISCELLANY) RURAL DEV'T. (MISCELLANY) 84439 RFQ-034-2021-PRESSE HUILE A SESAME Niger NIGER RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Oct-21 12-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84343 APPEL A MANIFESTATION D'INTERET POUR LE RENOUVELLEMENT DU POOL DES PARTENAIRES DE MISES EN ŒUVRE (IPS) DE SES PROJETS/PROGRAMMES POUR LE COMPTE DE ONUFEMMES CI ONUFEMMES CÔTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE Other 11-Nov-21 12-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84436 RFP- CONSULTANCY TO REVIEW THE COST OF BIODIVERSITY SUBSIDIES AND PROPOSE OPTIONS FOR BIODIVERSITY HARMFUL SUBSIDIES BOTSWANA BOTSWANA RFP - Request for proposal 27-Oct-21 12-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 84437 RFP-LBY-PEPOL-2021-10428 - Voter Registry Management System: Maintenance, Technical Support and Development UNDP Country Office LIBYA RFP - Request for proposal 04-Nov-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 12-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84435 RFQ 116 -2021 for Replacement of facade/exterior doors and windows in 52 households in Municipality of Aerodrom [Lot 1, and Lot 2] UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Oct-21 12-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84434 IC 21 156421 generacion portafolio criterios UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 01-Nov-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 12-Oct-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 84433 RFQ/164/21 Supply and Delivery of Hybrid, Plug-in Hybrid, and Battery Electric vehicles to UNDP BiH UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Oct-21 12-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84432 International Consultant: Social Protection in the Asia Pacific region UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 31-Oct-21 12-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84429 RFQ- UN CITY -CPH 2021-COFFEE VENDING MACHINES AND CONSUMABLES SUPPLY UNDP Common Services DENMARK RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Oct-21 12-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84430 Recrutement d'un consultant National pour l'évaluation finale des projets financés par le FEM et soutenus par le PNUD UNDP RCA CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 20-Oct-21 12-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84431 UNDP-IC-2021-374-Women-On-Wheels (WoW) Expansion in Lahore Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 26-Oct-21 12-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84428 RFQ 67-2021 TUNISIA TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Oct-21 @ 11:59 AM (New York time) 12-Oct-21 HEALTH HEALTH 84427 RFQ/165/21 Supply and Delivery of medical masks for health care workers and medical masks for patients UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Oct-21 12-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84426 823/RFP/OHCHR/2021 RECRUTEMENT D'UN CABINET POUR UNE ETUDE SUR LA SITUATION DES MINORITES ET DE LA DISCRIMINATION RACIALE A MADAGASCAR MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFP - Request for proposal 22-Oct-21 12-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84425 Request for Proposal RFP 119 IND 2021 Recyclers UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 28-Oct-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 12-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84423 RFQ-384/21: Upgrading COVID-19 Isolation Wards in Baquba, Diyala, Iraq UNDP IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 12-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84422 RFP 2021-81 INFORMAL ECONOMY FACILITY UNDP Kyrgyzstan KYRGYZSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 01-Nov-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 12-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84424 Rehab Khafer Municipality Park in Bashiqa-Ninawa UNDP Country Office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Nov-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 12-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 84420 RFQ 723 Tablets for SDG Acceleration Framework UNDP Country Office SERBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Oct-21 12-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84418 Procurement of Canal cleaning activities and supply and delivery of tools in Herat Province UNDP Co AFGHANISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Oct-21 12-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84419 Recrutement d'un Cabinet pour la conception et le développement des contenus numériques Cameroun CAMEROON RFP - Request for proposal 02-Nov-21 12-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84417 RFP-120-IND-2021 (Request for Proposal for Behavioural Insight Protocol for Advancing Gender Equality") UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 12-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 12-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84415 Fourniture de mobilier de bureau au département de Géographie de l'Université de Lomé UNDP Togo, RBA TOGO RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Oct-21 12-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84414 Develop and Deliver TOT Training on Blended Finance for UNDP Staff South Africa SOUTH AFRICA IC - Individual contractor 25-Oct-21 12-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84413 RFP_LVS_16_2021: CONSULTANT FIRM TO UNDERTAKE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES_BEIRA MEDICAL WAREHOUSE UNDP Mozambique CO MOZAMBIQUE RFP - Request for proposal 19-Oct-21 12-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83559 659-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP: Conducting situation analysis and public opinion survey of the residents of conflict-affected communities of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts (GCA), especially people employed at the coal enterprises, regarding the transformation of th UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 02-Nov-21 12-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84411 RFQ/146/21 fuel supply to UNDP BiH and UN Agencies in BiH UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Oct-21 12-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84410 (Extended Deadline) L211005 - 02 National Consultants to conduct a thematic study for the development of proposal of the law on implementation of laws UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 26-Oct-21 12-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84409 MNG/RFQ/2021/019 - Fencing in various areas UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Oct-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 12-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84404 RFP-PNG-012-2021-LTA for Event Management Services Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA RFP - Request for proposal 09-Nov-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 12-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84408 ITB - Unarmed Private Security Services UN Zambia Lusaka ZAMBIA ITB - Invitation to bid 27-Oct-21 @ 10:28 AM (New York time) 12-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84407 CMDP/RFP/02/2021 - Study on Cooperative Businesses and Their Contribution to Poverty Reduction in Nepal: Selected Success Stories from Bagmati Province UNDP - CMDP NEPAL RFP - Request for proposal 03-Nov-21 12-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84406 Rehabilitation of Water Directorate Building in Ba UNDP iraq office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Nov-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 12-Oct-21 URBAN DEV'T. URBAN DEV'T. 84405 CLOSED EARLY
Provision of Green Solutions Harare ZIMBABWE RFP - Request for proposal 22-Oct-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 12-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84403 CMDP/RFP/03/2021 - Study on Marketing and Pricing practices of vegetable and fruits in Kathmandu UNDP - CMDP NEPAL RFP - Request for proposal 03-Nov-21 12-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84402 RFP-040-21 Support to strengthening transparency, accountability and integrity standards in local governments UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFP - Request for proposal 26-Oct-21 12-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84401 RFP-118-IND-2021 - To prepare stage-III of HPMP for India in accordance with the "Guide for preparation of HCFC phase out Management Plans of the Multilateral fund" and the guidelines for preparation of HPMPs for the consumption sector UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 02-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 12-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84400 IC-072-21- International Consultant to develop a ProDoc and a PIP Country Office IRAQ IC - Individual contractor 26-Oct-21 12-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84398 UNDP-RFP-2021-362- SDGs Challenge Cup for Trainees of Gwadar Institute of Technology (GIT), Gwadar, Balochistan Pakistan PAKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 26-Oct-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 12-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84397 UNDP-RFP-2021-367- Development of District SDGs Framework/Localization Plan Pakistan PAKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 26-Oct-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 12-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84396 T211005 – 01 National Consultant to develop adaptation integration guideline for priority sector & support preparation of NAP Technical Report UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 21-Oct-21 12-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84395 T211004 – 01 National Consultant for Health and Climate Change to review V&A indicators for MOH to implement the Climate Change Plan in the Health Sector UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 21-Oct-21 11-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84394 L211004 - 01 National Consultant - Sectoral Planning Expert to review and evaluate current planning and budgeting to integrate climate change adaptation into the health sector (based at VIHEMA, MOH) UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 19-Oct-21 11-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84393 National Consultant for De-risking Renewable Energy Investment ("DREI") Analysis and Reports for Off-Grid Solar PV Minigrid Energy Technologies in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao Manila PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 27-Oct-21 11-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84392 National Consultant as RENEWABLE ENERGY TECHNICAL EXPERT to provide technical assistance in the development of project proposals in selected municipalities of Panay and Iloilo Manila PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 27-Oct-21 11-Oct-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 84391 SdC 21 155254 adquisicion vehiculo electrico UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Oct-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 11-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84390 RFP-010-2021 Sélection d'un prestataire pour la gestion et l'exploitation d'une Cafétéria au sein du Compound du Système des Nations Unies Mauritanie MAURITANIA RFP - Request for proposal 23-Nov-21 11-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84389 SDP-043-2021 Servicios de consultoría para la adaptación y facilitación de contenido didáctico dirigido a mujeres indígenas hablantes de las lenguas tzotzil y tzeltal en Chiapas MEXICO MEXICO RFP - Request for proposal 25-Oct-21 11-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84386 Consultancy for a Food Security, National Expert UNDP PNG Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 19-Oct-21 11-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84385 Consultancy for a Fisheries, National Expert, IC/PNG/057-2021 UNDP PNG Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 19-Oct-21 11-Oct-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 84384 SDC- 55-2021 "Adquisición de Camioneta Proyecto IWECO-Ministerio Medio Ambiente" UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Oct-21 11-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84383 INVITACION A LICITAR COL0000156555 - Adquirir motores fuera de borda cuatro (4) tiempos para el proyecto "fortalecimiento de la actividad extractiva de recursos pesqueros mediante la dotación de unidades económicas de pesca a pescadores artesanales UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA ITB - Invitation to bid 08-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 11-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84382 RFQ-072-2021 UNDP Country Office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 11-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84381 RFP 140/21 Study on Temporary Housing/Shelter Management Models for Vulnerable Groups UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFP - Request for proposal 03-Nov-21 11-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84380 Consultation - Elaboration d'un guide de bonnes pratiques sur la participation et le leadership des femmes pour des élections inclusives, démocratiques et respectueuses des droits humains DAKAR SENEGAL IC - Individual contractor 18-Oct-21 11-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84379 PNUD-IC-552 - Especialista en Comunicacion UNDP Country Office - Peru - Peru PERU IC - Individual contractor 25-Oct-21 11-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84376 SdC 21 156658 adquisicion 2 maquinas enllantador UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Nov-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 11-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84377 RFP/STRENGTHENING AFRICA'S BORDERLAND /2021/009 UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE LIBERIA RFP - Request for proposal 19-Oct-21 11-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84349 RFP 139/21 Baseline assessment of the housing needs, livestock farming, physical condition of the public facilities and other related issues in the regions of Syunik, Gegharkunik and Vayots Dzor UNDP country office ARMENIA RFP - Request for proposal 01-Nov-21 11-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84375 RFQ-377-21 Upgrading COVID-19 Isolation Wards in Basra,Iraq RBAS IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 11-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84374 ACQUISITION EQUIPEMENT JEUNE LOT CENTRE1 Cameroun CAMEROON RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Oct-21 @ 02:00 AM (New York time) 11-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84373 IC NOTICE N°040/2021/PNUD-BFA/PACOS: Recrutement d'un/e consultant/e Spécialiste national en Suivi-Evaluation Country Office BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 22-Oct-21 11-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84371 Hiring a firm to Conduct a Baseline Study and develop an Action Plan for piloting SDGs Dhaka BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 31-Oct-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 11-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84372 IC NOTICE N°036/2021/PNUD/UNODC: Recrutement d'un Consultant Régional pour la fourniture de services de formation en cybercriminalité. RELANCE Country Office BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 22-Oct-21 11-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84370 ETH2962-National Firm Level Consultancy for Cultural Mindset Shift Communication Campaigns to Help Attract Gig workers and Gig Service Seekers Ethiopia ETHIOPIA RFP - Request for proposal 25-Oct-21 @ 03:59 AM (New York time) 11-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84369 809/RFQ/PNA/2021 Acquisition defoyé amélioré à bois et charbon répartie en deux (2) lots, - Lot 1 : 8000 foyers amélioré à charbon - Lot 2 : 4000 foyers amélioré à bois MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Oct-21 11-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81256 4147 PAN 2021 – "Consultoría independiente para el diseño gráfico, filmación de videos y artes de redes sociales de la campaña de sensibilización de personas desaparecidas y estrategia de comunicaciones de UNODC en El Salvador" Panama PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 26-Aug-21 11-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84368 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL-CONSULTANCY ON TELEVISION PLATFORM FOR UNDP SUPPLIER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME (SDP BOTSWANA BOTSWANA RFP - Request for proposal 25-Oct-21 11-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84367 Закупка 67 датчиков уровня заполнения для контейнеров с твердыми бытовыми отходами (ТБО) с подпиской на приложение/платформу, визуализирующую информацию, поступающую с датчиков UNDP Country Office BELARUS RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Nov-21 11-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84366 ITB_14_2021 Rehabilitation of Agostinho Neto Primary School In Beira, Sofala Province UNDP Mozambique CO MOZAMBIQUE ITB - Invitation to bid 31-Oct-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 11-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 84364 RFQ-UNDP-IFL-156968-34-2021 – IT Equipment IFL and GEMPACK Software UNDP Country Office INDONESIA RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Oct-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 11-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84363 RFP Consultancy for Long-term Agreement – Travel Management Firm UNDP Maldives Country Office MALDIVES RFP - Request for proposal 25-Oct-21 11-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84365 Товари для реалізації ініціативи відповідального батьківства в м. Рубіжне UNFPA UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Oct-21 11-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84362 Expert International formateur en Certification des dispositifs médicaux selon la norme ISO 13485 UNDP Algeria ALGERIA IC - Individual contractor 15-Nov-21 11-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84361 Expert National et International formateur dans L'analyse, l'évaluation et la gestion des risques sanitaires UNDP Algeria ALGERIA IC - Individual contractor 30-Nov-21 11-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84360 Expert National et International formateur en Accréditation des laboratoires de biologie selon la norme ISO 15189 UNDP Algeria ALGERIA IC - Individual contractor 30-Nov-21 11-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84359 LBN-CO-IC-277-21-Short-term consultancy to conduct a study on the "Vulnerability and adaptation of health care service providers to climate change in Lebanon and lessons learned from COVID-19 crisis. Country Office LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 25-Oct-21 11-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84358 Recrutement d'un Expert National (EN3) en Vulnérabilité et Adaptation aux impacts négatifs des changements climatiques, pour évaluer la vulnérabilité des secteurs prioritaires (Eau, Agriculture, Foresterie, Santé) UNDP Algeria ALGERIA IC - Individual contractor 25-Oct-21 11-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84352 Recrutement d'un Consultant Archiviste Numérique en appui à la gouvernance numérique UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE SENEGAL IC - Individual contractor 18-Oct-21 11-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84357 Supporting the National Food Systems Dialogue-Iraq Country Office IRAQ IC - Individual contractor 26-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 11-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 84355 714-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-SCR-9 mobile cases for admin services UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Oct-21 11-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84354 RFQ 137-21 Supply and installation of hardware equipment for CEC of Armenia UNDP Armenia office ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Oct-21 11-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84353 ETH2959: Recruitment of International Consultant for the Development of an Insight Report on Governance in the era of Technological Acceleration UNDP Regional Service Center for Africa (RSCA) ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 01-Nov-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 11-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 84351 715-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-SCR-2 DMS stations UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Oct-21 11-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84350 EXTENDED: Web-Services Developer (3 persons) UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN IC - Individual contractor 01-Nov-21 11-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84348 LBN-CO-RFP-270-21-ESA Country Office LEBANON RFP - Request for proposal 05-Nov-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 11-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84347 National Animation video services for the new platform of the Peace Building in Lebanon News Supplement. UNDP Country Office LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 25-Oct-21 11-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84298 LBN-CO-RFQ-272-21Waste Clean Up Zahrani Reluanch UNDP Country office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Nov-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 11-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84344 Recrutement d'un consultant charge de l'organisation d'une rencontre des partenaires techniques et financiers (PTF) sur le financement du Schema National d'Amenagement du Territoire NIGER NIGER RFP - Request for proposal 15-Oct-21 11-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84345 RFQ/163/21 Construction and mechanical works on the location of the "PD Crvene Stijene"- Sokolac Municipality UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Oct-21 11-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84342 BIH-RfI-0021-001 UN Agencies in BiH Lease of Common Office Premises and Services UNDP Country Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFI - Request for Information 19-Oct-21 11-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84341 l'impression de kakemono, fluyers, T-shirt, chemise à rabat, drapelet et enseigne lumineux RBA CHAD RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Oct-21 11-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84339 RFQ/162/21 IT Girls Virtual Reality training – Digital skills to reimagine the cities UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Oct-21 11-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84338 RFQ2376 Conservation works Soldanesti water tower UNDP Country Office MOLDOVA RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Nov-21 @ 09:30 AM (New York time) 11-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83063 National Consultants on Soft Skills Trainings for Youth (2 persons) UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN IC - Individual contractor 25-Oct-21 11-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 84337 RFQ-116-IND-2021 (Request for Quotation for Supply of IT items (Dell Latitude Laptop, Dell Docking Station and Magewell USB Capture HDMI UNDP Country Office INDIA RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 11-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84336 Consultancy Services for Training of Selected COVID 19 Supplies Manufacturers in Production Optimization and Management UNDP Country Office MALAWI RFP - Request for proposal 25-Oct-21 11-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84335 Consultant specialized in the assembly and use of Drones for civil use UNCDF BURKINA FASO BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 15-Oct-21 10-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84334 Consultant specialized in project management - Ouagadougou, BURKINA FASO UNCDF BURKINA FASO BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 11-Oct-21 10-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84333 Consultant specialized in Entrepreneurship and Digital Innovation UNCDF BURKINA FASO BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 15-Oct-21 10-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84332 Consultant specialized in the field of Home Automation - Ouagadougou, BURKINA FASO UNCDF BURKINA FASO BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 15-Oct-21 10-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84330 Security Enhancement for UNOHCHR Building UNDP Country Office YEMEN RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Oct-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 10-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84329 National Consultant to undertake the mitigation analysis in the Energy Sector of Jordan UNDP Country Office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 21-Oct-21 10-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84328 Rehabilitation Housing Works 199 units in Al-Qaim Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 09-Nov-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 10-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84326 RFP-21-36-Re-Ad-Firm-Capacity Building Training UNDP Country Office BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 18-Oct-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 10-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84325 Rehabilitation and Supply of Pump Station Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 04-Nov-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 10-Oct-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 84324 Providing and installing Drip Irrigation Networks. Syria SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 31-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 10-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84323 Ventilation System in Aden office UNDP Aden sub-office YEMEN RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Oct-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 10-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84322 RFQ-071-2021 UNDP Country Office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 10-Oct-21 AGRO-INDUSTRY AGRO-INDUSTRY 84321 BEE KEEPING OR HONEY PROCESSING EQUIPMENT Undp Country Office ZAMBIA ITB - Invitation to bid 28-Oct-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 09-Oct-21 FORESTRY FORESTRY 84320 Call for Proposals for Low-Value Grant Projects Strengthening Integrated Sustainable Landscape Management in Enga Province Papua New Guinea UNDP PNG Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 24-Oct-21 09-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84319 SDP No. OIT-COL-001-2021 Desarrollo y operativización del Sistema de Información de Archivo Sindical (SIAS) de Ministerio del Trabajo. Fase II UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 31-Oct-21 09-Oct-21 POWER POWER 84318 For Provision and Installation of Solar System Syria SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 09-Oct-21 HEALTH HEALTH 84317 Readvertised- Medical Safety Boxes-LBN-CO-RFQ-274 Country Office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 09-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84316 Procu. of Personal Protective Equipment PPEs Albania ALBANIA ITB - Invitation to bid 25-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 09-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84315 Recrutement d'un Bureau d'Etudes National chargé de la collecte des données des indicateurs du portefeuille du CPD 2018-2022 du PNUD Guinée (Republication). GUINEE GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 18-Oct-21 09-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84314 4529 PAN 2021 Equipo e insumos de Primeros Auxilios para las acciones de formación en los centros de Formación Marítima del Instituto Nacional de Formación Profesional y Capacitación para el Desarrollo Humano (INADEH). PANAMA PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Nov-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 08-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84313 Solicitud de Propuesta – SDP/00014311/642/2021-Construcción de las Obras Civiles, Instalaciones y el Mantenimiento posterior de la Ampliación del Palacio de Justicia de San Lorenzo Paraguay CO PARAGUAY RFP - Request for proposal 01-Dec-21 08-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 84312 RfP2375 Development and Implementation of FCMS UNDP Country Office MOLDOVA RFP - Request for proposal 05-Nov-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 08-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84311 4530 PAN 2021 Herramientas e insumos para los cursos de Instalación de Mosaico y Azulejos del Instituto Nacional de Formación Profesional y Capacitación para el Desarrollo Humano (INADEH) a nivel nacional. PANAMA PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Oct-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 08-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84310 SDC-45-2021 "ACUERDO A LARGO PLAZO PARA SERVICIOS DE LIMPIEZA Y DESINFECCION DE ESPACIOS EN LA CASA DE LAS NACIONES UNIDAS" UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Oct-21 08-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84307 IC-2021-083 Эксперт-териолог по разработке разделов Естественно-научного и технико-экономического обоснования создания 5 новых особо охраняемых природных территорий (далее ООПТ) и программы мониторинга биоразнообразия 5 пилотных ООПТ UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 01-Nov-22 08-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84309 UNDP-RFP-2021-010 Brokerage Services for UNDP in NY New York UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RFP - Request for proposal 29-Oct-21 @ 12:00 PM (New York time) 08-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84308 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA No.: COL-0000154049 - Desarrollar un modelo económico por medio de un análisis de escenarios para el sector de la minería de Oro de subsistencia y pequeña minería en municipios del proyecto planetGOLD Colombia, basados en la evidenc UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 25-Oct-21 08-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84306 19028-2021 – Sustainable Tourism Consultant Regional Centre UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 29-Oct-21 08-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84305 Consultant.e national.e expert.e jeunesse visant à renforcer le projet Tamkeen dans sa capacité de plaidoyer et d'appui au processus d'élaboration d'une politique nationale multisectorielle de la jeunesse TUNISIA TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 15-Oct-21 08-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84304 Long Term Agreement - Videographer for the Production of HD short movies for the new platform of the Peace Building in Lebanon News Supplement_LBN-CO-IC-251-21 UNDP Country Office LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 22-Oct-21 08-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84302 RFP-SDG-2021-77 Revision of the Climate Change Policy and Development of GEF funding proposal UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFP - Request for proposal 04-Nov-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 08-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84303 Managing editor for the new platform of the Peace Building in Lebanon News Supplement UNDP Country Office LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 22-Oct-21 08-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84300 SLE/RFQ/UNDSS/2021/011 PROCUREMENT FOR maintenance and general repairs (Welding of railings, staircase and steps, roofing, floor, brushing of shrubs and painting of the facility). UNDP Country Office SIERRA LEONE RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Oct-21 08-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84301 RFQ117-2021 for Review of Technical documentation for extension of the Grigor Prlicev school in Ohrid and and for re-construction of the Bambi kindergarden in Makedonska Kamenica UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Oct-21 08-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84299 Consultant for Local Action Strategic Development (Re-Advertisement) UNDP Stateless IC - Individual contractor 21-Oct-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 08-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84294 IC/UNDP/UNODC/131/2021 - National Coordinator for Indonesian Wildlife Crime Research (RE-ADVERTISEMENT) Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 22-Oct-21 08-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84297 RFP 725 Green Agenda Public Opinion Research UNDP CO Serbia SERBIA RFP - Request for proposal 22-Oct-21 08-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84295 RFQ/074/21 - Поставка и установка солнечной фотоэлектрической станции; Строительно-монтажные работы на поставку и установку фотоэлектрических систем и солнечных коллекторов для ГВС на 150 литров в разных городах Узбекистана UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Oct-21 08-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84296 Illustrator- Design services for the new platform of the Peace Building in Lebanon News Supplement (Re-advertised) UNDP Country Office LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 23-Nov-21 08-Oct-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 84293 SERVICES TO ESTABLISH AN ANTI-CORRUPTION EDUCATION UNDP Uzbekistan UZBEKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 22-Oct-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 08-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84292 UNDP/RFP/30/2021 Request for Proposal for Study on the Impact of COVID-19 on Achieving SDGs and Required Strategy UNDP Country Office for AISN Project NEPAL RFP - Request for proposal 31-Oct-21 08-Oct-21 AGRO-INDUSTRY AGRO-INDUSTRY 84291 RFQ Supply and Delivery of Agrobiodiversity EQP UNDP CO, Ethiopia ETHIOPIA RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Oct-21 @ 07:28 AM (New York time) 08-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84290 T211003 - 02 National Consultants and 01 International Consultant to develop a guidance for local departments of justice and legal aid organizations in evaluating successful legal aid cases in legal proceedings UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 24-Oct-21 08-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84289 UNDP-RFQ-2021-317: LTA for Maintenance Services of Fire Suppression System UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Oct-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 08-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84288 SUPPORT CONTRACT FOR UNDP SAFECOM PRINT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM UNDP Country Office TANZANIA RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Oct-21 08-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84287 L211003B - 01 National communications/ media firm to develop communication materials on the Vietnamese Legal Code to strengthen access to legal information for citizen UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 15-Oct-21 08-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84286 L211003A - 01 National Consultant to develop communication materials on the Vietnamese Legal Code to strengthen access to legal information for citizen UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 15-Oct-21 08-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84284 Procurement of the Equipment for Revamping of the power substation (for Establishment of Purchase Orders) UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND (UNICEF) UKRAINE ITB - Invitation to bid 26-Oct-21 08-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84285 RFP-2021-043 Community Building, engagement and experimentation support for policymakers across Asia and the Pacific on the 'Data for Policy' Platform anchored by RIC- UNDP Asia Pacific Bangkok Regional Centre THAILAND RFP - Request for proposal 05-Nov-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 08-Oct-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 84283 Vehicle TOYOTA HILUX DC, 4X4 UNDP Country Office RWANDA RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Oct-21 08-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84281 Javni poziv za predaju projektnih prijedloga u sklopu projekta Regionalni program lokalne demokratije na Zapadnom Balkanu 2 (ReLOaD2) na području općine Vitez UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 08-Nov-21 08-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84280 RFQ 040 - Furniture GBVII Lusaka ZAMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Oct-21 08-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84043 139-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP: Analysis of Credit Capacities and Implementation of Financial and Credit Instruments for Territorial Communities of Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts. UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 29-Oct-21 08-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84279 UNDP-IC-2021-365 Capacity Development Plan Consultant UNDP CO Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 25-Oct-21 08-Oct-21 HEALTH HEALTH 84278 UNDP-IC-2021-364 Lost to Follow-up consultant UNDP CO Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 25-Oct-21 08-Oct-21 HEALTH HEALTH 84277 UNDP-IC-2021-363 Monitoring & Evaluation Consultant UNDP CO Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 25-Oct-21 08-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84276 UNDP-RFI-2021-PAKISTAN Provision of Warehouse Services UNDP CO Pakistan PAKISTAN RFI - Request for Information 25-Oct-21 08-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER UNDP-MD-00006 RFQ21/02374 NIJ2 Publishing the book "How Judges Think" by Richard A. Posner UNDP-MD MOLDOVA RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Oct-21 @ 10:30 AM (New York time) 08-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84275 RFQ/051/21 - переобъявление - Текущий ремонт фасадов административного здания Гиссарского государственного заповедника и Чаткальского биосферного заповедника UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Oct-21 07-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84274 SOLICITUD DE COTIZACIÓN No.: COL-0000152721 - Adquisición de un espectrómetro de emisión de plasma acoplado de cuadrupolo simple, modelo RQ UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Oct-21 07-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84273 RFQ for the supply of Various Equipment UNDP Country Office SIERRA LEONE RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Oct-21 07-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84272 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA No.: COL-0000156574 - Prestar servicios de apoyo operativo, técnico y logístico para la Construcción y socialización de una caja de herramientas en protección y seguridad para mujeres exintegrantes FARC – EP UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 21-Oct-21 07-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84271 ITB 83-2021 for Construction works on regulation of riverbed on Bogovinjska river (LOT 1 and 2) UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia ITB - Invitation to bid 29-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 07-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84270 Rehabilitation of Al-Adlah Compact Unit (100m3 per hr)-Supply and Installation of Equipment-Ninewa Governorate UNDP Iraq IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 31-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 07-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84269 Rehabilitation of 58 Houses in Multaqa-Kirkuk UNDP Iraq IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 31-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 07-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84268 Independent Quality Assurance to Supervise the Construction of Barra Police Station UNDP Gambia GAMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 21-Oct-21 07-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84267 "Training and Certification of heads of the Personnel Management Services of state bodies for compliance with Kazakhstani professional standards in the field of human resource management" Казахстан KAZAKHSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 29-Oct-21 07-Oct-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 84266 SdC 21 155254 adquisicion vehiculo electrico UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Oct-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 07-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84265 Impression du rapport d'activités 2020 UNDP Togo, RBA TOGO RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Oct-21 07-Oct-21 FORESTRY FORESTRY 84258 IC-2021-136 Национальный эксперт по разработке Рекомендации по внедрению системы лесной сертификации в Казахстане/ National expert on the development of Recommendations for the implementation of the forest certification system in Kazakhstan UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 29-Oct-21 07-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84264 Recrutement d'un Consultant national pour la formation des Unités Conjointes de Sécurité et de Restauration de la Confiance pour la cohésion sociale et la sécurité dans le Bec de perroquet GUINEE GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 21-Oct-21 07-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84261 147-RFQ-CPRD-2021-D - Equipements et accessoires de coupe et coutures pour la Mise en place des filières de formation professionnelle des personnes détenues UNDP Country Office CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Nov-21 07-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84263 Evaluation of the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) for The Gambia 2017-2022 UNDP Gambia GAMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 25-Oct-21 07-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84260 "Partnerships for Biodiversity Conservation: Sustainable Financing of Protected Area Systems in the Congo Basin" UNDP Country Office GABON IC - Individual contractor 20-Oct-21 07-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84262 RFQ 724 Ballistic Comparison Microscope Re-adv UNDP CO Serbia SERBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Oct-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 07-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84259 IC 21 154050 diseno naval planeadoras UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 04-Nov-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 07-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84256 ITB162021 - Rehabilitation of several infrastructures in Bilibiza Administrative Post in Cabo Delgado Province, under three lots UNDP Mozambique CO MOZAMBIQUE ITB - Invitation to bid 27-Oct-21 @ 10:30 AM (New York time) 07-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84257 RFQ115-2021 -Develop questionnaire, design and implement focus groups for workers from informal economy UUNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Oct-21 07-Oct-21 HOUSING HOUSING 84203 RFQ/LBY/SLCRR/2021/052 - Supply and Installation of Office Furnitures at Passport Building in Sabha, Libya. UNDP Country Office LIBYA RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Oct-21 07-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84255 SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF OFFICE FURNITURE Albania ALBANIA RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 07-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84254 Recrutement d'un consultant en charge d'élaborer la stratégie de communication du projet d'appui à la territorialisation inclusive des ODD dans la commune de Gueule Tapée- Fass-Colobane DAKAR SENEGAL IC - Individual contractor 18-Oct-21 07-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84253 RFQ 138-21 Supply of Wheeled Bucket Loader for EU4Sevan project UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Oct-21 07-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84252 RFQ-375-21-Upgrading COVID-19 Isolation Wards Al- UNDP IRAQ OFFICE IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 07-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84251 PROCESO COL 0000157163 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Técnico Entidades del Orden Nacional - Nivel 4 - DVR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 20-Oct-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 07-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84240 Recrutement d'un (e) Consultant (e) National (e) chargé (e) d'appuyer le Comité Locale de Paix et de Réconciliation dans le 3e arrondissement de la ville de Bangui. Country of UNDP CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 18-Oct-21 07-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84249 International Short-Term Expert on Crime Prevention Mechanisms in Finland UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 21-Oct-21 07-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84250 ITB-367-21-Construction and Stringing of Four 11kV UNDP IRAQ OFFICE IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 28-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 07-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84247 RFP N°20-2021/PNUD/RELANCE Recrutement d'un cabinet pour l'Analyse des conflits dans les régions des Hauts- Bassins, des Cascades, et du Sud-Ouest Country Office BURKINA FASO RFP - Request for proposal 09-Nov-21 07-Oct-21 HEALTH HEALTH 84248 RFQ/161/21 Supply and Delivery of pulse oximeters and non-contact thermometers - extended deadline and change in Annex 2 UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Oct-21 07-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 84233 EQUIPEMENTS IT ET MOTOS POUR LES PARTENAIRES DU PRJET RSF UNDP CAMEROON CAMEROON RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Oct-21 07-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84246 RFQ-368-21-Construction of a new 11kV OH Power Lin UNDP IRAQ OFFICE IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 07-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84245 UNDP-IC-2021-327-Training Expert Prosecution Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 21-Oct-21 07-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84244 UNDP-IC-2021-326-Senior National AMLCFT Capacity Building Expert Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 21-Oct-21 07-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84243 UNDP-IC-2021-325-Senior Law Enforcement Specialist Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 21-Oct-21 07-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84242 RFQ/160/21 Development of the ICT Projects Management online platform for the Ministry of Scientific and Technological Development, Higher Education and Information Society of the Republika Srpska UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Oct-21 07-Oct-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 84241 Request for Quotation: Duty-free car for UNDSS Vietnam UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Nov-21 07-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84239 RFP_15_2021 Provision Of Engineering Services For Contract Managements and Supervision of Works of Rehabilitation of Agostinho Neto Primary School in Beira and House Construction in Mutua Resettlement area UNDP Mozambique CO MOZAMBIQUE RFP - Request for proposal 22-Oct-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 07-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84237 ITB_15_21 Construction of 80 New Houses in Mutua Resettlement area in Dondo, Sofala Province UNDP Mozambique CO MOZAMBIQUE ITB - Invitation to bid 29-Oct-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 07-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84238 Câblage réseaux informatiques de l'immeuble Nokour bâtiment R+6 RBA CHAD RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Oct-21 07-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84236 Renforcement de la sécurité alimentaire et de l'emploi des femmes et des jeunes via la promotion de chaîne de valeur vertes inclusives dans le cadre de la relance post covid 19 UNDP Country Office GABON RFP - Request for proposal 21-Oct-21 07-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84234 RECRUTEMENT D'UN CONSULTANT CHARGÉ DE RÉALISER LE DIAGNOSTIC PORTANT SUR LE DÉVELOPPEMENT DES USAGES ET SERVICES NUMÉRIQUES SENEGAL SENEGAL IC - Individual contractor 10-Nov-21 07-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84235 RFQ 2021-78 Procurement of video photo comput equ Киргизия KYRGYZSTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Oct-21 @ 04:21 AM (New York time) 07-Oct-21 IRRIGATION IRRIGATION 84232 PRC/ZWE/RFP/0003/09/09/2021: Consultancy to Conduct Detailed Feasibility and Climate Proof Designs and Construction Supervision of GCF Funded Irrigation Schemes Harare ZIMBABWE RFP - Request for proposal 19-Nov-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 07-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84231 ITB32-21 Liquid Chromatograph UNDP CO MONTENEGRO ITB - Invitation to bid 01-Nov-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 07-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 84230 LBN-CO-RFQ-267-21Proc of ICT Equipment for Ainab UNDP Country office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 07-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84229 L211002 - 03 National Consultants to identify bottlenecks and solutions for SMEs in supporting industries to access long term capital necessary to become the drivers of green, sustainable and inclusive growth in Viet Nam UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 14-Oct-21 07-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84228 PARTENARIAT AVEC LES SOCIETES SAVANTES POUR LA MISE EN OEUVRE D'ACTIVITÉS D'INFORMATION, D'ÉDUCATION ET DE SENSIBILISATION SUR LA COVID-19 AU PROFIT DES PROFESSIONNELS DE LA SANTE UNDP Algeria ALGERIA Other 14-Nov-21 07-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84226 RFQ-PAL-0000156807-Package 9- Rubble Removal UNDP/PAPP PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Oct-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 07-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 84227 Supply of Notebook for LoGIC and NUPRP Dhaka BANGLADESH RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Oct-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 07-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84225 National Consultancy to Support to Support Development of Project Document (PRODOC) on Public Service Delivery Accelerated Programme UNDP Country Office TANZANIA IC - Individual contractor 18-Oct-21 07-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83986 708-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP: Company to support local authorities in the implementation of the green transition to sustainable forestry, providing a multifactor environmental assessment of the current state of the local terrestrial and water ecosystem UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 02-Nov-21 07-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83911 283-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ: Current repairs of the internal premises and the entrance group of the Youth Center for Informal Education in Stanytsia Luhanska History Museum: Tsentralna St, 1, Stanytsia Luhanska, Luhansk Oblast, 93600 UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Oct-21 07-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84223 PROCESO COL 0000157161 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Técnico - Nivel 4 - DVR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 20-Oct-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 07-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84222 PROCESO COL 0000157155 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Especializado Técnico Entidades del Orden Nacional - Nivel 2 - DVR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 20-Oct-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 07-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84221 PROCESO COL 0000157150 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Especializado de Control - Nivel 2 UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 20-Oct-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 07-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84195 National Consultant to develop Standard Operating Procedures for COVID-19 waste management UNDP Country Office MYANMAR IC - Individual contractor 24-Oct-21 07-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84219 Consultant-Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework UNDP Fiji Office FIJI IC - Individual contractor 15-Oct-21 07-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 84220 RFQ-092-PHL-2021 Supply, delivery, and Installation of complete hardware components for the REMB Data Warehouse and Management Information System (RIS) and REMB Web Application Portal Philippines PHILIPPINES RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Nov-21 06-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84216 RE-RFP-PNG-010-2021 Re-Announced UNDP NAP Project PAPUA NEW GUINEA RFP - Request for proposal 21-Oct-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 06-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84218 Proceso No. COL-0000157164 - Profesional Especializado de Control - Nivel 2 UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 20-Oct-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 06-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84217 Proceso No. COL-0000157143 - Profesional de Control - Nivel 4 DVR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 20-Oct-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 06-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84206 19050-2021 – Research Assistant -RFF Regional Centre UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RFP - Request for proposal 22-Oct-21 06-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84215 Proceso No. COL-0000157141 - Ingeniero de soporte técnico – Nivel 2 DVR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 20-Oct-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 06-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84214 Proceso No. COL-0000157139 - Ingeniero Especializado en Desarrollo BF – Nivel 2 UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 20-Oct-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 06-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84213 Proceso No. COL-0000156886 - Apoyo Administrativo con sede Bogotá. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 20-Oct-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 06-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84212 Proceso No. COL-0000156367 - Consultor Verificación de Requisitos UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 20-Oct-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 06-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84211 SDC/00128273/129/2021 Alquiler Salón Salón UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE HONDURAS RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Oct-21 06-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84210 Proceso No. COL-0000155854 - Consultor experto Estudios de Caso- Contratación Pública UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 20-Oct-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 06-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84209 IC/00080822/130/2021 - Identificación de Necesidades Estratégicas del Poder Judicial Ofinica de Pais HONDURAS IC - Individual contractor 20-Oct-21 06-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84208 CI/107/ODS/2021 CONSULTORÍA PARA DETECTAR SOLUCIONES INNOVADORAS EN LA LUCHA ANTICORRUPCIÓN EN CHILE Y EL SALVADOR. UNDP Country Office VENEZUELA IC - Individual contractor 20-Oct-21 06-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84207 CI/106/ODS/2021 CONSULTORÍA PARA DETECTAR SOLUCIONES INNOVADORAS EN LA LUCHA ANTICORRUPCIÓN EN MÉXICO Y PANAMÁ. UNDP Country Office VENEZUELA IC - Individual contractor 20-Oct-21 06-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84204 RFQ109-2021 for Review of technical documentation for energy efficiency in 4 (four) public buildings, Municipality of Gjorce Petrov UUNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Oct-21 06-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84202 IC-UNDP-21-040-Project Management & Institutional Effectiveness E-learning Consultant Livelihood CSO training in Libya UNDP Country Office LIBYA IC - Individual contractor 30-Oct-21 06-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84200 RFQ_58_2021 MACOMIA INFRASTRUCTURE BUILDING AND REGISTRATION BUILDING UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE MOZAMBIQUE RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Oct-21 06-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84201 ICT for Development (ICT4D) Training (GIS for M&E and Mobile Based Data Collection) UNDP Country Office SOMALIA RFP - Request for proposal 14-Oct-21 06-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84199 Recrutement d'un (e) consultant(e) national(e) chargé de l'élaboration d'une étude sur la cartographie et le profilage des femmes leaders DAKAR SENEGAL IC - Individual contractor 16-Oct-21 06-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84198 Recrutement d'un cabinet chargé de la mise en œuvre d'un programme d'accompagnement des femmes pour améliorer leur participation et leur leadership politiques DAKAR SENEGAL Other 16-Oct-21 06-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84197 Contrato Individual (CI) 126000-2561/21 "Servicios de Consultoría para Desarrollo de una plataforma web para el Sistema de Monitoreo y Evaluación (M&E) para la cartera de proyectos PBF en Guatemala". PNUD GUATEMALA GUATEMALA RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Oct-21 06-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84188 Local firm for Development of a Mobile App UNDP Maldives Country Office MALDIVES RFP - Request for proposal 16-Oct-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 06-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84191 Recrutement d'un (e) Consultant (e) National (e) pour la réalisation d'une évaluation finale du "Projet d'Appui à la Promotion et Protection des Droits de l'Homme" (PAPPDH) au Gabon UNDP Country Office GABON IC - Individual contractor 20-Oct-21 06-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84189 Local Legal Assistant to assist in the drafting of an Integrated Waste Management Legislative Framework, including the draft bill for Mauritius UNDP Country Office MAURITIUS IC - Individual contractor 13-Oct-21 06-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84193 Services for the development of a design project for the arrangement and the implementation of works on the arrangement of 3 pilot tour routes in Katon-Karagai, Sairam-Ugam and Казахстан KAZAKHSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 25-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 06-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84192 SPD-33-2021 Acuerdo a largo plazo para producción audiovisual, fotografías y servicios de streaming UNDP Country Office DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 29-Oct-21 06-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84194 INVITACION A LICITAR COL 0000154182 - Adquisición de Drones, Sistema de Posicionamiento Global (GPS), Sistema de Datos Georreferenciados PPK, Sistema Global de Navegación por Satélite (GNSS) para el control de la deforestación en las zonas focalizadas UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA ITB - Invitation to bid 02-Nov-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 06-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84190 International Consultant - Debt Sustainability Bangkok Regional Centre THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 21-Oct-21 06-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84173 IC-2021-148 Эксперт по разработке практических рекомендаций по использованию механизма Платежей за экосистемные услуги (ПЭУ) на практике лесного сектора/ National Expert on the development of practical recommendations for the use of the Payments for Ec UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 03-Nov-21 06-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84187 Recrutement d'un Consultant National Individuel pour la réalisation de l'évaluation finale du projet CBSP – PIMS3447 Cameroun CAMEROON IC - Individual contractor 20-Oct-21 06-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84184 Invitation to Bid ITB 114 2021 Mobile Phones UNDP Country Office INDIA ITB - Invitation to bid 28-Oct-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 06-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84185 RFP-117-IND-2021-Production of Animated Videos on Business and Human Rights Policy Frameworks and Human Rights Due Diligence processes within the context of UNGPs' India INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 20-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 06-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84186 Recrutement d'un Consultant International Individuel pour la réalisation de l'évaluation finale du projet CBSP – PIMS3447 Cameroun CAMEROON IC - Individual contractor 20-Oct-21 06-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84183 UNCDF National Consulyancy for MOI regulatory UNDP Country Office SOMALIA IC - Individual contractor 15-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 06-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84182 Server Hosting and backup for M and E System-NUPRP Dhaka BANGLADESH RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Oct-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 06-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84181 Rehabilitation and Furniture Supply to schools UNDP SERVICE CENTRE Erbil- Iraq IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 31-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 06-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84180 RFQ 31-21 Forensic Equipment - Detonation Chamber UNDP CO MONTENEGRO RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Oct-21 06-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84179 RFQ 30-21 Procurement of 3D Lasser Scanner UNDP CO MONTENEGRO RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Oct-21 06-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84018 Contratação de um (a) Consultor (a) Nacional para apoiar a Rede das Mulheres Parlamentares na elaboração de um Projeto de Lei de Paridade UNDP Country Office SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE IC - Individual contractor 15-Oct-21 06-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84176 RFQ 29-21 Procurement of Forensic Equipment and Materials UNDP CO MONTENEGRO RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Oct-21 06-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84177 RFQ113-2021 for : Preparation of Technical documentation for reconstruction of potable water treatment plant in Pehchevo UUNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Oct-21 06-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84178 RFQ 357-21- Construction of Pilot Composting site Country Office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 06-Oct-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 84175 Rehabilitation of Angels House Kindergarten in Alq UNDP Iraq IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Nov-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 06-Oct-21 URBAN DEV'T. URBAN DEV'T. 84174 01 National firm/institution/organization for developing handbook on regional and provincial planning for 2021-2030, vision to 2050 by integrated approach (B-211002) UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 21-Oct-21 06-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84172 UNDP/PN/25/2021 (RE-BID) Re-Invitation of Individual Consultant Procurement Notice for International Consultant for the Preparation and Development of the Nepal's United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) 2023-2027 UNDP Country Office for UNRCO NEPAL IC - Individual contractor 19-Oct-21 06-Oct-21 POWER POWER 84171 Financing Mitigation Outcomes from Solar Solutions UNDP DENMARK ITP - Invitation to pre-qualify 04-Nov-21 @ 10:59 AM (New York time) 06-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84170 Rehabilitation of one Church and one Mosque Country Office IRAQ EOI - Expression of interest 27-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 06-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84162 RFP-2021-044 Youth Policy Hackathon UNDP Thailand THAILAND RFP - Request for proposal 29-Oct-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 06-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84169 Rehabilitation and Furniture Supply Qarqasha UNDP SERVICE CENTRE Erbil- Iraq IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 06-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84168 UNDP-RFQ-2020-352 Supply and Delivery of furniture UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Oct-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 06-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 84167 01 National firm/institution/organization for developing guideline on development, management and exploitation of national planning information and database system (B-211001) UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 20-Oct-21 06-Oct-21 POWER POWER 84165 Construction and Stringing of Four 11kV SC Over He Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 25-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 06-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84163 RFP-115-IND-2021 (Request for proposal for Journey of India's National Action Plan on Business & Human Rights (NAP): Contributions of Civil Society, Businesses and Business & Human Rights (BHR) Experts) UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 19-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 06-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84164 Conducting feasibility study for the commercialization of Tanzanian Universities' research outputs and Innovations UNDP TANZANIA RFP - Request for proposal 27-Oct-21 06-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84161 Reservation, Ticketing and Airport Transfer Services UNDP Country Office SOMALIA RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Oct-21 06-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84147 National Consultant – Business and Human Rights Communication Consultant UNDP Thailand THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 20-Oct-21 06-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84160 RFQ-078-PHL-2021: LTA for Hotels for BARMM and Mindanao Region Philippines PHILIPPINES RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Nov-21 06-Oct-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 84159 RFQ-091-PHL-2021: Supply and Delivery of 1 unit Brand New 4 x 4 SUV Philippines PHILIPPINES RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Oct-21 06-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 84157 ICT Storage Hardware for SECSIP Project UNDP Pacific Office SOLOMON ISLANDS RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Oct-21 06-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84158 Deliverable Based Individual Consultancy Services for Preparation of a Report on Inclusion of Women Perspective to SME Digitalization Platform Services UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 20-Oct-21 06-Oct-21 POWER POWER 84156 Solar PV System UNDP Country Office IRAN RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Nov-21 06-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84155 Rehabilitation and replacement of filters for AlTouz - Kifry WTP (4000m3/h) - Phase 2 Re-advertise Iraq IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 24-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 06-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84154 Rehabilitation of Attaalrahman Primary Mixed School in Ain-Alhussan M Village-Qayrawan-Sinjar-Ninawa Governorate Iraq IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 06-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84153 Re-Advertisement for IC/PNG/033-2021 FINANCE MANAGER: PAPUA NEW GUINEA BIODIVERSITY AND CLIMATE FUND UNDP Papua New Guinea, Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 19-Oct-21 06-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84152 IC/PNG/055-2021 National Consultant for the work of Interior work and Supervision renovations to be held at the leased premises of UNDP Papua New Guinea Country Office in Level 12, Kina Bank Haus. UNDP Papua New Guinea, Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 19-Oct-21 06-Oct-21 HEALTH HEALTH 84151 RFQ-JPP-2021-73 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 100kg/h Medical Waste Incinerator UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Oct-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 06-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84149 RFP No. 2-8-2021-ISA - Support to the ISA Secretariat for global solar advocacy UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 02-Nov-21 06-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84150 Fishingnet and Crab traps for Mon State Myanmar Country Office MYANMAR RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Oct-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 06-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84148 IC/UNDP/IFL/148/2021 - Consultant for Environmental Fund Program – Indonesian Environment Fund Management/BPDLH (Local Consultant) Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 20-Oct-21 05-Oct-21 AGRICULTURE  SEEDLING AGRICULTURE SEEDLING 84146 SEED MULTIPLICATION INPUTS AND TRAINING MODULE Undp Country Office ZAMBIA ITB - Invitation to bid 21-Oct-21 @ 11:00 PM (New York time) 05-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84145 4501 PAN 2021 - Consultoría individual para la elaboración de estudio de factibilidad legal para la implementación y puesta en marcha de un Sistema de Información para los programas de protección social del MIDES. UNDP Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 19-Oct-21 05-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 84143 SOLICITUD DE COTIZACION: SDC-2021-018 EQUIPO DE COMPUTO UNDP Country Office COSTA RICA RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Oct-21 05-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84144 ITB N007 PNUD Burkina Faso BURKINA FASO ITB - Invitation to bid 26-Oct-21 @ 05:24 PM (New York time) 05-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84140 ITB 21 204 LTA Hotellerie PNUD HAITI ITB - Invitation to bid 28-Oct-21 @ 04:30 PM (New York time) 05-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84142 4516 PAN 2021 "Administrador de Proyecto para la Construcción, Equipamiento e Integración de los componentes del Centro de Datos del Instituto Nacional de Formación Profesional y Capacitación para el Desarrollo Humano (INADEH)". PANAMA PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 28-Oct-21 05-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84141 4467 PAN 2021- Servicios de Consultoría para la inspección de los trabajos de suministro e instalación del sistema de luminarias tipo LED con paneles solares en el Complejo Penitenciario La Joya UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 21-Oct-21 05-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84139 Obras de Refacción del Edificio de la Dirección de Pensiones No Contributivas del Ministerio de Hacienda Asunción PARAGUAY RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Oct-21 05-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84138 4500 PAN 2021 Herramientas e insumos para los cursos de Albañilería Básica del Instituto Nacional de Formación Profesional y Capacitación para el Desarrollo Humano (INADEH) a nivel nacional. PANAMA PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Oct-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 05-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84137 RFQ/HCDH/001/2021 ACHAT SUPPORT DE COMMUNICATIONS DAKAR SENEGAL RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Oct-21 05-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84136 Individual Consultant - Cost Consultant (Chartered Quantity Surveyor) UNDP Country Office TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO IC - Individual contractor 22-Oct-21 05-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84135 Individual Consultant – Energy, Biodiversity and Climate Action Capacity Assessment Expert UNDP Country Office UGANDA IC - Individual contractor 13-Oct-21 05-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84134 Consultation Nationale : Elaboration d'une Stratégie d'Intégration de la Médiation Judiciaire PNUD HAITI IC - Individual contractor 26-Oct-21 05-Oct-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 83383 National Consultant to Document Lessons Learned and Best Practices In Budaka, Bugiri, Busia, Buyende, Kaliro, Kamuli And Namutumba Districts Uganda UGANDA IC - Individual contractor 12-Oct-21 05-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84133 National Consultant to Facilitate the Mapping and Progress, Gaps and Reporting on the NED Implementation and Follow up Required Actions. UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 12-Oct-21 05-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84132 IC-21-156393 automatizacion difusion resultados UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 26-Oct-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 05-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84131 National Consultant - Study on the Evaluation of Sector-wise Contribution to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Liberia UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 12-Oct-21 05-Oct-21 HOUSING HOUSING 84130 ETH2509: Procurement of Foldable Conference Room Chairs (White – Colour) UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Oct-21 05-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84129 ETH2394RE-National Firm Level Consultancy Placement of produced TV spots on selected TV stations UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA RFP - Request for proposal 25-Oct-21 @ 03:59 PM (New York time) 05-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84128 SELECTION DE 100 JEUNES DANS LE SECTEUR DES ENERGIES RENOUVELABLES Cameroun CAMEROON EOI - Expression of interest 22-Oct-21 05-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84127 RFP 722 Development of Roadmaps for open data policy and practice in sectors of: Lot 1 - Environmental Protection and Lot 2 - Public Finance UNDP CO Serbia SERBIA RFP - Request for proposal 01-Nov-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 05-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84126 RFP 108/21 Development of Communication Strategy and Action Plan for Society's Awareness of Disability Issues UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFP - Request for proposal 04-Nov-21 05-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84125 Hiring of an Implementing Partner to Set Up and Manage One Peace Committee for Farmer-Grazier Conflict Management and Peacebuilding in Wum (NWR) UNDP CAMEROON CAMEROON RFP - Request for proposal 20-Oct-21 05-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84123 Call for Proposal: Design and Implement a Youth Incubator Program UNDP Country Office SAMOA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 18-Oct-21 05-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84119 Recruitment of Local Implementing Partner for Support to Individuals for the Issuance of Lost Documents in Bamenda 1, 2, & 3 Municipalities (NW Region) UNDP Cameroun CAMEROON RFP - Request for proposal 20-Oct-21 05-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84124 UNDP-RFP-2021-357- Management Consultancy To Conduct Orientation Sessions On Parliamentary Engagement, Sindh SDG's Framework, NHDR and Capacity Building for BoS Pakistan PAKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 20-Oct-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 05-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84122 SDP-44-2021 "Contratación de Servicios de Apoyo para la Subasta Pública de Vehículos del Tribunal Constitucional". UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 19-Nov-21 05-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84121 Consultancy on Social and Environmental Safeguard study UNDP The Gambia GAMBIA IC - Individual contractor 19-Oct-21 05-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84120 Design the Outcome Harvesting for Monitoring UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFP - Request for proposal 18-Oct-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 05-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84118 RFQ72/2021 Etablir une Crowdfunding Academy au profit des Organisations de la Société Civile en Tunisie TUNISIA TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Oct-21 05-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84117 RFQMUS2021-011 – Procurement of equipment for the Livestock & Veterinary Division UNDP Country Office MAURITIUS RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Oct-21 05-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84116 Deliverable Based Local Individual Consultant as Economy Modelling Expert for Preparation of Climate Change Strategy 2050 and Action Plan 2030 UNDP Turkey Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 18-Oct-21 05-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84115 RBAS-RFQ-020-2021 Printing Solution services RBAS REGIONAL HUB JORDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Oct-21 @ 11:00 PM (New York time) 05-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84113 LBN-CO-RFQ-268-21Proc of Furniture Equipment-Ainab UNDP Country office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 05-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 84114 Support To Five (05) Communal Saving Cooperative Institutions Affected By the socio-political crisis in the north west Region Cameroun CAMEROON EOI - Expression of interest 20-Oct-21 05-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84112 Hiring Mentorship Firm to support "Youth Co: Lab Springboard Programme 4.0 UNDP Country Office BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 21-Oct-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 05-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84111 RFP - National Consultancy firm Sierra Leone, RBA SIERRA LEONE RFP - Request for proposal 12-Oct-21 05-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84059 Consultancy Opportunities in the EU- Nepal Trade and Investment Programme (TIP) UNDP Country Office for International Trade Centre NEPAL IC - Individual contractor 20-Oct-21 05-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84110 ITB-Construction of Hafir in Chorokol UNDP Country Office SOUTH SUDAN ITB - Invitation to bid 14-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 05-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84107 Provision of Skills Training for the Ninewah Gov Country Office IRAQ RFP - Request for proposal 04-Nov-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 05-Oct-21 FORESTRY FORESTRY 84106 362/RFQ/PACARC/2021 - MISE EN PLACE DE PANNEAUX DE SENSIBILISATION ENVIRONNEMENTALE SUR LES ROUTES NATIONALES A L'ENTREE D'ANTANANARIVO UNDP MADAGASCAR - MDG10 MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Oct-21 05-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 84105 RFQ/2021/24: Procurement of Servers and Storage For Property Tax Project UNDP Country Office JORDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Oct-21 05-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84103 RFQ-2021-064 Provision of services for the development of thematic maps and atlas of protected areas / Оказание услуг по разработке тематических карт и атласа особо охраняемых природных территорий UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Oct-21 05-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84104 RFQ: Rehabilitation works of the auto-mechanic classroom at Gal/i College of Humanities UNDP Country Office GEORGIA RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Oct-21 05-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84102 Rehabilitation of Al-Hamdaniya Statistics Building Iraq IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Oct-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 05-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84101 Provision of Drugs-Medicines Re-advertisement UNDP CO YEMEN RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Oct-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 05-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84100 UNDP-SOI-RFQ-2021-060: To develop and deliver theatre for change performances across Solomon Islands UNDP Country Office SOLOMON ISLANDS RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Oct-21 05-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83822 270-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ: Current renovation of the interior and entrance group in the center of European integration at the address: 3 Pokrovska street, Berdiansk town, Zaporizhzhia Oblast, Ukraine UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Nov-21 05-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84096 Consultancy for Two National Individual Consultants Renewable Energy Expert for the Installation of Solar PVs Power Systems - IC/PNG/054-2021 UNDP PNG Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 19-Oct-21 05-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84083 Individual consultancy - Long-Term Agreement - Procurement for the services of a National Legal Expert - LBN-CO-IC-269-21 UNDP Country Office - LEBANON - LEBANON LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 26-Oct-21 05-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84098 Baseline Assessment for Victim Assistance UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFP - Request for proposal 22-Oct-21 @ 05:09 AM (New York time) 04-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84097 Identificación de mejores prácticas sobre la justicia electoral en la región latinoamericana y la implementación de la normativa procesal electoral para fortalecer las capacidades del Tribunal de Justicia Electoral (TJE). UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE HONDURAS IC - Individual contractor 11-Oct-21 04-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84095 PN(N-211001) A national consultant to evaluate the level of people's satisfaction with the resilient design and construction of safe houses. UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 18-Oct-21 04-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84094 Extension: MNG/IC/2021/138 - National Consultant - Legal expert on the environmental assessment UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 02-Nov-21 04-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84093 National Consultant for Communication and Knowledge Management Manila PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 20-Oct-21 04-Oct-21 HOUSING HOUSING 84092 RETROEXCAVADORA CON PALA FRONTAL COUNTRY OFFICE CUBA RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Oct-21 04-Oct-21 HOUSING HOUSING 84089 MINICARGADOR MULTIPROPOSITO COUNTRY OFFICE CUBA RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Oct-21 04-Oct-21 HOUSING HOUSING 84088 CAMION DE VOLTEO Y REMOLQUE COUNTRY OFFICE CUBA RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Oct-21 04-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84086 SOLICITUD DE COTIZACION: SDC-2021-017 Tubería Asadas Huetar Norte UNDP Country Office COSTA RICA RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Oct-21 04-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84087 LTA NETTOYAGE BCNU Mali MALI RFP - Request for proposal 26-Oct-21 @ 01:04 PM (New York time) 04-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84085 Solicitud de Propuesta – SDP/00014311/621/2021-Construcción de las Obras Civiles, Instalaciones y el Mantenimiento posterior de los Juzgados de 1° Instancia de Capiatá Paraguay CO PARAGUAY RFP - Request for proposal 01-Nov-21 04-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84081 RECRUTEMENT CABINET EVENEMENTIEL REGIONAL HUB FOR WEST AND CENTRAL AFRICA DAKAR SENEGAL RFP - Request for proposal 18-Oct-21 04-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84082 National Consultancy - SLE/ICPN/2020/019 UNDP Country Office SIERRA LEONE IC - Individual contractor 11-Oct-21 04-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84084 Fiji Sustainable Development Bond Framework review Fiji FIJI IC - Individual contractor 19-Oct-21 04-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84080 Consultancy – Strategic Organizational and Management expert for the United Nations Partnership on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities to develop programme report (UNPRPD) – UNDP UNDP/HQ/BPPS/GOVERNNACE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Other 07-Nov-21 04-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84079 CONSTRUCTION OF GOVERNMENT LODGE IN MONGUNO LGA UNDP Nigerai NIGERIA ITB - Invitation to bid 19-Oct-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 04-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 84078 746/RFQ/COVID/2021 - Dotation de matériels informatiques performants pour augmenter la productivité de la Direction de la Planification dans l'opérationnalisation de son mandat d'évaluateur ex-ante des Projets d'Investissements Publics dans un contexte po RBA - Madagascar MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Oct-21 04-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84077 Rehabilitation of Al-Sweida National Hospital UNDP Syria SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC ITB - Invitation to bid 19-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 04-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84076 MNG/IC/2021/137 - National Consultant - Re-advertisement: Technical Expert on the multi-sectoral and multi-stakeholder coordination mechanism UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 15-Nov-21 04-Oct-21 POWER POWER 84075 Supply and Install of Electrical Distribution Panels for Ibn Sina Hospital- Mukalla Hadramount UNDP Country Office YEMEN RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Oct-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 04-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84073 Recrutement d'une firme de communication UNDP Haiti HAITI RFP - Request for proposal 25-Oct-21 04-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84072 RFQ-LBY-RFF-2021-072 - Production of Telemedicine Promotional Video UNDP Country Office LIBYA RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Oct-21 04-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84071 RFQ/BDI10/PNILP/PNEUS/2021/FONDS MONDIAL UNDP Burundi BURUNDI RFP - Request for proposal 12-Oct-21 04-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84070 RFQ 2021-69 : Achat d'équipements pour l'hygiène et la propreté UNDP Country Office TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Oct-21 04-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83453 PNUD-IC-511-2021 Desarrollo guias metodologicas UNDP Country Office - Peru - Peru PERU IC - Individual contractor 05-Oct-21 04-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84069 RFP 721 Data Center EN50600 and DRF UNDP CO Serbia SERBIA RFP - Request for proposal 04-Nov-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 04-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84048 RFQ114-2021 forConstruction works for regular maintenance works and incorporating energy efficiency measures of 22 households in Municipality of Aerodrom [Lot 1 , Lot 2, and Lot 3] Second set of households UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Oct-21 04-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 84068 Server Hardware and Software request UNDP Country Office FIJI RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Oct-21 04-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84066 RFP/028/21 – Training on UNDESA E-government Survey and key issues of digital transformation/Оказание услуг по проведению тренинга по методологии рейтинга электронного правительства UNDESA и ключевым вопросам цифровой трансформации Uzbekistan UZBEKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 14-Oct-21 04-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84067 01 International Consultant to Review bottlenecks and make recommendations for development of domestic capital markets (A-211003) UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 07-Nov-21 04-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84065 UNDP/UNESCO Rehabilitation of the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Natural sciences and Ethnological department UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA ITB - Invitation to bid 08-Nov-21 04-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84064 Printing of ToR and WDF Guideline for EALG Dhaka BANGLADESH RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Oct-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 04-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84062 International Consultant to develop Partnership Documents and Communications Strategy for Youth Empowerment in Climate Actions Platform Bangkok Regional Hub THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 18-Oct-21 04-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84061 RFP-PNG-011-2021-Hiring a firm-Family Protection UNDP PAPUA NEW GUINEA RFP - Request for proposal 18-Oct-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 04-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84058 UNDP/PN/28/2021 Individual Consultant Procurement Notice - National Consultant Assessment of Alternative Energy to Replace Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) in Nepal UNDP Country Office for AISN NEPAL IC - Individual contractor 20-Oct-21 04-Oct-21 FORESTRY FORESTRY 84060 RFP-113-IND-2021 (Request for Proposal for Assessment of economic valuation of Biodiversity and Ecosystem services (BDES) in SECURE Himalaya project landscapes in Himachal Pradesh.) UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 18-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 04-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84057 (PN-K-211004) 01 National Consultant on Impact and Inclusion Assurance UNDP Country Office VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 17-Oct-21 04-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84056 04 National Consultants to support the General Statistics Offices UNDP Country Office VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 11-Oct-21 04-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84055 01 International Consultant and 2 National Consultants to reform Viet Nam's development banks to increase the supply of long-term domestic financing for infrastructure and private investment in renewable energy and sustainable agriculture. (A-211002) UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 11-Oct-21 04-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84054 ITB Rehabilitation Guichet Unique UNDP CO BURUNDI ITB - Invitation to bid 18-Oct-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 04-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84046 Rehabilitation of Bashiqa Civil Defence Building UNDP iraq office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 31-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 04-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84053 ETH2222RE-National Consultant -Senior advisor for DBE vice president- banking and finance office under DBE (Development Bank of Ethiopia) UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 01-Nov-21 @ 03:59 PM (New York time) 04-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84052 Deliverable Based Individual Consultancy Services "Destination Management Expert" UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 18-Oct-21 04-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84049 Закупка услуг по разработке сценариев глубокого сокращения выбросов парниковых газов до 2050 года в секторе «Промышленные процессы и использование продуктов» в рамках проекта «ЕС для климата» UNDP Country Office BELARUS RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Oct-21 04-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84050 RFQ/159/21 Promotion of Women Forum for Development (WF4D) UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Oct-21 04-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84051 02 National Consultants to develop training materials and online training course on Code of Ethics and Conduct for Vietnamese lawyers (A-211001) UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 08-Nov-21 04-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84047 Firm to Facilitate Community Groups Initiatives UNDP South Africa Country Office SOUTH AFRICA RFP - Request for proposal 25-Oct-21 @ 05:10 AM (New York time) 04-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83962 MNG/IC/2021/134 - National Consultant - Prepare country inputs for a multi-country regional report on Promoting Investments in Sustainable Childcare in Asia and the Pacific UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 18-Oct-21 04-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84045 RFQ111-2021 for Engineering Review of the amended technical documentation for regulation of Upper Vardar river in the Municipalities of Gostivar UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Oct-21 04-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84044 RFQ110-2021 for Engineering Review of the amended technical documentation for regulation of Upper Vardar river in the Municipalities of Jegunovce UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Oct-21 04-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84042 RFQ112-2021 for Engineering Review of Basic Design Project for crossroads shading urban equipment in the City of Skopje UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Oct-21 04-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 84041 RFQ-YPE-2021-76 - Procurement of IT equipment UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Oct-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 04-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 84040 728-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-RPP_ICT Equipment for implementation of the electronic voting system in 13 pilot communities of the Lugansk and Donetsk regions UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Oct-21 04-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84039 RFP/027/21 – на проведение детальной оценки уязвимости сектора здравоохранения к изменению климата с особым вниманием на воздействие изменения климата на здоровье различных половозрастных групп населения Республики Узбекистан Uzbekistan UZBEKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 18-Oct-21 04-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84038 IC/UNDP/PROTECT/147/2021 - Policy Engagement and Facilitate the Implementation of Government Regulation related to Law No. 5 of 2018 and NAP on PCVE UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 18-Oct-21 03-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 84037 Digital Financial Services for Credit Unions in TL UNDP Country Office TIMOR LESTE RFP - Request for proposal 17-Oct-21 @ 11:59 AM (New York time) 03-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 83953 RFQ - Home Gardening Equipment 2021-UNDP-MMR-PN-035 UNDP country Office MYANMAR RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Oct-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 03-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84035 RFQ/073/21 - Реконструкция опреснительной станций и водопроводных сетей в н.п. Карымлы ССГ Караузяк, Караузякский район, Каракалпакстан UNDP Uzbekistan UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Oct-21 03-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84036 Rehabilitation and Furniture Supply for Bakufa Mix UNDP iraq office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 03-Oct-21 INDUSTRY INDUSTRY 84034 Rehabilitation of The Yeast Factory in Homs. UNDP Syria SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC ITB - Invitation to bid 14-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 03-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84032 Construction and Furniture of Filfil School-Ninawa UNDP Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 19-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 03-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84033 Rehabilitation of Abbasi Youth Club in Abbasi Sub UNDP iraq office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 03-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84031 ITB-366-21 Supply and Install Transformers and Over Head Hardware Fittings to Wells in Bashiqa_ Ninewa Governorate,Iraq RBAS IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 26-Oct-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 03-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84030 RFQ-365-21 Reconstruction and supply furniture of the Electricity Directorate Building in Nimrud Sub-district-Ninawa Governorate,Iraq RBAS IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Nov-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 03-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84029 Recrutement d'un Cabinet Pour la Capitalisation des initiatives locales en lien avec la sécurité climatique. MALI MALI RFP - Request for proposal 15-Oct-21 03-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84027 Drilling of a Well in Nargazlya Village-Shaikhan District-Ninawa Governorate Erbil IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Oct-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 03-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84026 Rehabilitation of Alabzakh Primary School with Furniture-Hamdaniya-Ninawa Governorate UNDP Country Office Erbil IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Oct-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 03-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84024 T211002 - 02 National Consultants to work on gap analysis and solutions to improve public investment management and resource efficiency for achievement of national sustainable development goals UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 10-Oct-21 03-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84023 Recrutement d'un Cabinet d'Étude diagnostique sur le lien entre le climat et la sécurité dans le delta intérieur du Niger. MALI MALI RFP - Request for proposal 15-Oct-21 02-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83935 LBN-CO-ITB-264-21Cons for a Potato Center Ghazzeh UNDP Country office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 14-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 02-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 84021 RFI-105-IND-2021 - Re-advertised - Request for Information (RFI) from national and/or international CSOs/NGOs, referred to as Service Provider (SP), for potential partnership with UNDP to carry out activities under UNDP's Inclusive Growth unit UNDP Country Office INDIA RFI - Request for Information 12-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 02-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84022 IC_1396_Servicios de producción de audiovisuales para campaña de sensibilización de la Agenda de Cambio Climático e implementación de las Contribuciones Nacionalmente Determinadas (NDC) en El Salvador UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 18-Oct-21 02-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 84020 RFQ-CDLG-2021-75 Procurement of Brand-New Branded IT equipment UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Oct-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 02-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 84019 RE-CONSTRUCTION WATER POINT IN NORTH WEST Cameroun CAMEROON ITB - Invitation to bid 27-Oct-21 @ 07:09 AM (New York time) 02-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84017 IC/UNDP/PROTECT/146/2021 - Communication Officer for PROTECT Project UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 15-Oct-21 02-Oct-21 AGRO-INDUSTRY AGRO-INDUSTRY 84016 FABRICATION, DELIVERY AND INSTALLATION OF THREE (3) SETS OF ELECTRIC DISTILLERS (150L CAPACITY EACH) UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Oct-21 02-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84014 ETH2878Re – Recruitment of National Consultant Serving as Civil Engineer in Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) preparation for Beautifying Sheger Project (BSP) affected Households and Businesses along the major rivers in Addis Ababa UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 15-Oct-21 @ 05:14 AM (New York time) 01-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84015 UNDP Malawi CO Solar Hybrid System UNDP Country Office MALAWI RFQ - Request for quotation 31-Oct-21 @ 11:59 AM (New York time) 01-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84011 CLOSED EARLY
close UNDP Country Office VENEZUELA IC - Individual contractor 01-Oct-21 01-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84013 CI/102/ODS/2021 CONSULTORÍA PARA EL DESARROLLO E IMPLEMENTACIÓN DE UN DASHBOARD SOBRE INDICADORES DE GOBERNANZA EN LA REGIÓN DE AMÉRICA LATINA Y EL CARIBE UNDP Country Office VENEZUELA IC - Individual contractor 15-Oct-21 01-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84010 IC No :00117646/1395 "Análisis del Marco legal y Sistema Arancelario para la importación y exportación de productos lácteos, así como también las normas técnicas que aseguran la calidad e inocuidad de los productos". UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 15-Oct-21 01-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84009 CI/101/PDP/2021ASISTENCIA TECNICA PARA EL DISEÑO E IMPLEMENTACIÓN DE ESTRATEGIAS DE TRANSFORMACIÓN DIGITAL Y APOYO A MIPYMES UNDP Country Office VENEZUELA IC - Individual contractor 15-Oct-21 01-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84008 International Consultant - Development of a document on African mapping and best practices in community policing, integrating gender approaches TUNISIA TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 02-Nov-21 01-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84007 un.e Expert.e National.e en communication TUNISIA TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 17-Oct-21 01-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84006 IC NOTICE N°039/2021/PNUD-BFA Rrecrutement d'un/e consultant/e pour l'élaboration d'un manuel de procédure opératoire du dispositif de l'alerte précoce et de plan de réponse sur les cas de violations/abus des droits humains a l'encontre des défenseurs des Burkina Faso BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 12-Oct-21 01-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 84005 Supply of hydro meteorological equipment UNDP PSU Copenhagen PAKISTAN ITB - Invitation to bid 08-Nov-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 01-Oct-21 RURAL DEV'T.  (MISCELLANY) RURAL DEV'T. (MISCELLANY) 84004 RFQ - Support the event planning of the Launching of the PACD UNDP Gambia GAMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Oct-21 01-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 84003 Consultancy to Support Spotlight Initiative Communications UNDP Country Office GUYANA IC - Individual contractor 08-Oct-21 01-Oct-21 POWER POWER 84002 RFQ/LBY/CCMCE/2021/054 Provision of internet connectivity to Central Committee for Municipal Council Elections (CCMCE ) two Offices at AL-Noflieen area and Sidi AL-Masri area, Tripoli-Libya UNDP-Libya-RBAS LIBYA RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Oct-21 01-Oct-21 AGRO-INDUSTRY AGRO-INDUSTRY 84000 IC 19024 RSC 2021 Green Commodities Community Assistant Regional Hub for Latin America and the Caribbean PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 13-Oct-21 01-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 83999 RFQ/BDI10/PID-10/2021- FOURNITURE DES ARTICLES DIVERS UNDP Burundi BURUNDI RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Oct-21 01-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83998 RECRUTEMENT D'UN (E) CONSULTANT (E) NATIONAL (E) POUR PRÉVENIR ET RÉPONDRE À L'EXTRÉMISME VIOLENT EN CÔTE D'IVOIRE. ABIDJAN - CÔTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE IC - Individual contractor 16-Nov-21 01-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 83997 RFP 129/21 Long-Term Agreement for Editing services in Armenian, English and Russian languages UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFP - Request for proposal 15-Oct-21 01-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83996 02 National Consultants to conduct a review and assessment of legal framework and policies UNDP Country Office VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 13-Oct-21 01-Oct-21 WATER SUPPLY  (POTABLE) WATER SUPPLY (POTABLE) 83995 LBN-CO-ITB-265-21 WASH Taamir Neighborhood UNDP Country Office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 22-Oct-21 @ 08:01 AM (New York time) 01-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 83994 Call for Proposals for Low-Value Grant Projects/ Запрос на Подачу Грантовых Предложений на Реализацию Малых Грантовых Проектов UNDP Kyrgyzstan KYRGYZSTAN Other 22-Oct-21 01-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83992 UNDP-ITB-2021-312 Construction work in Quetta UNDP Pakistan PAKISTAN ITB - Invitation to bid 01-Nov-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 01-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83991 UNDP CYP ITB 253 EID 10584 2021 - Conservations Works at 2 Sites Cyprus CYPRUS ITB - Invitation to bid 28-Oct-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 01-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 83989 LBN-CO-RFP-263-21-LEPAP Website Country Office LEBANON RFP - Request for proposal 22-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 01-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83988 Evaluation and Learning Consultant, BPPS/SIU New York UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 19-Oct-21 01-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83987 National Consultant, Marine and Meteorological Consultant to support with the installation of one (1) Ocean Buoy and fabrication of 1,000kg anchor weight for UNDP Sierra Leone. UNDP Country Office SIERRA LEONE IC - Individual contractor 11-Oct-21 01-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 83985 RFQ 2021-68 : Acquisition d'une voiture au profit du partenaire nationale UNDP Country Office TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Oct-21 01-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 83984 Supply 20 Laptops for UNDP Cambodia UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Oct-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 01-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83983 IC2021/WSM/045: Individual Consultant to Review National Greenhouse Gases (GHG abd ) Inventories UNDP Country Office SAMOA IC - Individual contractor 15-Oct-21 01-Oct-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 83982 237-2021-ITB-UNDP-SDRR - Procurement and delivery of heavy machinery UNDP Country Office TAJIKISTAN ITB - Invitation to bid 21-Oct-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 01-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 83981 RFQ/148/21 Supply and delivery of audio & video equipment UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Oct-21 01-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83980 UNDP-IC-2021-354-Finalization of Expenditure Tracking System for SDGs Expenditure Mapping in Collaboration with FABS Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 15-Oct-21 01-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83979 RFQ-2021-078 «Реализация энергосберегающих и энергоэффективных мероприятий в коммунальном государственном учреждении (КГУ) «Школа IT- лицей №23 имени Жумабека Ташенова UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Oct-21 01-Oct-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83968 Procurement of Civil Works to rehabilitate the roof at the UN House building in Longacres along Alick Nkhata Road UNDP Country Office ZAMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Oct-21 01-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83977 RFP-One-Stop-Shop OSS feasibility study UNDP Country Office Timor Leste TIMOR LESTE RFP - Request for proposal 21-Oct-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 01-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83978 Recrutement d'un consultant national pour soutenir la priorisation, l'estimation des coûts de réalisation des ODD en lien avec le PNDES Guinée GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 16-Oct-21 01-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83973 762-2021-UNDP-UKR-CFP-HR4U UNDP UKRAINE RFI - Request for Information 15-Oct-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 01-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 83932 Delivery of UNDP's cash assistance to flood-affected households in Mon State UNDP MYANMAR RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Oct-21 01-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83976 UNDP-IC-2021-353-Public Policy & Planning Expert for South Punjab Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 15-Oct-21 01-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83974 Recrutement consultant régional chargé de contribuer à améliorer le dialogue et la confiance entre, d'une part, les populations, communautés et société civile vivant dans le Sahel, en particulier dans les zones frontalières DAKAR SENEGAL IC - Individual contractor 12-Oct-21 01-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83975 ETH2863A-Re-Advertisement - Recruitment of national consultant to conduct MED Model Adoption Document Preparation and Capacity Building Consultant UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 05-Nov-21 @ 03:59 AM (New York time) 01-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 83972 RFQ 720 Equipment for MOI Republic of Serbia, FFP CO Serbia SERBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Oct-21 01-Oct-21 POWER POWER 83970 ITB/2021/25513 - ITB Short Form Construction Contract - Supply, Delivery and Installation of Solar PV Systems in Lebanon UNDP Country Office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 22-Oct-21 01-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83971 UNDP-IC-2021-349-Monitoring and Coordination Expert for P&DD South Punjab Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 15-Oct-21 01-Oct-21 OTHER OTHER 83969 RFQ Supply and transport mixed wood UNDP Kosovo Kosovo, UNSCR 1244 (1999) RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Oct-21 @ 11:30 AM (New York time) 01-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83967 RfP for Data collection for D-MOSS end-line evaluation in Viet Nam UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 11-Oct-21 01-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83966 IC/UNDP/IFL/145/2021 - Community Engagement Specialist UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 18-Oct-21 01-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83965 National Junior consultant in support to the UN Resident Coordinator Office (RCO) operational activities UNDP Country Office RWANDA IC - Individual contractor 04-Oct-21 01-Oct-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83964 Service Provision of Conducting Physical Verification and Count of Health Laboratory Equipment and Other Supplies under Long Term Agreement UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Nov-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 01-Oct-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 83712 636-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ: Computer equipment for the Digital Literacy Centers and the video cameras, IT equipment for communities UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Oct-21 01-Oct-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83963 (Extended Deadline) L211001 - 02 NCs to conduct a review and assessment of legal framework and policies relating to the rights to education of ethnic minority children and children living in mountainous areas and the right to vocational training of PwD UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 17-Oct-21 30-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83961 T211001 - 02 National Consultants to support for preparation of Viet Nam's Report of implementation of CRPD for the 2018-2021 period, with a focus on law and justice issues UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 10-Oct-21 30-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83960 National Coordinator- Solomon Islands Vulnerability Assessment UNDP Pacific Office SOLOMON ISLANDS IC - Individual contractor 15-Oct-21 30-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83959 Solicitud de Propuesta – SDP/00014311/624/2021-Servicio de Fiscalización de Obras de la construcción de las obras integrales de los Juzgados de 1° Instancia de Capiatá Paraguay CO PARAGUAY RFP - Request for proposal 12-Nov-21 30-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83957 Upgrade of Video Camera System for Parliament of V UNDP Country Office FIJI RFQ - Request for quotation 04-Oct-21 @ 11:59 AM (New York time) 30-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83955 BBRFP155750 - Communications for Behavioural Change Framework and Action Plan UNDP Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean BARBADOS RFP - Request for proposal 20-Oct-21 30-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83956 IC-21-156263 desarrollo fase de alcance UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 25-Oct-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 30-Sep-21 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS 83954 SDC: 00087688/126-2021: Contratación de Capacidad de Internet Internacional IP 10GE Segmento Terrestre desde Ojus-Florida hasta el NAP de las Américas USA, Interconectando al Segmento Húmedo PTC-HONDUTEL hasta Ojus-Florisa, USA. Dos (2) LAMBDAS de 10GE Honduras HONDURAS RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Oct-21 30-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83951 RFQ - Supply and Delivery of Vegetable seed and Winter crops UNDP country Office MYANMAR RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Oct-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 30-Sep-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 83950 Supply ICT Equipment-Tablets UNDP Syria SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 30-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83949 RFQ - Procurement of Medical Kits for Nursery Room Albania ALBANIA RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 30-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83948 RFP 33/21 Supervision of the Remediation of a PCB Contaminated Site UNDP CO MONTENEGRO RFP - Request for proposal 29-Oct-21 30-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83947 RFP/025/21 – [пере-объявление] на разработку национальной методологии РУз по проведению энергетического обследования (энергоаудита) как существующего, так и нового жилья для выдачи "энергетического паспорта" (сельских типовых домов) UNDP Uzbekistan UZBEKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 14-Oct-21 30-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83946 SDP-042-2021 Servicios de consultoría para el diseño instruccional, desarrollo tecnológico y digital de cursos dirigidos a servidoras/es públicas/os en el estado de Chiapas. UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO RFP - Request for proposal 14-Oct-21 30-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83944 LTA - Generator Maintenance UNDP The Gambia GAMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 14-Oct-21 30-Sep-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 83945 Adquisición de Camión Cisterna para la Secretaria de Emergencia Nacional. Asunción PARAGUAY RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Oct-21 30-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83943 RFP/024/21 – [пере-объявление] на разработку строительных норм и правил, разработку пособий, а также государственного стандарта в целях повышения энергоэффективности и низкоуглеродности сельского жилья в Узбекистане и обеспечения минимальных стандартов UNDP Uzbekistan UZBEKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 14-Oct-21 30-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83942 Recruitment of National Consultant for the Development of a Legislative Instrument and Paralegal Guide for Legal Aid Delivery UNDP Ghana GHANA IC - Individual contractor 22-Oct-21 30-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83941 Expert(e) en entrepreneuriat pour l'élaboration d'un modèle d'incubateur à Gafsa TUNISIA TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 14-Oct-21 30-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83940 Javni poziv za predaju projektnih prijedloga u sklopu projekta Regionalni program lokalne demokratije na Zapadnom Balkanu 2 (ReLOaD2) na području opštine Rudo UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 29-Oct-21 30-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83939 Provision of Fuel to UN Agencies in Albania Albania ALBANIA RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 30-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83938 Equipped Cabins for Health Centers UNDP Country Office IRAN ITB - Invitation to bid 10-Nov-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 30-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83937 Recrutement d'un(e) Consultant(e) International(e) pour l'appui psychosocial de femmes entrepreneurs dans la conduite du changement au sein du projet YouthConnekt for Women GUINEE GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 05-Oct-21 30-Sep-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 83934 BBRSO154731:Booklet Writer UNDP Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean - Dominica DOMINICA RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Oct-21 30-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83936 RFQ - Procurement of Playground Toys for children Albania ALBANIA RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 30-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83930 International Consultancy to support the government of Equatorial Guinea in developing a resources UNDP GE EQUATORIAL GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 25-Oct-21 30-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83933 Supply and Delivery for Dry Fish (Nga Ni Tu), Egg and Instant Noodle UNDP MYANMAR RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Oct-21 30-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83931 RFQ 252 EID 10562 - Conservation project designs of 2 sites UNDP Cyprus CYPRUS RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Oct-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 30-Sep-21 POWER POWER 83929 Supply and Procurement of Solar Panel systems for UNDP Libya UNDP-Libya-RBAS LIBYA RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Oct-21 30-Sep-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 83928 Headphones for UNDP UNDP Maldives Country Office MALDIVES RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Oct-21 @ 08:45 AM (New York time) 30-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83927 Development of the National Disaster Risk Reductio Albania ALBANIA RFP - Request for proposal 18-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 30-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83926 DEMANDE DE PRIX (RFQ) RFQ N°40/BFA/PNUD/COSED/2021: ACQUISITION DE MOBILIERS DE BUREAU AU PROFIT DES SERVICES DE SÉCURITÉ Date: 29 Septembre 2021 SECTION 1 : DEMANDE DE PRIX (RFQ) Le PNUD vous invite à remettre votre offre de prix pour la fourniture d Country Office BURKINA FASO RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Oct-21 30-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83924 Purchase of Device for Drugs and Precursors (Raman) RBAS Regional Hub Office in Amman JORDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Oct-21 30-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83925 Integrated National Financing Framework for Albania Albania ALBANIA RFP - Request for proposal 05-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 30-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83923 International Consultant - Sustainable LDCs Graduation Bangkok Regional Hub THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 15-Oct-21 30-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83922 Individual consultancy - International Industrial Wastewater Sludge Expert. LBN-CO-IC-266-21 UNDP Country Office - LEBANON - LEBANON LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 25-Oct-21 30-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83921 Re-advertised - 01 International Consultant to develop a set of indicators for the implementation the ICCPR and HRC's recommendations relating to rights of children, marriage, and family rights UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 07-Oct-21 30-Sep-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 83918 RFQ-UNCITY CPH -2021-VMware Software Subsription UNDP Common Services DENMARK RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Oct-21 30-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83919 Recrutement Cabinet ou Structure de formation pour assurer la formation qualifiante et insertion professionnelle durable de 15 jeunes dans des métiers du digital – Projet INTEGRA UNDP GUINEE GUINEA RFP - Request for proposal 14-Oct-21 30-Sep-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 83920 EXTENDED DEADLINE ---RFQ105-2021 for Design, Development and Maintenance of a Website - Digital Public Engagement Platform (DPEP) UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Oct-21 30-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83916 RECRUTEMENT D'UN (E) CONSULTANT (E) NATIONAL (E) POUR L'ELABORATION DU CADRE COMMUN DE RESULTATS ET LE PROGRAMME NATIONAL INTEGRE POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT DE L'ECONOMIE BLEUE EN COTE D'IVOIRE ABIDJAN COTE d'IVOIRE IC - Individual contractor 15-Oct-21 30-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83917 RFQ108-2021 for Preparation of a Study for the quality of the groundwater in the area of Aerodrom-Gorno and Dolno Lisice-Dracevo-Trubarevo in the City of Skopje UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Oct-21 30-Sep-21 INDUSTRY INDUSTRY 83912 RfQ2331 EU4MD Office furniture for OSS Ungheni UNDP Country Office MOLDOVA 20-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 30-Sep-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 83915 RFQ/157/21 Supply and Delivery of IT Equipment for County Courts in Osijek and Split UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Oct-21 30-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83914 MNG/IC/2021/135 - National Consultant - Development/revision of Procedure on "Reduction and exemption of payment for a vacancy which should be employed persons with disabilities" UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 13-Oct-21 30-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83913 LBN-CO-CFP-245-21 Small Businesses in Old Saida UNDP Country Office LEBANON CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 14-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 30-Sep-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 83910 Sale of UNDP Vehilce Toyota Prado UNDP Country Office GEORGIA Other 11-Oct-21 30-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83909 UNDP-IC-2021-324-National Police Programme Coordinator Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 13-Oct-21 30-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83908 MNG/IC/2021/INT/017 - International Consultant - Result Based Budgeting and MTEF development UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 06-Oct-21 30-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83907 Extension: MNG/RFP/2021/047 - National Institutions - Gender study in the cashmere sector UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA RFP - Request for proposal 18-Oct-21 29-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83906 Firm to promote Anondomela UNDP Country Office BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 18-Oct-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 29-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83905 RFQ Final Evaluation of the Strengthening national capacities of Suriname for the elaboration of the national REDD+ strategy and the design of its implementation framework – Phase I and II (REDD+) project UNDP CO SURINAME RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Oct-21 29-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83904 Social Impact Business Incubator Fiji FIJI IC - Individual contractor 15-Oct-21 29-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83903 PROCESO COL 0000153231 Realización de un (1) video documental de 20 minutos de duración sobre la instalación de energía renovable (paneles solares) y la apropiación de esta fuente de energía eléctrica en 10 comunidades (9 étnicas y 1 no étnica) UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Oct-21 29-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83902 IC-21-156257 Analista de base de datos UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 25-Oct-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 29-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83901 PROCESO COL 0000154170 Desarrollar y aplicar una encuesta que mida la percepción de las víctimas sobre los procesos de relacionamiento que han tenido con la Unidad de Investigación y Acusación de la JEP UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 31-Oct-21 29-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83900 SdC 21 154432 adquisicion equipos de vigilancia UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Nov-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 29-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83877 Kiribati KDP M&E Framework consultant Fiji FIJI IC - Individual contractor 02-Nov-21 29-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83898 SDC-034-2021 Adquisición de mobiliario industrial para equipamiento de las microempresas piloto de reciclaje de residuos electrónicos del sector informal: Mesas de trabajo y estantes industriales UNDP Country Office MEXICO RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Oct-21 29-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83899 APPEL À CANDIDATURES ACADÉMIE DE LEADERSHIP POLITIQUE FÉMININ (ALPF) UNWOMEN HAITI Other 07-Oct-21 29-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83897 RFQ2372 Technical Surveillance Bender Fortress UNDP Country Office MOLDOVA RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Oct-21 @ 09:30 AM (New York time) 29-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83896 RfQ2369 EU-CBM Restoration of Macri Tomb UNDP Country Office MOLDOVA RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Dec-21 @ 09:30 AM (New York time) 29-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83895 PCI-099-2021 Servicio de consultoría para el registro de la figura jurídica organizacional más conveniente para la operacionalización del Sistema Integrado de Servicios de Gestión (SISG) de Bifenilos Policlorados (BPCs) y su Constitución Legal como plataf UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 20-Oct-21 29-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83894 SDP-041-2021 Servicio de consultoría para desarrollar e iniciar la gestión para la implementación de la iniciativa del proyecto de decreto de modificación a la Ley General para la Prevención y Gestión Integral de Residuos (LGPGIR), que incorpore a los com UNDP Country Office MEXICO RFP - Request for proposal 20-Oct-21 29-Sep-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 83893 SDC URU19002-1145 Adquisición de equipamiento informático y de oficina PNUD Uruguay URUGUAY RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Oct-21 29-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83892 RFQ-ST28.2021 Obras de reabilitacao parcial MdS UNDP Sao Tome Office SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Oct-21 @ 11:59 AM (New York time) 29-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83891 CONDUCT CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT TRAINING TO 500 YOUTH Nigeria NIGERIA RFP - Request for proposal 13-Oct-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 29-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83890 RFQ 2021-62 : Recrutement d'une entreprise de travaux pour la Construction d'une clôture frontale au centre de protection et d'orientation sociale de Tunis UNDP Country Office TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Oct-21 29-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83889 Request for quotations - UN Renovations Lesotho LESOTHO RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Oct-21 @ 05:59 PM (New York time) 29-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83888 Consultant - Gender Audit Lesotho LESOTHO IC - Individual contractor 10-Oct-21 29-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83887 4485 PAN 2021 - Establecimiento de Produccion UNDP Country Office PANAMA RFP - Request for proposal 11-Nov-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 29-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83884 IC - Communications Strategy Lesotho LESOTHO IC - Individual contractor 10-Oct-21 29-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83886 Товари для реалізації проекту «РАЗОМ З ТАТОМ» м. РУБІЖНЕ UNFPA UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Oct-21 29-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83885 Товари для спеціалізованих служб з протидії ГЗН у м. Києві UNFPA UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Oct-21 29-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83841 Consultancy – Data Collector, BPPS /GPN/ SDG Integrator/UNDP - Home Based Home Based UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 12-Oct-21 29-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83883 CLOSED EARLY
ETUDE SUR LA PREVALENCE DE LA COÏNFECTION VIH-HEPATITES VIRALES B ET C AU BURUNDI Burundi BURUNDI IC - Individual contractor 22-Oct-21 29-Sep-21 HEALTH HEALTH 83882 RFQ 130-21 Supply of disposal masks for UNDP Armenia project Armenia ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Oct-21 29-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83881 Long Term Agreement for the Provision of Canteen S UNDP Office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 29-Sep-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 83880 RECRUTEMENT D'UN CABINET CHARGE DE L'ACCOMPAGNEMENT DE L'ADMINISTRATION BURUNDAISE POUR LA MISE EN OEUVRE D'UNE ACTIVITE PILOTE DE E-COMMERCE CO BURUNDI RFP - Request for proposal 12-Oct-21 29-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83878 Project Development and Monitoring and Evaluation Consultant UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 13-Oct-21 29-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83879 Monitoring and Evaluation Consultant UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 13-Oct-21 29-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83876 RFP/039/21 Support to strengthening transparency and integrity standards in Sarajevo and Tuzla cantons - RELAUNCHED CALL!!! UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFP - Request for proposal 13-Oct-21 29-Sep-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 83875 Firm to Develop and Pilot Civic Education Program UNDP Country Office MALDIVES RFP - Request for proposal 06-Oct-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 29-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83864 Consultancy Services as Senior Investment Analyst for SDG Investment Initiative UNDP Turkey Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 13-Oct-21 29-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83874 Consultancy for Implementation of a Call Centre Management System for Lilongwe City Council Malawi, RBA MALAWI RFP - Request for proposal 13-Oct-21 29-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83873 UNDP-IC-2021-348: National Consultant – Hazardous Waste Management Policy UNDP Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 13-Oct-21 29-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83872 UNDP-RFP-2021-344-Developing of Digital Mechanism For Tracking and Updating Results Management Framework for SDG's Pakistan PAKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 13-Oct-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 29-Sep-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 83871 National firm/company to provide active Directory (AD) and server service for Green One UN House in Hanoi (B-210903) UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 13-Oct-21 29-Sep-21 POWER POWER 83870 Supply and install generator and printers -Aleppo Syria SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 29-Sep-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 83869 SUPPLY AND IMPLEMENT TECHNOLOGICAL TRANSFER OF 3D CAD/CAM TECHNOLOGY TO ORTHOPEDIC WORKSHOP OF HVP GATAGARA RWANDA Rwanda RWANDA RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Oct-21 29-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83866 International Consultant to support the preparation of São Tomé and Príncipe "Smooth Transition Strategy" for the LDC Graduation UNDP Country Office SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE IC - Individual contractor 12-Oct-21 29-Sep-21 HOUSING HOUSING 83868 RfP for LOTUS Certification Consultancy Services for the Green One UN House in Ha Noi, Viet Nam UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 13-Oct-21 29-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83865 TDR RFQ 37-2021 : Digitalisation de la caractérisation des détenus Morocco MOROCCO RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Nov-21 29-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83863 international trainer on the application of ISO standards in estimating greenhouse gas emissions Kazakhstan KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 21-Oct-21 29-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83862 Consultancy Services to Develop a Public Sector Innovation Information Management System Malawi, RBA MALAWI RFP - Request for proposal 13-Oct-21 29-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83861 Rehabilitation and Provision of Furniture for Nationality Card Building in, Zab & Abbasi-Kirkuk Governorate- Iraq Country Office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 29-Sep-21 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS 83860 RFQ-21-017 - Street light and CCTV installation UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Oct-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 29-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83857 INSTITUTIONAL CONTRACT-TECHNICAL SUPPORT IN DEVELOPING A STRATEGY FOR DIGITAL INTEGRATION OF ICT IN TEACHING AND LEARNING IN BOTSWANA BOTSWANA BOTSWANA Other 22-Oct-21 29-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83859 LBN-CO-RFQ-259-21Municipal Empowerment and Resilie UNDP Country office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 29-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83858 Rehabilitation of 75 Houses in Ryadh Sub-District-Hawija-Kirkuk Governorate Iraq IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 20-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 29-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83856 A national consultancy team of two members for technical assistance for identifying all gaps and limitations of the legal framework of labour, invalid and social affairs... UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 06-Oct-21 29-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83855 A national consultancy team of two members for development of action-plan to support e-social health insurance (SHI) targeting... UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 07-Oct-21 29-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83854 Video production Consultants (Open for National and International with residence in Cambodia) UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 08-Nov-21 29-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83852 L210901 - 01 Individual National Consultant on Climate Change Adaptation Planning UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 06-Oct-21 29-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83851 Team Member-National Consultant to develop the optional course "Gender, gender equality and law" and organize Trainings of trainers for Hanoi Law University lecturers A-210906-Readvertised UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 27-Oct-21 29-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83850 IC/1114157/122/2021 Apoyo en el mapeo, evaluación y fortalecimiento de herramientas de acceso ciudadano a la información pública del Instituto de Acceso a la Información Pública (IAIP) PNUD Oficina de País HONDURAS IC - Individual contractor 19-Oct-21 28-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83847 SdP-21-ADQ-154052 marco de cooperacion ONU UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 06-Oct-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 28-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83846 IC National Technical Coordinator/Lead Writer for development and formulation of UNDP Zambia Country Programme Document 2023-2027 Lusaka ZAMBIA IC - Individual contractor 05-Oct-21 28-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83842 Travaux de construction de 3 abris de plateformes dans les villages : Mangata (Coyah), Howourou & Forodou (Forécariah) avec clôtures des panneaux solaires, réalisation des forages, & cuves à eau /Projet-Autonomisation des femmes de Coyah-Forécariah-Guinée UNDP GUINEE GUINEA ITB - Invitation to bid 20-Oct-21 28-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83843 IC_1397_Elaboración de línea de base de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero de las Agencias del Sistema de Naciones Unidas UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 12-Oct-21 28-Sep-21 HEALTH HEALTH 83833 UNDP/RFP/HHD/2021/002- Monitoring and evaluation technical support and implementation services for implementing the #WeBelong Africa programme.. Health SOUTH AFRICA RFP - Request for proposal 22-Oct-21 28-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83840 IC/00128273/123/2021 Coordinador/a de Analistas del Centro de Sistema de Alerta Temprana (C-SAT) Oficina de País HONDURAS IC - Individual contractor 14-Oct-21 28-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83839 SDP-47-2021 NORMALIZACION PROCESOS MIVHED UNDP OFFICE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 18-Oct-21 @ 10:00 PM (New York time) 28-Sep-21 FORESTRY FORESTRY 83837 BBRSO154736: Forest Technician UNDP Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean- Dominica DOMINICA RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Oct-21 28-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79242 Republication No 2: IC/UNDP/HAI/21.119 : Recrutement d'un (e) consultant (e) national (e) expert (e ) en droit. UNDP HAITI IC - Individual contractor 08-Oct-21 28-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83830 BBRSO155226:Energy Efficiency and Cooling Expert UNDP Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean BARBADOS RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Oct-21 28-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83835 RBLAC - 18974-2021 IC REVISION OF COMMON STANDARDS FOR POLICE AND JUSTICE REGIONAL INSTITUTIONS TO INTEGRATE GENDER AND VAW/FV REGIONAL CENTER PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Oct-21 28-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83834 RFQ - INTERPRETATION SERVICES DURING YOUTHCONNEKT AFRICA SUMMIT 2021 UNDP Country Office GHANA RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Oct-21 28-Sep-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 83832 RFP2021 WSM 03 RFP Security Services UNDP Country Office SAMOA RFP - Request for proposal 19-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 28-Sep-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 83831 CLOSED EARLY
Procurement of a SUV vehicle Albania ALBANIA RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 28-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83828 Recrutement d'un (e) Consultant pour l'élaboration d'un Programme cadre pour la promotion et le développement de la culture et du patrimoine comme vecteur de création d'emplois et de richesse en Guinée GUINEE GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 12-Oct-21 28-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83829 RFP/INSTITUTIONAL MAPPING & ASSESSMENT /2021/008: Firm to conduct an Institutional Mapping and Assessment of the different Civil Registration (CR) and Vital Statistics (VS) Database/Information Management System (IMS) UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE ON BEHALF OF UNFPA LIBERIA RFP - Request for proposal 11-Oct-21 28-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83824 Travaux de Réhabilitation du bureau de la préfecture de la Ouaka UNDP Country Office CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Oct-21 28-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83827 RFP-112-IND-2021-Awareness Raising and Capacity Building for Private Sector on conducting Human Rights Due Diligence (general and sector specific)' India INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 12-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 28-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83825 Rehabilitation of Slipway at Hodeidah Port UNDP Country Office YEMEN ITB - Invitation to bid 31-Oct-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 28-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83826 Recrutement d'une entreprise de BTP pour la réalisation des travaux de remise en état du bâtiment central de police de Bangui. UNDP CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Oct-21 28-Sep-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 83820 UNDP-SYR-RFQ-060-21 UNDP Syria Office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 28-Sep-21 TOURISM TOURISM 83821 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL - E-Grading Classification System KAMPALA UGANDA RFP - Request for proposal 10-Oct-21 28-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83819 RMI NSP Data collection and monitoring consultant Fiji FIJI IC - Individual contractor 03-Nov-21 28-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83818 UNDP-RFP-2021-345- Challenge Cup: Innovative Solutions to Strengthening Urban Resilience and Development for Informal Urban Settlements, Advocacy, and Promoting Social Cohesion Pakistan PAKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 12-Oct-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 28-Sep-21 AGRO-INDUSTRY AGRO-INDUSTRY 83816 ETH2915: Supply of Biomass Briquette Making Machine UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA ITB - Invitation to bid 25-Oct-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 28-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83817 Tuvalu Voluntary National Review (VNR) Consultant Fiji FIJI IC - Individual contractor 15-Oct-21 28-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83815 IC/PNG/053-2021 Graphic Designer (International Consultant) UNDP Papua New Guinea, Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 12-Oct-21 28-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83814 RE RFQ-227-21 Rehabilitation of Sinjar Education UNDP SERVICE CENTRE Erbil- Iraq IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 28-Sep-21 TOURISM TOURISM 83813 LBN-CO-CFP-257-21-NATURE-BASED TOURISM Country Office LEBANON CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 18-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 28-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83812 01 National Consultant on Climate Change Adaptation Planning (A-210905) UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 18-Oct-21 28-Sep-21 LIVESTOCK LIVESTOCK 83811 Supply Sheep and Fodder UNDP Syria SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC ITB - Invitation to bid 20-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 28-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83810 Hiring a firm for conducting End Line Evaluation of the project titled 'Bangladesh Government to Person (G2P) and Person to Government (P2G) Payment Architecture implementation UNDP Country Office BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 11-Oct-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 28-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83809 UNDP-IC-2021-347 Survey Technical Expert UNDP CO Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 12-Oct-21 28-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83806 IC-080-21- International MRV Specialist for the 'NDA strengthening in Iraq for climate finance programming, governance, regional cooperation and knowledge generation' project Iraq Country Office IRAQ IC - Individual contractor 05-Oct-21 28-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83808 Roster / Long Term Agreement (LTA) for an on-call Videographer (for Filipino Nationals only) UNDP CO PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 24-Oct-21 28-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83807 Roster / Long Term Agreement (LTA) for on-call Photographer (For Filipino Nationals only) UNDP CO PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 24-Oct-21 28-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83805 Roster / Long Term Agreement (LTA) for on-call Copy Editors (For Filipino Nationals only) UNDP CO PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 24-Oct-21 28-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83804 Roster / Long Term Agreement (LTA) for on-call Graphic/Layout/Design Artist (For Filipino Nationals only) UNDP CO PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 24-Oct-21 28-Sep-21 POWER POWER 83803 LBN-CO-RFQ-254-21-SSL for Lebanese Armed Forces F Country Office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 28-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83802 (Re-advertised) P210815C - 01 International Consultant to develop TOT materials on providing legal aid in marriage and family cases UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 05-Oct-21 28-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83801 MNG/RFP/2021/045 - Sustainable eco-tourism plan UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA RFP - Request for proposal 11-Oct-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 28-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83799 National Livelihoods and Employment Advisor UNDP Country Office LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 12-Oct-21 28-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83800 National Consultant on Climate Change Adaptation Planning UNDP Country Office VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 04-Oct-21 28-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83798 Provision of Content Development and Training Delivery for Virtual Innovation Bootcamp and Co-Design Challenge Process UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFP - Request for proposal 11-Oct-21 @ 12:01 AM (New York time) 28-Sep-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 83796 RFP/UNDP/IFL/033/2021 - SERVICE PROVIDERS FOR BASIC ENTREPRENEURSHIP TRAINING Country Office INDONESIA RFP - Request for proposal 11-Oct-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 27-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83795 RFP-089-PHL-2021 - Services of a Communications Firm for Impact Advisory Team Philippines PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 11-Oct-21 27-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83794 RFQ- Catering and Venue Rental Services UNDP Country Office Timor Leste TIMOR LESTE RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Oct-21 @ 04:04 AM (New York time) 27-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83793 RFP.21.103 Individual Giving Digital Marketing Sup UNDP BERA - NY UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RFP - Request for proposal 07-Oct-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 27-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83792 IC NOTICE N°042bis-2021/PNUD -BFA Recrutement d'un (e) Consultant (e) International Spécialiste en Cohésion Sociale du PNUD Burkina Faso ; Republication Burkina Faso BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 01-Oct-21 27-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83791 Contrato Individual (CI) 108638-2526/21 "Servicios de Consultoría en planificación y gestión de proyectos para desarrollar propuestas técnicas para ser presentadas a los CODEDES para incrementar la inversión municipal en biodiversidad y cambio climático". PNUD GUATEMALA GUATEMALA RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Oct-21 27-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83790 739/RFP/OHCHR/2021 RECRUTEMENT D4UN CABINET POUR LA RÉALISATION D'UNE ÉTUDE DE BASE SUR LA DÉFENSE DES DROITS DE L'HOMME ET LA CONSOLIDATION DE LA PAIX A MADAGASCAR MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFP - Request for proposal 08-Oct-21 27-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83787 Individual Consultancy - National Knowledge Management Specialist / Environmental Reporter- LBN/CO/IC/262/21 UNDP Country Office LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 18-Oct-21 27-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83789 Recrutement de deux (02) Consultants(es) : Un(e) International(e) Un(e) national(e) pour l'évaluation à mi parcours du projet PAPEC UNDP CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 11-Oct-21 27-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83788 Construction of the Police Station in Barra UNDP Gambia GAMBIA ITB - Invitation to bid 14-Oct-21 @ 08:30 AM (New York time) 27-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83786 1RfQ 107-21 Preparation of technical documentation - Detailed design for reconstruction and adaptation with improvement of PHI General hospital Gostivar UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Oct-21 27-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83785 Proceso No. COL-0000155544 - Consultor Web Manager - SGR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 11-Oct-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 27-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83778 RFP FOR MULTIMEDIA PRODUCTION COMPANY UNDP Country Office SIERRA LEONE RFP - Request for proposal 04-Oct-21 27-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83784 Strategic Partnership on Context Analysis UNDP Country Office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 20-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 27-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83783 Proceso No. COL-0000155543 - Consultor Proyectos SGR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 11-Oct-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 27-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83782 Proceso No. COL-0000155412 - Consultoría Junior en Ingeniería UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 11-Oct-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 27-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83781 Proceso No. COL-0000155411 - Consultor Junior Gestión de la Información UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 11-Oct-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 27-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83779 Le Programme des Nations Unies pour le Développement, Bureau terrain de Goma, porte UNDP Goma CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Oct-21 27-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83777 SDC 098 PNUD 2021 REHABILITACIÓN INTEGRAL PARA MEJORAR LA INFRAESTRUCTURA FÍSICA EN CENTROS COMUNITARIOS DE ACCESO A LAS TECNOLOGÍAS DE LA INFORMACIÓN Y COMUNICACIÓN EN OCHO (8) "INFOCENTROS" DE LAS REGIONES CENTRAL Y OCCIDENTAL UNDP Country Office VENEZUELA RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Oct-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 27-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83780 Individual Consultancy - National Lighting Consultant- LBN/CO/IC/261/21 UNDP Country Office LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 04-Oct-21 27-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83776 UNDP-ITB-2021-343 Four Agriculture Training UNDP-Pakistan PAKISTAN ITB - Invitation to bid 18-Oct-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 27-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83775 RFP-2021-058_Подготовка рекомендации по закреплению на законодательном уровне понятия «разумное приспособление»/ Preparation of recommendations for consolidating on the legislative level the concept of UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 18-Oct-21 27-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83774 LBN-CO-RFP-240-21 - LTA Irrigation Canal Design - Event ID 0000010540 UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFP - Request for proposal 28-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 27-Sep-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 83773 Consultant for Producing Business Call to Action's Inclusive Public Procurement Guidelines UNDP BCtA TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 11-Oct-21 27-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83772 102/2021 for "Research on Private Sector and the SDGs in North Macedonia'' UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFP - Request for proposal 15-Oct-21 27-Sep-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 83771 RFP-21-039-Digital Trade Platform - EI4NG - UNDP UNDP Country Office BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 17-Oct-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 27-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83770 Proceso No. COL-0000155375 - Profesional en diseño estratégico, implementación de metodológicas para la innovación y/o trabajo en investigación para temas de desarrollo. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 07-Oct-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 27-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83768 103/2021 "Research on Digitalization in North Macedonia and SDGs UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFP - Request for proposal 15-Oct-21 27-Sep-21 FISHERIES FISHERIES 83769 LBN-CO-RFQ-258-21 Supp- Del of Fishing Equipments UNDP Country office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 27-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83767 NPL10-RFP29-2021 Request for Proposal for enhancing local leaders capacity for adolescent and youth friendly local governance UNDP Country Office NEPAL RFP - Request for proposal 07-Oct-21 @ 07:15 AM (New York time) 27-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83766 RFQ/156/21 Support with the preparation and organization of a regional high-level hybrid thematic event on National Determined Contributions (NDCs) and COP26 - CANCELLED!!! UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Oct-21 27-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83765 Development of a Methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the organizations providing special social services and its testing in a pilot mode Казахстан KAZAKHSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 25-Oct-21 27-Sep-21 HEALTH HEALTH 83763 Call for Proposals for CSO-SR Selection - GFP UNDP Pacific Office in Fiji FIJI RFP - Request for proposal 18-Oct-21 @ 07:02 AM (New York time) 27-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83762 Consultants to conduct a comparative study for Vietnam in judicial reform UNDP Country Office VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 07-Oct-21 27-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83761 UNDP-SOI-RFQ-2021-029 - Design, Development and Implementation of a Contact Center Solution (Services) - Extended UNDP Pacific Office SOLOMON ISLANDS RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Oct-21 27-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER UNDP-BD-00002,2 Procurement of PPE-UNDP UNDP-BD BANGLADESH RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Oct-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 27-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83760 Roster / Long Term Agreement (LTA) for on-call Audio and Video Transcriber (For Filipino Nationals only) UNDP CO PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 24-Oct-21 26-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83759 RFQ/072/21 – Производство, доставку и установку мебели согласно представленному техническому заданию UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Oct-21 26-Sep-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 83758 RFQ/071/21 – Supply of fencing, PE pipes and tractor water tank trailer / Поставка полиэтиленовых труб, материалов для ограждения и тракторного прицепа-цистерны для перевозки воды UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Oct-21 26-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83757 RFQ_55_2021 - Macomia Water System Rehabilitation Consultancy UNDP Country Office MOZAMBIQUE RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Oct-21 26-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83753 RFQ_50_2021 vehicle rental UNDP Country Office MOZAMBIQUE RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Sep-21 26-Sep-21 HEALTH HEALTH 83756 Re-Adverte Supply delivery of Medical Consumable UNDP-GFP project AFGHANISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Oct-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 26-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83755 Individual Local Consultant: Civil Engineer to supervise the Works Required to establish a Compost plant facility in Al Koura District UNDP Country Office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 09-Oct-21 26-Sep-21 HEALTH HEALTH 83754 Hiring firm for Digital Health Care and Micro Health Insurance Services.'' Dhaka BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 13-Oct-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 26-Sep-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 83752 Request for Quotation (RFQ) Interne Services two CCMCE Offices RFQ-LBY-CCMCE-2021-054 UNDP-Libya-RBAS LIBYA RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Sep-21 25-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83751 Landscape and recreative areas in Divjake National Albania ALBANIA RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 25-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83750 Landscape and recreative areas in Dajti National Park Albania ALBANIA RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 25-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83749 ETH2928- IC Communication Consultant Ethiopia ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 07-Oct-21 @ 03:48 AM (New York time) 25-Sep-21 POWER POWER 83748 RFQ-083-PHL-2021 UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Oct-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 24-Sep-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 83747 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA (SdP) No. 00138188/5172 Asistencia técnica para el diseño, desarrollo y puesta en marcha de una herramienta digital para patrullajes inteligentes que contribuye a mejorar la supervisión y control de la acción policial. UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR RFP - Request for proposal 08-Oct-21 24-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83746 SdP-21 - 153866 certificacion ORO UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 21-Oct-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 24-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83745 Invitación a Licitar IAL/14311/527/2021-Modernización y ampliación de la Central Telefónica del Palacio de Justicia de Asunción Paraguay CO PARAGUAY ITB - Invitation to bid 18-Oct-21 24-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83744 Запровадження програми співробітництва органів громадського суспільства з готелями/готельними мережами з метою задоволення негайних потреб жінок, постраждалих від гендерно зумовленого/домашнього насильства, у безпеці та житлі, в тому числі в умовах COVID UNFPA UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Oct-21 24-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83743 Consultoría para la capacitación en gestión del arbolado urbano al personal municipal de Asunción y su área metropolitana UNDP Office Paraguay PARAGUAY IC - Individual contractor 08-Oct-21 24-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83742 Consultoría para realizar capaciones y difusión sobre los compuestos orgánicos persistentes no intencionales UNDP Office Paraguay PARAGUAY IC - Individual contractor 02-Nov-21 24-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83741 Consultoría para la revisión y ajuste de la guía técnica de eliminación y/o clausura de vertederos clandestinos urbanos y recuperación de espacios UNDP Office Paraguay PARAGUAY IC - Individual contractor 08-Oct-21 24-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83739 LONG TERM AGREEMENT FOR PROVISION OF TRAVEL MANAGEMENT SERVICES UNDP Country Office TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO ITB - Invitation to bid 22-Oct-21 @ 04:00 PM (New York time) 24-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83740 ITB-349-21-Rehabilitation of 75 Houses in Hawija D UNDP IRAQ OFFICE IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 18-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 24-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83736 RFP NCE HQ 003 2021 Coordination and Development of 7 National Child Projects under the UNDP-GEF Africa Mini-grids Program Round 2 in Benin, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Sao Tome e Principe and Zambia UNDP Stateless RFP - Request for proposal 20-Oct-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 24-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83737 RFP-2021-045 Development and implementation of a standard development program UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 22-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 24-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83738 Individual consultancy National Research Consultant - LBN-CO-IC-260-21 UNDP Country Office - LEBANON - LEBANON LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 11-Oct-21 24-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83735 UNDP/RFQ/2021/087/ACQUISITION 100 000 SEEDBALLS POUR LE COMPTE DU MINEF ABIDJAN-CÔTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Oct-21 24-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83734 RFP Hiring of a Training Service Provider UNDP Sao Tomé and Principe SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE RFP - Request for proposal 17-Oct-21 @ 05:52 PM (New York time) 24-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83732 ITB-Lot 1: Construction of Deep Water Well Site and Above-ground Water Reservoir and Lot 2: Construction of Water Transmission Pipeline Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES ITB - Invitation to bid 21-Oct-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 24-Sep-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 83728 RFQMUS2021-010 – Equipment for the implementation of ICZM Plans UNDP Country Office MAURITIUS RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Oct-21 24-Sep-21 HEALTH HEALTH 83733 RFQ/155/21 Supply,delivery and instalation of manual dispersers/sprayers for surface disinfection and sponges/mats for footwear disinfection UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 04-Oct-21 24-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83729 RFP-2021-041: Understanding the attitudes of youth towards responsible business and responsible consumption through behavioral experiments Bangkok Regional Hub THAILAND RFP - Request for proposal 15-Oct-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 24-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83727 UNDP/PN/27/2021 Individual Consultant Procurement Notice for National Individual Consultant for support of the Preparation and Development of the Nepal's United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) 2023-2027 UNDP Country Office for UNRCO NEPAL IC - Individual contractor 05-Oct-21 24-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83721 ITB-348-21-Rehabilitation of Bani Saad Youth and S UNDP IRAQ OFFICE IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 17-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 24-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83726 UNDP/PN/26/2021 Individual Consultant Procurement Notice for National / International Individual Consultant for UNCT Results Monitoring and Reporting UNDP Country Office for UNRCO NEPAL IC - Individual contractor 05-Oct-21 24-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83725 CLOSED EARLY
RfQ 106-21 Detailed design for reconstruction and adaptation with improvement of PHI General hospital Strumica UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Oct-21 24-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83723 National Consultant to Conduct a Scoping Study for IDPoor Complaint Mechanism UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 07-Oct-21 24-Sep-21 POWER POWER 83724 LBN-CO-RFQ-252-21- 3 Diesel generators for LAF Country Office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 24-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83722 528-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-RPP An analysis of radiological situation, risk assessment, and analysis of threats of emergency ecological and geological origin (natural and technogenic) for potentially dangerous critical infrastructure (PDCI) in amalgamated terri Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 08-Oct-21 24-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83720 01 National Consultant to conduct a Terminal Evaluation of the Korea-Viet Nam Mine Action Project (A-210904) UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 18-Oct-21 24-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83719 94-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-RPP Promotion of e-commerce and digitalization for MSMEs Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 08-Oct-21 24-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83717 RFP-111-IND-2021 - Mural and Art Installation for Swachhta Kendra in Delhi UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 14-Oct-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 24-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83718 RFQ/070/21 - на оказание услуг по сертификации системы менеджмента информационной безопасности для Агентства государственных услуг при Министерстве юстиции Республики Узбекистан на соответствие требованиям международного стандарта ISO /IEC 27001:2013. UNDP Uzbekistan UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Oct-21 24-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83716 UNDP-RFP-2021-322 Training of 3000 Youth UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 07-Oct-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 24-Sep-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 83713 RFP 120/21 Development of E-Parliament information system (eTendering) UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFP - Request for proposal 01-Nov-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 24-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83715 UNDP/RFP/27/2021 (RE-BID) Re-invitation of Request for Proposal for Evaluation of the UNDAF for Nepal (2018-2022) UNDP Country Office for UNRCO NEPAL RFP - Request for proposal 04-Oct-21 24-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83714 UNDP-IC-2021-342-Calculation of Financial Requirements to Achieve SDG 2- Zero Hunger in Sindh Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 11-Oct-21 24-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83711 RFP-2021-039 TP Lab Launch Video UNDP Thailand THAILAND RFP - Request for proposal 08-Oct-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 24-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83710 National Consultant to Produce a Policy Brief on Gender Mainstreaming in the National Climate Change Strategy UNDP Country Office VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 06-Oct-21 24-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83709 RFP-2021-042 Technical Support in Designing of EE UNDP Thailand THAILAND RFP - Request for proposal 15-Oct-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 24-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER UNDP-ET-00002 Conduct Capacity Assessment on the Implementation of Programme UNDP-ET ETHIOPIA 21-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 24-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83708 Trainer/Advisor for the Standing Committees on Financial Analysis of Annual Reports UNDP Country Office FIJI IC - Individual contractor 08-Oct-21 23-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83706 MNG/IC/2021/132 - National Consultant - National Expert on data collection and management for a technical study of the sovereign green and sustainability bond UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 18-Oct-21 23-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83707 MNG/IC/2021/133 - National Consultant - National Expert on green and sustainability impact measurement and reporting on the use of proceeds from green and sustainability bonds and project selection UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 18-Oct-21 23-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83702 BBRSO155507 - Communications Support Officer- The EnGenDER Project UNDP Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean BARBADOS IC - Individual contractor 08-Oct-21 23-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83705 PROCESO COL 0000155413 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultoría en Ingeniería SGR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 07-Oct-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 23-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83703 PROCESO COL 0000155352 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional del Equipo de Planeación. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 07-Oct-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 23-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83704 SDP-040-2021 Análisis de violencia política en razón de género en redes sociales en el proceso electoral 2021 UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO RFP - Request for proposal 14-Oct-21 23-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83701 SDP-039-2021 Servicios de producción, edición y diseño de videos y cápsulas sobre la participación política de las mujeres en el proceso electoral 2021 UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO RFP - Request for proposal 14-Oct-21 23-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83700 PCI-098-2021 Asesoría para realizar un proceso de Capacitación y Acompañamiento a acciones sobre Participación Política de las Mujeres UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 14-Oct-21 23-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83699 PCI-097-2021 Consultoría para realizar un proceso de capacitación y acompañamiento mujeres constructoras de paz UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 14-Oct-21 23-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83698 PCI-096-2021 Elaboración de guías prácticas dirigidas a alcaldes/alcaldesas, y personas tomadoras de decisión sobre programación pública con perspectiva de género UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 14-Oct-21 23-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83697 Proposals for Capacity Building in Horticultural Farming in Sioma and Chirundu Undp Country Office ZAMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 30-Sep-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 23-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83696 UNDP-IC-2021-339- Senior Expert Gender Mainstreaming in SDG's Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 07-Oct-21 23-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83695 Contratacion de Servicios de Internet y Telefonia UNP COUNTY PERU ITB - Invitation to bid 22-Oct-21 @ 01:00 PM (New York time) 23-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83694 IC 439-2021"Servicio de sistematización de I Foro Binacional de Recursos Bentónicos organizado por la Mesa Técnica de Recursos Bentónicos de Tumbes" UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE PERU IC - Individual contractor 07-Oct-21 23-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83693 UNDP CYP RFQ 249 EID 10500 2021 - Design Services for Energy Efficiency Intervention in Lefke/Lefka Cyprus CYPRUS RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Oct-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 23-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83692 IC No. 00106130/1383 ASISTENCIA TÉCNICA LEGAL PARA LA ELABORACIÓN DE DIAGNOSTICO Y PLAN DE SERVICIOS LEGALES PARA PERSONAS EN PROCESO DE INSERCIÓN SOCIAL. UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 08-Oct-21 23-Sep-21 HEALTH HEALTH 83691 PROCUREMENT OF MEDICAL EQUIPMENT UNDP Country Office GHANA ITB - Invitation to bid 15-Oct-21 @ 08:30 AM (New York time) 23-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83690 Consultancy Services to cover Behavioural Mapping RBAS Regional Hub JORDAN RFP - Request for proposal 30-Oct-21 @ 11:00 PM (New York time) 23-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83689 Biodiversity/Ecosystem International Consultant UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 13-Oct-21 23-Sep-21 LIVESTOCK LIVESTOCK 83688 Procurement and Supply of GOATS Undp Country Office ZAMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Sep-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 23-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83686 Re-advertisement: Consultant to develop a Communication Strategy on Sexual Harassment Home-based Stateless IC - Individual contractor 07-Oct-21 23-Sep-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 83687 Cooling System for DJA UNDP Maldives Country Office MALDIVES RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Oct-21 @ 10:57 AM (New York time) 23-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83685 SDP-038-2021 Servicios de consultoría para realizar un diagnóstico nacional sobre el sistema de seguros y el financiamiento de riesgos en México UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO RFP - Request for proposal 14-Oct-21 23-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83683 Acquisition des materiels divers UNDP Haiti HAITI RFQ - Request for quotation 04-Oct-21 23-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83684 RFP Institutional Vocational Skills Training UNDP Country Office SOUTH SUDAN RFP - Request for proposal 11-Oct-21 @ 07:56 AM (New York time) 23-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83679 "Establishment of demonstration plot for the bioconversion of organic residues to the animal feeds and fertilizer using the larvae of the Black Lion (Hermetia illucens) in the Almaty agglomeration" Казахстан KAZAKHSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 15-Oct-21 23-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83677 BBRSO152936:Gender Responsive Livelihood Assessment - Impact of Climate Change on the Kalinago People and Community in the Commonwealth of Dominica UNDP Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean - Domincia BARBADOS IC - Individual contractor 17-Oct-21 23-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83682 Services of Consultant on Gender Issues UNDP Country Office BELARUS IC - Individual contractor 14-Oct-21 23-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83681 Assainissement UN Compound CAMEROON CAMEROON RFQ - Request for quotation 04-Oct-21 23-Sep-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 83680 RFQ104 – for SUV UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Oct-21 23-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83678 CONSTRUCTION D'UNE TERRASSE A LA GUEST HOUSE CAMEROON CAMEROON RFQ - Request for quotation 04-Oct-21 23-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83676 RFP - Labour market study in 5 Regions UNDP Country Office GEORGIA RFP - Request for proposal 06-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 23-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83675 RFP JOF 3284 Id 0000010466 UNDP Country Office BRAZIL RFP - Request for proposal 01-Nov-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 23-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83674 JOF 3283-2021 Id 0000010465 UNDP Country Office BRAZIL RFP - Request for proposal 01-Nov-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 23-Sep-21 LARGE-SCALE  WATER SUPPLY/SEWERAGE LARGE-SCALE WATER SUPPLY/SEWERAGE 83673 ITB/LBY/SLCRR/2021/10476 - Rehabilitation of the Existing Telleel Desalination Plant and Construction/Installation of New Seven Small Desalination Plants, Sabratha Municipality, Libya. UNDP Country Office LIBYA ITB - Invitation to bid 08-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 23-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83672 RFP/0020/BFA/2021; recrutement d'une coopérative de services agricoles / GIE pour la formation sur les intrants biologiques et la mise en place de mini- potagers agroécologiques dans les communes de Dédougou, Dassa et de Fara dans le cadre du PAMED Burkina Faso BURKINA FASO RFP - Request for proposal 07-Oct-21 23-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83671 RFQ/LBY/SLCRR/2021/10495 - Construction of Landfill Road in Ghadames, Nalut District, Libya. UNDP Country Office LIBYA RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 23-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83670 Providing Large Garbage Containers in the Governor UNDP Office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 23-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83667 Consultancy services for the Development and Maintenance of project website and Production of videos for the 'Restoring Marine Ecosystem Services by Rehabilitating Coral Reefs to Meet a Changing Climate Future' project UNDP Country Office MAURITIUS RFP - Request for proposal 21-Oct-21 23-Sep-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 83669 RFQ_58_2021_5_Vehicles UNDP Country Office MOZAMBIQUE RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Sep-21 23-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83668 RFQ - Fourniture des équipements du système d'entrainement automobile, système de formation aux équipements électriques et électroniques, système de formation aux équipements hydrauliques et pneumatiques UNDP CO BURUNDI RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Sep-21 23-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83666 GIS Specialist for Biodiversity Finance Initiative (BIOFIN) Project UNDP CO PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 17-Oct-21 23-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83665 Habitat Restoration Specialist for Biodiversity Finance Initiative (BIOFIN) Project UNDP CO PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 17-Oct-21 23-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83664 RFQ-TKM-017-2021: Tender for supply of the waste sorting containers and vehicles UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Oct-21 23-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83663 Consultant National VIH en prison (lignes directrices formations) UNDP Country Office CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 30-Sep-21 23-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83661 ETH2920 – Recruitment of National Consultant to Conduct Training on the Federal Prisons Proclamation UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 14-Oct-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 23-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83659 Consultant(e) National(e) en santé publique – épidémiologie (IBBS VIH PRISON) UNDP Country Office CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 30-Sep-21 23-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83660 ETH2919 – Recruitment of National Consultant to Conduct Professional Ethics Training for Police UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 14-Oct-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 23-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83657 Supply Delivery Installation of ACs RFQ-21-039 UNDP Country Office SUDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 23-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83656 RFQ-110-IND-2021 - Supply, Installation and Operation & Maintenance of Reverse Vending Machine UNDP Country Office INDIA RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Oct-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 23-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83655 Supply and Install VSAT Internet Connectivity at Proposed UNDP PNG STREIT Project in Wewak, East Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea, RFQ/PNG/004-2021 UNDP PNG Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Sep-21 23-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83654 SDP-2021-027 Programa aceleración bionegocios UNDP COSTA RICA COSTA RICA RFP - Request for proposal 10-Oct-21 23-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83653 [EXTENDED2] RFI2021/WSM/01 UNDP Roster NGOs/CSOs UNDP Country Office SAMOA RFI - Request for Information 26-Oct-21 22-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83652 IC/PNG/051-2021 Consultancy for a Communications Consultant to support the Sustainable Financing of Papua New Guinea's Protected Area Network UNDP Papua New Guinea, Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 10-Oct-21 22-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83651 CLOSED EARLY
No. 00113302 /5167 "READECUACION DEL AREA DE ENCAMADOS HOMBRES PARA PACIENTES DE TB EN EL HOSPITAL NACIONAL DR. JORGE MAZZINI, SONSONATE" UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Oct-21 22-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83650 IC_1392_Consultoría para el Diseño y Desarrollo de Proyectos de Infraestructura UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 15-Oct-21 22-Sep-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 83648 IC No.:00117646/1385 "Consultoría para el Diseño y Formulación de Políticas Agropecuarias del Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería" UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 06-Oct-21 22-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83649 PNUD/SDC-550/2021 Implementacion Jardin Botanico Perú PERU RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Oct-21 22-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83647 Expresión de Interés EOI/099/PDP/2021.CONVOCATORIA NACIONAL PARA INTEGRAR UN REGISTRO DE CONSULTORES EMPRESARIALES EN LA APLICACIÓN DE LA METODOLOGÍA PNUD DE DESARROLLO DE PROVEEDORES UNDP Country Office VENEZUELA EOI - Expression of interest 11-Oct-21 22-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83646 Individual Consultancy for Project Document Formulation- IC/MWI/043-2021 UNDP Country Office MALAWI IC - Individual contractor 08-Oct-21 22-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83645 Janitorial Services – UN House UNDP Country Office GUYANA RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Oct-21 22-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83644 4440 PAN 2021 Consultoria de Revision Estrategica UNDP Country Office PANAMA RFP - Request for proposal 06-Dec-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 22-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83643 Statistician, SDG Data Repository for Guyana UNDP Country Office GUYANA IC - Individual contractor 04-Oct-21 22-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83642 IC 21 154709 solucion de tramites UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 20-Oct-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 22-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83641 CHL/SDC/147/2021 "ADQUISICION DE EQUIPOS IDENTIFICADORES DE REFRIGERANTES Y SUS COMPLEMENTOS" UNDP Country Office CHILE RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Sep-21 22-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83639 Contrato Individual (CI) 2549/21 Asistencia Técnica de Supervisión para la Implementación del Contrato IAL 1827/18 "Adquisición de Sistema de Recaudo Electrónico con Tarjeta Inteligente para el Transporte Público en la Ciudad de Guatemala y sus Áreas de I PNUD GUATEMALA GUATEMALA RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Oct-21 22-Sep-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 83640 IC No.: 00117646/1388 "Consultoría para el Seguimiento a planes, programas y proyectos agropecuarios en el Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería". UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 06-Oct-21 22-Sep-21 RURAL DEV'T.  (MISCELLANY) RURAL DEV'T. (MISCELLANY) 83638 RFP/UNDP/RESTORE/153732/031/2021 - Study on Disaster Insurance Readiness in Indonesia UNDP Country Office INDONESIA RFP - Request for proposal 06-Oct-21 @ 04:52 AM (New York time) 22-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83636 SDP-45-2021 Servicios de Consultoría Nacional para apoyar al Sistema de las Naciones Unidas en República Dominicana con la actualización del Informe del Análisis Común sobre el País UNDP Country Office DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 15-Oct-21 22-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83637 PNUD/SDP-546/2021 Diseño, producción e implementación de curso-taller de capacitación a actores subnacionales en cambio climático y resiliencia UNDP Country Office PERU RFP - Request for proposal 13-Oct-21 22-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83634 Consultancy – Monitoring and Evaluation Expert UNDP HQ/ BPPS / Finance Sector Hub (FSH) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 13-Oct-21 22-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83635 CLOSED EARLY
ITB-348-21-Rehabilitation of Bani Saad Youth and S UNDP IRAQ OFFICE IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 13-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 22-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83633 163-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-RPP - Single electronic queue / Єдина електронна черга Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 19-Oct-21 22-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83631 IC 21 150048 especialista en reingenieria UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 19-Oct-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 22-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83632 LBN-CO-ITB-256-21 Rehab Works at Buss Hospital UNDP Country Office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 06-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 22-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83627 LiNSCA Communication Strategy National Consultant UNDP Liberia LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 01-Oct-21 22-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83628 Access to Justice Expert - Summative Evaluation of Phase I of the Joint Justice Programme in Somalia UNDP Country Office SOMALIA IC - Individual contractor 19-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 22-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83630 Construction of Livestock Health and Welfare Centers UNDP Country Office TURKEY RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Oct-21 22-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83580 IC_1387_Consultoría para la Evaluación Institucional, específicamente en procesos de evaluación a planes, programas, proyectos y acciones institucionales UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 15-Oct-21 22-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83581 IC_1389_Consultoría de servicios arquitectónicos y levantamiento topográfico UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 15-Oct-21 22-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83582 IC_1391_Consultorías para la formulación e investigación de mercados UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 15-Oct-21 22-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83579 Consultoría para el Diseño y Formulación de planes y proyectos agropecuarios del Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 15-Oct-21 22-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83626 un.e Chargé (e) du développement de la culture entrepreneuriale et du plaidoyer en faveur de l'Economie Sociale et Solidaire (ESS) et l'autonomisation économique des femmes TUNISIA TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 19-Oct-21 22-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83625 ETH2921-National Consultant to conduct professional ethics training for public prosecutors UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 11-Oct-21 @ 03:59 PM (New York time) 22-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83624 PNUD/IC-541/2021 – Servicio de consultoría para la elaboración de un estudio de sistematización ex post y redacción de un artículo de investigación acerca del impacto de la implementación de Unidades de Crédito y Ahorro (UNICA) Tumbes UNDP Country Office PERU IC - Individual contractor 11-Oct-21 22-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83620 ITB-LBY-SLCRR-2021-10489 - Rehabilitation of Benghazi Civil Society Building, Benghazi, Libya UNDP Country Office LIBYA ITB - Invitation to bid 07-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 22-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83622 Appel d'offres n° UNDP/RFQ/2021/082 Fourniture et installation d'un onduleur à la salle Akwaba du PNUD Côte d'Ivoire COTE d'IVOIRE RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Oct-21 22-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83623 Junior Crime Prevention Associate RBAS Regional Hub Office in Amman JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 02-Oct-21 22-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83621 CI-056-2021 "Consultoría para el estudio de impacto de la Industria Gastronómica de la economía de la República Dominicana con enfoque especial en las Micro, Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas (MIPYMES)" UNDP DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 01-Oct-21 22-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83619 ETH2917-Recruitment of national consultant to conduct Legal environmental assessment technical expert (legal expert) UNDP CO ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 28-Oct-21 @ 03:59 AM (New York time) 22-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83618 ETH2922 -Recruitment of national consultant to conduct training on administrative law proclamation. UNDP CO ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 07-Oct-21 @ 03:59 AM (New York time) 22-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83617 Procurement of Polyethylene pipes (for Establishment of 2+1+1+1 Years Long Term Arrangement) UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND (UNICEF) UKRAINE ITB - Invitation to bid 06-Oct-21 22-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83614 Individual Consultancy - National Business Expert for Agrofood Plant - LBN/CO/IC/255/21 UNDP Country Office LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 13-Oct-21 22-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83616 National Consultant to Support Women MSME FinTech Innovation Fund Project beneficiary verifications and for conducting focused group discussions or beneficiary interviews UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 15-Oct-21 22-Sep-21 HEALTH HEALTH 83615 Detection Kits to Ministry of Health UNDP/PAPP PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES ITB - Invitation to bid 05-Oct-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 22-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83613 ITB-039-21 EE Works on two public building in FBiH UNDP Country Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA ITB - Invitation to bid 13-Oct-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 22-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83599 Fourniture de mobilier de bureau au département de Géographie de l'Université de Lomé UNDP Togo, RBA TOGO RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Oct-21 22-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83612 National Consultancy to Develop Diagnostic Report for Inclusive Insurance and Risk Financing for the United Republic of Tanzania UNDP Country Office TANZANIA IC - Individual contractor 07-Oct-21 22-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83610 Réhabilitation des centres régionaux pour femmes à Ali Sabieh, Dikhil et Tadjourah comme détaillé dans l'annexe 1 de cette RFQ / Rehabilitation of Regional Women Centres at Ali Sabieh, Dikhil and Tadjourah UNDP OFFICE DJIBOUTI RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Oct-21 22-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83609 RFQ63/2021/Réalisation des travaux pour le réaménagement du port El Ksiba à Ben Guerdane TUNISIA TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Oct-21 22-Sep-21 FORESTRY FORESTRY 83608 LBN-CO-CFP-253-21-Reforestation Akkar Country Office LEBANON CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 25-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 22-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83607 RFP 2021-22 : Renforcement des capacités institutionnelles et stratégiques de la Commission Nationale de Lutte Contre le Terrorisme (CNLCT). UNDP Tunisia TUNISIA RFP - Request for proposal 26-Oct-21 22-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83606 RFQ64/2021/Acquisition d'Equipements spécifiques de gestion des DASRI / Sacs jaune à DASRI normalisées, étanches avec système de fermeture TUNISIA TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Oct-21 22-Sep-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 83605 RFQ 719 Audio and Video systems Upgrade for the Conference hall in UN House, Belgrade UNDP Country Office SERBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Oct-21 22-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83604 RFQ 2021/65 : Acquisition d'Equipements spécifiques de gestion des DASRI : Conteneurs pour objets piquants, coupants et tranchants TUNISIA TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Oct-21 22-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83602 International Consultant on Developing the United Nations Partnership on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNPRPD) Program Proposal (A-210903) UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 06-Oct-21 22-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83603 Local firm for Development of a Mobile App UNDP Maldives Country Office MALDIVES RFP - Request for proposal 03-Oct-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 22-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83600 Consultancy for Implementation of Youth Co:Lab Malaysia 2021 UNDP Country Office MALAYSIA RFP - Request for proposal 29-Sep-21 22-Sep-21 AGRO-INDUSTRY AGRO-INDUSTRY 83597 RFQ 125-21 Supply and installation of groats making equipment UNDP country office -Armenia ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Oct-21 22-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83598 International Individual Consultancy for Preparation of PRODOC on Public Service Delivery Accelerated Programme UNDP Country Office TANZANIA IC - Individual contractor 05-Oct-21 22-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83594 660-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-RPP_Distribution, installation, and maintenance of the touch screen information terminals for the needs of the healthcare facilities in Donetsk oblast Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 12-Oct-21 22-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83595 Painting of office buildings at the UN House in Longacres and UN Annex in Rhodespark Lusaka UNDP Country Office ZAMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Oct-21 22-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83596 International Individual Consultancy for Design and Pilot, Tanzania Capacity Initiative (TCI) based on SACI/CODESURE Model UNDP Country Office TANZANIA IC - Individual contractor 05-Oct-22 22-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83593 International individual consultancy for design and pilot, Tanzania Capacity Initiative (TCI) based on Rapid Results Approach UNDP Country Office TANZANIA IC - Individual contractor 05-Oct-21 22-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83592 MNG/IC/2021/130 - National Consultant - Technical Specialist (Private Sector Engagement) UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 06-Oct-21 22-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83591 MNG/IC/2021/129 - National Consultant - Technical Specialist (Legal) UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 06-Oct-21 22-Sep-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 83590 709/RFQ/GBCI/2021 - RENFORCEMENT DE L'INFRASTRUCTURE DE DEPLOIEMENT DE LA PLATEFORME « E-CREDIT TVA » AUPRES DE LA DGI MADAGASCAR MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Sep-21 22-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83589 RFQ/065/21 - [пере-объявление] Реконструкция опреснительной станции и водопроводных сетей в н.п. Утеген аул ССГ Маденият Караузякского района Республики Каракалпакстан UNDP Uzbekistan UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Oct-21 22-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83588 MNG/RFP/2021/046 - National Institutions - Youth Training Project UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA RFP - Request for proposal 06-Oct-21 22-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83587 RFQ/2021/22 : Procurement of Pelletizer - Recycled plastic granulation machine Country Office JORDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Sep-21 22-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83586 RFP-2021-040-Video Production and COMM Campaign UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub THAILAND RFP - Request for proposal 05-Oct-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 21-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83585 SDC-2021-014 Producción de Videos CONUBI UNDP COSTA RICA COSTA RICA RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Oct-21 21-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83584 National Consultant for Terminal Evaluation of FSM R2R Project UNDP Pacific office- Fiji FIJI IC - Individual contractor 06-Oct-21 21-Sep-21 FORESTRY FORESTRY 83583 Consultancy for the production of 3 short video animation to support three components of the project "Strengthening Integrated Sustainable Landscape Management in Enga Province Papua New Guinea" IC/PNG/050-2021 Papua New Guinea PAPUA NEW GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 05-Oct-21 21-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83578 ITB Procurement of equipments which will be used UNDP Kosovo Kosovo, UNSCR 1244 (1999) ITB - Invitation to bid 05-Oct-21 @ 11:30 AM (New York time) 21-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83577 IC 21 154428 evaluacion participativa UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 07-Oct-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 21-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83575 Consultant to Develop IncluCivity Index and Score Card for Inclusive City Investments - Home-based UNCDF UGANDA IC - Individual contractor 23-Sep-21 21-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83574 Expert for the United Nations Partnership on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities to Develop Programme report UNDP HQ/BPPS/Governance Unit/ UNPRPD UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 08-Oct-21 21-Sep-21 HEALTH HEALTH 83572 RFQ - SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF MEDICAL EQUIPMENT UNDP Country Office GHANA RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Oct-21 21-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83565 4448 PAN 2021 - Servicios de Diseño de una Estrategia de Comunicación para la Divulgación y Presentación de Resultados Finales del Pacto del Bicentenario UNDP Country Office PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Oct-21 21-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83573 PROCESO COL 0000154185 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Apoyo técnico del proceso de fortalecimiento del Sistema Distrital de Cuidado de Bogotá. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 19-Oct-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 21-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83571 "Feasibility Study "Research of the existing potential of a flexible capacity and their involvement in the energy balance by unifying the Western Zone with the Unified Electric Power System of the Republic of Kazakhstan" Казахстан KAZAKHSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 28-Oct-21 21-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83570 ITB-LBY-SLCRR-2021-10479 - Rehabilitation of Red Crescent Park in Ajdabya, Libya UNDP Country Office LIBYA ITB - Invitation to bid 06-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 21-Sep-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 83568 ACQUISITION EQUIPEMENTS JEUNES RRF RELANCE Cameroun CAMEROON RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Sep-21 @ 11:21 AM (New York time) 21-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83569 RFP N°019-2021/RELANCE:Recrutement d'un cabinet pour l'élaboration d'un manuel pour l'élaboration d'un référentiel des fonctions et des compétences dans la Magistrature Country Office BURKINA FASO RFP - Request for proposal 22-Oct-21 21-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83567 RFP N°018-2021/RELANCE: Recrutement d'un cabinet pour l'élaboration d'un manuel de procédure de gestion administrative, matérielle et financière au profit du SP/CSM Country Office BURKINA FASO RFP - Request for proposal 22-Oct-21 21-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83566 IC/00110454/115-2021 Preparación de las Bases para la Implementación de Plan Estratégico 2021-2025 del Instituto Nacional de la Mujer Oficina de País HONDURAS IC - Individual contractor 19-Oct-21 21-Sep-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 83563 RFQ_56_2021_Skip_Loader UNDP Country Office MOZAMBIQUE RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Sep-21 21-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83564 RFQ 2021-59 : Recrutement d'un centre de formation pour assurer la formation de deux groupes de développeurs afin de maitriser le développement d'applications avec différents FrameWork du monde J2E UNDP Country Office TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Oct-21 21-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83562 Consultant for the promotion of the expansion of the PAs Network in Almaty regions Казахстан KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 11-Oct-21 21-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83558 PNUD/IC-527/2021 – Formulación del Plan de Desarrollo Económico Local del distrito de Quellouno UNDP Country Office PERU IC - Individual contractor 05-Oct-21 21-Sep-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 83557 ITB-ZIM-GF-030-2021 School stationery UNDP Zimbabwe ZIMBABWE ITB - Invitation to bid 08-Oct-21 @ 12:04 AM (New York time) 21-Sep-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 83556  RFQ57/2021/ Achat d'équipements informatique pour le projet RSS TUNISIA TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Oct-21 21-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83554 Recrutement d'un(e) Consultant (e) International (e)- Ingénieur Spécialiste en énergies renouvelables pour la réalisation des études techniques d'installation des Unités hybrides -Plateformes Multifonctionnelles dans les Préfectures Coyah Forécariah GUINEE GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 06-Oct-21 21-Sep-21 RURAL DEV'T.  (MISCELLANY) RURAL DEV'T. (MISCELLANY) 83555 Deliverable Based Consultancy Services as Natural Resources Management (NRM) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) Expert Turkey TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 19-Oct-21 21-Sep-21 INDUSTRY INDUSTRY 83553 ADQUISICIÓN E INSTALACIÓN DE PIEZAS PARA EL EQUIPOS DE TRATAMIENTO TÉRMICO DE SEMILLAS DE CAÑA DE AZÚCAR, PARA LA PRODUCCIÓN DE SEMILLAS DE CAÑA DE AZÚCAR DE ALTA CALIDAD SANITARIA Asunción PARAGUAY RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Oct-21 21-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83551 RFP 2021-21: Recrutement d'un cabinet pour l'élaboration de strategies de marketing territorial, de communication et de plans de plaidoyers pour 6 gouvernorats du sud (Gabès, Gafsa, Kébili, Médenine, Tataouine, Tozeur) UNDP Country Office TUNISIA RFP - Request for proposal 31-Oct-21 21-Sep-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 83552 RFQ/154/21 Supply and delivery of Household appliances and technical equipment UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 04-Oct-21 21-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83550 LBN-CO-RFQ-247-21 - Digital forensic equipment LAF UNDP Country Office - LEBANON - LEBANON LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 21-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83549 UNDP-IC-2021-335 - "Female Community Mobilization Expert – Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP)" Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 05-Oct-21 21-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83548 "Improvement of the territory of the UN administrative building at 14, A. Mambetov str, Nur-Sultan" Казахстан KAZAKHSTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Oct-21 21-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83547 Recrutement d'un(e) Consultant(e) national(e) expert(e) visant à appuyer l'intégration des jeunes et de la société civile dans le processus d'élaboration d'une politique nationale multisectorielle de la Jeunesse UNDP Country Office TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 11-Oct-21 21-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83546 Recrutement d'un(e) Consultant(e) national(e) pour la réalisation d'une étude sur la société civile en Tunisie UNDP Country Office TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 04-Oct-21 21-Sep-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 83544 Recrutement d'un cabinet pour la mise en place d'un système de travail collaboratif de gestion électronique de documents et de transcription des débats UNDP Togo, RBA TOGO RFP - Request for proposal 18-Oct-21 21-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83545 UNDP-IC-2021-323 - Integrity & Advocacy Expert Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 06-Oct-21 21-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83543 UNDP-IC-2021-333-Embedding Tourism As Fourth Sector In Provincial Economy/GDP Of KP Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 03-Nov-21 21-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83542 Supply of Furniture for Agriculture and Livestock UNDP SERVICE CENTRE Erbil- IRAQ IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 10-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 21-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83541 RFP-109-IND-2021 India INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 05-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 21-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83540 Recrutement d'un(e) consultant(e) international(e) et deux consultant(e)s nationaux (ales) pour l'évaluation du cadre juridique et réglementaire, politiques, stratégies, programmes et services sensibles au VIH en Centrafrique. UNDP Country Office CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 11-Oct-21 21-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83538 RFP100-2021 for the Campaign "16 Days of Activism to End Violence against Women and Girls" under the global theme 'Orange the World: END VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN NOW" Office of the United Nations Resident Coordinator Republic of North Macedonia RFP - Request for proposal 14-Oct-21 21-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83539 RFQ/153/21 Rehabilitation works in five (5) Local Governances UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Oct-21 21-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83537 RFQ/152/21 Supply and delivery of didactic equipment, furniture and sanitary equipment UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Oct-21 21-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83536 Услуги Консультанта по продвижению инструментов тестирования на ВИЧ, г. Cветлогорск UNDP Country Office BELARUS IC - Individual contractor 11-Oct-21 21-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83535 Услуги Консультанта по продвижению инструментов тестирования на ВИЧ, г. Солигорск UNDP Country Office BELARUS IC - Individual contractor 11-Oct-21 21-Sep-21 INDUSTRY INDUSTRY 83306 RFP-107-IND-2021 (Request for Proposal for Revival of wool based traditional handicrafts in Changthang landscape, Ladakh) UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 05-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 21-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83534 Услуги Консультанта по продвижению инструментов тестирования на ВИЧ, г. Минск UNDP Country Office BELARUS IC - Individual contractor 11-Oct-21 21-Sep-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 83533 RFP/UNDP/SP4N-LAPOR!/132096/028/2021 – The Development Of E-Learning Platform and Course Contents for SP4N-LAPOR! UNDP Country Office Indonesia INDONESIA RFP - Request for proposal 05-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 21-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83532 BIH/RFQ-149-21 Civil works - EE reconstruction of the public building Healthcare centre 'DR.MILENKO MURATOVIC' in Berkovici UNDP Country Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Oct-21 21-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83531 RFP-2021-037: Digital Eco-Systems Mapping and Audience Behavior Analysis in Southeast Asia Bangkok Regional Hub THAILAND RFP - Request for proposal 08-Oct-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 20-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83530 PROCESO COL 0000154607 Adquisición de Equipos de Purificación de Aire. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Oct-21 20-Sep-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 83529 SdC 21 155254 adquisicion vehiculo electrico UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Oct-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 20-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83528 RFP/PNG/008-2021 Provisions of Perception Survey of Bougainvillean Population under Post- Referendum Support and Sustaining Peace in Bougainville Projects in Papua New Guinea UNDP Papua New Guinea, Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA RFP - Request for proposal 04-Oct-21 20-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83527 PROCESO COL 0000153251 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultoría para la construcción, diseño y transferencia de los productos de gestión del conocimiento de los proyectos que apoyaron y fortalecieron a las Comisión para el Esclarecimiento de la Verdad UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 04-Oct-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 20-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83526 PROCESO COL 0000152971 Desarrollar las marcas regionales que aporten a la reactivación económica de manera sostenible, aprovechando el potencial de la región en términos patrimoniales, turísticos, productivos y comerciales para el Departamento de Sucre. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 10-Oct-21 20-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83525 National Consultancy - SLE/ICPN/2020/017 UNDP Country Office SIERRA LEONE IC - Individual contractor 27-Sep-21 20-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83524 SDP-46-2021 Elaboración de una guía sobre la Agenda 2030 y las recomendaciones de los mecanismos internacionales de derechos humanos en la República Dominicana UNDP Country Office DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 04-Oct-21 20-Sep-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 83523 SDC-49-2021 "ADQUISICION PLATAFORMA EN LA NUBE PARA ALOJAMIENTO SISTEMA SIGOB UNDP Country Office DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Oct-21 20-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83521 Project Drafter - Palau UNDP Country Office FIJI IC - Individual contractor 12-Oct-21 20-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83519 IC 21 154767 generacion plan adaptacion UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 29-Sep-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 20-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83520 CI-OCR-002-2021 Consultoría para facilitar la implementación de la Estrategia de Financiación y Movilización de Recursos UNDP Office Paraguay PARAGUAY IC - Individual contractor 11-Oct-21 20-Sep-21 HEALTH HEALTH 83518 UNDP 168-2020-UNDP-UKR Ukraine UKRAINE ITB - Invitation to bid 18-Oct-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 20-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83517 RFQ_54_2021 Macomia Maternity Rehabilitation UNDP Country Office MOZAMBIQUE RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Sep-21 20-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83516 Recrutement d'un Cabinet pour la mise en place d'un système d'information (SI) pour l'amélioration des investissements privés et le suivi des investissements directs étrangers en Guinée UNDP GUINEE GUINEA RFP - Request for proposal 11-Oct-21 20-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83515 Recrutement d'un consultant Prestataire de service pour le renforcement des capacités des groupements de femmes dans la préfecture de Mandiana sur la saponification Guinée GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 03-Oct-21 20-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83514 UNDP/RFQ/2021/067-ACTIVITE DE PLANTING DE 50 000 ARBRES ABIDJAN-CÔTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Sep-21 20-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83513 Recrutement d'un consultant Prestataire de service pour le renforcement des capacités sur les techniques agros écologiques de maraichage, de développement des chaines de valeur et accès aux marchés en faveur des groupements des femmes bénéficiaires Guinée GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 03-Oct-21 20-Sep-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 83511 RETENDER - REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL - ACQUISITION OF AN ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR UGANDA TOURISM SECTOR Uganda UGANDA RFP - Request for proposal 29-Sep-21 20-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83512 ITB2329 Rehabilitation of Chisinau Circus Arena UNDP Country Office MOLDOVA ITB - Invitation to bid 25-Oct-21 @ 09:30 AM (New York time) 20-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83510 IC 21 154024 Experto implementacion SERCOP undp Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 12-Oct-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 20-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83508 Recrutement d'un Bureau d'Etudes National chargé de la collecte des données des indicateurs du portefeuille du CPD 2018-2022 du PNUD Guinée. GUINEE GUINEA RFP - Request for proposal 06-Oct-21 20-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83509 Individual Contractor (IC) – Communications Consultant RBAS Regional Hub Office in Amman JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 29-Sep-21 20-Sep-21 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS 83507 FOURNITURE ET INSTALLATION SYSTEME DE VIDEOSURVEILLANCE IP AU BUREAU DU PNUD RBA CHAD RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Sep-21 20-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83505 IC/UNDP/UNODC/143/2021 - National Expert Consultant for the UNODC Guideline for Drug Treatment during COVID-19 Pandemic Implementation Study in Indonesia Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 04-Oct-21 20-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83506 Proceso No. COL-0000154591 - CONSULTOR EN PREVENCION DEL LAVADO DE ACTIVOS Y FINANCIACIÓN DEL TERRORISMO. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 04-Oct-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 20-Sep-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 83503 Challenge Prize Competition Invitation to all creative young individuals to submit their innovative ideas on promotion and preservation of culture heritage UNDP Kosovo Kosovo, UNSCR 1244 (1999) Other 17-Oct-21 20-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83479 CFPMUS2021-003 - Call for Proposals from NGOs for the implementation of Coral Reef Restoration activities in Mauritius UNDP Country Office MAURITIUS CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 18-Oct-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 20-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83504 SDP Nº 01/2021 - Proyecto PNUD ARG 21/002 "Transformación del Servicio Penitenciario de la Provincia de Buenos Aires - Sistema Alimentario Servicio Penitenciario" PNUD Argentina ARGENTINA RFP - Request for proposal 20-Oct-21 20-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83502 International Consultancy: Capacity Development for Biodiversity and Forestry Conservation IC/PNG/045-2021 UNDP Papua New Guinea, Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 02-Oct-21 20-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83501 IC 2021-77 INTERNATIONAL EXPERT UNDP Kyrgyzstan KYRGYZSTAN IC - Individual contractor 12-Oct-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 20-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83500 International Consultancy: Capacity Development for Sustainable Agriculture Practices and Food Security IC/PNG/044-2021 UNDP Papua New Guinea, Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 02-Oct-21 20-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83497 RECRUTEMENT DES PARTENAIRES POTENTIELS POUR L'EXECUTION DES PROGRAMMES/PROJETS DE ONU FEMMES UNDP CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC EOI - Expression of interest 18-Oct-21 20-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83499 BIH/RFQ-151-21 Supply and Delivery Flood Rescue equipment UNDP Country Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Oct-21 20-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83498 RFQ/2021/21: Recyclables Bins and Containers UNDP Country Office JORDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Oct-21 20-Sep-21 FORESTRY FORESTRY 83489 LBN-CO-CFP-241-21-Reforestration Jbeil Country Office LEBANON CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 11-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 20-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83049 UNDP SOM GEWE RFP 2021 153543- READVERTISED UNDP Somalia Mogadishu SOMALIA RFP - Request for proposal 27-Sep-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 20-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83495 Supply of Spare Parts for TUG-BOATS UNDP Country Office YEMEN RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Oct-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 20-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83496 National Consultant to take stock of Policies related to Nature-based Solutions in Viet Nam (Ref.P210804) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 27-Sep-21 20-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83494 International Consultancy: Capacity Development for Climate Change IC/PNG/043-2021 UNDP Papua New Guinea, Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 02-Oct-21 20-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83491 RFQ101-2021 for Preparatory works for installation of 9 meteorological stations in Drin River Basin UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 04-Oct-21 20-Sep-21 AGRO-INDUSTRY AGRO-INDUSTRY 83493 RFQ 126/21 Supply and installation of Automatic Vertical Packing Machine with weigher and doser for Legumes, Cereals, Vegetable Seeds UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 04-Oct-21 20-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83492 IC/UNDP/UNODC/144/2021 - Parole and Probation Systems in Indonesia Addressing Violent Extremist Offenders (National Consultant) Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 04-Oct-21 20-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83490 RFQ/150/21 Development and realization of ESCO Private Sector Awareness Campaign UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Sep-21 20-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83486 Grant: Public outreach to increase engagement of underrepresented groups in the election processes UNDP Country Office ARMENIA Other 30-Sep-21 20-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83488 216-2021-RFQ-UNDP-SDRR "Procurement and delivery of equipment for the medical service Tajikistan TAJIKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Oct-21 20-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83487 Rehabilitation of Municipality Shops Tel Afer UNDP Iraq IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 14-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 20-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83485 Rehabilitation of Olive Oil Factory Hawija UNDP SERVICE CENTRE Erbil- Iraq IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 14-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 20-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83483 667-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-SDG-Training needs assessment UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 12-Oct-21 20-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83484 UNDP-ITB-2021-261-ITB for the Provision of Common Travel Services UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN ITB - Invitation to bid 11-Oct-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 20-Sep-21 HEALTH HEALTH 83481 771-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-SCR-14 medical cases UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Oct-21 20-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83480 KENYA CASE STUDY ON IMPACT OF COVID-19 Country Office KENYA IC - Individual contractor 29-Sep-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 20-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83478 ITB(N-210901) Firm/Institute/Organization for Development of community-based disaster monitoring in Viet Nam UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM ITB - Invitation to bid 18-Oct-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 20-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83477 National working as Lab Assistant to support Viet Nam Accelerator Lab in 2021 and 2022 (A-210902) UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 03-Oct-21 20-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83476 Request for Proposal for Capacity Development Timor-Leste TIMOR LESTE RFP - Request for proposal 08-Oct-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 19-Sep-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 83475 Demande de Prix - 001 RFF 2021-PNUD-NE- Travaux de réalisation de 3 Forages dans les communes de Simiri, Namaro et Birni N'Gaouré pour le compte du Projet RFF Niger NIGER RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Oct-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 19-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83474 The Provision Operational Supplies Requirement Syria SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 19-Sep-21 FISHERIES FISHERIES 83473 004-ITB MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR ITB - Invitation to bid 08-Oct-21 @ 11:00 PM (New York time) 19-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83472 RFQ-339-21-Karbala Supply and Installation of 10 UNDP IRAQ OFFICE IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 04-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 19-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83471 ITB-333-21-Construction of Shops Inside Hammam Al- UNDP IRAQ OFFICE IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 03-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 19-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83470 154018 – IC - Upgrading of the Jamaica Crime Observatory Integrated Crime & Violence Information System to Mainstream Violence Against Women and Girls Data Collection & Analysis UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE JAMAICA RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Sep-21 18-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83469 UNDP-ITB-2021-303 Construction of 5 MPS in NMD KPK UNDP Pakistan PAKISTAN ITB - Invitation to bid 08-Oct-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 18-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83468 UNDP-ITB-2021-310 Procurement of Camping PODs Pakistan PAKISTAN ITB - Invitation to bid 08-Oct-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 18-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83467 Recrutement d'une agence de production multimédia pour la production de contenu audiovisuel, écrit et radio relatif aux actions et réalisations pour le Projet RFF UNDP Country Office GABON RFP - Request for proposal 28-Sep-21 18-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83466 RFP-PNG-009-2021-Engineering Firm Innovation Hub Papua New Guinea, UNDP PAPUA NEW GUINEA RFP - Request for proposal 04-Oct-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 18-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83465 RECRUTEMENT D'UN(E) Consultant(e) – INTERNATIONAL expert(e) en affaires judiciaires sur le renforcement des capacites des autorités judiciaires à lutter contre l'impunité des violences sexuelles liées au conflit en République Centrafricaine. Délai de sou UNDP CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 04-Oct-21 18-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83449 ETH2908 – Recruitment of Resident Consultant for poverty analysis report UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 14-Oct-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 18-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83448 ETH2902 – Recruitment of National Consultant for national non-communicable disease coordination mechanism and structure assessment including Investment case approach UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 22-Oct-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 18-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83464 4461 MICI 4461 PAN 2021 - Servicios para la toma de muestras, análisis o ensayos de laboratorio e informe de resultados del estado de calidad de agua superficial en la microcuenca del río Quema, Los Santos country office PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Oct-21 17-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83463 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA – SDP/14311/611/2021 - Estudios de Impacto Ambiental Juzgados de 1era. Instancia de Capitá Asunción - PARAGUAY PARAGUAY RFP - Request for proposal 11-Oct-21 17-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83461 Consultant.e national.e pour l'élaboration du document du Projet d'appui à l'emploi et au développent de l'entreprenariat au bénéfice des jeunes tchadiens – Tchad UNDP CHAD CHAD IC - Individual contractor 24-Sep-21 17-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83460 RFP/UNDP/HAI/21.186 Recrutement d'un cabinet pour la Micro-évaluation de partenaires (Contrat à Long Terme) PNUD HAITI RFP - Request for proposal 07-Oct-21 17-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83457 National Consultancy for Democratic Governance UNDP Country Office TANZANIA IC - Individual contractor 30-Sep-21 17-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83459 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA (SdP) No. OACNUDH/5165 DESARROLLO Y EJECUCIÓN DE CAMPAÑA DE COMUNICACIÓN PARA LA PROMOCIÓN DE LOS DERECHOS HUMANOS Y LA LABOR DE LAS PERSONAS DEFENSORAS DE DERECHOS HUMANOS. UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR RFP - Request for proposal 01-Oct-21 17-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83455 INNOVATION CHALLENGE FOR THE WASTE MANAGEMENT AND LIVELIHOODS PROJECT UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE, RBA SWAZILAND RFP - Request for proposal 15-Oct-21 17-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83456 PCI-095-2021 Servicios de consultoría para la evaluación final del proyecto de "Impulso a la Participación Política de las Mujeres UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 08-Oct-21 17-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83454 PNUD/IC-511/2021 Desarrollo guía metodológica UNDP Country Office - Peru - Peru PERU IC - Individual contractor 30-Sep-21 17-Sep-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 83452 SDC 00050939 1151 Adquisición local de laptops y monitores PNUD Uruguay URUGUAY RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Oct-21 17-Sep-21 FISHERIES FISHERIES 83451 RFP/UNDP/ATSEA/150456/032/2021 - Building Early Warning System for Marine Pollution in Timor Seas, East Nusa Tenggara Province Country Office INDONESIA RFP - Request for proposal 08-Oct-21 @ 11:44 AM (New York time) 17-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83444 Consultancy – Junior Research Analyst (Disaster preparedness, early warning and early action, CB/UNDP - Home Based Home based UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 04-Oct-21 17-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83450 LBN-CO-RFP-244-21 Right to Work Research UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFP - Request for proposal 07-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 17-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83447 LBN-CO-RFP-236-21-GAP Training Jbeil and AkKAR Country Office LEBANON RFP - Request for proposal 08-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 17-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83446 National Senior Youth Advisor to facilitate the revision of the Palestinian Youth Strategy UNDP Country Office LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 01-Oct-21 17-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83445 Закупка услуг по разработке стратегий развития экологического туризма для Республиканского ландшафтного заказника «Красный Бор», Республиканского ландшафтного заказника «Освейский» и Республиканского ландшафтного заказника «Озеры» UNDP Country Office BELARUS RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Oct-21 17-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83443 RFQ 2021-61 : Recrutement d'une agence de production pour la réalisation des produits audiovisuels : 6 vidéos (2 vidéos par célébration : une en version longue de 3mn et une en version courte de 1mn30) UNDP Country Office TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Sep-21 17-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83442 National Consultant on Maximizing Remittances Flows by Improving Cross Border Transfers within ASEAN UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 30-Sep-21 17-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83441 LBN-CO-RFQ-246-21Retrofitting Al Nasra Hospitial Country Office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 17-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83438 013-ITB-UNDP-09-2021 UNDP CO BURUNDI ITB - Invitation to bid 04-Oct-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 17-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83440 Call for Grant Applications from Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Labour Legal Aid Service Providers UNDP MYANMAR Other 24-Oct-21 17-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83439 RfQ 99-21 Review of Detailed design for reconstruction and adaptation with improvement of PHI General hospital Struga UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Sep-21 17-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83437 UNDP-RFP-2021-320-Developing Socioeconomic Baseline Profile for South Punjab Pakistan PAKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 04-Oct-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 17-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83436 Call for Grant Applications from Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Legal Aid Service Providers in Shan, Kachin, and Chin UNDP MYANMAR Other 31-Oct-21 17-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83435 Consultancy - Training of the MOJ-Police SGBV Prosecutors and Relevant SGBV Service Providers UNDP The Gambia GAMBIA IC - Individual contractor 01-Oct-21 17-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83434 RfQ for Long-term Agreement for the Maintenance services for the Security and Detection System (X-ray Machine) of the Green One UN House UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Sep-21 17-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83433 Invitation to Bid (ITB) for Supply and Installation of 5 Parameter Portable Patient Monitor UNDP Country Office NEPAL ITB - Invitation to bid 01-Oct-21 @ 07:45 AM (New York time) 17-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83432 Consultancy services for a Chief Technical Advisor Country Office MAURITIUS IC - Individual contractor 27-Sep-21 17-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83431 RFP/037/21 DESIGN AND DELIVERY OF A PILOT PUBLIC SECTOR INNOVATION TRAINING FOR GOVERNMENT LEADERS IN BIH - EXTENSION OF DEADLINE!!! UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFP - Request for proposal 11-Oct-21 17-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83430 UNDP-IC-2021-260- Gender Mainstreaming and GBV Expert Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 04-Oct-21 17-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83429 UNDP-IC-2021-259-Training Coordination Consultant Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 04-Oct-21 17-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83428 UNDP-IC-2021 - 258 - Lead Coordinator - DU Quetta Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 04-Oct-21 17-Sep-21 POLLUTION POLLUTION 83427 UNDP-RFQ-2021-318 Supply of Bio Degradable Bags UNDP CO Pakistan PAKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 04-Oct-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 17-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83426 Japanese Supplementary Budget (JSB) COVID-19 Response Report Writer South Africa SOUTH AFRICA IC - Individual contractor 21-Sep-21 17-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83425 MNG/IC/2021/128 - National Consultant - Development of Occupational Standard Guideline UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 01-Oct-21 17-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83424 MNG/IC/2021/127 - National Consultant - Labor Psychologist UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 01-Oct-21 17-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83422 MNG/IC/2021/126 - National Consultant - Employment Legislation Expert UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 01-Oct-21 17-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83421 RFP-088-PHL-2021: Services of a Firm for Citizen Science to Monitor and Assess Plastic Waste Philippines PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 07-Oct-21 17-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83420 purchase and installation of the X- ray inspection system for the inspection of baggage and goods (introscope)/покупка и установка рентгенотелевизионной системы для досмотра багажа и груза (интроскоп) Казахстан KAZAKHSTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Oct-21 17-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83419 RFQ-CDLG-2021-66 - Procurement of Display Boxes UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Oct-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 16-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83418 PROCESO COL0000154429 Contratar Licencia para utilización de la plataforma para monitoreo de medios y valoración de free press sobre menciones y contenidos gestionados por la ONU en Colombia en medios nacionales e internacionales UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 04-Oct-21 16-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83417 PROCESO COL 0000154730 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Financiero para el Equipo Administrativo y Financiero. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 30-Sep-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 16-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83415 RFP-PNG-010-2021-IMPLEMENTATION CAPACITY DEV PLAN NAP Project UNDP PNG PAPUA NEW GUINEA RFP - Request for proposal 01-Oct-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 16-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83416 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA (SdP) N° COL‐0000153862 -Diseño e implementación de un piloto de trazabilidad para una cadena láctea local en el sector de las Sabanas del Yarí en los municipios de San Vicente del Caguán y La Macarena. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 11-Oct-21 16-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83414 CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL - COL 0000152378 - Consultoría para la generación de un balance de la labor de las Comisiones de Paz Accidentales del Congreso frente al Acuerdo de Paz con las FARC-EP (2 Posiciones) UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 30-Sep-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 16-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83413 4413 PAN 2021 Construcción de estación de bombeo para desalojo de aguas residuales para el centro INADEH Chitré, PANAMA PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Oct-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 16-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83412 4424 4424 PAN 2021- ADQUISICIÓN DE TRAILER DE LIMPIEZA - EQUIPO DE LAVADO A PRESIÓN CON AGUA CALIENTE UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Oct-21 16-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83410 Consultancy Services to Develop Policy Briefs on MW2063 aspirations and Malawi Implementation Plan 1 Strategic Interventions UNDP Country Office MALAWI RFP - Request for proposal 30-Sep-21 16-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83409 BBRSO154587: Consultant to Develop Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) – MCO Review UNDP Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean BARBADOS IC - Individual contractor 30-Sep-21 16-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83408 IC 153248 RSC 2021 Communications consultant UN Resident Coordinators Multi-country Office-JAM JAMAICA IC - Individual contractor 01-Oct-21 16-Sep-21 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS 83407 RFQ RADIO COMMUNAUTAIRES DAKAR SENEGAL RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Oct-21 16-Sep-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 83406 Recrutement d'un Consultant Community Manager afin de renforcer la sensibilisation web autour du projet « Territorialisation des Objectifs de Développement Durable (ODD) » DAKAR SENEGAL IC - Individual contractor 24-Sep-21 16-Sep-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 83405 Recrutement consultant WEB Developer appui à la gouvernance locale et dématérialisation DAKAR SENEGAL IC - Individual contractor 05-Oct-21 16-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83404 RBAS-RFP-015-2021 RBAS Regional Hub JORDAN RFP - Request for proposal 02-Oct-21 @ 11:00 PM (New York time) 16-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83403 CI/097/ODS/2021 - CONSULTORÍA PARA ADAPTAR LA INTERFAZ GRÁFICA DE ANÁLISIS DE TWEETS EN LA NUBE PARA PROCESAR EL FLUJO DE INFORMACIÓN SOBRE CORRUPCIÓN EMITIDO EN LA REGIÓN DE AMÉRICA LATINA Y EL CARIBE. UNDP Country Office VENEZUELA IC - Individual contractor 30-Sep-21 16-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83402 Recrutement d'un prestataire de services audiovisuels pour la vulgarisation et la communication, en vue l'intégration du risque climatique dans les politiques, les stratégies et les plans de développement au Gabon. UNDP Country Office GABON RFP - Request for proposal 26-Sep-21 16-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83401 Recrutement d'un cabinet d'étude ou d'une unité de recherche pour la réalisation d'une étude de vulnérabilité aux changements climatiques dans le littoral gabonais et d'une analyse coûts-avantages. UNDP Country Office GABON RFP - Request for proposal 26-Sep-21 16-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83400 Recrutement d'un prestataire pour la mise en place d'un service mobile (GSM) opérationnel pour la météorologie et le climat au Gabon UNDP Country Office GABON RFP - Request for proposal 26-Sep-21 16-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83399 CI/096/ODS/2021 - CONSULTORÍA PARA CONSTRUIR LAS PRINCIPALES NARRATIVAS E IDENTIFICAR TÓPICOS DE DISCUSIÓN EN TWITTER SOBRE MEDIDAS ANTI-CORRUPCIÓN EN LA REGIÓN DE AMÉRICA LATINA Y EL CARIBE UNDP Country Office VENEZUELA IC - Individual contractor 30-Sep-21 16-Sep-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 83328 203,530-2021- Supply of computer equipment / закупівля комп'ютерного обладнання Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Sep-21 16-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83398 ETH2879: International Firm for Conducting Drone Training UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA RFP - Request for proposal 14-Oct-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 16-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83397 Thematic Evaluation Of Rehabilitation of HealthCar UNDP Syria SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 29-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 16-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83396 RfQ21/02361: Green Cities / Development of Designs and installation of Photovoltaic Panels on public buildings under the Distributed renewable electricity generation demo project UNDP Country Office MOLDOVA RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Sep-21 16-Sep-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 83395 RFQ 245/2021 - Supply and Delivery of 1x Midi Excavator UNDP CYP CYPRUS RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Oct-21 16-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83394 RFQ N°38/BFA/PNUD/UNODC -2021: Acquisition de portiques et de matériels de couture au bénéfice du Ministère de la justice en particulier à la Direction Générale des Affaires Pénitentiaires Country Office BURKINA FASO RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Sep-21 16-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83392 CI/095/ODS/2021 - Simulación del impacto de los programas y/o transferencias sociales. UNDP Country Office VENEZUELA IC - Individual contractor 08-Oct-21 16-Sep-21 HEALTH HEALTH 83393 BIH/RFQ-145-21 CANCELLED Supply, delivery and installation of Elisa reader UNDP Country Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 04-Oct-21 16-Sep-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 82451 CLOSED EARLY
UNDP CYP RFQ 226 2021 - For the supply and delivery of 1x Midi Excavator to UNDP Cyprus Cyprus CYPRUS RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Sep-21 16-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83391 RFP- MAPPING OF THE KENYA INNOVATION ECOSYSTEM Country Office KENYA RFP - Request for proposal 29-Sep-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 16-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83390 RfQ 98-2021 Preparation of Technical documentation for upgrade of the "Grigor Prlicev" School in Ohrid UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Sep-21 16-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83389 RfQ 96-21 Purchase and installation of Heat pumps (air-water) UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Sep-21 16-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83388 Rehabilitation of Municipality Shops inside Al Eyadiya sub district-Ninawa Governorate Iraq IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 03-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 16-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83387 RFP - RECRUTEMENT D'UN CABINET NATIONAL POUR LA CONDUITE D'UNE ETUDE DE FAISABILITE D'UN PROGRAMME DE VILLAGISATION AU BURUNDI UNDP CO BURUNDI RFP - Request for proposal 04-Oct-21 16-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83386 RFP-2021-047 Development of a standard model of Isker Ana Center for support of families from socially vulnerable categories/ Разработке типовой модели Центра "Isker Ana" по поддержке и сопровождению семей из числа социально уязвимых категорий UNPD Country Office - KAZAKHSTAN KAZAKHSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 07-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 16-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83385 Individual Consultant on Media trainer on sexual and gender-based violence reporting and technical support on the development of a media practitioners guide on SGBV reporting UNDP Country Office MALAWI IC - Individual contractor 03-Oct-21 16-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83325 RFQ 95-2021 for PREPARATION of LOCAL STRATEGIES FOR REINTEGRATION OF RETURNEES IN THREE MUNICIPALITIES: PRILEP, SHTIP AND SHUTO ORIZARI UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Sep-21 16-Sep-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 83384 RFP For the Provision of Technical Training Services in the area of Information Technology UNDP Sao Tomé and Principe SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE RFP - Request for proposal 30-Sep-21 16-Sep-21 FORESTRY FORESTRY 83138 658/RFP/APAA/2021 Recrutement d'un cabinet d'étude pour faire l'Evaluation Environnementale Stratégique (EES) du paysage de conservation de la biodiversité dans la Région Atsimo Andrefana, ciblé sur les 09 Aires Protégées (AP) et 07 Aires Protégées Commun MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFP - Request for proposal 30-Sep-21 16-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83382 Call for Proposal UNDP Country Office GEORGIA Other 11-Oct-21 16-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 82087 Call for Proposal UNDP Country Office GEORGIA Other 11-Oct-21 16-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83380 RFQ/2021/20Renovation of 15 Multipurpose Eco Centers Package C Country Office JORDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Sep-21 16-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83379 Local Action strategic development Consultant UNDP Stateless IC - Individual contractor 29-Sep-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 16-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83381 LBN-CO-ITB-216-21 - Office Furniture UNDP Country Office - LEBANON - LEBANON LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 30-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 16-Sep-21 HEALTH HEALTH 83377 734/RFQ/CAPMADA/2021 Acquisition de matériels et d'intrants médicaux pour les établissements pénitentiaires UNDP Madagascar MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Sep-21 16-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83318 RFQ/UNDP/HEART/154196/030/2021 – Temporary Storage Service (Warehouse) for Incinerator and Autoclave Containers UNDP Country Office Indonesia INDONESIA RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Sep-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 16-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83378 Construction of Shops inside Tal Abtah district UNDP Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 06-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 16-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83375 UNDP/PN/25/2021 Individual Consultant Procurement Notice - International Consultant for the Preparation and Development of the Nepal's United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) 2023-2027 Nepal Country Office for UNRCO NEPAL IC - Individual contractor 24-Sep-21 16-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83376 E-Course ToR Designing an Arabic online course Iraq IRAQ RFP - Request for proposal 28-Sep-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 16-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83374 «Analysis of the legal requirements and the required institutional arrangements and procedures in the establishment and operation of a national testing system for the quality control (based on set quality standards) of RET equipment and components» Казахстан KAZAKHSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 07-Oct-21 16-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83373 RFP (N-210905) - National Firm/Institution/Organization for Development of household-level database for 14 coastal provinces. UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 30-Sep-21 16-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83334 RFQ/053/21 - (пере-объявление) разработка 5-ти видеороликов: Имиджевый ролик АГУ и ролики по процессу оказания госуслуг и реформированию сферы госуслуг UNDP Uzbekistan UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Sep-21 16-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83372 Investment and Fund Mobilization Specialist UNDP Stateless IC - Individual contractor 29-Sep-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 16-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83371 4407 PAN 2021- Consultoria para Potenciar el grado de impacto de la formación del Instituto Nacional de Formación Profesional y Capacitación para el Desarrollo Humano INADEH en la sociedad panameña, en el marco de la agenda 2030 y los Objetivo de Desarr PANAMA PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 08-Oct-21 16-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER UNDP-MD-00004 RFQ21/02361 Design and Installation of Photovoltaic Panels on public buildings UNDP-MD MOLDOVA RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Oct-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 16-Sep-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 83370 RFQ-084-PHL-2021 LEAPS Digital Centers (Supply, Delivery, Installation, and Configuration of Call Management, Computing and Network System, and Power and Electrical System for Three Digital Centers with Interactive Call Centers in Maguindanao and Lanao UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Oct-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 15-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83369 DAOREPARATIONSMAINTENANCEVEHICULES Country Office CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC ITB - Invitation to bid 23-Sep-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 15-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83368 PROCESO COL 0000153840 Acuerdo de Largo Plazo para la provisión de Servicios de Spot Check para PNUD y Agencias del Sistema de Naciones Unidas en Colombia UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 29-Sep-21 15-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83367 2 NATIONAL CONSULTANTS: PEER REVIEW OF THE PNG'S NATIONAL ADAPTATION PLAN (NAP), IC/PNG/047-2021 UNDP PNG Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 30-Sep-21 15-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83357 National Consultant for Study on value chain analysis of rice and vegetable and improving seed production of rice and vegetables in Oé-Cusse UNDP Country Office TIMOR LESTE IC - Individual contractor 01-Oct-21 15-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83366 Proceso No. COL-0000154583 - Líder Regional Centro Sur UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Sep-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 15-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83365 Proceso No. COL-0000154582 - Líder Regional Llanos UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Sep-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 15-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83364 Proceso No. COL-0000154581 - Líder Regional Pacífico UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Sep-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 15-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83363 Proceso No. COL-0000154580 - Líder Regional Centro Oriente UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Sep-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 15-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83362 Proceso No. COL-0000154579 - Líder Regional Eje Cafetero UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Sep-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 15-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83361 Proceso No. COL-0000154578 - Líder Regional Caribe 2 UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Sep-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 15-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83360 Proceso No. COL-0000154577 - Líder Regional Caribe 1 UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Sep-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 15-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83359 IC 21 153848 investigador diseno naval UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 13-Oct-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 15-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83358 Consultation Nationale : Spécialiste en Communication PNUD HAITI IC - Individual contractor 29-Sep-21 15-Sep-21 POLLUTION POLLUTION 83356 RFP 28-21 for PCB Site Remediation UNDP CO MONTENEGRO RFP - Request for proposal 01-Nov-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 15-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83355 PNUD/IC-516/2021 – Evaluación de Medio Término (MTR por sus siglas en inglés) del Proyecto Gestión Integrada del Mercurio en la Minería de Oro Artesanal y en Pequeña Escala (MAPE) del Perú UNDP Country Office PERU IC - Individual contractor 12-Oct-21 15-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83354 RFP-009-2021- RECRUTEMENT D'UN INSTITUT INTERNATIONAL DE FORMATION POUR LA FORMATION DES FORMATEURS DANS LE DOMAINE DES ENERGIES RENOUVELABLES (SOLAIRE) ET DANS LE DOMAINE DES SYSTEMES DE CONDUITE AUTOMATIQUE ET SCADA. Mauritanie MAURITANIA RFP - Request for proposal 22-Sep-21 15-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83352 02 National Consultants to develop Training of trainers (TOT) materials on lawyering skills for legal aid providers of Viet Nam Lawyer Association (Ref. P210906) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 30-Sep-21 15-Sep-21 HEALTH HEALTH 83351 UNDP-RFI-2021-PAKISTAN Request for Information and CACHE UNDP CO Pakistan PAKISTAN RFI - Request for Information 07-Oct-21 15-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83350 02 National Consultants to develop Training of trainers (TOT) materials on organizational management and development for Viet Nam Lawyer Association's Center of Legal Consultancy (Ref. P210905) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 30-Sep-21 15-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83349 Recrutement d'un(e) Consultant(e) national(e) ou international(e) pour la préparation d'une ligne de référence (Baseline) pour le projet Tarabot UNDP Country Office TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 05-Oct-21 15-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83347 SDC-2021-015 : Dispositivos Trazabilidad UNDP COSTA RICA COSTA RICA RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Oct-21 15-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83348 SDC-48-2021 "SUMINISTRO E INSTALACION SISTEMA DE PARARRAYOS EN LA SEDE DEL TRIBUBAL CONSTITUCIONAL" UNDP Country Office DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Sep-21 15-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83329 RFI/CDLG/2021/70 - Engaging a CSO/NGO for Improving Participatory Planning, Budgeting and Public Financial Management of Local Authorities in Northern, Eastern, Uva and North Central Provinces UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFI - Request for Information 24-Sep-21 15-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83346 PNUD/IC-492/2021 – Evaluación de Medio Término (MTR) del proyecto Fortalecimiento de capacidades del SINAGERD para la preparación, respuesta y recuperación ante desastres en apoyo a la implementación de la Política Nacional de Gestión del Riesgo de Desast UNDP Country Office PERU IC - Individual contractor 29-Sep-21 15-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83345 [EXTENDED2] IC2021/WSM/042 NATIONAL CONSULTANT TO EVALUATE THE SPOTLIGHT INITIATIVE COMPONENT OF THE NHRI - VILLAGE SAFETY COMMITTEE PILOT PROGRAM UNDP Country Office SAMOA IC - Individual contractor 13-Oct-21 15-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83344 SDG A2J 01-2021-Grant-UNDP- "Grants Proposals" Киргизия KYRGYZSTAN Other 30-Sep-21 15-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83294 PNUD/IC-499/2021 Acompañamiento y asistencia técnica en la formulación del Plan de Desarrollo Regional Concertado Plan Estratégico Institucional así como de Planes de Desarrollo Local Concertado en la Región Huánuco UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE PERU IC - Individual contractor 29-Sep-21 15-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83293 PNUD/IC-498/2021 "Acompañamiento y asistencia técnica en la formulación del Plan de Desarrollo Regional Concertado y Planes de Desarrollo Local Concertado en la Región Ucayali UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE PERU IC - Individual contractor 29-Sep-21 15-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83342 Consultoría para la implementación del curso de capacitación en Manejo de Áreas Protegidas Urbanas a personal de las instituciones del Área Metropolitana de Asunción, segunda etapa UNDP Office Paraguay PARAGUAY IC - Individual contractor 29-Sep-21 15-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83340 Credit Guarantee Scheme Operations Manual Consultant UNDP The Gambia GAMBIA IC - Individual contractor 30-Sep-21 15-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83341 IC-077-21, International Consultant to conduct Final Evaluation of the Headway Project, UNDP Iraq Country Office IRAQ IC - Individual contractor 30-Sep-21 15-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83339 Consultoría para coordinación de eventos de negocios, ceremonial y protocolo para el proyecto de participación de Paraguay en la EXPO 2020 Dubái UNDP Office Paraguay PARAGUAY IC - Individual contractor 29-Sep-21 15-Sep-21 HOUSING HOUSING 83322 RFQ 94-2021 for procurement and installation of aircons in households in Lisiche UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Sep-21 15-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83338 EXTENDED deadline for RFP97-2021 for for Development of a climate-resilient infrastructure study UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFP - Request for proposal 06-Oct-21 15-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83337 INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANCY-TO CONDUCT TRAINING TO ADVANCE THE KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING OF SDGS AMONGST MEDIA PRACTITIONERS' OF BOTSWANA AND DEVELOP AN SDGS AWARD CRITERIA FOR MISA BOTSWANA ANNUAL MEDIA AWARDS BOTSWANA BOTSWANA IC - Individual contractor 07-Oct-21 15-Sep-21 HEALTH HEALTH 83336 BIH/RFQ-144-21 Supply and Delivery of Medical devices (Stationary defibrilators and AED) UNDP Country Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Sep-21 15-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83335 VIRTUAL SUPPLIERS' WORKSHOPS ON UNDP BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Harare ZIMBABWE Other 30-Sep-21 15-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83333 LBN-CO-RFQ-237-21 Rehab Baalbek Health Center UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 15-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83332 Javni poziv za prijavu prijedloga projekata za podršku provedbe inicijativa i projekata definisanih u lokalnim gender akcionim planovima (LGAP) na području partnerskih jedinica lokalnih samouprava (JLS) UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Other 29-Sep-21 15-Sep-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 83331 RFQ/055/21 (re-announcement) – Supply of Beekeeping Equipment/(пере-объявление) – поставка оборудования для пчеловодов UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Sep-21 15-Sep-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 83330 RFQ/052/21 - пере-объявление - на оказание услуг по подготовке материалов и проведению тренингов по развитию навыков и умений представителей местных сообществ UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Sep-21 15-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83327 Video surveillance system for BCPs for BCPs UNODC - UZBEKISTAN UZBEKISTAN ITB - Invitation to bid 04-Oct-21 @ 02:01 AM (New York time) 15-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83299 SDP27-2021 Acomp. y Prep. Implement ERP UNDP Country Office DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 07-Oct-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 15-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83326 RFQ - Fourniture des equipements pour le centre de metier de Ruyigi UNDP CO BURUNDI RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Sep-21 15-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83324 RFP-108-IND-2021 - Designing and developing training curricula, training modules, training/learning resource materials, trainer's manual and carry out training of trainers for capacity building of handloom producer companies in India UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 13-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 15-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83323 ETH2888 -Recruitment of Individual Consultant for communication strategy and implementation for the Business Emergency Unit UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 13-Oct-21 @ 04:10 AM (New York time) 15-Sep-21 HEALTH HEALTH 83321 RFQ 024-2021-UNDP-UKR UNDP CO - UKRAINE UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Oct-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 15-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83320 RFP - Event Organizing Services UNDP CO, Ethiopia ETHIOPIA RFP - Request for proposal 30-Sep-21 @ 08:05 AM (New York time) 15-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83319 ETH2887-Recruitment of Individual Consultant for data science expert for the Business Emergency Unit UNDP CO ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 06-Oct-21 @ 03:59 AM (New York time) 15-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83317 ETH2885-Recruitment of a Technical Advisor to support the Federal Civil Service Commission (FCSC) for the development of the Civil Service Act to Restructure the Executive Branch of the Federal Government UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 22-Sep-21 @ 03:16 AM (New York time) 15-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83316 UNDP-IC-2021-319 - National Consultant: GGEB Terminal Evaluation Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 29-Sep-21 15-Sep-21 HEALTH HEALTH 83315 LBN-CO-RFQ-238-21 Cribs for hospitals UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 15-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83310 Individual Consultancy - LTA National Graphic Designer - LBN/CO/IC/239/21 (Reposted) UNDP Country Office LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 29-Sep-21 15-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83314 Supply transformers with electrical accessories UNDP Iraq IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 07-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 15-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83313 Videographer for Institutions and Partnerships Programme Team (For Philippine Nationals) Manila PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 01-Oct-21 15-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83311 UNDP-IC-2021-313; Project Coordinator – Infrastructure UNDP Office Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 29-Sep-21 15-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83309 RENOVATION WORKS AT GSSS GOMBI ADAMAWA STATE Nigeria NIGERIA ITB - Invitation to bid 30-Sep-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 15-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83308 Supply Test N Maintenance Instruments-Transformers UNDP Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 04-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 15-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83307 RFP/016/21 - Development of legal and regulatory environment for Sukuk in Uzbekistan (for international companies) [re-announcement #2] UNDP Uzbekistan UZBEKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 06-Oct-21 15-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83305 RFP (N-210904) National Firm/Institution/Organization to conduct Disaster Risk Management Capacity Assessment UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 29-Sep-21 14-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83304 Formulation of project operations manual UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFP - Request for proposal 13-Oct-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 14-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83303 IC/UNDP/UNODC/140/2021 - Investigator Advisor_RE-ADVERTISEMENT Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 22-Sep-21 14-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83302 RFP-Stimulus funding for artisanal and small-scale mining of development minerals UNDP Country Office FIJI RFP - Request for proposal 25-Sep-21 14-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83301 Consultancy for Humanitarian Advisory Team Project – Senior National Coordinator, Communication, Community Engagement and Accountability CCEA Scoping Mission IC/PNG/046-2021 UNDP Papua New Guinea, Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 22-Sep-21 14-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83300 Technical Consultant in application design and development Solomon Islands SOLOMON ISLANDS IC - Individual contractor 29-Sep-21 14-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83298 IC2021/WSM/043 Enhanced Capacity of Emerging Female Leaders in the Public and Private Sectors – Samoan Cultural Leadership Development Expert UNDP Country Office SAMOA IC - Individual contractor 29-Sep-21 14-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83297 PCI-094-2021 Servicios de consultoría para diseño gráfico en productos del proyecto Rendición de Cuentas, Participación Ciudadana y Prevención de la Corrupción para el Desarrollo Sostenible. México MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 12-Oct-21 14-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83296 PCI-093-2021 Servicios de corrección de estilo y edición de documentos técnicos, científicos y de divulgación para el Tercer Informe Bienal de actualización ante la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 28-Sep-21 14-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83295 Partnership & Development Finance Consultant UN Agencies in Belize BELIZE RFP - Request for proposal 28-Sep-21 14-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83292 Acquisition des matériels visibilité UNDP Haiti HAITI RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Sep-21 14-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83291 SDP-037-2021 Asesoría técnica para el fortalecimiento de capacidades productivas de grupos y/o empresas sociales de café, cacao y producción de totopos artesanales, para la recuperación económica post COVID 19 en Chiapas y Oaxaca, México UNDP Country Office MEXICO RFP - Request for proposal 04-Oct-21 14-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83290 Recruitment of Consultancy to Support UN Ghana to write a Common Country Analysis Report 2021 UNDP Country Office GHANA IC - Individual contractor 30-Sep-21 14-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83289 International Consultant on Fair Trial and the UN Convention against Torture UNDP Country Office VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 27-Sep-21 14-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83288 RFQ 2362 e-advertisement: Selecting a company to conduct the Strategical Environmental Assessment of the draft Low Emission Development Programme for 2030 UNDP Country Office MOLDOVA RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Oct-21 @ 09:30 AM (New York time) 14-Sep-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 83287 147-RFQ-CPRD-2021-A - Materiels pour la Mise en place des filières de formation professionnelle UNDP Country Office CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Sep-21 14-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83286 Capacity Need Assessment of Communities, Water Authorities and Water Service Provider associated with Non-centralized water system in Donetsk and Luhansk (GCA) Oblast, Ukraine UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND (UNICEF) UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 28-Oct-21 14-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83285 Сприяння розвитку бізнес потенціалу та організація індивідуальних менторських програм для 10 соціальних підприємницьких ініціатив UNFPA UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Sep-21 14-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83283 RFP - National Consulting Firm to Develop Climate Finance Dashboard for the Government of Ghana UNDP Country Office GHANA RFP - Request for proposal 28-Sep-21 14-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83284 Створення веб-платформи GBV Knowledge Platform UNFPA UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Sep-21 14-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83282 Supply of Mountain bikes UNDP Gambia GAMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Sep-21 14-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83281 Developing and Activating Digital Application UNDP Country Office SOMALIA RFP - Request for proposal 27-Sep-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 14-Sep-21 HOUSING HOUSING 83280 RFQ93 / 2021 for pellets stoves (LOTs 1-11) UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Sep-21 14-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83279 National Consultancy for Project Formulation (Improved Access to Justice and Rule of Law in Tanzania) UNDP Country Office TANZANIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Sep-21 14-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83276 CONSTRUCTION OF FISH BREEDING FACILITIES IN LWIIMBA AGRICULTURAL CAMP IN CHONGWE DISTRICT Undp Country Office ZAMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Sep-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 14-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83278 RFP No. 0012 BIS /2021 PNUD Republication Avis de recrutement pour d'un prestataire pour la Conception et Diffusion d'outils de supports de communication sur l'engagement citoyen, la paix, la cohésion sociale et la tolérance Burkina Faso BURKINA FASO RFP - Request for proposal 22-Sep-21 14-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82812 INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANT - TECHNICAL ADVISOR TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (EPA) OF LIBERIA UNDP Country Office LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 17-Sep-21 14-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83277 UNDP-CYP-RFQ-235-2021 - Construction of Street Shading in Nicosia, Cyprus Cyprus CYPRUS RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Sep-21 14-Sep-21 HEALTH HEALTH 83273 UNDP 167-2021-UNDP-UKR UNDP CO - UKRAINE UKRAINE ITB - Invitation to bid 18-Oct-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 14-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83274 RFP/036/21 Review of the internal control environment in local and cantonal governments in BiH UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFP - Request for proposal 30-Sep-21 14-Sep-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 83272 MDVRFQ2135readvert Maldives MALDIVES RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Sep-21 @ 08:21 AM (New York time) 14-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83271 RFP/026/21 – на проведение исследования с целью изучения доступности и качества данных о человеческом потенциале цифрового развития в Узбекистане. UNDP Uzbekistan UZBEKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 28-Sep-21 14-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83270 Recrutement d'une Agence de Communication pour coordonner la campagne de communication et les relations extérieures, et assurer la couverture photo et vidéo de l'initiative de Grand Trail de la Jeunesse pour la Paix au Mali Mali MALI RFP - Request for proposal 23-Sep-21 14-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83268 National Consultant - Content and E-learning Expert: The National Portal for Skills, Employment and Entrepreneurship for Inclusive Digital Livelihoods UNDP Country Office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 12-Oct-21 14-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83269 National Consultant - Digital Skills and E-learning Portal Web Development and Admin Expert: The National Portal for Skills Employment and Entrepreneurship for Inclusive Digital Livelihoods UNDP Country Office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 12-Oct-21 14-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83267 ETH2878:Recruitment of National Consultant Serving as Civil Engineer in Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) preparation for Beautifying Sheger Project (BSP) affected Households and Businesses along the major rivers in Addis Ababa UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 27-Sep-21 @ 09:15 AM (New York time) 14-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83265 Recrutement d'un Consultant(e) National(e) chargé(e) de la cartographie des interventions des Partenaires Techniques et Financiers, des Investissements Directs Etrangers (IDE), l'analyse du financement des ODDs, de l'Aide Publique au Développement en Guin GUINEE GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 23-Sep-21 14-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83266 ETH2880 – Recruitment of National Consultant Copy Editor/Proofreader, Ethiopia UNDP Country Office on behalf of UN-Habitat ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 27-Sep-21 @ 09:36 AM (New York time) 14-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83264 LBN-CO-RFQ-231-21 Asphalt Paving to Bhannine Road UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 14-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83263 MNG/RFP/2020/042 - National Institutions - Conduct research in political finance UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA RFP - Request for proposal 28-Sep-21 14-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83262 RFP-200-21-UNEP and UNDP Joint Campaign on Climate UNDP IRAQ OFFICE IRAQ RFP - Request for proposal 30-Sep-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 14-Sep-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 83258 Request for Proposal - Development of an online Groundwater database management system for Transboundary Aquifers in the Nile Basin Uganda UGANDA RFP - Request for proposal 23-Sep-21 14-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83259 Deveolpment of a Public Sector Innovation Policy Malawi, RBA MALAWI IC - Individual contractor 27-Sep-21 14-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83261 Recrutement d'un(e) consultant(e) national(e) en vue de la réalisation d'une enquête de perception sur la cohésion sociale dans les zones de retour de l'Ouest et le Sud-Ouest Côte d'Ivoire COTE d'IVOIRE IC - Individual contractor 28-Sep-21 14-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83260 RFP2021.28 Promoting urban regeneration UNDP Country Office JORDAN RFP - Request for proposal 22-Sep-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 14-Sep-21 POWER POWER 83257 Supply and Installation of solar water pumping (SWP) systems in Kampong Thom and Siem Reap Provinces, Cambodia UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA ITB - Invitation to bid 11-Oct-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 14-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83255 Recrutement d'un(e) consultant(e) national(e) en vue de l'évaluation finale du projet d'appui à la prévention des crises et à la consolidation de la cohésion et de l'inclusion sociale Côte d'Ivoire COTE d'IVOIRE IC - Individual contractor 28-Sep-21 14-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83256 RFP_Provision Service of Consultancy to develop a web-based Public Hospital Management System for Battambang Provincial Referral Hospital UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFP - Request for proposal 04-Oct-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 14-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83254 Recrutement d'un(e) consultant(e) pour la réalisation d'une évaluation finale du projet "Renforcer les services d'informations sur le climat pour le développement résilient et l'adaptation au changement climatique au Gabon" UNDP Country Office GABON IC - Individual contractor 24-Sep-21 14-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83253 T210905 - 01 NC to develop plans for MONRE and VASI and support the implementation of the Plan "Vietnam proactively prepares and participates in the development of a Global Treaty on Marine Plastic Pollution" UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 26-Sep-21 14-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83252 036R-RFQ-2021 UNDP Country Office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 14-Sep-21 INDUSTRY INDUSTRY 83251 Business to Social Cohesion Project – Services for Inventory of Local Products UNDP Country Office TURKEY RFP - Request for proposal 27-Sep-21 14-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83250 RFQ Supply delivery and Printing of Stickers UNDP Co AFGHANISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Sep-21 @ 07:30 AM (New York time) 14-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83249 Upgrade of Video Camera System for Parliament of Vanuatu UNDP Country Office FIJI RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Sep-21 @ 11:59 AM (New York time) 14-Sep-21 HEALTH HEALTH 83248 RFQ-TSSE-2021-68 - Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Containerized Dual Chamber Incinerator UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Oct-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 13-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83247 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA (SdP) N° COL‐0000152510 -Diseñar e implementar una encuesta longitudinal a organizaciones intervinientes que estén acreditadas ante la Jurisdicción Especial para la Paz. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 29-Sep-21 13-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83246 RFP for Branding Event management and Multimedia Production Services UN Regional Coordination Office TIMOR LESTE RFP - Request for proposal 26-Sep-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 13-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83244 SdP-21-ADQ-153669 metodologia recuperacion mercur UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 19-Oct-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 13-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83243 supply, installation, commissioning, and after-sales services for Off-Grid Solar PV FOR Cape Mount (Robert sport), River Gee ( Fish Town ) and Sinoe (Green Ville) county service centersRFQ UNDP SOLAR LDSP RRF 2021 102 UNDP Country Office LIBERIA RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Sep-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 13-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83241 RFP/UNDP/RCO/TT/10/2021 Local Firms for the Implementation of a Socio-Economic Survey UNDP Country Office TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO RFP - Request for proposal 28-Sep-21 13-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83242 SdP-21-ADQ-154278 evaluacion final marco de cooperacion UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 11-Oct-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 13-Sep-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 83240 SOLICITUD DE COTIZACION - COL 0000154155 - Adquisición de 100 tablets UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Sep-21 13-Sep-21 HEALTH HEALTH 83239 LPI Pryecto PNUD ARG 19/010 "Adquisición medicamentos esenciales para el PNA - Programa Nacional REMEDIAR" PNUD Argentina ARGENTINA ITB - Invitation to bid 04-Nov-21 13-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83238 CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL - COL 0000153874 - Consultoría para apoyar el diseño de acabados e iluminación para los espacios laborales en el marco de la implementación del proyecto de Smart Working en la Secretaría Distrital de Gobierno de Bogotá (SDG) UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 27-Sep-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 13-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83237 CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL - PROCESO COL 0000153871 - Consultoría para apoyar el diseño de obra civil de los espacios laborales en el marco de la implementación del proyecto de Smart Working en la Secretaría Distrital de Gobierno de Bogotá (SDG) UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 27-Sep-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 13-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83236 CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL - PROCESO COL - 0000153870 - Consultoría para apoyar el diseño de mobiliario de los espacios laborales en el marco de la implementación del proyecto de Smart Working en la Secretaría Distrital de Gobierno de Bogotá (SDG) UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 27-Sep-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 13-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83235 TRANSLATION OF MANUALS FROM ENGLISH TO ZAMBIAN LOCAL LANGUAGES Undp Country Office ZAMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 20-Sep-21 13-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83203 INSTALLATION DE KITS SOLAIRES A LA PRISON CENTRALE ET AU TRIBUNAL MILITAIRE DE MAROUA Cameroun CAMEROON RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Sep-21 13-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83234 SdP-21-ADQ-154052 marco de cooperacion ONU UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 06-Oct-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 13-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83233 RFQ N°41/BFA/PNUD/GOLCOS-2021: CONFECTION ET IMPLANTATION DE DIX (10) PANCARTES SUR LES ACTES DELIVRES DANS DIX COMMUNES CIBLES DE LA REGION DE L'EST Country Office BURKINA FASO RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Sep-21 13-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83230 4401 PAN 2021 - EQUIPO DE CLINICA PARA EL CENTRO DE CUMPLIMIENTO DE HERRERA UNDP Country Office PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Sep-21 13-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83229 RFP N°17-2021/PNUD/ RELANCE: Recrutement d'un bureau d'études pour l'évaluation des capacités des partenaires potentiels de mise en œuvre du programme de coopération 2020-2022 du PNUD Country Office BURKINA FASO RFP - Request for proposal 22-Oct-21 13-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83228 Recrutement d'un Consultant individuel national Associé pour la Conception d'un document type pour l'élaboration des annuaires statistiques du ministère du numérique et de la digitalisation Bénin BENIN IC - Individual contractor 24-Sep-21 13-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83227 Виробництво брендованих товарів UNFPA UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Sep-21 13-Sep-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 83226 RFQ 119/21 Procurement of SUV vehicle for UNDP Armenia Project UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Sep-21 13-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83224 RFQ/UNDP/CIVIL WORKS COURT E / 2021/0061 UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE LIBERIA RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Sep-21 13-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83225 IC No.:1382 Estudio técnico sobre el cumplimiento de recomendaciones de organismos de derechos humanos sobre crímenes de odio en El Salvador UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 27-Sep-21 13-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83222 Technical Expert on Renewable Energy/Технический эксперт по возобновляемым источникам энергии Казахстан KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 27-Sep-21 13-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83221 ETH2867-National Consultant as Business Support Expert for the Business Emergency Unit Under JCC (Job Creation commission) UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 27-Sep-21 @ 03:59 PM (New York time) 13-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83220 RFQ-331-21- Supply and Install of Chemistry & Physics Lab Kits to Chaldian School (Mar Mikha) in Alqush-Talkief-Ninawa Governorate Iraq Country Office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 13-Sep-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 83219 RFQ-250-21- Supply & Install of IT Equipment to Chaldian School (Mar Mikha) in Alqush-Talkief-Ninawa Governorate Iraq Country Office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 13-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83218 RFP-2021-036: Situational Analysis and Activity Design on Business and Human Rights and Informal Economy Bangkok Regional Hub THAILAND RFP - Request for proposal 08-Oct-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 13-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83217 Rehabilitation of the stormwater drainage system at the UN Annex Premises in Rhodespark, Lusaka UNDP Country Office ZAMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Sep-21 13-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83213 ITB-312/21: Rehabilitation of Tolol Al Baj WTP and Pipeline in Sharqat Sub-district, Salah Al Din Governorate, Iraq UNDP IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 14-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 13-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83216 La création d'une application digitale d'échanges et de veille citoyenne à l'attention des jeunes Mali MALI RFP - Request for proposal 20-Sep-21 13-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83215 LBN-CO-CFP-235-21Direct Support Sahel Akar-Reluanc UNDP Country office LEBANON CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 27-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 13-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83214 Recrutement d'une structure pour le renforcement des capacités entrepreneuriales de 20 jeunes en inclusion financière Mali MALI RFP - Request for proposal 20-Sep-21 13-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83212 RFQ/2021/19: Shredder machine for compost plant UNDP Country Office JORDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Sep-21 13-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83211 Call for Proposal - Strengthening Multi-stakeholder collaboration and farmer technical assistance support systems in Tebo District, Jambi province Country Office INDONESIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 11-Oct-21 13-Sep-21 IRRIGATION IRRIGATION 83210 UNDP-SYR-RFQ-055-21 The Rehabilitation of Water an UNDP Syria Office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC ITB - Invitation to bid 05-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 13-Sep-21 IRRIGATION IRRIGATION 83208 LBN-CO-ITB-234-21-Irrigation Canals Fekha Bekaa Country Office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 04-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 13-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83209 National Consultant (5 National Consultants each to be based in country i.e. Palau, FSM, Vanuatu, Tuvalu and Samoa) Fiji FIJI IC - Individual contractor 18-Sep-21 13-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83207 Consultant to conduct a Country Programme Document (CPD) 2019-2023 Mid-Term Evaluation - Windhoek, NAMIBIA UNDP Country Office, Namibia NAMIBIA IC - Individual contractor 28-Sep-21 13-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83206 Recrutement d'un d'un réseau/cabinet de formation pour la formation des femmes défenseuses des droits humains et des membres des comités locaux de protection et sécurisation communautaire dans la documentation des incidents et le développement des stratég PNUD CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 25-Sep-21 13-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83194 RFQ/067/21 поставка мебели различного типа для Центра Государственных Услуг Янги Наманганского района UNDP Uzbekistan UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Sep-21 13-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83204 CFP No. 2021-02 Improved Safety of Women in Serbia UNDP on behalf of the UN Women Office in Serbia SERBIA Other 08-Oct-21 13-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 82916 Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) Specialist Malawi, RBA MALAWI Other 20-Sep-21 13-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83201 Constructio Municipality Shops in Baaj Ninawa Iraq UNDP Country Office, Erbil, Iraq - IRAQ IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Sep-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 13-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83200 RFQ/142/21 Disposal of various type of ammunition UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Sep-21 13-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83199 RFP/2021/26: Design and Implement electrical and electronic waste (e-waste) National Public Awareness Campaign UNDP Country Office JORDAN RFP - Request for proposal 27-Sep-21 13-Sep-21 POWER POWER 83198 ITB 12 2021 UNDP Mozambique MOZAMBIQUE ITB - Invitation to bid 01-Oct-21 @ 01:00 PM (New York time) 13-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83197 Rehabilitation of the Dairy Factory in Sabkha UNDP Office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 13-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83196 Republication du recrutement d'un Cabinet chargé de mener une étude relative à la définition d'une Stratégie Nationale de Développement du Commerce Electronique en République Du Burundi. UNDP CO BURUNDI RFP - Request for proposal 04-Oct-21 13-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83195 RFQ -NPL10-37- 2021 : Supply and delivery of cooling chambers for CMDP UNDP - CMDP NEPAL RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 13-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83193 IC-074/21: International Consultant – Mid Term Evaluation UNDP Country Office IRAQ IC - Individual contractor 27-Sep-21 13-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83192 LBN-CO-ITB-228-21-LEACHATE TREATMENT SYSTEM Zahle UNDP Country Office - LEBANON - LEBANON LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 25-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 13-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83191 RFP-HCWM-2021-69 Design, Supply and Commissioning of Laundry Wastewater Treatment System at Ashroff Memorial Hospital in Kalmunai Sri Lanka UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFP - Request for proposal 28-Sep-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 13-Sep-21 TOURISM TOURISM 83190 Consultancy Services for Preparation of a Strategy for Linking Tourism Sector and the Local Economic Development (LED) Targeting 4 Tourism Circuit in Tanzania Mainland UNDP TANZANIA RFP - Request for proposal 01-Oct-21 13-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83189 RFQ 2021-71 Modernization of electronic system UNDP Country Office KYRGYZSTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Sep-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 13-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83188 Provision of Organization of Human Rights Days 2021 UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFP - Request for proposal 12-Oct-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 13-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83187 RFQ/UNDP/SPOI/153201/028/2021 - Event Organizer for Sustainable Palm Oil Initiative's Series of Webinar UNDP Country Office INDONESIA RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Sep-21 @ 09:00 PM (New York time) 12-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83186 Consultancy for Technical Adviser to the Coalition of Parliamentarians to End Gender-based Violence in Papua New Guinea IC/PNG/042-2021 (Framework or Long Term Agreement) UNDP Papua New Guinea, Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 24-Sep-21 12-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83185 National Consultant - Monitoring of the Media on Gender Matters "GENDERED VOICES NEWSLETTER" Country Office MAURITIUS IC - Individual contractor 24-Sep-21 12-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83184 RFP for Feasibility study Dev of Design Drawings and BoQ UNDP Country Office TIMOR LESTE RFP - Request for proposal 28-Sep-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 12-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83183 ETH2777Re: Establishment of Long-Term Agreement for Provision of Consultancy Services to Carry Out Micro Assessment for Implementing Partners UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA RFP - Request for proposal 04-Oct-21 12-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83182 RFP (N-210902): Vietnam-based firm/organization/institute to conduct construction quality assessment of built GCF houses UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 27-Sep-21 12-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83181 SUPPLY OF 240LT WASTE BIN FOR BoSEPA Nigeria NIGERIA RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Sep-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 12-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83180 Rehabilitation of the UNDP Premises Building No.3 Syria SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 12-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83179 Rehabilitation and Supply of Furniture for Building of Training Center-Shirqat-Salahaddin Governorate Erbil IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Oct-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 12-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83178 RFP (N-210903) – National firm/institute/organization for developing guidelines for the implementation of the 10-year national community-based disaster risk management (CBDRM) program UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 27-Sep-21 12-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83176 Hiring a firm for public Outreach, positive branding and communications UNDP Country Office BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 21-Sep-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 12-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83177 Rehabilitation and Furniture Supply Two Lots UNDP SERVICE CENTRE Erbil- Iraq IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 03-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 12-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83173 Re-advertisment International NDC Gender Mainstreaming Expert Country Office IRAQ IC - Individual contractor 23-Sep-21 12-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83174 Rehabilitation of the Yeast factory in Homs UNDP Syria Office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC ITB - Invitation to bid 03-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 12-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83172 RFP-325-21 Technical Assistance to MoLSA Country Office IRAQ RFP - Request for proposal 07-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 12-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83171 Rehabilitation ofMunicipality Shops Inside AlShora UNDP Iraq IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 07-Oct-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 12-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83170 Recrutement d'un(e) Consultant(e) International(e) pour l'élaboration du plan de digitalisation des services administratifs et techniques du ministère de l'Agriculture et de l'Elevage en Guinée UNDP GUINEE GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 26-Sep-21 11-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83169 578/IC/BCR/2021 INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANT TO SUPPORT AN ENHANCED GENDER APPROACH FOR UNCT IN MADAGASCAR MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 15-Sep-21 11-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83168 Individual Contractor - Rapid Market Assessment for Growth and Diversification for women small-scale cross border traders in response to COVID-19 in Nakonde, Kasumbalesa, Chipata and Livingstone Lusaka ZAMBIA IC - Individual contractor 19-Sep-21 11-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83167 CLOSED EARLY
Consultant on Developing Financial Mechanism for the CLEAN Project UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Sep-21 11-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81371 UNDP-SOI-RFQ-2021-037 - Online Legal Research Resources (Re-advertised) UNDP Pacific Office SOLOMON ISLANDS RFQ - Request for quotation 31-Aug-21 10-Sep-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 83164 National Consultancy - SLE/ICPN/2020/016 UNDP Country Office SIERRA LEONE IC - Individual contractor 16-Sep-21 10-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83166 PROCESO COL 0000154181 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Equipo Jurídico Regional Centro Sur se requieren tres (3) consultores. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 24-Sep-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 10-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83165 PROCESO COL 0000154180 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Equipo Jurídico Regional Llanos Se requieren Doce (12) consultores. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 24-Sep-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 10-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83163 PROCESO COL 0000154179 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Equipo Jurídico Regional Centro Oriente Se requieren cinco (05) consultores. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 24-Sep-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 10-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83162 PROCESO COL 0000154178 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Equipo Jurídico Regional Pacifico Se requieren tres (03) consultores. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 24-Sep-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 10-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83161 PROCESO COL 0000154044 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Equipo Técnico Regional Llanos Se requieren doce (12) consultores. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 24-Sep-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 10-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83160 PROCESO COL 0000154043 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Equipo Técnico Regional Centro Oriente. (se requiere cinco (5) consultores. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 24-Sep-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 10-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83159 PROCESO COL 0000154039 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Equipo Técnico Regional Caribe 1 (se requiere Diez (10) consultores). UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 24-Sep-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 10-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83158 CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL - COL - 0000153875 - Fortalecimiento de la gestión pública y la gobernabilidad de la Ciudad de Bogotá UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 24-Sep-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 10-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83157 CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL - COL - 0000154174 - Profesional Equipo Jurídico Regional Caribe 1 - Nivel 3 (12 POSICIONES) UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 24-Sep-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 10-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83156 CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL - COL - 0000154175 - Profesional Equipo Jurídico Regional Caribe 2. (5 POSICIONES) UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 24-Sep-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 10-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83155 CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL - COL - 0000154177 - Profesional Equipo Jurídico Regional Eje Cafetero - Nivel 3 (2 POSICIONES). UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 24-Sep-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 10-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83154 4401 PAN 2021 - EQUIPO DE CLINICA PARA EL CENTRO DE CUMPLIMIENTO DE HERRERA UNDP Country Office PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Sep-21 10-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83153 SEGUNDO CONVOCATORIA - 4302 PAN 2021 - EQUIPO DE LAVANDERIA PARA EL CENTRO DE CUMPLIMIENTO DE HERRERA UNDP Country Office PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Sep-21 10-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83152 18938-2021 Nature Performance Bonds pilot coordination consultant Regional Centre - Panamá PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 01-Oct-21 10-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83151 02 National Consultants to develop a guiding document on statistical analysis to assess the performance of civil status and criminal records services (Ref. P210904) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 26-Sep-21 10-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83150 National Team Leader to develop a research report on legal aid providers on-duty at investigation agencies and detention facilities (Ref. P210809B) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 19-Sep-21 10-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83149 IAL-003-2021Compra de equipos industriales UNDP Country Office MEXICO ITB - Invitation to bid 01-Oct-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 10-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83148 RFP - Multimedia Production Company Sierra Leone, RBA SIERRA LEONE RFP - Request for proposal 17-Sep-21 10-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83147 PNUD/IC-526/2021 – Acompañamiento y asistencia técnica para la sistematización de la información y elaboración, en un contexto de cambio climático, de la formulación del Plan de Desarrollo Local Concertado, Plan Estratégico Institucional y Plan Operativo UNDP Country Office PERU IC - Individual contractor 24-Sep-21 10-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83146 Solar System with integrated battery-Inverter UNDP Country Office GHANA RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Sep-21 10-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83145 International Consultant-Gender Deep-Dive for Cambodia Common Country Analysis 2021 UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 27-Sep-21 10-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83142 Recrutement de consultants pour l'évaluation à mi-parcours du document de programme de pays (CPD) du Gabon 2018-2022 UNDP Country Office GABON IC - Individual contractor 20-Sep-21 10-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83144 RFP-2021-035: Developing a Toolkit on smart cities, business and human rights Bangkok Regional Hub THAILAND RFP - Request for proposal 08-Oct-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 10-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83143 Consultant for Final Evaluation for the Promoting Decent Youth Employment in Cambodia Project 2019-2021 (Open for both National and International Consultant) UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 27-Sep-21 10-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83141 RFP 2021- 73 Center for MSM TG UNDP Country Office KYRGYZSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 24-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 10-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83140 RFQ Central Heating Works in 4 CSWs in Kosovo UNDP Kosovo Kosovo, UNSCR 1244 (1999) RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Sep-21 @ 11:30 AM (New York time) 10-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83139 Request for Proposal - Design of Website and update, operation and maintenance UNDP - DCRL NEPAL RFP - Request for proposal 26-Sep-21 10-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83137 IC NOTICE N°042/2021/PNUD-BFA Recrutement d'un (e) Consultant (e) International Spécialiste en Cohésion Sociale Burkina Faso BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 17-Sep-21 10-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83136 RFP 2021-74 Center for PLHIV and PWID UNDP Country Office KYRGYZSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 24-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 10-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83134 CLOSED EARLY
ECRUTEMENT D'UN INSTITUT INTERNATIONAL DE FORMATION POUR LA FORMATION DES FORMATEURS DANS LE DOMAINE DES ENERGIES RENOUVELABLES (SOLAIRE) ET DANS LE DOMAINE DES SYSTEMES DE CONDUITE AUTOMATIQUE ET SCADA. Mauritania CO MAURITANIA RFP - Request for proposal 20-Sep-21 10-Sep-21 HEALTH HEALTH 83133 LBN-CO-RFQ-232-21-Medical Safety Boxes CO LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 10-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83132 RFP-2021-034: Research on Business, Human Rights and the Environment: A Clean Air Agenda for Asia Bangkok Regional Hub THAILAND RFP - Request for proposal 27-Sep-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 10-Sep-21 TOURISM TOURISM 83131 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL - Mt. Elgon Tourism Infrastructure Project Study KAMPALA UGANDA RFP - Request for proposal 19-Sep-21 10-Sep-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 83130 BIH/RFQ-143-21 Supply and Delivery of two SUV vehicles UNDP Country Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Sep-21 10-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83129 SUPPLY OF JBI HEIGHT ADJUSTABLE SIT-STAND METAL Nigeria NIGERIA RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Sep-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 10-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83128 RFQ 92 -2021 for Review of technical documentation for photovoltaic systems in 9 (nine) public buildings, Municipality of Cair UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Sep-21 10-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83127 01 National training and research firms/institutions/organizations for Coaching and Mentoring Services for Newly Elected Representatives and Young Women Leaders (B-210902) UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 30-Sep-21 10-Sep-21 FORESTRY FORESTRY 83126 the provision of services to conduct preparatory work for the development of a land management project for land plots of unrecorded forests of the East Kazakhstan region Казахстан KAZAKHSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 22-Oct-21 10-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83125 ITB for Construction of avalanche station Chapchyma UNDP Kyrgyzstan KYRGYZSTAN ITB - Invitation to bid 01-Oct-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 10-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83124 Study on Increasing the Effectiveness and Efficiency in Delivering the Public Services in Nepal UNDP Country Office NEPAL RFP - Request for proposal 23-Sep-21 10-Sep-21 FORESTRY FORESTRY 83123 Recrutement d'un cabinet pour la formation des groupements maraichers et des femmes transformatrices de la forêt classée de Mbao en agroécologie et technique de transformation des produits agricoles et apicoles DAKAR SENEGAL IC - Individual contractor 10-Oct-21 10-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83121 Consultancy for a Anti-Corruption Webinar Consultant (International Consultant) IC/PNG/041-2021 UNODC Regional Office for Southeast Asia Pacific PAPUA NEW GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 24-Sep-21 10-Sep-21 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS 83119 PNUD/DRH/WACA/002/2021: Software for media intelligence and monitoring UNDP REGIONAL HUB DAKAR SENEGAL RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Sep-21 10-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83122 T210904 - 01 International Consultant and 02 National Consultants to conduct a study on supervision mechanism to ensure compliance with integrity of judicial professionals UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 21-Sep-21 10-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83033 Consultancy: Local Adviser on Women in Leadership Papua New Guinea PAPUA NEW GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 29-Sep-21 10-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83120 UNDP Istanbul International Center for Private Sector in Development Digital Entrepreneurship in Africa Research Consultant UNDP IICPSD TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 24-Sep-21 10-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83118 Закупка услуг по оценке воздействия изменения климата, уязвимости и климатических рисков топливно-энергетического комплекса, строительства, жилищно-коммунального хозяйства и транспорта для разработки Национального плана по адаптации UNDP Country Office BELARUS RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Sep-21 10-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83117 UNDP/PN/23/2021 - National Consultant – Urban DRR Expert for final evaluation of ''Reducing Disaster Risk and Enhancing Emergency Response Capacities in Multi-hazard Risk Prone Urban areas of Nepal UNDP - CDRMP NEPAL IC - Individual contractor 20-Sep-21 10-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83116 UNDP/PN/22/2021 - National Consultant – Team Member (Engineer) for Final Evaluation of Socio-technical Facilitation Services to Nepal Housing Reconstruction Project (NHRP) UNDP - CDRMP NEPAL IC - Individual contractor 20-Sep-21 10-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83115 UNDP/PN/21/2021 - National Consultant – Team Leader for Final Evaluation of Socio-technical Facilitation Services to Nepal Housing Reconstruction Project (NHRP) UNDP - CDRMP NEPAL IC - Individual contractor 20-Sep-21 10-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83113 ITB132021 UNDP Mozambique MOZAMBIQUE ITB - Invitation to bid 30-Sep-21 @ 01:00 PM (New York time) 10-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83112 T210903A - 01 International Consultant to develop training materials for trainers on providing legal aid in land cases UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 28-Sep-21 10-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83109 Medical Administrator Country Office MYANMAR IC - Individual contractor 18-Sep-21 10-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83111 RFP- UNDP/RFP/28/2021 : provide technical support for the preparation of Urban Vulnerability Targeting Guidelines UNDP - CDRMP NEPAL RFP - Request for proposal 27-Sep-21 10-Sep-21 AGRO-INDUSTRY AGRO-INDUSTRY 83108 A Firm to Conduct a Feasibility Study on Livestock Vaccines Manufacturing and Commercialization in Uganda Uganda UGANDA RFP - Request for proposal 19-Sep-21 10-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83106 RFP-CHN-010 policy research services China Office CHINA RFP - Request for proposal 17-Sep-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 10-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83107 UNDP-CYP-RFP-231-EID-10371-2021 - Feasibility study for the actions to improve waste management services in three regions, in northern part of Cyprus. Cyprus CYPRUS RFP - Request for proposal 13-Oct-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 10-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82733 RFP-103-IND-2021 (Request for Proposal UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 16-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 10-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83105 Consultancy for International Evaluation Consultant – UNDP Country Programme Papua New Guinea Evaluation IC/PNG/040-2021 UNDP Papua New Guinea, Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 24-Sep-21 10-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83104 Consultancy for National Consultant – UNDP Country Programme Papua New Guinea Evaluation IC/PNG/039-2021 UNDP Papua New Guinea, Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 24-Sep-21 10-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83103 UNDP/PN/24/2021 - National Consultant – Policy Brief Expert- Fire Preparedness and Response UNDP - CDRMP NEPAL IC - Individual contractor 19-Sep-21 10-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83102 RFQ/UNDP/SPOI/131511/025/2021 – Certified ISPO Training for Local Stakeholders in UNDP SPOI Pilot Area Country Office INDONESIA RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Sep-21 @ 12:01 AM (New York time) 09-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83101 PROCESO COL 0000153736 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Enlace de Entidad - Nivel 3 - DVR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 22-Sep-21 @ 11:23 PM (New York time) 09-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83099 SOLICITUD DE COTIZACION COL-0000154016 - Prestar los servicios de coprocesamiento de plásticos provenientes de residuos de aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos y de desintegración vehicular, generados en las actividades de identificación, separación y manej UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Sep-21 09-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83098 CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL PROCESO COL 0000154040 - Profesional Equipo Técnico Regional Caribe 2 – Nivel 3 (4 Posiciones). UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 23-Sep-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 09-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83096 SdP-21-ADQ-153882 Observatorio violencia mujeres UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 07-Oct-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 09-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83097 SDP-036-2021 Creación y fortalecimiento de la imagen comercial a emprendimientos, microempresas y/u Organismos del Sector Social de la Economía (OSSE) México MEXICO RFP - Request for proposal 23-Sep-21 09-Sep-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 83095 SDC-41-2021 "ADQUISICION LICENCIAS MICROSOFT PARA EL TRIBUNAL CONSTITUCIONAL" UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Sep-21 09-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83094 CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL - PROCESO COL - 0000154041 - Profesional Equipo Técnico Regional Eje Cafetero - Nivel 3 (2 POSICIONES). UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 23-Sep-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 09-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83093 CONTRATACION INDIVIDUAL - PROCESO COL - 0000154042 - Profesional Equipo Técnico Regional Pacifico - Nivel 3 (2 POSICIONES) UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 23-Sep-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 09-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83092 PNUD/IC-503/2021 – Acompañamiento y asistencia técnica en la dimensión ambiental y transversalización de la temática ambiental en las dimensiones de gestión de riesgos de desastres, económico, sociodemográfico, gobernanza y servicios e infraestructura en UNDP Country Office PERU IC - Individual contractor 23-Sep-21 09-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83091 CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL - PROCESO COL - 0000154045 - Profesional Equipo Técnico Regional Centro Sur Nivel 3 (SGR) 2 posiciones. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 23-Sep-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 09-Sep-21 INDUSTRY INDUSTRY 83090 Rehabilitation of the Yeast factory in Homs UNDP Syria SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC ITB - Invitation to bid 03-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 09-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83089 RFP the development and implementation of Private Sector Engagement for São Tomé & Príncipe revised NDC implementation UNDP Sao Tomé and Principe SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE RFP - Request for proposal 05-Oct-21 09-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83088 UNDP-IC-2021-257-CMMS Development Consultant Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 24-Sep-21 09-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83087 UNDP-IC-2021-256 - FIA Research Consultant Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 24-Sep-21 09-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83086 Capacity Building Training for Anondomela - WING Bangladesh Country Office BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 23-Sep-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 09-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83085 SDC-033-2021 Servicio de mantenimiento preventivo y correctivo de 50 equipos de escaneo Kodak Scan Station 730-EX y 11 Accesorios de cama plana tamaño legal A3 UNDP Country Office MEXICO RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Sep-21 09-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83084 Graphic Design Consultant Gambia GAMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 19-Sep-21 09-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83082 010-TCD10-09-2021-RFP UNDP Country Office CHAD RFP - Request for proposal 24-Sep-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 09-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83083 RFP/025/21 - на разработку национальной методологии РУз по проведению энергетического обследования (энергоаудита) как существующего, так и нового жилья для выдачи UNDP Uzbekistan UZBEKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 24-Sep-21 09-Sep-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 83080 RFP 118/21 Development of Online Educational Platform for Capacity Building UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFP - Request for proposal 23-Sep-21 09-Sep-21 POWER POWER 83081 LTAs for Energy and Grid Measuring and Monitoring PSU DENMARK ITB - Invitation to bid 07-Oct-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 09-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83079 Recrutement d'un Consultant(e) International(e) pour l'élaboration de la politique nationale de la jeunesse – PNJ GUINEE GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 24-Sep-21 09-Sep-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 83078 SDC- 42-2021 Adquisición de Vehículo Tipo Suv para el Proyecto De ONU Programa para el Medio Ambiente: Desarrollando Capacidades para Avanzar en el Proceso de Implementación del Plan Nacional de Adaptación UNDP Country Office DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Sep-21 09-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83077 Consultoría de apoyo en sistematización, análisis y consolidación de información sobre la política nacional de drogas y apoyo en la formulación de recomendaciones para el fortalecimiento de una política de drogas en Paraguay basada en los derechos humanos Asunción PARAGUAY IC - Individual contractor 07-Oct-21 09-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83069 RFP91-2021 for Development of "Decade of Climate Action Communication Strategy" UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFP - Request for proposal 23-Sep-21 09-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82905 Consultoría para la evaluación de la actual política nacional de drogas y diseño de un documento de recomendaciones para la nueva política de drogas en Paraguay basada en los derechos humanos y los estándares internacionales Asunción PARAGUAY IC - Individual contractor 07-Oct-21 09-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83076 RFP/024/21 - на разработку строительных норм и правил, разработку пособий, а также государственного стандарта в целях повышения энергоэффективности и низкоуглеродности сельского жилья в Узбекистане и обеспечения минимальных стандартов энергопотребления UNDP Uzbekistan UZBEKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 24-Sep-21 09-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83065 Re advertisement of RFQ 28 2021 UNDP Mozambique MOZAMBIQUE RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Sep-21 @ 01:00 PM (New York time) 09-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83075 LBN-CO-RFQ-233-21 - ehearing IT equipment - LAF UNDP - on behalf of UN-ODC LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 09-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83074 RFP/023/21 – Оказание услуг по проведению семинаров и тренингов в области развития стартапов среди молодежи Каракалпакстана/providing services for workshops and trainings on startup development for young people in Karakalpakstan. UNDP Uzbekistan UZBEKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 24-Sep-21 09-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83073 Providing installing and Testing a Permeable UNDP Office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC ITB - Invitation to bid 23-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 09-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83072 Civil Works for renovation and implementation UNDP Country Office YEMEN ITB - Invitation to bid 05-Oct-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 09-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83071 Plastic Storage Tanks and Waste Containers UNDP Country Office IRAN ITB - Invitation to bid 14-Oct-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 09-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83070 LE RECRUTEMENT D'UN BUREAU D'ETUDE POUR EFFECTUER UNE COLLECTION ET UNE ANALYSE DES DONNÉES SUR LA SÉCURITÉ CLIMATIQUE DANS LA REGION DU LIPTAKO-GOURMA Dakar Regional HUB SENEGAL IC - Individual contractor 23-Sep-21 09-Sep-21 HEALTH HEALTH 83067 Biomedical Workshop Renovation UNDP Country Office - Global Fund Project AFGHANISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Sep-21 @ 07:30 AM (New York time) 09-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83068 Borek Village Pipeline-Sinoni-Ninawa Governorate UNDP Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 29-Sep-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 09-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83066 Rédaction des procédures opérationnelles standards et harmonisées (POSH) en matière d'arrestation, de détention et de remise de navires et de personnes impliquées et de collectes de preuves dans des activités de criminalité maritimes au Togo UNDP Togo, RBA TOGO IC - Individual contractor 17-Sep-21 09-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83061 Provision of Travel Services on Long Term Agreement in PNG UNDP Papua New Guinea, Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA ITB - Invitation to bid 30-Sep-21 @ 02:00 AM (New York time) 09-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83064 RE-ANNOUNCEMENT: National Consultant on improving the practice of trading houses UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN IC - Individual contractor 22-Sep-21 09-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80663 Supply of Furniture for Chaldean School Mar Mikha UNDP iraq office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Aug-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 09-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83062 LBN-CO-RFQ-229-21 - SE4S - deployable lighting UNDP Country Office - LEBANON - LEBANON LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 09-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83056 RFP-003-2021-Bureau International pour l'actualisation de la stratégie nationale de lutte contre la corruption en Mauritanie UNDP Country Office MAURITANIA RFP - Request for proposal 22-Sep-21 09-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83060 ELABORATION DU MANUEL DE PROCEDURES ADMINISTRATIVES DE L'ORGANE DE CONTROLE DES PRESTATAIRES DE SERVICES DE CONFIANCE DU MINISTERE DU NUMERIQUE ET DE LA DIGITALISATION UNDP Country Office BENIN IC - Individual contractor 23-Sep-21 09-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83051 ACCOMPAGNEMENT DE LA TRANSFORMATION CAPACITAIRE DES START-UPS ET PME DU SECTEUR DU NUMERIQUE ET DE LA DIGITALISATION UNDP Country Office BENIN IC - Individual contractor 23-Sep-21 09-Sep-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 83057 512RE-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-BMO-Bootcamp UNDP UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 24-Sep-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 09-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83058 RFQ - Small Gas Powered Baking Ovens UNDP OFFICE DJIBOUTI RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Sep-21 @ 09:30 AM (New York time) 09-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83055 CABLAGE DU RESEAU INFORMATIQUE ET ELECTRIQUE ONDULE BATIMENT COMMUN AGENCES BCR, OCHA, HCDH RBA CHAD RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Sep-21 09-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83059 ETH2864-Recruitment of national consultant to conduct training on professional ethics for judges UNDP CO ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 01-Oct-21 @ 03:59 AM (New York time) 09-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83054 RFP_LVS_13_2021_Cabo Delgado Design Sprint- Pensar o futuro de Cabo Delgado! UNDP Mozambique CO MOZAMBIQUE RFP - Request for proposal 16-Sep-21 09-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83053 ETH2863 Recruitment of national consultant to conduct MED Model Adoption Document Preparation and Capacity Building Consultant UNDP CO ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 30-Sep-21 @ 03:59 AM (New York time) 09-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83052 ETH2862-Recruitment of national consultant to Prepare natural resources valuation tools and techniques for Addis Ababa City Administration focusing on Beautifying Sheger Project (BSP) sites UNDP CO ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 30-Sep-21 @ 03:59 AM (New York time) 09-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83050 Individual Consultant for Rapid Technical Capacity Assessment for the Ministry of Civic Education and National Unity Malawi, RBA MALAWI IC - Individual contractor 23-Sep-21 09-Sep-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 83048 RFP (N-210901) - National firm to develop a mobile-friendly website on how to build resilient houses UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 23-Sep-21 09-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83047 National Consultant for Gender Responsive Budgeting and Institutionalization UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 22-Oct-21 09-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83046 MNG/RFP/2021/041 - Integrated digital platform UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA RFP - Request for proposal 22-Sep-21 @ 02:00 PM (New York time) 09-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83045 RFI-105-IND-2021 - Request for Information from CSOs/NGOs, referred to as Service Provider (SP), for potential partnership with UNDP to carry out activities under UNDP's Inclusive Growth Unit UNDP Country Office INDIA RFI - Request for Information 29-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 09-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83044 UNDP-IC-2021-255-Research Consultant - TIP and SOM Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 30-Sep-21 09-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83043 ETH2849-National Consultant as Associate Hydrologist for UN-Habitat Ethiopia Country Programme Office UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 27-Sep-21 @ 03:59 PM (New York time) 09-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83042 IC/UNDP/UNODC/142/2021 - Senior Specialist for Specialised Assessment and Classification Tools for Violent Extremist Prisoners in Indonesia Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 23-Sep-21 09-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83040 RFP-2021-040 - Competency framework in HR process UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA RFP - Request for proposal 24-Sep-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 09-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83041 T210902 - 01 National Consultant (NC1) to support to Digital Transformation of Public Administration and Health Services for Building Forward Better from COVID-19 in Viet Nam UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 15-Sep-21 09-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83039 Development of Standard Operating Procedures Undp Country Office ZAMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 15-Sep-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 09-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83038 PROCESO COL 0000153735 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional de Control - Nivel 2 DVR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 22-Sep-21 @ 11:15 PM (New York time) 08-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83037 PROCESO COL 0000152385 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Establecer un Roster de Consultores (as) / para el Área de Reducción de la Pobreza e Inequidad para temas relacionados con transversalidad de género para la implementación de un modelo en equidad laboral UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 18-Oct-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 08-Sep-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 83036 Environment Management Information System Dev UNDP Country Office Timor Leste TIMOR LESTE RFP - Request for proposal 28-Sep-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 08-Sep-21 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS 83035 SDC : Proceso COL 0000153534 Suministro, instalación y programación equipos de telecomunicaciones para la puesta en marcha de la sala de crisis del Observatorio de paz, seguridad y convivencia del departamento de Nariño. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Sep-21 08-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83034 SDC-46-2021 "ADQUISICION DE EQUIPOS, REACTIVOS E INSUMOS PARA EL LABORATORIO DEL MINISTERIO DE MEDIOAMBIENTE Y RECURSOS NATURALES". UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Sep-21 08-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83032 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA (SdP) N° COL‐0000152745 - UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 27-Sep-21 08-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83031 732/IC/RIO/2021 Recrutement d'un consultant pour la Conduite de sondage pour évaluer la compréhension de l'intégration des Conventions de Rio (Liaison entre les trois conventions et leur prise en compte dans les politiques et plans de développement MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 10-Nov-21 08-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83030 IC URU21001-1138 "Consultor/a local para preparar una propuesta de proyecto para fortalecer los servicios climáticos en Uruguay" PNUD Uruguay URUGUAY IC - Individual contractor 23-Sep-21 08-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83029 SdC-21-ADQ-151655 adquisicion de espectrofotometro UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Oct-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 08-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83027 726/IC/PNA/2021 Recrutement d'un Consultant Individuel pour le renforcement des capacités du Bureau National des Changements Climatiques et de la Réduction des Emissions dues à la Déforestation et à la Dégradation des Forêts (BN CCREDD+) et du Comité Nati MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 12-Nov-21 08-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83028 728/RFP/PNA/2021 Recrutement d'un Cabinet pour l' Evaluation des besoins en formation et développement de modules de formation en analyse des impacts du changement climatique MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFP - Request for proposal 24-Sep-21 08-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83025 SDP/00128273/108/2021 Diseño y Difusión de Campañas de Sensibilización a la ciudadanía en el contexto electoral PNUD Oficina de País HONDURAS RFP - Request for proposal 22-Sep-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 08-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83026 727/IC/PNA/2021 Recrutement d'un Consultant Individuel spécialiste en gestion des connaissances pour améliorer la collecte et le partage des connaissances en changement climatique à travers le web MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 24-Sep-21 08-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83024 Recrutement d'une Agence / Cabinet de Communication Pour la production – Post production de deux films de 4 min MALI MALI RFP - Request for proposal 15-Sep-21 08-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83023 PCI-092-2021Estudio de las dinámicas diferenciadas del acceso a la tecnología en el entorno de la crisis derivada de la COVID-19 en México UNDP Mexico Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 22-Sep-21 08-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83021 ACQUISITION DES SUPPORTS DE COMMUNICATION. MALI MALI RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Sep-21 08-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83022 Senior Research Analyst - National Consultant UNDP Country Office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 15-Sep-21 08-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83020 Senior SDG Advisor Lead UNDP Country Office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 19-Sep-21 08-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83019 IC 21 147822 analisis de cultivos UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 04-Oct-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 08-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82978 IC/019/21 - International Consultant on building codes incorporate of sustainability, resilience measures and climate considerations. UNDP Uzbekistan UZBEKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 24-Sep-21 08-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83018 4425 PAN 2021 Diseño del Taller de Soldadura, Taller de Logística y Estacionamientos del Centro Bonifacio Pereira INADEH Chorrillo, Provincia de Panamá. PANAMA PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Sep-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 08-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83017 RFP Provision of professional services to enable c UNDP Kosovo Kosovo, UNSCR 1244 (1999) RFP - Request for proposal 29-Sep-21 @ 11:30 AM (New York time) 08-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83016 RFP_Language Learning for UNDP Staff Guinea-Bissau UNDP Country Office GUINEA-BISSAU RFP - Request for proposal 17-Sep-21 08-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83015 LOTE DE CONSULTORIAS PROYECTO CND 2ª RONDA EG UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE EQUATORIAL GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 22-Sep-21 08-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83014 4421 PAN 2021 Confección de Planos Arquitectónicos y presentación en Renders de los Centros INADEH a nivel nacional. PANAMA PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Sep-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 08-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83009 Recrutement d'un Expert National- Etude sur le cadre juridique de l'ESS en Algérie et mesures incitatives à prendre pour son développement (plaidoyer) - Partie 1 UNDP Algeria ALGERIA IC - Individual contractor 14-Sep-21 08-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83012 Програмування двох додаткових модулів навчального он-лайн курсу з вирішення проблеми насильства щодо жінок та дівчат в Україні UNFPA UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Sep-21 08-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83010 Проведення дослідження громадської думки щодо гендерно зумовленого насильства у 30 цільових громадах UNFPA UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Sep-21 08-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83008 RE-ANNOUNCEMENT: National Consultant for Terminal Evaluation UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN IC - Individual contractor 21-Sep-21 08-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 83007 03 Consultants to Develop a set of training material on International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the implementation of ICCPR (Ref. P210903) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 23-Sep-21 08-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83006 RFQ/056/21 (пере-объявление) - Поставка и установка КТПс-25 и КТПс-63 ЭЛЕКТРОСНАБЖЕНИЕ (СТРОИТЕЛЬНО-МОНТАЖНЫЕ И ПУСКОНАЛАДОЧНЫЕ РАБОТЫ) UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Sep-21 08-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83005 DAO 028 2020 PNUD PUDC-Phase II REPUBLICATION DES UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE SENEGAL ITB - Invitation to bid 30-Sep-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 08-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 83003 Rehabilitation of Shops in Tilkaif-Ninawa Erbil IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Sep-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 08-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 83004 RBAS-RFQ-012/2021 Re-advertisment RBAS Regional Hub JORDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Sep-21 08-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 83002 UNDP/RFP/27/2021 Request for Proposal for Evaluation of the UNDAF for Nepal (2018-2022) UNDP Country Office for UNRCO NEPAL RFP - Request for proposal 17-Sep-21 08-Sep-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 83000 RFQ-2021-067 Закупка и доставка Ноутбуков и МФУ для информационно-аналитического центра в центральном аппарате РГП «Казводхоз» и двух центров распространения знаний в филиалах РГП «Казводхоз» в Алматинской и Туркестанской областях UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Sep-21 08-Sep-21 IRRIGATION IRRIGATION 83001 LBN-CO-ITB-227-21 - Kfardebian Irrigation Canals UNDP Country Office - LEBANON - LEBANON LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 30-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 08-Sep-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 82999 695-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-SCR-100 Tablets UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Sep-21 08-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82998 RFP-YPI-2021-65 Develop Communications and Content Creation under Youth Participation and Engagement for a Healthier, Equitable, Safer and United Sri Lanka UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFP - Request for proposal 14-Oct-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 08-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82997 RFQ- PAL-0000151726 -Thematic Evaluation of KYWWTP UNDP/PAPP PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Sep-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 08-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82996 Recruitment of National individual consultant to conduct Final PBF/RDRC Project Evaluation UNDP Country Office RWANDA IC - Individual contractor 23-Sep-21 08-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82992 WASTE MANAGEMANT AND LIVELIHOODS PROJECT-OUTPUT 2 UNDP Country Office, RBA SWAZILAND RFP - Request for proposal 30-Sep-21 08-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 82995 ITB-311-21 Supply and Install 1,500 kVA Generator to Ramadi Teaching Hospital for Women and Children,Iraq RBAS IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 28-Sep-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 08-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 82994 RFQ/2021/18: Implementing environmental correction plan for JUST incineration facility: Installation of Firealarm System, lighting and ventilation systems UNDP Country Office JORDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Sep-21 08-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 82993 ITB-323-21 Rehabilitation Public Places and Parks in Al-Khalis-Diyala Governorate,Iraq RBAS IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 30-Sep-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 08-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82991 Firm to Develop and Pilot Civic Education Program UNDP Country Office MALDIVES RFP - Request for proposal 22-Sep-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 08-Sep-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 82990 Firm for study on Exploring Student Perspective on Micro-credentials UNDP Bangladesh country office BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 22-Sep-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 08-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82989 Installation of Automatic Infrared Sensor Taps at the UN House and UN Annex UNDP Country Office ZAMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Sep-21 08-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82988 Rehabilitation of Irrigation Systems and Drainage Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 29-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 08-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82982 Supply and Installation of Automated Sliding Doors UNDP Country Office ZAMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Sep-21 08-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82987 RFQ/141/21 Design of a Digital Platform for Interactive Sourcing of Citizens' Ideas on Renewal and Transformation of Public Spaces in the Municipality of Centar – Sarajevo UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Sep-21 08-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82986 National Legal Expert to draft an Integrated Waste Management Legislative Framework, including the draft bill for Mauritius Country Office MAURITIUS IC - Individual contractor 23-Sep-21 08-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82983 EPPIC Impact Accelerator Program Consultant (Thai National) UNDP Thailand/Ending Plastic Pollution Innovation THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 22-Sep-21 08-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82984 02 National Consultants to Conduct a survey to review 12 - year implementation of the Law on Mutual Legal Assistance in civil matter in ensuring the rights of women and children (Ref. P210902) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 22-Sep-21 08-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82981 RFP-BD-2021-034: Hiring a Firm/Research Institution/Civil Society Organization (CSO)/ Non-Government organization (NGO) for Developing "Digital Public Goods (DPG) for Digital Livelihood for People on the Move-a2i UNDP Country Office BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 19-Sep-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 08-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 82980 RFP-2021-031 Thailand Fourth National Report UNDP Thailand Country Office THAILAND RFP - Request for proposal 30-Sep-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 08-Sep-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 82979 RFQ-081-PHL-2021: Supply, Delivery, and Installation of Complete Hardware Components for the REMB Data Warehouse and Management Information System (RIS) and REMB Web Application Portal UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Sep-21 08-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82977 RFP - Private sector development – Conducting Baseline, Rapid Needs Assessment and Mapping for Post-Pandemic Recovery for Green MSMEs Country Office MYANMAR RFP - Request for proposal 22-Sep-21 08-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82974 National Consultant for the youth social innovation challenge on air pollution in Chiangrai province (Thai national only) UNDP / Accelerator Lab Thailand THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 22-Sep-21 08-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82976 T210901 - 01 IC and 02 NCs to develop a set of indicators for the implementation the ICCPR and HRC's recommendations relating to rights of children, marriage, and family rights UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 20-Sep-21 07-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82975 RFP/UNDP/SP4N-LAPOR/132111/029/2021 – Citizen Satisfaction Survey on SP4N LAPOR! 2021 UNDP Country Office Indonesia INDONESIA RFP - Request for proposal 28-Sep-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 07-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82967 SDC-2021-013 PICADORA DE TRONCOS Y RAMAS PARA EL CBIMA UNDP COSTA RICA COSTA RICA RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Oct-21 07-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82973 Technical Expert on Quality Improvement (QI) programs in Primary HIV Facilities UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 21-Sep-21 07-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82972 IC2021/WSM/041 Common Country Analysis (CCA) 2021 for Niue UNDP Country Office NIUE IC - Individual contractor 22-Sep-21 07-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82971 CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL - PROCESO COL 0000153733 - Profesional de Control - Nivel 1 DVR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 23-Sep-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 07-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82970 CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL - PROCESO COL 0000153734 - Profesional Especializado Enlace Institucional DVR - Nivel 2 UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 23-Sep-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 07-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82969 RFP.21.103 Individual Giving Digital Marketing Sup UNDP BERA - NY UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RFP - Request for proposal 13-Sep-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 07-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82203 IC/UNDP/HAI/21.168: Recrutement d'un prestataire individuel pour l'élaboration d'un guide introductif de la fonction du Délégué départemental UNDP HAITI IC - Individual contractor 09-Sep-21 07-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82968 IC No. 00109099/1322 Asistencia técnica para Diagnóstico y elaboración de propuesta de Programa de formación con énfasis en Violencia contra la Mujer y violencia Feminicida del Instituto de Medicina Legal de la Corte Suprema de Justicia-Republica de SV UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 21-Sep-21 07-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82966 IC2021/WSM/040 International Consultant (IC) for the Gaps Analysis of Public-Private Partnership, Private Sector Investment/Development and Development of Samoa Investment Policy UNDP Country Office SAMOA IC - Individual contractor 22-Sep-21 07-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82963 00054636-Procurement - Office Partitions United Nations Volunteers (UNV) GERMANY RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Sep-21 07-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82964 National Consultancy - SLE/ICPN/2021/015 UNDP Country Office SIERRA LEONE IC - Individual contractor 14-Sep-21 07-Sep-21 MINES MINES 82965 SDP-494-2021 Implementación de las mejores prácticas a nivel de gestión empresarial, ambiental y minera para OMAPE - Arequipa UNDP Country Office - PERU PERU RFP - Request for proposal 20-Sep-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 07-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82962 SOLICITUD DE COTIZACION COL-0000153439 - Suministro y transporte de GAS PROPANO al AETCR Caño Indio UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Sep-21 07-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82684 UNDP/RFP/2021/068 Recrutement de cabinets pour la réalisation des Micro-évaluations 2021 des partenaires ABIDJAN-CÔTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE RFP - Request for proposal 17-Sep-21 07-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82692 UNDP/RFP/2021/069-Recrutement de cabinets pour la réalisation de Spot Check 2021 des partenaires ABIDJAN-CÔTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE RFP - Request for proposal 17-Sep-21 07-Sep-21 WATER SUPPLY  (POTABLE) WATER SUPPLY (POTABLE) 82961 TRAVAUX DE FORAGE-CHATEAU EAU-POMPE SOLAIRE Cameroun CAMEROON RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Sep-21 @ 11:42 AM (New York time) 07-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82960 [EXTENDED2] IC2021/WSM/033 National Consultant – Gap Analysis of the Mobile Banking Systems in Samoa UNDP Country Office SAMOA IC - Individual contractor 13-Oct-21 07-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82959 IC2021/WSM/036 National Consultant for the Gaps Analysis of Public-Private Partnership, Private Sector Investment/Development and Development of Samoa Investment Policy UNDP Country Office SAMOA IC - Individual contractor 22-Sep-21 07-Sep-21 HEALTH HEALTH 82958 UNDP-EQG-2021-003: ACUERDO A LARGO PLAZO PARA LA PROVISION DE LECHE Y PAPILLA UNDP Guinea Ecuatorial EQUATORIAL GUINEA ITB - Invitation to bid 19-Oct-21 07-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82957 RFQ 88-2021 for Designing, Conducting, and Documenting a Climate Change Virtual Study Tour in the Czech Republic UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Sep-21 07-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82955 [EXTENDED] IC2021/WSM/035 NATIONAL CONSULTANT TO CONDUCT A SCOPING EXERCISE FOR ACCERDITATION OF STANDARDS FOR CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANISATIONS WORKING IN THE AREAS OF GBV AND DV/IPV UNDP Country Office SAMOA IC - Individual contractor 05-Oct-21 07-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82956 Gender Equality and Women Empowerment Media Traine UNDP Somalia SOMALIA IC - Individual contractor 17-Sep-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 07-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82954 Environmental Specialist- International Consultant UNDP Somalia SOMALIA IC - Individual contractor 17-Sep-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 07-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82953 Environmental National Consultant-150949-21 UNDP Somalia SOMALIA IC - Individual contractor 17-Sep-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 07-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82951 2021-PROC-UNDP-MMR-PN-027 UNDP Country Office MYANMAR RFP - Request for proposal 27-Sep-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 07-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82952 RfQ 90-2021 Review of technical documentation for stray dog shelters UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Sep-21 07-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82950 RFQ2358 CBM Restoration of windmill in Gaidar UNDP Country Office MOLDOVA RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Oct-21 @ 09:30 AM (New York time) 07-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82664 UNPS Evaluation Team Member Multi-Country Office FIJI IC - Individual contractor 15-Sep-21 07-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82949 RFQ2357 Technical surveillance Bender Fortress UNDP Country Office MOLDOVA RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Sep-21 @ 09:30 AM (New York time) 07-Sep-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 82948 Title: SUPPLY AND IMPLEMENT TECHNOLOGICAL TRANSFER OF 3D CAD/CAM TECHNOLOGY TO ORTHOPEDIC WORKSHOP OF HVP GATAGARA RWANDA. Rwanda RWANDA RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Sep-21 07-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 82947 Readvertisement - Call for Proposals for Provision of Mobile Right-based Services UNDP Kosovo Kosovo, UNSCR 1244 (1999) Other 24-Sep-21 07-Sep-21 IRRIGATION IRRIGATION 82946 RfQ 89-2021 Equipment for irrigation -Makedonski Sumi UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Sep-21 07-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82945 CLOSED EARLY
Republication du recrutement d'un Cabinet chargé de mener une étude relative à la définition d'une Stratégie Nationale de Développement du Commerce Electronique en République Du Burundi. UNDP CO BURUNDI RFP - Request for proposal 21-Sep-21 07-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82943 ETH2837-Firm Level Consultancy to Design & undertake a diagnostic & assessment study to provide a comprehensive understanding of the current landscape of connectivity, digital government services & digital skills critical for recovery & rebuild Plans UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA RFP - Request for proposal 11-Oct-21 @ 03:59 PM (New York time) 07-Sep-21 AGRO-INDUSTRY AGRO-INDUSTRY 82942 RFQ 110-21 Supply and installation of flour mill for Chambarak community development fund UNDP country office ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Oct-21 07-Sep-21 HEALTH HEALTH 82939 TRANSPORT DE PRODUITS PHARMACEUTIQUES DE COTONOU AU BENIN A N'DJAMENA AU TCHAD (FRET AERIEN) UNDP Country Office CHAD RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Sep-21 07-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82941 Individual consultancy - International Individual Consultant to support in exploring treatment options and alternative usages of rendering end-products of a poultry slaughterhouse and processing industry in Lebanon.LBN-CO-IC-230-21 UNDP Country Office - LEBANON - LEBANON LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 29-Sep-21 07-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 82895 IAL-02-2021 Sanitizacion y desechables INAIPI UNDP Country Office DOMINICAN REPUBLIC ITB - Invitation to bid 14-Oct-21 @ 02:00 PM (New York time) 07-Sep-21 POWER POWER 82940 Rehab. of Main Electrical Feeder- Al-Sakrah Dist. UNDP Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 23-Sep-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 07-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 82938 Equipment for water consumption counting UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND (UNICEF) UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Sep-21 07-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82935 RFP 87/2021 for Climate change public awareness survey UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFP - Request for proposal 22-Sep-21 07-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82937 LBN-CO-ITB-225-21 Kanissat El Amercani Marketplace UNDP Country Office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 28-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 07-Sep-21 HEALTH HEALTH 82936 RFQ - NPL10-36-2021 -Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Oxygen Plants UNDP - Country Office NEPAL RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 07-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82933 National Consultant (Civil Engineer) under the 'Restoring Marine Ecosystem Services by Rehabilitating Coral Reefs to Meet a Changing Climate Future' project UNDP Country Office MAURITIUS IC - Individual contractor 27-Sep-21 07-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82934 Услуги Национального консультанта для оценки потенциала накопления углерода и поглощения парниковых газов в секторе «Сельское хозяйство» UNDP Country Office BELARUS IC - Individual contractor 21-Sep-21 07-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82931 Recrutement d´une firme de l'évaluation des besoins en énergie verte et évaluation des ressources énergétiques dans le territoire de Mambasa UNDP-KINSHASA, DR CONGO CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 28-Sep-21 07-Sep-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 82932 Fourniture de matériels informatiques au Ministère des Droits de l'Homme et à l'association nationale des personnes vivants avec l'albinisme UNDP Togo, RBA TOGO RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Sep-21 07-Sep-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 82928 Fourniture de matériels informatiques à la commune du Lacs 1 (trois lots) UNDP Togo, RBA TOGO RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Sep-21 07-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82930 Promotion of the concept of UNDP in Kazakhstan KAZAKHSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 30-Sep-21 07-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 82929 RFQ 029-2021- l'acquisition de matériels de Topographie Niger NIGER RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Sep-21 07-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 82927 RFQ/PNUD/STAB/30/2021 Acquisition des outils de communication Niger NIGER RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Sep-21 07-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82926 REHABILITATION OF 11 WATER POINTS Cameroun CAMEROON RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Oct-21 @ 08:45 AM (New York time) 07-Sep-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 82818 RFQ FOR DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CONTRY OFFICE SENEGAL RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Sep-21 07-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 82925 RFQ-299-21- Supply of Furniture for Presidency Building in Ninawa University-West Mosul-Ninawa Governorate Iraq Country Office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Sep-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 07-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 82921 Vente de véhicule & Groupe électrogène UNDP Country Office GABON Other 23-Sep-21 07-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82924 Deliverable Based Individual Consultancy Services "Destination Management Expert" UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 21-Sep-21 07-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82923 LBN-CO-RFQ-218-21Clean-Up Services Tyr and Zahrani UNDP Country office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 07-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82922 RFQ/UNDP/ATSEA/150449/026/2021 – e-DNA Analysis in Merauke Country Office INDONESIA RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Sep-21 07-Sep-21 IMPORT/EXPORT IMPORT/EXPORT 82920 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL - SMEs' Business Membership Organisation KAMPALA UGANDA RFP - Request for proposal 14-Sep-21 07-Sep-21 IMPORT/EXPORT IMPORT/EXPORT 82919 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL - Private Sector Business Membership Organisation KAMPALA UGANDA RFP - Request for proposal 14-Sep-21 07-Sep-21 IMPORT/EXPORT IMPORT/EXPORT 82918 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL - Manufacturing Business Membership Organisation KAMPALA UGANDA RFP - Request for proposal 14-Sep-21 07-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82917 RFP-106-IND-2021 (Request for Proposal for Development of National Action Plan for LGBTQI communities under NITI Aayog) UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 20-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 07-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82915 UNDP-RFP-2021-306- Impact Assessment & Training Needs Assessment of Violence Against Women Center (VAWC) in Punjab Pakistan PAKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 20-Sep-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 07-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82914 Construction of three Schools and Community Centre in SD and BN states UNDP CO SUDAN ITB - Invitation to bid 20-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 07-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82913 RFP 066 IND 2021 Re advertisement GIRI UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 28-Sep-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 07-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82912 [EXTENDED] IC2021/WSM/038 CONSULTANT – ASSESSMENT OF MINISTRY OF JUSTICE AND COURTS ADMINISTRATION COURT CASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM UNDP Country Office SAMOA IC - Individual contractor 15-Oct-21 07-Sep-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 82911 Sale of UNDP Vehicles Country Office PHILIPPINES Other 25-Sep-21 06-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82910 4322 UNODC 2021 - Consultor/a independiente de Evaluación – Experto en Estrategias Anticorrupción (Experto Sustantivo) UNDP Country Office EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 08-Oct-21 06-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 82850 Consultancy for Local Adviser to Support Establishment of Provincial GBV Secretariats Papua New Guinea PAPUA NEW GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 20-Sep-21 06-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82909 IC 21 153232 guia inclusion nuevas contribuciones UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 30-Sep-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 06-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82908 4321 UNODC 2021 - Consultor/a independiente de Evaluación. UNDP Country Office EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 08-Oct-21 06-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82907 PCI-091-2021 Servicios de consultoría individual para la sistematización de los trabajos de la Red Nacional Anticorrupción (RNA). México MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 20-Sep-21 06-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 82899 PROCESO COL 0000151522 Adquisición de elementos Aseo-COVID19 UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Sep-21 06-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82904 SDP/118273/594/2021 "Estudios preliminares para el Edificio Sede del MADES" Country Office PARAGUAY RFP - Request for proposal 20-Sep-21 06-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 82906 RFQ/066/21 – Supply of trail cameras and field equipment/ Поставка фото-ловушек и полевого оборудования UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Sep-21 06-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82901 IC 21 153283 monitoreo estrategico MCP UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 28-Sep-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 06-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82903 IC ACNUDH – 1143 "Consultor/a local para elaborar documento sobre maternidad, cárceles y medidas alternativas a la privación de libertad" PNUD Uruguay - ACNUDH URUGUAY IC - Individual contractor 20-Sep-21 06-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82902 CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL - PROCESO COL 0000153540 - Asesor Jurídico de la Gerencia del Proyecto - Nivel 4 UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 20-Sep-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 06-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82898 IC consultant/e nationale/e pour l'appui à l'élaboration d'une Fiche d'Identification de Projet (FIP). UNDP Tunisia TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 20-Sep-21 06-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82897 PNUD/SDP-463/2021 Formulación y elaboración ficha técnica general para proyecto de inversión pública UNDP Country Office - Peru - Peru PERU RFP - Request for proposal 14-Oct-21 06-Sep-21 AGRO-INDUSTRY AGRO-INDUSTRY 82885 UNDPIRH-RFP-202121- Conducting a survey on key drivers and barriers for informality and access to decent work in agriculture and agroindustry sectors in three countries of Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan) Istanbul Regional Center TURKEY RFP - Request for proposal 19-Sep-21 06-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82896 ITB - Construction du batiment des bureaux de la coordination du système des Nations Unies au Burundi UNDP CO BURUNDI ITB - Invitation to bid 20-Sep-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 06-Sep-21 82877 CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT OF TO 500 YOUTH IN BORNO RFP - Request for proposal 17-Sep-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 06-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82893 Project Management Advisor (International Consultant, residence in Cambodia) to support the implementing of the Integrated Natural Resource Management (INRM) project UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 20-Sep-21 06-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82839 IAL-01-2021 Materiales ferreteros INAIPI UNDP Country Office DOMINICAN REPUBLIC ITB - Invitation to bid 06-Oct-21 @ 02:00 PM (New York time) 06-Sep-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 82890 Recrutement d'un cabinet international pour la formulation d'un programme de modernisation (digitalisation) des services de la Justice. UNDP CO BURUNDI RFP - Request for proposal 21-Sep-21 06-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82887 RFP No-2021-PROC-UNDP-MMR-PN-026 UNDP Country Office MYANMAR RFP - Request for proposal 27-Sep-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 06-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82891 Gender Specialists (National Consultant) UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 17-Oct-21 06-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82889 REHABILITATION HEALTH CENTERS SOUTH-WEST Cameroun CAMEROON ITB - Invitation to bid 30-Sep-21 @ 03:09 PM (New York time) 06-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82888 RFP/022/21 - по оценке качества оказания государственных услуг, оказываемых через ЦГУ в 7 пилотных регионах Узбекистана UNDP Uzbekistan UZBEKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 20-Sep-21 06-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82886 Gender Specialists (International Consultant) UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 20-Sep-21 06-Sep-21 AGRO-INDUSTRY AGRO-INDUSTRY 82884 RFQ 106-21 Supply of agriculture machine spare parts (incl. repair) for UNDP Armenia Project UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Oct-21 06-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82882 REPUBLICATION DU RECRUTEMENT D'UN CABINET D'ETUDE INTERNATIONAL UNDP CO BURUNDI RFP - Request for proposal 05-Oct-21 06-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82875 IC NOTICE N°033-2021/PNUD-BFA/RELANCE RECRUTEMENT DE TROIS CONSULTANTS NATIONAUX (EXPERT EN GENRE , EXPERT EN COMMUNICATION OU JOURNALISME ET UN STATISTICIEN) POUR ETABLIR LA SITUATION DE REFERENCE DES ANIMATEURS DE RADIOS SOUS L'ANGLE DU GENRE Country Office BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 15-Sep-21 06-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82876 Recrutement d'un(e) consultant(e) national(e) expert en suivi-évaluation, en appui au (à la) consultant(e) international(e) chargé(e) de concevoir le cadre institutionnel et l'architecture globale du Système National Côte d'Ivoire COTE d'IVOIRE IC - Individual contractor 20-Sep-21 06-Sep-21 HEALTH HEALTH 82873 Supply of PPE items UNDP Bangladesh country office BANGLADESH RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Sep-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 06-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82874 Recrutement d'un(e) consultant(e) national(e) expert en cadre institutionnel et réglementaire, en appui au (à la) consultant(e) international(e) chargé(e) de concevoir le cadre institutionnel et l'architecture globale du Système National Côte d'Ivoire COTE d'IVOIRE IC - Individual contractor 20-Sep-21 06-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82872 RECRUTEMENT D'UN.E CONSULTANT.E NATIONAL.E, EXPERT·E EN PLANIFICATION LOCALE Y COMPRIS DE GENRE UNDP ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE IC - Individual contractor 16-Sep-21 06-Sep-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 82871 Supply of ICT Items-UNODC UNDP Bangladesh country office BANGLADESH RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Sep-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 06-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82870 RECRUTEMENT D'UN.E CONSULTANT.E NATIONAL.E, EXPERT EN AMÉNAGEMENT DU TERRITOIRE INTÉGRANT LES QUESTIONS DE GENRE UNDP ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE IC - Individual contractor 16-Sep-21 06-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82868 RECRUTEMENT D'UN.E CONSULTANT.E NATIONAL.E, EXPERT EN DÉMOGRAPHIE ET DES QUESTIONS SOCIALES UNDP ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE IC - Individual contractor 16-Sep-21 06-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82866 RFQ/065/21 - Реконструкция опреснительной станции и водопроводных сетей в н.п. Утеген аул ССГ Маденият Караузякского района Республики Каракалпакстан UNDP Uzbekistan UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Sep-21 06-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82869 Recrutement d'un(e) consultant(e) national(e) expert en changements climatiques, en appui au (à la) consultant(e) international(e) chargé(e) de concevoir le cadre institutionnel et l'architecture globale du Système National de Mesure, de Notification et d Côte d'Ivoire COTE d'IVOIRE IC - Individual contractor 20-Sep-21 06-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82867 National Consultant for final assessment of project implementation UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN IC - Individual contractor 20-Sep-21 06-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82865 Recrutement d'un(e) consultant(e) international(e) chargé(e) de concevoir le cadre institutionnel et l'architecture globale du Système National de Mesure, de Notification et de Vérification (MNV ou MRV en Anglais) Côte d'Ivoire COTE d'IVOIRE IC - Individual contractor 20-Sep-21 06-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82864 MyRFP2021-024 Proposal to Strengthen access to justice and empowerment of key populations who use drugs or live with HIV UNDP Country Office MALAYSIA RFP - Request for proposal 27-Sep-21 06-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82863 National Consultant working as Pricing Agent (A-210901) UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 15-Oct-21 06-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82860 INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANCY-TRAINING OF PARTICIPATING SUPPLIER SMMES ON THE UNDP SUPPLIER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME ON SAFETY, HEALTH & ENVIRONMENT, FOR THE MINING SECTOR VALUE CHAINS. BOTSWANA BOTSWANA IC - Individual contractor 16-Sep-21 06-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82862 RFQ 85-2021 for Preparation of Basic Design Project for crossroads shading urban equipment in the City of Skopje UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Sep-21 06-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82861 Consultant International (Expert Senior en Énergie) Analyse sur les risques à l'investissement dans les mini-réseaux solaires photovoltaïques et sur la recommandation de mesures d'atténuation à ces risques – Tchad UNDP CHAD CHAD IC - Individual contractor 24-Sep-21 06-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82859 ItB2356 EU4MD Rehabilitation works for AVE Ungheni UNDP Country Office MOLDOVA ITB - Invitation to bid 24-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 06-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82856 Recrutement d'un prestataire de service (entreprise, incubateur) pour l'organisation de la septième édition du Youth Leadership Programme en Algérie UNDP Algeria ALGERIA RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Sep-21 06-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82857 Development and implementation of digital financial platform UNDP Gambia GAMBIA IC - Individual contractor 20-Sep-21 06-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 82858 RFQ/140/21 Supply, Delivery and Commissioning of Emergency alert and warning system station in Sanski Most UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Sep-21 06-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82855 IC 2021-72 INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANT RCO UNDP on behalf of the UN RCO KYRGYZSTAN IC - Individual contractor 20-Sep-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 06-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82854 ITB Security Services UNDp Country Office GUINEA-BISSAU ITB - Invitation to bid 23-Sep-21 @ 08:50 AM (New York time) 06-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82853 BIH-ITB-038-21 works Kula M Grad BIH UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA ITB - Invitation to bid 04-Oct-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 06-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82852 TERMES DE REFERENCE POUR LE RECRUTEMENT D'UN CONSULTANT FIRME CHARGE DE LA REALISATION DES CONSULTATIONS DANS LE CADRE DU CCA UNDP CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 20-Sep-21 06-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 82849 Low-Value Grant Projects for target communities/ Выдача малых грантов для целевых сообществ UNDP Kyrgyzstan KYRGYZSTAN Other 29-Oct-21 06-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82851 Recruitment of International Consultant to provide Technical Assistance to Rwanda Cooperation Initiative on foresight strategic planning UNDP Country Office RWANDA IC - Individual contractor 21-Sep-21 06-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 82848 661-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-Conducting a survey_vulnerable households UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Sep-21 06-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82847 RFP-104-IND-2021 - Provision of Human Resources & Payroll Management services UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 20-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 06-Sep-21 HEALTH HEALTH 82846 LBN-CO-RFQ-220-21 Stretchers UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 06-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 82845 RFQ - Supply and delivery of Fishing net and crab traps Country Office MYANMAR RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Sep-21 06-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82844 NATIONAL INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANT – TERMINAL EVALUATION OF SOUND CHEMICALS MANAGEMENT MAINSTREAMING AND UPOPS REDUCTION IN KENYA (PIMS 5361) PROJECT Country Office KENYA RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Sep-21 06-Sep-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 82843 Supply of -SCALES, GENERATORS, SANITARY AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT EQUIPMENT ; COMPUTERS & IT & ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT to National Post Office. Rwanda RWANDA RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Sep-21 06-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82782 RFP-2021-032 Access to Remedy UNDP Thailand THAILAND RFP - Request for proposal 01-Oct-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 05-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82842 RFP/0015/BFA/2021 recrutement d'un cabinet de formateurs pour les formations techniques specifiques au profit des jeunes et femmes y compris les PDI aux metiers porteurs dans la region du Nord. Burkina Faso BURKINA FASO RFP - Request for proposal 20-Sep-21 05-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82841 RFP/0014/BFA/2021 recrutement d'un cabinet de formateurs pour les formations modulaires au profit des jeunes et femmes y compris les PDI aux metiers porteurs dans la region du Nord. Burkina Faso BURKINA FASO RFP - Request for proposal 20-Sep-21 05-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82840 IC NOTICE N°040/2021/PNUD-BFA Recrutement d'un consultant, Expert (e) National(e) en sensibilisation et éducation électorales. Relance Burkina Faso BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 17-Sep-21 05-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82838 International Consultant for Development of Joint Programme Document for Social Protection Programming in Yemen UNDP Yemen CO, Aden Sub-Office YEMEN IC - Individual contractor 18-Sep-21 05-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82837 RFP-Production of Photos and Videos UNDP Country Office FIJI RFP - Request for proposal 20-Sep-21 05-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 82836 RFQ 041 for Generator 30KVA Cummins Lusaka ZAMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Sep-21 05-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82756 ITB-UNDP-PETRA-152917-005-2021 Construction of Two Landfills and Supporting Facilities in Central Sulawesi UNDP Country Office INDONESIA ITB - Invitation to bid 05-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 05-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82835 677/RFQ/COVID/2021 RECRUTEMENT D'UNE STRUCTURE DE COMMUNICATION POUR APPUYER LE BIANCO A LA PROMOTION DES MECANISMES DE DOLEANCES DONT I-TOROKA DANS LE CADRE DES REPONSES SANITAIRES LIEES A LA PANDEMIE COVID19 MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFP - Request for proposal 05-Oct-21 05-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82834 687/IC/RIO/2021 Recrutement d'un consultant national pour réaliser une analyse institutionnelle du MEDD et des structures d'intégration (CIME, CES, CER) et élaborer une stratégie et plan et support de renforcement et reforme MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 21-Sep-21 05-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82833 731/IC/RIO/2021 Recrutement d'un consultant pour l'Elaboration de guide pour la mise en œuvre de la PErEDD au niveau Régionale MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 07-Oct-21 05-Sep-21 FISHERIES FISHERIES 82831 710/RFQ/PACARC/2021 ACHAT ET LA LIVRAISON D'INTRANTS AGRICOLES ET DE PECHES POUR LES COMMUNAUTES VULNERABLES DE LA COMMUNE RURALE DE TRANOVAHO (DISTRICT BELOHA) ET DE LA COMMUNE RURALE D'IMONGY (DISTRICT TSIHOMBE), REGION ANDROY MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Sep-21 05-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82830 684/RFQ/PACARC/2021 INSTALLATION D'UNE PEPINIERE PERMANENTE AU SEIN DE LA DREDD A NANISANA MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Sep-21 05-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 82829 RFP-286-21- Provision of e-Governance strategic priorities, roadmaps and implementation plans Iraq Country Office IRAQ RFP - Request for proposal 26-Sep-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 05-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82828 RFP -2021-PROC-UNDP-MMR-PN-022 UNDP Country Office MYANMAR RFP - Request for proposal 01-Oct-21 @ 11:30 AM (New York time) 05-Sep-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 82823 UNDP/NGA/2021/094- SUPPLY OF LAPTOPS AND ICT EQUIPMENTS FOR SDGS INNOVATION HUBS IN SIX STATES UNDP ABUJA NIGERIA RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Sep-21 04-Sep-21 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS 82827 RFQ/PNUD-WACA/001/2021 – ACHAT DE LOGICIEL GESTION D'EVENEMENT EN LIGNE : SOFTWARE FOR EVENT ONELIN UNDP REGIONAL HUB DAKAR SENEGAL RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Sep-21 03-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82826 Proceso COL 0000150728 Realizar una evaluación de medio término al proyecto: Diálogo y deliberaciones públicas para el Desarrollo Sostenible y la Democracia UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 17-Sep-21 03-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82825 Recrutement d'un(e) Consultant(e) International(e) : Pour l'appui psychosocial de femmes entrepreneurs dans la conduite du changement au sein du projet YouthConnekt for Women. GUINEA, Office GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 22-Sep-21 03-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82824 SdP-21-ADQ-151649 sistema de trazabilidad UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 29-Sep-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 03-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 82822 (SdP) No. PNUD/5160 CONTRATACION DE SERVICIOS – mediante LTA UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR RFP - Request for proposal 09-Sep-21 03-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82821 PNUD/IC-490/2021 - Consultor para sistematización final UNDP Country Office - PERU PERU IC - Individual contractor 17-Sep-21 03-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82820 CLOSED EARLY
Recrutement d'une Agence / Cabinet de Communication Pour la production – Post production de deux films de 4 min MALI MALI RFP - Request for proposal 10-Sep-21 03-Sep-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 82819 RFQ/UNDP/SPOI/149579/018/2021 – Web Developer RAN KSB Website Country Office INDONESIA RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Sep-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 03-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82771 RFQ/UNDP/ATSEA/141898/021/2021 – Ecosystem Approach To Fisheries Management Training Service Country Office INDONESIA RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Sep-21 @ 10:12 AM (New York time) 03-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 82815 Guide de l'utilisateur à l'attention des soumissionnaires pour la gestion des dossiers d'appel d'offres en ligne via le système eTendering du PNUD UNDP CO NIGER Other 31-Dec-22 03-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82814 Recrutement d'un Consultant International, Expert Juriste, dans le cadre du projet « Renforcement de la sécurité alimentaire et de l'emploi des femmes et des jeunes via la promotion de chaînes de valeur vertes inclusives dans le cadre de la relance» UNDP Country Office GABON IC - Individual contractor 18-Sep-21 03-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 82816 Mental Health & Psychosocial Wellbeing real time monitoring by using Big Data source of information UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND (UNICEF) UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 10-Sep-21 03-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82813 ITB-LBY-SLCRR-2021-10203 - Drilling of four (04) Boreholes, including Supply and Installation of Submersible Pumps in Zahra Municipality, Tripoli, Libya UNDP Country Office LIBYA ITB - Invitation to bid 27-Sep-21 @ 01:00 PM (New York time) 03-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82811 Recrutement d'un Consultant International, Economiste, Expert en Banque et Assurance, dans le cadre du projet « Renforcement de la sécurité alimentaire et de l'emploi des femmes et des jeunes via la promotion de chaînes de valeur vertes inclusives» UNDP Country Office GABON IC - Individual contractor 18-Sep-21 03-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82810 Proyecto PNUD ARG 19/010 - "Equipamiento y Dispositivos para Líneas Priorizadas de Cuidados" PNUD Argentina ARGENTINA ITB - Invitation to bid 26-Oct-21 03-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 82808 Recrutement d'une ONG spécialisée en alphabétisation fonctionnelle pour la formation des groupements bénéficiaires de plateformes multifonctionnelles des villages cibles du projet PTFM et autonomisation des femmes des Préfectures de Coyah et Forécariah Guinée GUINEA RFP - Request for proposal 19-Sep-21 03-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 82809 LBN-CO-RFQ-223-21Production of Short Movies UNDP Country office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 03-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82807 INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANCY TO REVIEW THE LEGAL AND REGULATORY FRAMEWORK FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECENTRALISATION POLICY OF THE GOVERNMENT OF BOTSWANA BOTSWANA BOTSWANA IC - Individual contractor 24-Sep-21 03-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82806 INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANCY TO DEVELOP A COMPREHENSIVE FRAMEWORK FOR ADOPTING THE LIFE-COURSE APPROACH AS DEFINED WITHIN THE BOTSWANA NATIONAL SOCIAL PROTECTION FRAMEWORK. BOTSWANA BOTSWANA IC - Individual contractor 10-Sep-21 03-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82805 2021 RFQ 074 MATERIELS AGRICOLES POUR LA REGION DE LA NAWA RBA ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Sep-21 03-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82803 2021 RFQ 073 MATERIELS DE SECOURISME POUR LA POLICE NATIONALE RBA ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Sep-21 03-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82802 2021 RFQ 071 MOBILIERS POUR L_ECOLE NATIONALE DES POSTES RBA ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Sep-21 03-Sep-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 82800 640-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-RPP Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Sep-21 @ 04:59 AM (New York time) 03-Sep-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 82801 2021 RFQ 070 MATERIELS INFORMATIQUES POUR L_ECOLE SUPERIEURE DES POSTES RBA ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Sep-21 03-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82799 Individual consultancy - National consultant - Short-term consultancy to conduct a study on the "Vulnerability and adaptation of health care service providers to climate change in Lebanon and lessons learned from COVID-19 crisis. LBN-CO-IC-226-21 UNDP Country Office - LEBANON - LEBANON LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 17-Sep-21 03-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82798 Wildlife and Protected Area Specialist (NC3) to support GEF Project Preparation on Wildlife Conservation and Responsible Nature Based Tourism (Ref. P210901C) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 23-Sep-21 03-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82796 SERVICE VIDEOGRAHIE DES RESULTATS DU BASSIN LAC TCHAD REGIONAL HUB FOR WEST AND CENTRAL AFRICA DAKAR SENEGAL RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Sep-21 03-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82797 RECRUTEMENT D'UN (E) CONSULTANT(E) NATIONAL(E), SPÉCIALISTE EN SANTÉ PUBLIQUE POUR LA PROMOTION DE LA SANTÉ ET LES MALADIES NON TRANSMISSIBLES (HPR-MNT) EN CÔTE D'IVOIRE UNDP ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE IC - Individual contractor 20-Sep-21 03-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 82795 RFP 111/21 Development of NDC Financing Strategy and Investment Plan UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFP - Request for proposal 17-Sep-21 03-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82794 RE-ADVERTISED: RfP for Developing a technical guidance for chemical incidents prevention and response UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 30-Sep-21 03-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82793 Recrutement d'un Consultant(e) national Prestataire de service de formation sur l'esprit d'entreprise et la gestion comptable simplifiée en faveur des femmes bénéficiaires de plateformes multifonctionnelles dans les villages de Mangata Préfecture de Coyah UNDP-GUINEE GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 19-Sep-21 03-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82791 RECRUTEMENT D'UNE AGENCES /SOCIETES / ENTREPRISES NATIONALES DE COMMUNICATION POUR UNE CAMPAGNE D'INFORMATION ET DE SENSIBILISATION SUR LES DROITS RELATIFS A L'ACCES A LA JUSTICE ET LES PROCEDURES JUDICIAIRES DANS LES REGIONS DE MOPTI ET SEGOU. MALI MALI RFP - Request for proposal 13-Sep-21 03-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82792 ETH2843-Recruitment of National Consultant to Conduct Development of Ethiopia's NDC Implementation and Partnership Plan 2021-2025. UNDP CO ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 24-Sep-21 @ 04:13 AM (New York time) 03-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 82790 RFQ - Supply and delivery of Seeds UNDP country Office MYANMAR RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Sep-21 03-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82789 HIRING NATIONAL CONSULTANCY FIRM TO COORDINATE THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE YOUTHCONNEKT AWARDS Rwanda RWANDA RFP - Request for proposal 27-Sep-21 03-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82788 A national firm to support Danang City Lab in Viet Nam UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 20-Sep-21 03-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82787 RFP/035/21 Support to strengthening transparency and integrity standards in Sarajevo and Tuzla cantons UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFP - Request for proposal 20-Sep-21 03-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 82786 RFQ Purchase of Laptops and Accessories UNDP Country Office GEORGIA RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Sep-21 03-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 82785 Call for Proposal - THE MANAGEMENT OF SEVENTH OPERATIONAL PHASE OF THE GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT FACILITY – SMALL GRANTS PROGRAMME (GEF-SGP) IN INDONESIA under 7th OPERATIONAL PHASE OF THE GEF-SGP IN INDONESIA UNDP Country Office INDONESIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 17-Sep-21 03-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 82784 RFQ - Compound fertilizer and Organic fertilizer UNDP country Office MYANMAR RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Sep-21 03-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82693 Supply and installation of fixed bollards (embedded in concrete) and rehabilitation of the paved car park at the UN Annex premises in Rhodespark, Lusaka Zambia UNDP Country Office ZAMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Sep-21 03-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82783 IC/UNDP/UNODC/131/2021 - National Coordinator for Indonesian Wildlife Crime Research Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 17-Sep-21 03-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82765 ETH2833-National Consultant for Serving as Livelihoods Specialist for Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) preparation for Beautifying Sheger Project (BSP) affected Households and Businesses along the major rivers in Addis Ababa UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 18-Oct-21 @ 03:59 PM (New York time) 03-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82766 ETH2834-National Consultant for Serving as Lead Economist for Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) preparation for Beautifying Sheger Project (BSP) affected Households and Businesses along the major rivers in Addis Ababa UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 18-Oct-21 @ 03:59 PM (New York time) 03-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82781 688/IC/PNA/2021 Recrutement d'un consultant national pour l'' Evaluation multicritères des options d'adaptation par secteur tenant en compte des risques et vulnérabilités liés au Changement Climatique MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 29-Oct-21 03-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82509 RPF-2021-033 Youth Social Listening UNDP Thailand THAILAND RFP - Request for proposal 17-Sep-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 03-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82780 693/RFP/PNA/2021Recrutement d''un cabinet pour l'Evaluation des contraintes et opportunités de l'intégration de l'adaptation au changement climatique dans les dépenses publiques et allocations budgétaires MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFP - Request for proposal 29-Oct-21 03-Sep-21 HEALTH HEALTH 82779 LBN-CO-RFQ-219-21 Scanner Ultrasound 3 Probes UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 03-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82778 IAS Legislation and Policies Review Fiji FIJI IC - Individual contractor 17-Sep-21 03-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82773 RFP-080-PHL-2021 REMB Software (Development of Software and IT Managed Services for the establishment of REMB Data Warehouse and Management Information System (RIS) and REMB Web Application Portal.) UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 30-Sep-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 03-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82777 UNDP-IC-2021-302- Senior Expert, Nature Capital and Financing Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 10-Sep-21 03-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82776 UNDP-IC-2021-254 - PMIS Code Integration Consultant - DDR Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 20-Sep-21 03-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82774 UNDP-IC-2021-253 - Prison Coordination Consultant - DDR Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 20-Sep-21 03-Sep-21 TOURISM TOURISM 82775 RFP 2021-64 REORIENTATION OF TOURISM SECTOR UNDP Kyrgyzstan KYRGYZSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 24-Sep-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 03-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82772 UNCDF - Sustainable Finance Expert for Making Access Possible (MAP) South Africa SOUTH AFRICA RFP - Request for proposal 24-Sep-21 03-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82770 IC 152489-2021: Consultancy to Support the Preparation of Voluntary National Review Report 2022 UN Resident Coordinators Multi-country Office - JA JAMAICA IC - Individual contractor 28-Sep-21 02-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82611 CLOSED EARLY
RFP-CHN-008 policy research services China Office CHINA RFP - Request for proposal 08-Sep-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 02-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82769 PCI-090-2021 Servicio de consultoría para el desarrollo de un módulo para el Modelo de Gestión de Riesgos de Corrupción dentro de la Plataforma de Análisis para el Desarrollo ( UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 16-Sep-21 02-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82767 Consultant(e) en communication sociale et l'animation en changement de comportements pour la prévention des maladies endémiques (maladie à Virus Ebola, VIH SIDA) et en sécurité des riverains dans les communautés de l'axe routier Coyah-Farmoriah. GUINEA, Office GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 10-Oct-21 02-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82768 Finance and Administrative Support - Vanuatu UNDP Country Office FIJI IC - Individual contractor 17-Sep-21 02-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82764 Consultant Prestataire de service pour le renforcement de capacité sur les techniques agro écologique de maraichage, de développement des chaines de valeur et accès aux marchés en faveur des femmes bénéficiaires de plateformes multifonctionnelles GUINEA, Office GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 10-Oct-21 02-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82763 Video Production ManagerLBN/CO/IC/221/21 UNDP Country office LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 10-Sep-21 02-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82762 IC/00114157/107/2021 CONSULTORÍA EN GESTIÓN CON MEDIOS DE COMUNICACIÓN PNUD Oficina de País HONDURAS IC - Individual contractor 16-Sep-21 02-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82729 ICT BASED PLATFORM FOR TECHNICAL SUPPORT SERVICES Country Office KENYA RFP - Request for proposal 14-Sep-21 02-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 82761 LBN-CO-ITB-224-21Rehab of Buildings in Saida UNDP Country office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 20-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 02-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82760 LBN-CO-RFP-211-21Assess of Socio-Economic Tripoli UNDP Country office LEBANON RFP - Request for proposal 09-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 02-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 82759 SDC 078 PNUD 2021. ADQUISICIÓN DE SEGURO PARA VEHICULOS Y MOTOS DEL PROGRAMA DE MALARIA UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE VENEZUELA RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Sep-21 02-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 82758 JOF 3179 - Institutional Strategic Planning Brazil BRAZIL RFP - Request for proposal 04-Oct-21 @ 01:00 PM (New York time) 02-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 82757 RFQ_51_2021 Cube Skip Waste Bins UNDP Country Office MOZAMBIQUE RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Sep-21 02-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82755 SOLICITUD DE COTIZACION COL 0000153097 - Llevar a cabo la recolección, transporte y tratamiento de residuos y/o desechos biosanitarios con riesgo biológico o infeccioso de las instituciones prestadoras de servicios de salud públicas en la zona del Urabá, UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Sep-21 02-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82754 RFP/SOCIAL & BEHAVIOUR CHANGE COMMUNICATION /2021/006 - Relaunched UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE LIBERIA RFP - Request for proposal 11-Oct-21 02-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82753 Recrutement d'un Expert National- Evaluation finale PNUD-GEF UNDP Algeria ALGERIA IC - Individual contractor 12-Sep-21 02-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82752 CLOSED EARLY
International Expert for the Joint UNDP-ILO Research Project – Understanding better the paths to formalization in Cambodia: an integrated vision UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 16-Sep-21 02-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 82751 FOURNITURE DES EQUIPEMENTS DU SYSTÈME D'ÉQUIPEMENTS D'ENTRAÎNEMENT AUTOMOBILE, SYSTÈME DE FORMATION AUX ÉQUIPEMENTS ÉLECTRIQUES ET ÉLECTRONIQUES, SYSTÈME DE FORMATION AUX ÉQUIPEMENTS HYDRAULIQUES ET PNEUMATIQUES UNDP CO BURUNDI RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Sep-21 02-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82750 Recrutement d'un cabinet d'experts pour l'accompagnement a l'implémentation du logiciel de digitalisation des actes d'état civil, la mise a jour du logiciel de numérisation et d'indexation des actes d'état civil, et l'élaboration d'une étude relative a la Cameroon CAMEROON RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Sep-21 02-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 82749 RFP 107/21 - Design and development of interactive online courses for the Central Electoral Commission of Armenia UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFP - Request for proposal 23-Sep-21 02-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82747 Construction Building of Branch PHCC and Furniture Iraq IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Oct-21 @ 10:46 AM (New York time) 02-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82746 Conducting 8 Vocational Training courses for Men & Women in Ramadi, Anbar Governorate Iraq IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 28-Sep-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 02-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82748 Recruitment of an International Consulting firm or group of firms and consultants (nationals and international) to design a Project Document for Landscape restoration for increase resilience in urban and peri-urban areas of Bujumbura UNDP CO BURUNDI RFP - Request for proposal 30-Sep-21 02-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 82744 RFP 707 Travel and Conference Org. Serv. UNDP Country Office SERBIA RFP - Request for proposal 23-Sep-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 02-Sep-21 HEALTH HEALTH 82743 ITB166 Transplantology INN tacrolimus Envarsus Country Office UKRAINE ITB - Invitation to bid 21-Sep-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 02-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 82742 RFQ 717 Ballistic Comparison Microscope UNDP CO Serbia SERBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Sep-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 02-Sep-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 82741 ITB-LTA Provision of Fiber Optic Internet Services UNDP Afghanistan AFGHANISTAN ITB - Invitation to bid 21-Oct-21 @ 07:30 AM (New York time) 02-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82737 EVENT ID MKDITB81- Construction works and incorporating efficiency measures of 27 households in Municipality of Aerodrom, Skopje [Lot 1, Lot 2, Lot 3, Lot 4 and Lot 5] UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia ITB - Invitation to bid 27-Sep-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 02-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82740 RFQ2354 EU4MD Reconstruction works at Ungheni OSS UNDP Country Office MOLDOVA RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 02-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82736 IC - CONSULTANT /E INTERNATIONAL POUR UNE MISSION DE RENFORCEMENT DES CAPACITES ET D'ACCOMPAGNEMENT DE LA DELEGATION TUNISIENNE A LA COP 26 UNDP Tunisia TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 30-Sep-21 02-Sep-21 AGRO-INDUSTRY AGRO-INDUSTRY 82738 RE-ANNOUNCEMENT: RFQ-TKM-007-2021: Procurement of Sowing Equipment UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE TURKMENISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Sep-21 02-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82735 Individual consultancy - Long-Term Agreement - Procurement for the services of a National Legal Expert. LBN-CO-IC-205-21 UNDP Country Office - LEBANON - LEBANON LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 23-Sep-21 02-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82732 National Consultant for information support of geographic information systems of the territory of Ashgabat UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN IC - Individual contractor 15-Sep-21 02-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 82731 Supply and Install Furniture and Laboratory Benche UNDP SERVICE CENTRE Erbil- Iraq IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Sep-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 02-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82730 Construction of Municipality Shops inside Qayara UNDP iraq office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 16-Sep-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 02-Sep-21 INDUSTRY INDUSTRY 82728 RFQ/062/21 - Wool processing equipment for Muynak (Karakalpakstan)/Оборудование для обработки шерсти (Муйнак, Каракалпакстан) UNDP Uzbekistan UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Sep-21 02-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82727 IC/UNDP/UNODC/141/2021 - Consultant to conduct assessment on the level of knowledge and basic competencies required for the government personnel who work on drug use prevention interventions Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 23-Sep-21 02-Sep-21 POWER POWER 82726 RFQ Q-047/21 for procurement of 400KVA Generator UNDP Country Office, South Sudan SOUTH SUDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Sep-21 @ 11:25 AM (New York time) 02-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 82725 ITB-318-21-Rehabilitation of 2 Distribution SS UNDP IRAQ OFFICE IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 22-Sep-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 02-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82724 ITB-315-21 Rehabilitation and furniture supply Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 20-Sep-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 02-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79969 Recrutements d'un(e) consultant(e) international(e) Senior pour l'évaluation à mi-parcours du programme : « Lutte contre les VBG, Justice, Autonomisation et Dignité des Femmes et des Filles en RDC », Programme JAD. UNDP DRC CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 17-Sep-21 02-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79967 Recrutements d'un(e) consultant(e) national(e) Junior pour l'évaluation à mi-parcours du programme : « Lutte contre les VBG, Justice, Autonomisation et Dignité des Femmes et des Filles en RDC », Programme JAD. UNDP DRC CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 17-Sep-21 02-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 82623 607-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ: The implementation of innovative methods of psychological recovery for ATO/JFO veterans using the Storytelling Technologies UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Sep-21 02-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82723 MNG/IC/2021/120 - National Consultant - Cashmere Value Chain UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 15-Sep-21 02-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82722 RFP-2021-044 Regional Study and Participatory Discussion of Recommendations on Strengthening the Architecture of Response to Violence Against Women in the Countries of Central Asia / Региональное исследование и совместное обсуждение рекомендаций по укрепл UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 29-Sep-21 02-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82720 Consultant to jointly support CGAP-UNCDF WIRAL Objectives in PNG UNCDF Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 13-Sep-21 02-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82721 National Consultant to Develop the guiding document on the function and coordination of Provincial Disability Action Council UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 23-Sep-21 02-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82719 PROCESO COL 0000153103 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL CONSULTOR SUBREGIONAL UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 15-Sep-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 01-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82718 PROCESO COL 0000153102 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL CONSULTOR INGENIERO SUBREGIONAL UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 15-Sep-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 01-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82717 PROCESO COL 0000153100 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL CONSULTOR SUBREGIONAL UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 15-Sep-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 01-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82716 PROCESO COL 0000153098 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultor Apoyo Administrativo DSGR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 15-Sep-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 01-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82715 National Consultant to Conduct capacity assessment need on the disability inclusive social protection for DAC-SG and Provincial DAC UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 23-Sep-21 01-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82714 647RFP/RFF/2021 Recrutement d'un cabinet pour l'Élaboration et mise en œuvre d'un programme de renforcement des capacités et de formation des institutions de micro finance pour l'évaluation des risques de crédit pour les entreprises de l'économie verte et MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFP - Request for proposal 20-Sep-21 01-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 82713 CLOSED EARLY
Recrutement d'un organisme spécialisé en développement de la pêche maritime durable pour l'accompagnement techniques et socio-organisationnel des communautés de pêcheurs structurées en associations et unions des associations dans les Régions Anôsy et And UNDP Country Office MADAGASCAR CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 16-Sep-21 01-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82712 AVISO DE SERVICIO PARA CONSULTOR/A INDIVIDUAL 2021/1370 UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 16-Sep-21 01-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82711 CONTRATO INDIVUDUAL - PROCESO COL 0000153095 - Consultoría para la construcción del Cuaderno de Desarrollo Humano en materia de Victimas y Reparaciones Colectivas UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 15-Sep-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 01-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82665 Consultant – Public Finance Management Trainer UNDP Country Office FIJI IC - Individual contractor 16-Sep-21 01-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82710 UNDP-SOI-RFQ-2021-049 - Video Production UNDP Pacific Office SOLOMON ISLANDS RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Sep-21 01-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82709 Project Development and Monitoring and Evaluation Consultant UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 15-Sep-21 01-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82708 IC 21 152631 promocion producto financiero mineria UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 07-Oct-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 01-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82707 Recrutement d'un prestataire de services pour la mise en place des microentreprises féminines à Martissant et à Lasaline UNDP-HAITI HAITI RFP - Request for proposal 01-Oct-21 @ 02:30 PM (New York time) 01-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82706 CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL PROCESO COL - 0000153061 - Apoyar en el pilotaje y puesta en marcha del Sello Equipares PYMES y acompañar en el proceso de implementación y transversalización del enfoque de género en la Asociación Agroindustrial de Productores Agropec UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 19-Sep-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 01-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82705 CONSULTORIA LOCAL PARA O MAPEAMENTO DE INICIATIVAS DE EMPREENDEDORISMO SOCIAL EXISTENTES EM STP E DIÁSPORA UNDP SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE IC - Individual contractor 30-Sep-21 01-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82702 Evaluation des capacités Administratives et Financières des structures partenaires de mise en œuvre (Micro Evaluation) des Projets/Programmes PNUD au CAMEROUN Cameroon CAMEROON RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Sep-21 01-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82704 IC NOTICE N°037/2021/PNUD-BFA Recrutement d'un (e) consultant(e) national(e) pour la formulation d'une « Feuille de Route pour (l'efficacité énergétique) les bâtiments et la construction (2021-2050) » pour le compte de ONUHABITAT Country Office BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 09-Sep-21 01-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82703 IC NOTICE N°038/2021/PNUD-BFA: RECRUTEMENT DE DEUX (02) CONSULTANTS EN VUE DE LA CONDUITE DE LA MISSION D'EVALUATION FINALE DU PROJET D'APPUI A LA PARTICIPATION CITOYENNE, A LA DECENTRALISATION ET AU DEVELOPPEMENT LOCAL (PAPCIDDEL) Country Office BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 13-Sep-21 01-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82701 A national consultancy team of three members for Technical assistance in rolling out self-registration, management and e-payment systems for social assistance benefits and an integrated nationwide social assistance database across 63 provinces UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 13-Sep-21 01-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82700 mapping of the International Classification of Crime for Statistical Purposes (ICCS) codes for Suriname UNDP CO SURINAME RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Sep-21 01-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82698 IC ADQ 21 152350 analisis macroeconomico UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 30-Sep-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 01-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82697 UNDP/SOM/RFI/POQA/2021/01 - Engagement with CSOs/NGOs UNDP Country Office SOMALIA RFI - Request for Information 22-Sep-21 01-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82699 A national consultancy team of 03 members for Technical assistance in designing and building investment projects on self-registration, management and e-payment systems for social assistance benefits and an integrated nationwide social assistance database UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 13-Sep-21 01-Sep-21 FISHERIES FISHERIES 82696 Procurement of Motor cycles and Patrol boats Angola ANGOLA RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Sep-21 01-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82695 MARCHE DES TRAVAUX DE RÉHABILITATION DE LA RESIDENCE PNUD PLAGE TAHITI UNDP Country Office GABON RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Sep-21 01-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82694 National Consultant to Support the Implementation the Gender Equality Seal Gambia GAMBIA IC - Individual contractor 08-Sep-21 01-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82691 RFP 109/21 Consultancy Services for Updating the River Basin Management Plans for the Southern and Ararat River Basin District of Armenia UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFP - Request for proposal 22-Sep-21 01-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82687 MNG/RFP/2021/039 - National Institutions - Training module for Rangeland management UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA RFP - Request for proposal 07-Oct-21 01-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82690 RFP(pdf) and TOR for Delivering a training on communication, advocacy and networking for policy influence for national CSOs in Azerbaijan CO AZERBAIJAN RFP - Request for proposal 15-Sep-21 01-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82689 SDP ONU/20/002-1128 Elaboración de una metodología de modelo de negocio sostenible emprendedor y sensibilización de los actores involucrados URUGUAY URUGUAY RFP - Request for proposal 08-Oct-21 01-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 82688 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION (RFI) From "CSOs and NGOs" UNDP country Office MYANMAR RFI - Request for Information 13-Sep-21 01-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82686 IC-073/21 - Development of Iraqi Sustainable Development Goal Country Office IRAQ IC - Individual contractor 14-Sep-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 01-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82685 NATIONAL CONSULTANT FOR REDD FINAL EVALUATION Country Office KENYA IC - Individual contractor 13-Sep-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 01-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 82670 RFQMUS2021-009 - Equipment to implement Ramsar Sites Management Plan for the mainstreaming Biodiversity project UNDP Country Office MAURITIUS RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Oct-21 01-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82683 01 National firm/organization carry out the survey on the application of service robots in healthcare facilities and propose recommendations on the roadmap (B-210901) UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 15-Sep-21 01-Sep-21 POWER POWER 82681 RFQ-TKM-016-2021: Tender on supply of equipment and services for reconstruction of power grid designed for power supply of street lightening system UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Sep-21 01-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82682 Recrutement d'un Consultant national pour le développement des critères et indicateurs climatiques sensibles au genre en lien avec les Objectifs de développement durable (ODD) et le plan national de développement (PND) UNDP Togo, RBA TOGO IC - Individual contractor 18-Sep-21 01-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82680 Recrutement d'un Consultant national pour le développement des outils simplifiés pour l'estimation des gaz-à-effet de serre (GES) pour le sous-secteur foresterie et autres affectations des terres (FAT) UNDP Togo, RBA TOGO IC - Individual contractor 18-Sep-21 01-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82679 Recrutement d'un Consultant national pour le développement des outils simplifiés pour l'estimation des gaz-à-effet de serre (GES) pour le sous-secteur agriculture UNDP Togo, RBA TOGO IC - Individual contractor 18-Sep-21 01-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82678 Recrutement d'un Consultant national pour le développement des outils d'intégration des changements climatiques dans la planification pour le secteur de l'énergie UNDP Togo, RBA TOGO IC - Individual contractor 18-Sep-21 01-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 82677 RFQ/2021/17 Procurement of Pelletizer - Recycled plastic granulation machine UNDP Country Office JORDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Sep-21 01-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82676 Individual consultancy - International - UNDP-GEF Midterm Review Consultant - LBN-CO-IC-217-21 UNDP Country Office - LEBANON - LEBANON LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 29-Sep-21 01-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 82675 Обучение домедицинской помощи (Дистанционное Обучение домедицинской помощи)/Контроль медицинских инцидентов, учебный модуль SSAFE (Safe And Secure Approaches In Field Environments). UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Sep-21 01-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82674 Baseline Mapping Study UNDP Country Office SOMALIA RFP - Request for proposal 16-Sep-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 01-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82673 RFP/2021/25: Conducting Baseline and End-line Assessment for the "Enhancing Women Participation in the Solid Waste Management Sector in Jordan" Project UNDP Country Office JORDAN RFP - Request for proposal 16-Sep-21 01-Sep-21 HEALTH HEALTH 82672 ITB165 Child and Adult JRA medicines Health project UKRAINE ITB - Invitation to bid 05-Oct-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 01-Sep-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 82668 RFP 27-21 E-services re Covid19 UNDP CO MONTENEGRO RFP - Request for proposal 27-Sep-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 01-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82671 RFQ/2021/15 Renovation of 15 Multipurpose Eco Centers Package B UNDP Country Office JORDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Sep-21 01-Sep-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82669 RFQ/2021/14 E-Waste Collection and Dismantling Sites Preparation UNDP Country Office JORDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Sep-21 01-Sep-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82667 Terminal Evaluation for Improving Management Effectiveness of the Protected Area Network, South Africa South Africa SOUTH AFRICA IC - Individual contractor 13-Sep-21 01-Sep-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82666 RFP-102-IND-2021 - Block wise Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment for select Districts in States of Rajasthan and Odisha UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 17-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 01-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER UNDP-IQ-00001 Supply of Furniture for Al Nasir PHC in Sinjar-Ninawa Governorate UNDP-IQ IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Sep-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 01-Sep-21 OTHER OTHER 82663 Finance Support Consultant Solomon Islands SOLOMON ISLANDS IC - Individual contractor 18-Sep-21 31-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82662 Formulation of Kiribati National Cooperative Policy Fiji FIJI IC - Individual contractor 13-Sep-21 31-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82661 RFQ2021/WSM/14: Renovation works for RC offices UNDP Country Office SAMOA RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Sep-21 31-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82660 SDC-43-2021 Servicio de Pintura General Edificio Sede TC UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Sep-21 31-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82659 CONTRATACION DE SERVICIOS DE AUDITORIA – mediante LTA UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR RFP - Request for proposal 09-Sep-21 31-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82658 IC 21 152080 Consultor E-learning UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 22-Sep-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 31-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82657 RFQ_53_2021 Rehabilitation of Macomia Radio Building UNDP Country Office MOZAMBIQUE RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Sep-21 31-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82656 SEGUNDA CONVOCATORIA - 4161 PAN 2021- ADQUISICION DE EQUIPO TECNOLÓGICO PARA LA GOBERNACIÓN DE PANAMÁ Country Office PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Sep-21 31-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82655 IC 21 151972 Estrategia implementacion PIA UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 06-Oct-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 31-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82654 LBN-CO-RFQ-215-21 - Bullet Proof FB4 Steel Doors UNDP Country Office - LEBANON - LEBANON LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 31-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82653 LBN-CO-RFQ-214-21 - Bullet Proof sliding doors UNDP Country Office - LEBANON - LEBANON LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Oct-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 31-Aug-21 HEALTH HEALTH 82652 ITB for Supply of Waste Management System China CO on behalf of UNDP Lao PDR CHINA ITB - Invitation to bid 21-Sep-21 @ 09:00 PM (New York time) 31-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82651 IC 21 151652 Diseno mecanismo de gobernanza UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 20-Sep-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 31-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82650 UNDP-RFP-2021-304- Develop District SDGs Localization Plans Pakistan PAKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 15-Sep-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 31-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82649 IC 21 151636 Consultor asesoria empresarial UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 16-Sep-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 31-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82648 RFQ_47_2021 Consultancy Damage Assessment and Rehabilitation Designs Macomia Hospital UNDP Country Office MOZAMBIQUE RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Sep-21 31-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82647 664/IC/PDSPE/2021 Recrutement d'un(e) consultant(e) national (e) expert(e) pour appuyer la formulation et le développement d' un nouveau projet à soumettre aux fonds d'échange de dettes russes (Russian debt swap fund) MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 08-Oct-21 31-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82645 Construction Works of Prefabricated Office Building in Kilis UNDP Country Office TURKEY RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Sep-21 31-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82646 International Consultant for Assessing the Food Security and Nutrition Needs and Priorities of the PIDF Member States UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 13-Sep-21 31-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82644 675/RFP/RFF/2021 Recrutement d'un cabinet de consultance pour l'élaboration d'une stratégie et plan d'action pour le développement de l'agriculture contractuelle et du financement de la chaîne d'approvisionnement MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFP - Request for proposal 14-Sep-21 31-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82640 RECRUTEMENT DE PRESTATAIRE POUR LES TRAVAUX DE REHABILITATION DE LA MAISON DES JEUNES DE SIBUT UNDP CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Sep-21 31-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82643 RFP-101-IND-2021 - Block wise Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment for select Districts in States of Chhattisgarh and Bihar UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 17-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 31-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82636 519/RFP/GOUDMADA/2021 RECRUTEMENT D'UN CABINET D'ETUDES POUR LA MAITRISE D'ŒUVRE DANS LA REALISATION D'UN SYSTEME D'INFORMATION CENTRALISE DE LA GOUVERNANCE ET DE L'ANTI-CORRUPTION MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFP - Request for proposal 14-Sep-21 31-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82642 ITB 006 Burkina Faso BURKINA FASO ITB - Invitation to bid 17-Sep-21 @ 12:49 AM (New York time) 31-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82641 RBAS-RFP-013-2021 Evaluation Services RBAS Regional Hub in Amman JORDAN RFP - Request for proposal 21-Sep-21 @ 11:00 PM (New York time) 31-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82639 Fourniture des equipements d'outillage des filieres electricite, equipements construction metallique (soudure) et equipements d'outils de la filiere mecanique automobile UNDP CO BURUNDI RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Sep-21 31-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82638 Solicitud de Propuesta Nº 06/2021 - Proyecto PNUD ARG 16/G23 PNUD Argentina ARGENTINA RFP - Request for proposal 13-Oct-21 31-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82637 Call for Proposals from NGOs: Capacity building and operations of Compost and Sorting Plant at Al Kura District in Irbid under Project name: " Enhancing Women Participation in the Solid Waste Management Sector in Jordan" UNDP Country Office JORDAN CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 15-Sep-21 31-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82635 Deux Consultants nationaux pour l'évaluation des propositions des projets des OSCs TUNISIA TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 14-Sep-21 31-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82633 Recrutement d'un (e) Consultant (e) International (e) pour la réalisation d'une évaluation finale du "Projet d'Appui à la Promotion et Protection des Droits de l'Homme" (PAPPDH) au Gabon UNDP Country Office GABON IC - Individual contractor 07-Sep-21 31-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82634 UNODC VBSS Catering Extension UNDP Maldives Country Office MALDIVES RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Sep-21 @ 06:59 AM (New York time) 31-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82632 « RFQ/MRT/006/2021– FOURNITURE ET INSTALLATION MOBILIERS DE BUREAUX » MAURITANIA MAURITANIA RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Sep-21 31-Aug-21 FISHERIES FISHERIES 82631 ENGAGING A FIRM FOR CAPACITY BUILDING SERVICES FOR ENTERPRENEURSHIP AND AQUACULTURE BEST PRACTICES FOR FISH FARMING PROJECT IN MTWARA REGION UNDP TANZANIA RFP - Request for proposal 22-Sep-21 31-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82628 RFP-CXB-05_Hiring firm to mentor start-ups for innovative solutions to waste without value in Teknaf and Ukhia Upazila, Cox's Bazar District under SWM UNDP Cox's Bazar Crisis Response Office BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 13-Sep-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 31-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82630 IC-072-21-International Consultant to develop a ProDoc and a PIP Country Office IRAQ IC - Individual contractor 15-Sep-21 31-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82629 ACQUISITION EQUIPEMENTS JEUNES BENEFICIAIRES RFF Cameroun CAMEROON ITB - Invitation to bid 20-Sep-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 31-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82626 UNDP-RFP-2021-299 - Hiring of Firm for Establishment of GLOF/Climate Change online GIS-based Monitoring and Information System (MIS) Pakistan PAKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 21-Sep-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 31-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82625 BIH-ITB-037-21 works school Avdo Smajlovic SA UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA ITB - Invitation to bid 27-Sep-21 @ 04:07 AM (New York time) 31-Aug-21 POWER POWER 82624 BIH-ITB-036-21 LED lights BL UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA ITB - Invitation to bid 27-Sep-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 31-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82600 ETH2828-International Consultant to Conduct Capacity Assessment and Gender Portfolio Review for UNDP Ethiopia Country Progrramme UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 18-Oct-21 @ 03:59 PM (New York time) 31-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82599 ETH2827-International Consultant to develop a Knowledge Management (KM) Action Plan with Roadmap and Toolkits for UNDP Ethiopia UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 14-Sep-21 @ 03:59 PM (New York time) 31-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82622 RFQ/BDI10/PID2/2021- FOURNITURE DES ARTICLES DIVERS UNDP Burundi BURUNDI RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Sep-21 31-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82621 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR FIRM LEVEL CONSULTANCY SERVICE TO CONDUCT RESEARCH ON INVESTMENTS OPPORTUNITIES IN FRAGILE SETTINGS OF THE SAHEL,LAKE CHAD BASIN AND HORN OF AFRICA UNDP Ethiopia Country Office ETHIOPIA RFP - Request for proposal 13-Sep-21 @ 02:35 AM (New York time) 31-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82561 International Consultant to Develop training materials for trainers on providing legal aid in marriage and family cases (Ref. P210815C) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 22-Sep-21 31-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82616 RFQ - Fridges for Cold Beverages and Vegetables UNDP OFFICE DJIBOUTI RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Sep-21 @ 09:30 AM (New York time) 31-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82619 RFQ/BDI10/UGP-FM/006/2021- FOURNITURE DE LAIT MATERNISE UNDP Burundi BURUNDI RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Sep-21 31-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82618 IC/UNDP/UNODC/140/2021 - Investigator Advisor Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 14-Sep-21 31-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82617 MNG/IC/2021/119 - National Consultant - Local Government environmental expenditure data collection and analysis UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 13-Sep-21 31-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82610 SDG SI 01-2021-Grant-UNDP- "Grants Proposals" Киргизия KYRGYZSTAN Other 13-Sep-21 31-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82612 519/IC/GOUDMADA/2021 RECRUTEMENT D'UN CONSULTANT INDIVIDUEL POUR L'ASSISTANCE A MAITRISE D'OUVRAGE DANS LA REALISATION D'UN SYSTEME D'INFORMATION CENTRALISE DE LA GOUVERNANCE ET DE L'ANTI-CORRUPTION MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 25-Nov-21 31-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82615 RFQ/BDI10/UGP-FM/008/2021- MULTIPLICATION DES OUTILS DE SUII-EVALUATION/PNILT 2021 UNDP Burundi BURUNDI RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Sep-21 31-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82614 RFQ/BDI10/UGP-FM/007/2021- FOURNITURE DE PRODUITS DIVERS UNDP Burundi BURUNDI RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Sep-21 31-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82613 Maximizing Remittances Flows by Improving Cross Border Transfers within ASEAN (Re-advertised) UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFP - Request for proposal 13-Sep-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 31-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82608 Regional Consultant – Law Enforcement Trainer Cameroon CAMEROON RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Oct-21 31-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82607 RFP-MDP-2021-64 - REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL - Conducting a Socio-Economic Assessment in the Maritime Disaster affected areas in Sri Lanka. UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFP - Request for proposal 16-Sep-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 31-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82609 Supply Materials for Manufacturing COVID Supplies UNDP Country Office MALAWI RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Sep-21 31-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82606 RFP-100-IND-2021 - Facilitate Gram Panchayat level GIS planning of all the Gram Panchayat of 24 districts of Jharkhand UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 10-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 31-Aug-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 82605 RFQ/UNW/HAI/21/012 Achat de matériels informatique et électricité pour la DAP UNWOMEN HAITI RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Sep-21 31-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82604 ITB 005 ONU Habitat Burkina Faso BURKINA FASO ITB - Invitation to bid 17-Sep-21 @ 01:45 PM (New York time) 30-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82603 RFQ/061/21 - Приглашение на тендер по разработке видеокурсов для онлайн платформы, в целях организации дистанционного обучения сотрудников Агентства государственных услуг и Центров государственных услуг UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Sep-21 30-Aug-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 82602 SDC-032-2021 Compra de 800 licencias Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise (plan anual) UNDP Country Office MEXICO RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Sep-21 30-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82601 IC 21 151954 Consultor produccion kits publicidad UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 21-Sep-21 @ 03:26 PM (New York time) 30-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82597 Recrutement d'un Consultant International en planification stratégique UNDP COUNBTRY OFFICE BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 21-Sep-21 30-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82598 IC 21 152518 Consultor evaluacion medio termino UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 15-Sep-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 30-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82595 RFQ N°035/BFA/PNUD-2021 : Travaux de réalisation et d'installation de 08 blocs de latrines écologiques à Kaya, Dori, Tougouri et Kongoussi (Lot 1) et Acquisition de mobiliers scolaires pour les 02 classes dans les 04 villes (KAYA, DORI, TOUGOURI et KONGOU Burkina Faso BURKINA FASO RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Sep-21 30-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82594 Recrutement d'un (e) consultant (e) d'expertise internationale chargé(e) de l'évaluation externe du Fonds de Cohérence pour la Stabilisation UNDP-KINSHASA, DR CONGO CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 09-Sep-21 30-Aug-21 POWER POWER 82593 Adquisición e instalación de Energía Solar Foltovoltaica en el Municipio de MBOMO UNDP Guinea Ecuatorial EQUATORIAL GUINEA RFQ - Request for quotation 04-Oct-21 30-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82592 SELECTION OF FIVE (05) COMMUNITY SAVINGS INSTITUTIONS Cameroon CAMEROON EOI - Expression of interest 10-Sep-21 30-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82590 SDC/00124696/106/2021 Adquisición de Mesas de Conferencias y Sillas Semi-ejecutivas Oficina de Pais HONDURAS RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Sep-21 30-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82591 IC 150580 United Nations Emergency Technical Team Support Advisor - Jamaica UN Resident Coordinators Multi-country Office - JA JAMAICA IC - Individual contractor 22-Sep-21 30-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82589 IC 150262 United Nations Emergency Technical Team Support Advisor - Bahamas UN Resident Coordinators Multi-country Office - JA JAMAICA IC - Individual contractor 22-Sep-21 30-Aug-21 AGRO-INDUSTRY AGRO-INDUSTRY 82588 RFQ 105-21 Supply of electric drying equipment to Lori and Tavush regions (marzes). UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Sep-21 30-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82587 148752-2021 - Partnership Landscape Assessment UN Resident Coordinators Multi-country office-Jama JAMAICA IC - Individual contractor 22-Sep-21 30-Aug-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 82586 RFP for Event Management Services CO AZERBAIJAN RFP - Request for proposal 30-Sep-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 30-Aug-21 POWER POWER 82584 Critical load separation for South Sudan UN compound UNDP Country Office SOUTH SUDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Sep-21 30-Aug-21 AGRICULTURE  SEEDLING AGRICULTURE SEEDLING 82582 RFQ 104-21 Supply of seed planter (seed drill) to regions in Armenia UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Sep-21 30-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82583 International Consultant for Supplementary Terminal Evaluation of the Forest Carbon Partnership Facilities REDD+ Readiness Project Phase II (FCPF-II), Period 2021 UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 13-Sep-21 30-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82581 RFP-034-21 Study on defining nearly zero-energy public buildings (NZEB) in BIH UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFP - Request for proposal 21-Sep-21 30-Aug-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 82579 RFQ/UNDP/STRATEGIC/152716/023/2021 – Provision of Collaboration Application and SSL Certificate for The Digital Transformation Office, Ministry of Health UNDP Country Office INDONESIA RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Sep-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 30-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82580 IC NOTICE N°035 bis/2021/PNUD-BFA Recrutement d'un (e) Consultant (e) National (e) spécialiste en digitalisation dans le cadre du Projet « Transformation digitale inclusive pour accélérer les progrès du Burkina Faso vers la réalisation des ODDs » du PNUD Burkina Faso BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 10-Sep-21 30-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82578 CLOSED EARLY
2021 UNDP-RFQ-2021-067 Recrutement d'un prestataire pour réaliser la plantation de 50 000 arbres ABIDJAN-CÔTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Aug-21 30-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82577 RFQ for Solar Powered Freezers for Mobile Units UNDP OFFICE DJIBOUTI RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Sep-21 @ 09:30 AM (New York time) 30-Aug-21 HEALTH HEALTH 82576 CLOSED EARLY
Multi-Stakeholder Grievance-Handling Platforms Country Office AFGHANISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 15-Sep-21 @ 07:30 AM (New York time) 30-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82575 ITB-PAL-0000152601 - Paving Agricultural Roads UNDP/PAPP PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES ITB - Invitation to bid 12-Sep-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 30-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82572 RFQ TPIR RENOVATION PRISON SEBIKOTANE Country office SENEGAL RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Sep-21 30-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82574 International Consultant - Resource Mobilization Specialist for the Regional Innovation Centre (Asia-Pacific) Bangkok Regional Hub THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 13-Sep-21 30-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82573 Consultancy for the Evaluation of Cabo Verde UNDAF 2018-2022 Cabo Verde CAPE VERDE IC - Individual contractor 09-Sep-21 30-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82571 CFP 2021-02 GEF II Elimination of gender-based stereotypes and promotion of women's active role in society UNDP CO Serbia on behalf of UN Women Office Serbia SERBIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 01-Oct-21 30-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82570 Preparation of a Report on Inclusion of Women Perspective to SME Digitalization Platform Services UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 13-Sep-21 30-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82568 National Consultant to Support Environmental and Social Safeguards and Gender Mainstreaming in Sub-National Administration Project Implementation Procedures for NCDD-S UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 14-Sep-21 30-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82567 National Consultancy for the Review of the National Strategy to Combat Poaching and the Illegal Wildlife Trade (2014 – 2019) UNDP Country Office TANZANIA IC - Individual contractor 10-Sep-21 30-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82566 BIH/RFQ-139-21 Supply, delivery and installation of Bio safety cabinets UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Sep-21 30-Aug-21 FORESTRY FORESTRY 82565 RFP-099-IND-2021 (Request for Proposal for Development of State Action Plan for Climate Change (SAPCC) for Union Territory of Ladakh) UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 10-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 30-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82163 492-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ: Procurement of Ceramic goods production equipment for Sloviansk Multidisciplinary Regional Center of Vocational Education named after P.F. Kryvonos of Donetsk Oblast (re-announcement) UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Sep-21 30-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82195 69-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP: Development and running of entrepreneurship promotion campaign "Big Stories of Small Businesses UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 20-Sep-21 30-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82564 National Consultant: IT Developer for Digital Healthcare Waste Registry (Philippines nationals only) Manila, Philippines PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 17-Sep-21 30-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82563 RFP-098-IND-2021-Translation & Adaptation of Short Audio-Visuals on HIV & AIDS Act for IEC purposes' India INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 10-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 30-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82562 MNG/IC/2021/116 - National Consultant - Private Sector Mapping Consultant UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 13-Sep-21 29-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82560 Evaluation du plan d'action 2017-2021 de mise en œuvre de la politique publique intégrée pour la promotion des droits des Personnes en Situation de Handicap (PIPSH) et Elaboration des principales orientations de la 2ème phase du plan d'action 2022-2026 Morocco MOROCCO RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Sep-21 29-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82559 National Impact Assessment Consultant UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 10-Oct-21 29-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82558 International Short-Term Expert for the Technical Visit to Finland UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 16-Sep-21 29-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82557 Local Firm to Support Implementation of BADHAHI Film Series Maldives MALDIVES RFP - Request for proposal 20-Sep-21 29-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82556 Emergency Covid Health Support UNDP Maldives Country Office MALDIVES RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Sep-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 29-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82555 Rehabilitation of the Health Centre in Bassimeh UNDP Office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC ITB - Invitation to bid 11-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 28-Aug-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 82553 PNUD/SDP-476/2021 Diseño y ejecución de capacitación virtual sincrónica sobre participación ciudadana en materia de fiscalización ambiental UNDP OFFICE PERU PERU RFP - Request for proposal 24-Sep-21 27-Aug-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 82552 AVISO DE SUBASTA: 2 Vehículos - UNDP LAC Regional Hub en Panamá Regional Centre PANAMA Other 09-Sep-21 27-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82549 Solicitud de Cotización (SdC) 36408 -2518/21 "Adquisición de 712 pipas de agua en bloque" PNUD GUATEMALA GUATEMALA RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Sep-21 27-Aug-21 HEALTH HEALTH 82551 RFQ-ZIM-GF-33-2021- NAC-SRs Promotional Materials Harare ZIMBABWE RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Sep-21 @ 11:59 AM (New York time) 27-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82550 IC-474-2021 ET del Proyecto Eba Lomas UNDP Country Office PERU IC - Individual contractor 20-Sep-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 27-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82548 PROCESO COL 0000152392 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Especializado Equipo Jurídico con sede Bogotá (se requieren seis (6) consultores). UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 10-Sep-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 27-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82547 N° ICN-022-2021_Recrutement d'un/e (1) consultant/e national/e pour conduire une analyse sur les vulnérabilités et les opportunités liées à l'autonomisation et à la participation des femmes et des jeunes en tant qu'acteurs de paix et de développement dura UNDP CO MAURITANIA IC - Individual contractor 02-Aug-22 27-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82545 Evaluation du projet renforcement de la préparation et de la gestion des désastres UNDP Haiti HAITI IC - Individual contractor 24-Sep-21 27-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82546 Consultancy – Consultant on Effective South-South Co-operation, BPPS/Effectiveness - Home based UNDP/HQ/BPPS UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Other 19-Sep-21 27-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82544 Organization of Bootcamps and Provision of Business Development Services for 75 Entrepreneurs and Cooperatives UNDP Country Office TURKEY RFP - Request for proposal 16-Sep-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 27-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82542 LBN-CO-ITB-212-21Const of Multi Purpose Cent Ainab UNDP Country office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 10-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 27-Aug-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 82543 RFQ/UNDP/SMILE/152689/020/2021 - Provision of SMILE Project IT Hardware UNDP Country Office INDONESIA RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Sep-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 27-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82541 Evaluation of the access to treatment and assessment of the COVID-19 impact on the provision of healthcare services for patients with rare and orphan diseases in Ukraine UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 10-Sep-21 27-Aug-21 FISHERIES FISHERIES 82540 PROCUREMENT OF BIOFILTER SYSTEM FOR INSTALLATION IN CONCRETE POND RECIRCULATING AQUACULTURE SYSTEM (RAS) FOR FISH FARMING PROJECT IN MTWARA REGION UNDP TANZANIA RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Sep-21 27-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82539 Repair works for improving the accessibility of the UNICEF office (Kyiv, Institutska Street, 28) for low mobility groups UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND (UNICEF) UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 21-Sep-21 27-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82538 « Consultant(e) International (e) pour l'évaluation finale du projet « Appui au Développement de l'Aquaculture en Haute Guinée ». GUINEA, Office GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 15-Sep-21 27-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82537 CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL - PROCESO COL 0000152547 - Apoyo técnico en la implementación del Sello Equipares a través de la revisión, formulación y actualización metodológica de herramientas, realización de sesiones de sensibilización y formación, fortalecimient UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 09-Sep-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 27-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82536 Consultant(e) National (e) pour l'évaluation finale du projet « Appui au Développement de l'Aquaculture en Haute Guinée ». GUINEA, Office GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 15-Nov-21 27-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82535 RFQ 084/21 Long-Term Agreement for Translation and/or interpretation services UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFP - Request for proposal 27-Sep-21 27-Aug-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 82534 RFP Provision of Consultancy services for enhancin UNDP Kosovo Kosovo, UNSCR 1244 (1999) RFP - Request for proposal 11-Sep-21 @ 11:30 AM (New York time) 27-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82533 IC-UNDP-21-038-Profiling Municipalities to Inform Evidence-Based Interventions UNDP Country Office LIBYA IC - Individual contractor 10-Sep-21 27-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82532 BBRSO147826 - Assessment of potential socio-economic impacts of achieving the mitigation and adaptation targets -SVG Barbados BARBADOS IC - Individual contractor 10-Oct-21 27-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82531 MNG/RFP/2021/038 - National Institutions - Developing web page or mobile phone application based training module UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA RFP - Request for proposal 10-Sep-21 27-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82530 IC 2021-68 INTERNATIONAL EXPERT IFI UNDP Kyrgyzstan KYRGYZSTAN IC - Individual contractor 30-Sep-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 27-Aug-21 AGRO-INDUSTRY AGRO-INDUSTRY 82529 RFQ-TSE-2021-62 - Procurement of Solar powered Agri equipment UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Sep-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 27-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82527 National Consultant to develop training package and conduct online TOT UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN IC - Individual contractor 09-Sep-21 27-Aug-21 HEALTH HEALTH 82528 RFQ/138/21 Supply, delivery and installation of laboratory autoclaves - amendment and extension of deadline!!! UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Sep-21 27-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82526 RFQ/137/21 Development and organization of capacity building trainings on ESCO financing mechanism - EXTENSION OF DEADLINE!!! UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Sep-21 27-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82525 IC-UNDP-21-036-Conflict Sensitivity Specialist UNDP Country Office LIBYA IC - Individual contractor 10-Sep-21 27-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82522 Provision of Solar lantern raw materials and Solar smokeless Stove UNDP CO YEMEN RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Sep-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 27-Aug-21 POWER POWER 82524 Sechoir Solaire 0011RFQTCD10072021 REPUBLICATION UNDP Country Office CHAD RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Sep-21 @ 09:44 AM (New York time) 27-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82521 National Consultant to provide technical support to the Digital Library at the Governance Commission (GC) UNDP ON BEHALF OF UN WOMEN LIBERIA LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 08-Sep-21 27-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82523 IC 2021-67 INTERNATIONAL EXPERT ESG PRACTICES UNDP KYRGYZSTAN KYRGYZSTAN IC - Individual contractor 30-Sep-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 27-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82520 Preparing a business case for the development of a UNDP SOUTH AFRICA SOUTH AFRICA RFP - Request for proposal 10-Sep-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 27-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82519 RfQ 84 Preparatory works for installation of 17 hydrological stations in Drin River Basin UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Sep-21 27-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82514 RFP on Identify NBS and green infrastructure UNDP Country Office - KYRGYZSTAN KYRGYZSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 14-Sep-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 27-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82518 International Consultant for the role of Team Leader under the Ecosystem Based Adaptation to Climate Change in Seychelles (EBA) Country Office Mauritius and Seychelles SEYCHELLES IC - Individual contractor 16-Sep-21 27-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82517 National Consultant for the role of Team Expert under the Ecosystem Based Adaptation to Climate Change in Seychelles (EBA) Country Office Mauritius and Seychelles SEYCHELLES IC - Individual contractor 16-Sep-21 27-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82505 ETH2781-International Consultant for Mid term evaluation for the PCB project UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 13-Sep-21 @ 03:59 PM (New York time) 27-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82352 Data Survey Consultant UNDP Thailand THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 17-Sep-21 27-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82504 ETH2776- National consultant for Mid Term Evaluation of PCB project UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 06-Sep-21 @ 03:59 PM (New York time) 27-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82516 SUPPORTING CONSULTANT FOR INDIVIDUAL NATIONAL CONSULTANT FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THE NATIONAL STRATEGY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY IN TANZANIA UNDP TANZANIA IC - Individual contractor 06-Sep-21 27-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82515 TEAM LEAD - INDIVIDUAL NATIONAL CONSULTANT FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THE NATIONAL STRATEGY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY IN TANZANIA UNDP TANZANIA IC - Individual contractor 06-Sep-21 27-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82513 RFP-CDLG-2021-63 - Proposal to undertake Disability Accessibility Audit and enhance the capacity of Technical Officers in the Local Government structure UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFP - Request for proposal 13-Sep-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 27-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82512 "CONTRATACIÓN DE SERVICIOS PARA CAMBIO DE FILTROS HEPA, VERIFICACIÓN Y VALIDACIÓN DE CABINAS DE SEGURIDAD BIOLÓGICA UTILIZADOS EN EL DIAGNOSTICO DE TUBERCULOSIS EN ESTABLECIMIENTOS DEL MINISTERIO DE SALUD DE EL SALVADOR A NIVEL NACIONAL." El Salvador EL SALVADOR RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Sep-21 27-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82511 PROCESO COL 0000151068 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultor(a) internacional para la revisión de medio término (MTR por sus siglas en inglés) de PNUD-GEF para el proyecto GEF GOLD COLOMBIA: Gestión integrada para la eliminación del mercurio en el sector ASGM UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 09-Sep-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 26-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82510 PROCESO COL 0000151763 Diseño, producción y difusión de piezas radiales dentro del proceso de divulgación de Trabajos Obras y Actividades con contenido Reparador o Restaurativo (TOAR) que debe adelantar la JEP. En el diseño, producción y difusión UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Sep-21 26-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82508 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA (SdP) N° COL‐0000152389 -Realizar la evaluación externa de medio término y analizar de manera cualitativa y cuantitativa el desempeño del proyecto "Mercado Laboral: productividad y competitividad para el desarrollo" UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 15-Sep-21 26-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82507 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA (SdP) N° COL‐0000151865 -Desarrollar una estrategia que permita generar procesos de Inclusión Financiera para Pequeñas Empresas mineras de oro UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 05-Oct-21 26-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82506 4327 PAN 2021 - "Consultoría para la Incorporación de expedientes de adjudicatarios y sus actualizaciones, valoración y diagnóstico para el Banco Hipotecario Nacional." UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 10-Sep-21 26-Aug-21 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS 82503 SDC/090/INFOCENTROS/2021 "ADQUISICIÓN DE MATERIALES PARA INSTALACIÓN DE FIBRA OPTICA" UNDP Country Office VENEZUELA RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Sep-21 26-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82502 CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL - PROCESO COL 0000152548 - Apoyo en los procesos de vinculación, seguimiento e implementación del Sello Equipares. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 09-Sep-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 26-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82501 Recrutement d'un consultant en charge de l'évaluation à mi-parcours du Programme d'Appui à l'Emergence des Familles Productives et à l'Insertion des Jeunes (PAEFP/IJ) DAKAR SENEGAL IC - Individual contractor 09-Sep-21 26-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82500 LBN-CO-RFP-211-21Assess of Socio-Economic Tripoli UNDP Country office LEBANON RFP - Request for proposal 09-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 26-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82498 Re-Tendering ITB-UNDP-UNCITYCPH-2021-CHANGING ROOM UNDP Common Services DENMARK ITB - Invitation to bid 30-Sep-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 26-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82497 Individual Contractor (IC) – Consultant to develop Iraq's Digital Landscape Assessment RBAS Regional Hub Office in Amman JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 04-Sep-21 26-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82496 PNUD/SDP-469/2021 Elaboración de planes de negocio de organizaciones productoras de cacao de los departamentos de Ucayali y Huánuco UNDP Country Office PERU RFP - Request for proposal 16-Sep-21 26-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82492 International Expert Final Project Evaluation, Sustainable Development and Integrated Water Management Saudi Arabia SAUDI ARABIA IC - Individual contractor 09-Sep-21 26-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82495 National Consultant for Supervision of Electrical Works at the UN House Gambia GAMBIA IC - Individual contractor 09-Sep-21 26-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82493 Изготовление, поставка, монтаж, пуско-наладка одного поста мойки самообслуживания UNDP Country Office BELARUS RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Sep-21 26-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82494 International Consultant - Senior Expert on Information and Communications Technology Saudi Arabia SAUDI ARABIA IC - Individual contractor 09-Sep-21 26-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82491 RFQ 82-2021 for Preparation of a Basic Design for redesigning the corridor of the quay of Vardar River UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Sep-21 26-Aug-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 82489 RFP Procurement of UN House IT Services on LTA UNDP Brussels Representation Office BELGIUM RFP - Request for proposal 20-Sep-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 26-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82490 Individual Consultant - Senior Expert on Statistics, Data Management, and Index Building CO Saudi Arabia SAUDI ARABIA IC - Individual contractor 09-Sep-21 26-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82488 ITB303/21- Rehabilitation of Three Water Pump Stations of Mosul University Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 23-Sep-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 26-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82487 LBN-CO-CFP-205-21 Violence Free Schools UNDP Country Office LEBANON CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 16-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 26-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82486 RFQ N° 0034/BFA/PNUD -2021 ACQUISITION DE SEMENCES, MATERIELS DE MARAICHAGE ET DE STOCKAGE DE NIEBE AU PROFIT DES BENEFICIAIRES DU SITE MARAICHER DE SOROBOULY ET DU MAGASIN DE STOCKAGE DU NIEBE DE LANKOUE UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE BURKINA FASO RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Sep-21 26-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82485 UNDP-RFP-2021-298 - Development of Web/Docu-series to document GLOF-II interventions Pakistan PAKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 10-Sep-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 26-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82482 Local Technical Assistant for Lebap province UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN IC - Individual contractor 08-Sep-21 26-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82481 Purchase of items for Co-Shared Kitchen for BCC Maldives MALDIVES RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Aug-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 26-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82480 Local Technical Assistant for Dashoguz province UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN IC - Individual contractor 08-Sep-21 26-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82479 RFP – Consultancy for Long-term Agreement – Travel Management Firm UNDP Country Office MALDIVES RFP - Request for proposal 30-Sep-21 26-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82478 Review and finalize the UN Welcome to South Africa Booklet South Africa SOUTH AFRICA IC - Individual contractor 07-Sep-21 26-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82477 UNDP/RFP/24/2021 - formulate a Persons with Disabilities PWDs friendly guideline for election management. UNDP - ESP NEPAL RFP - Request for proposal 09-Sep-21 26-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82475 Consultant international en charge de la restructuration de la Fédération des entreprises du Congo (FEC). UNDP Country Office CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 09-Sep-21 26-Aug-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 82476 Rehabilitation of Five Sport Fields at Mosul Uni UNDP Iraq IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 23-Sep-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 26-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82473 IC-2021-121 National technical expert to develop the health governance bodies mapping / Национальный технический эксперт для разработки карты органов управления здравоохранением UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 24-Sep-21 26-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82474 REPOST - National Consultant - Policy notes on "The Socio-economic Impact of Remittances' transfer to Lebanon - LBN-CO-IC-192-21 UNDP Country Office - LEBANON - LEBANON LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 09-Sep-21 26-Aug-21 POLLUTION POLLUTION 82472 IC-2021-122 National expert on the impact of climate change on glacier melting / Национальный эксперт по воздействию изменения климата на таяние ледников UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 09-Sep-21 26-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82471 03 National consultants to Support to General Statistics Offices (GSO) in collecting Multi-dimensional poverty (MDP) data by applying new MDP measurements in 2021 Viet Nam Household Living Standard Survey (VHLSS) (Ref.P210814) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 02-Sep-21 26-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82469 MyRFP2021-023 Consultancy to Document Malaysia's scalable solutions in supporting MSMEs recovery and resilience UNDP Country Office MALAYSIA RFP - Request for proposal 13-Sep-21 26-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82470 02 National consultants to Develop training of trainers (TOT) materials on statistical analysis of legal aid and grassroots mediation (Ref.P210813) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 09-Sep-21 26-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82468 RFQ-CDLG-2021-59 - Printing and Supply of Need Assessment Reports UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Sep-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 26-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82467 Training Service provider on Gender Response M&E System UNDP Country Office BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 08-Sep-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 26-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82466 Provision of Internet Services for UNDP PNG on LTA UNDP Papua New Guinea, Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA ITB - Invitation to bid 16-Sep-21 @ 05:04 AM (New York time) 25-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82465 IC 1320 Apoyo técnico para el fortalecimiento de mecanismos de protección integral para personas defensoras de derechos humanos UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 08-Sep-21 25-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82464 IC No.:1321 Apoyo técnico para el análisis de las propuestas de reforma constitucional en El Salvador UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 08-Sep-21 25-Aug-21 HEALTH HEALTH 82463 Contratacion de Servicios de Laboratorio Clinico UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE HONDURAS RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Sep-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 25-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82462 Support development of feasibility study on coconut husk utilization in Solomon Islands UNDP Pacific Office SOLOMON ISLANDS IC - Individual contractor 12-Sep-21 25-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82461 RFQ-307-21 Provision of equipment materials for Fa UNDP IRAQ OFFICE IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Sep-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 25-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82460 PCI-089-2021 Servicios de consultoría para la elaboración de videos, cápsulas, tutoriales y secuencias audiovisuales animadas. UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 15-Sep-21 25-Aug-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 82459 Development of a dedicated web-based and Android s UNDP Country Office FIJI RFP - Request for proposal 20-Sep-21 @ 11:59 AM (New York time) 25-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82458 READVERTISEMENT-ANALYTICAL RESEARCH IN EAST AFRICA Country Office KENYA RFP - Request for proposal 08-Sep-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 25-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82457 SDP/088/OCR/2021 - SERVICIO DE PRODUCCIÓN Y EDICIÓN DE VIDEO DOCUMENTAL PARA DÍA DE NACIONES UNIDAS EN VENEZUELA CON EL TEMA CENTRAL "RECORRIDO POR VENEZUELA CON LA ONU: TRABAJANDO JUNTOS PARA NO DEJAR A NADIE ATRÁS." UNDP Country Office VENEZUELA RFP - Request for proposal 08-Sep-21 25-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82456 PNUD/IC-431-2021 "Consultoría para promover la constitución de una empresa social que apoye al ECA-RCA a comercializar productos agroforestales, forestales y otros que beneficien a las comunidades indígenas asociadas; implementando los acuerdos de conser UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE PERU IC - Individual contractor 03-Sep-21 25-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82403 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA (SdP) N° COL‐0000151866 -Identificación y caracterización de relaves mineros contaminados con mercurio y presentación de una propuesta para su gestión técnico económica. UNDP Country Office, COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 10-Sep-21 25-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82455 CLOSED EARLY
SDP-43-2021 "ENCUESTA MEDICION PERCEPCION SOCIAL TC" UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 08-Sep-23 25-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82454 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) – PROVISION OF DIGITAL SUPPORT SERVICES TO THE SUPPLIER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME (SDP BOTSWANA BOTSWANA RFP - Request for proposal 08-Sep-21 25-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82453 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) – CONSULTANCY SERVICES TO DEVELOP A MONITORING AND EVALUATION SYSTEM FOR MINISTRY OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT IN BOTSWANA BOTSWANA BOTSWANA RFP - Request for proposal 17-Sep-21 25-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82438 01 National Consultant to conduct a mid-term evaluation of a project UNDP Country Office VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 06-Sep-21 25-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82442 Long-Term Agreement (LTA) for "Supply of Stationary" UNDP Country Office TURKEY RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Sep-21 25-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82452 UNDP-RFP-2021-293- Hiring of Consultant Firm/Organization For Research, Dialogue, Advocacy and Capacity Building for SDGs Pakistan PAKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 15-Sep-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 25-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82450 RFQ_44_2021 Xinavane Macomia Primary school rehabilitation UNDP Country Office MOZAMBIQUE RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Sep-21 25-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82449 Interpretation and Translation Services Rwanda RWANDA RFP - Request for proposal 15-Sep-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 25-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82448 UNDP-RFQ-2021-294 - Construction of Shelters in Gawadar Pakistan PAKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Sep-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 25-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82447 MyRFP2021-022 Photo competition management services for #PulihAlamKita photo contest UNDP Country Office MALAYSIA RFP - Request for proposal 15-Sep-21 25-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82446 Individual Contract (IC) - Environment and Water management Specialist RBAS Regional Hub JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 03-Sep-21 25-Aug-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 82445 Consultancy Service as Agricultural Business Development Expert for Digital Solutions to Enhance Marketing and Business Skills of Rural Smallholders in Turkey to Mitigate the Impact of COVID-19 UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 08-Sep-21 25-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82444 Purchase of items for Co-Shared Kitchen for BCC Maldives MALDIVES RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Aug-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 25-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82441 IC-2021-085 Expert-geobotanist-florist on the development of sections of the Scientific Background report and Feasibility Study for the creation of 5 new PAs and a program for monitoring the biodiversity of 5 pilot PAs/Эксперт-геоботаник-флорист по разра UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 09-Sep-21 25-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82443 RFP JOF 2756-2021 Event ID 0000010205 UNDP Brazil Country Office BRAZIL RFP - Request for proposal 22-Oct-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 25-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82439 CHL/SDP/131/2021Diseño de Reglas de Contabilidad para la Cuantificación de Reducción y Remoción de Emisiones de GEI a Nivel de Proyectos para Tres Tipologías de Proyecto del Sector Silvicultura" UNDP Country Office CHILE RFP - Request for proposal 16-Sep-21 25-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82440 RFQ-300-21 Rehabilitation and Furniture of Ainalhosan Primary Mixed Schools (N & S) in Sinjar-Ninawa Governorate Iraq IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Sep-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 25-Aug-21 HEALTH HEALTH 82437 Fourniture livraison matériels et équipements de Laboratoire Dispensaire UN RBA CHAD RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Sep-21 25-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82111 CLOSED EARLY
CANCELLED: RFP (N-210801) – National Firm/Institution/Organization for Development of household-level database for 14 coastal provinces UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 01-Sep-21 25-Aug-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 82436 Video Conferencing System for UNDP UNDP Maldives Country Office MALDIVES RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Sep-21 @ 06:56 AM (New York time) 25-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82435 Recrutement d'un(e) Evaluateur, Consultant National Associé (e) pour le RCO (Poste 2) Niger NIGER IC - Individual contractor 31-Aug-21 25-Aug-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 82434 BBRFQ152250 - Acquisition of 3 Passenger Bus Barbados BARBADOS RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Sep-21 25-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82433 Recrutement d'un(e) Evaluateur, Consultant National Associé (e) pour le RCO Niger NIGER IC - Individual contractor 31-Aug-21 25-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82432 National consultant to Support Ruwwad Al Aghawar Cooperative and 10 Community-Based Organizations in Business Development Activities UNDP Country Office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 01-Sep-21 25-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82430 RFP-PVE-2021-61 - Request for Proposal - Communication products for PVE project UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFP - Request for proposal 15-Sep-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 25-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82431 CFP-YPI-2021-60 CSO Engagement on Youth Participation and Engagement for a Healthier, Equitable, Safer and United Sri Lanka UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 16-Sep-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 25-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82428 LBN-CO-RFQ-209-21 - Man-portable tactical SUAV UNDP Country Office - LEBANON - LEBANON LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 25-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82426 Request for Proposal for Preparing National Action Plan Against Suicide UNDP Country Office for AISN Nepal NEPAL RFP - Request for proposal 08-Sep-21 @ 07:15 AM (New York time) 25-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82427 RFP 716 Adequacy Decision of the EU Re-advertised UNDP Country Office Serbia SERBIA RFP - Request for proposal 01-Sep-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 25-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82425 RFQ/LBY/SLCRR/2021/048 - Rehabilitation of Potable Water Line Network in Jizau, Heg'hagel and Dulaym Areas in Murzuk Municipality, Libya. UNDP Country Office LIBYA RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Sep-21 25-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82424 N° ICN-021-2021_Recrutement d'un consultant/e national/e en appui à l'atelier national pour la mise en place Cadre Stratégique Prioritaire pour la Consolidation de la Paix en Mauritanie (CSPP.2021-2024) UNDP CO MAURITANIA IC - Individual contractor 01-Sep-21 25-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82423 RFQ 26-21 Rental equipment for simultaneous translation UNDP CO MONTENEGRO RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Sep-21 25-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82422 RFQ 25-21 Media Tender UNDP CO MONTENEGRO RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Sep-21 25-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82421 ITP/002/21 INVITATION TO PREQUALIFY, PROCUREMENT, DELIVERY AND INSTALLATION OF CERTIFIED PELLET FURNACES/BOILERS AND HEAT PUMPS IN HOUSEHOLDS IN SARAJEVO CANTON UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA ITP - Invitation to pre-qualify 31-Dec-21 25-Aug-21 RURAL DEV'T.  (MISCELLANY) RURAL DEV'T. (MISCELLANY) 82420 Fourniture de kits de travail UNDP Burundi BURUNDI ITB - Invitation to bid 07-Sep-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 25-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82419 Impression et multiplication des documents UNDP Burundi BURUNDI ITB - Invitation to bid 10-Sep-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 25-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82416 LBN-CO-RFQ-210-21-Vehicle Surveillance Scanner UNDP Country Office - LEBANON - LEBANON LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 25-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82368 ITB- LTA for Event Management Services for UNDP CO UNDP Co and Projects AFGHANISTAN ITB - Invitation to bid 10-Nov-21 @ 07:30 AM (New York time) 25-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82415 IC-069/21- International Gender Expert Country Office IRAQ IC - Individual contractor 09-Sep-21 25-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82413 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION FROM NGO UNDP CO AFGHANISTAN RFI - Request for Information 19-Sep-21 @ 07:30 AM (New York time) 25-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82414 189-2021-ITB-UNDP-SDRR UNDP Country Office TAJIKISTAN ITB - Invitation to bid 08-Sep-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 25-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82412 Production of Community Environmental Empowerment and Action Campaign Material South Africa SOUTH AFRICA RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Aug-21 25-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER UNDP-BD-00001 for 'Hiring a firm for public Outreach, positive branding and communications for UNDP-BD BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 21-Sep-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 25-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82411 Baseline and Needs Assessment for Victim Assistanc UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFP - Request for proposal 24-Sep-21 @ 05:15 AM (New York time) 24-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82410 RFQ/UNDP/RC Office/019/2021 – Online Survey Country Office INDONESIA RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Sep-21 24-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82409 4379 PAN 2021 – Adquisición de Materiales y Equipos, para la demolición y reposición de pavimento, y para reparación de tuberías de agua potable con fugas en el Sector de France Field, Coco Solito y Coco Solo Este en la Zona Libre de Colón. Panama PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Sep-21 24-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82407 National Consultancy: Provincial Ecosystem and Forestry Coordinator in Enga province of Papua New Guinea UNDP PNG Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 08-Sep-21 24-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82408 CHL/SDC/116/2021 MATERIAL PARA COMPOSTAJE FAMILIAR UNDP Country Office CHILE RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Sep-21 24-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82406 PNUD/SDC-377/2021 – Acuerdo a Largo plazo para el servicio de publicación de avisos en diarios UNDP Country Office - PERU PERU RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Sep-21 24-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82404 Invitacion a Licitar -Proceso No. COL 00000149398 UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA ITB - Invitation to bid 16-Sep-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 24-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82402 CHL/SDC/115/2021 "7 PUNTOS VERDES EN CHILOE" UNDP Country Office CHILE RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Sep-21 24-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82401 SDC/00126057/104/2021" ADQUISICIÓN DE ROLLOS DE TAPE Y ROLLOS DE PALETIZADOR" Oficina de Pais HONDURAS RFQ - Request for quotation 31-Aug-21 24-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82400 Architect (National Consultant) UNDP Country Office TIMOR LESTE IC - Individual contractor 09-Sep-21 24-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82399 RFQ 295-21- Rehabilitation of Study Hall-College Country Office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Sep-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 24-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82398 Supply of Genuine DAMEN Spare Parts for TUG-BOATS UNDP Country Office YEMEN RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Oct-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 24-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82396 Individual Contractor (IC) – Behavioural Insights Advisor RBAS REGIONAL HUB JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 03-Sep-21 24-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82318 Development of E-government Strategy National Consultant UNDP Country Office TIMOR LESTE IC - Individual contractor 07-Sep-21 24-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82395 03 consultants to Develop a handbook for mediators on professional skills in court-annexed dialogue and mediation (Ref.P210812) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 05-Sep-21 24-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82394 Recrutement d'un(e) consultant(e) Spécialiste en élaboration des projets/Programmes pour le RCO Niger country Office NIGER IC - Individual contractor 07-Sep-21 24-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82392 Recrutement d'un Chauffeur pour le compte du projet Migration Mixte Niger country Office NIGER IC - Individual contractor 07-Sep-21 24-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82391 Recrutement d'un(e) consultant(e) national(e) assistant ( e ) exécutif (ve) pour le RCO Niger country Office NIGER IC - Individual contractor 07-Sep-21 24-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82390 RFQ42-2021 Macomia Residences UNDP Country Office MOZAMBIQUE RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Sep-21 24-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82389 ITB Fourniture de Toles dans les provinces Gitega et Bujumbura UNDP CO BURUNDI ITB - Invitation to bid 06-Sep-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 24-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82388 SDP-035-2021 Capacitación en Project Management del área IEG UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Sep-21 24-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82387 Recrutement d'un (e ) consultant (e) national (e ) en charge de l'évaluation à mi-parcours du Projet d'Appui au Développement Local à la Résilience Country Office CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 04-Oct-21 24-Aug-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 82385 RFQ_41_2021 - LAN Pemba Sub-office UNDP Country Office MOZAMBIQUE RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Aug-21 24-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82386 PCI-088-2021 Consultoría indiv para el diseño de guías modelo en materia de ética e integridad en el serv público p/Contralorías o equiv de gobiernos estatales, Auditorías Superiores Estatales y Sistemas Estatales Anticorrupción, respectivamente UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 14-Sep-21 24-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82384 Закупка услуг по оценке потенциала накопления углерода и поглощения парниковых газов в секторе «Сельское хозяйство» UNDP Country Office BELARUS RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Oct-21 24-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82383 RFQ80-2021 for Supervision on Construction works for Regulation of Torrent in the village of Shipkovica, Municipality of Tetovo UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Sep-21 24-Aug-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 82382 ItB2353 Procurement of IT Equipment on LTA UNDP Country Office MOLDOVA ITB - Invitation to bid 01-Oct-21 @ 09:30 AM (New York time) 24-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82381 CHL/SDP/128/2021 Diseño de reglas de contabilidad, para la cuantificación de reducción de emisiones de GEI a nivel de proyectos, para tres tipologías de proyecto del sector residuos (Residuos de la construcción y demolición, Residuos de envases, ... UNDP Country Office CHILE RFP - Request for proposal 15-Sep-21 24-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82380 RFQ 43 2021 UNDP Mozambique MOZAMBIQUE RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Sep-21 @ 02:00 PM (New York time) 24-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82377 RFP/020/21 – тендер на проведение исследования «Усиление институциональных основ защиты прав и интересов молодежи в рамках Проекта "Молодёжь за социальную гармонию в Ферганской долине UNDP Uzbekistan UZBEKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 07-Sep-21 24-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82379 RFP/021/21 - Тендер на проведение исследования «Оценка соответствия нормативно-правовых основ деятельности местных органов власти стандартам в области прав человека» в рамках Проекта «Молодежь за социальную гармонию в Ферганской долине» UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 07-Sep-21 24-Aug-21 HEALTH HEALTH 82378 LBN-CO-RFQ-206-21 UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 24-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82363 Hiring Firm for Modification/Development of Anondomela Platform and Mobile Application and an aggregated delivery automation module with API connector for Anondomela platform, service providers & merchant onboarding, logistical operations management UNDP Country Office BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 06-Sep-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 24-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82376 Hiring Firm to provide psychological support for Anondomela Women Entrepreneurs. UNDP Country Office BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 06-Sep-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 24-Aug-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 82375 Supply of office equipment and media equipment UNDP Gambia GAMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Sep-21 24-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82374 ITB-308-21 Rehabilitation Housing Works of 121 units in Al-Sa'adiyah,Diyala,Iraq (re-advertised) RBAS IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 07-Sep-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 24-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82372 RFP 010 – RECRUTEMENT D'UN CABINET POUR LA RÉALISATION D'UNE ÉTUDE DES PERCEPTIONS SUR LA SÉCURITÉ COMMUNAUTAIRE SENSIBLE AU GENRE DANS LES COMMUNES CIBLES DU PROJET ''PARTICIPATION CITOYENNE ET COHÉSION SOCIALE'' - PACOS UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE BURKINA FASO RFP - Request for proposal 14-Sep-21 24-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82373 RFQ 45 2021 UNDP Mozambique MOZAMBIQUE RFQ - Request for quotation 31-Aug-21 24-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82371 T210813 - 02 National Consultants to develop training materials for trainers on professional skills of public officials in guiding and supporting individuals and organizations to claim for state compensation UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 08-Sep-21 24-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82369 LBN-CO-CFP-208-21 - Citizen Science in Karantina UNDP Country Office - LEBANON - LEBANON LEBANON CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 13-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 24-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82367 National Medical Equipment Technical Consultant to support COVID-19 health procurement UNDP Country Office VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 05-Sep-21 24-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82366 LBN-CO-ITB-207-21Con of Building and Water tank UNDP Country office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 14-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 24-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82365 RFQ 098/21 Replacement of the old sewerage pipeline sections from basements up to the first outside manhole and painting of the metal fence of the UN House UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Sep-21 24-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82361 Recrutement d'un Conseiller technique national chargé de la rédaction de la Troisième communication nationale sur les changements climatiques et le Premier rapport biennal actualisé de l'Algérie auprès de la CCNUCC UNDP Algeria ALGERIA IC - Individual contractor 30-Aug-21 24-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82362 LGF/003/2021- RECRUTEMENT D'UN CABINET POUR L'ETUDE D'EVALUATION DES SECTEURS GENERATEURS DE REVENUS ET D'EMPLOIS DANS LES COMMUNES DE SEYTENGA ET FALAGOUNTOU, REGION DU SAHEL UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE BURKINA FASO RFP - Request for proposal 14-Sep-21 24-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82364 RE Rehab. of High-Tension transmission lines UNDP Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 15-Sep-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 24-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82359 LGF/002/2021- ETUDE SUR LA PERCEPTION COMMUNAUTAIRE DE LA SECURITE ET LA COHESION SOCIALE DYNAMIQUE DES CONFLITS DROITS DE L'HOMME ET FORCES DE SECURITE DANS LES COMMUNES DE SEYTENGA ET FALAGOUNTOU REGION DU SAHEL UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE BURKINA FASO RFP - Request for proposal 14-Sep-21 24-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82360 Поставка вилочного погрузчика UNDP Country Office BELARUS RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Sep-21 24-Aug-21 HEALTH HEALTH 82358 RFQ/136/21 Supply and Delivery of Personal protective equipment (Protective suit with hood for single use and Protective gloves) UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 31-Aug-21 24-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82357 Midterm Review (MTR) of the full-sized project Support to the Orange-Senqu River Basin Strategic Action Programme South Africa SOUTH AFRICA IC - Individual contractor 24-Sep-21 24-Aug-21 FISHERIES FISHERIES 82356 RFQ-SDR-2021-57 - Procurement of Boats UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Sep-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 24-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82355 Construction of Generator Room in UNDP Office UNDP Country Office YEMEN RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Sep-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 24-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82354 Rehabilitation of External Walls & Main Gate for College of Engineering-Sherqat District-Salahdin Governorate Erbil, Iraq, KRG IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Sep-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 24-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82353 Rehab. and Furniture for Al Rashideen School UNDP Country Office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Sep-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 24-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82351 International Consultant for the Development of the UNDP Philippines' Risk-Informed Development Country Report in Support of the UNDP "Capacity for Experience Sharing Initiative" UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 06-Sep-21 24-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82349 RFQ/2021/13 Renovation of 15 Multipurpose Eco Centers (Package A) UNDP Country Office JORDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Sep-21 24-Aug-21 HEALTH HEALTH 82350 Call for Proposals for CSO-SR Selection - GFP UNDP Pacific Office in Fiji FIJI RFP - Request for proposal 13-Sep-21 @ 10:41 AM (New York time) 24-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81854 SDP/2021/020/Capacitación en Recursos Informáticos para el SIRACUJ UNDP COSTA RICA COSTA RICA RFP - Request for proposal 06-Sep-21 24-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 74482 UNDP-RFQ-2021-288 - Supply & Installation of Passenger Lift at MoCC Pakistan PAKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Sep-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 24-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82348 RFP 2021-69 Capacity building in business law UNDP Country Office KYRGYZSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 06-Sep-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 24-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82347 Hiring an Event Management Organization to organize activities under nutrition campaign in three districts of SWAPNO project Dhaka BANGLADESH RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Sep-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 23-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82346 (Deadline extension#2) T210812 - A National Team leader to conduct a review and assessment of the implementation of Circular 03/2019/TT-BTP dated 20 March 2019 of Ministry of Justice UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 30-Sep-21 23-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82345 PNUD/IC-467/2021 Asistencia técnica para operativizar la Agenda Regional Cafetalera de San Martín. UNDP OFFICE PERU PERU IC - Individual contractor 14-Sep-21 23-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82344 IC NOTICE N°036/2021/PNUD-BFA Recrutement d'un Consultant Régional pour la fourniture de services de formation en cybercriminalité UNODC BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 07-Sep-21 23-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82343 032/RFQ/GLOCOS-2021: impression de registres au profit des centres d'état civil KAYA DORI OUAHIGOUYA UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO RFQ - Request for quotation 31-Aug-21 23-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82342 RFQ N°33/BFA/PNUD -2021: Fourniture et pose de systeme solaire a Kaya. UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Sep-21 23-Aug-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 82341 ICT Equipment, Software, Installation and commissioning UNCDF UGANDA RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Sep-21 23-Aug-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 82292 IC2021/WSM/031 National Database Developer UNDP Country Office SAMOA IC - Individual contractor 06-Sep-21 23-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82340 National consultants to develop handbook on personal rights and property rights of ethnic minority women and children (Ref.P210811) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 14-Sep-21 23-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82339 Provision of Alkaline Batteries- RFQ-YEM-57-2021 UNDP CO YEMEN RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Aug-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 23-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82338 RfP2349 EU4MD Local Strategic Plans Cahul Ungheni UNDP Country Office MOLDOVA RFP - Request for proposal 23-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 23-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82337 RfP2343 Brand Promotion for Cahul and Ungheni UNDP Country Office MOLDOVA RFP - Request for proposal 22-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 23-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82334 Gestionnaire des réseaux sociaux et graphiste UNDP Haiti HAITI IC - Individual contractor 16-Sep-21 23-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82336 International Consultant- Data Analysis for Common Country Analysis (CCA) 2021 for Samoa, Cook Islands, Niue, Tokelau (IC2021/WSM/032) UNRCO SAMOA IC - Individual contractor 03-Sep-21 23-Aug-21 POWER POWER 82331 Adquisición y Instalacion de Energía Solar Foltovoltaica en los Municipios de BOCOCO DRUMEN y de Demostración Hídrica en BELEBÚ UNDP Guinea Ecuatorial EQUATORIAL GUINEA RFQ - Request for quotation 04-Oct-21 23-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82335 Procurement of Educational kits (for Establishment of 2+1+1 Years Long Term Arrangement) UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND (UNICEF) UKRAINE ITB - Invitation to bid 13-Sep-21 23-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82333 Call for Expression of Interest for Renovations for the UN house Lesotho LESOTHO EOI - Expression of interest 01-Sep-21 23-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82332 Provision of Payroll Services UNDP Sub-Office MOZAMBIQUE RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Aug-21 23-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82330 T210811 - 01 National Consultant (NC4) to support to Digital Transformation of Public Administration and Health Services for Building Forward Better from COVID-19 in Viet Nam UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 29-Aug-21 23-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82329 T210810 - 01 National Consultant (NC3) to support to Digital Transformation of Public Administration and Health Services for Building Forward Better from COVID-19 in Viet Nam UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 29-Aug-21 23-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82328 PLAZO EXTENDIDO: CI-048-2021 Consultoría para la Actualización del Manual Operativo del Servicio Nacional de Empleo al enfoque de igualdad de oportunidades e inclusión laboral de personas con discapacidad UNDP DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 17-Sep-21 23-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82327 Global Long-Term Agreements for Supply of Drones PSU Malaysia MALAYSIA ITB - Invitation to bid 30-Sep-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 23-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82326 IC2021/WSM/028 National Safeguards, Gender and Community Engagement Specialist (Re-announcement) UNDP Country Office SAMOA IC - Individual contractor 03-Sep-21 23-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82324 T210809 - 01 National Consultant (NC2) to support to Digital Transformation of Public Administration and Health Services for Building Forward Better from COVID-19 in Viet Nam (NC2) UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 29-Aug-21 23-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82325 RFQ 38 2021 UNDP Mozambique MOZAMBIQUE RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Aug-21 @ 02:00 PM (New York time) 23-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82323 ITB 715 e-Parliament System for five LSGs in Serbia UNDP CO Serbia SERBIA ITB - Invitation to bid 20-Sep-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 23-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82322 Provision of cleaning materials -RFQ-YEM-0056-2021 UNDP CO YEMEN RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Aug-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 23-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82321 NATIONAL CONSULTANT-EVALUATOR (TERMINAL EVALUATION OF THE GOVERNANCE OUTCOME JUNE 2021) UNDP TANZANIA IC - Individual contractor 31-Aug-21 23-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82320 INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANT-LEAD CONSULTANT (TERMINAL EVALUATION OF THE GOVERNANCE OUTCOME JUNE 2021) UNDP TANZANIA IC - Individual contractor 31-Aug-21 23-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82319 RBAS-RFP-010-2021 Social Media Management Services RBAS Regional Hub JORDAN RFP - Request for proposal 05-Sep-21 @ 11:00 PM (New York time) 23-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82315 RFQ 101-21 Supply of beehives for UNDP Armenia Project UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Sep-21 23-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82317 OPEN DATA KIT ENHANCEMENT FOR AMKENI WAKENYA Country Office KENYA IC - Individual contractor 03-Sep-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 23-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82316 ITB 292-21 Supply and Install of Benches for Lab. Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 21-Sep-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 23-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82314 Rehab. Works of 223 Housing units in Udhaim UNDP iraq office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 09-Sep-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 23-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82311 Provision of services aimed at sensitizing and capacity building of local media on PFM and GRB in Serbia UNDP on behalf of the UN Women Office in Serbia SERBIA RFP - Request for proposal 16-Sep-21 23-Aug-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 82310 449-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-EUP Equipment for the Parliamentary Training Class UNDP UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Sep-21 23-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82306 RFQ79-2021 for Training providers for delivery of trainings for care to the elderly, children and adults with disabilities, long term ill with Alzheimer and in need of palliative care UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Sep-21 23-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82309 RFP-CDLG-2021-58 - Proposal for formulation of SDG Mainstreamed Mid Term Development Plans for selected 6 Municipal Councils and 6 Urban Councils in North, North Central, Eastern and Uva Provinces. UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFP - Request for proposal 13-Sep-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 23-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82307 CLOSED EARLY
IC NOTICE N°035/2021/PNUD-BFA Recrutement d'un (e) Consultant (e) National (e) spécialiste en digitalisation dans le cadre du Projet « Transformation digitale inclusive pour accélérer les progrès du Burkina Faso vers la réalisation des ODDs » du PNUD Burkina Faso BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 03-Sep-21 23-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82308 RFQ 75-2021 for Upgrading the piezometers with 5 automatic stations (divers) in Nerezi UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Sep-21 23-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82160 Recrutement d'un paysagiste dans le cadre de l'aménagement de l'arboretum de la forêt classée de Mbao DAKAR SENEGAL IC - Individual contractor 17-Sep-21 23-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82305 RFP 78-2021 for Support to Development of a climate-resilient infrastructure study UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFP - Request for proposal 10-Sep-21 23-Aug-21 HEALTH HEALTH 82304 Supply of clinic and office furnture Sudan SUDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Sep-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 23-Aug-21 POLLUTION POLLUTION 82302 ETH2797 - Supply of Baling Machine for Ethiopia UNDP CO, Ethiopia ETHIOPIA ITB - Invitation to bid 13-Sep-21 @ 07:51 AM (New York time) 23-Aug-21 INDUSTRY INDUSTRY 82303 ITB-297-21 Supply and Install 17 by 250 Kva trans Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 12-Sep-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 23-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82251 RFP 76-2021 for Development of a climate-resilient infrastructure study by the international company UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFP - Request for proposal 09-Sep-21 23-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82301 Consultant To Develop Training Materials And Conduct Training On Gender, Environment, Climate And Energy Nexus Uganda UGANDA IC - Individual contractor 29-Aug-21 23-Aug-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 82299 RFP/UNDP/ACHIEVE/132346/025/2021 – Provision of Long-Term Agreement for SDG Academy Indonesia New Courses & Learning Materials and Programs Development Indonesia INDONESIA RFP - Request for proposal 13-Sep-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 23-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82300 RFQ 77-2021 for Preparation of Technical documentation for construction of wastewater treatment plant in Novo Selo UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Sep-21 23-Aug-21 WATER SUPPLY  (POTABLE) WATER SUPPLY (POTABLE) 82298 Rehabilitation of Pump Stations and Internal Netwo Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 09-Sep-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 23-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82296 RFP-287-21: Gender Analysis on Women's Economic Empowerment Country Office IRAQ RFP - Request for proposal 13-Sep-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 23-Aug-21 POWER POWER 82295 Rehab 2 Elect Network Al Khalis District Diala Irq UNDP Country Office, Erbil, Iraq - IRAQ IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 13-Sep-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 23-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82297 RFP/BIH30/2021/03620 Baseline Study on Care Economy in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Overview of key denominators, policy and programming options UNWOMEN in BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFP - Request for proposal 13-Sep-21 23-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82279 666-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-RPP_Purchase of storage systems and equipment for 6 vehicles (2 Lots)/придбання системи зберігання та устаткування для 6 автомобілів соціальної допомоги (2 Лоти) Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Sep-21 23-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82293 UNDP-IC-2021-291-Technical Support for Improving the Financial Tracking System for SDGs Targets and Indicators in Government of Sindh (GoS) Budget Tracking System (GFMIS & SAP) Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 06-Sep-21 23-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82291 RFP-SDG-2021-56 - Comprehensive Landscape Mapping of Current Social Protection Systems in Sri Lanka. UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFP - Request for proposal 13-Sep-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 23-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82290 Technical Advisor (International Consultant, residence in Cambodia) to develop policy regulations mechanism, tools and guidelines for integrated landscape management in the northern region (Re-Advertised) UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 15-Sep-21 23-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82289 Innovation and Knowledge Management Specialist for the development of a Knowledge Management and Sharing System in Support of the UNDP "Capacity for Experience Sharing Initiative" UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 06-Sep-21 22-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82288 User interface (UI) / User Experience (UX) design and full-stack web development consultant for the development of a Knowledge Management Platform UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 06-Sep-21 22-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82287 National Consultant for the Mapping and Analysis of Key Resilience Development Lessons in Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction in Support of the Risk Informed Development Report of UNDP Philippines UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 06-Sep-21 22-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82286 Anti-Corruption Programme Consultant for UNODC UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 06-Sep-21 22-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82285 National Consultant for the Mapping and Analysis of Key Resilience Development Lessons in Data-driven Tools for Planning related initiatives in Support of the Risk Informed Development Report of UNDP Philippines Philippines PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 10-Sep-21 22-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82284 National Consultant for the Mapping and Analysis of Key Resilience Development Lessons in Conflict Prevention and Peace-building in Support of the Risk Informed Development Report of UNDP Philippines Philippines PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 10-Sep-21 22-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82280 Recrutement d'un (e ) Consultant (e) international (e ) Chargé(e) d'Appui aux cliniques juridiques Country office CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 07-Sep-21 22-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82283 Provision of equipment materials for Sewing and H UNDP SERVICE CENTRE Erbil- Iraq IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Sep-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 22-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82282 SERVICE MOBILE BANCAIRE A DJIBOUTI UNDP DJIBOUTI - RBAS DJIBOUTI RFQ - Request for quotation 31-Aug-21 22-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82281 UNDP-SYR-RFQ- 049 -21 For SUPPLY AND INSTALL IP CC Syria SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Sep-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 22-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82278 RFP-BD-2021-029: Hiring Firm/Academic Organization for A study on scoping of PPP model for low carbon climate resilient infrastructural development investment and institutional strengthening road map for PPPA and Private Sector to unfold the opportunities UNDP Country Office BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 05-Sep-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 22-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82276 AVIS A MANIFESTATION D'INTERET- FOURNITURES DE BUREAU, CONSOMMABLES, INSTALLATION DE MATÉRIEL,SERVICES DE MAINTENANCE REQUIS POUR LE BUREAU DU PNUD DJIBOUTI DJIBOUTI UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE DJIBOUTI EOI - Expression of interest 19-Sep-21 22-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82277 Sensing and Exploring the Iraqi Community Behavior UNDP Iraq IRAQ RFP - Request for proposal 15-Sep-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 22-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82275 Catering for VBSS course MDVRFQ2133 UNDP Maldives Country Office MALDIVES RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Aug-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 22-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81417 Elaboration de 4 PCDs UNDP HAITI RFP - Request for proposal 10-Sep-21 @ 04:30 PM (New York time) 21-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82274 CLOSED EARLY
IC-070/21 - International consultancy: Final project evaluation (Headway Project) Service Center IRAQ IC - Individual contractor 06-Sep-21 21-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82081 Equip for Compost Product Organic Waste Karbala Ir UNDP Country Office, Erbil, Iraq - IRAQ IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Sep-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 21-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82273 Soporte Informático Sistema Informático de Archivo Sindical - SIAS OIT Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 31-Aug-21 21-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82272 Proyecto de Digitalización del archivo histórico sindical en Colombia OIT Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Aug-21 21-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82271 IC/1114157/103/2021 Consultoría Individual Apoyo al fortalecimiento de mecanismos y herramientas de coordinación, prevención y resolución de conflictos impulsados por CONADEH PNUD Oficina de País HONDURAS IC - Individual contractor 02-Sep-21 20-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82270 National Consultant to Develop a Gender Policy with an Affirmative Action - Strategy for the Zambia Police Service Lusaka ZAMBIA IC - Individual contractor 10-Sep-21 20-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82269 PP- Contrato Individual 2504-21 "Diagnóstico sobre la percepción y necesidades de los pueblos indígenas en la prestación de servicios del Sistema de Justicia en términos de acceso, atención y participación" PNUD GUATEMALA GUATEMALA RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Aug-21 20-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82268 National Individual Contractor - Consultant to Develop a Communication Strategy for increasing Female Police Officer participation in Peace Keeping Operations Lusaka ZAMBIA IC - Individual contractor 10-Sep-21 20-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82267 IC-21-151296 Asistencia Integracion Economica Ecuador ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 13-Sep-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 20-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82266 PP- Contrato Individual 2507-21 "Elaboración del Protocolo para la interpretación judicial en idiomas indígenas para el acceso a la justicia en el Organismo Judicial" PNUD GUATEMALA GUATEMALA RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Aug-21 20-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82265 PP- Contrato Individual 2506-21 "Apoyo en materia lingüística en el proceso de elaboración del "Protocolo para la interpretación judicial en idiomas indígenas para el acceso a la justicia en el Organismo Judicial" PNUD GUATEMALA GUATEMALA RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Aug-21 20-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82264 Contrato Individual (CI) 92218-2500/21 "Servicios de Consultoría en Asistencia Técnica para Elaboración de Protocolos para la prevención y atención de casos de acoso sexual en el ámbito laboral en MINFIN y MINGOB" PNUD GUATEMALA GUATEMALA RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Sep-21 20-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82263 PROCESO COL 0000151872 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultor SGR. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 03-Sep-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 20-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82262 RFP.21.103 Individual Giving Digital Marketing Supplier BERA UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RFP - Request for proposal 03-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 20-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82261 PNUD/SDP-419/2021 Identificación y delimitación de hábitats criticos de especies de flora y fauna silvestre amenazadas UNDP Country Office - Peru - Peru PERU RFP - Request for proposal 09-Sep-21 20-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82260 SDP-034-2021 Diseno e impresion de materiales UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO RFP - Request for proposal 08-Sep-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 20-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82259 ACHAT MATERIELS COVID Haiti HAITI RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Aug-21 20-Aug-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 82258 468-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-RPP UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Sep-21 @ 04:59 AM (New York time) 20-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82257 Проведення гендерної оцінки у АТ "Укрзалізниця" UNFPA UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Sep-21 20-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82256 Consultor Nacional para Evaluación a Mediano Plazo - Documento del Programa del País 2019-2023 (Republicacion) EG UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE EQUATORIAL GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 30-Sep-21 20-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82255 Проведення дослідження стосунків в українських подружніх парах UNFPA UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Sep-21 20-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82253 RFQ for the procurement of assorted Tailoring, Bakery and Agricultural Items UNDP Country Office SIERRA LEONE RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Aug-21 20-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82254 RFQ/059/21 - по созданию системы антикоррупционного образования и повышения осведомленности в соответствии с международными стандартами и практиками в различных государственных органах, ведомствах и образовательных учреждениях Республики Узбекистан UNDP Uzbekistan UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Sep-21 20-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82252 LBN-CO-RFP-203-21 Web-based Software UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFP - Request for proposal 07-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 20-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82246 RFP/BIH30/2021/03609 Provision of Services Related to Organization of the 16 days of activism campaign in 2021 - EXTENSION of DEADLINE!!! UNWOMEN in BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFP - Request for proposal 14-Sep-21 20-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82245 RFQ/LBY/PD/2021/050-Provision of Aircraft Charter Flight Services PD Project LIBYA RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Aug-21 20-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82244 CLOSED EARLY
SDC-40-2021 Remodelación del Depto. de Archivo y Correspondencia UNDP Country Office DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Sep-21 20-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82243 Recruitment of National Consultant to undertake mapping and assessment of e-governance initiatives in Ghana UNDP Ghana GHANA IC - Individual contractor 16-Sep-21 20-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82242 UNDP-RFP-2021-282 Capacity Building on Stigma and Discimination UNDP CO Pakistan PAKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 06-Sep-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 20-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82241 Supply and Installation of Solar PV and Battery UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Sep-21 @ 05:13 AM (New York time) 20-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81988 648/IC/RFF/2021 Recrutement d'un Consultant national pour l'identification des chaînes de valeur clés à fort impact socio-économique et potentiels d'exportation, y compris les chaines verte et bleue, sur les marchés traditionnels et dans la zone de libre- MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 03-Sep-21 20-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82240 RFQ 102/21 Kindergarden Renovation at 15 Kochar Street, Charentsavan, Armenia UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Sep-21 20-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82239 IC/UNDP/UNODC/136/2021 - National Expert Consultant for the UN Family Therapy Implementation Study in Indonesia Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 10-Sep-21 20-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82238 CLOSED EARLY
Recruitment of National Consultant to provide technical Assistance to Rwanda Cooperation Initiative on foresight strategic planning. Rwanda RWANDA IC - Individual contractor 20-Aug-21 20-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82235 INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANT TO DEVELOP BOTSWANA'S ECONOMIC DIPLOMACY STRATEGY AND IMPLEMENTATION PLAN. BOTSWANA BOTSWANA IC - Individual contractor 06-Sep-21 20-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82236 IC/UNDP/UNODC/139/2021 - Translator for DDR and Alternatives to Imprisonment Programmes UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 06-Sep-21 20-Aug-21 HEALTH HEALTH 82234 RFQ/135/21 Supply and Delivery of Kit for automatic extraction of viral RNA, applicable for automatic system Nexor 32. UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Aug-21 20-Aug-21 HEALTH HEALTH 82233 606-2021-UNDP-UKR-ITB-RPP Country Office UKRAINE ITB - Invitation to bid 09-Sep-21 @ 04:59 AM (New York time) 20-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82231 RFP-2021-047 Development of a standard model of Isker Ana Center for support of families from socially vulnerable categories/ Разработке типовой модели Центра "Isker Ana" по поддержке и сопровождению семей из числа социально уязвимых категорий UNPD Country Office - KAZAKHSTAN KAZAKHSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 10-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 20-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82232 ITB - Construction du centre de Metier Ruyigi UNDP CO BURUNDI ITB - Invitation to bid 02-Sep-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 20-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82230 National Consultancy for End Term Evaluation of the Legislative Support Project II UNDP Tanzania UNDP Country Office TANZANIA IC - Individual contractor 27-Aug-21 20-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82079 Услуги Консультанта для оценки потенциала накопления углерода и поглощения парниковых газов в секторе «Сельское хозяйство» UNDP Country Office BELARUS IC - Individual contractor 03-Sep-21 20-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82229 National Consultant to Develop a Project Document for Recovery and Resilience-Building in the Philippines UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 06-Sep-21 20-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82228 National Consultant to Develop a Resilience-Mainstreaming Tool to Strengthen UNDP Philippines' Recovery and Resilience Portfolio UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 06-Sep-21 20-Aug-21 POWER POWER 82227 SUPPLY OF 725 and 400 KVA CATERPILLAR GENERATOR PARTS AND FOR UNCS UNDP ABUJA NIGERIA RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Aug-21 20-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82225 MNG/RFP/2021/036 - International Institutions - Design and produce online modules and learning content UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA RFP - Request for proposal 03-Sep-21 20-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82226 International Consultant - Research and Knowledge Management Regional Centre THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 04-Sep-21 20-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82224 RFP2021-61 Digital Ayimdar UNDP Country Office KYRGYZSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 13-Sep-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 20-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82223 Panel survey on the Gendered Impact UNDP MYANMAR RFP - Request for proposal 31-Aug-21 @ 05:44 AM (New York time) 19-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82222 Supply of ICT Cabling, Hardware & Installation for the Solomon Islands Electoral Office UNDP Pacific Office SOLOMON ISLANDS RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Sep-21 19-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82221 02 National consultants for Assessment on Covid19's wave 4th impacts on social assistance beneficiary groups (Ref. P210810) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 25-Aug-21 19-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82220 03 consultants to develop a research report on legal aid providers on-duty at investigation agencies and detention facilities (Ref.P210809) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 02-Sep-21 19-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82219 IC No. 00123371/1317 Implementación del Plan de fortalecimiento de capacidades para la "Agenda de cumplimiento de las Contribuciones Nacionalmente Determinadas en El Salvador. UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 02-Sep-21 19-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82218 PROCESO COL 0000151874 - CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL - Apoyo técnico para fortalecer la sinergia entre el seguimiento financiero y temático de los ODS con el Departamento Nacional de Planeación. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 02-Sep-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 19-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82097 Call for Proposals for Grants- To support to Youth and Women affected by COVID-19 Sierra Leone, RBA SIERRA LEONE CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 25-Aug-21 19-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82216 18901-2021 – Research Consultant for the International Coffee Organization Technical Workstream (TWS) 3 Forum Regional Centre PANAMA RFP - Request for proposal 03-Sep-21 19-Aug-21 AGRICULTURE  SEEDLING AGRICULTURE SEEDLING 82217 RFQ-2021-046_Предоставление услуг по закладке пилотного участка для демонстрации устойчивых сельскохозяйственных технологий на заброшенных сельскохозяйственных землях в Караултобинском сельском округе Кызылординской области UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Sep-21 19-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82215 SDC/00124696/093/2021 Adquisición de Material de Bioseguridad (Gel Antibacterial) para uso de la Secretaria de Trabajo y Seguridad Social Oficina de País HONDURAS RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Aug-21 19-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82214 Recruitement of an international consultant -Expert to develop a regional study on CIMIC lessons learned and best practices in the implementation of UNDP Stabilization programm in Lake Chad Basin Chad, Nigeria, Niger, Cameroon CHAD IC - Individual contractor 31-Aug-21 19-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82212 RFQ 36 2021 UNDP Mozambique MOZAMBIQUE RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Aug-21 @ 02:00 PM (New York time) 19-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82210 4309 PAN 2021 - Evaluación académica y de investigación del Programa de Maestría en Ciencias de la Ingeniería Mecánica de la Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá UNDP Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 22-Sep-21 19-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82213 Recruitment of an Agro engineering enterprise to construct and equip 20 greenhouses Cameroun CAMEROON RFP - Request for proposal 06-Sep-21 19-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82209 SELECTION OF 10 BENEFICIARIES RURAL PRODUCER Cameroun CAMEROON EOI - Expression of interest 06-Sep-21 19-Aug-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 82207 RFQ 103/21 Procurement of base for Mobile Laboratory and Instrumental Diagnostic and Sampling Service Armenia ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Sep-21 19-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82208 CONSULTANT, INSTITUTIONAL MAPPING & ASSESSMENT UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE ON BEHALF OF UNFPA LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 02-Sep-21 19-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82206 REHABILITATION OF BANGANG MARKET IN WABANE Sub-div Cameroun CAMEROON ITB - Invitation to bid 05-Sep-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 19-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82205 Recrutement d'un Consultant National Spécialiste en Réduction des risques et Catastrophes NIGER NIGER IC - Individual contractor 15-Sep-21 19-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82204 Recrutement d'un Consultant National Spécialiste en Réduction des risques et Catastrophes Burkina Faso BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 15-Sep-21 19-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82202 Recrutement d'un Consultant National Spécialiste en changement Climatique NIGER NIGER IC - Individual contractor 15-Sep-21 19-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82177 Recrutement d'un Consultant National spécialiste en changement Climatique Burkina Faso BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 15-Sep-21 19-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82201 Contrato Individual (CI) 128363-2477/21 "Servicios de Consultoría para Asistencia Técnica especializada en el tema de Género para apoyar al Programa Conjunto (PC): Fortaleciendo la arquitectura financiera para la financiación de la Gran Cruzada Nacional PNUD GUATEMALA GUATEMALA RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Sep-21 19-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82200 recrutement d'un(e) consultant(e) national(e) en charge de la réalisation de l'étude socio-anthropologique sur les normes et pratiques discriminatoires en RCA Country Office CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 03-Sep-21 19-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82199 486-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-RPP_The establishment of telemedicine services in Luhansk oblast UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 05-Sep-21 19-Aug-21 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS 82198 Procurement of emergency communication equipment for the State Emergency Service of Ukraine (SESU) Department in Chernivtsi Oblast UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Sep-21 19-Aug-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 82197 663-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-CO Supply of one vehicle for UNDP CO Ukraine UNDP UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Sep-21 19-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82192 RFQ 097-21 Long Term Agreement for Cleaning of the outdoor area and pointed territories of the UN offices in Armenia Armenia ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Sep-21 19-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82196 Consultant Chef de Projet Fonds d'Appui à l'entreprenariat numérique UNDP Country Office BENIN IC - Individual contractor 25-Aug-21 19-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82194 IC/UNDP/UNODC/138/2021 - National consultant to field test monitoring tool on epidemiological trends in mother-to-child transmission of HIV in prisons and service availability to prevent such transmission UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 03-Sep-21 19-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82193 Consultant pour Assistance Administrative et Logistique UNDP Country Office BENIN IC - Individual contractor 25-Aug-21 19-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82191 Recrutement d'un Bureau d'études, chargé d'effectuer la révision de la Loi cadre de l'environnement (LCE), l'élaboration de ses textes d'application, des textes d'application de la loi forestière et ceux de la loi sur les sachets en plastique, UNDP Country Office COMOROS RFP - Request for proposal 05-Sep-21 19-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82189 Recrutement d'un(e) consultant(e) national(e) pour l'évaluation du système de collecte de données de la filière bois-énergie dans la province de Kinshasa RDC/KINSHASA CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 03-Sep-21 19-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82190 Individual Contractor (IC) – Personal Assistance to UNV RBAS Regional Hub Office in Amman JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 28-Aug-21 19-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82188 ICN-019-2021- Consultant National pour formation sur le contrôle environnemental des établissements classés Mauritania CO MAURITIUS IC - Individual contractor 30-Aug-21 19-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82187 ITB 006GLOCOS21 Livraison de mobilier de bureaux UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO ITB - Invitation to bid 02-Sep-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 19-Aug-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 82186 ITB for Supply and delivery of IT Equipment CO AZERBAIJAN ITB - Invitation to bid 02-Sep-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 19-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82185 Recruitment of National Individual Consultant to conduct a Governance portfolio Evaluation Rwanda RWANDA IC - Individual contractor 01-Sep-21 19-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82184 RBAS-RFQ-012-2021 LTA for Printing Services RBAS Regional Hub JORDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Sep-21 @ 11:00 PM (New York time) 19-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82183 RBAS-RFQ-011-2021 Event Managment RBAS REGIONAL HUB JORDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Sep-21 @ 11:00 PM (New York time) 19-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82182 Call for Proposals for INGOs and NGOs On-Granting Provision Under the "Enhancing Women Participation in the Solid Waste Management Sector in Jordan" Project UNDP Country Office JORDAN CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 09-Sep-21 19-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82180 National Data Management Expert UNDP Country Office LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 02-Sep-21 19-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82181 Baseline national KAP survey on menstrual health & hygiene in Ukraine UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND (UNICEF) UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 01-Sep-21 19-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82179 Procurement of Printing materials (for Establishment of 2+1+1 Years Long Term Arrangement) UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND (UNICEF) UKRAINE ITB - Invitation to bid 13-Sep-21 19-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82178 UNFPA gender study by sectors to contribute to the EU Country gender profile UNFPA UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Sep-21 19-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82176 Програмування двох додаткових модулів навчального он-лайн курсу з вирішення проблеми насильства щодо жінок та дівчат в Україні UNFPA UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Sep-21 19-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82175 International consultant for Mid-Term Review of the Czech-UNDP Partnership for SDGs Istanbul Regional Center TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 30-Aug-21 19-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82173 IC/UNDP/UNODC/137/2021 - National Consultant for Development of Maritime Domain Awareness Network for the Coordinating Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Investment UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 03-Sep-21 19-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82172 02 National Consultants to build the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Investor Map in Viet Nam (A-210803) UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 12-Sep-21 19-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82171 RFQ 74-2021 for Technical documentation for energy efficiency in 4 (four) public buildings, Municipality of Gjorce Petrov UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Sep-21 19-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82170 T210808 – 01 National Consultant to support Project Implementation - National Project Officer cum M&E (part-time, NPO) UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 26-Aug-21 19-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82167 RFQ 713 Medical waste equipment UNDP Country Office SERBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Sep-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 19-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82169 RFP-UNDP-KW-2021-05 Security Guards Services Kuwait KUWAIT RFP - Request for proposal 02-Sep-21 @ 02:36 AM (New York time) 19-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82168 RFQ-UNDP-KW-2021-006 Kuwait KUWAIT RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Sep-21 @ 02:26 AM (New York time) 19-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82166 RFP-096-IND-2021 - Enhancing Access to Social Entitlement in Devbhumi Dwarka and Jamnagar, Gujarat UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 06-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 19-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82138 Javni poziv za podnošenje prijedloga projekata za dodjelu bespovratnih sredstava u svrhu medijske afirmacije ženskog liderstva tokom COVID19 pandemije UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 03-Sep-21 19-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82165 RFP (N-210802) – National Firm/Institution/Organization to support MPI with the development of new circular & guidelines on integration of DRR and CCA into SEDPs UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 03-Sep-21 19-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82164 RFQ Purchase of items for CoShared Kitchen for BCC Maldives MALDIVES RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Aug-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 19-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82162 RFP-CDLG-2021-55 - Conducting a Technical Assessment on Solid Waste Management and Develop Strategic Action Plans in the Local Authorities of North, North Central, Eastern and Uva Provinces. UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFP - Request for proposal 09-Sep-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 19-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82161 RFPMUS2021-010 Local Support LIMS Country Office MAURITIUS RFP - Request for proposal 01-Sep-21 @ 11:00 PM (New York time) 19-Aug-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 82159 REQUEST FOR QUOTATION FOR DESK TOP COMPUTERS AND ACCESSORIES Undp Country Office ZAMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Aug-21 18-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82158 Recrutement d'un (e) Consultant pour l'élaboration d'un Programme cadre pour la promotion et le développement de la culture et du patrimoine comme vecteur de création d'emplois et de richesse en Guinée. GUINEA, Office GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 22-Sep-21 18-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82155 4347 PAN 2021 - Aumento de la capacidad eléctrica para la restauración y rehabilitación del edificio de la Gobernación de Panamá UNDP Country Office PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Sep-21 18-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82157 CHL/SDP/127/2021 Diseño de un Plan de Acción para avanzar en el Logro de la Equidad e Igualdad de Género en la Formación Técnico Profesional, así como de la Inclusión Educativa y Laboral de los Grupos Sociales Vulnerables UNDP Country Office CHILE RFP - Request for proposal 12-Sep-21 18-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82156 Provision of Business Development Services for 40 Women Coopperatives UNDP Country Office TURKEY RFP - Request for proposal 08-Sep-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 18-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82154 IC URU18G31-1139 "Consultor/a local para generar información para la implementación del plan de mejoras del Inventario Nacional de Gases de Efecto Invernadero del sector Agricultura, Silvicultura y Otros Usos de la Tierra del INGEI de Uruguay" PNUD Uruguay URUGUAY IC - Individual contractor 03-Sep-21 18-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82153 Firme internationale sur la configuration, réparation et la maintenance des stations sismiques Haiti HAITI Other 06-Sep-21 18-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82151 un.e Expert(e) national(e) – Expert(e) en Entrepreneuriat et Partenariats TUNISIA TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 12-Sep-21 18-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82150 RFP 24-21 development of campaign addressing gender equality in communication UNDP CO MONTENEGRO RFP - Request for proposal 12-Sep-21 18-Aug-21 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS 82149 RFQ 37 2021 UNDP Mozambique MOZAMBIQUE RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Aug-21 18-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82148 Recrutement pour l'élaboration de la stratégie Genre du secteur de l'environnement et du développement durable DAKAR SENEGAL IC - Individual contractor 17-Sep-21 18-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82147 Asesoría técnica para la determinación de los costos asociados a la implementación y el análisis de la relación costo-beneficio diferenciada por estrato de producción de la NAMA del sector ganadero UNDP Office Paraguay PARAGUAY IC - Individual contractor 01-Sep-21 18-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82146 Evaluation finale PNUD-GEF UNDP ALGERIA, RBAS ALGERIA IC - Individual contractor 01-Sep-21 18-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82145 CLOSED EARLY
Consultancy Services to Develop a Public Sector Innovation Information Management System Malawi, RBA MALAWI RFP - Request for proposal 07-Sep-21 18-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82144 Consultant National expert en Evaluation environnementale et Sociale UNDP DRC CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 08-Sep-21 18-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82143 Conduct situational analysis of low carbon, climate resilient actions and develop implementation roadmap for the transition to low carbon and climate resilient Agri-culture in Rwanda UNDP Country Office RWANDA RFP - Request for proposal 31-Aug-21 18-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82142 Consultant International pour l'élaboration d'un Master Plan du Gaz de Pétrole Liquéfié (GPL) pour la ville province de Kinshasa en RDC UNDP DRC CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 05-Oct-21 18-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82141 International Consultancy for "Terminal Evaluation of Wetlands Lake Urmia Component UNDP Country Office IRAN RFP - Request for proposal 01-Sep-21 18-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82137 Consultant International senior en financement du secteur de du Gaz de Pétrole Liquéfié (GPL) dans le cadre de l'élaboration d'un Master Plan GPL UNDP DRC CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 08-Sep-21 18-Aug-21 INDUSTRY INDUSTRY 82140 Procurement of Foaming Machine Equipment UNDP Country Office IRAN RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 18-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82139 ITB2346 Procurement of Reverse Vending Machines UNDP Country Office MOLDOVA ITB - Invitation to bid 03-Sep-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 18-Aug-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 82136 20-UNDPIRH-RFP-202120-M4EG Design and Development of Website for the EU & UNDP's Mayors for Economic Growth Facility Istanbul Regional Center TURKEY RFP - Request for proposal 15-Sep-21 18-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82135 PRICING AGENT, PLACE TO PLACE SURVEY, ICSC UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 24-Aug-21 18-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82134 LTA Capacity Development for National CSOs - NGOs UNDP Syria SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 14-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 18-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82133 Recrutement de cabinets en deux (02) lots pour la réalisation des schémas communaux d'aménagement et de développement territorial des communes de Sandiara et Bargny Country office SENEGAL RFP - Request for proposal 06-Sep-21 18-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82132 Common Country Analysis Consultant Fiji FIJI IC - Individual contractor 03-Sep-21 18-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82131 Re-Invitation of Request for Proposal for Third Party Monitoring of UNDPs Projects UNDP Country Office NEPAL RFP - Request for proposal 31-Aug-21 @ 07:15 AM (New York time) 18-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82130 UNDP-RFP-2021-285- Production of SDGs Video Anthem and SDGs Stakeholders Endorsements Pakistan PAKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 01-Sep-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 18-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82126 Recrutement d'un(e) consultant (e) chargé(e) de l'évaluation de la mise en oeuvre et de l'actualisation du document de stratégie de lutte contre la corruption et le blanchiment des capitaux (DSLCCBC 2013-2017) UNDP Country Office GABON IC - Individual contractor 28-Aug-21 18-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82129 RFP-TKM-003-2021: Сompany services for development of software IS "Statistical Business Register" for the State Statistics Committee of Turkmenistan UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 13-Sep-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 18-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82128 RFP2021-60 Diaspora Engagement UNDP Country Office KYRGYZSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 08-Sep-21 @ 10:30 AM (New York time) 18-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82127 National Consultant on improving the practice of trading houses UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN IC - Individual contractor 31-Aug-21 18-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82125 Acquisition des équipements des jeunes bénéficiaires du MIC Cameroun CAMEROON RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Aug-21 18-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82119 ITB/FJI/JPN/003/21 Construction of Emergency Operations Center in FSM UNDP Pacific Office FIJI ITB - Invitation to bid 06-Oct-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 18-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82124 Recrutement d'un cabinet pour le travail d'identification des entrepreneurs et des investisseurs potentiels dans les installations UNDP CO BURUNDI RFP - Request for proposal 15-Sep-21 18-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82122 RFQ/LBY/START/2021/047 Supply of operational requirements of the tailor shop at Libyan Korean Centre to produce medical gowns, Tripoli, Libya. Libya-Tripoli LIBYA RFQ - Request for quotation 31-Aug-21 18-Aug-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 82123 RFP 714 Test on Completion for Data Centre in Kragujevac (Re-Advertised) UNDP Country Office Serbia SERBIA RFP - Request for proposal 25-Aug-21 18-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82121 RFQ73-2021 for Preparation of Technical documentation for re-construction of facade and roof of the Bambi kindergarden in Makedonska Kamenica UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 31-Aug-21 18-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82120 SDG Investor Map - Public Sector Consultant (National Only) UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 31-Aug-21 18-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82118 MNG/RFP/2021/035 - Local Institutions - Strategic communications planning, production and advising UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA RFP - Request for proposal 01-Sep-21 18-Aug-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 82116 ETH2789 - National Consultant Advertisement UNDP Ethiopia CO ETHIOPIA RFP - Request for proposal 30-Aug-21 @ 09:14 AM (New York time) 18-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82117 SDG Investor Map – Private Sector Consultant (Open to National and International with residence in Cambodia) UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 31-Aug-21 18-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82115 Rehabilitation of Parks in Hawija City Center UNDP Iraq IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Sep-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 18-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82114 RFP-2021-059 Продвижение в регионах концепции VisionZero, направленной на снижение травматизма и инвалидизации на дорогах UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 17-Sep-21 18-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82010 615-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ: "Current repairs of the interior of the coworking center on the basis of the library at the address: 30, Pokrovska street, settlement Pryazovske, Zaporizhzhia oblast, Ukraine" UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Sep-21 18-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82113 UNDP-IC-2021-287 ASSESSING AFGHAN MIGRATION UNDP CO Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 02-Sep-21 18-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82112 UNDP-IC-2021-286 Communications consultant UNDP CO Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 02-Sep-21 18-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82110 MNG/RFP/2021/034 - International Institutions - Live online training for human resources personnel in the public administration UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA RFP - Request for proposal 31-Aug-21 18-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82109 IMPROVING OF PROPERTY RATES LEGISLATION INTERPRET UNDP SOUTH AFRICA SOUTH AFRICA RFP - Request for proposal 03-Sep-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 18-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82108 (EXTENDED2) IC2021/WSM/030 National Consultant for Midterm Review for AREAN project UNDP Country Office SAMOA IC - Individual contractor 14-Sep-21 18-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82107 RFQMUS2021-008 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of armoured cables at Victoria Hospital Country Office MAURITIUS RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Sep-21 18-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER UNDP-MD-00001,1 SSSR/Procurement of IT equipment for Ministry of Defence UNDP-MD MOLDOVA RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Sep-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 18-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82106 4346 PAN 2021 - SUMINISTRO E INSTALACION DE TOLDAS FIJAS EN LA GOBERNACION DE BOCAS DEL TORO Country Office PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 31-Aug-21 17-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82105 4302 PAN 2021 - EQUIPO DE LAVANDERIA PARA EL CENTRO DE CUMPLIMIENTO DE HERRERA CountryOffice PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Sep-21 17-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82104 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA COL-0000151513 - Fortalecer las capacidades de colaboradores del Ministerio de Minas y Energía y de sus entidades adscritas, así como del equipo del portafolio de Desarrollo Sostenible del PNUD en materia de género. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 07-Sep-21 17-Aug-21 HEALTH HEALTH 82103 RFQ-ZIM-GF-022-2021- SW Solar System-CeSHHAR UNDP Country Office ZIMBABWE RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Sep-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 17-Aug-21 IRRIGATION IRRIGATION 82102 Provision of Solar Water Irrigation Pump UNDP CO YEMEN RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Aug-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 17-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82101 Junior Communications Consultant to support the communications activities and products on Green Chemistry Project (Ref. P210808) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 24-Aug-21 17-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82100 PROCESO COL 0000150322 CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL Consultoría para liderar el diseño, la armonización y la consolidación participativa del Plan de Ordenamiento Social y Productivo de la región central bajo el marco de los lineamientos del trabajo articulado UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 31-Aug-21 @ 12:03 AM (New York time) 17-Aug-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 82099 Provision of Technical Training Services UNDP Sao Tomé and Principe SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE RFP - Request for proposal 26-Aug-21 @ 02:13 PM (New York time) 17-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82098 Call for Proposals for Grants- Support to VSLA Youth and Women Groups Sierra Leone, RBA SIERRA LEONE CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 23-Aug-21 17-Aug-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 82096 Re-Advertisement Upgrade of the existing storage s UNDP Kosovo Kosovo, UNSCR 1244 (1999) RFQ - Request for quotation 31-Aug-21 @ 11:30 AM (New York time) 17-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82095 Recrutement d'un/e consultant-e pour la réalisation d'une analyse des obstacles et des opportunités économiques, sur les filières porteuses pour les femmes et les jeunes dans les communes de Bankilaré, Ayerou, Banibangou, Téra et Ouallam Niger country Office NIGER IC - Individual contractor 31-Aug-21 17-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82094 INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANCY- ROLLING OUT OF THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS PLANNING GUIDELINES-MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS BOTSWANA BOTSWANA IC - Individual contractor 02-Sep-21 17-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82093 INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANT TO FACILITATE WORKSHOPS FOR ROLLING OUT THE SDGS IN THE MINISTRY OF LANDS WATER AND SANITATION SERVICES BOTSWANA BOTSWANA IC - Individual contractor 02-Sep-21 17-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82092 Preparing and Publishing Distance Learning Content UNDP Country Office TURKEY RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Sep-21 @ 04:59 PM (New York time) 17-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82089 Improved operational guidance on assets disposal in the context of field entity closure - Home-Based Home-Based UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 31-Aug-21 17-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82088 RFP Development of cost eff sustain timber mngmnt UNDP Country Office GEORGIA RFP - Request for proposal 27-Sep-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 17-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82091 Travaux de réhabilitation des bâtiments du Commissariat de Police du 8ème arrondissement et de la Brigade Territoriale de la Ville de Bangui ;Travaux de réhabilitation des bâtiments des Commissariats de Police des 1er et 2ème arrondissement de l Country Office CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Sep-21 17-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82083 Terminal Evaluation National Consultant Uganda UGANDA IC - Individual contractor 24-Aug-21 17-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82090 RFP 2021-19 : Recrutement d'un bureau d'étude pour réaliser un état des lieux sur l'avancement du processus de la décentralisation en Tunisie UNDP Country Office TUNISIA RFP - Request for proposal 20-Sep-21 17-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82085 Recrutement d'un(e) Consultant(e) national(e) pour l'appui aux activités de planification stratégique et de renforcement des capacités UNDP Country Office TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 08-Sep-21 17-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82086 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA No.: COL-0000151412 - Desarrollo de una estrategia pedagógica basada en el uso de la impresión 3D como herramienta para promover conceptos de desarrollo sostenible. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 14-Sep-21 17-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82084 Technical Survey Expert – UNDP Myanmar UNDP MYANMAR IC - Individual contractor 26-Aug-21 17-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82082 CLOSED EARLY
Recrutement d'un(e) Consultant(e) national(e) pour la réalisation d'une étude sur la société civile en Tunisie UNDP Country Office TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 30-Aug-21 17-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82075 Maximizing Remittances Flows by Improving Cross Border Transfers within ASEAN UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFP - Request for proposal 30-Aug-21 @ 01:00 AM (New York time) 17-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82080 Закупка услуг по оценке климатических рисков и разработку мер по повышению межведомственной осведомлен-ности о вопросах изменения климата в секторе обращения с отходами UNDP Country Office BELARUS RFQ - Request for quotation 31-Aug-21 17-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82077 RFP 100/21 Public Opinion Poll on the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFP - Request for proposal 31-Aug-21 17-Aug-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 82078 UNDPIRH-RFQ-202119 Development of Online Course (Maritime Trafficking) EXTENDED Istanbul Regional Center TURKEY RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Sep-21 17-Aug-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 82073 534-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-SCR Acquisition of one Mobile Centre for the provision of administrative services UNDP UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 31-Aug-21 17-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82076 RFP_LVS_12_2021_PLAN PARTICIPATIVE EROSION MAPPING ACTIVITIES, DELIVER TRAINING ON DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS, COLLECT DRONE PHOTOS AND CALCULATE DEPTH OF CREVICES CAUSED BY EROSION UNDP Mozambique CO MOZAMBIQUE RFP - Request for proposal 27-Aug-21 17-Aug-21 HEALTH HEALTH 82074 LBN-CO-RFQ-201-21 Laboratory Radiology Equipment UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 31-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 17-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82012 RFP 23/21 Research: Assessment of the Local Policies Pertaining to Youth UNDP CO MONTENEGRO RFP - Request for proposal 16-Sep-21 17-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82072 RFQ/058/21 - поставка и установка металлической ограды с воротами UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Sep-21 17-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82070 RFP_LVS_11_2021_Acc Lab_2 Organizations to Collect Geographical Data and Information UNDP Mozambique CO MOZAMBIQUE RFP - Request for proposal 27-Aug-21 17-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82071 RFP-2021-30 HumanRights DueDiligence Manual UNDP- Thailand Country Office THAILAND RFP - Request for proposal 06-Sep-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 17-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82067 661-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ Conducting a survey of 1,000 vulnerable households UNDP UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 31-Aug-21 17-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82069 RFQ/133/21 Supply and Delivery of furniture and equipment UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Aug-21 17-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82068 SOLICITUD DE COTIZACIÓN No.: COL-0000150723 - Servicio de remoción de tierra para ampliación de la cancha de fútbol de la Vereda El Palmar del municipio de Leiva en Nariño, para el beneficio recreativo de la comunidad rural de este territorio como medida UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Sep-21 17-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82066 UNDP-RFP-2021-220 Gender-responsive Roadmap Pakistan PAKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 31-Aug-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 17-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82065 LBN-CO-RFQ-202-21 - Municipal police uniform UNDP Country Office - LEBANON - LEBANON LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 17-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82064 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA No.: COL-0000150436 - Especificar, diseñar y desarrollar los componentes tecnológicos de software, documentales y gráficos que permitan la integración de las salidas de información para la plataforma posconsumo RAEE UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 14-Sep-21 17-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82063 384-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-DIA Electronic application for IDP-related services UNDP UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 31-Aug-21 17-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82062 Individual consultancy - National consultancy - Urban Design in Karantina. LBN-CO-IC-204-21 UNDP Country Office - LEBANON - LEBANON LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 25-Aug-21 17-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82061 RFQ2344 CBM Technical supervision Bender Fortress UNDP Country Office MOLDOVA RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Sep-21 @ 09:30 AM (New York time) 17-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82058 EDFC II/RFQ/002/2021 - Refurbishment works UNDP - EDFC NEPAL RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Aug-21 17-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82059 Safety Measures for Isolation COVID-19 UNDP iraq office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Sep-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 17-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82056 RfP for Design and implementation of awareness raising activity and green chemistry competition among students UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 31-Aug-21 17-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82055 RFQ/134/21 Construction works on 3 mountain facilities in 3 municipalities in BiH UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Aug-21 17-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82054 T210807 - A National firm to produce communication products and run a social media campaign to amplify key message and to raise public awareness using the 5K approach in the context of COVID-19 and disaster UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 22-Aug-21 17-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82053 RFP/016/21 - (re-announcement) Development of legal and regulatory environment for Sukuk in Uzbekistan (for international companies) UNDP Uzbekistan UZBEKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 24-Aug-21 17-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82052 MTR of MTPIII 2018-2022-Foundations and Enablers Country Office KENYA IC - Individual contractor 06-Sep-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 17-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82051 MTR of the Third MTP 2018-2022 -Economic Pillar Country Office KENYA IC - Individual contractor 06-Sep-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 17-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82050 MTR of the Third MTP 2018-2022 -Social Pillar Country Office KENYA IC - Individual contractor 06-Sep-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 17-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82048 Team Leader - MTR of the Third MTP 2018-2022 Country Office KENYA RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Sep-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 17-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82049 Recruitment of National Consultant to coordinate the implementation, monitoring and evaluation, and performance reporting of the Joint SDG Fund Project under component one UN Agencies in Ghana GHANA IC - Individual contractor 24-Aug-21 17-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82047 RfQ2345 CBM Restoration of windmill in Gaidar UNDP Country Office MOLDOVA RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Sep-21 @ 09:30 AM (New York time) 17-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82045 RFPMUS2021-008 Review and update of NIASS Country Office MAURITIUS RFP - Request for proposal 25-Oct-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 17-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82044 RFPMUS2021-009 Management Plan for Mourouk Country Office MAURITIUS RFP - Request for proposal 25-Oct-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 17-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82043 National Consultant for the development of communication materials for increasing legal awareness on criminal records and the rights of expungement UNDP Country Office VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 30-Aug-21 16-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82042 (EXTENDED) IC2021/WSM/029 National Communications Consultant for CPRDESS Project UNDP Country Office SAMOA IC - Individual contractor 10-Sep-21 16-Aug-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 82041 RFP/019/21 по созданию и наращиванию потенциала Общественных консультативных советов (ОКС) при органах государственной власти на местах в 3 пилотных районах проекта ПРООН UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 31-Aug-21 16-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81999 Roster for on-call Documenters (for Filipino Nationals only) Philippines PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 31-Aug-21 16-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82000 Roster for on-call Facilitators (as Individual Consultants) for Filipino Nationals only Philippines PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 31-Aug-21 16-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82039 Consultancy for National Consultant to support implementation of the Communication and Visibility Plan of the project "Strengthening Integrated Sustainable Landscape Management in Enga Province Papua New Guinea UNDP PNG Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 30-Aug-21 16-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82040 Consultant - Baseline Report: Monitoring and Evaluation of Early Access to Justice (National Consultant) UNDP Country Office FIJI IC - Individual contractor 17-Sep-21 16-Aug-21 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS 82038 PNUD-SDC-313-2021 Adq. 03 Estaciones Hidrologicas UNDP OFFICE PERU PERU RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Sep-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 16-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82037 INDIVIDUAL COSULTANT NOTICE: 18906 RSC 2021 – Conduct a Qualitative Study on Family Violence and LGBT Youths in Selected Caribbean Countries Regional Centre PANAMA RFP - Request for proposal 30-Aug-21 16-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82036 Asesoría legal en el proceso de construcción participativa de la NAMA del sector ganadero UNDP Office Paraguay PARAGUAY IC - Individual contractor 30-Aug-21 16-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82034 Recrutement d'un Consultant National pour réaliser la stratégie genre du bureau PNUD SENEGAL DAKAR SENEGAL IC - Individual contractor 26-Aug-21 16-Aug-21 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS 82035 RFQSYC2021-001 - Provision of Internet Service Provider (ISP) for UNDP Seychelles Office Country Office Mauritius and Seychelles SEYCHELLES RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Aug-21 16-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82033 Supply of Oxygen Plant 3 units to Myanmar UNDP country Office MYANMAR ITB - Invitation to bid 30-Aug-21 @ 08:43 AM (New York time) 16-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82032 Información de base para la regularización jurídica de la tenencia de la tierra UNDP Office Paraguay PARAGUAY RFP - Request for proposal 30-Aug-21 16-Aug-21 HEALTH HEALTH 82031 RFQ-ZIM-GF-023-2021- 022-Motorbike Emergency Tool UNDP Country Office ZIMBABWE RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Aug-21 @ 04:40 AM (New York time) 16-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82030 Call for grants applications_Конкурс грантової підтримки місцевих органів громадянського суспільства з метою посилення їх спроможності надавати послуги постраждалим від домашнього насильства та насильства за ознакою статі UNFPA UKRAINE CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 07-Sep-21 16-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82014 Проведення комплексного дослідження обізнаності молоді щодо здорових стосунків UNFPA UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Sep-21 16-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82029 N° ICN-020-2021_Recrutement d'un consultant national, Chercheur(se) pour identifier les obstacles et les opportunités la participation des femmes dans les structures de sécurité de la République Islamique de Mauritanie UNDP Country Office MAURITANIA IC - Individual contractor 03-Sep-21 16-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82028 RfQ for the development of communication materials for increasing legal awareness on criminal records and the rights of expungement UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 30-Aug-21 16-Aug-21 AGRO-INDUSTRY AGRO-INDUSTRY 82027 RFQ 096-21 Supply of stationary milking machines, mobile milking machines and milk cooling tanks (2 lots) UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Aug-21 16-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82026 Consultoría de Creatividad, diseño y desarrollo de las Campañas Creando Conciencia y del SIAM del Ministerio del Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible UNDP Office Paraguay PARAGUAY IC - Individual contractor 30-Aug-21 16-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82024 Construction of Mounting Steel Structure for Solar UNDP Country Office YEMEN ITB - Invitation to bid 06-Sep-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 16-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82022 ICN-019-2021-consultant national pour mener une « Etude du rôle des femmes mauritaniennes dans l'extrémisme violent, que ce soit en tant qu'actrices, victimes ou encore agents du changement social (Nouakchott, Trarza, Hodh El Gharbi, Guidimakha, Tiris Zem UNDP Country Office MAURITANIA IC - Individual contractor 20-Aug-21 16-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82023 RFP-21-031 - Gender awareness materials UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA RFP - Request for proposal 30-Aug-21 @ 02:00 PM (New York time) 16-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81913 LPN Nº2/2021 Proyecto ARG 20/001 - "Adquisición Vehículos Pick up 4x4 Segmento Mediano para la Provincia de Córdoba PNUD Argentina ARGENTINA ITB - Invitation to bid 15-Sep-21 16-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82021 INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANT TO SUPPORT THE PREPARATION OF THE NATIONAL REPORT ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS (SDGs) UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE IC - Individual contractor 31-Aug-21 16-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82020 RFQ-LBY-SLCRR-2021-10050 - Supply and Installation of Solar Street Panels in Emsaed UNDP Country Office LIBYA RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Aug-21 @ 01:00 PM (New York time) 16-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82016 INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANCY FOR THE PREPARATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS COMMON COUNTRY ANALYSIS (CCA) UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE IC - Individual contractor 31-Aug-21 16-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82019 IC/UNDP/IFL/135/2021 - Investment Analyst for SDG Investor Map UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 31-Aug-21 16-Aug-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 82018 RFQ/LBY/PSJP/2021/046 Procurement and Supply of Media/ Audio visual and IT Equipment's for Ministries of Interior and Justice, Tripoli- Libya. UNDP-Libya-RBAS LIBYA RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Aug-21 16-Aug-21 HEALTH HEALTH 82017 UNDP-SYR-RFQ-047-21 For the supply of Pesticide to UNDP Syria Office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Aug-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 16-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82015 Training on verification of fuel dispensers Fiji FIJI IC - Individual contractor 30-Aug-21 16-Aug-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 82013 RFP - Consultancy to conduct a value chain assessment and analysis for agricultural and non-agricultural products in 3 districts of Adjumani, Obongi in West Nile and Lamwo districts in Northern sub-region of Uganda KAMPALA UGANDA RFP - Request for proposal 22-Aug-21 16-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82011 TRAINING FOR SOCIAL COHESION IN PULKA GWOZA LGA BO Nigeria NIGERIA RFP - Request for proposal 23-Aug-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 16-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82006 PRC/ZWE/RFP/0002/16/08/2021 Consultancy to Undertake A Baseline Survey on Citizens Satisfaction with or Perceptions Towards Public Service Delivery in Zimbabwe HARARE ZIMBABWE RFP - Request for proposal 23-Aug-21 16-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82009 IC/UNDP/IFL/134/2021 - Forestry Consultant for COVID-19 and GHG emission Assessment (National Consultant) UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 31-Aug-21 16-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 82008 RFP/033/21 Building capacities of women leaders to better navigate the political system in BiH and to affect societal transformation UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFP - Request for proposal 30-Aug-21 16-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 82005 Supply and installation of Prefab modular UNDP Country Office MOZAMBIQUE ITB - Invitation to bid 31-Aug-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 16-Aug-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 82004 RFQ/034/21 – (re-announcement) Supply and Installation of Drip Irrigation Systems / (пере-объявление) Поставка и установка системы капельного орошения UNDP Uzbekistan UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Aug-21 16-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82003 IC- 068-21International Climate Change and GCF Expert - Home Based, IRAQ Country Office IRAQ IC - Individual contractor 29-Aug-21 16-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 82001 RFP for Consultant Services -Implementation of Pacific Climate Security Risk Assessment & Three Atoll Nations Risk Profile Fiji FIJI RFP - Request for proposal 30-Aug-21 @ 08:17 AM (New York time) 16-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 82002 Request for Proposals from Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including NGOs for application of small grants to conduct public awareness-raising outreaches and information dissemination on alternatives to conflict resolution related to intercommunal conf UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE SOUTH SUDAN CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 30-Aug-21 16-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81376 543-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP: Company to support local authorities to identify pathways towards managing hazardous sites (flooded coal mines), based on local particularities, and determining implications for national and local level UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 30-Aug-21 16-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81998 RfP for the technical support for the finalization of application documents of a selected building for Green Building Certificate UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 25-Aug-21 15-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81997 Social Work Consultant UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 05-Sep-21 15-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81996 RFO - To undertake a Terminal Evaluation for the Project "Harnessing Youth Potential for peace in Uganda KAMPALA UGANDA RFP - Request for proposal 22-Aug-21 15-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 81992 RFQ Lot 4 for Renov. Work of PDs 13 and 16 UNDP CO AFGHANISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Sep-21 @ 07:30 AM (New York time) 15-Aug-21 HEALTH HEALTH 80708 RFQ for PPE Equipment to UNDP Office UNDP Maldives MALDIVES RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Aug-21 15-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 81995 Rehabilitation of Al-Basrah Park - Basrah - Iraq UNDP IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 19-Sep-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 15-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81994 RBAS-RFQ-009-2021-Security Maintenance LTA RBAS Regional Hub in Amman JORDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Aug-21 @ 11:00 PM (New York time) 15-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81993 RFP/2021/24: Conducting Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment (SEA) for the Jordan Tourism Strategy (2021-2025) UNDP Country Office JORDAN RFP - Request for proposal 29-Aug-21 15-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81991 RFP-094-IND-2021-Institutional Contract for Research and ecosystem engagement". India INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 27-Aug-21 @ 12:25 AM (New York time) 15-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81990 645/IC/PDSPE/2021 Recrutement d'un(e) consultant(e) national (e) expert(e) pour appuyer la formulation et le développement d' un nouveau projet à soumettre aux fonds d'échange de dettes russes (Russian debt swap fund) MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 30-Aug-21 14-Aug-21 FISHERIES FISHERIES 81989 662/RFP/PNA/2021 Recrutement d'un organisme spécialisé en développement de la pêche maritime durable pour l'accompagnement techniques et socio-organisationnel des communautés de pêcheurs structurées en associations et unions des associations dans les Rég MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFP - Request for proposal 30-Aug-21 14-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81987 609/IC/RFF/2021 Recrutement d'un Consultant national chargé de l'élaboration de la stratégie nationale pour l'appui et le développement du secteur informel MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 15-Sep-21 14-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81985 Expert dans le domaine Actualisation de la base de données Géospatiales sur les Parc Culturels Algériens UNDP ALGERIA, RBAS ALGERIA RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Aug-21 14-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81986 Recrutement d'un(e) consultant(e) national(e) pour l'actualisation du Programme Prioritaire D'appui Au Développement Durable (PPADD) de la Région Administrative de N'Nzérékoré UNDP GUINEE GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 08-Sep-21 14-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81984 T210806 - 02 National Consultants to conduct a review and assessment of Viet Nam's legal framework on persons with disabilities with a focus on rights in judicial areas UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 29-Aug-21 14-Aug-21 PIPELINES PIPELINES 81983 Supply, Install and commissioning of Renewable Energy Technology Testing Equipment's. UNDP Country Office MALAWI ITB - Invitation to bid 18-Sep-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 14-Aug-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 81982 SDC/00124696/0091/2021 Adquisición de 5 vehículos tipo Pick-UP 4X4 PNUD Oficina de País HONDURAS RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Aug-21 13-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81981 PROCESO COL 0000150915 Adquisición de kit alimentario tipo A para ayuda humanitaria a población víctima de desplazamiento forzado con origen en conflicto armado en los municipios del pacifico Nariñense (PDET), en desarrollo del proyecto 00130451 UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Aug-21 13-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81980 IC No. 00120241/1315 Asistencia técnica para establecimiento de alianzas e iniciativas de innovación en el marco de la implementación de acciones de rescate de memoria histórica y justicia transicional. UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 27-Aug-21 13-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81979 PROCESO COL0000149533 Programa de formación a lideres y lideresas del Programa Nacional Integral de Sustitución de cultivos (PNIS) para el fortalecimiento de sus conocimientos y experiencias en la labor de defensa de los derechos humanos en tres regiones UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 27-Aug-21 13-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81978 National Individual Consultant – The Development of a Public Awareness and Sensitization Campaign as part of a Combatting Corruption in T&T- National Anti-Corruption Risk Assessment UNDP Country Office TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO IC - Individual contractor 27-Aug-21 13-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81976 IC 21 151295 Asistencia tecnica Guayaquil UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 09-Sep-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 13-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81977 Recrutement d'un(e) consultant(e) national(e) pour l'élaboration d'un avant-projet de loi modifiant la loi 2004-45 relative aux manifestations sur la voie publique UNDP NIGER NIGER IC - Individual contractor 25-Aug-21 13-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81975 LOCAL TRAINING INSTITUTE/ SERVICE PROVIDER FOR TRAINING OF ANTI-CORRUPTION INVESTIGATION BUREAU (ACIB) MEMBERS UNDP Country Office TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO RFP - Request for proposal 27-Aug-21 13-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81974 IC 21 151255 especialista en energia UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 08-Sep-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 13-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81972 EVALUACIÓN DE RECURSOS HÍDRICOS EN MIDJOB AMVOM, ANÁLISIS DE DISEÑO DE VIABILIDAD, IMPACTO SOCIOAMBIENTAL Y DISEÑO(3ª PUBLICACION) EG UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE EQUATORIAL GUINEA RFP - Request for proposal 27-Aug-21 13-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81971 IC-432-2021 Espec Tec ProDoc GRH UNDP Country Office PERU IC - Individual contractor 08-Sep-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 13-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81970 EVALUACIÓN DE RECURSOS EÓLICOS; CORISCO; ANNOBÓN Y BIOKO. ANÁLISIS DE DISEÑO DE VIABILIDAD, IMPACTO SOCIOAMBIENTAL Y DISEÑO (4ª PUBLICACION) EG UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE EQUATORIAL GUINEA RFP - Request for proposal 03-Nov-21 13-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81968 Recrutement de deux Consultants individuels nationaux Conception d'un document type pour l'élaboration des annuaires statistiques du ministère du numérique et de la digitalisation Bénin BENIN IC - Individual contractor 20-Aug-21 13-Aug-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81969 RFQ-070-PHL-2021: Supply and Delivery of Various ICT Equipment Manila, Philippines PHILIPPINES RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Aug-21 13-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81967 ITB-UNDP-KALFOR-151196-003-2021 - MEETING ORGANIZER KALFOR PROJECT UNDP Country Office INDONESIA ITB - Invitation to bid 10-Sep-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 13-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81966 BBFRP149387 - Mid Term Evaluation Barbados BARBADOS RFP - Request for proposal 17-Sep-21 13-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81965 RFP 099/21 Providing professional services on developing design package for energy efficiency improvements and renovation of "Health and Labor Inspection Body of the Republic of Armenia" UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFP - Request for proposal 27-Aug-21 13-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81964 Proceso No. COL-0000150895 - Asesora en gestión social para implementar los procesos de compensación a comunidades de vendedores de playa en el marco del proyecto de protección costera de Cartagena. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 03-Sep-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 13-Aug-21 HEALTH HEALTH 81963 RFQ 023-2021-UNDP-UKR UNDP CO - UKRAINE UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Sep-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 13-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81962 RFP 712 Adequacy Decision of the EU UNDP Country Office Serbia SERBIA RFP - Request for proposal 20-Aug-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 13-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81961 LBN-CO-RFQ-200-21Proc of woodchipper Kfarhabou UNDP Country office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 13-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81959 Lead National Consultant to conduct Terminal Evaluation for the Project "Inclusive Development and Public Sector Efficiency (IDPSE) Country Office MAURITIUS IC - Individual contractor 22-Aug-21 13-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81960 UNDP CYP RFQ 197 EID 9838 2021 - Design Services for a Solid Waste Transfer Station Cyprus CYPRUS RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Sep-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 13-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81955 Recruitment of a firm for Public relations services for AU anniversary campaign. Addis Ababa, Regional Centre ETHIOPIA RFP - Request for proposal 30-Aug-21 13-Aug-21 HEALTH HEALTH 81958 ITB 164-2021-UNDP-UKR Procurement of medicines for children suffering from Primary (Congenital) Immunodeficiency (7 lots) UNDP CO UKRAINE ITB - Invitation to bid 31-Aug-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 13-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81946 Recrutement d'un consultant national pour la préparation d'une étude permettant d'alimenter les discussions lors de la 3ème édition de la Conférence Internationale sur l'Emergence pour l'Afrique(CIEA) UNDP Country Office GABON IC - Individual contractor 15-Sep-21 13-Aug-21 HEALTH HEALTH 81938 RFQ-UNDP-HEART-151430-022-2021 Indonesia INDONESIA RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Aug-21 @ 10:30 AM (New York time) 13-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81956 IC-UNDP-21-035-Community Outreach and Counter Violent Extremism Messaging Specialist UNDP Country Office LIBYA IC - Individual contractor 25-Aug-21 13-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81957 RFP 72-2021 FOR SURVEY RELATED TO THE HOUSEHOLD HEATING PRACTICES IN SKOPJE VALLEY UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFP - Request for proposal 25-Aug-21 13-Aug-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81953 RfP2332 Development and Implementation of FCMS UNDP Country Office MOLDOVA RFP - Request for proposal 30-Sep-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 13-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81951 RFQ/132/21 Support in the implementation of SDG Week in BIH for 2021 UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Aug-21 13-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 81950 Construction of a SALW marking machine room at the Albania ALBANIA ITB - Invitation to bid 15-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 13-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81949 RFQ-UNCITY CPH-2021-Staff Workwear UNDP Common Services DENMARK RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Aug-21 13-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81948 IC-UNDP-21-034-PVE Cross Border Pilot Project Specialist UNDP Country Office LIBYA IC - Individual contractor 24-Aug-21 13-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81947 IC NOTICE N°33-2021: RECRUTEMENT DE TROIS CONSULTANTS NATIONAUX (EXPERT EN GENRE (CHEF D'EQUIPE), EXPERT EN COMMUNICATION OU JOURNALISME ET UN STATISTICIEN) POUR ETABLIR LA SITUATION DE REFERENCE DES ANIMATEURS/ TRICES DE RADIOS SOUS L'ANGLE DU GENRE EN V Country Office BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 23-Aug-21 13-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81936 Scoping Research on Digital Finance for Making Acc South Africa SOUTH AFRICA 03-Sep-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 13-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81945 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) – DEVELOPMENT OF A REVISED NATIONAL INVESTMENT STRATEGY UNDP CO BOTSWANA RFP - Request for proposal 13-Sep-21 13-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81944 LBN-CO-RFQ-199-21Proc of Non-Chemical Pest-Diseas UNDP Country office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 13-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81942 National consultants to Develop training of trainers (TOT) materials on criminal records and expungement for judicial officers and prison managers (Ref. P210807) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 29-Aug-21 13-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81943 MNG/RFP/2021/033 - National Institutions - Development of Gender equality training programs and conducting Training of Trainers UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA RFP - Request for proposal 30-Aug-21 13-Aug-21 POWER POWER 81940 SUPPLY INSTALLATION AND COMMISION OF GENSET Nigeria NIGERIA RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Aug-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 13-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81941 UNDP-IC-2021-284 Technical Expert for PC UNDP CO Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 30-Aug-21 13-Aug-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 81935 EXTENSION UNDPIRH-RFQ-202118-Belgica Services-Crew Istanbul Regional Center TURKEY RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Aug-21 @ 11:59 AM (New York time) 13-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81937 ITB CHN 002 Waste Management System China CO on behalf of UNDP Nepal and Cambodia CHINA ITB - Invitation to bid 05-Sep-21 @ 09:00 PM (New York time) 13-Aug-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81933 RFQ-CDLG-2021-54 - Procurement of Tablets UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Sep-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 13-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81934 UNDP/RFP/21/2021 (RE-BID) Re-Invitation of Request for Proposal for Further defining and contributing concrete human rights pathways for a new social contract in Nepal UNDP Country Office for UNRCO NEPAL RFP - Request for proposal 19-Aug-21 13-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81932 RFP-SPC-2021-53 Develop an Inquiry Management System for Department of Labour. UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFP - Request for proposal 26-Aug-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 13-Aug-21 POWER POWER 81931 RFQ-075-PHL-2021 (Re-tender) UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Sep-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 13-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81930 SDC/00128273/098/2021 Adquisición de Servicio de Monitoreo de Medios y Redes Sociales - Elecciones Generales Honduras 2021 PNUD Oficina de País HONDURAS RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Aug-21 13-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81929 IC/UNDP/UNODC/132/2021 - Consultant to Support the Development of an information system (E-Rehabilitation) for the Attorney General Office Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 27-Aug-21 13-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81928 T210805 – A National Consultant on Transportation and Climate Change Adaptation (MT7) UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 22-Aug-21 13-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81927 T210804 - 01 Individual National Consultant on Adaptation Project Appraisal (MT6) UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 22-Aug-21 13-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81925 National Consultant – Secretariat to the Taskforce on the Electoral Reform Solomon Islands SOLOMON ISLANDS IC - Individual contractor 26-Aug-21 12-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81926 UNDP-IC-2021-225: Management Assistant – Special Programme Project on Institutional Strengthening in Pakistan UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 27-Aug-21 12-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81924 MNG/RFP/2021/032 - Local Institutions - Develop/adapt voter training program based on needs assessment and pilots and Conduct Training of Trainers UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA RFP - Request for proposal 26-Aug-21 12-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81923 ITB COL 0000150555 Paneles Solares UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA ITB - Invitation to bid 09-Sep-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 12-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81922 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL: CI/CRI/2021/114049/ MANUD Persona Consultora Nacional UNDP Country Office COSTA RICA IC - Individual contractor 26-Aug-21 12-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81871 Providing Technical Assistance for the Gambia River Basin Development Organization UNCDF GAMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 05-Sep-21 12-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81921 4330 PAN 2021 – Consultor/a Especialista en Adaptación al Cambio Climático Panama PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 20-Aug-21 12-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81920 PROCESO COL 0000151404 - CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL - Profesional Especializado Equipo Técnico con sede Bogotá (5 POSICIONES) UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Aug-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 12-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81916 IC 21 152194 Asistencia tecnica servicios impleme UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 07-Sep-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 12-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81919 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) – CONSULTANCY SERVICES TO REVIEW THE NATIONAL POLICY FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT (2002) AND DEVELOP A REVISED NATIONAL POLICY FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT BOTSWANA BOTSWANA RFP - Request for proposal 03-Sep-21 12-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81918 PROCESO COL 0000148886 Interventoría técnica, administrativa y financiera para la construcción de sistemas de captación y almacenamiento de aguas lluvias en ferrocemento de 5.000 y 20.000 litros UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 19-Sep-21 12-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81917 Proceso No. COL-0000150552 - Proceso No. COL-0000150552 País: Colombia Nombre del proyecto: Estado de derecho para avanzar hacia el ODS16+: Fortalecimiento de capacidades territoriales para el acceso a la justicia y la seguridad ciudadana. Título de la UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Aug-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 12-Aug-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81915 Supply, Install and Customize Accounting Software to 11 SMES, and Train end users UNCDF UGANDA RFP - Request for proposal 26-Aug-21 12-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80596 IC 151025 Recommendations for Mainstreaming Gender in the Climate Change Policy Framework and the National Housing Policy UNDP Country Office JAMAICA IC - Individual contractor 29-Aug-21 12-Aug-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81914 Procurement of ICT Hardware for SMEs UNCDF UGANDA RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Aug-21 12-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81912 RFQ/056/2021 года - Поставка и установка КТПс-25 и КТПс-63 ЭЛЕКТРОСНАБЖЕНИЕ (СТРОИТЕЛЬНО-МОНТАЖНЫЕ И ПУСКОНАЛАДОЧНЫЕ РАБОТЫ) UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Aug-21 12-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81911 IC NOTICE N°032/2021/PNUD-BFA Recrutement d'un consultant, Expert (e) National(e) en sensibilisation et éducation électorales Burkina Faso BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 23-Aug-21 12-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81910 IC NOTICE N°031/2021/PNUD-BFA Recrutement d'un consultant modérateur pour le compte du projet pape au BURKINA FASO Burkina Faso BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 16-Aug-21 12-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81909 Consultancy for MERCIM Mid-Term Review (MTR), Home-based, Mozambique - with in-country and field visits, MOZAMBIQUE UNCDF MOZAMBIQUE IC - Individual contractor 19-Aug-21 12-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81908 RECRUTEMENT D'UN.E CONSULTANT.E NATIONAL.E POUR LA CONCEPTION DU CATALOGUE DE FORMATION CONTINUE DES MAGISTRATS ABIDJAN-CÔTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE IC - Individual contractor 14-Sep-21 12-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81907 IC Organizar e implementar um plano de ações de capacitação que vise a obtenção de certificação BIO/Orgânico e do mercado Justo para agronegócios UNDP Sao Tomé and Principe SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE IC - Individual contractor 22-Aug-21 12-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81906 CLOSED EARLY
Inclusive Digital Economies Consultant, West & Central Africa UNCDF SENEGAL IC - Individual contractor 26-Aug-21 12-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81878 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA COL 0000151174 - Realizar una evaluación y dar recomendaciones sobre la implementación de mejores técnicas disponibles y mejores prácticas ambientales en empresas de interés del proyecto COL98842. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 10-Sep-21 12-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 81905 UNDP CYP ITB 219 EID 10082 2021 - Conservation Works at 3 Sites Cyprus CYPRUS ITB - Invitation to bid 30-Sep-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 12-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81877 Consultancy – Consultant to Support the Development of an Occupational Health and Safety and Well-being Management System (OHSWMS), BMS/UNDP - Home Based United States UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 05-Sep-21 12-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81904 RFP 008-2021-L'organisation des sessions de formation liées à la Réforme de la Gestion des Finances Publiques au profit des cadres du Ministère des Finances et les autres départements Ministériels Mauritania CO MAURITANIA RFP - Request for proposal 26-Aug-21 12-Aug-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81902 383-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-DIA UNDP Country Office - UKRAINE UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 26-Aug-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 12-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81903 RfQ 71-2021 Review of technical documentation for green markets (Lot 1) and stray dog shelters (Lot 2) UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Aug-21 12-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81901 OSS Awareness Campaign Albania ALBANIA RFP - Request for proposal 14-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 12-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81432 ETUDE SUR L'ETAT D'ACCES A LA JUSTICE EN REPUBLIQUE DE DJIBOUTI UNDP DJIBOUTI - RBAS DJIBOUTI RFP - Request for proposal 23-Sep-21 12-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81900 149802-01 Poetry Association and Awards Launch UNDP Country Office SOMALIA RFP - Request for proposal 15-Aug-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 12-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81898 Recrutement d'un Consultant national chargé de l'élaboration du Programme Genre, Autonomisation des Femmes et d'Inclusion des Personnes Handicapées (PGAFIPH). GUINEE GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 26-Aug-21 12-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81899 National perception survey about firearms Albania ALBANIA RFP - Request for proposal 14-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 12-Aug-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81897 325-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-RPP_provision IT equipment for community police officers of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts and for rolling out of mobile application "Rescue 101" in Luhansk and Zaporizhzhia oblasts: Lot 1, Lot 2 and Lot 3 Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Aug-21 12-Aug-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81896 RFQ-276-21- Supply of equipment for AIRCOP project Iraq Country Office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Aug-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 12-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81895 Enhancement to the Online Passenger Locator Form Country Office MAURITIUS RFP - Request for proposal 25-Aug-21 @ 11:00 PM (New York time) 12-Aug-21 HEALTH HEALTH 81894 RFQ/131/21 Supply, delivery and instalation of DNA/RNA extractors UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Aug-21 12-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81893 RFP711 Training on FIDIC Contracts Project Mng BIM UNDP Country Office SERBIA RFP - Request for proposal 27-Aug-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 12-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81874 SDP-41-2021 LTA Svcs. Logisticos y Gestion Aduanal UNDP Country Office DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 02-Sep-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 12-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81892 Recruitment of an International consultant on Business and Human Rights UNDP Country Office TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 25-Aug-21 12-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81891 LBN-CO-RFQ-194-21 - LTA Communication Services - Event ID 0000010106 UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 12-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81890 RFQ_35_2021 Cash for Work Macomia UNDP Country Office MOZAMBIQUE RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Aug-21 12-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81889 EOI 03-2021 Rental of Excavation Equipment UNDP CO Serbia SERBIA EOI - Expression of interest 20-Aug-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 12-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81888 National Consultant for Terminal Evaluation UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE TURKMENISTAN IC - Individual contractor 25-Aug-21 12-Aug-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81887 RFQ/050/21 – supply of IT Equipment/на поставку ИТ-оборудования UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Aug-21 12-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81885 RFQ70-2021 for ASSESSMENT OF THE LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT POTENTIALS AND MAPPING OUT THE PROSPECTIVE LOCAL SUPPLY AND VALUE CHAINS UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Aug-21 12-Aug-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 81886 RFQ/055/21 – Supply of Beekeeping Equipment /поставка оборудования для пчеловодов UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Aug-21 12-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81884 UNDP CYP RFQ 218 EID 10077 2021 - Conservation project designs of 3 Mosques Cyprus CYPRUS RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Sep-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 12-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81883 MSME Development Consultant Country Office IRAQ IC - Individual contractor 29-Aug-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 12-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81882 RE-ADV-RE-RFP-PNG-005-2021 UNDP PNG Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA RFP - Request for proposal 18-Aug-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 12-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81881 National Consultant to support the implementation of Medical Waste Management with focus on the Waste Water Management at the target health facilities UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 03-Sep-21 12-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81880 Consultancy to implement the Innovative Challenge of the Acceleration of E-commerce and SMEs Digitalization Transformation – Re-Advertised (International Consultant Residence in Cambodia) UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 23-Aug-21 11-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81879 Proceso No. COL 00000149400 Invitacion a Licitar UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA ITB - Invitation to bid 22-Sep-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 11-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81876 IC 21 150917 Experto compras publicas UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 09-Sep-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 11-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81875 Provision of Security Services to UN Agencies in Malawi on a Long-Term Agreement basis UNDP Country Office MALAWI ITB - Invitation to bid 10-Sep-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 11-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81873 SDP-033-2021 Asesoría para realizar un proceso de capacitación y acompañamiento para el fortalecimiento de las representantes de las redes del proyecto Mujeres Constructoras de Paz (MUCPAZ) del Instituto Nacional de las Mujeres UNDP Country Office MEXICO RFP - Request for proposal 25-Aug-21 11-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81872 02 National consultants for update on COVID-19 pandemic impacts on vulnerable households (Ref. P210806) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 16-Aug-21 11-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81870 IC 21 150537 estrategia de sostenibilidad UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 01-Sep-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 11-Aug-21 POWER POWER 81869 LBN-CO-ITB-182-21 - LED Lighting Fixtures - Event ID 0000010095 UNDP Country Office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 01-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 11-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81868 IC 21 149896 Evaluacion de avances UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 31-Aug-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 11-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81863 Solicitud de Cotización (SdC) 2451/21 "Implementación de Microevaluaciones para Asociados en Implementación en el marco del Método Armonizado para las Transferencias en Efectivo para el PNUD, UNICEF y UNFPA" y cualquier otra agencia del Sistema de NNUU PNUD GUATEMALA GUATEMALA RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Sep-21 11-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 81867 LBN-CO-ITB-197-21 Rehab Hamshari Hospital UNDP Country Office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 25-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 11-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81866 HACKATHON COLIBRIS Country Office BURKINA FASO Other 20-Aug-21 11-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81865 CONSULTORÍA NACIONAL DE SOPORTE A LA PLANTA RECUPERADORA DE RESIDUOS UNDP Office Paraguay PARAGUAY IC - Individual contractor 25-Aug-21 11-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81864 CONSULTORÍA PARA LA ELABORACIÓN DE PROPUESTAS DE ORDENANZAS EN BASE A LOS REQUERIMIENTOS DE PLANES MUNICIPALES DE GESTIÓN INTEGRAL DE RESIDUOS SÓLIDOS URBANOS UNDP Office Paraguay PARAGUAY IC - Individual contractor 25-Aug-21 11-Aug-21 POLLUTION POLLUTION 81862 RFQ-093-IND-2021 - Supply, Installation, Training & Commissioning (SITC); and maintenance of ambient Air Purification system in Angul district, Odisha UNDP Country Office INDIA RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 11-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81861 National Consultant ICPN: Development of National Strategic Framework for the Blue Economy UNDP Country Office SIERRA LEONE IC - Individual contractor 20-Aug-21 11-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81860 International Consultant ICPN: Development of National Strategic Framework for the Blue Economy UNDP Country Office SIERRA LEONE IC - Individual contractor 20-Aug-21 11-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81859 Recrutement d'un(e) Consultant (e) Assistant(e) Communication et Visibilité du programme INTEGRA mis en œuvre par le PNUD GUINEA, Office GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 24-Aug-21 11-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81856 Recrutement d'un(e) Consultant (e) spécialiste national en planification et développement local GUINEA, Office GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 06-Oct-21 11-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81857 T210803 - 01 National Consultant to support the development of Drug Sub-law Documents UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 18-Aug-21 11-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81855 SDC-2021-011 Vehículos tipo pick-up, doble tracción UNDP COSTA RICA COSTA RICA RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Aug-21 11-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81853 IC-UNDP-21-033-PVE – Local Governance and Research Specialist UNDP Country Office LIBYA IC - Individual contractor 23-Aug-21 11-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81852 RFP 710 Dam on the Baricka River Design UNDP Country Office SERBIA RFP - Request for proposal 09-Sep-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 11-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81837 Recrutement d'un cabinet chargé de la formation, du coaching et de l'élaboration de plans d'affaires pour 08 GIE à la forêt classée de Mbao Dakar SENEGAL RFP - Request for proposal 18-Aug-21 11-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81851 Achat Téléviseurs et Chauffe- Eau des chambres Cameroon CAMEROON RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Aug-21 11-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 81850 LBN-CO-ITB-196-21Irrigation Canal-Network Laboueh UNDP Country office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 01-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 11-Aug-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81849 RFQ/130/21 Supply and Delivery of IT equipment UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Aug-21 11-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81848 Provision of Security Services for UN in Ghana UN Agencies in Ghana GHANA ITB - Invitation to bid 06-Sep-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 11-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81844 UNDP-IC-2021-251 - Urdu Translator - DU Quetta Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 25-Aug-21 11-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81845 Consultant National Senior chargé d'appuyer le MCIA dans la finalisation du document de politique de coopération internationale et l'accélération de la mise en œuvre d'actions et initiatives stratégiques du Département en matière de développement de la co Guinée GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 12-Sep-21 11-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81846 RFQ -ETH2783 - Supply of PPE - UNDP Ethiopia UNDP Ethiopia CO ETHIOPIA RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Aug-21 @ 06:46 AM (New York time) 11-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 81847 RFQ/129/21 Supply, delivery and installation of photo-voltaic solar system on public building JU Dom zdravlja "Dr. Jovan Raskovic", Mrkonjic Grad, B&H UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Aug-21 11-Aug-21 HEALTH HEALTH 81843 Supply delivery of Gas chromatography for UNODC UNODC AFGHANISTAN ITB - Invitation to bid 26-Aug-21 @ 07:30 AM (New York time) 11-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81842 IC/UNDP/RRU-DIRECT/133/2021 - Geospatial Data Processing Consultant (Indonesian nationality only) UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Aug-21 11-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81840 RfQ 69-2021 Review of technical documentation for photovoltaic systems in 9 (nine) public buildings, Municipality of Cair UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Aug-21 11-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81841 Proceso No. COL-0000150822 - Consultoría Subregional SGR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 25-Aug-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 11-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 81839 Rehab Shreaa Highschool 6 rooms Zab Kirkuk Iraq UNDP Country Office, Erbil, Iraq - IRAQ IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Aug-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 11-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81838 Call for Proposals to support the establishment of a regional grant-making entity and the capacity building of CSOs in Central Asia and Afghanistan UN Women KAZAKHSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 20-Aug-21 11-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81836 International Consultant to support the implementation of Medical Waste Management with focus on the Waste Water Management at the target health facilities UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 02-Sep-21 11-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81835 RFQ-CDLG-2021-52 - Procurement of Engineering Equipment UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFQ - Request for quotation 31-Aug-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 11-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81834 TRANSPORT EXPERT FOR THE PROMOTION OF LOW CARBON URBAN TRANSPORT SYSTEMS IN THE PHILIPPINES (LCT) PROJECT Philippines PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 24-Aug-21 11-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81831 RFQ-2021-064 provision of services for the development of thematic maps and atlas of protected areas/Оказание услуг по разработке тематических карт и атласа особо охраняемых природных территорий UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Aug-21 11-Aug-21 IRRIGATION IRRIGATION 81833 RFQ 67-2021 for procurement of Irrigation system UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Aug-21 11-Aug-21 HEALTH HEALTH 76928 RFQ 018-2021-UNDP-UKR for supply of medicines for treatment of patients with multiple sclerosis and medicines and small laboratory equipment for female infertility treatment by means of assisted reproductive technologies (11 lots) UNDP CO - UKRAINE UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Apr-21 11-Aug-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 81832 RFQ/128/21 Supply and Delivery of SUV vehicle and pickup off-road vehicle - EXTENSION OF DEADLINE!!! UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Sep-21 11-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81830 611/RFP/RFF/2021 Mise en œuvre d'une étude de faisabilité de l'établissement d'une facilité locale de fonds de garantie pour le secteur informel à Madagascar MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFP - Request for proposal 25-Aug-21 11-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81829 IC-2021-118 Soil scientist on the development of sections of the Scientific Background report and Feasibility Study for the creation of 5 new PAs/Эксперт-почвовед по разработке разделов Естественно-научного и технико-экономического обоснования создания 5 UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 08-Sep-21 11-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81828 Consultancy to Assist in the Conduct of a Gender Country Office IRAQ RFP - Request for proposal 30-Aug-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 11-Aug-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 81827 Закупка услуг по подготовке материалов образовательного курса для волонтёров и координаторов волонтёрских отрядов по адаптации к условиям Covid-19 UNDP Country Office BELARUS RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Aug-21 11-Aug-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81812 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL - ACQUISITION OF AN ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR UGANDA TOURISM SECTOR Uganda UGANDA RFP - Request for proposal 18-Aug-21 11-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 81826 FABRICATION, INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIONING OF THREE (3) SETS OF ELECTRIC DISTILLERS (150L CAPACITY EACH) UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Aug-21 10-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81825 SDC 443-2021 Servicio de Seguimiento de la Implementación de los Planes de Prevención y Reducción del Riesgo de Desastres aprobados y de las medidas de prevención y reducción del riesgo de desastres contenidas en las Evaluaciones de Riesgo, incluyendo el UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE PERU RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Sep-21 10-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81824 SOLICITU DE PROPUESTA COL-0000151042 - Diseño de una plataforma digital orientada a e-lernimg y eventos, para fortalecer sus habilidades empresariales y generar alianzas entre ellos y externos, de los programas Creo en Mí y Sistemas Productivos Solidarios UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 03-Sep-21 10-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81779 Team Leader - International Consultant/ Integrated Water Resource Management or Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICM) Specialist Fiji FIJI IC - Individual contractor 24-Aug-21 10-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81780 Governance Specialist and Development Management Fiji FIJI IC - Individual contractor 24-Aug-21 10-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81781 National Consultant - Terminal Evaluation of Regional Ridge to Reef Project(6 National Consultants each to be based in country i.e. Palau, FSM, Vanuatu, Fiji, Tuvalu and Samoa) Fiji FIJI IC - Individual contractor 31-Aug-21 10-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81823 IC/1114157/094/2021 Asistencia Técnica Estratégica a la Fiscalía Especial de Delitos Electorales Oficina de País HONDURAS IC - Individual contractor 06-Sep-21 10-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81822 IC/1114157/095/2021 Consultoria Individual Identificación mejores prácticas sobre lo contencioso electoral en L.A. y la implementación de la Ley de Justicia Electoral para fortalecer las capacidades del Tribunal de Justicia Electoral (TJE) de Honduras Oficina de País HONDURAS IC - Individual contractor 06-Sep-21 10-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 81821 RFQ Rehabilitation works for 19 Centers for Socia UNDP Kosovo Kosovo, UNSCR 1244 (1999) RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Aug-21 @ 11:30 AM (New York time) 10-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81820 LOCAL INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANT- Statistical Consultant to Conduct Institutional Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Data Assessment UNDP Country Office TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO IC - Individual contractor 27-Aug-21 10-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81816 CHL/SDP/123/2021 "Curso E-Learning para el Proyecto "Privadas para la Reducción del riesgo de Desastres (RRD) y el Desarrollo Sostenible a Nivel Territorial" UNDP Country Office CHILE RFP - Request for proposal 31-Aug-21 10-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81817 IC 21 149768 Experto MAPE UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 30-Aug-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 10-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81819 National Consultant For The Formulation Of A Common Country Analysis (CCA) For The Republic Of Mauritius UNRCO Mauritius and Seychelles MAURITIUS IC - Individual contractor 03-Sep-21 10-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81818 International Consultant For The Formulation Of A Common Country Analysis (CCA) For The Republic Of Mauritius UNRCO Mauritius and Seychelles MAURITIUS IC - Individual contractor 03-Sep-21 10-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81783 Solicitud de Cotización 115049-2497/21 "Evaluación Final Externa Independiente del Programa Maya Fase III" PNUD GUATEMALA GUATEMALA RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Aug-21 10-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81815 CI/083/OCR/2021 CI/083/OCR/2021 - CONSULTOR NACIONAL PARA IMPLEMENTACIÓN DE INICIATIVAS DE CONSTRUCCIÓN DE PAZ Y PREVENCIÓN DE CONFLICTOS CON GRUPOS DE MUJERES UNDP Country Office VENEZUELA IC - Individual contractor 24-Aug-21 10-Aug-21 RURAL DEV'T.  (MISCELLANY) RURAL DEV'T. (MISCELLANY) 81814 SDP42-2021 ESTUDIOS VULNERABILIDAD ISFODSU UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 25-Aug-21 @ 11:00 PM (New York time) 10-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 81813 Reparación de techos metálicos Piso 1 Edificio de las Naciones Unidas Malabo UNDP Guinea Ecuatorial EQUATORIAL GUINEA RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Sep-21 10-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81810 Recrutement des PME locales pour la production des masques UNDP DRC CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 24-Aug-21 10-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81811 RFQ 095/21 Supply of Electric Baking Oven, Bakery Prover, Dough Mixer, Stainless Table and Mixer (6 lots) UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Aug-21 10-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78139 Expert(e) National(e) en Genre Suivi Evaluation UNDP Haiti HAITI IC - Individual contractor 25-Aug-21 10-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81809 RFQ/127/21 Supply and Delivery of: Rescue equipment and RIB inflatable boats UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Aug-21 10-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81808 National Consultant to provide technical support to the Digital Library at the Governance Commission (GC) UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE ON BEHALF OF UNWOMEN LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 18-Aug-21 10-Aug-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81793 RFQMUS2021-007: Procurement of modelling software for hydrodynamics simulation around Mauritius, Rodrigues and Seychelles UNDP Country Office MAURITIUS RFQ - Request for quotation 31-Aug-21 10-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81807 RFQ 094/21 Supply and installation of solar photovoltaic system in Ayrum city, Tavush region of the Republic of Armenia UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Aug-21 10-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81806 RFP To Conduct Research on Investmentsand Opport UNDP ETHIOPIA COUNTRY OFFICE ETHIOPIA RFP - Request for proposal 30-Aug-21 @ 08:27 AM (New York time) 10-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81805 RfP 66-2021 Design and carrying out public opinion survey on citizens' satisfaction with local services UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFP - Request for proposal 25-Aug-21 10-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81804 RFP 63-2021 Development of Feasibility Study on managing the population of stray dogs in the Vardar Planning Region UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFP - Request for proposal 07-Sep-21 10-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81803 RFP-092-IND-2021-Development of short films on ex-situ conservation of wildlife under the GoI-UNDP-GEF SECURE Himalaya Project India INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 25-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 10-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81802 Review of Kiribati Consumer Protection Legislative Framework Fiji FIJI IC - Individual contractor 25-Aug-21 10-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81800 Providing business development capacity building UNDP-CBARD Project: AFGHANISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 05-Sep-21 @ 07:30 AM (New York time) 10-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81801 Review of Mauri Mark Standards Program Fiji FIJI IC - Individual contractor 25-Aug-21 10-Aug-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81772 RFQ/ACHAT CARTOUCHES/PNUD/001/2021 DAKAR SENEGAL RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Aug-21 10-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81799 RFI-069-IND-2021 - Re-advertised - Request for Information (RFI) from national and/or international CSOs/NGOs/CBOs, referred to as Service Provider (SP) for potential partnership with UNDP to carry out activities under Plastic and Dry Waste Management UNDP Country Office INDIA RFI - Request for Information 20-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 10-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81797 Recruitment of an international Consultant on Prosecution, Rehabilitation and Reintegration Approaches Chad Country Office CHAD IC - Individual contractor 20-Aug-21 10-Aug-21 ROADWAYS ROADWAYS 81798 RFQ_34_2021 ADPP to Quissanga Road works UNDP Country Office MOZAMBIQUE RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Aug-21 10-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81796 RfQ 65-2021 for Preparation of Technical documentation – Detailed design for reconstruction and adaptation with improvement of PHI General hospital Struga - LOT 1 and LOT 2 UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Aug-21 10-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81795 IC-063-21- International Climate Change Negotiation Expert Iraq Country Office IRAQ IC - Individual contractor 20-Aug-21 10-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81794 Promoting Local Disaster Risk Management at Munici Albania ALBANIA RFP - Request for proposal 13-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 10-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81792 Provision of the campaign on Sihanoukville for All UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFP - Request for proposal 31-Aug-21 @ 05:15 AM (New York time) 10-Aug-21 URBAN DEV'T. URBAN DEV'T. 81791 RfP2339 EU4MD ISO Certification of LPAs UNDP Country Office MOLDOVA RFP - Request for proposal 23-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 10-Aug-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 81790 RFQ/125/21 Development and organization of training and testing for obtaining ECDL BASE certification UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Aug-21 10-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81789 CONSULTANT-REDD READINESS PROJECT FINAL EVALUATION Country Office KENYA IC - Individual contractor 23-Aug-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 10-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81788 Individual Consultancy for the Duty-of Care COVID-19 Response and Vaccine Deployment Coordinator for UN in Malawi - IC/MWI/035-2021 UNDP Country Office MALAWI IC - Individual contractor 24-Aug-21 10-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81787 National Individual Consultancy for the Duty of Care Centre Operation Expert for UN in Malawi - IC/MWI/036-2021 UNDP Country Office MALAWI IC - Individual contractor 24-Aug-21 10-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81786 Individual Consultant to develop policy briefs on MW2063 aspirations and Malawi Implementation Plan 1 Strategic Interventions – Pillar 3 on Urbanization - IC/MWI/032-2021 UNDP Country Office MALAWI IC - Individual contractor 15-Sep-21 10-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81785 Individual Consultant to develop policy briefs on MW2063 aspirations and Malawi Implementation Plan 1 Strategic Interventions – Pillar 2 on Industrialization - IC/MWI/031-2021 UNDP Country Office MALAWI IC - Individual contractor 15-Sep-21 10-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81784 Individual Consultant to develop policy briefs on MW2063 aspirations and Malawi Implementation Plan 1 Strategic Interventions – Pillar 1 on Agriculture Productivity and Commercialization - IC/MWI/030-2021 UNDP Country Office MALAWI IC - Individual contractor 15-Sep-21 10-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER UNDP-PSU-00003 UNDP/EOI/OHR/2021/001: UNDP Employee Engagement Framework UNDP-PSU UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RFI - Request for Information 07-Sep-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 10-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81782 01 Senior International Consultant for research on illicit financial flows in Mekong Sub-region (A-210801) UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 24-Aug-21 @ 11:59 AM (New York time) 09-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81778 IC 150580 United Nations Emergency Technical Team Support Advisor - Jamaica UN Resident Coordinators Multi-country Office JAMAICA IC - Individual contractor 25-Aug-21 09-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81777 Habitat Restoration Specialist for Biodiversity Finance Initiative (BIOFIN) Project UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 24-Aug-21 09-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81776 GIS Specialist for Biodiversity Finance Initiative (BIOFIN) Project UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 24-Aug-21 09-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81775 Expert Consultant (National Consultant) on Maritime Security in the Sulu and Celebes Seas UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 24-Aug-21 09-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81774 Communications Specialist (National Consultant) to support the implementation of activities of the UNODC Programme Office in the Philippines UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 24-Aug-21 09-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81773 Technical Expert (National Consultant) on Regional Commitments and Policy Instrument on HIV UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 24-Aug-21 09-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81771 PROCESO COL 0000150812 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultor SGR. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 24-Aug-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 09-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81769 Provision of Third-Party Monitoring Services UNDP Country Office SOMALIA RFP - Request for proposal 27-Sep-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 09-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81770 CHL/SDP/122/2021 Servicio de diseño, elaboración, mantención y soporte de una página web interactiva y educativa sobre la iniciativa narradores, compuesta por un tour virtual de la ciudad de Antofagasta y Taltal UNDP Country Office CHILE RFP - Request for proposal 30-Aug-21 09-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81767 UNDP-IC-2021-252 - Law Enforcement Reforms Advisors - DU Quetta Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 13-Oct-21 09-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81766 PCI-087-2021 Servicios de consultoría para diseñar la estrategia del pilotaje de la Caja de Herramientas de Gobierno Abierto Municipal y brindar acompañamiento durante su implementación. UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 06-Sep-21 09-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81765 RFQ/049/21 – supply of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and mobile control center based on a van/поставка беспилотного летательного аппарата (БПЛА) и передвижного пункта управления на базе фургона UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Aug-21 09-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81764 IC 21 149606 Experto en politicas UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 24-Aug-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 09-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81762 International Consultancy - SLE/ICPN/2021/012 UNDP Country Office SIERRA LEONE IC - Individual contractor 17-Aug-21 09-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81759 IC 21 149605 Experto en genero y finanzas UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 25-Aug-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 09-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81763 PCI-086-2021 Servicios de consultoría como asesor técnico en agroecología como apoyo en el desarrollo de huertos agroecológicos comunitarios en Hopelchén, Campeche. UNDP- Country office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 30-Aug-21 09-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81761 "CONTRATACIÓN DE SERVICIOS PARA CAMBIO DE FILTROS HEPA, VERIFICACIÓN Y VALIDACIÓN DE CABINAS DE SEGURIDAD BIOLÓGICA UTILIZADOS EN EL DIAGNOSTICO DE TUBERCULOSIS EN ESTABLECIMIENTOS DEL MINISTERIO DE SALUD DE EL SALVADOR A NIVEL NACIONAL" El Salvador EL SALVADOR RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Aug-21 09-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 81760 RFQ 64-2021 Preparation of Basic Design Project for crossroads shading urban equipment in the City of Skopje UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Aug-21 09-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81758 IC-UNDP-21-032-Development of PVE School Curriculum UNDP Country Office LIBYA IC - Individual contractor 23-Aug-21 09-Aug-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81755 RFP 68-2021 for Development of NDC Impact Investment Platform UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFP - Request for proposal 25-Aug-21 09-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81757 031RFQFournitureInstallationEquipementsMeteoMedia RBA CHAD RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Aug-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 09-Aug-21 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS 81752 Call for Request for Proposal to develop a Human Risk Data Platform, HDRO/UNDP Human Development Report Office UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RFP - Request for proposal 23-Aug-21 09-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81754 ICN-018-2021-EXPERT NATIONAL EN COMMUNICATION POUR L'ELABORATION D'UN DOCUMENT PROMOTIONNEL ET DE CAPITALISATION DES ACQUIS DU PROJET. Mauritania CO MAURITANIA IC - Individual contractor 24-Aug-21 09-Aug-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81753 RFQ - FOURNITURE DES EQUIPEMENTS POUR LE RENFORCEMENTE ET SECURISATION DES CAPACITES D'HEBERGEMENT DU CENTRE DE DONNEES (DATA CENTER) DU SECRETARIAT EXECUTIF DES TECHNOLOGIES DE L'INFORMATION ET DE LA COMMUNICATION UNDP CO BURUNDI RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Aug-21 09-Aug-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81751 Fourniture de matériels informatiques à la maison de justice UNDP Togo, RBA TOGO RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Aug-21 09-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81749 Recrutement d'un Consultant national pour le développement des critères et indicateurs climatiques sensibles au genre en lien avec les Objectifs de développement durable (ODD) et le plan national de développement (PND) UNDP Togo, RBA TOGO IC - Individual contractor 23-Aug-21 09-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81747 Recrutement d'un Consultant national pour le développement des outils simplifiés pour l'estimation des gaz-à-effet de serre (GES) pour le secteur de l'énergie UNDP Togo, RBA TOGO IC - Individual contractor 23-Aug-21 09-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81748 Recrutement d'un Consultant national pour le développement des outils simplifiés pour l'estimation des gaz-à-effet de serre (GES) pour le sous-secteur foresterie et autres affectations des terres (FAT) UNDP Togo, RBA TOGO IC - Individual contractor 23-Aug-21 09-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81744 Recrutement d'un Consultant national pour le développement des outils d'intégration des changements climatiques dans la planification pour le secteur de l'énergie UNDP Togo, RBA TOGO IC - Individual contractor 23-Aug-21 09-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81745 Recrutement d'un Consultant national pour le développement des outils d'intégration des changements climatiques dans la planification pour le sous-secteur de la foresterie et autres affectations des terres (FAT) UNDP Togo, RBA TOGO IC - Individual contractor 23-Aug-21 09-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81746 Recrutement d'un Consultant national pour le développement des outils simplifiés pour l'estimation des gaz-à-effet de serre (GES) pour le sous-secteur agriculture UNDP Togo, RBA TOGO IC - Individual contractor 23-Aug-21 09-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81743 Recrutement d'un Consultant national pour le développement des outils d'intégration des changements climatiques dans la planification pour le sous-secteur de l'agriculture UNDP Togo, RBA TOGO IC - Individual contractor 23-Aug-21 09-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81750 Procurement of Vest for CRF beneficiaries of LoGIC Project Dhaka BANGLADESH RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Aug-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 09-Aug-21 POWER POWER 81742 Financing Mitigation Outcomes from Solar Solutions UNDP DENMARK ITP - Invitation to pre-qualify 10-Sep-21 @ 10:59 AM (New York time) 09-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79371 RFQ 027 TRAVAUX DE CONSTRUCTION DE DEUX BLOCS DE CINQ BOUTIQUESS Niger NIGER RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Aug-21 09-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81741 4292 UNODC 2021 Consultor/a independiente para el Fortalecimiento Institucional UNDP Country Office EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 30-Aug-21 09-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81740 Analysis for understanding of conflict Dynamic Country Office AFGHANISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 24-Aug-21 @ 07:30 AM (New York time) 09-Aug-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81739 RFQ/123/21 Supply and Delivery of IT Equipment for courts in BiH UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Aug-21 09-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81738 01 International Consultant for research on illicit financial flows in Mekong Sub-region (A-210802) UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 23-Aug-21 09-Aug-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81737 RFQ/126/21 Supply and Delivery of IT Equipment for County Corts in Osijek and Split UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Aug-21 09-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 81736 ITB-279/21 - Installing new compact unit in Al-Siniya District in Baiji - Salahaddin Governorate, Iraq Service Center IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 07-Sep-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 09-Aug-21 PIPELINES PIPELINES 81735 RFQ/054/21 - Поставка полиэтиленовых труб в Ташкентскую и Кашкадарьинскую область UNDP Uzbekistan UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Aug-21 09-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81734 RfP for Conducting a study on circular economy title from chemical to other sectors UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 23-Aug-21 09-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81733 Hiring a Firm Final Evaluation AFSP-III and CCRP Dhaka BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 23-Aug-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 09-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81732 Hiring Firm for Mid-term Evaluation of SHARIP Dhaka BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 23-Aug-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 09-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81731 RfP for the Assessment of the use and release of the short chain chlorinated paraffins (SCCPs) in industrial sectors in Vietnam UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 23-Aug-21 09-Aug-21 AGRO-INDUSTRY AGRO-INDUSTRY 81730 EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS TO SUPPORT THIRTHY WOMEN CAMEROON CAMEROON RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Aug-21 @ 08:04 AM (New York time) 08-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81729 REHABILITATION AND EQUIPPING OF 06 COMMUNITY CAMEROON CAMEROON RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Aug-21 @ 08:24 AM (New York time) 08-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81728 Purchase of items for Co-Shared Kitchen for BCC Maldives MALDIVES RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Aug-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 08-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81727 RFP2021.23 Promoting urban regeneration UNDP Country Office JORDAN RFP - Request for proposal 29-Aug-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 08-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 81724 ITB-147/21 - Rehabilitation and Furniture for (Police Emergency Unit) and (Qabak Police Station)-Talafar District-Ninawa, Iraq - Re-advertisement Service Center IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 05-Sep-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 08-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81726 ITB-280-21 Supply and Install of Oxygen Generator Plant for COVID-19 Hospital in Duhok Governorate,Iraq RBAS IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 22-Aug-21 @ 05:51 AM (New York time) 08-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 81725 CONSTRUCTION OF 33 SHEDS AND A RESTAURANT INCLUDIN CAMEROON CAMEROON ITB - Invitation to bid 31-Aug-21 @ 01:47 PM (New York time) 08-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81723 ITB 004 PNUD MOBILIER DE BUREAU COSED UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO ITB - Invitation to bid 20-Aug-21 @ 07:12 PM (New York time) 08-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81722 International Consultant on Cambodia SDG Budget Tagging in Cambodia UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 22-Aug-21 07-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81721 SUPPORT TO FORTY-SEVEN (47) YOUTH START-UPs OR BUSINESSES MAMFE CENTRAL SUB-DIVISION, THE SOUTH WEST REGION, CAMEROON CAMEROON CAMEROON RFP - Request for proposal 25-Aug-21 07-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81704 ETH2777: Establishment of Long-Term Agreement for Provision of Consultancy Services to Carry Out Micro Assessment for Implementing Partners UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA RFP - Request for proposal 23-Aug-21 @ 11:15 AM (New York time) 07-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81720 SUPPORT TO TWENTY (20) YOUTH START-UPs IN THE SOUTH WEST REGION, CAMEROON CAMEROON CAMEROON RFP - Request for proposal 23-Aug-21 07-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81717 Mapping of Key Local Actors is Available – Build Roster of CSOs, NGOs, local contractors etc CAMEROON CAMEROON EOI - Expression of interest 19-Aug-21 07-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81719 445/RFP/PACARC/2021 Recrutement d'un cabinet d'études national ou international pour l'élaboration de la politique nationale sur la météorologie à Madagascar MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFP - Request for proposal 07-Sep-21 07-Aug-21 HEALTH HEALTH 81718 563/RFQ/COVID/2021 ACQUISITION DE MATERIELS ET DE PRODUITS DE DESINFECTION, D'EQUIPEMENTS DE PROTECTION, DE MATERIELS ET D'INTRANTS MEDICAUX POUR LES ETABLISSEMENTS PENITENTIAIRES ET LES JURIDICTIONS (AUTRES QUE TANA, TOAMASINA ET ARIVONIMAMO) MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Sep-21 07-Aug-21 POWER POWER 81716 SUPPLY INSTALLATION COMMISIONING 135kVA GENSET UNDP NIGERIA NIGERIA RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Aug-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 07-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81715 Consultoría para la elaboración de Términos de Referencia para estudio de factibilidad de proteccion costera UNDP CO CUBA IC - Individual contractor 27-Aug-21 06-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81714 Recrutement d'un consultant international pour l'élaboration d'un plan stratégique de développement de l'Observatoire National de la Jeunesse (2021-2025) GUINEA, Office GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 16-Aug-21 06-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81713 Recrutement « Consultant(e) International(e) pour la prise en charge médico-psychologique dans la région de N'zérékoré » GUINEA, Office GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 15-Aug-21 06-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81712 Recrutement « Consultant(e) National(e) pour la prise en charge médico-psychologique dans la région de N'zérékoré» GUINEA, Office GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 15-Aug-21 06-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81711 PRC-ZWE-RF-0002-06-08-2021 Impact Evaluation Base UNDP Zimbabwe ZIMBABWE RFP - Request for proposal 22-Aug-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 06-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81710 IC ONU/20/002-1102 Consultor/a local para elaboración y ejecución de Estrategia de Comunicación para el Programa Joint SDG Fund Componente 1 PNUD Uruguay URUGUAY IC - Individual contractor 20-Aug-21 06-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81709 SDP-34-2021 CAMPAÑA MULTIFACETICA REDES SOCIALES Y COM. UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 23-Aug-21 06-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81708 IC 21 150153 Consultor evaluacion de avances UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 24-Aug-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 06-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81707 Recruitment of a firm for Development of an Interactive Open Source Based Digital Platform for Comprehensive Data Management of Intersex and Trans-Persons in Zambia Zambia ZAMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 19-Aug-21 06-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 81706 SDC-39-2021 "Ejecución De Servicios Varios En La Residencia Del Recinto Luis Napoleón Núñez Molina" UNDP Country Office DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Aug-21 06-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81705 MyRFP 2021-021 Consultant for sub-study on determining drug purchasing and usage trends in Malaysia UNDP Country Office MALAYSIA RFP - Request for proposal 30-Aug-21 06-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81703 Women's Peace and Humanitarian Fund Call for Proposal UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE ON BEHALF OF UN WOMEN LIBERIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 09-Sep-21 06-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81702 CLOSED EARLY
MyRFP_2021_020 Provision for Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD) training for businesses under the Business and Human Rights Asia project. UNDP Country Office MALAYSIA RFP - Request for proposal 23-Aug-21 06-Aug-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81701 DAOSONORISATIONCPS Country Office CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC ITB - Invitation to bid 10-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 06-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81700 Проведення комплексного дослідження громадської думки щодо гендерно зумовленого насильства у 30 цільових громада UNFPA UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Aug-21 06-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81699 MyRFQ_2021_019 CSO Engagement UNDP Country Office MALAYSIA RFP - Request for proposal 09-Sep-21 06-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81698 Recrutement d'un consultant national pour l'analyse diagnostique pour la mise en place d'une plateforme d'interconnexion et d'échanges d'informations UNDP Togo, RBA TOGO IC - Individual contractor 21-Aug-21 06-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81692 Recrutement d'un consultant national en Génie Électrique/Électromécanique UNDP Togo, RBA TOGO IC - Individual contractor 21-Aug-21 06-Aug-21 HEALTH HEALTH 81697 RFQ 022-2021-UNDP-UKR for Transplant Medical products Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Aug-21 06-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81696 RFP/012/21 (re-announcement) - development of Communication Strategy of the Public Service Agency for 2021-2025 UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 23-Aug-21 06-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81695 RFP-CONSULTANCY SERVICES TO BUILD CAPACITY IN RESULTS-BASED BUDGETING FOR BIODIVERSITY IN THE BOTSWANA PROTECTED AREAS SYSTEM BOTSWANA BOTSWANA RFP - Request for proposal 08-Sep-21 06-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 81691 Travaux de construction du bâtiment du Commissariat de Police de Bocaranga et Travaux de réhabilitation de la Brigade Territoriale de la Ville de Bozoum et travaux de renforcement de la sécurite du site du Commissariat de Police de Bozoum Country Office CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Oct-21 06-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81694 LBN-CO-RFQ-195-21GPS Surveying Machine Litani Rive UNDP Country office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 06-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81693 LBN-CO-RFQ-193-21Prov of Lab Equipments for LRA UNDP Country office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 06-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81674 PROVISION OF MANAGEMENT OF THE UN LESOTHO CAFETERIA AND CATERING SERVICES, ON A LONG-TERM AGREEMENT (LTA) UNDP Country Office LESOTHO RFP - Request for proposal 20-Aug-21 06-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81673 Supply of Office Stationeries to UN Agencies in Lesotho UNDP Country Office LESOTHO RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Aug-21 06-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81690 Vous êtes invité à soumettre une Offre au PNUD RDC en vue de la sélection d'un(e) consultant(e) national(e) pour mettre en place les mécanismes de planification et de coordination locale du développement à travers les Comités Locaux de Paix et de Développ UNDP/PROVINCE DU KASAI CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 20-Aug-21 06-Aug-21 POWER POWER 81689 Supply and Install of Solar System Two Lots. UNDP SERVICE CENTRE Erbil- IRAQ IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Sep-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 06-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81688 Vous êtes invité à soumettre une Offre au PNUD RDC en vue de la sélection d'un(e) consultant(e) national(e) pour mettre en place les mécanismes de planification et de coordination locale du développement à travers les Comités Locaux de Paix et de Développ UNDP/KASAI CENTRALE CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 20-Aug-21 06-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81687 Supply and install 3 ton per hour flour machine UNDP SERVICE CENTRE Erbil- Iraq IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 12-Sep-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 06-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81685 RFQ/053/21 - Разработка 5-ти видеороликов: Имиджевый ролик АГУ (Агентство Государственных Услуг) и ролики по процессу оказания госуслуг и реформированию сферы госуслуг UNDP Uzbekistan UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Aug-21 06-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81653 Consultancy – Design of Tools and Interventions for Ending Stigma and Discrimination against Women and Girls with Disabilities, for the Rule of Law, Security and Human Rights team, UNDP/CB - Home Based - Home Based Home Based UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 29-Aug-21 06-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 81686 RFQ/124/21 Procurement and delivery of various equipment UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Aug-21 06-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81684 JAVNI POZIV WiE Poziv za prijavu prijedloga projekata za podršku razvoju i unaprjeđenju socijalnih usluga na području partnerskih jedinica lokalnih samouprava (JLS), u okviru projekta "Žene na izborima u Bosni I Hercegovini" UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Other 19-Aug-21 06-Aug-21 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS 81683 RFQSYC2021-001 - Provision of Internet Service Provider (ISP) for UNDP Seychelles Office Country Office SEYCHELLES RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Aug-21 06-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81682 Recrutement d'un (e) consultant (e) chercheur(se) pour identifier les obstacles et les opportunités à la participation des femmes dans les structures de sécurité dans les trois pays du Liptako-Gourma (Burkina Faso, Mali et Niger) Niger country Office NIGER IC - Individual contractor 20-Aug-21 06-Aug-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 81681 Supply and delivery of 1 unit of 4WD SUV UNDP - STLRP NEPAL RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Sep-21 @ 07:25 AM (New York time) 06-Aug-21 IMPORT/EXPORT IMPORT/EXPORT 81679 Request for quotation (RFQ) for the supply and delivery of Bajaj UNDP ETHIOPIA COUNTRY OFFICE ETHIOPIA RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Aug-21 06-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81680 National Consultant on the vectorization of thematic raster maps UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN IC - Individual contractor 19-Aug-21 06-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81677 Proceso No. COL-0000150324 - Consultoría para diseñar espacios laborales en el marco de la implementación del proyecto de Smart Working en la Secretaría Distrital de Gobierno de Bogotá (SDG) UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 20-Aug-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 06-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81678 RFQ 22-21 Procurement of solar photo-voltaic systems UNDP CO MONTENEGRO RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Sep-21 06-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81676 National Consultant on Compilation of Glossary UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN IC - Individual contractor 19-Aug-21 06-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81675 RFQ 21-21 Procurement of the Electric Vehicle Charging Stations UNDP CO MONTENEGRO RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Sep-21 06-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81648 Recrutement de 2 consultants (e)s d'expertise internationale pour l'évaluation finale du projet Action, changement et transformation par l'inclusion financière en RDC UNDP-KINSHASA, DR CONGO CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 18-Aug-21 06-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81672 Long-term Agreement for Spot Check Service UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 19-Aug-21 06-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81572 RFP-066 Re-Tender SPAN Terminal Evaluation UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 20-Aug-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 06-Aug-21 AGRO-INDUSTRY AGRO-INDUSTRY 81671 Re-tender: RFQ-052-PHL-2021: Supply and Delivery of Agrifarm Implements Cotabato City, Philippines PHILIPPINES RFQ - Request for quotation 31-Aug-21 06-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81670 A call for low value grants applications among non governmental/non-commercial organizations/Конкурс грантов среди неправительственных/ некоммерческих организаций UNDP County Office KAZAKHSTAN Other 20-Aug-21 06-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81666 RFP-2021-040_Analysis of the potentials of the application of renewable energy technologies in the agricultural sector and rural areas of Kazakhstan/Анализ возможностей применения технологий возобновляемой энергетики в аграрном секторе и сельской местност UNDP County Office KAZAKHSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 31-Aug-21 06-Aug-21 TOURISM TOURISM 81669 Javni poziv za podnošenje prijava za dodjelu bespovratnih sredstava u okviru druge faze projekta Via Dinarica UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 27-Aug-21 06-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81668 RFP: A2J/RFP/2021/01 - Develop Web Portal to facilitate online course on Prosecution system UNDP - A2J Project NEPAL RFP - Request for proposal 19-Aug-21 06-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81667 T210802 - 01 International Consultant and 02 National Consultants to conduct a study on developing guidelines of Code of conducts in justice sector- international experience and recommendations for Viet Nam UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 22-Aug-21 06-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81665 RFQ/052/21 - на оказание услуг по подготовке материалов и проведению тренингов по развитию навыков и умений представителей местных сообществ UNDP Uzbekistan UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Aug-21 06-Aug-21 AGRICULTURE  SEEDLING AGRICULTURE SEEDLING 81664 RFQ-2021-062 Procurement of 1 (one) unit of no till drill (seeder)/ Закупка 1 (одной) единицы сеялки UNPD Country Office - KAZAKHSTAN KAZAKHSTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 31-Aug-21 05-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81663 National Consultant to take stock of Nature-based Solutions in Viet Nam (Ref.P210805) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 15-Aug-21 05-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 81662 RFQ/051/21 - Текущий ремонт фасадов административного здания Гиссарского государственного заповедника и Чаткальского биосферного заповедника UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Aug-21 05-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81661 National Consultant to take stock of Policies related to Nature-based Solutions in Viet Nam (Ref.P210804) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 13-Sep-21 05-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81660 RFP-064-PHL-2021 - Services of a Firm to Provide Quality Assurance Philippines PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 27-Aug-21 05-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81658 RFP-068-PHL-2021 - Services of a Firm for Research to Young People Philippines PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 17-Sep-21 05-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81659 PROCESO COL 0000150430 Consultoría para realizar el análisis de la evaluabilidad (Evaluability Assessment) de la segunda fase del Fondo Multidonante de Naciones Unidas para el Sostenimiento de la Paz. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 19-Aug-21 05-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81657 Public Solicitors Office Communications Consultant UNDP Pacific Office SOLOMON ISLANDS IC - Individual contractor 22-Aug-21 05-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81656 PROCESO COL 0000150689 - CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL - Consultoría para el direccionamiento para la construcción de la estrategia regional de cambio climático para la amazonia colombiana UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 19-Aug-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 05-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81426 Consultation Nationale : Étude sur les Stratégies de développement, OMD et ODD PNUD HAITI IC - Individual contractor 20-Aug-21 05-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81655 SdP ADQ 21 150037 aplicativo tecnologico UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 25-Aug-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 05-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81654 CONTRATACIÓN DE EMPRESA CERTIFICADORA DEL SISTEMA DE GESTION DE CALIDAD ISO 9001:2015 PARA LA SECRETARÍA EJECUTIVA DEL CNIME (RÉGIMEN DE MAQUILA), COORDINACION DEL REGISTRO INDUSTRIAL Y LA DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE FOMENTO INDUSTRIAL DEL MIC Asunción PARAGUAY RFP - Request for proposal 19-Aug-21 05-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81652 IC 150262 United Nations Emergency Technical Team Support Advisor - Bahamas UN Resident Coordinators Multi-country Office JAMAICA IC - Individual contractor 23-Aug-21 05-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81650 Cabinet technique pour la numerisation UNDP DJIBOUTI - RBAS DJIBOUTI RFP - Request for proposal 23-Sep-21 @ 11:32 AM (New York time) 05-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81649 SdP ADQ 21 150582 implementacion Sistema RUV UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 31-Aug-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 05-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 81651 TRAVAUX DE RAFRAICHISSEMENT DU BUILDING ADMINISTRATIF DE BOSSANGOA Country office CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Aug-21 05-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81647 SDP38 2021 ANALISIS FOCALIZADO DE ESCENARIOS UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 30-Aug-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 05-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 81645 SLE/ITB/2021/002 PROCUREMENT FOR THE DRILLING OF SOLAR POWERED BOREHOLE, CONSTRUCTION OF WATER TOWER, PROVISION AND INSTALLATION OF SOLAR PANELS AND PUMPS AND WATER DISTRIBUTION NETWORK AS DETAILED IN THE TECHNICAL DRAWINGS AND BILL OF QUANTITIE ATTACHED UNDP Country Office SIERRA LEONE ITB - Invitation to bid 18-Aug-21 05-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81646 Partenaire de mise en oeuvre du Marketing Social UNDP Country Office CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 25-Aug-21 @ 11:50 AM (New York time) 05-Aug-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81644 221,578-2021- Supply of computer equipment for ASCs (Administrative Service Centers) located near the EECPs / комп'ютерне обладнання для ЦНАПів (Центрів надання адміністративних послуг) що знаходяться біля КПВВ Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Aug-21 05-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81643 Організація онлайн ІТ навчальних тренінгових курсів за спеціальностями HR в ІТ та Цифровий/інтернет маркетинг UNFPA UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Sep-21 05-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81642 Розробка стратегії та плану розгортання інформаційної кампанії «Розірви коло», реалізація першого етапу UNFPA UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Aug-21 05-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81641 RFP/018/21 - по внедрению систем Ключевых Показателей Эффективности (КПЭ - KPI) в хокимиятах двух пилотных районов в рамках проекта ПРООН UNDP Uzbekistan UZBEKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 19-Aug-21 05-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81640 SDP URU/18/G31-1123 "Plan de mejoras al sistema de seguimiento de la primera Contribución Determinada a nivel Nacional de Uruguay y recomendaciones para implementarlo" URUGUAY URUGUAY RFP - Request for proposal 20-Sep-21 05-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 81639 NGARANNAM SOLAR POWERED STREETLIGHTS UNDP Country Office NIGERIA ITB - Invitation to bid 19-Aug-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 05-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81638 RFP-091-IND-2021-"Impact Evaluation of Existing Skill Training Programmes and Study on Gaps and Trends in Skills in Uttarakhand." UNDP India Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 19-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 05-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81634 RFP - CMDP/UNDP/RFP/1/2021 - Business plan for primary cooperatives, municipal markets, district markets and regional markets in Dhading, Chitwan and Lalitpur districts of CMDP areas UNDP - CMDP NEPAL RFP - Request for proposal 20-Aug-21 05-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81637 IC-061-21 International NDC Gender Mainstreaming Expert Country Office IRAQ IC - Individual contractor 17-Aug-21 05-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81636 Lead National Consultant to conduct Terminal Evaluation for the Project "Inclusive Development and Public Sector Efficiency (IDPSE) Country Office MAURITIUS IC - Individual contractor 12-Aug-21 05-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81635 National Social and Gender Consultant to conduct Terminal Evaluation for the Project "Inclusive Development and Public Sector Efficiency (IDPSE) Country Office MAURITIUS IC - Individual contractor 12-Aug-21 05-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81633 Recrutement d'un(e) consultant(e) national(e) pour l'évaluation des capacités institutionnelles de l'Alliance Congolaise des Foyers Améliorés (ACFCA) UNDP DRC CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 20-Aug-21 05-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81632 RFP-090-IND-2021 (Request for Proposal for Artificial Intelligence and Potential Impacts on Human Rights in India ) UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 19-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 05-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81631 Hiring an IT firm to develop South-South Knowledge portal under K4DM Phase-II project.'' Dhaka BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 22-Aug-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 05-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81630 LBN-CO-RFQ-191-21 Road blockers and tire killers UNDP Country Office - LEBANON - LEBANON LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 05-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81629 RFP 09.2021.PNUD.COM - Fourniture de carburant MORONI COMOROS RFP - Request for proposal 03-Sep-21 @ 06:32 AM (New York time) 05-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81628 RFP 05.2021.PNUD.COM - Embelissement des espaces verts MORONI COMOROS RFP - Request for proposal 03-Sep-21 @ 06:52 AM (New York time) 05-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81627 RFP 06.2021.PNUD.COM - Maintenance de climatiseurs et splits MORONI COMOROS RFP - Request for proposal 03-Sep-21 @ 07:07 AM (New York time) 05-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81626 RFP.07.2021.PNUD.COM - Nettoyage interieur et ramassage d'ordures MORONI COMOROS RFP - Request for proposal 06-Sep-21 @ 07:24 AM (New York time) 05-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81625 RFP.08.2021.PNUD.COM - Maintenance de groupes electrogenes MORONI COMOROS RFP - Request for proposal 17-Sep-21 @ 07:39 AM (New York time) 05-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81624 RFP-2021-29 Technical Support in designing of EE UNDP- Thailand Country Office THAILAND RFP - Request for proposal 24-Aug-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 05-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81623 IC/UNDP/IFL/130/2021 - Consultant for Climate Finance and Poverty (National Consultant) Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Aug-21 05-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 81621 143259-21 CIVIL WORKS AT UNCC GAROWE UNDP Somalia SOMALIA ITB - Invitation to bid 25-Aug-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 05-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81622 Full Rehabilitation of (a) LOT-1 Al Tarboliya PHCC, and (b) LOT-2 Khan Bani Zaid PHCC, in Karma, Anbar governorate,Iraq. RBAS IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 29-Aug-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 05-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81620 Приглашение к подаче грантовых заявок по усилению потенциала организаций гражданского общества Киргизия KYRGYZSTAN Other 18-Aug-21 05-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81619 (EXTENDED) IC2021/WSM/028 National Safeguards, Gender and Community Engagement Specialist UNDP Country Office SAMOA IC - Individual contractor 03-Sep-21 05-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 81617 RFQ for Renovation Works of Police Districts Lot 3 UNDP CO AFGHANISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Aug-21 @ 07:30 AM (New York time) 05-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81618 IC2021/WSM/027 National Sustainable Land Management/Protected Areas and Livelihoods Specialist (Deputy Team Leader) UNDP Country Office SAMOA IC - Individual contractor 19-Aug-21 05-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81616 RFQ-2021-060 Development of a creative brief for the photo project and capture a set of high-quality photos on each of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for the "Women and SDGs" photo project / Разработка креативного брифа фотопроекта и съемки фотог UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Aug-21 04-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81614 CI/CRI/2021/No.96514/No.150032/Facilitación Plan GIR CBIMA UNDP COSTA RICA COSTA RICA IC - Individual contractor 19-Aug-21 04-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81615 CONSULTANCY FOR PROGRAMME MANAGER: PAPUA NEW GUINEA BIODIVERSITY AND CLIMATE FUND UNDP PNG Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 14-Sep-21 04-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81557 Consultancy for Finance Manager : Papua New Guinea Biodiversity and Climate Fund - IC/PNG/033-2021 UNDP PNG Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 14-Sep-21 04-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81612 4255 PAN 2021 Consultoría para la Emisión de Estados Financieros interinos 2020, con base a las normativas NIIF y regulaciones existente en la República de Panamá. UNDP country office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 24-Aug-21 04-Aug-21 FORESTRY FORESTRY 81613 REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST JOF Nº 3131/2021 UNDP Country Office BRAZIL EOI - Expression of interest 17-Aug-21 04-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81611 PROCESO COL 146194 SOLICITUD DE OFERTA PARA VENTA DE VEHÍCULO PNUD: HYUNDAI SANTA FE 2 FL GL - MODELO 2012. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA Other 23-Aug-21 04-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81610 Proceso No. COL-0000150321 - Consultoría para liderar el diseño y la consolidación participativa del Modelo Regional de Ocupación Territorial de la Región Central promovido por la RAPE. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 18-Aug-21 @ 11:59 AM (New York time) 04-Aug-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81608 RFQ for the procurement of ICT Equipment and Genset UNDP Country Office SIERRA LEONE RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Aug-21 04-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81609 Recruitment of a firm for Documentary on Making the AfCFTA Work for Women ETHIOPIA ETHIOPIA RFP - Request for proposal 18-Aug-21 04-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81480 SDC-030-2021 Contratación del servicio de Mantenimiento preventivo a Escaleras de Emergencia del edificio de la Sede Común de Naciones Unidas en México. UNDP- Country office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 16-Aug-21 04-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81607 4256 PAN 2021 - Servicios de asesoramiento y consultoría para la revisión integral de las funciones y estructura organizacional de la Gerencia de Recursos Humanos del Banco Hipotecario Nacional (BHN). UNDP Countrh Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 24-Aug-21 04-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81604 PROCESO COL 0000148242 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultoría para diseñar, implementar y documentar una estrategia Smart Working en la Secretaría Distrital de Gobierno de Bogotá (SDG) UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 18-Aug-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 04-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81605 18877-2021 - RESEARCH ASSITANT ON HUMAN MOBILITY Regional Centre - Panamá PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 27-Aug-21 04-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81606 4230 PAN 2021 - Consultor/a Analista en Soluciones basadas en la Naturaleza (SbN). Panama PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 19-Aug-21 04-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81603 UNDP-IC-2021-276-Integrated Provincial Financing Strategy for SDGs in Punjab Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 19-Aug-21 04-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81602 PROCESO COL 0000149392 Diseño, desarrollo e implementación de una caja de herramientas y cinco (5) programas de autoformación en la modalidad e-learning sobre los Trabajos, Obras y Actividades Reparadoras o Restaurativas (TOAR) de la JEP UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 18-Aug-21 04-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81601 REMOTE NETWORK CONNECTIVITY RESOURCES_NDMC South Africa SOUTH AFRICA RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Sep-21 04-Aug-21 WATER SUPPLY  (POTABLE) WATER SUPPLY (POTABLE) 81599 TRAVAUX DE CONSTRUCTION DE FORAGE A WAZA ET BLANGOUA CAMEROON CAMEROON RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Aug-21 04-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81600 UNDP-IC-2021-066 - Consultant as Civil Design Engineer Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 19-Aug-21 04-Aug-21 POLLUTION POLLUTION 81598 18819-2021: Procurement of Telecommunication Equipment Regional Centre PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 31-Aug-21 04-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81597 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA No.: COL-0000150154 - Prestación de servicios de capacitación y acompañamiento para la creación y gestión de fondos de ahorro y crédito dirigidos a las organizaciones y beneficiarios de tres (3) tiendas comunitarias ubicadas en los UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 18-Aug-21 04-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81595 Consultant to support the team and the Lake Chad Basin Commission for data collection, website update and Information Management. N'Djamena CHAD IC - Individual contractor 18-Aug-21 04-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81596 PCI-085-2021 Servicios de consultoría para consolidar la construcción de la Red Nacional de Organizaciones Promotoras por los derechos político – electorales de las mujeres del PNIPPM UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 18-Aug-21 04-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81594 RFP 2021-20 : Recrutement d'un bureau d'étude ou groupement de bureau d'étude pour l'élaboration d'une feuille de route stratégique pour l'actualisation de la stratégie nationale de l'économie verte UNDP Country Office TUNISIA RFP - Request for proposal 15-Sep-21 04-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81593 PNUD/SDP-413/2021 Elaboración de la propuesta del sistema de monitoreo ambiental integral en el sistema hídrico TDPS UNDP Country Office PERU RFP - Request for proposal 03-Sep-21 04-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81591 RFP-2021-045 Development and implementation of a standard development program UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 25-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 04-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81592 SDP-032-2021 Servicios de consultoría para el desarrollo de una plataforma digital para la visualización del Informe País 2020. UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO RFP - Request for proposal 18-Aug-21 04-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81590 Recrutement de deux (02) consultants (es) (international et national) en charge de la rédaction d'un document de projet pôle de croissance pour l'émergence des régions rurales de Centrafrique UNDP Country Office CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 16-Aug-21 04-Aug-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81588 RFQ N°30/BFA/PNUD -2021: Acquisition de Matériels informatiques et de Mobiliers de bureau pour le Centre de Formation Professionnel de Réference de Ziniare (CFPR-Z) et Centre de Formation Professionnel de Ouagadougou (CFPO) en 2 lots Burkina Faso BURKINA FASO RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Aug-21 04-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81587 Avis de recrutement pour d'un prestataire pour la Conception et Diffusion d'outils de supports de communication sur l'engagement citoyen, la paix, la cohésion sociale et la tolérance. Burkina Faso BURKINA FASO RFP - Request for proposal 18-Aug-21 04-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81586 RFQ 2021-52 : Acquisition de produits de protection contre covid-19 UNDP Country Office TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Aug-21 04-Aug-21 POLLUTION POLLUTION 81583 18820-2021: Procurement of 2 Air Conditioning Units, Rooftop Package type, with natural refrigerants Regional Centre PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 31-Aug-21 04-Aug-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81585 RFQ 2021-49 : Acquisition de matériel informatique pour la Cour des Comptes, et la Haute Autorité indépendante de la communication audiovisuelle (HAICA) UNDP Country Office TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 31-Aug-21 04-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81584 Delivery and Installation of Security Cameras UNDP Country Office TURKEY RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Aug-21 04-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81581 DEV.OF NATIONAL APPROACH AND SIS TO SAFEGUARDS Country Office KENYA RFP - Request for proposal 24-Aug-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 04-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81565 FIRM TO DEVELOP AN ERM FRAMEWORK AND BCP FOR KFS Country Office KENYA RFP - Request for proposal 17-Aug-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 04-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81578 MNG/IC/2021/INT/015 - International Consultant - Communications Specialist UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 20-Aug-21 04-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 81580 RFQ/122/21 Construction of drainage channel along the existing embankment at the Sana River, City of Prijedor, BiH; L=636,00 m UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Aug-21 04-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81579 Consultancy for training of SDGs coordination and implementation in the context of Lesotho LESOTHO LESOTHO IC - Individual contractor 18-Aug-21 04-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81577 Recrutement d'un(e) Consultant(e) national(e) en Business and Human Rights UNDP Country Office TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 27-Aug-21 04-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 81576 RFQ 093/21 Streets lighting system construction of Kut, Azat,Norabak, Avazan, Areguni, Geghamasar, Arpunk, Kutakan and Sotk communities in Gegharkunik region. UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Aug-21 04-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81574 Recrutement de 2 consultants (e)s d'expertise nationale pour l'évaluation finale du projet Action, changement et transformation par l'inclusion financière en RDC UNDP-KINSHASA, DR CONGO CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 18-Aug-21 04-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 81575 Construction of Concrete In-pond Recirculating Aqu UNDP TANZANIA RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Sep-21 @ 06:16 AM (New York time) 04-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81094 Recrutement d'un(e) consultant(e) national(e) pour l'analyse des risques de catastrophes et des risques environnementaux pour le territoire d'Uvira et de Fizi UNDP-KINSHASA, DR CONGO - CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 23-Aug-21 04-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81573 RFP-089-IND-2021-"Engagement of an Agency for creative designing under project titled-Green Recovery Pathway for India: Transitioning Towards a Green and Resilient COVID-19 Recovery". UNDP India Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 18-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 04-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81332 RFP 2021-18 : Recrutement d'un bureau d'études pour mener une étude sur la notion de développement économique local en Tunisie UNDP Country Office TUNISIA RFP - Request for proposal 24-Aug-21 04-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81570 301/RFQ/RED/2021 - ACQUISITION DE PRODUITS ET D'EQUIPEMENTS DE DESINFECTION ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Aug-21 04-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81569 Provision of Technical advice to the Department of GIS to Improve the GIS laboratory for a Management Information System UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFP - Request for proposal 25-Aug-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 04-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81563 RECRUTEMENT D'UN CONSULTANT NATIONAL POUR L'EVALUATION DU PLAN CADRE DES NATIONS UNIES POUR L'AIDE AU DEVELOPPEMENT (PNUAD 2018-2022) UNDP Country Office GABON IC - Individual contractor 23-Sep-21 04-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81568 UNDP-RFP-2021-274 Build Capacities Pakistan PAKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 17-Aug-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 04-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81556 Recrutement de 2 (deux ) consultant (e)s de compétence nationale en charge de l'élaboration du Document de Politique/Stratégies Nationales de Développement du secteur de l'Artisanat Country Office CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 19-Aug-21 04-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81567 Surface Lessons And Knowledge Emanating From Local Innovation Challenge And Facilitate Training Session On Emergent Lessons South Africa SOUTH AFRICA RFP - Request for proposal 17-Aug-21 04-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81566 LBN-CO-ITB-188-21Sup-Del-Instal Hospit Info System UNDP Country office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 30-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 04-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81564 MNG/IC/2021/108 - National Consultant - Gendered Analysis of Employment and Skills in Large-Scale Mining Sector UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 17-Aug-21 04-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81520 584/IC/PACARC/2021 Recrutement d'un(e) Consultant(e) National(e) Ingénieur en Bâtiments-Travaux Publics ou en Génie civil pour les études, le suivi et la réception des travaux de la réhabilitation de bâtiment de la DGM à Faux Cap dans la Région Androy MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 13-Aug-21 04-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81561 343-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-RPP Conducting the needs and capabilities assessment of NGOs working with vulnerable groups (ATO/JFO veterans, children living with disabilities, people living with HIV) in six regions of Ukraine Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 18-Aug-21 04-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81559 612-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-RPP Special equipment (Geographical coordination systems) for Ukrainian Mine Action Centers (MACs) at the national and regional levels Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Sep-21 04-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81560 Supply of surveillance drones PSU (KL) on behalf of UNDP Uganda UGANDA RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Aug-21 04-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81558 RFP-088-IND-2021 (Request for Proposal for Structural, Electrical & Plumbing Design and Bill of Quantities with Estimation and Verification of works for Swachata Kendras) UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 17-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 04-Aug-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81530 RFP/017/21 – на создание информационного приложения по сельскохозяйственному планированию «Agroplanning IT-Tool» AITT Uzbekistan UZBEKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 18-Aug-21 04-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81554 RFP-070-PHL-2021 Midterm Review CPD UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 24-Aug-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 04-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81553 CONCURSO No. IC-ADQ-21-149597 – "Consultor/a Comunicador/a para el Componente 3 sobre soluciones financieras sostenibles y crédito verde en la Economía Popular y solidaria" UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 14-Sep-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 03-Aug-21 HEALTH HEALTH 81552 Provision of Courier Service for COVID19 sample transportation in Taiz; Yemen UNDP Yemen YEMEN RFP - Request for proposal 12-Aug-21 03-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81551 IC No. 00106130/1305 ASISTENCIA TÉCNICA LEGAL PARA LA ELABORACIÓN DE DIAGNOSTICO Y PLAN DE SERVICIOS LEGALES PARA PERSONAS EN PROCESO DE INSERCIÓN SOCIAL. UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 17-Aug-21 03-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81549 18865-2021 – Consultant on Human Mobility and Institutional Employability Capacity - Guyana Regional Centre PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 24-Aug-21 03-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81550 IC No. 00123999/1303 Asistencia técnica para la conceptualización, diseño de currícula y facilitación de talleres formativos para la utilización del formato podcast, en el marco de la implementación de acciones de rescate de memoria histórica y justicia UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 17-Aug-21 03-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81548 Consultant(e) International (e) pour la formulation d'un plan de développement de l'Entreprise Générale du Cobalt de la RDC UNDP DRC CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 21-Sep-21 03-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81547 Consultant(e) National (e) pour l'analyse d'impact de l'opérationnalisation de l'Entreprise Générale du Cobalt sur les parties prenantes UNDP DRC CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 08-Sep-21 03-Aug-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81546 CHL/SDC/120/2021 "EQUIPOS Y ACCESORIOS INFORMATICOS PARA OFICINA PNUD CHILE" UNDP Country Office CHILE RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Aug-21 03-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81545 recrutement d'un Bureau d'Etude National pour l'Evaluation du dispositif en place et la consolidation de casier judiciaire biométrique en Mauritanie UNDP Country Office MAURITANIA RFP - Request for proposal 16-Aug-21 03-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81543 "PROFESIONAL CATASTRAL JUNIOR B" UNDP Office Paraguay PARAGUAY IC - Individual contractor 25-Aug-21 03-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81541 IC 21 149596 Consultor genero para economia popula UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 19-Aug-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 03-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81544 Training for Gender Mainstreaming in the process of Programming and Monitoring of the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA III) in Serbia UNDP on behalf of the UN Women Office in Serbia SERBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Aug-21 03-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81542 Diagnóstico de las contribuciones del Sector Energía y Transporte en el contexto de las Contribuciones Nacionalmente Determinadas UNDP Office Paraguay PARAGUAY IC - Individual contractor 17-Aug-21 03-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81151 CLOSED EARLY
IC 150/2021 Servicio de Consultoría para Relevamiento, Asesoramiento y Seguimiento de Provisión e Ins-talación de Sistemas de Aire Acondicionado VRV de las oficinas de Esmeralda 130 - Oficina del PNUD Argentina ARGENTINA ARGENTINA IC - Individual contractor 13-Aug-21 03-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81540 NUD/Concurso-426/2021 - Donación para la implementación de un (1) centro de recuperación y reciclaje de gases refrigerantes. UNDP Country Office - PERU PERU Other 03-Sep-21 03-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81331 Recrutement d'un(e) expert(e) spécialisé(e) dans l'économie informelle UNDP Country Office TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 31-Aug-21 03-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81539 PROCESO COL 0000150256 Precalificación para Obras Civiles (Tanques en Ferrocemento) UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA ITP - Invitation to pre-qualify 31-Aug-21 03-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81330 Recrutement d'un(e) expert(e) national pour l'élaboration d'une étude portant sur les mécanismes et outils de financements alternatifs en Tunisie UNDP Country Office TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 31-Aug-21 03-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81535 593-594-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-RPP_Purchase of Furniture for equipping police stations in Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts and Ukrainian Mine Action Centers at the national and regional levels Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Aug-21 03-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81538 SDP-37-2021 "Servicios de consultoría para la Evaluación del Marco de Asistencia de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo 2018-2022 (MANUD) en la República Dominicana" UNDP Country Office DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 24-Aug-21 03-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81475 Consultancy – Senior Rapid Response Programme Advisor, CB/CSMT - Home Based Home Based UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 17-Aug-21 03-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81537 Supply and Delivery of Security Items-UPU. UNDP Country Office SOMALIA RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Aug-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 03-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81536 Provision of Creating an Accessible Mobile App for NDSP2 Monitoring & Evaluation System and Disability Information Referral System (RE-ADVERTISED) UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFP - Request for proposal 12-Aug-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 03-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81534 LBN-CO-ITB-190-21Sup-Del-Instal of CSSD Products UNDP Country office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 20-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 03-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81533 MNG/IC/2021/105 - National Consultant - Vocational Training Expert (B) UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 17-Aug-21 03-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81532 MNG/IC/2021/104 - National Consultant - Vocational Training Expert (A) UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 17-Aug-21 03-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81531 RFP-007-MRT-2021_Recrutement d'un bureau d'études international spécialisé pour la conduite d'un audit institutionnel du ministère de la Justice et du recensement numérique des effectifs de la justice en Mauritanie UNDP Country Office MAURITANIA RFP - Request for proposal 16-Aug-21 03-Aug-21 POWER POWER 81529 ICN-017-2021-EXPERT NATIONAL POUR ELABORER UN GUIDE DE MAINTENANCE POUR LES PRODUCTIONS SOLAIRES Mauritania CO MAURITANIA IC - Individual contractor 16-Aug-21 03-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81527 RFP-2021-058_Подготовка рекомендации по закреплению на законодательном уровне понятия «разумное приспособление»/ Preparation of recommendations for consolidating on the legislative level the concept of "reasonable accommodation" UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 17-Aug-21 03-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81528 Individual consultancy - National Consultant - Policy notes on "The Socio-economic Impact of Remittances' transfer to Lebanon. LBN-CO-IC-192-21 UNDP Country Office - LEBANON - LEBANON LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 17-Aug-21 03-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81526 RFP 709 Strengthening institutional capacities CCA UNDP Country Office SERBIA RFP - Request for proposal 25-Aug-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 03-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81508 Consultancy for the Development of an Enterprise Supplier Development Programme UNDP Country Office, RBA SWAZILAND RFP - Request for proposal 27-Aug-21 03-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81497 Graphic Designers (open for both National and International) UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 18-Aug-21 03-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81525 RFP Assessment on training needs of teachers Albania ALBANIA RFP - Request for proposal 30-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 03-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81524 Procurement of PPE for Firefighters Albania ALBANIA ITB - Invitation to bid 13-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 03-Aug-21 AGRO-INDUSTRY AGRO-INDUSTRY 81523 OPEN RFP - CAPACITY BUILDING IN SIOMA AND CHIRUNDU undp Country Office ZAMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 16-Aug-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 03-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81521 149802-Poetry Association and Awards Launch UNDP Somalia SOMALIA RFP - Request for proposal 10-Aug-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 03-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81515 International consultant- Mid-Term Review of FSP UNDP- supported GEF- Financed project UNDP Country Office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 19-Aug-21 03-Aug-21 AGRO-INDUSTRY AGRO-INDUSTRY 81522 CLOSED EARLY
RFQ 088/21 Supply and installation of hail suppression system for UNDP Armenia Project UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Aug-21 03-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81519 UNDP-IC-2021-217-National Consultant (Project Officer) UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 17-Aug-21 03-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81518 UNDP-IC-2021-216:National Consultant - Admin & Finance Officer UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 17-Aug-21 03-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 81517 DAO05RFPSelectionCabinetControleEtSuiviTravux64Par RBA CHAD RFP - Request for proposal 17-Aug-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 03-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 81514 LBN-CO-RFQ-189-21Baaqline Roads Safety Project UNDP Country office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 03-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81513 Закупка услуг по разработке сценариев глубокого сокращения выбросов парниковых газов до 2050 года в секторе «Промышленные процессы и использование продуктов» в рамках проекта «ЕС для климата» UNDP Country Office BELARUS RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Aug-21 03-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81512 Conduct Training On Prevention Of SGBV UNDP NIGERIA NIGERIA RFP - Request for proposal 13-Aug-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 03-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81511 RFQ/UNDP/EOC Materials/2021/0038 - Relaunched UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 06-Aug-21 03-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81509 T210801 - A National firm/Institution/organization to develop an information portal on green chemistry and persistent organic pollutants UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 16-Aug-21 03-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81510 RECRUTEMENT D'UN CABINET POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT D'UNE STRATEGIE NATIONALE POUR LA GESTION DES DECHETS DES EQUIPEMENTS SOLAIRES NOTAMMENT LES BATTERIES ET LES PANNEAUX SOLAIRES UNDP CO BURUNDI RFP - Request for proposal 01-Sep-21 03-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81507 National Expert on Knowledge Management and Youth engagement during GEF/UNDP SGP Belarus 7th Operational Period (OP7) (announced at the request of UNOPS) UNDP Country Office BELARUS IC - Individual contractor 17-Aug-21 03-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81506 Call for Proposals UNDP Country Office GEORGIA Other 14-Sep-21 03-Aug-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81505 Recrutement d'un Cabinet Local pour la mise en place d'une application informatique la gestion du Casier Judiciaire au Commissariat Général de la Police Judiciaire UNDP CO-BURUNDI BURUNDI RFP - Request for proposal 17-Aug-21 03-Aug-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81504 Procurement of "Printers and Toners" UNDP Country Office TURKEY RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Aug-21 03-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 81503 UNDP CYP RFQ 210 2021 - Emergency works at Agia Marina - Ayios Theodoros Ruin Church in Kormakitis Cyprus CYPRUS RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Aug-21 03-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81502 567-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-RPP_Creation of a regional Health web platform for Luhansk оblast UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 29-Aug-21 03-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81465 382-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-DIA-Expanding functionality of the "" portal UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 16-Aug-21 03-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81501 A2J/A2J/UNDP/IC/2021/001 Individual Consultants Procurement Notice - Legal Consultants for Legal awareness/support UNDP Country Office for A2J Project NEPAL IC - Individual contractor 13-Aug-21 03-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81499 Consultant (Engineer/Architect) UNDP Country Office NEPAL IC - Individual contractor 16-Aug-21 03-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81498 RFP-067-PHL-2021- Firm for Assessment of LGUS for Mandanas Ruling UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 30-Aug-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 02-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81496 Technical Expert (National Consultant) on Quality Improvement (QI) programs in Primary HIV Facilities UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 23-Aug-21 02-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81495 IC/UNDP/UNODC/128/2021 - National Consultant for Coordinating the Delivery of Maritime Crime Simulated Trial Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 18-Aug-21 02-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81494 Consultoria Individual UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 16-Aug-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 02-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81493 PNUD IC 414-2021 Acomp y Asist Tec GORE Huanuco UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE PERU IC - Individual contractor 16-Aug-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 02-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81492 IC-402-2021 Actua instr gest adm Dir Reg GoRe Puno UNDP Country Office PERU IC - Individual contractor 13-Sep-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 02-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81491 (EXTENDED) IC2021/WSM/026 International Environmental Policy and Governance Specialist UNDP Country Office SAMOA IC - Individual contractor 18-Aug-21 02-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81488 Climate Change Consultant - ROP Fiji FIJI IC - Individual contractor 13-Aug-21 02-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81490 ITB-272-21 Supply of Equipment for ( Baweza ,Al-Rashidiya,Al-Mansoor ,Al-Instisar and Al- Tahrir) Substations 132_33 KV-Ninawa Governorate,Iraq RBAS IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 15-Sep-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 02-Aug-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 81489 SdC ADQ 21 143164 compra de dos camiones UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Aug-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 02-Aug-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 81486 SdC ADQ 21 144161 adquisicion tanqueros para leche UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Aug-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 02-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81487 IC2021/WSM/025 International PPG Project Coordinator UNDP Country Office SAMOA IC - Individual contractor 18-Aug-21 02-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81485 Individual National Consultant on Roads and Climate Change Adaptation. (Ref.P210803) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 10-Aug-21 02-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81484 Individual National Consultant on Inland Waterways and Climate Change Adaptation (Ref.P210802) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 10-Aug-21 02-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81483 PROCESO COL 0000150290 - CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL - Profesional Enlace de Entidad - Nivel 4 -DVR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 16-Aug-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 02-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81482 02 national consultants for conducting a desk review of VSDGs, targets in SEDP 2021-2025 to establish their links to related budget frameworks and financing plans, focusing on green and climate resilient and inclusive growth VSDGs (Ref. P210801) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 12-Aug-21 02-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81481 Recrutement d'un Consultant National pour l'évaluation de l'infrastructure informatique des sites de la Police Nationale d'Haïti Haiti HAITI IC - Individual contractor 16-Aug-21 02-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81479 PCI-084-2021 Consultoría para la implementación de soluciones de financiamiento para la biodiversidad en el estado de Yucatán. UNDP- Country office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 16-Aug-21 02-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81478 PCI-083-2021 Especialista en integración de criterios de sustentabilidad en el sistema regulatorio financiero en México. UNDP- Country office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 16-Aug-21 02-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81477 PCI-082-2021 Especialista para la creación de una Oficina de Inversión Verde (OIV) en Jalisco. UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 16-Aug-21 02-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81474 Republication - RFP/UNDP/HAI/21.162 : Recrutement d'une firme pour production de capsules vidéo PNUD HAITI RFP - Request for proposal 07-Oct-21 02-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81476 Consultant(e) international(e), Conseiller stratégique au Cabinet du Ministère de la Coopération et de l'Intégration Africaine (MCIA Guinée GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 16-Aug-21 02-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81473 Consultant(e) National(e), Assistant(e) technique au Cabinet du Ministère de la Coopération et de l'Intégration Africaine (MCIA) Guinée GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 16-Aug-21 02-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81472 DAOFOURNITURESDEBUREAU Country Office CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC ITB - Invitation to bid 30-Aug-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 02-Aug-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81470 4301 PAN 2021 – Adquisición de doce (12) laptop. UNDP Country Office PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Aug-21 02-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81471 NDMA PROJECT SUPPORT OFFICER- COAST Country Office KENYA IC - Individual contractor 11-Aug-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 02-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81469 RFP-Development and Implementation of MHDRIS UNDP Country Office GEORGIA RFP - Request for proposal 10-Sep-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 02-Aug-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81468 547-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-RPP _ICT Equipment UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Aug-21 02-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 81467 TRAVAUX DE CONSTRUCTION A WAZA CAMEROON CAMEROON ITB - Invitation to bid 16-Aug-21 @ 06:07 AM (New York time) 02-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81466 Apporter un soutien à la mise en œuvre du projet UNDP ALGERIA, RBAS pour l'UNODC ALGERIA IC - Individual contractor 06-Sep-21 02-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80790 Long-Term Agreement (LTA) for advisory solutions in relation to Digital Services including: Enabling Policy and Regulation, Open Digital Payment Ecosystems, Inclusive Innovation and. Empowered Customers UNCDF UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RFP - Request for proposal 30-Sep-21 02-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81464 Writer and Editor consultant UNDP TANZANIA IC - Individual contractor 13-Aug-21 02-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81462 CLOSED EARLY
Consultant to Document Malaysia's best practices and scalable solutions in supporting MSMEs recovery and resilience UNDP Country Office MALAYSIA RFP - Request for proposal 23-Aug-21 02-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81463 BIH/RFP-032-21 Implementation of Advocacy Plan for the National Human Development Report (NDHR) on Social Inclusion in BIH UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFP - Request for proposal 16-Aug-21 02-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81461 Procurement of three USAR containers Albania ALBANIA ITB - Invitation to bid 24-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 02-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81460 RFQ-078-IND-2021 UNDP India Country Office INDIA RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 02-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81450 UNDP/NGA/2020/042-SUPPLY OF PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS FOR UNRCO UNDP ABUJA NIGERIA RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Aug-21 02-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81458 Procurement of three 4x4 Fire Trucks Albania ALBANIA ITB - Invitation to bid 24-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 02-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81459 RFQ -PAL-0000146302: Development of a Detailed Design for Wadi Gaza Natural Park and Greenway Core Areas (3,4 and 5) UNDP/PAPP PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Aug-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 02-Aug-21 POLLUTION POLLUTION 81455 Call for Proposals UNDP Country Office GEORGIA Other 30-Aug-21 02-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81457 Promoting Public Consultation and Participation at Albania ALBANIA RFP - Request for proposal 08-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 02-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81456 Provision of Cleaning services UN House Albania ALBANIA RFP - Request for proposal 13-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 02-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81454 DAO 005 PNUD PUDC2 FSD SUPERVISION TRAVAUX UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE SENEGAL RFP - Request for proposal 06-Sep-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 02-Aug-21 ROADWAYS ROADWAYS 81453 DAO 006 PNUD PUDC2 FSD PISTES RURALES UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE SENEGAL ITB - Invitation to bid 13-Sep-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 02-Aug-21 POWER POWER 81452 DAO 002 PNUD PUDC2 CENTRALES SOLAIRES UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE SENEGAL ITB - Invitation to bid 13-Sep-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 02-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81448 311/RFQ/RMIICPS/2021 - EDITIONS DES RECUEILLES DES TEXTES AFFERENTS AU GESTION DE BONVINS MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Aug-21 02-Aug-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 81451 DAO 001 PNUD PUDC2 FSD POSTES DE SANTE UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE SENEGAL ITB - Invitation to bid 13-Sep-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 02-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81449 LBN-CO-ITB-187-21Cons of Greenhouses Abbasieh UNDP Country office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 16-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 02-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81447 RFP-2021-027: Provision of the packaged support to advance digital transformation for disaster risk reduction Bangkok Regional Hub THAILAND RFP - Request for proposal 24-Aug-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 02-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81446 Recrutement d'un consultant national charge de l'élaboration d'une stratégie nationale de réinsertion sociale des condamnés UNDP CO-BURUNDI BURUNDI IC - Individual contractor 12-Aug-21 02-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81445 RFQ/2021/12: E-Waste Collection Bins for POPs reduction and elimintation JOR10 JORDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Aug-21 02-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81292 PRINTING OF VISIBILITY MATERIALS FOR UNRCO UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE NIGERIA RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Aug-21 02-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81443 UNDP-ITB-2021-266 Event Management Services UNDP Office Pakistan PAKISTAN ITB - Invitation to bid 16-Aug-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 02-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81442 REPUBLICATION : Recrutement du consultant national, en charge du volet gouvernance, renforcement de l'unité et état de droit, pour l'élaboration du Plan National de Développement (PND2) 2022-2026 UNDP CHAD CHAD IC - Individual contractor 16-Aug-21 02-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81441 RFQ/121/21 Organization of study trip to Gdansk, Poland UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Aug-21 02-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81440 IC-2021-112 International expert to support and develop regulatory legal acts (RLA) in terms of the development of auctions for the greenhouse gas trading system UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 23-Aug-21 02-Aug-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81439 SDP-2021-022 Marco Bonos Verdes UNDP COSTA RICA COSTA RICA RFP - Request for proposal 29-Aug-21 02-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81438 [Re-advertisement] IC/UNDP/BIOFIN/122/2021 - Biodiversity Budget and Expenditure Tracking Expert UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 09-Aug-21 01-Aug-21 POLLUTION POLLUTION 81437 International Consultant to complete the Midterm Review (MTR) process of the full -sized UNDP-supported GEF-financed project titled UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE DJIBOUTI DJIBOUTI IC - Individual contractor 08-Aug-21 01-Aug-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81436 042-IC PROCUREMENT NOTICE-21 UNDP Country Office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 15-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 01-Aug-21 HEALTH HEALTH 81435 Procurement of Soaps and Handwashes UNDP Country Office - COVID-19 Project AFGHANISTAN ITB - Invitation to bid 21-Aug-21 @ 07:30 AM (New York time) 01-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81434 Provision of Handheld Explosive Detector UNDP Office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 01-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81433 Rehabilitation n Furniture for Tel Qasab Police UNDP Iraq IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 22-Aug-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 01-Aug-21 OTHER OTHER 81425 Supply and Delivery of supermarket fridges UNDP Country Office TIMOR LESTE RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Aug-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 31-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81431 Recruitment of a firm for Business Mentorship Services to Beneficiaries Working in Waste Management and Recycling Zambie ZAMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 13-Aug-21 31-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81430 Republication - Consultation Nationale : Étude sur les investissements privés dans les stratégies de financement du développement en Haïti PNUD HAITI IC - Individual contractor 08-Oct-21 31-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81429 174-2021-RFP-UNDP-RTC Tajikistan UNDP TAJIKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 23-Aug-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 31-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81428 Consultation Nationale : Étude rétrospective sur les Transferts de Fonds de la Diaspora haïtienne PNUD HAITI IC - Individual contractor 20-Aug-21 31-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81419 278/IC/RIO/2021 Recrutement d'un Consultant individuel national pour l'Analyse des textes législatifs et légaux qui ont une incidence directe sur l'intégration des obligations de la Convention de Rio dans les politiques et les plans sectoriel (RELANCE) MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 13-Aug-21 31-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81427 Consultancy – Business Partnering Expert UNDP HQ/ BMS/OFM/FBA UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 23-Aug-21 31-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81424 Republication # 2- Consultation Nationale : Aide publique au développement PNUD HAITI IC - Individual contractor 22-Oct-21 31-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81423 T210712 - 01 National consultant (MT3) on Transportation and Climate Change Adaptation UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 12-Aug-21 31-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81422 T210711 - 01 National consultant (MT2) on Climate Change Adaptation UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 12-Aug-21 31-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81421 Consultancy to develop forest fire damage UNDP Syria SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 19-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 31-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81420 ETH2753 – Recruitment of National Resident Consultant for Poverty Analysis Report for Ethiopia UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 15-Aug-21 @ 04:03 AM (New York time) 31-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81418 521/RFQ/GOUDMADA/2021 Sécurisation de la salle du serveur au bureau de la DCN/ PAC Antananarivo répartie en trois lots MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Sep-21 30-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81416 CLOSED EARLY
Recrutement d'un Consultant national Défense FORMATION DE TELE-PILOTES ASSORTIE DE SYSTEMES DE DRONES D'OBSERVATION GUINEE GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 16-Aug-21 30-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81415 Republication - Consultation Nationale : Étude sur la protection sociale et la lutte contre l'extrême pauvreté PNUD HAITI IC - Individual contractor 08-Oct-21 30-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81412 Republication - Consultation Nationale : Étude sur le développement de l'économie rurale en Haiti PNUD HAITI IC - Individual contractor 08-Oct-21 30-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81414 IC 113703-1130 "Consultoría local para apoyo al seguimiento, sistematización y reporte del trabajo de los Grupos de Resultados del Marco de Cooperación de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo Sostenible 2021-2025" PNUD Uruguay URUGUAY IC - Individual contractor 13-Aug-21 30-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81413 Contrato Individual (CI) 130652-2482/21 "Servicio de Consultoría para Desarrollo de un sistema informático integrado de gestión de expedientes de las garantías constitucionales y sistema informático de gestión estadística en la Corte de Constitucionalidad PNUD GUATEMALA GUATEMALA RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Aug-21 30-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81411 IC-398-2021 Asist Tec a la Munic de Challabamba UNDP Country Office PERU IC - Individual contractor 17-Aug-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 30-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81410 RECRUTEMENT D'UN CABINET POUR L'ETUDE DIAGNOSTIQUE ET PLACEMENT SUR LE MARCHE DE SOLUTIONS D'ASSURANCE AGRICOLE AU BURKINA FASO Burkina Faso BURKINA FASO RFP - Request for proposal 11-Aug-21 30-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81409 SDP-35-2021 "Consultoría para la Realizacion de la Segunda Encuesta del Nivel de Conocimiento y Percepción de la Población Dominicana sobre el Tema de Cambio Climático" UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 20-Aug-21 30-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81408 « IC NOTICE N°030 bis-2021/PNUD-BFA; RELANCE: RECRUTEMENT DE DEUX CONSULTANTS INDIVIDUELS POUR L'EVALUATION DU PROGRAMME DE COOPERATION PAYS 2018-2022 DU PNUD », en précisant le poste pour lequel vous soumissionner Burkina Faso BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 06-Aug-21 30-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81406 INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANT TO DEVELOP A POLICY PAPER ON 'DECENT JOBS, FORMALIZATION AND INCLUSIVENESS - DRIVERS TO IMPROVE QUALITY OF LIVES IN CENTRAL ASIA' Istanbul Regional Center TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 15-Aug-21 30-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81404 Individual Contract (IPSA) RBA/HQ New York UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 13-Aug-21 30-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81405 RFP JOF 3041 Evaluation study of the PPCAM Brazil BRAZIL RFP - Request for proposal 10-Sep-21 @ 01:00 PM (New York time) 30-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81286 UNDPIRH-RFQ-202117-IT GSSU Istanbul Regional Center TURKEY RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Aug-21 30-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81403 MyRFP2021-017 Islamic Finance Case Study UNDP Country Office MALAYSIA RFP - Request for proposal 13-Aug-21 30-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81402 530/IC/OBS/2021 Recrutement d'un(e) Consultant(e) pour l'élaboration des outils de formation en leadership, développement et gestion des projets et pour la conduite des sessions de formation en faveur des jeunes de l'Observatoire SAFIDY et les acteurs par MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 24-Aug-21 30-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81401 597/IC/OBS MADA/2021 Recrutement d'un Consultant pour l'élaboration de guide/outils et conduire des formations en plaidoyer et recours MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 13-Sep-21 30-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81400 Re-advertisement - Security Equipment Maintenance Services Gambia GAMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 13-Aug-21 30-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81399 RFQ/BIH30/2021/03494 Event Management under the "Women in Elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina" project in the period from August to November 2021 - Extension of deadline!!! UNWOMEN in BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Aug-21 30-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81390 Equipe de consultants (un consultant international Chef d'équipe,et deux consultants nationaux) pour la révision de la Politique Nationale de l'Environnement (PNE) Country Office COMOROS IC - Individual contractor 15-Aug-21 30-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 81396 RFQ 20-21 RFQ Reference: Co-Creation Hub Pljevlja – adaptation of premises UNDP CO MONTENEGRO RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Aug-21 30-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81397 2021-UNDP-MMR-PN-019 UNDP Country Office MYANMAR RFP - Request for proposal 18-Aug-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 30-Jul-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 81398 336/RFQ/PNUD/2021 ACHAT D'UN VEHICULE BERLINE POUR LA REPRESENTATION DU PNUD (RELANCE) MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Aug-21 30-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 81386 003-ITB-PNUD-2021Travaux de construction des 03 bâtiments à usage de 12 logements et 02 latrines pour les éléments de la Gendarmerie au Poste avancé Commune rurale : LAVARATY District : MIDONGY ATSIMO Région : ATSIMO ANTSINANANA MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR ITB - Invitation to bid 27-Aug-21 @ 08:00 PM (New York time) 30-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81395 RFP/016/21 - Development of legal and regulatory environment for Sukuk in Uzbekistan (for international companies) UNDP Uzbekistan UZBEKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 13-Aug-21 30-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80797 Long Term Agreement with UNDP Bougainville Project UNDP Papua New Guinea, Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA ITB - Invitation to bid 20-Aug-21 @ 12:59 AM (New York time) 30-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81393 RFP for Hiring a Technical Firm to Design and Conduct the Business Development and Incubation Support in Djibouti UNDP OFFICE DJIBOUTI RFP - Request for proposal 04-Sep-21 @ 09:30 AM (New York time) 30-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81394 DAOSERVICESGARAGE Country office CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC ITB - Invitation to bid 30-Aug-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 30-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81392 DAOSERVICES IMPRESSION UNDP country office CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC ITB - Invitation to bid 30-Aug-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 30-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81389 GMB-UNDP-ITB-2021-015 - Long Term Agreement(s) for Fuel Gambia GAMBIA ITB - Invitation to bid 15-Aug-21 @ 04:42 AM (New York time) 30-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81391 RFP-System Architecture Design UNDP Country Office GEORGIA RFP - Request for proposal 27-Aug-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 30-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81384 UNDP CYP RFQ 209 2021 - PCR Testing Services for Covid-19 UNDP Cyprus CYPRUS RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Aug-21 30-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81387 IC-2021-091 Expert ornithologist for the development of sections of the Scientific Background report and Feasibility Study for the creation of 5 new PAs and a program for monitoring the biodiversity of 5 pilot PAs / Эксперт-орнитолог по разработке раздело UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 23-Aug-21 30-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81382 Technical Support to Facilitate the Digital Marketing for Smallholder Producers UNDP Country Office TURKEY RFP - Request for proposal 16-Aug-21 30-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81383 LBN-CO-RFQ-185-21 National Campaign-Violent Images UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 30-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81380 IC-2021-080 Leader of the expert group for the development of the Scientific Background report and Feasibility Study for the creation of 5 new PAs and a program for monitoring the biodiversity of 5 pilot PAs / Руководитель группы экспертов по разработке Е UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 19-Aug-21 30-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81379 Supply n Installation of One 200Kva Generator UNDP Country Office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Aug-21 @ 05:31 AM (New York time) 30-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81377 UNDP-RFP-2021-243 Rights Based Community Stabilization UNDP CO Pakistan PAKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 26-Aug-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 30-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81375 Review of Kiribati Cooperative Legislative Framework Fiji FIJI IC - Individual contractor 16-Aug-21 30-Jul-21 HEALTH HEALTH 81374 Senior Medical Advisor Fiji FIJI IC - Individual contractor 13-Aug-21 30-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81373 MNG/IC/2021/102 - National Consultant - Knowledge Management and Communications Assistant UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 13-Aug-21 30-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81372 Formulation of Kiribati National Cooperative Policy Fiji FIJI IC - Individual contractor 16-Aug-21 30-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81370 4202 PAN 2021 - Consultoría para el Estudio Avanzando con un enfoque regional hacia la movilidad eléctrica UNDP Country PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 13-Aug-21 29-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81369 Formulation of Kiribati National E-commerce Strategy Fiji FIJI IC - Individual contractor 16-Aug-21 29-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81368 4262 PAN 2021 Diseño para la construcción de un pabellón para habilitar las aulas de belleza y modistería; comedor; baños y tres aulas polivalentes en el Centro INADEH La Chorrera, Provincia de Panamá Oeste PANAMA PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Aug-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 29-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81367 PROCESO COL-0000150139 - SdP - Capacitar entre 15 y 20 servidores públicos y profesionales de apoyo pertenecientes al Ministerio de Minas y Energía, Agencia Nacional de Minería y UPME en relación a la administración y gestión de riesgo LAFT en el sector m UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 20-Aug-21 29-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81366 SDC-37-2021 "ADQUISICION DE FOTOGRAFICOS PARA EL PROYECTO DEL DEFENSOR DEL PUEBLO UNDP Country Office DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Aug-21 29-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81365 Proceso No. COL-0000150036 - Coordinar y Monitorear acciones de socialización y capacitación a autoridades locales y comunidades en los procesos de conformación e instalación del comité de participación y gestión social; educación y manejo ambiental, UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 12-Aug-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 29-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 81364 ITB00921 - REHABILITATION OF PALMEIRAS SECONDARY SCHOOL - BEIRA UNDP Mozambique CO MOZAMBIQUE ITB - Invitation to bid 23-Aug-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 29-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81363 Etude sur les Stratégies Actuelles de Mobilisation de ressources pour le financement des ODDs en Haiti. UNDP-HAITI HAITI IC - Individual contractor 20-Oct-21 29-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 81302 RFQ N°27-2021- PNUD-BF : Travaux de construction d'infrastructures dans les locaux du projet PAPCIDDEL Burkina Faso BURKINA FASO RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Aug-21 29-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81362 4161 PAN 2021- ADQUISICION DE EQUIPO TECNOLÓGICO PARA LA GOBERNACIÓN DE PANAMÁ . Country Office PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Aug-21 29-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 81322 RFQ282021 - Rehabilitation of 3 Clinics: (two) in Beira & (one) in Dondo municipalities, of Sofala Province UNDP Mozambique CO MOZAMBIQUE RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Aug-21 @ 05:50 AM (New York time) 29-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81360 Etude sur le Revenu Fiscal et Gestion de la Dépense en Haiti. UNDP-HAITI HAITI IC - Individual contractor 20-Oct-21 29-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81361 CHL/IC/114/2021 "Contratación de una consultoría para el apoyo y seguimiento del proceso constituyente chileno – Pueblos indígenas" UNDP Country Office CHILE IC - Individual contractor 16-Aug-21 29-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81359 CI/073/OCR/2021 ESPECIALISTA EN EL MANEJO Y PROCESAMIENTO DE DATOS DE LA OFICINA DEL COORDINADOR RESIDENTE EN VENEZUELA UNDP Country Office VENEZUELA IC - Individual contractor 12-Aug-21 29-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81358 170-2021-ITB-UNDP-SDRR - Procurement and delivery of specialized heavy road transport machinery UNDP Country Office TAJIKISTAN ITB - Invitation to bid 19-Aug-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 29-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81357 Consultant Juridique National en appui au Projet de Prevention de Violences liées aux élections (PBF) UNDP HAITI HAITI IC - Individual contractor 06-Aug-21 29-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81356 Consultant national pour l'accompagnement des communes partenaires dans l'identification d'investissements à fort potentiel d'autonomisation économique des femmes et des jeunes UNCDF TOGO IC - Individual contractor 13-Aug-21 29-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81355 « RFQ N°029-2021/PNUD-BF : Acquisition de matériels informatiques au profit du projet PACOS Burkina Faso BURKINA FASO RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Aug-21 29-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81354 Provision of Drugs Medicines -RFQ-YEM-0049-2021 UNDP CO YEMEN RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Aug-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 29-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81353 SDC-029-2021 Adquisición de 3 máquinas trituradoras de cables y separador de metal-plástico con capacidad máxima por hora de 200 kg (Incluyendo: Trituradora, cama de separación, caja de polvo) UNDP Country Office MEXICO RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Aug-21 29-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81352 18864-2021: INDIVIDUAL CONTRACT for – "Consultant on Human Mobility and Entrepreneurship - Guyana". Regional Centre PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 18-Aug-21 29-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81351 4162 PAN 2021- ADQUISICION DE MOBILIARIO DE OFICINA PARA LA GOBERNACIÓN DE PANAMÁ . COUNTRY OFFICE PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Aug-21 29-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81350 Recrutement d'un Consultant(e) International(e) pour l'Elaboration d'un plan d'Aménagement et de Gestion du Paysage Bafing-Falémé GUINEE GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 13-Aug-21 29-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81348 100798 - BBRSO150136: Human Rights and Debt Analysis Consultant (Economist) UNDP Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean- Homebased BARBADOS IC - Individual contractor 12-Aug-21 29-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81349 Expert national en organisation, animation, planification et suivi des travaux avec les parties prenantes et acteurs du projet UNDP ALGERIA, RBAS ALGERIA RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Aug-21 29-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81346 BBRSO145745: Climate Change Expert UNDP Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean BARBADOS RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Aug-21 29-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81347 Call for Proposals for Provision of Mobile Right-based Services UNDP Kosovo Kosovo, UNSCR 1244 (1999) CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 27-Aug-21 29-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 81345 LBN-CO-RFQ-180-21 Six Prefabs UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 29-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81344 National Consultant to Conduct an Analysis of FY 2017-2020 Expenditure of the National Budget UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE ON BEHALF OF UN WOMEN LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 13-Aug-21 29-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81343 RFQ 092/21 Supply of Chemical identifier UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Aug-21 29-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81342 RFP para Elaboração da cartografia das redes de média tensão em São Tomé e Príncipe. UNDP Sao Tomé and Principe SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE RFP - Request for proposal 17-Aug-21 29-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81341 SDC-38-2021 "RENOVACION SUSCRIPCIONES DE OFFICE 365 E1 PARA EL TRIBUNAL CONSTITUCIONAL" UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Aug-21 29-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81339 RFP-Measuring Potential Adverse Impacts UNDP Country Office GEORGIA RFP - Request for proposal 30-Aug-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 29-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81340 Supply of Diesel on LTA for UN Offices in Nigeria UNDP Nigeria Country Office NIGERIA ITB - Invitation to bid 13-Aug-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 29-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81338 PROCESO COL 0000148240 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultoría para implementar y documentar la estrategia Smart Working en la Secretaría Distrital de Gobierno de Bogotá (SDG) (se requieren dos (2) Consultores) UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 10-Aug-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 29-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81337 UNDP-IC-2021-262 - Behavioural Insights Advisor UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 12-Aug-21 29-Jul-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 81336 RFQ 090-21 Supply and installation of fruit and vegetable dryer for UNDP Armenia Project UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Aug-21 29-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81334 Development of Somalia Police Training Strategy (National Consultant) UNDP Country Office SOMALIA IC - Individual contractor 13-Aug-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 29-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81335 Technical International Consultancy to Conduct UNDP Country Programme (2017-2022) Evaluation in Iran UNDP Country Office IRAN IC - Individual contractor 24-Aug-21 29-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81329 Development of Somalia Police Training Strategy (International Consultant) UNDP Country Office SOMALIA IC - Individual contractor 13-Aug-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 29-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81333 RFP 2021-17 : Recrutement d'un cabinet national pour la réalisation d'une étude sur l'économie circulaire en Tunisie UNDP Country Office TUNISIA RFP - Request for proposal 27-Aug-21 29-Jul-21 HEALTH HEALTH 81328 LBN-CO-RFQ-186-21 UPS New Safad Hospital UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 29-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 81327 RFQ 2021-45 : Recrutement d'une entreprise de travaux pour la mise en œuvre du concept de maison des jeunes de deuxième génération UNDP Country Office TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Aug-21 29-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 81326 UNDPTCD10FNSITB21002 Construction des infrastructures socio-économiques, sanitaires, éducatives, vétérinaires, et de loisirs dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre du projet «Facilité Régionale de Stabilisation du bassin lac Tchad, Fenêtre nationale du Tchad» UNDP Country Office CHAD ITB - Invitation to bid 12-Aug-21 @ 03:42 AM (New York time) 29-Jul-21 POWER POWER 81325 0011RFQTCD10072021 Equipements solaires UNDP Country Office CHAD RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Aug-21 @ 04:07 AM (New York time) 29-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81324 RECRUTEMENT D'UN CONSULTANT INDIVIDUEL INFOGRAPGHE Bureau Coordonnateur Résident Des Nations Unies Gabon UNDP Country Office GABON IC - Individual contractor 08-Aug-21 29-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81323 RECRUTEMENT D'UN CONSULTANT INTERNATIONAL CHARGÉ D'APPUYER LA FACILITATION DU CADRE DE COOPÉRATION DES NATIONS UNIES POUR LE DÉVELOPPEMENT DURABLE (CCDD/ UNSDCF 2023 - 2027 AU GABON UNDP Country Office GABON IC - Individual contractor 24-Sep-21 29-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81321 RECRUTEMENT D'UN CONSULTANT INTERNATIONAL CHARGÉ D'APPUYER LA PRODUCTION & l'ÉCRITURE DU CADRE DE COOPÉRATION DES NATIONS UNIES POUR LE DÉVELOPPEMENT DURABLE (UNSDCF / 2022-2027) AU GABON UNDP Country Office GABON IC - Individual contractor 24-Sep-21 29-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81319 Request for Proposals - DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF WASTE MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM (WMIS) Lesotho LESOTHO RFP - Request for proposal 12-Aug-21 29-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 81320 RFP092021- Provision Of Engineering Services For Contract Managements and Supervision of Works of 3 Clinics and 2 Secondary Schools UNDP Mozambique CO MOZAMBIQUE RFP - Request for proposal 11-Aug-21 @ 05:55 AM (New York time) 29-Jul-21 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS 81318 RFQ-2021-054 Provision of Backup Internet connection services for UNDP office in Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan on Long Term Basis / Предоставление услуги резервного подключения к сети интернет для офиса ПРООН в г.Нур-Султан, Казахстан на долгосрочный срок UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Aug-21 29-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81317 Firm to develop a harmonized legal identity policy framework with a costed action plan and explore the means of implementing a decentralized and financed civil registration services more accessibly, adequately efficiently UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE LIBERIA RFP - Request for proposal 10-Aug-21 29-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80842 CARPORTS COVERING FOR THE UN HOUSE PARKING UNDP Country Office, RBA SWAZILAND RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Aug-21 29-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81315 ICT equipment for MV Correctional Services UNDP Country Office MALDIVES RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Aug-21 @ 03:01 AM (New York time) 29-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81311 Purchase of Network Equipment for MV Correctional UNDP Country Office MALDIVES RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Aug-21 @ 01:40 AM (New York time) 29-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81314 Supply and Distribution of Bicycles UNDP Country Office MOZAMBIQUE ITB - Invitation to bid 13-Aug-21 @ 10:30 AM (New York time) 29-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81313 IC/UNDP/UNODC/125/2021 - Senior Specialist for Prison Overcrowding in Indonesia Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Aug-21 29-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81312 IC/UNDP/GBV/126/2021 - GBV Specialist [Readvertised] UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 11-Aug-21 29-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81310 4166 PAN 2021- Consultor especialista en programación para la Secretaría Técnica del Gabinete Social (Fronted) UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 13-Sep-21 28-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81309 RFP2021/WSM/02 Niue Ridge to Reef Protected Areas (readvertised) UNDP Country Office SAMOA RFP - Request for proposal 18-Aug-21 @ 06:59 AM (New York time) 28-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81308 PROCESO COL 0000149078 Prestar los servicios técnicos y tecnológicos para el desarrollo del seminario anual del proyecto, a realizar en modalidad virtual. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Aug-21 28-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81303 RFP/UNDP/TT/05/2021 International and Local Consultant Firms for Peace Innovation Platform- Peacebuilding and Psychosocial Curriculum Development for Online Learning UNDP Country Office TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO RFP - Request for proposal 11-Aug-21 28-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81306 4254 PAN 2021 - Contratación de una emprea que preste los servicios de una plataforma para la Gestión y Automatización para el evento de divulgación científica apoyado por la SENCYT. UNDP Country Office PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Aug-21 28-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81307 Recrutement d'un consultant pour la mise en place d'un Modèle d'affaire pour le secteur du bois (Plantations forestières et accès au marché carbone) UNDP Country Office GABON IC - Individual contractor 07-Aug-21 28-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81304 National consultant to Develop a plan for phasing out of the use of chemicals in other sectors (Ref.P210707) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 08-Aug-21 28-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81299 ACHAT DES MATERIELS ET EQUIPEMENTS POUR LA MISE EN PLACE DACHAT DES MATERIELS ET EQUIPEMENTS POUR LA MISE EN PLACE DE DEUX HUB TECHNOLOGIQUES DEUX HUB TECHNOLOGIUES GUINEE GUINEA RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Aug-21 28-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81298 Firm to conduct Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) Consultancy to Develop a National Strategy to promote integrated civil registration, vital statistics and identity management systems UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE LIBERIA RFP - Request for proposal 10-Aug-21 28-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81295 Consultancy – Learning and Community Manager, Other/Accelerator Lab.-Home Based Home Based UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 19-Aug-21 28-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81296 CONSULTORIA NACIONAL PARA LLEVAR A CABO UN ANALISIS SOBRE EL MARCO LEGAL E INSTITUCIONAL ENTORNO A LA ECONOMIA AZUL Y ECONOMIA VERDE (ECONOMIA AZUL Y EMPLEOS VERDES). EG UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE EQUATORIAL GUINEA RFP - Request for proposal 11-Aug-21 28-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81297 NATIONAL CONSULTANT, INSTITUTIONAL MAPPING & ASSESSMENT UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE ON BEHALF OF UNFPA LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 10-Aug-21 28-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81294 SDP-031-2021 Servicios de Implementación de estrategias para la recuperación económica del sector de turismo comunitario en la Península de Yucatán UNDP Country Office MEXICO RFP - Request for proposal 11-Aug-21 28-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81293 Un (e) consultant(e) – Expert(e) en entrepreneuriat pour l'élaboration d'un modèle d'incubateur au Sud TUNISIA TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 11-Aug-21 28-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 81274 RFQ62-2021 for Preparatory works for installation of 17 hydrological stations in Drin River Basin UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Aug-21 28-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81291 UNDP CYP RFP 203 EID 9951 2021 - Supervision Services for the Design and Construction of Morphou Wastewater Treatment Plant Cyprus CYPRUS RFP - Request for proposal 10-Sep-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 28-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81288 RFQ/048/21 - Supply of ICT (Information and communications technology) / Поставка ICT (информационно-коммуникационного технологического оборудования) UNDP Uzbekistan UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Aug-21 28-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81290 RBAS-RFQ-008-2021 LTA for Courier Services RBAS Regional Hub JORDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Aug-21 @ 11:00 PM (New York time) 28-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81289 RFP/BIH30/2021/03479 Provision of Services Related to Organization of the Advocacy Campaign for the "Women in Election in BiH" Project - Extension of deadline!!! UNWOMEN in BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFP - Request for proposal 26-Aug-21 28-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81284 Recrutement d'un cabinet ou bureau d'étude pour la réalisation des contenus d'insertion et développement application web Cameroun CAMEROON RFP - Request for proposal 11-Aug-21 28-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 81287 ITB-034-21-Works on elimination of barriers UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA ITB - Invitation to bid 30-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 28-Jul-21 AGRO-INDUSTRY AGRO-INDUSTRY 81268 Call for Proposal - Increased food safety and quality management systems through the use of Finnish expertise-Extended Istanbul Regional Center TURKEY CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 25-Nov-21 28-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81285 Call for proposal: Vocational education training and apprenticeship/on the job training to enable viable and sustainable livelihood pathways for Iraqi refugees and vulnerable Jordanians under Project name: "Enhancing Self-Reliance and Inclusion Prospect Country Office JORDAN CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 11-Aug-21 28-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81283 Recrutement d'un Consultant National en vue de la cartographie des acteurs Cameroun CAMEROON IC - Individual contractor 11-Aug-21 28-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81282 Internet Services LTA UNDP Country Office EGYPT RFP - Request for proposal 25-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 28-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81281 Voice Services LTA UNDP Country Office EGYPT RFP - Request for proposal 25-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 28-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81280 100767 - IC-057-21 - MID-TERM PROJECT EVALUATION CONSULTANT Country Office IRAQ IC - Individual contractor 16-Aug-21 28-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81278 International Consultant for the Mid-Term Review (MTR) of full-sized EU-UNDP project Istanbul Regional Center TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 15-Aug-21 28-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81277 Firm for Assessment of skills demand and gaps -BPO UNDP Bangladesh country office BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 10-Aug-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 28-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 81276 RFQ/120/21 Construction works, supply and delivery of furniture and electrical equipment for 3 mountain facilities in 3 municipalities in BiH UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Aug-21 28-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 81275 Hiring Vehicles for Solid Waste and Debris Removal Syria SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Aug-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 28-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81272 588RE-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-DIA UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 10-Aug-21 @ 04:59 AM (New York time) 28-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81273 CFP-JPP-2021-48 Livelihood Support to Resettled Communities in Batticaloa and Trincomalee Districts UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 16-Aug-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 28-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 81271 RFQ/119/21 Construction works on Multifunctional hall in Secondary school "Jovan Cvijic" in Modriča UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Aug-21 28-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81270 UNDP/RFP/21/2021 Request for Proposal for further defining and contributing concrete human rights pathways for a new social contract in Nepal UNDP Country Office for UNRCO NEPAL RFP - Request for proposal 06-Aug-21 28-Jul-21 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS 81267 RFQ-2021-052 Procurement of an office IP PABX and IP phones for the UN Common Premises in Nur-Sultan / Покупка офисной IP телефонной станции и IP телефонных аппаратов для здания ООН в г.Нур-Султан UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Aug-21 28-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81269 RFQ/118/21 Study based on the results of the geological, geomechanical and hydrological research of the terrain- "Park šuma Hum", Novo Sarajevo Municipality UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Aug-21 28-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81266 Hiring an IT firm for developing an interactive M&E and Knowledge Management web portal Dhaka BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 22-Aug-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 28-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81265 Procurement of 2 nature parks sightseeing buses Albania ALBANIA RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 28-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81264 CFP-JPP-2021-47 Livelihood Support to Resettled Communities in Killinochchi and Mullaitivu districts UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 16-Aug-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 28-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81263 204/205-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-RPP for procurement of Computer equipment, Lot 1 and Lot 2 UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Aug-21 28-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81262 T210710 – 01 National consultant to develop a guideline on access to finance for application of green chemistry in Vietnam UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 11-Aug-21 28-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81261 T210709 – 01 National consultant to support the launching and operation of "Viet Nam Circular Economy Hub" UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 09-Aug-21 28-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81260 UNDP-IC-2021-250- Capacity Building of Punjab Bureau of Statistics/Departments on Data Science and Development of Computer Assisted Personal Interviews (CAPI) Application for Large Scale Surveys Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 11-Aug-21 28-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81259 CI-046-2021 "Elaboración de instructivos para facilitar el acceso a la justicia de personas LGBTI, migrantes y personas con discapacidad" UNDP DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 06-Aug-21 27-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81258 EOI for GOODS and SERVICES Timor Leste UNDP Country Office Timor Leste TIMOR LESTE RFI - Request for Information 10-Aug-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 27-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81257 LPI Nº 04/2021 - "Adquisición de Lancetas para digito punción capilar" PNUD Argentina ARGENTINA ITB - Invitation to bid 30-Aug-21 27-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81255 Recrutement d'un cabinet conseil pour la mise en place d'un système d'informations statistiques pour le suivi des résultats des politiques publiques UNDP Country Office GABON RFP - Request for proposal 07-Aug-21 27-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81193 Recrutement d'une agence de production multimédia pour la production de contenu audiovisuel, écrit et radio relatif aux actions et réalisations du Plan d'Accélération de la Transformation UNDP Country Office GABON RFP - Request for proposal 07-Aug-21 27-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81254 560/RFP/BCR/2021 Recrutement d'un prestataire de services en charge de réaliser un processus d'Analyse Prospective pour Madagascar à l'horizon 2030 et 2063 MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFP - Request for proposal 25-Aug-21 27-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81253 18839-2021 – Balance of policies for addressing the adverse drivers of irregular migration and forced displacement in the North of Central America Regional Centre PANAMA RFP - Request for proposal 10-Aug-21 27-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81252 565/IC/PNA/2021 Recrutement de cinq (5) consultants nationaux pour le développement de quatre produits d'information sur l'adaptation au changement climatique, pour le secteur privé, dans les domaines de l'agriculture, la santé, la gestion côtière et des MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 11-Aug-21 27-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81251 Advocacy Tool Developer – Consultant Fiji FIJI IC - Individual contractor 07-Aug-21 27-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81250 4146 PAN 2021 – "Consultoría independiente para el diseño, diagramación e instalación de dos cursos especializados sobre personas desaparecidas" Panama PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 18-Aug-21 27-Jul-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 81249 IAL 064 2021 ADQ MOTORES Y LANCHAS UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE VENEZUELA ITB - Invitation to bid 19-Aug-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 27-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81248 PROCESO COL 0000149786 - CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL - Prestar asistencia técnica, metodológica, operativa para co-diseñar la estrategia de investigación como parte del Laboratorio de Innovación de la SDG en Bogotá. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 10-Aug-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 27-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81245 149082 Provision of ICT support to expand Early Warning Alert and Response System (EWARS) tool to detect, prevent and respond to violence; including violence against women & girls UNDP Country Office JAMAICA RFP - Request for proposal 18-Aug-21 27-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81247 CHL/SDC/110/2021 SERVICIO DE DISEÑO, DIAGRAMACIÓN DE LA PUBLICACIÓN: "POLÍTICA NACIONAL DE PARQUES URBANOS" E IMPRESIÓN DE 2.500 EJEMPLARES. UNDP Country Office CHILE RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Aug-21 27-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81246 RFP/UNDP/IICPSD/2021/04- Request for Proposal Sector Diagnosis and Roadmap for the Implementation of Business Call to Action's Capacity Building for the Replication and Adaptation of Inclusive Business Models UNDP BCtA TURKEY RFP - Request for proposal 10-Aug-21 27-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81244 Testing and Review of the Development of Tagging Methodology to link budget revenues and expenditures accounts to SDG financing in Lao PDR UNCDF LAO PDR IC - Individual contractor 30-Jul-21 27-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81243 Consultancy, Capital Market Solutions for Lao PDR and Cambodia - Home-based, with possible travel to Vientiane, Lao PDR; Phnom Penh, Cambodia; and Bangkok, Thailand UNCDF LAO PDR IC - Individual contractor 30-Jul-21 27-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81242 Design and Development of an Integrated Web Portal Africa Borderlands Centre KENYA RFP - Request for proposal 27-Aug-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 27-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81241 IC 02-07-2021 Evaluation finale du projet « Une approche d'Economie Circulaire pour la Conservation de l'Agro-biodiversité dans la région du Souss Massa au Maroc » Maroc MOROCCO IC - Individual contractor 10-Aug-21 27-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81239 001/IC/PNUD-GENRE/2021-Recrutement d'un Consultant pour réaliser la stratégie genre du bureau PNUD SENEGAL Senegal SENEGAL IC - Individual contractor 12-Aug-21 27-Jul-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 81240 EQUIPEMENT AND TOOLS FOR THE COMMUNITIES IN THE SO Cameroun CAMEROON ITB - Invitation to bid 11-Aug-21 @ 10:03 AM (New York time) 27-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81238 INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANT, GRAPHIC DESIGNER SPOTLIGHT INITIATIVE ANNUAL REPORT UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE ON BEHALF OF RCO LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 02-Aug-21 27-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81237 LBN-CO-RFQ-178-21 - IT equipment court hearings UNDP - on behalf of UN-ODC LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 27-Jul-21 IRRIGATION IRRIGATION 81236 Construction of 12 Boreholes and 2 Solar powered Irrigation schemes in Phalombe District and Nsanje District, Malawi UNDP Country Office MALAWI ITB - Invitation to bid 20-Aug-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 27-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 81235 LBN-CO-RFQ-183-21 Shelters Rehab Mankoubin UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 27-Jul-21 HOUSING HOUSING 81234 Supply of Furniture for 3 Locations Banki UNDP Nigeria sub office Maiduguri NIGERIA RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Aug-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 27-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81233 ITB JOF-3006-2021 CNJ UNDP Country Office BRAZIL ITB - Invitation to bid 13-Aug-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 27-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81232 CFP ON SOCIAL STABILITY AND SECURITY OUTPUT 1 UNDP ABUJA NIGERIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 08-Aug-21 @ 11:59 AM (New York time) 27-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81228 Request for Proposal for the Provisions of Perception Survey of Bougainvillean Population under Post- Referendum Support and Sustaining Peace in Bougainville Projects in Papua New Guinea RFP/PNG/008-2021 Papua New Guinea PAPUA NEW GUINEA RFP - Request for proposal 10-Aug-21 27-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81230 CFP ON SOCIAL STABILITY AND SECURITY FOR NE AND MB UNDP ABUJA NIGERIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 08-Aug-21 @ 11:59 AM (New York time) 27-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81231 RFP/BIH30/2021/03423 Provision of services aimed at sensitizing and capacity building of local media on PFM and GRB in BiH - Extension of deadline!!! UNWOMEN in BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFP - Request for proposal 20-Aug-21 27-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75546 CALL FOR PROPOSALS SUPPORT FOR SOCIAL STABILITY AND SECURITY OF THE CONFLICT-AFFECTED COMMUNITIES IN NORTH-EAST AND MIDDLE BELT OF NIGERIA (OUTPUT 3) UNDP ABUJA NIGERIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 10-Aug-21 27-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81227 Supply and install of signboards in 15 Unions of 3 Hill Districts Rangamati, UNDP Bangladesh BANGLADESH RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Aug-21 27-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81226 RFQ 34-2021 « Acquisition du matériel informatique » UNDP MOROCCO RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Aug-21 27-Jul-21 HEALTH HEALTH 81229 RFQ/117/21 Supply and Delivery of laboratory equipment - amendment and extension of deadline!!! UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Aug-21 27-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81225 CHL/SDP/111/2021 Consultoría para la" Generación de indicadores que dén cuenta de la relación de género y cambio climático y desarrollar cuatro análisis sectoriales de género y cambio climático" UNDP Country Office CHILE RFP - Request for proposal 01-Sep-21 27-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81224 UNDP-IC-2021-249- Formulation of AJ&K Health Policy Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 10-Aug-21 27-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81223 UNDP-RFP-2021-234-Request for Proposal (RFP) for Long-Term Agreement for the Provision of International Courier Services and and pouch delivery services UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 17-Aug-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 27-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81222 RFQ 32 2021 UNDP Mozambique MOZAMBIQUE RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Aug-21 27-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 81221 Rehabilitation of The Main Road from Al Harwniya till Mahrot Check Point in Al Muqdadiya - Diyala Governorate Iraq Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 15-Aug-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 27-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81220 Supply and setup of Photocopier and Scanner SID-CHT Project, IDB Bhaban, Agargaon, Dhaka BANGLADESH RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Aug-21 27-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81219 MNG/IC/2021/100 - National Consultant - Legal Specialist for Environmental Laws UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 10-Aug-21 27-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81218 UNDP-IC-2021-248- Measuring Food Price Anomalies-ReAd Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 30-Aug-21 27-Jul-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 81217 RFQ 085-21 Supply of agricultural equipment for UNDP Armenia Project UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Aug-21 27-Jul-21 RIVER TRANSPORT RIVER TRANSPORT 81216 Supply and installation of 60 HP 2 stroke outboard boat engine Rangamati, UNDP Bangladesh BANGLADESH RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Aug-21 27-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81215 International Consultant for Baseline and Needs Assessment for Victim Assistance (residence in Cambodia) UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Aug-21 27-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81213 RFQ-TKM-014-2021: Tender for procurement, supply and installation of equipment for sustainable pasture management and increasing the adaptive capacity of livestock breeders to climate change in the livestock farm Serdar in Chardzhou etrap, Lebap velayat UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Aug-21 27-Jul-21 HEALTH HEALTH 81214 RFQ/116/21 Supply and Delivery of Microcentrifuge ,Microscopes, laboratory pipets and Orbital universal shaker UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Aug-21 27-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 81212 LBN-CO-ITB-184-21Rehab of Qob Elias Souks UNDP Country office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 18-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 27-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81211 Procurement of ICT Equipment for Seychelles Country Office Mauritius and Seychelles SEYCHELLES RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Aug-21 27-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81210 RFQ-DJI-2021-002-RÉHABILITATION DES CENTRES RÉGIONAUX DES FEMMES / RFQ-DJI-2021-002-REHABILITATION OF REGIONAL WOMEN CENTRES UNDP OFFICE DJIBOUTI RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Aug-21 27-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79968 Recrutements d'un(e) consultant(e) national(e) Junior pour l'évaluation à mi-parcours du programme : « Lutte contre les VBG, Justice, Autonomisation et Dignité des Femmes et des Filles en RDC », Programme JAD/2 UNDP DRC CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 10-Aug-21 27-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81209 RFQ Cleaning Services UNDP Bahrain Country Office BAHRAIN RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Aug-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 27-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81206 MNG/IC/2021/101 - National Consultant - Eco-Tourism Technical Expert UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 10-Aug-21 27-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 81207 Rehabilitation of Zab Municipality Building-Kirkuk Erbil IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 22-Aug-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 27-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81204 CI/CRI/2021/No.00118235/No.148915/Profesional para rediseño de oficina UNDP COSTA RICA COSTA RICA IC - Individual contractor 11-Aug-21 26-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81205 T210708 - 02 National consultants to review, evaluate and develop a roadmap for application of environmental technical regulations and standards to emissions from road motor vehicles UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 08-Aug-21 26-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81202 CI/CRI/2021/No.00126609/No.147845/CPD Persona consultora Nacional UNDP COSTA RICA COSTA RICA IC - Individual contractor 09-Aug-21 26-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81203 EXTENDED2: IC2021/WSM/023 National Consultant - Cook Islands Development Finance Assessment (DFA) UNDP Country Office SAMOA IC - Individual contractor 03-Sep-21 26-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81201 MRT 9878 -Recrutement d'un bureau d'étude international spécialisé dans l'exécution d'un plan d'actions Prioritaires sur l'entreprenariat Féminin en Mauritanie. UNDP Country Office MAURITANIA RFP - Request for proposal 08-Aug-21 @ 10:24 AM (New York time) 26-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81200 National Parliamentary Project Coordinator consultant – Republic of Marshall Islands (RMI) - (RMI Nationals Only) UNDP Country Office FIJI IC - Individual contractor 23-Aug-21 26-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81199 SDC/071/MINEC/2021 ADQUISICIÓN DE MOBILIARIO DE OFICINA UNDP Country Office VENEZUELA RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Aug-21 26-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80927 146587 Development and installation of mining cadastre for development minerals sector in Jamaica UNDP Country Office JAMAICA RFP - Request for proposal 16-Aug-21 26-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81198 IC NOTICE N°019/2021/PNUD-BFA Recrutement d'un(e) consultant(e) national(e) pour la formation des acteurs impliqués dans l'exécution du PAMED sur l'outil EX-ANTE CARBON-BALANCE TOOL (EX-ACT) pour les secteurs agricoles et forestiers UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 02-Aug-21 26-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81192 SDP-2021-021 HOJA DE RUTA SINAMECC UNDP COSTA RICA COSTA RICA RFP - Request for proposal 11-Aug-21 26-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81196 Recrutement d'un journaliste-formateur pour animer un atelier de formation UNDP Haiti HAITI IC - Individual contractor 10-Aug-21 26-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81197 Proceso No. COL-0000149608 - Profesional Jurídico Regional - Nivel 4 –DVR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 09-Aug-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 26-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81190 RFQ 19-21 Procurement of Hardware UNDP CO MONTENEGRO RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Aug-21 26-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81194 18840-2021: INDIVIDUAL CONTRACT for – "Consultant on Data Analysis, Policy Indicators and Human Mobility". Regional Centre PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 16-Aug-21 26-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81195 SDC-15-2021 AdquisiciOn de equipos y maquinarias UNDP Country Office DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Aug-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 26-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80895 ETH2739 – Recruitment of International Consultant Project Lead – Africa Fellows Programme UNDP Regional Bureau for Africa (RBA) ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 16-Aug-21 @ 10:42 AM (New York time) 26-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81191 Procurement of goods (5000 pcs of the Female Health Worker Sanitary Kits) UNFPA UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Aug-21 26-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81189 Procurement of "Garden Chess Set and Coaster" UNDP Country Office TURKEY RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Aug-21 26-Jul-21 FORESTRY FORESTRY 80800 RFQ 59-2021 for Geo-referencing and Inventorization of trees and shrubs as part of the Skopje Green Cadaster UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Aug-21 26-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81188 MISE EN PLACE DES SERVICES DE PAIEMENT NUMERIQUE Cameroun CAMEROON RFP - Request for proposal 15-Aug-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 26-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80461 Recrutement d'un(e) Consultant(e) National (e) en Suivi & Evaluation Guinée GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 02-Aug-21 26-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81187 RFP/015/21 - Разработка нормативно-правового и законодательного регулирования для инструментов Сукук в Узбекистане UNDP Uzbekistan UZBEKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 09-Aug-21 26-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81142 253-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-RPP_Hackathon for Locals 3.0 UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 16-Aug-21 26-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81186 A national firm/organization for Quantitative Research on Local Governments' Performance in Response to COVID-19 Pandemic from Citizens' Experience and Perception (B-210707) UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 09-Aug-21 26-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81184 RFP-030-21 Waste Management Information System RS UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFP - Request for proposal 06-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 26-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81185 RFP/031/21 Design and Delivery of a Digital Transformation Academy Training Programme for Government Leaders in BiH - EXTENSION OF DEADLINE!!! UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFP - Request for proposal 19-Aug-21 26-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81183 UNDP-RFP-2021-233-LTA for Janitorial Services UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 09-Aug-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 26-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81182 Proceso No. COL-0000149391 - Consultor en consolidación de alianzas y cooperación - sector privado. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 09-Aug-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 26-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80578 RFQ 55-2021 for Supervision of construction works for incorporating energy efficiency measures in maximum 57 households in Lisice UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Aug-21 26-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81181 CFP-BHR-2021-49 Community Consultations in the context of Business and Human Rights UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 12-Aug-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 26-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81177 MNG/IC/2021/099 - National Consultant - Support to medium-term development policy and planning process (4 consultants) UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 19-Aug-21 26-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81179 4220 PAN 2021 – Consultoría para aplicación y procesamiento de Instrumentos por muestreo para la recopilación de indicadores socioeconómicos y evaluación de programas sociales UNDP Country Office PANAMA RFP - Request for proposal 16-Aug-21 26-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81180 National National Consultant to undertake Terminal UNDP ETHIOPIA COUNTRY OFFICE ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 19-Aug-21 @ 05:05 AM (New York time) 26-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81178 Recruitment of an International Consult to conduct Terminal Evaluation UNDP ETHIOPIA COUNTRY OFFICE ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 12-Aug-21 @ 04:42 AM (New York time) 26-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81176 RFQ/115/21 Cadastral Vectorization Services for the City of Gradiška UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Aug-21 26-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81175 CFP-JPP-2021-46 Livelihood Support to Resettled Communities in Jaffna District UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 16-Aug-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 26-Jul-21 TOURISM TOURISM 81174 Javni poziv za podnošenje prijava za dodjelu bespovratnih sredstava u okviru druge faze projekta Via Dinarica UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 13-Aug-21 26-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81172 Auction (sale of the 20 vehicles on an "as-is, where-is" basis) UNDP Country Office UKRAINE Other 08-Aug-21 26-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81173 Specialist in Volunteer Learning and Capacity Development RBAS Regional Hub JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 04-Aug-21 26-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81171 IC- International Expert Mid-Term Evaluation, Umbrella Programme for Socio-Economic Development Saudi Arabia SAUDI ARABIA IC - Individual contractor 19-Aug-21 26-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81170 (EXTENDED2) IC2021/WSM/022 - SPOTLIGHT Initiative National Consultant to Develop Gender Equality CSO User Centered Toolkit UNDP Country Office SAMOA IC - Individual contractor 03-Sep-21 26-Jul-21 POWER POWER 81169 RFP to develop mini-grid implementation handbook and green procurement policy UNDP Country Office - COVID-19 Project AFGHANISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 08-Aug-21 @ 07:30 AM (New York time) 26-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81168 National Parliamentary Project Coordinator consultant – Kiribati (Kiribati Nationals only) – Re-advertisement UNDP Country Office FIJI IC - Individual contractor 21-Sep-21 26-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81167 National consultant to Develop training materials for legal aid providers on duty at courts on providing legal aid (Ref.P210706) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 02-Aug-21 25-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81166 Consultant to Undertake a Strategic Assessment of the Needs to strengthen the Law Enforcement Capacity of the Marine Conservation Areas UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE MOZAMBIQUE IC - Individual contractor 06-Aug-21 25-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81165 INTITUTIONAL CONSULTANCY-LANDSCAPE ANALYSIS AND IDENTIFY SCALABLE INITIATIVES IN THE COXT OF GenU IN Botswana BOTSWANA BOTSWANA RFP - Request for proposal 06-Aug-21 25-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81164 INSTITUTIONAL CONTRACT-UNDERTAKE A LANDSCAPE ANALYSIS AND IDENTIFYING SCALABLE INITIATIVES IN THE CONTEXT OF GenU IN BOTSWANA BOTSWANA BOTSWANA RFP - Request for proposal 06-Aug-21 25-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81163 Supervision of Electrical Works at the UN House Gambia GAMBIA IC - Individual contractor 09-Aug-21 25-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80999 Invitation for Proposal-Low value Grant support UNDP Bangladesh country office BANGLADESH Other 08-Aug-21 25-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81162 ITB-266-21 Rehabilitation of the WTP of Khor Al Zubair Water Complex, Basra Governorate,Iraq. RBAS IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 15-Aug-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 25-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81161 ITB-269-21 Construction of Workshop of Khor Al Zubair Water Complex, Basra Governorate - Iraq RBAS IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 18-Aug-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 25-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81160 Recrutement d'un(e) Consultant(e) International(e) pour appuyer l'intégration de l'emploi dans les axes prioritaires du PNDES (2021-2025) et élaborer le Profil Emploi et Travail Décent en Guinée UNDP GUINEE GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 23-Aug-21 24-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81129 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL KAMPALA UGANDA RFP - Request for proposal 25-Jul-21 24-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81159 T210707 - A National consultant to provide technical and administrative support implementation of INFF UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 31-Jul-21 24-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81158 Impression de gadgets Cameroon CAMEROON RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Aug-21 24-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81157 4279 PAN 2021 - Consultor Nacional Especialista en Políticas e instituciones nacionales para la elaboración del informe de Análisis Institucional y de Políticas para el Financiamiento de la Biodiversidad UNDP Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 02-Aug-21 23-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81156 CI/070/MINEC/2021 Levantamiento de Insumos para el diseño de un Sistema de Información y Seguimiento de los Acuerdos Ambientales Multilaterales (SISAAM) del MINEC. UNDP Country Office VENEZUELA IC - Individual contractor 06-Aug-21 23-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81155 CI/069/MINEC/2021 Asistencia técnica para mejorar la capacidad técnica e institucional a nivel nacional para la presentación de informes y el seguimiento de la LDN en el contexto del Marco Estratégico 2018-2030 y el SDG15.3 de la CNULD UNDP Country Office VENEZUELA IC - Individual contractor 10-Aug-21 23-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81154 Recruitment of National Consultant to coordinate the development of a joint UN Proposal. UNDP CO GHANA IC - Individual contractor 30-Jul-21 23-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81153 Consultant National chargé de la cartographie des interventions des Partenaires Techniques et Financiers, des Investissements Directs Etrangers (IDE), l'analyse du financement des ODDs, de l'Aide Publique au Développement.... GUINEE GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 06-Aug-21 23-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81152 Recrutement d'un Consultant(e) International(e) chargé(e) de la cartographie des interventions des Partenaires Techniques et Financiers, des Investissements Directs Etrangers (IDE), l'analyse du financement des ODDs, de l'Aide Publique au Développement... GUINEE GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 20-Aug-21 23-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81149 Recrutement d'un consultant national (Expert en Énergie) pour l'Analyse sur les risques à l'investissement dans les mini-réseaux solaires photovoltaïques et sur la recommandation de mesures d'atténuation à ces risques au Mali (Étude DREI) REGIONAL HUB FOR WEST AND CENTRAL AFRICA DAKAR SENEGAL IC - Individual contractor 26-Sep-21 23-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81148 PNUD-IC-388-2021 Monitoreo avances DCI UNDP Country Office - Peru - Peru PERU IC - Individual contractor 13-Aug-21 @ 02:00 PM (New York time) 23-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81146 4157 PAN 2021 – "Estudios de Prefactibilidad para el Centro de Operaciones de Emergencias de la Región de Azuero" Country Office PANAMA RFP - Request for proposal 13-Aug-21 23-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81147 Recrutement d'un consultant national (Expert en Énergie) pour l'Analyse sur les risques à l'investissement dans les mini-réseaux solaires photovoltaïques et sur la recommandation de mesures d'atténuation à ces risques au Burkina Faso (Étude DREI) REGIONAL HUB FOR WEST AND CENTRAL AFRICA DAKAR SENEGAL IC - Individual contractor 08-Aug-21 23-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81140 Recrutement d'un consultant national (Expert en Énergie) pour l'Analyse sur les risques à l'investissement dans les mini-réseaux solaires photovoltaïques et sur la recommandation de mesures d'atténuation à ces risques au Niger (Étude DREI) REGIONAL HUB FOR WEST AND CENTRAL AFRICA DAKAR SENEGAL IC - Individual contractor 08-Aug-21 23-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81145 147814-2021 - HFC Consumption Survey in the RAC Sector Support Consultant UNDP Country Office JAMAICA IC - Individual contractor 11-Aug-21 23-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81144 (PN-K-210723) 01 National Consultant on producing video clip UNDP Country Office VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 31-Jul-21 23-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81143 PROCESO COL 0000148265 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional especializado en gestión institucional UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 06-Aug-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 23-Jul-21 FORESTRY FORESTRY 81141 LBN-CO-ITB-181-21 - Reforestation in Jbeil - Event ID: 0000009920 UNDP Country Office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 13-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 23-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81139 Recrutement du consultant international, en charge des volets gouvernance et amélioration de la qualité de vie, pour l'élaboration du plan national de développement (PND2) 2022-2026 Republication UNDP CHAD CHAD IC - Individual contractor 30-Jul-21 23-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81138 Recrutement de quatre (04) consultants(es) nationaux(ales) pour appuyer des communes de la Basse Kotto et de la Lobaye dans l'élaboration de leurs plans de développement local UNDP Country Office CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 09-Aug-21 23-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81137 RFP for Social Safety Net Project in NBG and surrounding areas UNDP Country Office SOUTH SUDAN RFP - Request for proposal 06-Aug-21 @ 07:47 AM (New York time) 23-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81136 Recrutement d'un (e ) consultant (e) national (e) en charge de l'évaluation du projet stabilisation sociale et la prévention de la radicalisation de l'extrémisme violent en RCA UNDP Country Office CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 09-Aug-21 23-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81135 RFP-084-IND-2021 - Social Media Campaign on youth skilling, employment and entrepreneurship in Uttarakhand UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 11-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 23-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81133 Recrutement d'un (e ) Consultant (e) National (e) en charge de l'évaluation Projet de soutien aux Activités Génératrices des Revenus des Personnes vulnérables à Bossangoa UNDP Country Office CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 09-Aug-21 23-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81134 RFQ 706 Heating substation for the UN House in Belgrade UNDP Country Office SERBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Aug-21 23-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81074 Fourniture de Matériels Réseaux à l'Ecole National d'Administration (ENA) du Togo UNDP Togo, RBA TOGO RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Aug-21 23-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81132 CONSULTANCY FOR THE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF A DIGITAL PLATFORM FOR TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION Angola ANGOLA RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Aug-21 23-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81131 RFQ - STLR PROJECT/RFQ/2021/02 - supply and Delivery of Safety Equipment for workers UNDP - STLR NEPAL RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Aug-21 23-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81130 BIH/RFQ-114-21 Procurement and delivery of canoeing equipment UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Aug-21 23-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81128 BIH-ITB-033-21 Laboratory Equipment UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA ITB - Invitation to bid 03-Aug-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 23-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81076 Fourniture et instalation de Matériels Informatiques à la commune du GOLF 3 UNDP Togo, RBA TOGO RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Aug-21 23-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81126 RFP/014/21 - reannouncement - на разработку информационной системы для совершенствования механизма сбора, обработки и обмена информацией Министерства иностранных дел Республики Узбекистан с его заграничными учреждениями UNDP Uzbekistan UZBEKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 29-Jul-21 23-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81127 RFP- E- Learning Program for Civil Servants UNDP Country Office GEORGIA RFP - Request for proposal 26-Aug-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 23-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81124 Consultancy to Design of the Strategic Plan for the establishment of Incubators in the Public Universities Angola ANGOLA IC - Individual contractor 05-Aug-21 23-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81121 National Consultancy - SLE/ICPN/2021/011 UNDP Country Office SIERRA LEONE IC - Individual contractor 30-Jul-21 23-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 81125 ItB2325 EU4MD Cahul SMART Street Lighting Works UNDP Country Office MOLDOVA ITB - Invitation to bid 02-Sep-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 23-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81123 BIH-ITB-032-21 Supply and Delivery X-Ray UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA ITB - Invitation to bid 12-Aug-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 23-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81122 Recrutement d'un Cabinet chargé de mener une étude relative à la définition d'une Stratégie Nationale de Développement du Commerce Electronique en République Du Burundi. UNDP CO BURUNDI RFP - Request for proposal 16-Aug-21 23-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81119 RFP/UNDP/SP4N/LAPOR/146074/021/2021-"4th Public Service Complaint Handling Competition" UNDP Country Office Indonesia INDONESIA RFP - Request for proposal 06-Aug-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 23-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81118 CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WASTE MANAGEMENT REGULATORY FRAMEWORKS FOR LESOTHO Lesotho LESOTHO IC - Individual contractor 06-Aug-21 23-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81116 IC/UNDP/UNODC/124/2021 - Prosecutor Advisor UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 09-Aug-21 23-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81117 BIH/RFQ-113-21 COVID WB AMENDED Supply, delivery and instalation of Integrated real time PCR system and Elisa reader UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Aug-21 23-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81114 RFP 705 Test on Completion for Data Centre in Kragujevac - Cancelled UNDP Country Office Serbia SERBIA RFP - Request for proposal 06-Aug-21 23-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81115 RFQ 18-21Training on ISO standards for employees of judicial institutions of Montenegro UNDP CO MONTENEGRO RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Aug-21 23-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81113 UNDP-IC-2021-223- Mid Term Evaluator re-advertised UNDP CO Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 09-Aug-21 23-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81112 RFQ/047/21 - проведение опроса и оценки доступности государственных услуг и уровня осведомленности жителей о видах и методах получения государственных услуг на примере 10 сельских сходов граждан, расположенных в отдаленных территориях 3 областей РУз UNDP Uzbekistan UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Aug-21 23-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81111 Call for Proposal for capacity Building of Mediation Training Centers UNDP Country Office GEORGIA Other 23-Aug-21 23-Jul-21 POWER POWER 81110 Supply and Installation of 10 kWp Grid Interactive Solar PV Systems Country Office NEPAL RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Aug-21 @ 07:45 AM (New York time) 23-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80898 ETH2718-International Consultant for Capital Markets Development Advisor for Project Implementation Team (CMPIT), National Bank of Ethiopia UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 06-Sep-21 @ 03:59 PM (New York time) 23-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81109 PLAZO EXTENDIDO: CI-045-2021 Consultoría para el acompañamiento técnico en la implementación del Sello de Igualdad de Género en el Sector Público UNDP DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 13-Aug-21 23-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81065 Senior Technical Consultant to Assess the Social and Economic Impact of COVID-19 in Region 13 (CARAGA) UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 06-Aug-21 23-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81063 Senior Technical Consultant to Assess the Social and Economic Impact of COVID-19 in Region 12 (SOCCSKSARGEN) UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 06-Aug-21 23-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81056 Senior Technical Consultant to Assess the Social and Economic Impact of COVID-19 in Region 11 (Davao Region) UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 06-Aug-21 23-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81108 EXTENDED: National Consultant to conduct survey on SUT UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN IC - Individual contractor 13-Aug-21 23-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81107 RFP-083-IND-2021 (Request for Proposal To Document the UN in India's UNSDF Achievements and Key Results in 7 States and the North-East Region) UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 05-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 23-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81058 Senior Technical Consultant to Assess the Social and Economic Impact of COVID-19 in Region 10 (Northern Mindanao) UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 06-Aug-21 22-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81057 Senior Technical Consultant to Assess the Social and Economic Impact of COVID-19 in Region 9 (Zamboanga Peninsula) UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 06-Aug-21 22-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81054 Senior Technical Consultant to Assess the Social and Economic Impact of COVID-19 in BARMM UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 06-Aug-21 22-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81105 RFQ2021/WSM/002 Procurement of ACC LAB Licenses and GO Pro Camera (EXTENDED) UNDP Country Office SAMOA RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Jul-21 22-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81106 MNG/RFQ/2021/011 - Building Bird Watching Tower in Buuntsagaan Lake UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Aug-21 22-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81104 RFP-SDG-2021-45 Management of the National Incubation Programme for the HackaDev National Youth Social Innovation Challenge 2020/21 UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFP - Request for proposal 06-Aug-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 22-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81103 National Consultant to Conduct Private Sector Partnership Landscape Assessment UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 05-Aug-21 22-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81102 Proceso de Consultoría Individual No. IC/00094908/088-2021: Contratación de experto(a) internacional para la evaluación de medio término del Proyecto Paisajes Agroforestales y Manejo Forestal Sostenible que Generen Beneficios Ambientales y Económicos a Ni Honduras HONDURAS IC - Individual contractor 10-Aug-21 22-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81101 Secretariat (National Consultant) for Technical Working Group for Prisons (TWG-Prisons) UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 05-Aug-21 22-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81100 PCI-081-2021 Servicios de consultoría para realizar la Revisión de Medio Término del Proyecto. (Consultor/a nacional) UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 19-Aug-21 22-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81099 SDC-36-2021 "ADQUISICION DE EQUIPOS TECNOLOGICOS PARA EL PROYECTO DEL DEFENSOR DEL PUEBLO UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Aug-21 22-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81098 PCI-080-2021 Servicios de consultoría para realizar la Evaluación de Medio Término del Proyecto. (Consultor/a internacional) UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 12-Aug-21 22-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81097 148752-2021 - Partnership Landscape Assessment UN Resident Coordinator Office JAMAICA IC - Individual contractor 12-Aug-21 22-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81090 Recrutement d'un(e) Consultant(e) National(e) Expert(e) en Agro Business pour le projet Rapid Finance Facilities GUINEA, Office GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 11-Aug-21 22-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81096 CI/CRI/2021/No.00106945/No.149021/Profesional Acciones Adaptacion SINAMECC UNDP COSTA RICA COSTA RICA IC - Individual contractor 08-Aug-21 22-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81095 2021 RFQ 059 MATERIELS DIVERS Y COMPRIS LE TRANSPORT POUR LE CENTRE VGB DE KORHOGO COTE D'IVOIRE ABIDJAN COTE d'IVOIRE RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Aug-21 22-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81093 2021 RFQ 058 MATERIELS DIVERS Y COMPRIS LE TRANSPORT POUR LE CENTRE VGB DE BOUAKE COTE D'IVOIRE ABIDJAN COTE d'IVOIRE RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Aug-21 22-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81092 18800-2021 – Content partnership for the Green Commodities Programme & the Good Growth Partnership Regional Centre PANAMA RFP - Request for proposal 16-Aug-21 22-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81089 Expert international sur la configuration, réparation et la maintenance des stations sismiques Haiti HAITI Other 30-Jul-21 22-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81091 UNDP/2021/RFQ/060-ACQUISITION DE TONERS POUR EQUIPE DE LA COORDINATION ABIDJAN-CÔTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Jul-21 22-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81088 IC-394-2021 Asist Tec Municipalidades UNDP Country Office PERU IC - Individual contractor 19-Aug-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 22-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81087 IC-393-2021 Asist Tec Temat Ambiental Municipalida UNDP Country Office PERU IC - Individual contractor 11-Aug-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 22-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81086 4223 PAN 2021 – ADQUISICION DE SISTEMAS DE VIDEOCONFERENCIA UNDP Country Office PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Sep-21 22-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81085 Un(e) Consultant(e) national (e) pour réaliser une analyse genre dans les secteurs prioritaires de la Contribution Déterminée à l'échelle Nationale (CDN) UNDP DRC CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 05-Aug-21 22-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81084 Un(e) Consultant(e) chargé (e) d'élaborer la stratégie de communication inclusive pour la mise en œuvre de la Contribution Déterminée à l'échelle Nationale (CDN) de la RDC UNDP DRC CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 05-Aug-21 22-Jul-21 INDUSTRY INDUSTRY 81083 CLOSED EARLY
Procurement of Printing of Books and Promotional Materials Malawi, Regional Bureau for Africa MALAWI RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Aug-21 22-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81082 Un(e) Consultant(e) pour élaborer la stratégie nationale relative à la prise en compte du genre et de jeunes dans la mise en œuvre de la Contribution Déterminée à l'échelle Nationale (CDN) en RDC UNDP DRC CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 04-Aug-21 22-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81081 Consultant Company - Media Firm – Revision of the CNDH Website UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE MOZAMBIQUE RFP - Request for proposal 04-Aug-21 22-Jul-21 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS 81080 contrat à long terme 3 ans concernant la Prestation de service smsing UNDP ALGERIA, RBAS ALGERIA RFQ - Request for quotation 31-Jul-21 22-Jul-21 WATER SUPPLY  (POTABLE) WATER SUPPLY (POTABLE) 81033 LTA REVISION Y O CAMBIO DE MEDIDOR DE AGUA POTABLE PNUD GUATEMALA GUATEMALA ITB - Invitation to bid 02-Sep-21 @ 01:00 PM (New York time) 22-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81079 Re Launch RFQ212021 UNDP Mozambique MOZAMBIQUE RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Aug-21 @ 02:00 PM (New York time) 22-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81078 BIH/RFQ-109-21 EXTENDED Supervision over the execution of the civil, mechanical, and electrical works at different locations in BiH UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Aug-21 22-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81077 Acquisition de matériel informatique Country Office COMOROS RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Aug-21 22-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81073 RFP/011/21 - reannouncement - Tender for development of the Electronic Apostille information system/переобъявление - по разработке информационной системы Электронного Апостиля UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 16-Aug-21 22-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 81075 LBN-CO-ITB-174-21 - Internal Fit Out Works UNDP UNDP Country Office - LEBANON - LEBANON LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 10-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 22-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81072 National Consultant for the development of a brand manual for the 'Restoring Marine Ecosystem Services by Rehabilitating Coral Reefs to Meet a Changing Climate Future' project UNDP Country Office MAURITIUS IC - Individual contractor 06-Aug-21 22-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81055 Consultancy to support the implementation of Medical Waste Management with focus on the Solid Waste at the target health facilities UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 05-Aug-21 22-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81071 National Consultant on preparation of draft regulatory legal acts to the Law of Turkmenistan UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN IC - Individual contractor 02-Aug-21 22-Jul-21 TOURISM TOURISM 81069 Strategy Paper and Priority Action Plan on repositioning the Mauritian Tourism Sector UNDP Country Office MAURITIUS RFP - Request for proposal 18-Aug-21 22-Jul-21 HOUSING HOUSING 81068 LBN-CO-RFP-179-21 Household Survey Palest Gath UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFP - Request for proposal 12-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 22-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81067 APPOINTMENT OF A NATIONAL CONSULTANT TO SUPPORT PROJECT DEVELOPMENT Lesotho LESOTHO IC - Individual contractor 02-Aug-21 22-Jul-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 81066 RFQ 079/21 Long Term Agreement for Maintenance and Repair Services of UN vehicles in Armenia UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Aug-21 22-Jul-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 80912 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS - F-SURE KARAMOJA PROJECT AWARENESS ON LANDUSE RIGHTS Uganda UGANDA RFP - Request for proposal 06-Aug-21 22-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81064 INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE IN TENDER FOR THE PROVISION OF HOTEL ACCOMMODATION & CONFERENCING SERVICES TO UN AGENCIES Kigali RWANDA ITB - Invitation to bid 30-Jul-21 22-Jul-21 IRRIGATION IRRIGATION 81062 LBN-CO-ITB-176-21 - Andket Akkar Irrigation Canals - Event ID: 0000009899 UNDP Country Office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 12-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 22-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81061 Consultancy for the Development of the Website- NLCCN Network (National Companies) UNDP Country Office MALAYSIA RFP - Request for proposal 24-Aug-21 22-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81059 Long Term Agreement _Undertaking Development TogetherforSDG Platform United Nations Resident Coordination Office -UNRCO MALAYSIA RFP - Request for proposal 06-Aug-21 22-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81060 (READVERTISEMENT) IC/UNDP/IFL/123/2021 - Consultant for Integrating Mitigation Components in the Budget Submission for Agriculture Sector UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 31-Aug-21 22-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81052 National Consultant: Training Consultant on Digital Service Design Lab (DSDL) for Localizing e-Governance for Accelerated Provision of Services (LeAPS) Project in BARMM Philippines PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 06-Aug-21 21-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81050 SdP-21-ADQ-145804 diseno e implementacion program UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 25-Aug-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 21-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81051 National Technical Consultant Philippines PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 06-Aug-21 21-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81049 Consultant - Coordinator (Nauru) UNDP Country Office FIJI IC - Individual contractor 05-Aug-21 21-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81048 PROCESO COL 0000147705 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Proyecto Sistema Integrado de Monitoreo de Cultivos Ilícitos (SIMCI) UNODC. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 04-Aug-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 21-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81047 SDC-028-2021 Solicitud de cotización de equipamiento diverso para proyectos de emprendimiento del programa "En marcha con PNUD" para el estado de Morelos, México. UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO RFQ - Request for quotation 04-Aug-21 21-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81045 PNUD-IC-407-2021 Especialista en Comunicacion UNDP Country Office - Peru - Peru PERU IC - Individual contractor 06-Aug-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 21-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81046 SdP ADQ 21 145760 Campana comunicacion MAPE UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 22-Jul-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 21-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81044 IC-391-2021 Asist Tec GoRe Huanuco UNDP Country Office PERU IC - Individual contractor 06-Aug-21 @ 02:00 PM (New York time) 21-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81043 SDP 13/2021 - MPTF Cuidados Diseño Curso Varones PNUD Argentina ARGENTINA RFP - Request for proposal 13-Aug-21 21-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81042 3 national consultants for monitoring, evaluation, analysis, and design of the management information system (Ref. P210705) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 28-Jul-21 21-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81041 PROCESO COL 0000148434 Adquisición de materiales para adecuaciones escuela Rural Consejo Comunitario Unión Rio Chagüi municipio de Tumaco (Nariño). UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Aug-21 21-Jul-21 MINES MINES 81039 SDP-401-2021 - Implementación de las mejores prácticas a nivel de gestión empresarial, ambiental y minera para OMAPE - Piura UNDP Country Office - PERU PERU RFP - Request for proposal 27-Aug-21 21-Jul-21 MINES MINES 81037 SDP-397-2021 - Implementación de las mejores prácticas a nivel de gestión empresarial, ambiental y minera para OMAPE - Arequipa UNDP Country Office - PERU PERU RFP - Request for proposal 27-Aug-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 21-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81038 IC-2021-081 Национальнsq эксперт по Казахстанской системе торговли выбросами / National Expert on the Kazakhstan Emissions Trading System UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 11-Aug-21 21-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81036 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA No.: COL-0000149093 - Adelantar una estrategia que permita generar procesos de Inclusión Financiera, educación financiera y pruducción limpia para comunidades mineras de oro UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 10-Aug-21 21-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81035 IC URU/21/003-1124 Consultor nacional para el diseño de una estrategia de relevamiento de datos sobre el agua URUGUAY URUGUAY IC - Individual contractor 12-Aug-21 21-Jul-21 RURAL DEV'T.  (MISCELLANY) RURAL DEV'T. (MISCELLANY) 81034 ITB 002 PNUD TOGO 2021 BIS TOGO TOGO ITB - Invitation to bid 30-Jul-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 21-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80138 Republication No 1: IC/UNDP/HAI/21.130 : Recrutement d'un (e) consultant (e) pour l'élaboration du plan de développement stratégique de la Direction de l'administration pénitentiaire UNDP HAITI IC - Individual contractor 11-Aug-21 21-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80141 Republication No 1: IC/UNDP/HAI/21.129 : Recrutement d'un (e) consultant (e) pour le développement d'outils de vulgarisation et de modules de formation sur la loi sur l'assistance légale et les notions de garanties judiciaires. UNDP HAITI IC - Individual contractor 11-Aug-21 21-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81031 4130 PAN 2021 - Asistencia técnica para realizar interfaz entre el Sistema de Expediente Electrónico y MoniTARV (Monitoreo de las Clínicas TARV) mediante un BUS de datos unidireccional hacia la base de datos centralizada UNDP Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 11-Aug-21 21-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81030 LBN-CO-RFP-177-21 - LTA Environmental Assessments - Event ID 0000009901 UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFP - Request for proposal 11-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 21-Jul-21 FORESTRY FORESTRY 81029 LBN-CO-ITB-175-21-Reforestation and Forest Management - Event ID 0000009900 UNDP Country Office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 18-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 21-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81028 RFQ 202/2021 - Procurement of Desktops and Monitors for UNDP Cyprus on behalf of the Committee on Missing Persons in Cyprus UNDP CYP CYPRUS RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Aug-21 21-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81027 BIH/RFQ-112-21 AMENDED, EXTENDED Supply and delivery of laboratory centrifuges UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Aug-21 21-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81026 554-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-RPP_medical equipment for the Municipal institutions "Territorial centers of social services (provision of social services)" of the territorial hromadas of Donetsk and Lugansk oblasts – automatic external defibrillators Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 04-Aug-21 21-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81025 BIH/RFQ-111-21 Supply and Delivery of IT Equipment UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Aug-21 21-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81023 RFQ Sistema Automático de Deteção e Extinção de Incêndios do INIC UNDP Sao Tomé and Principe SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Aug-21 21-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81024 Приглашение к подаче грантовых заявок по Киргизия KYRGYZSTAN Other 04-Aug-21 21-Jul-21 MINES MINES 81021 CALL FOR PROPOSALS KAMPALA UGANDA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 20-Aug-21 21-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81022 BIH/RFQ-110-21 Supply and Delivery of Protective gowns UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Jul-21 21-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81020 03 Individual National Consultants to develop a guideline for enterprises on CE transition and application of CE model, within the "Viet Nam National Circular Economy Movement" program (Ref. P210704) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 29-Jul-21 21-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81018 Dev. of Alternative Dispute Resolution Framework Country Office KENYA RFP - Request for proposal 10-Aug-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 21-Jul-21 HOUSING HOUSING 81019 520/RFQ/GOUDMADA/2021 ACQUISITION ET LA LIVRAISON DE MOBILIERS EN VUE DE L'OPERATIONNALISATION DU PÔLE ANTI-CORRUPTION (PAC) DE FIANARANTSOA MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Aug-21 21-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 81017 Supply and Delivery of Laptop Computers UNDP Country Office NEPAL RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Jul-21 @ 07:45 AM (New York time) 21-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80952 Supply and Delivery Cleaning Materials Timor-Leste TIMOR LESTE RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Aug-21 @ 09:40 AM (New York time) 21-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81016 Request for Proposal (RFP) for Preparing an Action Plan to Operationalize SDG-aligned Integrated Transport Management (UNDP/RFP/20/2021) Accelerating Implementation of SDGs in Nepal (AISN NEPAL RFP - Request for proposal 05-Aug-21 21-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81015 493-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-RPP_Preparation, organisation, and running of the info campaign aimed to increase public health literacy in Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 08-Aug-21 21-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81014 T210706 - 02 National consultants for development of investment directions of the National Target Program on Sustainable and Inclusive Poverty Reduction for 2021- 2025 period UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 28-Jul-21 21-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81013 EOI 4232 PAN2021 COORDINADOR/A DE ÁREA DE FORMACIÓN DE EQUIPO PESADO PANAMA PANAMA EOI - Expression of interest 10-Aug-21 21-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81012 EOI 4231 PAN 2021 COORDINADOR/A DE ÁREA DE FORMACIÓN AGROPECUARIA PANAMA PANAMA EOI - Expression of interest 10-Aug-21 21-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81011 EOI 4226 PAN2021 COORDINADOR/A DE ÁREA DE FORMACIÓN DE MECATRÓNICA PANAMA PANAMA EOI - Expression of interest 10-Aug-21 21-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81010 EOI 4225 PAN 2021 COORDINADOR/A DE ÁREA DE FORMACIÓN DE GESTIÓN EMPRESARIAL PANAMA PANAMA EOI - Expression of interest 10-Aug-21 21-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81008 EOI 4224 PAN 2021 COORDINADOR/A DE ÁREA DE FORMACIÓN DE GASTRONOMÍA PANAMA PANAMA EOI - Expression of interest 10-Aug-21 20-Jul-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 81009 Аукцион по продаже автомобиля / Vehicle sale UNDP Kazakhstan KAZAKHSTAN Other 02-Aug-21 20-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 81007 MNG/IC/2021/097 - National Consultant - System Analyst/IT Expert UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 04-Aug-21 20-Jul-21 IMPORT/EXPORT IMPORT/EXPORT 81006 RFQ for supply of Waste Collection equipment UNDP ETHIOPIA COUNTRY OFFICE ETHIOPIA RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Aug-21 @ 03:15 AM (New York time) 20-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81004 Long Term Agreement (LTA) for Provision of Room Accommodation, Conference Rooms and Catering Services The Gambia GAMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Aug-21 20-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 81003 Rehab. of Al Ajyal Park in Bashiqa Sub-district UNDP Country Office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Aug-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 20-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81002 SDP31 2021 LTA AUDITORIAS INTERAGENCIALES UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 09-Aug-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 20-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 80223 Procurement of small marine and IT equipment UNDP Country Office MAURITIUS RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Aug-21 20-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 81001 CFP-BHR-2021-44 Raising awareness on Human Rights with Female Workers in the Free Trade Zones in Sri Lanka UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 02-Aug-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 20-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80650 415-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP: Administration of a survey on the perception of the personal security and justice services accessibility among the persons who identify as LGBTIQ+, GBV survivors, and Roma communities in Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 11-Aug-21 20-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 81000 RFP-082-IND-2021 (Request for Proposal for Enhancing Access to Social Entitlement in Devbhumi Dwarka and Jamnagar, Gujarat) UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 03-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 20-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 80998 RFQSYC2021-002 ICT Equipment Country Office Mauritius and Seychelles MAURITIUS RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Jul-21 @ 11:00 PM (New York time) 20-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80997 RFPSYC2021-001 E-procurement strategy Country Office MAURITIUS RFP - Request for proposal 06-Aug-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 20-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80996 RFQ-081-IND-2021-Providing vehicles on monthly rental basis for UNDP projects and programmes. India INDIA RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 20-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80995 4171 PAN 2021 - Estudio sobre la propiedad, acceso y control de bienes inmuebles con título de propiedad y/o derecho posesorio o tenencia sobre la tierra para las mujeres (como propietarias y/o copropietarias) en Panamá UNDP Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 12-Aug-21 19-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80993 PROCESO COL 0000148289 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultoría para Gestión del Riesgo de Desastres UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 02-Aug-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 19-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80992 PROCESO COL 0000148267 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultor/a para el proceso de generación de insumos del modelo regional de información para la identificación de rasgos representativos de la explotación de oro en el departamento de Bolívar UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 02-Aug-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 19-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80991 PROCESO COL 0000148257 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultor/a para el proceso de generación de insumos del modelo regional de información para la identificación de rasgos representativos de la explotación de oro en el departamento de Cauca. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 02-Aug-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 19-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80990 PROCESO COL 0000148253 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultor/a para el proceso de generación de información para el diagnóstico de la actividad minera en el departamento de Guainía UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 02-Aug-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 19-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80988 National Consultancy - SLE/ICPN/2021/010 UNDP Country Office SIERRA LEONE IC - Individual contractor 27-Jul-21 19-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80989 4060 PAN 2021 – Consultoría para desarrollar talleres para formación en vocería y proyección pública en Panamá, República de Panamá UNDP Country Office PANAMA RFP - Request for proposal 18-Aug-21 19-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80987 National Consultancy - SLE/ICPN/2021/009 UNDP Country Office SIERRA LEONE IC - Individual contractor 27-Jul-21 19-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80986 IC No. 00118281/1294 Apoyo para el seguimiento a la agenda de cumplimiento de las Contribuciones Nacionalmente Determinadas en El Salvador, Resultados 1 y 2. UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 02-Aug-21 19-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80985 IC No. 00117646/1292 "Consultoría para la elaboración de un diagnóstico de las Poblaciones Indígenas en la Región Oriental de El Salvador". UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 02-Aug-21 19-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80967 Support the establishment of startups and micro entrepreneurial initiatives within the framework of the project "Enhancing Self-Reliance and Inclusion Prospect for Displaced-Affected Communities (Vulnerable Iraqi and Host Communities UNDP Country Office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 07-Aug-21 19-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80984 Recrutement d'un Cabinet national pour le renforcement des capacités des organisations des producteurs Cameroun CAMEROON RFP - Request for proposal 03-Aug-21 19-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80973 Consultancy – Design of Tools and Interventions for Ending Stigma and Discrimination against Women and Girls with Disabilities, for the Rule of Law, Security and Human Rights team, UNDP/CB - Home Based UNDP/HQ/CB/ROLSHR UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Other 01-Aug-21 19-Jul-21 POWER POWER 80983 RFP-CHN-007 UNDP China CHINA RFP - Request for proposal 25-Jul-21 @ 09:00 PM (New York time) 19-Jul-21 POWER POWER 80982 RFP-CHN-006 UNDP China CHINA RFP - Request for proposal 25-Jul-21 @ 09:00 PM (New York time) 19-Jul-21 POWER POWER 80981 RFP-CHN-005 UNDP China CHINA RFP - Request for proposal 25-Jul-21 @ 09:00 PM (New York time) 19-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80979 RFQ-UNDP-UNCITY CPH 2021- SUPPLY OF VEGETABLES UNDP Common Services DENMARK RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Aug-21 19-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80977 PNUD/IC-405/2021 Consultoria Asistencia Técnica Perú PERU IC - Individual contractor 29-Jul-21 19-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80978 RFQ for Provision of Conference/Workshop services in Field Locations, South Sudan UNDP Country Office SOUTH SUDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Jul-21 19-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80976 SDP32-2021 Consultoria Manejo de Gas Refrigerante UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 30-Jul-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 19-Jul-21 MINES MINES 80972 Call for selecting Mining asociations, Civil Society Organization, Community groups, training institutions and cooperatives working in the Development Minerals sector to participate in a Small Grants Programme to strengthen the resilience of Artisanal a UNDP Country Office ZAMBIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 13-Aug-21 19-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80970 522/IC/GOUDMADA/2021 Recrutement d'un(e) Consultant(e) National(e) Ingénieur en Bâtiments-Travaux Publics ou en Génie civil POUR LA REALISATION D'UN CAHIER DE CHARGE ET LE SUIVI DES TRAVAUX POUR LA REHABILITATION DU BATIMENT PREVU PAC FIANARANTSOA MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 30-Jul-21 19-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80975 524-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-RPP_Overhaul of the ASC building at the address: Sievierodonetsk, 32a Druzhby Narodiv Boulevard Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Aug-21 19-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80974 RFP-076-IND-2021 - Career guidance, Employability Skills, and Placement Support to Youth in Devbhumi Dwarka and Jamnagar, Gujarat UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 12-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 19-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80969 RFP-2021-021 Evaluation of pilot low-carbon projects' results/Оценка результатов пилотных низкоуглеродных проектов Kazakhstan KAZAKHSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 09-Aug-21 19-Jul-21 INDUSTRY INDUSTRY 80971 Foam Material UNDP-Iran IRAN ITB - Invitation to bid 23-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 19-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80968 Solicitud de Propuesta Nº01/2021 - "Servicio de relevamiento en infraestructura y equipamiento" PNUD Argentina ARGENTINA RFP - Request for proposal 20-Aug-21 19-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80966 RRFP-BD-21-015-Joint Programme Evaluation NRP Bangladesh Country Office BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 10-Aug-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 19-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80962 495-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-RPP_The establishment of telemedicine services in Donetsk oblast Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 08-Aug-21 19-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80965 INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANCY TO PROVIDE TECHNICAL SUPPORT FOR THE REVIEW OF THE NATIONAL CURRICULUM FOR THE ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH TRAINING IN TANZANIA TO IDENTIFY GAPS AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR HIGHER LEARNING INSTITUTIONS TO INCORPORATE SUSTAINABILITY DIMENSIONS IN UNDP TANZANIA IC - Individual contractor 02-Aug-21 19-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80963 UNDPIRH-RFP-202111-M4EG-EXTENSION Istanbul Regional Center TURKEY RFP - Request for proposal 07-Sep-21 @ 07:21 AM (New York time) 19-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80939 Urban Revitalization / Tourism Development Assessment & Feasibility Study. "Promoting urban regeneration through community interventions, with a focus on tourism development and urban green space in Amman UNDP Country Office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 07-Aug-21 19-Jul-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 80964 477/RFQ/PARC/2021 Fourniture et livraison d'intrants et de divers matériels pour les bénéficiaires du projet PACARC dans la Commune Rurale de Tanandava sud et de Sampona, District d'Amboasary sud, Région Anôsy en 5 lots MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Jul-21 19-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80961 UNDP-CYP-RFP-201-EID-9868-2021 - Consultancy services for creation of virtual tours for Technical Committee for Cultural Heritage (TCCH) monuments Cyprus CYPRUS RFP - Request for proposal 03-Sep-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 19-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80958 RFP-2021-051 Creation of a pilot center for vocational rehabilitation of persons with disabilities / cозданию пилотного центра по профессиональной реабилитации лиц с инвалидностью «Ten Qogam» в Алматинской области UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 18-Aug-21 19-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80959 UNDP-IC-2021-211 Re-Advertised - Individual Consultant Green Jobs Coordinator with Ministry of Climate Change (MoCC) UNDP CO PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 02-Aug-21 19-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80940 Interactive Website Design and Development Sudan SUDAN RFP - Request for proposal 01-Aug-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 19-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80956 IC-2021-104 National expert to assess the influence of climate change on the Ili-Balkhash basin / Услуги Национального эксперта по оценке воздействия изменений климата на Или-Балхашский бассейн UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 16-Aug-21 19-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80957 (Extended deadline to 18.08.2021) T210705 - A national consultancy firm to develop a baseline report and data for M&E of ISEE-COVID project UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 18-Aug-21 19-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80955 TRAVAUX DE CONSTRUCTION A MOZOGO EN DEUX LOTS Cameroun CAMEROON ITB - Invitation to bid 01-Aug-21 @ 02:09 PM (New York time) 19-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80954 BIH/RFP-028-21 EXTENDED E-Mobility and Market Study in Bosnia and Herzegovina UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFP - Request for proposal 13-Aug-21 19-Jul-21 HEALTH HEALTH 80953 LBN-CO-RFQ-172-21 CT Injector for 2 Hospitals UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 19-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80951 ITB 195 EID 9837 2021- Conservation works at Apostolos Andreas Monastery - Phase 2 UNDP Cyprus CYPRUS ITB - Invitation to bid 28-Sep-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 19-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80950 MNG/IC/2021/096 - National Consultant - Mapping and integration of donor-funded projects UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 31-Aug-21 19-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80802 ETH2664RE-National Consultant design and develop sector-wide DRM mainstreaming instruments (checklists) for incorporating DRM policy and strategy into the national and sectoral development plans and budgets UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 16-Aug-21 @ 03:59 PM (New York time) 19-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80949 UNDP-IC-2021-069 - Junior PMIS Development Consultant - Sindh Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 05-Aug-21 19-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80948 UNDP-IC-2021-072 - IT and Database Consultant Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 05-Aug-21 19-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 80947 RFQ -Supply and delivery of smart phones UNDP Afghanistan AFGHANISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Jul-21 @ 06:25 AM (New York time) 19-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80946 Provision of Development of Mentoring Guidelines and Expansion of Mentoring Services for Youth Entrepreneurs (Re-Advertise) UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFP - Request for proposal 21-Jul-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 18-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80945 UNPS Evaluator(s)- Consultant UNDP Pacific Office in Fiji FIJI IC - Individual contractor 30-Jul-21 18-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80944 Team Leader – Senior Evaluator UNDP Pacific Office in Fiji FIJI IC - Individual contractor 30-Jul-21 18-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80943 Supply and Installation of Generator for FPF UNDP Country Office FIJI RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Aug-21 @ 11:57 AM (New York time) 18-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80942 4151 PAN 2021 - Consultor/a para el análisis de principales dificultades de las pequeñas y medianas empresas lideradas por mujeres para el acceso a financiamiento y generación de metodología y módulos de formación que contribuyan a fortalecer sus capacida UNDP Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 06-Aug-21 18-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80941 INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANCY-CONSULTANCY TO DEVELOP A COMPREHENSIVE FRAMEWORK FOR ADOPTING THE LIFE-COURSE APPROACH BOTSWANA BOTSWANA IC - Individual contractor 02-Aug-21 18-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80938 Recrutement d'un(e) consultant(e) National (e) pour l'Evaluation Finale, Projet « Conservation de la biodiversité d'intérêt mondial et utilisation durable des services écosystèmes dans les parcs culturels en Algérie » UNDP Algeria ALGERIA IC - Individual contractor 19-Sep-21 18-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80937 CLOSED EARLY
Capacity Building on Data Management System- Senior Specialist UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE MOZAMBIQUE IC - Individual contractor 30-Jul-21 18-Jul-21 POWER POWER 80936 Recruitment of an international consultant to monitor the preparatory work and installation of the mini solar power plant Chad Country Office CHAD IC - Individual contractor 30-Jul-21 18-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80933 IC/UNDP/RRU-DIRECT/120/2021 - Geospatial Data Processing Consultant (Indonesian nationality only) UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 02-Aug-21 18-Jul-21 POWER POWER 80935 UNDP-SYR-RFQ-021-40 Solar System and UNDP Syria Office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 04-Aug-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 18-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80932 RE: REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ) – Supply and Delivery of Pottery Material at UNDP Djibouti Country Office - Lot 2 UNDP OFFICE DJIBOUTI RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Jul-21 18-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80931 TRAVAUX DE CONSTRUCTION A WAZA EN 06 LOTS Cameroun CAMEROON ITB - Invitation to bid 03-Aug-21 @ 02:45 PM (New York time) 18-Jul-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 80930 EQUIPEMENTS DE RELANCE ECONOMIQUE ET CFW Cameroun CAMEROON ITB - Invitation to bid 31-Jul-21 @ 02:37 PM (New York time) 17-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80929 AMI 484/RFP/PNUD/2021 En vue de recrutement d'organisations/d'institutions financières et non financières, d'ONGs, pour la gestion des fonds dans le cadre des activités d'appui et de relance économique post Covid-19 au secteur informel dans l'économie MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR EOI - Expression of interest 30-Jul-21 17-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80928 4181 PAN 2021 - Asistencia Técnica Para la Transformación de la Dirección General de Ingresos, DGI Country office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 05-Aug-21 16-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80926 251-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-RPP Reconstruction of a part of building for the Communal Enterprise Media, European Integration, Methodical Center Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Jul-21 16-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80925 ITB-253-21-Rehabilitation of Electrical networks i UNDP IRAQ OFFICE IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 26-Jul-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 16-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80924 PNUD-IC-387-2021 Asist. tec.monitoreo avance DCI UNDP Country Office - Peru - Peru PERU IC - Individual contractor 16-Aug-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 16-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80923 CI/060/PDP/2021 CONSULTORÍA PARA LA APLICACIÓN DE UN PROYECTO DEL PROGRAMA DE DESARROLLO DE PROVEEDORES CON EMPRESAS VINCULADAS AL SECTOR ALIMENTOS EN LAS ZONAS GEOGRÁFICAS: EJE NORORIENTAL Y EL EJE SUROCCIDENTAL DE VENEZUELA. (ESTADOS: MIRANDA, ANZOAT UNDP Country Office VENEZUELA IC - Individual contractor 06-Aug-21 16-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80922 CI/059/PDP/2021 CONSULTORÍA PARA LA APLICACIÓN DE UN PROYECTO DEL PROGRAMA DE DESARROLLO DE PROVEEDORES CON EMPRESAS VINCULADAS AL SECTOR ALIMENTOS EN EL EJE CENTRO-OCCIDENTAL DE VENEZUELA. (ESTADOS: ARAGUA- CARABOBO-YARACUY-LARA) UNDP Country Office VENEZUELA IC - Individual contractor 06-Aug-21 16-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80921 CI/058/PDP/2021 CONSULTORÍA PARA LA APLICACIÓN DE UN PROYECTO DEL PROGRAMA DE DESARROLLO DE PROVEEDORES CON EMPRESAS VINCULADAS AL SECTOR ALIMENTOS EN LOS ESTADOS: LARA/YARACUY/CARABOBO, VENEZUELA. UNDP Country Office VENEZUELA IC - Individual contractor 06-Aug-21 16-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80918 Evaluation Services Mid-Term-Review UNDP CO SURINAME RFP - Request for proposal 03-Aug-21 16-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 80919 ITB IT Equipment within ICT Modernization Project UNDP CO AZERBAIJAN ITB - Invitation to bid 16-Aug-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 16-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80920 Proceso No. COL-0000148736 - Consultoría para la asesoría jurídica en el proceso socialización y compensación de vendedores de playa y pescadores del Proyecto de Protección costera en Cartagena. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 30-Jul-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 16-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80917 Maintenance of unified outdoor hiking trails Llogara Albania ALBANIA RFP - Request for proposal 13-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 16-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80915 LBN-CO-RFP-173-21Fishermen Syndicate Capacit Build UNDP Country office LEBANON RFP - Request for proposal 06-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 16-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80916 LBN-CO-CFP-170-21 MSLD Committees - Peace Choir UNDP Country Office LEBANON CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 30-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 16-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80914 IC 01-07-2021 Consultation Légale pour la création d'une entité indépendante du Pacte Mondial des Nations Unies au Maroc Maroc MOROCCO IC - Individual contractor 30-Jul-21 16-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80913 Achat et livraison de matériels divers pour la formation des agents de collecte pour les enquêtes SEIAs MADAGASCAR MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Jul-21 16-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80911 RFQ NO. 80911/2021 Development, Layout, Printing and Supply of a Public Sector Innovation Toolkit Windhoek, Republic of Namibia - UNDP CO NAMIBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Jul-21 16-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80910 T210704 - 01 International Consultant and 02 National Consultants to conduct a research on assessment of Viet Nam's policies and legal framework UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 29-Jul-21 16-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80909 RFP-Training and Consultation Support for MoESD UNDP Country Office GEORGIA RFP - Request for proposal 09-Aug-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 16-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80907 Recruit an NIC to develop grassroot innovation DB UNDP ETHIOPIA COUNTRY OFFICE ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 03-Aug-21 @ 03:14 AM (New York time) 16-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80908 RE-ADVERTISEMENT: Supply of Personal Protective Equipment to the Department of Health South Africa SOUTH AFRICA RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Sep-21 16-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80906 1/2021 - Individual Consultant Procurement Notice for National Consultant – Indigenous Livelihood Expert for DCRL Project UNDP Country Office for DCRL Project NEPAL IC - Individual contractor 26-Jul-21 16-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80904 Консультант по разработке мандата (дорожной карты) для подготовки Национального плана по адаптации к изменениям климата Республики Беларусь UNDP Country Office BELARUS IC - Individual contractor 30-Jul-21 16-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80905 Support to the operationalization of the African Inclusive Markets Excellence Centre (AIMEC) South Africa SOUTH AFRICA IC - Individual contractor 13-Aug-21 16-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80903 385-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-DIA Services linked to expanding the functionality of the "" portal UNDP UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 02-Aug-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 16-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80902 National Consultant – a web-based software for SDGs impact measurement and management UNDP Country Office THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 01-Aug-21 16-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80901 ITB-031-021 EE Reconstruction public buildings UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA ITB - Invitation to bid 11-Aug-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 16-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80283 MyRFP2021-014 Business Development Consultancy for Impact Venture Accelerator. UNDP Country Office MALAYSIA RFP - Request for proposal 13-Aug-21 16-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80900 UNDP-RFP-2021-239- Local or International Firm/Institute/Organization to Conduct a group training on Planning, Organizing and Effective Delivery UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 30-Jul-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 16-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 80899 RFP-080-IND-2021 - Development of an SDG Dashboard for monitoring SDGs in Nagaland UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 02-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 16-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80889 DAOSERVICESVOYAGES UNDP country office CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC ITB - Invitation to bid 10-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 16-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80897 RFQ 704 Procurement of furniture for Assembly of Vojvodina UNDP CO Serbia SERBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Aug-21 16-Jul-21 RIVER TRANSPORT RIVER TRANSPORT 80896 318-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-RPP_provision of hovercraft and equipment for divisions of Main Departments of State Emergency Service in Donetsk and Zaporizhzhia oblasts Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Aug-21 16-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80894 ETH2717 – Recruitment of International Individual Contractor Team Expert to Conduct Project UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 17-Aug-21 @ 05:23 AM (New York time) 16-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80893 ETH2716 – Recruitment of National Individual Contractor Team Expert to Conduct Project Terminal Evaluation UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 30-Jul-21 @ 05:10 AM (New York time) 16-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80838 154-2021-RFQ-UNDP-SDRR-@ "Procurement and delivery of equipment for the medical service Tajikistan TAJIKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Aug-21 16-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80892 Provision of Development of ICT Skills and Occupational Profiles – Re-Advertise UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFP - Request for proposal 26-Jul-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 16-Jul-21 INDUSTRY INDUSTRY 80868 RFQ/046/21 – Invitation to tender for Supply of Various Equipment (three LOTs) to Karakalpakstan. Приглашение на тендер для предоставление коммерческого предложения на поставку различного оборудования (три лота) в Каракалпакстан UNDP Uzbekistan UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Aug-21 16-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80891 PNUD/IC-380/2021 - "Apoyo al Grupo Técnico de Minería del Gobierno Regional de Puno, para la elaboración del Plan Minero Regional y la propuesta de incorporación de directrices del Convenio de Minamata al Plan de Desarrollo Regional Concertado" UNDP OFFICE PERU PERU IC - Individual contractor 29-Jul-21 15-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80890 Provision of Onboarding Farmers into Agri-Tech Platform in Siem Reap Province. UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFP - Request for proposal 05-Aug-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 15-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80887 146993-2021 - Entrepreneurship Development Analyst​ UNDP Country Office JAMAICA IC - Individual contractor 29-Jul-21 15-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80888 PCI-079-2021 Servicios de consultoría para la incorporación del enfoque de género en el Tercer Informe Bienal de Actualización (IBA3 ó BUR 3 por sus siglas en inglés) de México ante la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático UNDP- Country office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 09-Aug-21 15-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80886 PCI-078-2021 Servicios de consultoría individual para desarrollar el diseño instruccional y el contenido de tres cursos sobre ética e integridad en el servicio público para Contralorías o equivalentes de gobiernos estatales, Auditorías Superiores Estatale UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 05-Aug-21 15-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80885 IC-372-2021 Eval Terminal Proy Amaz Resiliente UNDP Country Office PERU IC - Individual contractor 03-Aug-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 15-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80884 CHL/IC/104/2021 Consultor(a) Nacional para Evaluación Final Programa Nacional ONU REDD UNDP Country Office CHILE IC - Individual contractor 29-Jul-21 15-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80883 CHL/IC/103/2021 Consultor(a) Internacional Líder para Evaluación Final Programa Nacional ONU REDD UNDP Country Office CHILE IC - Individual contractor 29-Jul-21 15-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80882 PCI-077-2021 Servicios de consultoría individual para el mapeo de buenas prácticas, metodologías y/o modelos a nivel nacional e internacional en ética e integridad en el servicio público. UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 05-Aug-21 15-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80881 PROCESO COL 0000148764 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultor SGR. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Jul-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 15-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80880 PROCESO COL 0000148237 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultoría para asesorar el diseño, implementación y documentación de una estrategia Smart Working en la Secretaría Distrital de Gobierno de Bogotá (SDG) UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 28-Jul-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 15-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80879 Supply of Office Equipment and Furniture UNDP Nigeria Country Office NIGERIA RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Jul-21 15-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80877 SDC 392-2021 Servicio de Seguimiento de la Implementación de los Planes de Prevención y Reducción del Riesgo de Desastres aprobados y de las medidas de prevención y reducción del riesgo de desastres contenidas en las Evaluaciones de Riesgo UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE PERU RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Aug-21 15-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80878 CLOSED EARLY
SDP NRO. 12/2021 "Unidad de evaluación de indicadores de riesgo en situaciones de violencia y discriminación por razones de género, en el marco de la Iniciativa Spotlight" ARGENTINA ARGENTINA RFP - Request for proposal 11-Aug-21 15-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80876 PCI-076-2021 Proponer y desarrollar metodologías para la inclusión de género en el Tercer Informe Bienal de Actualización (IBA3 o BUR 3 por sus siglas en inglés) de México ante la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 09-Aug-21 15-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80875 Provision of On-the-Job training services UNDP Office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 07-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 15-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80874 Proceso No. COL-0000148743 - Apoyo técnico para fortalecer la sinergia entre el seguimiento financiero y temático de los ODS con el Departmento Nacional de Planeación. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Jul-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 15-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80873 NATIONAL EXPERT FOR TERMINAL EVALUATION OF RVCC PROJCET LESOTHO LESOTHO IC - Individual contractor 22-Jul-21 15-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80872 IC-396-2021 Eval Req. Tec para formalz MAPE Piura UNDP Country Office PERU IC - Individual contractor 16-Aug-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 15-Jul-21 HEALTH HEALTH 80189 RFQ-2021-581-UNDSS Trainings UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Jul-21 15-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80871 RFQ-079-IND-2021-Designing for Inclusive Growth campaigns and communication initiatives India INDIA RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 15-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80869 International Consultant on National Adaptation Planning in Belarus UNDP Country Office BELARUS IC - Individual contractor 29-Jul-21 15-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80867 Asistente de Relaciones Institucionales (ARRII) E.G. UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE EQUATORIAL GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 29-Jul-21 15-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80866 RECRUTEMENT D'UN (E) CONSULTANT(E) NATIONAL(E) POUR LA FORMULATION DE LA NOTE CONCEPTUELLE, SELON LE CANEVA DU FEM, DU PROJET RELATIF À LA GESTION DURABLE ET INCLUSIVE DE L'AIRE MARINE PROTÉGÉE DE GRAND-BÉRÉBY EN CÔTE D'IVOIRE UNDP ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE IC - Individual contractor 30-Jul-21 15-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80858 International Consultancy - SLE/ICPN/2021/008 UNDP Country Office SIERRA LEONE IC - Individual contractor 23-Jul-21 15-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80865 UNDP CYP RFQ 199 2021 - Assessment and Conservation of Elements in Churches and Similar Sites Cyprus CYPRUS RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Sep-21 15-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80864 Provision of Onboarding Farmers into Agri-Tech Platform in Kompong Thom Province UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFP - Request for proposal 05-Aug-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 15-Jul-21 HEALTH HEALTH 80862 Procurement of Stretchers and ICU Beds UNDP Country Office - COVID-19 Project AFGHANISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Jul-21 @ 07:30 AM (New York time) 15-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80863 Provision of Onboarding Farmers into Agri-Tech Platform in Kandal Province UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFP - Request for proposal 05-Aug-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 15-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80861 A National firm to Develop and Carry Out a Communications Campaign on Waste and Plastic (Ref. B-210706-readvertise) UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 14-Aug-21 15-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80860 SOUTH AFRICA YOUTH BAROMETER SURVEY UNDP SOUTH AFRICA SOUTH AFRICA RFP - Request for proposal 23-Jul-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 15-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80859 MAINTENANCE DES SYSTEMES DE VIDEOSURVEILLANCE ET DE PROTECTION INCENDIE AU BATIMENT COMMUN DE MAROUA Cameroon CAMEROON RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Jul-21 15-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80855 IC/UNDP/PROTECT/121/2021 - Consultant to Strengthen the Implementation of NAP (National Action Plan) on PCVE (Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism that Leads to Terrorism) UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Jul-21 15-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80857 UNDP-IC-2020-236 Comms consultant Quetta RCO UNDP CO Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 02-Aug-21 15-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80856 UNDP-IC-2020-235 Comms consultant Islamabad RCO UNDP CO Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 02-Aug-21 15-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80851 Provision of Corporate governance Training worksho UNDP AFghanistan AFGHANISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 31-Jul-21 @ 07:30 AM (New York time) 15-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80836 National Consultancy - SLE/ICPN/2021/007 UNDP Country Office SIERRA LEONE IC - Individual contractor 21-Jul-21 15-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80854 ITB 01.2021.PNUD.COM MORONI COMOROS ITB - Invitation to bid 06-Aug-21 @ 10:47 AM (New York time) 15-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80853 Individual consultancy on behalf of UNODC- National Consultant- Terrorism Prevention Branch - LBN-CO-IC-171-21 UNDP - on behalf of UN-ODC LEBANON Other 29-Jul-21 15-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80852 SERVICES DE SECURITE ET DE GARDIENNAGE SNU TOGO BUREAU DU PNUD TOGO RFP - Request for proposal 19-Aug-21 @ 11:30 PM (New York time) 15-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80850 RFP 56-2021 Development and Implementation of Awareness Raising Campaign on the Gray Economy UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFP - Request for proposal 28-Jul-21 15-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80847 Call for Proposals for INGOs and NGOs: Addressing the Digital Gender Divide among GBV Survivors and Women and Adolescent Girls at Risk under the UNDP project Network of Local Governance UNDP Country Office JORDAN CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 01-Aug-21 15-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80848 RFP-075-IND-2021 India INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 05-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 15-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80849 ITB-029-21 Photo-voltaic solar system powerplant UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA ITB - Invitation to bid 10-Aug-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 15-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80846 RFQ/2021/11: Implementing environmental correction plan for JUST incineration facility – Rehabilitation and upgrade of medical waste incinerator (Design, Supply, install, test, and commission UNDP Country Office JORDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Aug-21 15-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80845 Q and A and RfP 58-2021 for Development of Feasibility Study for optimal public transport network and system for the City of Veles UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFP - Request for proposal 16-Aug-21 15-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80844 RECRUTEMENT D'UN(E) CONSULTANT (E) NATIONAL (E) POUR L'EVALUATION FINALE DU PROJET RBA CHAD IC - Individual contractor 29-Jul-21 15-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80843 Audio/video equipment to enhance CO communications efforts South Africa SOUTH AFRICA RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Jul-21 15-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80841 RFP for Renewable energy mini-grid regulation ARMETI AFGHANISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 01-Aug-21 @ 07:30 AM (New York time) 15-Jul-21 FISHERIES FISHERIES 80839 Supply and Delivery of Fishing Nets to Aden and Hadhramaut governorates in Yemen UNDP Yemen CO, Aden Sub-Office YEMEN ITB - Invitation to bid 05-Aug-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 15-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80840 Закупка услуг по оценке воздействия изменения климата, уязвимости и климатических рисков топливно-энергетического комплекса, строительства, жилищно-коммунального хозяйства и транспорта для разработки Национального плана по адаптации UNDP Country Office BELARUS RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Aug-21 15-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80837 240-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-RPP_Audit of the low-value grant projects UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 04-Aug-21 15-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80378 RFP-070-IND-2021 (Request for Proposal for to create an SDG Virtual platform under "SDG Partnership on Development Cooperation") UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 19-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 15-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80835 01 International Consultant to provide analytical tools and international experience in linking finance to development outcomes/SDGs (A-210702) UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 10-Aug-21 14-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80834 Design of identified Sustainable Finance Solutions UNDP PNG Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA RFP - Request for proposal 25-Jul-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 14-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80833 SDP/00122641/081/2022 "Consultoría para la creación e implementación campañas de difusión masiva para promover la participación ciudadana y el liderazgo de mujeres, jóvenes y grupos insuficientemente representados" UNDP Country Office HONDURAS RFP - Request for proposal 02-Aug-21 14-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80832 PROCESO COL 0000148767 - CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL - Consultoría en Ingeniería Subregional - SGR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 28-Jul-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 14-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80831 CI/057/ODS/2021 - CONSULTORÍA PARA EL DISEÑO Y PLANIFICACIÓN DE UNA CAMPAÑA COMUNICACIONAL POR LA INCLUSIÓN SOCIAL Y CONTRA LA ESTIGMATIZACIÓN DE LOS MIGRANTES VENEZOLANOS UNDP Country Office VENEZUELA IC - Individual contractor 30-Jul-21 14-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80830 Proceso No. COL-0000148766 - Consultoría en Ingeniería Subregional UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 28-Jul-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 14-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80829 Consultant for the installment of BSL systems at the National Referral Laboratory and regional Hospital Ayres Menezes in São Tomé and Principe São Tomé & Principe SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE Other 30-Jul-21 14-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80828 RFQ-007-2021-cquisition des besoins pour la constitution d'un stock de contingence à la Directions de Protection Civile à Sélibaby UNDP Country Office MAURITANIA RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Aug-21 14-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80826 Request for Quotation (RFQ) for Repair and Maintenance Works in UN House (UNDP/RFQ/27/2021) UN Common Services NEPAL RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Aug-21 14-Jul-21 INDUSTRY INDUSTRY 80827 ACQUISITION GROUPES ELECTROGENES Cameroun CAMEROON ITB - Invitation to bid 02-Aug-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 14-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80825 CHL/IC/105/2021 Elaboración de propuestas de transversalización del enfoque de género en instrumentos de gestión del cambio climático y propuesta metodológica para el desarrollo de actividades de la mesa de género y cambio climático UNDP Country Office CHILE IC - Individual contractor 29-Jul-21 14-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80824 IC URU/16/G32-1117 Consultor/a internacional para Evaluación final del Proyecto PNUD-FMAM URU/16/G32 "Espacios de coordinación de las Convenciones de Río para un crecimiento sostenible en Uruguay (ECCOSUR)" URUGUAY URUGUAY IC - Individual contractor 29-Jul-21 14-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80823 INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANT TO DEVELOP BOTSWANA'S ECONOMIC DIPLOMACY STRATEGY AND IMPLEMENTATION PLAN BOTSWANA BOTSWANA IC - Individual contractor 30-Jul-21 14-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80812 UN Women Liberia Call for Expression of Interest for membership on its Civil Society Advisory Group ON BEHALF OF UNWOMEN LIBERIA LIBERIA EOI - Expression of interest 30-Aug-21 14-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80822 RFQ/BDI10/UGP-FM/005/2021-TRAVAUX DE REHABILITATION DE 2 BUREAUX-REPUBLICATION UNDP Country Office BURUNDI RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Jul-21 14-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80821 LBN-CO-RFP-169-21 - Sludge Management Study - Event ID 0000009841 UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFP - Request for proposal 11-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 14-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80820 Consultancy Firm for UNDP-GEF funded Project to establish a server system for the Oceanographic Monitoring System (OMS) that will transmit weather data into the existing CIDMEWS. As well as facilitate its integration into the global monitoring network. UNDP Country Office SIERRA LEONE RFP - Request for proposal 29-Jul-21 14-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80819 BIH/RFQ-108-21 Construction works and supply and delivery of construction materials, furniture and other equipment on 3 mountain homes in 3 municipalities in BiH UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Jul-21 14-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80818 319-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-RPP_construction materials Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 04-Aug-21 14-Jul-21 HEALTH HEALTH 80817 RFQ Supply and delivery of Solar System to MoPH-CM UNDP Country Office Afghanistan AFGHANISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Jul-21 @ 07:30 AM (New York time) 14-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 80816 Procurement of IT Equipment for Police Albania ALBANIA RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 14-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80815 Recrutement d'un cabinet d'étude international œuvrant en socio-économie ayant des experts économistes et statisticiens pour développer un modèle économique de soutien aux métiers et filières génératrices de revenus au profit des coopératives, groupeme UNDP BURUNDI OFFICE BURUNDI RFP - Request for proposal 16-Aug-21 14-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80814 Rehabilitation works at Al-Muqdadia Youth Forum Iraq Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 02-Aug-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 14-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80813 Individual Consultancy - National Biosafety Expert - LBN/CO/IC/138/21 UNDP Country Office LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 28-Jul-21 14-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80811 Consultancy of a Temporary Project and Programme Assistant - 100499 (United Nations Resident Coordinator Office) UNDP CO, WINDHOEK, REPUBIC OF NAMIBA NAMIBIA IC - Individual contractor 23-Jul-21 14-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80557 521-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ: "Procurement tourist equipment to support ATO and JFO ex-combatants civic initiatives in target hromadas of Dnipropetrovsk and Zhytomyr oblasts" UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 04-Aug-21 14-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80810 Recrutement d'un consultant Individuel – Ingénieur/Architecte Conseil UNDP Country Office GABON IC - Individual contractor 24-Jul-21 14-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80809 PROCUREMENT AND SUPPLY OF VARIOUS MACHINES. WHEN PREPARING YOUR QUOTATION UNDP Country Office SIERRA LEONE RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Jul-21 14-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80808 Recrutement de deux consultants nationaux chargés de mener une étude de faisabilité pour la modernisation, la rationalisation et la sécurisation de la gestion des taxes communales au Burundi. UNDP CO BURUNDI IC - Individual contractor 30-Jul-21 14-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 80806 02 Servers for Electronic Health Administration/ Ministry of Health (B-210705) UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Jul-21 14-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 80807 RFP Development of Media Strategy and IEC materials for the popularization of the National Youth App UNDP Country Office SIERRA LEONE RFP - Request for proposal 26-Jul-21 14-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80804 Extension of Water Canal Construction of Reed Iraq Office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Aug-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 14-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80805 RFQ: Laboratory Testing of Two Solar Air Heaters UNDP Country Office GEORGIA RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Aug-21 14-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79315 WASTE MANAGEMENT AND LIVELIHOODS PROJECT UNDP Country Office, RBA SWAZILAND RFP - Request for proposal 10-Aug-21 @ 07:01 AM (New York time) 14-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80803 REQUEST FOR QUOTATION-PROVISION OF ACCOMODATION,CONFERENCE AND CATERING FACILITIES- UN BOTSWANA BOTSWANA BOTSWANA RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Jul-21 14-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80801 ETH2709R-National Consultant for Administrative Support for OHCHR Office UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 09-Aug-21 @ 03:59 PM (New York time) 14-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80799 IC-2021-105 National Expert on Gender in the energy sector / Национальный эксперт по гендерным вопросам в энергетическом секторе UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 28-Jul-21 14-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80798 National Researcher on Urban Migration and Human Displacement, Climate Change, Disasters, and Resilience Manila, Philippines PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 28-Jul-21 13-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80796 Long Term Agreement with UNDP Bougainville Project UNDP PNG Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA ITB - Invitation to bid 27-Jul-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 13-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80795 LLAMADO A EXPRESIONES DE INTERÉS EN LA PRESTACION DE SERVICIOS PARA EL PROYECTO PNUD 00117646 PROGRAMA RURAL ADELANTE UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR EOI - Expression of interest 28-Jul-21 13-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80794 CONCURSO No. IC-ADQ-21-148384 – "Evaluación participativa de barreras, necesidades, oportunidades y el apoyo recibido para la gestión del cambio climático, requerida para la Cuarta Comunicación Nacional del Ecuador" UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 29-Jul-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 13-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80793 CONCURSO No. IC-ADQ-21-148283 – "Asistencia técnica empresarial a 5 organizaciones en el Distrito Metropolitano de Quito bajo la Metodología Creciendo con su Negocio." UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 26-Jul-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 13-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80791 SEGUNDA CONVOCATORIA - 4046 PAN 2021 - Consultoría para los Servicios de Inspección de los Trabajos de Suministro e Instalación del sistema de Luminarias tipo LED con paneles solares en el Complejo Penitenciario La Joya. Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 05-Aug-21 13-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80792 ITB-062-21-Provision of Spare Parts and Repairing UNDP IRAQ OFFICE IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 02-Aug-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 13-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 80789 SDP29 2021 SISTEMA TECNOLOGICO EVALUACION DESEMP PJ UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 04-Aug-21 @ 11:00 PM (New York time) 13-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80788 Proceso No. COL 00000145868 Acuerdo a Largo Plazo UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA ITB - Invitation to bid 03-Aug-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 13-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80787 JOF 3047-2021 Novo SNBA Brasil UNDP Country Office BRAZIL RFP - Request for proposal 08-Aug-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 13-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80786 Recruitment of Individual Consultant to develop mobile application to provide psychosocial material for young persons living with HIV UNDP Country Office GHANA IC - Individual contractor 26-Jul-21 13-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80785 EOI 4180 PAN 2021 - COORDINADOR/A DE ÁREA DE FORMACIÓN DE DESARROLLO HUMANO. PANAMA PANAMA EOI - Expression of interest 10-Aug-21 13-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80784 EOI 4179 PAN 2021 SUPERVISORES TÉCNICOS METODOLÓGICOS PANAMA PANAMA EOI - Expression of interest 10-Aug-21 13-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80782 EOI 4178 PAN 2021 ANALISTAS CURRICULARES PANAMA PANAMA EOI - Expression of interest 10-Aug-21 13-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80783 AVISO DE SERVICIO PARA CONSULTOR/A INDIVIDUAL 2021/1285 UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 27-Jul-21 13-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80781 EOI 4177 PAN2021 COORDINADOR/A DE EQUIPO DE COORDINADORES DE ÁREA DE FORMACIÓN PANAMA PANAMA EOI - Expression of interest 10-Aug-21 13-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80780 EOI 4176 PAN2021 COORDINADOR/A DE GRANJAS DIDÁCTICAS - ECOLÓGICAS PANAMA PANAMA EOI - Expression of interest 10-Aug-21 13-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80779 EOI 4175 PAN 2021 COORDINADOR/A DEL PROGRAMA DE FORMACIÓN PROFESIONAL DUAL PANAMA PANAMA EOI - Expression of interest 10-Aug-21 13-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80776 EOI 4174 PAN 2021 SECRETARIO/A TÉCNICO/A DE COMPETENCIAS PANAMA PANAMA EOI - Expression of interest 10-Aug-21 13-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80630 RFQ51-2021 for Preparation of Technical documentation for construction of green markets in Municipalities of Bogovinje and Lozovo (LOT 1 and LOT2) UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Jul-21 13-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80777 Reconstruction of Three Warehouses and Administration Offices for PDF Department-Sherqat, Salahaddin Governorate, Iraq UNDP Service Center IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 15-Aug-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 13-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80778 Provision of building and field materials UNDP CO YEMEN RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Jul-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 13-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80775 SDP 30 2021 AUDITORIA FINANCIERA PJ UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 04-Aug-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 13-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80774 PROCESO COL 0000147553 Llevar a cabo la recolección, transporte y tratamiento de residuos y/o desechos biosanitarios con riesgo biológico o infeccioso de las instituciones prestadoras de servicios de salud públicas en la zona del Urabá UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Aug-21 13-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80773 Consultant to conduct Heritage Impact Assessment for four (4) small-scale mining hotspots: Otjimbojo, Omapyu, Xoboxobos and Tubussis UNDP CO, WINDHOEK, REPUBIC OF NAMIBA NAMIBIA IC - Individual contractor 23-Jul-21 13-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 80772 PNUD 110320-1113 Diseño de sitio web del Mirador de Derechos Humanos Económicos, Sociales, Culturales y Ambientales (DESCA) Uruguay de la INDDHH y la FCS-UdelaR" URUGUAY URUGUAY Other 09-Aug-21 13-Jul-21 TOURISM TOURISM 80771 Report N-3-ITB-2-2021-MAR-LTA-Accomodation-Casa Maroc MOROCCO ITB - Invitation to bid 24-Aug-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 13-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80769 IC/018/21 - Local Administrative and Finance Consultant OHCHR UZBEKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 27-Jul-21 13-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80770 RFP 082/21 Technical supervision of capital renovation works for kindergarten under Lot 3 only UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFP - Request for proposal 23-Jul-21 13-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80768 T210703 - 01 National Consultant on Monitoring and Evaluation of Climate change adaptation UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 21-Jul-21 13-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80726 Consultant (e) International chargé (e) de l'évaluation finale du projet « Renforcement des capacités de gestion multisectorielle, coordonnée et décentralisée de l'environnement pour atteindre les objectifs des conventions de Rio en Union des Comores » UNDP Country Office COMOROS IC - Individual contractor 27-Jul-21 13-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80767 RFP the Design and Implementation of the Climate Knowledge Management System (KMS) linked to the Measurement, Reporting, Verification (MRV) with focus on greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) data management in Sao Tome and Principe (STP) UNDP Sao Tomé and Principe SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE RFP - Request for proposal 02-Aug-21 13-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80766 CONCURSO No. IC-ADQ-21-147703 – "Evaluación participativa del funcionamiento y efectividad de las plataformas y mecanismos de participación del PROAmazonía." UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 27-Jul-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 13-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80765 CONCURSO No. IC-ADQ-21-147701 - "Consultor/a de apoyo para la inclusión financiera de micro y pequeños negocios, con énfasis en mujeres y jóvenes" UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 27-Jul-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 13-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80764 Construct Isolation COVID-19 Unit Sulaymaniyah Ira UNDP Country Office, Erbil, Iraq - IRAQ IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 03-Aug-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 13-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80763 Proceso No. COL-0000148394 - Acompañar la articulación de actores locales para contribuir en la prevención, atención y respuesta a la violencia basada en género en cuatro (4) Municipios del Departamento de Antioquia. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 27-Jul-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 13-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80762 RFP/UNDP/IICPSD/2021/05 - Sector Diagnosis and Roadmap for the Implementation of Business Call to Action's Capacity Building for the Replication and Adaptation of Inclusive Business Models UNDP BCtA TURKEY RFP - Request for proposal 27-Jul-21 13-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80761 BIH/RFQ-107-21 Adjustment of Preliminary designs and development of Detailed designs aimed at elimination of architectural barriers for persons with disabilities in 5 public buildings in Sarajevo Canton UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Jul-21 13-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80759 RENOVATION OF 35 HEALTH FACILITIES UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE ZIMBABWE ITB - Invitation to bid 22-Sep-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 13-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80757 Consultancy – Financial Specialist, BMS/OFRM/FPMR UNDP/HQ/BMS/OFRM/FPMR UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Other 27-Jul-21 13-Jul-21 WATER SUPPLY  (POTABLE) WATER SUPPLY (POTABLE) 80758 RFQ/LBY/SLCRR/2021/041 - Supply of three (3) submersible pumps in Derj Municipality, Libya UNDP Counrty Office LIBYA RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Aug-21 13-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80753 Individual Consultant - Evaluator for the project Advisory Services to the General Commission for Survey (Final Evaluation) CO Saudi Arabia SAUDI ARABIA IC - Individual contractor 08-Aug-21 13-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80756 RfQ-21/02321 NIJ 2: Renovation of the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) building envelope UNDP Country Office MOLDOVA RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Aug-21 @ 09:30 AM (New York time) 13-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80752 implementation of security mitigation measures UNDP Sub-Office MOZAMBIQUE RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Jul-21 @ 10:30 AM (New York time) 13-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80754 Consultant(e) National (e) pour la revue de la loi l025/2005/an du 22 novembre 2005 relative à la prévention, la prise en charge et le contrôle du VIH/sida en République de Guinée Guinée GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 05-Aug-21 13-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80750 Provision of works and/or services (maintenance of Electric fence, Fire Alarm, CCTV, and Access control System) UNDP Country Office TANZANIA RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Jul-21 13-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80751 Company or organization to create a theatre play on combating violence against women and girls UNDP on behalf of the UN Women Office in Serbia SERBIA RFP - Request for proposal 03-Aug-21 13-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80748 CONSULTANCY SERVICES TO UNDERTAKE A COMPREHENSIVE STUDY ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE AFRICAN CONTINENTAL FREE TRADE AREA AGREEMENT: ITS COSTS AND BENEFITS TO TANZANIA ECONOMY UNDP TANZANIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Jul-21 13-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80749 ПРООН приглашает кредитно-финансовые организации представить решения для повышения доступности микрофинансирования в регионах Беларуси UNDP Country Office BELARUS CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 18-Aug-21 13-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80747 Outcome Evaluation for UNDP Jordan Country Programme Women Empowerment Projects UNDP Country Office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 31-Jul-21 13-Jul-21 IMPORT/EXPORT IMPORT/EXPORT 80746 Supply of Starter packs for 487 vocational trainee UNDP Nigeria Country Office NIGERIA ITB - Invitation to bid 28-Jul-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 13-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80745 FOURNITURESETINSTALLATIONSECURITEINCENDIE Country office CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 09-Aug-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 13-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80744 COMMISSIONING OF INCINERATOR and UPGRADING OF WASTE DISPOSAL AREA AT KANIFING GENERAL HOSPITAL The Gambia GAMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Jul-21 13-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80741 RFQ/2021/10: E-Waste Collection Bins for POPs reduction and elimintation UNDP Country Office JORDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Jul-21 13-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80743 Recrutement d'un(e) Consultant(e) national(e) : pour la formation, l'encadrement et l'accompagnement de citoyens volontaires secouristes dans le cadre du déploiement d'une démarche de protection des populations dans la région administrative de Nzérékoré GUINEA, Office GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 27-Jul-21 13-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80742 District safety and security survey for MoIA UNDP-Afghanistan AFGHANISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 27-Jul-21 @ 07:30 AM (New York time) 13-Jul-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 80737 512-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-BMO UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 04-Aug-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 13-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80740 Recrutement d'un(e) Consultant(e) International(e) « Conception, Assistance et accompagnement dans le cadre du déploiement d'une démarche de protection des populations dans la région administrative de NZEREKORE en lien avec la crise Ebola » GUINEA, Office GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 27-Jul-21 13-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 80739 DAOFOURNITURESINSTALLATIONSONOCPS Country office CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC ITB - Invitation to bid 05-Aug-21 @ 08:03 AM (New York time) 13-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80733 International Consultant for Social and Environment Safeguard Policy (SESP). Gambia GAMBIA IC - Individual contractor 27-Jul-21 13-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80735 National Consultant for Social and environment Safeguard Policy (SESP). Gambia GAMBIA IC - Individual contractor 27-Jul-21 13-Jul-21 POWER POWER 80738 LBN-CO-RFQ-168-21 -Solar Water Heating System - Event ID 0000009821 UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 13-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80732 RFP-2021-042 "Development of the Institute of Advisors to Akims and Ministers on issues of persons with disabilities"/ «Развитие института советников акимов и министров по вопросам лиц с инвалидностью» Kazakhstan KAZAKHSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 29-Jul-21 13-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80736 ITB for Construction of avalanche station Chapchyma Kyrgyzstan CO KYRGYZSTAN ITB - Invitation to bid 03-Aug-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 13-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80734 UNDP-2021-RFQ-054 ACQUISITION D'UN SERVEUR D'HEBERGEMENT ABIDJAN-CÔTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Jul-21 13-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80731 Long Term Agreement (Individual Contract) for E-learning Module Designer Bangkok Regional Hub THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 20-Jul-21 13-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80729 RFQ for printing UNDP T-shirts UNDP Maldives MALDIVES RFQ - Request for quotation 04-Aug-21 13-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80730 UNDP-IC-2021-071 - Paralegal Consultant - Legal Aid Sindh Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 29-Jul-21 13-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80727 Developing regional supply chains engaging women South Africa SOUTH AFRICA RFP - Request for proposal 13-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 13-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80728 UNDP-IC-2021-070 - Senior Lawyer - Legal Aid Sindh Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 29-Jul-21 13-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80725 UNDP-IC-2021-068 -Data Analyst - DU Quetta Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 05-Oct-21 13-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80724 Construction of Southern Fence Wall UN Compound UNDP Country Office TIMOR LESTE RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Aug-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 13-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80723 Production of series of videos on local governance and decentralisation activities in eastern Ukraine / тендер на виробництво серії відеороликів про місцеве врядування та здобутки реформи з децентралізації влади на сході України Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Jul-21 13-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80722 Individual Consultant to Conduct UN Premises Disability Accessibility Assessment UNDP Country Office MALAWI IC - Individual contractor 27-Jul-21 13-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80668 EXTENDED: RFQ-TKM-013-2021: Tender for procurement of company services on installation and training on hematology analyzers in regional TB labs UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Jul-21 13-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80721 CLOSED EARLY
RFQ-PEV-2021-43 - Procurement of Lighting Equipment for Kothalawa Defence University (KDU) UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Jul-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 12-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80720 PROCESO COL 0000147590 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Apoyo técnico para fortalecer los marco de financiación de los ODS con el Ministerio de Hacienda. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Jul-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 12-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80719 Provision of Designing and Implementing a Customized Digital Skills Training and Work Placement Model for Youths (Re-Advertise) UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFP - Request for proposal 26-Jul-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 12-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80718 PROCESO COL 0000148256 - CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL - Consultor/a para el proceso de generación de insumos del modelo regional de información para la identificación de rasgos representativos de la explotación de oro en el departamento de Chocó UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Jul-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 12-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80717 PROCESO COL-0000148263 - CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL - Consultor/a para la elaboración de perfiles de proyectos bajo la Metodología General Ajustada (MGA), para la elaboración del Plan de Acción para la declaratoria de territorios libres de cultivos de coca en la UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Jul-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 12-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80714 CONCURSO No. IC-ADQ-21-147677 – "Generación de una guía que permita la inclusión de nuevas contribuciones en la implementación de la Primera Contribución Determinada a Nivel Nacional de Ecuador (NDC)" UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 04-Aug-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 12-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80716 PCI-075-2021 Servicio de consultoría para el registro de la figura jurídica y fiscal más conveniente para la instalación del Sistema Integrado de Servicios de Gestión (SISG) de Bifenilos Policlorados (BPCs) y su Constitución Legal como plataforma para la UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 09-Aug-21 12-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80715 ECU-SdP-ADQ-21-145438 Desarrollo de una plataforma UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 29-Jul-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 12-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80713 PCI-074-2021 Servicios de consultoría para acompañar y asesorar a personas replicadoras del Curso PRE PARA RÉ dirigido a MIPYMES, así como para asesorar a MIPYMES en el diseño y fortalecimiento de herramientas para que pongan en práctica sistemas de integ UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 09-Aug-21 12-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80711 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA PNUD-ECU-SdP-ADQ-21-148251 "Fortalecimiento de los procesos de gobernanza en el sector de Minería Artesanal y Pequeña Minería (MAPE) de Oro en Ecuador" UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 28-Jul-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 12-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80712 Proceso No. COL-0000148393 - Consultor/a Investigador experto en análisis de precios y mercados de drogas ilícitas. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Jul-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 12-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80710 SDC-027-2021 Servicios de consultoría para realizar la edición y postproducción de 4 capítulos de un podcast UNDP Country Office MEXICO RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Jul-21 12-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80707 Recruitment of Individual Consultant to Evaluate UN Sustainable Development Partnership (UNSDP) 2018-2022 UNDP Country Office GHANA IC - Individual contractor 22-Jul-21 12-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80706 PROCESO COL 0000148241 - CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL - Consultoría para diseñar, implementar y documentar una estrategia Smart Working en la Secretaría Distrital de Gobierno de Bogotá (SDG) UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Jul-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 12-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80705 Proceso No. COL-0000148392 - Consultoría para codiseñar, implementar y documentar la estrategia y la estructuración del Laboratorio de Innovación de la Secretaría Distrital de Gobierno de Bogotá (SDG). UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Jul-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 12-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80704 Invitacion a Licitar Proceso No. COL 00000145924 UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA ITB - Invitation to bid 02-Aug-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 12-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80702 LBN-CO-RFQ-166-21 Rehab Furn al Saha Square Saida UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 12-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 79203 RFQ/DGPRU/GUYUB/148321/015/2021 - Event Organization and Management Agencies for a Virtual National Research Conference of the GUYUB project UNDP Country Office INDONESIA RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Jul-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 12-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80700 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TO UNDERTAKE EVALUATION ON THE LESOTHO NATIONAL VISION 2020 LESOTHO LESOTHO RFP - Request for proposal 25-Jul-21 12-Jul-21 RURAL DEV'T.  (MISCELLANY) RURAL DEV'T. (MISCELLANY) 80696 RFP/UNDP/RESTORE/147626/026/2021 - Trainings for MSMEs in COVID 19 Business Adaptation and Inclusive Green Economy UNDP Country Office INDONESIA RFP - Request for proposal 27-Jul-21 @ 04:00 PM (New York time) 12-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80698 Procurement of IT equipment (establishment of Purchase Orders) UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND (UNICEF) UKRAINE ITB - Invitation to bid 19-Jul-21 12-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80699 CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF LESOTHO INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY LESOTHO LESOTHO IC - Individual contractor 25-Jul-21 12-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80697 RAPID ASSESSMENT OF WASTE MANAGEMENT SITUATION IN FOLLOWING PILOT URBAN AREAS (MAFETENG, MASERU CITY COUNCIL, TEYA-TEYANENG, MAPUTSOE, HLOTSE, BUTHA-BUTHE) LESOTHO LESOTHO IC - Individual contractor 25-Jul-21 12-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80694 Report 1-RFP 03-2021- Services de securite Morocco MOROCCO RFP - Request for proposal 11-Aug-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 12-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80695 Procurement of Reagents (for Establishment of 1+4 Years Long Term Arrangement) UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND (UNICEF) UKRAINE ITP - Invitation to pre-qualify 23-Jul-21 12-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80693 NATIONAL CONSULTANCY ON FINALISATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE LESOTHO PARTNERSHIP POLICY AND LESOTHO CIVIL SOCIETY POLICY FRAMEWORK LESOTHO LESOTHO IC - Individual contractor 25-Jul-21 12-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80692 Provision of CLEANING AND GARDENING SERVICES UNDP Country Office GHANA ITB - Invitation to bid 12-Aug-21 @ 04:03 PM (New York time) 12-Jul-21 WATER SUPPLY  (POTABLE) WATER SUPPLY (POTABLE) 80641 LTA RECONEXION DE SERVICIOS DE AGUA POTABLE PNUD GUATEMALA GUATEMALA ITB - Invitation to bid 09-Sep-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 12-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80690 RFQ 2021-38 Republication2 UNDP Tunisia TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Jul-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 12-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80691 Recrutement d'un cabinet pour le travail d'identification des entrepreneurs et des investisseurs potentiels dans les installations UNDP CO BURUNDI RFP - Request for proposal 09-Aug-21 12-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 80688 Acquisition de deux Drones GUINEE GUINEA RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Jul-21 12-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80689 Diffusion de 3 vidéos de sensibilisation sur la COVID-19 sur Facebook et Instagram UNDP Algeria ALGERIA RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Jul-21 12-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80687 RFQ/UNDP/Lab Equipment EPA/2021/0044 UNDP Liberia Country Office LIBERIA RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Jul-21 12-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80595 Licitación Pública Internacional Nº03/2021 - "Adquisición de Grupos Electrógenos" PNUD Argentina ARGENTINA ITB - Invitation to bid 13-Aug-21 12-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80686 SDP 05/2021 Proyecto GEF ARG16/G23 "Modelos de Negocios Sostenibles para la Producción de Biogás a partir de Residuos Sólidos Urbanos Orgánicos" PNUD Argentina ARGENTINA RFP - Request for proposal 23-Aug-21 12-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80685 Avis de Report - Bureau d'étude pour un diagnostic sur l'accessibilité des services relevant du pôle social Morocco MOROCCO RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Jul-21 12-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80684 ITB-254-21- Rehabilitation of Electrical Networks Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 05-Aug-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 12-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80312 RFP-068-IND-2021 (Request for Proposal for assess the impact of Government Schemes for Doubling Farmers' Income in Uttarakhand) UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 17-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 12-Jul-21 POWER POWER 80683 LBN-CO-RFQ-164-21 -AC-Coupled PV Power Plants - Event ID 0000009802 UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 12-Jul-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 80682 UNDP/RFQ/2021/32 - Broadcasting of Communications Material Developed by PGRP UNDP - PGRP NEPAL RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Jul-21 12-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80681 ETH2705-International Consultant as Event Planner and Manager for a policy dialogue on the Informal Economy UNDP Regional Centre ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 09-Aug-21 @ 03:59 PM (New York time) 12-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80680 ETH2704-International Consultant for a Background Report on the Informal Economy UNDP Regional Centre ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Jul-21 @ 03:59 PM (New York time) 12-Jul-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 80679 Providing Seed Planter for Conservation Agricultur UNDP Office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 12-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80678 BIH/RFQ-106 CANCELLED Supply and Delivery of Protective gowns UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Jul-21 12-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80676 BIH/RFQ-105-21 Supervision over rehabilitation facade works of Town hall in Odzak UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Jul-21 12-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80674 Call for Proposal - Innovative Approach to Improve Access to Remedy for Women and Indigenous Peoples - Business and Human Rights (B+HR) Asia Project [Re-Advertisement] UNDP Country Office INDONESIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 26-Jul-21 12-Jul-21 TOURISM TOURISM 80675 RFP - Firm for Development of Tourism Sustainability Thresholds in Laamu Atoll UNDP Country Office MALDIVES RFP - Request for proposal 07-Aug-21 12-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 80672 RFP 17/21 Development of e-services and improvement of the SISEDE system UNDP CO MONTENEGRO RFP - Request for proposal 30-Jul-21 12-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80673 BIH/RFQ-104-21-RC Standing cooperate support to the Office of the UN Resident Coordinator with Strategic Communications 2021-2022 UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Jul-21 12-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80671 Rehab. of of 200 Houses in AlMuhallbiya Sub Distr. UNDP Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 01-Aug-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 12-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80669 Demonstrate practical measures to estimate the carbon emissions/removals in the forestry areas of Jordan UNDP Country office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 08-Aug-21 12-Jul-21 FORESTRY FORESTRY 80667 RFP-2021-041 Provision of services for the Development of Management Plans for 8 pilot forest conservation institutions/ Оказание услуг по Разработке Планов управлений 8-ми пилотных лесоохранных учреждений UNPD Country Office - KAZAKHSTAN KAZAKHSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 06-Sep-21 12-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80666 Consultancy to Assist in the Conduct of a Gender S Country Office IRAQ RFP - Request for proposal 29-Jul-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 12-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80665 Supply of Safety Materials for UNDP CO office UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Jul-21 @ 05:10 AM (New York time) 11-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80664 Consultant international chargé de la conduite d'une étude de faisabilité sur un service de drones en Mauritanie UNDP Country Office MAURITANIA IC - Individual contractor 19-Jul-21 11-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80661 RFP - Local Firm to Update MvLaw Website and Develop MvLaw Mobile Application Maldives MALDIVES RFP - Request for proposal 25-Jul-21 11-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80659 Enhancing opportunities for inclusive labour market integration in the digital sector UNDP Country Office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 25-Sep-21 11-Jul-21 POWER POWER 80662 CLOSED EARLY
Supply and Install of Oxygen Generator Plant Iraq Office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Aug-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 11-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80660 MNG/IC/2021/093 - National Consultant - Green Development Planning Expert UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Jul-21 10-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80633 IC/017/21 - International Consultant to conduct analysis of Expenditure, Costing, Fiscal Space, and Financing for Poverty Reduction Strategy of Uzbekistan UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 23-Jul-21 10-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80656 Legal Consultant (Counsel) UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 01-Aug-21 10-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80657 Psychologist Consultant UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 01-Aug-21 10-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80658 Social Work Consultant UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 25-Jul-21 10-Jul-21 POWER POWER 80655 Rehab Elect Network in AlKhalis Neighborhood Dyala UNDP Country Office, Erbil, Iraq - IRAQ IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 01-Aug-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 10-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80654 Rehab SayedJaber WatStation and Saadia Sewege Line UNDP Country Office, Erbil, Iraq - IRAQ IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 01-Aug-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 10-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80653 RFQ-026-2021 Niger NIGER RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Aug-21 10-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80652 RFQ-025 ENTRETIEN GROUPES ELECTROGENES ET INSTALLATIONS ELECTRIQUES Niger NIGER RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Aug-21 10-Jul-21 POWER POWER 80651 RFQ- LTA for Procurement of solar Panels for UNDP UNDP Co AFGHANISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Jul-21 @ 07:30 AM (New York time) 10-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80648 PNUD-IC-351-2021 Asist. Tecnica Consejo del Cafe UNDP OFFICE PERU PERU IC - Individual contractor 30-Jul-21 09-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80649 PROCESO COL 0000147102 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultoría especializada para la construcción, diseño y/o transferencia de un producto de gestión del conocimiento del proyecto "Paz Sostenible – Fortaleciendo capacidades locales para promover comunidades UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 23-Jul-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 09-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80647 PROCESO COL 0000148088 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultor SGR. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 23-Jul-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 09-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80646 PROCESO COL 0000148302 - CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL - Profesional de Gestión de Información - Nivel 2 - DVR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 23-Jul-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 09-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80645 PROCESO COL 0000148239 - CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL - Consultoría para diseñar, implementar y documentar una estrategia Smart Working en la Secretaría Distrital de Gobierno de Bogotá (SDG) UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 23-Jul-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 09-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80644 PROCESO COL 0000148300 - CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL - Ingeniero Especializado de Software – Nivel 2 DVR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 23-Jul-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 09-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80643 MNG/IC/2021/INT/013 - International Consultant - Performance Audit Expert UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 27-Aug-21 09-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80642 MNG/IC/2021/091 - National Consultant - Strategic Management and Policy Innovation Expert UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 23-Jul-21 09-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80640 MNG/IC/2021/090 - National Consultant - Support and Coordinate on the Smart Erdenet Initiative UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 23-Jul-21 09-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80639 MNG/IC/2021/089 - National Consultant - Public Finance Management Expert UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Jul-21 09-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80638 PCI-073-2021 Servicios de consultoría para servicios de Especialista Nacional en Género, Pueblos Indígenas y Salvaguardias UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 25-Jul-21 09-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80637 CLOSED EARLY
4156 PAN 2021 - Consultor Nacional Especialista en Políticas e instituciones nacionales UNDP Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 23-Jul-21 09-Jul-21 POWER POWER 80636 002-ITB-PNUD-2021 MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR ITB - Invitation to bid 31-Jul-21 @ 08:43 AM (New York time) 09-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80635 416-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-BMO 'Design and delivery of a medium-term cross-disciplinary in-person and remote training with a practical coaching component for leaders of selected SME Business Membership Organisations (BMOs)' Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 02-Aug-21 @ 04:59 AM (New York time) 09-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80634 RFP 16/21 Gender Equality Media Campaign UNDP CO MONTENEGRO RFP - Request for proposal 04-Aug-21 09-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80632 un.e Consultant.e national.e expert.e en fonctionnement institutionnel visant à appuyer le projet Tamkeen dans le processus d'élaboration d'une politique nationale multisectorielle de la Jeunesse TUNISIA TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 10-Aug-21 09-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80631 RFQ 53 -2021 for Review of Urban Infrastructure Plan for Regulation of Torrent in the village of Shipkovca, Municipality of Tetovo UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Jul-21 09-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80629 RFP-027-21 Green chemistry principles, POPs UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFP - Request for proposal 02-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 09-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80627 LBN-CO-RFQ-165-21 -Biomass Briquettes and Pellets - Event ID 0000009787 UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 09-Jul-21 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS 80628 ReAdvertisement RFQ Purchase of 1 flying observati UNDP Kosovo Kosovo, UNSCR 1244 (1999) RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Jul-21 @ 11:30 AM (New York time) 09-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80626 Recrutement d'un(e) Consultant (e) National (e) pour la Redynamisation de la Cartographie des organisations non formelles de femmes et jeunes filles leaders communautaires à travers l'Identification et la géolocalisation de 2500 femmes/filles leaders GUINEE GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 19-Jul-21 09-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80625 RECRUTEMENT D'UN (E) CONSULTANT (E) INTERNATIONAL (E) POUR L'ELABORATION DU CADRE COMMUN DE RESULTATS ET LE PROGRAMME NATIONAL INTEGRE POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT DE L'ECONOMIE BLEUE EN COTE D'IVOIRE UNDP ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE IC - Individual contractor 22-Sep-21 09-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 80624 RFQ 30 2021 UNDP Mozambique MOZAMBIQUE RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Jul-21 09-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80623 LBN-CO-RFP-158-21 - Air Quality Management Plan - Event ID 0000009783 UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFP - Request for proposal 30-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 09-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80622 Hiring a company (firm, partnership, or consortium) to conduct a project end line evaluation with a focus on the impact of the Human Development Innovation Fund on the Tanzanian Innovation Ecosystem & write the first Annual Funguo Ecosystem Status Report UNDP TANZANIA RFP - Request for proposal 29-Jul-21 09-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80621 01 National firm/organization to support to design and implement Viet Nam National Circular Economy (CE) Movement in Ha Noi (B-210704) UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 23-Jul-21 09-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 80618 RFQ fornecimento de Computadores e Equipamentos IT UNDP Sao Tomé and Principe SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Jul-21 09-Jul-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 80620 Hiring of an Implementing Partner to Set Up and Manage One Peace Committee for Farmer-Grazier Conflict Management and Peacebuilding in Wum (NWR) Cameroun CAMEROON RFP - Request for proposal 24-Jul-21 09-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80616 Recruitment of Local Implementing Partner for Support to Individuals for the Issuance of Lost Documents in Bamenda 1, 2, & 3 Municipalities (NW Region) Cameroun CAMEROON RFP - Request for proposal 24-Jul-21 09-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80617 Recrutement de deux (02) consultants (es) (international et national) en charge de la rédaction d'un document de projet pôle de croissance pour l'émergence des régions rurales de Centrafrique PNUD CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 26-Jul-21 09-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80619 CFP-MDP-2021-42 UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 26-Jul-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 09-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80615 GCCA+ Call for Concept notes UNDP CO SURINAME CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 27-Aug-21 09-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80605 RFQ - Construction material for UN-Habitat Myanmar UNDP country Office MYANMAR RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Jul-21 09-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80614 01 National firm/organization to support to design and implement Viet Nam National Circular Economy (CE) Movement in Da Nang (B-210703) UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 23-Jul-21 09-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80613 Grant competition - Public outreach to increase engagement of underrepresented groups in the election processes UNDP Country Office ARMENIA Other 25-Jul-21 09-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80612 Recruitment of International firm to Design, Refine and Financial Structuring of Solar Energy Lending Facility and to do Market Assessment & Business Plan for Special Purpose Vehicle for HP Financing for Innovative Health Financing in Rwanda Rwanda RWANDA RFP - Request for proposal 21-Jul-21 09-Jul-21 POWER POWER 80611 Recrutement d'un (e) consultant (e) Nationale (e) (Expert-e en Énergie) chargé (é) de l'Analyse sur les risques à l'investissement dans les mini-reseaux solaires photovoltaïques et sur la recommandation de mesures d'atténuation à ces risques Chad Country Office CHAD IC - Individual contractor 22-Jul-21 09-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80610 BIH/RFQ-103-21 Preparation of Preliminary and Main Design for Reconstruction and Development of Sewage System in Municipality Laktasi UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Jul-21 09-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80609 RFP 066 IND 2021 Development of GIRI UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 02-Aug-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 09-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80608 National consultant to support coordination and implementation of "Project on supporting Viet Nam towards the 2030 integrated Finance Strategy for accelerating the achievement of the SDGs" (INFF) (A-210701) UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 22-Jul-21 09-Jul-21 HEALTH HEALTH 80607 LBN-CO-RFQ-161-21 UPS New Safad Hospital UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 09-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80606 RFQ/045/21 - Запрос на предоставление коммерческого предложения на строительство заземления и молниеотвода, для коротковолновых радиостанций, на кордонах Гиссарского заповедника в г. Шахрисабз, Кашкадарьинская область UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Jul-21 09-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80604 RFP-2021-026 Training NHRIs in Asia Bangkok Regional Hub THAILAND RFP - Request for proposal 27-Jul-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 09-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80603 UNDP-RFP-2021-210 Data Collection Pakistan PAKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 26-Jul-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 09-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80602 BASELINE STUDY-CLUSTER MODEL URBAN VILLAGES IMPACT Country Office KENYA RFP - Request for proposal 21-Jul-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 09-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80601 (Extended deadline) T210702 - 01 International Consultant and 02 National Consultants to develop training materials for policy makers, legal drafters and legal officials UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 08-Aug-21 09-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80600 PROCESO COL 0000147577 - CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL - CONSULTOR (A) PARA APOYAR LA CAPACIDAD OPERATIVA DEL MINISTERIO DE AMBIENTE Y DESARROLLO SOSTENIBLE EN LA IMPLEMENTACIÓN DEL PROYECTO DE DEFORESTACIÓN UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 22-Jul-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 08-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80599 PNUD SDP 232-2021 Elaboracion de Plan de Continuidad de Operativa – PCO de las funciones / Servicios críticos del puerto del Callao UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE PERU RFP - Request for proposal 09-Sep-21 08-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80542 Request for Quotation for Hardware Materials UNDP Pacific Office SOLOMON ISLANDS RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Jul-21 08-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80598 IC No. 00123371/1283 Apoyo y asesoramiento en el logro de los acuerdos nacionales para la revisión, refuerzo e implementación de las Contribuciones Nacionalmente Determinadas en El Salvador UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 22-Jul-21 08-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80597 4155 PAN 2021 "Adquisición de Máquinas de Corte, Esmerilado y Pulido de Láminas delgadas para el Ministerio de Comercio e Industrias" Panama PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Jul-21 08-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80594 Climate Digital Platform Peoples Climate Wall NDC BPPS UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RFP - Request for proposal 25-Jul-21 @ 12:33 AM (New York time) 08-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80593 Rehab Sameaan Noah Hana Poultry Hamdanyah Ninawa I UNDP Country Office, Erbil, Iraq - IRAQ IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Jul-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 08-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80592 National Consultant Terminal Evaluation Biogas Project in Botswana UNDP CO BOTSWANA IC - Individual contractor 16-Jul-21 08-Jul-21 HEALTH HEALTH 80590 SDC-026-2021 Kits de insumos sanitarios UNDP Country Office MEXICO RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Jul-21 08-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80591 Terminal Evaluation Biogas Project in Botswana UNDP CO BOTSWANA IC - Individual contractor 16-Jul-21 08-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80585 BBCFP146307 - Pillar 1, 5 & 6: Civil Society Advocacy on EVAWG/FV in Grenada UNDP Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean - Grenada BARBADOS CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 30-Jul-21 08-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80589 National Consultancy - SLE/ICPN/2021/006 UNDP Country Office SIERRA LEONE IC - Individual contractor 16-Jul-21 08-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80588 SDC 4117 PAN 2021 Suministro de Cuerdas para Instrumentos Musicales: Violoncelo, Contrabajo, Viola y Violín. Panama PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Jul-21 08-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80587 Request for Proposal (RFP) to Conduct Capacity Need Assessment to Accelerate the Implementation of NDC and Provincial Climate Change Strategies and Action Plans Country Office NEPAL RFP - Request for proposal 23-Jul-21 08-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80586 « Recrutement d'un Cabinet International spécialisé en Evaluation des Risques et de la Vulnérabilité Climatiques (ERVC) et des Options d'Adaptation au Changement Climatique (ACC) » GUINEA, Office GUINEA RFP - Request for proposal 17-Sep-21 08-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80584 CLOSED EARLY
Fourniture et installation des équipements de sécurité incendie dans les bâtiments de la Cour Pénale Spéciale UNDP Country office CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 26-Jul-21 08-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80583 Recrutement d'un bureau d'études en charge de l'étude Diagnostique Démographie et Capital Humain UNDP country office CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 26-Jul-21 08-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80582 Recrutement d'un bureau d'études en charge de l'étude Diagnostique secteur politique et institutions UNDP Country Office CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 26-Jul-21 08-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80544 SDC-2021-010 Adquisición de Tanques de Polietileno para Sistemas de Riego UNDP COSTA RICA COSTA RICA RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Jul-21 08-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80581 513-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-PS4SDGs Development and augmentation of software components for integration into the Diia.Business Portal UNDP UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 22-Jul-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 08-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80577 RFP 54-2021 FOR SURVEY RELATED TO THE HOUSEHOLD HEATING PRACTICES IN SKOPJE VALLEY UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFP - Request for proposal 22-Jul-21 08-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80572 RFQ-2021-031_Services to create virtual tours for 5 pilot Protected Areas/Услуги по созданию виртуальных туров для 5 пилотных особо охраняемых природных территорий Kazakhstan KAZAKHSTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Aug-21 08-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80580 ItB2314 EU4MD Rehabilitation works for AVE Ungheni UNDP Country Office MOLDOVA ITB - Invitation to bid 05-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 08-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80579 IC - National DEMOG Project Coordinator/Consultant Lusaka ZAMBIA IC - Individual contractor 14-Jul-21 08-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80576 Recrutement d'un Consultant (e) d'expertise internationale chargé (e) de réaliser l'état des lieux du CSM et des organes de discipline et de contrôle de conduite des acteurs de la chaine pénale. UNDP-KINSHASA, DR CONGO CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 15-Jul-21 08-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80575 Закупка услуг по оценке потенциала сокращения выбросов парниковых газов и разработка сценариев сокращения выбросов ПГ до 2050 года в секторе обращения с отходами UNDP Country Office BELARUS RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Aug-21 08-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80574 Consultant(e) national (e) senior (e) spécialiste en sciences pénitentiaires. UNDP-KINSHASA, DR CONGO CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 15-Jul-21 08-Jul-21 HEALTH HEALTH 80573 BIH/RFQ-102-21 Supply and Delivery of Disinfection supplies UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Jul-21 08-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80571 Recrutement d'un (e) Consultant (e) national (e) senior (e) spécialiste en droit judiciaire congolais. UNDP-KINSHASA, DR CONGO CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 15-Jul-21 08-Jul-21 MINES MINES 80570 Re-Advertisement RFQ 013-Development Mobile Plant UNDP Country Office INDONESIA RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 08-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80569 Recrutement d'un (e) Consultant(e) national (e) senior (e) spécialiste en légistique. UNDP-KINSHASA, DR CONGO CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 15-Jul-21 08-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80568 Recrutement d'un (e) Consultant(e) national(e) senior (e) spécialiste en matière légistique et actes réglementaires, Chef d'équipe. UNDP-KINSHASA, DR CONGO CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 15-Jul-21 08-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 80567 RFQ 29 2021 UNDP Mozambique MOZAMBIQUE RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Jul-21 @ 02:00 PM (New York time) 08-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80565 RFP-2021-039 Provision of services for analyzing the possibility of introducing various renewable energy technologies/ Предоставление услуг по анализу возможности внедрения различных технологий возобновляемой энергетики UNPD Country Office - KAZAKHSTAN KAZAKHSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 30-Jul-21 08-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80566 SDP 04/2021 - Proyecto GEF ARG16/G23 "Modelos de Negocios Sostenibles para la Producción de Biogás a partir de Residuos Sólidos Urbanos Orgánicos" PNUD Argentina ARGENTINA RFP - Request for proposal 09-Aug-21 08-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80564 RFP/013/21 – Приглашение тендер по проведению исследования «Оценка соответствия нормативно-правовых и практических основ деятельности местных органов власти международным стандартам в области прав человека» в рамках Проекта UNDP Uzbekistan UZBEKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 22-Jul-21 08-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80563 RFQ 27 2021 UNDP Mozambique MOZAMBIQUE RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Jul-21 08-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 80562 RFP/014/21 – на разработку информационной системы для совершенствования механизма сбора, обработки и обмена информацией Министерства иностранных дел Республики Узбекистан с его заграничными учреждениями UNDP Uzbekistan UZBEKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 22-Jul-21 08-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78127 Recrutement d'un(e) consultant(e) national(e) chargé(e) de mettre en place une plateforme d'apprentissage ainsi que des cours en ligne en matière de lutte contre la corruption UNDP DRC CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 22-Jul-21 08-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80561 Recrutement de deux consultants nationaux pour conduire une analyse droits de l'homme du conflit entre éleveurs et agriculteurs au Tchad UNDP TCHAD COUNTRY OFFICE CHAD IC - Individual contractor 22-Jul-21 08-Jul-21 WATER SUPPLY  (POTABLE) WATER SUPPLY (POTABLE) 80506 RFP n.04.2021.PNUD.COM-Bureau d'études international spécialisé dans l'adaptation au changement climatique, l'hydrologie, la cartographie, le management de ressources en eau, la gestion intégrée des ressources en eau, la sureté et sécurité de l'eau UNDP Country Office COMOROS RFP - Request for proposal 05-Aug-21 @ 01:33 AM (New York time) 08-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80559 RFQ.2021.07 Video Conference system UNDP Country Offce JORDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Jul-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 08-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80558 ITB202105 STEEL HANGERS CONSTRUCTION UNDP Country Offce JORDAN ITB - Invitation to bid 01-Aug-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 08-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80551 LTA HOTELLERIE ITB SNU UNDP SEN 001 2021 UNDP REGIONAL HUB DAKAR SENEGAL ITB - Invitation to bid 08-Aug-21 @ 09:46 AM (New York time) 08-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80556 IC/UNDP/GEF/118/2021- International Consultant for Terminal Evaluation of 6th OP SGPO GEF UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 22-Jul-21 08-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80552 Recrutement de Partenaire de mise en oeuvre UNDP Country Office CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 28-Jul-21 @ 10:30 AM (New York time) 08-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80553 RFP-2021-025: for the services of Virtual Event Organiser Bangkok Regional Centre THAILAND RFP - Request for proposal 22-Jul-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 08-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80554 RFQ 46-2021 for signing Long Term Agreement (LTA) for cleaning services and contract maintenance UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Jul-21 08-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80555 BIH-ITB-027-21 Supply delivery installation autocl UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA ITB - Invitation to bid 21-Jul-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 08-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80550 PN (N-210704) 02 Provincial Experts on Coffee and Pepper in Dak Nong and Lam Dong UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 19-Aug-21 08-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80549 IC/UNDP/GEF/119/2021- National Consultant for Terminal Evaluation of the 6th OP SGPO GEF UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 22-Jul-21 08-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80548 RFQ for Supply of Motorcycles UNDP Country Office SOUTH SUDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Jul-21 @ 08:42 AM (New York time) 08-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80547 RFQ for Supply of Furniture UNDP Country Office SOUTH SUDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Jul-21 @ 09:40 AM (New York time) 08-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80546 Recrutement d'un (e) consultant (e) international (e) pour l'élaboration de la politique/stratégie sectorielle du Ministère des Droits Humains UNDP-KINSHASA, DR CONGO CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 19-Jul-21 08-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80545 Recrutement d'un (e) consultant (e) international (e) pour l'élaboration d'une politique/stratégie sectorielle du Ministère de la Jeunesse UNDP-KINSHASA, DR CONGO CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 19-Jul-21 08-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80543 Development of National Emergency Response Team Handbook - National Consultant UNDP Pacific Office SOLOMON ISLANDS IC - Individual contractor 23-Jul-21 07-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80541 4150 PAN 2021 Cambio de cubierta del pabellón del Almacén en INADEH Puerto Escondido, Provincia de Colón, Panamá PANAMA PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Jul-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 07-Jul-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 80540 SDC/00124696/076/2021 Adquisición de vehículos tipo Pick-UP Oficina de País HONDURAS RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Jul-21 07-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80539 PCI-072-2021 Servicios de consultoría para servicios de Coordinador de Desarrollo de Proyectos UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 04-Aug-21 07-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80538 Expertise dans l'instruction des dossiers de demandes de financement portés par les collectivités territoriales et leurs partenaires publics, semi-publics ou privés. Morocco MOROCCO RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Jul-21 07-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80534 4129 PAN 2021 - Asistencia técnica para la Interconexión y alojamiento del módulo de Contratación Social al SISVIG UNDP Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 28-Jul-21 07-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80537 PCI-071-2021 Servicios de consultoría para servicios de Especialista en Políticas de Vida Silvestre UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 28-Jul-21 07-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80536 PCI-070-2021 Servicios de consultoría para servicios de Especialista en Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG o GIS en inglés) UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 28-Jul-21 07-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80535 PCI-069-2021 Servicios de consultoría para servicios de Especialista en Cadena de Valor UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 04-Aug-21 07-Jul-21 HEALTH HEALTH 80533 BBRFQ147222 - Provision of LTA for Hygiene Services Barbados BARBADOS RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Jul-21 07-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80532 RFP.21.081 Web Development Serv BERA UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RFP - Request for proposal 14-Jul-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 07-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80523 SDP-378-2021 - Implementación de las mejores prácticas a nivel de gestión empresarial, ambiental y minera para OMAPE - Puno UNDP Country Office - PERU PERU RFP - Request for proposal 17-Aug-21 07-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80518 CHL/SDP/099/2021 Diseño de un mecanismo para la aplicación, monitoreo y verificación de los criterios del Pilar Social de la Contribución Nacionalmente Determinada (NDC) de Chile UNDP Country Office CHILE RFP - Request for proposal 28-Jul-21 07-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80326 CHL/IC/097/2021 "Consultoría para el diseño de un mecanismo de Monitoreo, Reporte y Verificación (MRV) de las necesidades y apoyo recibidos y entregados por Chile en el marco de la CMNUCC" UNDP Country Office CHILE IC - Individual contractor 21-Jul-21 07-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 80531 Solicitud de Cotización PNUD-ECU- SdC-ADQ-21-146949- Adquisición de un servidor para instalar la plataforma de capacitación en línea Moodle y de una computadora para diseño gráfico para uso por el Consejo Nacional Electoral UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Jul-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 07-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 80530 Solicitud de Cotización PNUD-ECU- SdC-ADQ-21-147450 – "Adquisición e implementación de un servidor tipo Blade y una unidad de almacenamiento compatible con el chasis de servidores Cisco UCS 5108 del MAG, para la potenciación de la plataforma tecnológica UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Jul-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 07-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80529 Contratación de servicios de apoyo para subasta pública de vehículos del Tribunal Constitucional" UNDP Country Office DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 28-Jul-21 07-Jul-21 MINES MINES 80528 Acquisition de Matériels pour l'évaluation de la contamination de l'environnement minier Burkina Faso BURKINA FASO RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Jul-21 07-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80527 ITB-259-21 Rehabilitation Housing Works (121 units in Al-Sa'adiyah -LOT1) and (275 units in Sinsil Villages Al-Muqdadia-LOT2)-in Diyala Governorate (2 LOTS) RBAS IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 29-Jul-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 07-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80525 Recrutement d'un(e) Assistant(e) Administratif(ve) & Financier(ère) pour le compte du Projet « Transformation digitale inclusive pour accélérer les progrès du Burkina Faso vers la réalisation des ODDs. PNUD - Burkina Faso BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 16-Jul-21 07-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80526 Request for Proposal for Preparing National Action Plan Against Suicide (UNDP/RFP/19/2021) Accelerating Implementation of SDGs in Nepal (AISN NEPAL RFP - Request for proposal 25-Jul-21 07-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80442 Recrutement d'un (e) consultant (e) international (e) pour l'élaboration des politiques/stratégies sectorielles des Ministères des Transports et Communications UNDP-KINSHASA, DR CONGO CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 19-Jul-21 07-Jul-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 80524 Acquisition Camion porteur 06 roues Cameroun CAMEROON RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Jul-21 07-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80522 CONCURSO No. IC-ADQ-21-146851 – "Elaboración de una metodología de estimación de costos y brechas de financiamiento de políticas públicas priorizadas para la consecución de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible." UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 22-Jul-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 07-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80521 PCI-068-2021 Servicios de consultoría como asesor técnico en agroecología como apoyo en el desarrollo de huertos agroecológicos comunitarios en Tetela de Ocampo, Puebla. UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 21-Jul-21 07-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80520 Individual Consultant for Expertise Services to identify the best locations for toilets to be installed at four (4) Small-Scale Mining Hotspots: Otjimbojo, Omapyu, Xoboxobos and Tubussis. Windhoek, Republic of Namibia NAMIBIA IC - Individual contractor 14-Jul-21 07-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80516 Business to Social Cohesion Project – Services for Inventory of Local Products UNDP Country Office TURKEY RFP - Request for proposal 30-Jul-21 07-Jul-21 AGRO-INDUSTRY AGRO-INDUSTRY 80519 [DEADLINE EXTENDED] -Request for Quotation (RFQ) for supply and delivery of Dairy Animal The Gambia GAMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Jul-21 07-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80517 18795-2021 – Coastal Ecologist for Green Climate Fund Proposal Pre- Feasibility Study Regional Centre PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 04-Aug-21 07-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80515 RFQ 240-21- Supply and Installation of Medical Eqp Country Office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Jul-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 07-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80514 LBN-CO-ITB-163-21 - PE PP Plastic Recycling Line - Event ID0000009765 UNDP Country Office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 28-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 07-Jul-21 HEALTH HEALTH 80513 ITB-BIH-030-21 Detection kit for PCR SARS-COV-2 UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA ITB - Invitation to bid 26-Jul-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 07-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80511 RFQ 190/2021 - Procurement of PCR & Rapid Testing services for Covid-19 UNDP CYP CYPRUS RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Jul-21 07-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80512 RFQ - Supply and delivery of ICT and other equipment for UPU Country Office MYANMAR RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Jul-21 07-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80510 INNOVATION CHALLENGE CALL FOR COMMUNITY – BASED SOLUTIONS IN RESPONSE TO PLASTIC WASTE IN LESOTHO LESOTHO LESOTHO RFP - Request for proposal 21-Jul-21 07-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80509 Job Training for youth in Bashiqa, Ninewa under the Funding Facility for Stabilization Project Country Office IRAQ RFP - Request for proposal 25-Jul-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 07-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80505 RFQ 45A/2021-Equipment for Bio-hacking LAB-reannouncement of RFQ45-2021 UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Jul-21 07-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80508 RFQ-044-21 Reconstruction of desalination station UNDP Uzbekistan UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Jul-21 @ 01:00 AM (New York time) 07-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80507 RFQ-st24.2021 – Supply and Delivery of an Intercom System for the National Assembly São Tomé SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Jul-21 07-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80504 National Consultant on Cambodia SDG Budget Tagging in Cambodia UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 20-Jul-21 07-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 80503 502/RFQ/PNUD/2021 Achat et livraison de matériels informatiques pour la formation des agents de collecte pour les enquêtes SEIAs MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Jul-21 07-Jul-21 POWER POWER 80502 SUPPLY, INSTALLATION, TESTING & COMMISSION OF 60kVA DIESEL GENERATOR FOR BORNO STATE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (BOSEPA UNDP Nigeria sub office Maiduguri NIGERIA RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Jul-21 07-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80501 RFQ 080-21 Supply of veterinary tools and equipment for artificial insemination UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Jul-21 07-Jul-21 HEALTH HEALTH 80500 LBN-CO-ITB-160-21 Radiographic Units UNDP Country Office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 23-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 07-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80499 Recrutement d'un consultant international et deux consultants nationaux UNDP CO BURUNDI IC - Individual contractor 07-Aug-21 07-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80498 Long term agreement for Maintenance Services for the Lifts in the Green One UN House (GOUNH) at 304 Kim Ma street, Ha Noi (B-210702) UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Jul-21 07-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80497 BIH/RFP-024-21 EXTENDED!! Development of Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP) for City of Mostar UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFP - Request for proposal 13-Jul-21 07-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80496 Виготовлення серії освітніх відеороликів щодо ранніх ознак насильства UNFPA UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Jul-21 07-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80495 Terminal Evaluation for the UNDP-GEF Project South Africa: Mainstreaming Biodiversity into Land Use Regulation and Management at the Municipal Scale UNDP SOUTH AFRICA SOUTH AFRICA IC - Individual contractor 19-Jul-21 07-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80494 Rehabilitation projects in Ramadi Teaching Hospita UNDP SERVICE CENTRE Erbil- Iraq IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 01-Aug-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 07-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80493 Rehabilitation of Mousa Kadhim Hussin Poultry UNDP SERVICE CENTRE Erbil- Iraq IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Jul-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 07-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80492 ITB-360-20 Full Rehabilitation of the Water Pipeline From Al-Dabaa Water Station to B5 Water Station in Rutba,Anbar Governorate, Iraq.(re advertised) RBAS IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 04-Aug-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 07-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80491 ETH2692-International Consultant for Gender Specialist for OHCHR-EARO Office UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 21-Jul-21 @ 03:59 PM (New York time) 07-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 80490 RFQ-CDLG-2021-41 - Procurement of Virtual Communication Systems UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Jul-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 07-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80489 (READVERTISEMENT) IC/UNDP/UNODC/117/2021 - National consultant to field test monitoring tool on epidemiological trends in mother-to-child transmission of HIV in prisons and service availability to prevent such transmission UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 02-Aug-21 07-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80488 Provision of Development of Mentoring Guidelines and Expansion of Mentoring Services for Youth Entrepreneurs (Re-Advertise) UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFP - Request for proposal 18-Jul-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 06-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 80428 Achat des equipements ICT RCO Cameroon CAMEROON RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Jul-21 06-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80487 AP/ UNW HAITI 2020-011. Recrutement d'une organisation pour la UNWOMEN HAITI CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 19-Jul-21 06-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80486 Full-Stack Web Developer for Database Programming and Web Development of a Functional Prototype of an Integrated Web-Based Monitoring and Evaluation Dashboard in support of the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan (2020-2030) Philippines PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 19-Jul-21 06-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80485 PROCESO COL 0000147844 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Apoyo Administrativo Junior SGR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 20-Jul-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 06-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80484 PROCESO COL 0000147818 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultor Diseño Gráfico y Comunicaciones SGR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 20-Jul-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 06-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80483 Consultant national juriste pour l'appui au Ministère de la Transformation numérique, de l'Innovation et de la Modernisation de l'Administration Publique UNDP Country Office MAURITANIA IC - Individual contractor 13-Jul-21 06-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80482 PROCESO COL 0000147843 - CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL - Apoyo Transversal Secretarías Técnicas OCAD Regionales DSGR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 20-Jul-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 06-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80480 IC PNUD 00069195-1112 Consultor para procesamiento de datos URUGUAY URUGUAY IC - Individual contractor 19-Jul-21 06-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80481 MNG/IC/2021/INT/012 - International Consultant - Support the implementation of the IRBM based strategic plan of environmental sector UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 20-Jul-21 06-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80479 PCI-067-2021 Servicios de consultoría para elaborar un documento de recomendaciones para incorporar la perspectiva de género en ejercicios de Gobierno Abierto Municipal. UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 27-Jul-21 06-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80478 UNDP-IC-2021-232 - Inclusive and Risk Finance Diagnostics Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 20-Jul-21 06-Jul-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 80477 SDP26 2021 Relanzamiento de la Industria Gastronómica Dominicana UNDP Country office DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 30-Jul-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 06-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80476 SDP-030-2021 Diseño e implementación de Soluciones Basadas en la naturaleza a escala de cuenca en Tlaxcala y Puebla UNDP Country Office MEXICO RFP - Request for proposal 27-Jul-21 06-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80475 AVISO DE SERVICIO PARA CONSULTOR/A INDIVIDUAL 2021/1282 UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 20-Jul-21 06-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80468 SELECTION D'UNE STRUCTURE SPECIALISEE (BUREAU D'ETUDES, CABINET, ASSOCIATION, CENTRE DE RECHERCHE) DANS L'EVALUATION DE PROJETS DE DEVELOPPEMENT. UNDP CHAD COUNTRY OFFICE CHAD RFP - Request for proposal 20-Jul-21 06-Jul-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 80474 143018-A Capacity Building IDPs FHH and PWDs UNDP Country Office SOMALIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 22-Jul-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 06-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80473 VSLAS IN COMMUNITIES IN THE 3 STATES UNDP Nigeria NIGERIA RFP - Request for proposal 16-Jul-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 06-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80469 RFP-UNDP-ACCESS-147761-027-2021 - Consulting Service for Design and Construction Supervision of Solar PV Off-Grid System UNDP Country Office INDONESIA RFP - Request for proposal 04-Aug-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 06-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80470 MKDITB52-2021 Rehabilitation of torrent in the village of Shipkovica, Municipality of Tetovo (Re-announcement of MKDITB37-2021) UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia ITB - Invitation to bid 27-Jul-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 06-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80464 Consultant to Evaluate and Design Behavioral Change Learning Interventions for prevention of sexual harassment in the UN System Home-Based UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 19-Jul-21 06-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80466 RFP2311 Provision of support to women-headed house UNDP Country Office MOLDOVA RFP - Request for proposal 09-Aug-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 06-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80465 RFP-072-IND-2021 "Evaluation for the Government of India – United Nations Sustainable Development Framework (2018-2022)" India INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 29-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 06-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80463 CONSULTORÍA PARA LA RECOPILACIÓN Y SISTEMATIZACION DE INFORMACIÓN TÉCNICA PARA LA ELABORACIÓN DE MATERIALES COMUNICACIONALES RELACIONADOS A PRODUCCION SOSTENIBLE" Asunción PARAGUAY IC - Individual contractor 21-Jul-21 06-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80462 ELABORACION DEL PLAN ESTRATÉGICO NACIONAL PARA EL MANEJO SOSTENIBLE DEL PALO SANTO (BULNESIA SARMIENTO I)" Asunción PARAGUAY IC - Individual contractor 21-Jul-21 06-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80460 RFP-071-IND-2021-Institutional Contract for Research and ecosystem engagement India INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 20-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 06-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80458 International individual consultancy for Conducting Gender Equality Assessment and Training for the UN in Tanzania Tanzania TANZANIA IC - Individual contractor 23-Jul-21 06-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80457 Recrutement Consultant (e) National (e) en Consultant(e) National(e) en Renforcement des Capacités Guinée GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 02-Aug-21 06-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80459 LBN-CO-CFP-162-21Provide Direct Support to Farmers UNDP Country office LEBANON CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 03-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 06-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80456 Hiring firm for Branding and Renovation works UNDP Bangladesh country office BANGLADESH RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Aug-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 06-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80397 RFQ/BDI10/UGP-FM/005/2021-TRAVAUX DE REHABILITATION DE 2 BUREAUX UNDP Country Office BURUNDI RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Jul-21 06-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80451 Recrutement d'un(e) Consultant(e) National(e) en modélisation et projections du Climat Guinée GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 02-Aug-21 06-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80454 Firm for Digital Communication and Outreach UNDP Bangladesh country office BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 19-Jul-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 06-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80455 National Consultant for the Independent Interim Evaluation Country Office MAURITIUS IC - Individual contractor 13-Jul-21 06-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80453 BIH/RFQ-094-21-EXTENDED Construction of new mountain lodge on the Zelengora Mountain UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Jul-21 06-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80452 Lead National Consultant to conduct Terminal Evaluation for the Project "Inclusive Development and Public Sector Efficiency (IDPSE) Country Office MAURITIUS IC - Individual contractor 18-Jul-21 06-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80450 National Social and Gender Consultant to conduct Terminal Evaluation for the Project "Inclusive Development and Public Sector Efficiency (IDPSE) Country Office MAURITIUS IC - Individual contractor 18-Jul-21 06-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80446 Consultant (e) national (e) en élaboration de Politique d'Adaptation au Changement Climatique Guinée GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 02-Aug-21 06-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80445 465-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-RPP_Enhancing explosive ordnance risks prevention through online training method for EORE training of trainers (TOT) UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 27-Jul-21 06-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80449 UNDP-IC-2021-067 - Senior National Research and Policy Analyst Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 20-Jul-21 06-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80448 BIH/RFQ-101-21 AMENDED, Disposal of Anti-Tank Rocket Propelled Grenade M80 Zolja Ammunition UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Aug-21 06-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80447 ITB-21-028 EE Reconstruction public buildings RS UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA ITB - Invitation to bid 27-Jul-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 06-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80444 RFQ/2021/09 procurement of Air Conditions UNDP Country Office JORDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Jul-21 06-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80443 ITB-TKM-001-2021 Tender for supply of equipment and provision of services for the street lighting system in Ashgabat city UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN ITB - Invitation to bid 28-Jul-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 06-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80441 Recrutement d'un (e) consultant (e) national (e) pour l'élaboration de la politique/stratégie sectorielle du Ministère des Droits Humains UNDP-KINSHASA, DR CONGO - CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 19-Jul-21 06-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80440 Recrutement d'un (e) consultant (e) national (e) pour l'élaboration de la politique/stratégie sectorielle du Ministère de la Jeunesse UNDP-KINSHASA, DR CONGO - CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 19-Jul-21 06-Jul-21 HEALTH HEALTH 80439 001/TCD10/PALAT/07/2021 FOURNITURE DES DISPOSITIFS DE LAVAGE DES MAINS RBA CHAD RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Jul-21 06-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80437 Recrutement d'un bureau d'études ou cabinet pour l'évaluation de la mise en œuvre de la campagne de distribution de MILDA 2020 (CDM 2020) au TCHAD RBA CHAD RFP - Request for proposal 16-Jul-21 06-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80438 Long-term Agreement for the Maintenance services for the Generators of the Green One UN House UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Jul-21 06-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80435 BIH/RFQ-100-21 Geological geomechanical and hydrological study UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Jul-21 06-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80434 Recrutement d'un (e) consultant (e) national (e) pour l'élaboration de la politique/stratégie sectorielle du Ministère des Transports et Communications. UNDP-KINSHASA, DR CONGO CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 19-Jul-21 06-Jul-21 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS 80430 PROCUREMENT OF WEIGHING SCALES FOR POSTAL BAGS AND ELECTRONIC LETTER SCALES UNDP Country Office, RBA SWAZILAND RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Jul-21 06-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80433 Rehab. of AlQosh High school for Girls- Ninawa Gov UNDP Country Office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Jul-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 06-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80359 LBN-CO-RFP-159-21Post COVID-19 Recovery UNDP Country office LEBANON RFP - Request for proposal 10-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 06-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80431 588-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-DIA UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 23-Jul-21 @ 04:59 AM (New York time) 06-Jul-21 IMPORT/EXPORT IMPORT/EXPORT 80432 RFQ for supply of Bajaj and Hollow Block Making Ma UNDP ETHIOPIA COUNTRY OFFICE ETHIOPIA RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Jul-21 @ 02:24 AM (New York time) 06-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80429 (PN-K-210706) 01 International Consultant on the impact assessment Country Office VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 20-Jul-21 06-Jul-21 HEALTH HEALTH 80383 RFQ-UNDP-HEART-145670-014-2021 - Provision of Malaria Cadre Kit Indonesia INDONESIA RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Jul-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 05-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80427 4141 PAN 2021 la contratación de Consultoría Individual para la Asistencia Técnica para Cambio de Año Base o de Referencia de las Cuentas Nacionales en Panamá en el Marco del SCN-2008 PANAMA PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 26-Jul-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 05-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80425 SDC/00124696/079/2021 Servicios de Reparación y Mantenimiento de Oficinas Regionales de la Secretaria de Trabajo y Seguridad Social. Oficina de País HONDURAS RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Jul-21 05-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80426 PROCESO COL 0000147819 - CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL - Consultor Fortalecimiento Estructuración DSGR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 19-Jul-21 @ 06:18 PM (New York time) 05-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79838 Senior National Consultant Information and Knowledge Management UNDP Pacific Office SOLOMON ISLANDS IC - Individual contractor 19-Jul-21 05-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80424 SDP-029-2021 Diseño e implementación de Soluciones Basadas en la naturaleza a escala de cuenca en Jalisco UNDP Country Office MEXICO RFP - Request for proposal 26-Jul-21 05-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80423 Acquisition de de matériels pour le renforcement du réseau sismique de l'UTS UNDP-HAITI HAITI RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Jul-21 05-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80422 SDP/00128273/080/2021 "Consultoría para la implementación de un servicio de pauta digital" UNDP Country Office HONDURAS RFP - Request for proposal 08-Jul-21 05-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80421 PROCESO COL 0000146559 Diagramación y corrección de estilo de los documentos técnicos del proyecto. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Jul-21 05-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80420 BBRSO145912:Consultant: Energy Transition Expert UNDP Barbaos and the Eastern Caribbean ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Jul-21 05-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80419 Construction des infrastructures socio-économiques, éducatives, vétérinaires, et de loisirs dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre du projet «Facilité Régionale de Stabilisation du bassin lac Tchad, Fenêtre nationale du Tchad». UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE CHAD ITB - Invitation to bid 19-Jul-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 05-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80418 ITB.21.096 Construction de 100 logements UNDP-HAITI HAITI ITB - Invitation to bid 06-Sep-21 @ 04:30 PM (New York time) 05-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80417 CREATIVE CALL KAMPALA UGANDA Innovation Challenge 07-Sep-21 05-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80416 SDP 25 2021 Estudios Vulnerabilidad ISFODOSU UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 19-Jul-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 05-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80415 BBRSO145916:Consultancy to develop National Blue Economy Frameworks UNDP Barbados anda the Eastern Caribbean BARBADOS RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Jul-21 05-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80413 RFP 2021-16 : le développement et la mise en œuvre d'un programme de renforcement des capacités d'entrepreneurs et des autorités locales dans les domaines liés à l'économie verte- Projet Entreprenariat UNDP Tunisia TUNISIA RFP - Request for proposal 02-Aug-21 05-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80414 Contrato Individual (CI) 108638-2468/21 "Servicios de Consultoría en Alianzas Estratégicas para la implementación de la Alianza Colaborativa para la Conservación de Pez Vela y desarrollo de la pesca artesanal" PNUD GUATEMALA GUATEMALA RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Jul-21 05-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80412 Long-term Agreement for the Maintenance services for the Crack ACs of the Green One UN House UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Jul-21 05-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80411 [DEADLINE EXTENDED] _Documenting results on the Programme for Accelerated Community Development-PACD The Gambia GAMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 21-Jul-21 05-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80410 Expert international sur la configuration, réparation et la maintenance des stations sismiques Haiti HAITI IC - Individual contractor 19-Jul-21 05-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80408 Rehabilitation of Yaroobiya Bakery in Hassakeh Gov UNDP Office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC ITB - Invitation to bid 20-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 05-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80409 NGARANNAM CONSTRUCTION OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS 4 LOTS UNDP Country Office NIGERIA ITB - Invitation to bid 21-Jul-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 05-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 80407 IT Equipment - UPU-Universal Postal Union UNDP Country Office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 05-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80406 Consultant en charge de la définition et de l'analyse des leviers de développement du capital humain pour la transformation structurelle de l'économie dans le cadre de l'élaboration du RNDH 2021 Cameroon CAMEROON IC - Individual contractor 19-Jul-21 05-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80405 Recrutement d'un Consultant en charge de la réalisation des analyses sur l'indice de développement humain ainsi que la relation entre le capital humain et le développement humain au Cameroun Cameroon CAMEROON IC - Individual contractor 19-Jul-21 05-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80404 Recrutement consultant pour le suivi et aux analyses des données sur le profilage socioéconomique des 374 CTDS - Un statisticien Cameroon CAMEROON IC - Individual contractor 19-Jul-21 05-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80403 Recrutement d'un consultant économiste- statisticien pour appui de l'INS au suivi et aux analyses des données dur le profilage socioéconomique des 374 CTDS Cameroon CAMEROON IC - Individual contractor 19-Jul-21 05-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80402 Engineering Consulting Firm for the Implementation of the Community Leisure and Recreational Park Facility Project The Gambia GAMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 09-Jul-21 05-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80401 RFQ -supply and Installation of routers UNDP Country Office BANGLADESH RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Jul-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 05-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80400 JAVNI POZIV MEG II Javni poziv jedinicama lokalne samouprave u Bosni i Hercegovini za podnošenje prijava za učešće u provedbi druge faze Projekta općinskog okolišnog upravljanja (MEG) u Bosni i Hercegovini UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Other 06-Aug-21 05-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80399 BIH/RFP-26-21 Development of the Preliminary design and Feasibility study for Sport & recreation area „Park-Forest Hum", Municipality Novo Sarajevo, Sarajevo UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFP - Request for proposal 26-Jul-21 05-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 80398 Supply and delivery to printer and toner UNDP Nigeria sub office Maiduguri NIGERIA RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Jul-21 05-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80396 Recrutement d'un consultant international chargé de l'evaluation du financement du developpement au Burundi UNDP CO BURUNDI IC - Individual contractor 12-Jul-21 05-Jul-21 TOURISM TOURISM 80395 RFP – Local Firm for Mapping of Environmental, Cultural, and Historical Resources in Laamu Atoll UNDP Country Office MALDIVES RFP - Request for proposal 22-Jul-21 05-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80394 ITB 187 EID 9727 2021 - Conservation works at Orounda Mosque UNDP Cyprus CYPRUS ITB - Invitation to bid 16-Sep-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 05-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 80393 Purchase of ICT items for Maldives Post UNDP Maldives Country Office MALDIVES RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Jul-21 @ 07:18 AM (New York time) 05-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80386 Capacity Need Assessment of Government entities UNDP-Afghanistan AFGHANISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 24-Jul-21 @ 07:30 AM (New York time) 05-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80392 Recruitment of NIC to develop Evidence-based plan UNDP ETHIOPIA COUNTRY OFFICE ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 05-Aug-21 @ 04:49 AM (New York time) 05-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80391 Recruitment of NIC to capacitate regional partner UNDP ETHIOPIA COUNTRY OFFICE ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 05-Aug-21 @ 04:05 AM (New York time) 05-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80390 Long-term Agreement for the Maintenance services of the Chillers of the Green One UN House UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Aug-21 05-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 80389 RFQ/2021/08: Procurement of Printers UNDP Country Office JORDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Jul-21 05-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80388 RFP-2021-036_Проведение исследования с целью определения наиболее востребованных профессиональных навыков рынка труда в пост-ковидный период с разбивкой по уровням Национальной рамки квалификаций (НРК) и видам деятельности, и разработка рекомендации UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 28-Jul-21 05-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80387 Hiring a firm to provide Hosting Services UNDP Country Office BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 26-Jul-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 05-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80385 Hiring a Firm/NGO for Financial Inclusion and Market Linkage Dhaka BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 28-Jul-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 05-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80384 Recrutement d'un consultant "International Private Sector and Innovation Specialist UNDP CO BURUNDI IC - Individual contractor 30-Jul-21 05-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80382 Recrutement d'un consultant "International Safeguard expert with extensive Gender expertise" UNDP CO BURUNDI IC - Individual contractor 30-Jul-21 05-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80381 Recrutement d'un consultant national "Integrated Watershed Management Specialist" UNDP CO BURUNDI IC - Individual contractor 30-Jul-21 05-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80380 Recrutement d'un consultant national "Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction Specialist " UNDP CO BURUNDI IC - Individual contractor 30-Jul-21 05-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80379 Recrutement d'un consultant international "Project development specialist to finalize the UNDP-GEF project document for approved Project preparation grant (PPG) UNDP CO BURUNDI IC - Individual contractor 30-Jul-21 05-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 80377 DATA VISUALISATION AND WEB DEVELOPMENT SERVICES UNDP Nigeria Country Office NIGERIA RFP - Request for proposal 18-Jul-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 05-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80376 Hiring a Firm to arrange Venue, Food and logistics for training of SWAPNO Project Dhaka BANGLADESH RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Jul-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 05-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80375 RFQ 46-2021 for signing Long Term Agreement (LTA) for cleaning services and contract maintenance UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Jul-21 05-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80373 National firm/organization to support Danang City Lab (B-210701) UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 19-Jul-21 05-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80372 Rehabilitation of two Churches and one Mosque Country Office IRAQ EOI - Expression of interest 04-Aug-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 05-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80371 RFP-2021-024: Technical Support for the preparation of Greenhouse Gas Inventory (Waste, Agriculture, and LULUCF Sector) for Thailand's Fourth National Communication Report to the UNFCCC UNDP Country Office THAILAND RFP - Request for proposal 27-Jul-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 05-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80370 Training Specialist for DevLIVE+ for Local Planning and SDG Monitoring Philippines PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 16-Jul-21 05-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80369 Engagement of a National Consultant for Results Based Monitoring Philippines PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 16-Jul-21 05-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80317 National Consultant for De-risking Renewable Energy Investment ("DREI") Analysis and Reports for Off-Grid Solar PV Minigrid Energy Technologies in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao, Philippines Philippines PHILIPPINES Other 19-Jul-21 05-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80368 Engagement of a Strategic Planning Consultant for the Evaluation Roadmap Philippines PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 19-Jul-21 05-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79794 UNDP-IC-2021-216:National Consultant - Admin & Finance Officer UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 02-Jul-21 05-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80365 PN (N-210703) A national team leader and team member to conduct an assessment on livelihood interventions for GCF1 project UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 29-Jul-21 04-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80366 RFP-2021-023: Technical Support in the preparation of Climate Change Vulnerability & Adaptation Assessment for Thailand's Fourth National Communication Report to the UNFCCC UNDP Country Office THAILAND RFP - Request for proposal 19-Jul-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 04-Jul-21 POWER POWER 80364 RFQ-063-PHL-2021 - Cagayan Province UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Jul-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 04-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80363 Un(e) consultant(e) national(e) pour l'évaluation de la stratégie nationale de développement de la statistique (SNDS 2016-2020) UNDP GUINEE GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 05-Aug-21 04-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80362 Un(e) consultant(e) national(e) pour l'élaboration de la stratégie nationale de développement de la statistique (SNDS 2021-2025) UNDP GUINEE GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 05-Aug-21 04-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80361 PNUD-IC-330-2021 UNDP OFFICE PERU PERU IC - Individual contractor 26-Jul-21 @ 01:00 PM (New York time) 04-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80360 DAO PNUD HUB ALG 001 2021:Evaluation de la capacité institutionnelle de l'ALG – Stabilisation de la région du Liptako-Gourma UNDP REGIONAL HUB DAKAR SENEGAL RFP - Request for proposal 13-Sep-21 04-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80358 NGARANNAM Construction of Police Quarters UNDP Country Office NIGERIA ITB - Invitation to bid 17-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 04-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80357 NGARANNAM Construction of Teacher Residence UNDP Country Office NIGERIA ITB - Invitation to bid 17-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 04-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80356 NGARANNAM GENERAL SITE MAPPING LAYOUT BEACONING UNDP Country Office NIGERIA RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Jul-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 04-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 80355 RFQ2521 UPS upgrade UNDP Maldives Country Office MALDIVES RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Jul-21 @ 07:05 AM (New York time) 04-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80354 RFP-External Assessment of Progress Against Afghan Country Office AFGHANISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 15-Jul-21 @ 07:30 AM (New York time) 04-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80353 Provision of Solar Panels for UNDP CO Country Office YEMEN RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Jul-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 04-Jul-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 80352 EQUIPEMENT AND TOOLS FOR THE COMMUNITIES IN THE NO Cameroun CAMEROON ITB - Invitation to bid 18-Jul-21 @ 01:06 PM (New York time) 04-Jul-21 HOUSING HOUSING 80351 Housing 202 units Hmamiyat-Bohazim-Bobali Anbar Ir UNDP Country Office, Erbil, Iraq - IRAQ IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 26-Jul-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 04-Jul-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 80350 SDGs and 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development O UNDP Bahrain Country Office BAHRAIN RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 04-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80349 RFQ Security Services UN House UNDP Bahrain Country Office BAHRAIN RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Aug-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 04-Jul-21 AGRICULTURE  SEEDLING AGRICULTURE SEEDLING 80348 ITB - SEED INPUTS FOR 2021-2022 PLANTING SEASON Undp Country Office ZAMBIA ITB - Invitation to bid 15-Jul-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 03-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80347 PNUD-SDC-313-2021 Adq. 03 Estaciones Hidrologicas UNDP OFFICE PERU PERU RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Aug-21 @ 01:00 AM (New York time) 03-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 80346 Procurement of ICT equipment for MoI UNDP-Afghanistan AFGHANISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Jul-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 03-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80345 Recrutement d'un (e) consultant (e) national (e) pour la « Réalisation d'une étude sur l'analyse des réponses du Niger aux cadres internationaux et régionaux de développement durable, de réduction des risques de catastrophe et de changement climatique, e Niger country Office NIGER IC - Individual contractor 16-Aug-21 03-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80344 RECRUTEMENT D'UN CABINET INTERNATIONAL DE FORMATION EN SUIVI EVALUATION Niger country Office NIGER RFP - Request for proposal 16-Aug-21 03-Jul-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 80343 Acquisition d'un vehicule 4X4 double cabine UNDP Country Office COMOROS RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Jul-21 03-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80342 Supply of Safety Materials for UNDP CO office UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Jul-21 @ 05:06 AM (New York time) 03-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80341 Technical Expert (National Consultant) on Regional Spending Assessment on HIV UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 13-Jul-21 03-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80340 Technical Expert (National Consultant) on Regional Commitments and Policy Instrument on HIV UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 06-Jul-21 03-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80339 Gender Mainstreaming Advisor (International Consultant) UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 07-Jul-21 02-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80338 SOLICITUD DE COTIZACION No.: COL-0000147217 - Adquisición de implementos de dotación para Guardia Indígena. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Jul-21 02-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80337 PROCESO COL 0000147596 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultoría en Ingeniería Subregional UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 16-Jul-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 02-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80336 Individual National Consultant on Monitoring and Evaluation of adaptation (Ref. P210703) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 07-Jul-21 02-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80335 Individual National Consultant on developing measures to leverage public and private investment to implement adaptation (Ref. P210702) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 15-Jul-21 02-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80334 National Consultant to develop training for trainers' materials on professional skills in settling state compensation (Ref. P210701) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 11-Jul-21 02-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80333 PCI-066-2021 Servicios de consultoría como asesor técnico en agroecología como apoyo en el desarrollo de huertos agroecológicos comunitarios en Papantla, Veracruz. UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 18-Jul-21 02-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80332 PCI-065-2021 Servicios de consultoría como asesor técnico en agroecología como apoyo en el desarrollo de huertos agroecológicos comunitarios en Oaxaca de Juárez, Oaxaca UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 18-Jul-21 02-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80331 CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL - COL 0000147597 - Técnico Administrativo SGR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 16-Jul-21 @ 12:53 AM (New York time) 02-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80330 Consultancy, Medium to long-term comprehensive organizational development strategy for Credit Guarantee Corporation of Cambodia (CGCC) UNCDF CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 14-Jul-21 02-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80329 RFQ N°0021/BFA/PNUD -2021: Acquisition de matériels divers en quatre lots pour la ville de Ouahigouya. UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Jul-21 02-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80328 RFQ N°25-2021_Travaux de construction d'un (01) bâtiment d'état civil au profit de la commune de Gossina (région de la boucle du Mouhoun). UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Jul-21 02-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80327 RFQ N°0024/BFA/PNUD -2021: ACQUISITION DE MATERIELS MEDICO-TECHNIQUE POUR LES CENTRES DE SANTE EN 4 LOTS. UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Jul-21 02-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80325 Recruitment of Individual Consultant for the Development of strategy and Operational manual for Ghana's Engagement under Article 6.2 of the Paris Agreement UNDP Country Office GHANA IC - Individual contractor 15-Jul-21 02-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80324 RFQ_26_2021_Supply and Installation of ACs in Provincial Police Commands UNDP Mozambique CO MOZAMBIQUE RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Aug-21 02-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80184 ETH2266: Recruitment of National Consultant to Develop a Strategy Document for Scaling Up and Replicating Highland CCA Project Activities and Lesson Learned Through Ethiopian Based upon the Project Achievements, Lesson Learned and Project based Practices UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 06-Aug-21 @ 09:04 AM (New York time) 02-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80323 ITB 186 EID 9711 2021 - Conservation works at Tuzla Hammam UNDP Cyprus CYPRUS ITB - Invitation to bid 16-Sep-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 02-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80322 RFP 15/21 Diagnostic Study on Needs of Business Sector for Green Economic Recovery UNDP CO MONTENEGRO RFP - Request for proposal 30-Jul-21 02-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80321 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA No.: COL-0000146560 - Apoyar el diseño y diagramación de piezas de comunicación impresas y digitales, y la producción de videos, animaciones e infografías en temas ambientales y de cambio climático UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 22-Jul-21 02-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 80320 RFQ Purchase of software and license for monitorin UNDP Kosovo Kosovo, UNSCR 1244 (1999) RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Jul-21 @ 11:30 AM (New York time) 02-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80319 Call for Proposals UNDP Country Office GEORGIA Other 02-Aug-21 02-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80318 RFI-069-IND-2021 Pan India - Request for Information (RFI) from national and/or international CSOs/NGOs/CBOs, referred to as Service Provider (SP) for potential partnership with UNDP to carry out activities under Plastic and Dry Waste Management UNDP Country Office INDIA RFI - Request for Information 06-Aug-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 02-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80316 Solarization of Borehole H2O Supply in GGSS Kondug UNDP Nigeria NIGERIA ITB - Invitation to bid 20-Jul-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 02-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80315 RE-ADVERTISED - PN (N-210702) – 01 national consultant on Insurance and Risk Financing for GCF1 project UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 15-Jul-21 02-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80314 Supply and delivery of Lab equipment UNEP-Afghanistan AFGHANISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Jul-21 @ 07:30 AM (New York time) 02-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80313 RFP/UNDP/IICPSD/2021/04- Request for Proposal Sector Diagnosis and Roadmap for the Implementation of Business Call to Action's Capacity Building for the Replication and Adaptation of Inclusive Business Models UNDP BCtA TURKEY RFP - Request for proposal 23-Jul-21 02-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79947 NC for the assessment of the production capacity of the cardboard shop UPP No. 1 of the Society for the Blind and Deaf of Turkmenistan in Ashgabat/Национальный консультант по оценке производственных мощностей картонажного цеха Общеcтва Слепых и Глухих UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN IC - Individual contractor 15-Jul-21 02-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80310 Procurement of office furniture for MoI UNDP-Afghanistan AFGHANISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Jul-21 @ 07:30 AM (New York time) 02-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80311 Supply and Installation of CCTV Cameras Timor-Leste TIMOR LESTE RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Jul-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 02-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80309 RFP-036-PHL-2021 (Re-Tender): Services to Build Capacity for the Filipino Youth UNDP CO Philippines PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 23-Jul-21 02-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80308 T210701 – 01 National Consultant to develop training for trainers' materials on professional skills in settling state compensation UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 15-Jul-21 01-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80307 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA No.: COL-0000146405 - Desarrollar un piloto de factibilidad para el ensamble de máquinas de recuperación de gases refrigerantes en el país. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 15-Jul-21 01-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80306 Appel à manifestation d'intérêt à l'intention des prestataires spécialisés dans les domaines du génie civil, du BTP, de l'hydraulique et du génie électrique (énergies renouvelables) et des cabinets de contrôle Mali, Burkina Faso et Niger SENEGAL EOI - Expression of interest 30-Aug-21 01-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80304 Acuerdos a Largo Plazo de Láminas Onduladas o Trapezoidales de Acero Galvanizado para uso como Cubierta Arquitectónica, Perfiles Galvanizados y Tornillos Autorroscantes, Caballetes, Ganchos y Clavos para fijación de Láminas de Acero en respuesta a situaci UNDP Cuba CUBA ITB - Invitation to bid 21-Jul-21 01-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80305 Consultancy – Financial Management Consultant, BMS/OFRM - Home Based (expected to work during NY business hour and interaction with Kuala Lumpur) until travel restrictions of Covid-19 are lifted then New York, UNDP HQ, USA Home based /UNDP HQ NY UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 16-Jul-21 01-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80303 Consultancy – Financial Performance Management and Reporting ERP Transition Consultant BMS/OFRM/FPMR - Home Based (expected to work during NY business hour and interaction with Kuala Lumpur) Home based - UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 16-Jul-21 01-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80302 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA COL-0000147280 - Prestar servicios de apoyo operativo, técnico y logístico para la Construcción y socialización de una caja de herramientas en protección y seguridad para mujeres exintegrantes FARC – EP. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 28-Jul-21 01-Jul-21 FISHERIES FISHERIES 80299 Supply GPS devices to Aden and Hadhramout Yemen UNDP Yemen CO, Aden Sub-Office YEMEN RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Jul-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 01-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80301 PCI-064-2021 Servicios de consultoría para la adaptación del "Modelo para la Gestión de Riesgos de Corrupción en el Sector Público" en una herramienta de autoevaluación de riesgos de corrupción UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 15-Jul-21 01-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80287 End line assessments of digital finance projects in Zambia & the Annual DFS Provider Survey UNCDF ZAMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 15-Jul-21 01-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80300 PCI-063-2021 Estudio de las dinámicas diferenciadas del acceso a la tecnología en el entorno de la crisis derivada de la COVID-19 en México UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 15-Jul-21 01-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80298 Firm to Support the Capacity Development Programme as Part of Implementation of Cambodia COVID-19 Response, Unlocking Cambodian Women's Potential through Fiscal Space Creation UNCDF CAMBODIA RFP - Request for proposal 30-Jul-21 01-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80297 Rehabilitation of the UNDP Premises -3rd floor UNDP Syria SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 01-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80295 CONCURSO No. IC-ADQ-21-146800 – "Diseño e implementación de una estrategia de sensibilización y abogacía con actores locales de cinco provincias para posicionar a la migración como una oportunidad de desarrollo" UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 20-Jul-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 01-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80296 Proceso No. COL-0000146785 - Consultoría en diseño gráfico y multimedia para el área de Gobernabilidad Democrática, desde el Proyecto de implementación de la herramienta CRA en Colombia. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 15-Jul-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 01-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80294 IC No. 00106130/1278 Asistencia técnica para propuesta de protocolo para remoción de tatuajes para adolescentes y adultos en proceso de reinserción social. UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 15-Jul-21 01-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80293 MNG/RFP/2021/024 - National Institutions - Gender parity in public administration campaign UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA RFP - Request for proposal 14-Jul-21 01-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80292 Consultant(e) national (e) – Expert sécurité locale en République Démocratique du Congo UNDP DRC CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 08-Jul-21 01-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80291 IC-CONSULTANCY SERVICES TO DEVELOP AND FACILITATE THE IMPLEMENTATION OF A BUSINESS FOCUSED RADIO SHOW FOR THE UNDP SUPPLIER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME (UNDP-SDP) BOTSWANA BOTSWANA IC - Individual contractor 09-Jul-21 01-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80289 CHL/SDC/093/2021 "SERVICIO DE DISEÑO, DIAGRAMACIÓN DE LA PUBLICACIÓN: "POLÍTICA NACIONAL DE PARQUES URBANOS" E IMPRESIÓN DE 3.000 EJEMPLARES" UNDP Country Office CHILE RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Jul-21 01-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80290 RFP-2021-018: Knowledge Management on Climate Change Projections and Risk and Vulnerability Assessment UNDP Country Office THAILAND RFP - Request for proposal 29-Jul-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 01-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80288 RFP-2021-020: Designing and delivering training on women, business and human rights UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub THAILAND RFP - Request for proposal 19-Jul-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 01-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80286 Proceso No. COL-0000147276 - Profesional Enlace de Entidad - Nivel 4 -DVR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 15-Jul-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 01-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80285 SDC-32-2021 IMPERMEABILIZACIÓN DE TECHOS RECINTOS DEL ISFODOSU UNDP Country Office DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Jul-21 01-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80284 UNDP CYP RFP 184 EID 9703 2021 - Designs Services for Diamante Bastion at Famagusta Cyprus CYPRUS RFP - Request for proposal 06-Sep-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 01-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80282 RFQ 2021-027 - Reconstruction of office premises UNDP CO KYRGYZSTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Jul-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 01-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80281 DESIGN AND DEV OF A WEB PLATFORM AND DATABASE UNDP Nigeria Country Office NIGERIA RFP - Request for proposal 18-Jul-21 @ 12:20 AM (New York time) 01-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80280 RFQ/099/21 furniture for kindergarden Pcelica in Orasje UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Jul-21 01-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80278 RECRUTEMENT D'UNE AGENCE DE COMMUNICATION ET DE SPECTACLE DEVANT REALISER L'ORGANISATION D'UNE JOURNEE SUR LA THEMATIQUE « TOUS ET TOUTES POUR LA PAIX » GUINEE GUINEA RFP - Request for proposal 13-Jul-21 01-Jul-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 80279 RFQ 078/21 Procurement of SUV vehicle for FAO Armenia UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Jul-21 01-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80277 Supply and delivery of DJI Mavic 2 Pro Drone, Spiral Binding Machine and IPAD Pro The Gambia GAMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Jul-21 01-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80275 BIH/RFQ-098-21 EXTENDED !!! Design of a Digital Platform for Interactive Sourcing of Citizens' Ideas on Renewal and Transformation of Public Spaces in the Municipality of Centar – Sarajevo UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Jul-21 01-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80274 PN(N-210701) 03 National consultants to provide technical/legal support for the revision of the Project Document and project extension procedures for GCF1 project UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 12-Jul-21 01-Jul-21 POWER POWER 80273 Supply Installation 60kVA Generator BANKI Nigeria sub office NIGERIA RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Jul-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 01-Jul-21 FISHERIES FISHERIES 80272 Boats and Engines for Aden and Hadhramout YEMEN UNDP Yemen CO, Aden Sub-Office YEMEN ITB - Invitation to bid 07-Aug-21 @ 11:55 AM (New York time) 01-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80271 UNDP-IC-2021-225: Management Assistant – Special Programme Project on Institutional Strengthening in Pakistan UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 15-Jul-21 01-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80270 UNDP-IC-2021-226: Technical Officer – Special Programme Project on Institutional Strengthening in Pakistan UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 15-Jul-21 01-Jul-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80269 RFP 50-2021 Design and delivery of green and digital jobs programme through capacity building of the Employment Service Agency, and focused interventions in Polog region UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFP - Request for proposal 15-Jul-21 01-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80268 RFQ/097/21 Rehabilitation works on establishing of HUB Co-working Center UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Jul-21 01-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80267 UNEARTH INNOVATIVE SOCIO-ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITIES South Africa SOUTH AFRICA RFP - Request for proposal 12-Jul-21 01-Jul-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 80266 RFQ-065-PHL-2021-Supply and Delivery of Tablets UNDP CO Philippines PHILIPPINES RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Jul-21 01-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80265 IC-053-21- Tax Reform Specialist Iraq Country Office IRAQ IC - Individual contractor 10-Jul-21 01-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80264 IC/UNDP/BIOFIN/116/2021 - Expert for Feasibility and Option Implementation of Debt-for Nature Swap [Re-advertise] UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 15-Jul-21 01-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80263 IC-052-21- Insurance Reform Specialist Iraq Country Office IRAQ IC - Individual contractor 10-Jul-21 01-Jul-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80262 551.224.587-2021-UNDP-UKR-ITB-RPP Country Office UKRAINE ITB - Invitation to bid 26-Jul-21 @ 04:59 AM (New York time) 01-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80261 [Re-Advertisement] IC/UNDP/BIOFIN/115/2021 - Biodiversity Budget and Expenditure Tracking Expert UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 15-Jul-21 01-Jul-21 OTHER OTHER 80260 RFQ/UNW/HAI/21/008 Achat de matériels pour la DAP UNWOMEN HAITI RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Jul-21 01-Jul-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80208 IC/016/21 - International Consultant on assessment of the regulatory aspects and technical capabilities for the implementation and/or piloting on-grid solar systems in rural settlements of Uzbekistan UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 12-Jul-21 30-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80259 PROCESO COL 0000147274 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Técnico - Nivel 3 - DVR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 14-Jul-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 30-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80258 PROCESO COL 0000147273 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Técnico Entidades del Orden Nacional - Nivel 4 - DVR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 14-Jul-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 30-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80257 Proceso No. COL-0000147275 - Profesional de Control - Nivel 2 DVR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 14-Jul-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 30-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 80256 Digitalizing Right to Information Process in Vanuatu Fiji FIJI RFP - Request for proposal 24-Jul-21 30-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80255 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA COL-0000143795 - Desarrollo tecnológico de contenidos, aplicación, y repositorio, página web; y realización y divulgación de procesos de formación en temáticas de economía naranja. en el marco del GFACCT 2021 y de la estrategia GFAC UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 30-Jul-21 30-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 80254 RFP JOF 2975 DIAGNOSTIC STUDY INDIGENOUS CHILDREN Brazil BRAZIL RFP - Request for proposal 20-Aug-21 @ 01:00 PM (New York time) 30-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80253 Recrutement bureau detudes domaine dadaptation GB Guinea-Bissau GUINEA-BISSAU RFP - Request for proposal 16-Jul-21 @ 05:18 AM (New York time) 30-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80147 Framework Agreement for the services Inclusive Digital Economies Advisors for Asia - Home-based with possible travels to countries in Asia, including but not limited to Thailand, Myanmar, Nepal, Bangladesh, Cambodia and Lao UNCDF THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 06-Jul-21 30-Jun-21 PIPELINES PIPELINES 80252 Solicitud de Cotización (SdC) 36408-2461/21 "Compra de Tuberías para atender reparación de emergencia del colector ubicado en carril auxiliar del Anillo Periférico Zona 7" PNUD GUATEMALA GUATEMALA RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Jul-21 30-Jun-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 80251 SOLICITUD DE COTIZACION No.: COL-0000146362 - Suministro de insumos agropecuarios para la implementación del proyecto PBF. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Jul-21 30-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80250 PCI-062-2021 Servicios de consultoría como asesor técnico en agroecología como apoyo en el desarrollo de huertos agroecológicos comunitarios en Tecoanapa, Guerrero. UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 21-Jul-21 30-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 80248 CONCURSO DE IDEAS INNOVADORAS EN EL MARCO DEL PROYECTO DE ECONOMÍA VERDE Y AZUL DEL PNUD UNDP Guinea Ecuatorial EQUATORIAL GUINEA Innovation Challenge 19-Jul-21 30-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80249 IC-042/21: Migration Gap Assessment based on the National Context Towards the 2030 Agenda and SDGs in Iraq (Re advertisement) Country Office IRAQ IC - Individual contractor 13-Jul-21 30-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80247 SOLICITUD DE COTIZACION No.: COL-0000146360 - Suministro de materiales de construcción/ferretería para la implementación del proyecto PBF. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Jul-21 30-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80246 PROCESO COL-0000147277 - CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL - Profesional Técnico - Nivel 4 DVR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 16-Jul-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 30-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80245 SOUTH AFRICA YOUTH BAROMETER SURVEY UNDP SOUTH AFRICA SOUTH AFRICA RFP - Request for proposal 12-Jul-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 30-Jun-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 80244 SOLICITUD DE COTIZACION No.: COL-0000146210 - Suministro de equipos y accesorios a 21 funcionarios del Área de Paz UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Jul-21 30-Jun-21 LIVESTOCK LIVESTOCK 80243 RFP 2021-22 Fund Manager for MCSFF - Re-advertised UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA RFP - Request for proposal 28-Jul-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 30-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80242 INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANT TO FACILITATE THE ROLL OUT THE SDG PLANNING GUIDELINES-MINISTRY OF DEFENCE BOTSWANA BOTSWANA IC - Individual contractor 20-Aug-21 30-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80241 RFP49-2021 for Conducting Gender Equality and Climate Change Trainings UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFP - Request for proposal 14-Jul-21 30-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 80240 Supply and Delivery of 5 Solar Hybrid TYK TUK UNDP Country Office YEMEN RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Jul-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 30-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80239 TRAINING FOR GREEN SCREEN VFX PRODUCTION South Africa SOUTH AFRICA IC - Individual contractor 19-Jul-21 30-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80238 ICN-014-2021-Recrutement d'un(e) consultant(e) International(e) pour l'évaluation de l'effet 3-Environnement Mauritania CO MAURITANIA IC - Individual contractor 14-Jul-21 30-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80237 RFQ N°23-2021/PNUD: Travaux de réalisation de deux (02) parcs à vaccination et de deux (02) forages pastoraux dans les communes de Poura et de Fara (Balé/ région de la Boucle du Mouhoun) en deux (02) lots. Country Office BURKINA FASO RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Jul-21 30-Jun-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 80235 ICN-013-2021-Consultant National pour finalisation de l'opérationnalisation de la plateforme de suivi du ProPEP et l'extension des fonctionnalités Mauritania CO MAURITANIA IC - Individual contractor 02-Aug-21 30-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80236 LBN-CO-RFQ-157-21 Destroyed Shelters in Saida UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 30-Jun-21 IMPORT/EXPORT IMPORT/EXPORT 80210 SDP-20-2021 LTA Svcs. Logisticos y Gestion Aduanal UNDP Country Office DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 21-Jul-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 30-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80234 Capacity building and policy development Climate Country Office AFGHANISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 14-Jul-21 @ 07:30 AM (New York time) 30-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80233 RFP-067-IND-2021 "Hiring of agencies for "Designing of framework and system architecture for monitoring energy performance and thermal comfort of building and integrating of recorded information at subnational and national level" India INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 14-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 30-Jun-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 80232 IT equipment - LBN-CO-RFQ-156-21 On Behalf of UNODC LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 30-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79958 ETH2665-National Firm Level Consultancy for Event Organizer for UNDP - RET innovative enterprises award 2021 UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA RFP - Request for proposal 19-Jul-21 @ 03:59 PM (New York time) 30-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 80231 CFP243-21 Empowerment and Engagement of Community Mechanisms Country Office IRAQ CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 10-Aug-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 30-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80230 CONSULTANCY TO CONDUCT BASELINE STUDY OF HUMAN RIGHTS-RELATED SATISFACTION, CONCERNS AND PERCEPTIONS BY USERS OF SERVICES BY THE SECURITY SECTOR IN LESOTHO AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR IMPROVEMENT LESOTHO LESOTHO IC - Individual contractor 15-Jul-21 30-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80228 Individual consultant –Assessing the Digital Divide Consultant. UNDP Country Office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 08-Jul-21 30-Jun-21 POLLUTION POLLUTION 80229 RFQ-MDP-2021-38 Supply and delivery of Ion Chromatography system and Multiparameter with Optical DO UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Jul-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 30-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80225 URGENT SUPPLY OF (AGO) DIESEL TO UN HOUSE, JULY 2021 UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE NIGERIA RFQ - Request for quotation 04-Jul-21 30-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 80227 RFQ/PNUD-STAB/001/2021 - Achat Gadjet de com UNDP REGIONAL HUB DAKAR SENEGAL RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Aug-21 30-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80226 (PN-K-210630) 01 National Consultant on the project baseline assessment UNDP Country Office VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 08-Jul-21 30-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80224 Technical Assistance on Universal Service Albania ALBANIA RFP - Request for proposal 22-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 30-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80222 438/RFP/PNA/2021 RECRUTEMENT D'UN PRESTATAIRE POUR L'ELABORATION DE LA STRATEGIE A LONG TERME DE DEVELOPPEMENT A FAIBLE EMISSION DE CARBONE (RELANCE) MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFP - Request for proposal 06-Jul-21 30-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80221 RFP-NDP-2021-39 Leading strategic research, analysis, synthesis and stakeholder interviews to create the Sri Lanka SDG Investor Map. UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFP - Request for proposal 20-Jul-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 30-Jun-21 POWER POWER 80220 Consultancy for Provisions of Technical Services to conduct renewable energy resource mapping for four provinces in Papua New Guinea UNDP PNG Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA RFP - Request for proposal 21-Jul-21 @ 11:59 AM (New York time) 30-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80219 Feasibility Study Consultant UNDP Pacific Office SOLOMON ISLANDS IC - Individual contractor 14-Jul-21 30-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79802 302-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-RPP: Representative survey of 2,100 respondents in Donetsk, Luhansk and Zaporizhzhia oblasts UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Jul-21 30-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 80044 342-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP: Development of recommendations for the creation of policy document on state provision of health care services for ATO/JFO veterans UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 21-Jul-21 30-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80216 Consultancy for a Senior Specialist Consultant to Support Criminal Justice Responses to Forest Crime UNDP PNG Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 14-Jul-21 29-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80215 PROYECTO EJECUTIVO DEL SISTEMA DE CLIMATIZACION Y VENTILACION FORZADA - PALACIO DE JUSTICIA DE FILADELFIA, JUZGADOS DE 1° INSTANCIA DE CAPIATA Y FERNANDO DE LA MORA Asunción PARAGUAY RFP - Request for proposal 20-Jul-21 29-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 80214 RFQ/UNW/HAI/21/007 Achat de matériels et équipements pour la CNAL. UNWOMEN HAITI RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Jul-21 29-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 80213 PROCESO COL 0000146410 Llevar a cabo la recolección, transporte y tratamiento de residuos y/o desechos biosanitarios con riesgo biológico o infeccioso de las instituciones prestadoras de servicios de salud públicas en el departamento del Chocó UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Jul-21 29-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80212 PROYECTO EJECUTIVO ESTRUCTURAL - PALACIO DE JUSTICIA DE FILADELFIA, JUZGADOS DE 1° INSTANCIA DE CAPIATA Y FERNANDO DE LA MORA Asunción PARAGUAY RFP - Request for proposal 20-Jul-21 29-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80157 International Consultant for Terminal Evaluation UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 12-Jul-21 29-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80211 PROYECTO EJECUTIVO DE LA INSTALACIÓN ELECTRICA Y ELECTROMECANICA - PALACIO DE JUSTICIA DE FILADELFIA, JUZGADOS DE 1° INSTANCIA DE CAPIATA Y FERNANDO DE LA MORA Asunción - PARAGUAY PARAGUAY RFP - Request for proposal 20-Jul-21 29-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80209 PROYECTO EJECUTIVO DE LA INSTALACIÓN SANITARIA Y EXTINCIÓN DE INCENDIOS - PALACIO DE JUSTICIA DE FILADELFIA, JUZGADOS DE 1° INSTANCIA DE CAPIATA y FERNANDO DE LA MORA Asunción PARAGUAY RFP - Request for proposal 20-Jul-21 29-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80207 PCI-061-2021 Servicios de consultoría como asesor técnico en agroecología como apoyo en el desarrollo de huertos agroecológicos comunitarios en Valladolid, Yucatán. UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 20-Jul-21 29-Jun-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 80204 SOLICITUD DE COTIZACION COL-0000146945 - ADQUISICION DE EQUIPOS DE COMPUTO Y COMUNICACIONES OFICINA PROYECTO PLAN INTEGRAL ESPECIAL PARA EL DESARROLLO DE BUENAVENTURA UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Jul-21 29-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80205 SDP-24-2021 "Eval. de Impacto del Sector Cinematográfico en la Economía Dom" UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 13-Jul-21 29-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 80203 SDC-33-2021 "ADQUISICION DE POLOSHIRTS, CAMISETAS Y GORRAS PARA EL MINISTERIO MEDIOAMBIENTE Y RECURSOS NATURALES" UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Jul-21 29-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 80202 SDP URU/21/003-1099 "Rediseño del Plan Ibirapitá" URUGUAY URUGUAY RFP - Request for proposal 30-Jul-21 29-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80201 PNUD/SDP-371/2021 Servicio de consultoría especializada para la implementación, acondicionamiento y puesta en marcha del humedal para biorremediación UNDP Country Office - Peru - Peru PERU RFP - Request for proposal 21-Jul-21 29-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 80200 DEVELOPMENT OF THE GENDER AND SOCIAL INCLUSION STRATEGY FOR NATIONAL SYSTEM OF CONSERVATION ARE UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE MOZAMBIQUE IC - Individual contractor 13-Jul-21 29-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 80198 LBN-CO-ITB-155-21Pro-Del-Insta of Medical Equipmen UNDP Country office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 23-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 29-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80199 2021 RFQ 049 TRAVAUX DE REHABILITATION EN 02 LOTS CENTRE VBG DE BOUAKE ET KORHOGO RBA ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Jul-21 29-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80197 IC- International Expert Mid-Term Evaluation, Institutional Support to Statistics Saudi Arabia SAUDI ARABIA IC - Individual contractor 24-Jul-21 29-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80195 APPEL A PROPOSITION DE PROJETS A L'INTENTION DES ASSOCIATIONS LOCALES DIRIGEES PAR DES FEMMES DES WILAYAS PILOTES BECHAR, NAÂMA, KHENCHELA ET ORAN UNDP Algeria ALGERIA Other 05-Aug-21 29-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 80196 Transfer of technology, know-how and skills for wave, marine current and wind field analysis and sea oil slick detection from Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) image processing. UNDP Country Office CUBA RFP - Request for proposal 27-Jul-21 29-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80194 CONSTRUCTION AND REHABILITATION IN NOTH WEST REGIO CAMEROON CAMEROON ITB - Invitation to bid 15-Jul-21 @ 04:44 PM (New York time) 29-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80190 RFP/DRH/STAB-LC/012/2021 Recruitement for :TAP Review, edit and finalization and Steering Committee Reporting UNDP REGIONAL HUB DAKAR SENEGAL RFP - Request for proposal 13-Aug-21 29-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80193 4053 PAN 2021 SDC - Ampliación del área de formación de Belleza para INADEH Guararé, Provincia de Los Santos PANAMA PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Jul-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 29-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 80192 RFP 070/21 Technical Consultancy Services to Develop GIS Maps on Climate and Associated Natural Hazards and Risks Aimed at Climate Change Adaptation UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFP - Request for proposal 21-Jul-21 29-Jun-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 80191 Automatic Weather stations Harare ZIMBABWE RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Jul-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 29-Jun-21 WATER SUPPLY  (POTABLE) WATER SUPPLY (POTABLE) 80032 LTA SUSPENSION DE SERVICIOS DE AGUA POTABLE PNUD GUATEMALA GUATEMALA ITB - Invitation to bid 09-Aug-21 @ 01:00 PM (New York time) 29-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80188 UNDP-2021-RFQ-052 PRODUCTION DE SUPPORTS POUR SEMINAIRE PACE ABIDJAN-CÔTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Jul-21 29-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80187 ITB-244-21-Rehabilitation of Two Water Complexes i UNDP IRAQ OFFICE IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 25-Jul-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 29-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80186 508-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-RPP Assessment of local and volunteer fire brigades and Community Safety and Security Centres in Donetsk, Luhansk oblasts and Azov region of Zaporizhzhia Oblast Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 28-Jul-21 29-Jun-21 FORESTRY FORESTRY 80185 International firm to Assess Potential Forest Carbon supply and Market Readiness in Rwanda's forests UNDP Country Office RWANDA RFP - Request for proposal 12-Jul-21 29-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80183 ITB-002-21 - Establishment of Visit center in Chatkal reserve/Создание Визит Центра В Чаткальском Государственном Биосферном Заповеднике, Ташкентская Область, Паркент UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN ITB - Invitation to bid 19-Jul-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 29-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80182 SDP NRO. 11/2021 "Asistencia para la realización de un análisis situacional de los derechos de las personas con discapacidad en Argentina" ARGENTINA ARGENTINA RFP - Request for proposal 23-Jul-21 29-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80181 RFP-118-21- MEDIA AGENCY TO PRODUCE FILM ON 'STABILIZATION IN IRAQ' Iraq Country Office IRAQ RFP - Request for proposal 15-Jul-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 29-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 80180 BIH/RFQ-096-21 Supervision over rehabilitation facade works of Town hall in Odzak UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Jul-21 29-Jun-21 HEALTH HEALTH 80179 ITB163-2021-UNDP-UKR UNDP Country Office UKRAINE ITB - Invitation to bid 21-Jul-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 29-Jun-21 IRRIGATION IRRIGATION 80178 UNDP-SYR-RFQ-034-21 Sewage network UNDP Syria Office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Jul-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 29-Jun-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 80177 RFQ/043/21 - Request for Quotation for Supply and Installation of Equipment for Production of Fruit and Vegetable Puree, Jam and Tomato Paste/Запрос на предоставление коммерческого предложения на поставку и установку оборудования для производства фруктовы UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Jul-21 29-Jun-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 80175 RFQ-UNCITY CPH -2021-BYOD Solution UNDP Common Services DENMARK RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Jul-21 29-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 80176 Call for Proposal fro Small Grants UNDP Country Office GEORGIA Other 22-Jul-21 29-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 80172 CFP - Low-value grants to local Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), specialized institutions that work on peace, conflict resolution, women's rights, and social cohesion to engage in the implementation of efforts for social cohesion and peacebuilding UNDP Country Office AFGHANISTAN CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 25-Jul-21 29-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 80173 Low-value grants to local Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) that work on peace, conflict resolution, women's rights, and social cohesion to Promote Narratives for Peace UNDP Country Office AFGHANISTAN CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 25-Jul-21 29-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 80174 Training for representatives of the CPE and women CSOs aiming to increase their project management capacities UNDP on behalf of the UN Women Office in Serbia SERBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Jul-21 29-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 80171 CFP 02-21 for Reform of National Disability Determination System UNDP CO MONTENEGRO CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 23-Jul-21 29-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80169 Rehabilitation of The Health Centers in Qunaitera UNDP Office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC ITB - Invitation to bid 13-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 29-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80170 Integrating Climate Change Systematically in Planning and Budgeting RBAS Regional Hub in Amman JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 10-Jul-21 29-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80168 ETH2449Re: Recruitment of National Consultant Integrated forest management plan preparation for Enclosures in ANR sites of Ethiopia Socioeconomic Expert- Western Amhara UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Jul-21 @ 04:48 AM (New York time) 29-Jun-21 POLLUTION POLLUTION 80167 RFQ-MDP-2021-37 Supply and delivery of Oil spill response equipment UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Jul-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 29-Jun-21 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS 80166 Service provision of High-Resolution Satellite Images UNDP Nigeria Country Office NIGERIA RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Jul-21 29-Jun-21 HEALTH HEALTH 80165 Supply of 4 types Personal Protective Equipment UNDP Bangladesh country office BANGLADESH RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Jul-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 29-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80164 Consultancy to implement the Innovative Challenge of the Acceleration of E-commerce and SMEs Digitalization Transformation UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 06-Jul-21 29-Jun-21 HEALTH HEALTH 80163 RFQ for procurement of Timer for MoPH UNDP Country Office Afghanistan AFGHANISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Jul-21 @ 01:24 AM (New York time) 29-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80143 CLOSED EARLY
RFQ/UN CLINIC MEDICAL WASTES DISPOSAL SERVICES /006/2021 UNDP Liberia LIBERIA RFP - Request for proposal 05-Jul-21 29-Jun-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 80161 RFQ 703 Equipment for MOI Republic of Serbia Re-advertised CO Serbia SERBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Jul-21 29-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80160 Re-Advertised - Community and Police Inclusive Out Country Office AFGHANISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 17-Jul-21 @ 08:30 AM (New York time) 29-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 80043 463-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP: Enhancing explosive ordnance risks prevention through delivery of direct risk education sessions in Donetsk oblast (re-announcement) UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 20-Jul-21 29-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80159 T210609 – 01 Individual National Consultant on strengthening the cooperation between MPI and other ministries UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 06-Jul-21 29-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80158 National IT Consultant to Provide Quality Assurance for the Programs and Projects Monitoring System Phase 2 (Philippines Nationals Only) Re-tender Philippines PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 12-Jul-21 29-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80156 100146 - IC-049-21 Civil Society Empowerment Specialist Country Office IRAQ IC - Individual contractor 14-Jul-21 28-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80155 IC/1114157/078/2021 Servicios de Consultoría de Apoyo para Fortalecer la prevención de violaciones de Derechos Humanos por medio de la documentación de casos relacionados con la Criminalización de la Participación Política OFICINA DE PAÍS HONDURAS IC - Individual contractor 20-Jul-21 28-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80154 IC/1114157/077/2021 Servicios de Consultoría de Apoyo para generar un Análisis sobre posibles brechas en la Normativa relevante para el ejercicio libre y seguro del Derecho a la Información, Libertad de Expresión, Libertad de Reunión y Derecho a defender OFICINA DE PAÍS HONDURAS IC - Individual contractor 13-Jul-22 28-Jun-21 OIL/GAS  EXPLORATION OIL/GAS EXPLORATION 80153 PROCESO COL 0000144459 Mantenimiento Preventivo, Correctivo y de Emergencia de Plantas Eléctricas-Antiguo ETCR CAÑO INDIO TIBÚ. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Jul-21 28-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80145 CLOSED EARLY
RFP/UNDP/HAI/21.0138 « Recrutement d'une firme en vue de réaliser l'etude de Cartographie censitaire et enquête toponymique UNDP HAITI RFP - Request for proposal 20-Jul-21 28-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80152 PCI-060-2021 Servicios de consultoría como asesor técnico en agroecología como apoyo en el desarrollo de huertos agroecológicos comunitarios en Solidaridad, Quintana Roo. UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 19-Jul-21 28-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80151 PCI-059-2021 Servicios de consultoría como asesor técnico en agroecología como apoyo en el desarrollo de huertos agroecológicos comunitarios en Vícam, Sonora. UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 19-Jul-21 28-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80150 PCI-058-2021 Servicios de consultoría como asesor técnico en agroecología como apoyo en el desarrollo de huertos agroecológicos comunitarios en Hopelchén, Campeche. UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 19-Jul-21 28-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80149 PCI-057-2021 Servicios de consultoría como asesor técnico en agroecología como apoyo en el desarrollo de huertos agroecológicos comunitarios en Ocosingo, Chiapas. UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 19-Jul-21 28-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80148 CI/CRI/2021/No.00112683/No.145643/Epidemiología UNDP COSTA RICA COSTA RICA IC - Individual contractor 11-Jul-21 28-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79418 JOF 2887-2021 - FDD Senacon - Relancamento UNDP BRAZIL RFP - Request for proposal 07-Jul-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 28-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 80146 SDP-23-2021 Auditoría de recertificación bajo la norma ISO9001:2015 y auditoría de seguimiento a la certificación de la Carta de Servicios del TC (UNE93200) UNDP Country Office DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 12-Jul-21 28-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80142 SdP-21-ADQ-145804 diseno e implementacion UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 20-Jul-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 28-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 80144 BBRSO145628: Consultant – Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) Review ad Drafting Expert UNDP Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean BARBADOS RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Jul-21 28-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80140 UNWOMEN Consultancy to engage International Consultant to train Legislators UNDP ON BEHALF OF UN WOMEN LIBERIA LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 02-Jul-21 28-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80139 Parliamentary Development Local Coordinator – Tuvalu UNDP Country Office FIJI IC - Individual contractor 12-Jul-21 28-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80137 GIN10-UNDP-GUINEE/IC-2021- Consultant(e) International(e) pour la relecture, révision & harmonisation du rapport portant l'analyse commune de pays (CCA) du Système des Nations unies en Guinée UNDP GUINEE GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 05-Jul-21 28-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80135 RFP/LBY/ PSJP/2021/039- Provision of Media, Communication Capacity Building and Advisory Support to MOI and MOJ, Libya UNDP Counrty Office LIBYA RFP - Request for proposal 16-Jul-21 28-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80136 PCI-056-2021 Consultoría para el desarrollo de una herramienta tecnológica para la atención y prevención de la violencia, y la promoción de la autonomía física, económica y política de las mujeres, que apoye a reportes secundarios de violencia en la CDMX UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 12-Jul-21 28-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80133 Consultancy – e-Mobility and Vehicle-Grid-Integration Consultant, IMT/UNDP - Home Based Home based UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 20-Jul-21 28-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80045 REPUBLICATION RECRUTEMENT DU CONSULTANT NATIONAL, EN CHARGE DE L'AXE 1 (RENFORCEMENT DE L'UNITE NATIONALE) ET DE L'AXE 2 (LE RENFORCEMENT DE LA GOUVERNANCE ET DE L'ETAT DE DROIT), POUR L'ELEVALUATION DU PLAN NATIONAL DE DEVELOPPEMENT (PND) 2017-2021 UNDP Country Office CHAD IC - Individual contractor 06-Jul-21 28-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 80134 RFQ 077/21 Supply of Multi-Refrigerant Analyzer UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Jul-21 28-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80132 Individual National Consultancy Services to support the implementation of the Gender Equality Seal Programme, The Gambia. Gambia GAMBIA IC - Individual contractor 07-Jul-21 28-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80120 RECRUITMENT OF CONSULTANCY FIRM/ NGO TO DEVELOP PUBLIC SECTOR GOVERNANCE DATABASE HARARE ZIMBABWE RFP - Request for proposal 09-Jul-21 28-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80131 Local Financial Management specialist UNDP Country Office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 07-Jul-21 28-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80130 Strengthening the youth entrepreneurship ecosystems in Pacific Countries Fiji FIJI IC - Individual contractor 26-Jul-21 28-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 80129 Documentary PFM Project_Non Fiji Based Fiji FIJI RFP - Request for proposal 10-Jul-21 28-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 80128 Documentary PFM Project Fiji FIJI RFP - Request for proposal 10-Jul-21 28-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80127 Закупка услуг по разработке сценариев сокращения выбросов парниковых газов до 2050 года в секторе «Энергетика» UNDP Country Office BELARUS RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Jul-21 28-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 80126 PPE PROCUREMENT FOR THE UNRCO UNDP, Namibia, Windhoek NAMIBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Jul-21 28-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79913 BIH/RFQ-095-21 Supply and Delivery of surgical masks and hand sanitizers UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Jul-21 28-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80125 CONSULTANCY for AGRO CLIMATE INFORMATION NEEDS ASSESSMENT Undp Country Office ZAMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 14-Jul-21 28-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80123 Consultancy for Development of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for Meteorological Agriculture and Water Resources and Services and Stakeholder Engagement Undp Country Office ZAMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 14-Jul-21 28-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80124 BIH-ITB-026-21 works of SKPC Mejdan in Tuzla BIH UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA ITB - Invitation to bid 26-Jul-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 28-Jun-21 HEALTH HEALTH 80122 RFP Integrated Bio-Behavioral Surveillance Survey UNDP Country Office Afghanistan AFGHANISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 19-Jul-21 @ 01:12 PM (New York time) 28-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 80121 Production of videos to support online GRB capacity development UNDP on behalf of the UN Women Office in Serbia SERBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Jul-21 28-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80119 UNDP-IC-2021-223- Mid Term Evaluator UNDP CO Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 12-Jul-21 28-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80117 Recruitment of NIC for Axum-Adi grat -Abi Adi UNDP ETHIOPIA COUNTRY OFFICE ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 09-Jul-21 @ 06:35 AM (New York time) 28-Jun-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 80118 2021 RFQ 048 ACQUISITION INSTALLATION SYSTEME DOMOTIQUE RBA ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE RFI - Request for Information 09-Jul-21 28-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 80116 Vehicle Disposal through Sale Albania ALBANIA Other 12-Aug-21 28-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80115 Recruit NIC to develop grassroot innovation datab UNDP ETHIOPIA COUNTRY OFFICE ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 12-Jul-21 @ 04:07 AM (New York time) 28-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 80114 Recrutement de 02 Consultants nationaux pour l'évaluation du financement intégrée du développement (EFD) Pour le Burundi UNDP CO-BURUNDI BURUNDI IC - Individual contractor 19-Jul-21 28-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80113 Recruitm of NIC to prepare REDD Monitoring Guidanc UNDP ETHIOPIA OFFICE ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 13-Jul-21 @ 05:17 AM (New York time) 28-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80112 Programme and Finance Associate RBAS Regional Hub in Amman JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 15-Jul-21 28-Jun-21 HEALTH HEALTH 80111 BIH-ITB-027-21 Supply delivery installation autoclave UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA ITB - Invitation to bid 21-Jul-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 28-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80110 IC-PAP3236/2021 - Data analyst for Assessing Agroecology in the UNDP Portfolio Istanbul Regional Hub TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 07-Jul-21 28-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80109 IC-PAP3235/2021 - Agroecology Consultant - Agroecology Assessment in the UNDP Programmes and Projects Portfolio Istanbul Regional Hub TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 07-Jul-21 28-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 80108 RFP-064-IND-2021 - Assessing policy landscape and developing of gender inclusive framework for ECBC and ICAP harmonization towards ensuring thermal comfort in buildings UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 12-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 28-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80107 IC/UNDP/GMC/114/2021 - Communication and Design Consultant for Fisheries UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 23-Jul-21 28-Jun-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 79849 RFQ-062-IND-2021 (Request for Quotation for Supply of Business Series Laptop (11 nos.)) UNDP Country Office INDIA RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 28-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80106 T210608 - A National firm/Institution/organization on Action Research to Enhance Citizens' Access to Land Information UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 11-Jul-21 28-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80104 RFP-BHR-2021-36 Conduct a survey on the drivers and barriers faced by Small and Medium enterprises in aligning with the responsible business practices in the COVID 19 context. UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFP - Request for proposal 19-Jul-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 27-Jun-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 80103 RFQ-BD-2021-008-Procurement of Motorcycles UNDP-AVCB-II-CHTDF BANGLADESH RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Jul-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 27-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 80105 PRC/ZWE/RFQ/0019/28/06/2021 Request for Quotation for the provision of Entrepreneurship support through Innovation Hubs UNDP Zimbabwe ZIMBABWE RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Jul-21 27-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80093 Provision of Creating an Accessible Mobile App for NDSP2 Monitoring & Evaluation System and Disability Information Referral System UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFP - Request for proposal 27-Jul-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 27-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80102 IC-050-21 Supporting the Establishment of Safe Spaces in Iraq Local Communities for Migrants' Women and Girls Country Office IRAQ IC - Individual contractor 08-Jul-21 27-Jun-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 80101 Purchase of Video Conference system for Resident C UNDP Maldives Country Office MALDIVES RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Jul-21 @ 08:47 AM (New York time) 27-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80100 RDF and Waste Recycling Machinery and Equipment Designer UNDP Country Office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 08-Jul-21 27-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80099 Rehabilitation of Baiji directorate Combat Desertification building in Baiji and Rehabilitation of Baiji Veterinary health center in Baiji Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 25-Jul-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 27-Jun-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 80098 RFQ/2021/06 Procurement of Laptops UNDP Country ofice JORDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Jul-21 27-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80097 RFP/2021/22: Conducting Baseline and End-line Assessment for the "Enhancing Women Participation in the Solid Waste Management Sector in Jordan" Project UNDP Country Office JORDAN RFP - Request for proposal 11-Jul-21 27-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 80096 Rehabilitation of Al Samah Multi-Use Playgrounds i UNDP Iraq IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 26-Jul-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 26-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 80095 0000142702 ITB PNUD GN 2021 GUINEA, Office GUINEA ITB - Invitation to bid 24-Aug-21 @ 01:23 PM (New York time) 26-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 80092 SDC-322-2021 Servicios de diseño y producción materiales gráficos y audiovisuales UNDP Country Office - PERU PERU RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Jul-21 25-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80091 18759-2021: Individual Contract for – "Food and Agricultural Commodity Systems (FACS) Portfolio review and SWOT Analysis Consultancy". Regional Centre PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 23-Jul-21 25-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80090 CI/CRI/2021/No.00112683/No.145044/Salud ambiental UNDP COSTA RICA COSTA RICA IC - Individual contractor 09-Jul-21 25-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80089 National Training Expert for Wild Life Trade (Ref. P210612) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 01-Jul-21 25-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80088 National Training Expert for Criminal Law and Adjudication (Ref. P210611) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 11-Jul-21 25-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80087 National Training Expert for Criminal laws, Proceeding Law and Prosecution (Ref. P210610) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 11-Jul-21 25-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80029 Solicitud de Cotización (SDC) 2440/21 "Arrendamiento de Equipos Multifuncionales de Impresión Digital para el Sistema de las Naciones Unidas –SNU- en Guatemala" PNUD GUATEMALA GUATEMALA RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Jul-21 25-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80086 Asset management Expert under Programme for Accelerated Community Development (PACD) to develop an action management plan (AMAP) for revenue generating assets (rural drinking water assets and agricultural labor-saving devices) in Gambia UNCDF GAMBIA IC - Individual contractor 30-Jun-21 25-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80085 CI/CRI/2021/No.00112683/No.145638/Salud Ocupacional UNDP COSTA RICA COSTA RICA IC - Individual contractor 09-Jul-21 25-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80084 PROCESO COL 0000144449 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultor/a químico experto en control operativo de sustancias químicas UNODC UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 09-Jul-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 25-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80083 RFP 010 – RECRUTEMENT D'UN CABINET POUR LA RÉALISATION D'UNE ÉTUDE DES PERCEPTIONS SUR LA SÉCURITÉ COMMUNAUTAIRE SENSIBLE AU GENRE DANS LES COMMUNES CIBLES DU PROJET ''PARTICIPATION CITOYENNE ET COHÉSION SOCIALE'' - PACOS UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO RFP - Request for proposal 15-Jul-21 25-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80082 : RFP 009– RECRUTEMENT D'UN CABINET POUR LA RÉALISATION D'UNE ÉTUDE SUR LA SENSIBILITÉ AU GENRE DE LA GESTION DES AFFAIRES LOCALES ET DES NORMES SOCIALES DANS LES COMMUNES CIBLES DU PROJET ''PARTICIPATION CITOYENNE ET COHÉSION SOCIALE'' - PACOS UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO RFP - Request for proposal 15-Jul-21 25-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79581 Evaluation du projet de renforcement de la prévention des risques naturels et de la gouvernance territoriale dans le département du Sud UNDP HAITI IC - Individual contractor 12-Jul-21 25-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 80081 IAL-21-ADQ-146670 compra e instalacion estaciones UNDP Country Office ECUADOR ITB - Invitation to bid 02-Aug-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 25-Jun-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 80080 RFQ/030/21 – re-announcement - Invitation to tender for Supply of individual planting cocoon (water-tank) for individual trees seedlings planting and growing for the GEF SGP Projects needs: UZB/SGP/OP5/Y8/CORE/CC/2019/49 and UZB/SGP/OP6/Y5/CORE/LD/2019/0 UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Jul-21 25-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80079 CHL/SDC/090/2021 "Provisión e instalación de nueva reja perimetral Edificio FAO-PNUD y retiro de metales de la antigua estructura" UNDP Country Office CHILE RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Jul-21 25-Jun-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 80078 PROCESO COL-0000146411 - Adquisición de equipos de computo para el Grupo de Apoyo Técnico Forense de la Unidad de Investigacion y Acusacion, Jurisdicción Especial para la Paz (JEP). UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Jul-21 25-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80077 INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANT FOR UPGRADING THE NATIONAL PAYMENT SWITCH IN LIBERIA UNDP Country Office LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 09-Jul-21 25-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80076 RFQ 2021- 41 : Travaux de construction d'une polyvalente &réaménagements d'un Centre d'Encadrements Et d'Orientation Sociale – Sousse – UNHabitat UNDP Tunisia TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Aug-21 25-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80075 RFQ 2021- 40 : TRAVAUX DE REHABILITATION DES UNITES DE VIE DES HOMMES AU CENTRE DE PROTECTION ET D'ORIENTATION SOCIALE A' EZZAHROUNI – UNHabitat UNDP Tunisia TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Aug-21 25-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80074 RFQ 2021-39 : Travaux d'aménagement du Centre d'Encadrement et d'Orientation Sociale Sfax – UNHabitat UNDP Tunisia TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Aug-21 25-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80073 RFP/010/21 (переобъявление) – на оказание услуг по созданию и наращиванию потенциала женских консультативных групп (ЖКП) При Центрах государственных услуг (ЦГУ) с целью совершенствования доступа к государственным услугам для женщин, а также уязвимых слое UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 09-Jul-21 25-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80072 RFQ.st19.2021 Construcao Celula Gestao Subvencoes São Tomé & Principe SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Jul-21 @ 02:00 PM (New York time) 25-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80071 ITB for TV Studio Construction CO AZERBAIJAN ITB - Invitation to bid 11-Jul-21 25-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80069 CONSULTORIA INTERNACIONAL PARA COORDINAR LAS ACTIVIDADES DEL COMPONENTE DE COMUNICACIÓN DEL PROYECTO APOYO A LA ECONOMIA AZUL Y EMPLEOS VERDES. EG UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE EQUATORIAL GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 05-Jul-21 25-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80067 CHL/IC/092/2021 CONTRATACIÓN DE UNA CONSULTORÍA PARA EL APOYO DEL PROCESO CONSTITUYENTE CHILENO EN MATERIA DE PARTICIPACIÓN Y RELACIONAMIENTO UNDP Country Office CHILE IC - Individual contractor 07-Jul-21 25-Jun-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 80070 SLE/RFQ/UPU/2021/007 PROCUREMENT OF LAPTOP COMPUTERS and RELATED ICT ITEMS. UNDP Country Office SIERRA LEONE RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Jul-21 25-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80068 National FMF Coordinator UNDP Country Office LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 09-Jul-21 25-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80064 Solicitud de Propuesta Nº 1/2021 "Contratación de SERVICIOS de UNIVERSIDADES NACIONALES dedicadas a la formación de personas en capacidades y habilidades digitales en el marco del programa de Becas País Digital - Agenda Digital Argentina" ARGENTINA ARGENTINA RFP - Request for proposal 27-Jul-21 25-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80066 SDP Nº 01/2021 - "Adquisición de un servicio de transporte terrestre, consolidación, exportación, tratamiento y eliminación de residuos peligrosos en estado de agregación sólidos y/o líquidos que contengan o estén contaminados" PNUD Argentina ARGENTINA RFP - Request for proposal 02-Aug-21 25-Jun-21 AGRO-INDUSTRY AGRO-INDUSTRY 80065 EU4MD/ Supply of Plastic waste bins – 120 liters (Lot #1), 240 liters (Lot #2) and 1100 liters (Lot #3) UNDP Country Office MOLDOVA RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 25-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 80063 LBN-CO-RFQ-153-21 Trolleys - silicone trays- mugs UNDP - on behalf of UN-ODC LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 25-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80062 LBN-CO-RFQ-149-21 - LTA Communication Services - Event ID 0000009658 UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 25-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80061 RFP-233-21-Provision of Small Business Grants to B UNDP IRAQ OFFICE IRAQ RFP - Request for proposal 15-Jul-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 25-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80060 RFP-Supporting MIA to Strengthen Organ Capacity UNDP Country Office GEORGIA RFP - Request for proposal 26-Jul-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 25-Jun-21 POWER POWER 80059 LBN-CO-RFQ-150-21- Deployable Lighting and Energy Solutions - Event ID 0000009655 UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 25-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 80057 Appel à propositions OSC RRC 2021: Renforcer les capacités nationales, régionales et locales en matière de Coordination, prévention et réponse COVID19 en lien avec l'impact épidémiologique et environnemental UNDP Tunisia TUNISIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 02-Aug-21 25-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80058 EoI invitation to prequalify for the renovation UNDP Kosovo Kosovo, UNSCR 1244 (1999) ITP - Invitation to pre-qualify 19-Jul-21 @ 11:30 AM (New York time) 25-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 80056 RFQ 2021-50 : Recrutement d'un bureau spécialisé pour l'élaboration d'études de faisabilité pour la construction d'un nouveau siège bioclimatique de l'Agence Nationale pour la Maîtrise de l'Energie UNDP Country Office TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Jul-21 25-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80055 LBN-CO-RFQ-148-21 Irrigation Channel - Mohammara UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 25-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80053 RFP - Market Intelligence UNDP Country Office GHANA RFP - Request for proposal 15-Jul-21 @ 07:30 AM (New York time) 25-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 80014 145-2021 for supply of furniture for the Center of integrated administrative and social services of Stanytsia Luhanska settlement military-civil administration of Luhansk oblast Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Jul-21 25-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 80054 PRC-ZWE-ITB-0002-25-06-2021 Boast and Drones UNDP Zimbabwe ZIMBABWE ITB - Invitation to bid 16-Jul-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 25-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80052 Recrutement d'un cabinet pour la mission d'appui aux formations, à l'analyse situationnelle et à l'élaboration du projet conjoint d'inclusion des personnes handicapées COUNTRY OFFICE BENIN BENIN Other 03-Aug-21 25-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80051 PN (N-210604) – 01 national senior consultant and 01 national junior consultant on Climate Change Policy UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 04-Jul-21 25-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 80049 RFQ-GCF-2021-30 - Printing and Supply of Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) National Guidelines, Summary Document and Training Manual UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Jul-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 25-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80050 Consultant, Mid-Term Review (MTR) of the National Strategic Development Plan 2019-2023 (Open for both National and International) UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 08-Jul-21 25-Jun-21 POWER POWER 80048 LBN-CO-ITB-151-21 -Solar PV Systems at 5 Hospitals - Event ID 0000009650 UNDP Country Office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 30-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 25-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80046 PN (N-210603) – A National Consultant on Climate Change Adaptation UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 04-Jul-21 25-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 80047 RE-Rehab. of Pump Stations and Internal Network UNDP Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 15-Jul-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 25-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80042 National Consultant for Set of Server and Complete Data Network set up for DGIS UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 19-Jul-21 25-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80041 UNDP-ITB-2021-176 - Construction of Tsunami Evacuation Shelters at Two Districts of Karachi (Malir & Kemari) and Gwadar (Gunz, Pasni & Surbandar) Pakistan PAKISTAN ITB - Invitation to bid 26-Jul-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 25-Jun-21 AGRICULTURE  SEEDLING AGRICULTURE SEEDLING 80040 RFQ 9635 - Supply and Delivery of Mandarin and Pineapple Plants UNDP Country Office TIMOR LESTE RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Jul-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 25-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80039 International Consultant to develop the Grant Proposal Guideline (residence in Cambodia) UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 15-Jul-21 25-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80038 CI/054/MALARIA/2021 - CONSULTORIA PARA LA INTERPRETACION SIMULTANEA INGLES-ESPAÑOL-INGLES PARA EL PROGRAMA DE MALARIA UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE VENEZUELA IC - Individual contractor 08-Jul-21 24-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80037 PROCESO COL 0000146734 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultor Asistencia Técnica SGR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 08-Jul-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 24-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80036 PROCESO COL 0000146731 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultor Líder Estructuración Proyectos. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 08-Jul-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 24-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80035 PROCESO COL 0000146730 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultor Seguimiento y Control – SGR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 08-Jul-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 24-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79981 IC 146564 Bahamas Climate Change Adaptation Consultant UNDP Country Office JAMAICA IC - Individual contractor 08-Jul-21 24-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80034 PCI-055-2021 Servicios de consultoría para elaborar las reglas y lineamientos de gobernanza del Comité Nacional de Sustentabilidad Turística (Tlatocan), y asentar las bases para la creación de los comités locales (Tlatocaltzin) en las 3 regiones del Proye UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 15-Jul-21 24-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80033 SDP-028-2021 Actualización de los cursos de formación en género del Instituto Nacional Electoral UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO RFP - Request for proposal 08-Jul-21 24-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80031 SDP-027-2021 Servicios de Implementación de métodos cualitativos de investigación con relación a las consecuencias del cierre de los centros educativos en la adquisición de conocimientos y en la vida social e individual de niños y niñas. UNDP Country Office MEXICO RFP - Request for proposal 15-Jul-21 24-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80030 PCI-054-2021 Servicios de consultoría para desarrollar e implementar una estrategia de actividades turísticas sostenibles basadas en el océano UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 15-Jul-21 24-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80028 PCI-053-2021 Servicios de análisis econométrico para el estudio de los efectos de la crisis derivada de la COVID-19 en las brechas de igualdad en materia de educación de las y los niños en México" UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 15-Jul-21 24-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80027 SDP-026-2021 Servicios de consultoría para desarrollar una campaña de comunicación digital para promover México como un destino de turismo sustentable amigable con la biodiversidad enfocado en las 3 regiones del proyecto Kuxatur UNDP Country Office MEXICO RFP - Request for proposal 15-Jul-21 24-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80026 PCI-052-2021 Servicios de consultoría para la difusión e implementación de la Estrategia de Turismo Sostenible 2030 en el marco del Proyecto Kuxatur (turismo vivo) UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 15-Jul-21 24-Jun-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 80025 Supply of IT Equipment Al Furat University UNDP Country Office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 24-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80024 Support to designing the UNCDF Transformative Food Security Finance Initiative for sustainable local and urban food systems UNCDF UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 30-Jun-21 24-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80023 Chief Technical Officer – Biodiversity Expert Barbados BARBADOS IC - Individual contractor 12-Jul-21 24-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80022 CI/CRI/2021/No.00112683/No.145644/Promoción de la Salud UNDP COSTA RICA COSTA RICA IC - Individual contractor 08-Jul-21 24-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80021 Research Firm to Support the Development of Integrated National Financing Framework Finance (INFF) Strategy in Cambodia UNCDF CAMBODIA RFP - Request for proposal 28-Jul-21 24-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80020 SDC-29-2021 IMPERMEABILIZACION TECHO PORTUARIA UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Jul-21 24-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80019 SDC PNUD – 1100 "Desarrollo sitio web Expo DUBAI 2020" PNUD Uruguay URUGUAY RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Jul-21 24-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80018 MNG/IC/2021/087 - National Consultant - Developing Information packs on virtual employment ('work at home' jobs) UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 08-Jul-21 24-Jun-21 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS 80017 152-2021-ITB-UNDP-CO Provision of Internet Connectivity Services for UNDP and other UN Agencies in Tajikistan UNDP Country Office TAJIKISTAN ITB - Invitation to bid 22-Jul-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 24-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80016 IC/00072164/066/2021 "Contratación de una persona experta internacional para la evaluación de medio período del Proyecto Gestión Ambientalmente Racional de los Productos y Desechos que Contienen COPs y Reducción de los Riesgos Asociados con su Disposición Oficina de Pais HONDURAS IC - Individual contractor 08-Jul-21 24-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80015 COORDINADOR/A DEL PROYECTO "APOYO A LA RECUPERACIÓN INMEDIATA DE LAS POBLACIONES VULNERABLES AFECTADAS POR LAS EXPLOSIONES DE BATA" . EG UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE EQUATORIAL GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 12-Jul-21 24-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80013 LOTE DE CONSULTORIAS PROYECTO CND EG UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE EQUATORIAL GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 07-Jul-21 24-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79722 Achat matériels covid Haiti HAITI RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Jun-21 24-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 80012 RFP/025/21 Study on utilization of new technologies in SMEs in BiH - extension of deadline!!! UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFP - Request for proposal 16-Jul-21 24-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80008 53-499-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-RPP: Current repair of internal premises of Higher Vocational School № 92 of Sievierodonetsk and Installation of the ventilation system in the kitchen premises in block #1 of Municipal Facility Popasna Psychoneurological Boarding Ukraine UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Jul-21 24-Jun-21 HEALTH HEALTH 80011 BIH-ITB-025-21 Next Generation Sequencing system UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA ITB - Invitation to bid 12-Jul-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 24-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80010 ITB-024-21 Reconstruction of public buildings UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA ITB - Invitation to bid 21-Jul-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 24-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 80009 ITB-21-032 for Furniture Supply Delivery and Installation on LTA basis UNDP Country Office SUDAN ITB - Invitation to bid 04-Aug-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 24-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80007 Provision of Economic and Policy Analysis for Resilient Green Urban Infrastructure UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFP - Request for proposal 14-Jul-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 24-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80006 Provision of Development of ICT Skills and Occupational Profiles UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFP - Request for proposal 13-Jul-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 24-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80005 Provision of Doing Guide for Sustainable E-commerce UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFP - Request for proposal 13-Jul-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 24-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75309 RFP_LVS_06_2021_: DEVELOPMENT OF COMMUNICATION STRATEGY FOR THE FORENSICS POLICE- SERNIC / ELABORAÇÃO DA ESTRATÉGIA DE COMUNICAÇÃO DO SERNIC 2021- 2026 UNDP Mozambique CO MOZAMBIQUE RFP - Request for proposal 05-Jul-21 24-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80004 CLOSED EARLY
RFQ-234-21-Rehabilitation of Irrigation Directorat UNDP IRAQ OFFICE IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Jul-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 24-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80003 RFQ-072-21R-Rehabilitation of Al- Baaj Agriculture UNDP IRAQ OFFICE IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Jul-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 24-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 80001 RFP-063-IND-2021 "Green Recovery Pathway for India – transitioning towards a green and resilient COVID-19 recovery" India INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 15-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 24-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 80002 RFQ Construction of Water Hand Pump or Borehole UNDP Country Office SOUTH SUDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Jul-21 @ 05:40 AM (New York time) 24-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 80000 Diagnostic Review – Social Protection Assessment in Fiji and Kiribati Fiji FIJI IC - Individual contractor 26-Jul-21 24-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79999 Printing of Booklets and Back pay checklist Afghanistan AFGHANISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Jul-21 @ 07:30 AM (New York time) 24-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79997 IC/UNDP/GMC/113/2021 - Expert for Project Development on sustainable supply chain in fisheries commodities UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 08-Jul-21 24-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79998 RFP-High frequency panel dataset of Macroeconomic UNDP Country Office MYANMAR RFP - Request for proposal 08-Jul-21 @ 11:30 AM (New York time) 24-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79996 SOUTH AFRICA YOUTH BAROMETER KNOWLEDGE PRODUCT UNDP SOUTH AFRICA SOUTH AFRICA RFP - Request for proposal 09-Jul-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 24-Jun-21 WATER SUPPLY  (POTABLE) WATER SUPPLY (POTABLE) 79995 ITB 003 PNUD TOGO 2021 TOGO TOGO ITB - Invitation to bid 15-Jul-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 24-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79994 LBN-CO-RFP-152-21Capacity Building for ARCENCIEL UNDP Country office LEBANON RFP - Request for proposal 12-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 24-Jun-21 POWER POWER 79993 ITB 002 PNUD TOGO2021 TOGO TOGO ITB - Invitation to bid 15-Jul-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 24-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79991 RFQ-2021-019_Provision of services for the maintenance of 3 passenger elevators in UN building/Обслуживание 3-х пассажирских лифтов в здании ООН / UNDP County Office KAZAKHSTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Jul-21 24-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79992 Recruitment of a local firm for Business Development and Acceleration Services Lusaka ZAMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 16-Jul-21 24-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79989 ITB-Establish and Refurbish of: Lot 1 - Specialized court in Nablus Court building, and Lot 2 - One Stop Centre in Nablus Police Station Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES ITB - Invitation to bid 15-Jul-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 24-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79990 Розробка стратегії та плану реалізації для інформаційної кампанії «Розірви коло» UNFPA UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Jul-21 24-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79988 RENOVATION WORKS - OFFICE BUILDING AT BORNO STATE NGA10 NIGERIA ITB - Invitation to bid 07-Jul-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 24-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79987 RENOVATION WORKS WORKSHOP AND PERIMETER FENCE AT NGA10 NIGERIA ITB - Invitation to bid 08-Jul-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 24-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79986 CONSTRUCTION WORKS OF REMODELED OFFICE COMPLEX AT NGA10 NIGERIA ITB - Invitation to bid 09-Jul-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 24-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79984 536-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-RPP_Procurement of furniture to support multiple activities in target hromadas of Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhzhia and Zhytomyr oblasts UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Jul-21 24-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79982 PROCESO COL 0000143976 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultoría para el mapeo, identificación y caracterización de actores involucrados en iniciativas regionales para la conservación de fuentes hídricas en las regiones dentro y alrededor del páramo de Sumapaz UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 14-Jul-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 23-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79980 PCI-051-2021 Servicios de consultoría para llevar a cabo un análisis cuantitativo y georreferenciado de la relación entre movilidad y características socioeconómicas de las personas en el contexto de la pandemia por la COVID-19 UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 14-Jul-21 23-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79979 PCI-050-2021 Análisis del impacto socioeconómico de la pandemia de la COVID-19 en México UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 14-Jul-21 23-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79978 SDP-025-2021 Servicios de consultoría para el desarrollo de un mapeo de recursos financieros y no financieros para el desarrollo sostenible UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO RFP - Request for proposal 07-Jul-21 23-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79977 PROCESO COL 0000145059 Identificar y probar una metodología que incluya métodos físicos y químicos para la recolección de mercurio y oro de tres relaves mineros situados en San Roque, Montecristo y Santa Cruz Dptos de Antioquia, Bolívar y Nariño UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 07-Jul-21 23-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79976 ProducciOn de la Gala por la ConstituciOn UNDP Country Office DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 14-Jul-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 23-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79975 ITB-232-21-Rehabilitation of Ishaki WTP 1500m3hr UNDP IRAQ OFFICE IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 15-Jul-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 23-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79973 RFP-UNDP-RESTORE-0000143362-024-2021- System Pilot Implementation of Digital Cash for Works (CfW) in Central Sulawesi and West Nusa Tenggara UNDP Country Office INDONESIA RFP - Request for proposal 07-Jul-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 23-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79974 RFP 2021-14 : Analyse de 6 chaines de valeurs dans les 6 gouvernorats du Sud- Projet Entreprenariat. UNDP Tunisia TUNISIA RFP - Request for proposal 28-Jul-21 23-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79972 PCI-048-2021 Plan de Monitoreo y Evaluación del proyecto Resiliencia de Mujeres Indígenas y Rurales a los Impactos por COVID-19 UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 07-Jul-21 23-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79948 433/RFQ/GOUDMADA/2021 TRAVAUX D'AMENAGEMENT DU SAFEROOM POUR LA HDDED SIS A ANDREFANA AMBOHIJANAHARY - ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Jul-21 23-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79971 18761-2021 Consultancy to Review existing CARICOM regional citizen security frameworks from gender equality perspective and to integrate family violence against women and girls, including family violence. Regional Centre PANAMA RFP - Request for proposal 27-Jul-21 23-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79970 18762-2021 Consultancy to support the revision of common standards for Police and Justice Regional Institutions to integrate gender and VAWG/FV. Regional Centre PANAMA RFP - Request for proposal 27-Jul-21 23-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79966 RFP 701 Development of web and mobile applications for National Parks of the Republic of Serbia UNDP Country Office SERBIA RFP - Request for proposal 07-Jul-21 23-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79965 RFP Technical Service Provider (National NGOs/firms) to provide Institutional or Training Centre-based Vocational Training Skills in Central Equatoria UNDP Country Office SOUTH SUDAN RFP - Request for proposal 07-Jul-21 @ 09:13 AM (New York time) 23-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79964 Recrutement d'un Expert National pour l'Evaluation finale du projet « Appui à la réinsertion sociale des détenus » 2014-2021 UNDP Algeria ALGERIA IC - Individual contractor 28-Jul-21 23-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79963 Renovation and Repair Works of Altindag Service Center UNDP Country Office TURKEY RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Jul-21 23-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79961 RFP – Long-Term Agreement for Harmonized Approach to Cash Transfers (HACT) Processes: Capacity Assessments and Activities. Maldives MALDIVES RFP - Request for proposal 07-Jul-21 23-Jun-21 HOUSING HOUSING 79962 Rehabilitation of Housing 200 units in Jamilah UNDP Iraq IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 15-Jul-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 23-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79959 Recrutement de Cinq Consultants Nationaux pour le projet JSB 2020 UNDP DRC CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 07-Jul-21 23-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79960 RFP Technical Service Provider (National NGO/firm) to provide Institutional based Vocational Training Skills, Community-based Agricultural Value Chain and Entrepreneurship Training in Eastern Equatoria. UNDP Country Office SOUTH SUDAN RFP - Request for proposal 07-Jul-21 @ 07:34 AM (New York time) 23-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79955 Construction Works at Ukhiya- Tekhnaf -Coxsbazar UNDP Bangladesh country office BANGLADESH RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Jul-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 23-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79956 Technical Service Provider (National NGO/firm) to provide Community-based livelihood skills training geared on Agricultural Value Chain and Entrepreneurship development in Central Equatoria UNDP Country Office SOUTH SUDAN RFP - Request for proposal 07-Jul-21 @ 06:52 AM (New York time) 23-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79957 Recueil des termes et Normes se rapportant aux équipements publics communaux Morocco MOROCCO RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Jul-21 23-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79954 Rehabilitation of Irrigation Directorate in Riyadh UNDP SERVICE CENTRE Erbil- Iraq IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Jul-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 23-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79953 Re-Advertisement - National Consultancy Firm for Advocacy Documentary on the Role of the Justice Institutions, CSOs, Children Gender, Children and Social Welfare Providers to Strengthen Access to Justice including Social Services Delivery on SGBV Offences Gambia GAMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 07-Jul-21 23-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79952 IC 02-06-2021 : « Evaluation finale du Programme d'Appui à la Gouvernance Locale dans la mise en œuvre de la Régionalisation avancée- AGORA II » Maroc MOROCCO IC - Individual contractor 07-Jul-21 23-Jun-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 79951 RFQ-UNDP-ACHIEVE-146432-017-2021 - Provision of Long-Term Agreement for Workforce and Staffing Service for SDG Leadership Program Indonesia INDONESIA RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Aug-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 23-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79950 LTA service hotellerie et salle de conference algeria ALGERIA ITB - Invitation to bid 11-Jul-21 @ 11:30 AM (New York time) 23-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79949 Maintenance of Equipment for Sherqat Civil Defense UNDP Country Office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Jul-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 23-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79946 Procurement of Visibility Materials for EU4Schools Albania ALBANIA RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Jun-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 23-Jun-21 AGRO-INDUSTRY AGRO-INDUSTRY 79944 RFQ-2021-033 Procurement of inter-row tine cultivator and rotary harrow / Закуп междурядного культиватора и ротационной бороны UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Jul-21 23-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79945 INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANT (IC) TO UNDERTAKE WASTEWATER DATA COLLECTION PILOT STUDY IN SELECTED INDUSTRIES IN BOTSWANA BOTSWANA BOTSWANA IC - Individual contractor 07-Jul-21 23-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79943 IC Ref.2021-079 National gender expert on analysis of the finance solutions impact on the gender balance support/ Национальный гендерный эксперт по проведению анализа воздействия финансовых решений на поддержку гендерного баланса в системе управления био UNPD Country Office - KAZAKHSTAN KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 07-Jul-21 23-Jun-21 POWER POWER 79942 Supply of Transformer 250 and 400 KVA to Diyala Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 30-Jul-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 23-Jun-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 79576 RFQ-2021-022 Purchase and delivery of Laptops, Monitors and Microsoft Office 2019 (boxes), Plotter and Large-Format Scanner, 2 types of SLR Cameras, Power banks/Закупка и поставка ноутбуков, мониторов, Microsoft Office 2019 (коробочная версия), Плоттер с Kazakhstan KAZAKHSTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Jul-21 23-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79941 IC/UNDP/CPP/112/2021 - Climate Change Consultant for Domestic GHG Offset Policy Development (National) UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 07-Jul-21 23-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79939 Request for Proposal for the International Communication,Community Engagement and Accountability (CCE) Expertise: Support to the PNG CCEA Situation Analysis and CCEA Program Roll Out UNDP PNG Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA RFP - Request for proposal 30-Jun-21 22-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79940 4055 PAN 2021 la contratación de Un (1) Consultor/a para "Elaboración de módulos para fortalecer las competencias en VIH para el personal de salud y actores claves" PANAMA PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 14-Jul-21 22-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79938 CI-041-2021 Consultoría individual para Levantamiento y Propuesta de mejoras en los Procesos Claves de la Oficina Nacional de Defensa Pública UNDP DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 02-Jul-21 22-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79937 CI-040-2021 Consultoría individual para el Rediseño de la Estructura Organizativa de la Oficina Nacional de Defensa Pública UNDP DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 02-Jul-21 22-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79936 (Extended2) Individual Consultant (National only) – Architect for the Preparation of Design and Construction Drawings UNDP Country Office SAMOA IC - Individual contractor 22-Jul-21 22-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79935 PROCESO COL 0000145153 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultoría para el diagnóstico de lineamientos técnicos en Comisarias de Familia. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 08-Jul-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 22-Jun-21 HEALTH HEALTH 79934 PPE and covid kits Lusaka ZAMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Jun-21 22-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79933 Servicios de Operadores para Radio Nacional del Paraguay UNDP Office Paraguay PARAGUAY IC - Individual contractor 14-Jul-21 22-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79932 PCI-049-2021 Diseño de mecanismos de seguimiento y codificación de servicios del área Impulso Económico Global UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Jul-21 22-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79931 SDP-024-2021 Capacitación en Project Management del área IEG UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Jul-21 22-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79930 4042 PAN 2021 Cambio de cubierta del edificio 145 en el centro del INADEH de Panamá Pacifico, Panamá Oeste PANAMA PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Jul-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 22-Jun-21 HEALTH HEALTH 79929 MoHCC Internet and VPN Services UNDP Country Office ZIMBABWE RFP - Request for proposal 04-Aug-21 @ 11:59 AM (New York time) 22-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79928 IC-336-2021 Desarrollo Sist. de Monitoreo espacial UNDP Country Office PERU IC - Individual contractor 06-Jul-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 22-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79925 3999 PAN 2021 LTA SERVICIOS DE IMPRESION UNDP Country Office PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Jul-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 22-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79927 Review of Country Diagnostic Reports and Produce Condensed Analytical Report - BPPS/FSH/IRFF/PAP# 3238 BPPS/UNDP UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RFP - Request for proposal 06-Jul-21 22-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79926 CHL/SDP/089/2021 ACTUALIZACION PLAN MAESTRO DE EVACUACION Y DRENAJE DE AGUAS LLUVIAS DE ANTOFAGASTO UNDP Country Office CHILE RFP - Request for proposal 30-Jul-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 22-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79924 Private Health Insurance and Telemedicine : A Post Covid Moonshot for Africa BPPS/FSH/IRFF/PAP#3237 BPPS/UNDP UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RFP - Request for proposal 06-Jul-21 22-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77501 Republication No 1: RFP/UNDP/HAI/21.061 « Recrutement d'un bureau d'études en vue de réaliser l'étude de faisabilité du projet de construction de la prison civile de Carrefour PNUD HAITI RFP - Request for proposal 09-Jul-21 22-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79923 IC NOTICE N°040/2021/PNUD-BFA RECRUTEMENT D'UN CONTROLEUR A PIED D'ŒUVRE POUR LE SUIVI CONTROLE DES TRAVAUX DE REALISATION D'UNE FERME AGROECOLOGIQUE DANS LA COMMUNE DE FARA POUR LE COMPTE DU PAMED Country Office BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 06-Jul-21 22-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79922 IC NOTICE N°039/2021/PNUD-BFA RECRUTEMENT D'UN CONTROLEUR A PIED D'ŒUVRE POUR LE SUIVI CONTROLE DES TRAVAUX DE REALISATION D'UNE FERME AGROECOLOGIQUE DANS LA COMMUNE DE DASSA POUR LE COMPTE DU PAMED Country Office BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 06-Jul-21 22-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79921 AVISO DE SERVICIO PARA CONSULTOR/A INDIVIDUAL 2021/1277 UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 06-Jul-21 22-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79920 National Individual Consultant – Gender Expert-(Climate Change) UNDP Country Office TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO IC - Individual contractor 02-Jul-21 22-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79919 Recrutement d'un Expert National en inventaire et en valorisation des ressources génétiques des microorganismes (EN 12) UNDP Algeria ALGERIA IC - Individual contractor 14-Jul-21 22-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79918 PROCESO COL 0000146203 CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL - Apoyar en el pilotaje y puesta en marcha del modelo Equipares PYMES y acompañar en el proceso de implementación y transversalización del enfoque de género en la Cooperativa del Distrito Minero de la Llanada Lim UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 06-Jul-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 22-Jun-21 URBAN DEV'T. URBAN DEV'T. 79917 Partnership for SDG Finance - Undertaking Development Finance Assessment and SDG Budgeting & Costing UNDP Country Office MALAYSIA RFP - Request for proposal 14-Jul-21 22-Jun-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 79916 144-148-203-530-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-RPP Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Jul-21 @ 04:59 PM (New York time) 22-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79915 Réalisation d'une étude sur les registres de données administratives et l'évaluation de leur niveau de maturité Morocco MOROCCO RFP - Request for proposal 06-Jul-21 22-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79914 BIH/RFQ-093-21 Procurement, printing and delivery of promotional materials and equipment UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Jun-21 22-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79912 IAL-04-2021 Sum. y entrega Equipos y Herrs. UNDP Country Office DOMINICAN REPUBLIC ITB - Invitation to bid 22-Jul-21 @ 02:00 PM (New York time) 22-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79911 RFQ/094/21 Construction of new mountain lodge on the Zelengora Mountain" - Kalinovik Municipality UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Jul-21 22-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79905 IC/UNDP/UNODC/111/2021 - National Consultant for Improving Remote Sensing Application and System of Indonesian Aerospace Agency (LAPAN) for Efficient Collection and Dissemination of Maritime Domain Awareness Data UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 07-Jul-21 22-Jun-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 79910 RFP - development of agro-processing value chains UNDP Sao Tomé and Principe SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE RFP - Request for proposal 18-Jul-21 @ 01:00 PM (New York time) 22-Jun-21 RURAL DEV'T.  (MISCELLANY) RURAL DEV'T. (MISCELLANY) 79909 RFP2301 Support to Private Sector 2 Lots UNDP Country Office MOLDOVA RFP - Request for proposal 29-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 22-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79904 Recrutement d'une société pour la Réalisation de 5 capsules vidéos pour la sensibilisation sur les risques de catastrophes naturelles et anthropiques UNDP Algeria ALGERIA RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Jul-21 22-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79907 ITB-21-33 RBAS SUDAN ITB - Invitation to bid 11-Jul-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 22-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79908 RFQ 018/BFA/PNUD/2021 : Réalisation et l'installation d'une (01) chambre froide, d'une (01) unité de fabrique de glace et de quatre (04) lampadaires solaires au marché du secteur 7 de Kaya dans le cadre du projet PIP/énergie UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Jul-21 22-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79906 RFP (N-210601) – National firm to organize a competition on innovative communications and to call for actions to mitigate the impacts of climate change and disasters UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 04-Jul-21 22-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79887 RFP 14-21 Digital Skills Assessment UNDP CO MONTENEGRO RFP - Request for proposal 18-Jul-21 22-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79903 T210607 - 04 National Consultants on research and data analysis for development of report on "assessing multidimensional poverty in Viet Nam in 2021" UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 29-Jun-21 22-Jun-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 79901 National firm for Active Directory (AD) and Server service for Green One UN House in Hanoi (B-210606) UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 06-Jul-21 22-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79900 Creative Video Clip DirectorLBN/CO/IC/147/21 UNDP Country office LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 06-Jul-21 22-Jun-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 79896 Laptops for UNDP Country Office RFQ-YEM-0041-2021 Country Office YEMEN RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Jul-21 @ 04:27 AM (New York time) 22-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79898 RFP/012/21 - development of Communication Strategy of the Public Service Agency for 2021-2025 UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 12-Jul-21 22-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79897 2021 RECRUTEMENT D_UN CONSULTANT EXPERT EN TELEPILOTAGE ET EN MAINTENANCE DE DRONE POUR REALISER LA FORMATION DES AGENTS DU MINISTERE DES EAUX ET FORETS RBA ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE IC - Individual contractor 06-Jul-21 22-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79899 TARGETED HUMAN RIGHTS BASED DATA COLLECTION OHCHR KENYA RFP - Request for proposal 05-Jul-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 22-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79895 BROAD ANALYSIS OF IMPACTS OF THE LAPSSET PROJECTS OHCHR KENYA RFP - Request for proposal 05-Jul-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 22-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79892 International Consultant to support implementation of research for SDG-anchored investment opportunities in the MENA region UNDP IICPSD TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 06-Jul-21 22-Jun-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 79894 UNDP/RFQ/2021/30 - Development of Audio-Visual Materials UNDP-PGRP NEPAL RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Jul-21 22-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79893 RFQ/092/21 Rehabilitation facade works of town hall in Odžak UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Jul-21 22-Jun-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 79891 Acquisition de divers équipements informatiques et de communication UNDP Country Office COMOROS RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Jul-21 22-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79890 RFP-HCWM-2021-35 Develop comprehensive localised and gender sensitive of Health Care Waste Management Systems in two health care facilities in Monaragala and Kalmunai in Sri Lanka. UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFP - Request for proposal 19-Jul-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 22-Jun-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 79889 RFQ Upgrade of the existing storage system EMC UNI UNDP Kosovo Kosovo, UNSCR 1244 (1999) RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Jul-21 @ 11:30 AM (New York time) 22-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79888 Provision of Dog foods -RFQ-YEM-0040-2021 UNDP CO YEMEN RFQ - Request for quotation 04-Jul-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 22-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79850 T210606 – 01 International Consultant on Climate Change Adaptation UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 01-Jul-21 22-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79886 MNG/RFP/2021/022 - Developing Online graduate tracking system UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA RFP - Request for proposal 08-Jul-21 @ 02:00 AM (New York time) 21-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79885 IC/UNDP/TIGER/110/2021 - National Consultant for Terminal Evaluation UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 06-Jul-21 21-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79884 LIBS-2021-9167896- Establishment LTA for Event management services UNICEF UZBEKISTAN ITB - Invitation to bid 16-Jul-21 21-Jun-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 79881 Supply and Installation of ICT Equipment for Legal Aid Commission (Fiji) UNDP Country Office FIJI RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Jul-21 21-Jun-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 79883 SDC 48 2021 ADQ MOTORES Y LANCHAS UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE VENEZUELA RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Jul-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 21-Jun-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 79882 SDC 047 2021 ADQ MOTOS TIPO CARGUERO UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE VENEZUELA RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Jul-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 21-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79880 PROCESO COL0000145143 Diseñar y construir de manera colectiva once (11) planes de autoprotección con los sujetos colectivos, organizaciones y/o comunidades intervinientes y participantes priorizadas por el SIVJRNR, así como un plan de acción comunicativa UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 13-Jul-21 21-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79879 PCI-047-2021 Consultoría para el desarrollo de materiales de capacitación para estados y municipios en materia de economía circular y cambio climático y apoyo para la identificación de acciones de economía circular comunitaria de México en el marco de l UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 05-Jul-21 21-Jun-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 79878 RFQ ACHAT MATERIELS INFORMATIQUES PACAO SENEGAL SENEGAL RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Jul-21 21-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79877 The Update of UNDP Staff Transition Plan Tool - Home-Based New York - Home Based UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 09-Jul-21 21-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79751 18746-2021 - UNDP LAC Research Center Experts' Network 2nd Generation Regional Centre UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RFP - Request for proposal 02-Aug-21 21-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79876 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA (SdP) N° COL‐0000144136 -Revisión de la oferta programática de inclusión productiva de Naciones Unidas en Colombia y diseño de una ruta de intervención integral y coordinada. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 19-Jul-21 21-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79874 ITB Unarmed Security Services in Guinea-Bissau Country Office GUINEA-BISSAU ITB - Invitation to bid 06-Jul-21 @ 12:29 AM (New York time) 21-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79875 IC URU/17/G32-1108 Análisis sobre las oportunidades, desafíos y el marco regulatorio necesario para la conversión (retrofit) de vehículos de combustión a eléctricos en el Uruguay URUGUAY URUGUAY IC - Individual contractor 20-Jul-21 21-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79873 IC URU/17/G32-1107 Capacidades para la gestión integral de baterías fuera de uso, a través de una estrategia de economía circular. URUGUAY URUGUAY IC - Individual contractor 08-Jul-21 21-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79872 PNUD-SDP-321-2021 Servicio de consultoría para evaluación del impacto de la deforestación y degradación forestal UNDP Country Office - Peru - Peru PERU RFP - Request for proposal 19-Jul-21 21-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79871 SDP-21-2021 DISENOS PARA RECINTOS DEL ISFODOSU UNDP Country Office DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 05-Jul-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 21-Jun-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 79870 RFQ ACHAT MATERIELS INFORMATIQUES SENEGAL SENEGAL RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Jul-21 21-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79868 IC URU/17/G32-1106 Evaluación sobre la adhesión de Uruguay al Acuerdo de 1958 URUGUAY URUGUAY IC - Individual contractor 13-Jul-21 21-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79867 CONSULTORIA NACIONAL PARA LLEVAR A CABO UN ANALISIS SOBRE EL MARCO LEGAL E INSTITUCIONAL ENTORNO A LA ECONOMIA AZUL Y ECONOMIA VERDE (ECONOMIA AZUL Y EMPLEOS VERDES) EG UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE EQUATORIAL GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 05-Jul-21 21-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79865 RFQ 074-21 Supply of virtual simulators UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Jul-21 21-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79866 RFP-2021-037 "«Оказание услуг по разработке опытного образца сеялки для посева семян саксаула, с апробированием для последующего внедрения в лесохозяйственное производство»". Kazakhstan KAZAKHSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 13-Jul-21 21-Jun-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 79864 Supply of 2 units of Sewer Jetting Trucks Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 29-Jul-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 21-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79863 RFP-2021–034 «Оказание услуг по выполнению ресурсной оценки хозяйственно ценных лекарственных видов растений и оценки современного состояния редких видов лекарственных растений на проектной территории «Алтай» Kazakhstan KAZAKHSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 12-Jul-21 21-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79852 IC/UNDP/TIGER/109/2021 - International Consultant for Terminal Evaluation UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 06-Jul-21 21-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79862 Закупка услуг по разработке сценариев глубокого сокращения выбросов парниковых газов до 2050 года в секторе «Промышленные процессы и использование продуктов» в рамках проекта «ЕС для климата» UNDP Country Office BELARUS RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Jul-21 21-Jun-21 HEALTH HEALTH 79861 RFQ-CO-2021-33 Supply and delivery of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Jul-21 21-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79859 an experienced national survey firm /non-government organization to conduct a research on local governments' performance in monitoring public health procurement and dispute resolution from business' experience and perception (B-210608) UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 02-Jul-21 21-Jun-21 HOUSING HOUSING 79860 Rehabilitation of 281 Housing Units in Al Zanjeely & Qatheb Al-Ban Neighborhood-Rabeea Area-West Mosul Iraq Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 13-Jul-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 21-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79858 ITB-216-21 Supply and Installation of Water Complex 50m3hr in the village of the Seeh / Khan Bani Saad - Diyala Governorate Iraq Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 12-Jul-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 21-Jun-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 79856 RFQ FOR SUPPLYING, INSTALLATION & FENCING RAIN GAUGES Undp Country Office ZAMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Jun-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 21-Jun-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 79857 UNDP/RFQ/31/2021 Request for Quotation for Supply and Delivery of Laptop Computers and Accessories for DCRL Project UNDP Country Office for DCRL Project NEPAL RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Jun-21 21-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79848 APPEL D'OFFRES DU PNUD POUR LE RECRUTEMENT DES OSC NATIONALES FÉMININES ET DE JEUNESSE EN VUE DE METTRE EN ŒUVRE DES CAMPAGNES DE SENSIBILISATION, D'INFORMATIONS ET D'ÉDUCATION CIVIQUE CONCERNANT LES OPÉRATIONS D'INSCRIPTIONS ÉLECTORALES ET PROCÉDURES DE UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 05-Jul-21 21-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79854 Hiring Firm for Crime victimization and Drug Surve UNDP Bangladesh country office BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 08-Jul-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 21-Jun-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 79566 RFQ ACQUISITION MATERIELS ELECTRONIQUES ET INFORMATIQUES DAKAR SENEGAL RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Jun-21 21-Jun-21 HEALTH HEALTH 79855 NPL10-29-2021 : RFQ for Automatic Hospital Laundry Washing Machine UNDP - PGRP NEPAL RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Jun-21 @ 07:15 AM (New York time) 21-Jun-21 HEALTH HEALTH 79853 NPL10-28-2021 : RFQ for materials for hospital waste management UNDP - PGRP NEPAL RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Jun-21 @ 07:15 AM (New York time) 21-Jun-21 HEALTH HEALTH 79851 Servers used for the grassroots telehealth to be installed at the Electronic Health Administration/ Ministry of Health (B-210607) UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Jun-21 21-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79555 Development of Integrated Livelihood and Natural Resources Management Training Module/Manual UNDP Malawi Country Office MALAWI RFP - Request for proposal 05-Jul-21 21-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79847 IC NOTICE N°030/2021/PNUD-BFA RECRUTEMENT DE TROIS (03) CONSULTANTS INDIVIDUELS DONT UN CONSULANT INTERNATIONAL ET DEUX CONSULTANTS ASSOCIES POUR L'EVALUATION DU PROGRAMME DE COOPERATION PAYS 2018-2022 DU PNUD UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 30-Jun-21 21-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79846 RfQ 47-2021 Review of Urban Infrastructure Plan for Regulation of Torrent in the village of Shipkovca, Municipality of Tetovo UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Jul-21 21-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79845 IC NOTICE N°028/2021/PNUD-BFA Recrutement d'un (e) Consultant(e) pour l'évaluation finale du projet prévention de l'extrémisme violent par la résilience des communautés au BURKINA FASO UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 25-Jun-21 21-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79844 Recrutement de deux consultant(es) pour l'évaluation finale du projet de réponse d'urgence aux crises pour le relèvement et le développement (FUNDING WINDOWS). UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 25-Jun-21 21-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79843 UNDP-IC-2021-219-Review of Administrative Data and Survey Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 05-Jul-21 21-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79841 Multimedia services UNDP Country Office CHINA RFP - Request for proposal 05-Jul-21 21-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79842 National Communications Consultant (Open to Thai national only) UNDP Regional Centre THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 13-Jul-21 21-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79840 Internal Regulation System Expert UNDP Country Office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 01-Jul-21 21-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79839 RFQ - Achat des equipements pour le cablage informatique et electrique des bureaux du commissariat général de la police judiciaire UNDP CO BURUNDI RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Jun-21 21-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79837 National Consultant: Early Recovery Coordinator for Vamco Philippines PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 02-Jul-21 20-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79836 National Consultant for the Development of the root cause analysis and national management plan for the Octopus marine commodity Philippines PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 02-Jul-21 20-Jun-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 79835 RFQ-SAU-21-009 Supply and delivery of Server Hardw Saudi Arabia SAUDI ARABIA RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Jul-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 20-Jun-21 AGRO-INDUSTRY AGRO-INDUSTRY 79834 430/RFQ/PNA/2021 Fourniture et livraison de matériels agricoles pour les communautés vulnérables de la commune rurale de Mahitsy, District Ambohidratrimo, Région Analamanga LOT 2 : pompes à pédale MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Jul-21 20-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79833 Rehabilitation of Sinjar Education Warehouse-Ninaw UNDP SERVICE CENTRE Erbil- Iraq IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Jul-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 20-Jun-21 HEALTH HEALTH 79832 RFQ for NMLCP Boundary wall construction UNDP Country Office Afghanistan AFGHANISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Jul-21 @ 04:30 PM (New York time) 20-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79831 RFP/2021/21: Assignment Requiring the Services of a Company for the Design of Multipurpose Eco Centers. UNDP Country Office JORDAN RFP - Request for proposal 30-Jun-21 20-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79830 RFP/2021/20: Prosper With Purpose' Report UNDP Country Office JORDAN RFP - Request for proposal 30-Jun-21 20-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79829 IC043-21 Civil Society Empowerment Specialist Country Office IRAQ IC - Individual contractor 29-Jun-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 20-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79828 ITB Proceso No. COL 00000142835 UNDP Country Office, COLOMBIA ITB - Invitation to bid 04-Aug-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 19-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79741 RFP Local Firm for Redesign and Development of The Website UNDP Country Office MALDIVES RFP - Request for proposal 30-Jun-21 19-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79827 « RFQ/MRT/005/2021 - Offre pour un générateur de 30 KVA » MAURITANIA MAURITANIA RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Jun-21 19-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79049 Recrutement d'un (e ) Consultant (e ) International (e ) chargée de l'appuis au Bureau de la Coordinatrice Résidente dans le suivi des activités relevant du nexus Humanitaire-Développement-Paix au Tchad Country Office CHAD IC - Individual contractor 15-Jun-21 19-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79826 Re-advertisement -Women's Political Participation Senior Expert UNDP ON BEHALF OF UN WOMEN LIBERIA LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 04-Jul-21 19-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79825 National consultant to conduct Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) for the implementation of the proposed Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) principle for waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) UNDP Country Office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 30-Jun-21 19-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79824 CFP-MS-2021-32 Strengthening women's engagement in policy and decision-making processes related to SDG localization UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 07-Jul-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 19-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79807 IC/015/21 - International Consultant on Design and Development of Business Operations Strategy (BOS) Document UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 05-Jul-21 19-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79816 SDP-2021-019 GESTIÓN DE RED DE INFLUENCIADORES ONU UNDP COSTA RICA COSTA RICA RFP - Request for proposal 04-Jul-21 18-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79823 Consultancy – Evaluation Specialist for the Joint UNDP-DPPA Programme midterm review, Crisis Bureau / Conflict Prevention, Peacebuilding & Responsive Institutions - Home-based with travel to three countries (Dependent on COVID-19 travel restrictions) UNDP HQ/CPPRI UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 20-Jul-21 18-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79822 Consultancy – Senior Evaluation Specialist for the Joint UNDP-DPPA Programme midterm review, Crisis Bureau / Conflict Prevention, Peacebuilding & Responsive Institutions - Home-based with travel to three countries(Dependent on COVID-19 travel restriction) Crisis Bureau/CPPRI UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 20-Jul-21 18-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79821 4046 PAN 2021 - Servicios de Consultoría para la inspección de los trabajos de suministro e instalación del sistema de luminarias tipo LED con paneles solares en el Complejo Penitenciario La Joya. Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 06-Jul-21 18-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79820 Local Project Manager for Rapid Planning project (Ref. P210609) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 23-Jun-21 18-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79819 RFP 702 PR support services for MPALSG UNDP CO Serbia SERBIA RFP - Request for proposal 02-Jul-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 18-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79817 Project and Knowledge Management Specialist Bangkok Regional Hub and Istanbul Regional Hub THAILAND Other 24-Jun-21 18-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79818 National Consultant to develop a guideline on asset confiscation (Ref. P210607) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 23-Jun-21 18-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79814 CI/050/OCR/2021 CONSULTOR NACIONAL PARA EL APOYO A LOS DIÁLOGOS DE LA CUMBRE SOBRE SISTEMAS ALIMENTARIOS EN VENEZUELA UNDP Country Office VENEZUELA IC - Individual contractor 01-Jul-21 18-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79815 National Consultant on Climate Change & Private Sector Engagement (Ref. P210608) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 23-Jun-21 18-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79813 PROCESO COL 0000146038 CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL - Consultor Verificación de Requisitos- SGR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 02-Jul-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 18-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79812 PROCESO COL 0000145042 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Asistencia técnica a la Alcaldía de la Macarena Meta para promover y coordinar con las diferentes entidades territoriales el cumplimiento de las políticas del Sector Turístico, y de Medio Ambiente UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 08-Jul-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 18-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79811 Provision Servicio Call Center Asunción PARAGUAY ITB - Invitation to bid 09-Jul-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 18-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79810 International Consultant to develop detailed concept note on assessment and monitoring platform for leaving no one behind UNRCO NEPAL IC - Individual contractor 28-Jun-21 18-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79809 458RE-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-SMERec services to develop and launch an export-oriented umbrella brand for agri-food products UNDP UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 04-Jul-21 18-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79808 PCI-046-2021 Servicios de consultoría para la realización de un Mapeo del Ecosistema ODS 16+ en México, con énfasis en el Acceso y Calidad de la Justicia para la Resiliencia Comunitaria. UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 02-Jul-21 18-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79806 T210605 - 01 National Consultant on Climate Change Private Sector Engagement UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 24-Jun-21 18-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79805 RFQ-024-2021 MATERIEL POUR PERSONNES EN SITUATION D HANDICAP Niger NIGER RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Jun-21 18-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79804 CLOSED EARLY
RFQ-021- MATERIEL POUR PERSONNES EN SITUATION D HANDICAP Niger NIGER RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Jun-21 18-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79803 RFP-061-IND-2021 - Formation of collective enterprises, skill building and market linkage for women artisans UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 12-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 18-Jun-21 HEALTH HEALTH 79798 RFQ/091/21 Supply and Delivery of Syringes UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Jun-21 18-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79801 Recrutement d'un Bureau d'études pour la réalisation des études techniques (études géologiques, géotechniques et topographique et chaussée), de géni-civil (APS/APD), élaboration des documents des sauvegardes environnementales et sociales UNDP Country Office COMOROS RFP - Request for proposal 11-Jul-21 18-Jun-21 POWER POWER 79800 ETH2621 Supply of Electrical Equipment UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Jul-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 18-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79799 ETH2506: Supply of Chemical Reagents and Other Required Inputs for the provision of Testing Services on Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Jul-21 @ 06:26 AM (New York time) 18-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79797 RFP-005-2021-Rrecutement d'un BUREAU LOCAL pour L'Elaboration des Stratégies de Développement pour les Régions du Gorgol & du Trarza Mauritania CO MAURITANIA RFP - Request for proposal 05-Jul-21 18-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79796 RFP-060-IND-2021 - Technical Assistance for Sustainable Finance Taxonomy Development UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 05-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 18-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79795 UNDP-IC-2021-217-National Consultant (Project Officer) UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 02-Jul-21 18-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79793 A Project Accountant for the "Mainstreaming Natural Resource Management and Biodiversity Conservation Objectives into Socio-Economic Development Planning and Management of Biosphere Reserve in Viet Nam" UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 30-Jun-21 18-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79792 UNDP-RFP-2021-148: RFP for Long-Term Agreement for Provision of Services for Maintenance of CISCO Equipment UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 02-Jul-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 18-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79791 LBN-CO-RFQ-146-21 Shelter Rehab Taalbaya Saadnayel UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 18-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79790 UNDP-RFP-2021-215-Accelerated Implementation Framework for Education, Health, Agriculture and Energy Pakistan PAKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 05-Jul-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 18-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79788 RECRUTEMENT D'UN CONSULTANT NATIONAL EN ETAT DE DROIT UNDP CAMEROON CAMEROON IC - Individual contractor 28-Jun-21 18-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79789 RfQ for Rice, cooking oil, mask, handwashing liquid and canned pork UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Jun-21 18-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79170 Consultant to support the 2021 African Economic Conference Organization and prepare the conference Report RBA Strategic Advisory Unit UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 24-Jun-21 18-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79787 RFQ/UNDP/EU/016/2021 – Rental Warehouse Country Office INDONESIA RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Jul-21 18-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79785 IC Ref.2021-078 National expert in the field of forestry to provide services for the development of legislation and pilot projects on forest carbon/ Национальный эксперт в области лесного сектора по развитию законодательства и пилотных проектов по лесно UNPD Country Office - KAZAKHSTAN KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 02-Jul-21 18-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79786 445/RFP/PACARC/2021 Recrutement d'un cabinet d'études national ou international pour l'élaboration de la politique nationale sur la météorologie à Madagascar MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFP - Request for proposal 05-Jul-21 18-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79784 UNDP-IC-2021-214 - Individual Consultant Green Skills Curricula Development and Training of Trainers to Support Green Skills Industry Trainings and Jobs UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 02-Jul-21 18-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79783 UNDP-IC-2021-213 - Individual Consultant Private Sector Partnerships for Green Jobs Advisor UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 02-Jul-21 18-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79782 UNDP-IC-2021-212 - Individual Consultant Gender and Green Jobs Advisor UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 09-Jul-21 18-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79781 UNDP-IC-2021-211 - Individual Consultant Green Jobs Coordinator with Ministry of Climate Change (MoCC) UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 02-Jul-21 18-Jun-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 79780 UNDP-RFP-2021-210 Social Media Management Services UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 02-Jul-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 18-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79779 Consultant for ODS Verification and Fire-Fighting Data - Home-based Bangkok Regional Hub THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 25-Jun-21 18-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79778 CFP 2021-01 Improved Safety of Women in Serbia UNDP CO Serbia on behalf of UN Women Office Serbia SERBIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 30-Jul-21 18-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79777 Technical Advisor (International Consultant, residence in Cambodia) to develop policy regulations mechanism, tools and guidelines for integrated landscape management in the northern region UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 14-Jul-21 18-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79776 IC/UNDP/IFL/107/2021 -Environmental Economic Consultant for Environmental Fund Levy for Electronic Products Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 02-Jul-21 18-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79775 Climate Change Finance Consultant UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 01-Jul-21 17-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79774 National Consultant: Individual Videographer (Philippine Nationals Only) Philippines PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 02-Jul-21 17-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79773 Proceso No. COL-0000145785 - Profesional del Equipo de Planeación. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 01-Jul-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 17-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79772 Proceso No. COL-0000145782 - Profesional Especializado del Equipo de Planeación UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 01-Jul-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 17-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79771 IC 21 145767 proyecto piloto dioxinas furanos UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 22-Jul-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 17-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79770 : Consultancy – Impact and Communication Analyst – Social Innovation Platforms (Junior consultant), Crisis Bureau / Conflict Prevention, Peacebuilding and Responsive Institutions Team - Home-based (with possible relocation to Bangkok UNDP HQ/CB/ CPPRI Team / Core Government Functions UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 29-Jun-21 17-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79768 SdP ADQ 21 145760 Camapana comunicacion MAPE UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 12-Jul-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 17-Jun-21 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS 79767 RFQ-UNDP-CB-2021-005-LTA Virtual Meeting Developme UNDP HQ Stateless RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Jul-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 17-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79766 Model for Regulation as a Stimulus (RaaS) in Africa South Africa SOUTH AFRICA RFP - Request for proposal 05-Jul-21 17-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79765 IC URU/17/G32-1104 Consultor/a local para diseño participativo, implementación y evaluación de piloto de urbanismo táctico URUGUAY URUGUAY IC - Individual contractor 01-Jul-21 17-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79762 IC 21 145348 apoyo a iniciativas privadas UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 08-Jul-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 17-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79763 PNUD-IC-267-2021 Especialista en Comunicacion UNDP Country Office - Peru - Peru PERU IC - Individual contractor 05-Jul-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 17-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79764 RFQ for furniture and TV Lusaka ZAMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Jun-21 17-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79761 RFQ for 87 units of Smartphones Lusaka ZAMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Jun-21 17-Jun-21 POLLUTION POLLUTION 79760 ICN-008-2021-Recrutement d'un Consultant International pour : Réaliser une étude et une formation sur l'élaboration d'un budget sensible au changement climatique Mauritania CO MAURITANIA IC - Individual contractor 30-Jun-21 17-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79759 RFQ/LBY/SLCRR/2021/037 - Supply of spare parts for the Maintenance of 4 wastewater trucks, Sabratha Libya UNDP Counrty Office LIBYA RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Jul-21 17-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79757 IC 21 145200 desarrollador de aplicacion UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 06-Jul-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 17-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79758 Policy and Grant-Agreement Consultant UNDP Stateless IC - Individual contractor 16-Jul-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 17-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79756 ICN-012-2021-CONSULTANT/E NATIONAL/E POUR LA CARTOGRAPHIE DE LA DISTRIBUTION DES DECHETS DANS LA VILLE DE NOUAKCHOTT Mauritania CO MAURITANIA IC - Individual contractor 28-Jun-21 17-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79754 SdP ADQ 21 145195 muestreos y analisis quimicos UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 13-Jul-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 17-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79755 National Consultant – Evaluator/Examiner Country Office NEPAL IC - Individual contractor 27-Jun-21 17-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79753 National Consultant - Medical Equipment Specialist Nepal Country Office NEPAL IC - Individual contractor 27-Jun-21 17-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79752 REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ) – Supply and Delivery of Pottery Equipment Tools and Material at UNDP Djibouti Country Office (7th Floor, Mezz Tower, Rue de Venise, Djibouti)- Lot 2 UNDP OFFICE DJIBOUTI RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Jun-21 17-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79750 LESOTHO NATIONAL FORESTRY POLICY STATEMENT OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY UNDER THE MINISTRY OF FORESTRY RANGE & SOIL CONSERVATION (MFRSC) AND MAINSTREAM/INTEGRATE CLIMATE CHANGE/VARIABILITY AND ECOSYSTEMS MANAGEMENT ISSUE INTO THE POLICY LESOTHO LESOTHO IC - Individual contractor 28-Jun-21 17-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79749 CONSULTANCY FIRM TO EDIT AND DESIGN THE LESOTHO DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT REPORT LESOTHO LESOTHO RFP - Request for proposal 29-Jun-21 17-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79747 LBN-CO-RFP-147-21Capacity Building Fishermen Saida UNDP Country office LEBANON RFP - Request for proposal 05-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 17-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79746 Maintenance of the outdoor hiking trails Llogara Albania ALBANIA RFP - Request for proposal 30-Jun-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 17-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79745 MNG/RFP/2021/021 - National vendors - Perception survey on gender stereotypes and attitudes towards women's political participation UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA RFP - Request for proposal 09-Jul-21 17-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79744 RFP 069/21 Technical supervision of capital renovation works for 5 kindergartens UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFP - Request for proposal 08-Jul-21 17-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79743 Закупка услуг по выполнению дорожных работ по благоустройству (понижению бордюров) на перекрестках г. Новополоцк и г. Полоцк UNDP Country Office BELARUS RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Jun-21 17-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79742 ITP/001/21, EXTENDED!! INVITATION TO PREQUALIFY, PROCUREMENT, DELIVERY AND INSTALLATION OF CERTIFIED PELLET FURNACES/BOILERS AND HEAT PUMPS IN HOUSEHOLDS IN SARAJEVO CANTON UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA ITP - Invitation to pre-qualify 21-Jul-21 17-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79740 Recruitment of Consultant for electrical works UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE GHANA IC - Individual contractor 28-Jun-21 17-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79739 Development and Adoption of the cross-sectoral Mozambican UN LIA Implementation Plan UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE MOZAMBIQUE IC - Individual contractor 07-Jul-21 17-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79738 International Consultant- Software Developer Bangkok Regional Hub THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 24-Jun-21 17-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79737 579-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-CO HACT Audit services UNDP UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 04-Jul-21 17-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79735 Re-advertisement. National Consultancy firm/company for Development of a pipeline of programmes for UN Socio-Economic Response Plan (SERP) implementation Gambia GAMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 23-Jun-21 17-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79736 T210604 – A National Consultant to develop a strategic policy paper on rule of law and access to justice in Viet Nam UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 23-Jun-21 17-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79734 Recruitment of an International/National consultant titled MASTER OF CEREMONY Cameroon CAMEROON IC - Individual contractor 05-Jul-21 17-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79733 Recrutement d'un CABINET « Interprète Traducteur » : Cameroon CAMEROON RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Jun-21 17-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79732 Re-advertisement. National Consultancy firm/company for Development of a proposal for the UN COVID-19 Response and Recovery Multi-Partner Trust Fund Gambia GAMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 23-Jun-21 17-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79731 RFQ 48 -2021 for Technical documentation for photovoltaic systems in 9 (nine) public buildings, Municipality of Chair UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Jul-21 17-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79729 Individual Consultancy - LTA National Graphic Designer - LBN/CO/IC/140/21 (Updated) UNDP Country Office LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 08-Jul-21 17-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79730 Digital Transformation Specialist (s) (Open for National and International Consultant) UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 08-Jul-21 17-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79728 IC/UNDP/UNODC/105/2021 - Consultant to Support the Development and Pilot Virtual Harm Reduction Training Module Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 08-Jul-21 17-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79727 Re-Advertisement: MNG/IC/2021/084 - National Consultant - Strengthening National Committee on Climate Change UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 02-Aug-21 16-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79726 18738-2021 Consultor/a especialista en gobernabilidad democrática, participación política e igualdad de género. Regional Centre PANAMA RFP - Request for proposal 30-Jun-21 16-Jun-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 79725 IAL-00124696-059-2021 OFICINA DE PAIS HONDURAS ITB - Invitation to bid 12-Jul-21 @ 07:00 PM (New York time) 16-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79724 SDP18-2021 CONSULTORIA MANEJO GAS REFRIGERANTE UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 14-Jul-21 @ 11:59 AM (New York time) 16-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79723 Parliamentary Development Local Coordinator – Solomon Islands UNDP Country Office FIJI IC - Individual contractor 02-Jul-21 16-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79721 BBRSO141672 - Develop Gender Responsive Finance Modules/Financing Options and Strategies for Adaptive Social Protection Programmes in Barbados UNDP Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean BARBADOS IC - Individual contractor 30-Jun-21 16-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79719 CI/CRI/2021/No.00112683/No.145055/Persona profesional en economía para Estimar el Costo Económico del Impacto de Agroquímicos por pérdida de servicios ecosistémicos entre los años 2012-2020 UNDP COSTA RICA COSTA RICA IC - Individual contractor 30-Jun-21 16-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79720 PROCESO COL-0000145532 CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL - Consultor Verificación de Requisitos - SGR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 30-Jun-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 16-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79718 MNG/RFP/2021/020 - Local vendors - Research on the existing policy framework on women's political participation UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA RFP - Request for proposal 30-Jun-21 16-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79717 PROCESO COL-0000145531 CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL - Consultor Enlace Regional SGR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 30-Jun-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 16-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79716 PROCESO COL-0000145530 CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL - Consultor SGR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 30-Jun-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 16-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79714 BBRSO141671 - Develop Gender Responsive Finance Modules/Financing Options and Strategies for Adaptive Social Protection Programmes in Saint Lucia UNDP Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean BARBADOS IC - Individual contractor 30-Jun-21 16-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79715 IC NOTICE N°027-2021/PNUD-BFA : Recrutement d'un(e) consultant(e) national(e) pour la formation des acteurs impliqués dans l'exécution du PAMED sur l'outil Ex-Ante Carbon-balance Tool (EX-ACT) UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 22-Jun-21 16-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79713 Recrutement d'un Cabinet chargé de la mise en service du site Miroir de la CENI UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO RFP - Request for proposal 30-Jun-21 16-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79712 PROCESO COL 0000145528 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultor SGR (Se requiere contratar 2 consultores) UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Jun-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 16-Jun-21 URBAN DEV'T. URBAN DEV'T. 79710 RfQ-21/02296 Development of Designs and installation of Photovoltaic Panels on a residential building related to implementation of renewable energy measures under Neighborhood Renewal Green Urban Project UNDP Country Office MOLDOVA RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Jul-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 16-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79711 PROCESO COL 0000145527 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultor SGR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Jun-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 16-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79709 PROCESO COL 0000145526 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultor SGR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Jun-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 16-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79708 PROCESO COL 0000145525 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultor Seguimiento y Control - SGR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Jun-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 16-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79707 PROCESO COL 0000145362 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultor Evaluación y Seguimiento DSGR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Jun-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 16-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79706 PROCESO COL 0000145360 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Apoyo Administrativo y Asistencial ST OCAD PAZ DSGR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Jun-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 16-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79705 PROCESO COL 0000145359 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultor Seguimiento y Control – SGR. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Jun-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 16-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79704 PROCESO COL 0000145352 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultor Mesa de Ayuda SGR (Se requieren 6 consultores) UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Jun-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 16-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79701 Recruitment of an International Consultant expert an agribusiness program development UNDP REGIONAL HUB DAKAR SENEGAL IC - Individual contractor 26-Jun-21 16-Jun-21 IMPORT/EXPORT IMPORT/EXPORT 79700 RFQ 020/2021/ Moto Tricycle au PNUD à Niamey Niger NIGER RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Jun-21 16-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79699 RFP-2021-038 Выполнение энергетического аудита и технического обследования объекта – «Коммунальное государственное учреждение «Школа IT-лицей №23 имени Жумабека Ташенова»» г. Туркестан Kazakhstan KAZAKHSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 30-Jun-21 16-Jun-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 79698 REFERENCE: SLE/RFQ/YOUTH/2021/006 PROCUREMENT OF LAPTOP COMPUTERS and RELATED ICT ITEMS. UNDP Country Office SIERRA LEONE RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Jun-21 16-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79697 CLOSED EARLY
Recrutement d'un (e) Consultant(e) pour l'évaluation finale du projet prévention de l'extrémisme violent par la résilience des communautés au BURKINA FASO. UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 22-Jun-21 16-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79696 Proceso No. COL-0000145461 - Profesional Jurídico Especializado del Equipo Administrativo y Financiero UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 30-Jun-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 16-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79695 RFQ-031-21-For Hiring Vehicles for Solid Waste Syria SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Jun-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 16-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79694 Développement d'une plateforme de suivi & évaluation et d'une application mobile Morocco MOROCCO RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Jun-21 16-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79693 RFP-059-IND-2021 - "Conduct a Green Economy Learning Assessment (GELA) and develop an Action Plan to integrate Inclusive Green Economy (IGE) principles with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the states of Madhya Pradesh and Uttarakhand". UNDP India Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 05-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 16-Jun-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 79692 RfQ-21/02299 – ICT equipment for schools from ATU Gagauzia UNDP Country Office MOLDOVA RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Jul-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 16-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79691 RFP-2021-017: for the Services of Organizing YOUTH CO:LAB HONG KONG SAR PROGRAMME Bangkok Regional Centre THAILAND RFP - Request for proposal 23-Jul-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 16-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79690 IC-UNDP-21-030-Event Manager UNDP Country Office LIBYA IC - Individual contractor 28-Jun-21 16-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79689 RFQ 128/2021 - Procurement of PCR Testing services for Covid-19 UNDP CYP CYPRUS RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Jun-21 16-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79685 [Re-Advertisement] IC/UNDP/SPOI/106/2021 - LTA – National GIS Consultant to calculate the GHG emission reduction for SPOI/GGP project. UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 30-Jun-21 16-Jun-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 79688 Tender 84-2021_Provision of furnaces and accessories for Sloviansk Multidisciplinary Regional Center of Vocational Education/ Тендер 84-2021_Придбання печей та оснастки для Слов'янського багатопрофільного регіонального центру професійної освіти Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Jun-21 16-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79687 International firm to measure and write a report on the innovation capacity of enterprises in Viet Nam with a focus on small and medium enterprises (SMEs) (B-210605)) UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 23-Jun-21 16-Jun-21 POWER POWER 79686 LTA for Energy and Grid Measuring and Monitoring PSU DENMARK ITB - Invitation to bid 21-Jul-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 16-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79684 RE-RFP-BD-2021-003: Hiring a firm for Development & Maintenance of Judicial Service Delivery Platform (Enhancing & Integrating Judicial Dashboard, Portal, Cause-list) (Re-advertisement) UNDP Country Office BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 30-Jun-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 16-Jun-21 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS 79682 RFQ Purchase of 1 flying observation camera Drone UNDP Kosovo Kosovo, UNSCR 1244 (1999) RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Jun-21 @ 11:30 AM (New York time) 16-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79683 RE-RFP-BD-2021-002: Hiring a firm for Deployment, Enhancement & Maintenance of Digital Filing Platform for Supreme Court-a2i (Re-advertisement) UNDP Country Office BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 01-Jul-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 16-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79681 RFI 058 IND 2021 Uttarakhand UNDP Country Office INDIA RFI - Request for Information 30-Jun-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 16-Jun-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 79679 RFP-BD-21-019: Mobile App Development for Platform Bangladesh Country Office BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 01-Jul-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 16-Jun-21 HEALTH HEALTH 79680 162-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-Logistics UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 21-Jul-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 16-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79678 A national firm to organize the challenge to find and incubate the youth-led initiatives to strengthen the effectiveness of online public services – Youth Digital Citizen Challenge (B-210604) UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 25-Jun-21 16-Jun-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 79677 RFQ Procurement of 2 Vans L2H2 UNDP Kosovo Kosovo, UNSCR 1244 (1999) RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Jun-21 @ 11:30 AM (New York time) 16-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79676 UNDP-IC-2021-065 - Consultant to Revise and Develop Curriculum - TIP Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 30-Jun-21 16-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79675 Proceso No. COL-0000145459 - Profesional Especializado Equipo Jurídico con sede Bogotá. 8 POSICIONES UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 30-Jun-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 16-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79674 Proceso No. COL-0000145456 - Profesional Especializado Equipo Técnico con sede Bogotá. (8 POSICIONES) UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 30-Jun-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 16-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79673 ITB202104 Construction of a Conference Center at t UNDP Country Office JORDAN ITB - Invitation to bid 11-Jul-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 16-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79549 284-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP: Development of interactive websites of the territorial communities (Sartana, Donetsk Oblast and Shchastia, Luhansk Oblast) UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 30-Jun-21 16-Jun-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 79672 Extension RFP 2021-55 Provision of trainings IFIs UNDP KYRGYZSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 16-Jul-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 16-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79671 IC Ref.2021-012 National consultant for the preparation of an analysis of the electricity and heat energy market to identify direct and indirect subsidies/ Национальный консультант по подготовке анализа рынка электрической и тепловой энергии на предмет вы UNPD Country Office - KAZAKHSTAN KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 08-Jul-21 16-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79670 Proceso No. COL-0000145340 - Consultor/a experto en control operativo e interdictivo de la producción ilícita de drogas y actividades relacionadas. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 30-Jun-21 @ 11:59 AM (New York time) 16-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79669 Proceso No. COL-0000145339 - Consultor experto en química. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Jun-21 @ 11:59 AM (New York time) 16-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79668 Proceso No. COL-0000145338 - Consultor/a para la caracterización de los enclaves de producción de coca Catatumbo (Norte de Santander) y Valdivia-Tarazá-Cáceres (Antioquia). UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Jun-21 @ 12:21 AM (New York time) 16-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79667 Proceso No. COL-0000145336 - Consultor/a para la estructuración y desarrollo de análisis temáticos técnicos sobre la explotación ilícita de minerales frente a las diferentes dinámicas territoriales, en el ámbito nacional y regional. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Jun-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 16-Jun-21 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS 79666 RFP-Establishment of DEMO sites UNDP Country Office GEORGIA RFP - Request for proposal 23-Jul-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 16-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79665 Expert Consulting in Bringing Solar Water Pumping UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFP - Request for proposal 20-Jun-21 @ 10:00 PM (New York time) 15-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79664 National Consultant for the Situational Analysis of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the Cook Islands (Readvert1) UNDP Country Office SAMOA IC - Individual contractor 23-Jun-21 15-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79663 IC/UNDP/UNODC/104/2021 - Study on Methamphetamine Flows from Malaysia into Indonesia through Sumatera's Coastline Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 30-Jun-21 15-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79662 SdP ADQ 21 145164 analisis de quimicos UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 19-Jul-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 15-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79661 SdP ADQ 21 144910 etiquetado de equipos electric UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 01-Jul-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 15-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79660 PROCESO COL 0000145529 CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL - Consultor SGR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Jun-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 15-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79659 SDC-24-2021 "ADQUISICION E INSTALACION DE MOBILIARIOS PARA LA AUTORIDAD PORTUARIA DOMINICANA" UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Jul-21 15-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79658 Consultant to develop a Communication Strategy on Sexual Harassment, BMS/OHR, UNDP Home-based Stateless IC - Individual contractor 29-Jun-21 15-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79651 CI/051/MALARIA/2021 - CONSULTORIA PARA EVALUACION Y FORTALECIMIENTO DEL SISTEMA NACIONAL DE M&E DEL PROGRAMA DE MALARIA UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE VENEZUELA IC - Individual contractor 06-Jul-21 15-Jun-21 HEALTH HEALTH 79657 299-2021-HIST-ITB-LTA-DL: Establishment of Global Long Term Agreements (LTAs) for the supply of data loggers to monitor transportation and storage conditions of health products UNDP DENMARK ITB - Invitation to bid 16-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 15-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79655 SdP ADQ 21 145438 desarrollo plataforma Reto UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 12-Jul-21 @ 04:27 PM (New York time) 15-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79656 IC/00122642/073/2021 - Consultoría Elaboración De Documento De Análisis Marco Prospectivo Para El Desarrollo Sostenible En Honduras, Limitantes Y Potencialidades Oficina de Pais HONDURAS IC - Individual contractor 08-Jul-21 15-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79652 IC/00122642/072/2021 - Consultoría Elaboración De Documento De Análisis De Evolución De Los Movimientos Sociales, Cohesión Social Y Propuestas Democráticas Oficina de Pais HONDURAS IC - Individual contractor 20-Jul-21 15-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79653 Adquisición de Cupos de Combustible. Asunción PARAGUAY RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Jun-21 15-Jun-21 AGRICULTURE  SEEDLING AGRICULTURE SEEDLING 79654 423/RFQ/PACARC/2021 Fourniture et livraison de semences et d'intrants agricoles pour les communautés vulnérables de la CR Betatao, District d'Anjozorobe et de la CR Ambolotarakely, District d'Ankazobe, Région Analamanga répartie en 4 lots MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Jun-21 15-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79650 IC/00122642/071/2021 - Consultoría Elaboración De Documento De Evaluación Y Propuestas De Una Economía Ambiental Y Resiliente Ante El Cambio Climático En Honduras Oficina de Pais HONDURAS IC - Individual contractor 06-Jul-21 15-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79649 SDP-020-2021 Servicios de consultoría para proporcionar al sistema integrado de servicios de gestión, elementos técnicos que apoyen la destrucción de BPCs y la prevención de contaminación cruzada de equipos con BPCs UNDP Country Office MEXICO RFP - Request for proposal 21-Jul-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 15-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79648 CI/CRI/2021/No.00112683/No.145044/Economista Impacto Social UNDP COSTA RICA COSTA RICA IC - Individual contractor 29-Jun-21 15-Jun-21 IRRIGATION IRRIGATION 79647 Water Intake Pumping Station sector 7 UNDP Syria SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC ITB - Invitation to bid 13-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 15-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78778 IC/UNDP/HAI/21.105 : Recrutement d'un (e) consultant (e) national (e) expert (e ) en droit. PNUD HAITI IC - Individual contractor 24-Jun-21 15-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79646 RFP for Third Party Monitoring of UNDPs Project UNDP Country Office NEPAL RFP - Request for proposal 13-Jul-21 @ 07:15 AM (New York time) 15-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79641 LBR 10-RFQ-SOLAR-001-2021 RELAUNCHED Liberia LIBERIA RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Jun-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 15-Jun-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 79644 RFP 2021-11 Développement de deux applications de gestion dans le cadre du projet : d'Appui à la Sécurité Communautaire et à la Réforme Institutionnelle du Secteur de la Sécurité UNDP Tunisia TUNISIA RFP - Request for proposal 30-Jul-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 15-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79645 SDC-025-2021 Solicitud de cotización de equipamiento diverso para proyectos de emprendimiento del programa UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Jul-21 15-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79643 RFQ 20 2021 UNDP Mozambique MOZAMBIQUE RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Jun-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 15-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79642 RFQ 21 2021 UNDP Mozambique MOZAMBIQUE RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Jun-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 15-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79567 National Consultant to support up to forty-five Enterprises in Uganda implement the Gender Equality Seal for Private Enterprises UNDP Uganda CO UGANDA IC - Individual contractor 23-Jun-21 15-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79640 443/IC/PNUD/2021 Recrutement d'un(e) Consultant(e) Associé(e) aux Achats MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 29-Jun-21 15-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79631 Call for Proposals Harnessing Youth Potential for Transformational Impact for SDG and COVID 19 Economic Recovery UNDP Country Office ZAMBIA Other 25-Jun-21 15-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79639 RFQ/090/21 Mechanical works on EE reconstruction of the building of Faculty of Architecture/Civil Engineering in Sarajevo - EXTENSION OF DEADLINE!!! UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Jul-21 15-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79635 EOI 2-2021 Travel and Event Org. Services UNDP Country Office SERBIA EOI - Expression of interest 25-Jun-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 15-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79634 RFP/024/21 Development of Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP) for City of Mostar - DEADLINE EXTENDED!!! UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFP - Request for proposal 06-Jul-21 15-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79633 CLOSED EARLY
Individual Consultancy - LTA National Graphic Designer - LBN/CO/IC/140/21 UNDP Country Office LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 06-Jul-21 15-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79632 Long Term Arrangement for provision of HACT Assurance Services to UNICEF Ukraine UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND (UNICEF) UKRAINE ITB - Invitation to bid 05-Jul-21 15-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79628 ETH2541-RFQ for 60pcs of 10,000 Litter Water tankers UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Jun-21 15-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79630 IC-2021-031 Национальный эксперт по экономике и финансовым механизмам/Economics and Financial Support Mechanism Expert UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 14-Jul-21 15-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79629 LBN-CO-ITB-145-21Const of Stormwater Line- Chehim UNDP Country office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 01-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 15-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79627 JOF 2948-2021 - Diagnosticos Plano Munic Seguranca UNDP BRAZIL RFP - Request for proposal 29-Jun-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 15-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79626 LBN-CO-CFP-144-21Support for Local-Micro Enterpris UNDP Country office LEBANON CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 06-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 15-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79624 RFQ Reference : 009/RFQ/GNB10/06/2021 • Lot 1: Supply, Delivery, Installation, Commissioning and Testing of Hydraulic system swing lip dock leveller and Overhead Insulated Roller Shutter Door • Lot 2: Supply Delivery Installation of Thermal Insulation UNDP Country Office GUINEA-BISSAU RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Jun-21 15-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79625 UNDP-IC-2021-209 - Individual Contract for Youth Entrepreneurship Scheme (YES) Technical Advisor UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 29-Jun-21 15-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79621 Appel à proposition de projet livelihoods_vulnérables et minorités exclues_Lobaye_Ombella-Mpoko UNDP Country Office CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 13-Jul-21 15-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79623 Mid Term Review (MTR) for UNDP-GEF Funded Project Gambia GAMBIA IC - Individual contractor 22-Jun-21 15-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79622 UNDP-2021-RFQ 046 ACQUSITION DE LOGICIEL INFO COLLECTE DE DONNEES ABIDJAN-CÔTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Jun-21 15-Jun-21 HEALTH HEALTH 79620 Provision of Medical Tests for 300 Cadets UNDP Country Office AFGHANISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Jun-21 @ 07:30 AM (New York time) 15-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79619 LE RFP - RECRUTEMENT DU MAITRE D'OEUVRE POUR LES ETUDES TECHNIQUES UNDP CO BURUNDI RFP - Request for proposal 20-Jul-21 15-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79618 Development of the Biodiversity Stewardship value proposition, and associated communication materials and advocacy plan. UNDP SOUTH AFRICA SOUTH AFRICA IC - Individual contractor 23-Jul-21 15-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79617 LBN-CO-ITB-143-21 Shelter Rehabilitation Old Saida UNDP Country Office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 29-Jun-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 15-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79616 Re-advertisement: MNG/IC/2021/INT/010 - International Consultant - Employment programme/Labour Market Policy Expert UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 10-Sep-21 15-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79615 RFP-NDC Financial Strategy and Investment Plan UNDP Country Office GEORGIA RFP - Request for proposal 20-Jul-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 15-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79614 National Coordinator for a GEF PPG Project on Human Wildlife Conflict in Southern Africa UNEP SOUTH AFRICA SOUTH AFRICA IC - Individual contractor 28-Jun-21 15-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79611 UNDP-IC-2021-039:National Consultant – Long Term Agreement (LTA) SSAFE Training Facilitator on Individual First Aid Kit and Basic Life-saving Skills UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 29-Jun-21 15-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79612 RFP 2021-26-1 PUBLICATIONS AFT 2 LOTS UNDP Kyrgyzstan KYRGYZSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 30-Jun-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 15-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79613 RFP/2021/19: Assignment Requiring the Services of a Communications Company to be Engaged Through a Service Contract Country Office JORDAN RFP - Request for proposal 29-Jun-21 15-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79610 RFQ 2021-44-1 Metal furniture and metal racks UNDP Country Office KYRGYZSTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Jun-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 15-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79609 IC/UNDP/IFL/103/2021 - Legal and Trade Economy Consultant for Environmental Fund Levy for Electronic Products UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 30-Jun-21 15-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79608 MNG/IC/2021/083 - National Consultant - Communications Officer UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Jun-21 15-Jun-21 POWER POWER 79607 Supply Installation and Commissioning of Genset Malawi, RBA MALAWI RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Jun-21 15-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79606 RFQ/BDI10/UGP-FM/004/2021 FOURNITURE DE KITS DE TRAVAIL EN FAVEUR DU PACTE-TB/VIH / CROIX ROUGE DU BURUNDI/ FONDS MONDIAL Burundi BURUNDI RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Jun-21 15-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79605 Consultancy for National Consultant to support implementation of the Communication and Visibility Plan of the project "Strengthening Integrated Sustainable Landscape Management in Enga Province Papua New Guinea" UNDP PNG Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 29-Jun-21 15-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79604 UNDP-IC-2021-208-Social Innovation Platform Coordinator, Urban Resilience and Development Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 29-Jun-21 15-Jun-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 79603 RFQ-CDLG-2021-31 - Procurement of 268 Nos of Smart Phone and 8 Nos of 360 Degree Camera UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Jun-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 15-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79602 Renforcement des services d'appui psychosocial de la Direction de l'Administration Pénitentiaire (DAP) pour les prisons civiles de Cabaret, Cap-Haitien et les Cayes UNWOMEN HAITI CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 27-Jun-21 15-Jun-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 79600 RFP-057-IND-2021 (Request for Proposal for Artificial Intelligence and Potential Impacts on Human Rights in India) UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 05-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 15-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79454 Integrated National Financing Framework Expert for Thailand UNDP- Thailand Country Office THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 25-Jun-21 15-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79599 IC/00122642/070/2021 Consultoría Elaboración de Documento de Análisis de Trasformación Digital, una Propuesta de Desarrollo Multidimensional en Honduras OFICINA DE PAIS HONDURAS IC - Individual contractor 07-Jul-21 14-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79598 IC/00122642/069/2021 Consultoría Elaboración de Documento de Análisis de Fiscalidad, Regulación y Eficiencia de la Gestión Pública para mejorar la atracción de la Inversión OFICINA DE PAIS HONDURAS IC - Individual contractor 14-Jul-21 14-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79597 IC/00122642/068/2021 Consultoría Elaboración de Documento de Análisis de Gobernabilidad y Proceso de Concertación en Honduras OFICINA DE PAIS HONDURAS IC - Individual contractor 05-Jul-21 14-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79596 IC/00122642/067/2021 Consultoría Elaboración de Documento de Análisis sobre el Impacto del COVID-19 en la Educación y Salud y Propuestas Innovadoras para responder al Impacto de la Pandemia en el Desarrollo Humano OFICINA DE PAIS HONDURAS IC - Individual contractor 05-Jul-21 14-Jun-21 AGRO-INDUSTRY AGRO-INDUSTRY 79533 Supply and Delivery of various Agrifarm Implements Cotabato City, Philippines PHILIPPINES RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Jul-21 14-Jun-21 HEALTH HEALTH 79595 UPGRADING OF AN INCINERATOR AT KANIFING GENERAL HOSPITAL UNDP Gambia GAMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Jun-21 14-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79593 Graphic Designer – DRR/CCA Mainstreaming Tool Home-based Stateless IC - Individual contractor 28-Jun-21 14-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79591 Expert on ODS Verification and HPMP Technical Assistance Bangkok Regional Hub THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 21-Jun-21 14-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79592 RFP Women Social and Economic Empowerment Training UNDP Country Office SOUTH SUDAN RFP - Request for proposal 29-Jun-21 @ 05:47 AM (New York time) 14-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79590 RFP Social Safety Net Project in Eastern Equatoria UNDP Country Office SOUTH SUDAN RFP - Request for proposal 25-Jun-21 @ 06:23 AM (New York time) 14-Jun-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 79589 IT Programmer (Local) for Campaign Venue Management System Lusaka ZAMBIA IC - Individual contractor 21-Jun-21 14-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79588 ICN-009-2021-Recrutement d'un Consultant National pour : Evaluation du Programme Pays 2018-2022 (Pilier Gouvernance) Mauritania CO MAURITANIA IC - Individual contractor 20-Jun-21 14-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79587 SDC-26-2021 " Adquisición pinturas y accesorios para el ADN" UNDP Country Office DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Jun-21 14-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79586 RFQ-LBY-SFL-2021-9479 - Supply and installation of 80 KW Solar Power System in Gharyan Central Teaching Hospital, Libya UNDP Country Office LIBYA RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Jun-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 14-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79585 RECRUTEMENT D'UN CONSULTANT NATIONAL INDEPENDANT ASSOCIE POUR L'EVALUATION FINALE DU PROJET DE PROMOTION DE LA PRODUCTION DURABLE DE BIOMASSE ÉLECTRICITE AU BENIN (BIOMASSE ÉLECTRICITE) UNDP Country Office BENIN IC - Individual contractor 28-Jun-21 14-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79476 Consultation en renforcement des capacités sur le développement d'intercommunalité et de PPP et la prise en compte du genre dans la GDS Haiti HAITI RFP - Request for proposal 02-Jul-21 14-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79584 RECRUTEMENT DE CABINETS D'AUDIT POUR LA REALISATION DES VERIFICATIONS PONCTUELLES (SPOTS CHECKS) PREVUES POUR L'ANNEE 2021 ET DE L'AUDIT FINANCIER HACT EXERCICE 2021 UNDP Country Office BENIN IC - Individual contractor 28-Jun-21 14-Jun-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 79583 Adquisición de Software de Ciberseguridad (Appliance Antiddos) Asunción PARAGUAY RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Jun-21 14-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79580 CLOSED EARLY
SDP-023-2021 Servicios de consultoría para el desarrollo de un mapeo de recursos financieros y no financieros para el desarrollo sostenible UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO RFP - Request for proposal 28-Jun-21 14-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79579 Recrutement d'un Consultant National pour l'évaluation de l'infrastructure informatique des sites de la Police Nationale d'Haïti Haiti HAITI IC - Individual contractor 25-Jun-21 14-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79575 IC Ref. 2021-090 Renewable EnergySystem Equipment Testing Expert/Эксперт по тестированию оборудования для систем возобновляемой энергетики Kazakhstan KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 12-Jul-21 14-Jun-21 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS 79578 RFQ/UNDP/EOC Materials/2021/0038:Kenwood digital radios, accessories, licenses and UPS UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE LIBERIA RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Jun-21 14-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79577 PCI-045-2021 Asesor/a para el desarrollo de estrategias para la Planeación Urbana y Ordenamiento Territorial en el estado de Tabasco. UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 28-Jun-21 14-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79574 CHL/SDP/087/2021 Análisis de Vulnerabilidad y Riesgos del Sector Minero Frente al Cambio Climático UNDP Country Office CHILE RFP - Request for proposal 08-Jul-21 14-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79494 IC Ref. 2021-089 National consultant on Renewable Energy Finance/Национальный консультант по финансированию ВИЭ (Возобновляемые Источники Энергии) Kazakhstan KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 28-Jun-21 14-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79573 Recrutement consultant pour entreprendre une étude sur l'analyse sensible au genre des principales chaines de valeur dans le secteur des industries extractives du Cameroun y compris dans le secteur des minéraux de développement. Cameroon CAMEROON IC - Individual contractor 28-Jun-21 14-Jun-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 79572 ITB0052021 for the Supply and Delivery of Construction Materials in Mutua, Dondo and Sofala Provinces (Lots 1-3) UNDP Mozambique CO MOZAMBIQUE ITB - Invitation to bid 30-Jun-21 @ 02:00 PM (New York time) 14-Jun-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 79571 RFQ 19 2021 UNDP Mozambique MOZAMBIQUE RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Jun-21 @ 02:00 AM (New York time) 14-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79570 IC - consultant/e pour l'élaboration d'une Fiche d'Identification de Projet (FIP) UNDP Tunisia TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 30-Jul-21 14-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79569 RfP2292 MIA Information System Recruitment and UNDP Country Office MOLDOVA RFP - Request for proposal 07-Jul-21 @ 09:30 AM (New York time) 14-Jun-21 IRRIGATION IRRIGATION 79568 LBN-CO-ITB-141-21 - Rahbe Akkar Irrigation Canals - Event ID 0000009516 UNDP Country Office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 14-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 14-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79565 Sr. Consultant, Financial Business Advisor, BMS/OFRM/FBA HQ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 20-Jun-21 14-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79560 RFP 065/21 Development of Background Information for Climate Change Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) Platform Design UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFP - Request for proposal 28-Jun-21 14-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79564 Recrutement d'un consultant pour la réalisation d'un Etat des lieux de la mise en œuvre de la localisation de l'aide humanitaire au Cameroun Cameroon CAMEROON IC - Individual contractor 09-Jul-21 14-Jun-21 HEALTH HEALTH 79563 WHO; To select supplier(s) for laboratory equipment for PCR Laboratory in Laplje Selo WHO Kosovo, UNSCR 1244 (1999) ITB - Invitation to bid 28-Jun-21 14-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79561 Recrutement consultant Administrative et Financière pour ONUDC Cameroon CAMEROON IC - Individual contractor 28-Jun-21 14-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79562 Rehabilitation of Zahi Azrak hospital in Aleppo UNDP Syria SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC ITB - Invitation to bid 05-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 14-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79559 472-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP Design and implement a communications campaign UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 28-Jun-21 14-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79558 RFQ 2021-48 : recrutement d'un bureau d'étude national pour la conception et la mise en œuvre d'un programme de renforcement des capacités des députés / conseillers parlementaires en matière du changement climatique UNDP Tunisia TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Jun-21 14-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79557 IC NOTICE N°019/2021/PNUD-BFA RECRUTEMENT D'UN(E) CONSULTANT(E) NATIONAL(E) POUR LA FORMATION DES ACTEURS IMPLIQUES DANS L'EXECUTION DU PAMED SUR L'OUTIL EX-ANTE CARBON-BALANCE TOOL (EX-ACT) POUR LES SECTEURS AGRICOLES ET FORESTIERS Country Office BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 24-Jun-21 14-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79554 RE-ADVERTISEMENT WOMEN'S LEADERSHIP AND POLITICAL PARTICIPATION ASSOCIATE UNDP ON BEHALF OF UN WOMEN LIBERIA LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 21-Jun-21 14-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79556 RFP 2021-13 : Troisième Rapport Bisannuel actualisé de la Tunisie à la Convention Cadre des Nations Unies sur les Changements Climatiques UNDP Tunisia TUNISIA RFP - Request for proposal 10-Aug-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 14-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79450 RFP-060 Services of a Firm to Provide Support in Implementing the Project: Ending Plastic Pollution Innovation Challenge (EPPIC) UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 05-Jul-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 14-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79553 RFP-2021-035_ Analysis of current situation in the field of IT infrastructure and data dissemination methods within the Bureau of the National Statistics under the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan and developmen Kazakhstan KAZAKHSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 29-Jun-21 14-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79551 RFQ - Event Management for Police Trainings UNDP Country Office AFGHANISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Jun-21 @ 07:30 AM (New York time) 14-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79552 Call for Proposals for Civil Society Grants in support of PAR 2 UNDP Country Office GEORGIA Other 28-Jun-21 14-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79550 Call for Proposals for Public Service Delivery Support Grant UNDP Country Office GEORGIA Other 28-Jun-21 14-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79548 RFP-CONSULTANCY FOR BIOGAS RESEARCH DATA COLLECTION BOTSWANA BOTSWANA RFP - Request for proposal 28-Jun-21 14-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79546 Printing of Public Legal Awareness Documents UNDP Country Office AFGHANISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Jun-21 @ 07:30 AM (New York time) 14-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79545 CALL FOR PROPOSALS FOR GRANT COMPETITION FOR DEVELOPMENT OF SMART VILLAGES IN GEORGIA UNDP Country Office GEORGIA Other 10-Jul-21 14-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79362 492-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-RPP: Ceramic goods production equipment for Sloviansk Multidisciplinary Regional Center of Vocational Education named after P.F. Kryvonos of Donetsk Oblast UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Jul-21 14-Jun-21 HOUSING HOUSING 79544 RFQ for RNA Extraction Reagent UNDP Country Office NEPAL RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Jun-21 @ 07:45 AM (New York time) 14-Jun-21 URBAN DEV'T. URBAN DEV'T. 79543 Call for Expression of Interest for the Provision e-solutions for resilient food supply chains in Zimbabwe Harare ZIMBABWE EOI - Expression of interest 25-Jun-21 14-Jun-21 HEALTH HEALTH 79542 Request for Quotation for Ventilators, ICU (Infant to Adult) UNDP Country Office NEPAL RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Jun-21 @ 07:45 AM (New York time) 14-Jun-21 HEALTH HEALTH 79541 NPL10-23-2021 Request for Quotation for ICU Beds with Mattresses UNDP Country Office NEPAL RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Jun-21 @ 07:45 AM (New York time) 14-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79540 UNDP/RFQ/26/2021 Request for Quotation for Supply and Delivery of Diesel Generators UNDP Country Office NEPAL RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Jun-21 14-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79538 RFP – Consultancy Firm to Provide Internal Control Audit and Spot Check Services UNDP Country Office MALDIVES RFP - Request for proposal 20-Jun-21 14-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79539 IC/UNDP/UNIC/102/2021 - Multimedia Communications Support Specialist Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 28-Jun-21 14-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79537 RFP-056-IND-2021 - Organisation of Youth Co:Lab India National Innovation Challenge and other initiatives to identify and support innovative youth entrepreneurship UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 05-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 13-Jun-21 TOURISM TOURISM 79536 Provision of Meeting/Workshop/Conference Facilities, Outside Catering and Hotel Accommodation Services UNDP MYANMAR RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Jun-21 13-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79535 (READVERTISED2) NATIONAL CONSULTANT DEVELOP A GUIDE TO PREVENT AND RESPOND TO VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND GIRLS UNDP Country Office SAMOA IC - Individual contractor 02-Aug-21 13-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79534 (READVERTISED2) NATIONAL CONSULTANT TO REVIEW AND DEVELOP THE LAW AND JUSTICE SECTOR – EVAWG COORDINATING MECHANISM UNDP Country Office SAMOA IC - Individual contractor 02-Aug-21 13-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79532 411/IC/RIO/2021 Recrutement d'un Consultant individuel pour établir un système d'information sur la gestion environnementale spécialiste en économie et environnement MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 02-Nov-21 13-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79527 421/IC/REAP/2021 Recrutement d'un consultant national Ingénieur en génie hydraulique MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 25-Jun-21 13-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79531 410/IC/RIO/2021 Recrutement d'un Consultant individuel national pour établir un système d'information sur la gestion environnementale spécialiste en SI MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 28-Jun-21 13-Jun-21 HOUSING HOUSING 79529 427/RFQ/PDSPE/2021 FOURNITURE ET LIVRAISON DE COMPOSTEURS ET DES BACS DE TRIAGE DE DECHETS MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Jun-21 13-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79530 Prolongation: RFP-003-2021-Bureau International pour l'actualisation de la stratégie nationale de lutte contre la corruption en Mauritanie Mauritania CO MAURITANIA RFP - Request for proposal 17-Jun-21 13-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79528 438/RFP/PNA/2021 RECRUTEMENT D'UN CABINET INTERNATIONAL OU NATIONAL POUR L'ELABORATION DE LA STRATEGIE A LONG TERME DE DEVELOPPEMENT A FAIBLE EMISSION DE CARBONE MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFP - Request for proposal 25-Jun-21 13-Jun-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 79490 429/RFQ/PDSPE/2021 Achat et livraison de matériels et outillages agricoles répartis en Trois lots : Lot 1 : Achat et livraison de matériels et outillages agricoles à livrer dans la Commune de Milenaka Lot 2 : Achat et livraison de matériels et outillages MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Jun-21 13-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79526 CLOSED EARLY
RFQ-219-21- Consulting services to validate Mosul Medical Fluids Factory machinery Iraq Country Office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Jun-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 13-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79525 Rehabilitation of National Security in Mahallabiya UNDP iraq office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 30-Jun-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 13-Jun-21 FISHERIES FISHERIES 79524 Fishing net to Aden and Hadhramout Yemen UNDP Aden sub-office YEMEN RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Jun-21 @ 11:55 AM (New York time) 12-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79523 FOURNITURE ET LIVRAISON DE SECHOIRS SOLAIRES, DES EQUIPEMENTS DE LA CASE DE LA PAIX ET DES EQUIPEMENTS DE SECRITE RBA CHAD RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Jun-21 12-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79522 INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANT, EDITING AND DESIGNING UNDP LIBERIA 2020 ANNUAL REPORT UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 18-Jun-21 12-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79521 437/RFQ/CAPMADA/2021 TRAVAUX DE CONSTRUCTION D'UN CENTRE DE TRAITEMENT DE COVID-19 ET REHABILITATION DES INSTALLATIONS SANITAIRES DANS LA MAISON CENTRALE D'AMBATAVOAHANGY - TOAMASINA MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Jun-21 12-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79520 IC 21 145354 especialista tecnico en proyectos UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 30-Jun-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 11-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79519 Administrative Associate RBA/HQ New York UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 18-Jun-21 11-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79518 RFP Provision of Physical Security Services for th UNDP Kosovo Kosovo, UNSCR 1244 (1999) RFP - Request for proposal 02-Jul-21 @ 11:30 AM (New York time) 11-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79517 RECRUTEMENT D'UN.E CONSULTANT.E NATIONAL.E POUR L'EVALUATION FINALE DU PROJET DE RENFORCEMENT DES CAPACITES DE PREVENTION DES CATASTROPHES POUR L'AMELIORATION DE LA PROTECTION CIVILE EN COTE D'IVOIRE (PRCA-PC) UNDP ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE IC - Individual contractor 30-Jun-21 11-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79516 LBN-CO-CFP-142-21Provide Support to Local MSME UNDP Country office LEBANON CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 02-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 11-Jun-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 79515 CONSULTORIA FABRICA DE SOFTWARE Asunción PARAGUAY RFP - Request for proposal 25-Jun-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 11-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79514 SDP-022-2021 Servicios de consultoría para la elaboración de un análisis de alcance para el mapeo de recursos financieros y no financieros para el cumplimiento de los ODS en México UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO RFP - Request for proposal 25-Jun-21 11-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79512 BBRSO142616: Assessment of the technical and operational capacity of the women's movement and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in Grenada UNDP Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean - Grenada BARBADOS IC - Individual contractor 25-Jun-21 11-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79513 PCI-044-2021 Definición de la estructura organizacional del área de Impulso Económico Global UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 14-Jul-21 11-Jun-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 79511 Assessment of the registry software for persons with disabilities and explosive ordnance survivors (B-210602) UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 23-Jun-21 11-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79510 RFQ 2021-38 : Réalisation des travaux pour le réaménagement du port El Ksiba à Ben Guerdane UNDP Tunisia TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Jul-21 @ 09:00 PM (New York time) 11-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79509 IC 2021-54 NATIONAL EXPERT INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS UNDP Kyrgyzstan KYRGYZSTAN IC - Individual contractor 01-Jul-21 @ 01:00 AM (New York time) 11-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79508 IC 2021-53 NATIONAL EXPERT AGRICULTURAL SECTOR UNDP Kyrgyzstan KYRGYZSTAN IC - Individual contractor 01-Jul-21 @ 01:00 AM (New York time) 11-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79507 IC 2021-48 NATIONAL EXPERT MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY UNDP Kyrgyzstan KYRGYZSTAN IC - Individual contractor 01-Jul-21 @ 01:00 AM (New York time) 11-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79506 IC 2021-47 NATIONAL EXPERT AGRICULTURAL SECTOR UNDP Kyrgyzstan KYRGYZSTAN IC - Individual contractor 01-Jul-21 @ 01:00 AM (New York time) 11-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79505 IC NOTICE N°024/2021/PNUD-BFA Recrutement d'un (e) Consultant(e) pour l'élaboration de la cartographie du Sahel Country Office BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 18-Jun-21 11-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79504 IC NOTICE N°023/2021/PNUD-BFA Recrutement d'un (e) Consultant(e) modérateur pour l'atelier thématique sur la formation pour le compte du projet PAPE au Burkina Faso Country Office BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 18-Jun-21 11-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79503 PN (N-210602) – 01 National Senior Consultant on Climate Change Policy - Team Leader UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 20-Jun-21 11-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79502 IC NOTICE N°022/2021/PNUD-BFA Recrutement d'un (e) Consultant(e) modérateur pour l'atelier thématique sur la communication pour le compte du projet pape au Burkina Faso Country Office BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 18-Jun-21 11-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79500 RFQ 700 Procurement of Plasma Ashing Device for the NFC GSR Laboratory UNDP CO Serbia SERBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Jul-21 11-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79501 RFP 004-2021 : L'ORGANISATION DE NEUF (9) SESSIONS DE FORMATION AU PROFIT DES CADRES DU MINISTERE DES FINANCES ET DES SECTEURS PRODUCTIFS ET SOCIAUX Mauritania CO MAURITANIA RFP - Request for proposal 05-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 11-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79499 RFP-HACT FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT UNDP Country Office MYANMAR RFP - Request for proposal 25-Jun-21 @ 11:30 AM (New York time) 11-Jun-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 79497 RFP 064/21 Development of online platform for enhancing monitoring and evaluation mechanisms of Justice and Anti-Corruption strategic documents and promoting public awareness UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFP - Request for proposal 25-Jun-21 11-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79498 RECRUTEMENT DU CABINET INTERNATIONAL POUR RÉALISER LES EVALUATIONS DES PROJETS UNDP CO-BURUNDI BURUNDI RFP - Request for proposal 30-Jun-21 11-Jun-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 79213 RFQ-UNDP-HEART-132180-012-2021 - IT Company to improve the use of SISMAL as a malaria program information system application and improve data analysis functions Indonesia INDONESIA RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Jun-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 11-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79495 National Consultant – Virtual Platform for Policy Innovation Conceptualization and Design (Re-advertisement) UNDP Country Office THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 16-Jul-21 11-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79496 BIH/RFQ-088-21 Public Calls Application and Evaluation System UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Jun-21 11-Jun-21 HEALTH HEALTH 79493 RFQ/087/21 Supply, delivery and installation of disinfection supplies and equipment UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Jun-21 11-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79492 RFP to produce Documentary Film on Completion proj UNDP ETHIOPIA OFFICE ETHIOPIA RFP - Request for proposal 28-Jun-21 @ 07:43 AM (New York time) 11-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79491 RFQ: provision of GIS and IT expertise for the development of a GIS-based Socio-Economic Risk and Vulnerability Model UNDP Country Office GEORGIA RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Jul-21 11-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 78759 56-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-RPP: Procurement of culinary equipment for Sievierodonetsk Higher Professionsl School #92 and Lysychansk Trade and Culinary Lyceum of Luhansk Oblast (re-announcement) UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Jun-21 11-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79489 RFP/011/21 - Tender for development of the Electronic Apostille information system/Тендер по разработке информационной системы Электронного Апостиля UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 30-Jun-21 11-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79488 RFQ/042/21 - provision of Quality Management System (QMS) certification services for the Public Services Agency under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the compliance with the requirements of international standards ISO 9001:2015 UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Jun-21 10-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79486 Long Term Agreement for Provision for Event Services (National Company) UNDP Country Office MALAYSIA RFP - Request for proposal 25-Jun-21 10-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79487 LLA to engender their customary land Formalization guidelines and training materials UNDP ON BEHALF OF UN WOMEN LIBERIA LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 25-Jun-21 10-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79485 CLOSED EARLY
IC/00072164/064/2021 "Contratación de una persona experta internacional para la evaluación de medio período del Proyecto Adaptación Basada en Ecosistemas en el Corredor Boscoso Central de Tegucigalpa (PIM 5839)" Oficina de Pais HONDURAS IC - Individual contractor 21-Jun-21 10-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79484 18718-2021 – Servicios de Limpieza, Edificio 220 Regional Centre PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Jun-21 10-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79483 PNUD-IC-334-2021 Asist GR Huanuco tema ambiental UNDP Country Office - Peru - Peru PERU IC - Individual contractor 24-Jun-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 10-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79482 PCI-043-2021 Especialista en atención a casos de discriminación, acoso laboral y sexual en el espacio de trabajo, desde el enfoque de derechos humanos y perspectiva de género. UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 09-Jul-21 10-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79481 PNUD-IC-311-2021 Espec. proy. gestion rec hidricos UNDP Country Office - Peru - Peru PERU IC - Individual contractor 24-Jun-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 10-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79480 SDP-021-2021 Creación y fortalecimiento de la imagen comercial a emprendimientos, microempresas y/u Organismos del Sector Social de la Economía (OSSE) UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO RFP - Request for proposal 30-Jun-21 10-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79479 ENGAGEMENT OF CONSULTANTS THROUGH RLA TO FACILITATE THE FORUM FOR THE ELABORATION OF MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION BUDGETS Angola ANGOLA IC - Individual contractor 20-Jun-21 10-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79478 HIRING OF CONSULTANT ON HUMAN DEVELOPMENT CAPITAL Angola ANGOLA IC - Individual contractor 22-Jun-21 10-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79477 Sélection de deux (2) cabinets/firmes/ chargé(e)s de réaliser les études de faisabilité programmatiques, topographiques et géotechniques en deux(2) lots, en vue de conduire les travaux de construction et de réhabilitation des infrastructures judiciaires e UNDP Country Office CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 24-Jun-21 10-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79472 UNDP-OHR-RFP-2021-004-CandidateAssessment-2 UNDP HQ/OHR UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RFP - Request for proposal 24-Jun-21 @ 01:00 PM (New York time) 10-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79475 Re ad-MRT 9318 -SCAPP II Mauritania CO MAURITANIA RFP - Request for proposal 20-Jun-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 10-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79442 IC 145056 HFC Licencing and Quota Framework Consultant UNDP Country Office JAMAICA IC - Individual contractor 24-Jun-21 10-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79473 Provision of Janitorial Services Country Office GUYANA RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Jul-21 10-Jun-21 HEALTH HEALTH 79474 BIH-ITB-023-21 Portable Ultrasound Machines UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA ITB - Invitation to bid 28-Jun-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 10-Jun-21 INDUSTRY INDUSTRY 79471 Procurement of Gas Analyzer UNDP-Iran IRAN RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Jun-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 10-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79470 132-2021-ITB-UNDP-SDRR - Procurement and delivery of search and rescue equipment UNDP Country office TAJIKISTAN ITB - Invitation to bid 05-Jul-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 10-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79469 Rehabilitation of Mafraq Police Station in Hatrah UNDP iraq office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 01-Jul-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 10-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79468 Приглашение к подаче грантовых заявок по "Поддержке правовой осведомленности и продвижении более сильной культуры верховенства права" Киргизия KYRGYZSTAN Other 21-Jun-21 10-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79467 Proceso No. COL-0000139172 - Construcción y adecuación de obras civiles para las instalaciones del cultivo experimental de coca, en la escuela Internacional del Uso de la Fuerza Policial para la paz CENOP, San Luis, Tolima. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA ITB - Invitation to bid 19-Aug-21 @ 11:59 AM (New York time) 10-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79466 Mid term Review for the Mainstreaming biodiversity into tourism. UNDP Country Office EGYPT IC - Individual contractor 20-Jun-21 10-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79465 RECRUTEMENT D'UN.E CONSULTANT.E NATIONAL.E POUR LA CONDUITE D'UNE ETUDE DE FAISABILITE SUR LA MISE EN PLACE D'UN SYSTEME NATIONAL DE MESURE, DE NOTIFICATION ET DE VERIFICATION (MRV) POUR L' ADAPTATION AUX CHANGEMENTS CLIMATIQUES UNDP ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE IC - Individual contractor 18-Jun-21 10-Jun-21 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS 79222 Recrutement d'une Agence de communication UNDP office CHAD RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Jun-21 10-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79463 ITB-224-21 Rubble Removal Project in Bashiqa Sub District-Ninawa Government,Iraq RBAS IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 04-Jul-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 10-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79461 National Resources Person for training of Gambia Police and Drug Law Enforcement Agency Prosecutors Gambia GAMBIA IC - Individual contractor 18-Jun-21 10-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79464 RFP 2021-50 Development of modules Киргизия KYRGYZSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 01-Jul-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 10-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79462 INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANT TO DEVELOP A COMMUNICATIONS STRATEGY AND IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR THE MINISTRY OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT BOTSWANA BOTSWANA IC - Individual contractor 24-Jun-21 10-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79460 RFP15/2021/Recrutement d'un cabinet pour l'accompagnement de trois équipes gagnantes d'un hackathon sur le e-health TUNISIA TUNISIA RFP - Request for proposal 15-Jul-21 10-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79459 Procurement of Water tank on truck chassis (for Establishment of 1+4 Years Lon Term Arrangement) UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND (UNICEF) UKRAINE ITB - Invitation to bid 29-Jun-21 10-Jun-21 HEALTH HEALTH 79458 Supplying LOT-1: 66,600 pcs Re-usable and washable Fabric Mask (KN95 Shape) and LOT-2: 66,600 pcs. Antiseptic Soap (100 gm) to the 09 Districts and Dhaka. Dhaka BANGLADESH RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Jun-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 10-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79457 RFQ-TKM-011-2021: Maintenance of chillers UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Jun-21 10-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79456 IC Ref.2021-077 National Business Development Expert/ Национальный эксперт по развитию бизнеса UNPD Country Office - KAZAKHSTAN KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 24-Jun-21 10-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79455 Support Resource Mobilization for NDC implementation UNDP Country Office RWANDA RFP - Request for proposal 23-Jun-21 @ 05:59 PM (New York time) 10-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79451 Re-Invitation of RFQ for Poly Houses for VCDP UNDP Country Office for VCDP NEPAL RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Jun-21 @ 07:15 AM (New York time) 10-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79448 Technical Consultant in Justice Sector Strategic Planning and Implementation UNDP Pacific Office SOLOMON ISLANDS IC - Individual contractor 25-Jun-21 10-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79445 SDP-2021-018 Hoja de Ruta para el fortalecimiento del módulo de finanzas climáticas-SINAMECC UNDP COSTA RICA COSTA RICA RFP - Request for proposal 27-Jun-21 09-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79406 Junior Consultant UNDP- Thailand Country Office THAILAND RFP - Request for proposal 23-Jun-21 09-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79447 National Consultant for Organization and Management (O&M) Study and Organizational Capacity Assessment (OCA) of Town Development Fund UNCDF NEPAL IC - Individual contractor 20-Jun-21 09-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79446 National Consultant for Human Resources (HR) Support Services on Long-Term Agreement Nepal NEPAL IC - Individual contractor 20-Jun-21 09-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79444 Full-Stack Web Developer for Database Programming and Web Development of a Functional Prototype of an Integrated Web-Based Monitoring and Evaluation Dashboard in support of the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan- For Philippine Nationals Manila, Philippines PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 24-Jun-21 09-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79443 RFP-UNDP-ACCESS-023-116781-2021 Engineering Design, Procurement, and Construction for Centralized Off-Grid Solar PV Power Generation System in 23 Villages in Indonesia UNDP Country Office INDONESIA RFP - Request for proposal 29-Jul-21 @ 11:59 AM (New York time) 09-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79441 SOLICITUD DE COTIZACION (SdC) COL 0000145063 - Adquisición de equipos fotográficos para el Grupo de Apoyo Técnico Forense de la Unidad de Investigación y Acusación, Jurisdicción Especial para la Paz (JEP) UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Jun-21 09-Jun-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 79440 SdC ADQ 21 144161 adquisicion tanqueros para leche UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Jul-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 09-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79439 Proceso No. COL-0000144602 - Prestar Apoyo Operativo y Administrativo para el proyecto GEF GOLD COLOMBIA: Gestión integrada para la eliminación del mercurio en el sector ASGM de Colombia UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 23-Jun-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 09-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79438 BBRSO133558:Consultant - Data Sharing Agreement Legal Specialist UNDP Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean GRENADA RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Jun-21 09-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79436 BBRSO133561:Consultant – Information Management Specialist UNDP BARBADOS AND THE EASTERN CARIBBEAN GRENADA RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Jun-21 09-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79423 CI/CRI/2021/No.00106945/No.142104/Profesional para diseñar e implementar un programa de capacitación dirigido al sector financiero UNDP COSTA RICA COSTA RICA IC - Individual contractor 23-Jun-21 09-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79435 IC-042/21: Migration Gap Assessment based on the National Context Towards the 2030 Agenda and SDGs in Iraq Country Office IRAQ IC - Individual contractor 24-Jun-21 09-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79434 Designing and construction of a Park Facility Promoting Good Health and Well-Being UNDP Gambia GAMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Jun-21 09-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79433 MNG/IC/2021/080 - National Individual Contractor - Public Finance Expert to conduct expenditure review of road and transport sector UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 23-Jun-21 09-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79430 CONSULTOR/A NACIONAL PARA DESARROLLAR UNA ESTRATEGIA EFICIENTE PARA LA PROMOCION Y LA PARTICIPACION DE LOS SOCIOS EN APOYO DE INICIATIVAS PARA PROMOVER EL CAPITAL NATURAL (ECONOMIA AZUL Y EMPLEOS VERDES). (Republicacion) EG UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE EQUATORIAL GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 30-Sep-21 09-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79432 National Senior Consultant on Climate Change Policy (Ref.P210606) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 13-Jun-21 09-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79431 National Consultant on Climate Change Mitigation (Ref.P210605) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 17-Jun-21 09-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79429 Proceso No. COL-0000141366 - Formador especializado en derecho administrativo y asuntos ambientales para el desarrollo de contenidos del curso e-learning. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 23-Jun-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 09-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79427 18704-2021 RFP to Conduct a Qualitative Study on Family Violence and LGBT Youths in Selected Caribbean Countries. Regional Centre PANAMA RFP - Request for proposal 30-Jun-21 09-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79389 CHL/IC/085/2021 "Consultor(a) para Diseño e implementación de una estrategia regional de trabajo en redes de educadores tradicionales y profesores EIB para elaborar recursos didácticos complementarios en EIB, pueblos Colla, Diaguita y Lickanantay" UNDP Country Office CHILE IC - Individual contractor 30-Jun-21 09-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79426 Consultor Individual p/ Elaboração do Plano de formação, capacidades e conhecimentos na área de mudanças climáticas UNDP Sao Tomé and Principe SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE IC - Individual contractor 28-Jun-21 09-Jun-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 79425 Proceso No. COL 00000144152 Compra de materiales y herramientas para la implementación y mantenimiento de agroecosistemas UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA ITB - Invitation to bid 14-Jul-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 09-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79424 Recrutement d'un (e) Consultant (e) d'expertise internationale chargé (e) d'élaborer une stratégie intégrée de digitalisation de la chaîne pénale. UNDP-KINSHASA, DR CONGO CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 16-Jun-21 09-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79422 RFP- new Marine Protected Areas at Timor Leste UNDP Country Office Timor Leste TIMOR LESTE RFP - Request for proposal 09-Jul-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 09-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79421 International Senior Consultant on Climate Change Policy UNDP Country Office VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 15-Jun-21 09-Jun-21 HEALTH HEALTH 79420 RFQ/086/21 Supply and delivery of Microtube vortex and Micro spin centrifuge UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Jun-21 09-Jun-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 79419 RE-ANNOUNCEMENT: RFQ-TKM-007-2021: Procurement of Sowing Equipment UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Jun-21 09-Jun-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 79417 RFP 068/21 Development and implementation of the web-portal for National Assembly of Armenia UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFP - Request for proposal 23-Jun-21 09-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79416 RFQ 45-2021 for procurement of Equipment for Bio-hacking LAB UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Jun-21 09-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79414 RFQ44-2021 for Preparation of Technical documentation for construction of regional stray dogs shelter in Polog Region UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Jun-21 09-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79415 Supply and Installation of Water Complex in 1) Um Al -Karami village and 2) Al-Talaa Village, Al-Adhaim – Diyala Governorate, Iraq UNDP IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 30-Jun-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 09-Jun-21 POLLUTION POLLUTION 79412 RFQ 42-2021 Waste audit for creation of a database of bio-waste in Skopje UUNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Jun-21 09-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79413 UNDP-IC-2021-205 National Evaluation Expert RCO UNDP CO Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 23-Jun-21 09-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79411 BIH/RFQ-085-21 Delivery of STEM and IT equipment to two schools UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Jun-21 09-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79410 Engineering Consulting Firm for the Implementation of the Community Leisure and Recreational Park Facility Project UNDP Gambia GAMBIA Other 24-Jun-21 09-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79408 Provision of Participatory research focused on listening to multiple perspectives UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFP - Request for proposal 25-Jun-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 09-Jun-21 AGRICULTURE  SEEDLING AGRICULTURE SEEDLING 79409 ITB FOR PROCUREMENT OF SEED INPUTS FOR DEMONSTRATIONS FOR 2021/2022 FARMING SEASON Undp Country Office ZAMBIA ITB - Invitation to bid 28-Jun-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 09-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79407 RFP-BD-2021-013: Hiring a Firm for Enhancement, new Development and maintenance of COVID– 19 National Dashboard for Bangladesh-a2i UNDP Country Office BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 04-Jul-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 09-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79405 RECRUTEMENT D'UN PRESTATAIRE POUR POUR UNE PRODUCTION AUDIOVISUELLE DANS LE CADRE DE LA PARTICIPATION DU NIGER AU FORUM POLITIQUE DE HAUT NIVEAU SUR LES OBJECTIFS DE DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE (ODD) Bureay Pays PNUD Niger NIGER RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Jun-21 09-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79404 RFQ2293 Certification of the Information Security Management System in accordance with ISO/IEC 27001:2013 at the National Anticorruption Centre of the Republic of Moldova. UNDP Country Office MOLDOVA RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Jul-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 09-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79402 Design of Identified Sustainable Finance Solution UNDP PNG Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA RFP - Request for proposal 07-Jul-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 09-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79403 National Consultant for Assessment of Vulnerable Piers and Maritime Assets used by Maritime Law Enforcement Agencies in Southern Philippines Philippines PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 23-Jun-21 09-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79401 Junior M&E facilitator (Ref. P210604) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 17-Jun-21 09-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79399 RFP-Assessment of National Capacity in MHEWS UNDP Country Office GEORGIA RFP - Request for proposal 23-Jul-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 09-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79400 National Consultant on Web Development (Ref. P210603) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 17-Jun-21 09-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79398 PLAZO EXTENDIDO: CI-039-2021 "Consultoría para el estudio de impacto de la Industria Gastronómica de la economía de la República Dominicana con enfoque especial en las Micro, Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas (MIPYMES)" UNDP DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 30-Jun-21 08-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79397 RFQ TRAVAUX PARKING PNUD TOGO TOGO RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Jun-21 08-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79395 Plazo Extendido: CI-033-2021 Consultoría para el fortalecimiento del control interno y el proceso de gestión de cobros del INVI UNDP DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 15-Jun-21 08-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79396 SDC/00124696/053/2021 Adquisicion de Amonio Cuaternario, Pediluvios y Rociadores para uso en la Secretaria de Trabajo y Seguridad Social Oficina de Pais HONDURAS RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Jun-21 08-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79394 SDC/00124696/052/2021 Adquisición de Gel Antibacterial para uso de la Secretaria de Trabajo y Seguridad Social Oficina de Pais HONDURAS RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Jun-21 08-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79393 SDC-27-2021 "SUMINISTRO E INSTALACION DE ALFOMBRAS PARA EL PRIMER PISO DE LA SEDE DEL TRIBUNAL CONSTITUCIONAL UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Jun-21 08-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79392 SdC ADQ 21 143659 servicio hospedaje en Lago Agrio UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Jul-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 08-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79390 Consultant to Develop Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) – MCO Review Barbados BARBADOS IC - Individual contractor 28-Jun-21 08-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79391 IC 21 143499 formacion gestores forestales UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 24-Jun-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 08-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79388 CHL/IC/084/2021 "Consultor(a) para Diseño e implementación de una estrategia regional de trabajo en redes de educadores tradicionales y profesores EIB para elaborar recursos didácticos complementarios en EIB, Pueblos Aymara y Quechua" UNDP Country Office CHILE IC - Individual contractor 30-Jun-21 08-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79387 CLOSED EARLY
CHL/IC/083/2021 UNDP Country Office CHILE IC - Individual contractor 15-Jun-21 08-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79386 Civil Work for Construction of Second Floor on RCO UNDP Yemen YEMEN ITB - Invitation to bid 30-Jun-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 08-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79385 UNDP-IC-2021-204 - Renewable Energy and Efficient Energy Technology Project Financing Expert Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 22-Jun-21 08-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79383 CLOSED EARLY
3797 PAN 2021 la contratación de Un (1) Consultor/a para la Asistencia Técnica para Cambio de Año Base o de Referencia de las Cuentas Nacionales en Panamá en el Marco del SCN-2008 PANAMA PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 22-Jun-21 08-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79384 UNDP-IC-2021-203 - Woody Biomass Energy Resources and Technology Applications Expert Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 22-Jun-21 08-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79382 UNDP-IC-2021-202 - Renewable Energy Policy and Regulation Development Expert (Project Development Coordinator-PDC) Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 22-Jun-21 08-Jun-21 POWER POWER 79380 EVALUACIÓN DE RECURSOS HÍDRICOS EN MIDJOB AMVOM, ANÁLISIS DE DISEÑO DE VIABILIDAD, IMPACTO SOCIOAMBIENTAL Y DISEÑO E.G. UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE EQUATORIAL GUINEA RFP - Request for proposal 23-Jun-21 08-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79381 UNDP-IC-2021-201 - Gender and Social & Environment Impact Assessment Expert Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 22-Jun-21 08-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79379 UNDP-IC-2021-200- Power Mini/Microgrids Expert Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 22-Jun-21 08-Jun-21 POWER POWER 79378 EVALUACIÓN DE RECURSOS EÓLICOS; CORISCO; ANNOBÓN Y BIOKO. ANÁLISIS DE DISEÑO DE VIABILIDAD, IMPACTO SOCIOAMBIENTAL Y DISEÑO E.G. UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE EQUATORIAL GUINEA RFP - Request for proposal 23-Jun-21 08-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79350 PRC/ZWE/RFQ/0016/08/06/2021 Request for Quotation for the Management of the Youth Connekt website and social media platforms UNDP Zimbabwe ZIMBABWE RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Jun-21 08-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79375 Provision of Perception Survey for IEC and ECC UNDP CO AFGHANISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 28-Jun-21 @ 07:30 AM (New York time) 08-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79377 ITB-UNDP-UNCITY CPH-2021-CHANGING ROOMS REFURBISHM UNDP Common Services DENMARK ITB - Invitation to bid 06-Jul-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 08-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79376 Consultant to conduct evaluation of project on Realization of a Just and Inclusive Society Angola ANGOLA IC - Individual contractor 22-Jun-21 08-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79372 RFQ/PNUD/STAB/18/2021/ACQUISITION OUTILS DE COMMUNICATION UNDP NIGER RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Jun-21 08-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79374 Contrato Individual (CI) 130652-2455/21 "Servicio de Consultoría para Desarrollo de un sistema informático integrado de gestión de expedientes de las garantías constitucionales y sistema informático de gestión estadística en la Corte de Constitucionalidad PNUD GUATEMALA GUATEMALA RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Jun-21 08-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79373 RECRUTEMENT D'UN(E) CONSULTANT(E) NATIONAL(E) POUR LA CRÉATION D'UNE APPLICATION DIGITALE POUR L'ANALYSE ÉMOTIONNELLE DES MÉDIAS ET RÉSEAUXSOCIAUX-OUTIL DE « SENSE MAKING » ET D'INTELLIGENCE COLLECTIVE UNDP ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE IC - Individual contractor 22-Jun-21 08-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79370 UNDP-IC-2021-199 - National Consultant: Energy Efficiency Technology Applications/GHG Emission Reduction Monitoring Expert Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 22-Jun-21 08-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79369 Completion of Study on Women Entrepreneurship in Serbia UNDP on behalf of the UN Women Office in Serbia SERBIA RFP - Request for proposal 28-Jun-21 08-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79368 BIH/RFQ-084-21 Via Dinarica Civil works on three tourism infrastructure facilities in three Municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Jun-21 08-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79367 Develop.of a Tourism Bootcamp and Accelerator Prog Albania ALBANIA RFP - Request for proposal 21-Jun-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 08-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79366 RFQ - Q 034/21 Provision of Conference/Workshop services UNDP Country Office SOUTH SUDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Jun-21 08-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79365 RFP-018-21-R - CONTAINER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFP - Request for proposal 15-Jun-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 08-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79364 RECRUTEMENT STRUCTURE EN VUE DE DEVELOPPER UNE APPLICATION MOBILE POUR EDUCATION FINANCIERE Cameroun CAMEROON RFP - Request for proposal 06-Jul-21 @ 01:00 AM (New York time) 08-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79363 CLOSED EARLY
Senior Civil Society Empowerment Specialist Country Office IRAQ IC - Individual contractor 20-Jun-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 08-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79360 RE-ADVERTISEMENT FOR INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANT (PREPARATION OF A PROGRAM DOCUMENT FOR INVESTMENT AND SUSTAINABLE CITIES PROGRAM UNDP TANZANIA IC - Individual contractor 21-Jun-21 08-Jun-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 79361 02 UPS and 02 Air-Conditioners with installation service (B-210601) UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Jun-21 08-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79359 Development of Digital media content for the Gambia Federation for the Disabled Gambia GAMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 22-Jun-21 08-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79225 RFQ.12.2021.PNUD.COM - Acquisition de pompes hydromécaniques MORONI COMOROS RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Jun-21 08-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79358 Réalisation d'une vidéo de capitalisation sur les activités relatives aux centres d'intérêts des jeunes Morocco MOROCCO RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Jun-21 08-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79357 SMM-підтримка сторінок кампанії «Розірви коло» та проєкту «(Не) дрібниці у стосунках», діджитал-просування відео UNFPA UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Jun-21 08-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79356 Розробка концепції комунікаційної кампанії щодо подолання професійних стереотипів серед української молоді UNFPA UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Jul-21 08-Jun-21 HEALTH HEALTH 79355 RFQ Supply and delivery of Hand Sanitizer to MoPH UNDP Country Office Afghanistan AFGHANISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Jun-21 @ 01:30 PM (New York time) 08-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79353 Provision of Development of Mentoring Guidelines and Expansion of Mentoring Services for Youth Entrepreneurs UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFP - Request for proposal 05-Jul-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 08-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79354 International Expert on PAPI Research Quality Cont UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 22-Jun-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 08-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79347 RENOVATION WORKS IN 4 POLICE DISTRICTS Afghanistan AFGHANISTAN ITB - Invitation to bid 04-Jul-21 @ 07:30 AM (New York time) 08-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79352 Supply of 3 Three-Wheeler Tuk Tuk, Bajaj Maxima Z UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Jun-21 08-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79351 RFQ 054 IND 2021 Electrical works UNDP Country Office INDIA RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Jun-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 08-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79349 National Consultant: Feature Writer (For Philippine Nationals only) Philippines PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 18-Jun-21 08-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79348 BIH/RFQ-083-21 EXTENDED Supply and delivery of On-line training programme development, piloting and integration UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Jun-21 08-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79346 T210602 - 02 National Consultants on Adaptation Monitoring for UNDP UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 20-Jun-21 08-Jun-21 MINES MINES 79344 RFP- To Conduct on-Site Training KAMPALA UGANDA RFP - Request for proposal 02-Jul-21 08-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79345 BUH/RFQ-082-21 Supervision over rehabilitation facade works of Town hall in Odzak UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Jun-21 08-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79343 ETH2186RE-Team Leader for Western Amhara Region - Senior National Consultant for Integrated forest management plan preparation for Enclosures in ANR sites of 63 project intervention districts of Ethiopia Team Leader and forest management expert UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 28-Jun-21 @ 03:59 PM (New York time) 08-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79342 RFP-BD-2021-017: Hiring firm for Development of Chandpur Municipal Waste to Energy Project Proposal For Local Government Division And Bangladesh Power Development Board-UNCDF. UNDP on behalf of UNCDF Bangladesh BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 29-Jun-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 07-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79341 T210603 – A National Consultants to provide support for human rights and gender related projects of UNDP Viet Nam's Governance and Participation Unit UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 15-Jun-21 07-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79340 National Short-Term Expert on Regional Coordination UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 21-Jun-21 07-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79339 SDP-16-2021: "Evaluación de impacto del Sector de Zonas Francas en la Economía Dominicana" UNDP Country Office DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 21-Jun-21 07-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79338 PROCESO COL 0000144708 CONTRATO INDIVIDAL - Implementación del componente legal y de tierras en los estudios de prefactibilidad y diseño urbanístico para proyectos de vivienda en los antiguos espacios territoriales de capacitación y reincorporación ETCR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 16-Jun-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 07-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79337 Rapid Needs Assessment For Digital And Future Skills For Decent Jobs For Youth In Or Tambo District Municipality, Eastern Cape South Africa SOUTH AFRICA RFP - Request for proposal 15-Jun-21 07-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79336 RFP_LVS_05_2021_REBIDDING: ELABORAÇÃO DA ESTRATÉGIA E DO PLANO DE RESPOSTA DE HIV E SIDA E DIREITOS HUMANOS DO MINISTÉRIO DA JUSTIÇA, ASSUNTOS CONSTITUCIONAIS E RELIGIOSOS 2021- 2026 UNDP Country Office MOZAMBIQUE RFP - Request for proposal 05-Jul-21 07-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79334 CLOSED EARLY
SDC-28-2021 " Adquisición cámara y accesorios para el ADN" UNDP Country Office DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Jun-21 07-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79335 ANALYTICAL RESEARCH IN WEST AFRICA REGIONAL SERVICE CENTRE KENYA RFP - Request for proposal 02-Jul-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 07-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79333 ANALYTICAL RESEARCH IN EAST AFRICA REGIONAL SERVICE CENTRE KENYA RFP - Request for proposal 02-Jul-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 07-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79332 Media services company to produce and disseminate TV/Radio spots on the Role of the NHRC UNDP Country Office MOZAMBIQUE RFP - Request for proposal 18-Jun-21 07-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79331 UNDP/RFQ/2021/043 ACQUISITION D'UN SERVEUR D'HERGEMENT + NOM DE DOMAINE CÔTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Jun-21 07-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79330 RFQ 2021-46 : Recrutement d'une agence de communication pour la réalisation d'un manuel graphique ainsi que d'une campagne de sensibilisation pour le grand public sur la préservation et la sécurité autour d'une scène de crime UNDP Country Office TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Jul-21 07-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79329 IC for Capacity Building of Civil Society Organizations on Social Accountability, strategic communication, participatory monitoring, and evaluation. Gambia GAMBIA IC - Individual contractor 18-Jun-21 07-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79328 RFP JOF 2799 Marketplace Watershed Revitalization Brazil BRAZIL RFP - Request for proposal 23-Aug-21 @ 01:00 PM (New York time) 07-Jun-21 HEALTH HEALTH 79327 Procurement of Plastic Medical Waste Disposal Bags UNDP Country Office TURKEY ITB - Invitation to bid 17-Jun-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 07-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79326 RFP/12/2021:RECRUTEMENT D'UN BUREAU D'ÉTUDES POUR LA RÉALISATION D'UNE ETUDE D'IMPACT DE LA COVID-19 SUR LES TRANSFERTS DE FONDS EN TUNISIE TUNISIA TUNISIA RFP - Request for proposal 08-Jul-21 07-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79325 LBN-CO-RFQ-139-21Medical Waste Treat Facil-Abbasie UNDP Country office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Jun-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 07-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79324 RFQ Obra de Construcao do Centro de Arbitrage UNDP Sao Tomé and Principe SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Jun-21 @ 12:02 AM (New York time) 07-Jun-21 LARGE-SCALE  WATER SUPPLY/SEWERAGE LARGE-SCALE WATER SUPPLY/SEWERAGE 79321 PROCUREMENT OF A FIXED WING DRONE UNDP Country Office, RBA SWAZILAND RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Jun-21 07-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79236 Solicitud de Cotización (SDC) 115049-2444/21 "Evaluación Final Externa Independiente del Programa Maya Fase III" PNUD GUATEMALA GUATEMALA RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Jun-21 07-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79212 RFP 2021-09: L'APPUI AU SECTEUR PRIVE ET AUX INSTITUTIONS FINANCIERES POUR LA MISE EN ŒUVRE DE LA CONTRIBUTION DETERMINEE AU NIVEAU NATIONAL UNDP Tunisia TUNISIA RFP - Request for proposal 19-Jul-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 07-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79323 UNDP-IC-2021-198 International Consultant-Team Leader for Terminal Evaluation of Project Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 21-Jun-21 07-Jun-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 79322 Procurement of Remand Centre Renovation UNDP Maldives Country Office MALDIVES RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Jun-21 @ 06:05 AM (New York time) 07-Jun-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 79320 Procurement of Office Equipment for SMU UNDP Maldives Country Office MALDIVES RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Jun-21 @ 05:54 AM (New York time) 07-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79319 RFQ 43-2021 for Feasibility study of the transformational potential of specific bio-waste products UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Jun-21 07-Jun-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 79318 RFQ- 029 -21-SUPPLY AND INSTALL IP CCTV SYSTEMS Syria SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Jun-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 07-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79314 Consultancy to Elaborate key Documents to Strengthen the Climate Change Management Framework in Mozambique UNDP Country Office MOZAMBIQUE RFP - Request for proposal 18-Jun-21 07-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79316 UNDP-IC-2021-197- National Consultant for Terminal Evaluation of Project Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 21-Jun-21 07-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79313 UNDP Tender UNDP Country Office GEORGIA Other 16-Jun-21 07-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79309 Re-advertise of consultancy for Risk Protection UNDP Yemen Country Office YEMEN RFP - Request for proposal 19-Jun-21 @ 08:56 AM (New York time) 07-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79312 RFP for Renewable Energy Baseline Assessment UNDP Country Office BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 24-Jun-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 07-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79311 RFQ 41-2021 for the Update on the Hazards Assessment to the City of Skopje UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Jun-21 07-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79310 Entering into an LTA for the Provision of Capacity Country Office IRAQ RFP - Request for proposal 27-Jun-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 07-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79307 UNDP-IC-2021-196-Institutional Capacities Assessment Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 21-Jun-21 07-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79306 Acquisition et installation d'une solution de visioconférence pour les besoins de la salle de réunion de la UNHOUSE de Maroua Cameroon CAMEROON RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Jun-21 07-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79305 Re-Advertisement Rehabilitation and Furniture UNDP SERVICE CENTRE Erbil- Iraq IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 01-Jul-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 07-Jun-21 HOUSING HOUSING 79303 RfP for Daily Housekeeping and Gardening services UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 22-Jun-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 07-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79304 National expert to develop a 10-year plan for development of energy, resource-efficient and environment-friendly buildings for construction sector (Ref. P210602) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 11-Jun-21 07-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79302 UNDP-IC-2021-196-Institutional Capacities Assessment Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 12-Jul-21 07-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79301 Rehabilitation of 434 Housing Units in Islah Al Ziraae Neighborhood-Phase-II-& Re-Assessment-Al Rabeea Area-West Mosul, Ninawa Governorate – Iraq UNDP IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 29-Jun-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 07-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79300 UNDP-IC-2021-195-Senior Urban Development and Planning Specialist Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 21-Jun-21 07-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79298 Climate Change Communication - Consultant (IC) Fiji FIJI IC - Individual contractor 18-Jun-21 07-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79299 Hiring firm to Support the Roll-Out of S-F Program UNDP Bangladesh country office BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 22-Jun-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 07-Jun-21 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS 79297 ITB 10.CPS.2021Fourniture et installation d'équipement de sonorisation de la salle d'audience de la Cour Pénale Spéciale (CPS) e-tendering ID 0000009287 UNDP Country Office CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC ITB - Invitation to bid 29-Jun-21 07-Jun-21 AGRO-INDUSTRY AGRO-INDUSTRY 79296 RFQ-2021-033 Procurement of inter-row tine cultivator and rotary harrow / Закуп междурядного культиватора и ротационной бороны UNDP Country Office on behalf of FAO KAZAKHSTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Jun-21 07-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79295 RFP-Provision of Media Services UNDP- (AQJS) Project AFGHANISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 17-Jun-21 @ 07:30 AM (New York time) 07-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79294 RFP- Provision of Legislative Tracking System UNDP Co AFGHANISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 21-Jun-21 @ 07:30 AM (New York time) 07-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79293 408/RFP/PACARC/2021 Recrutement d'un organisme spécialisé en développement de la pêche maritime durable pour le renforcement des capacités techniques et socio-organisationnel des communautés pêcheurs structurées en associations et unions des associations MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFP - Request for proposal 18-Jun-21 06-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78393 325/IC/LLP/2021 Recrutement d'un(e) consultant(e) national(e) sur l'Évaluation et l'examen rapide des lois et des droits relatifs aux usagers des drogues à Madagascar (Consultation basée sur un examen documentaire et des discussions de groupe)pour le proj MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 10-Jun-21 06-Jun-21 IRRIGATION IRRIGATION 79043 386/RFP/PDSPE/2021 Recrutement d'un bureau d'étude pour la mise en place de points d'eau (puits/forage) à multi-usage dans les sites des écovillages de la région de l'Atsimo-Andrefana (Etude et travaux). MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFP - Request for proposal 18-Jun-21 06-Jun-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 79292 Supply of ICT Equipment for Pacific Island Countries UNDP Country Office FIJI RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Jun-21 @ 01:00 AM (New York time) 06-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79291 ITB-222-21 Supply materials and spare parts for the technical workshop of electricity directorate-Diyala Governorate,Iraq. RBAS IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 04-Jul-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 06-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79290 Rehabilitation of Al-Khafseh Health Center UNDP Office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Jun-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 06-Jun-21 ROADWAYS ROADWAYS 79289 Rehabilitation of Main Road Al Harwniya Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 27-Jun-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 06-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79288 STUDY OF YOUTH INTERVENTIONS IN DRR IN AFRICA (JUNIOR CONSULTANT) Resilience Hub KENYA IC - Individual contractor 28-Jun-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 05-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79287 STUDY OF YOUTH INTERVENTIONS IN DRR IN AFRICA (SENIOR CONSULTANT) Resilience Hub KENYA IC - Individual contractor 28-Jun-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 05-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79286 CONSULTANT FOR YOUTH FRIENDLY AFRICA DRR PoA Resilience Hub KENYA IC - Individual contractor 28-Jun-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 05-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79285 RFP-NCE-HQ-001-2021-Market Assessment Development UNDP Stateless RFP - Request for proposal 15-Jul-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 05-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79284 IC No. 00106130/1270 Asistencia técnica para propuesta de protocolo para remoción de tatuajes para adolescentes y adultos en proceso de reinserción social. UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 18-Jun-21 04-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79283 NATIONAL TRAINER TO IMPLEMENT GENDER-RESPONSIVE BUDGETING TRAININGS (Spotlight Initiative Project) UNDP Country Office SAMOA IC - Individual contractor 21-Jun-21 04-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79282 PROCESO COL 0000127246 Producción y emisión semanal, de programas de radio con una duración de 15 minutos en 7 emisoras de la Mojana por 12 meses que apoya el proceso de formación y asistencia técnica a las comunidades de la Mojana UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Jun-21 04-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79281 SOLICITUD DE COTIZACION COL 0000144593 - Compra de Máquinas y equipos de coser, accesorios y otros para taller de confecciones en el ETCR Llano Grande Comunitario Confecciones UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Jun-21 04-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79280 115-2021-RFP-UNDP-BCRAW extension UNDP Country Office TAJIKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 15-Jul-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 04-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79279 117-2021-ITB-UNDP-SDRR - Procurement and delivery of hydrology equipment UNDP Country Office TAJIKISTAN ITB - Invitation to bid 17-Jun-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 04-Jun-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 79278 Data Sharing Agreement Policy Specialist UNDP Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean – Grenada BARBADOS IC - Individual contractor 21-Jun-21 04-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79276 SDC-2021-007 Global benchmark review of all existing circular economy legislations around the world identifying specific articles that may be applicable to a new draft legislation bill considering the Costa Rican economic and legal context UNDP COSTA RICA COSTA RICA RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Jun-21 04-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79277 BBRSO133850 : Gender Specialist UNDP Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean - Grenada BARBADOS IC - Individual contractor 18-Jun-21 04-Jun-21 HEALTH HEALTH 79275 Request for Quotation (RFQ) For Supply and Delivery of Antigen Kit Country Office NEPAL RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Jun-21 04-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79231 IC 143636 Provision of technical support to the Jamaica Constabulary Force in the establishment of Early Warning Alert and Response System (EWARS) to detect, prevent and respond to violence; including violence against women & girls UNDP Country Office JAMAICA IC - Individual contractor 07-Jul-21 04-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79248 IC 143637 Provision of ICT support to expand Early Warning Alert and Response System (EWARS) tool to detect, prevent and respond to violence; including violence against women & girls UNDP Country Office JAMAICA IC - Individual contractor 07-Jul-21 04-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79274 RFP/008/21 (переобъявление) – Приглашение на тендер по подготовке методических пособий для Хокимиятов UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 16-Jun-21 04-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79273 IC-312-2021 Ev Req Tec form int adm MAPE Piura UNDP Country Office PERU IC - Individual contractor 28-Jun-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 04-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79272 ICPN/SLE/SLED/2021/005 ICPN for Procurement of National Consultant, National Expert in Waste Management and Recycling Techniques for UNDP Sierra Leone UNDP Country Office SIERRA LEONE IC - Individual contractor 14-Jun-21 04-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79271 UNDPIRH-CFP-202105 Polish Challenge Fund Istanbul Regional Center TURKEY Innovation Challenge 17-Jul-21 04-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79233 BBRSO133849: Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) Specialist UNDP Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean - Grenada BARBADOS IC - Individual contractor 18-Jun-21 04-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79270 CFP-BHR-2021-27 Putting Rights Holders at the Centre of the Business and Human Rights Agenda in Sri Lanka UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 02-Jul-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 04-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79269 Оновлення та оптимізація інтерфейсу та контенту сайту Розірви коло UNFPA UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Jun-21 04-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79268 IC-UNDP-21-029-Business Development Advisor UNDP Country Office, LIBYA IC - Individual contractor 14-Jun-21 04-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79267 Long Term Arrangement for: Consultancy services for feasibility study, design, supervision and quality control of the construction works UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND (UNICEF) UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 12-Jul-21 04-Jun-21 URBAN DEV'T. URBAN DEV'T. 79266 RfP21/02287: EU4MD Catalysing investment attractiveness UNDP Country Office MOLDOVA RFP - Request for proposal 14-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 04-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79264 Ref.2021-060 - Financial Support Mechanisms Review – National Consultant / Национальный консультант по обзору механизмов финансовой поддержки Kazakhstan KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 21-Jun-21 04-Jun-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 79263 ITB 01 - Supply and Delivery of vehicles for CMDP UNDP - CMDP NEPAL ITB - Invitation to bid 27-Jun-21 @ 01:41 AM (New York time) 04-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79262 BIH/RFQ-081-21 Communication support to the rollout of the platform and the implementation of Go Green initiative UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Jun-21 04-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79256 535-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-CO - Provision of Package Services including Cleaning, Building Maintenance, and Handling of Plants/Gardening to the United Nations Premises based in Kyiv, Ukraine UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 23-Jun-21 @ 04:59 AM (New York time) 04-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79261 Hiring of National Consultancy for the preparation of standard operating procedures (SOPs) for windstorms, hailstorms, thunderstorms and rainstorms early warning system Rwanda RWANDA RFP - Request for proposal 21-Jun-21 04-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79258 REHABILITATION HEALTH CENTER BWASSA AND BIMBIA Cameroun CAMEROON ITB - Invitation to bid 21-Jun-21 @ 10:07 AM (New York time) 04-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79260 International consultant for final project evaluation Istanbul Regional Center TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 23-Jun-21 04-Jun-21 URBAN DEV'T. URBAN DEV'T. 79259 RfP2289 Elaborate Local Strategic Plans UNDP Country Office MOLDOVA RFP - Request for proposal 13-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 04-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79257 ETH2331RE-National Firm Level Consultancy for Waste recycling and transformation solution fest. UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA RFP - Request for proposal 23-Jun-21 @ 03:59 PM (New York time) 04-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79254 IC/UNDP/BIOFIN/101/2021 - Expert for Feasibility and Option Implementation of Debt-for Nature Swap [Re-advertise] UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 27-Jun-21 04-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79255 INCLUSIVE CLIMATE BUNDGETING AND FINANCING FOR CLIMATE CHANGE AFRICA - Eswatini UNDP Country Office, RBA SWAZILAND RFP - Request for proposal 19-Jun-21 @ 12:56 AM (New York time) 04-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79253 Growing Network of Startup Mentors/Advisors (National or International Consultant residence in Cambodia) UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 17-Jun-21 04-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79252 IC/UNDP/BIOFIN/100/2021 - Biodiversity Budget and Expenditure Tracking Expert UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 27-Jun-21 04-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79134 507-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP: Development of the dashboard to highlight Security and Justice studies UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 18-Jun-21 04-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79251 RFP-2021-16 EPPIC Incubation Accelerator Program Thailand THAILAND RFP - Request for proposal 02-Jul-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 04-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79250 RFP-NCE-HQ-002-2021-Website and Data Platform UNDP Stateless RFP - Request for proposal 24-Jun-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 04-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79249 PROCESO COL 0000144436 CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL Diseño y avance en la ruta de gestión de un (1) Clúster del sector de Productos Naturales No Maderables en la región de la Amazonía Colombiana. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 01-Jul-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 03-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79247 PROCESO COL 0000144339 CONTRATO INDIVIDIAL Consultor Verificación de Requisitos - SGR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 17-Jun-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 03-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79246 PROCESO COL 0000144338 CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL Consultor Verificación de Requisitos - SGR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 17-Jun-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 03-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79245 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA (SdP) No. 00106130/5145 SERVICIOS DE CONCEPTUALIZACIÓN Y DISEÑO DE ESTRATEGIA DE INCIDENCIA EN FAVOR DE LA INSERCIÓN SOCIAL EN EL SALVADOR, ENMARCADO EN LAS ACCIONES DEL PROYECTO PIONERO EN INSERCIÓN SOCIAL. UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR RFP - Request for proposal 18-Jun-21 03-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79244 PROCESO COL 0000144337 CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL Consultor de Fortalecimiento al Sistema General de Regalías. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 17-Jun-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 03-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79243 DIAGNÓSTICO DE LAS CONTRIBUCIONES DEL SECTOR PROCESOS INDUSTRIALES Y USO DE PRODUCTOS (IPPU) EN EL CONTEXTO DE LAS CONTRIBUCIONES NACIONALMENTE DETERMINADAS Asunción PARAGUAY IC - Individual contractor 25-Jun-21 03-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79241 DIAGNÓSTICO DE LAS CONTRIBUCIONES DEL SECTOR ENERGÍA Y TRANSPORTE EN EL CONTEXTO DE LAS CONTRIBUCIONES NACIONALMENTE DETERMINADAS Asunción PARAGUAY IC - Individual contractor 25-Jun-21 03-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79240 CONTRATACIÓN DE ESPECIALISTAS TÉCNICOS DE APOYO A LAS INSTITUCIONES QUE INTEGRAN LA COMISIÓN NACIONAL DE CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO (CNCC), CON EL FIN DE FORTALECER SUS CAPACIDADES EN ADAPTACIÓN AL CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO, CON ENFOQUE DE GÉNERO Asunción PARAGUAY IC - Individual contractor 25-Jun-21 03-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79239 Mobile application development for data driven conflict risk monitoring Home Based UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 17-Jun-21 03-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79238 19/TCD/06/2021/IC Recrutement du consultant national, en charge de l'axe 4 (Amélioration de la qualité de vie), pour l'évaluation du plan national de développement (PND) 2017-2021 UNDP Country Office CHAD IC - Individual contractor 14-Jun-21 03-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79237 18/TCD/06/2021/IC Recrutement du consultant national, en charge de l'axe 3 (Développement d'une économie diversifiée et compétitive), pour l'évaluation du plan national de développement (PND) 2017-2021 UNDP Country Office CHAD IC - Individual contractor 14-Jun-21 03-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79235 20/TCD/06/2021/IC Recrutement du consultant national, en charge de l'axe 1 (renforcement de l'unité nationale) et de l'axe 2 (le renforcement de la gouvernance et de l'état de droit), pour l'évaluation du plan national de développement (PND) 2017-2021 UNDP Country Office CHAD IC - Individual contractor 14-Jun-21 03-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79234 PROCESO COL 0000144336 CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL Consultor Verificación de Requisitos – SGR (3 POSICIONES) UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 17-Jun-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 03-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79232 RFP/UNDP/EU-PAGE/143096/022/2021Green and Inclusive Economic Recovery through Circular Economy in Food & Beverages Related Sectors Country Office INDONESIA RFP - Request for proposal 24-Jun-21 @ 10:20 AM (New York time) 03-Jun-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 79229 IAL-00124696-058-2021 ADQUISICION DE VEHICULOS Oficina de País HONDURAS ITB - Invitation to bid 22-Jun-21 @ 07:00 PM (New York time) 03-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79230 Proceso No. COL-0000143837 - Realizar un estudio de monitoreo sobre la sostenibilidad de los resultados de los planes de eliminación de consumo de SAO en el sector de servicios de RAC, y aquellos relacionados con la disminución de la vulnerabilidad del co UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 17-Jun-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 03-Jun-21 AGRO-INDUSTRY AGRO-INDUSTRY 79228 Small Grants call for proposal for the 7th Operational Phase (OP7). UNDP CO SURINAME CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 30-Jun-21 03-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79226 Recrutement d'une équipe de trois (3) consultants Guinea GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 17-Jun-21 03-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79227 PROCESO COL 0000144335 CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL Consultor Verificación de Requisitos - SGR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 17-Jun-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 03-Jun-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 79224 RFQ - Achat des equipements pour le cablage informatique et electrique des bureaux du commissariat général de la police judiciaire UNDP CO BURUNDI RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Jun-21 03-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79221 Water supply networks reconstruction in Karakalpak UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Jun-21 @ 01:00 AM (New York time) 03-Jun-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 79223 143018 Capacity Building IDPs FHH and PWDs UNDP Country Office SOMALIA RFP - Request for proposal 24-Jun-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 03-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79219 « Projet conjoint PNUD/UNICEF d'appui aux Solutions Durables pour les personnes déplacées ou retournées et leurs communautés d'accueil ainsi que pour les enfants libérés des groupes armes dans les Sous-Préfectures de Paoua et de Alindao ». UNDP Country Office CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 22-Jun-21 03-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79220 National consultancy firm to collect baseline data on YouthConnekt and iAccelerator beneficiaries Rwanda RWANDA RFP - Request for proposal 18-Jun-21 03-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79218 SLE/RFQ/YOUTH/2021/005 Procurement of VARIOUS MACHINES (BY LOTs). UNDP Country Office SIERRA LEONE RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Jun-21 03-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79217 National Consultant - Outcome Evaluation for UNDP Jordan Country Programme Women Empowerment Projects UNDP Country Office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 20-Jun-21 03-Jun-21 POWER POWER 79216 RFQ 052 IND 2021 Solar PV System UNDP Country Office INDIA RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Jun-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 03-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79214 Aménagement des locaux de l'unité de projet « réponse solidaire européenne à la Covid 19 en Algérie UNDP Algeria ALGERIA RFP - Request for proposal 04-Jul-21 03-Jun-21 POWER POWER 79215 RFQ-050-PHL-2021 UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Jun-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 03-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79211 Recrutements d'un cabinet spécialiste en matière légistique et actes réglementaires UNDP-KINSHASA, DR CONGO CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 14-Jun-21 03-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79210 Rehabilitation of the Artificial Limbs Center UNDP iraq office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 24-Jun-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 03-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79209 Expert-Formateur international pour l'animation d'un cycle de formation sur les bonnes pratiques et méthodes internationales en matière de gestion de projets de développement local TUNISIA TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 17-Jun-21 03-Jun-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 79208 RFQ/080/21 Provision of Mobile, Landline Telephony and Internet Connection Services - AMENDMENT!!! UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Jun-21 03-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79204 Re-advertise RFQ-21-005 Sudan SUDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Jun-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 03-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79207 RFP-Development and Implementation of MHDRIS UNDP Country office GEORGIA RFP - Request for proposal 09-Jul-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 03-Jun-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 79206 RFQ/BDI10/003/2021- FOURNITURE PNEUS /FONDS MONDIAL/PNLS UNDP Burundi BURUNDI RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Jun-21 03-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79205 Call for grant proposals/applications among non governmental/non-commercial organizations to support initiatives and action plans for vulnerable youth in target areas of Aktobe and Karaganda oblasts Kazakhstan KAZAKHSTAN CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 22-Jun-21 03-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79202 T210601 - 03 National Consultants to work on policy reform options to increase the inclusivity and responsiveness of Viet Nam's social assistance system UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 10-Jun-21 03-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79201 LIBS-2021-9167280 - Проведение технической оценки, проектирование, надзор и контроль качества работ (авторский надзор) в процессе строительства/реабилитации инфраструктурных объектов водоснабжения, санитарии, гигиены (ВСГ) и утилизации медицинских отходов UNICEF UZBEKISTAN ITB - Invitation to bid 16-Jun-21 03-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79200 RFQ - UNDP/MMR-UNPR/PN/015 Transportation of 220 Hand tractors (Power Tiller) and 80 threshers from 4 township DOA/AMD to villages in Rakhine UNDP country Office MYANMAR RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Jun-21 03-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79199 PN (N-210601) – National Technical Specialist on Agriculture & Supply chain UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 23-Jun-21 02-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79198 PROCESO COL 0000143994 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultor Seguimiento y Control – SGR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 17-Jun-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 02-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79197 PROCESO COL 0000143993 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultor Verificación de Requisitos- SGR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 17-Jun-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 02-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79196 PROCESO COL 0000143992 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultor Seguimiento y Control – SGR (se requiere dos (2) consultores) UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 20-Jun-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 02-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79195 PROCESO COL 0000143991 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultor Verificación de Requisitos- SGR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 17-Jun-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 02-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79194 PROCESO COL 0000143990 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultor Seguimiento y Control - SGR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 17-Jun-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 02-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79193 PROCESO COL 0000143989 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultor Líder de Verificación Requisitos- SGR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 17-Jun-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 02-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79191 National Consultancy for Provincial Food Security Coordinator in Enga province of Papua New Guinea, IC/PNG/030-2021 UNDP PNG Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 17-Jun-21 02-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79192 PROCESO COL 0000143988 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultor Verificación de Requisitos- SGR (se requieren dos (2) posiciones) UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 15-Jun-21 @ 01:04 PM (New York time) 02-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79190 PROCESO COL 0000143987 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultor Verificación de Requisitos- SGR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 17-Jun-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 02-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79188 PROCESO COL 0000143986 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultor APOYO GESTIÓN DE INFORMACIÓN Y CALIDAD - SGR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 17-Jun-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 02-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79184 3939 PAN 2021 la contratación Un (1) Consultor/a para "Asistencia Técnica para dar seguimiento a las adaptaciones de los módulos de VICITS, SISVIG-VIH, MONITARV, Módulo de Prevención, interconexión SIS-SEIS y soporte técnico al programa de VIH PANAMA PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 18-Jun-21 02-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79189 National Consultancy for Provincial Ecosystem and Forestry Coordinator in Enga province of Papua New Guinea, IC/PNG/029-2021 UNDP PNG Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 17-Jun-21 02-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79187 PROCESO COL 0000143985 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultor Verificación de Requisitos- SGR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 17-Jun-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 02-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79186 PROCESO COL 0000143984 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultor Profesional Apoyo Administrativo DSGR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 17-Jun-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 02-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79185 PROCESO COL 0000143981 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Gestión de Sedes - Nivel 3 -DVR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 17-Jun-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 02-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79183 PROCESO COL 0000143980 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Especializado Enlace Oficina Regional - Nivel 2 -DVR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 17-Jun-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 02-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79182 PROCESO COL 0000143979 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Enlace de Entidad - Nivel 3 - DVR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 17-Jun-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 02-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79181 PROCESO COL 0000143978 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Administrativo - Nivel 1 DVR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 17-Jun-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 02-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79180 3922 PAN 2021 - Suministro e Instalación de Bombas Hidráulicas para toma de Agua Cruda. Country Office PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Jun-21 02-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79179 National Consultancy for Provincial Climate Change Coordinator in Enga province of Papua New Guinea – IC/PNG/028-2021 UNDP PNG Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 17-Jun-21 02-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79177 PCI-042-2021 "Consultoría para la construcción de una guía para medios de comunicación para difundir noticias en contextos de emergencia con perspectiva de género, y para realizar talleres de la misma." UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 23-Jun-21 02-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79176 IC 00117646-1268 DISEÑAR CINCO PLANES DE CURSOS CORTOS CON LA ESCUELA NACIONAL DE AGRICULTURA - ENA EN MITIGACIÓN Y ADAPTACIÓN AL CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO VINCULADOS A PROCESOS DE PRODUCCIÓN Y TRANSFORMACIÓN EN CINCO CADENAS DE VALOR. UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 15-Jun-21 @ 01:00 PM (New York time) 02-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79175 IC 00117646-1269-CONSULTORÍA PARA DISEÑAR CINCO PLANES DE CURSOS CORTOS EN MITIGACIÓN Y ADAPT CAMBIO CLIMATICO VINCULADOS A PROCESOS DE ACOPIO Y COMERCIALIZACIÓN EN CINCO CADENAS DE VALOR. UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 15-Jun-21 @ 01:00 PM (New York time) 02-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79174 CONSULTORÍA PARA LA RECOPILACIÓN Y SISTEMATIZACIÓN DE EXPERIENCIAS EN SISTEMAS SILVOPASTORILES EN EL CHACO" Asunción PARAGUAY IC - Individual contractor 18-Jun-21 02-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79173 TERMINAL EVALUATION OF THE 'ECONOMY-WIDE INTEGRATION OF CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION AND DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT TO REDUCE CLIMATE VULNERABILITY OF COMMUNITIES' (EWACC) IN SAMOA (NATIONAL CONSULTANT/TEAM EXPERT) extended 1 wk UNDP Country Office SAMOA IC - Individual contractor 25-Jun-21 02-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79127 332-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-RPP Development and piloting of interagency coordination mechanism for multi-risk assessment Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 17-Jun-21 02-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79172 NATIONAL CONSULTANT TO DEVELOP A RENEWABLE ENERGY POLICY AND SET UP OF RELATED REGULATORY FRAMEWORKS (readvertised) UNDP Country Office SAMOA IC - Individual contractor 18-Jun-21 02-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79171 Recruitment of National Consultant- Gender and social safeguards assessment for GCF Concept Note on Hybrid Solar PV and Waste-to-energy Technologies UNDP Country Office GHANA IC - Individual contractor 14-Jun-21 02-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79169 MNG/IC/2021/INT/008 - International Consultant - Integration of Gender Responsive Financing Practices in the Mongolian Financial Sector UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 22-Jun-21 02-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79168 IC/UNDP/CPP/099/2021 - Support Specialist for Activities Facilitation of the Climate Promise Initiative Project UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 18-Jun-21 02-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79167 PROCESO COL-0000142883 - Asesoría para incorporación del sector agropecuario en la política pública de cambio climático del departamento de Cundinamarca UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 16-Jun-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 02-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79166 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA PNUD-ECU-SdP-ADQ-21-143807 "Consultoría para generar Atlas Nacional del Ecosistema de la Economía Solidaria Alternativa". UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 21-Jun-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 02-Jun-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 78978 RFQ/041/21 – Поставка ИТ оборудования - MPS UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Jun-21 02-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79165 Proceso No. COL-0000142882 - Consultor/a para el Fortalecimiento de Capacidades de Género en el Sector Minero Energético del Gobierno Nacional y el Área de Desarrollo Sostenible del PNUD. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 16-Jun-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 02-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79164 Proceso No. COL-0000140922 - Realizar un diagnóstico y hacer recomendaciones para la formulación del documento "Lineamientos para la transversalización del enfoque de género y diferencial en la gestión ambiental" dirigido a las entidades adscritas al S UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 16-Jun-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 02-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79163 RFQ FOR CONSTRUCTION OF WATER HAND PUMP BOREHOLE UNDP Country Office SOUTH SUDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Jun-21 @ 06:01 AM (New York time) 02-Jun-21 HEALTH HEALTH 79162 ITB 2021-07 UNDP Tunisia TUNISIA ITB - Invitation to bid 28-Jul-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 02-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79161 Terminal Evaluation of the Transitional Justice & Human Rights Project Gambia GAMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 23-Jun-21 02-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79102 Firm to conduct Consultancy Service for the facilitation of the Liberia Oil Palm Platform & National Steering Committee UNDP Liberia LIBERIA RFP - Request for proposal 08-Jun-21 02-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79160 UNDP-RFQ-2021-178 Purchase of testing equipment UNDP CO Pakistan PAKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Jun-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 02-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79159 UNDP-IC-2021-187 - Individual Contract for Youth Policy Support (Sindh) UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 16-Jun-21 02-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79158 UNDP-IC-2021-186 - Individual Contract for Youth Policy Support (Punjab) UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 16-Jun-21 02-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79157 UNDP-IC-2021-185 - Individual Contract for Youth Policy Support (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 16-Jun-21 02-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79154 Supply Disability Aids and Prosthetic Devices UNDP Syria SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC ITB - Invitation to bid 24-Jun-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 02-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79156 UNDP-IC-2021-184 - Individual Contract for Youth Policy Support (Gilgit Baltistan) UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 16-Jun-21 02-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79155 UNDP-IC-2021-183 - Individual Contract for Youth Policy Support (Balochistan) UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 16-Jun-21 02-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79153 UNDP-IC-2021-182 - Individual Contract for Youth Policy Support (Azad Jammu Kashmir) UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 16-Jun-21 02-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79152 CLOSED EARLY
Demande de prix Réf : RFQ 23-2021- Demande de prix : Evaluation du plan d'action de la politique publique intégrée pour la promotion des droits des PSH 2017-2021: Elaboration des lignes directrices pour la phase II du plan d'action 2022-2025. Maroc MOROCCO RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Jun-21 02-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79150 IC for Community Policing Support Gambia GAMBIA IC - Individual contractor 16-Jun-21 02-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79151 LTA service hotellerie et salle de conference algeria ALGERIA ITB - Invitation to bid 10-Jun-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 02-Jun-21 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS 79103 ITB 10.CPS.2021 République centrafricaine CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC ITB - Invitation to bid 01-Jun-21 @ 11:30 AM (New York time) 02-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79149 ITB OMT SNU SOCIETES DE GARDIENNAGE BURKINA FASO UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO ITB - Invitation to bid 21-Jun-21 @ 11:46 AM (New York time) 02-Jun-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 79143 346/RFQ/OBSMADA/2021 - MATERIELS ET CONSOMMABLES INFORMATIQUES MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO - MADAGASCAR MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Jun-21 02-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79148 National Facilitator for Food Systems Dialogues UNDP Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 01-Jul-21 02-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79146 Remove Rubble 90 Houses and Main St. West Mosul Ir UNDP Country Office, Erbil, Iraq - IRAQ IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 23-Jun-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 02-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79147 IC for Individual Consultancy Services for the development of a strategic plan (2021-2026) for the Office of the president Gambia GAMBIA IC - Individual contractor 16-Jun-21 02-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79145 ITB-UNDP-PETRA-143286-004-2021 - Construction of Two Public Markets in Central Sulawesi UNDP Country Office INDONESIA ITB - Invitation to bid 29-Jun-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 02-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79144 IC for Development of DSPD Website and Social Media Platforms and Upgrading of OP Website Gambia GAMBIA IC - Individual contractor 16-Jun-21 02-Jun-21 HEALTH HEALTH 79141 IC/UNDP/STRATEGIC/2021/093 - Helpdesk and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) for Strengthening the Digital Health Transformation (National Consultant) UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 16-Jun-21 02-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79142 International Consultant for project Terminal Eval UNDP ETHIOPIA COUNTRY OFFICE ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 21-Jun-21 @ 04:15 AM (New York time) 02-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79140 IC-040-21- National Consultant to UNODC Iraq Country Office IRAQ IC - Individual contractor 10-Jun-21 02-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79138 UNDPIRH-CFP-202104 Czech Challenge Fund Istanbul Regional Center TURKEY Innovation Challenge 12-Jul-21 02-Jun-21 INDUSTRY INDUSTRY 79139 RFQ-051-PHL-2021 Supply, delivery and installation of thermal image motion camera with monitoring screens, high powered lights and CCTV cameras with monitoring screens UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Jun-21 02-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79137 UNDPIRH-CFP-202103 Russian Challenge Fund Istanbul Regional Center TURKEY Innovation Challenge 01-Jul-21 02-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79136 RFP-BHR-2021-25 UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFP - Request for proposal 16-Jun-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 02-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79135 95-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-RPP_provision of training sessions on e-commerce skills development UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 23-Jun-21 02-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79133 RFQ: Rehabilitation works of the classrooms and entrance hall at Sukhum/i State College UNDP Country office GEORGIA RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Jun-21 02-Jun-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 79132 RfP2284 EU4MD Design Update and Develop 2 websites UNDP Country Office MOLDOVA RFP - Request for proposal 30-Jun-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 02-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79131 Trainers to develop and implement trainings for UNDP Country Office FIJI RFP - Request for proposal 15-Jun-21 @ 05:06 AM (New York time) 02-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79130 National Consultant on Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) Analytical Processes and Operations for the Philippines National Coast Watch Center UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 17-Jun-21 01-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79129 Development of Case Studies and Policy Briefs for Pacific Parliaments UNDP Country Office FIJI RFP - Request for proposal 16-Jun-21 @ 03:53 AM (New York time) 01-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79128 Development of Case Studies and Policy Briefs – Citizens Engagement, Constitution and Rule of Law UNDP Country Office FIJI RFP - Request for proposal 15-Jun-21 @ 02:31 AM (New York time) 01-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79126 CI/CRI/2021/No.112683/No.143652/Persona Asesora de Consumo Agroquímicos en Costa Rica UNDP COSTA RICA COSTA RICA IC - Individual contractor 15-Jun-21 01-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79124 RECRUTEMENT D'UN.E CONSULTANT.E NATIONAL.E SPÉCIALISTE EN COMMUNICATION, SENSIBILISATION ET PARTENARIAT UNDP ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE IC - Individual contractor 11-Jun-21 01-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79125 SOLICITUD DE COTIZACIÓN (SdC) COL 0000143039 -Adquisición de insumos biológicos y orgánicos para el manejo integral de plagas y enfermedades en agroecosistemas UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Jun-21 01-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79123 Recruitment of National Consultant to Provide Sign Language Services UNDP Country Office GHANA IC - Individual contractor 17-Jun-21 01-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79122 UNDP/RFQ/2021/040 ACQUISITION BORNES TACTILES PR ANDROID CÔTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Jun-21 01-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79121 UNDP/RFQ/2021/041 ACQUISITION DE 10 TRICYCLES CÔTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Jun-21 01-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79119 INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANT (IC) TO UNDERTAKE WASTEWATER DATA COLLECTION PILOT STUDY IN SELECTED INDUSTRIES IN BOTSWANA BOTSWANA BOTSWANA IC - Individual contractor 16-Jun-21 01-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79120 SLE/RFP/2021/002 DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT OF A CROWDFUNDING PLATFORM UNDP Country Office SIERRA LEONE RFP - Request for proposal 10-Jun-21 01-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78755 INCLUSIVE CLIMATE BUDGETING AND FINANCING UNDP Country Office SWAZILAND RFP - Request for proposal 31-May-21 @ 05:59 PM (New York time) 01-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79118 ETH2597-Recruitment of National consultant for Terminal Evaluation of "Promoting Sustainable Rural Energy Technologies (RETs) for Household and Productive Uses" Project UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 15-Jun-21 @ 03:59 AM (New York time) 01-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79115 Individual Consultancy - International Solid Waste Expert - LBN/CO/IC/134/21 UNDP Country Office LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 22-Jun-21 01-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79116 3898 UNODC 2021 la contratación de Consultor/a independiente para el Apoyo al II ciclo de examen de la Convención de las Naciones Unidas contra la Corrupción (CNUCC) y fortalecimiento de las instituciones nacionales para prevenir la corrupción.", PANAMA - EN NOMBRE DE UNODC PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 15-Jun-21 01-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79114 CONSTRUCTION LOGEMENTS ABSTREINTE AMCHIDE-MOZOGO Cameroun CAMEROON ITB - Invitation to bid 16-Jun-21 @ 01:21 PM (New York time) 01-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79113 Demande de prix Réf : RFQ 22-2021-Amélioration de l'accessibilité au niveau des services du pôle social Maroc MOROCCO RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Jun-21 01-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79112 Call for Proposals for Grants- Support youth and women businesses, Mano River Union cross border women traders and community members affected by COVID-19 pandemic Sierra Leone, RBA SIERRA LEONE CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 07-Jun-21 01-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77668 REPUBLICATION NO 1:IC/UNDP/HAI/21.080: Recrutement d'un prestataire individuel : Production d'un documentaire autour du thème de l'égalité de genre et de l'autonomisation des femmes PNUD HAITI IC - Individual contractor 22-Jun-21 01-Jun-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 79111 ACHAT D'UNE VOITURE BERLINE VIP Guinea GUINEA RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Jun-21 01-Jun-21 URBAN DEV'T. URBAN DEV'T. 79110 MyITB2021-02 Supply for Biodiesel B100 UNDP Country Office MALAYSIA ITB - Invitation to bid 02-Jul-21 @ 11:59 AM (New York time) 01-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79109 UNDP-IC-2021-064 - Consultant to conduct trainings TIP and SOM Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 15-Jun-21 01-Jun-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79108 Provision of Designing and Implementing a Customized Digital Skills Training and Work Placement Model for youths UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFP - Request for proposal 21-Jun-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 01-Jun-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 79107 RFP-023-21 Environmental Information System - EXTENDED DEADLINE!!! UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFP - Request for proposal 02-Jul-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 01-Jun-21 HEALTH HEALTH 79105 ITB for procurement of Air Transport in South Sud UNDP South Sudan SOUTH SUDAN ITB - Invitation to bid 17-Jun-21 @ 05:52 AM (New York time) 01-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79106 RFP 2021-10 : Recrutement d'un cabinet d'expertise national pour la mise en œuvre du concept d'Espace Entreprendre UNDP Tunisia TUNISIA RFP - Request for proposal 30-Jun-21 01-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79104 National Individual Consultant to provide support UNDP ETHIOPIA OFFICE ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 15-Jun-21 @ 06:49 AM (New York time) 01-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79101 UNESCO - RFP Ref: UNESCO/BEI/EDU/RFP/21/08 "Development of an Education Management Information Systems (EMIS) in Yemen / Pilot rollout in 50 schools" UNDP Country Office - LEBANON - LEBANON LEBANON RFP - Request for proposal 20-Jun-21 01-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 78934 UNDPIRH-CFP-202102 Slovak Challenge Fund Istanbul Regional Center TURKEY Innovation Challenge 11-Jul-21 01-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79100 Recrutement de deux consultant(es) national(es) pour l'évaluation du cadre juridique et réglementaire, politiques, stratégies, programmes et services sensibles au VIH en Centrafrique UNDP CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 12-Jul-21 01-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79099 UNDP-IC-2021-179-Legislative, Policy and Institutional Gap Analysis on Sustainable Development Goal 3 Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 07-Jul-21 01-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79097 ITB-0000144080 Package 4 - Rubble Crushing UNDP/PAPP PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES ITB - Invitation to bid 17-Jun-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 01-Jun-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79098 Reconstruction of Almazraa Police Center in Baiji UNDP iraq office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 22-Jun-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 01-Jun-21 HOUSING HOUSING 79096 RFQ_15_2021 for the Supply of Plaques for 1457 Houses in Chibabava District - Beira, Mozambique UNDP Mozambique CO MOZAMBIQUE RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Jun-21 01-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79094 RFP for Evaluation of National Resilience Programme Bangladesh Bangladesh BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 14-Jun-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 01-Jun-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 79095 RFQ Automatic Weather Station Harare ZIMBABWE RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Jun-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 01-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79093 RECRUTEMENT D'UN CABINET POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT D'UNE STRATEGIE NATIONALE POUR LA GESTION DES DECHETS DES EQUIPEMENTS SOLAIRES NOTAMMENT LES BATTERIES ET LES PANNEAUX SOLAIRES UNDP CO-BURUNDI BURUNDI RFP - Request for proposal 15-Jun-21 01-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79092 National Consultant for Adopting a Community Policing-Oriented Approach for Reducing Gender-Based Violence UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 21-Jun-21 01-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79091 Recrutement d'un consultant international pour la conception des modules de formation, la mise en œuvre des formations et l'installation des plateformes multifonctionnelles UNDP CO-BURUNDI BURUNDI IC - Individual contractor 15-Jun-21 01-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79090 National Expert 02 to develop a set of regulations and procedures on direct lending modalities of Small and Medium Enterprise Development Fund (SMEDF) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 07-Jun-21 01-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79089 Project Implementation Support - Consultant (IC LTA) Fiji FIJI IC - Individual contractor 15-Jun-21 01-Jun-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79088 Governance Consultant – Transparency, Accountability, Integrity, Anti-corruption (IC LTA) Fiji FIJI IC - Individual contractor 15-Jun-21 01-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79087 SOLICITUD DE COTIZACIÓN (SdC) COL 0000142870 -Suministro de tanques con estructura y geomembrana con diámetro de 4 metros con capacidad de almacenamiento aproximado de 13.000 litros, para la instalación de 40 sistemas en comunidades rurales de la región d UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Jun-21 01-Jun-21 OTHER OTHER 79068 National Consultant - Midterm Evaluation (MTR) UNDP- Thailand Country Office THAILAND RFP - Request for proposal 11-Jun-21 31-May-21 POWER POWER 79086 FABRICATION, DELIVERY AND INSTALLATION OF THREE (3) SETS OF ELECTRIC DISTILLERS (150L CAPACITY EACH) UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Jun-21 31-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79085 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA (SdP) N° COL‐0000142108 -Realizar una evaluación final del Portafolio del Programa de Justicia Transicional del PNUD. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 16-Jun-21 31-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79082 PNUD-IC-315-2021 Asistencia Tecnica UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE PERU IC - Individual contractor 10-Jun-21 31-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79083 PNUD.IC.221.2021 Especialista Economico Ucayali UNDP OFFICE PERU PERU IC - Individual contractor 17-Jun-21 @ 01:00 PM (New York time) 31-May-21 OTHER OTHER 79084 3917 PAN 2021 – Insumos para impresión de libros en Panamá, República de Panamá UNDP Country Office PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Jun-21 31-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79081 PNUD-IC-314-2021 Consultoria Plan Territorial UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE PERU IC - Individual contractor 10-Jun-21 31-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79080 PCI-041-2021 Servicios de consultoría para el desarrollo tecnológico, digital y audiovisual para adaptar y transformar el contenido sustantivo del Curso de Gobierno Abierto Municipal en versión virtual en formato Moodle (o similar) UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 21-Jun-21 31-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79079 18702-2021 Creative Communications Consultancy for Food and Agricultural Commodity Systems Regional Centre PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 25-Jun-21 31-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79078 SOLICITUD DE COTIZACION COL-0000143925 - Suministro de Herramientas de Ferretería o materiales de construcción UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Jun-21 31-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79077 CLOSED EARLY
3929 PAN 2021 - Acuerdo a Largo Plazo (LTA) para la Adquisición de Servicio de Mensajeria Internacional Especializada en Valijas a Nivel Internacional. UNDP Country Office PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Jun-21 31-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79076 SDC-23-2021: "ACUERDO A LARGO PLAZO (LTA) PARA LA PRESTACIÓN DE SERVICIOS DE ALQUILER DE EQUIPOS DE IMPRESIÓN POR UN PERÍODO DE UN (1) AÑO PARA EL TRIBUNAL CONSTITUCIONAL" UNDP Country Office DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Jun-21 31-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79075 Supply and Installation of modern energy sources and efficient appliances (extension) UNDP Country Office SWAZILAND RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Jun-21 31-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78438 RFP/UNDP/HAI/21.095 «Recrutement d'une firme pour l'élaboration d'un cadre de préparation de Schémas Locaux d'Aménagement et de Développement du Territoire (SLADT). PNUD HAITI RFP - Request for proposal 04-Jun-21 31-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79073 3926 UNEP 2021 - Consultor/a independiente como Diseñador Gráfico para la unidad de cambio climático de PNUMA en América Latina y el Caribe en Panamá UNDP Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 11-Jun-21 31-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79074 International consultant to provide Interview methods training for enterprise surveys (Ref.P210508) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 06-Jun-21 31-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79072 Competitiveness Consultant/International UNDP Country Office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 15-Jun-21 31-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79071 SDG International Consultant/Adviser UNDP Country Office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 15-Jun-21 31-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79070 MONITORING AND EVALUATION OF SUSTAINABLE HOUSEHOLD GARDEN South Africa SOUTH AFRICA RFP - Request for proposal 15-Jun-21 31-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79069 Solicitação para cotação prestação de serviços de limpeza profissional UNDP Country Office SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Jun-21 31-May-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 79067 RFQ N°0014/BFA/PNUD -2021: Acquisition de Mobilier de bureau au profit du Ministère de la Justice. UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Jun-21 31-May-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 79066 RFQ N°0016/BFA/PNUD -2021: Acquisition de Materiel informatique au profit du Ministère de la Justice. UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Jun-21 31-May-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 79065 RFQ N°0015/BFA/PNUD -2021: Acquisition de Matériels informatiques au profit du projet GOLCOS. UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Jun-21 31-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79061 NATIONAL CONSULTANCY FIRM FOR ADVOCACY DOCUMENTARY ON THE ROLE OF THE JUSTICE INSTITUTIONS, CSOS, CHILDREN GENDER, CHILDREN AND SOCIAL WELFARE PROVIDERS TO STRENGTHEN ACCESS TO JUSTICE INCLUDING SOCIAL SERVICE DELIVERY ON SGBV OFFENSES Gambia GAMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 11-Jun-21 31-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79064 ITB - Renovation of Office Space at UN House, Maseru Lesotho LESOTHO ITB - Invitation to bid 28-Jun-21 31-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79063 CLOSED EARLY
Expert TO UNDERTAKE SCENARIO ANALYSIS ON THE SOCIO-ECONOMIC OUTCOMES OF OF DELAYED VACCINATION DISTRIBUTION IN LESOTHO Lesotho LESOTHO IC - Individual contractor 04-Jun-21 31-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79060 ITB-21-011 Translation and Interpretation Services UNDP Country Office SUDAN ITB - Invitation to bid 21-Jun-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 31-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79052 Recrutement d'un (e) Consultant (e ) d'expertise nationale chargé de réaliser trois études de faisabilité pour la création des fermes agropastorales à Luzumu, Nyongera et Kalemie et de formuler une stratégie nationale de réinsertion socioprofessionnelle UNDP-KINSHASA, DR CONGO CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 03-Jun-21 31-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79059 Recrutement d'un ou plusieurs cabinets/firmes chargés de la réalisation des Etudes de faisabilité technique en trois (3) lots pour la construction des microcentrales hydroélectriques. UNDP-KINSHASA, DR CONGO CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 15-Jun-21 31-May-21 HEALTH HEALTH 79058 Medical supplies to Aden UNDP Aden sub-office YEMEN RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Jun-21 @ 08:33 AM (New York time) 31-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79057 IC NOTICE N°012/2021/PNUD-BFA Recrutement d'un (e) Consultant(e) pour l'étude de capitalisation du processus de la première révision de la CDN du Burkina Faso plus pertinente, inclusive et plus ambitieuse. UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 11-Jun-21 31-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78995 Recrutement d'un (1) Consultant (e) d'expertise nationale chargé (e) s de réaliser l'état des lieux du CSM et des organes de discipline et de contrôle de conduite des acteurs de la chaine pénale. » UNDP-KINSHASA, DR CONGO CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 03-Jun-21 31-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79055 RFP N°008/PNUD BFA/2021/RELANCE: Recrutement d'une OSC chargé du suivi-évaluation de la mise en œuvre des activités de sensibilisation et de communication pour la participation citoyenne au processus électoral UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO RFP - Request for proposal 11-Jun-21 31-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79054 PN (N-210502) – National consultant on Disaster and Climate Risk Information UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 20-Jun-21 31-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79053 PN (N-210501) – 01 national consultant on Insurance and Risk Financing for GCF1 project UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 27-Jun-21 31-May-21 OTHER OTHER 79051 LBN-CO-ITB-137-21Plastic Recycling Plant-MASTERPAK UNDP Country office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 21-Jun-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 31-May-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 77901 Аукцион по продаже автомобиля / Vehicle sale UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN Other 14-Jun-21 31-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79050 Full Rehabilitation of Water Center and Workshop UNDP iraq office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 20-Jun-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 31-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79046 National Consultant for Training of Gambia Ministry of Justice Lawyers on Prosecution of International Crimes Gambia GAMBIA IC - Individual contractor 11-Jun-21 31-May-21 OTHER OTHER 79048 RFP-2021-015 for the Services of - Partnership Development and Fundraising UNDP Bangkok Regional Centre THAILAND RFP - Request for proposal 25-Jun-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 31-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79045 Recrutement d'un(e) consultant(e) national(e) pour la finalisation des édits fonciers des provinces du Bas-Uélé, de l'Ituri et de la Tshopo UNDP DRC CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 14-Jun-21 31-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79044 396-RFQ-RED-2021 Travaux de réhabilitation du Tribunal de la Première Instance et d'extension de la Maison Centrale à Ambovombe, réparties en deux lots : LOT 1: REHABILTATION DES LOCAUX DU TRIBUNAL DE PREMIERE INSTANCE A AMBOVOMBE. LOT 2 : TRAVAUX D'EXTE MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Jun-21 @ 07:00 PM (New York time) 31-May-21 OTHER OTHER 79042 BIH/RFQ-079-21 SDG Logistics and technical support for SDG Business Pioneers Awar UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Jun-21 31-May-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 79041 553-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-SCR-2 vehicles for mobile services provision at Kherson oblast UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Jun-21 31-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79040 ITB-0000143614 - Rubble Removal from Gaza Strip UNDP/PAPP PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES ITB - Invitation to bid 10-Jun-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 31-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79039 RFQ/078/21 Rehabilitation facade works of town hall in Odžak UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Jun-21 31-May-21 HEALTH HEALTH 79038 LBN-CO-ITB-136-21 Rehabilitation Works New Safad UNDP Country Office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 14-Jun-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 31-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78946 249-278-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-RPP: Reconstruction of a part of building to create the shelter for survivors of domestic and/or gender-based and Renovation of the daycare center of psychosocial support UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Jun-21 31-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78831 463-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP: Enhancing explosive ordnance risks prevention through delivery of direct risk education sessions in Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 21-Jun-21 31-May-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 79037 Supply and Delivery of 1 Unit 4x4 Vehicle Timor-Leste TIMOR LESTE RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Jul-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 31-May-21 OTHER OTHER 79036 Office Renovation for Decentralization Project Timor-Leste TIMOR LESTE RFQ - Request for quotation 04-Jun-21 @ 01:47 AM (New York time) 31-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79035 Construction of 6 Police Information Desks UNDP CO-COPS Project AFGHANISTAN ITB - Invitation to bid 21-Jun-21 @ 07:30 AM (New York time) 31-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79034 IC/UNDP/UNODC/097/2021 - Information Gathering on Maritime Crime in North Sulawesi Province of Indonesia Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 14-Jun-21 30-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79033 394-B/RFQ/PDSPE/2021 ACQUISITION DE MATERIAUX DE CONSTRUCTION POUR LA CHAINE DE FROID ET MATERIELS DE PRODUCTION DE POISSONS SECHEES ET ACCESSOIRES POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT DE LA CHAINE DE VALEUR PECHE DE L'ANDROY MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Jun-21 30-May-21 FORESTRY FORESTRY 78865 ACQUISITION INTRANTS ET EQUIPEMENTS AGRICOLES COUNTRY OFFICE SENEGAL RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Jun-21 30-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79031 RFP-BD-CXB-2021-04-Re-opening and re-adervitising for developing the Solid Waste Management (SWM) Study of Teknaf and Ukhia, Cox's Bazar District under Solid waste Management (SWM) Project. UNDP Cox's Bazar Crisis Response Office BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 07-Jun-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 30-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79032 ITB-209-21-Full Rehabilitation of Electrical Netwo UNDP IRAQ OFFICE IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 20-Jun-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 30-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79030 IC-036-21- Tourism Sector Development Specialist Iraq Country Office IRAQ IC - Individual contractor 12-Jun-21 30-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79029 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION (RFI) FROM CSO/NGO Yemen YEMEN RFI - Request for Information 13-Jun-21 30-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79028 Rehabilitation and replacement of filters for AlTouz - Kifry WTP (4000m3/h) - Phase 2 Iraq Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 20-Jun-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 29-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79027 INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANT- TO UNDERTAKE A FEASIBILITY STUDY ON ASSESSING IF UNDP'S FLAGSHIP SUPPLIER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME BOTSWANA BOTSWANA IC - Individual contractor 14-Jun-21 29-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79026 IC/UNDP/UNODC/096/2021 - Information Gathering on Maritime Crime in North Kalimantan Province of Indonesia Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 14-Jun-21 29-May-21 HEALTH HEALTH 79025 RFQ Supply and delivery Android Tablet Smart Phone UNDP Country Office Afghanistan AFGHANISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Jun-21 @ 04:48 PM (New York time) 28-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79024 IC-287-2021 Gestion del Riesgo de Desastres UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE PERU IC - Individual contractor 16-Jun-21 28-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79023 PNUD-IC-252-2021 - Apoyo administrativo COUNTRY OFFICE PERU IC - Individual contractor 11-Jun-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 28-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79021 PNUD/SDP-206/2021 Implementación, acondicionamiento y puesta en marcha de 02 humedales para fitorremediación UNDP OFFICE PERU PERU RFP - Request for proposal 23-Jun-21 28-May-21 OTHER OTHER 79020 SdC ADQ 21 143524 adquisicion de software UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Jun-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 28-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79019 BBRSO142720 - Consultant for The Gender & NDC Training Clinics and Capacity Building Support Programme UNDP Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean BARBADOS IC - Individual contractor 11-Jun-21 28-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79017 IC 21 143510 pagina web UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 23-Jun-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 28-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79012 BBSRO141392 - SDG Fund Coordinator UNDP Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean BARBADOS IC - Individual contractor 11-Jun-21 28-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79016 CONSULTORIA DE DESARROLLO DE PROYECTO EJECUTIVO PARA INSTALACION DE PLANTA DE ETANOL A PARTIR DE CEREALES PLANTA INDUSTRIAL PETROPAR EN MAURCIO JOSE TROCHE Asunción PARAGUAY RFP - Request for proposal 11-Jun-21 28-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79015 Appel à Proposition de projet Haiti HAITI EOI - Expression of interest 25-Jun-21 28-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79014 IC 21 143284 configuracion plataforma MOODLE UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 10-Jun-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 28-May-21 IRRIGATION IRRIGATION 79013 ITB N02-2021 PNUD BFA AMENAGEMENT BOULI UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO ITB - Invitation to bid 08-Jun-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 28-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79011 RECRUTEMENT D'UN(E) CONSULTANT(E) NATIONAL(E) POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT D'UNE APPLICATION DE GESTION DES CABINETS D'INSTRUCTION UNDP ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE IC - Individual contractor 11-Jun-21 28-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79009 Regional virtual knowledge platform: content design, knowledge management strategy and outreach materials on eliminating all forms of violence against women and girls, including sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) and harmful practices. UN Women KAZAKHSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 16-Jun-21 28-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 79010 Consultancy – Design of Tools and Interventions for Ending Stigma and Discrimination against Women and Girls with Disabilities, for the Rule of Law, Security and Human Rights team, UNDP/CB HQ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 11-Jun-21 28-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 79008 Reabilitação e requalificação de um edifício público em Angolares UNDP Country Office SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Jun-21 @ 07:59 PM (New York time) 28-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79007 IC/UNDP/UNODC/092/2021 - Senior Researcher for the Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Violent Extremist Prisoners Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 11-Jun-21 28-May-21 OTHER OTHER 79006 Acquisition GROUPE Electrogène 500 KVa/400v-230v/Triphasé. Mali MALI RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Jun-21 28-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79005 Production, duplication, and filming of Eight Voter's Education songs and videos copied in 100 USB Drivers for the Voter's registration exercise. Gambia GAMBIA IC - Individual contractor 08-Jun-21 28-May-21 OTHER OTHER 79004 Expert Supporting the Cambodian Environmental Management Information System (CEMIS) Development UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFP - Request for proposal 10-Jun-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 28-May-21 OTHER OTHER 79003 Recruitment of Consultant to Ensure the final evaluation of NAMA Support for the Tunisian Solar Plan project UNDP Country Office TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 30-Jun-21 28-May-21 OTHER OTHER 79002 529-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-CO-Travel LTA UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 17-Jun-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 28-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 79001 IC/UNDP/IFL/095/2021 - Consultant for Gender and Public Finance UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 14-Jun-21 28-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78999 SOLICITAÇÃO PARA COTAÇÃO PRESTAÇÃO DE SERVIÇOS DE SEGURANÇA UNDP Country Office SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Jun-21 28-May-21 RURAL DEV'T.  (MISCELLANY) RURAL DEV'T. (MISCELLANY) 79000 Water distribution networks based on 16 boreholes UNDP Gambia GAMBIA ITB - Invitation to bid 10-Jun-21 @ 07:43 AM (New York time) 28-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78998 IC/UNDP/UNODC/094/2021 - Information Gathering on Maritime Crime in Aceh Province of Indonesia Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 11-Jun-21 28-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78997 Study "Child mortality in Ukraine" UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND (UNICEF) UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 09-Jun-21 28-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78996 Consultancy Services for Preparation of a GCF Funding Proposal packages UNDP Country Office MALAWI RFP - Request for proposal 02-Jul-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 28-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78994 Institutions/non-government organizations for action research for strategic advice to support provinces with large ethnic minority populations to move towards inclusive and citizen-centric e-services survivors (B-210504) UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 14-Jun-21 28-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78993 RFQ/BDI10/001/2021- FOURNITURE DES ARTICLES DE BUREAU/FONDS MONDIAL UNDP BURUNDI BURUNDI RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Jun-21 28-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78992 379/IC/PDSE/2021-C3 Recrutement d'un Consultant individuel national - Spécialiste en valorisation des analyses économiques pour étoffer la Cellule d'Appui à la Recherche Economique et à la Formation (CAREF) MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 11-Jun-21 28-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78991 379/IC/PDSE/2021- C2 Recrutement d'un Consultant individuel national - Spécialiste en analyse conjoncturelle et perspective économique pour étoffer la Cellule d'Appui à la Recherche Economique et à la Formation (CAREF) MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 11-Jun-21 28-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78986 379/IC/PDSE/2021- C1 Recrutement d'un Consultant individuel national Spécialiste macroéconomiste pour étoffer la Cellule d'Appui à la Recherche Economique et à la Formation (CAREF) MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 03-Sep-21 28-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78990 RBAS-RFP-006-2021 Mainstreaming climate-security RBAS Regional Hub JORDAN RFP - Request for proposal 19-Jun-21 @ 11:00 PM (New York time) 28-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78989 SOLICITUD DE COTIZACIÓN (SdC) COL 0000141202- Suministro y Transporte ACPM Antiguo ETCR PONDORES. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Jun-21 28-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78988 CI-037-2021 Servicio de Consultoría para apoyar la formulación de las agendas ambientales provinciales en las provincias Independencia, Bahoruco, San José de Ocoa y Monte Plata. UNDP DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 04-Jun-21 28-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78987 RFQ/038/21 - Request for Quotation for Supply of Various Equipment (three LOTs) to Karakalpakstan UNDP UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Jun-21 28-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78930 Technical Consultant – Climate Change Financing Framework UNDP- Thailand Country Office THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 18-Jun-21 27-May-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 78985 3906 PAN 2021 Adquisición de equipo tecnológico para uso del personal de la Dirección Nacional de Educación Evaluación Educativa, PANAMA PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Jun-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 27-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78984 Review of PIPSO BCP Guide to incorporate impacts of COVID 19 Fiji FIJI IC - Individual contractor 11-Jun-21 27-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78983 RFQ 2021-30 : Recrutement d'une agence de communication pour la conception et l'impression de divers supports de communication UNDP Country Office TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Jun-21 27-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78982 RFQ 2021-43 : Achat des équipements bureautiques au profit des 12 communes partenaires du projet ADDL UNDP Country Office TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Jun-21 27-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78981 3920 PAN 2021 - Apoyo Técnico a la Comisión para la creación de la Universidad Autónoma de los Pueblos Indígenas de Panamá UNDP Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 09-Jun-21 27-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78980 SdP ADQ 21 143218 Apoyo tecnico sistema RUV UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 22-Jun-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 27-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78979 LITBS 9167132 - Micro Assessment and Spot Checks Performed by Third Party Service Provider/ Проведение микро-оценки и выборочной проверки UNICEF UZBEKISTAN ITB - Invitation to bid 10-Jun-21 27-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78977 Contratación de 2 (dos) Consultores para el Servicio de Soporte Local de Software TABLEAU Asunción PARAGUAY IC - Individual contractor 10-Jun-21 27-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78976 110-2021-RFQ-UNDP-BMP - Supply and installation of Publishing equipment for the Tajik Border Force UNDP Country Office TAJIKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Jun-21 27-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78974 Brokerage Services for UN Agencies UN Agencies in Belize BELIZE ITB - Invitation to bid 21-Jun-21 27-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78922 Recrutement d'un(e) Expert(e) en Entrepreneuriat et Partenariats UNDP Country Office TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 09-Jun-21 27-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78973 SOLICITUD DE COTIZACIÓN (SdC) COL 0000142872 -Suministro transporte e instalación de materiales, equipos eléctricos y sistema fotovoltaico UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Jun-21 27-May-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 78972 SdC ADQ 21 143164 compra de dos camiones UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Jun-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 27-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78971 EVALUATION A MI-PARCOURS du PROGRAMME-PAYS 2019-2023 Bénin BENIN IC - Individual contractor 11-Jun-21 27-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78970 LBN-CO-ITB-131-21Rehab of Hazzerta Dumpsite UNDP Country office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 08-Jul-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 27-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78969 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA COL-0000143396 - Implementación del primer corte de sistematización de experiencias significativas del proyecto Amazonía Sostenible para la Paz, con base en el diseño de la estrategia de gestión de conocimientos. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 15-Jun-21 27-May-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 78967 SDC-22-2021 "Soporte a la Infraestructura Microsoft del Tribunal Constitucional" UNDP Country Office DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Jun-21 27-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78968 RFP/007/BFA/2021 RELANCE: recrutement de cabinets d'experts pour la réalisation de quatre (4) sessions de formation sur leurs droits et devoirs dans la gestion des affaires locales. UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO RFP - Request for proposal 02-Jun-21 27-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78966 National Consultant for Review of University Grant Mechanism (UNDP/PN/14/2021) Accelerating Implementation of SDGs in Nepal (AISN NEPAL IC - Individual contractor 08-Jun-21 27-May-21 IRRIGATION IRRIGATION 78965 Travaux de réalisation de 07 PMH dans les communes de Banh, Kain et de Sollé dans la région du Nord (02 lots) UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Jun-21 27-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78964 PCI-040-2021 Realizador/a audiovisual para generar una memoria audiovisual y fotorreportaje que acompañe un ejercicio de investigación en campo en municipios del Istmo de Tehuantepec UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 10-Jun-21 27-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78962 Request for Proposal (RFP) for Preparing Leaving No One Behind (LNOB) National Framework Accelerating Implementation of SDGs in Nepal (AISN NEPAL RFP - Request for proposal 15-Jun-21 27-May-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 78963 Adquisición y Renovación de Licencias de Software Tableau Asunción PARAGUAY RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Jun-21 27-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78961 SdC ADQ 21 143054 cerramiento GAD La Libertad UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Jun-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 27-May-21 FISHERIES FISHERIES 78960 394/RFQ/PDSPE/2021 ACQUISITION DE MATERIELS ET EQUIPEMENT POUR LA CHAINE DE FROID ET MATERIELS DE PRODUCTION DE POISSONS SECHEES ET ACCESSOIRES POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT DE LA CHAINE DE VALEUR PECHE DE L'ANDROY MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Jun-21 27-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78959 393/RFQ/PDSPE/2021FOURNITURE ET LIVRAISON DE MATERIAUX DE CONSTRUCTION POUR LA FINALISATION DES TRAVAUX DE REHABILITATION D'INFRASTRUCTURE EN APPUI AUX CHAINES DE VALEURS DANS LE DISTRICT DE BEKILY ANDROY répartie en trois lots : MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Jun-21 27-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78958 RFQ/LBY/REPSOL/2021/029 - Rehabilitation of Auqba Ben Nafaa School, Ubari Municipality, Libya. UNDP Country Office LIBYA RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Jun-21 27-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78957 International Consultant - Risk and Vulnerability Assessment UNDP Country Office THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 17-Jun-21 27-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78955 SdC ADQ 21 142880 adquisicion equipos SAT UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Jul-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 27-May-21 INDUSTRY INDUSTRY 78956 Digital Transformation of Model Factories UNDP Country Office TURKEY RFP - Request for proposal 19-Jul-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 27-May-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 78953 CLOSED EARLY
3756 PAN 2021 – Adquisición de doce (12) laptop. UNDP Country Office PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Jun-21 27-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78954 25-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-RPP_Construction works on arrangement of 33special places for Mobile ASC's service provision in Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Jun-21 27-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78951 UNDP/IC/Women Peace and Security/OHCHR/2021/010-Relaunched UNDP Liberia Country Office LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 02-Jun-21 27-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78950 National Stocktaking Assessment Consultant (Open to Thai Nationals only) UNDP Country Office THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 25-Jun-21 27-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78948 RFP (N-210501) RFP (N-210501): Vietnam-based firm/organization/institute to conduct construction quality assessment of built GCF houses UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 17-Jun-21 27-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78949 RFP-051-IND-2021 "Development of Animation Video, Video Production and Booklet on Implementation of "Phase out of Hydrofluorocarbons (HCFCs) in RAC & foam manufacturing sector under HCFC Management Plan (HPMP) Stage – II" INDIA INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 10-Jun-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 27-May-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 78947 458-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-SMERec - AgriFoodUB UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 06-Jun-21 27-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78862 IMPROVING OF PROPERTY RATES LEGISLATION UNDP Country Office SOUTH AFRICA RFP - Request for proposal 17-Jun-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 27-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78944 Recrutement de deux Consultants individuels nationaux pour l'appui à la formation des Honorables Députés de l'Assemblée Nationale du Bénin sur les différents outils élaborés dans le cadre du projet Plan National d'Adaptation (PNA) aux changements climatiq Bénin BENIN IC - Individual contractor 03-Jun-21 27-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78945 Consultant to support the process in developing Egypt's Vision for the Food System Summit UNDP Country Office EGYPT IC - Individual contractor 12-Jun-21 27-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78943 3903 PAN 2021 - Consultor/a para diagnóstico de la situación de la fuerza laboral en Panamá con enfoque de género usando la metodología de la Alta Comisión de la Política Pública de Empleo en Ocupaciones Técnicas y Profesionales en Panamá. UNDP Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 23-Jun-21 27-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78942 Recrutement de trois Consultants individuels nationaux pour l'appui à la Direction Générale du Budget pour l'opérationnalisation des outils et instruments élaborés Bénin BENIN IC - Individual contractor 04-Jun-21 27-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78941 ICPN/SLE/SLED/2021/004 ICPN for Procurement of National Consultant, Marine and Meteorological Consultant to support with the installation of one (1) Ocean Buoy and fabrication of 1,000kg anchor weight for UNDP Sierra Leone. UNDP Country Office SIERRA LEONE IC - Individual contractor 11-Jun-21 27-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78938 3899 PAN 2021 - Consultor para Planificación estratégica, orientada a resultados y acompañamiento en la implementación del Sistema de Monitoreo y Evaluación de las Políticas Públicas Educativas de Estado, consensuadas en el Compromiso Nacional por la Educ UNDP Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 09-Jun-21 27-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78939 T210503 - 02 National Consultants to support development of technical substance and organisation of the International Conference on Sustainable Ocean Economy and Climate Change Adaptation UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 02-Jun-21 27-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78940 ITB-208-21 Rehabilitation and Supply of Furniture for Rabi'a Court-Rabi'a Subdistrict-Talafar District-Ninawa Governorate,Iraq. RBAS IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 16-Jun-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 27-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78937 ITB-PAL-0000143263 -Solar Energy in School - Gaza UNDP/PAPP PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES ITB - Invitation to bid 15-Jun-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 27-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78936 Recruitment of International Consultant to undertake technically Lead a Review of Youth-Led Peacebuilding in Africa. UNDP ETHIOPIA OFFICE ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 15-Jun-21 @ 04:29 AM (New York time) 27-May-21 LARGE-SCALE  WATER SUPPLY/SEWERAGE LARGE-SCALE WATER SUPPLY/SEWERAGE 78935 Request for EOI - Rain Water Harvesting System UNDP Pacific Office in Fiji FIJI EOI - Expression of interest 19-Jun-21 @ 05:25 AM (New York time) 27-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78905 International Consultant to conduct a scoping study on the impact of digital technologies and AI on human rights in Eastern Europe and Central Asia Istanbul Regional Center TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 10-Jun-21 27-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78933 International Consultant for the Review of the National Strategy to Combat Poaching and the Illegal Wildlife Trade (2014 – 2019) UNDP Country Office TANZANIA IC - Individual contractor 11-Jun-21 27-May-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 78932 RFQ-049-IND-2021 (Request for quotation for Supply of Business Series Laptop (11 nos.)) UNDP Country Office INDIA RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Jun-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 27-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78931 Rehab. of Mosul University Kindergarten-Nursery UNDP Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 17-Jun-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 27-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78901 National Salary Survey Consultant Istanbul Regional Center TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 06-Jun-21 27-May-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 78929 RFPMUS2021-004 - Digital Economy Advisory Service Country Office MAURITIUS RFP - Request for proposal 18-Jun-21 @ 11:59 AM (New York time) 27-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78928 Hiring a Firm/ NGO/Institute for Capacity Development Training for LoGIC Beneficiaries Dhaka BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 20-Jun-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 27-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78927 IC-2021-075 National consultant to train energy sector representatives on women's empowerment / Национальный консультант по обучению представителей энергетического сектора по вопросам расширения прав и возможностей женщин UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 09-Jun-21 27-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78926 Expert Consulting in Bringing Solar Water Pumping UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFP - Request for proposal 13-Jun-21 @ 11:00 PM (New York time) 26-May-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 78925 SOLICITUD DE COTIZACIÓN (SdC) COL 0000143037 -Adquisición de mallas plásticas para el establecimiento en agroecosistemas. UNDP Country Office, COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Jun-21 26-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78924 IC/UNDP/SDF/091/2021 - Consultant for Gender and Public Finance (National Consultant) UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 10-Jun-21 26-May-21 HEALTH HEALTH 78923 RFQ MAT.CHU.CAMPUS PNUD TOGO 2021 TOGO TOGO RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Jun-21 @ 06:46 AM (New York time) 26-May-21 HEALTH HEALTH 78921 RFQ 2021-44 : Achat d'équipements de protection individuel EPI UNDP Country Office TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Jun-21 26-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78920 PreQualification.21.081 NextGenUNDP_Web Development and Design Services BERA UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ITP - Invitation to pre-qualify 11-Jun-21 26-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78919 Manejo do uso sustentável da terra no semiárido do nordeste brasileiro - Sergipe UNDP BRAZIL RFP - Request for proposal 10-Jun-21 26-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78918 International Consultant for COUNTERING MARITIME EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE THREATS IN YEMEN: EXPERT ASSESSMENT OF NATIONAL CAPACITY, NEEDS AND REMEDIAL ACTION UNDP CO YEMEN IC - Individual contractor 07-Jun-21 26-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78917 CI.045.OCR.2021 CONSULTOR NACIONAL PARA EL APOYO A LA COMUNICACIÓN DEL SISTEMA DE LAS NACIONES UNIDAS EN VENEZUELA UNDP Country Office VENEZUELA IC - Individual contractor 09-Jun-21 26-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78861 Recrutement d'un cabinet chargé de la formation, du coaching et de l'élaboration de plans d'affaires pour 08 GIE à la forêt classée de Mbao COUNTRY OFFICE SENEGAL RFP - Request for proposal 11-Jun-21 26-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78915 Individual consultancy - National Translators (5) - LBN-CO-IC-135-21 UNDP Country Office - LEBANON - LEBANON LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 04-Jun-21 26-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78916 Recrutement d'un bureau d'études ou d'un groupement de bureaux d'études international/internationaux pour la mise à jour de la Contribution Déterminée au niveau National (CDN) dans le domaine de l'adaptation en Guinée-Bissau UNDP Country Office GUINEA-BISSAU RFP - Request for proposal 17-Jun-21 @ 08:38 AM (New York time) 26-May-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 78914 385/RFQ/PDSPE/2021 Achat et livraison de divers matériels informatiques pour la Direction Générale de l'Economie et du Plan pour la réalisation des activités de la Cellule d'Appui à la Recherche Economique et à la Formation (CAREF) MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Jun-21 26-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78913 RFQ 39-2021 for Review of detailed designs for reconstruction of 2 public health institutions - LOT 1 (Hospital in Gostivar) and LOT 2 (TBC Hospital, Skopje) UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Jun-21 26-May-21 HEALTH HEALTH 78912 ITB UNDP HAI 21 107 Achat equipements medicaux PNUD HAITI ITB - Invitation to bid 10-Jun-21 @ 04:30 PM (New York time) 26-May-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 78909 ITB - Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Services UNDP Country Office SIERRA LEONE ITB - Invitation to bid 21-Jun-21 26-May-21 POWER POWER 78910 Invitation to Prequalify for Installation of Solar Photovoltaic Systems UNDP Country Office TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO ITP - Invitation to pre-qualify 18-Jun-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 26-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78911 Recruitment of International consultant for conducting the terminal evaluation of RET project UNDP ETHIOPIA COUNTRY OFFICE ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 14-Jun-21 @ 07:32 AM (New York time) 26-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78142 Graphic and UX Designer Consultant (Financial Health) - Home-based Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA IC - Individual contractor 10-Jun-21 26-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78907 LBN-CO-ITB-126-21 - PET Plastic Recycling Line - - Event ID: 0000009345 UNDP Country Office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 22-Jun-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 26-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78908 BIH-ITB-022-21 Rehabilitation Works Kula Mrkonjic UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA ITB - Invitation to bid 21-Jun-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 26-May-21 HEALTH HEALTH 78904 ITB 161-2021-UNDP-UKR UNDP CO UKRAINE ITB - Invitation to bid 09-Jun-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 26-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78903 National Biodiversity Conservation Expert (Mauritian Nationals only) Country Office MAURITIUS IC - Individual contractor 15-Jun-21 26-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78902 RECRUTEMENT D'UN CONSULTANT POUR L'ELABORATION DES RAPPORTS SECTORIELS Cameroon CAMEROON IC - Individual contractor 08-Jun-21 26-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78896 Réalisation d'une étude portant sur l'identification des méthodes de recrutement des groupes extrémistes dans les provinces du Lac et du Hadjer Lamis UNDP Chad CHAD RFP - Request for proposal 09-Jun-21 26-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78900 RFQ/UNDP/BFMU/MAINTENANCE OF FIRE ALARM SYSTEM/2021/002 UNDP Liberia LIBERIA RFQ - Request for quotation 31-May-21 26-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78899 RFQ/2021/04 Printing and Producing Branded Merchandise for UNDP's Decentralisation, Accountability and Integrity at the Local Level in Jordan Programme UNDP Country Office JORDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Jun-21 26-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78857 Rapid Needs Assessment on TVET Colleges UNDP Country Office SOUTH AFRICA RFP - Request for proposal 08-Jun-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 26-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78897 RFQ-UNDP-ISMIA-143105-013-2021 UNDP Country Office INDONESIA RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Jun-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 26-May-21 IRRIGATION IRRIGATION 78898 LBN-CO-ITB-132-21 - Zahle Irrigation Canals - Event ID: 0000009340 UNDP Country Office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 16-Jun-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 26-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78895 National consultant – Illicit Financial Flows (IFF) (A-210501) UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 30-Jun-21 26-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78894 NATIONAL IT CONSULTANT TO PROVIDE QUALITY ASSURANCE FOR THE PROGRAMS AND PROJECTS MONITORING SYSTEM PHASE II Philippines PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 11-Jun-21 26-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78893 SOLICITUD DE COTIZACIÓN (SdC) COL 0000141203 -Mantenimiento Preventivo, Corretivo y de Emergencia de Plantas Eléctricas-Antiguo ETCR COLINAS, Antiguo ETCR CHARRAS. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Jun-21 26-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78892 SOLICITUD DE COTIZACIÓN (SdC) COL 0000141204 -Mantenimiento Preventivo, Corretivo y de Emergencia de Plantas Eléctricas-Antiguo ETCR MIRAVALLE y Antiguo ETCR YARI MACARENA. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 15-Jun-21 26-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78891 National Consultant for Climate Public Expenditure Review 2020 UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 09-Jun-21 26-May-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 78890 RFQ-2021-026 Procurement and delivery of 3 unit of operational off-road Motor Vehicles (ATV) for Monitoring and Fight with Forest Fires/ Закупка и поставка оперативных мототранспортных средств повышенной проходимости для мониторинга и борьбы с лесными пож UNPD Country Office - KAZAKHSTAN KAZAKHSTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Jun-21 25-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78889 International Expert for the Joint UNDP-ILO Research Project – Understanding better the paths to formalization in Cambodia: an integrated vision UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 09-Jun-21 25-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78888 TRAVAUX REAMENAGEMENT INTERIEUR BUREAUX PNUD TOGO TOGO RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Jun-21 25-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78732 Provision of Conference Facilities and Hotel Accommodation Services UNDP Country Office SOLOMON ISLANDS ITB - Invitation to bid 21-Jun-21 25-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78886 Warehouse Assistant – Consultant Fiji FIJI IC - Individual contractor 07-Jun-21 25-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78887 AVISO DE SERVICIO PARA CONSULTOR/A INDIVIDUAL 2021/1265 UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 10-Jun-21 25-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78885 RFQ 2021-42 : Recrutement d'un bureau spécialisé pour l'élaboration d'études de faisabilité pour la construction d'un nouveau siège bioclimatique de l'Agence Nationale pour la Maîtrise de l'Energie UNDP Country Office TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Jun-21 25-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78884 IC/1114157/056/2021 Servicios de Consultoría de Apoyo al Análisis de las Campañas de desprestigio Emprendidas en contra de personas defensoras de Derechos Humanos y Periodistas, Contrato Individual de Servicios Oficina País HONDURAS IC - Individual contractor 08-Jun-21 25-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78883 18655-2021 - Desarrollo de Plataforma de Gestión de Conocimiento y Desarrollo de Cursos y Productos de Conocimientos Virtuales Regional Centre PANAMA RFP - Request for proposal 15-Jun-21 25-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78881 Consultancy - Rebuttal Panel, BMS/OHR BMS/OHR UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Other 09-Jun-21 25-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78880 TAXI Services for UNDP Kosovo on LTA basis UNDP Kosovo Kosovo, UNSCR 1244 (1999) RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Jun-21 @ 11:30 AM (New York time) 25-May-21 HEALTH HEALTH 78879 REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ) for supply of reagents for screening newborns for phenylketonuria, congenital hypothyroidism, cystic fibrosis and adrenogenital syndrome (6 lots) (re-announcement) UNDP CO UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Jun-21 25-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78878 IC 21 142879 guia metodologica y herramientas UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 17-Jun-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 25-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78877 RFQ2281 EU CBM Rascov synagogue conservation works UNDP Country Office MOLDOVA RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Jun-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 25-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78875 MNG/IC/2021/INT/006 - International Consultant - GHG Inventory Consultant UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 18-Jun-21 25-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78876 PNUD/113703-1095 "Adquisición de equipamiento para Laboratorio de Comunicación" URUGUAY URUGUAY Other 04-Jun-21 25-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78874 CHL/ SDP/073/2021 ACTUALIZACION DISEÑO OBRAS DE CONTROL ALUVIONAL Country Office CHILE RFP - Request for proposal 29-Jun-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 25-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78872 RFQ 056-21 (re-tendered) Supply and installation of culinary laboratory equipment in Gyumri, Armenia UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Jul-21 25-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78873 RFP-BIH-022-21 Capacity development and technical support for enhanced MZ - extension of deadline and amendment!!! UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFP - Request for proposal 22-Jun-21 25-May-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 78871 JOF 2823-2021 Novo SNBA Brasil BRAZIL RFP - Request for proposal 24-Jun-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 25-May-21 AGRO-INDUSTRY AGRO-INDUSTRY 78870 RFQ 061-21 Supply of Vertical Packing Machine with automatic multi head weigher 300-1000g for Legumes, Cereals, Vegetable Seeds UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Jun-21 25-May-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 78869 Purchase of HCI Server Infrastructure for JSC 2 UNDP Maldives Country Office MALDIVES RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Jun-21 @ 08:22 AM (New York time) 25-May-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 78868 Purchase of HCI Server Infrastructure for JSC 1 UNDP Maldives Country Office MALDIVES RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Jun-21 @ 08:12 AM (New York time) 25-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78867 UNDP-IC-2021-175-Strategic Planning and Programme Development Advisor Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 08-Jun-21 25-May-21 AGRO-INDUSTRY AGRO-INDUSTRY 78866 RFQ 052-21 Supply of the equipment for tannery for shaving of animal leather, skins, fur Country Office ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Jun-21 25-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78846 IC/013/21 - National Consultant / Expert on SDG impact measurement and reporting on the use of proceeds from sustainable/green bonds in Uzbekistan UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 07-Jun-21 25-May-21 HEALTH HEALTH 78840 Recruitment of Individual Consultant to develop psychosocial material for young persons living with HIV UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE GHANA IC - Individual contractor 28-May-21 25-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78864 IC-037-21- Support to the Government of Iraq for the Implementation and Monitoring of SDGs 'Financial Gap Analysis of Agenda 2030 and SDGs' Iraq Country Office IRAQ IC - Individual contractor 08-Jun-21 25-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78863 Team of two National Economists to Prepare Banking Paper for Viet Nam Economic Pulse (Ref. P210507) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 31-May-21 25-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78860 RFP/021/21 Development of new and upgrade of existing Feasibility Studies for instalment of new EE Street Light System - DEADLINE EXTENDED!!! UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFP - Request for proposal 22-Jun-21 25-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78859 HIRING OF CONSULTANT TEAM IN Hackathon INNOVATION ON LOCAL GOVERNANCE Angola ANGOLA IC - Individual contractor 07-Jun-21 25-May-21 HEALTH HEALTH 78858 Supply and installation of medical equipment. UNDP SERVICE CENTRE Erbil- Iraq IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Jun-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 25-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78856 National Consultancy firm/company for Development of a proposal for the UN COVID-19 Response and Recovery Multi-Partner Trust Fund Gambia GAMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 04-Jun-21 25-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78853 National Consultancy firm/company for Development of a pipeline of programmes for UN Socio-Economic Response Plan (SERP) implementation Gambia GAMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 04-Jun-21 25-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78854 RFQ-CSA-2021-10 - Construction of Building improvement for installing two Elevators UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Jun-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 25-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78855 RFP-203-21- Support to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Sinjar and Sinunni, Ninewa Governorate Iraq Country Office IRAQ RFP - Request for proposal 21-Jun-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 25-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78852 T210502 - 01 National Consultant to conduct Mapping of the Maritime Crime Law Enforcement Framework and Practice UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 06-Jun-21 25-May-21 HEALTH HEALTH 78850 Asia and Pacific HIV & Health project Legal Service Provider UNDP Country Office CHINA RFP - Request for proposal 14-Jun-21 25-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78161 87-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP: Creation of online video courses on business development UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 15-Jun-21 25-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78851 772-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-RPP_Elaboration of the technical design documentation and delivery, installation and commissioning of a 800kg passenger elevator UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Jul-21 25-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78849 The call for applications for small grants for civil society organizations (CSOs)/Прием заявок на конкурс малых грантов для организаций гражданского общества (ОГО) UN Women KAZAKHSTAN Other 30-May-21 25-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78848 Call for Proposals for INGOs and NGOs Scaling Up Water Innovation for Climate Security in Northern Jordan UNDP Country Office JORDAN CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 07-Jun-21 25-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78847 Consultancy Services to undertake feasibility studies on climate change, food, and nutrition security, conservation and land-use in Enga Province of Papua New Guinea UNDP PNG Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA RFP - Request for proposal 07-Jun-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 24-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78845 Borehole and Solar Pump Irrigation System UNDP Country Office MALAWI ITB - Invitation to bid 13-Jun-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 24-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78844 SdP ADQ 21 142874 estrategia venta de mineral UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 15-Jun-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 24-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78843 Procurement of MOTOR BIKES, TRICYCLE AND GENERATORS for UNDP Sierra Leone. UNDP Country Office SIERRA LEONE RFQ - Request for quotation 04-Jun-21 24-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78842 CLOSED EARLY
LTA PNUD avec plusieurs prestataires Algeria ALGERIA ITB - Invitation to bid 31-May-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 24-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78839 Recruitment of Individual Consultant to conduct Women in Trade consultations UNDP Country Office GHANA IC - Individual contractor 07-Jun-21 24-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78841 IC 21 142525 capacitacion virtual equipos GAD UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 14-Jun-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 24-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78789 LLAMADO A ORGANIZACIONES DE LA SOCIEDAD CIVIL DE SALTA Y/O JUJUY PARA LA PRESENTACIÓN DE PROYECTOS ORIENTADOS A LA ATENCIÓN A NIVEL LOCAL DE PERSONAS EN SITUACIÓN DE VIOLENCIA DE GÉNERO EN EL MARCO DE LA EMERGENCIA SANITARIA POR LA SEGUNDA OLA DE COVID-19 ARGENTINA ARGENTINA Other 14-Jun-21 24-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78838 Research on Women representation in the judiciary in Africa, for the Rule of Law, Security and Human Rights team, UNDP/CB HQ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 04-Jun-21 24-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78837 EVALUACIÓN A MEDIANO PLAZO (EMP) DEL PROYECTO DEL MARCO INTEGRADO MEJORADO, "APOYO INSTITUCIONAL PARA EL DESARROLLO DEL COMERCIO EN GUINEA ECUATORIAL". EG UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE EQUATORIAL GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 07-Jun-21 24-May-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 78836 CONSULTORÍA NACIONAL PARA LA FORMULACIÓN Y VALIDACIÓN DE UN ESTUDIO SOBRE LA OPTIMIZACIÓN DE CADENA DE VALOR EN EL SECTOR DE LA AGRICULTURA EN GUINEA ECUATORIAL. EG UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE EQUATORIAL GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 26-Jul-21 24-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78834 SDP-09-2021 Estudio Actuarial Poder Judicial UNDP Country Office DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 07-Jun-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 24-May-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 78832 CONSULTORÍA INTERNACIONAL PARA LA FORMULACIÓN Y VALIDACIÓN DE UN ESTUDIO SOBRE LA OPTIMIZACIÓN DE CADENA DE VALOR EN EL SECTOR DE LA AGRICULTURA EN GUINEA ECUATORIAL. EG UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE EQUATORIAL GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 26-Jul-21 24-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78833 CALL FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST "SDG Accelerator Pilot Program for Kuwait SMEs" Kuwait KUWAIT EOI - Expression of interest 31-May-21 24-May-21 HEALTH HEALTH 78828 RFQ 019-2021-UNDP-UKR UNDP CO UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Jun-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 24-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78829 Recrutement de 2 consultants (e)s locaux Pour l'audit de Système d'Information de Gestion de Coopec et IMF partenaires du Projet ACTIF - RDC UNDP-KINSHASA, DR CONGO - CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 07-Jun-21 24-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78830 RFQ/077/21 Support to D4D Project for Hybrid Organization of Final Conferences UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Jun-21 24-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78827 Photovoltaic Expert. UNDP Country Office EGYPT IC - Individual contractor 18-Jun-21 24-May-21 HEALTH HEALTH 78826 APPEL A MANIFESTATION D'INTERET Sélection ONG/OSC pour déploiement de la télésanté au Tchad RBA CHAD Other 05-Jun-21 24-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78825 RFQ 57-21 Supply of irrigation tubes and other construction materials for the irrigation system of 45 hectares of Khachik vill. of Areni community in Vayots Dzor region Country Office ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 31-May-21 24-May-21 POLLUTION POLLUTION 78823 APPEL A MANIFESTATION D'INTERET Sélection ONG/OSC pour énergie domestique RBA CHAD Other 05-Jun-21 24-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78824 CLOSED EARLY
RFP 2021-08 : Recrutement d'un bureau d'étude ou un groupement de bureaux d'études pour l'élaboration d'une feuille de route stratégique pour l'actualisation de la stratégie nationale de l'économie verte UNDP Country Office TUNISIA RFP - Request for proposal 11-Jun-21 24-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78821 RFQ/BDI10/002/2021- FOURNITURE D' ARTICLES DIVERS Burundi BURUNDI RFQ - Request for quotation 31-May-21 24-May-21 IRRIGATION IRRIGATION 78822 UNDP-SYR-ITB-025-21 Rehabilitation Irrigation NET UNDP Syria Office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC ITB - Invitation to bid 14-Jun-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 24-May-21 FISHERIES FISHERIES 78820 RFQ-SDR-2021-25 - Procurement of fishing Nets & Gears for Mullaitivu Districts UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Jun-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 24-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78816 Individual National Consultant to conduct market-demand analyses of recycling, SWM and related value chains to create sustainable women economic empowerment opportunities UNDP Country Office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 13-Jun-21 24-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78818 National technical Advisor for an integrated dengue early warning system driven by climate change Earth observations in Viet Nam (Ref.P210506) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 27-May-21 24-May-21 HEALTH HEALTH 78815 LBN-CO-ITB-130-21 Radiographic Unit UNDP Country Office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 07-Jun-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 24-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78814 Recrutement d'un consultant national ingénieur en génie civile pour l'élaboration de cahier de charges et suivre des travaux de construction/réhabilitation UNDP CO BURUNDI IC - Individual contractor 03-Jun-21 24-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75310 RFP_LVS_04_2021_REBIDDING - DEVELOPMENT OF GENDER STRATEGY AND GBV PLAN FOR THE MINISTRY OF INTERIOR Mozambique MOZAMBIQUE RFP - Request for proposal 05-Jul-21 24-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75311 RFP_LVS_03_2021_REBIDDING - DEVELOPMENT OF GENDER STRATEGY AND GBV PLAN FOR THE MINISTRY OF JUSTICE, CONSTITUTIONAL AND RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS Mozambique MOZAMBIQUE RFP - Request for proposal 05-Jul-21 24-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78813 ITB-205-21- Rehabilitation of Water Treatment Plant for Tikrit Center (500 m3/hr) (AWP21-POOL) Iraq Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 12-Jun-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 24-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78812 Re- Advertisement - Recruitment of National Consultancy firm to develop a guiding tool for engaging PSF and Civil Society, in mainstreaming environment and climate change for poverty reduction in Rwanda Rwanda RWANDA RFP - Request for proposal 24-Jun-21 24-May-21 FORESTRY FORESTRY 78811 Re-advert - ETH22210A Recruitment of National individual consultant to Conduct Integrated forest management plan preparation for Enclosures in ANR sites districts of Ethiopia -Team leader and forest management expert UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 07-Jun-21 @ 03:35 AM (New York time) 24-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78810 ETH22211- Recruitment of National individual consultant to Conduct Integrated forest management plan preparation for Enclosures in ANR sites of Ethiopia GIS and land use planning expert UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 31-May-21 @ 04:59 AM (New York time) 24-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78719 Information Management Systems Developer Consultant UNDP Country Office MOZAMBIQUE IC - Individual contractor 01-Jun-21 24-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78695 National Consultant-Climate Information System Developer UNDP- Thailand Country Office THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 30-Jun-21 24-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78809 CLOSED EARLY
National Consultant to Support core Banking System UNDP ETHIOPIA COUNTRY OFFICE ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 09-Jun-21 @ 07:22 AM (New York time) 24-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78808 Recruitment of Individual National Consultant to conduct Film Production and case story/study on the CRGE Facility Programmes/Projects. UNDP ETHIOPIA COUNTRY OFFICE ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 08-Jun-21 @ 06:50 AM (New York time) 24-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78734 International Consultant-Climate Change Modelling Expert Thailand THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 18-Jun-21 24-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78733 National Consultant-Climate Change Modelling Expert Thailand THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 07-Jul-21 24-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78806 Recruitment of Consultant to conduct Mid Term Review for Adaptation Fund Project "Climate Smart Integrated Rural Development project" in seven selected Woredas in five regional states and Dire Dawa City Administration. UNDP ETHIOPIA COUNTRY OFFICE ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 08-Jun-21 @ 05:20 AM (New York time) 24-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78807 RFP/2021/16: Requiring the Services of a Company to be Engaged Through a Service Contract for Community Network Platforms Country Office JORDAN RFP - Request for proposal 10-Jun-21 24-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78805 Rehabilitation of Civil Status and Police station 2 Lots Iraq Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 13-Jun-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 24-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78775 IC/012/21 - International Consultant - Team Leader on Assessment and Development of Media Development Strategy in Uzbekistan UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 28-May-21 24-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78804 Consultant - Samoa Parliament UNDP Country Office FIJI IC - Individual contractor 07-Jun-21 24-May-21 POWER POWER 78803 RFQ-047-PHL-2021 UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Jun-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 23-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78802 INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANT – DEVELOPMENT OF GENDER RESPONSIVE SOCIAL PROTECTION SYSTEMS IN SAMOA UNDP Country Office SAMOA IC - Individual contractor 07-Jun-21 23-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78801 PNUD SDP 241-2021 Sistematización de Buenas Prácticas en Gestión Prospectiva y Correctiva del Riesgo de Desastres" UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE PERU RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Jun-21 23-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78544 Створення анімованих відеороликів про гендерні стереотипи та протидію гендерно зумовленому насильству UNFPA UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 04-Jun-21 23-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78800 National Multimedia & Communication Services LTA - RFP-YEM-0028-2021 UNDP Country Office YEMEN RFP - Request for proposal 13-Jun-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 23-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78799 Recrutement d'un Expert National- Appui à l'élaboration d'une stratégie nationale des droits de l'homme et du VIH-. UNDP Algeria ALGERIA IC - Individual contractor 23-Jun-21 23-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78798 CLOSED EARLY
CALL FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST "SDG Accelerator Pilot Program for Kuwait SMEs" Kuwait KUWAIT EOI - Expression of interest 23-Jun-21 23-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78797 Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) Expert UNDP Country Office EGYPT IC - Individual contractor 01-Aug-21 23-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78796 Legal Expert UNDP Country Office EGYPT IC - Individual contractor 01-Jul-21 23-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78795 Information-Observation System Expert UNDP Country Office EGYPT IC - Individual contractor 01-Jul-21 23-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78794 Coastal-Hydro-dynamic Modelling Expert UNDP Country Office EGYPT IC - Individual contractor 01-Jul-21 23-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78708 Re-advertised Supply Benches of Livestock Departme UNDP Iraq IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 16-Jun-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 23-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78793 Rehabilitation of Al-Baaj First School for Girls UNDP SERVICE CENTRE Erbil- Iraq IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Jun-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 23-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78791 SDC-2021-006 Picadora de troncos y ramas para el CBIMA UNDP COSTA RICA COSTA RICA RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Jun-21 23-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78790 377/IC/TRANSV/2021 Recrutement de deux (02) Consultants individuels nationaux en vue de la finalisation du plan d'actions national de Madagascar relatif à la résolution 1325 Un(e) Expert/e en Gender Mainstreaming et un(e) Expert/e en Promotion du Genre MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 04-Jun-21 22-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78788 CONSTRUCTION-REHABILITATION EN 08 LOTS A BLANGOUA Cameroun CAMEROON ITB - Invitation to bid 07-Jun-21 @ 10:35 AM (New York time) 22-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78787 Recrutement d'un Cabinet pour une assistance en communication afin d'assurer la visibilité des réalisations du Projet YouthConnekt for Women en Guinée Guinea GUINEA RFP - Request for proposal 11-Jun-21 22-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78786 RFP-046-IND-2021 - Development of blended financing instruments for GCF Projects UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 09-Jun-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 22-May-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 78785 ETH2320ReÐ2321Re: Supply of Different ICT Equipments UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA RFP - Request for proposal 27-May-21 22-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78784 CI/CRI/2021/No.00126609/No.141994/Persona analista de datos para la búsqueda, procesamiento y visualización de datos UNDP COSTA RICA COSTA RICA IC - Individual contractor 13-Jun-21 21-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78783 Recrutement Consultant(e) International(e) de haut niveau spécialisé(e) dans les négociations intergouvernementales sur les questions administratives et budgétaires GUINEA, Office GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 15-Jun-21 21-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78782 Recrutement Consultant(e) International(e) de haut niveau spécialisé(e) dans les négociations intergouvernementales sur les questions environnementales GUINEA, Office GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 03-Jun-21 21-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78781 Recrutement Consultant(e) International(e) de haut niveau spécialisé(e) dans les négociations intergouvernementales sur les questions économiques et financières GUINEA, Office GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 03-Jun-21 21-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78780 Recrutement d'un Coordonnateur du Projet d'Assistance préparatoire à la formulation d'un programme cadre triennal d'appui au Ministère des Affaires Etrangères et des Guinéens de l'Etranger pour le renforcement institutionnel dans la gestion des affaires GUINEA, Office GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 15-Jun-21 21-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78776 MRT 9318 -SCAPP UNDP Country Office MAURITANIA RFP - Request for proposal 08-Jun-21 @ 09:10 AM (New York time) 21-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78779 PROCESO COL-0000142139 Suministro de Elementos de bioseguridad UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 26-May-21 21-May-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 78777 EOI 3884PAN2021 -INSUMOS EDUCATIVOS UNDP Country Office PANAMA EOI - Expression of interest 15-Jul-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 21-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78774 RFQ 699 Provision and installation of mobile fence, office cabin, toilet, and construction site safety signs UNDP CO Serbia SERBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 27-May-21 21-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78773 SOLICITUD DE COTIZACIÓN (SdC) COL 0000142205 -Adquisición de equipos topográficos. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 04-Jun-21 21-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78686 SOLICITUD DE COTIZACIÓN (SdC) COL 0000142206 -Adquisición de equipos fotográficos. UNDP Country Office, COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Jun-21 21-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78772 SdP ADQ 21 142120 sensibilizacion y participacion UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 24-Jun-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 21-May-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 78771 RFP/010/21 – Приглашение на тендер на оказание услуг по созданию и наращиванию потенциала женских консультативных групп (ЖКП) При Центрах государственных услуг (ЦГУ) с целью совершенствования доступа к государственным услугам для женщин, а также уязвимых UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 07-Jun-21 21-May-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 78765 UNDP-ITM-RFP-2021-009-Purchase of Cloud SaaS TMS UNDP/ITM UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RFP - Request for proposal 18-Jun-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 21-May-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 78770 RFQ/030/21 – re-announcement - Supply of individual planting cocoon (water-tank) for individual trees seedlings planting and growing for the GEF SGP Projects needs: UZB/SGP/OP5/Y8/CORE/CC/2019/49 and UZB/SGP/OP6/Y5/CORE/LD/2019/09 / пере-объявление UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 28-May-21 21-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78769 RECRUTEMENT D'UN∙E CONSULTANT∙E NATIONAL∙E POUR L'EVALUATION FINALE DU PROJET D'APPUI AU PROCESSUS DEMOCRATIQUE EN COTE D'IVOIRE UNDP ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE IC - Individual contractor 07-Jun-21 21-May-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 78746 Procurement of Video Conferencing Solutions for Statistics Mauritius under the JSB project UNDP Country Office MAURITIUS RFQ - Request for quotation 04-Jun-21 21-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78767 SdP ADQ 21 142184 cartografia memoria victimas fe UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 16-Jun-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 21-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78768 RFP/007/21 (переобъявление) – Оказание услуг по проведению семинаров и тренингов для государственных служащих, экспертов и специалистов научно-исследовательских организаций Республики Узбекистан по вопросам Всемирной торговой организации и процессу вступл UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 28-May-21 21-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78764 IC-286-2021 Elb Estrategia Metrop Movilidad Humana UNDP Country Office PERU IC - Individual contractor 07-Jun-21 @ 04:00 PM (New York time) 21-May-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 78766 Upgrading the software of registry and information management of Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) and UXO survivors (B-210503) UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 04-Jun-21 21-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78758 Recrutement d'un cabinet/bureau d'études de droit guinéen en vue d'élaborer une Stratégie Nationale de formalisation participative et de développement accéléré d'entreprises dans le secteur des Minéraux du Développement en Guinée. GUINEA, Office GUINEA RFP - Request for proposal 10-Jun-21 21-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78763 RFQ35/2021 REAMENAGEMENT D'UN ESPACE D'ACCUEIL DES CITOYENS AU DISTRICT DE LA GARDE NATIONALE DE BEN GUERDANE. TUNISIA TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Jun-21 21-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78762 COL-0000142759 - Consultoría en estrategias y experimentación para el proyecto sobre todo en lo concerniente a cadenas de valor productivas, realizando acciones de mapeo, diseño de experimentos y gestión del conocimiento. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 04-Jun-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 21-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78761 Llamado a precalificar Nº 01/2021 Convocatoria a instituciones sin fines de lucro para presentación de antecedentes ARGENTINA ARGENTINA ITP - Invitation to pre-qualify 22-Jun-21 21-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78760 Consultant.e national.e pour l'élaboration d'un diagnostic sur l'attractivité des des maisons des jeunes à l'égard des jeunes femmes TUNISIA TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 16-Jun-21 21-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78757 LBN-CO-RFP-129-21Capacity Building-Qalaa Veg Marke UNDP Country office LEBANON RFP - Request for proposal 04-Jun-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 21-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78756 BIH/RFQ-076-21 Creative and technical support for the two high level events that will take place on 29 and 30 June 2021 in Hotel Hils Sarajevo UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 31-May-21 21-May-21 POWER POWER 78754 Feasibility Study for the implementation of the minigrid of Mandalia in Chad PSU CHAD RFP - Request for proposal 21-Jun-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 21-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78753 RFP 059/21 "ORGANIZATION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF COMMUNITY COACHING" Country Office ARMENIA RFP - Request for proposal 28-May-21 21-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78752 ational Consultant to coordinate the process of developing on Incoporating Scientific Evidences and Community Insights and finalizing a National Technical Guide on HIV Services for People Who Engage in Sexualized Drug Use (ChemSex) (Ref.P210505) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 26-May-21 21-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78751 National Consultant to lead and coordinate the process of developing on Health Policy Components and finalizing a National Technical Guide on HIV Services for People Who Engage in Sexualized Drug Use (ChemSex) (Ref. P210504) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 26-May-21 21-May-21 HEALTH HEALTH 78749 RFQ/075/21 Supply and Delivery of Disinfection supplies UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 28-May-21 21-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78747 370/IC/LLP/2021 Recrutement d'un(e) consultant(e) national(e) pour l'exploitation des données collectées à travers l'utilisation de l'application mobile KAIKE avec l'organisme « Divers'Unité » dans le cadre du projet LPP (Lier la politique à la programma MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 03-Jun-21 21-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78748 RFP-003-2021-Bureau International pour l'actualisation de la stratégie nationale de lutte contre la corruption en Mauritanie Mauritania CO MAURITANIA RFP - Request for proposal 07-Jun-21 21-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78744 Asistencia Técnica para las Consultas con Partes Interesadas EG UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE EQUATORIAL GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 04-Jun-21 21-May-21 HOUSING HOUSING 78745 RfQ for Provision of canteen and catering services at the Green One UN House in Ha Noi UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 07-Jun-21 21-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78743 Re-Advert ETH2467RE-National Consultant for Local Government Finance (Innovative and inclusive finance) UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 13-Sep-21 @ 03:59 PM (New York time) 21-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78742 00045525_EOI_Provision of audio and video equipment for UN Bonn conference facilities United Nations Volunteers GERMANY EOI - Expression of interest 02-Jul-21 21-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78741 RFQ38-2021 for Technical documentation for photovoltaic systems in 9 (nine) public buildings, Municipality of Chair UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Jun-21 21-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78740 RFP-YPI-2021-24 Training program designing and delivery for youth capacity building towards a healthier, peaceful, equitable, safer and united Sri Lanka UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFP - Request for proposal 08-Jun-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 21-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78738 RFQ 36-2021 Review of Technical Documentation for Sateska River Restoration and Diversion in its Natural Riverbed UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Jun-21 21-May-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 78739 RFQ/074/21 Supply and delivery of IT equipment UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 04-Jun-21 21-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78737 T210501 - 02 National Consultants to prepare Economic Outlook Paper for Viet Nam Economic Pulse UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 03-Jun-21 21-May-21 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS 78736 105-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-EUP-Video equipment for Press Centre of VRU readvertisement with changed TOR UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Jun-21 21-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78735 CI-033-2021 Control Interno-Cobros INVI UNDP DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DOMINICAN REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 04-Jun-21 @ 02:00 PM (New York time) 21-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78615 Tender 262-202_Sports rehabilitation equipment for physical and psychological rehabilitation sanatorium of ATO and JFO ex-combatants/Тендер 262-2021_Спортивно-реабілітаційне обладнання для санаторію фізичної та психологічної реабілітації ветеранів АТО/ООС Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Jun-21 21-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78619 261-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-RPP_ Реалізація Програми менторства «рівний — рівному» для екскомбатантів: «ветеран — ветерану»/ Implementation of Peer-to-peer mentorship program for ex-combatants: veteran to veteran Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 04-Jun-21 21-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78731 Vanuatu Development Finance Assessment (DFA) Consultant Fiji FIJI IC - Individual contractor 04-Jun-21 21-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78730 PROESO COL-0000139772 Apoyar el diseño de la estrategia de marketing territorial y de marketing digital de los negocios verdes en Colombia y productos de la paz UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 10-Jun-21 20-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78729 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA (SdP) No. 00120241-5140 Asistencia técnica para apoyar al Ministerio de Cultura de El Salvador en el diseño de la línea museológica y museográfica UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR RFP - Request for proposal 03-Jun-21 20-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78727 IC-Strengthening Capacity of Zambia Meteorological Department Particularly on the use of MOSAICC Undp Country Office ZAMBIA IC - Individual contractor 28-May-21 20-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78725 IC 21 142103 elaboracion metodologia alineacion UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 01-Jun-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 20-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78726 SDC-024-2021 Compra de 20 radios Motorola DGP 5050 y 1 radio Motorola DGM 8000 incluye instalación en vehículo. UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Jun-21 20-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78724 UNDP/UNRCO Common Premise Office Layout UNDP Country Office BELIZE ITB - Invitation to bid 21-Jun-21 20-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78723 RECRUTEMENT D'UN∙E CONSULTANT∙E NATIONAL∙E POUR L'ÉLABORATION DE LA STRATÉGIE DU BUREAU POUR LA PROMOTION DE L'ÉGALITÉ DES SEXES ET DE L'AUTONOMISATION DES FEMMES PNUD CÔTE D'IVOIRE UNDP ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE IC - Individual contractor 02-Jun-21 20-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78722 SDC-023-2021 Provisión de 6 monederos electrónicos de gasolina para vehículos ONU-Habitat en el Sureste Mexicano. UNDP Country Office MEXICO RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Jun-21 20-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78721 IC - spécialiste en Suivi, Evaluation et Systèmes de Suivi pour l'élaboration d'un système de suivi et d'évaluation du Document cadre du Programme Pays (CPD) 2021-2025 UNDP Tunisia TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 14-Jun-21 20-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78720 SdC ADQ 21 142105 produccion videos promocionale UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Jun-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 20-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78718 RECRUTEMENT D'UN·E CONSULTANT·E NATIONAL·E POUR LA FORMULATION D'UN PROGRAMME SUR L'EMANCIPATION POLITIQUE, ECONOMIQUE ET SOCIALE DES FEMMES ET DES JEUNES UNDP ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE IC - Individual contractor 02-Jun-21 20-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78717 CI.044.ODS.2021.DESEMPEÑO ECONÓMICO 2020 Y ANÁLISIS PROSPECTIVO DEL IMPACTO DE LA COVID19 PARA EL 2021 UNDP Country Office VENEZUELA IC - Individual contractor 03-Jun-21 20-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78716 CI/043/ODS/2021.CONSULTORÍA PARA EL DESARROLLO DE UNA LIBRERÍA QUE PERMITA IDENTIFICAR LA UBICACIÓN DE LA EMISIÓN DE TWEETS POR ESTADOS Y MUNICIPIOS DE VENEZUELA UNDP Country Office VENEZUELA IC - Individual contractor 04-Jun-21 20-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78715 RFP/020/21 Development of climate change adaptation financial frameworks, project concept notes and finance strategy at municipal level UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFP - Request for proposal 07-Jun-21 20-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78714 National or International Digital Content and Social Media Consultant UNDP Country Office LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 03-Jun-21 20-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78713 RECRUTEMENT D'UN(E) CONSULTANT(E) INTERNATIONAL(E) POUR LA FORMULATION D'UN PROGRAMME D'APPUI A L'AMELIORATION DE LA GOUVERNANCE FORESTIERE EN COTE D'IVOIRE UNDP ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE IC - Individual contractor 18-Jun-21 20-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78710 COL-0000140214 Desarrollo de cinco (5) encuentros comerciales y espacios de networking virtuales para Negocios Verdes. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 09-Jun-21 20-May-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 78711 Procurement of Information Systems for Izmir Model Factory UNDP Country Office TURKEY ITB - Invitation to bid 23-Jun-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 20-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78709 Recrutement de deux consultantes internationales pour l'appui à la structuration du mouvement féminin dans la prévention des conflits, la consolidation de la paix &l'unité nationale & le renforcement des capacités des femmes en planification stratégique UNDP GUINEE GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 31-May-21 20-May-21 INDUSTRY INDUSTRY 78707 To Develop Zanzibar Investment Guide with Sector Profiles Tanzania TANZANIA RFP - Request for proposal 04-Jun-21 20-May-21 HEALTH HEALTH 78706 Consultaría sobre la Evaluación Final (EF) del proyecto "Apoyo al programa nacional de Lucha contra el VIH" EG UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE EQUATORIAL GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 04-Jun-21 20-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78703 CI.042.ODS.2021.CONSULTORÍA PARA LA CONSTRUCCIÓN, MONITOREO Y DESPLIEGUE DE UN ÍNDICE DE INSATISFACCIÓN DE SERVICIOS EN VENEZUELA UNDP Country Office VENEZUELA IC - Individual contractor 03-Jun-21 20-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78702 RFQ34/2021/ le Projet d'aménagement du jardin Zrig à Gabes TUNISIA TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Jun-21 20-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78701 International Consultant - Public Finance Management and Disaster Risk Management (To develop a methodology for assessing local governments' disaster risk reduction efforts and financing gaps, and identifies financing mechanisms) UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 11-Jun-21 20-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78700 Phase-II-Rehabilitation of 218 Housing Units UNDP iraq office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 10-Jun-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 20-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78699 APPEL A MANIFESTATION D'INTERET N°TCD/2021/05/AMO/001 pour la préqualification des fournisseurs en République du Tchad pour les domaines : Meubles/Mobiliers de bureau ; Matériels informatiques ; Imprimerie ; Sérigraphie ; Equipements solaires UNDP CHAD CHAD EOI - Expression of interest 07-Jun-21 20-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78698 Recrutements d'un(e) consultant(e) international(e) pour l'évaluation du projet Groupe de coordination des partenaires - GCP UNDP DRC CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 03-Jun-21 20-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78697 IC/UNDP/GBV/090/2021 - Consultant for The Strengthening Capacity Gender-Based Violence Service Providers and Improving Access to the Hospital-Based Integrated Service Centre for GBV's survivors Indonesia INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 03-Jun-21 20-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78696 RFQ/LBY/REPSOL/2021/028 - Rehabilitation of Ubari Primary School, Ubari Municipality, Libya. UNDP Country Office LIBYA RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Jun-22 20-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78694 Consultancy Services for Risk Protection Mechanisms in Aden and Sanaa UNDP Yemen Country Office YEMEN RFP - Request for proposal 05-Jun-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 20-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78693 CFP ReLOaD2 UNDP CO Serbia SERBIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 21-Jun-21 20-May-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 78692 Purchase of video conferencing system for RC office UNDP Maldives Country Office MALDIVES RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Jun-21 20-May-21 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS 78690 ITB 10.CPS.2021Fourniture et installation d'équipement de sonorisation de la salle d'audience de la Cour Pénale Spéciale (CPS) e-tendering ID 0000009287 UNDP Country Office CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC ITB - Invitation to bid 01-Jun-21 @ 11:30 AM (New York time) 20-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78691 ETH2502-International Firm Leve Consultancy for the Provision of Third-Party Monitoring Services for the UNDP/ TEF Entrepreneurship Programme UNDP Regional Centre ETHIOPIA RFP - Request for proposal 28-Jun-21 @ 03:59 PM (New York time) 20-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78689 Rehabilitation of Agriculture Storage in Al Muhala UNDP SERVICE CENTRE Erbil- Iraq IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Jun-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 20-May-21 RURAL DEV'T.  (MISCELLANY) RURAL DEV'T. (MISCELLANY) 78685 Call for Proposal - Support to Community Infrastructure Reconstruction for Livelihood Recovery in East Lombok UNDP Country Office INDONESIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 07-Jun-21 20-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78688 MNG/IC/2021/075 - National Consultant - National Expert for High-Performance Computer and Numerical Weather Prediction System (NEHPC) UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 03-Jun-21 19-May-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 78687 SOLICITUD DE COTIZACIÓN (SdC) COL 0000142127 -Adquisición de computadores portátiles y licencias UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Jun-21 19-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78683 HIV and STI Clinical Consultant UNDP Pacific Office in Fiji FIJI IC - Individual contractor 02-Jun-21 19-May-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 78681 Supply of ICT Equipment for Kiribati Parliament UNDP Country Office FIJI RFQ - Request for quotation 31-May-21 19-May-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 78682 RFQ-025-PHL-2021: LTA for the maintenance and repairs of UNDP vehicles in Metro Manila Philippines PHILIPPINES RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Jun-21 19-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78680 Consultant to Conduct a Technical Needs Assessment for an Integrated Web-Based Monitoring and Evaluation Dashboard in support of the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan Philippines PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 02-Jun-21 19-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78679 Full-Stack Web Developer for Database Programming and Web Development of a Functional Prototype of an Integrated Web-Based Monitoring and Evaluation Dashboard in support of the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan (2020-2030) Philippines PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 02-Jun-21 19-May-21 POWER POWER 78678 CLOSED EARLY
3796 PAN 2021 Adquisición de mil (1,000) baterías solares portátiles de cuatro paneles solares. PANAMA PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Jun-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 19-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78677 SDC-20-2021 "Impresión del Boletín Constitucional 2019" UNDP Country Office DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Jun-21 19-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78676 Consultant International pour l'élaboration d'une étude portant sur la mise en place d'un laboratoire contrôle qualité pour les énergies renouvelables en Mauritanie UNDP Country Office MAURITANIA IC - Individual contractor 28-May-21 19-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78675 PCI-039-2021 "Servicios de consultoría para elaborar el diseño instruccional y contenidos sustantivos para el desarrollo del Curso Virtual de Gobierno Abierto Municipal. " UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 02-Jun-21 19-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78674 Consultant-Terminal Evaluation of UPOPS Project Country Office KENYA IC - Individual contractor 31-May-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 19-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78673 Consultant International pour l'évaluation de la politique budgétaire à l'aide d'un modèle d'équilibre général calculable dynamique UNDP Country Office MAURITANIA IC - Individual contractor 28-May-21 19-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78672 SdP ADQ 21 142504 produccion y difusion de video UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 07-Jun-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 19-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78671 Recrutement d'un(e) Expert(e) formateur/trice en (Habiletés Managériale, leadership et accompagnement des équipes, management du changement et gestion des conflits) UNDP Country Office TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 01-Jun-21 19-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78670 UNDP-IC-2021-171 - Graphic Designer Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 02-Jun-21 19-May-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 78669 RFQ N°011-2021/PNUD-BFA : ACQUISITION DE MATERIELS INFORMATIQUES POUR LES SERVICES D'ETAT CIVIL POUR LE COMPTE DU PROJET CONFIANCE EN TROIS LOTS UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO RFQ - Request for quotation 25-May-21 19-May-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 78668 Firm/organization/institute to develop community-based disaster monitoring system UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM ITB - Invitation to bid 13-Jun-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 19-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78667 Provision of services 3 LOTs Albania ALBANIA RFP - Request for proposal 15-Jun-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 19-May-21 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS 78663 RFP : DRH/GOV/ADDIS/001/2021 Recruitment of Communications and design services provision for UNDP's Governance and Peacebuilding Consultative Process UNDP REGIONAL HUB DAKAR SENEGAL RFP - Request for proposal 07-Jun-21 19-May-21 AGRICULTURE  SEEDLING AGRICULTURE SEEDLING 78657 Supply and Delivery of Agricultural Drones (RFQ/05/2021) Cabo Verde CAPE VERDE RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Jun-21 19-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78666 ITB-BIH-021-21 Construction of the Music School UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA ITB - Invitation to bid 09-Jun-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 19-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78665 Recruitment of International firm to Assess Potential Forest Carbon supply and Market Readiness in Rwanda's forests Rwanda RWANDA RFP - Request for proposal 28-Jun-21 19-May-21 FORESTRY FORESTRY 78650 Request for Proposal - Support to UNDP Climate and Forests Programme's Paris Agreement LULUCF Assessment & NDC Tool - PLANT Homebased SWITZERLAND RFP - Request for proposal 07-Jun-21 19-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78664 Pre-fab Construction Work in Aden UNDP CO YEMEN RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Jun-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 19-May-21 HEALTH HEALTH 78662 Supply of RT-rPCR test kits for the Ministry of Health of Viet Nam UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFQ - Request for quotation 24-May-21 19-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78661 LBN-CO-RFP-125-21 - E-Waste Statistical Survey - Event ID 0000009293 UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFP - Request for proposal 09-Jun-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 19-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78659 NATIONAL CONSULTANT, CCCD TERMINAL EVALUATION UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 28-May-21 19-May-21 FORESTRY FORESTRY 78660 ICN-007-2021-Consultant National Facilitateur /Animateur pour : L'Organisation des ateliers de révision de la loi n°2007-055 Portant Code Forestier de la Mauritanie Mauritania CO MAURITANIA IC - Individual contractor 07-Jun-21 19-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78658 INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANT, CCCD TERMINAL EVALUATION UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 28-May-21 19-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78611 RFQ35-2021 for Reconstruction works for replacement of part of the rooftop for multifunctional Center in Gostivar UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 31-May-21 19-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78656 English Language Editor UNDP Country Office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 31-May-21 19-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78651 367/IC/PBF/2021 RECRUTEMENT CONSULTANT INDIVIDUEL NATIONAL Evaluation of the Peacebuilding Fund (PBF) Phase 1 project portfolio in Madagascar MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 16-Jun-21 19-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78655 ITB 108 EID 9272 2021 - Conservation works at 3 churches UNDP Cyprus CYPRUS ITB - Invitation to bid 24-Jun-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 19-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78654 Rehabilitation of the Municipal Maintenance Factor UNDP iraq office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 06-Jun-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 19-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78653 Researcher on the Status of the Implementation of the UNGPs on Business and Human Rights in Eastern Europe and Central Asia Istanbul Regional Center TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 02-Jun-21 19-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78652 MKDITB37-2021 for Rehabilitation of torrent in the village of Shipkovica, Municipality of Tetovo UUNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia ITB - Invitation to bid 24-Jun-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 19-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78646 IC/DRH/STAB-MALI/001-2021_Recrutement consultant national _Ingénieur/Expert en construction en charge de l'élaboration du Cahier des charges et du Suivi des travaux de réhabilitation/Construction UNDP REGIONAL HUB DAKAR MALI IC - Individual contractor 26-May-21 19-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78649 364/RFP/PNUD-OSCODD/2021 APPEL A MANIFESTATION D'INTERETS Pour constitution de la base de données des OSC pour l'opérationnalisation de la plateforme intégrée de la société civile Malagasy pour la mise en œuvre et le suivi ODD MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR ITP - Invitation to pre-qualify 10-Jun-21 19-May-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 78648 ACQUISITION EQUIPEMENTS AGRICOLE SEMENCES ET INTR CAMEROON CAMEROON ITB - Invitation to bid 31-May-21 @ 06:52 AM (New York time) 19-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78647 International Consultant - Foresight Research (SYNTHESIS FRAMEWORK) UNDP Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 04-Jun-21 19-May-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 78645 RFQ ICT Print Services for UNDP Kosovo on LTA UNDP Kosovo Kosovo, UNSCR 1244 (1999) RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Jun-21 @ 11:30 AM (New York time) 19-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78644 International Consultant - Foresight Research (Inclusive Imaginaries) UNDP Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 03-Jun-21 19-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78643 International Consultant - Writer / Editor UNDP Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 02-Jun-21 19-May-21 HEALTH HEALTH 78580 IC/UNDP/HGI/2021/089 - Software Specialist for SMILE Project UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 02-Jun-21 19-May-21 AGRO-INDUSTRY AGRO-INDUSTRY 78642 RFQ/031/21 - Supply and Installation of Pulses and Seeds and Peanut Processing Lines / Поставка и установка линий по переработке зернобобовых, семян и арахиса UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Jun-21 19-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78641 RFP-046-PHL-2021: Consultancy Services of a Firm/CSO to build capacity of youth from the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) on leadership, innovation and entrepreneurship under the Youth Co:Lab Project. Philippines PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 01-Jun-21 19-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78640 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA (SdP) No. 00106130/5139 Asistencia técnica para propuesta de estandarización de implementadoras de prevención terciaria en El Salvador UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR RFP - Request for proposal 03-Jun-21 18-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78639 SdP ADQ 21 141991 Equipo financiero UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 07-Jun-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 18-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78638 CFP 01-21 Support Strengthening of Civil Society Organizations UNDP CO MONTENEGRO CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 18-Jun-21 18-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78637 3861 PAN 2021 Consultor/a Individual para el "Servicios de Asesoría Legal para la Oficina de Negociaciones Comerciales Internacionales (ONCI) del Ministerio de Comercio e Industrias" Panama PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 14-Jun-21 18-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78636 CHL/SDC/075/2021 "Adquisición de Servicio de Remodelación para la adecuación de Espacios de programas en la Región de Valparaíso" UNDP Country Office CHILE RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Jun-21 18-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78635 MNG/IC/2021/074 - National Consultants - Development of policy options on Agricultural Subsidy Policies and Programs UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 08-Jun-21 18-May-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 78634 3751 PAN 2021 Suministro y puesta en funcionamiento de quince (15) pantallas interactivas de sesenta y cinco pulgadas (65"), para los centros del INADEH de Los Pueblos y de Panamá Pacífico PANAMA PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 04-Jun-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 18-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78633 MNG/IC/2021/INT/005 - International Consultant - Agricultural Subsidy Policies and Programs based on the impact assessment subsidies UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 01-Jun-21 18-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78331 IC 21 141299 formulacion de hoja de ruta UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 27-May-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 18-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78632 RFQ 2021-37 UNDP Tunisia TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Jun-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 18-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78631 RFP - Firm Level consultant to establish market intelligence on investment opportunities for Women-led and Youth-led MSMEs. UNDP Country Office GHANA RFP - Request for proposal 08-Jun-21 @ 09:30 AM (New York time) 18-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78630 RFP - Firm Level Consultancy to Undertake strategic communication and ensure actions for the MSMEs. UNDP Country Office GHANA RFP - Request for proposal 08-Jun-21 @ 09:30 AM (New York time) 18-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78627 3845 PAN 2021 "Análisis, Diseño, Desarrollo, Implementación y Soporte por el Término de 1 año del Sitio Web de la Zona Libre de Colón" Panama PANAMA RFP - Request for proposal 02-Jun-21 18-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78629 Achat des équipements des jeunes Cameroon CAMEROON RFQ - Request for quotation 27-May-21 18-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78628 RFQ 2021-38 UNDP Tunisia TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Jun-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 18-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78622 RFP - Firm Level Consultancy to Design and rollout a prototype of an integrated ecosystem support for Youth and Women led MSMEs. UNDP Country Office GHANA RFP - Request for proposal 08-Jun-21 @ 09:30 AM (New York time) 18-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78625 UNDP-OIMT-RFQ-202-004-ISO Registration services United Nations Development Office Stateless RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Jul-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 18-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78624 Risk and Vulnerability Assessment Consultant UNDP Thailand THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 30-Jun-21 18-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78623 MNG/IC/2021/072 - National Consultant - In-Country Facilitator UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 01-Jun-21 18-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78621 CHL/SDC/068/2021 Servicio de diseño, edición e impresión de los 2 números (4.000 ejemplares) de la revista RT del Programa observatorio de juventud del Instituto Nacional de la Juventud UNDP Country Office CHILE RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Jun-21 18-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78620 un consultant pour l'Accompagnement dans la réalisation du méta-portail entrepreneuriat » TUNISIA TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 16-Jun-21 18-May-21 OIL/GAS  EXPLORATION OIL/GAS EXPLORATION 75544 LONG TERM AGREEMENT FOR DIESEL SUPPLY TO UN HOUSE UNDP ABUJA NIGERIA ITB - Invitation to bid 07-Jun-21 @ 11:59 AM (New York time) 18-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78618 un( e) Chargé (e) du développement de la culture entrepreneuriale et du plaidoyer en faveur de l'Economie Sociale et solidaire (ESS) et l'autonomisation économique des femmes TUNISIA TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 16-Jun-21 18-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78616 RFQ.11.2021.PNUD.COM - CENTRE MULTIFONCTIONNELLE LINGONI ANJOUAN MORONI COMOROS RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Jun-21 18-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78617 un( e) consultant ( e) sénior spécialiste dans la gestion budgétaire publique axée sur les objectifs TUNISIA TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 02-Jun-21 18-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78614 Renewable Energy Testing Equipment Malawi UNDP Country Office MALAWI RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Jun-21 18-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78613 National Consultant's service for supporting implementation of the Project "Accelerating socio-economic development and multi-dimensional poverty reduction among Ethnic Minorities in Viet Nam" (SEDEMA) ((Ref. P210503) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 23-May-21 18-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78612 Metal racks for Republican AIDS Center UNDP Country Office KYRGYZSTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 28-May-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 18-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78608 RFQ Procurement of weapons cabinets and padlocks s UNDP Kosovo Kosovo, UNSCR 1244 (1999) RFQ - Request for quotation 31-May-21 @ 11:30 AM (New York time) 18-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78609 Rehab. of of High Tension transmission lines UNDP Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 09-Jun-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 18-May-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 78606 CALL FOR PROPOSALS KAMPALA UGANDA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 11-Jun-21 18-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78607 ITB - Provision of Customs Clearing Services UNDP Country Office TANZANIA ITB - Invitation to bid 01-Jul-21 @ 05:30 AM (New York time) 18-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78605 Sélection d'une structure prestataire de formation en bureautique et internet du personnel des institutions des Cours d'Appel de N'Djamena et de Sarh UNDP office CHAD RFP - Request for proposal 02-Jun-21 18-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78604 Digitalisation of UNV historical photos United Nations Volunteers GERMANY RFQ - Request for quotation 27-May-21 18-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78603 PREPARATION OF A PROGRAM DOCUMENT FOR INVESTMENT AND SUSTAINABLE CITIES PROGRAM UNDP TANZANIA IC - Individual contractor 28-May-21 18-May-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 78602 Hiring firm for AV Content Development for a2i Bangladesh BANGLADESH RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Jun-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 18-May-21 RURAL DEV'T.  (MISCELLANY) RURAL DEV'T. (MISCELLANY) 78601 RFP/UNDP/IFL/140124/020/2021 - Incubator for Employment and Livelihood Project: Basic Entrepreneurship Training UNDP Country Office INDONESIA RFP - Request for proposal 01-Jun-21 @ 12:49 AM (New York time) 17-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78599 Re-Advertise RFP/UNDP/AIS/124304/010/2021 - Provision of the incubation and acceleration training for Ending Plastic Pollution Innovation Challenge (EPPIC) Project Country Office INDONESIA RFP - Request for proposal 31-May-21 @ 01:53 AM (New York time) 17-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78600 3704 PAN 2021 - Contratación de un Técnico Jr. en Diseño Gráfico UNDP Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 08-Jun-21 17-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78598 3875 PAN 2021 - Consultor Asistente en Educación Musical – Cátedra: "Piano para Educación Especial" UNDP Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 31-May-21 17-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78597 3646 PAN 2021 - Diseño y Elaboración de una Plataforma de Autoaprendizaje y Biblioteca Virtual para el Ministerio de Seguridad Pública Country Office PANAMA RFP - Request for proposal 08-Jun-21 17-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78596 RFQ: Research institute based in Peru for the review of the Draft Independent Country Programme Evaluation Report Independent Evaluation Office UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Jun-21 17-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78594 3837 PAN 2021 "Adquisición de Máquinas de Corte, Esmerilado y Pulido de Láminas delgadas para el Ministerio de Comercio e Industrias" UNDP Country Office PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Jun-21 17-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78595 Proceso No. COL 00000142083 Consultoria Individual UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 27-May-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 17-May-21 HEALTH HEALTH 78593 Proyecto PNUD 16/006 - Licitación Pública Internacional Nº 02/2021 - "Adquisición de Equipamiento Médico Menor" PNUD Argentina ARGENTINA ITB - Invitation to bid 22-Jun-21 17-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78592 PCI-038-2021 Servicios de consultoría para estudio de mejores prácticas del Observatorio de Independencia Judicial de la Red Mundial de Justicia Electoral (RMJE)." UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 06-Jun-21 17-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78591 Online System for the Ministry of Finance Web Design and Programming Specifications Guinea-Bissau GUINEA-BISSAU IC - Individual contractor 28-May-21 17-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78590 SDC-21-2021 "Impresión y distribución de periódico institucional: La Voz del Constitucional" UNDP Country Office DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 31-May-21 17-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78589 Consultancy - Development of Impact measurement tool/guide for conflict prevention and peacebuilding Home Based UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 31-May-21 17-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78588 Exploring Students Perception about VET and their Albania ALBANIA RFP - Request for proposal 25-Jun-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 17-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78583 Editing, Proofreading and Designing the Health and Safety Guidelines for Small-Scale Miners in Namibia UNDP CO, WINDHOEK, REPUBIC OF NAMIBA NAMIBIA RFP - Request for proposal 28-May-21 17-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78587 RECRUTEMENT D'UN BUREAU/CABINET DANS LE CADRE DE L'ETUDE DIAGNOSTIQUE DEMOGRAPHIE ET CAPITAL HUMAIN UNDP Country Office CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 11-Jun-21 17-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78586 RFQ-SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF BIOGAS APPLIANCES BOTSWANA BOTSWANA RFQ - Request for quotation 31-May-21 17-May-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 78386 RQF 21.085 Acquisition d'un imprimante et accessoires UNDP Haiti HAITI RFQ - Request for quotation 24-May-21 17-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78584 CHL/SDP/071/2021 Consultoría para la elaboración de lineamientos del sistema nacional de Monitoreo, Reporte y Verificación (MRV) de políticas y acciones de mitigación impulsadas por el sector público de Chile" UNDP Country Office CHILE RFP - Request for proposal 07-Jun-21 17-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78574 [Re-advertisement] IC/UNDP/ACCESS/088/2021 - Gender Specialist UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 31-May-21 17-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78582 National or International consultant Content Writer for LPDC New website UNDP Country Office LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 04-Jun-21 17-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78578 Development of the National SDG Financing Strategy for the Republic of Namibia within the Context of an Integrated National Financing Framework (INFF) UNDP CO, WINDHOEK, REPUBIC OF NAMIBA NAMIBIA RFP - Request for proposal 27-May-21 17-May-21 URBAN DEV'T. URBAN DEV'T. 78581 MyRFP2021_011 Research project on Temporary Basic Income UNDP Country Office MALAYSIA RFP - Request for proposal 14-Jun-21 17-May-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 78576 ITBMUS2021-002 Servers and IT Equipment UNDP Country Office MAURITIUS ITB - Invitation to bid 02-Jun-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 17-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78577 RECRUTEMENT UN BUREAU/CABINET DANS LE CADRE DE L'ETUDE DIAGNOSTIQUE DU SECTEUR POLITIQUE ET INSTITUTION. UNDP Country Office CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 11-Jun-21 17-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78575 Services of International Consultant on GEF Project Midterm Review UNDP Country Office BELARUS IC - Individual contractor 31-May-21 17-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78573 Gender mainstreaming in NDC Enhancement in SA UNDP Country Office SOUTH AFRICA RFP - Request for proposal 28-May-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 17-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78572 RFP 2021-41 BUSINESS TRAININGS UNDP Kyrgyzstan KYRGYZSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 11-Jun-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 17-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78571 357/RFP/GOUDMADA/2021 RECRUTEMENT D'UN CABINET CHARGE DU DEVELOPPEMENT DU SITE WEB et E-LEARNING DU SAMIFIN MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFP - Request for proposal 28-May-21 16-May-21 AGRICULTURE  SEEDLING AGRICULTURE SEEDLING 78570 348/RFQ/PACARC/2021 ACQUISITION ET LA LIVRAISON D'INTRANTS AGRICOLES POUR LES COMMUNAUTES VULNERABLES DE LA COMMUNE RURALE DE BETSIZARAINA (DISTRICT MAHANORO) ET DE LA COMMUNE RURALE D'ILAKA EST (DISTRICT VATOMANDRY), REGION ATSINANANA, répartis en Quatre MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 28-May-21 16-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78569 IC-035-21 - International Expert Information Communication Technology Country Office IRAQ IC - Individual contractor 28-May-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 16-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78568 ITB-199-21 Rehabilitation of Internal Electric Networks for Baiji center in Baiji-Salahuddin Governorate,Iraq RBAS IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 02-Jun-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 15-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78567 Contratação de um Consultor Nacional para apoiar na elaboração do Relatório Nacional sobre a implementação dos ODS no âmbito da RNV Sao Tome and Principe SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE IC - Individual contractor 23-May-21 15-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78566 Two National Experts to Integrate the Team to conduct the evaluation of Sao Tome and Principe United Nations Sao Tome and Principe SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE IC - Individual contractor 23-May-21 15-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78565 International Expert for UNDAF Evaluation Sao Tome and Príncipe SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE IC - Individual contractor 23-May-21 15-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78546 ETH2507: Recruitment of National Consultant for Provision of Technical Assistance Support to Strengthen MFI's Staff in the use of a new Core Banking System UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 28-May-21 @ 10:45 AM (New York time) 15-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78564 IC/1114157/054/2021 APOYO A LA DOCUMENTACION DE CASOS DE VIOLENCIA CONTRA DEFENSORES DE DDHH Y PERIODISTAS OACNUDH HONDURAS IC - Individual contractor 27-May-21 14-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78563 Appel à candidature formation des formatrices ACADÉMIE DE LEADERSHIP POLITIQUE FÉMININ (ALPF) UNWOMEN HAITI Other 28-May-21 14-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78562 PROCESO COL 0000142073 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultor Secretaría Técnica Ocad Paz – SGR. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 28-May-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 14-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78561 PROCESO COL 0000142072 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultor Secretaría Técnica Ocad Paz - SGR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 28-May-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 14-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78560 PROCESO COL 0000141883 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Especializado Gestión de Conocimiento - Nivel 2 -DVR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 28-May-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 14-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78559 PROCESO COL 0000141882 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Técnico de Entidad del Orden Nacional - Nivel 4 - DVR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 28-May-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 14-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78558 PNUD-IC-253-2021 UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE PERU IC - Individual contractor 27-May-21 @ 01:00 PM (New York time) 14-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78557 3599 PAN 2021 - Alquiler de bodega para el almacenamiento de libros en Panamá, República de Panamá. UNDP Country Office PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Jun-21 14-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78556 3655 PAN 2021 Cambio de cubierta del pabellón del Almacén en INADEH Puerto Escondido, Provincia de Colón PANAMA PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Jun-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 14-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78553 Institutional Capacity Assessment at the National Level to Identify Critical Skills and Knowledge Gaps for Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Implementation Dominica BARBADOS IC - Individual contractor 31-May-21 14-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78550 RFP - Establish a digital gateway for MSMEs UNDP Country Office GHANA RFP - Request for proposal 08-Jun-21 @ 09:30 AM (New York time) 14-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78555 SDC-022-2021 Servicio de limpieza de cisternas del edificio de la Sede Común de Naciones Unidas en México UNDP Country Office MEXICO RFQ - Request for quotation 28-May-21 14-May-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 78551 Procurement Notice - Security Equipment UNDP Country Office GUYANA RFQ - Request for quotation 31-May-21 14-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78554 SDC-021-2021 Servicio de Recarga de extintores del edificio de la Sede Común de Naciones Unidas en México UNDP Country Office MEXICO RFQ - Request for quotation 28-May-21 14-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78552 National Consultant for the Situational Analysis of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the Cook Islands UNDP Country Office SAMOA IC - Individual contractor 29-May-21 14-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78548 IC 21 141532 Economista senior UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 27-May-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 14-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78549 PROCESO COL 0000141556 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Enlace de Entidad - Nivel 3C - DVR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 27-May-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 14-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78547 PROCESO COL 0000141555 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Gestión de Sedes - Nivel 3 -DVR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 27-May-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 14-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78537 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA SDP-2021-016 Diagnóstico de personas afectadas por agroquímicos y sus tratamientos más comunes UNDP COSTA RICA COSTA RICA RFP - Request for proposal 06-Jun-21 14-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78545 MNG/RFP/2021/018 - Production of media contents UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA RFP - Request for proposal 11-Jun-21 14-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78543 "CONSULTORÍA PARA LA ELABORACIÓN DE DOS REVISTAS SOBRE LAS CAPACIDADES TÉCNICAS EN EL SECTOR PÚBLICO Y PRIVADO PARA EL MANEJO DE LA AGENDA DE DESARROLLO DEL COMERCIO Y EL SECTOR PRIVADO FORTALECIDOS Y LA CAPACIDAD DE MOVILIZACIÓN DE RECURSOS TÉCNICOS Y FI E.G. UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE EQUATORIAL GUINEA RFP - Request for proposal 26-Jul-21 14-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78541 Junior Research Consultant on Effective Development Cooperation II UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 27-May-21 14-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78540 Consultor para brindar apoyo especializado en propuestas redactadas por la oficina del Coordinador Residente de la ONU en Guinea Ecuatorial E.G. UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE EQUATORIAL GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 28-May-21 14-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78539 CONSULTORÍA INTERNACIONAL SOBRE LAS CONSULTAS NACIONALES ACERCA DE LAS MUJERES EN COMERCIO EN GUINEA ECUATORIAL E.G. UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE EQUATORIAL GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 23-May-21 14-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78538 121-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-RPP Land Management UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 06-Jun-21 14-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78536 un (e) consultant( e) sénior spécialiste en évaluation des politiques budgétaires publiques TUNISIA TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 23-May-21 14-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78535 01ITBCONSTRUCTION64PARCMETEO RBA CHAD ITB - Invitation to bid 25-May-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 14-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78533 REQUEST FOR QUOTATION KAMPALA UGANDA RFQ - Request for quotation 22-May-21 14-May-21 OIL/GAS  EXPLORATION OIL/GAS EXPLORATION 78532 CONSULTANCY – Study on Revenue Sharing Mechanism at Community level on Mining and Gas Sector in Mozambique UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE MOZAMBIQUE RFP - Request for proposal 28-May-21 14-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78531 INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANT-(NATIONAL)-SOCIO-ECONOMIC DATA COLLECTION FOR ECOSYSTEMS SERVICES VALUATION FOR NG41 BOTSWANA BOTSWANA IC - Individual contractor 26-May-21 14-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78530 A2J/UNDP/ RFQ/2021/02 - Printing of booklets UNDP - A2J Project NEPAL RFQ - Request for quotation 20-May-21 14-May-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 78529 RFQ/073/21 Supply and delivery of network equipment UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 25-May-21 14-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78528 Re-Advertisement: MNG/IC/2021/071 - National Consultant - By-Law Development UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 15-Jun-21 13-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78527 PROCESO COL 0000141554 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Enlace de Entidad - Nivel 3B - DVR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 26-May-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 13-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78526 PROCESO COL 0000141552 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Técnico - Nivel 4 -DVR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 26-May-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 13-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78525 PROCESO COL 0000141550 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Técnico - Nivel 4 -DVR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 26-May-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 13-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78524 PROCESO COL 0000141549 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Enlace de Entidad - Nivel 3A - DVR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 26-May-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 13-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78523 PROCESO COL 0000141548 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Enlace de Entidad - Nivel 3 - DVR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 26-May-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 13-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78522 PROCESO COL 0000141547 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Enlace Departamental de La Guajira UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 26-May-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 13-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78521 IC PROCUREMENT NOTICE-024-2021 UNDP Country Office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 26-May-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 13-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78520 COMMUNICATION STRATEGY CONSULTANT LESOTHO LESOTHO RFP - Request for proposal 23-May-21 13-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78519 RFP-2021-024 «Оказание услуг по разработке и проведению тренинга для государственных служащих на тему «Уcтойчивое восстановление: возможности зеленой, низкоуглеродной и замкнутой (циркулярной) экономики в пост-COVID-19» Kazakhstan KAZAKHSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 28-May-21 13-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78518 CLOSED EARLY
Roster of Data Management Analyst (National Filipino Consultant) Re-advertisement Country Office PHILIPPINES Other 17-May-21 13-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78517 FOURNITURE ET LIVRAISON DES MOTOCYCLETTES A LA MAISON DE LA FEMME ET AUX INSTITUTIONS DE LA CHAINE PENALE RBA CHAD RFQ - Request for quotation 25-May-21 13-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78516 CI/040/FUNDAMUSICAL/2021. ASISTENCIA TÉCNICA PARA CONFIGURAR Y DESPLEGAR UNA PLATAFORMA WEB PARA LA CREACIÓN Y ADMINISTRACIÓN DE VIDEO-EVENTOS EMITIDOS DESDE ZOOM MEETINGS PARA EL CONGRESO MUNDIAL 2021 DE EL SISTEMA. UNDP Country Office VENEZUELA IC - Individual contractor 24-May-21 13-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78515 RFP-JPP-2021-23 Capacitating online influencers to promote positive speech on social media UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFP - Request for proposal 11-Jun-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 13-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78514 International Consultant - Foresight Research (Development as long-termism for future generations) UNDP Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 28-May-21 13-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78513 International Consultant - Foresight Research (New forms of rights) UNDP Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 28-May-21 13-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78510 CONSULTANCY: MULTI-MEDIA COMMUNICATION SUPPORT TO ADVANCING PAPUA NEW GUINEAS NATIONAL ADAPTATION PLAN - RFP/PNG/002-2020 UNDP Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA RFP - Request for proposal 07-Jun-21 13-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78512 International Consultant - Foresight Research (Indigenous Futures) UNDP Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 28-May-21 13-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78511 RFP-044-IND-2021 -Impact Documentation of UNDP's Socio-Economic Response Work for COVID-19. INDIA INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 27-May-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 13-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78509 Proceso No. COL 00000141522 Consultoria Individual UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 26-May-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 12-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78266 Consultancy: National Consultant to support the Coalition of Parliamentarians to End Gender-Based Violence (GBV) & the Special Parliamentary Committee on GBV Papua New Guinea PAPUA NEW GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 15-Jun-21 12-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78508 3644 PAN 2021 REVISION DE SISTEMA CONTABLE BHN UNDP Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 31-May-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 12-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78507 RFQ Communications Consultancy Firm SDG Trust fund Component 1 Sustainable Financing UNDP CO SURINAME RFQ - Request for quotation 22-May-21 12-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78506 Recruitment of National Consultant to Develop Climate Finance Tracking Standard Operation Manual for the Government of Ghana UNDP Country Office GHANA IC - Individual contractor 20-May-21 12-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78505 3742 PAN 2021 - Consultor en medios y comunicaciones UNDP Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 28-May-21 12-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78497 Recruitment of Individual Consultant to develop technical specifications for CHPS medical equipment and Mobile Laboratories UNDP Country Office GHANA IC - Individual contractor 20-May-21 12-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78504 3694 PAN 2021 - Consultor especialista en gestión técnica: Apoyo pedagógico UNDP Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 01-Jun-21 12-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78503 PCI-037-2021 Servicios de consultoría para el acompañamiento de la estrategia de desarme voluntario/Ferias de Paz de la Secretaría de Seguridad y Protección Ciudadana (SSPC) del Gobierno Federal UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 26-May-21 12-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78502 ITB-001-MRT-2021 LTA Service Voyage UNDP Country Office MAURITANIA ITB - Invitation to bid 24-May-21 @ 04:00 PM (New York time) 12-May-21 INDUSTRY INDUSTRY 78501 LTAs - Supply and Delivery of Furniture Albania ALBANIA ITB - Invitation to bid 07-Jun-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 12-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78500 3640 PAN 2021 - Consultoría Modernización y optimización de los procesos de recaudación y gestión de recuperación de cartera morosa del BHN. UNDP Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 26-May-21 12-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78499 3693 PAN 2021 - Consultor en gestión Transformación Digital UNDP Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 01-Jun-21 12-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78396 339/RFP/UBRAF/2021 Recrutement d'un cabinet d'étude pour la mise en œuvre de l'outil TRANSIT pour la lutte contre la discrimination et la stigmatisation de la population transgenre à Madagascar MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFP - Request for proposal 04-Jun-21 12-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78498 PNUD IC 230-2021 Asistencia Tecnica GORE Huanuco UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE PERU IC - Individual contractor 28-Jun-21 12-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78495 Global Roster of Resource Mobilization and Financing Structuring Experts - Home-based with possibility of travel to Africa, Asia, Asia Pacific UNCDF UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 26-May-21 12-May-21 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS 78496 CLOSED EARLY
3608 PAN 2021 – SISTEMA DE VIDEOCONFERENCIA UNDP Country Office PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Jun-21 12-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78492 458-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-SMERec for services to develop and launch an export-oriented umbrella brand for agri-food products UNDP UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 26-May-21 12-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78494 International Consultant - Foresight Research (Climate Migration Impacts) UNDP Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 27-May-21 12-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78493 CHL/SDC/069/2021 Levantamiento de datos a través de 03 encuestas telefónicas para estudio de coyuntura del Instituto Nacional de la Juventud UNDP Country Office CHILE RFQ - Request for quotation 24-May-21 12-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78491 COVID-19 Isolation Wards – Phase 2–AlHussain Teaching Hospital - Nassiriayh City – Thi Qar Governorate,Iraq RBAS IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 30-May-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 12-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78490 International Consultant - Foresight Advisor UNDP Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 27-May-21 12-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78489 274-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-RPP_Current repairs of the internal premises of the 13 community police offices in Zaporizhzhia Oblast (Lot 1 and Lot 2) UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 28-May-21 12-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78488 Rehabilitation of Baiji dump site Salahadien UNDP SERVICE CENTRE Erbil- Iraq IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 03-Jun-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 12-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78487 001/TCD10/PALAT/05/2021 FABRICATION DES PANNEAUX, IMPRESSION ET INSTALLATION DANS 150 CENTRES RBA CHAD RFQ - Request for quotation 24-May-21 12-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78480 RFP-13-21 gender-sensitive climate risk assessment UNDP CO MONTENEGRO RFP - Request for proposal 03-Jun-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 12-May-21 POWER POWER 78486 BIH-ITB-020-21 Photo-voltaic solar powerplant UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA ITB - Invitation to bid 21-Jun-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 12-May-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 78485 RFP 033/21 Development and implementation of the web-portal for National Assembly of Armenia Country Office ARMENIA RFP - Request for proposal 26-May-21 12-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78484 Call for Proposal - Innovative Approach to Improve Access to Remedy for Women and Indigenous Peoples - Business and Human Rights (B+HR) Asia Project [Re-Advertisement] UNDP Country Office INDONESIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 26-May-21 12-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78483 IC NOTICE N°018-2021/PNUD-BF RECRUTEMENT D'UN CONTRÔLEUR À PIED D'ŒUVRE POUR LE SUIVI CONTRÔLE DES TRAVAUX DU CENTRE DE POTERIE DE TCHERIBA UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 25-May-21 12-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78482 RFP/BIH30/2021/02913 Provision of Services Related to Organization of the Media Campaign "Generation Equality" - DEADLINE EXTENDED!!! UNWOMEN in BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFP - Request for proposal 31-May-21 12-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78481 Final Report Writer / Editor (National Consultant) UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 25-May-21 12-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78479 UNDP-IC-2021-098 - Mid Term Lead Evaluator Re-advertised UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 31-May-21 12-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78478 225-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-RPP_provision of the furniture for TsNAPs (Administrative services centres) based near EECPs: Lo1 and Lot 2 Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Jun-21 12-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78477 UNDP-IC-2021-169 PSM Specialist GF UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 31-May-21 12-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78475 CLOSED EARLY
Installation of medium voltage connection lines UNDP PAPP PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES ITB - Invitation to bid 14-Jun-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 12-May-21 POWER POWER 78476 Réalisation d'une «Etude de la situation de référence de la consommation de l'énergie dans la commune de Mandalia». UNDP country office - CHAD CHAD RFP - Request for proposal 25-Jun-21 12-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78474 490-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-DIA-Testing and analysis of accessibility UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 03-Jun-21 12-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78473 RFQ/013/21 (переобъявление) –Приглашение на тендер на предоставление таможенных и брокерских услуг UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 19-May-21 12-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78424 International Consultant for Data & Systems Thinking Istanbul Regional Center TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 23-May-21 12-May-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 78472 RFQ/036/21 - Invitation to Quotation for Supply of Equipment for the provision of sprinkler irrigation using sprinkler machine for the GEF SGP Project (UZB/SGP/OP5/Y8/STAR/CC/2019/45) needs / Приглашение на тендер на поставку оборудования для обеспечения UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 26-May-21 12-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78471 Provision of Innovative L country office IRAQ RFP - Request for proposal 23-May-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 12-May-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 78470 RFQ/035/21 - Invitation to Quotation for Supply of Equipment for the providing the nursery of endangered birds of prey with equipment for hatching and rearing young birds for the GEF SGP Project needs in Uzbekistan (UZB/SGP/OP5/Y8/STAR/BD/2019/50)/ Пригла UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 26-May-21 12-May-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 78469 RFQ/034/21 - Invitation to Quotation for Supply of Equipment and materials for the provision of Drip irrigation system for cotton growing/production for the GEF SGP Project needs in Uzbekistan (UZB/SGP/OP5/Y8/STAR/CC/2019/48)/ Приглашение на тендер на пос UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 26-May-21 12-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78468 RFP/009/21 – Приглашение на тендер на реализацию образовательной программы Летней школы по подготовке лидеров и управленцев среди молодых женщин и мужчин на территории летнем лагере "Оловуддин" (АО "Узбекистон темир йуллари"), находящийся в городе Ханабад UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 19-May-21 12-May-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 78467 RFP/003/21 (переобъявление) – Приглашение на тендер на Предоставление услуг по разработке и реализации программы менторства /наставничества для женщин-предпринимателей и молодежи в Республике Узбекистан UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 26-May-21 12-May-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 78466 CLOSED EARLY
21-051-IAL ADQ EQUIPO INFORMATICO Oficina de Pais HONDURAS ITB - Invitation to bid 01-Jun-21 @ 07:00 PM (New York time) 11-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78465 IC-PAP3149/2021 - International Consultancy: Individual Consultant to conduct quality assurance (QA) and review of technology needs assessment (TNA) for mitigation and adaptation to climate change in urbanization & industry sectors in Rwanda UNDP Rome office – Rome Centre for Sustainable Dev ITALY IC - Individual contractor 22-May-21 11-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78463 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA SDP-2021-015 ESTUDIO FACTIBILIDAD COMPOSTAJE UNDP COSTA RICA COSTA RICA RFP - Request for proposal 25-May-21 11-May-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 78464 CLOSED EARLY
IAL-00124696-050-2021 ADQUISICION DE VEHICULOS OFICINA DE PAIS HONDURAS ITB - Invitation to bid 01-Jun-21 @ 07:00 PM (New York time) 11-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78462 PROCESO COL 0000140195 Llevar a cabo la recolección, transporte y tratamiento de residuos y/o desechos biosanitarios con riesgo biológico o infeccioso de las instituciones prestadoras de servicios de salud ubicadas en la zona del Urabá colombiano UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 25-May-21 11-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78461 3596 UNODC 2021 - Consultor/a independiente para la elaboración e implementación de estrategias y planes de comunicación UNDP Country Office GUATEMALA IC - Individual contractor 31-May-21 11-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78460 Expert consulting team for Poverty Mapping with Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Project UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFP - Request for proposal 19-May-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 11-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78459 PCI-036-2021 Consultoría para la implementación de soluciones de financiamiento para la biodiversidad en el estado de Guanajuato UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 08-Jun-21 11-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78458 3658 PAN 2021 - EQUIPAMIENTO PARA EL CENTRO DE CUMPLIMIENTO DE HERRERA – Equipo de Cocina y Taller de Panadería y Pastelería. UNDP Country Office PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 25-May-21 11-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78457 SDP-019-2021 Contribuir al fortalecimiento de capacidades para la resiliencia y el desarrollo sostenible, a través de la incorporación del enfoque de gestión integral de riesgo de desastres y adaptación al cambio climático en la Secretaría de Medio Ambien UNDP Country Office MEXICO RFP - Request for proposal 01-Jun-21 11-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78448 Project: Mid-Term Evaluation of UNCDF's support to the Development Initiative for Northern Uganda (DINU) UNCDF UGANDA RFP - Request for proposal 02-Jun-21 11-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78456 Consultant for Technical Support LoCAL Scaling-up of Performance-based Climate Change Adaptation Grants Mechanism in Bhutan (with travels to different locations within the country) UNCDF BHUTAN IC - Individual contractor 25-May-21 11-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78455 Municipal Credit Academy Consultants (IC Framework Agreement) UNCDF UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 19-May-21 11-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78454 RFQ: National Institute to Conduct a Review of UNDP Performance , to feed into the Independent Subregional Programme Evaluation (ISRPE) of the Subregional programme for the Pacific Island Countries and Territories (2018-2022) Independent Evaluation Office UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Jun-21 11-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78452 3642 PAN 2021 EQUIPAMIENTO PARA EL CENTRO DE CUMPLIMIENTO DE HERRERA – Mobiliario de Oficina y Mobiliario para dormitorios UNDP Country Office PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 31-May-21 11-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78453 ITB - JOF 2751 - SaaS CO BRAZIL ITB - Invitation to bid 11-Jun-21 @ 01:00 PM (New York time) 11-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78451 PROCESO COL 0000140193 Llevar a cabo la recolección, transporte y tratamiento de residuos y/o desechos biosanitarios con riesgo biológico o infeccioso de las instituciones prestadoras de servicios de salud en el departamento del Chocó UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 25-May-21 11-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78450 IC ADQ 21 141666 Fortalecimiento capacidades GAD UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 25-May-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 11-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78449 Rehab. Housing Units in Al Jadeda Area-West Mosul Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 09-Jun-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 11-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78444 CHL/IC/066/2021 "Consultoría para la asistencia y apoyo a la Oficina del Alto Comisionado de Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos en Chile en la reglamentación del Proyecto de Ley de Migración y Extranjería" UNDP Country Office CHILE IC - Individual contractor 24-May-21 11-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78447 PCI-035-2021 Consultoría para el desarrollo empresarial de proyectos de bioeconomía en la Península de Yucatán del Programa de Pequeñas Donaciones (PPD). UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 01-Jun-21 11-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78446 Consultancy to Develop A National Capacity Development Plan (NCDP) in Response to Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) and Family Violence UNDP Country Office BELIZE RFP - Request for proposal 24-May-21 11-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78445 PNUD IC 222-2021 Asistencia Tecnica Gore Ucayali UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE PERU IC - Individual contractor 10-Jun-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 11-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78443 IC-Road Safety Consultant Undp Country Office ZAMBIA IC - Individual contractor 21-May-21 11-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78442 National Consultant to strengthen the capacity of the Liberian Parliament in Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB) UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 21-May-21 11-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78441 International Consultant specialized in gender responsive procurement to support the Public Procurement and Concessions Commission UNDP ON BEHALF OF UN WOMEN LIBERIA LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 24-May-21 11-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78440 Pricing Agent UNDP Country Office INDONESIA Other 28-May-21 11-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78439 Recrutement d'un Cabinet pour évaluation des besoins, Gaps et opportunités en matière de digitalisation Cameroun CAMEROON RFP - Request for proposal 25-May-21 11-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78436 RFQ: Research Institute to support data collection and analysis to contribute to the ICPE Kenya Independent Evaluation Office UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RFQ - Request for quotation 25-May-21 11-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78292 National Consultant – Midterm Evaluation (MTR) UNDP- Thailand Country Office THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 20-May-21 11-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78437 La réalisation des supports de communication pour la promotion des prestations des Centres d'Orientation et d'Assistance des Personnes en situation de Handicap Morocco MOROCCO RFQ - Request for quotation 25-May-21 11-May-21 POWER POWER 78435 BIH-ITB-019-21 LED Public Lighting UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA ITB - Invitation to bid 17-Jun-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 11-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78434 RFQ36/2021/Travaux d'aménagement d'un site de contrôle et de suivi de la qualité des Eaux Non Conventionnelles dans le périmètre irrigué de Jerba Aghir & Développement et mise en place d'un Système d'Alerte Précoce TUNISIA TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 19-May-21 11-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78433 NGARANNAM CONSTRUCTION OF MARKET SHOPS AND OTHERS UNDP Country Office NIGERIA ITB - Invitation to bid 25-May-21 @ 08:05 AM (New York time) 11-May-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 78432 Supply of Furniture for Main Education UNDP Iraq IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Jun-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 11-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78430 NGARANNAM - CONSTRUCTION OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS UNDP Country Office NIGERIA ITB - Invitation to bid 31-May-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 11-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78431 Creating an Accessible App for NDSP2 Monitoring UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFP - Request for proposal 24-May-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 11-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78427 RFQ_ Update 25 year review report _Videography_infographics and Social Media card UNDP Country Office SOUTH AFRICA RFQ - Request for quotation 21-May-21 11-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78428 Maintenance of the unified outdoor hiking trails Albania ALBANIA RFP - Request for proposal 04-Jun-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 11-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78426 CHL/SDP/067/2021 Aplicación Multiplataforma para Estudiantes Programa "Ingles Abre Puertas" MINEDUC UNDP Country Office CHILE RFP - Request for proposal 02-Jun-21 11-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78309 Extended deadline till 01 June ---RFQ 30/2021 for Analysis of SDG Financing Landscape UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Jun-21 11-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77981 Recrutement du consultant national, charge du volet secteur social et amélioration de la qualité de vie, pour l'élaboration du Plan National de Développement (PND) 2022-2026 UNDP CHAD CHAD IC - Individual contractor 20-May-21 11-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78425 RFQ TRAVAUX SALLE AKWABA-PHASE 2 Côte d'Ivoire COTE d'IVOIRE RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Jun-21 @ 09:00 PM (New York time) 11-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78423 IC - Market Analysis of Recycling Sector in Ndola and Lusaka Undp Country Office ZAMBIA IC - Individual contractor 24-May-21 11-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78316 Garbage Collection for the UN House Gambia GAMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 24-May-21 11-May-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 78422 puurchase of cooling systems DJA 2 UNDP Maldives Country Office MALDIVES RFQ - Request for quotation 30-May-21 @ 03:45 AM (New York time) 11-May-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 78421 Purchase of cooling system module 1 UNDP Maldives Country Office MALDIVES RFQ - Request for quotation 30-May-21 @ 03:45 AM (New York time) 11-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78420 Development of integrated intelligence labour mark UNDP Syria SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 06-Jun-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 11-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78419 RFQ: Provision of Wine bottling line for beneficiary in Gudauta district of Abkhazia UNDP Country office GEORGIA RFQ - Request for quotation 25-May-21 11-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78418 National or International M&E and Reporting Consultant UNDP Country Office LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 25-May-21 11-May-21 POWER POWER 78417 LBN-CO-ITB-122-21 - Supply of 4 Solar PV Systems - Event ID: 0000009223 UNDP Country Office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 07-Jun-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 11-May-21 POWER POWER 78416 LBN-CO-ITB-121-21-Maintenance Solar Water Heaters - Event ID: 0000009222 UNDP Country Office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 08-Jun-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 11-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78415 National Consultant for Assessment of Vulnerable Piers and Maritime Assets used by Maritime Law Enforcement Agencies in Southern Philippines Philippines PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 24-May-21 11-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78414 BIH/RFQ-072-21 Internal Control Audit UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 31-May-21 11-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78413 Recrutement d'un (01) consultant-e international-e pour la formation des membres du comité de la Stratégie Nationale de la Prévention de la Radicalisation et de l'Extrémisme Violent (SSPREV) en RCA UNDP CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 24-May-21 11-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78412 Strategic Communications Consultant (Re-advertise) Fiji FIJI IC - Individual contractor 20-May-21 11-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78411 RFQ for the Supply of Greenhouse Assembly Parts UNDP Country office GEORGIA RFQ - Request for quotation 25-May-21 11-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78410 Consultancy for a National Consultant Local Government Development IC/PNG/25-2021 UNDP Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 25-May-21 11-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78407 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA SDP-2021-011 CAPACITACIONES CONVERSACIONES CLIMATICAS UNDP COSTA RICA COSTA RICA RFP - Request for proposal 25-May-21 11-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78409 RFP- Climate hazard mapping and risk assessment UNDP Country Office Timor Leste TIMOR LESTE RFP - Request for proposal 17-Jun-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 11-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78408 CI-032-2021 CONTRATACIÓN DE SERVICIOS PROFESIONALES PARA EL DISEÑO E IMPLEMENTACIÓN DEL SISTEMA DE EVALUACIÓN DEL DESEMPEÑO DE SERVIDORES JUDICIALES ADMINISTRATIVOS. UNDP DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 31-May-21 11-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78406 Extension: MNG/IC/2021/069 - National Consultant - Local Government Expert UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 02-Jun-21 10-May-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 78405 RFQ-STP-2021-17 - Supply and installation of live broadcasting units / equipment for Sri Lanka Parliamen UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFQ - Request for quotation 24-May-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 10-May-21 HEALTH HEALTH 78404 PRC/ZWE/RFQ/0010/10/05/2021 Request for Quotation for the Supply and Delivery of Clinic Equipment & Consumables UNDP Zimbabwe ZIMBABWE RFQ - Request for quotation 19-May-21 10-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78403 Acquisition de détecteurs mobiles de mouvement et vibration cardiaque Morocco MOROCCO RFQ - Request for quotation 24-May-21 10-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78402 Proceso No. COL 00000141298 Consultoria Individual UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 24-May-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 10-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78401 PROCESO COL 0000131502 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultoria para la construcción y desarrollo de la evaluación transversal a la implementación de Los Modelos de Justicia Local y Rural (MJLR). UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 24-May-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 10-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78400 RECRUTEMENT DE TROIS (03) CONSULTANT.ES NATIONAUX.L.E.S ÉCONOMISTES POUR CONDUIRE DES ÉTUDES D'IDENTIFICATION, DE PRIORISATION, D'ÉVALUATION DES COÛTS DES OPTIONS D'ADAPTATION ET DE DÉFINITION D'OBJECTIFS SECTORIELS D'ADAPTATION UNDP ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE IC - Individual contractor 26-May-21 10-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78399 RECRUTEMENT DE QUATRE (04) CONSULTANT.E. S NATIONAUX.L.E. S POUR LA RÉALISATION (I) D'UNE ÉTUDE DE FAISABILITÉ ET (II) LE DIMENSIONNEMENT D'UN PROGRAMME PILOTE D'ASSURANCE INDICIELLE SUR LES RISQUES ET IMPACTS CLIMATIQUES UNDP ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE IC - Individual contractor 18-Jun-21 10-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78398 IC 21 141301 asesoria empresarial UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 26-May-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 10-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78397 RECRUTEMENT - CONSULTANT INTERNTIONAL ET CONSULTANT NATIONAL.E POUR LA CONDUITE D'UNE ETUDE DE FAISABILITE SUR LA MISE EN PLACE D'UN SYSTEME NATIONAL DE MESURE, DE NOTIFICATION ET DE VERIFICATION (MRV) POUR L' ADAPTATION AUX CHANGEMENTS CLIMATIQUES UNDP ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE IC - Individual contractor 26-May-21 10-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78361 Local Framework Based Consultancy Services for Development of National Adaptation Platform UNDP Turkey Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 24-May-21 10-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78395 IC 21 141300 asesoria empresarial UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 25-May-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 10-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78394 NATIONAL CONSULTANT TO SUPPORT THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CLIMATE PROMISE UNDP Country Office SAMOA IC - Individual contractor 25-May-21 10-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78392 3659 UNODC 2021 - CONSULTOR APOYO ACCIONES MEJORA DE RESP UNDP Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 08-Jun-21 10-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78390 RFQ REHAB.URG.CHU.SO PNUD TOGO 2021 Togo TOGO RFQ - Request for quotation 31-May-21 @ 05:55 AM (New York time) 10-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78387 Recrutement d'un consultant pour l'évaluation de l'infrastructure informatique des sites de la Police Nationale d'Haïti Haiti HAITI IC - Individual contractor 28-May-21 10-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78391 SDC-020-2021 Solicitud de cotización de equipamiento diverso para proyectos de emprendimiento del programa UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO RFQ - Request for quotation 31-May-21 10-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78389 Recrutement de 2 Contractants nationaux– expert en recherche Cameroon CAMEROON IC - Individual contractor 21-May-21 10-May-21 FORESTRY FORESTRY 78384 ETH2212-IC Team Leader in SNNPR and Sidama to Conduct Integrated forest management plan preparation for Enclosures in ANR sites districts of Ethiopia UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 17-May-21 @ 04:59 AM (New York time) 10-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78385 Procurement of Bottled Water, PET plastic, 6 l (for Establishment of 1+4 Years Lon Term Arrangement) UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND (UNICEF) UKRAINE ITB - Invitation to bid 20-May-21 10-May-21 FORESTRY FORESTRY 78382 ETH2211-Senior GIS National Consultant to Conduct Integrated forest management plan preparation for Enclosures in ANR sites of Ethiopia GIS and land use planning expert . UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 31-May-21 @ 04:59 AM (New York time) 10-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78383 WASH (WATER, SANITATION AND HYGIENE) STUDY IN THE EASTERN CONFLICT AREA OF UKRAINE 2021 UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND (UNICEF) UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 31-May-21 10-May-21 FORESTRY FORESTRY 78381 ETH2210-Team Leader and Forest Management Expert to Conduct Integrated forest management plan preparation for Enclosures in ANR sites districts of Ethiopia UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 17-May-21 @ 03:59 AM (New York time) 10-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78380 ETH2494-Recruitment of two National Consultants to conduct a training on psycho-social support to victims of GBV UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 24-May-21 @ 03:59 AM (New York time) 10-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78379 National Consultant to provide a thorough assessment and recommendations for improvement of the accessibility of the Green One United Nations House (GOUNH) (Ref.P2105502) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 24-May-21 10-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78377 Consultant pour l'analyse institutionnelle et organisationnelle des entités décentralisées pour l'amélioration de leur fonctionnalité au Burundi UNDP CO-BURUNDI BURUNDI IC - Individual contractor 23-May-21 10-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78376 ETH2207-Recruitment of Training Facilitator on basic of communication, messaging devt., organizing press events and social media management for 25 communication staff from GDPP implementing partners. UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 24-May-21 @ 03:59 AM (New York time) 10-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78378 RFQ 34-2021 for RESEARCH ON THE BEHAVIORAL BARRIERS AND ENABLERS OF HOUSEHOLD SPENDING ON ENERGY-EFFICIENT AND RENEWABLE ENERGY SOLUTIONS IN NORTH MACEDONIA UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 26-May-21 10-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78375 recrutement d'une (ONG) pour appui programmatique aux activités de la Stratégie Nationale de la Prevention de la Radicalisation et de l'Extrémisme Violent (SNPREV) en RCA UNDP CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC EOI - Expression of interest 24-May-21 10-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78373 Micro-projet pour Appui à la résilience et au redressement socio-économique des communautés affectées par la pandémie de la COVID-19 UNDP CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC EOI - Expression of interest 24-May-21 10-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78372 Consultant pour l'élaboration d'un outil de planification et de budgétisations annuelles sensibles au genre au niveau des communes UNDP CO-BURUNDI BURUNDI IC - Individual contractor 23-May-21 10-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78374 RFQ 698 ICT Equipment for 24 Institutes for public health in Serbia UNDP Country Office SERBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 24-May-21 10-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78371 Electoral National Logistics Consultant Country Office IRAQ IC - Individual contractor 20-May-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 10-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78370 UNDP-IC-2021-168: International Consultant- Gender Expert in the field of Security Risk Management" UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 24-May-21 10-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78369 UNDP/PN/13/2021 Individual Consultant Procurement Notice for National Consultant - Watershed Policy Expert UNDP Country Office for DCRL Project NEPAL IC - Individual contractor 20-May-21 10-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78345 International Consultant for developing the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) UNDP Country Office EGYPT IC - Individual contractor 23-May-21 10-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78367 Supply and Installation of the cooling films at the Building B2 and B3 of the General Department of Energy, Ministry of Mines and Energy UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFQ - Request for quotation 31-May-21 @ 01:00 AM (New York time) 10-May-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 78366 RFQ 29-2021 for 29-2021 for procurement of Hardware – Workstations and Equipment UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 26-May-21 10-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78365 Recrutement d'un(e) Consultant(e) National(e) pour Accompagnement des Comités Locaux de Paix et de Développement (CLPD) dans l'élaboration des Plans Locaux des Développement (PLD) de leurs ETD en province du Kasaï (1 consultant), Kasaï Central (1 consulta UNDP-KINSHASA, DR CONGO CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 21-May-21 10-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78363 344-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-CP For supply of stand-by generator 18 kW and related services UNDP UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 24-May-21 10-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78364 [Re-Advertisement] IC/UNDP/IN-FLORES/087/2021 - National Project Coordinator for PPG Support UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 24-May-21 10-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78362 International Consultant - New Business Development (Re-advertised) UNDP Country Office THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 30-Jun-21 10-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78360 Rehabilitation and furniture for 2 Schools Ninawa UNDP SERVICE CENTRE Erbil- Iraq IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 01-Jun-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 10-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78359 Consultancy Firm for identifying Women owned SME UNDP CO AFGHANISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 19-May-21 @ 07:30 AM (New York time) 10-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78358 Automatic Weather and Rainfall Stations Harare ZIMBABWE ITB - Invitation to bid 17-May-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 10-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78357 Rehabilitation of Kifah Police Station-Talafar UNDP iraq office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 01-Jun-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 10-May-21 OTHER OTHER 77364 199-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP_Organization and holding of the School of Social Work for 20 pilot territorial communities in Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 25-May-21 10-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78356 RENOVATION WORKS IN POLICE HEAD QUARTER Including UNDP CO-LOTFA Project AFGHANISTAN ITB - Invitation to bid 31-May-21 @ 07:30 AM (New York time) 10-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78354 National Short-Term Expert for the Technical Capacity Development Support to the Gendarmerie and Coast Guard Academy (GCGA) and District Governors UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 23-May-21 09-May-21 HEALTH HEALTH 78355 RFQ For CPHL Lab Reagents and Kits UNDP Country Office Afghanistan AFGHANISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 22-May-21 @ 04:41 AM (New York time) 09-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78353 National Short-Term Expert for Training Module Development and Delivery for Civil Society and Media UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 23-May-21 09-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78113 National Short-Term Expert on Regional Coordination UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 23-May-21 09-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78352 Supply of Tools and Consumables for VTCs UNDP Country Office SOUTH SUDAN ITB - Invitation to bid 20-May-21 @ 05:52 AM (New York time) 09-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78351 Rehabilitation Project for Slipway UNDP Country Office YEMEN RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Jul-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 09-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78350 Facilitator and Rapporteur - Joint UNDP-IOM Program South Africa SOUTH AFRICA IC - Individual contractor 28-May-21 09-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78348 RECRUTEMENT D'UN(E) CONSULTANT(E) INTERNATIONAL(E) POUR L'EVALUATION FINALE DU PROJET : PROMOUVOIR L'ETAT DE DROIT ET LES DROITS HUMAINS POUR CONSOLIDER LA PAIX EN CÔTE D'IVOIRE (PEDDH) UNDP ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE IC - Individual contractor 24-May-21 09-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78347 RECRUTEMENT D'UN(E) CONSULTANT(E) NATIONAL(E) POUR L'EVALUATION FINALE DU PROJET : PROMOUVOIR L'ETAT DE DROIT ET LES DROITS HUMAINS POUR CONSOLIDER LA PAIX EN CÔTE D'IVOIRE (PEDDH) UNDP ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE IC - Individual contractor 24-May-21 09-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78346 Recrutement d'un Expert formateur en matière d'évaluation des politiques publiques et des indicateurs de mesure de corruption UNDP Algeria ALGERIA IC - Individual contractor 16-May-21 09-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78344 RBAS-RFQ-004-2021 Regional Bureau for Arab States JORDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Jun-21 @ 11:00 PM (New York time) 09-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78343 Consultant Senior Appui à la communication et au plaidoyer UNDP pour le compte du BCR- ALGERIE ALGERIA IC - Individual contractor 05-Jun-21 09-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78342 Purchase of furniture for the National Drug Agency UNDP Maldives Country Office MALDIVES RFQ - Request for quotation 23-May-21 09-May-21 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS 78341 Proceso No. COL 00000135504 Conectividad Satelital UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA ITB - Invitation to bid 26-May-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 08-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78298 Recrutement d'un cabinet chargé de réaliser l'étude de faisabilité du Projet Identité Numérique Nationale (INN) COUNTRY OFFICE SENEGAL RFP - Request for proposal 04-Jun-21 08-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78340 Hiring Consultancy firm to develop the Solid Waste Management (SWM) study of Teknaf and Ukhia, Cox's Bazar UNDP Cox's Bazar Crisis Response Office BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 23-May-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 08-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78337 CLOSED EARLY
3695 PAN 2021 – Especialista en gestión técnica UNDP Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 24-May-21 07-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78336 Recrutement d'un(e) Consultant(e) national(e) « Pour la formation sur les VBG des agents de frontières et personnes ressources dans le Bec de perroquet Guinée GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 20-May-21 07-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78333 Tolerance and Dialogue Community Engagement Consultant (National) UNDP Country Office SOMALIA IC - Individual contractor 27-May-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 07-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78335 RFP Local Firm to Conduct a Comprehensive Study of the Maldivian Civil Society Space Maldives MALDIVES RFP - Request for proposal 23-May-21 07-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78334 SDC : No. 00083506 /5112 UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR RFQ - Request for quotation 28-May-21 07-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78332 IC 21 141299 formulacion de hoja de ruta UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 27-May-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 07-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78330 No. 00113302 /5115 "READECUACION DEL AREA DE ENCAMADOS HOMBRES PARA PACIENTES DE TB EN EL HOSPITAL NACIONAL DR. JORGE MAZZINI, SONSONATE" UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR RFQ - Request for quotation 21-May-21 07-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78329 PNUD.IC.221.2021 Especialista Economico Ucayali UNDP OFFICE PERU PERU IC - Individual contractor 31-May-21 @ 01:00 AM (New York time) 07-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78328 CFP-PVE-2021-22 Promoting Dialog and Participation of women in responding to violent extremism and the spread of hate speech UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 21-May-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 07-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78327 ReAdvertise RFP/UNDP/TIGER/134341/009/2021 - Feasibility Study and Detailed Engineering Design of North Sumatra Animal Rescue Centre: Preparatory Work for Sukuk as Potential Source of Financing Country Office INDONESIA RFP - Request for proposal 28-May-21 @ 09:25 AM (New York time) 07-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78326 RFP Creation and production of UNV Corporate Video United Nations Volunteers GERMANY RFP - Request for proposal 28-May-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 07-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78325 RFP JOF 2824 - QUALIFICATION OF UNION PROPERTIES CO BRAZIL RFP - Request for proposal 15-Jun-21 @ 01:00 PM (New York time) 07-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78320 BBRSO131233:Citizen Security Strategy Consultant UNDP Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean BARBADOS RFQ - Request for quotation 21-May-21 07-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78322 consultant individuel (IC) HIV, Key Populations, Human Rights, Gender Equality TUNISIA TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 16-May-21 07-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78323 Recrutement d'un.e consultant.e national.e pour l'évaluation à mi-parcours du projet PACE UNDP ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE IC - Individual contractor 24-May-21 07-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78321 IC-269-2021 EVAL MEDIO TERM PROY PPS UNDP Country Office PERU IC - Individual contractor 25-May-21 @ 02:00 PM (New York time) 07-May-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 78319 167-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-RPP_provision of computer equipment for the use in Administrative Service Centers (ASCs) of Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts (9 Toppan CP500 printers) Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 31-May-21 07-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78318 Supply and installation of modern energy sources and energy efficient appliances for the REHABILITATION & UPGRADING OF EIGHT (8) HYDROMETRIC STATIONS Country Office SWAZILAND RFQ - Request for quotation 30-May-21 07-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78317 RFQ-2021-018 «Хранение и транспортировка медицинских аптечек» / «Storage and Transportation of Medical Kits» Kazakhstan KAZAKHSTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 21-May-21 07-May-21 HEALTH HEALTH 78308 Request for Quotation (RFQ) For Supply and Delivery of Medicines items and Trauma Kit for UN Joint Concentration Points (JCPs) UN Common Services NEPAL RFQ - Request for quotation 20-May-21 07-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78315 SDP ONU/20/001-1070 "Evaluación y Análisis de Canastas de políticas de protección social a nivel territorial" URUGUAY URUGUAY RFP - Request for proposal 27-May-21 07-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78314 : 002/TCD10/PALAT/04/2021 « Republication » KITS CPS RBA CHAD RFQ - Request for quotation 14-May-21 07-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78312 003/TCD10/PALAT/04/2021 « Republication » CPS FOURNITURES DE BUREAU RBA CHAD RFQ - Request for quotation 14-May-21 07-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78313 Recrutement d'un(e) Expert(e) en Entrepreneuriat et Partenariats UNDP Country Office TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 20-May-21 07-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78311 RFQ 31-2021 for Feasibility study for improvement of wastewater treatment system in Nov Dojran, Municipality of Dojran UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 25-May-21 07-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78310 International Specialist (s) for Designing Fund Options and Structures for Sustainable Financing (Protected Area Management) UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 20-May-21 07-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78269 EXTENDED DEADLINE and updated TOR under RFP28-2021 for Development of Feasibility Study for improvement of irrigation and drainage system in Bregalnica River Basin UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFP - Request for proposal 31-May-21 07-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78307 IC 2021-42 INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANT UNDP Kyrgyzstan KYRGYZSTAN IC - Individual contractor 24-May-21 @ 01:00 AM (New York time) 07-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78249 RECRUITMENT OF CONSULTANTS FOUR (O4) CLEANERS FOR THE RP OFFICES FOR THE NORTH WEST REGION (02) AND SOUTH WEST (02) Cameroun CAMEROON IC - Individual contractor 18-May-21 07-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78305 Civil engineering and construction works for 6 X Kestrel e400nb (3.5 kW) small scale wind turbine tower foundations South Africa SOUTH AFRICA RFQ - Request for quotation 14-May-21 07-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78306 RFP 12/21 Gender Sensitive Communications Campaign UNDP CO MONTENEGRO RFP - Request for proposal 28-May-21 07-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78304 IC NOTICE N°015-2021/PNUD-BF RECRUTEMENT D'UN (E) CONSULTANT (E) NATIONAL (E) SPÉCIALISTE EN ANALYSE PARTICIPATIVE DES CONFLITS EN APPUI A L'UNITÉ DE GESTION DU PROJET « GOUVERNANCE LOCALE ET COHESION SOCIALE » GoLCoS UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 19-May-21 07-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78303 IC/UNDP/SPOI/086/2021 - Expert for Landscape Assessment Tool UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 21-May-21 07-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78301 Q and A uploaded --RFP33-2021Development of Feasibility Study for optimal public transport network and system for the City of Veles UNDPCO Republic of North Macedonia RFP - Request for proposal 31-May-21 07-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78302 IC NOTICE N°017-2021/PNUD-BF/RELANCE: RECRUTEMENT D'UN CONSULTANT POUR LA REALISATION D'UNE MISSION D'ETUDE D'IDENTIFICATION DES FINANCEMENTS INNOVANTS D'ICI ET D'AILLEURS DES BESOINS ET GAPS DE FINANCEMENT POUR L'ACCES A L'ENERGIE PROPRE UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 11-Jun-21 07-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78300 IC NOTICE N°016-2021/PNUD-BF/ RELANCE: RECRUTEMENT D'UN CONSULTANT NATIONAL POUR REALISER UNE ETUDE DE BASE SUR LES SITES PILOTES A USAGE PRODUCTIF DE L'ENERGIE EN MILIEU RURAL UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 11-Jun-21 07-May-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 78299 RFQ 695 Equipment for MOI Republic of Serbia CO Serbia SERBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 21-May-21 07-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78297 RFP N°008/PNUD BFA/2021: Recrutement d'une OSC chargé du suivi-évaluation de la mise en œuvre des activités de sensibilisation et de communication pour la participation citoyenne au processus électoral UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO RFP - Request for proposal 19-May-21 07-May-21 HEALTH HEALTH 78296 Mua sắm Thiết bị Vật lý trị liệu / Orthopedic Rehabilitation Aids (B-210502) UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM RFQ - Request for quotation 26-May-21 07-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78282 RFP for Building Inclusive Digital Economy Fiji FIJI RFP - Request for proposal 21-May-21 @ 11:59 AM (New York time) 07-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78295 RFQ-2021-025 Providing mobile communication and mobile data service for the UNDP Country Office in Kazakhstan / Предоставление услуги сотовой связи и сотовой передачи данных для странового офиса ПРООН в Казахстане UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 04-Jun-21 07-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78294 IC/UNDP/SPOI/085/2021 - LTA – National GIS Consultant to calculate the GHG emission reduction for SPOI/GGP project UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 21-May-21 07-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78291 National Consultant for a Study on Gap Analysis of Complementary and Special Grant's objective, its Performance and its Management Accelerating Implementation of SDGs in Nepal (AISN NEPAL IC - Individual contractor 17-May-21 07-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78290 RFQ 2021-39 Furniture for Sub-Recepients UNDP Country Office KYRGYZSTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 28-May-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 07-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78289 IC 2021-43 Nat.Consultant on transportation system UNDP Country Office KYRGYZSTAN IC - Individual contractor 21-May-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 07-May-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 78288 2021-38 Procurement of IT and office equipment UNDP Country Office KYRGYZSTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 28-May-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 07-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78286 MNG/RFP/2021/015 - Local Institutions - Conducting comprehensive study to develop concept on Ger and Nature scheme for nomadic tourism. UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA RFP - Request for proposal 21-May-21 06-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78285 Proceso No. COL 00000141205 Consultoria Individual UNDP Country Office, COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 19-May-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 06-May-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 78287 Global Long-Term Agreements for Supply of Electric Tricycles, Solar Powered Tricycles and Electric Scooters PSU Malaysia MALAYSIA ITB - Invitation to bid 01-Jul-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 06-May-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 78283 CLOSED EARLY
Global Long-Term Agreements for Supply of Electric Tricycles, Solar Powered Tricycles and Electric Scooters PSU Malaysia MALAYSIA ITB - Invitation to bid 01-Jul-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 06-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78281 PNUD IC 203-2021 Asistencia Tecnica INDECI UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE PERU IC - Individual contractor 26-May-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 06-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78280 PNUD IC 204-2021 Apoyo y Asesoramiento Tecnico Ind UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE PERU IC - Individual contractor 26-May-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 06-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78279 SDC-019-2021 Arrendamiento de bodega(s) privada , metraje mínimo de 27 m2, para almacenaje de archivo muerto y mobiliario UNDP Country Office MEXICO RFQ - Request for quotation 20-May-21 06-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78278 CONSULTORIA ESTRUCTURA ORGANIZACIONALES DE BHN Countre Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 18-May-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 06-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78277 PROCESO COL 0000139378 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Asesor (a) nacional del proceso de caracterización, formalización y fortalecimiento organizacional asociativo de los pescadores artesanales continentales del río Magdalena, río Cauca, río Sinú y río San Jorge UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 20-May-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 06-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78276 PROCESO COL 0000140501 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultoría para Prestar asistencia técnica y metodológica en la implementación de la herramienta "Corruption Risk Assessment" – CRA en Colombia. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 20-May-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 06-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78275 IC 21 141286 Propuesta Acuerdo Ministerial UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 20-May-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 06-May-21 HEALTH HEALTH 78274 76-2021-CFP-UNDP-GF-HIV-AIDS UNDP Country Office TAJIKISTAN RFI - Request for Information 20-May-21 @ 02:00 AM (New York time) 06-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78052 Expert on providing Technical Assistance to ALTECH (Energy Access Programme) - Home-based with possible DRC travel DRC CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 20-May-21 06-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78273 Recrutement d'un.e consultant.e international.e pour l'évaluation à mi-parcours du projet PACE UNDP ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE IC - Individual contractor 20-May-21 06-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78272 Recrutement d'un Consultant International chargé de renforcer les capacités des organes de conduite de l'Etude Nationale Prospective Vision RCA2050 UNDP Country Office CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 21-May-21 06-May-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 78271 501-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-DIA Server and networking equipment UNDP UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 20-May-21 06-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78270 SDC-018-2021 Servicio de elaboración de publicidad social (con spot didáctico-experimental) para campaña de masculinidades positivas dirigida a niños y adolescentes en el marco de la Iniciativa Spotlight en México. UNDP Country Office MEXICO RFQ - Request for quotation 20-May-21 06-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78268 Recruitment of National Consultancy Firm to Coordinate the Organization of the Rwandan Edition of the 2021 Accelerate 2030 Initiative Rwanda RWANDA RFP - Request for proposal 10-Jun-21 06-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78267 479-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-PRP procurement of furniture for Press Centre of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine / закупівля меблів для пресцентру Верховної Ради України Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 31-May-21 06-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78265 77-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-RPP_Creation of Online Stores for MSMEs from Southeastern Ukraine UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 23-May-21 06-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78264 RFQ 32-2021 for Preparation of Technical documentation for regular maintenance works and incorporating energy efficiency measures of 29 households in Lisice, Municipality of Aerodrom UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 25-May-21 06-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78263 CHL/SDP/063/2021 "Consultoría para generar información que dé cuenta de la relación de género y cambio climático y desarrollar cuatro análisis sectoriales de género y cambio climático" UNDP Country Office CHILE RFP - Request for proposal 27-May-21 06-May-21 POWER POWER 78262 ITB - Energy Saving Solar Lights UNDP Country Office Timor Leste TIMOR LESTE ITB - Invitation to bid 04-Jun-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 06-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78260 APPEL A PROPOSITIONS DE PROJETS - PMF/FEM UNDP - Togo TOGO Other 30-Jun-21 06-May-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 78261 RFP-041-IND-2021 - Technical support for the upgradation, enhancement of Uttarakhand Ajeevika and creation of Marketplace module UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 31-May-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 06-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78258 Recrutement d'un Consultant avec expertise internationale en construction de Petite Centrale Hydroélectrique Guinea GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 13-May-21 06-May-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 78259 RFP for the production of 4 biannual Kosovo Public UNDP Kosovo Kosovo, UNSCR 1244 (1999) RFP - Request for proposal 04-Jun-21 @ 11:30 AM (New York time) 06-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78257 REALISATION DE L'AUDIT GENRE AU MINISTERE DE LA JUSTICE ET DE LA LEGISLATION UNDP Country Office BENIN IC - Individual contractor 21-May-21 06-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78256 UNDP-RFP-2021-147 - LTA for Provision of Internet Services to UNDP Country Office, Sub Offices and Project Office UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 02-Jun-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 06-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78255 SDP/038/UNDSS/2021.Proyecto de solicitud para habilitación y uso de frecuencia de radio VHF ante CONATEL UNDP Country Office VENEZUELA RFP - Request for proposal 24-May-21 06-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78254 RFP Provision of Banking Services to UNDP in the Maldives Maldives MALDIVES RFP - Request for proposal 13-May-21 06-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78253 UNCDF_Technical Editing for Making Access Possible (MAP) South Africa SOUTH AFRICA IC - Individual contractor 28-May-21 06-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78252 RFQ: Impact Assessment of the Project UNDP Country office GEORGIA RFQ - Request for quotation 27-May-21 06-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78250 National expert on the revision of regulations governing the implementation of reforestation and afforestation measures in areas of the state forest fund/ Национальный эксперт по пересмотру нормативно-правовых актов, регулирующих выполнение мероприятий по UNPD Country Office - KAZAKHSTAN KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 27-May-21 06-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78251 Individual Consultancy for technical support on procurement and contract management UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 20-May-21 06-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78248 Spotlight M&E Officer Fiji FIJI IC - Individual contractor 13-May-21 06-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78237 National Expert on Legal Issues UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN IC - Individual contractor 20-May-21 06-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78247 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA (SdP) N° COL‐0000141109 -Adelantar la primera fase para la construcción y validación de la Ruta Integral de Atención en Salud (RIAS) para personas, familias y comunidades en riesgo o con alteraciones por exposición a mercurio median UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 15-Jun-21 05-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78246 IC 21 140923 Consultor Senior analisis fiscales UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 19-May-21 @ 05:42 PM (New York time) 05-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78245 Terminal Evaluation Terms of Reference - Tuvalu Ridge to Reef Project (Readvert) Fiji FIJI IC - Individual contractor 11-May-21 05-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78242 SdP-21-140701 diseno y estrategia Observatorio UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 24-May-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 05-May-21 INDUSTRY INDUSTRY 78243 RFQ/026/21 - Request for Quotation for Supply of packaging and manufacturing equipment (re-announcement) UNDP UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 19-May-21 05-May-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 78244 Adquisición de Equipos Informáticos y Audiovisuales Asunción PARAGUAY RFQ - Request for quotation 19-May-21 05-May-21 INDUSTRY INDUSTRY 78241 RFQ/024/21 - Request for Quotation for Supply of Industrial sewing machines of various types (re-announcement) UNDP UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 19-May-21 05-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78240 3661 UNODC 2021 la contratación de un Consultor/a independiente para diseño gráfico de materiales de comunicación, desarrollo de contenidos y piezas para redes sociales y plataformas del "Programa Global contra la Trata de Personas PANAMA - EN NOMBRE DE UNODC PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 20-May-21 05-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78239 RFP JOF 2764 - Plataforma Sniper UNDP Country Office BRAZIL RFP - Request for proposal 07-Jun-21 @ 01:00 PM (New York time) 05-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78238 Rehabilitation of Housing Units in Al Rabeea 2LOTS ITB-174-21 Iraq Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 31-May-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 05-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78236 Reconstruction of Al Ahrar Police Station + Furniture in East Mosul-Ninawa Governorate Iraq Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 07-Jun-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 05-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78148 RFQ-TKM-008-2021: Tender on creation of the National SDG Database Platform and Software UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 19-May-21 05-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78235 UNDP-ITB-2021-160 - Hiring of Construction Company for Retrofitting of Model Structures (Schools, Health Facilities) at Two Districts of Karachi (Malir & Kemari Karachi) and Gwadar (Gunz, Pasni & Surbandar). Pakistan PAKISTAN ITB - Invitation to bid 31-May-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 05-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78234 SDC-017-2021 Servicio de mantenimiento preventivo y correctivo al sistema de circuito cerrado de televisión (CCTV) y acceso controlado del edificio de la Sede Común de Naciones Unidas en México UNDP Country Office MEXICO RFQ - Request for quotation 19-May-21 05-May-21 POWER POWER 78233 Consejero Técnico Jefe E.G. UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE EQUATORIAL GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 21-May-21 05-May-21 LIVESTOCK LIVESTOCK 78229 RFP 2021-14 Hiring of Fund Manager for MCSFF UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA RFP - Request for proposal 07-Jun-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 05-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78232 PLAZO EXTENDIDO: CI-030-2021 "Servicio de consultoría para brindar Asistencia Técnica a la Implementación del Proyecto HPMPII" UNDP DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 14-Jun-21 05-May-21 POWER POWER 78231 Apoyo tecnológico y Suministro E.G. UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE EQUATORIAL GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 21-May-21 05-May-21 HEALTH HEALTH 78230 Procurement of Waste Containers for Contaminated Masks/Gloves UNDP Country Office TURKEY RFQ - Request for quotation 26-May-21 05-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78228 Recrutement du consultant international, en charge des volets gouvernance et amélioration de la dualité de vie, pour l'élaboration du plan national de développement (PND2) 2022-2026 UNDP CHAD CHAD IC - Individual contractor 21-May-21 05-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78226 Recrutement du consultant international, en charge des volets diversification de l'économie et secteur prive, pour l'élaboration du Plan National de Développement (PND2) 2022-2026 UNDP CHAD CHAD IC - Individual contractor 21-May-21 05-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78227 Supply and Installation of modern energy sources and efficient appliances Country Office SWAZILAND RFQ - Request for quotation 29-May-21 05-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78225 National Consultancy - SLE/ICPN/2021/005 UNDP Country Office SIERRA LEONE IC - Individual contractor 14-May-21 05-May-21 IRRIGATION IRRIGATION 78224 LBN-CO-ITB-120-21 - Qab Elias Irrigation Canals - Event ID: 0000009188 UNDP Country Office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 27-May-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 05-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78223 Development and management of a crowdfunding platform. UNDP Country Office SIERRA LEONE RFP - Request for proposal 24-May-21 05-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78222 Security Equipment Maintenance Services Gambia GAMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 19-May-21 05-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78221 RECRUTEMENT DE CONSULTANTS INDIVIDUELS (ES) INTERPRETES ET TRADUCTEURS POUR LA COUR PENALE SPECIALE (CPS) UNDP Country Office CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 20-May-21 05-May-21 HEALTH HEALTH 78220 RFQ/070/21 Supply and Delivery of Medical Consumables - EXTENSION OF DEADLINE!!! UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 19-May-21 05-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78218 RFQ 168/21- Supply of Six Cabins for Police Center (Abi Tamam and Haji Fathee) + Furniture in East and West Mosul-Ninawa Governorate Iraq Country Office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 18-May-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 05-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78217 National Consultant - Event Coordinator for the International Day of the World's Indigenous People UNDP Country Office THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 19-May-21 05-May-21 IRRIGATION IRRIGATION 78216 LBN-CO-ITB-119-21 - Jdita Bekaa Irrigation Canals - Event ID: 0000009187 UNDP Country Office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 26-May-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 05-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78215 RFP-TKM-002-2021 Сompany services for development of software IS "Statistical Business Register" for the State Statistics Committee of Turkmenistan UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 26-May-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 05-May-21 IRRIGATION IRRIGATION 78214 LBN-CO-ITB-118-21 - Cheikh Taba Akkar Irrigation - Event ID: 0000009186 UNDP Country Office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 26-May-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 05-May-21 HEALTH HEALTH 78213 Procurement of Plastic Medical Waste Bags UNDP Country Office TURKEY ITB - Invitation to bid 26-May-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 05-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78211 PPG Coordinator for invasive Alien species Project in South Africa UNEP South Africa SOUTH AFRICA IC - Individual contractor 20-May-21 05-May-21 POWER POWER 78212 EOI for Solar Solutions and Appliances PSU DENMARK EOI - Expression of interest 10-Jun-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 05-May-21 POWER POWER 78210 EOI for Turnkey and Operation of Solar PV Solutions PSU DENMARK EOI - Expression of interest 10-Jun-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 05-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78209 Gender and Social Safeguards Consultancy for the GEF7 project on invasive Alien species in South Africa UNEP South Africa SOUTH AFRICA IC - Individual contractor 20-May-21 05-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78208 RFP-037-IND-2021 - Assessment of economic valuation of Biodiversity and Ecosystem services (BDES) in SECURE Himalaya project landscapes in Uttarakhand UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 25-May-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 05-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78207 International Consultant - Videographer/Video Editor UNDP's Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 19-May-21 05-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78205 MNG/IC/2021/067 - National Consultant - Monitoring engineer (Orkhon Aimag) UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 19-May-21 05-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78206 RFQ/069/21 upply and Delivery of furniture and playground facilities for kindergarten "Pčelica" in Orašje UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 18-May-21 05-May-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 78204 Purchase of ICT items for JSC UNDP Maldives Country Office MALDIVES RFQ - Request for quotation 11-May-21 @ 04:02 AM (New York time) 05-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78202 RFP-CDLG-2021-20 Strengthening the legal framework and execute targeted capacity development programmes for local authorities in Northern, Eastern, Uva and North Central Provinces. UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFP - Request for proposal 19-May-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 05-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78203 RE Supply Test and Maintenance Instruments- Kirkuk UNDP Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 27-May-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 05-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78200 RFP/008/21 – ЗП по подготовке методических пособий для Хокимиятов UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 21-May-21 05-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78201 Recrutement d'un(e) Consultant(e) international(e) en charge de l'élaboration de la stratégie nationale du volontariat de Centrafrique UNDP CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 20-May-21 05-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78197 CFP from NGO/CSOs for the Establishment and Capacity Building for Young Media Professionals forums to Promote Social Cohesion II UNDP Service Center IRAQ CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 24-May-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 05-May-21 FORESTRY FORESTRY 78199 RFP-040-IND-2021 (Assessment of economic valuation of Biodiversity and Ecosystem services (BDES) in SECURE Himalaya project landscapes in Himachal Pradesh) UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 25-May-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 05-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78198 National Consultant to support Green E-Transportation Initiative and Climate Business Index (Ref. P210501) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 11-May-21 05-May-21 HOUSING HOUSING 78196 Equipos para la Produccion local de materiales para la construccion UNDP CO CUBA ITB - Invitation to bid 02-Jun-21 05-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78194 National Expert on the development of legislation and bylaws in the field of ecological tourism, wildlife and biodiversity offsets/Национальный эксперт по разработке законодательных и подзаконных актов в области экологического туризма, животного мира и к UNPD Country Office - KAZAKHSTAN KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 19-May-21 05-May-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 78195 RFQ-GCF-2021-18 - Procurement of ICT Equipment for MET & Irrigation Departments UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFQ - Request for quotation 31-May-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 05-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78193 RFQ/033/21 - for Supply of specialized devices including Bar code (QR) reader scanner and ID documents scanner/поставка специализированных устройств включая штрих (QR)-сканер и сканер ИД документов UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 19-May-21 04-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78192 RECRUTEMENT DE RESTAURATEURS POUR LA GESTION DE LA CAFETERIA AU SEIN DE L'IMMEUBLE DES NATIONS UNIES POUR LA PRESTATION DE PAUSE CAFES POUR LES ACTIVITES DES PROJETS ET PROGRAMMES DU PNUD EN DEUX LOTS UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO RFQ - Request for quotation 24-May-21 04-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78191 Individual Consultant Sierra Leone, RBA SIERRA LEONE IC - Individual contractor 12-May-21 04-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78190 CFP-PVE-2021-21 Prevention of Violent Extremism with particular attention to Youth UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 17-May-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 04-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78189 LBN-CO-ITB-117-21Rehab of Agri Roads Kalaat Rachay UNDP Country office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 26-May-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 04-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78187 UNDP/IC/Women Peace and Security/OHCHR/2021/010-Relaunched UNDP Liberia Country Office LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 10-May-21 04-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78188 ETH2205A -National Consultants Data science expert for the Business Emergency Unit UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 18-May-21 @ 08:30 AM (New York time) 04-May-21 HEALTH HEALTH 78186 RFQ 016-2021-UNDP-UKR Supply of anti-TB medicines (7 lots) Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 20-May-21 04-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78184 UNDP/IC/CEDAW SHADOW REPORT/OHCHR/2021/011-Relaunched UNDP Liberia Country Office LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 10-May-21 04-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78185 RFQ Simplified Template Undp Country Office ZAMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Jun-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 04-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78181 SDC/027/PNUD/2021. TRABAJOS DE "INSTALACIÓN DE TABLEROS DE AISLAMIENTO ELÉCTRICO, EN LA MATERNIDAD HUGO CHÁVEZ FRÍAS / EL VALLE. DISTRITO CAPITAL" UNDP Country Office VENEZUELA RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Jun-21 04-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78183 RFQ/071/21 Macro Assessment Performed by Third Party Service Provider UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 24-May-21 04-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78167 00044412 - Statistician United Nations Volunteer programme GERMANY IC - Individual contractor 21-May-21 04-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78182 Recrutement d'un cabinet chargé d'appuyer l'élaboration des plans de développement communal intégrant les ODD des communes de Sandiara, Bargny et Mont-Rolland COUNTRY OFFICE SENEGAL RFP - Request for proposal 24-May-21 04-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78179 3621 PAN 2021 - Elaboración del Plan de Manejo para la pesquería artesanal de las especies de pargo (Lutjanus spp.) y mero (Epinephelus spp.) UNDP Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 14-May-21 04-May-21 INDUSTRY INDUSTRY 78180 ETH16677Re: Supply of Small Scale Wood Processing Machine Equipment UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA RFQ - Request for quotation 14-May-21 @ 05:24 AM (New York time) 04-May-21 POLLUTION POLLUTION 78178 RFP-019-21 Development of the Design for remediation and re-cultivation of the former industrial location "Incel" in Banja Luka UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFP - Request for proposal 03-Jun-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 04-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78177 Air Conditioning equipment - Invert Multi split Albania ALBANIA RFQ - Request for quotation 07-May-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 04-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78176 Development of ERR website Albania ALBANIA RFP - Request for proposal 21-May-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 04-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78174 RFQ27-2021 : Preparation of Technical documentation for construction of wastewater networks and wastewater treatment plant in Municipality of Zrnovci UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 17-May-21 04-May-21 POWER POWER 78175 RFQ-180-21- Supply and install 180 kVA generator UNDP SERVICE CENTRE Erbil- Iraq IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 25-May-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 04-May-21 HEALTH HEALTH 78173 Providing Mental Health and Psychosocial Support country office IRAQ CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 27-May-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 04-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78172 UNDP-IC-2021-120 - Individual Contract: "National Human Rights Coordinator" (Re-Advertisement) UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 18-May-21 04-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78171 RFP22454 Elaborate Climate Change Adaptation Plans UNDP Country Office MOLDOVA RFP - Request for proposal 04-Jun-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 04-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78170 WIFI Connectivity and Bandwidth Provision South Africa SOUTH AFRICA RFP - Request for proposal 11-May-21 04-May-21 HEALTH HEALTH 78169 R-UNDP-SYR-RFQ-015-21 UNDP Syria Office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 09-May-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 04-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78168 A national firm for Conducting data collection on EORE in Quang Binh province, Viet Nam UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFQ - Request for quotation 27-May-21 04-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78166 Individual Consultancy - LTA National Knowledge Management and Communication Specialist - LBN/CO/IC/110/21 UNDP Country Office LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 01-Jun-21 04-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78165 A national firm for Conducting data collection on EORE in Binh Dinh province, Viet Nam UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFQ - Request for quotation 27-May-21 04-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78164 EXTENSION OF DEADLINE - RFP-07-2021 - MTR Pro PALOP-TL SAI Cabo Verde CAPE VERDE RFP - Request for proposal 04-Jun-21 @ 01:00 PM (New York time) 04-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78163 A national firm to develop and carry out communication campaign on Waste and Plastic (B-210501) UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM RFQ - Request for quotation 28-May-21 04-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78159 Consultancy to translate Inter-Party Committee MoU and Code of Conduct into Local Languages Gambia GAMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 11-May-21 04-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78162 Le recrutement d'un consultant international pour la conception des modules de formation, la mise en œuvre des formations et l'installation des plateformes multifonctionnelles UNDP CO BURUNDI IC - Individual contractor 14-May-21 04-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78160 Recruitment of an International firm to Support Resource Mobilization for Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) implementation in Rwanda Rwanda RWANDA RFP - Request for proposal 17-May-21 04-May-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 78157 Extension: MNG/RFQ/2021/011 - Procurement of IT Equipment UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA RFQ - Request for quotation 28-May-21 04-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78158 UNDP-RFQ-2021-134 Static Security Services (Re-Advertisement) UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 19-May-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 04-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78156 RFP Women Social and Economic Empowerment Training UNDP Country Office SOUTH SUDAN RFP - Request for proposal 17-May-21 @ 04:08 AM (New York time) 04-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78154 RFQ 25-2021 Review of Technical Documentation for Sateska River Restoration and Diversion in its Natural Riverbed UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 18-May-21 04-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78153 IC/UNDP/PIID-ISSTC/084/2021 - NTT Government Liaison Support Specialist for the PIID-ISSTC – National position Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 18-May-21 04-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78155 consultant pour une mission d'évaluation de projet de promotion des chauffe-eaux solaire dans le secteur résidentiel PROSOL TUNISIA TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 11-May-21 04-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78151 Developing an Accreditation scheme for Energy Services Companies in Jordan UNDP Country Office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 17-May-21 04-May-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 78152 Supply and Delivery of IT Equipment and Spareparts UNDP Country Office AFGHANISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 18-May-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 04-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78150 EXTENDED DEADLINE ---RFQ24-2021 -Study of the Rationale and Pricing for Performance Based Payments and Technical Assistance for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Solutions, North Macedonia UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 27-May-21 04-May-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 78149 EXTENDED: RFQ-TKM-009-2021 Procurement of vehicle UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 27-May-21 04-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78121 COMMIT Transnational Referral Processes (TRM) International Consultant UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 30-Jul-21 03-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78147 Consultant International pour la formation des cadres des départements sectoriels sur le Cadre de Dépenses à Moyen Terme UNDP Country Office MAURITANIA IC - Individual contractor 14-May-21 03-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78146 PNUD-IC-224-2021 Asis. GR Huanuco en Ambiental UNDP Country Office - Peru - Peru PERU IC - Individual contractor 31-May-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 03-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78145 Cconsultant international, spécialiste en matière de justice et aide légale UNDP Country Office MAURITANIA IC - Individual contractor 14-May-21 03-May-21 OTHER OTHER 77571 READVERTISED: NATIONAL CONSULTANT -to review and revise the Public Financial Management (PFM) Law of Liberia UNDP Country Office LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 10-May-21 03-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78144 IC-231-2021 Asist Tec GoRe Ucayali UNDP Country Office PERU IC - Individual contractor 17-Jun-21 @ 02:00 PM (New York time) 03-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78143 SELECTION D'UN EVENT PLANNER Cameroun CAMEROON RFP - Request for proposal 12-May-21 03-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78141 Consultant en recherche sur les écosystèmes de montagne, restauration climato intelligente et mesures d'adaptation au changement climatique UNDP Haiti HAITI IC - Individual contractor 21-May-21 03-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78140 SdC ADQ 21 140421 Elaboracion e instalacion mapas UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFQ - Request for quotation 17-May-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 03-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78137 Expert pour l'évaluation du cadre réglementaire en rapport à l'adaptation aux Changements Climatiques en Haiti UNDP Haiti HAITI IC - Individual contractor 19-May-21 03-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78138 Ref.2021-050 National expert on PA management and financing / Национальный эксперт по управлению и финансированию ООПТ Kazakhstan KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 17-May-21 03-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78136 Recrutement d'un Consultant International en Développement Durable, UNDP Country Office MAURITANIA IC - Individual contractor 14-May-21 03-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78133 RFP-2021-13 Avatar Creation for UNDP UNDP- Bangkok Regional Hub THAILAND RFP - Request for proposal 21-May-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 03-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78134 CI/034/PNUD/2021 - Análisis sobre los impactos de la enfermedad de COVID-19 en las respuestas nacionales de otras enfermedades infecciosas prioritarias, como el VIH, la tuberculosis y malaria, en Venezuela UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE VENEZUELA IC - Individual contractor 17-May-21 03-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78084 PNUD-IC-217-2021 - Ficha e indicadores UNDP Country Office - PERU PERU IC - Individual contractor 17-May-21 @ 02:00 PM (New York time) 03-May-21 AGRO-INDUSTRY AGRO-INDUSTRY 78132 RFQ 049/21 Supply and installation of team packing equipment (4 lots) UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 17-May-21 03-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77610 RELAUNCHED: NATIONAL CONSULTANT, LEGAL REVIEW UNDP LIBERIA LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 10-May-21 03-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78131 RFP0012021 - Provision Of Engineering Services For Contract Managements For Estoril Secondary School UNDP Mozambique CO MOZAMBIQUE RFP - Request for proposal 14-May-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 03-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78130 Consultant National en Droits de l'homme – Côte d'Ivoire UNDP ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE IC - Individual contractor 17-May-21 03-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78129 RFQ-JPT-2021-19 Provisioning of Call up Cab/Taxi service and/or short journey vehicle rental for UN agencies in Sri Lanka on Long Term Agreement UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFQ - Request for quotation 17-May-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 03-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78128 LPI N° 01/2021 Programa de Apoyo al fortalecimiento de la cobertura pública efectiva de salud PNUD Argentina ARGENTINA ITB - Invitation to bid 31-May-21 03-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78125 Re advert ETH2427A-International Level Consulting Firm to Enhance External Communication of the UNDP/ Tony Elumelu Foundation (TEF) Regional Entrepreneurship Programme UNDP Regional Service Centre for Africa ETHIOPIA RFP - Request for proposal 10-May-21 @ 03:59 AM (New York time) 03-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78126 Recrutement d´un(e) consultant(e) international(e) Chef de mission, pour la formulation du document de programme structurant sur « Environnement – Forêt – Energie - Changements Climatiques et Risques naturels » (PEFECC) UNDP DRC CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 17-May-21 03-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78124 Provision of Mine Action for Human Development Video Series Production UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFP - Request for proposal 13-May-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 03-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78123 Recrutement de Deux consultants nationaux pour l'élaboration d'une étude relative à la discrimination raciale en Tunisie UNDP Country Office TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 04-Jun-21 03-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78122 UNDP-RFP-2021-152-To Develop and Operate a Software and Mobile Application Pakistan PAKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 28-May-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 03-May-21 TOURISM TOURISM 78119 UNDP Zambezi Valley Biodiversity Project Harare ZIMBABWE CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 02-Jul-21 03-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78120 Re-ad ITB Construction Work for Spotlight Project UNDP Country Office Timor Leste TIMOR LESTE ITB - Invitation to bid 31-May-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 03-May-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 78118 RFQ - ICT Equipment, Software, Installation and commissioning (Computer servers, UPS, wired keyboard and SAGE 200 software KAMPALA UGANDA RFQ - Request for quotation 12-May-21 03-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78117 Vietnam-based firm/institution/organization to organize 3 TOT and 21 TOF in 21 coastal provinces UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM RFQ - Request for quotation 19-May-21 @ 03:35 AM (New York time) 03-May-21 POWER POWER 78116 RFQ-045-PHL-2021 - Solar Panel for Burdeos Quezon UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES RFQ - Request for quotation 20-May-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 03-May-21 HOUSING HOUSING 78115 Rehabilitation of 434 Housing Units in Al-Nahrawan country office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 03-Jun-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 02-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78114 293/RFQ/PADRC/2021 CONFECTION OUTILS DE COMMUNICATION AUTOUR DU PROCESSUS DE LOCALSATION DES ODD REPARTIE EN 8 LOTS MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 14-May-21 02-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78112 3585 PAN 2021 la contratación Un (1) Consultor/a para "Asistencia Técnica para dar seguimiento a las adaptaciones de los módulos de VICITS, SISVIG-VIH, MONITARV, Módulo de Prevención, interconexión SIS-SEIS y soporte técnico al programa de VIH PANAMA PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 26-May-21 02-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78111 Rehab West-Mosul Crime Investiga Court Ninawa Iraq UNDP Country Office, Erbil, Iraq - IRAQ IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 30-May-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 02-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77688 UNDP-IC-2021-058 -Consultant for the Development of Training Module Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 17-May-21 02-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77686 UNDP-IC-2021-060- Consultant to Develop & Deliver WE Package for CCP Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 17-May-21 02-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78110 SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF CATERPILLAR MARINE GENERATO UNDP Country Office YEMEN RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Jun-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 02-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78109 RFQ-UNDP-KW-2021-006 Kuwait KUWAIT RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Jul-21 @ 04:49 AM (New York time) 02-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78108 RFP-UNDP-KW-2021-05 Security Guards Services Kuwait KUWAIT RFP - Request for proposal 25-Jul-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 02-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78107 RFP-BD-2021-012-VE Monitoring and Analysis-PTIB UNDP - PTIB BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 30-May-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 02-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78106 SEGUNDA CONVOCATORIA 3523 PAN 2021 la contratación de Un (1) Consultor/a en Trata de Personas para la recolección de información y producción de un Informe Situacional sobre el estado actual y capacidad respuesta de la justicia penal al delito de Trata de PANAMA - EN NOMBRE DE UNODC PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 17-May-21 01-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78105 Reconstruction of Sumar Police Station East Mosul UNDP iraq office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 30-May-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 01-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78104 RFQ 18-2021 Développement d'un e-module sur la mise en œuvre de l'approche de sécurité humaine Morocco MOROCCO RFQ - Request for quotation 14-May-21 01-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78103 MRT9124-Equipements de la Radio Country Office MAURITANIA RFQ - Request for quotation 17-May-21 @ 04:00 PM (New York time) 01-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78102 Visit center establishment in Gissar State Reserve UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN ITB - Invitation to bid 24-May-21 @ 01:00 AM (New York time) 01-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78092 IC/010/21 - International Consultant / Advisor on introduction of sustainable/green bonds UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 14-May-21 01-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78074 IC/009/21 - International Consultant/Evaluator for Terminal Evaluation of UNDP/AF Project "Developing climate resilience of farming communities in the drought prone parts of Uzbekistan" UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 14-May-21 01-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78101 CfP-CDLG-2021-15 Enhance Community Empowerment for meaningful Engagement in Uva Province UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 21-May-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 01-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78100 CfP-CDLG-2021-14 Enhance Community Empowerment for meaningful Engagement in Eastern Province UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 21-May-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 01-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78099 CfP-CDLG-2021-13 Enhance Community Empowerment for meaningful Engagement in Northern Central Province UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 21-May-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 01-May-21 OTHER OTHER 78098 CfP-CDLG-2021-12 Enhance Community Empowerment for meaningful Engagement in Northern Province UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 21-May-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 01-May-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78097 RFP-ESA-2021-16 Implement Advocacy and Communication Campaign 2021 of ESA Project UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFP - Request for proposal 19-May-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 01-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78096 International Plastic Management Consultant (s) UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 30-May-21 01-May-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78095 Rehabilitation and Stringing for 33kV SC Over Head Transmission Line between (Hawija 132kV SS) and (Al-Zab 33kV SS) in Kirkuk Governorate – Iraq UNDP Service Center IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 26-May-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 01-May-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78094 PROCESO COL 0000139925 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultoria para apoyar las actividades de difusión de las estrategias y actividades de fortalecimiento del registro y notificación de nacimiento y defunciones UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 14-May-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 30-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 78093 Recrutement d'une Organisation pour appuyer l'offre de services d'aide juridique UNWOMEN HAITI CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 12-May-21 30-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78091 JOF 2796-2021 Compliance Ambiental UNDP BRAZIL RFP - Request for proposal 31-May-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 30-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78054 Communication and Public Relations Consultant (Centre for Financial Health) - Home-based Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA IC - Individual contractor 20-May-21 30-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78089 Financial Health - Savings and Insurance Consultant (Kuala Lumpur) Malaysia MALAYSIA IC - Individual contractor 16-May-22 30-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78090 SDP-018-2021 Consultoría para complementar el inventario de residuos electrónicos a escala nacional, que incluye la caracterización física y química de los más relevantes, y que permita conocer el universo de una manera más profunda UNDP Country Office MEXICO RFP - Request for proposal 21-May-21 30-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78088 PNUD-226-IC-2021 Consultor Diseño Megantoni UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE PERU IC - Individual contractor 13-May-21 30-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78087 PNUD-IC-225-2021 Asistencia Técnica UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE PERU IC - Individual contractor 13-May-21 30-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78086 PCI-034-2021 Servicios de consultoría para el acompañamiento técnico empresarial a microempresas de Morelos bajo la metodología del programa "En Marcha Digital" (SEIS POSICIONES) UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 14-May-21 30-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78085 SDP-12-2021: Consultoría para Eval. de Impacto hacia la Industria del Cine de la R D UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 19-May-21 30-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 78083 APPEL A PROPOSITION/ACC LAB TUNISIA TUNISIA Other 14-May-21 30-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 78082 Appel à maifestation d'interet /Acc Lab TUNISIA TUNISIA EOI - Expression of interest 30-May-21 30-Apr-21 TOURISM TOURISM 78081 ITB-003-2021-MAR-LTA-Accommodation-Marrakech Morocco MOROCCO ITB - Invitation to bid 16-Sep-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 30-Apr-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 78079 Procurement of Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV) UNDP Country Office TURKEY RFQ - Request for quotation 28-May-21 30-Apr-21 TOURISM TOURISM 78080 ITB-002-2021-MAR-LTA-Accommodation-Casablanca Morocco MOROCCO ITB - Invitation to bid 23-Jun-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 30-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 78077 RFP 26/2021 Development of project proposal on Circular Economy UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFP - Request for proposal 07-May-21 30-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78076 SDP-10-2021: Evaluación de Impacto hacia el Sector de Zonas Francas de la República Dominicana UNDP Country Office DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 14-May-21 30-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78078 PNUD-IC-223-2020 Asistencia Tecnica GR Huanuco UNDP Country Office - Peru - Peru PERU IC - Individual contractor 31-May-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 30-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78075 Institutional Capacity Assessment at the National Level to Identify Critical Skills and Knowledge Gaps for Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Implementation Barbados BARBADOS IC - Individual contractor 14-May-21 30-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 78073 RFQ 038 IND 2021 Renovation work in Lodhi Colony. UNDP Country Office INDIA RFQ - Request for quotation 15-May-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 30-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 78072 66-2021-ITB-UNDP-SDRR - Procurement and delivery of specialized heavy machinery UNDP Country Office TAJIKISTAN ITB - Invitation to bid 20-May-21 @ 02:00 AM (New York time) 30-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77869 Procurement of Equipment for social services centers UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND (UNICEF) UKRAINE ITB - Invitation to bid 26-May-21 30-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 78071 International Individual Consultancy for Evaluation of the United Nations Development Assistance Plan 2016-2022 (UNDAP II) Tanzania UNDP Country Office TANZANIA IC - Individual contractor 21-May-21 30-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78068 National Consultant - Technical Field Coordinator (4 Positions) UNDP Country Office THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 23-May-21 30-Apr-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 78070 RFP/UNDP/IICPSD/2021/03- Request for Proposal Capacity Building for the Replication and Adaptation of Inclusive Business Models in Technology-Enabled Skills Development UNDP BCtA TURKEY RFP - Request for proposal 14-May-21 30-Apr-21 HEALTH HEALTH 78069 RFP/UNDP/IICPSD/2021/02- Request for Proposal Capacity Building for the Replication and Adaptation of Inclusive Business Models in Technology-Enabled Healthcare UNDP BCtA TURKEY RFP - Request for proposal 14-May-21 30-Apr-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 78067 RFP/UNDP/IICPSD/2021/01- Request for Proposal Capacity Building for the Replication and Adaptation of Inclusive Business Models in Technology-Enabled Agriculture UNDP BCtA TURKEY RFP - Request for proposal 14-May-21 30-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78065 RfQ21/02261 - EU CBM/Adaptation of office premises for Business Hub in Tiraspol UNDP Country Office MOLDOVA RFQ - Request for quotation 24-May-21 @ 09:30 AM (New York time) 30-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 78064 Supply and Delivery of Sport items for Female Cade UNDP-CSM project AFGHANISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 04-May-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 30-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78063 UNDP-RFP-2021-153 Baseline study UNDP Pakistan PAKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 13-May-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 30-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78062 CLOSED EARLY
3623 PAN 2021 - Contratación de un (a) Especialista en Finanzas Sostenibles y Cambio Climático. UNDP Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 18-May-21 29-Apr-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 78061 RFQ/032/21 на оказание услуг по подготовке материалов и проведению тренингов для сотрудников Агентства государственных услуг (АГУ)/Центров государственных услуг (ЦГУ), организаций, оказывающих государственные услуги и органов государственной власти на мес UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 17-May-21 29-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 78060 RFQ 2020 145 Construction of ranger houses 2 LOTs UNDP CO KYRGYZSTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 18-May-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 29-Apr-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 78059 CISCO HARDWARE for the Green One UN House UNDP Country Office VIET NAM ITB - Invitation to bid 12-May-21 @ 11:55 PM (New York time) 29-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 78058 RFP/007/21 – Оказание услуг по проведению семинаров и тренингов для государственных служащих, экспертов и специалистов научно-исследовательских организаций Республики Узбекистан по вопросам Всемирной торговой организации и процессу вступления UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 17-May-21 29-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 78057 RFP/006/21 – тендер на проведение исследования «Оценка нужд молодежи Ферганской долины» в рамках Проекта «Молодежь за социальную гармонию в Ферганской долине» UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 14-May-21 29-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 78056 CLOSED EARLY
SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA (SdP) No. 00119042/5111-Monitoreo y análisis de conversación relevante en internet. UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR RFP - Request for proposal 14-May-21 29-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78055 PROCESO COL 0000140766 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultor Fortalecimiento Secretaría Técnica Ocad Paz – SGR. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 13-May-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 29-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 78053 SDC/00124696/046/2021 "ADQUISICIÓN DE ELECTRODOMESTICOS – (MINI REFRIGERADORAS Y TELEVISORES)" Oficina de País HONDURAS RFQ - Request for quotation 13-May-21 29-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78051 IC 21 140186 alianzas financieras creditos verdes UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 13-May-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 29-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78050 Photo and Video Production on Documenting Change in Pacific Governance UNDP Country Office FIJI RFP - Request for proposal 25-May-21 29-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78049 18534-2021 LTA Enfoque Cognitivo Regional Centre PANAMA RFP - Request for proposal 14-May-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 29-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78048 BBRSO139608: Climate Investment De-Risking Expert Barbados BARBADOS IC - Individual contractor 13-May-21 29-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78046 SDP11-2021 Acomp.y Prep. Implement. ERP UNDP Country Office DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 31-May-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 29-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78047 Recrutement d'une Agence de communication (Relance) Niger NIGER RFP - Request for proposal 10-Jun-21 29-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78045 IC-218-2021 Evaluacion de avance de ENLCDS UNDP Country Office PERU IC - Individual contractor 13-May-21 @ 02:00 PM (New York time) 29-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78044 PCI-033-2021 Apoyo al desarrollo de la Cuenta del Sector de Bienes y Servicios Ambientales – Gasto privado en biodiversidad UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 13-May-21 29-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78043 National Consultant - Governance and Climate Finance UNDP Thailand THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 20-May-21 29-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78042 SDP-242-2021 CONSULTORÍA PARA EL DESARROLLO DE UN SISTEMA DE INFORMACIÓN DE CRISIS HUMANITARIAS UNDP Country Office PERU RFP - Request for proposal 17-May-21 29-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 78041 RFQ 697 Procurement of Bullet Trap for Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia UNDP CO Serbia SERBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 17-May-21 29-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 78019 Expression of interest UNDP Country Office LIBYA EOI - Expression of interest 17-May-21 29-Apr-21 IMPORT/EXPORT IMPORT/EXPORT 78040 EVALUACIÓN A MEDIANO PLAZO (EMP) DEL PROYECTO DEL MARCO INTEGRADO MEJORADO, "APOYO INSTITUCIONAL PARA EL DESARROLLO DEL COMERCIO EN GUINEA ECUATORIAL".. E.G. UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE EQUATORIAL GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 13-May-21 29-Apr-21 DAMS DAMS 78039 RFQ-21-023 Construct. Flood Protection Embankment RBAS SUDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 17-May-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 29-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78031 National Consultant for the assessment of needs and supervision of the development of a project website UNDP Country Office MAURITIUS IC - Individual contractor 12-May-21 29-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78038 Services of Consultant on Support to Project Development and Approval UNDP Country Office BELARUS IC - Individual contractor 27-May-21 29-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78037 - La sélection de 150 MPME afin de « soutenir l'investissement dans les chaînes de valeur agricoles à fort potentiel pour les jeunes et les femmes Cameroun CAMEROON EOI - Expression of interest 13-May-21 29-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78036 RECRUTEMENT D'UNE STRUCTURE POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT ET LA MISE EN ŒUVRE D'UN PROGRAMME D'ACCOMPAGNEMENT DE 150 MPME AGRICOLES Cameroun CAMEROON RFP - Request for proposal 13-May-21 29-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78035 RECRUTEMENT D'UN CONSULTANT NATIONAL EN ADAPTATION AUX CHANGEMENTS CLIMATIQUES POUR LA REVISION DES CONTRIBUTIONS DETERMINEES AU NIVEAU NATIONAL UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE CHAD IC - Individual contractor 14-Jun-21 29-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78033 Recrutement d'un (e ) consultant(e) National(e) en communication changement climatique dans le cadre de la révision de la Contribution Déterminée au niveau National (CDN) et de l'élaboration du document du Plan Nationale d'Adaptation (PNA) aux changements UNDP country office CHAD IC - Individual contractor 14-May-21 29-Apr-21 HEALTH HEALTH 78034 BIH-ITB-018-21 Supply and Delivery FFP 2 and FFP3 UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA ITB - Invitation to bid 10-May-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 29-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78032 UNDP-IC-2021-159;Services of Individual Contractor to Training Needs Assessment and develop a training manual for the Reclamation and Probation Directorate (RPD). UNDP Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 20-May-21 29-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78030 RECRUTEMENT D'UN CONSULTANT NATIONAL EN ADAPTATION AUX CHANGEMENTS CLIMATIQUES POUR LA REVISION DE LA CONTRIBUTION DETERMINEE AU NIVEAU NATIONAL CHAD CHAD IC - Individual contractor 14-May-21 29-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78029 UNDP-IC-2021-158;Services of Individual Contractor to (i) conduct Training Needs Assessment of prison staff and prison training academy (PTA) facilities and (ii) to develop a training policy, training curriculum for training of prisons staff and conduct t UNDP Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 20-May-21 29-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78028 UNDP-IC-2021-157;Services of Individual Contractor to Revise and Amend Prison Act 1894 and Prison Rules 2018 UNDP Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 20-May-21 29-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78027 UNDP-IC-2021-156;Services of Individual Contractor / Advisor to conduct Need Assessment and develop the Gilgit Baltistan (GB) Rule of Law (ROL) Roadmap UNDP Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 20-May-21 29-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78026 UNDP-IC-2021-155;Services of Individual Contractor to assist the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Police in revising Dispute Resolution Council (DRC) Rules UNDP Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 20-May-21 29-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78025 UNDP-IC-2021-154;Services of Individual contractor is required to Develop Communication and Public Outreach Strategy for The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Police UNDP Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 20-May-21 29-Apr-21 TOURISM TOURISM 78024 ITB-005-2021-MAR-LTA-Accommodation-Rabat Morocco MOROCCO ITB - Invitation to bid 20-Sep-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 29-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78023 Recruitment of International firm to develop a detailed and costed Action Plan for implementing Circular Economy in Rwanda Rwanda RWANDA RFP - Request for proposal 18-May-21 29-Apr-21 TOURISM TOURISM 78022 Report-ITB-5-2021-MAR-LTA-Accomodation-Tanger Morocco MOROCCO ITB - Invitation to bid 15-Sep-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 29-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78018 ITB-001-2021-MAR-LTA-TRAVEL Morocco MOROCCO ITB - Invitation to bid 04-Jun-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 29-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 78021 RFP 11/21 Identification of needs for e-services and digitalisation of public administration UNDP CO MONTENEGRO RFP - Request for proposal 20-May-21 29-Apr-21 HEALTH HEALTH 78020 ITB160-2021-UNDP-UKR UNDP CO UKRAINE ITB - Invitation to bid 28-May-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 29-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78014 Recrutement d'un Expert National pour l'Elaboration d'une étude sur les écosystèmes sectoriels et régionaux dédiés à l'entreprenariat en Algérie UNDP Algeria ALGERIA IC - Individual contractor 21-Jul-21 29-Apr-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 78016 RFP - RECRUTEMENT D'UN CABINET POUR LA MISE EN PLACE D'UNE APPLICATION INFORMATIQUE LA GESTION DU CASIER JUDICIAIRE AU COMMISSARIAT GENERAL DE LA POLICE JUDICIAIRE. UNDP CO BURUNDI RFP - Request for proposal 07-Jun-21 29-Apr-21 HEALTH HEALTH 78017 IC/UNDP/HGI/083/2021 - Consultant for COVID-19 Vaccination Program Report UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 14-May-21 29-Apr-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 78015 RFQ-153-21- Supply of IT equipment for Universal Postal Union (UPU) Iraq Country Office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 16-May-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 29-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76000 Oslo III: Technical coordination for digital conference UNDP Oslo Governance Centre NORWAY RFQ - Request for quotation 06-May-21 29-Apr-21 FORESTRY FORESTRY 78012 RFP-2021-020: Оказание услуг по внедрению Концепции лесов высокой природоохранной ценности (ЛВПЦ) в Казахстане путем идентификации ЛВПЦ/ Provision of services on the introduction of the Concept of High Conservation Value Forests (HCVFs) in Kazakhstan UNPD Country Office - KAZAKHSTAN KAZAKHSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 28-May-21 29-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 78013 BIH/RFQ-068-21 PR support for the SDG Business pioneers 2021 UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 17-May-21 29-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78011 National Consultant for capacity building of BDST and its social enterprises UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN IC - Individual contractor 12-May-21 29-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 78010 Supply and delivery of ICT Equipments – JUDICIARY OF ZANZIBAR UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE TANZANIA RFQ - Request for quotation 10-May-21 29-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78009 SUPPORT FOR THE PROCUREMENT OF AN INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANT TO REVIEW THE OPEARTIONALIZATION OF THE SADC POOLED PROCUREMENT SERVICES FOR PHARMACEUTICAL COMMODITIES UNDP TANZANIA IC - Individual contractor 11-May-21 29-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77809 Implementation of Livelihood Activities Around the Grebo-Krahn National Park UNDP LIBERIA LIBERIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 05-May-21 29-Apr-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 78008 RFQ - FOURNITURE ET INSTALLATION DES LICENCES D'EXPLOITATION POUR LES LOGICIELS DE SETIC UNDP CO BURUNDI RFQ - Request for quotation 05-May-21 29-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78006 IC-2021-066 Public Relations and Information Support Specialist / Специалист по связям с общественностью и информационному сопровождению UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 13-May-21 29-Apr-21 HEALTH HEALTH 78005 RFQ/067/21 Supply and Delivery of Disinfection supplies UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 06-May-21 29-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 78004 RFQ 696 CSI Equipment for Ministry of Interior RS UNDP CO Serbia SERBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 18-May-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 29-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 78003 IC-025/21 - Tax Administration Consultant Country Office IRAQ IC - Individual contractor 13-May-21 29-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77366 347-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP_Development of E-Veteran Native Mobile Applications (Android, IOS) UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 14-May-21 29-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 78002 PNUD/Concurso-250/2021 - Donación para la implementación de tres(3) centros de recuperación y reciclaje de gases refrigerantes. UNDP Country Office PERU Other 31-May-21 29-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78001 T210407 - 01 National Technical Expert on chemicals in Agriculture (NC6) UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 06-May-21 29-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 78000 CI-029-2021 Consultoría de Comunicaciones para Gestión de Prensa UNDP DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 07-May-21 28-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77999 RFQ-GOLD-ISMIA-134949-011-2021 UNDP Country Office INDONESIA RFQ - Request for quotation 17-May-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 28-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77998 IC/UNDP/CE/082/2021 - National Consultant for Circular Economy Technical Support UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 17-May-21 28-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77997 IC/UNDP/CE/081/2021 - National Consultant for Circular Economy Liaison UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 17-May-21 28-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77996 Deep Well Rehabilitation Works in South YAP UNDP Pacific Office FIJI ITB - Invitation to bid 20-May-21 28-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77995 Recrutement d'un(e) Consultant(e) National(e) pour la Réalisation des études de faisabilité pour l'installation des plateformes multifonctionnelles de Coyah (village Mangata) et Forecariah (village Fandjé, Ciramodia, Mansoyah Guinée GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 15-May-21 28-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 76964 PNUD-SDC-169-2021 UNDP OFFICE PERU PERU RFQ - Request for quotation 14-May-21 @ 01:00 PM (New York time) 28-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77994 "Especialista en Sistemas Eléctricos de Potencia y Sistemas Especiales." UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 12-May-21 28-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77993 Consultoría para el desarrollo de estándares de emisiones de buses del transporte público en el AMA UNDP Office Paraguay PARAGUAY RFP - Request for proposal 19-May-21 28-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77991 Consultoría para la implementación de un sistema de Inversión Pública determinado por Ley 6490/20 para inversiones municipales sustentables UNDP Office Paraguay PARAGUAY IC - Individual contractor 12-May-21 28-Apr-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 77992 336/RFQ/PNUD/2021 ACHAT D'UN VEHICULE POUR LA REPRESENTATION DU PNUD MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 21-May-21 28-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77990 PCI-031-2021 Servicios de consultoría para la evaluación de medio término del Proyecto "Rendición de Cuentas, Participación Ciudadana y Prevención de la Corrupción para el Desarrollo Sostenible UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 13-May-21 28-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77989 JOF 2761-2021 Capacitacao e Formacao Brasil BRAZIL RFP - Request for proposal 31-May-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 28-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77988 CSOs Call for proposal for the advocacy to pass the Revenue Sharing Bill. UNDP LIBERIA LIBERIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 17-May-21 28-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77973 Recrutement de cabinets en trois (03) lots pour la réalisation des schémas communaux d'aménagement et de développement territorial des communes de Sandiara, Mont-Rolland et Bargny COUNTRY OFFICE SENEGAL RFP - Request for proposal 10-May-21 28-Apr-21 IRRIGATION IRRIGATION 77986 LBN-CO-ITB-116-21 - Chmistar & Taraya Irrigation Canal - Event ID: 0000009141 UNDP Country Office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 20-May-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 28-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77987 PCI-032-2021 Institucionalización del gasto en biodiversidad a nivel federal y subnacional. UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 12-May-21 28-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77974 PNUD-IC-207-2021 - Asistencia tecnica al MIDAGRI UNDP Country Office - Peru - Peru PERU IC - Individual contractor 21-May-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 28-Apr-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 77979 Tender 84-2021_Provision of furnaces and accessories for Sloviansk Multidisciplinary Regional Center of Vocational Education/ Тендер 84-2021_Придбання печей та оснастки для Слов'янського багатопрофільного регіонального центру професійної освіти Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 21-May-21 28-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77985 Recrutement du consultant national, en charge du volet environnement et lutte contre les changements climatiques, pour l'élaboration du Plan National de Développement (PND) 2022-2026 UNDP CHAD CHAD IC - Individual contractor 20-May-21 28-Apr-21 IRRIGATION IRRIGATION 77984 LBN-CO-ITB-115-21 - West Baalbeck Irrigation Canals - Event ID: 0000009140 UNDP Country Office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 19-May-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 28-Apr-21 IRRIGATION IRRIGATION 77983 LBN-CO-ITB-114-21 - Akkar El Atika Irrigation Canals - Event ID: 0000009137 UNDP Country Office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 19-May-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 28-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77980 Un.e Consultant(e) National.e en charge de l'évaluation finale du projet PBF TUNISIA TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 19-May-21 28-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77978 DEVELOPMENT OF THE YOUTH MENTORSHIP PROGRAMME STRATEGY FOR THE MINISTRY OF GENDER AND YOUTH, SPORTS AND RECREATION Lesotho LESOTHO IC - Individual contractor 12-May-21 28-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77977 EXTENDED: National Consultant to update Action Plan for sustainability and transition of the National TB Program UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN IC - Individual contractor 17-May-21 28-Apr-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 77975 RFQ 046-21 Supply of IT equipment for UNDP Project UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 13-May-21 28-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77976 RFP/2021/14: Assignment Requiring the Services of a Communications Company Country Office JORDAN RFP - Request for proposal 12-May-21 28-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77971 83-2021 procurement of furniture for Bakhmut Center of vocational education, Mariupol Professional Lyceum of Automotive Transport and Higher Professional School No.92 of Sievierodonetsk Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 14-May-21 28-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77972 Consultancy Services for Performance Monitoring and Evaluation System of Model Factories UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 19-May-21 28-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77969 Provide Communication and Marketing support for the Strategic Innovation Unit BPPS/UNDP UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RFP - Request for proposal 23-May-21 28-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77970 ITB-073-21-R-Rehabilitation of Baiji Asphalt Facto UNDP IRAQ OFFICE IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 19-May-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 28-Apr-21 POWER POWER 77968 Supply of Solar Photovoltaic Systems for 12 Sites UNDP Country Office TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO ITB - Invitation to bid 28-May-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 28-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77966 Supply and Installation of ICT Equipments - MOCLA STUDIO UNDP Country Office TANZANIA RFQ - Request for quotation 10-May-21 28-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77967 RFP-Community Based Planning Approach UNDP Country office GEORGIA RFP - Request for proposal 21-May-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 28-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77964 RFP-002-2021_Recrutement d'un Bureau d'Etudes International pour réaliser une étude de faisabilité de l'électrification de 200 villages repartis sur l'ensemble du territoire national UNDP Country Office MAURITANIA RFP - Request for proposal 19-May-21 28-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77965 UNDP-IC-2021-056 - Senior National Forensic Science Expert Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 14-May-21 28-Apr-21 HEALTH HEALTH 77963 BIH-ITB-017-21 Syringe and infusion pumps UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA ITB - Invitation to bid 10-May-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 28-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77962 UNDP-IC-2021 - 061 - English Language Editing Consultant Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 14-May-21 28-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77961 IC NOTICE N°011-2021/PNUD-BF RECRUTEMENT D'UN(E) CONSULTANT (E) NATIONAL(E) POUR LA CONDUITE D'UNE ETUDE SUR LA NOTICE D'IMPACT ENVIRONNEMENTAL ET SOCIAL (N.I.E.S) POUR LA MISE EN PLACE DE QUATRE FERMES AGROECOLOGIQUES POLYVALENTES (FAEP) UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 06-May-21 28-Apr-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 77960 RFQ Online Specialized trainings on cyber security UNDP Kosovo Kosovo, UNSCR 1244 (1999) RFQ - Request for quotation 11-May-21 @ 11:30 AM (New York time) 28-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77959 RFQ 2021-32 : fourniture de services de proximité et complets sur le VIH et les maladies transmissibles par les organisations de la société civile dans les prisons tunisiennes UNDP Country Office TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 18-May-21 28-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77836 National consultancy firm / to Upgrade the Mobile Application for Reporting Crime, Training and Mentorship Gambia GAMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 09-May-21 28-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77958 RFQ 2021-33 : Recrutement d'un bureau d'étude spécialisé pour réaliser un diagnostic des ressources humaines de l'ANME et définir ses besoins en RH à moyen et long terme UNDP Country Office TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 17-May-21 28-Apr-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 77957 RFQ Purchase of computer systems for LGA UNDP Country Office MALDIVES RFQ - Request for quotation 12-May-21 28-Apr-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 77956 RFQ Purchase of ICT equipment for NSPA UNDP Country Office MALDIVES RFQ - Request for quotation 12-May-21 28-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77944 RECRUTEMENT D'UN BUREAU D'ETUDES OU DE GROUPEMENT DE BUREAUX D'ETUDES INTERNATIONAL/INTERNATIONAUX POUR LA MISE A JOUR DE LA CONTRIBUTION DETERMINEE AU NIVEAU NATIONAL (CDN) DANS LE DOMAINE DE L'ATTENUATION EN GUINEE BISSAU UNDP Country Office GUINEA-BISSAU RFP - Request for proposal 20-May-21 @ 12:45 AM (New York time) 28-Apr-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 77955 RFQ Purchase of computer systems for MoFGSS UNDP Country Office MALDIVES RFQ - Request for quotation 12-May-21 28-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77954 Rehab Roof Envir.Colege East Mosul University Iraq UNDP Country Office, Erbil, Iraq - IRAQ IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 12-May-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 28-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77541 254-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-RPP Developing the Knowledge Web-Portal on Methodology on Monitoring of Local Budgets with Relation to Community Security and Social Cohesion UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 16-May-21 28-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77953 COVID-19 Response - Isolation Wards in AlZahraa UNDP iraq office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 11-May-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 28-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77952 Recrutement du consultant national, en charge du secteur privé et management des entreprises, pour l'élaboration du Plan National de Développement (PND2) 2022-2026 UNDP CHAD CHAD IC - Individual contractor 20-May-21 28-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77951 Recrutement du consultant national, en charge du volet gouvernance, renforcement de l'unité et état de droit, pour l'élaboration du Plan National de Développement (PND2) 2022-2026 UNDP CHAD CHAD IC - Individual contractor 20-May-21 28-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77950 Recrutement du consultant national, en charge du volet développement et diversification de l'économie, pour l'élaboration du Plan National de Développement (PND2) 2022-2026 UNDP CHAD CHAD IC - Individual contractor 20-May-21 28-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77949 Supply Protection Relay And Battery In Mosul UNDP Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 25-May-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 28-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77948 RFQ-2021-016 Сleaning of office premises, external territory and landscaping / Уборка офисных помещений, внешней территории и озеленение UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 19-May-21 28-Apr-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 77947 RFQ/030/21 - Supply of individual planting cocoon (water-tank) for individual trees seedlings planting and growing for the GEF SGP Projects needs: UZB/SGP/OP5/Y8/CORE/CC/2019/49 and UZB/SGP/OP6/Y5/CORE/LD/2019/09 /поставка индивидуального «кокона» для по UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Apr-21 27-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77946 CLOSED EARLY
RFP/2021/15: Requiring the Services of a Company to be Engaged Through a Service Contract for Community Network Platforms UNDP Country Office JORDAN RFP - Request for proposal 12-May-21 27-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77945 3597 PAN 2021 - Cajas plásticas para el embalaje de libros UNDP Country Office PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 17-May-21 27-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77841 RECRUTEMENT D'UN(E) CONSULTANT(E) NATIONAL(E) , INGENIEUR SPECIALISTE EN INFRASTRUCTURES EN APPUI AU BUREAU PAYS DU PNUD-NIGER UNDP NIGER NIGER IC - Individual contractor 04-May-21 27-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77943 CLOSED EARLY
PROCESO COL 0000139325 Cancelado UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 11-May-21 27-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77938 PNUD/SDP-167/2021 Servicio de consultoría especializada para la implementación, acondicionamiento y puesta en marcha del humedal para biorremediación, UNDP Country Office - Peru - Peru PERU RFP - Request for proposal 24-May-21 27-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77942 INSTITUTIONAL CONSULTANCY-LANDSCAPE ANALYSES OF CHILD/ADOLESCENT HEALTH AND NUTRITION BOTSWANA BOTSWANA Other 18-May-21 27-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77940 CONSULTANCY TO UNDERTAKE A RAPID ASSESSMENT FOR PRIVATE SECTOR REQUIREMENTS AND CAPACITY NEEDS ASSESSMENT FOR LOCAL SUPPLIERS FOR LOCAL AND INTERNATIONAL MARKET ACCESS Lesotho LESOTHO RFP - Request for proposal 12-May-21 27-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77939 EMPRESA CONSULTORA PARA LA REALIZACIÓN DE CURSOS DE CAPACITACIÓN VIRTUALES A PRODUCTORES Y PROFESIONALES DEL CHACO EN PRÁCTICAS DE PRODUCCIÓN SOSTENIBLE UNDP Office Paraguay PARAGUAY RFP - Request for proposal 17-May-21 27-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77888 Operations Support Consultant UNCDF Digital Hub for Asia - Dhaka BANGLADESH IC - Individual contractor 12-May-21 27-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77937 Governance Consultant - IC LTA x 5 UNDP Country Office FIJI IC - Individual contractor 31-May-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 27-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77936 LOCAL CONSULTANT TO SUPPORT MID TERM REVIEW OF THE UNDP LESOTHO COUNTRY PROGRAMME 2019 - 2023 Lesotho LESOTHO IC - Individual contractor 14-May-21 27-Apr-21 AGRO-INDUSTRY AGRO-INDUSTRY 77935 RFQ 047/21 Supply and installation of Essential oil extraction machine UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 11-May-21 27-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77934 Global Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding Resea UNDP HQ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RFP - Request for proposal 18-Jun-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 27-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77932 PCI-030-2021 Consultoría para la elaboración de diseño editorial, diseño y edición de materiales e insumos para BIOFIN UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 11-May-21 27-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77929 Consultation Internationale -Cartographie finale de l'aléa mouvement de terrain PNUD HAITI IC - Individual contractor 14-May-21 27-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77931 Consultoría para la elaboración del Proyecto Ejecutivo Integral de la Planta Recuperadora de Residuos Asunción PARAGUAY RFP - Request for proposal 21-Jun-21 27-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77930 IC-219-2021 Elab 3 Agend Reg PNAC 2019-2030 UNDP Country Office PERU IC - Individual contractor 21-May-21 @ 02:00 PM (New York time) 27-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77926 Consultation Internationale - Cartographie préliminaire et finale de l'aléa inondation et submersion marine PNUD HAITI IC - Individual contractor 14-May-21 27-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77928 Appel d'offres n° UNDP/RFQ/2021/033 la fourniture et l'installation du système de Sécurité Incendie au bâtiment annexe du PNUD Côte d'Ivoire COTE d'IVOIRE RFQ - Request for quotation 03-May-21 27-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77884 RFQ 23-2021 for Review of technical documentation for construction of water supply and sewerage networks and reconstruction of water capture system in Moklishte, Municipality of Kavadarci UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 12-May-21 27-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77925 Sélection d'une société de droit algérien ayant une expertise dans le diagnostic des réseaux et des équipements informatiques au sein des sièges des communes pilotes du programme CapDel UNDP Algeria ALGERIA RFP - Request for proposal 19-Jun-21 27-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77927 LBN-CO-ITB-112-21Greenhouse and Farming Racks UNDP Country office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 11-May-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 27-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77924 Sélection d'une société de droit algérien ayant une expertise dans la conception et le développement de site web et d'applications web (frontend & backend), auprès du programme CAPDEL UNDP Algeria ALGERIA RFP - Request for proposal 01-Sep-21 27-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77923 Signage Branding in ADISA-Municipality Joint Cen Albania ALBANIA RFQ - Request for quotation 06-May-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 27-Apr-21 INDUSTRY INDUSTRY 77920 Procurement of Hardware Tools and Automation Equipment UNDP Country Office TURKEY RFQ - Request for quotation 21-May-21 27-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77921 Reconstruction Rehabilitation of Shops in Baiji UNDP Iraq IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 30-May-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 27-Apr-21 HEALTH HEALTH 77919 RFQ/066/21 Supply and delivery of Micropipettes and Micropipette stands UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 06-May-21 27-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77917 National Consultant to support the Liberia Land Authority (LLA) UNDP ON BEHALF OF UN WOMEN LIBERIA LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 05-May-21 27-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77916 National Project Coordinator Consultant based at Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) for Viet Nam National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Development and Operationalization Support Project (Ref. P210408) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 03-May-21 27-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77069 Recrutement d'un cabinet chargé d'appuyer l'élaboration d'un schéma directeur national numérique des territoires et de plans de numérisation dans 03 communes pilotes COUNTRY OFFICE SENEGAL RFP - Request for proposal 26-Apr-21 27-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77915 Prosper With Purpose Report and Communication Lead UNDP Country Office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 09-May-21 27-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77914 Individual Consultancy - LTA National Ecological Expert - LBN/CO/IC/109/21 UNDP Country Office LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 25-May-21 27-Apr-21 AGRO-INDUSTRY AGRO-INDUSTRY 77913 RFQ 048/21 Supply and installation of Machine for secondary cleaning of legumes and grains seeds Country Offic ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 12-May-21 27-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77912 A national firm for Website Design and Web-based Application Development for: (Ref. B-210404) UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM RFQ - Request for quotation 11-May-21 27-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77911 Recrutement d'un Consultant national d'appui aux réformes des Marchés Publics UNDP Country Office MAURITANIA IC - Individual contractor 30-Apr-21 27-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77910 LBN-CO-RFP-96-21 Training of Media Practitioners UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFP - Request for proposal 18-May-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 27-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77909 CONSULTANCY SERVICES TO SUPPORT THE PROCUREMENT OF BOATS FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA UNDP TANZANIA IC - Individual contractor 03-May-21 27-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77906 Supply and delivery of COVID 19 PPE UNDP Country Office TANZANIA RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Apr-21 27-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77905 RFPMUS2021-003 - To develop a multi-tier costed implementation strategy for effective control of Alien Invasive species Mauritius MAURITIUS RFP - Request for proposal 18-Jun-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 27-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77903 Socio-Economic Survey UNDP-Afghanistan AFGHANISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 11-May-21 @ 07:30 AM (New York time) 27-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77902 IC-2021-054_Специалист технического сопровождения внедрения Атласа рекомендуемых профессий для лиц с инвалидностью посредством АИС «Енбек»/Specialist in technical support for the implementation of the Atlas of Recommended Professions for persons with disa UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 21-May-21 27-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77900 RFP- Gender Justice Services- A2J Project UNDP Country Office Timor Leste TIMOR LESTE RFP - Request for proposal 07-Jun-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 26-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77899 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA (SdP) N° COL‐0000137946 -Diseño, implementación y validación de un curso virtual sobre protección, autoprotección, autocuidado y primeros auxilios psicológicos dirigido a servidoras y servidores de la Unidad de Búsqueda de Personas UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 12-May-21 26-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77898 National Consultant: Humanitarian Response Research Mapping in the Philippines (For Philippine nationals only) Philippines PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 12-May-21 26-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77862 National Facilitator Thailand (on behalf of UNODC) THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 19-May-21 26-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77896 Individual Contractor as Document Clerk for DepEd and BUB Projects (For Philippine nationals only) Manila, Philippines PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 10-May-21 26-Apr-21 HEALTH HEALTH 77895 Oxygen production plant UNDP GAMBIA ITB - Invitation to bid 07-May-21 @ 03:59 AM (New York time) 26-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77894 PROCESO COL 0000137997 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Fortalecimiento de la capacidad de países de África, Asia y América Latina para prevenir la proliferación de armas de destrucción masiva (UNODC). UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 10-May-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 26-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77893 Construction of Kassala Pediatric Hospital 2021 country office SUDAN ITB - Invitation to bid 24-May-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 26-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77891 IC-2021-053_Специалист по внедрению Атласа рекомендуемых профессий для лиц с инвалидностью посредством АИС «Енбек»/Specialist in implementing the Atlas of Recommended Professions for persons with disabilities through the AIS "Enbek" UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 10-May-21 26-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77892 UNDP-IC-2021-114 - National Consultant "Inclusive and Risk Finance Diagnostics" – Re-advertised Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 11-May-21 26-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77890 WOMEN'S LEADERSHIP AND POLITICAL PARTICIPATION EXPERT UNDP LIBERIA ON BEHALF OF UN WOMEN LIBERIA LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 07-May-21 26-Apr-21 HEALTH HEALTH 77889 PPE and Medical Equipment for COVID-19 Response UNDP Country Office ALGERIA ITB - Invitation to bid 17-Jun-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 26-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77887 Appel d'offres n° UNDP/RFQ/2021/034 fourniture et l'installation du câblage informatique, téléphoniques et courant régulé au bâtiment annexe du PNUD Côte d'Ivoire COTE d'IVOIRE RFQ - Request for quotation 03-May-21 26-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77886 Appel d'offres n° UNDP/RFQ/2021/027 fourniture et l'installation de caméra au bureau PNUD Côte d'Ivoire COTE d'IVOIRE RFQ - Request for quotation 03-May-21 26-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77885 IC 139151 Final Evaluation Involuntary Returned Migrants UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE - JAMAICA JAMAICA IC - Individual contractor 10-May-21 26-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77882 RFP UNDP UN 013 Travel Management Service Provider Country Office INDONESIA RFP - Request for proposal 17-May-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 26-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77881 Media Trainer Malawi UNDP Country Office MALAWI IC - Individual contractor 07-May-21 26-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77880 ETH2212-IC Team Leader and forest management expert in SNNPR and Sidama to Conduct Integrated forest management plan preparation for Enclosures in ANR sites districts of Ethiopia UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 17-May-21 @ 04:59 AM (New York time) 26-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77879 ETH2211-Senior GIS National Consultant to Conduct Integrated forest management plan preparation for Enclosures in ANR sites of Ethiopia GIS and land use planning expert . UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 31-May-21 @ 04:59 AM (New York time) 26-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77878 ETH2210-Team Leader and Forest Management Expert to Conduct Integrated forest management plan preparation for Enclosures in ANR sites districts of Ethiopia Team leader and forest management expert UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 17-May-21 @ 03:59 AM (New York time) 26-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77877 ETH2209-Senior GIS National Consultant to Conduct Integrated forest management plan preparation for Enclosures in ANR sites of Ethiopia GIS and land use planning expert UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 10-May-21 @ 03:59 AM (New York time) 26-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77876 ETH2208-Senior GIS National Consultant to Conduct Integrated forest management plan preparation for Enclosures in ANR sites of Ethiopia GIS and land use planning expert UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 10-May-21 @ 03:59 AM (New York time) 26-Apr-21 AGRO-INDUSTRY AGRO-INDUSTRY 77875 [EXTENDED] Call for Proposal - LOCAL CHAMPION EMPOWERMENT ON NON-STATE OWNED FOREST AREA IN KUTAI TIMUR DISTRICT, EAST KALIMANTAN PROVINCE AND KOTAWARINGIN BARAT DISTRICT, CENTRAL KALIMANTAN PROVINCE UNDP Country Office INDONESIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 20-May-21 26-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77874 LBN-CO-CFP-111-21 Training Local Actors UNDP Country Office LEBANON CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 17-May-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 26-Apr-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 77873 RFQ/023/21 (extension): Поставка и Устанвока Холодильного комплекса в Республику Каракалпакстан/Supply and Installation of Cooling complex to Karakalpakstan UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 06-May-21 26-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77872 Rehab. of Vocational Training Center in Salahuddin UNDP Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 27-May-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 26-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77867 RFQ Purchase of reference check data United Nations Volunteers GERMANY RFQ - Request for quotation 31-May-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 26-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77871 Consultancy on "Legal advocacy to promote the right to legal gender recognition and the right to marriage in Vietnam" (Ref. B-210403) UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM RFQ - Request for quotation 03-May-21 26-Apr-21 FORESTRY FORESTRY 77870 RFP-GEF-2021-11 Establish business modality and develop community based sustainable eco-tourism venture at Manewa Kanda Eco-park UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFP - Request for proposal 12-May-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 26-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77868 RFQ2259 Certification of the Anti-Bribery Manageme UNDP Country Office MOLDOVA RFQ - Request for quotation 19-May-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 26-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77866 UNDP CYP RFP 082 EID 9085 2021 - Supervision Services for Construction of Kormakitis Center for Cooperation Cyprus CYPRUS RFP - Request for proposal 21-May-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 26-Apr-21 POWER POWER 77865 Solar based AC electricity mini-grid system in Rat UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA ITB - Invitation to bid 17-May-21 @ 01:00 AM (New York time) 26-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77864 Expert consulting team for Poverty Mapping with with Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Project UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFP - Request for proposal 10-May-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 26-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77863 Public Relations Expert for EU/UNDP Black Sea Project: "European Union for Improving Environmental Monitoring in the Black Sea – EU4EMBLAS" Istanbul Regional Center TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 24-May-21 26-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77860 Project Management Advisor for EU/UNDP Black Sea Project: "European Union for Improving Environmental Monitoring in the Black Sea – EU4EMBLAS Istanbul Regional Center TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 09-May-21 26-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77858 ETH2478- National Consultant to provide training on forest ecosystem service valuation for EFCCC UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 10-May-21 @ 02:35 AM (New York time) 26-Apr-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 77859 RFQ Purchase of Software for Polytechnic Online Stations UNDP Country Office MALDIVES RFQ - Request for quotation 10-May-21 26-Apr-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 77851 CLOSED EARLY
Purchase of Software for Polytechnic Online Stations UNDP Country Office MALDIVES RFQ - Request for quotation 10-May-21 26-Apr-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 77857 RFQ/BIH30/2021/02780 Provision of the logistical support to the IT Girls Initiative in Bosnia and Herzegovina in organizing four events in the period from June to September 2021 UNWOMEN in BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 21-May-21 26-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77856 Consultancy for Provincial Ecosystem and Forestry Coordinator in Enga province of Papua New Guinea, IC/PNG/-021-2021 UNDP PNG Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 07-May-21 26-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77855 Consultancy for Provincial Food Security Coordinator in Enga province of Papua New Guinea, IC/PNG/020-2021 UNDP PNG Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 07-May-21 26-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77854 Consultancy for Provincial Climate Change Coordinator in Enga province of Papua New Guinea, UNDP PNG Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 07-May-21 26-Apr-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 77853 for Supply and Delivery of Fertilizer for UNDP TLS Timor-Leste TIMOR LESTE RFQ - Request for quotation 11-May-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 26-Apr-21 FORESTRY FORESTRY 77852 RFP-035-IND-2021 (Capacity Development for Effective Management of High-Altitude Wetlands in SECURE Himalaya project landscapes in Union Territory of Ladakh, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Sikkim) UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 07-May-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 26-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77850 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION (RFI) FROM CSO/NGO UNDP PNG Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA RFI - Request for Information 03-Jun-21 26-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77849 AVIS A PREQUALIFICATION REOUVERTURE ANNUELLE DU ROSTER DES ORGANISATIONS DE LA SOCIETE CIVILE ET DES ORGANIZATIONS NON GOUVERNEMENTALES ACTIVES AU MALI Mali MALI ITP - Invitation to pre-qualify 08-Jun-21 25-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77847 ETH2476 – Recruitment of Two National Consultant to provide Legal Literacy and Empowerment Trainings UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 07-May-21 @ 06:23 AM (New York time) 25-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77848 Recruitment of National Consultancy for revision of joint proposals UNDP Country Office GHANA IC - Individual contractor 10-May-21 25-Apr-21 HEALTH HEALTH 77846 ITB-GF-21-002 - Pre-Bid Conference Minutes Sudan SUDAN ITB - Invitation to bid 28-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 25-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77845 18560-2021: Desarrollo de un estudio cuantitativo para indagar acerca de la comprensión social, los factores de riesgo y la percepción de (in)seguridad frente a la violencia contra las mujeres y las niñas (VCMN) Regional Centre PANAMA RFP - Request for proposal 06-May-21 25-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77844 RFQ Supply and Delivery of Met. Studio Equipment UNDP Country Office ZAMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 10-May-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 25-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77843 ETH2473-International Consultant for the Development of Conflict Early Warning and Early Response (CEWER) System UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 17-May-21 @ 03:59 PM (New York time) 25-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77840 ETH2477-National Firm Level Consultancy for Development of Support for Public-Private and Civil Society Partnership: Strengthening the Private Sector Associations Engaged in Commercial Forestry & Wood Processing Industries UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA RFP - Request for proposal 31-May-21 @ 03:59 PM (New York time) 25-Apr-21 HEALTH HEALTH 77842 RFQ 9057 - Supply and Delivery of Communication-IT Equipment UNDP Country Office AFGHANISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 08-May-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 25-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77839 ITB-21-002 Organizing Conference and Event Mgt UNDP Country Office SUDAN ITB - Invitation to bid 15-Jun-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 25-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77838 CFP-164 21 Supporting Livelihoods and Economic country office IRAQ CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 19-May-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 25-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77837 Renting a Garage Space for UNDP Maldives UNDP Maldives Country Office MALDIVES RFQ - Request for quotation 03-May-21 25-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77835 REHABILITATION HOUSING WORKS OF 325 UNITS Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 24-May-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 25-Apr-21 HEALTH HEALTH 77834 RFQ for Medical Consumable for UNDP-GFP UNDP Country Office Afghanistan AFGHANISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 19-May-21 @ 01:30 AM (New York time) 24-Apr-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 77833 INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANT TO FACILITATE WORKSHOPS FOR ROLLING OUT THE SDGs PLANNING GUIDELINES-EDUCATION SECTOR BOTSWANA BOTSWANA IC - Individual contractor 07-May-21 24-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77831 SOLICITUD DE COTIZACIÓN (SdC) COL 0000137986 -Alquiler de 12 camionetas de tracción 4x4 doble cabina modelo igual o superior a 2017 para las ciudades de; Bogotá, Villavicencio, Quibdó, Pasto, Bucaramanga, Corozal, Medellin, Cucutá, Florencia, Turbo y Neiv UNDP Country Offic COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 11-May-21 24-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77832 Rehabilitation and Furniture Kasik Police Station UNDP Iraq IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 29-May-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 24-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77830 Evaluation finale et capitalisation du programme conjoint AMAL Morocco MOROCCO RFQ - Request for quotation 06-May-21 23-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77829 CLOSED EARLY
3594 PAN 2021 Suministro de uniformes para el personal administrativo del Centro INADEH de Tocumen, Panamá PANAMA PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 25-May-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 23-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77828 IC 21 140178 propuesta Readiness UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 06-May-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 23-Apr-21 HEALTH HEALTH 77827 RFQ for gloves UNDP South Sudan SOUTH SUDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 23-Apr-21 HEALTH HEALTH 77826 RFQ for procurement of face masks N 95 UNDP South Sudan SOUTH SUDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 23-Apr-21 HEALTH HEALTH 77825 RFQ for procurement of Lab Items UNDP South Sudan SOUTH SUDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 23-Apr-21 HEALTH HEALTH 77824 RFQ for Covid-19 Items UNDP South Sudan SOUTH SUDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 23-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77823 SdP ADQ 21 139768 analisis mares y oceanos UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 13-May-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 23-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77822 IC-240-2021 Asist Tec Defensoria del Pueblo DDHH UNDP Country Office PERU IC - Individual contractor 11-May-21 @ 12:00 PM (New York time) 23-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77821 Consultancy – Development of Policy and Programme Documents for UNDP Yemen and the Lake Chad Basin Region, CB/CSMT/UNDP UNDP/HQ/CB/CSMT UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Other 09-May-21 23-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77819 RfQ21/02249: EU CBM / Construction works at daily care center in Dnestrovsk town in Transnistria region UNDP Country Office MOLDOVA RFQ - Request for quotation 12-May-21 @ 09:30 AM (New York time) 23-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77818 PNUD/SDP-166/2021 Inventario y análisis de fuentes contaminantes en el ámbito peruano del sistema hídrico TDPS (Estudio complementario 7) UNDP Country Office - Peru - Peru PERU RFP - Request for proposal 25-May-21 23-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77817 CHL/IC/057/2021 Contratación de una consultoría para el apoyo y seguimiento jurídico del proceso constituyente chileno UNDP Country Office CHILE IC - Individual contractor 07-May-21 23-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77816 Consultoria Individual UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 06-May-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 23-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77815 IC 21 139334 Consultant final evaluation GMC UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 12-May-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 23-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77814 MNG/RFP/2021/012 - Review of existing national employment policies, programs, and their implementation UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA RFP - Request for proposal 07-May-21 23-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77813 MNG/IC/2021/061 - Legal Expert UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 14-May-21 23-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77812 SdC ADQ 21 139490 adquisicion de navegadores GPS UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFQ - Request for quotation 12-May-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 23-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77811 National Consultant to develop a coffee table book and human-interest stories showcasing UNCDF work and results - Home-based with possible travel within Tanzania UNCDF TANZANIA IC - Individual contractor 06-May-21 23-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77810 IC/UNDP/RRU-RESTORE/080/2021 - Project Institutional Management Consultant – East Java UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 07-May-21 23-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77808 Consultant.e national.e pour l'élaboration d'une boite à process et intégration des outils innovant dans les process du Projet d'Assistance Electorale en Tunisie (PAET) du PNUD Tunisie TUNISIA TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 02-May-21 23-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77805 Call for Proposal (CFP) Civil Society Organizations- CSOs UNDP ON BEHALF OF UN WOMEN LIBERIA LIBERIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 02-May-21 23-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77807 Call for proposal for Promoting Sustainable Peace through National Youth Policies in the Framework of 2030 Agenda Project UNDP Country Office on behalf of UNDESA LIBERIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 05-May-21 23-Apr-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 77806 Development and Implementation of the ICMT UNDP Country Office LIBYA RFP - Request for proposal 31-May-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 23-Apr-21 HEALTH HEALTH 77804 BIH/TB/016/21 Supply and Delivery of Detection kit RT PCR COV2 UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA ITB - Invitation to bid 04-May-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 23-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77803 National Consultant for mapping exercise of the inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in COVID-19 response programs and socioeconomic recovery plans (Ref. P210407) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 09-May-21 23-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77802 National Consultant- Researcher to support the Forum for Memory and Future (FMF) in developing a Strategy on Dealing with the Past in Lebanon UNDP Country Office LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 17-May-21 23-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77801 National Consultant for the Development of Resilience Framework and Index UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 07-May-21 23-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77800 Data Engineer (National Consultant) to support the design and engineering of an interim architecture for vaccine information system UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 30-Apr-21 23-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77799 BIH/RFQ-065-21 Production of video materials for the SDG Business Pioneers Award in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2021 UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 04-May-21 23-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77798 RECRUTEMENT D'UN CABINET POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT D'UNE STRATEGIE NATIONALE POUR LA GESTION DES DECHETS DES EQUIPEMENTS SOLAIRES NOTAMMENT LES BATTERIES ET LES PANNEAUX SOLAIRES UNDP CO BURUNDI RFP - Request for proposal 10-May-21 23-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77797 National Consultant to develop the Training Curriculum, Guidelines, and Training Material of Vocational Training for Sex Workers in Thailand UNDP Country Office THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 07-May-21 23-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77796 Procurement of Hygiene kits (for Establishment of 1+4 Years Lon Term Arrangement) UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND (UNICEF) UKRAINE ITB - Invitation to bid 17-May-21 23-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77793 TRAVAUX DE CONSTRUCTION DU CENTRE DE PROMOTION DE LA FEMME A KOLOFATA CAMEROON CAMEROON ITB - Invitation to bid 30-Apr-21 23-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77795 RFP 02.2021.PNUD.COM - Agence de conception graphique MORONI COMOROS RFP - Request for proposal 31-May-21 @ 04:45 AM (New York time) 23-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77794 RFP-034-IND-2021 - Fostering youth-led entrepreneurship through training, boot camps, mentorship and acceleration support UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 18-May-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 23-Apr-21 POWER POWER 77792 Supply and Installation of Transformers and Electr country office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 13-May-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 23-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77790 UNDP/PN/11/2021 Individual Consultant Procurement Notice for National Consultant - Assessment of Consequences of Chemical Fertilizer Price Subsidy on Biodiversity UNDP Country Office for BIOFIN Nepal NEPAL IC - Individual contractor 03-May-21 23-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77789 UNDP/PN/10/2021 Individual Consultant Procurement Notice for National Consultant - Assessment of Consequences of Insurance Premium Subsidy of the Agricultural Sector (Crop and livestock) on Biodiversity UNDP Country Office for BIOFIN Nepal NEPAL IC - Individual contractor 03-May-21 23-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77788 UNDP/PN/09/2021 Individual Consultant Procurement Notice for National Consultant - Assessment of Consequences of Subsidized Agricultural Credit (Subsidy) on Biodiversity UNDP Country Office for BIOFIN Nepal NEPAL IC - Individual contractor 03-May-21 23-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77787 Re-Advertisement: MNG/IC/2021/059 - National Consultant - Performance Audit Expert UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 25-Jul-21 22-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77786 Terminal Evaluation Terms of Reference - Tuvalu Ridge to Reef Project Fiji FIJI IC - Individual contractor 30-Apr-21 22-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77784 Tracking Surveys of Socioeconomic Impacts on Informal and Formal Workers and Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) UNDP Country Office, Cambodia CAMBODIA RFP - Request for proposal 05-May-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 22-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77785 3581 UNODC 2021 - Consultor Independiente para impartir Capacitaciones sobre aspectos legales vinculados al procesamiento judicial y sanción de delitos que involucran evidencia digital UNDP Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 12-May-21 22-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77783 IC 21 139483 guia metodologica redes cooperativas UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 11-May-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 22-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77782 PROCESO COL 0000137944 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional para la medición de cargas laborales de la Subdirección Especializada de Seguridad y Protección de la Unidad Nacional de Protección -UNP- UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 06-May-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 22-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77781 PNUD-IC-197-2021 Recopilacion y analisis data UNDP Country Office - Peru - Peru PERU IC - Individual contractor 06-May-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 22-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77780 Consultant to provide capacity building to agricultural marketing cooperatives in Kigoma region - Home-based with domestic travel, TANZANIA UNCDF TANZANIA IC - Individual contractor 05-May-21 22-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77779 SdC ADQ 21 138915 compra de molino y mesa de cor UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFQ - Request for quotation 05-May-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 22-Apr-21 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS 77778 PROCESO COL-0000138053 - Acuerdo a Largo Plazo LTA para la adquisición de servicio de internet y telefonía móvil y suministro de equipos celulares, para la oficina de país, sus proyectos y las agencias del sistema de Naciones Unidas en Colombia que hacen UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA ITB - Invitation to bid 07-May-21 22-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77777 CI.025.OCR.2021.CONSULTOR NACIONAL PARA MANEJO DE INFORMACIÓN Y MONITOREO DE MEDIOS DEL SISTEMA DE LAS NACIONES UNIDAS EN VENEZUELA. UNDP Country Office VENEZUELA IC - Individual contractor 07-May-21 22-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77776 PCI-029-2021 Consultoría para apoyo técnico en materia de presupuesto basado en resultados y progresividad del gasto público UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 13-May-21 22-Apr-21 IMPORT/EXPORT IMPORT/EXPORT 77775 RFQ/029/21 - Request for Quotation for Supply of Woodworking Machines and Automatic Hydraulic Oil Production Machine UNDP UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 06-May-21 22-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77774 ITB-161-21 Reconstruction of Al Saqar Police Station + Furniture in East Mosul-Ninawa Governorate,Iraq RBAS IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 27-May-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 22-Apr-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 77773 RFQ 694 Procurement of notebooks and multifunctional devices for Ministry of Finance UNDP CO Serbia SERBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 10-May-21 22-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77771 Recrutement d'un (e) Consultant(e) pour l'étude de capitalisation du processus de la première révision de la CDN du Burkina Faso plus pertinente, inclusive et plus ambitieuse. UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 05-May-21 22-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77730 001/RFP/UNDPHQ/2021-CONSULTING SERVICES FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE UNDP RENEWED STRATEGIC OFFER IN AFRICA (RECRUITMENT OF A FIRM) Senegal SENEGAL RFP - Request for proposal 06-May-21 22-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77772 National Consultant (Research Assistant)- Country Gender Equality Profile (CGEP) for Liberia UNDP LIBERIA ON BEHALF OF UN WOMEN LIBERIA LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 30-Apr-21 22-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77767 BBRSO138640:Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Rapid Assessment Consultancy UNDP Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean BARBADOS RFQ - Request for quotation 07-May-21 22-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77768 WOMEN'S LEADERSHIP AND POLITICAL PARTICIPATION EXPERT UNDP ON BEHALF OF UN WOMEN LIBERIA LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 28-Apr-21 22-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77769 National Consultant (Gender Expert)- Country Gender Equality Profile (CGEP) for Liberia UNDP LIBERIA ON BEHALF OF UN WOMEN LIBERIA LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 30-Apr-21 22-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77765 Consultant(e) chargé(e) de la réalisation d'une étude diagnostique des OSC impliquées dans le contrôle des activités des sociétés minières. UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 05-May-21 22-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77766 National Consultant (Data Analyst)- Country Gender Equality Profile (CGEP) for Liberia UNDP LIBERIA ON BEHALF OF UN WOMEN LIBERIA LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 30-Apr-21 22-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77315 2021 Call for Expressions of Interests (EOI) UNDP ON BEHALF OF UN WOMEN LIBERIA LIBERIA EOI - Expression of interest 30-Apr-21 22-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77764 Recruitment of National Consultant to conduct a mapping of CSO's working in Peacebuilding and P/CVE in Ghana UNDP Country Office GHANA IC - Individual contractor 07-May-21 22-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77760 3622 PAN 21 - MANUALES DE RIESGO UNDP COUNTRY PANAMA RFP - Request for proposal 07-May-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 22-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77763 ITB-01-2021 Security Services Cabo verde CAPE VERDE ITB - Invitation to bid 21-May-21 @ 01:00 PM (New York time) 22-Apr-21 HEALTH HEALTH 77762 BIH-ITB-015-21 Supply and Delivery X-Ray - EXTENDED DEADLINE!!! UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA ITB - Invitation to bid 04-May-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 22-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77761 Individual Contractor (IC) – Developing a Human Mobility and Sustainable Development Project Document for the Arab Region (Re-Advertisment) UNDP Regional Hub Office-Amman JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 02-May-21 22-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77759 IC-UNDP-21-020-Facilitator for quick municipal assessments (International Consultant) UNDP Country Office LIBYA IC - Individual contractor 03-May-21 22-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77758 UNDP-IC-2021-144 International Consultant: Project Design & Development Expert (PDT Leader) Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 07-May-21 22-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77757 CLOSED EARLY
RFP 2021-08 : Recrutement d'un bureau d'étude ou d'un groupement de bureaux d'études pour l'élaboration d'une feuille de route stratégique pour l'actualisation de la stratégie nationale de l'économie verte UNDP Country Office TUNISIA RFP - Request for proposal 17-May-21 22-Apr-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 77753 Firm to conduct Consultancy Service for the facilitation of the Liberia Oil Palm Platform & National Steering Committee (RFP/GGP PLATFORM FACILITATOR LAT /2021/005 UNDP Liberia LIBERIA RFP - Request for proposal 29-Apr-21 22-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77756 Individual Contractor (IC) – SDGs and Statistics Senior Expert for Jordan Regional Bureau for Arab States JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 05-May-21 22-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77755 d'un.e consultant.e Développement d'un Système d'Information Géographique Urbain et Communal pour la commune de Kalâat Landlouss TUNISIA TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 02-May-21 22-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77754 JOF-2711-2021 FUNAI Brasil Country Office BRAZIL RFP - Request for proposal 09-Jun-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 22-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77751 Individual Consultant - Digital Transformation UNDP Country Office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 03-May-21 22-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77752 Procurement of sound meter set Albania ALBANIA RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 22-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77713 RFP-DRH-STAB-LC-011-2021 Recrutement cabinet UNDP REGIONAL HUB DAKAR SENEGAL RFP - Request for proposal 28-Apr-21 @ 11:07 AM (New York time) 22-Apr-21 POWER POWER 77750 Supply 125KVA Generators for new UN clinic in Aden UNDP Aden sub-office YEMEN RFQ - Request for quotation 05-May-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 22-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77749 Development of the Labour Market Information Obser Albania ALBANIA RFP - Request for proposal 07-Jun-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 22-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77748 RFQ 2021-31 : Acquisition d'équipements nécessaires pour la prise en charge (conditionnement, transport et inhumation) de la dépouille d'une personne décédée du COVID19 UNDP Country Office TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 05-May-21 22-Apr-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 77747 ICT items for Maldives Post Limited UNDP Maldives Country Office MALDIVES RFQ - Request for quotation 06-May-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 22-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77745 UNDP-RFP-2021-138 Promotion of Gender Justice UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 06-May-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 22-Apr-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 77746 Purchase of ICT items for JSC UNDP Maldives Country Office MALDIVES RFQ - Request for quotation 02-May-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 22-Apr-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 77744 Purchase of Server and cooling system for DJA UNDP Maldives Country Office MALDIVES RFQ - Request for quotation 02-May-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 22-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77743 National consultant to analyze the multi-stakeholder dimension of SDG mainstreaming in Cambodia UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 13-May-21 22-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77742 Consultant(e) national(e) pour la conduite d'une étude et cartographie portant sur les dynamiques de conflits dans l'espace universitaire TUNISIA TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 17-May-21 22-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77741 ITB 003 2021 UNDP Mozambique MOZAMBIQUE ITB - Invitation to bid 10-May-21 @ 02:00 PM (New York time) 22-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77740 MNG/IC/2021/060 - National Consultant - Technical Advisor UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 06-May-21 22-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77739 RFP Development of operational manual to advance t UNDP Kosovo Kosovo, UNSCR 1244 (1999) RFP - Request for proposal 10-May-21 @ 11:30 AM (New York time) 22-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77738 RFP-040 MEDIA PRODUCTION FIRM FOR THE DOCUMENTATION OF THE EMPOWER PH AND EMPOWER BARMM INITIATIVES UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 11-May-21 22-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77737 Consultant for DILG M&E and Web-based Data Systems Needs Assessment Philippines PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 06-May-21 22-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77736 No.CI/CRI/2021/No.96514/No.136018/Facilitar y acelerar procesos de comercialización de las iniciativas productivas en el ACLAP. UNDP COSTA RICA COSTA RICA IC - Individual contractor 06-May-21 21-Apr-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 77735 ICT equipment for Universal Postal Union UNDP MYANMAR RFQ - Request for quotation 28-May-21 21-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77734 CI/CRI/2021/No.96514/No.129983/Apoyo al Programa de Corredores Biológicos del ACLA-P. UNDP COSTA RICA COSTA RICA IC - Individual contractor 06-May-21 21-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77733 3570 UNODC - Consultor/a para la producción de informe regional de capacidad de respuesta de los sectores de seguridad y justicia penal a la Trata de Personas en América Latina y el Caribe". COUNTRY OFFICE PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 07-May-21 21-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77732 BBRSO138458 - Programme Assistant UNDP Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean BARBADOS IC - Individual contractor 06-May-21 21-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77731 SdP ADQ 21 138912 lamparas y gobernanza Galapagos UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 10-May-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 21-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77729 3592 PAN 2021 Cambio de cubierta del edificio 145 en el centro del INADEH de Panamá Pacifico, Panamá Oeste. PANAMA PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 28-May-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 21-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77728 PROCESO COL 0000139803 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Técnico Enlace de Entidad del Orden Nacional - Nivel 4B - DVR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 05-May-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 21-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77727 PROCESO COL 0000139802 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Técnico Enlace de Entidad del Orden Nacional - Nivel 4 - DVR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 05-May-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 21-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77726 PROCESO COL 0000139797 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional de Gestión de Información - Nivel 4 - DVR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 05-May-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 21-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77725 PROCESO COL 0000138654 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultoría para la construcción de experticia legal agraria aplicada a la sistematización y creación de modelo de los Métodos de Resolución de conflictos Nariño, Córdoba y Putumayo UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 05-May-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 21-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77724 PROCESO COL 0000138652 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultoría para la construcción de experticia legal agraria aplicada a la sistematización y creación de modelo de los Métodos de Resolución de conflictos Antioquia, Cauca, Choco y Nariño UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 05-May-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 21-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77723 PROCESO COL 0000138651 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultoría para la construcción de experticia legal agraria aplicada a la sistematización y creación de modelo de los Métodos de Resolución de conflictos Nariño, Córdoba y Putumayo UNDP Country Office, Regional COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 05-May-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 21-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77722 PROCESO COL 0000138650 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultoría para la construcción de experticia legal agraria aplicada a la sistematización y creación de modelo de los Métodos de Resolución de conflictos Antioquia, Cauca, Choco y Nariño UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 05-May-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 21-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77721 PROCESO COL 0000133505 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Fortalecimiento de la capacidad del sector público para prevenir el lavado de activos y la financiación del terrorismo (UNODC) UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 05-May-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 21-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77720 SDC-17-2021 "SERVICIO DE LIMPIEZA OFICINAS DE LA SEDE DEL TRIBUNAL CONSTITUCIONAL" UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 05-May-21 21-Apr-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 77718 RFQ for the supply of Laptops UNDP Country Office SIERRA LEONE RFQ - Request for quotation 03-May-21 21-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77719 Proposal for Firm/Organization Request for proposal for a firm to Provide Psychosocial Services including Post Traumatic Counselling and Healing UNDP Country Office LIBERIA RFP - Request for proposal 30-Apr-21 21-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77717 SDP 5108 CONTRATACIÓN DE UNA EMPRESA CONSULTORA O INSTITUCIÓN ACADÉMICA PARA DISEÑAR CINCO PLANES DE CURSOS CORTOS CON LA ESCUELA NACIONAL DE AGRICULTURA - ENA EN MITIGACIÓN Y ADAPTACIÓN AL CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO VINCULADOS A PROC DE ACOPIO Y COMERCIALIZACION UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR RFP - Request for proposal 06-May-21 @ 01:00 PM (New York time) 21-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77716 SDP 5107 CONTRATACIÓN DE UNA EMPRESA CONSULTORA O INSTITUCIÓN ACADÉMICA PARA DISEÑAR CINCO PLANES DE CURSOS CORTOS CON LA ESCUELA NACIONAL DE AGRICULTURA, EN MITIGACIÓN Y ADAPTACIÓN AL CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO VINCULADOS A PROC DE PRODUCCIÓN Y TRANSFORMACION UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR RFP - Request for proposal 06-May-21 @ 01:00 PM (New York time) 21-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77715 National Consultancy - SLE/ICPN/2021/003 UNDP Country Office SIERRA LEONE IC - Individual contractor 28-Apr-21 21-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77714 SdC ADQ 21 138664 adquisicion equipos de vigilanc UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFQ - Request for quotation 11-May-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 21-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77711 LBN-CO-ITB-107-21Supply-Delivery of Irrigation Mat UNDP Country office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 04-May-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 21-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77567 Recrutement d'un Expert National sur la mise en oeuvre du Protocole de Nagoya en relation avec le secteur privé national UNDP Algeria ALGERIA IC - Individual contractor 05-May-21 21-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77710 Individual Consultancy - International Consultant for Energy Efficiency - Ref: LBN/CO/IC/104/21 UNDP Country Office LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 19-May-21 21-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77709 IC_Ref.2021-049 Национальный эксперт по пересмотру нормативно-правовых актов, регулирующих осуществление лесного фонда / National expert on the revision of regulations governing the implementation of forest protection measures in the areas of the state Kazakhstan KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 20-May-21 21-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77708 Republication: Recrutement d'un Consultant national en charge de l'étude de faisabilité des projets d'intercommunalité province Makamba et Rutana UNDP CO BURUNDI IC - Individual contractor 30-Apr-21 21-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77706 LBN-CO-RFQ-106-21 -Oil Spill Clean-up Operations and Management/ Transport of Oily Waste - Event ID 0000009062 UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 10-May-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 21-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77707 MNG/RFP/2021/011 - Policy Innovation Challenge - Selection of training and facilitation service provider UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA RFP - Request for proposal 04-May-21 21-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77705 Recrutement d'un(e) consultant(e) national(e) Coordonnateur de la phase de lancement du Projet UNPRPD UNDP Country office CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 29-Apr-21 21-Apr-21 HEALTH HEALTH 77704 RFQ/063/21 Supply and Delivery of Bio safety cabinets UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 04-May-21 21-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77702 RFQ/027/21 – Производство анимации и видеоклипов UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 05-May-21 21-Apr-21 HEALTH HEALTH 77703 RFQ/064/21 Supply and delivery of refrigerators and freezers UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Apr-21 21-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77701 Procurement of Surveillance Boat UNDP Country Office TANZANIA RFP - Request for proposal 17-May-21 @ 07:57 AM (New York time) 21-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77700 RFQ 031/2021 MATERIELS DIVERS EN 02 LOTS Y COMPRIS LIVRAISON A TABOU RBA ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE RFQ - Request for quotation 03-May-21 21-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77699 CONSULTORÍA INTERNACIONAL PARA LA FORMULACIÓN Y VALIDACIÓN DE UN ESTUDIO SOBRE LA OPTIMIZACIÓN DE CADENA DE VALOR EN EL SECTOR DE LA AGRICULTURA EN GUINEA ECUATORIAL. E.G. UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE EQUATORIAL GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 07-May-21 21-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77698 CONSULTORÍA NACIONAL PARA LA FORMULACIÓN Y VALIDACIÓN DE UN ESTUDIO SOBRE LA OPTIMIZACIÓN DE CADENA DE VALOR EN EL SECTOR DE LA AGRICULTURA EN GUINEA ECUATORIAL. E.G. UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE EQUATORIAL GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 07-May-21 21-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77695 ITB-158-21-Supply and Install Mobile SS 25 MVA for UNDP IRAQ OFFICE IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 25-May-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 21-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77694 Senior International Expert on Quantitative Methodology and Governance Assessment for the research project "The Viet Nam Provincial Governance and Public Administration Performance Index (PAPI)" (A-210403) UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 05-May-21 21-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77693 Recrutement d'un (e) consultant (e) international spécialiste de l'innovation et du secteur privé pour la formulation du projet : Adaptation basée sur les Ecosystèmes (AbE) pour des ressources naturelles et des communautés agropastorales résilientes COUNTRY OFFICE SENEGAL IC - Individual contractor 30-Apr-21 21-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77691 International Expert for the Joint UNDP-ILO Research Project – Understanding better the paths to formalization in Cambodia: an integrated vision UNDP Country Office, Cambodia CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 04-May-21 21-Apr-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 77692 RFQ/062/21 A high-level hybrid event on the updated National Determined Contributions (NDCs) - EXTENSION OF DEADLINE!!! UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 10-May-21 21-Apr-21 INDUSTRY INDUSTRY 77690 Procurement of PU Foam raw material UNDP-Iran IRAN ITB - Invitation to bid 24-May-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 21-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77635 National GHG Mitigation and Inventory Expert (Energy Sector) UNDP- Thailand Country Office THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 08-May-21 21-Apr-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 77685 217/RFQ/CAPMADA/2021 ACHAT EQUIPEMENTS INFORMATIQUES MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO - MADAGASCAR MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 05-May-21 21-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77604 National Expert on the Joint UNDP-ILO Research – Understanding better the paths to formalization in Cambodia: an integrated vision UNDP Country Office, Cambodia CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 04-May-21 21-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77631 National GHG Inventory Expert (Waste, Agriculture and LULUCF Sector) UNDP- Thailand Country Office THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 08-May-21 21-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77590 National GHG Inventory Expert (Industrial Processes and Product Use Sector) UNDP- Thailand Country Office THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 08-May-21 21-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77683 RFQ-2021-015_Provision of maintenance services of the internal heating, ventilation, hot water supply, cold water supply systems, air conditioning, etc./Техническое обслуживание внутренней системы отопления, вентиляции, систем ГВС, ХВС и тд. UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 05-May-21 21-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77689 UNDP-IC-2021-057 - Training Consultants for Sindh Police Specialized Schools - ReAd Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 26-May-21 21-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77665 Social and Environmental Safeguards Specialist – IC (National) Timor-Leste TIMOR LESTE IC - Individual contractor 06-May-21 21-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77687 CLEARANCE LEVELLING AND PREPARATION OF 168000 SQM, NGARANNAM, MAFA UNDP Country Office NIGERIA RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Apr-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 21-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77681 RFP Consultancy Firm to Design and Develop Three E-Learning Modules on Soft Skills UNDP Country Office MALDIVES RFP - Request for proposal 28-Apr-21 21-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77684 Provision of Professional Services to Develop Design and Carry out Supervision of ECO building project in Ninawa, Iraq UNDP Service Center IRAQ RFP - Request for proposal 01-Jun-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 21-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77682 UNDP-IC-2021-059- Consultant to Develop Punjab Police's Action Plan for Training Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 06-May-21 21-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77680 RfQ for LTA for the Maintenance services of the UPS and STS for Data Center of the GOUNH UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFQ - Request for quotation 06-May-21 21-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77679 RFQ/019/21 (переобъявление) – «Оказание услуг такси для ПРООН в Республике Узбекистан» UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 05-May-21 21-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77676 [READVERTISEMENT] IC/UNDP/BIOFIN/060/2021 - UNDP - Liaison and support for Determine of the Location Priority on Ecological Fiscal Transfer UNDP Indonesia Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 05-May-21 21-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77678 T210406 - 02 National Consultants on Agriculture businesses preparedness for EU Vietnam Free Trade Agreement in the context of climate change UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 26-Apr-21 21-Apr-21 FISHERIES FISHERIES 77677 RFQ-SDR-2021-07 - Request for Quotation - Procurement of Fishing Gear UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFQ - Request for quotation 05-May-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 21-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77675 Strategic Communications Consultant Fiji FIJI IC - Individual contractor 28-Apr-21 20-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77674 Consultoria Individual UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 12-May-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 20-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77672 CHL SDP 053 2021 Diseño de un plan comunicacional para la formación técnico profesional Country Office CHILE RFP - Request for proposal 20-May-21 20-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77673 UNDP-IC-2021-146 Senior Rights Based Development Advisor UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 05-May-21 20-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77671 RFQ: SenseMaker Specialists - Support to the evaluation of UNDP Youth Economic Empowerment Independent Evaluation Office UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RFQ - Request for quotation 04-May-21 20-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77670 CLOSED EARLY
Consultoría para fortalecer la coordinación y la sostenibilidad de las acciones de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas en el Chaco (Región Occidental) - CANCELADO Asunción PARAGUAY IC - Individual contractor 03-May-21 20-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77669 APPEL A CANDIDATURES POUR LA CONSTITUTION DU POOL DES FOURNISSEURS DE ONU FEMMES COTE D'IVOIRE ONUFEMMES ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE EOI - Expression of interest 20-May-21 20-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77667 APPEL A CANDIDATURES POUR LA CONSTITUTION DU POOL D'EXPERTS DE ONU FEMMES COTE D'IVOIRE ONUFEMMES ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE IC - Individual contractor 20-May-21 20-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77666 RECRUTEMENT D'UN.E CONSULTANT.E NATIONAL.E POUR EVALUER LE POTENTIEL DES FEMMES DES COMMUNAUTES RURALES A L'ADAPTATION AUX CHANGEMENTS CLIMATIQUES UNDP ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE IC - Individual contractor 04-May-21 20-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77664 PROCESO COL 0000138638 Actualización de la estrategia del MADS frente a la gestión integral para la reducción del riesgo de incendios forestales. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 03-May-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 20-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77663 IC/UNDP/ACHIEVE/079/2021 - Support Consultant for Gorontalo Province UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 04-May-21 20-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77662 IC 01-04-2021 : « Conception et élaboration du document projet de la phase III du Programme d'Appui à la mise en œuvre de la stratégie de la DGAPR ». Maroc MOROCCO IC - Individual contractor 05-May-21 20-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77661 Expert en Protection de l'Environnement / Agroforestier pour superviser, contrôler et s'assurer du respect des normes environnementales et sociales au cours de la réalisation des travaux de viabilisation, de construction des logements et d'aménagement de UNDP-HAITI HAITI RFP - Request for proposal 10-May-21 20-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77660 RFQ/061/21 Disposal of WP and Smoke Ammunition UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 10-May-21 20-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77657 IC/UNDP/ACHIEVE/078/2021 - Support Consultant for West Java Province UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 04-May-21 20-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77659 Hospital Green procurement national trainer – UNDP Global programme on Sustainable Health in Product Procurement (Ref. P210406) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 25-Apr-21 20-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77658 National technical consultant to conduct an updated review assessment of legal environment on health procurement and existing models of green procurement (Ref.P210405) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 25-Apr-21 20-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77656 Consultoria Individual UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 12-May-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 20-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77655 Translator RBAS Regional Hub JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 01-May-21 20-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77651 CFW in Mulameen and Mafraq Baquba Diyala Iraq UNDP Country Office, Erbil, Iraq - IRAQ IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 12-May-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 20-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77654 IC NOTICE N°012-2021/PNUD-BF RECRUTEMENT D'UN CONSULTANT POUR LA REALISATION D'UN FILM DOCUMENTAIRE SUR LES ACQUIS ET ENJEUX DE L'ECONOMIE VERTE AU BURKINA FASO UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 29-Apr-21 20-Apr-21 IRRIGATION IRRIGATION 77653 LBN-CO-ITB-103-21 - Ras Baalbeck Irrigation Canals - Event ID: 0000009050 UNDP Country Office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 12-May-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 20-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77650 Hiring firm to develop the technical, financial and institutional capacity of the two local Association of the Scrap Dealers in Teknaf and Ukhia Upazila, Cox's Bazar Cox's Bazar Crisi Response Office BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 05-May-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 20-Apr-21 IRRIGATION IRRIGATION 77652 LBN-CO-ITB-102-21 - Tal Abbas Irrigation Canals - Event ID 0000009047 UNDP Country Office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 11-May-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 20-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77649 RFP-018-21 CONTAINER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM - EXTENSION OF DEADLINE !!! UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFP - Request for proposal 07-Jun-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 20-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77648 LBN-CO-RFQ-105-21 - RFQ for Asbestos Risk Containment at Achrafieh site (LTA)- Event ID 0000009043 UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 05-May-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 20-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77644 Sale of UNDP and UNIDO vehicles Country Office PHILIPPINES Other 26-May-21 20-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77647 ITB-159-21 Rehabilitation Housing Works of 184 units in Al-Asmeda Neighborhood, Baiji,Salahaldeen governorate,Iraq RBAS IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 10-May-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 20-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77646 Gender mainstreaming in NDC Enhancement in SA UNDP Country Office SOUTH AFRICA RFP - Request for proposal 30-Apr-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 20-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77576 Consultant on data collection and verification UNDP Country Office, KYRGYZSTAN IC - Individual contractor 03-May-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 20-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77645 CLOSED EARLY
Recrutement de Deux consultants nationaux pour l'élaboration d'une étude relative à la discrimination raciale en Tunisie UNDP Country Office TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 03-May-21 20-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77643 Provision of Conference/Workshop services UNDP Country Office SOUTH SUDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Apr-21 20-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77642 T210405 - 02 National Consultants to review international organizations' publications on achievements, difficulties and limitations of legal policies... UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 04-May-21 20-Apr-21 HEALTH HEALTH 77641 310-2021-HIST-ITB-INS-LTA Procurement of Insulin UNDP Copenhagen DENMARK ITB - Invitation to bid 01-Jun-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 20-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77640 International Consultant - Support to the Implementation of Building Sustainable Anti-Corruption Action in Tanzania. UNDP Country Office TANZANIA IC - Individual contractor 03-May-21 20-Apr-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 77639 CALL FOR PROPOSALS KAMPALA UGANDA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 07-May-21 20-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77638 Re-Advertisement- IC 023/21- Management Information System Consultant - Erbil with frequent travels to other KRG cities., IRAQ, IRAQ, IRAQ Iraq Country Office IRAQ IC - Individual contractor 30-Apr-21 20-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77637 RFP Gender Justice Advisory Service UNDP Country Office Timor Leste TIMOR LESTE RFP - Request for proposal 06-May-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 20-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77634 RFP Local Firm/Individual to Design UNDP Staff T-shirt Maldives MALDIVES RFP - Request for proposal 04-May-21 20-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77573 National Consultant- Project Support for BIOFIN -Thailand UNDP- Thailand Country Office THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 30-Apr-21 20-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77636 National Consultant - Digital Transformation UNDP Country Office THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 04-May-21 20-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77633 RFPMUS2021-002 - Review and update of the previous National Invasive Alien Species Strategy (NIASS) and its associated action plan Mauritius MAURITIUS RFP - Request for proposal 18-Jun-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 20-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77632 Spotlight M&E Officer Fiji FIJI IC - Individual contractor 30-Apr-21 20-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77630 IC/UNDP/CIWT/077/2021 - Junior Consultant Supply Management Clerk Indonesia INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 04-May-21 20-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77629 MNG/IC/2021/055 - National Consultant - Public Finance Consultant_Youth Focused Expenditure (2 consultants) UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 12-May-21 20-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77628 3593 PAN 2021 - Consultoría para la creación de Hoja de Ruta de Acción, Instrumento para el Registro de Datos y creación de Información útil (panfletos y afiches) para situaciones de emergencias UNDP Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 14-May-21 19-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77627 Final Report Writer (National Consultant) UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 30-Apr-21 19-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77625 CI/CRI/2021/PROYECTO No.96514/No.126576/Profesional en ciencias forestales para desarrollar capacidades en el personal técnico y de campo que trabaja en los viveros forestales municipales establecidos en el CBIMA. UNDP COSTA RICA COSTA RICA IC - Individual contractor 03-May-21 19-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77626 Chief Technical Adviser (National Consultant) for COVID-19 Pintig Lab PH UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 24-Apr-21 19-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77624 3580 UNODC 2021 la contratación de Consultor independiente para proveer capacitaciones y mentorías en técnicas y herramientas para el análisis forense digital, así como en investigación en fuentes abiertas, dirigidas a operadores de justicia de Guatemala, PANAMA PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 11-May-21 19-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77623 Rehabilitation and Furniture for Al Faris and Al H UNDP Iraq IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 20-May-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 19-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77622 Rehabilitation andfurniture for Directorate Police UNDP Iraq IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 10-May-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 19-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77621 CI.026.ODS.2021.CONSULTORÍA PARA LA IMPLEMENTACION DE UNA INTERFAZ GRAFICA PARA EL PROCESAMIENTO Y ANALISIS DE TWEET EN LA NUBE UNDP Country Office VENEZUELA RFP - Request for proposal 03-May-21 19-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77615 Consultant (e) national (e) en Genre – Suivi et évaluation UNDP Haiti HAITI IC - Individual contractor 20-May-21 19-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77620 IC-205-2021 Analisis 1a ed Plat Nac Virt Cafe2020 UNDP Country Office PERU IC - Individual contractor 20-May-21 @ 02:00 PM (New York time) 19-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77619 Civil Society National Reference Group (CSNRG) Workshop and Retreat Consultancy Services UNDP Country Office BELIZE RFP - Request for proposal 03-May-21 19-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77618 SDP-017-2021 Servicios de consultoría para la implementación del Modelo de Resiliencia Comunitaria para la Reconstrucción del Tejido Social (MOREC) dirigido a adolescentes y jóvenes de entre 13 y 20 años UNDP Country Office MEXICO RFP - Request for proposal 03-May-21 19-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77617 Civil Society National Reference Group (CSNRG) Technical Advisor Consultancy Services UNDP Country Office BELIZE RFP - Request for proposal 03-May-21 19-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77612 Collaborative process/webinar series on Mining and Intact Forests Home BASED UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 10-May-21 19-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77616 consultant national pour l'élaboration d'un Module de formation en Techniques de médiation et de résolution de conflits UNDP Haiti HAITI IC - Individual contractor 03-May-21 19-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77613 CHL/SDP/054/2021 Buenas prácticas de articulación en la formación técnico profesional y vinculación con el mundo del trabajo UNDP Country Office CHILE RFP - Request for proposal 11-May-21 19-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77611 RFQ29/2021/Le recrutement d'un bureau spécialisé pour une prestation de formation sur le logiciel WIND PRO TUNISIA TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 20-May-21 19-Apr-21 HEALTH HEALTH 77609 ITB159 Bullosa products Country Office UKRAINE ITB - Invitation to bid 20-May-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 19-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77608 Provision of Field Items Tools -RFQ-YEM-0029-0021. UNDP CO YEMEN RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 19-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77607 MNG/IC/2021/054 - Public Finance Expert (2) UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 30-Apr-21 19-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77605 Consultant – Smart Green ASEAN Cities Programme - Jakarta, INDONESIA UNCDF INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 22-Apr-21 19-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77606 CCTV Maintenance Service for the UN House Gambia GAMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 03-May-21 19-Apr-21 HEALTH HEALTH 77421 GP500494 Procurement of Thermographic Cameras, accessories and related services UNDP - BPPS on behalf of CO Kenya and Zambia ZAMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 10-May-21 19-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77193 The Development of UNDP Dashboards and Reports - Home-Based HOME BASED UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 29-Apr-21 19-Apr-21 INDUSTRY INDUSTRY 77603 Procurement of "Equipment for Mersin Model Factory" UNDP Country Office TURKEY RFQ - Request for quotation 05-May-21 19-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77601 Supply of Material and Provision of Civil Work for Waste Incinerator Improvement UNDP Country Office, Cambodia CAMBODIA RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Apr-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 19-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77602 RFP/017/21 Design and delivery of training programme on the preparation and the appraisal of business plans in agri-food sector UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFP - Request for proposal 06-May-21 19-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77600 IC URU/18/002-1087 Consultor/a para la Integración de la información de la "Consultoría de Vegetación Costera" en el Observatorio Ambiental Nacional (MA). PNUD Uruguay URUGUAY IC - Individual contractor 28-Apr-21 19-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77598 289/IC/CAPMADA/2021 Recrutement de trois (3) consultants individuels spécialistes de l'armée (Un militaire, un gendarme, un policier) en vue de renforcer les capacités de la FDS aux principes de droits de l'homme et de l'Etat de droit dans l'application e MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 27-Apr-21 19-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77597 CI/024/PNUD/2021.ASISTENCIA TECNICA PARA DIAGNOSTICO E INSPECCIÓN DE TRABAJOS PARA MEJORAR LA INFRAESTRUCTURA TECNOLÓGICA EN CENTROS COMUNITARIOS DE ACCESO A LAS TECNOLOGÍAS DE LA INFORMACIÓN Y COMUNICACIÓN (INFOCENTRO UNDP Country Office VENEZUELA RFP - Request for proposal 30-Apr-21 19-Apr-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 77599 RE-ANNOUNCEMENT: RFQ-TKM-007-2021: Procurement of Sowing Equipment UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Jun-21 19-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77596 UNDP/RFP/14/2021 Request for Proposal for developing and broadcasting 20 episodes of radio programmes on core functions of parliaments UNDP Country Office for PSP NEPAL RFP - Request for proposal 04-May-21 19-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77593 Consultant – Mapping case studies in the Arab Region for the 2021 State of the World's Volunteerism Report Regional Bureau for Arab States JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 27-Apr-21 19-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77589 ETH2442-National Consultant for Socioeconomic Expert for SNNPR and Sidama Regions - Integrated forest management plan preparation for Enclosures in ANR sites of Ethiopia UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 03-May-21 @ 03:59 PM (New York time) 19-Apr-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 77591 UNDP/RFQ/09/2021 (RE-BID) Re-Invitation of Request for Quotation for Supply of Electric Vehicle for DCRL Project UNDP Country Office for DCRL Project NEPAL RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Apr-21 19-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77592 Consultant to provide an analysis of success factors of women's cooperatives in Argan oil production and other products in rural areas of Morocco in access-ing domestic and international markets and in their impact on women's au-tonomy. RBAS Regional Hub JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 25-Apr-21 19-Apr-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 77585 303/RFQ/RED/2021 ACQUISITION D'EQUIPEMENTS ICT DESTINES AUX TPI EN COURS DE REHABILITATION ET A L'ADMINISTRATION PENITENTIAIRE POUR L'AMELIORATION DU FONCTIONNEMENT DE LA CHAINE PENALE (TPI D'IHOSY ET DE BETROKA, AP AMBOVOMBE-TUL) MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Apr-21 19-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77588 UNDP-IC-2021-143 Services of Individual contractor is required as Field Research Expert - Police, Reclamation and Probation and Prosecution. Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 03-May-21 19-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77587 ETH2441-National Consultant for GIS and Land Use Planning Expert for SNNPR and Sidama Regions - Integrated forest management plan preparation for Enclosures in ANR sites of Ethiopia UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 03-May-21 @ 03:59 PM (New York time) 19-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77586 UNDP-IC-2021-142Services of Individual contractor is required as Field Research Expert - Judiciary, Bar, Revenue Department/ Court and Prisons Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 03-May-21 19-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77047 ETH2440-National Consultant Socioeconomic Expert for Tigray Region - Integrated forest management plan preparation for Enclosures in ANR sites of 63 project intervention districts of Ethiopia UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 09-Aug-21 @ 03:59 PM (New York time) 19-Apr-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 77584 Request for Quotation for Supply of SUVs for PLGSP UNDP Country Office for PLGSP NEPAL RFQ - Request for quotation 04-May-21 @ 07:15 AM (New York time) 19-Apr-21 INDUSTRY INDUSTRY 77582 RFQ-041-PHL-2021: Supply and Delivery of Sewing Machines Philippines PHILIPPINES RFQ - Request for quotation 03-May-21 19-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77581 UNDP-IC-2021-141- Individual Contractor / Advisor to revise the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) Rule of Law Roadmap and Develop Newly Merged Districts Chapter/Roadmap Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 03-May-21 19-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77580 Request for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) including NGOs and/or CBOs for application in relation to Small Grants to Provide legal representation for juvenile offenders and survivors accessing courts through CSO Grantees in Aweil. UNDP Country Office SOUTH SUDAN CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 30-Apr-21 19-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77579 UNDP-IC-2021-140 Services of Individual contractor is required to hold Consultations with Stakeholders and Revise District Legal Empowerment Rules, 2011. Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 03-May-21 19-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77577 Local Individual Consultant as Team Leader for Preparation of Climate Change Strategy 2050 and Action Plan 2030 UNDP Turkey Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 10-May-21 19-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77575 CONSULTANT FCPF REDD WEB PORTAL REDESIGN ANDUPDATE Country Office KENYA IC - Individual contractor 28-Apr-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 19-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77578 RFP-BD-2021-011: Hiring firm for Feasibility Study on Waste to Value Conversion in Five Urban Local Bodies in Bangladesh-UNCDF UNDP Country Office on bealf of UNCDF BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 06-May-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 19-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77557 RFP-10-21 Data consolidation and additional gender-sensitive climate risk assessments in Montenegro UNDP CO MONTENEGRO RFP - Request for proposal 10-May-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 19-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77574 ETH2253Re – Recruitment of International Consultant COVID-19 Disaster Risk Reduction & Recovery Coordination Specialist (West Africa) UNDP Country Office on behalf of RSCA ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 13-May-21 @ 11:57 AM (New York time) 19-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77572 Consultancy for Humanitarian Advisory Team Project - PALM Data Entry and Trainer UNDP PNG Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 03-May-21 18-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77507 National Consultant – Palau Biodiversity Project Fiji FIJI IC - Individual contractor 27-Apr-21 18-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77570 Firme de communication pour le développement d'une stratégie de communication pour la diffusion d'informations sur les Services Essentiels disponibles pour les femmes et les filles survivantes de violences dans le contexte de la pandémie de COVID-19 UNWOMEN HAITI RFQ - Request for quotation 03-May-21 18-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76833 SDG Investor Map /Islamic Finance UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE DJIBOUTI DJIBOUTI IC - Individual contractor 03-May-21 18-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77569 Le recrutement d'experts : Plan de conservation du guépard et des espèces proies UNDP Algeria ALGERIA Other 30-Apr-21 18-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77568 ITB202103 Supply, Installation, and Commissioning of Retrofitting Applications for Public Buildings (Energy and Water Efficiency Enhancement for Existing Buildings) UNDP Country Office JORDAN ITB - Invitation to bid 17-May-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 18-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77566 NATIONAL CONSULTANT TO DEVELOP A RENEWABLE ENERGY POLICY AND SET UP OF RELATED REGULATORY FRAMEWORKS UNDP Country Office SAMOA IC - Individual contractor 02-May-21 18-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77565 UNAMI/UNDP PROJECT: "Support to Iraq's Electoral Process" Implementation of Civic and Voter Education Activities Country Office IRAQ Other 21-May-21 18-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77564 Roster Consultoria Individual UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 10-May-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 17-Apr-21 FORESTRY FORESTRY 77563 UNDP-RFP-2021-131 Mangroves Plantation in Gawadar UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 03-May-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 17-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77562 Consultoria Individual UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 30-Apr-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 16-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77561 PROCESO COL 0000139387 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultor Junior Secretaría Técnica Ocad Paz - SGR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 30-Apr-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 16-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77560 CLOSED EARLY
PROCESO COL 0000139386 CANCELADO UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 30-Apr-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 16-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77559 PROCESO COL 0000139385 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultor Junior Secretaría Técnica Ocad Paz - SGR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 30-Apr-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 16-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77558 SDP NRO. 09/2021 - "Estudio sobre cambios observados y escenarios climáticos futuros para Argentina para diferentes horizontes temporales y umbrales de calentamiento global - Proyecto ARG19003: Plan Nacional de Adaptación al Cambio Climático" ARGENTINA ARGENTINA RFP - Request for proposal 06-May-21 16-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77552 Consultancy – Climate and Green Justice Strategy, for the Rule of Law, Security and Human Rights team, CB/UNDP - Home Based CB, UNDP HQ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 03-May-21 16-Apr-21 POWER POWER 77556 RFQ/LBY/SFL/2021/022 - Supply and installation of Dialysis Centre Bent Bya / 40 KW Off-grid (with grid switch) Solar Power System in Bent Bya, Libya (LOT 1) and Isolation centre & Medical Lab / 45 KW Off-grid Solar Power System in Bent Bya, Libya (LOT 2) UNDP Country Office LIBYA RFQ - Request for quotation 06-May-21 16-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77555 SDC/00128273/045/2021 "Adquisición de Servicio de Monitoreo de Medios y Redes Sociales - Elecciones Primarias Honduras 2021" PNUD Oficina de País HONDURAS RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Apr-21 16-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77554 Створення мобільного додатку на тему домашнього насильства UNFPA UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 14-May-21 16-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77553 Selection of two (2) CSOs to design and implement community projects, including the NSAP-GBV, Community Priority Plans and Local Sustainable Development Plans (LSPD) and that addresses the needs of women, girls and other groups JAMAICA JAMAICA RFP - Request for proposal 29-Apr-21 16-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77542 Procurement of fittings, sewage pipes, valves, welding equipment and service truck (for Establishment of 1+4 Years Long Term Arrangement) UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND (UNICEF) UKRAINE ITB - Invitation to bid 13-May-21 16-Apr-21 RURAL DEV'T.  (MISCELLANY) RURAL DEV'T. (MISCELLANY) 77551 WATER DISTRIBUTION NETWORKS BASED ON 10 BOREHOLES UNDP Gambia GAMBIA ITB - Invitation to bid 03-May-21 @ 12:35 AM (New York time) 16-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77550 Supply, Deliver, and Erect Premanufactured Hinged Veldspan Fence for 20 Location Site Country Wide Country Office SWAZILAND RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Apr-21 16-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77549 RFQ N°009/BFA/PNUD -2021: Acquisition de matériels audio au profit de UNODC Sahel Programm UNODC BURKINA FASO RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Apr-21 16-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77548 Supply of 33 KV Cable and Joints-Ninawa UNDP Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 25-May-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 16-Apr-21 INDUSTRY INDUSTRY 77547 RFQ/028/21 - Запрос на предоставление коммерческого предложения на поставку хлебопекарного и кондитерского оборудования для приготовления хлеба, печенья, бисквитов, булочек и др UNDP UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Apr-21 16-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77546 Recrutement d'un bureau d'études ou cabinet pour l'élaboration d'une stratégie d'appui à la résilience des Micro Petites et Moyennes Entreprises (MPME) et des Prestataires de Services Financiers (PSF) face à la pandémie COVID 19 UNDP CHAD CHAD RFP - Request for proposal 07-May-21 16-Apr-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 77545 SDC-18-2021 "Adquisicion de Equipos Tecnologicos para el Instituto de Bienestar Estudiantil (INABIE)" UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Apr-21 16-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77544 ITB 074 EID 9019 2021 Logistical Support for Conservation Works at 3 Sites UNDP Cyprus CYPRUS ITB - Invitation to bid 04-May-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 16-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77543 ITB for Nine Cold Storage Rooms for the Maldives UNDP CO MALDIVES ITB - Invitation to bid 14-May-21 @ 11:59 AM (New York time) 16-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77426 Consultancy Services for Anti Smuggling Counterfeiting UNDP Malawi Country Office MALAWI RFP - Request for proposal 10-May-21 16-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77539 Consultancy – Junior Disability Research Specialist, BPPS/Governance BPPS UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 25-Apr-21 16-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77540 IC/UNDP/ACCESS/076/2021 - Gender Specialist UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 30-Apr-21 16-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77538 RFP-2020-069 «Создание короткометражного документального фильма и 3 видеороликов об изменении климата»/RFP-2020-069 "Producing a short documentary film and 3 video clips on climate change" UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 18-May-21 16-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77537 LBN-CO-RFP-98-21Assess and Devel of SWM Koura UNDP Country office LEBANON RFP - Request for proposal 06-May-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 16-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77536 consultant national pour l'élaboration d'une stratégie de communication inclusive pour la mise en œuvre des CDN au Togo BUREAU PAYS PNUD TOGO IC - Individual contractor 30-Apr-21 16-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77535 IC-UNDP-21-019 - Senior Electoral Technology advisor UNDP Country Office, LIBYA IC - Individual contractor 25-Apr-21 16-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77532 RFP-138-21 Skills Development Project in Mosul Cit Country Office IRAQ RFP - Request for proposal 11-May-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 16-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77534 Capacity Building Consultant for project "Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Building Program for Urban Development in Vietnam (ISCBP)" (Ref. P210404) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 20-Apr-21 16-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77533 Appel d'offres n° UNDP/RFQ/2021/018 Fourniture complète de services internet TCP/IP pour le compte du Bureau PNUD en Côte d'Ivoire Côte d'Ivoire COTE d'IVOIRE RFQ - Request for quotation 05-May-21 16-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77531 ETH2106Re: National Economic Consultant for Ministry of Mining and Petroleum UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 07-May-21 @ 02:27 AM (New York time) 16-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77530 CLOSED EARLY
NPL10-RFP12-2021 - Detailed Characterization Asses Promoting Green Recovery Project (PGRP) NEPAL RFP - Request for proposal 25-Apr-21 @ 07:15 AM (New York time) 16-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77529 01 International Consultant to develop and update National Strategy on Climate Change for the Period 2021 – 2050 (A-210402) UNDP Vietnam VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 30-Apr-21 16-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77528 ETH2449: Recruitment of National Consultant Integrated forest management plan preparation for Enclosures in ANR sites of Ethiopia Socioeconomic Expert Western Amhara UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 07-May-21 @ 12:46 AM (New York time) 16-Apr-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 77297 Request for Quotation (RFQ)- Supply and Delivery of IT Equipment (Reference: A2J/UNDP/RFQ/2021/01) Enhancing Access to Justice (A2J) project NEPAL RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Apr-21 16-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77527 ETH2448: Recruitment of National Consultant Integrated forest management plan preparation for Enclosures in ANR sites of 63 project intervention districts of Ethiopia Socioeconomic Expert - Eastern Amhara UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 07-May-21 @ 12:32 AM (New York time) 16-Apr-21 URBAN DEV'T. URBAN DEV'T. 77519 MyRFP2021_010 GTALCC Event Management Bike Lane Event (National Company) UNDP Country Office MALAYSIA RFP - Request for proposal 25-May-21 16-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77526 ETH2446: Recruitment of National Consultant Integrated forest management plan preparation for Enclosures in ANR sites of Ethiopia GIS and land use planning expert UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 07-May-21 @ 12:58 AM (New York time) 16-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77525 ETH2447: Recruitment of National Consultant Integrated forest management plan preparation for Enclosures in ANR sites of Ethiopia SocioEconomic Expert- Oromia UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 07-May-21 @ 12:18 AM (New York time) 16-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77376 National Consultant to conduct the Interim Evaluation- Building resilient communities, wetland ecosystems and associated catchments in Uganda Uganda CO UGANDA RFP - Request for proposal 23-Apr-21 16-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77522 T210404 - 01 National Consultant – Administrative Clerk UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 23-Apr-21 16-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77520 Local Individual Consultant as Communication Expert for Preparation of Climate Change Strategy 2050 and Action Plan 2030 UNDP Turkey Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 30-Apr-21 16-Apr-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 77521 RfQ for the Service Desk Services at the Green One UN House UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Apr-21 16-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77518 Recruitment of National Individual Consultant to carry out UNDAP II Mid Term Performance Review (MTPR) and Facilitate the Elaboration of United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) Rwanda RWANDA IC - Individual contractor 30-Apr-21 16-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77517 INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANT (IC) TO SUPPORT PRIVATE SECTOR SOLAR INDUSTRY IN GOVERNMENT TENDER PARTICIPATION BOTSWANA BOTSWANA IC - Individual contractor 07-May-21 16-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77516 SOLICITUD DE COTIZACIÓN (SdC) COL 0000136733 - Contratar la adquisición de elementos deportivos en el marco del Convenio de Reparaciones Colectivas y Retornos y Reubicaciones UARIV - PNUD. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 04-May-21 16-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77515 RFI-2021-01 National Monitoring Center UNDP- Thailand Country Office THAILAND RFI - Request for Information 29-Apr-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 16-Apr-21 HEALTH HEALTH 77514 ITB-014-21 Medical Oxygen Equipment - extension of deadline!!! UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA ITB - Invitation to bid 28-Apr-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 16-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77513 IC Ref.2021-045 Communication Expert of Climate Change Portfolio UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 17-May-21 16-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77398 Media and Communications Consultancy Papua New Guinea PAPUA NEW GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 15-Jul-21 16-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77512 56‐2021‐RFP‐UNDP‐FCR - Feasibility Study of Weather Index Insurance for Tajikistan UNDP Country Office TAJIKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 29-Apr-21 16-Apr-21 HEALTH HEALTH 77511 2021-37 Provision of diagnostic laboratory service UNDP Country Office KYRGYZSTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Apr-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 16-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77510 SELECTION D'UN CONSULTANT POUR LA CONCEPTION ET LA REALISATION DE SPOTS AUDIOS UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE TOGO RFP - Request for proposal 30-Apr-21 15-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75962 CLOSED EARLY
UNDP-IC-2021-044 - Statistical and Database Specialist - ReAd Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 15-Apr-21 15-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77509 Illustrator – Public Finance Management x 2 Consultants UNDP Country Office FIJI IC - Individual contractor 30-Apr-21 15-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77508 Advisory Support Specialist - Individual Consultant Philippines PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 30-Apr-21 15-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77506 IC URU/18/002-1079 Consultor/a local para apoyo en etapa preliminar del proceso de elaboración de Ordenanzas Departamentales de Ordenamiento Territorial. PNUD Uruguay URUGUAY IC - Individual contractor 27-Apr-21 15-Apr-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 77505 SDP 5105 REVISAR Y ACTUALIZAR CURRICULA UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR RFP - Request for proposal 03-May-21 @ 01:00 PM (New York time) 15-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77504 RFP/UNDP/HAI/21.062 « Recrutement d'un bureau d'études en vue de réaliser l'étude de faisabilité du projet de construction de la prison civile de Pétion-Ville. PNUD HAITI RFP - Request for proposal 06-May-21 15-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77503 INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANT-NATIONAL ADAPTATION PLAN BOTSWANA BOTSWANA IC - Individual contractor 28-Apr-21 15-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77502 JOF 2753-2021 SEJUS-RO Brasil BRAZIL RFP - Request for proposal 24-May-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 15-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77499 CALL FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST "SDG Accelerator Pilot Program for Kuwait SMEs" Kuwait KUWAIT EOI - Expression of interest 15-May-21 15-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77500 PROCESO COL0000132739 Adquisición de bienes y elementos para los sujetos de reparación colectiva de San Andrés de Pisimbalá y La Rejoya en el marco del Convenio de Reparaciones Colectivas y Retornos y Reubicaciones UARIV - PNUD UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Apr-21 15-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77498 IC URU18002-1084 Consultor/a local para la realización de "Relevamiento de percepción de la población residente en zonas con problemas de inundación por drenaje pluvial en la ciudad de Paysandú" PNUD Uruguay URUGUAY IC - Individual contractor 27-Apr-21 15-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77497 Consultant national, spécialiste en changements climatiques pour la rédaction du document des Contributions Déterminées au niveau National (CDN) Révisées du Togo BUREAU PAYS PNUD TOGO IC - Individual contractor 29-Apr-21 15-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77492 Web Development of UNCDF's Innovation Platform UNCDF MALAYSIA RFP - Request for proposal 27-Apr-21 15-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77496 Procurement of "Furniture for Public Education Centre in Gaziantep" UNDP Country Office TURKEY RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Apr-21 15-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77494 Consultant national, spécialiste en changements climatiques pour l'élaboration d'une synthèse sur la gouvernance et les mesures, notification et vérification (MNV) BUREAU PAYS PNUD TOGO IC - Individual contractor 29-Apr-21 15-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77495 PCI-028-2021 Servicios de consultoría para elaborar una herramienta autodiagnóstico para facilitar la medición del nivel de transparencia y participación ciudadana de los municipios con base en la Métrica de Gobierno Abierto. " UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 02-May-21 15-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77493 Consultant national, spécialiste en finance climatique pour l'élaboration d'un plan d'investissement BUREAU PAYS PNUD TOGO IC - Individual contractor 29-Apr-21 15-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77491 PNUD/IAL-114/2021 Perú PERU ITB - Invitation to bid 05-May-21 15-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77490 Individual consultancy - Senior Dialogue Facilitator for the LPDC Project- LBN-CO-IC-101-21 UNDP Country Office - LEBANON - LEBANON LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 30-Apr-21 15-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77489 Recrutement d'un contrôleur à pied d'œuvre pour le suivi contrôle des travaux de réalisation d'une ferme agroécologique dans la commune de Dédougou au compte du PAMED UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 22-Apr-21 15-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77488 Recrutement de deux Consultants individuels nationaux pour l'appui à l'élaboration du Plan National d'Adaptation (PNA) du Bénin UNDP Country Office BENIN Other 21-Apr-21 15-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77487 Individual consultancy - National Coordination and Communication Consultant for the LPDC Project - LBN-CO-IC-100-21 UNDP Country Office - LEBANON - LEBANON LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 29-Apr-21 15-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77486 Consultant national, spécialiste en atténuation des changements climatiques pour l'élaboration de la synthèse des études du volet atténuation des CDN BUREAU PAYS PNUD TOGO IC - Individual contractor 29-Apr-21 15-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77485 Consultant national, spécialiste des questions d'adaptation aux changements climatiques BUREAU PAYS PNUD TOGO IC - Individual contractor 29-Apr-21 15-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77484 NGO TO CONDUCT PUBLIC PERCEPTION SURVEY OF JUSTICE & SECURITY INSTITUTIONS IN LIBERIA UNDP Country Office LIBERIA RFP - Request for proposal 22-Apr-21 15-Apr-21 AGRICULTURE  SEEDLING AGRICULTURE SEEDLING 77475 306/RFQ/PDSPE/2021 Achat et livraison de divers équipements répartis en cinq lots MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Jun-21 15-Apr-21 HOUSING HOUSING 77480 288/RFQ/RMIICPS/2021 ACHAT ET LIVRAISON DE MOBILIERS DE BUREAU POUR LES COMMUNES DE PROSUD MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Apr-21 15-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77483 Proceso de de Cubierta de Azotea UN HOUSE GE EQUATORIAL GUINEA RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Apr-21 15-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77482 Individual consultancy - National Co-facilitator for the LPDC Project - LBN-CO-IC-99-21 UNDP Country Office - LEBANON - LEBANON LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 29-Apr-21 15-Apr-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 77481 RFP 693 Knowledge Base development for the National Academy for Public Administration (NAPA) UNDP CO Serbia SERBIA RFP - Request for proposal 10-May-21 15-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77476 RFQ 2021-27 : Ameublement d'une résidence relevant au conseil régional de gouvernorat de Médenine UNDP Country Office TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Apr-21 15-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77479 Republication - Recrutement d'un (e) Consultant (e) National (e), chargé (e) de la facilitation pour l'examen à mi-parcours (MTR) du projet Plan National d'Adaptation (PNA) Chad Country Office CHAD IC - Individual contractor 17-May-21 15-Apr-21 HEALTH HEALTH 77474 RFQ 2021-26 : Acquisition d'équipements médicaux UNDP Country Office TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Apr-21 15-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77478 Individual consultancy - National Research Consultant - LBN-CO-IC-97-21 UNDP Country Office - LEBANON - LEBANON LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 29-Apr-21 15-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77471 PNUD/SDP-196/2021 Ejecución de inventarios forestales en 5 UM del INFFS en el marco del estudio forestal de la Provincia de Puerto Inca, Región Huánuco UNDP Country Office PERU RFP - Request for proposal 17-May-21 15-Apr-21 URBAN DEV'T. URBAN DEV'T. 77477 Re-advertisement of MyITB2021-001 UNDP Country Office MALAYSIA ITB - Invitation to bid 21-May-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 15-Apr-21 AGRICULTURE  SEEDLING AGRICULTURE SEEDLING 77473 304/RFQ/PDSPE/2021 Achat et livraison de semences et autres intrants agricoles dans le cadre de l'appui-accompagnement des bénéficiaires vulnérables de derniers aléas climatiques, sur les bonnes pratiques agricoles des cultures vivrières, répartis en Troi MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Apr-21 15-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77472 001/TCD10/PALAT/04/2021 PRODUCTION ET LIVRAISON DES OUTILS CPS UNDP CHAD CHAD RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Apr-21 15-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77470 Procurement of 2 panoramic binoculars Albania ALBANIA RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 15-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77469 Senior Energy and Finance Advisor RBAS Regional Hub Office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 24-Apr-21 15-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77467 Health Baseline and Climate Vulnerability Analysis for Programmatic Framework on Climate Change and Health in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia Istanbul Regional Center TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 24-May-21 15-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77468 RFQ/060/21 Development of climate change adaptation project concept notes and finance strategy in selected municipalities, and organization of a study tour to Gdansk, Poland -EXTENSION OF DEADLINE!!! UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 06-May-21 15-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77465 Programme Development Specialist for Climate Change and Health in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia Istanbul Regional Center TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 24-May-21 15-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77466 Supply and Installation of the Solar based AC electricity mini-grid system for 85 households in Pa Tang Village, Sesan Commune, Oyadav District, Ratanakiri Province UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFQ - Request for quotation 06-May-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 15-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77461 CLOSED EARLY
ITB0032021 UNDP Mozambique MOZAMBIQUE ITB - Invitation to bid 05-May-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 15-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77464 Supply and Installation of the Solar based DC electricity mini-grid system for 85 households in Pa Tang Village, Sesan Commune, Oyadav District, Ratanakiri Province UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFQ - Request for quotation 06-May-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 15-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77462 416-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-BMO 'Design and delivery of a medium-term cross-disciplinary in-person and remote training with a practical coaching component for leaders of selected SME Business Membership Organisations (BMOs)' Ukraine UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 14-May-21 15-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77463 EOI 01/2021 Services of companies to perform specific tasks related to energy certification, energy audits of buildings and elaboration of feasibility studies for energy efficiency renovation of Central Government Buildings in Serbia UNDP Country Office SERBIA EOI - Expression of interest 27-Apr-21 15-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77460 IC URU/18/002-1078 Consultor/a local para la formulación de un proyecto de infraestructura de datos espaciales PNUD Uruguay URUGUAY IC - Individual contractor 26-Apr-21 15-Apr-21 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS 77456 RFQ ACHAT EQUIPEMENTS DE RADIOS COMMUNAUTAIRES COUNTRY OFFICE SENEGAL RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Apr-21 15-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77459 BIH/RFQ-059-21 UPU Supply and Delivery of computers and printers UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Apr-21 15-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77458 BIH/RFQ-058-21 UPU Amended, Extended Supply and Delivery of printers and scanners UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Apr-21 15-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77457 RFQ 2021-22- Republication UNDP Tunisia TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Apr-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 15-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77138 INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANTS - Senior Experts on Biometric Voter Registration (Consultant) to conduct feasibility study - 2 positions UNDP Country Office LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 20-Apr-21 15-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77455 National trainers / assistants (2 positions) for online training and subsequent training of target groups at the local level in full-time format in pilot cities of the project UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE TURKMENISTAN IC - Individual contractor 29-Apr-21 15-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77454 LOW VALUE GRANT CALL FOR PROPOSALS FOR PILOTING NEW COMMUNITY-BASED SPECIALIZED SOCIAL SERVICES UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 29-Apr-21 15-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77453 Construction of Health Facility (clinic) at NGARANNAM - MAFA LGA, BORNO STATE UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE NIGERIA ITB - Invitation to bid 30-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 15-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77452 RFQ Purchase items for Co-Shared Kitchen for BCC Maldives MALDIVES RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Apr-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 15-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77451 MNG/RFP/2021/010 - Development of SDG Taxonomy and Impact Measurement System UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA RFP - Request for proposal 28-Apr-21 15-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77450 UNDP-IC-2021-137: Individual Contract- National Consultant – "Senior Twinning Expert" UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 29-Apr-21 15-Apr-21 URBAN DEV'T. URBAN DEV'T. 77448 MyRFP_2021_009 Consultancy for Age Friendly _ Preparations Towards an Aged Nation by 2030 UNDP Country Office MALAYSIA RFP - Request for proposal 07-May-21 15-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77449 ITB-062-21R-Provision of Spare Parts and Repairing UNDP IRAQ OFFICE IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 05-May-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 15-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77447 01 International consultant and 01 National consultant for terminal evaluation report (A-210401) UNDP Vietnam VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 04-May-21 15-Apr-21 HEALTH HEALTH 77446 BIH-ITB-013-21 PPE- Protective Suits UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA ITB - Invitation to bid 22-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 15-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77445 RFP-N-210403: a National firm to develop a video on how to build a storm/flood resilient house based on the current designs UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 21-Apr-21 15-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77444 Acuerdo a Largo Plazo LTA para recarga combustible UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA ITB - Invitation to bid 19-May-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 14-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77443 EXPRESION DE INTERES 21 138868 UNDP Country Office ECUADOR EOI - Expression of interest 20-May-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 14-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77442 CLOSED EARLY
POR INCLUIR PANAMA PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 30-Apr-21 14-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77440 RFQ: Research Institute to support data collection and analysis to contribute to the ICPE Nigeria Independent Evaluation Office UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Apr-21 14-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77439 Consultoría para la caracterización de la satisfacción de usuarios de los refugios sustentables UNDP Office Paraguay PARAGUAY IC - Individual contractor 28-Apr-21 14-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77438 PROCESO COL 0000138404 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Especializado Técnico Enlace Entidad del Orden Nacional - Nivel 2 - DVR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 28-Apr-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 14-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77437 INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANT-LANDSCAPE ANALYSES OF CHILD/ADOLESCENT HEALTH AND NUTRITION BOTSWANA BOTSWANA IC - Individual contractor 23-Apr-21 14-Apr-21 HEALTH HEALTH 77436 ITB 158-2021-UNDP-UKR Procurement of medicines for adult and children with cystic fibrosis UNDP CO UKRAINE ITB - Invitation to bid 29-Apr-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 14-Apr-21 INDUSTRY INDUSTRY 77435 RFQ/026/21 – запрос цен на поставку производственного и упаковочного оборудования, а также 3D принтера UNDP UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Apr-21 14-Apr-21 INDUSTRY INDUSTRY 77434 RFQ/025/21 - Запрос на предоставление коммерческого предложения на поставку Измельчительных машин и Двухступенчатый Гранулятор для переработки пластмасс UNDP UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Apr-21 14-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77433 PCI-027-2021 Consultoría de apoyo para la identificación y cuantificación de las acciones de mitigación por estados y municipios de México en el marco de la actualización de la Contribución Nacionalmente Determinada. Consultor Jr, experto en agenda verde UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 12-May-21 14-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77432 National Consultancy - SLE/ICPN/2021/002 UNDP Country Office SIERRA LEONE IC - Individual contractor 21-Apr-21 14-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77431 Options for Social Insurance Schemes for the Informal Sector and with emphasis on Women in South Africa South Africa SOUTH AFRICA IC - Individual contractor 23-Apr-21 14-Apr-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 77430 RFQ 692 IT Equipment for Geronto Centers UNDP Country Office Serbia SERBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Apr-21 14-Apr-21 INDUSTRY INDUSTRY 77427 RFQ/024/21 - Запрос на предоставление коммерческого предложения на поставку Промышленных швейных машин разного типа UNDP UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Apr-21 14-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77428 Supply of Wheeled Telescopic Crane UNDP SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 14-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77429 Project Review Consultant - International Consultant UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 28-Apr-21 14-Apr-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 77423 Fourniture et livraison d'un (01) véhicule (camionnette), y compris aménagement et bran ding du véhicule (camionnette), en Guinée-Conakry UNDP GUINEE GUINEA RFQ - Request for quotation 31-May-21 14-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77424 RFP 2372-2020 Services in the Area of Ports. UNDP Brazil Country Office BRAZIL RFP - Request for proposal 31-May-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 14-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77422 RFP 2706-2021 Event ID 0000008960 UNDP Brazil Country Office BRAZIL RFP - Request for proposal 17-May-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 14-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77420 Air Conditioning equipment Invert Multi split Albania ALBANIA RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 14-Apr-21 HEALTH HEALTH 77418 UNDP-SYR-RFQ-015-21 UNDP Syria Office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Apr-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 14-Apr-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 77419 Provision of Outdoor projection equipment Albania ALBANIA RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 14-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77417 Capacity Development in Strategic Foresight UNDP Country Office EGYPT IC - Individual contractor 28-Apr-21 14-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 71217 PRE/ZWE/RFQ/0006/14/04/2021 Request for Quotation for the Supply and Delivery of Building Materials UNDP Zimbabwe ZIMBABWE RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Apr-21 14-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77416 RFP-2021004 COMMUNICATIONS AND VISIBILITY-READVERT UNDP Nigeria Country Office NIGERIA RFP - Request for proposal 25-Apr-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 14-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77415 Data Analyst for SDG Investor Map Development UNDP Country Office THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 06-May-21 14-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77410 Partenariat avec la société civile pour la mise en œuvre d'une campagne de sensibilisation sur la COVID-19 UNDP Algeria ALGERIA Other 24-May-21 14-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77414 Recrutement d'un Consultant national en charge de l'élaboration d'un outil de planification et de budgétisations annuelles sensibles au genre au niveau des communes UNDP CO BURUNDI IC - Individual contractor 23-Apr-21 14-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77412 Recrutement d'un Consultant pour l'analyse institutionnelle et organisationnelle des entités décentralisées pour l'amélioration de leur fonctionnalité au Burundi UNDP CO BURUNDI IC - Individual contractor 23-Apr-21 14-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77413 MNG/IC/2021/052 - National Consultant - Public Finance Expert_Science (2 consultants) UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 28-Apr-21 14-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77411 Recrutement d'un consultant national chargé de recueil sur les bonnes pratiques en matière de réduction des risques de catastrophes au Burundi UNDP CO BURUNDI IC - Individual contractor 23-Apr-21 14-Apr-21 HEALTH HEALTH 77408 Vaccine Tracking Application UNDP-Afghanistan AFGHANISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 28-Apr-21 @ 07:30 AM (New York time) 14-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77409 IC - Consultant.e national.e expert.e pour l'analyse des données du volet relatif aux comportements à risques, de l'enquête nationale auprès de la jeunesse en Tunisie de l'Observatoire national de la Jeunesse – Projet Tamkeen UNDP Tunisia TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 14-May-21 14-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77407 Deadline extended: PN-N-210402 – 02 national consultants to conduct a feasibility study on ecotourism opportunities in Quang Ngai province GCF1 project UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 03-May-21 14-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77405 IC-PAP3085/2021 - International Consultancy: Results and impacts of Energy Efficiency in Buildings projects and potential for NDC implementation UNDP-GEF Bangkok Regional Hub THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 24-Apr-21 14-Apr-21 HEALTH HEALTH 77406 Provision of Medications to UNCLINIC Yemen Country Office YEMEN RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Apr-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 14-Apr-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 77402 ITB0032021 - Rehabilitation of Estoril Secondary School in Beira UNDP Mozambique CO MOZAMBIQUE ITB - Invitation to bid 05-May-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 14-Apr-21 HEALTH HEALTH 77404 RFQ - Supply and delivery of laboratory Consumable UNDP Country Office Afghanistan AFGHANISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Apr-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 14-Apr-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 77403 Providing Seed Planter for Conservation Agricultur UNDP Office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 13-May-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 14-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77401 Provision of "Conducting Certified Trainings for SMEs and Development Agencies" UNDP Country Office TURKEY RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Apr-21 14-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77400 REHABILITATION OF FOUR HEALTH CENTER IN SOUTH WEST CAMEROON CAMEROON ITB - Invitation to bid 28-Apr-21 @ 01:28 AM (New York time) 14-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77399 CONSTRUCTION OF THREE CLASS ROOMS CAMEROON CAMEROON ITB - Invitation to bid 01-May-21 @ 12:33 AM (New York time) 14-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77397 T210403 - 01 National Consultant – Citylab Architect UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 19-Apr-21 13-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77395 PROCESO COL-0000136676 - Evaluación final del proyecto que permita identificar la pertinencia, la eficiencia, la eficacia y la sostenibilidad de las acciones y los productos esperados del Proyecto Capacidades Locales PDET, según lo establecido en su marco UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 05-May-21 13-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77396 PROCESO COL 0000138412 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Técnico - Nivel 3 – DVR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 27-Apr-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 13-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77394 RFP-035-PHL-2021 LTA Spot Check Micro Assessment UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 05-May-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 13-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77343 SPOTLIGHT INITIATIVE - SAMOA CALL FOR SMALL GRANTS UNDP Country Office SAMOA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 07-May-21 13-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77393 PCI-026-2021 Servicios de consultoría para la incorporación del enfoque de género en el Tercer Informe Bienal de Actualización (IBA3 ó BUR 3 por sus siglas en inglés) de México ante la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 27-Apr-21 13-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77389 Provision of plastic granule machine UNDP CO YEMEN RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 13-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77390 18495-2021 – LAC Crisis Management and Communications Expert (3 vacancies available) Regional Centre PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 21-May-21 13-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77392 CONSULTORÍA NACIONAL PARA LA ELABORACIÓN DE PLANES DE MANEJO DE 3 (TRES) AREAS SILVESTRES PROTEGIDAS DEL CHACO. UNDP Office Paraguay PARAGUAY RFP - Request for proposal 03-May-21 13-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77391 3569 PAN 2021 - Consultoría de un Director (a) Creativo (a) para campañas de publicidad y/o estrategias / acciones de comunicación utilizando su creatividad UNDP Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 22-Apr-21 13-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77337 Acquisition de 20 Moulins à grains UNDP Country Office MAURITANIA RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Apr-21 13-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77388 Consultoria Individual UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 27-Apr-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 13-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77355 ETH2432-International Consultant to support in the review and analysis of the Ethiopian Diaspora Trust Fund as part of the UNOSSC South-South in Action series UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 04-May-21 @ 03:59 PM (New York time) 13-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77386 SDP-016-2021 Consultoría dirigida a organizaciones de la sociedad civil, instituciones académicas o empresas nacionales para la implementación del componente de capacitación del Pilar 2 de la Iniciativa Spotlight en el estado de Chihuahua UNDP Country Office MEXICO RFP - Request for proposal 20-Apr-21 13-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77385 PCI-025-2021 Economista para asesorar la respuesta del PNUD a la emergencia derivada del COVID-19 UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 20-Apr-21 13-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77304 CONSULTANT NATIONAL EN CHARGE DE L'ELABORATION D'UN DOCUMENT DE PROJET SUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT DU SECTEUR PRIVE CENTRAFRICAIN Country Office CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 30-Apr-21 13-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77384 Individual Consultancy- Rolling out the sustainable development goals (SDGs) planning guidelines and mapping data for SDG BOTSWANA BOTSWANA IC - Individual contractor 22-Apr-21 13-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77383 FOURNITURE EQUIPEMENTS INFORMATIQUES ET TELECOM Cameroun CAMEROON RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Apr-21 13-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77382 International Senior Specialist (s) for Sustainable Financing for Conservation and Protected Area Management UNDP Country Office, Cambodia CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Apr-21 13-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77378 328-2021-UNDP-UKR-ITB-RPP supply of introscopes for equipping entry-exit checkpoint in the east of Ukraine Country Office UKRAINE ITB - Invitation to bid 06-May-21 @ 04:59 AM (New York time) 13-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77381 01 International Consultant as Team member for Case Study on Systemic Investing in Circular Economy in Viet Nam (Ref. P210403) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 18-Apr-21 13-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77380 RFQ 22-2021 for Preparation of Technical documentation for regular maintenance works and incorporating energy efficiency measures of 57 households in Municipality of Aerodrom UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Apr-21 13-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77379 IC - Pour l'élaboration d'un manuel comptable pour l'APAL et assistance a son application UNDP Tunisia TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 27-Apr-21 13-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77377 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Apr-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 13-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77375 RFQ 21-2021 Preparation of technical documentation for construction of water supply and sewerage networks and reconstruction of water capture system in Moklishte, in the Municipality of Kavadarci UNDP Country Office Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Apr-21 13-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77374 Rehabilitation of Al-Symsiyah Electrical Feeder Li UNDP iraq office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 04-May-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 13-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77360 296/IC/PADRC/2021 Recrutement d'un consultant en charge de l'édition et de la mise en page des rapports ODD Lot 1 : Mise en page des 6 rapports de localisation des ODD (Analamanga, Atsinanana, Boeny, Amoron'i Mania, Ihorombe, Sava) Lot 2 : Mise en page d MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 11-May-21 13-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77373 RFP-033-IND-2021 - Development of blended financing instruments for GCF Projects UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 26-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 13-Apr-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 77370 RFQ - IT Equipment UNDP Country Office GEORGIA RFQ - Request for quotation 04-May-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 13-Apr-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 77363 RFQ-19-21 Provision and installation of IT equip Syria SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Apr-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 13-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77369 ITB-129-21 Lot 1: Rehabilitation and Furniture for Directorate of Sahel Al-Ayman Police Station in Sherqat District Lot 2: Rehabilitation and Furniture for Directorate of Sahel Al-Ayser Police Station in Sherqat District Iraq Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 10-May-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 13-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77371 003/TCD10/PALAT/04/2021 CPS FOURNITURES DE BUREAU UNDP CHAD CHAD RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Apr-21 13-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77367 RFQ N°002/TCD10/PALAT/04/2021 KITS CPS_PALAT UNDP CHAD CHAD RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Apr-21 13-Apr-21 HEALTH HEALTH 77368 ITB-GF-21-002 - COVID-19 Supplies Sudan SUDAN ITB - Invitation to bid 28-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 13-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77361 IC/UNDP/SPOI/075/2021 - Financial Needs Cost Analyst for National Action Plan on Sustainable Palm Oil UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 27-Apr-21 13-Apr-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 77365 RFP2248 Adjustment of the ITSS Financial Control UNDP Country Office MOLDOVA RFP - Request for proposal 03-May-21 @ 09:30 AM (New York time) 13-Apr-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 77362 RFQ/LBY/CO/2021/018-Procurement and Supply of Laptops with Accessories for UNDP based in Tunis UNDP Country Office, LIBYA RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Apr-21 13-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77359 RFP 8985 - Web-based Youth Platform SDGs Unit UNDP Country Office AFGHANISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 27-Apr-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 13-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77358 ETH2435 Recruitment of International Senior Technical Expert on Ethiopian Bureaucracy Lab to support Capacity Development Project for the Civil Service Reform UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 27-Apr-21 @ 03:41 AM (New York time) 13-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77357 RFP/015/21 Services for Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) Project Public Awareness Campaigns UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFP - Request for proposal 11-May-21 13-Apr-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 77356 RFQ 127/21- Supply of IT Equipment for Police Training Center-East Mosul-Ninawa Governorate Iraq Country Office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 03-May-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 13-Apr-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 77354 RFQ 106-21- Supply of equipment for AIRCOP project Iraq Country Office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 05-May-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 13-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77353 RFP/2021/13: Gender justice to increase women's economic opportunities and income in Jordan Country Office JORDAN RFP - Request for proposal 03-May-21 13-Apr-21 AGRO-INDUSTRY AGRO-INDUSTRY 77350 RFQ 042-21 Procurement of anti-hail protection system UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 05-May-21 13-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77352 IC-Ref.2021-044 Специалист по информационному сопровождению деятельности рабочих групп при Координационном совете в области социальной защиты инвалидов Республики Казахстан / Specialist in Information Support of the activities of the working groups under Kazakhstan KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 26-Apr-21 13-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77351 IC-Ref.2021-043 Специалист по техническому сопровождению деятельности рабочих групп при Координационном совете в области социальной защиты инвалидов Республики Казахстан / Specialist on technical support of the activities of the working groups under the Kazakhstan KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 26-Apr-21 13-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77348 424-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-BMO-Outlook Study UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 11-May-21 13-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77349 IC-Ref.2021-042 Эксперт по вопросам общественного контроля в сфере противодействия коррупции в системе социальной защиты населения / Expert on public control in the field of combating corruption in the social protection system of the population Kazakhstan KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 26-Apr-21 13-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77347 IC.Ref.2021-041 Эксперт по анализу закупок товаров и услуг для лиц с инвалидностью / Expert on analysis of procurement and purchase of goods and services for persons with disabilities Kazakhstan KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 26-Apr-21 13-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77346 CLOSED EARLY
IC-Ref.2021-040_Специалист по связям с общественностью при реализации Национального плана по обеспечению прав и улучшению качества жизни лиц с инвалидностью до 2025 / Specialist in Public Relations for the implementation of the National Plan for Ensuring Kazakhstan KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 26-Apr-21 13-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77345 CLOSED EARLY
IC Ref.2021-038 Information Support Specialist for the implementation of the National Plan / Специалист по информационному сопровождению реализации Национального плана UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 27-Apr-21 13-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77344 IC Ref.2021-037 Consultant on employment and professional integration of persons with disabilities/Консультант по вопросам занятости и трудоустройства лиц с инвалидностью UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 27-Apr-21 13-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77342 IC Ref.2021-036 Expert on professional and social rehabilitation of persons with disabilities / Эксперт по вопросам профессиональной и социальной реабилитации лиц с инвалидностью UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 27-Apr-21 13-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77341 IC Ref.2021-035 Expert in ensuring accessibility of facilities, services and Assistive Aids for persons with disabilities and other people with limited mobility / Эксперт в области обеспечения доступности объектов, услуг и технические средства реабилитаци UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 26-Apr-21 13-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77339 SRFP- feasibility study of 11 project sites UNDP Country Office Timor Leste TIMOR LESTE RFP - Request for proposal 29-Apr-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 13-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77340 IC Ref.2021-034 Coordinator of the Project Office "Creating conditions for economic activity of persons with disabilities" / Координатор проектного офиса «Создание условий для экономической активности лиц с инвалидностью» UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 26-Apr-21 12-Apr-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 77331 UNDP-ITM -ITB-2021-001-Metro Ethernet Internet Access for UNDP Headquarters United States UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ITB - Invitation to bid 07-Jun-21 @ 04:00 PM (New York time) 12-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77338 IC 21 137586 priorizacion de politicas UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 30-Apr-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 12-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77336 3550 PAN 2021 - Servicios de Diseño e Implementación de una Estrategia de Comunicación Integral para impulsar el fortalecimiento, lograr la visibilidad y posicionamiento del MIDES. Country Office PANAMA RFP - Request for proposal 23-Apr-21 12-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77335 RFQ/MRT/005/2021_Acquisition de 20 machines à coudre UNDP Country Office MAURITANIA RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Apr-21 12-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77334 TdR RFQ 16-2021 : Maintenance d'équipements de sécurité Morocco MOROCCO RFQ - Request for quotation 23-May-21 12-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77333 TdR RFQ 15-2021 : Achat de Cartouches-toners Morocco MOROCCO RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Apr-21 12-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77332 TdR RFQ 14-2021 : Achat de fournitures de bureau Morocco MOROCCO RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Apr-21 12-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77329 RFQ/MRT/004/2021_Acquisition de 20 CONGELATEURS SOLAIRES UNDP Country Office MAURITANIA RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Apr-21 12-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77330 Consultancy for the development of SDG Investor Maps UNDP Country Office BELIZE RFP - Request for proposal 05-May-21 12-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77328 CI-024-2021 Consultoría para la elaboración del manual para el manejo del portafolio de inversión del plan de pensiones del Tribunal Constitucional UNDP DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 23-Apr-21 12-Apr-21 HEALTH HEALTH 77321 Consultant to development of legal environment analysis tool for health and environment HIV, Health and development, BPPS UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 24-Apr-21 12-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77327 PLAZO EXTENDIDO: CI-022-2021 "Supervisión Técnica de Instalación Sistema de generación Fotovoltaico" UNDP DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 30-Apr-21 12-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77325 IC/008/21 - International Consultant on Legislation in Public Service Delivery UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 29-Apr-21 12-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77326 IC 137934 - Programme Support UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE - JAMAICA JAMAICA IC - Individual contractor 26-Apr-21 12-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77324 "Consultoría para la implementación del relevamiento de la fauna nativa del Área Metropolitana de Asunción" UNDP Office Paraguay PARAGUAY RFP - Request for proposal 04-May-21 12-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77323 SDC-012-2021 Solicitud de cotización de equipamiento diverso para proyectos de emprendimiento del programa "En marcha con PNUD" para el estado de Morelos, México. UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Apr-21 12-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77322 3556 PAN 2021 - Suministro e instalación de Reloj Monumental en la Gobernación de la Provincia de Bocas del Toro Country Office PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Apr-21 12-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77319 UNDP/IC/Women Peace and Security/OHCHR/2021/010 UNDP Liberia Country Office LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 19-Apr-21 12-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77320 EXTENDED: National Consultant on GIS technologies UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN IC - Individual contractor 04-May-21 12-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77316 UNDP/IC/CEDAW SHADOW/REPORT/OHCHR/2021/001 UNDP Liberia Country Office LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 19-Apr-21 12-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77151 WOMEN'S Leadership and POLITICAL PARTICIPATION Associate UNDP ON BEHALF OF UN WOMEN LIBERIA LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 19-Apr-21 12-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77317 RFP FOR MID TERM EVALUATION OF AMKENI WAKENYA Country Office KENYA RFP - Request for proposal 03-May-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 12-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77318 Consultancy - Municipal Finance Investment Officer (IC Framework Agreement) - Home-based with travel UNCDF (New York) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 20-Apr-21 12-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77313 Terminal Evaluation (TE) UNDP Country Office EGYPT IC - Individual contractor 26-Apr-21 12-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77314 284/IC/CAPMADA/2021 RECRUTEMENT D'UN CONSULTANT NATIONAL POUR UNE ETUDE DU CADRE JURIDIQUE DE L'ETAT D'URGENCE DANS LE CONTEXTE DE LA CRISE SANITAIRE LIÉE À LA COVID-19 MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 26-Apr-21 12-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77312 Terms of Reference for a National Consultant to support the Liberia Land Authority (LLA)to engender their Customary Land Formalization guidelines and training materials. UNDP ON BEHALF OF UN WOMEN LIBERIA LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 23-Apr-21 12-Apr-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 77310 Fourniture Kits agricoles, semences et intrants, Motopompe et accessoires, pousse-pousse (porte tout ordinaire) et divers biens CAMEROON CAMEROON RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Apr-21 12-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77311 Telemedicine Services for Persons with Disabilitie UNDP SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 26-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 12-Apr-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 77309 SDC URU/14/001-1072 "Adquisición de Storage para respaldo en espejo" PNUD Uruguay URUGUAY RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Apr-21 12-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77306 SDG Investor Mapping for Malawi Malawi, RBA MALAWI RFP - Request for proposal 16-May-21 12-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77307 CHL/SDP/018/2021 Consultoría para el Desarrollo de Indicadores para el Monitoreo y Evaluación del Progreso de la Adaptación al Cambio Climático a Nivel Nacional UNDO Country Office CHILE RFP - Request for proposal 04-May-21 12-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77308 RFQ for Construction Works in Coxsbazar district Bangladesh Country office BANGLADESH RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Apr-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 12-Apr-21 INDUSTRY INDUSTRY 77305 Procurement of Gas Analyzer UND-Iran IRAN RFQ - Request for quotation 03-May-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 12-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77303 Expression for Interest for Vendor Enlistment UNDP Bangladesh country office BANGLADESH EOI - Expression of interest 11-May-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 12-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77302 SDP 03/2021 - Proyecto GEF ARG16/G23 "Modelos de Negocios Sostenibles para la Producción de Biogás a partir de Residuos Sólidos Urbanos Orgánicos" PNUD Argentina ARGENTINA RFP - Request for proposal 03-Jun-21 12-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77234 RFQ17-2021 for Development of a Basic Design for Sateska River Restoration and Diversion in its Natural Riverbed and urban Design for Infrastructure UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Apr-21 12-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77301 National Consultant to support the Liberia Land Authority (LLA)to engender their Customary Land Formalization guidelines and training materials. UNDP LIBERIA ON BEHALF OF UN WOMEN LIBERIA LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 19-Apr-21 12-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77300 MNG/RFP/2021/009 - Local Institutions - Providing methodological guideline for the relevant stakeholders on rehabilitation of land damaged by mining of common minerals through pilot demonstration and training in the case of Tuul River protected zone UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA RFP - Request for proposal 10-May-21 12-Apr-21 HEALTH HEALTH 77299 RFQ/057/21 Supply, Delivery and installation of Real Time PCR - repeated call from RFQ/041/21 UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Apr-21 12-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77298 Recrutement d'une firme Chargée De Renforcer Les Capacités De Gestion Administrative et Financière Des Services Etatiques Partenaires Du Programme Intégré REDD+ Oriental (PIREDD-Oriental) UNDP-KINSHASA, DR CONGO CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 03-May-21 12-Apr-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 77293 Request for Quotation (RFQ)- for Supply and Delivery of IT Equipment Sustainable Tourism for Livelihood Recovery (STLR) NEPAL RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Apr-21 12-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77296 A national consulting firm to support the organization of events to promote the development of Energy Efficient/ Green Buildings and Cities (Ref. B-210402) UNDP Vietnam VIET NAM RFQ - Request for quotation 03-May-21 12-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77295 Rehabilitation of National Security Building in Baaj district-Ninawa Governorate & of Police Station in Ba'aj District-Ninawa Governorate + Furniture Iraq Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 02-May-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 12-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77294 Rehabilitation of 272 Housing Units in Al Ahmadya Iraq Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 02-May-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 12-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77291 CFP 2021-01 GEF II Enhancement of Women's Position in the Labour Market UNDP CO Serbia on behalf of UN Women Office Serbia SERBIA Other 17-May-21 12-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77290 RfQ for Stationery Provision to the Green One UN House in Ha Noi UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Apr-21 12-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77282 Renovation of District Offices for Spotlight Initiative Malawi, RBA MALAWI RFQ - Request for quotation 03-May-21 12-Apr-21 POWER POWER 77292 Install and Connect Electrical Transformers and Ma Country Office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Apr-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 12-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77288 RFQ/056/21 Construction works on elimination of architectural barriers in 3 public buildings in Canton Sarajevo UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Apr-21 12-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77289 National Сonsultant to assist in strengthening the research and innovation potential of trade UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN IC - Individual contractor 26-Apr-21 12-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77287 CONSULTANT DEVP. FINANCE ASSESSMENT FOR KENYA Country Office KENYA IC - Individual contractor 23-Apr-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 12-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77286 ETH2427-International Level Consulting Firm to Enhance External Communication of the UNDP/ Tony Elumelu Foundation (TEF) Regional Entrepreneurship Programme UNDP Regional Service Center for Africa ETHIOPIA RFP - Request for proposal 30-Apr-21 @ 08:06 AM (New York time) 12-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77285 UNDP/RFP/05/2021 (RE-BID) Re-Invitation of Request for Proposal for Biodiversity Expenditure Review and Biodiversity Finance Plan Preparation for BIOFIN Project UNDP Country Office for BIOFIN Nepal NEPAL RFP - Request for proposal 27-Apr-21 12-Apr-21 POWER POWER 77283 UNDP-SYR-ITB-018-21 UNDP Syria Office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC ITB - Invitation to bid 04-May-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 12-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77284 RFP/016/21 Via Dinarica Promotional Campaign -EXTENSION OF DEADLINE!!!! UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFP - Request for proposal 29-Apr-21 12-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77281 RFQ-032-IND-2021-Printing of Stock Registers, Distribution Registers, Vaccinator Diary and Temperature Logbook INDIA INDIA RFQ - Request for quotation 07-May-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 12-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77280 RFP 2021 12 Event management and logistics support UNDP BRH THAILAND RFP - Request for proposal 27-Apr-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 11-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77279 National Consultant – national survey: consultations on implementation of peace agreement UNDP ON BEHALF OF UN WOMEN LIBERIA LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 25-Apr-21 11-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77278 National Consultant to develop a Two- Year Strategic Plan and Costed Annual Work Plan for The Ministry of Gender Children and Social Protection UNDP ON BEHALF OF UN WOMEN LIBERIA LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 23-Apr-21 11-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77277 Local Individual Consultant for Developing Recommendations for the Development of a Draft Legislation Regulating the Legal and Institutional Infrastructure of Water and Sewerage Administrations UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 25-Apr-21 11-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77276 UNDP-RFQ-2020-134 - Static Security Services UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Apr-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 11-Apr-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 77275 RFQ/023/21: Поставка и Устанвока Холодильного комплекса в Республику Каракалпакстан/Supply and Installation of Cooling complex to Karakalpakstan UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Apr-21 11-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77274 Supply of Washable and Reusable Cloth Face Masks UNDP Bangladesh country office BANGLADESH RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Apr-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 11-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77273 Rehabilitation and Fur. for Directorate of Police UNDP iraq office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Apr-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 11-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77272 Rehabilitation and Furniture for (Police Emergency Unit) and (Qabak Police Station)-Talafar District-Ninawa, Iraq UNDP Service Center IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 06-May-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 11-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77258 ETH2430 – Recruitment of National Consultant to Conduct Evaluation of a Guarantee Facility UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 25-Apr-21 @ 08:40 AM (New York time) 11-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77257 ETH2429 – Recruitment of National Consultant Senior Technical Expert on Ethiopian Bureaucracy Lab for Federal Civil Service Commission (FCSC) UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 25-Apr-21 @ 08:30 AM (New York time) 11-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77256 ETH2428 – Recruitment of Consultant for Showcasing African Climate Champions: An AI4Dev programme to elevate, amplify and showcase African innovation, ingenuity, and leadership in fighting the climate emergency UNDP - RSCA ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 25-Apr-21 @ 08:18 AM (New York time) 11-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77271 ITB131-21-Rehabilitation of 170 Houses in Al-Eiadh UNDP IRAQ OFFICE IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 27-Apr-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 10-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77270 ITB-130-21-Rehabilitation and Furniture for Direc UNDP IRAQ OFFICE IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 29-Apr-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 10-Apr-21 HEALTH HEALTH 77268 RFQ 8875 Provision of Medical Tests for 300 Cadets UNDP Country Office AFGHANISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Apr-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 10-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77269 « Consultant(e) International(e) de haut niveau spécialisé(e) dans les négociations intergouvernementales et l'intelligence stratégique. » GUINEA, Office GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 12-May-21 10-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77267 « Consultant(e) National(e) de haut niveau spécialisé(e) dans les enjeux de l'administration des affaires étrangères, de la diplomatie, de la diplomatie économique et de l'intelligence stratégique en République de Guinée. » GUINEA, Office GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 12-May-21 10-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77265 Rehabilitation and Furniture for Ba'aj Court-Ba'aj District-Ninawa Governorate, Iraq UNDP Service Center IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 03-May-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 10-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77266 « Consultant(e) National(e) de haut niveau spécialisé(e) dans les enjeux de l'administration des affaires étrangères et pour la valorisation de la diplomatie économique et de l'intelligence stratégique en République de Guinée » GUINEA, Office GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 12-May-21 10-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77264 Malawi UN Security LTA UNDP Country Office MALAWI ITB - Invitation to bid 16-May-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 10-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77263 Consultant(e) National(e) de haut niveau spécialisé(e) dans les enjeux de l'administration des affaires étrangères, de la diplomatie économique et de la formation à l'intelligence stratégique en République de Guinée GUINEA, Office GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 12-May-21 10-Apr-21 HEALTH HEALTH 77262 Oxygen production plant and oxygen cylinders UNDP Gambia GAMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Apr-21 @ 11:06 AM (New York time) 10-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77261 RFQ/005/2021/ LTA Services Impression Divers Gadgets UNDP NIGER NIGER RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Apr-21 10-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77260 CONSULTANT - PROJECT TECHNICAL SUPPORT Country Office KENYA IC - Individual contractor 14-May-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 10-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77259 UNDP-RFP-2021-129 Monitoring and Evaluation Plan UNDP Pakistan PAKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 26-Apr-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 10-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77255 IC 21 137365 censo embarcaciones UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 29-Apr-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 09-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77254 3567 PAN 2021- Consultor/Consultora Especialista en Coordinación para procesos de dialogo – Comisiones Temáticas del Pacto del Bicentenario UNDP Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 23-Apr-21 09-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77253 IC 00117646-1250-Consultoría para la identificar y fortalecer las redes de los jóvenes Rurales de la zona oriental del país UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 23-Apr-21 @ 01:00 PM (New York time) 09-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77252 SDP 178-2021 Servicio de Seguimiento de la Implementación de los Planes de Prevención y Reducción del Riesgo de Desastres aprobados y de las medidas de prevención y reducción del riesgo de desastres contenidas en las Evaluaciones de Riesgo UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE PERU RFP - Request for proposal 23-Apr-21 09-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77248 Recrutement d'un cabinet d'appui technique aux PMEs pour l'octroi et la bonne gestion de subventions visant la résilience dans le contexte Covid19 et l'autonomisation économique des femmes au Mali. UNCDF MALI RFP - Request for proposal 18-May-21 09-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77251 ITB0042021 UNDP Mozambique MOZAMBIQUE ITB - Invitation to bid 12-May-21 @ 02:00 PM (New York time) 09-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77250 Expresión de Interés EOI-CRI-2021-001 Programas de capital semilla, capital de riesgo e innovación para bionegocios UNDP Country Office COSTA RICA EOI - Expression of interest 23-May-21 09-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77249 Recrutement d'un cabinet d'experts(es) pour la réalisation de 7 sessions de formation dans les régions des Hauts Bassins, des Cascades et du Sud-Ouest pour le compte du projet PACOS UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO ITB - Invitation to bid 15-Apr-21 09-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77243 RFP/UNDP/HAI/21.073 Recrutement d'une firme pour des études pour la viabilisation du site de lotissement et la construction de soixante-huit (68) unités sanitaires dans le quartier de la Tremblay 5, commune de Croix des bouquets PNUD HAITI RFP - Request for proposal 26-Apr-21 09-Apr-21 FORESTRY FORESTRY 77247 MyRFP 2021-008 Sustainable Finance Plan for CFS in Pahang UNDP Country Office MALAYSIA RFP - Request for proposal 15-May-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 09-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77241 Consultant National Spécialist Développement Economique de Groupements/ Coopératives/ Initiatives Entrepreneuriales UNDP-GUINEE GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 23-Apr-21 09-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77246 LBN-CO-RFQ-94-20Supp-Del-Instal of Metalic Kiosk UNDP Country office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 09-Apr-21 HEALTH HEALTH 77245 RFQ/UNDP/CSA/010/2021 – Consolidated Procurement of PPE Country Office INDONESIA RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Apr-21 09-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77231 RFP 2021-07 : Étude d'aménagement de la zone littorale de Kalâat El Andalous et élaboration des Plans d'Occupations des Plages (POP) pour l'adaptation aux changements climatiques dans le cadre du projet « Résilience Côtière » UNDP Tunisia TUNISIA RFP - Request for proposal 29-Apr-21 09-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77244 Acquisition de materiels electriques pour le Conseil Electoral Provisoire UNDP HAITI HAITI RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Apr-21 09-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77242 Acquisition de materiels de bureau pour le Conseil Electoral Provisoire UNDP HAITI HAITI RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Apr-21 09-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77239 Acquisition de fournitures de bureau pour le Conseil Electoral Provisoire UNDP HAITI HAITI RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Apr-21 09-Apr-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 77240 RFQ 2021-031 Retender Equipment KSTU OshTU UNDP KYRGYZSTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Apr-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 09-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77232 RFP - Playbook on Digital Technology Country Office KENYA RFP - Request for proposal 14-May-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 09-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77215 Digital Payments Expert Cocoa Value Chain (BTCA) - Accra, GHANA UNCDF GHANA IC - Individual contractor 22-Apr-21 09-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77238 Additional Laboratory Equipment for The Albanian Ballistics Sector Albania ALBANIA RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 09-Apr-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 77237 A2J/UNDP/ RFQ/2021/01 - Supply and delivery of IT Equipment UNDP - A2J Project NEPAL RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Apr-21 09-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77235 Re advert ETH2345A- Two National consultants to conduct assessments and develop materials on women empowerment and access to justice UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 22-Apr-21 @ 03:59 AM (New York time) 09-Apr-21 AGRO-INDUSTRY AGRO-INDUSTRY 77236 [EXTENDED] Call for Proposal - LOCAL CHAMPION EMPOWERMENT ON NON-STATE OWNED FOREST AREA IN SINTANG DISTRICT AND KETAPANG DISTRICT, WEST KALIMANTAN PROVINCE UNDP Country Office INDONESIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 03-May-21 09-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77007 Inclusion & Resilience Consultant UNCDF FIJI IC - Individual contractor 23-Apr-21 09-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77227 recrutement de cabinets d'experts pour la réalisation de quatre (4) sessions de formation de 200 jeunes et femmes des sept (07) arrondissements et des trente-six (36) villages rattachés de la commune urbaine de Bobo-Dioulasso sur leurs droits et devoirs d UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO RFP - Request for proposal 15-Apr-21 09-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77230 Consultant national en charge de l'analyse économique et financière des entités décentralisées pour l'amélioration de leur fonctionnalité au Burundi UNDP CO BURUNDI IC - Individual contractor 19-Apr-21 09-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77229 LBN-CO-ITB-93-21Supp-Deli of Truck and Water Cist UNDP Country office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 22-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 09-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77228 Services of Consultant on ICT Support UNDP Country Office BELARUS IC - Individual contractor 29-Apr-21 09-Apr-21 URBAN DEV'T. URBAN DEV'T. 77226 RfP 2244 Ungheni Spatial Development Plan UNDP Country Office MOLDOVA RFP - Request for proposal 19-May-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 09-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77223 DAOTRAVAUXCONSTRUCTIONCASEFEMMEBOL UNDP country office CHAD ITB - Invitation to bid 21-Apr-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 09-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77225 Event Management and Logistics Support for the Virtual Youth Co:Lab Summit 2021 UNDP Country Office CHINA RFP - Request for proposal 23-Apr-21 09-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77224 BIH/RFQ-055-21 Civil and electrical works on two tourism infrastructure facilities in two municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina/ UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Apr-21 09-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77198 National Consultant to Prepare Integrated National Evaluation Action Plan 2021-2025 (UNDP/PN/06/2021) Accelerating Implementation of SDGs in Nepal (AISN NEPAL IC - Individual contractor 20-Apr-21 09-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77200 National Consultant to National Consultant to Prepare Project Audit Framework to Assess the Performance of National Pride and Transformative Projects (UNDP/PN/07/2021) Accelerating Implementation of SDGs in Nepal (AISN NEPAL IC - Individual contractor 20-Apr-21 09-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77222 CI/CRI/2021/NO.9652/Pesona Técnica Líder Cambio Climático y Gestión de Datos del proyecto CBIT-Costa Rica UNDP COSTA RICA COSTA RICA IC - Individual contractor 22-Apr-21 09-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77221 National Consultant for Development of a full-fledged Programme Document (PRODOC) for Natural Wealth Socio-Economic Governance Programme Tanzania. UNDP Country Office TANZANIA IC - Individual contractor 21-Apr-21 09-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77220 National Consultant for Development of a full-fledged Programme Document (PRODOC) for Transformational Leadership and Institutional Capacity Development Support to MoFAEAC ( RE-ADVERTISED) UNDP Country Office TANZANIA IC - Individual contractor 11-May-21 09-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77218 CI/CRI/2021/No.9652/Persona Coordinadora diseño UPECC UNDP COSTA RICA COSTA RICA IC - Individual contractor 22-Apr-21 09-Apr-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 77217 RE-ADVERTISED: RfP for Provisioning of cabling services for Green One UN House in Hanoi UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 14-Jun-21 08-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77216 T CONSULTANT TO PROVIDE QUALITY ASSURANCE FOR THE PROGRAMS AND PROJECTS MONITORING SYSTEM PHASE II Philippines PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 23-Apr-21 08-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77175 Recruitment of an International Consultant for the Sahel Governance Project UNDP REGIONAL HUB DAKAR SENEGAL IC - Individual contractor 15-Apr-21 08-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77213 RFP-DRH-STAB-LC-011-2021 Recrutement cabinet UNDP REGIONAL HUB DAKAR SENEGAL RFP - Request for proposal 28-Apr-21 @ 11:07 AM (New York time) 08-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77214 Rehabilitation and Furniture for D.Police and SNS Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 06-May-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 08-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77212 Consultant National, Assistance Technique pour l'élaboration de la Politique Nationale Urbaine du Sénégal (Programme des Nations Unies pour les Établissements Humains – ONU-Habitat) COUNTRY OFFICE SENEGAL IC - Individual contractor 16-Apr-21 08-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77211 Consultant National, Statisticien(ne) (Programme des Nations Unies pour les Établissements Humains – ONU-Habitat) COUNTRY OFFICE SENEGAL IC - Individual contractor 16-Apr-21 08-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77209 18508-2021 ITB Development of Long-Term Agreements for the supply of emergency and crisis relief items to expedite response to emergencies and crises in Latin America and The Caribbean regions. Regional Centre - Panamá PANAMA ITB - Invitation to bid 05-May-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 08-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77208 Consultant(e) National(e) en Renforcement de Capacité et Intégration de l'Adaptation dans les plans et politiques de développement GUINEA, Office GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 09-May-21 08-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77210 Rehabilitation of Mafraq and National Security UNDP iraq office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 10-May-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 08-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77206 Consultant for the review of the use of UNCDF's Financial Instruments UNCDF UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 23-Apr-21 08-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77207 SdC ADQ 21 136028 LTA servicio hoteleria UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Apr-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 08-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77137 Consultant to develop analytical papers Regional Service Center for Africa,UNDP ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 19-May-21 08-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77205 RFP-031-IND-2021-Green Recovery Pathway for India – transitioning towards a green and resilient COVID-19 recovery. UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 30-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 08-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77203 Recrutement Consultant(e) pour la participation communautaire et l'élaboration d'une stratégie d'amélioration des bidonvilles GUINEA, Office GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 01-May-21 08-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77202 IC/UNDP/DGPRU/074/2021 - Support Specialist for Administrative and Finance UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 22-Apr-21 08-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77201 IC No. 00109099/1249-Asistencia técnica para apoyar a equipo capacitador en el diseño, organización, sistematización y virtualización del módulo de formación teórico-practico impartido a las mesas interinstitucionales tripartitas locales UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 22-Apr-21 08-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77199 Consultoria Individual UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 20-Apr-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 08-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77197 CONSULTANCY SERVICES TO PROVIDE RESEARCH, ANALYSIS AND CONSULTATION CAPACITY FOR THE TANZANIA SDG INVESTOR MAP Tanzania TANZANIA IC - Individual contractor 21-Apr-21 08-Apr-21 HEALTH HEALTH 77195 LBN-CO-ITB-92-21 Ambulances and Medical Equipment UNDP Country Office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 21-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 08-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77194 IC NOTICE N°010-2021/PNUD-BF: RECRUTEMENT D'UN(E) CONSULTANT (E) NATIONAL(E) POUR LA FORMATION 50 ACTEURS (TRICES) DU PROJET SUR L'APPROCHE GENRE ET L'UTILISATION DES OUTILS D'EQUITE HOMME - FEMMES PAMED UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 21-Apr-21 08-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77192 RFQ-2021-005: «Modernization of Heating and Hot water Supply systems of apartment buildings at the addresses: Nur-Sultan, Zhubanov street, buildings No. 3 and 3/1». / «Модернизация систем отопления и горячего водоснабжения (ГВС) многоквартирных домов Kazakhstan KAZAKHSTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 07-May-21 08-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77190 CLOSED EARLY
SDP/3555/PAN/2021 "Confección de Planos Arquitectónicos y Presentación de Renders de los Centros INADEH a nivel nacional en la República de Panamá PANAMA PANAMA RFP - Request for proposal 12-May-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 08-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77191 NPL10-RFP12-2021 - Detailed Characterization Assessment of medical waste UNDP - PGRP NEPAL RFP - Request for proposal 25-Apr-21 @ 07:15 AM (New York time) 08-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77189 SDC-011-2021 Impresión de 6900 folletos - Protocolos Comunitarios Bioculturales (PCBs) UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Apr-21 08-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77188 Proposal for PESCA-TOURISM PROMOTION Albania ALBANIA RFP - Request for proposal 04-May-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 08-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77187 SdC-ADQ-21-138201 Servicio de verificacion UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Apr-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 08-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77186 Recrutement d'un consultant individuel national facilitateur et Coach pour la Retraite stratégique du bureau du PNUD UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 15-Apr-21 08-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77185 LBN-CO-RFP-88-21-Analysis of Healthcare Waste Management - Event ID 0000008957 UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFP - Request for proposal 29-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 08-Apr-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 77184 RFQ 054/2021 Renting of vehicles for the Projects of United Nations Development Programme UNDP CYP CYPRUS RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Apr-21 08-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77183 Construction Works of Container Office Building in Hatay UNDP Country Office TURKEY RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Apr-21 08-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77182 Advocacy and Strategic Communications Consultant – UNCDF Policy Accelerator (must be eligible to work in Belgium) UNCDF BELGIUM IC - Individual contractor 22-Apr-21 08-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 76897 Appel a proposition PNUD/TARABOT/01/2021 TUNISIA TUNISIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 03-May-21 08-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77181 RFQ/022/21 – Реконструкция водопроводных сетей в населенным пункте Жанадарья ССГ Жанадарья Тахтакупырского района Республики Каракалпакстан UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Apr-21 08-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77177 LEGAL EXPERT UNDP LIBERIA LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 16-Apr-21 08-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77180 Etude de l'accessibilité des bâtiments des nations unies aux personnes handicapées UNDP Country Office BENIN IC - Individual contractor 19-Apr-21 08-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77179 REQUEST FOR QUOTATION FOR EQUIPMENT AND SPARE PARTS UNDP OFFICE UGANDA RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Apr-21 08-Apr-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 77178 Request for Proposal for the Redesign and Development of the website. UNDP OFFICE UGANDA RFP - Request for proposal 22-Apr-21 08-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77176 Individual Contractor (IC) – Writer UNDP Regional Hub Office-Amman JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 17-Apr-21 08-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77174 RFP-037 Healthcare Waste Mgt. UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 17-May-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 08-Apr-21 AGRO-INDUSTRY AGRO-INDUSTRY 77173 RFQ 040/21 Procurement of sheep wool opening & carding machine connected with a wooden roller UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Apr-21 08-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77172 vis à manifestation d'intérêts PNUD/Résilience Côtière/01/2021 UNDP Tunisia TUNISIA Innovation Challenge 21-Apr-21 08-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77169 An Individual Consultant to support the scale-up and development of micro and small businesses UNDP Country Office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 17-Apr-21 08-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77168 (RFP-N-210402) A national consulting firm/institution/organization to conduct an independent assessment on mangrove regeneration work in 5 provinces UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 25-Apr-21 08-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77167 RFP Provision of Banking Services to UNDP in the Maldives Maldives MALDIVES RFP - Request for proposal 28-Apr-21 08-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77165 RFP-038-PHL-2021 - Consultancy Services to build capacity of youth in the Asia-Pacific Region on leadership, innovation and entrepreneurship under the Youth Co: Lab Project component on Human Mobility Philippines PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 30-Apr-21 08-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77164 Request for Proposal (RFP) for the Study on 'Doing Business in Nepal' Accelerating Implementation of SDGs in Nepal (AISN NEPAL RFP - Request for proposal 25-Apr-21 08-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77163 Consultancy for Monitoring, Reporting and Evaluation Consultant – the Spotlight Initiative PNG, IC/PNG/14-2021 UNDP PNG Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 22-Apr-21 08-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77161 CI/CRI/2021/PROYECTO#100153/No.107887/Profesional Técnico/Técnica para digitación de datos en el Registro Nacional de Pozos (RNP) para el Programa de Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo UNDP COSTA RICA COSTA RICA IC - Individual contractor 21-Apr-21 08-Apr-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 77162 UNDP/RFQ/14/2021 - Supply and delivery of Laptops UNDP - PGRP NEPAL RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Apr-21 08-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77160 Terminal Evaluation Terms of Reference - Tuvalu Ridge to Reef Project Fiji FIJI IC - Individual contractor 16-Apr-21 07-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77159 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA (SdP) N° COL‐0000131081 -Realización de 4 videos para el Fondo Multidonante de las Naciones Unidas para el Sostenimiento de la Paz: Tres videos sobre historias de vida de beneficiarios y un video con animación 2D. . UNDP Country Office, Regional Centre, etc.) COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 20-Apr-21 07-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77039 Procurement & Contract Support Consultant (Local) Procurement Services Unit DENMARK IC - Individual contractor 21-Apr-21 07-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77158 Consultancy for International Marine Fisheries Expert, IC/PNG/016-2021 UNDP PNG Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 22-Apr-21 07-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77157 Consultancy for International Food Security Expert, IC/PNG/015-2021 UNDP PNG Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 22-Apr-21 07-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77155 Consultation nationale - Élaboration du code d'éthique et déontologique - CNAL PNUD HAITI IC - Individual contractor 28-Apr-21 07-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77154 Consultation nationale - Réalisation d'une base de données PNUD HAITI IC - Individual contractor 28-Apr-21 07-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77153 Consultoría para la implementación del relevamiento de la flora vascular nativa del Área Metropolitana de Asunción y la redacción de una guía de identificación UNDP Office Paraguay PARAGUAY IC - Individual contractor 28-Apr-21 07-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77152 PCI-024-2021 Diseño de mecanismos de seguimiento del área de Impulso Económico Global UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 04-May-21 07-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77150 RFO/LBY/2021/017 -SALE OF INVENTORY FOR WASTE DISPOSAL (ELECTRONIC DEVICES, NOTEBOOKS, ROLL UPS – BANNERS, T-SHIRTS,TYRES) UNDP Counrty Office LIBYA Other 15-Apr-21 07-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77149 Supply, installation, commissioning, and after-sales services for Solar at the County Service Centers Lofa (Voinjama), Gbarpolu, Bomi, County Service Centres UNDP Country Office LIBERIA RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Apr-21 07-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77148 UN Women Civil Society Advisory Group on Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women UN Women, Liberia UNDP ON BEHALF OF UN WOMEN LIBERIA LIBERIA EOI - Expression of interest 15-May-21 07-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77147 RFQ-016-21-Rehabilitation Works in Al Kashif Garden in Daraa Syria SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Apr-21 07-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77061 Estrategia de Comunicacion Municipalidad Guatemala PNUD GUATEMALA GUATEMALA RFP - Request for proposal 17-May-21 @ 11:59 AM (New York time) 07-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77146 RFQ: Provision and installation of solar power for Lagodekhi Business Service Yard UNDP Country office GEORGIA RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Apr-21 07-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77145 IC - Elaboration d'une étude sur la réforme institutionnelle, structurelle, organisationnelle et de gestion financière de l'Agence de Protection et d'Aménagement du Littoral UNDP Tunisia TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 21-Apr-21 07-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77142 Recrutement d'un Consultant national / Réalisation de l'Évaluation du financement du développement au Togo BUREAU PAYS PNUD TOGO IC - Individual contractor 14-Apr-21 07-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 73610 Consultant to support Istanbul Regional Hub (IRH) with the promotion of risk informed Istanbul Regional Center TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 21-Apr-21 07-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77144 SDP/020/PNUD/2021. Servicios de Instalación de Data Center para la Fundación Musical Simón Bolívar UNDP Country Office VENEZUELA RFP - Request for proposal 20-Apr-21 07-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77143 Recrutement d'un prestataire pour la réalisation des travaux de sécurisation de la Prison de Ngaragba (réhabilitation et pose de concertina sur les mûrs de clôture) UNDP CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Apr-21 07-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77141 RECRUTEMENT CONSULTANT INTERNATIONAL / REALISATION DE L'EVALUATION DU FINANCEMENT DU DEVELOPPEMENT AU TOGO BUREAU PAYS PNUD TOGO IC - Individual contractor 14-Apr-21 07-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77140 Створення та просування анімованого відеоролика з тематики татівства UNFPA UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Apr-21 07-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77139 [Deadline extension] T210402 – 01 National Consultant to support the Portfolio on Plastic and Circular Economy UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 03-May-21 07-Apr-21 HEALTH HEALTH 77131 Засоби індивідуального захисту від COVID-19 для медичного персоналу UNFPA UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Apr-21 07-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77136 RFQ 125-21- Supply of Furniture to Al Wathba Schoo Country Office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Apr-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 07-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77135 Rehabilitation Police Station Iraq IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 03-May-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 07-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77134 UNDP-IC-2021-133-3D Visualizer: Urban Resilience and Development Framework Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 21-Apr-21 07-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77133 Rehabilitation of Police Station in Ibrahim Khalil Country Office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Apr-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 07-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77132 RFQ/054/21 Reconstruction works related to establishment of infirmary in settlement Šip UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Apr-21 07-Apr-21 HEALTH HEALTH 77128 RFQ for CPHL and TB Lab Consumables UNDP Country Office Afghanistan AFGHANISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Apr-21 @ 04:13 AM (New York time) 07-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77130 ITB-144-21 Supply of Equipment for College of Engineering in Sherqat-Sherqat District-Salahdin Governorate,Iraq RBAS IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 30-Apr-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 07-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77127 ITB-126-21-Rehab of Police Station - 2 Lots Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 28-Apr-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 07-Apr-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 77126 Procurement of Organic Pest Control Products (Organik Zararlı Kontrol Ürünleri Alımı) Turkey TURKEY RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Apr-21 07-Apr-21 HEALTH HEALTH 77125 Re-Advertised RFQ Food Supply for UNDP-GFP UNDP Country Office Afghanistan AFGHANISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Apr-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 07-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77124 Engagement of a Strategic Planning Consultant for the Evaluation Roadmap Philippines PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 20-Apr-21 06-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77123 Healthcare Waste Management Specialist Philippines PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 21-Apr-21 06-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77122 Recrutement de service pour le recrutement de deux structures d'accompagnement (LOT 2) GUINEA, Office GUINEA RFP - Request for proposal 19-Apr-21 06-Apr-21 AGRO-INDUSTRY AGRO-INDUSTRY 77121 PNUD-ECU-IAL-ADQ-21-137785 ADQUISICION DE KITS UNDP Country Office ECUADOR ITB - Invitation to bid 13-Apr-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 06-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77120 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA: SDP-2021-012 CONSULTORÍA PARA LA INTEGRACIÓN EFECTIVA DE ESTRATEGIAS DE ADAPTACIÓN AL CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO EN PROCESOS DE PLANIFICACIÓN MUNICIPAL EN LOS CANTONES DE POCOCÍ Y MATINA" (NAP COSTA RICA MATINA -POCOCÍ) UNDP Country Office COSTA RICA RFP - Request for proposal 21-Apr-21 06-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77117 Deliverable Based Individual Consultancy Services as Transport Sector Expert for Preparation of Climate Change Strategy 2050 and Action Plan 2030 UNDP Turkey Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 30-Apr-21 06-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77116 Provision of Cash Delivery Services for UNDP-Iraq Country Office IRAQ RFP - Request for proposal 20-Apr-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 06-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77114 Recruitment of National Consultancy for revision of joint proposals UNDP Country Office GHANA IC - Individual contractor 12-Apr-21 06-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77115 Recrutement d'un consultant pour en charge de l'appui a la digitalisation des offres de la formation de NASLA Cameroon CAMEROON IC - Individual contractor 20-Apr-21 06-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77113 Rehab-Furnit Muhallbiya Police Station-Direct Nina UNDP Country Office, Erbil, Iraq - IRAQ IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 27-Apr-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 06-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77112 Rehab-Furnit Awinat-Rabia police station-Direct Ta UNDP Country Office, Erbil, Iraq - IRAQ IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 27-Apr-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 06-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77111 SDP-015-2021 Producción de 4 cortos documentales y productos promocionales, explicando el concepto de desarrollo sostenible y el trabajo del PNUD para alcanzarlo en México. UNDP Country Office MEXICO RFP - Request for proposal 20-Apr-21 06-Apr-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 77110 00040985-RFP LTA-for Azure Web Development for UVP United Nations Volunteers (UNV) GERMANY RFP - Request for proposal 27-Apr-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 06-Apr-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 77109 RFQ 2021-24 : Acquisition de stations de travail UNDP Country Office TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Apr-21 06-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77108 RFQ 2021-25 : Acquisition de Mobiliers de bureau UNDP Country Office TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Apr-21 06-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77107 Deliverable Based Individual Consultancy Services as Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) Sector Expert for Preparation of Climate Change Strategy 2050 and Action Plan 2030 UNDP Turkey Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 30-Apr-21 06-Apr-21 IRRIGATION IRRIGATION 77106 LBN-CO-ITB-91-21 - Deir El Ahmar Irrigation Canals - Event ID 0000008941 UNDP Country Office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 27-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 06-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77105 Recrutement deux ONG ou Structure spécialiste pour l'accompagnement entrepreneurial de 174 Jeunes volontaires au SCAD Conakry et Kindia UNDP GUINEE GUINEA RFP - Request for proposal 19-Apr-21 06-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77104 Deliverable Based Individual Consultancy Services as Energy Sector Expert for Preparation of Climate Change Strategy 2050 and Action Plan 2030 UNDP Turkey Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 22-Apr-21 06-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77103 Call for Proposal (CFP) To strengthen capacities of shelters to support women survivors of violence to ad-dress and protect legal property ownership and inheritance rights which were under-mined due to traditional patriarchal values; UNWOMEN Kosovo, UNSCR 1244 (1999) CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 29-Apr-21 06-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77102 Call for Proposal (CFP) To improve professional capacities and increase the number of professional staff, judges, victims advocate, and police investigation officers engaged in service provision UNWOMEN Kosovo, UNSCR 1244 (1999) CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 29-Apr-21 06-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77101 Deliverable Based Individual Consultancy Services as Building Sector Expert for Preparation of Climate Change Strategy 2050 and Action Plan 2030 UNDP Turkey Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 30-Apr-21 06-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77100 Call for Proposal (CFP) To establish a web-based platform for legal counselling support, hiring lawyers, and making the service also accessible to women with disabilities UNWOMEN Kosovo, UNSCR 1244 (1999) CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 29-Apr-21 06-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77099 CW Police Station-Observation Post-Sit out Banki UNDP Nigeria NIGERIA ITB - Invitation to bid 16-Apr-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 06-Apr-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 77094 Solicitud de Cotización (SdC) 131309-2421/19 "Adquisición de 65 dispositivos móviles tipo tablet para actualización cartográfica y captura de datos en el campo" PNUD GUATEMALA GUATEMALA RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Apr-21 06-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77098 Selection of a Firm for the provision of Consulting Services: Execution of an Information and Awareness Campaign for the Citizens Feedback Mechanism Initiative UNDP Country Office LIBERIA RFP - Request for proposal 12-Apr-21 06-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77097 National Consultant for Comprehensive Review of the ADR Act, 2005 Gambia GAMBIA IC - Individual contractor 20-Apr-21 06-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77096 LBN-CO-CFP-90-21 NGO to work with CFKD UNDP Country Office LEBANON CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 27-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 06-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77093 Recrutement Consultant National pour la "Numérisation des données géologiques, cartographie et estimation des réserves des Minéraux du Développement » dans 4 Préfectures Pilotes du Programme ACP-UE PNUD en faveur des Minéraux du Développement en Guinée Guinée GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 18-Apr-21 06-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77095 Deliverable Based Individual Consultancy Services as Agriculture Sector Expert for Preparation of Climate Change Strategy 2050 and Action Plan 2030 UNDP Turkey Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 22-Apr-21 06-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77068 CHL/SDP/040/2021 Consultoría para la contribución al Plan de Adaptación en pesca y acuicultura, mediante la conservación y uso sustentable de los ecosistemas de algas pardas y estudio de su aporte al Carbono Azul" Country Office CHILE RFP - Request for proposal 26-Apr-21 06-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77092 ITB-145-21 Rehabilitation of Anah Sewing Factory, Anah ,Anbar governorate,Iraq RBAS IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 27-Apr-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 06-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77091 Consultancy for National Multimedia Firm Gambia GAMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 20-Apr-21 06-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77090 Consultant national en charge de l'étude de faisabilité des projets d'intercommunalité province Makamba et Rutana UNDP CO BURUNDI IC - Individual contractor 13-Apr-21 06-Apr-21 FORESTRY FORESTRY 77089 RFP-N-210401: A national consulting firm to conduct soil assessment in two provinces (Nam Dinh and Ca Mau province) UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 25-Apr-21 06-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77088 Deliverable Based Individual Consultancy Services as Waste Sector Expert for Preparation of Climate Change Strategy 2050 and Action Plan 2030 UNDP Turkey Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 30-Apr-21 06-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77087 UNDP-IC-2021-132- Consultant for Advanced Business Application Programming (ABAP) Programmer for SDGs Integration with Recurrent Budget in Balochistan Integrated Financial Management Information System (IFMIS) Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 20-Apr-21 06-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77085 Organization and conduction of Summer school for Afghan women-students in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan/ Организация и проведение Летней школы для афганских студенток в Казахстане и Узбекистане UN Women KAZAKHSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 16-Apr-21 06-Apr-21 HEALTH HEALTH 77086 BIH/RFQ-053-21 Supply and Delivery of Disinfection supplies and equipment UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Apr-21 06-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77084 RFP-030-IND-2021 - End Term Evaluation Study for Project Uddyam UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 23-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 06-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77083 UNDP-IC-2021-130 Lead Economic Advisor UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 20-Apr-21 06-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77081 Provide operational support to the implementation of UNODC HIV activities in Algeria. UNDP ALGERIA, RBAS pour l'UNODC ALGERIA IC - Individual contractor 30-Apr-21 06-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77082 Rehabilitation of Domeez Police Station in Domeez UNDP SERVICE CENTRE Erbil- Iraq IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 04-May-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 06-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77078 PN 2021-018 Archivist to UNDP Country Office UNDP Country Office KYRGYZSTAN IC - Individual contractor 19-Apr-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 06-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77080 278/IC/RIO/2021 Recrutement de deux (2) Consultants individuels nationaux pour l'Analyse des textes législatifs et légaux qui ont une incidence directe sur l'intégration des obligations de la Convention de Rio dans les politiques et les plans sectoriel MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 10-Jun-21 06-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77079 RFP Fabrication and Supply of Rain Gauges UNDP Country Office ZAMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 30-Apr-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 06-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77077 2021-PN-012-International Consultant Annual Report Writer and Graphic Designer Yangon MYANMAR RFP - Request for proposal 23-Apr-21 06-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77076 PN-N-210401 - International consultant - Soil Specialist – GCF1 project UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 25-Apr-21 06-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77075 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA: SDP-2021-009 Diseño y producción del aula virtual módulos de capacitación UNDP Country Office COSTA RICA RFP - Request for proposal 25-Apr-21 05-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77074 SDC/00132174/044/2021 "Adquisición del Servicio de Diseño Gráfico Y Diagramación Del Documento "Plan De Reconstrucción Y Desarrollo Sostenible Por Los Efectos De Las Tormentas Iota Y Eta"" Oficina de Pais HONDURAS RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Apr-21 05-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77073 3551 PAN 2021 - Diseño, desarrollo e implementación de estándares técnicos, herramientas de cálculo, formatos de reporte y calculadora de huella hídrica. UNDP Country Office PANAMA RFP - Request for proposal 20-Apr-21 05-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77072 SdC ADQ 21 136023 Certificacion BPA cafe y cacao UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Apr-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 05-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77071 PCI-023-2021 Diseño y desarrollo de un sitio web sobre las Contribuciones Determinadas a nivel Nacional alojado dentro del Sitio Oficial de País México ante el cambio climático UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 19-Apr-21 05-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77070 Recrutement d'un cabinet chargé de mener une étude diagnostique du potentiel economique local dans les communes de bargny, mont rolland et sandiara COUNTRY OFFICE SENEGAL RFP - Request for proposal 26-Apr-21 05-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77066 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL: CI/CRI/2021/98756/134443/Transferencia Tecnológica, Educación y Fomento de Capacidades UNDP Country Office COSTA RICA IC - Individual contractor 19-Apr-21 05-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77067 IC 137796 UNDSS Stress Counselor UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE - JAMAICA JAMAICA IC - Individual contractor 13-Apr-21 05-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77065 Rehabilitation and Furniture for Police Stations UNDP SERVICE CENTRE Erbil- Iraq IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 03-May-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 05-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77064 IC 21 135998 acompanamiento GADs UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 26-Apr-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 05-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77063 PREVISION DE SERVICIOS DE SEGURIDAD GE EQUATORIAL GUINEA ITB - Invitation to bid 23-Apr-21 05-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77062 Recrutement d'un consultant national pour le contrôle technique de la mise en œuvre des installations des mats de mesures de vent UNDP Country Office MAURITANIA IC - Individual contractor 14-Apr-21 05-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77060 RFP-2021-10 Strategic Counter-Narrative Content UNDP BRH THAILAND RFP - Request for proposal 20-Apr-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 05-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77059 RFP 039/21 Gender Impact Assessment for selected employability programs of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs of RA UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFP - Request for proposal 19-Apr-21 05-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77058 ETH2186- Team Leader is for Western Amhara Region - Senior National Consultant for Integrated forest management plan preparation for Enclosures in ANR sites of 63 project intervention districts of Ethiopia Team Leader and forest management expert UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Apr-21 @ 03:59 PM (New York time) 05-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77057 RFQ 041/21 Renovation of the school canteens of Areni and Khndzorut communities in Vayots Dzor region. UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Apr-21 05-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77045 RFPMUSCRR2021-001 - Coral Resilience and Genetic Connectivity consultancy services UNDP Country Office MAURITIUS RFP - Request for proposal 07-May-21 05-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77054 Consultancy services - Tender evaluation to procure a team of consultants in coral resilience and genetic connectivity UNDP Country Office MAURITIUS IC - Individual contractor 12-Apr-21 05-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77056 ETH2185- Team Leader is for Eastern Amhara Region - Senior National Consultant for Integrated forest management plan preparation for Enclosures in ANR sites of 63 project intervention districts of Ethiopia Team leader and forest management expert UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 19-Apr-21 @ 03:59 PM (New York time) 05-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77055 Consultant national, formateur pour le personnel cadre des opérateurs dans les domaines des énergies renouvelables UNDP Country Office MAURITANIA IC - Individual contractor 14-Apr-21 05-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77053 UNDP-IC-2021-054 - Project Consultant – Synthetic Drug Assessment Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 19-Apr-21 05-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77052 A national expert to develop technical substances for a publication on energy efficient buildings UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 12-Apr-21 05-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77051 RFQ 09-21 Photocopying Services CO MONTENEGRO RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Apr-21 05-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77046 Climate Finance Consultant UNDP Country Office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 20-Apr-21 05-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77050 ITB20210 Windrow Composting Turner Machine2 UNDP Country Office JORDAN ITB - Invitation to bid 21-Apr-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 05-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77049 RFQ PAREC 04 2021 CAMEROON CAMEROON RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Apr-21 05-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77048 ETH2184-Team Leader for Oromia-Senior National Consultant for Integrated forest management plan preparation for Enclosures in ANR sites of 63 project intervention districts of Ethiopia Team leader and forest management expert UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 31-May-21 @ 03:59 PM (New York time) 05-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77044 MNG/IC/2021/046 - National Contractor - Gender Officer UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 16-Apr-21 05-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77043 MNG/IC/2021/045 - National Consultant - Policy Brief on package professionalization training in the civil service UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 16-Apr-21 05-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77042 UNDP-IC-2021-055 - Police Training Consultant Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 19-Apr-21 05-Apr-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 77041 Purchase of Prison Security Items UNDP Maldives Country Office MALDIVES RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Apr-21 05-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77040 UNDP-IC-2021-053 - Gender and HR Research Consultant - HTMS Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 19-Apr-21 05-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77038 National Consultant on youth engagement in Industry 4.0 technologies and expansion of startups' prototype services of the ITC's Center of Excellence UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 25-Apr-21 05-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77037 RFP-DRR-2021-08 - Request for Proposal - Conduct the Digital Diagnostic Assessment & Solution Development for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) & Recovery – Sri Lanka UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFP - Request for proposal 23-Apr-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 05-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77036 IC/UNDP/RRU-DIRECT/047/2021 - Consultant for Mapping and Analysis of Vulnerable Groups for DRR (Readvertisement) UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 19-Apr-21 04-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77035 Short Term Engagement of Individual Consultant to Develop data sharing policy UNDP Country Office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 21-Apr-21 04-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77034 IC 21 135177 incentivos tributarios UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 28-Apr-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 03-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77033 IC 21 134618 implementacion enfoque genero UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 22-Apr-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 03-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77032 Provision of services 3 LOTs Albania ALBANIA RFP - Request for proposal 17-May-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 03-Apr-21 HEALTH HEALTH 77031 RFQ : 010/2021 Fourniture de Matériels COVID UNDP NIGER NIGER RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Apr-21 03-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77030 National Consultant to support the Government of Liberia to develop a Monitoring and Evaluation system for the National Action Plan on Women Peace and Security (NAP WPS) UNDP ON BEHALF OF UN WOMEN LIBERIA LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 09-Apr-21 03-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77029 ITB-119-21- Construction of Telkaif Judicial Compx Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 25-Apr-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 02-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77028 INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANT FOR COMPENDIUM UNDP LIBERIA ON BEHALF OF UN WOMEN LIBERIA LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 09-Apr-21 02-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77027 UNDP CYP ITB 064 EID 8905 2021 - Construction of Kormakitis Center for Cooperation Nicosia CYPRUS ITB - Invitation to bid 06-May-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 02-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77024 47‐2021‐RFP‐UNDP‐LITACA3 - Strengthening the potential of handicraft producers of Tajikistan UNDP Country Office TAJIKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 15-Apr-21 02-Apr-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 77025 LBN-CO-RFQ-89-21 Procurement of IT equipment ISF UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 02-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77023 02 National Consultants to update information related to mercury purchase, use and emissions in industries including 6 selected industries in Green Chemistry project and Review the implementation of Minamata Convention in Vietnam (Ref. 210401) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 18-Apr-21 02-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77022 RFP-2021-09 Website Developer UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub THAILAND RFP - Request for proposal 19-Apr-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 02-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77021 Readvert-ETH2222-National Consultant - Senior Advisor for DBE vice president- banking and finance office under DBE (Development Bank of Ethiopia) UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Apr-21 @ 03:59 PM (New York time) 02-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77020 RFP 2021 06 BCP Planning Capacity Thailand THAILAND RFP - Request for proposal 26-Apr-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 02-Apr-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 77018 455-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-RPP_Purchasing of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) equipment/ Закупівля STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) обладнання Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Apr-21 02-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77019 RFQ-2021-014 Provision of services of maintenance and repair of automatic fire alarm systems/Техническое обслуживание и ремонт систем автоматической пожарной сигнализации UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Apr-21 02-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77017 RFQ: Rehabilitation works of the classroom and toilet at Abkhaz Multi - Industrial College UNDP Country office GEORGIA RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Apr-21 02-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77016 RFP-21-006 - UNDAF Evaluation UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA RFP - Request for proposal 28-Apr-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 02-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77015 Private Sector Partnership Consultant UNDP Representation Office in Tokyo JAPAN IC - Individual contractor 19-Apr-21 02-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77014 Ref.2021-030 National expert in the field of gender equality and the empowerment of women/Национальный эксперт по гендерному равенству, расширению прав и возможностей женщин UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 25-Apr-21 02-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77013 International Consultant specialized in gender responsive procurement to support the Public Procurement and Concessions Commission UNDP ON BEHALF OF UN WOMEN LIBERIA LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 19-Apr-21 02-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77012 Scoping study to map regionally active CSOs and to identify an existing indigenous women's right organization in Central Asia with potential to become a regional grant making body UN Women KAZAKHSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 15-Apr-21 01-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77011 Individual Consultant - Finance KPI Development (National & International) GSSU MALAYSIA IC - Individual contractor 15-Apr-21 01-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77009 SdP ADQ 21 134605 campana de comunicacion UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 26-Apr-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 01-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77010 Knowledge Management Consultant - Kampala, UGANDA UNCDF UGANDA IC - Individual contractor 16-Apr-21 01-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77008 IC 112-2021 Especialista en Hidrologia UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE PERU IC - Individual contractor 06-May-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 01-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 77006 ITB-109-21-Rehabilitation of Police Stations and f UNDP IRAQ OFFICE IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 20-Apr-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 01-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77005 RFP Local Firm to Provide Event Management Services to UNDP Maldives UNDP Country Office MALDIVES RFP - Request for proposal 15-Apr-21 01-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77004 RFP Local Firm to Develop Series of Graphic and Layout Designs UNDP Organized Activities UNDP Country Office MALDIVES RFP - Request for proposal 15-Apr-21 01-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 77003 RFP Local Firm to Deliver Series of Photos on UNDP Organized Activities UNDP Country Office MALDIVES RFP - Request for proposal 15-Apr-21 01-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76866 CLOSED EARLY
CHL/SDC/036 /2021 Adquisición de Servicio de Remodelación para la adecuación de Espacios de programas en la Región de Valparaíso UNDP Country Office CHILE RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Apr-21 01-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 76988 CFPMUSCRR2021-001- Call for Proposals from NGOs for the implementation of Coral Reef Restoration activities in Mauritius UNDP Country Office MAURITIUS CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 10-May-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 01-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 76993 CFPMUSCRR2021-002 - Call for Proposals from NGOs for the implementation of Coral Reef Restoration activities in Rodrigues UNDP Country Office MAURITIUS CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 10-May-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 01-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 77000 Consultancy services - Tender evaluation for Procurement of Marine and Oceanographic equipment UNDP Country Office MAURITIUS IC - Individual contractor 08-Apr-21 01-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76999 RFQ: Research Institute to Conduct a Review of UNDP Performance and a Formative Analysis of UNDP's Geographical Strategy and Positioning, ICPE India Independent Evaluation Office UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Apr-21 01-Apr-21 IMPORT/EXPORT IMPORT/EXPORT 77002 RFQ N°009-2021 Fourniture des matériels de couture UNDP NIGER NIGER RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Apr-21 01-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 77001 RFQ015_21 Supply and install Equipment for Laboratories of Falluja University in Falluja,Anbar Governorate,Iraq. RBAS IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Apr-21 @ 05:07 AM (New York time) 01-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76996 IC/004/21 - National Consultant to review the financial support mechanism - Readvertisement UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 15-Apr-21 01-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 76998 supply, installation, commissioning, and after-sales services for Off-Grid Solar PV BO Water Side Immigration Post, Grand Cape Mount, County,Liberia UNDP Country Office LIBERIA RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Apr-21 01-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76997 Recruitment of an International Consultancy Firm to carry out a study on nexus needs assessment and investment opportunity in Guinea-Bissau Bissau GUINEA-BISSAU RFP - Request for proposal 25-Apr-21 @ 08:41 AM (New York time) 01-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76994 CONSTRUCTION OF SCHOOL AND ADJOINING BUILDINGS COUNTRY OFFICE NIGERIA ITB - Invitation to bid 21-Apr-21 @ 06:41 AM (New York time) 01-Apr-21 HEALTH HEALTH 76995 SDC-13-2021 "Adquisición de Insumos Médicos para el Centro de Atención Integral a la Primera Infancia (CAIPI)" UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Apr-21 01-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76992 National Consultant on improving the practice of registration of trademarks UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE TURKMENISTAN IC - Individual contractor 14-Apr-21 01-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76991 National Consultant on development of proposals for conclusion of international treaties on trade and economic cooperation UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN IC - Individual contractor 14-Apr-21 01-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76987 RFP to monetize the Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) number block registration rights. UNDP HQs - New York UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RFP - Request for proposal 16-Apr-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 01-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76990 Hiring firm/organization to a conduct study on factors that fuel corruption and their patterns and provide training and support for CSOs and the media to monitor and investigate corruption cases. UNDP Country Office LIBERIA RFP - Request for proposal 09-Apr-21 01-Apr-21 HEALTH HEALTH 76989 306-2021-HIST-ITB-EPO-LTA Procurement of rEPO UNDP Copenhagen DENMARK ITB - Invitation to bid 26-Apr-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 01-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76986 RFP-UNDP-ENV-136939-019-2021 - Independent Assessor for conducting independent assessment of the GCF REDD+ Results-Based Payments project in Indonesia UNDP Country Office INDONESIA RFP - Request for proposal 15-Apr-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 01-Apr-21 OIL/GAS  EXPLORATION OIL/GAS EXPLORATION 76985 MANAGING NATURAL GAS RESOURCES FOR SDG ACCELERATION IN MOZAMBIQUE: AN ECONOMYWIDE MODELLING ASSESSMENT UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE MOZAMBIQUE IC - Individual contractor 16-Apr-21 01-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76984 RFP 2021-29 Educational Modules KGZ10 KYRGYZSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 27-Apr-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 01-Apr-21 HEALTH HEALTH 76983 3 Biomedical Engineers to support the LPDC in conducting the needs assessments, the development of technical specifications of medical equipment and biomedical works, the supervision of deliveries and works implemented in Hospitals and Isolation Centers UNDP Country Office LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 12-Apr-21 01-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76981 RFP Local Firm to Deliver Series of Photos and Record Videos on UNDP Organized Activities UNDP Country Office MALDIVES RFP - Request for proposal 15-Apr-21 01-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76982 RFP-027-IND-2021 - Employability Skills Training and Placement of Women and Youth in Madhya Pradesh UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 20-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 01-Apr-21 OTHER OTHER 76980 RFQ Purchase items for Co-Shared Kitchen for BCC Maldives MALDIVES RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Apr-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 01-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76933 ITB/LBY/SLCRR/2021/8882 Six classrooms Tejerhe Primary School Qatroon UNDP Counrty Office LIBYA ITB - Invitation to bid 26-Apr-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 01-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76979 National firm to organize induction and consultation workshops for UNPRPD project (Ref. B-210401) UNDP Vietnam VIET NAM RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Apr-21 01-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76978 National Consultancy firm to conduct a quick needs assessment on women and youth-run businesses and SMEs, cooperatives involved in agriculture/horticulture and tourism sectors and affected by Covi-19 economic chocks Rwanda RWANDA RFP - Request for proposal 21-Apr-21 01-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76977 Re-Advertisement - Recruitment of an International Firm to investigate the potential of inter-catchments water transfer in Selected Rwandan Catchments Rwanda RWANDA RFP - Request for proposal 05-May-21 01-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76976 UNDP-IC-2021-125-Consultant For Technical Support to Imbed SDGs targets & Indicators in Govt of KP Budget Tracking System (GFMIS & SAP) Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 15-Apr-21 01-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76975 01 National Consultant as Local Strategic Advisor for UN-HABITAT UNDP Country Office VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 12-Apr-21 01-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76974 Individua Consultancy for Mid Term Review for CRIM Project Malawi UNDP Country Office MALAWI IC - Individual contractor 14-Apr-21 01-Apr-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76973 Construction _DECEM-NEOC Extension & Existing Building Refurbishment UNDP Pacific FIJI RFQ - Request for quotation 07-May-21 01-Apr-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76971 RFQ-2021-013 Provision of Backup Internet connection services/Предоставление услуги резервного подключения к сети интернет UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Apr-21 01-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76972 T210401 - 01 National Consultant to conduct a feasibility study of Green Building Certificate for a selected building Energy Efficiency Improvement in Commercial and High-Rise Residential Buildings in Viet Nam UNDP Country Office - VIET NAM VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 08-Apr-21 01-Apr-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76969 IC/UNDP/AIS/073/2021 - Expert for Blue Economy Development Index UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 30-Apr-21 31-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76970 Training and Development Specialist for Workshop Facilitation and Development of a Comprehensive Training Manual for the Free Wi-Fi For All (FWFA) Project Beneficiaries Philippines PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 15-Apr-21 31-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76968 IC-186-2021 Asesoria incidencia politicas publicas UNDP Country Office PERU IC - Individual contractor 14-Apr-21 @ 02:00 PM (New York time) 31-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76967 RFP2021/WSM01 - THIRD NATIONAL COMMUNICATION AND FIRST BIENNIAL UPDATE REPORT (Re-advert3) UNDP Country Office SAMOA RFP - Request for proposal 11-Apr-21 31-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 76966 Supply of ICT Equipment for FSM UNDP Pacific FIJI RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Apr-21 31-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76965 SDP 162-2021 Capacitacion y desarrollo de Tablero UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE PERU RFP - Request for proposal 03-May-21 @ 12:00 PM (New York time) 31-Mar-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 76963 Supply of Cargo Van ( Re-advertised) UNDP Pacific FIJI RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Apr-21 31-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76962 SDP-07-2021 Acompañamiento en la implementación y configuración inicial de una solución tecnológica ERP UNDP Country Office DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 14-Apr-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 31-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76961 ICN-003-2021 - RECRUTEMENT D'UN CONSULTANT(E) NATIONAL (E) EN TRANSFORMATION NUMERIQUE POUR LE PROJET MODERNISATION DE L'ADMINISTRATION Mauritania CO MAURITANIA IC - Individual contractor 07-Apr-21 31-Mar-21 HEALTH HEALTH 76913 OFFRE POUR ACQUISITION DES GANTS -RFQ/MRT/003/2021 Mauritania CO MAURITANIA RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Apr-21 31-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76958 18457-2021 Expert Organization to deliver a training on Facilitating Collaborative Partnerships during the 2021 Good Growth Conference Regional Centre PANAMA RFP - Request for proposal 19-Apr-21 31-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76960 IC URU18002-1073 - Consultor/a local para la realización del Proyecto de Drenaje Sustentable del Canaletón Migueletito en la localidad de San Ramón, departamento de Canelones. URUGUAY URUGUAY IC - Individual contractor 12-Apr-21 31-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76959 PCI-022-2021 Definición de Estructura Abierta del área de Impulso Económico Global UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 04-May-21 31-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76957 National Consultancy for Community Consultation UNDP Country Office TANZANIA IC - Individual contractor 09-Apr-21 31-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76956 National Consultancy for Climate Change Adaptation Mitigation Expert UNDP Country Office TANZANIA IC - Individual contractor 09-Apr-21 31-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76955 CLOSED EARLY
PCI-021-2021 Servicios de consultoría para la evaluación de medio término del Proyecto "Rendición de Cuentas, Participación Ciudadana y Prevención de la Corrupción para el Desarrollo Sostenible" UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 14-Apr-21 31-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76954 RFPProposal for conducting a Building Condition Assessment (BCA) at the UN House in Gaborone UNDP CO BOTSWANA RFP - Request for proposal 16-Apr-21 31-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76953 Drilling Works for Borehole-Solar Daura PHCC UNDP Nigeria NIGERIA ITB - Invitation to bid 12-Apr-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 31-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76952 IC-171-2021 Esp Genero y Salvaguardas UNDP Country Office PERU IC - Individual contractor 16-Apr-21 @ 02:00 PM (New York time) 31-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76951 ITB.UNDP.21.057 Construction Tribunal Gressier UNDP-HAITI HAITI ITB - Invitation to bid 26-Apr-21 @ 04:30 PM (New York time) 31-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76950 RFP/UNDP/TIGER/134341/009/2021 - Feasibility Study and Detailed Engineering Design of North Sumatra Animal Rescue Centre: Preparatory Work for Sukuk as Potential Source of Financing Country Office INDONESIA RFP - Request for proposal 14-Apr-21 @ 11:16 AM (New York time) 31-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76949 RFQ 690 Mobile phone services Country Office SERBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Apr-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 31-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76940 Recrutement de deux Consultants internationaux et un national pour la préparation d'une étude sur la tarification et l'élaboration d'un modèle de calcul des tarifs de vente et d'achat de l'électricité produite par les mini-réseaux au Burundi Burundi BURUNDI IC - Individual contractor 18-Apr-21 31-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76948 LBN-CO-RFP-85-21 LTA design and supervision UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFP - Request for proposal 26-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 31-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76947 International Senior Project Researcher UNDP Country Office EGYPT IC - Individual contractor 22-Apr-21 31-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76946 RFQ/052/21 Development and organization of Training on managing river flows for ecological integrity - EXTENDED DEADLINE!!! UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Apr-21 31-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76945 RFQ 063 EID 8891 2021 - Conservation project designs of 3 Mosques UNDP Cyprus CYPRUS RFQ - Request for quotation 18-May-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 31-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76943 UNDP-IC-2021-052 - Paralegal Consultant - legal Aid - Sindh Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 14-Apr-21 31-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76942 UNDP-IC-2021-051 - Junior Consultant - legal Aid - Sindh Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 14-Apr-21 31-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76941 UNDP-RFQ-2020-118 Supply and installation of Lift UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Apr-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 31-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76939 Individual Consultant – Governance Community of Practice Facilitator UNDP Country Office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 20-Apr-21 31-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76938 PN-N-210302 - A National Technical Consultant – Disaster Risk Management UNDP Viet Nam VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 07-Apr-21 31-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76937 Community Engagement, Capacity Building, Advocacy and Promotion of Local Development Expert UNDP Country Office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 20-Apr-21 31-Mar-21 MINES MINES 76935 RFA - SMALL GRANTS PROJECT PROPOSALS FOR ARTISANAL AND SMALL-SCALE MINING OF DEVELOPMENT MINERALS KAMPALA UGANDA Other 14-May-21 31-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76936 Provision of Individual Service for Nursing Support Coordinator LBN/CO/IC/86/21 UNDP Country office LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 14-Apr-21 31-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76934 RfP21/02237: Provision of support to women agri-producers/businesses in Nisporeni, Calarasi, Basarabeasca, Leova, ATU Gagauzia, the Security Zone and Transnistria region UNDP Country Office MOLDOVA RFP - Request for proposal 04-May-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 31-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76932 Individual Consultant - Local Government Training Needs Assessment UNDP Country Office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 20-Apr-21 31-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76931 Individual Consultant - Environmental Analyst UNDP Country Office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 20-Apr-21 31-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76930 RFQ/051/21 Supervision over the construction of the Music School in Tuzla (Phase I), Bosnia and Herzegovina UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Apr-21 31-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76907 RFQ 008/BFA/PNUD/2021 : Travaux de construction d'un (01) centre de poterie à Tcheriba dans la région de la boucle du Mouhoun». UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Apr-21 31-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76929 RfP 2236 EU4MD-Business Clusters Conceptualization UNDP Country Office MOLDOVA RFP - Request for proposal 28-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 31-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76915 ITB - Provision of Recruitment Agency Services GSSU MALAYSIA ITB - Invitation to bid 30-Apr-21 @ 11:00 PM (New York time) 31-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76927 Call for Proposal UNDP Country Office GEORGIA Other 10-May-21 31-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76926 321-2021 technical equipment for press studios of the State Emergency Services in Donetsk, Luhansk and Zaporizhzhia oblasts / на технічне обладнання для прес-служб ДСНС в Донецькій, Луганській та Запорізькій областях Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Apr-21 31-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76890 Javni poziv za učešće u ReLOaD2 projektu svim jedinicama lokalne samouprave koje nisu prethodno učestvovale u ReLOaD/LOD projektu - PRODUZENJE ROKA!!! UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 21-May-21 31-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76925 RFQ 062 EID 8861 2021 - Conservation designs of a church UNDP Cyprus CYPRUS RFQ - Request for quotation 18-May-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 31-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76923 RFQ-2021-012 Technical maintenance services/Выполнение услуг по техническому обслуживанию UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Apr-21 30-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76924 RFQ/021/21 - Запрос на предоставление коммерческого предложения на производство, доставку и установку встроенной мебели согласно представленному техническому заданию UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Apr-21 30-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76922 RFP/005/21 – оказание услуг по письменному переводу и корректуре UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 14-Apr-21 30-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76921 RFP-2021-08 the Implementation of Youth Startup Su Bangkok Regional Hub THAILAND RFP - Request for proposal 13-Apr-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 30-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76920 Proceso No. COL-0000136027 - Profesional Especializado Técnico Enlace Entidad del Orden Nacional - Nivel 2 - DVR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 13-Apr-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 30-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76919 Proceso No. COL-0000136026 - Profesional de Control - Nivel 2 DVR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 13-Apr-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 30-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76918 Proceso No. COL-0000136025 - Profesional Gestión de Sedes - Nivel 3 -DVR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 13-Apr-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 30-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76917 Proceso No. COL-0000136024 - Profesional Técnico - Nivel 3 - DVR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 13-Apr-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 30-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76916 National Consultant to implement the Innovative Challenge of the Acceleration of E-commerce and SMEs Formalization (Open for National with residence in Cambodia) UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 22-Apr-21 30-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76912 IC 21 134023 analisis flujos financieros UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 14-Apr-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 30-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76911 UNDP-IC-2021-122 National Consultant to conduct Mid Term Evaluation UNDP Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 11-May-21 30-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76910 UNDP-IC-2021-121 : International National Consultant to conduct Mid Term Evaluation UNDP Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 14-Apr-21 30-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76909 Consultoría Comunicacional ODS Asunción PARAGUAY IC - Individual contractor 15-Apr-21 30-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76908 3549 PAN 2021 - Consultor para la evaluación del Gasto Público en el periodo 2016 - 2019 en Panamá, Rep. Panamá UNDP Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 22-Apr-21 30-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76905 Consultancy – Assurance Expert, SDG Impact, Finance Sector Hub, BPPS/SDG Finance/UNDP - Home Based UNDP/HQ/BPPS/SDG Finance UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Other 13-Apr-21 30-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76906 Monitoring and Evaluation Expert for BIOFIN UNDP Stateless IC - Individual contractor 16-Apr-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 30-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76904 Achat des articles divers pour le projet ACP Cameroon CAMEROON RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Apr-21 30-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75873 Monitoring, Evaluation and Knowledge Management Consultant - Dhaka, BANGLADESH UNCDF BANGLADESH IC - Individual contractor 13-Apr-21 30-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76901 Multifunctional Center Bilisht Devoll Albania ALBANIA ITB - Invitation to bid 24-May-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 30-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76900 IC-160-2021 Sist report y visualizacion espacial UNDP Country Office PERU IC - Individual contractor 26-Apr-21 @ 02:00 PM (New York time) 30-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76898 UNDPTCD10FNSRFP21003 UNDP Country Office CHAD RFP - Request for proposal 28-Apr-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 30-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76899 ITB-108-21 Rehabilitation of Zummar Directorate of Police Iraq Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 21-Apr-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 30-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76896 RECRUTEMENT D'UN·E CONSULTANT·E NATIONAL·E POUR LA FORMULATION D'UN PROGRAMME DE GOUVERNANCE LOCALE UNDP ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE IC - Individual contractor 13-Apr-21 30-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 76895 RFQ2109 Extension UNDP Maldives Country Office MALDIVES RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Apr-21 @ 07:57 AM (New York time) 30-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76894 IC2021-33 Evaulation Expert UNDP Country Office KYRGYZSTAN IC - Individual contractor 12-Apr-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 30-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76877 RFP -21-018 Provision of Capacity Building Trainings for Ministry of Fedral Goverance Sudan SUDAN RFP - Request for proposal 26-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 30-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76892 RfQ 19/2021 Preparation of Technical documentation – Detailed designs for reconstruction and adaptation with improvement of energy efficiency of 2 public health institutions in the Republic of North Macedonia - LOT 1 and LOT 2 UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Apr-21 30-Mar-21 HEALTH HEALTH 76893 298-2021-HIST-ITB-LTAs-Malaria UNDP Copenhagen DENMARK ITB - Invitation to bid 10-May-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 30-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76891 Information Management Consultant - National Consultant UNDP Country Office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 07-Apr-21 30-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76888 National Contract: "National Human Rights Coordinator" UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 13-Apr-21 30-Mar-21 TOURISM TOURISM 76889 Javni poziv za za podnošenje prijava za dodjelu bespovratnih sredstava u okviru druge faze projekta Via Dinarica UNAPREĐENJE TURISTIČKE PONUDE I USLUGA DUŽ STAZA VIA DINARICE U BOSNI I HERCEGOVINI UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 20-Apr-21 30-Mar-21 POWER POWER 76887 LBN-CO-ITB-83-21 - Supply Installation PV Systems - - Event ID: 0000008893 UNDP Country Office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 20-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 30-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76886 RFP-2021-07-Virtual Event Organizer Services Bangkok Regional Hub THAILAND RFP - Request for proposal 12-Apr-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 30-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 76884 268-269/RFQ/GBCI/2021 Fourniture d'un équipement informatique répartie en deux lots : Lot 1 : Acquisition d'équipement de sécurité informatique « pare-feu » Lot 2 : Achat et installation du serveur de centralisation des flux de données pour TNC MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Apr-21 30-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76885 Rehab. of National Security Building in Bashiqa UNDP Country Office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Apr-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 30-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76883 MNG/IC/2021/042 - National Consultant - Rehabilitation Data Analyses UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 13-Apr-21 30-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76882 RFP-036-PHL-2021: Services to Build Capacity for the Filipino Youth Philippines PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 30-Apr-21 29-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76880 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL: CI/CRI/2021/134166/112683/Asistente de Economista Principal del Proyecto RFF UNDP Country Office COSTA RICA IC - Individual contractor 12-Apr-21 29-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76879 Recrutement d'un(e) Consultant(e) International(e) « Etude de doctrine et de prospective en vue de l'architecture d'un dispositif d'élaboration et de pilotage d'un service public numérique de l'éducation et de l'alphabétisation en Guinée » GUINEA, Office GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 13-Apr-21 29-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76878 Recrutement d'un(e) Consultant(e) national(e) « Etude de l'architecture d'un dispositif de pilotage d'un service public numérique de l'éducation et de l'alphabétisation » GUINEA, Office GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 16-Jun-21 29-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76876 Contrato Individual (CI) 59882-2420/21 "Servicio de Consultoría para la Supervisión Ambiental para el Proceso "Mejoramiento Mercado La Villa, 14 Av. 18-81, Zona 10". PNUD GUATEMALA GUATEMALA RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Apr-21 29-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76874 Contrato Individual (CI) 59882-2419/21 "Servicio de Consultoría como Delegado Residente para el Proceso "Mejoramiento Mercado La Villa, 14 Av. 18-81, Zona 10". PNUD GUATEMALA GUATEMALA RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Apr-21 29-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76875 "Consultoría para marco legal para prevención y manejo de incendios urbanos, de interfase y de campo y protocolo de intervención conjunta en caso de incendios" UNDP Office Paraguay PARAGUAY IC - Individual contractor 12-Apr-21 29-Mar-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 76873 CONTRACTING A SWISS ENTITY TO PROVIDE COORDINATION SERVICES FOR THE ACADEMIC EXCHANGE PROGRAMME UNDER PROJECT PROFET UNDP Country Office CUBA RFP - Request for proposal 16-Apr-21 29-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76872 Adquisición de Merchandising Personalizada para Stand de Paraguay en la Expo Dubai 2021 Asunción PARAGUAY RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Apr-21 29-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76871 ITB 061 EID 8866 2021 - Conservation works at Tuzla Hamam and Orounta Mosque UNDP Cyprus CYPRUS ITB - Invitation to bid 25-May-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 29-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76869 LBN-CO-CFP-82-21 UNDP Country Office LEBANON CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 19-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 29-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76868 PROCESO COL 0000132005 Adquisición de indumentaria étnica en el marco del Convenio de Reparaciones Colectivas y Retornos y Reubicaciones UARIV - PNUD UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Apr-21 29-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76867 ITB-LBY-SFL-2021-8881 - Supply and Installation of Eco- LED Street light for Tripoli second Ring Road UNDP Country Office LIBYA ITB - Invitation to bid 13-Apr-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 29-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76865 RFQ 689 Design adaptation of the room and equipment installation/replacing in the building of the Institute of Public Health „Dr Milan Jovanović – Batut" in Belgrade UNDP Country Office SERBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Apr-21 29-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76864 Rehabilitation of the Youth Residence in the RDC i UNDP Office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC ITB - Invitation to bid 19-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 29-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76863 ETH2360-International Consultant for Preparation of an Integrated programme document on MSME Ecosystem Development for the period 2021-25 UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 19-Apr-21 @ 03:59 AM (New York time) 29-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76861 ITBMUS2021-001 - Procurement of ocean monitoring and survey equipment UNDP Country Office MAURITIUS ITB - Invitation to bid 26-Apr-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 29-Mar-21 HEALTH HEALTH 76862 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA (SdP) No. 00113302/5101 "CONSULTORIA PARA LA ELABORACIÓN Y EJECUCIÓN DEL ESTUDIO NACIONAL DE CALIDAD DE DATO (NATIONAL DATA QUALITY REVIEW - DQR) EN TUBERCULOSIS, EL SALVADOR, ENERO A DICIEMBRE 2020" UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR RFP - Request for proposal 19-Apr-21 29-Mar-21 HEALTH HEALTH 76860 ITB-BIH-012-21-Floor-mounted X-rays DEADLINE EXTENDED!!! UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA ITB - Invitation to bid 19-Apr-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 29-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76859 ITB00221 UNDP Mozambique MOZAMBIQUE ITB - Invitation to bid 21-Apr-21 @ 02:00 PM (New York time) 29-Mar-21 HEALTH HEALTH 76858 RFQ/050/21 Supply and Delivery of Personal protective equipment UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Apr-21 29-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76857 EXTENDED DEADLINE -RFQ20-2021 Preparation of Urban Infrastructure Plan for Regulation of Torrent in the village of Shipkovca, Municipality of Tetovo UUNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Apr-21 29-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76856 Individual Contractor (IC) – Developing a Human Mobility and Sustainable Development Project Document for the Arab Region UNDP Regional Hub Office-Amman JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 10-Apr-21 29-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75109 RFP N°007/PNUD BFA/2021:Recrutement d'un bureau d'études pour l'appui à l'élaboration du plan local de développement de la commune de Ouarkoye dans la région de la boucle du Mouhoun UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO RFP - Request for proposal 09-Apr-21 29-Mar-21 POWER POWER 76855 RFQ/020/21 - Supply and Installation of Solar Energy Equipment to Karakalpakstan / Поставка и установка солнечного энергетического оборудования в Каракалпакстан UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Apr-21 29-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75106 RFP N°006-2021: Recrutement d'un bureau d'études en vue de l'élaboration de dix chartes foncières (PAPCiDDeL) UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO RFP - Request for proposal 09-Apr-21 29-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76854 RFP- STUDY ON ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (ESIA) KAMPALA UGANDA RFP - Request for proposal 14-Apr-21 29-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76853 Re-Advertisement - Recruitment of an International firm to Support Resource Mobilization for Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) implementation in Rwanda Rwanda RWANDA RFP - Request for proposal 28-Apr-21 29-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76852 Recruitment of National firm to support GoR through the Ministry in charge of Emergency Management in developing Standard operating Procedures (SOPs) for flash floods, river floods, plain floods and urban floods early warning system in Rwanda Rwanda RWANDA RFP - Request for proposal 12-Apr-21 29-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76851 Consultant to develop Management Plans for Mana Pools National Park, Chewore Safari Area, Sapi Safari Area, Hurungwe Safari Area, Dande Safari Area, Charara Safari Area and Doma Safari Area; and Integrated Landscape Management Plans for Hurungwe, Mbire, a Harare ZIMBABWE IC - Individual contractor 06-Apr-21 29-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76850 UNDP/PN/04/2021 Re-Invitation of Individual Consultant Procurement Notice for International Individual Consultant to Conduct Accessibility Assessment and Identification of Recommendations on Accessibility of UNCT Nepal Premises and Digital Services UNDP Country Office for UNRCO NEPAL IC - Individual contractor 05-Apr-21 29-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76849 National Individual Consultancy Services for Sustainability Alternatives for Engineer Girls of Turkey Project UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 18-Apr-21 29-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76848 International Consultant - Chief Technical Advisor Country Office MAURITIUS IC - Individual contractor 19-Apr-21 29-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76847 ETH2394-National Firm Level Consultancy Placement of produced TV spots on selected TV stations UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA RFP - Request for proposal 03-May-21 @ 03:59 PM (New York time) 29-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76835 Social and environmental safeguard specialist (National Consultant) UNDP Country Office TIMOR LESTE IC - Individual contractor 12-Apr-21 29-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76846 Consultancy to provide administrative support to the United Nations Resident Coordinator's Office (RCO) for Mauritius and Seychelles Country Office MAURITIUS IC - Individual contractor 05-Apr-21 29-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75889 National Consultant to provide supporting on the Inception Phase of the United Nations Partnership on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNPRPD) Project (Ref. P210305) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 08-Apr-21 29-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 65668 National Expert to Prepare Project News and Results Consolidation (Ref.P210306) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 05-Apr-21 29-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76845 Mapping exercise to identify interventions required in support of a program to promote access to STEM skills by youth in the Eastern Cape, South Africa South Africa SOUTH AFRICA IC - Individual contractor 16-Apr-21 29-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76844 NATIONAL CONSULTANT-TERMINAL EVALUATION OF THE RAPID RESPONSE IMPLEMENTATION SUPPORT PROJECT UNDP TANZANIA Tanzania TANZANIA IC - Individual contractor 06-Apr-21 29-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76843 Cost of Disability Study Part 2 South Africa SOUTH AFRICA 20-Apr-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 29-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76007 56-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-RPP_Procurement of culinary equipment for Sieverodonetsk Higher Professionsl School #92 and Lysychansk Trade and Culinary Lyceum of Luhansk Oblast UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Apr-21 29-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76842 NATIONAL CONSULTANT-LEAD CONSULTANT - TERMINAL EVALUATION OF THE RAPID RESPONSE IMPLEMENTATION SUPPORT PROJECT UNDP TANZANIA Tanzania TANZANIA IC - Individual contractor 06-Apr-21 29-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76815 252-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP_FUNdraiser: Web-Platform for Youth to Attain Fundraising Skills and Experience (re-announcement) UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 12-Apr-21 29-Mar-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 76841 RFQ-036-PHL-2021: Supply and Delivery of Commercial Rice Philippines PHILIPPINES RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Apr-21 29-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76840 Communications Consultant (National Consultant) UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 11-Apr-21 28-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76839 Project Finance Associate (National Consultant) UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 11-Apr-21 28-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76838 National Climate Finance/Stakeholder Engagement Specialist (National Consultant) UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 11-Apr-21 28-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76837 EVALUATION FINALE DU PROJET « EMPLOIS ET JEUNES POUR LA PAIX– APPROCHE PILOTE INTÉGRÉE DE STABILISATION ET DE CONSOLIDATION DE LA PAIX PAR LA PROMOTION DE L'EMPLOI ET DE LA PARTICIPATION DES JEUNES DANS LA RÉGION DE MOPTI » MALI MALI RFP - Request for proposal 27-May-21 28-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76836 Supply of Furniture for Police Training Center UNDP iraq office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Apr-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 28-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76834 Hiring Firm for Vacant Land Mapping in 5 Cities Dhaka BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 11-Apr-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 28-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76832 Rubble Removal and Cleaning of the Public Spaces in (a) Jalawlaa, Diyala LOT-1, (b) Muqdadiya, Diyala LOT-2 (c) West Baiji, Salahaldeen LOT-3 UNDP Service Center IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 28-Apr-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 28-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76531 INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANT MASTER OF CEREMONY CAMEROON CAMEROON IC - Individual contractor 04-Apr-21 28-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76831 Extension of Al-Bu Juwari C.U in Baiji-Salah Aldin UNDP Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 29-Apr-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 28-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76830 ITB-117-21 Rubble Removal and Cleaning of the Public Spaces in (a) Tahreer neighborhood [LOT-1], and (b) Jadeeda neighborhood [LOT-2] of Baquba, Diyala governorate,Iraq RBAS IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 18-Apr-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 27-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76829 SdP ADQ 21 134163 secuencia genoma chocho UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 22-Apr-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 26-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76828 SdP ADQ 21 131973 implementacion cadena de suminis UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 19-Apr-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 26-Mar-21 PORTS PORTS 76827 SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF CUMMINS DISEL ENGINE UNDP Country Office YEMEN RFQ - Request for quotation 06-May-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 26-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76826 Consultancy - development of the Costed Strategic Framework (2021-2026) for the Ministry of Natural Resources, Guyana Country Office GUYANA RFP - Request for proposal 12-Apr-21 26-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76823 18458-2021 RFP for the Services of an "Expert Organization to Deliver a Training on Building Capacity in Systems Leadership during the 2021 Good Growth Conference". Regional Centre PANAMA RFP - Request for proposal 16-Apr-21 26-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76825 RFP JOF 2651 - Elaboracao e Retificacao do CAR UNDP Brazil Country Office BRAZIL RFP - Request for proposal 27-Apr-21 @ 01:00 PM (New York time) 26-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76824 18327 NIC 2021 - Acuerdo a Largo Plazo para la Provisión de Servicios de Conserjería, Jardinería, y Mantenimiento Menor en las Instalaciones del Edificio Naciones Unidas, Managua, Nicaragua UNDP Country Office NICARAGUA RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Apr-21 26-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76821 LBN-CO-RFP-84-21Assess of Socio-Eco in Tripoli UNDP Country office LEBANON RFP - Request for proposal 19-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 26-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76820 Consultancy – Global guidance note on integrating mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) into peacebuilding UNDP/HQ/CB/CPPRI Team UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Other 18-Apr-21 26-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 76819 UNDP-2021-025 ACQUISITION DE MATERIELS ICT ABIDJAN-CÔTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Mar-21 26-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76817 Consultoría para Evaluación del Emprendimiento en GE, en el sector de las TIC´s GNQ EQUATORIAL GUINEA RFP - Request for proposal 05-Apr-21 26-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76818 RFQ FOR SUPPLY OF ASSORTED FURNITURE UNDP Country Office SOUTH SUDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Mar-21 @ 02:36 AM (New York time) 26-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76816 SDP-08-2021 "Consultoría para el análisis y elaboración de propuestas para la simplificación de trámites en instituciones públicas" UNDP Country Office DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 09-Apr-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 26-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76814 LBN-CO-RFQ-80-21 Karantina new houses UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 26-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76811 Maintenance des groupes électrogènes et les installations électriques des Agences du SNU au Togo BUREAU PAYS TOGO RFP - Request for proposal 30-Apr-21 26-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76813 Re Advert ETH2223A- Recruitment of national consultant for Design and implementation guide for a Ten Years Information Technology Policy, Strategy, and Plan for the Development Bank of Ethiopia Ethiopia ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 09-Apr-21 @ 04:35 AM (New York time) 26-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76812 ETH2390-Recruitment of National consultant for training FECCC experts on Forest Ecosystem Service Valuation UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 09-Apr-21 @ 03:40 AM (New York time) 26-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 76810 RFQ: STLR PROJECT/RFQ/2021/01 UNDP - STLR NEPAL RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Apr-21 26-Mar-21 URBAN DEV'T. URBAN DEV'T. 76809 RFQ-21-03 - Street light and CCTV camera UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA RFQ - Request for quotation 07-May-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 26-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76807 National consultant to produce video on telehealth at the grassroot level - CHUYÊN GIA TƯ VẤN XÂY DỰNG VIDEO TRUYỀN THÔNG VỀ NỀN TẢNG ỨNG DỤNG TƯ VẤN KHÁM, CHỮA BỆNH TỪ XA NHẰM PHỤC VỤ VÀ NÂNG CAO NĂNG LỰC CHO TUYẾN Y TẾ CƠ SỞ (Ref. P210304) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 29-Mar-21 26-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76705 007RFQImpressionDocumentEtEnveloppeBCRUN RBA CHAD RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Mar-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 26-Mar-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 76808 convoyage des deux (02) camions Benz à la commune de Bol et à la commune de Lai RBA CHAD RFQ - Request for quotation 31-Mar-21 26-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76806 RFP/BIH30/2021/02555 Gender and Climate Financing Baseline Study: Overview of key denominators, policy and programming options UNWOMEN in BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFP - Request for proposal 22-Apr-21 26-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76805 361-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-RPP Engaging a company to provide technical support in organisation of the National contest of IT-solutions for the communities of eastern Ukraine "EastCode 2.0" UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 18-Apr-21 26-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76804 UNDP-IC-2021-116:National Consultant - Gender Expert UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 09-Apr-21 26-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76798 TICAD Reporting Consultant UNDP Representation Office in Tokyo JAPAN IC - Individual contractor 02-Apr-21 26-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76802 Drilling Installation and Reticulation of Two (2) Deep Aquifer Boreholes Solar-Driven Boreholes in Ngarannam UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE NIGERIA ITB - Invitation to bid 13-Apr-21 @ 01:00 PM (New York time) 26-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76803 RFQ 2021-32 Event management services UNDP Country Office KYRGYZSTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 31-Mar-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 26-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76799 National Specialists on Climate Change Adaptation UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 08-Apr-21 25-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76800 PROCESO COL 0000135429 Desarrollar acciones de educación solidaria en los ámbitos de promoción, formación e investigación, que permitan contribuir a la cultura solidaria, a través del conocimiento del modelo asociativo solidario UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Apr-21 25-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76797 Platform User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) Design Consultant Philippines PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 09-Apr-21 25-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76796 Data Platform Consultant Philippines PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 09-Apr-21 25-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76795 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL: CI/CRI/2021/116883/131490/Persona Experta en Redes Sociales y Plataformas. UNDP Country Office COSTA RICA IC - Individual contractor 11-Apr-21 25-Mar-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 76794 Procurement of Double Cabin Four-Wheel Drive Pick-Up Truck UNDP Country Office TURKEY RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Apr-21 25-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76792 RFQ/019/21 – «Оказание услуг такси для ПРООН в Республике Узбекистан» UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Apr-21 25-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76791 Digital Payments Consultant Business-to-People (B2P) wages - Amman, JORDAN UNCDF JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 08-Apr-21 25-Mar-21 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS 76790 RFQ/018/21 - Приглашение на тендер «Услуги высокоскоростного доступа к сети Интернет для Агентств и проектов ООН в Республике Узбекистан» UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Apr-21 25-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76788 PNUD-IC-168-2021 UNDP OFFICE PERU PERU IC - Individual contractor 08-Apr-21 @ 01:00 PM (New York time) 25-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76789 UNDP-IC-2021-050 - PMIS Quality Assurance Consultant Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 08-Apr-21 25-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76787 RFP JOF 2659-2021 Solid Waste Management UNDP Brazil Country Office BRAZIL RFP - Request for proposal 25-Jun-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 25-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76786 ICN-002Consultant (e) National (e) expert (e) en Génie Civil, Rural pour l'appui à l'élaboration de cahier de charge pour la réhabilitation d'infrastructures communautaires de base UNDP Country Office MAURITANIA IC - Individual contractor 12-Apr-21 25-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76781 ITB 21.054 Achat equipements et outillages PNUD HAITI ITB - Invitation to bid 20-May-21 @ 04:30 PM (New York time) 25-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76785 RFQ National Consultant SDG Trust Fund Suriname UNDP CO SURINAME RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Apr-21 25-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76782 SDP 06 2021 AUDITORIA LEGALFIN PJ UNDP Country office DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Apr-21 @ 10:59 PM (New York time) 25-Mar-21 POWER POWER 76784 UNDP/TCD10/SG/RFQ/21/005 fourniture et livraison de matériels solaires sur les dix-sept (17) domiciles du personnel critique du PNUD à N'Djamena UNDP CHAD CHAD RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Apr-21 25-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76783 SDC-14-2021 " Material gastable y didáctico para salas infantiles de INAIPI" UNDP Country Office DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Apr-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 25-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76779 Etablissement d'un pacte d'exemplarité du ministère de l'intérieur - report Morocco MOROCCO RFP - Request for proposal 20-Apr-21 25-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76780 UNDP-IC-2021-109: International Consultant/ Resilience for CPD Programme End-of-Cycle (2018-2022) Evaluation UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 08-Apr-21 25-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76776 UNDP-IC-2021-108: International Consultant/ Team lead (Governance) for CPD Programme End-of-Cycle (2018-2022) Evaluation UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 08-Apr-21 25-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76778 Proposal for ECOLOGICAL MONITORING OF MPA KARABUR Albania ALBANIA RFP - Request for proposal 07-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 25-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76773 Re-adv-Firm for Developing BCP for Economic Zone UNDP Country Office BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 08-Apr-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 25-Mar-21 HEALTH HEALTH 76775 RFQ/047/21 Supply and Delivery of Bio safety cabinets UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Apr-21 25-Mar-21 HEALTH HEALTH 76774 RFQ/048/21 - Supply and delivery of freezers UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Apr-21 25-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76772 LBN-CO-RFQ-81-21Sup-Del of Fishing Equip-Material UNDP Country office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 25-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76771 3540 PAN 2021 - Establecimiento de seis (6) Biodigestores Tubulares en porquerizas chicas. UNDP Country Office PANAMA RFP - Request for proposal 14-Apr-21 25-Mar-21 AGRICULTURE  SEEDLING AGRICULTURE SEEDLING 76770 RFQ/049/21 supply and delivery of soybean seeds UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Apr-21 25-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76769 ITB-21-014 Provision of Daily Cleaning Services Sudan SUDAN ITB - Invitation to bid 18-Apr-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 25-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76768 Выполнение работ по обновлению планов управления пилотными заказниками проекта «Споровский» и «Званец» UNDP Country Office BELARUS RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Apr-21 25-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76677 Recrutement d'un cabinet en charge de la promotion de l'entreprenariat digital chez les jeunes et les femmes dans les communes de Bargny, Mont Rolland, et Sandiara Country office SENEGAL RFP - Request for proposal 05-May-21 25-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76762 Appel à manifestation d'intérêt pour la sélection d'entreprises spécialisées dans la vente de biens et services Côte d'Ivoire COTE d'IVOIRE EOI - Expression of interest 22-Apr-21 25-Mar-21 HOUSING HOUSING 76767 (REPUBLICATION°) Supply, Delivery, Installation and Auxiliary Works of COMPLETE COLD STORAGE ROOM 5.00X4.00M INCLUDING SLIDING DOOR 1.50X2.10M UNDP Country Office GUINEA-BISSAU RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Apr-21 25-Mar-21 INDUSTRY INDUSTRY 76766 Fourniture et livraison des machines industrielles UNDP Country Office GUINEA-BISSAU RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Apr-21 25-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76764 Rehabilitation of Police Stations Ninawa Governora Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 15-Apr-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 25-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76765 CLOSED EARLY
Recruitment of National Individual Consultancy to carry out a situational analysis on the situation of PWDs in Rwanda Rwanda RWANDA IC - Individual contractor 26-Mar-21 25-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76763 RFQ Supply transport installation and connection UNDP Kosovo Kosovo, UNSCR 1244 (1999) RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Apr-21 @ 12:30 AM (New York time) 25-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 76761 UNDP-2021-023 ACQUISITION DE TONERS ABIDJAN-CÔTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE RFQ - Request for quotation 31-Mar-21 25-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76759 Pré qualification de prestataires spécialisés en travaux de Génie Civil en Côte d'Ivoire Côte d'Ivoire COTE d'IVOIRE EOI - Expression of interest 22-Apr-21 25-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76760 Recruitment of an International firm to conduct feasibility study for integration of Climate Budget Tagging (CBT) into the National Accounting System and private sector & CSOs Rwanda RWANDA RFP - Request for proposal 15-Apr-21 25-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76758 Request for Quotation (RFQ)- Services for Digitization of UNDP archived documents & data entry for UNDP Nepal Country Office NEPAL RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Apr-21 25-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 76757 UNDP/RFQ/12/2021 Request for Quotation for Supply and Delivery of IT Equipment for Nepal Post UNDP Country Office for UPU NEPAL RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Apr-21 25-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76756 Regional Conflict prevention Analysis (Arab States) RBAS Regional Hub Office in Amman JORDAN Other 10-Apr-21 25-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76755 National Consultant : Inclusive and Risk Finance Diagnostics UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 08-Apr-21 25-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76754 Re-advertisement for International consultancy Firm to conduct in-depth assessment study of the industrial zones on environment management and develop a strategy for implementation of eco-industrial park /zone in Rwanda Rwanda RWANDA RFP - Request for proposal 07-Apr-21 25-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76753 Invitation to submit proposals on support to inclusive electoral process in the state of Palestine Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES RFP - Request for proposal 07-Apr-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 25-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 76728 CLOSED EARLY
LBN-CO-RFP-79-21Dev of IM Platform for LHSP-cancelled UNDP Country office LEBANON RFP - Request for proposal 23-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 25-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76751 International Consultant to develop the full-fledged Proposal for UNPRPD Round 4 UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 09-Apr-21 25-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76752 Provision of paints -RFQ-YEM-0024-2021. UNDP CO YEMEN RFQ - Request for quotation 04-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 25-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76750 UNDP/RFQ/08/2021 (RE-BID) Re-Invitation of Request for Quotation for Development of PSA on GBVAW and its Airing for UNODC UNDP Country Office for UNODC NEPAL RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Apr-21 25-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76748 RFP-2021-009 Разработка системы прокторинга для дистанционного контроля за тестированием в сфере государственной службы / Proctoring system development for testing remote control in the field of public service Kazakhstan KAZAKHSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 15-Apr-21 25-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76747 UNDP-IC-2021-110: National Consultant for CPD Programme End-of-Cycle (2018-2022) Evaluation UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 08-Apr-21 25-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76746 IC/UNDP/AIS/072/2021 - UNDP - Specialist for Blue Economy Development Index UNDP Indonesia Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 09-Apr-21 25-Mar-21 HEALTH HEALTH 76745 ITB-ZIM-GF-007-2021- Procurement of MoHCC Malaria IRS Commodities UNDP Country Office ZIMBABWE ITB - Invitation to bid 20-Apr-21 @ 11:59 AM (New York time) 25-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76743 Consultancy to produce photo reportage(-s) Solomon Islands SOLOMON ISLANDS IC - Individual contractor 09-Apr-21 25-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76742 IC/UNDP/IN-FLORES/071/2021 - UNDP - International Specialist for UNDP-GEF Project Development (Project Preparation Grant) – Environmental Finance Expert UNDP Indonesia Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 08-Apr-21 25-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76741 [RE-ADVERTISEMENT] IC/UNDP/BIOFIN/070/2021 - Biodiversity Budget and Expenditure Tracking Expert UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 03-May-21 25-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 76740 RfQ for the Development of a website for Vietnam Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Apr-21 25-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76739 Provision of Economics of Climate Change - Support to the development of Cambodia's Long Term Low Emissions Development Strategy (LT-LEDS) UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFP - Request for proposal 14-Apr-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 24-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76738 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA SDP-2020-003 Plataforma Web GIGUP - Consutoría para desarrollar una aplicación web progresiva para el Galardón de Igualdad de Género para Unidades Productivas (GIGUP) de la solución financiera Más Mujeres Más Natura de BIOFIN" UNDP Country Office COSTA RICA RFP - Request for proposal 27-Apr-21 24-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76737 262/IC/GOUDMADA/2021 RECRUTEMENT D'UN CONSULTANT POUR ACCOMPAGNER LES HAUTS RESPONSABLES DE LA DIRECTION DE COORDINATIONAL NATIONALE DES PÔLES ANTI-CORRUPTION (DCN PAC) ET DES PAC DANS L'AMELIORATION DU MECANISME DE SUIVI-EVALUATION ET DES DONNEES STATIST MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 05-May-21 24-Mar-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 76735 RFQ-Procurement of Fleet Leasing UNDP Country Office TURKEY RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Apr-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 24-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76736 URU/20/008-1071 Consultor local para la coordinación del proyecto URUGUAY URUGUAY IC - Individual contractor 13-Apr-21 24-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76734 ZMB/RFQ/2021/002-GCF FURNITURE UNDP Country Office ZAMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Apr-21 @ 11:48 AM (New York time) 24-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76733 RFQ: Research Institute to support data collection and analysis to contribute to the ICPE Nepal Independent Evaluation Office UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Apr-21 24-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76732 RFQ: Research Institute to support data collection and analysis to contribute to the ICPE Ghana Independent Evaluation Office UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Apr-21 24-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76731 RECRUTEMENT D'UNE STRUCTURE DE FORMATION EN CONDUITE VEHICULE POIDS LOURD GUINEA, Office GUINEA RFP - Request for proposal 07-Apr-21 24-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76729 RFQ: Instituto de Investigación, para apoyar la EIPP Bolivia Independent Evaluation Office UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Apr-21 24-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76730 CLOSED EARLY
National Consultancy - UNDP Accelerator Lab Videographer UNDP Country Office SAMOA RFP - Request for proposal 30-Mar-21 24-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76727 RFP 2021-06 développement et la mise en place d'une stratégie nationale de l'intégration du genre au sein du Ministère de l'intérieur UNDP TUNISIA TUNISIA RFP - Request for proposal 19-Apr-21 24-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76726 Call for proposal for CSO to Respond to Pre-trial Detention Through Establishment of a Legal Aid Clinic in Sinoe, Bomi, Bong, Grand Kru, Maryland, Gbarpolu, River Gee and Rivercess counties UNDP Country Office LIBERIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 02-Apr-21 24-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76723 Call for proposal for CSO to Establish a Network of Women CSOs and Support the Independent National Commission on Human Rights (INCHR) to Provide Awareness and Monitor the Courts E in Bong and Nimba Counties UNDP Country Office LIBERIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 02-Apr-21 24-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76725 RFQ 2021-22 UNDP TUNISIA TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Apr-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 24-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76724 International Adaptation Expert - Support to the development of Cambodia's Long Term Low Emissions Development Strategy (LT-LEDS) UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 13-Apr-21 24-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76722 Call for proposal for CSOs to support the establishment of Justice and Conference Centers for the provision of legal aid services, psychosocial support to survivors of SGBV and human rights awareness UNDP Country Office LIBERIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 02-Apr-21 24-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76721 CLOSED EARLY
135/IC/RMIICPS/2021 RECRUTEMENT D'UN EXPERT(E) EN CONSTRUCTION POUR LA REALISATION ET LE SUIVI DES TRAVAUX DE CONSTRUCTION DE LOGEMENT ET DE LATRINE POUR LES ELEMENTS DE LA GENDARMERIE AU POSTE AVANCE DE LAVARATY MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 24-Mar-21 24-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76720 Team Leader - Support to the development of Cambodia's Long Term Low Emissions Development Strategy (LT-LEDS) UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 13-Apr-21 24-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76696 IC/007/21 - International Consultant on Local Governance UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 15-Apr-21 24-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76719 Услуги Национального консультанта по разработке компьютерной модели прогнозирования выбросов парниковых газов для использования ее при разработке национально определяемых вкладов UNDP Country Office BELARUS IC - Individual contractor 11-Apr-21 24-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76718 UNDP-RFQ-2021-82 - RFQ for Warehousing Services UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Apr-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 24-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76715 GIS CONSULTANT REGIONAL HUB DAKAR SENEGAL IC - Individual contractor 04-Apr-21 24-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76716 National Consultant -Local Platform Facilitator Liberia Oil Palm Platform Reducing Deforestation from Commodity Production UNDP Liberia LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 31-Mar-21 24-Mar-21 HEALTH HEALTH 76717 Procurement of Waste Containers and Waste Bags UNDP Country Office TURKEY ITB - Invitation to bid 22-Apr-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 24-Mar-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 76713 National Individual Consultant for 'Integrated Resource Efficiency in Agriculture and Agriculture-Based Industry in GAP Region' Project UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 07-Apr-21 24-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76712 RFP/UNDP/KALFOR/124131/018/2021 - Implementing the Ecological Fiscal Transfer (EFT) Mechanism at Provincial Level in Central Kalimantan UNDP Indonesia Country Office INDONESIA RFP - Request for proposal 11-Apr-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 24-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76710 Rehabilitation of Police Stations-furniture 2 lots UNDP Iraq IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 19-Apr-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 24-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76709 CONSTRUCTION CENTRE DE PROMOTION FEMMES KOLOFATA CAMEROON CAMEROON ITB - Invitation to bid 09-Apr-21 @ 07:25 AM (New York time) 24-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76708 UNDP-IC-2021-112- Evaluation of National Policy Support Programme Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 07-Apr-21 24-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76707 Re advert ETH2345A- Recruitment of two consultants to conduct assessments and develop materials on women empowerment and access to justice UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 22-Apr-21 @ 03:59 AM (New York time) 24-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76706 {RE-ADVERTISEMENT} IC/UNDP/BIOFIN/069/2021 - Expert for Feasibility and Option Implementation of Debt-for Nature Swap UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Apr-21 24-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 76703 UNDPIRH-202104-RFQ-IT Equipment ISTANBUL REGIONAL HUB TURKEY RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Apr-21 24-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76702 UNDP/RFP/10/2021 - Conduct mid-term review of CMDP UNDP - CMDP NEPAL RFP - Request for proposal 15-Apr-21 24-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76701 UNDP-IC-2021-111-Gender Mainstreaming in Pakistan National SDGs Programme Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 07-Apr-21 24-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76700 Re-Advertisement: MNG/IC/2021/041 - National Consultant - Database Expert UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 30-Apr-21 24-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76698 Construction of Preliminaries and Boundary Wall country office SUDAN ITB - Invitation to bid 12-Apr-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 24-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76699 National trainers / assistants (6 positions) for online training and subsequent training of target groups at the local level in full-time format in pilot cities of the project UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN IC - Individual contractor 06-Apr-21 24-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76697 MNG/IC/2021/040 - National Consultant - Development of Policy Brief on Job Description of administrative posts in the civil service UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 07-Apr-21 24-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76695 MNG/IC/2021/039 - National Consultant - Development of Policy Brief on general admission and special examination in the civil service UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 07-Apr-21 24-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76694 Provision of Perception Survey for IEC and ECC UNDP-UNESP Project AFGHANISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 06-Apr-21 @ 01:30 AM (New York time) 24-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76693 National Consultant - Financial Management Country Office KENYA IC - Individual contractor 07-Apr-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 24-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76692 CfP-PVE-2021-06 Prevention of Violent Extremism with particular attention to Youth UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 19-Apr-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 23-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76691 IC/UNDP/IN-FLORES/068/2021 - UNDP - National Project Coordinator for PPG Support UNDP Indonesia Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 07-Apr-21 23-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76690 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL: CI/CRI/2021/132886/98756 / Mapeo y análisis integral de acciones de mitigación al cambio climático en Costa Rica en el periodo 2015-2020 UNDP Country Office COSTA RICA IC - Individual contractor 07-Apr-21 23-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76689 Disaster Risk Reduction Data Analyst to Develop an Integrated Solution of iPDNA, HBDA, ERNA, RDNA and DevLIVE+ Toolkits Philippines PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 09-Apr-21 23-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76688 IC 21 134024 curso piloto gestion sustancias UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 13-Apr-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 23-Mar-21 HEALTH HEALTH 76687 Procurement of Oxygen concentrators & accessories UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND (UNICEF) UKRAINE ITB - Invitation to bid 29-Mar-21 23-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76685 IC-PAP3062/2021 - International Consultancy: Junior Communications and Partnership Expert: China, Biodiversity & Climate Change Central African Forest Initiative - CAFI, BPPS/NCE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 03-Apr-21 23-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76686 IC 21 133833 cartillas formativas espanol kichwa UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 01-Apr-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 23-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76684 Consultancy to develop National Guideline On Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs)/ Investment Companies UNCDF TANZANIA IC - Individual contractor 31-Mar-21 23-Mar-21 HEALTH HEALTH 76683 309-2021-HIST-ITB-NCDs-TKM-LTAs: Procurement of medicines for treatment of patients with respiratory diseases, endocrine and mental disorders in Turkmenistan UNDP DENMARK ITB - Invitation to bid 25-May-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 23-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76682 IC 21 133809 medicion mejoramiento de capacidades UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 15-Apr-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 23-Mar-21 HEALTH HEALTH 76681 308-2021-HIST-ITB-CANC-TKM-LTAs: Procurement of medicines for treatment of patients with cancer in Turkmenistan UNDP DENMARK ITB - Invitation to bid 20-May-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 23-Mar-21 HEALTH HEALTH 76680 293-2021-HIST-ITB-CARD-TKM-LTAs: Procurement of medicines for treatment of patients with cardiovascular diseases in Turkmenistan UNDP DENMARK ITB - Invitation to bid 20-May-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 23-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76679 Materiel de travail pour la FNS Chad Country Office CHAD RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Mar-21 @ 12:56 AM (New York time) 23-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76678 CONSULTORÍA PARA LA REALIZACION DE CAPACITACIONES A PRODUCTORES DEL CHACO EN PRÁCTICAS DE PRODUCCIÓN SOSTENIBLE Asunción PARAGUAY RFP - Request for proposal 09-Apr-21 23-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76676 RFQ 00037235 - SWVR 2021 Production United Nations Volunteers (UNV) GERMANY RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Apr-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 23-Mar-21 WATER SUPPLY  (POTABLE) WATER SUPPLY (POTABLE) 76675 DEMANDE DE PRIX POUR LA REALISATION DE FORAGE AVEC POMPE SOLAIRE ET CHATEAU D' EAU A KOLOFATA A L'EXTREME DU NORD CAMEROUN CAMEROON CAMEROON RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Apr-21 23-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76674 PEA Website Technical Maintenance and Hosting Global Policy Centre- Nairobi KENYA RFP - Request for proposal 08-Apr-21 @ 09:30 AM (New York time) 23-Mar-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 76673 National Producer Unit Facilitator for Integrated Resource Efficiency in Agriculture and Agriculture-Based Industry in GAP Region Project UNDP Turkey Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 06-Apr-21 23-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76583 RFQ 18-2021 for Reconstruction works for replacement of part of the rooftop for multifunctional Center in Gostivar UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Apr-21 23-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76671 Solicitud de Propuesta Nº 01/2020 - CIRCULARES ACLARATORIAS N° 1, 2 y 3 - Proyecto PNUD ARG/20/008 ARGENTINA ARGENTINA RFP - Request for proposal 23-Apr-21 23-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76672 Individual Consultancy - National Hazardous and E-Waste Expert - LBN/CO/IC/78/21 UNDP Country Office LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 07-Apr-21 23-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 76670 RFP 688 Production of two e-learning courses for civil servants in: 5S - System for better organization of the working environment and Kind and smiling municipality UNDP Country Office Serbia SERBIA RFP - Request for proposal 06-Apr-21 23-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76669 ETH2375-National Consultant - Senior National Editor on Human Resource Competency Framework (HRCFW) for Ethiopian FCSC Commission (FCSC) UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 04-May-21 @ 03:59 PM (New York time) 23-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76668 RFP/004/21 - Media Monitoring Service for UNDP Uzbekistan UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 06-Apr-21 23-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76667 RFP-004-21 Development of EE studies UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFP - Request for proposal 19-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 23-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76657 ACQUISITION DES EQUIPEMENTS DE RADIO CAMEROON CAMEROON RFQ - Request for quotation 31-Mar-21 23-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76666 Proc. of physioterapeutic beds Albania ALBANIA RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Mar-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 23-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 76665 RFQ/017/21 - Supply of IT equipment/ Поставка ИТ- оборудования UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Apr-21 23-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76664 Выражение заинтересованности на заключение соглашения на проведение комплекса мероприятий по повышению доступности микрофинансовых услуг на местном уровне UNDP Country Office BELARUS EOI - Expression of interest 05-Apr-21 23-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76353 Call for Local Communities Capacity Development: Supporting COVID-19 Recovery through Social Innovation Platform Facilitation (SIP) in Gorontalo Province UNDP Country Office INDONESIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 26-Mar-21 23-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76663 RFQ 059 EID 8830 2021 - Design and Supervision Services for the child welfare village in Vatyli/Vadili in northern part of Cyprus Nicosia CYPRUS RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Apr-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 23-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76662 Recrutement de deux Consultant(e )s de compétence nationale pour la traduction en Arabe des nouveaux Codes Pénal et de Procédure Pénale 2017 du Tchad: 1 consultant (e ) national( e) pour le Code Pénal et 1 consultant(e ) national (e ) pour le Code de UNDP country office CHAD IC - Individual contractor 07-Apr-21 23-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76661 RFP-032-PHL-2021: Consultancy Services of a Multimedia Firm for the Human Rights Mentoring and Storytelling Project UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 06-Apr-21 23-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76660 Solid Waste Institutional Expert Country Office IRAQ IC - Individual contractor 04-Apr-21 23-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76659 Facilitator to coordinate UNDP Tanzania Country Office 2021 Retreat UNDP Country Office TANZANIA IC - Individual contractor 09-Apr-21 23-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76658 01 International Consultant to develop circular economy policy and supports its application and implementation in Viet Nam (A-210303) UNDP Vietnam VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 06-Apr-21 23-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76613 International Consultant- Statistician UNDP- BRH (Duty station is Home Based) THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 02-Apr-21 22-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76656 IC 21 133788 capacitacion virtual UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 13-Apr-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 22-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76655 Consultancy for National Consultant Digital Financial Services Consultant (Port Moresby) IC/PNG/12-2021 UNDP PNG Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 20-Apr-21 22-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76654 Consultancy for National Digital Financial Services Consultant ( Wewak/Sepik) IC/PNG/11-2021 UNDP PNG Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 20-Apr-21 22-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76652 SDP 5099 DIPLOMADO-CONTRATACION DE UNA INSTITUCION ACADÉMICA U ORGANISMO INTERNACIONAL DEDICADO A LA INVESTIGACION PARA IMPARTIR EL DIPLOMADO EN "ADAPTACIÓN Y MITIGACIÓN AL CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO. UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR RFP - Request for proposal 09-Apr-21 @ 01:00 PM (New York time) 22-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76653 PCI-020-2021 Servicios de consultoría para diseñar e implementar una estrategia para realizar visitas virtuales a proyectos que impulsan la participación política de mujeres e identificar experiencias exitosas UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 29-Mar-21 22-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76648 IC No. 00116389/1245-SISTEMATIZACIÓN Y BUENAS PRACTICAS DEL PROYECTO "MUJERES LIBRES DE VIOLENCIA EN EL TRANSPORTE PÚBLICO UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 06-Apr-21 22-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76651 IC 21 133534 genero y cambio climatico UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 07-Apr-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 22-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76650 RFQ 2021-21 : Acquisition de 3 Stations et Software de traitement vidéo UNDP Country Office TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Apr-21 22-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76649 PCI-019-2021 Servicios de consultoría realizar análisis geoespaciales en dos subcuencas prioritarias de Jalisco y Tlaxcala que incluya una propuesta de acciones orientadas promover la seguridad y la resiliencia hídrica UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 29-Mar-21 22-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76647 3495 PAN 2021 – Consultor/a en Educación Musical – Cátedra en Instrumento Trompeta Panama PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 02-Apr-21 22-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76646 (RFP-N-210301) RE-ADVERTISEMENT National firm to develop a video on how to build a storm/flood resilient house based on the current designs UNDP Vietnam VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 29-Mar-21 22-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76645 3490 PAN 2021 – "Consultor/a en Educación Musical – Cátedra en Instrumento Viola" Panama PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 02-Apr-21 22-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76644 ITB-105-21-Cash for Work for Rubble Removal and Cl UNDP IRAQ OFFICE IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 12-Apr-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 22-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76643 3482 PAN 2021 – Consultor/a en Educación Musical – Cátedra en Instrumento Clarinete Panama PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 02-Apr-21 22-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76642 004/TCD10/01/2021/IC_Expert en Froid-Climatisation ou Electromécanique_RELANCE UNDP Country Office CHAD IC - Individual contractor 29-Mar-21 22-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 76641 RFQ 007 2021 UNDP Mozambique MOZAMBIQUE RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Mar-21 @ 02:49 PM (New York time) 22-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76640 RFQ 023/2021 KITS ALIMENTAIRES ET HYGIENIQUES PVVIH RBA ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Mar-21 22-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76638 CFP-104/21 Call for Proposals from NGO/CSOs Promoting Economic Recovery Through Entrepreneurship and Business Creation in Digital and Green Economy in Muthanna Governorate, Iraq UNDP Service Center IRAQ CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 12-Apr-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 22-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76639 Consultant Senior Appui à la communication et au plaidoyer UNDP ALGERIA, RBAS ALGERIA IC - Individual contractor 11-Apr-21 22-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76637 Firm to conduct Boundary Harmonization and Confirmatory Survey for ten (10) communities in four projects affected (4) Counties UNDP Country office LIBERIA RFP - Request for proposal 31-Mar-21 22-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76636 IC/UNDP/GOLD-ISMIA/067 - Facilitator on Implementation of Low Value Grant (LVG) of Gold Mining Cooperatives In Desa Tatelu and Desa Talawaan UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 05-Apr-21 22-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76635 Appel à Proposition de projet pour la mise en œuvre des activités d'accompagnement juridique et judiciaire des victimes de violences basées sur le genre à travers l'appui aux cliniques juridiques UNDP-KINSHASA, DR CONGO - CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC - CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 12-Apr-21 22-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 76634 ITB 687 Thermal camera system for 15 LSG UNDP Country Office Serbia SERBIA ITB - Invitation to bid 19-Apr-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 22-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76633 LBN-CO-ITB-77-21Rehab of Agri Roads Sahel Akkar UNDP Country office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 12-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 22-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76631 La fourniture et livraison d'un bateau à moteur Hors-bord à livrer à Kisangani en R. D. Congo UNDP-KINSHASA, DR CONGO - CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Apr-21 22-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76632 NATIONAL GENDER SPECIALIST UNDP Country office LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Mar-21 22-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76626 IC/UNDP/GOLD-ISMIA/066 - Facilitator on The Application of Good Financial Management and Loan Proposal Development to Gold Miners/Cooperative UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 05-Apr-21 22-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76629 ETH2337-Individual Consultant -Senior Researcher UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 06-Apr-21 @ 03:59 AM (New York time) 22-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76630 Rehabilitation of Police Stations and furniture UNDP SERVICE CENTRE Erbil- Iraq IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 19-Apr-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 22-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76627 LBN-CO-ITB-76-21Const of Water Tank in Maknounieh UNDP Country office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 12-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 22-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76628 Recrutement d´une firme de développement de site e-commerce pour le secteur de la cuisson propre en RDC. UNDP-KINSHASA, DR CONGO - CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 12-Apr-21 22-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76625 Individual Consultancy - Upgrade/Amendment of the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning vocational/technical education curriculum (BT courses) in Lebanon - LBN/CO/IC/75/21 UNDP Country Office LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 12-Apr-21 22-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 76623 RFP/014/21 Central registry for the movement of weapons and military equipment in BiH - software solution development UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFP - Request for proposal 19-Apr-21 22-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76624 LTA FOURNITURE DE CARBURANT 004 2021 Bissau GUINEA-BISSAU ITB - Invitation to bid 30-Mar-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 22-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76615 Terminal Evaluation for UNDP-supported GEF-finance projects Khartoum, Sudan SUDAN IC - Individual contractor 01-Apr-21 22-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76622 RFQ-SDR-2021-05 - Construction of Inthirapuram Internal Roads – Phase II at Pachchilaipalli DS Division in Kilinochchi District UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Apr-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 22-Mar-21 HEALTH HEALTH 76621 Request for Quotations (RFQ) for Notebook Computers Country Office MAURITIUS RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Mar-21 22-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76620 Community and Police Inclusive Outreach Initiative UNDP-Afghanistan AFGHANISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 11-Apr-21 @ 07:30 AM (New York time) 22-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76619 RFP/2021/08: Design and build a mobile application for devices operating on (Android and IOS) operating systems UNDP Country Office JORDAN RFP - Request for proposal 05-Apr-21 22-Mar-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 76618 RFP/UNDP/IICPSD/2021/03-Capacity Building for the Replication and Adaptation of Inclusive Business Models in Technology-Enabled Skills Development UNDP BCtA TURKEY RFP - Request for proposal 15-Apr-21 22-Mar-21 HEALTH HEALTH 76617 RFP/UNDP/IICPSD/2021/02- Request for Proposal Capacity Building for the Replication and Adaptation of Inclusive Business Models in Technology-Enabled Healthcare UNDP BCtA TURKEY RFP - Request for proposal 15-Apr-21 22-Mar-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 76616 RFP/UNDP/IICPSD/2021/01- Request for Proposal Capacity Building for the Replication and Adaptation of Inclusive Business Models in Technology-Enabled Agriculture UNDP BCtA TURKEY RFP - Request for proposal 15-Apr-21 22-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76614 Open Innovation Challenge Fund Call KAMPALA UGANDA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 18-Jun-21 22-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76603 Readvert ETH2221-National Consultant for senior advisor for DBE vice president- project appraisal and portfolio management office under DBE (Development Bank of Ethiopia) UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 14-Apr-21 @ 03:59 PM (New York time) 22-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76241 Financial Expert UNDP- Thailand Country Office THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 24-Mar-21 22-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76612 [READVERTISEMENT] - IC/UNDP/BIOFIN/046/2021 - UNDP - Liaison and support for financial solution Debt for Nature Swap UNDP Indonesia Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Mar-21 21-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76611 UNDP-IC-2021-014 - Coordinator – Law and Justice Commission of Pakistan Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 05-Apr-21 21-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76509 National Terminal Evaluation (TE) Consultant UNDP- Thailand Country Office THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 31-Mar-21 21-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76610 IC/UNDP/RRU-RESTORE/065/2021 - Provincial Advisor for Central Sulawesi UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 05-Apr-21 21-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76609 IC/UNDP/RRU-RESTORE/064/2021 - Provincial Advisor for NTB UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 05-Apr-21 21-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76608 006/TCD10/03/2021/IC_Expert en rapportage aux donateurs UNDP Country Office CHAD IC - Individual contractor 02-Apr-21 21-Mar-21 INDUSTRY INDUSTRY 76607 Supply and Delivery of Fork Lift and Powered pallet truck including Installation Commissioning and Testing UNDP Country Office GUINEA-BISSAU RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Mar-21 21-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76606 005/TCD10/03/2021/IC_Consultant National - chargé de l'établissement des lignes de références socioéconomiques pour la stabilisation, la perception de la population sur la sécurité, et l'analyse des conflits. UNDP Country Office CHAD IC - Individual contractor 02-Apr-21 21-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76605 Recrutement d'un cabinet pour élaborer un document du Plan National d'Adaptation (PNA) -Relance UNDP NIGER NIGER RFP - Request for proposal 26-May-21 20-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76604 « Recrutement d'un cabinet pour une Consultation sur la revue institutionnelle et des dépenses publiques liées au climat UNDP NIGER NIGER RFP - Request for proposal 01-Apr-21 20-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76602 RFQ/016/21 - Request for Quotation for Supply of early warning and information system including the required parts/Запрос на предоставление коммерческого предложения на создание системы раннего предупреждения и информирования с обеспечением требуемых техн UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Apr-21 20-Mar-21 FISHERIES FISHERIES 76601 Intrants materiels agricoles de peche et maraicher Chad country office CHAD RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Apr-21 @ 05:20 AM (New York time) 20-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76600 IC/UNDP/PETRA/063/2021 - Designing Integrated and Sustainable Waste Management Pasar Genggelang UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 02-Apr-21 20-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76566 Climate Finance Specialist (International Consultant) UNDP Country Office TIMOR LESTE IC - Individual contractor 02-Apr-21 19-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76599 PROCESO COL 0000132644 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultor en consolidación de alianzas y cooperación - sector privado UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 04-Apr-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 19-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76597 IAL-001-2021 Servicios de Protección y Seguridad Privada No Armada para la Sede Común de las Naciones Unidas en la Ciudad de México. Contratación por 8 meses con posibilidad de extensión a 2 años adicionales UNDP Country Office MEXICO ITB - Invitation to bid 07-Apr-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 19-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76598 CI/018/PNUD/2021 - ASISTENCIA PARA DIAGNOSTICO E INSPECCIÓN DE TRABAJOS PARA MEJORAR LA INFRAESTRUCTURA FÍSICA EN CENTROS COMUNITARIOS DE ACCESO A LAS TECNOLOGÍAS DE LA INFORMACIÓN Y COMUNICACIÓN UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE VENEZUELA IC - Individual contractor 25-Mar-21 19-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76596 3530 PAN 2021 Diseño para la rehabilitación del suministro eléctrico del sistema del Taller de Gastronomía del centro INADEH Puerto Escondido, Provincia de Colón OFICINA DE PANAMA PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Apr-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 19-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76595 3508 PAN 2021 "Estudio patológico y análisis de la estructura existente del Centro INADEH Bonifacio Pereira, ubicado en El Chorrillo, Provincia de Panamá" OFICINA DE PANAMA PANAMA RFP - Request for proposal 20-Apr-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 19-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76594 RFQ MATERIALS FOR MAKING FACE MASKS UNDP Country Office SOUTH SUDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Mar-21 @ 02:30 AM (New York time) 19-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76593 RFQ - TOOLS FOR MALAKAL VTC UNDP Country Office SOUTH SUDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Mar-21 @ 02:13 AM (New York time) 19-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76592 PROCESO No. COL 0000133261 -Evaluación de final de término del portafolio de reincorporación de PNUD en el marco del CPD 2015 - 2020 Evaluación de final de término del portafolio de r COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 20-Apr-21 19-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76591 IC 00080822/042-2021: Asesoría estratégica al Sector Justicia en Honduras (con prioridad del Poder Judicial/Corte Suprema y del Ministerio Público), en materia de formulación, socialización, diseño y/o inicio de implementación, sustantiva de planes estrat Honduras HONDURAS IC - Individual contractor 12-Apr-21 19-Mar-21 RURAL DEV'T.  (MISCELLANY) RURAL DEV'T. (MISCELLANY) 76590 RFP/UNDP/RESTORE/134350/017/2021 - Enhancing the Role of BUMDesa and Kawasan Perdesaan to Support MSMEs for COVID 19 Recovery in Indonesia UNDP Country Office INDONESIA RFP - Request for proposal 05-Apr-21 @ 03:23 AM (New York time) 19-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76589 RFQ 022/2021 SERVICES TRAITEURS DIALOGUES INTERCOMMUNAUTAIRES EN 02 LOTS RBA ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Mar-21 19-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76588 RFP 686 Development of the Disaster Risk Register UNDP CO Serbia SERBIA RFP - Request for proposal 19-Apr-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 19-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76587 Request for Proposal No. RFP No.21/02232 - Provision of support to communities (Local Public Authorities) in Nisporeni, Calarasi, Basarabeasca, Leova, ATU Gagauzia, the Security Zone and Transnistria region UNDP Country Office MOLDOVA RFP - Request for proposal 16-Apr-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 19-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76579 RECRUTEMENT D'UN(E) CONSULTANT(E) INTERNATIONAL(E) SENIOR EN GESTION DES FINANCES PUBLIQUES UNDP Country Office CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 02-Apr-21 19-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76586 LBN-CO-RFQ-69-21 - External Painting Works UNDP Country Office - LEBANON - LEBANON LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 19-Mar-21 POWER POWER 76585 LBN-CO-RFQ-73-21 -Grid Wind PV Systems - Event ID 0000008816 UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 19-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76584 CFP 02-21 SER EVAW Free legal aid UNDP CO Serbia on behalf of UN Women Office Serbia SERBIA Other 03-May-21 19-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76582 CFP 01-21 SER EVAW Shelters UNDP CO Serbia on behalf of UN Women Office Serbia SERBIA Other 31-May-21 19-Mar-21 INDUSTRY INDUSTRY 76581 SERVICIO DE REPARACIÓN DE UN EQUIPO DESFIBRADOR DE CAÑA DE AZÚCAR EN LA PLANTA INDUSTRIAL DE PETROPAR EN MAURICIO JOSÉ TROCHE Asunción PARAGUAY RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Apr-21 19-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76580 Request for Quotations - RFQ/UNDP/NAM/2021/010/ - PROVISION OF ITEMS FOR SMALL-SCALE MINERS SITES IN ERONGO UNDP CO, WINDHOEK, REPUBIC OF NAMIBA NAMIBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 31-Mar-21 19-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76578 services d'entretien et de réparation des générateurs électriques CAMEROON CAMEROON RFP - Request for proposal 03-May-21 19-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76577 Service d'entretien des extincteurs CAMEROON CAMEROON RFP - Request for proposal 03-May-21 19-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76576 service d'entretien et la maintenance des Splits et Climatiseurs CAMEROON CAMEROON RFP - Request for proposal 04-Apr-21 19-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76575 services d'entretien et nettoyage de buanderie et de gestion de la réception du Guest House CAMEROON CAMEROON RFP - Request for proposal 04-Apr-21 19-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76574 CFP/UNW/BIH/01/2021 Piloting at least one initiative to offer economic reintegration opportunities for women subject to violence among minority women UNWOMEN in BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 22-Apr-21 19-Mar-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 76573 SALE OF UNDP VEHICLE NISSAN PATROL UNDP Country Office VIET NAM Other 29-Mar-21 19-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76572 Provision of Market assessment for agriculture value chain development for smallholder farmer in Cambodia -RE-ADVERTISED UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFP - Request for proposal 01-Apr-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 19-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76571 Request for Quotation for research on factors contributing to Viet Nam's domestic firms' success in their efforts to grow into globally competitive manufacturers (Ref. B-210302-E1) UNDP Vietnam VIET NAM RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Mar-21 19-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76570 IC2021-28 Stakeholders engagement Expert UNDP Country Office KYRGYZSTAN IC - Individual contractor 05-Apr-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 19-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76569 Ref.2021-014_Местный эксперт по поддержке формирования функций центральных государственных органов/Local Expert on supporting the formation of the functions of central government bodies UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 12-Apr-21 19-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76539 RFP 08/21 Assessment of Digital Governance Framework in Montenegro UNDP CO MONTENEGRO RFP - Request for proposal 08-Apr-21 19-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76568 UNDP-IC-2021-083 Consultant Establishment division re-advertised UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 02-Apr-21 19-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76567 3478 PAN 2021 – Consultor/a en Educación Musical – Cátedra en Instrumento Trombón Panama PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 29-Mar-21 18-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76518 Loan Guarantee Scheme and Credit Risk Management Specialist (National Consultant) UNDP Country Office TIMOR LESTE IC - Individual contractor 02-Apr-21 18-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76565 National Environmental and Social Safeguards (ESS) Specialist Philippines PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 02-Apr-21 18-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76564 INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANT, REDUCING INEQUALITIES & ERADICATING POVERTY MODERATOR ON SOLEVAKA Fiji FIJI IC - Individual contractor 02-Apr-21 18-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76562 National Short-Term Expert on Regional Coordination UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 01-Apr-21 18-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76560 ITB-21-015 RBAS SUDAN ITB - Invitation to bid 01-Apr-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 18-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76556 Psychologist Consultant UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 01-Apr-21 18-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76557 Sociologist Consultant UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 01-Apr-21 18-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76555 SDP-014-2021 Servicios de consultoría para sistematizar los informes parciales y finales de actividades de 51 proyectos de OSC sobre participación política de las mujeres UNDP Country Office MEXICO RFP - Request for proposal 31-Mar-21 18-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 76553 18432-2021 – "Diseño y desarrollo de una herramienta de Inteligencia artificial (AI) y social listening que permita evidenciar el vínculo entre variables de seguridad ciudadana, desarrollo, violencia de género y cohesión social". Regional Centre PANAMA RFP - Request for proposal 07-Apr-21 18-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76554 IC 21 133119 formacion gestores UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 26-Apr-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 18-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76552 IC 21 123352 elaboracion Plan Nacional UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 08-Apr-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 18-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76551 RECRUTEMENT D'UN CONSULTANT INTERNATIONAL POUR L'EVALUATION FINALE DU PROJET D'APPUI A LA CONSOLIDATION DU DESARMEMENT COMMUNAUTAIRE, DE LA REINTEGRATION DES EX-COMBATTANTS ET DE LA RSS EN COTE D'IVOIRE UNDP ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE IC - Individual contractor 01-Apr-21 18-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76550 RECRUTEMENT D'UN CONSULTANT NATIONAL POUR L'EVALUATION FINALE DU PROJET D'APPUI A LA CONSOLIDATION DU DESARMEMENT COMMUNAUTAIRE, DE LA REINTEGRATION DES EX-COMBATTANTS ET DE LA RSS EN COTE D'IVOIRE UNDP ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE IC - Individual contractor 01-Apr-21 18-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76549 Provision of 150 Hybrid Solar Tuk Tuk UNDP CO YEMEN ITB - Invitation to bid 27-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 18-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76547 LBN-CO-ITB-74-21Supp-Del-Instal of Equipment UNDP Country office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 01-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 18-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76546 RFP-UNDP-SPOI-0000132593-015-2021 - Develop the Sustainable Plantation Master Plan for Sintang District Country Office INDONESIA RFP - Request for proposal 01-Apr-21 @ 11:06 AM (New York time) 18-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76519 122-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-RPP Analysis of the Provision of Home-Based and Palliative Care Services for 8 Communities in Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts and Development of a Local Legal Framework for Mobile Home-Based Social Services for Lonely Disabled citizens Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 02-Apr-21 18-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76543 PCI-018-2021 Servicios de consultoría para brindar apoyo técnico a los proyectos de Recuperación Económica y Sector Privado UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO RFP - Request for proposal 01-Apr-21 18-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76545 recrutement consultant pour le développement du guide d'audit et de contrôle CAMEROON CAMEROON IC - Individual contractor 01-Apr-21 18-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76542 RFQ 2021-16 : Acquisition et installation de systèmes de vidéosurveillance UNDP Country Office TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 31-Mar-21 18-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76544 recrutement consultant pour l'évaluation du financement du développement local CAMEROON CAMEROON IC - Individual contractor 12-Apr-21 18-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76541 Consultant pour le renforcement des capacités organisationnelles CAMEROON CAMEROON IC - Individual contractor 01-Apr-21 18-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76540 BIH/RFQ-046-21 Civil works on two tourism infrastructure facilities in two Municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Apr-21 18-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76537 RFP - DEVELOPMENT DISABILITY ISSUE PAPERS AND COMMUNICATION MATERIALS TO PROMOTE INCLUSION OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES IN COVID19 PROCESSES Lesotho LESOTHO RFP - Request for proposal 24-Mar-21 18-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76538 Gerente Proyecto de CND de Guinea Ecuatorial GE EQUATORIAL GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 25-Mar-21 18-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76536 RFQ 2021-15 UNDP TUNISIA TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Apr-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 18-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76535 3506 PAN 2021 Suministro e instalación en el uso de equipo de numeración y perforación simultánea de alimentación por succión, para uso en la Imprenta del Centro INADEH de Tocumen Panama PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Apr-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 18-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76534 RFP 16-2021 for TRAINING AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ON CAREER COUNSELING FOR EMPLOYMENT SERVICE AGENCY (ESA) UUNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFP - Request for proposal 31-Mar-21 18-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76533 MEDIA PRODUCTION COMPANY CAMEROON CAMEROON RFP - Request for proposal 29-Mar-21 18-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76532 TRANSLATORS/INTERPRETERS CAMEROON CAMEROON RFP - Request for proposal 05-Apr-21 18-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76487 Ready-Made-Garment (RMG) Digital Market Assessment UNCDF BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 01-Apr-21 18-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76530 ITB 027/21 - Supply of lighting equipment for Yerevan city UNDP Country Office ARMENIA ITB - Invitation to bid 21-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 18-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76529 EVENT PLANNER CAMEROON CAMEROON IC - Individual contractor 05-Apr-21 18-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76528 Закупка услуг по поставке автомобильного топлива для нужд офиса и проектов Программы развития ООН в Республике Беларусь на долгосрочной основе (долгосрочное соглашение) UNDP Country Office BELARUS RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Apr-21 18-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76526 Appel d'offres n° UNDP/RFP/2021/020 Sélection d'une agence de communication audiovisuelle pour la Production d'un film institutionnel sur les résultats du projet Post-DRR Côte d'Ivoire COTE d'IVOIRE RFP - Request for proposal 29-Mar-21 18-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76525 Proposal for Laboratory Information Management Albania ALBANIA RFP - Request for proposal 13-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 18-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76524 UNDP-IC-2021-106 Sr. Coordination and Implementation Specialist UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 01-Apr-21 18-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76523 BIH-ITB-009-21 Construction works Musical School UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA ITB - Invitation to bid 21-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 18-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76522 National Consultant 2 for formulation of draft Decree on implementation of Law on Environment Protection 2020 with regard to the section of circular economy and upgrade the Analytical Report on CE (Ref. P210304) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 30-Mar-21 18-Mar-21 HEALTH HEALTH 76520 RFQ/044/21 Supply and Delivery of Protective gloves UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Mar-21 18-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76517 RFP No.: 21/02230: Company to conduct a Functional Analysis of the National System of Forensic Institutions in the Republic of Moldova UNDP Country Office MOLDOVA RFP - Request for proposal 28-Apr-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 18-Mar-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 76516 RFQ/045/21 Procurement of ground works and accessories for medicinal herbs planting - Via Dinarica UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Mar-21 18-Mar-21 HEALTH HEALTH 76409 IC/UNDP/HGI/062/2021 - Consultant to Develop Technical Guidelines of HIV Services Through Telemedicine [re-advertised] UNDP Indonesia INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 31-Mar-21 18-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76515 ETH2354-National Firm Level Consultancy for Organizational Re-structure, Job Analysis and Manning: Short Term Consultancy for the Federal Civil Service Commission. UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA RFP - Request for proposal 07-Apr-21 @ 03:59 PM (New York time) 18-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76513 Recrutement d'un Cabinet pour le Developpement de la Plateforme de Digitalisation du PNUD Bénin UNDP Country Office BENIN RFP - Request for proposal 15-Apr-21 18-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76514 ETH2332-National Firm Level Consultancy to execute a behavioral insight study survey for household solid waste segregation UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA RFP - Request for proposal 14-Apr-21 @ 03:59 PM (New York time) 18-Mar-21 FORESTRY FORESTRY 76510 MNG/RFQ/2021/004 - Forest equipment UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA RFQ - Request for quotation 31-Mar-21 18-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76512 Call for Proposal (CFP) Template for Responsible Parties (For Civil Society Organizations- CSOs) UNDP Country Office on behalf of UN WOMEN LIBERIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 09-Apr-21 18-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76511 Construction Works of Renewable Energy Workshop in Mersin UNDP Country Office TURKEY RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Apr-21 18-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76508 National Consultant - Terminal Evaluation for UNDP-supported GEF-financed projects UNDP Country Office THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 05-Apr-21 18-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76507 IC/UNDP/CLIMATE/061/2021 - UNDP - Policy Specialist (Ocean-Based Climate Mitigation Action) National Consultant UNDP Indonesia Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 01-Apr-21 18-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76506 Innovation Challenges - AIS Joint Research – Good Maritime Governance UNDP Country Office INDONESIA Innovation Challenge 02-Apr-21 18-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76505 Innovation Challenges - AIS Joint Research - Climate Change mitigation and adaptation UNDP Country Office INDONESIA Innovation Challenge 02-Apr-21 18-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76504 Assessment of the Cost and Benefits of Climate Change Adaptation in Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management Sectors of Tajikistan - deadline is extended UNDP Country Office TAJIKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 05-Apr-21 18-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76503 (RE-ADVERTISEMENT) IC/UNDP/IFL/054/2021 - Senior Specialist for Impact Investment Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 15-Apr-21 18-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76452 RFP/UNDP/MTRE3/131262/016/2021 – Biodiversity Assessment and Wildlife Management Training UNDP Indonesia Country Office INDONESIA RFP - Request for proposal 31-Mar-21 17-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76502 Request for Information (RFI) from CSOs/NGOs for Samoa MCO - EXTENDED TO 31 MAY UNDP Country Office SAMOA RFI - Request for Information 30-Apr-21 17-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76501 3523 PAN 2021 la contratación de Un (1) Consultor/a en Trata de Personas para la recolección de información y producción de un Informe Situacional sobre el estado actual y capacidad respuesta de la justicia penal al delito de Trata de Personas en Curazao UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 12-Apr-21 17-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76500 18437-2021 - ACUERDO A LARGO PLAZO (LTA) PARA EL DESARROLLO DE METODOLOGÍA Y HERRAMIENTA CON UN ENFOQUE COGNITIVO E INTERDISCIPLINARIO DE LAS CIENCIAS DEL COMPORTAMIENTO. Regional Centre PANAMA RFP - Request for proposal 07-Apr-21 17-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76457 GIS Specialist (International Consultant) UNDP Country Office TIMOR LESTE IC - Individual contractor 01-Apr-21 17-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76499 PROCESO COL 0000131245 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultoría especializada para el apoyo a acciones de cuidado y género en los proyectos de la cartera de reincorporación socioeconómica. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 04-Apr-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 17-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76498 CONVOCATORIA A ORGANIZACIONES COMUNITARIAS DE LA PROVINCIA DEL SUMAPAZ UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA Other 12-Apr-21 17-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76497 Parliamentary Budget Data Analyst UNDP Country Office FIJI IC - Individual contractor 01-Apr-21 17-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76496 Proceso No. COL-00000133529 Consultoria individua UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 03-Apr-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 17-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76495 SdP ADQ 21 132953 Certificacion productores palma UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 29-Apr-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 17-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76494 UNDP Rule of Law and Human Rights Annual Report Microsite UNDP HQs - New York UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Apr-21 17-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76488 RFQ: Research Institute to support data collection and analysis to contribute to the ICPE Ukraine Independent Evaluation Office UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RFQ - Request for quotation 31-Mar-21 17-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76493 National Consultant - WILS Trainer for Community Leaders (Women and Girls) UNDP Country Office SAMOA RFP - Request for proposal 31-Mar-21 17-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 76492 Supply and Delivery of Biometric Tablets UNDP Country Office GHANA RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Mar-21 17-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76491 IC-147-2021 Planes Gestion Recursos Hidricos UNDP Country Office - Peru - Peru PERU IC - Individual contractor 30-Mar-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 17-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 76490 Supply and Delivery of Laptops, Printer and Accessories UNDP Country Office GHANA RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Mar-21 17-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76489 National Consultant - WILS Trainer for Community Leaders (Men and Boys) UNDP Country Office SAMOA RFP - Request for proposal 31-Mar-21 17-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76486 RFP UNDP HAI 21039 changements climatiques UNDP Country Office HAITI RFP - Request for proposal 12-Apr-21 @ 06:57 PM (New York time) 17-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 76484 IC 21 123352 desarrollo sistema informatico UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 31-Mar-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 17-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76485 RFP-UNDP-AIS-124304-010-2021 Provision of the Incubation and Acceleration Training for Ending Plastic Pollution Innovation Challenge (EPPIC) Project UNDP Country Office INDONESIA RFP - Request for proposal 01-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 17-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76483 Call for Proposal (CFP) Template for Responsible Parties (For Civil Society Organizations- CSOs) UNDP Country Office on behalf of UN WOMEN LIBERIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 09-Apr-21 17-Mar-21 HEALTH HEALTH 76482 Development of a technical paper on Procurement of health technologies for Neglected Tropical Diseases GPN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 30-Mar-21 17-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76481 Call for proposal for CSOs to provide information and awareness services on the Local Government Act (LGA) at sub-national levels. UNDP Country office LIBERIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 26-Mar-21 17-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76480 RFP 2021-04 : Développement et mise en place d'indicateurs climatiques de veille, de suivi et d'alerte des risques climatiques sur le littoral UNDP TUNISIA TUNISIA RFP - Request for proposal 31-Mar-21 17-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76479 RFQ 2021-20 : Selection d'un centre pour la réalisation de deux formations : Windows server et virtualisation UNDP Country Office TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Apr-21 17-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76478 RFQ Purchase of office desks and chairs UNDP Kosovo Kosovo, UNSCR 1244 (1999) RFQ - Request for quotation 31-Mar-21 @ 11:30 AM (New York time) 17-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76477 RFQ Purchase of Personal Protective Equipments UNDP Kosovo Kosovo, UNSCR 1244 (1999) RFQ - Request for quotation 31-Mar-21 @ 11:30 AM (New York time) 17-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76473 Consultancy Services to review and upgrade TANGO's website and social media platforms Gambia GAMBIA IC - Individual contractor 31-Mar-21 17-Mar-21 HEALTH HEALTH 76476 ITB-BIH-011-21 Patient Monitors UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA ITB - Invitation to bid 25-Mar-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 17-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 76474 RFP-026-IND-2021 - Information and Data Portal" for UN in India (UNRCO) UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 30-Mar-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 17-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76475 RFP/013/21 Development of Online Teaching Tutorial for Acquiring and Strengthening Competences and Soft Skills UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFP - Request for proposal 31-Mar-21 17-Mar-21 HEALTH HEALTH 76472 RFQ/042/21 Supply and Delivery of COVID-19 RNA manual extractions UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Mar-21 17-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76471 Recrutement d'un consultant national pour Evaluation finale du projet 'Paix, Justice, Réconciliation et Reconstruction au Kasaï Central' (PAJURR-KC) UNDP DRC CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 24-Mar-21 17-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76468 CI.017.PNUD.2021.ASISTENCIA TECNICA PARA DIAGNOSTICO E INSPECCIÓN DE TRABAJOS PARA MEJORAR LA INFRAESTRUCTURA TECNOLÓGICA EN CENTROS COMUNITARIOS DE ACCESO A LAS TECNOLOGÍAS DE LA INFORMACIÓN Y COMUNICACIÓN (INFOCENTRO) UNDP Country Office VENEZUELA RFP - Request for proposal 29-Mar-21 17-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76470 Consultancy to Conduct series of mini- perception UNDP Iraq IRAQ RFP - Request for proposal 06-Apr-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 17-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 76467 143-2021 supply of the computer equipment for remote workplaces in Donetsk and Lugansk oblasts / Закупівля комп'ютерного обладнання для віддалених робочих місць ЦНАП Донецької та Луганської областей Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Mar-21 17-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76469 Individual Consultant to conduct Foresight Capacity Needs Assessment and Capacity Building Strategy for the National Planning Commission, Ministry of Economic Planning, Development and Public Sector Reforms and United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Ma UNDP Malawi Country Office MALAWI IC - Individual contractor 31-Mar-21 17-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76466 UNDP-IC-2021-104- IC Develop Implementation Plan UNDP-Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 26-May-21 17-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76465 Expert TO UNDERTAKE SCENARIO ANALYSIS ON THE SOCIO-ECONOMIC OUTCOMES OF OF DELAYED VACCINATION DISTRIBUTION IN LESOTHO Lesotho LESOTHO IC - Individual contractor 24-Mar-21 17-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76464 АУКЦИОН ПО ПРОДАЖЕ АВТОМОБИЛЯ UNDP Kyrgyzstan KYRGYZSTAN Other 02-Apr-21 17-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76463 UNDP-RFP-2021-103 National Action Plan for Business and Human Rights UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 07-Apr-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 17-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76462 LBN-CO-CFP-72-21 Conduct an SGBV study UNDP Country Office LEBANON CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 14-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 17-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76461 RFP 2021-05 : Recrutement d'un bureau d'étude national pour la conception et la mise en œuvre d'un programme de renforcement des capacités des députés / conseillers parlementaires en matière du changement climatique UNDP TUNISIA TUNISIA RFP - Request for proposal 28-Apr-21 17-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76460 ITBLTAFOURNITURESDEBUREAU UNDP country office CHAD ITB - Invitation to bid 04-May-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 17-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76459 Clearing agent for UNDP Maldives UNDP Maldives Country Office MALDIVES RFQ - Request for quotation 31-Mar-21 17-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 76458 RFP-098-21 Developing an Online Information Country Office IRAQ RFP - Request for proposal 15-Apr-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 17-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76456 RFQ 2021-17 : Acquisition de Portiques et des détecteurs portatifs de métaux UNDP Country Office TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Mar-21 17-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 76455 RFQ 2021-23 : Acquisition de Logiciels SPSS IBM UNDP Country Office TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Mar-21 17-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76454 UNDP/RFP/09/2021 Request for Proposal for development of sensitization packages on disability inclusive human resources and operations and monitoring and evaluation for UN Nepal UNDP Country Office for UNRCO NEPAL RFP - Request for proposal 31-Mar-21 17-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76453 Re-advertise Network and Fire Alarm System 2 LOTs UNDP Aden sub-office YEMEN RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Mar-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 17-Mar-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 76451 320-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-RPP_supply of the vehicle for the psychological service of the Main Department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Donetsk oblast Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 31-Mar-21 17-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76450 Recrutement d'un (e) consultant(e) national(e), pour conduire la phase de démarrage de l'Initiative pour une Gouvernance Inclusive en Côte d'Ivoire Côte d'Ivoire COTE d'IVOIRE IC - Individual contractor 31-Mar-21 17-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 76449 RfQ for Upgrading service of the UN in Viet Nam Intranet Site UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Mar-21 17-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76448 Renovation of 125 Houses Partially Damage-Ninawa UNDP Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 12-Apr-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 17-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76446 Capacity Assessment of Kabul Police (COPS) Project and LOTFA AFGHANISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 30-Mar-21 @ 12:00 PM (New York time) 17-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76445 (RE-ADVERTISEMENT) RFQ/UNDP/SPOI/131511/006/2021 - Provision of Workforce and Staffing Services for UNDP-SPOI/Good Growth Partnership (GGP) Programme UNDP Country Office INDONESIA RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Apr-21 17-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76444 3463 PAN 2021 – Consultor/a en Educación Musical – Cátedra en Instrumento Contrabajo Panama PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 31-Mar-21 16-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76418 IC/UNDP/BIOFIN/060/2021 - UNDP - Liaison and support for Determine of the Location Priority on Ecological Fiscal Transfer UNDP Indonesia Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 31-Mar-21 16-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76443 SdC ADQ 21 132327 trampas UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Apr-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 16-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76442 Contrato Individual (CI) 120398-2410/21 "Servicio de Consultoría para la realización del Análisis Costo Beneficio de la implementación de las opciones de mitigación priorizadas en los sectores Procesos Industriales y Desechos PNUD GUATEMALA GUATEMALA RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Apr-21 16-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76441 3526 PAN 2021 - Diagnóstico Comunitario y mapeo de actores Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 30-Mar-21 16-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76440 PCI-017-2021 Consultoría individual para el desarrollo de una estrategia de capacitación en materia de elaboración de presupuestos con enfoque de género UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 24-Mar-21 16-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76439 SdC ADQ 21 132318 toma de muestras UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Mar-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 16-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76424 142-2021 furniture for remote workplaces of ASCs of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts / постачання меблів для віддалених робочих місць ЦНАП Донецької та Луганської областей Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Mar-21 16-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76438 3498 PAN 2021 – Consultor Asistente en Educación Musical – Cátedra en Instrumento "Clarinete" Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 30-Mar-21 16-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76437 CONSULTORIA DE DESARROLLO DE PROYECTO EJECUTIVO PARA INSTALACION DE PLANTA DE ETANOL A PARTIR DE CEREALES PLANTA INDUSTRIAL PETROPAR EN MAURCIO JOSE TROCHE Asunción PARAGUAY RFP - Request for proposal 09-Apr-21 16-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76435 Tres (3) - Consultores en Educación Musical – Cátedra en Instrumento "Violoncello" Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 30-Mar-21 16-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76436 PROCESO COL 0000133172 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL PROFESIONAL JURÍDICO SGR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 30-Mar-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 16-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76433 RFP 21 037 Evaluation des vulnerabilites PNUD HAITI RFP - Request for proposal 14-Apr-21 @ 04:30 PM (New York time) 16-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76434 RFQ for procurement of 2 drones Albania ALBANIA RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Mar-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 16-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76432 ItB 2214 Revitalization of Ungheni Town Centre UNDP Country Office MOLDOVA ITB - Invitation to bid 19-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 16-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76431 PROCESO COL 0000131795 : Desarrollar un piloto de factibilidad para el ensamble de máquinas de recuperación de gases refrigerantes en el país UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 04-Apr-21 16-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76430 SDP NRO. 06/2021 "Asistencia Técnica para realizar un estudio sobre casos de femicidios en contexto no íntimo considerando las diferencias regionales dentro de la Argentina" Argentina ARGENTINA RFP - Request for proposal 30-Mar-21 16-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76429 SDP NRO. 07/2021 "Asistencia técnica para la elaboración de un Mapeo de Dispositivos Territoriales de Protección no estatales" Argentina ARGENTINA RFP - Request for proposal 30-Mar-21 16-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76427 Environment Expert for development of Strategy for Combating Pollution in Iraq UNDP Country Office IRAQ IC - Individual contractor 06-Apr-21 16-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76428 Appel d'offres n° UNDP/RFP/2021/019 Sélection d'une agence de communication audiovisuelle pour la Production d'un film institutionnel Côte d'Ivoire COTE d'IVOIRE RFP - Request for proposal 26-Mar-21 16-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76426 Solicitud de Propuesta Nº 1/2021 - PROYECTO PNUD ARG/20/003 ARGENTINA ARGENTINA RFP - Request for proposal 04-May-21 16-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76425 IC-153-2021 Especialista Nacional Quimicos UNDP Country Office PERU IC - Individual contractor 29-Mar-21 @ 02:00 PM (New York time) 16-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76423 IC 131065 HFC Consumption Survey in the RAC Sector Consultant UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE - JAMAICA JAMAICA IC - Individual contractor 26-Apr-21 16-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 76422 RFQ19/2021/Acquisition ,installation, le test et la documentation d'un système de câblage informatique (prises et câbles) blindé FTP Catégorie 6a ou plus au profit des tribunaux TUNISIA TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Apr-21 16-Mar-21 HEALTH HEALTH 76416 BIH-ITB-010-21 Supply and Delivery of DNA/RNA Extractors UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA ITB - Invitation to bid 25-Mar-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 16-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76421 RFQ- 020/2021- avis d'appel d'offre pour réalisation de Capsules Vidéo UNDP ALGERIA, RBAS ALGERIA RFP - Request for proposal 31-Mar-21 16-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76417 Individual Contractor (IC) – Research and Data Analysis Consultant(Re Advertisment) UNDP Regional Hub Office-Amman JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 27-Mar-21 16-Mar-21 HEALTH HEALTH 76415 RFQ for Rental Vehicle Services for MoPH UNDP Country Office Afghanistan AFGHANISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Apr-21 @ 01:30 AM (New York time) 16-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76414 LBN-CO-RFP-70-21 - Development and Design of Lebanon Energy Hub Platform - Event ID 0000008767 UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFP - Request for proposal 13-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 16-Mar-21 TOURISM TOURISM 76413 Javni poziv - PODRŠKA INTEGRACIJI/UKLJUČIVANJU DOMAĆIH, TRADICIONALNIH PROIZVODA (PREHRAMBENI PROIZVODI, RUKOTVORINE I SUVENIRI) U TURISTIČKU PONUDU DUŽ STAZA VIA DINARICE U BIH UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 07-Apr-21 16-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76412 IC/UNDP/HGI/059/2021 - Technical Advisor for Management and Technical Cooperation for AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria (MTC-ATM Project) (National Consultant) UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 30-Mar-21 16-Mar-21 HEALTH HEALTH 76411 RFQ/041/21 Supply, Delivery and installation of Real Time PCR UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Mar-21 16-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76410 IC/UNDP/HGI/058/2021 - LTA Senior Expert for the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Management (National Consultant) UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 30-Mar-21 16-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76408 CLOSED EARLY
Accelerator Lab-Philippines Intern UNDP Philippines PHILIPPINES Other 30-Mar-21 16-Mar-21 POWER POWER 76039 Réalisation des études de faisabilité et d'avant-projet détaillé pour l'aménagement des microcentrales hydroélectriques et réseaux électriques en République du Congo UNDP Country Office CONGO RFP - Request for proposal 09-Apr-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 16-Mar-21 URBAN DEV'T. URBAN DEV'T. 76381 Recrutement d'un bureau d'etudes agrée par le ministere de l'environnement pour la realisation d'une etude d'impact environnemental et social (eies) pour la construction et l'amenagement de la micro/mini centrale hydroelectrique et réseau electrique UNDP Country Office CONGO RFP - Request for proposal 10-Apr-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 16-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76407 Individual Consultancy - National Consultant for Preparation of Regional Management plans for Forests in the High Mountain Areas in Akkar & Jbeil Districts - LBN/CO/IC/71/21 UNDP Country Office LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 06-Apr-21 16-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76406 ETH2331-National Firm Level Consultancy for Waste recycling and transformation solution fest. UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA RFP - Request for proposal 19-Apr-21 @ 03:59 PM (New York time) 16-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76405 RFP/012/21 Analysis of municipal asset management practices UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFP - Request for proposal 31-Mar-21 16-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76403 appel à manifestation d'intérêt pour le recrutement des partenaires de mise en œuvre des activités du PCJ à Bangui, Berberati et Bangassou. UNDP CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC EOI - Expression of interest 25-Mar-21 16-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76404 ETH2355-ICT Officer - National Consultant for Supporting the Federal Civil Service Commission (FCSC) UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Mar-21 @ 03:59 PM (New York time) 16-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76402 ITB-101-21-Rehabilitation of 218 Housing Unit UNDP Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 06-Apr-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 16-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76401 Providing Waste Carts and Containers of the Solid UNDP Office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Mar-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 16-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 76400 27-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-SCR-Mobile cases (re-announcement with changed TOR) UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Mar-21 16-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76399 ITB-102-21 Cash for Work for Irrigation Canal Cleaning in Al Zab Sub district-Hawija District-Kirkuk Governorate,Iraq RBAS IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 07-Apr-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 16-Mar-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 76398 Procurement of Bus - Extension of Event ID 8493 UNDP Country Ofiice IRAN RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 16-Mar-21 HEALTH HEALTH 76397 RFQ No. 017-2021-UNDP-UKR UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Mar-21 16-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76396 Supply and installation of equipment furniture South Sudan SOUTH SUDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Mar-21 @ 05:37 AM (New York time) 16-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76395 Regional Connecting Business initiative (CBi) Private Sector Consultant for Africa Connecting Business initiative (CBi), IICPSD, UNDP TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 30-Mar-21 16-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76394 IC/UNDP/PIP/057/2021 - UNDP - Support Consultant for Marine Debris Social Media and Content UNDP Indonesia Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 30-Mar-21 16-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76393 National expert on modeling the impact of climate change and water management on water resources of Kazakhstan projected until 2100/ Национальный эксперт по моделированию влияния изменения климата и водохозяйства на водные ресурсы Казахстана UNPD Country Office - KAZAKHSTAN KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 08-Apr-21 16-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76366 CLOSED EARLY
Data Analyst Intern for Pintig Lab UNDP Philippines PHILIPPINES Other 29-Mar-21 16-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76392 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL: CI/CRI/2021/112683/Asesoría en economía RRF UNDP Country Office COSTA RICA IC - Individual contractor 29-Mar-21 15-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76387 IC - Expert National en production video UNDP Haiti HAITI RFQ - Request for quotation 31-Mar-21 15-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76388 RFQ (Demande de Prix): Institut national ou régional chargé de contribuer à une revue de la performance du PNUD - EIPP République centrafricaine (Réaffichage) Independent Evaluation Office UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RFQ - Request for quotation 11-May-21 15-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76390 3496 PAN 2021 – Consultor en Educación Musical – Cátedra en Instrumento "Violín". UNDP Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 29-Mar-21 15-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76389 Consultoría para la Reglamentación de la Ley 3.956/09 De Gestión Integral de los Residuos Sólidos en la República del Paraguay UNDP Office Paraguay PARAGUAY IC - Individual contractor 29-Mar-21 15-Mar-21 HEALTH HEALTH 76386 RFQ Supply and Delivery of Food items For HIV -TB UNDP Country Office Afghanistan AFGHANISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 04-Apr-21 @ 01:30 AM (New York time) 15-Mar-21 HEALTH HEALTH 76385 UNDP 157-2020-UNDP-UKR Procurement of medicines for the emergency medical care in bleedings and medicines for Treatment of Tuberculosis UNDP CO - UKRAINE UKRAINE ITB - Invitation to bid 09-Apr-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 15-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76384 Consultoría para el apoyo técnico legislativo para la revisión de la Ley 4928/13 de Protección al Arbolado Urbano y revisión del marco legal sobre desarrollo urbano en áreas inundables UNDP Office Paraguay PARAGUAY IC - Individual contractor 29-Mar-21 15-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76383 RFP/UNDP/MTRE3/014/131705/2021- Development MRV system of Renewable Energy (RE)-based energy generation and energy efficiency (EE) in commercial building Country Office INDONESIA RFP - Request for proposal 29-Mar-21 @ 11:20 AM (New York time) 15-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76382 INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANT TO SUPPORT THE CONDUCT OF A BARRIER ASSESSMENT OF THE ARMED FORCES OF LIBERIA UNDP Country Office on behalf of UN WOMEN LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 24-Mar-21 15-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76380 Ref.2021-025 - Financial Mechanism Strategy Review – International Consultant Kazakhstan KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 29-Mar-21 15-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76379 Consultancy – Individual Contractor LTA Framework Agreement - Platform Data Analyst Consultant, BPPS/UNDP HQ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 28-Mar-21 15-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76378 Junior Research Consultant on Effective Development Cooperation II UNDP Seoul Policy Centre KOREA (REPUBLIC OF) IC - Individual contractor 29-Mar-21 15-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76377 National Consultant to conduct a Study on the Prevalence of Gender-Based Violence in the Republic of Mauritius Country Office MAURITIUS IC - Individual contractor 23-Mar-21 15-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76376 Expert national en ingénierie de la formation- Projet APA Algérie UNDP ALGERIA, RBAS ALGERIA IC - Individual contractor 11-Apr-21 15-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 76375 WEATHER STUDIO PRODUCTION EQUIPMENT UNDP Country Office RWANDA RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Mar-21 15-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76372 RFQ 028-21 Supply of automatic gas fire extinguishing installation system to equip the server room of the Nork Information Analytical Center (NIAC) UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Apr-21 15-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76374 Cash For Work for Canal Cleaning in Al Abbasi-Hawi UNDP SERVICE CENTRE Erbil- Iraq IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 09-Apr-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 15-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76373 IBT-103-21 Cash for Work for Rubble Removal in Industrial Zone-Hawija- Kirkuk Governorate,Iraq RBAS IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 05-Apr-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 15-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76371 CONCOURS DE CREATION DE LOGO - GOLCOS UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO Innovation Challenge 23-Mar-21 15-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 76370 Procurement of ICT equipment for various UNDP proj Albania ALBANIA RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 15-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76369 RFQ: Rehabilitation works of the agricultural laboratory at Gal/i College of Humanities UNDP Country Office GEORGIA RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Mar-21 15-Mar-21 RURAL DEV'T.  (MISCELLANY) RURAL DEV'T. (MISCELLANY) 76367 Call for Proposal - Mitigating the Impacts of Floods and COVID-19 in South Kalimantan (Debris Clearing) UNDP Country Office INDONESIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 25-Mar-21 15-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76368 RFP/2021/06: Consulting services for Development of Gender Sensitive Local Municipal Solid Waste Management Plans UNDP Country Office JORDAN RFP - Request for proposal 07-Apr-21 15-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76352 Software of GAMS and GEMPACK UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Mar-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 15-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76365 CLOSED EARLY
Expert national en ingénierie de la formation collabore activement avec le Coordinateur National du Projet et le conseiller technique du projet. UNDP ALGERIA, RBAS ALGERIA IC - Individual contractor 15-Mar-21 15-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76364 IC/UNDP/UNODC/055/2021 - National Consultant for the Promising Practice on the Application of Human Security Concept to the Criminal Justice Approach of Violent Extremism and Terrorism Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Mar-21 15-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76362 ETH2351-National Consultant for Final Project Evaluation of Supporting an Inclusive and Multi-Sectoral Response to COVID-19 and Addressing its Socio-Economic Impact in Ethiopia Project UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Mar-21 @ 03:59 PM (New York time) 15-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76361 DISPOSAL OF ASSET (VEHICLE) BOTSWANA BOTSWANA Other 24-Mar-21 15-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76360 Javni poziv za odabir ReLOaD partnerskih jedinica lokalne samouprave UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 12-Apr-21 15-Mar-21 RURAL DEV'T.  (MISCELLANY) RURAL DEV'T. (MISCELLANY) 76359 Call for Proposal - Mitigating the Impacts of Floods and COVID-19 in South Kalimantan (Building Supporting Facilities and Small-scale Business Recovery) UNDP Country Office INDONESIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 25-Mar-21 15-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76357 Hiring Project to Restore Agricultural Oasis UNDP SERVICE CENTRE Erbil- Iraq IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 08-Apr-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 15-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76354 Energy Economist UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 28-Mar-21 15-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 76356 RFQ/040/21 Procurement and delivery of photo and IT equipment UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Mar-21 15-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76355 CONSTRUCTION OF THREE POLICE POSTS FENCING OF SPU South Sudan SOUTH SUDAN ITB - Invitation to bid 25-Mar-21 @ 12:52 AM (New York time) 15-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76351 ETH2333-International Consultant for Climate Security Consultant: African Union UNDP Regional Center ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Mar-21 @ 03:59 PM (New York time) 15-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76350 RFQ/036/21 Organisation of the Final Regional Dialogue Platform in three locations (Sarajevo, Belgrade and Podgorica) and via Zoom - EXTENSION and AMENDMENT!!! UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Mar-21 15-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76348 ETH2341-International Consultant for Interim Coordinator to Lead the Effective Transfer of the African Minerals Development Centre (AMDC) to the Republic of Guinea UNDP Regional Center ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 12-Apr-21 @ 03:59 PM (New York time) 15-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76349 International Junior Consultant for Circular Economy and Plastic Management UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Mar-21 15-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76302 Gender and Stakeholder Engagement Specialist UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 28-Mar-21 15-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76347 Development of training material and delivery South Sudan SOUTH SUDAN RFP - Request for proposal 23-Mar-21 @ 12:43 AM (New York time) 15-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76346 RENOVATION OF BOR CENTRAL PRISON FEMALE WING South Sudan SOUTH SUDAN ITB - Invitation to bid 24-Mar-21 @ 01:26 AM (New York time) 15-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76345 CONSTRUCTION OF THREE POLICE POSTS IN YAMBIO South Sudan SOUTH SUDAN ITB - Invitation to bid 24-Mar-21 @ 02:05 AM (New York time) 15-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76344 RFQ- 019/2021- avis d'appel d'offre pour les services catering UNDP ALGERIA, RBAS ALGERIA RFQ - Request for quotation 13-Apr-21 14-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76343 ITB-SAU-21-002 Renovation United Nations Building Saudi Arabia SAUDI ARABIA ITB - Invitation to bid 20-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 14-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76342 RFQ- 015/2021- avis d'appel d'offre pour la location de salle de conférence en Algérie UNDP ALGERIA, RBAS ALGERIA RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Mar-21 14-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76340 SENIOR PROJECT RESEARCHER UNDP Country Office EGYPT IC - Individual contractor 25-Mar-21 14-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76339 Consultancy services for technical assessment of Berth number 4 of Hodeidah Port, Hodeidah, Yemen. UNDP Country Office YEMEN RFP - Request for proposal 24-May-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 14-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76338 RFQ - Co-Shared Kitchen for the BCC UNDP Maldives Country Office MALDIVES RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Mar-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 14-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76337 RFP-Environmental Sustainability School Education Packages UNDP Country Office EGYPT IC - Individual contractor 04-Apr-21 14-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 76335 RFQ 8564 - Supply and Delivery of ICT Equipment UNDP Country Office AFGHANISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Mar-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 14-Mar-21 POWER POWER 76334 INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANT (IC) TO SUPPORT PRIVATE SECTOR SOLAR INDUSTRY IN GOVERNMENT TENDER PARTICIPATION BOTSWANA BOTSWANA IC - Individual contractor 26-Mar-21 13-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76333 RFP-075-21-Al-Taheel Project in Mosul City-Iraq under the Funding Facility for Stabilization Project (FFS) RFP No.: 075-21 Project: Al-Ta'heel Project in Mosul City/Iraq Country: Iraq Issued on: Iraq Country Office IRAQ RFP - Request for proposal 19-Apr-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 13-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 76332 Procurement of ICT Equipment and Computers UNDP Country Office Timor Leste TIMOR LESTE RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Mar-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 13-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76331 TRAVAUX DE REHABILITATION DES TRIBUNAUX Madagascar MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Mar-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 13-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76330 IC URU18002-1069 Consultor/a internacional para la Evaluación final del Proyecto de tamaño mediano PNUD-FVC URU/18/002 "La integración del enfoque de adaptación en ciudades, infraestructura y planificación local en Uruguay" PNUD Uruguay URUGUAY IC - Individual contractor 25-Mar-21 12-Mar-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 76329 IAL 21 133313 Adquisicion de vehiculos electricos UNDP Country Office ECUADOR ITB - Invitation to bid 09-Apr-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 12-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76328 Development of a Strategic Plan for the Gambia Bar Association Gambia GAMBIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Mar-21 12-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76327 The objective of this assignment is to create a better understanding and clear guidelines for the use and development of SPVs created for different purposes UNCDF TANZANIA IC - Individual contractor 31-Mar-21 12-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76326 3491 PAN 2021 - Consultor en Educación Musical – Cátedra en Instrumento "Flauta UNDP Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 26-Mar-21 12-Mar-21 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS 76325 IAL 00087688/006-2021: Cable Multipar de Cobre Accesorios de Planta Ext Honduras HONDURAS ITB - Invitation to bid 09-Apr-21 @ 07:30 PM (New York time) 12-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76324 ITB 001 2021 PNUDBFA FERMES AGROECOLOGIQUES UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO ITB - Invitation to bid 29-Mar-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 12-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76323 IC NOTICE N°007/2021/PNUD-BFA Recrutement d'un consultant individuel en vue de l'élaboration d'une note conceptuelle sur l'état du commerce électronique au Burkina Faso. UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 16-Mar-21 12-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76321 RFQ/PNUD/HAI/21.047 - Entreposage de Produits Malaria (Re-publication) PNUD HAITI RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Mar-21 12-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76322 IC URU/20/008-1066 Consultor local Senior para la sistematización de los insumos disponibles sobre segregación urbana PNUD Uruguay URUGUAY IC - Individual contractor 25-Mar-21 12-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 75831 SOLICITUD DE COTIZACIÓN (SdC) COL 0000130139 -Suministrar equipos de tecnología UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Mar-21 12-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76320 ITB 001 2021 UNDP Mozambique MOZAMBIQUE ITB - Invitation to bid 05-Apr-21 @ 02:00 PM (New York time) 12-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76319 Recruitment of a Consultant to "Provide operational support to the implementation of UNODC HIV activities in Tunisia UNDP Country Office TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 25-Mar-21 12-Mar-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 76317 LPN 01/2021 Adquisición de vehículos en el marco de los planes de desarrollo forestal ARG 20/001 PNUD Argentina ARGENTINA ITB - Invitation to bid 15-Apr-21 12-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76315 Procurement of Sport equipment (for Establishment of 1+4 Years Long Term Arrangement) UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND (UNICEF) UKRAINE ITB - Invitation to bid 24-Mar-21 12-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 76318 RFQ/038/21 Supply, delivery and installation of ID CARD machine UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Mar-21 12-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76316 IC URU/18/002 – 1068 Consultor/a internacional para apoyo a la actualización del manual "Diseño de Sistemas de Aguas Pluviales Urbanas" PNUD Uruguay URUGUAY IC - Individual contractor 26-Mar-21 12-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76313 NATIONAL CONSULTANT ON BUSINESS AND HUMAN RIGHTS UNDP Country Office on behalf of OHCHR LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 22-Mar-21 12-Mar-21 HEALTH HEALTH 76314 BIH-ITB-008-21 Supply and Delivery of FFP2-FFP3 - AMENDED!!! UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA ITB - Invitation to bid 22-Mar-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 12-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76311 Research on factors contributing to the creation of skilled, high-productivity jobs and productivity growth in rural Viet Nam (Ref. B-210303) UNDP Vietnam VIET NAM RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Mar-21 12-Mar-21 HEALTH HEALTH 76310 RFQ/039/21 Supply and Delivery of Oxygen Concentrator UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Mar-21 12-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 76308 RFQ/014/21 - Supply of physical process simulation software for ENIAC / Поставка программного обеспечения для ЭВМ для моделирования физических процессов UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Mar-21 12-Mar-21 HEALTH HEALTH 76309 RFQ/037/21 Supply and Delivery of Medical equipment UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Mar-21 12-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76306 RE-ANNOUNCEMENT: National Consultant on data collection for designing MRV system UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE TURKMENISTAN IC - Individual contractor 25-Mar-21 12-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76307 Procurement of "Electric-Electronic Laboratory Supplies" UNDP Country Office TURKEY RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Apr-21 12-Mar-21 HEALTH HEALTH 76305 BIH-ITB-007-21 Supply and delivery of Ventilators UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA ITB - Invitation to bid 22-Mar-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 12-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76304 IC NOTICE N°006/2021/PNUD-BFA Burkina Faso BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 24-Mar-21 12-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76303 RFP 04-21-R Revision of the Main conservation design for reconstruction of 'Spanjola Fortress' in Herceg Novi UNDP CO MONTENEGRO RFP - Request for proposal 26-Mar-21 12-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76300 RFQ 2021- 17 1C services UNDP Country Office KYRGYZSTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Mar-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 12-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76301 Regional Connecting Business initiative (CBi) Private Sector Consultant for Latin America Connecting Business initiative (CBi), IICPSD, UNDP TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 26-Mar-21 12-Mar-21 IMPORT/EXPORT IMPORT/EXPORT 76299 INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANT TO UNDERTAKE A STUDY AND PROFILE AFRICAN MARKETS TO DETERMINE REALISTIC EXPORT OPPORTUNITIES FOR BOTSWANA UNDER AFCFTA BOTSWANA BOTSWANA IC - Individual contractor 26-Mar-21 12-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76298 RfQ 12-21 Review of technical documentation for sewerage networks, WWTPs and a road (Lot 1) and sewerage network, stormwater network and WWTPs (Lot 2) UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Mar-21 12-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76297 Call for Proposal - Local Communities Capacity Development: Supporting COVID-19 Recovery through Social Innovation Platform Facilitation (SIP) in West Java Province UNDP Country Office INDONESIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 26-Mar-21 12-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76285 National Consultant Early Recovery Cluster Coordinator CAMEROON CAMEROON IC - Individual contractor 23-Mar-21 12-Mar-21 POWER POWER 76296 PRC/ZWE/RFQ/003/12/03/2021 Request for Quotation for the Supply and Installation of a Solar power backup system for a repeater UNDP Zimbabwe ZIMBABWE RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Mar-21 12-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76295 Long Term Agreements (LTAs) for Harmonized Approach to Cash Transfers (HACT) Financial Audits, Micro Assessment and Spot Checks Performed by Third Party Service Providers UNDP Country Office CHINA RFP - Request for proposal 07-Apr-21 @ 02:00 AM (New York time) 12-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76294 Scoping study to map regionally active CSOs and to identify an existing indigenous women's right organization in Central Asia with potential to become a regional grant making body/Всестороннее исследование с целью картирования активных организаций граждан UN Women KAZAKHSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 24-Mar-21 11-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76293 Mitigation and Carbon Pricing Consultant UNDP BRH THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 05-Apr-21 11-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76292 PN-N-210301- Ha Noi based - 01 international consultant supporting resilience to disasters and climate change UNDP Vietnam VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 22-Mar-21 11-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76291 Team Leader/CC-DRR Specialist (Filipino Nationals only) Country Office PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 26-Mar-21 11-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76242 Infrastructure Planner UNDP- Thailand Country Office THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 24-Mar-21 11-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76290 Web-based System Specialist for the Development of the Local Government Units (LGU) Electronic Procurement Management System (ePMS) UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 21-Mar-21 11-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76289 LTA ECU-RFP-ADQ-21-130673 Independent Assessor UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 27-Apr-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 11-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76288 PROCESO COL 0000131326 Adelantar la recolección de información de fuentes secundarias e insumos previos correspondientes a la primera fase de la construcción, desarrollo y validación de la Ruta Integral de Atención en Salud (RIAS) UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 05-Apr-21 11-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76287 PNUD-IC-073-2021 UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE PERU IC - Individual contractor 31-Mar-21 @ 02:00 PM (New York time) 11-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76286 SDC-010-2021 Servicio de internet y telefonía IP para la Oficina de ONU-Habitat en CDMX UNDP Country Office MEXICO RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Mar-21 11-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76282 3461 PAN 2021 - Consultor/a en Educación Musical - Cátedra en Lenguaje Musical. Panama PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 29-Mar-21 11-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76284 IC URU/20/008-1065 "Consultor local para la sistematización de los insumos disponibles sobre segregación urbana" URUGUAY URUGUAY IC - Individual contractor 22-Mar-21 11-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76283 RFP-DEVELOPMENT OF THE NATIONAL E-MOBILITY PROMOTION STRATEGY FOR BOTSWANA BOTSWANA BOTSWANA RFP - Request for proposal 05-Apr-21 11-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76232 PNUD-IC-105-2021 Servicio de consultoria UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE PERU IC - Individual contractor 30-Mar-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 11-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76281 Consultoría para la Implementación del Plan piloto de limpieza y cuidado de la Reserva Ecológica del Banco San Miguel y Bahía de Asunción (REBSMyBA)" – Segundo Llamado Asunción PARAGUAY RFP - Request for proposal 05-Apr-21 11-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76280 THE RECRUITMENT OF INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANT (IC) COUNTRY HYDROMET DIAGNOSTICS ROAD-TESTING TOR FOR THE NMHS PEER REVIEWER UNDP ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE IC - Individual contractor 19-Mar-21 11-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76279 PROCESO COL 0000133164 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional en Sistemas SGR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 25-Mar-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 11-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76278 PROCESO COL 0000132926 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL CONSULTOR FORTALECIMIENTO EXTERNO SGR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 25-Mar-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 11-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76276 SdP ADQ 21 131491 Diseno e implementación de una estrategia para mejorar las condiciones técnicas, ambientales y sociales de la actividad de selección de minerales (Jancheo) desarrollada por grupos de mujeres ubicadas en el cantón Camilo Ponce Enríquez, UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 25-Mar-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 11-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76275 Consultoría internacional para el diseño e implementación de una herramienta de cálculo de la huella de carbono y un sistema de reconocimiento de empresas que adoptan estrategias para la gestión de sus emisiones de Gases de Efecto Invernadero (GEI) Asunción PARAGUAY RFP - Request for proposal 09-Apr-21 11-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76272 Expert in Green Charcoal: Feasibility study for a coconut waste charcoal unit in São Tomé and Principe UNDP Sao Tomé and Principe SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE IC - Individual contractor 25-Mar-21 11-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76273 RFQ N°005/BFA/PNUD -2021: Acquisition de matériels en 4 lots au profit du MBDHP UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Mar-21 11-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76274 LBN-CO-RFP-64-21 - Air Quality Management Plan - Event ID 0000008739 UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFP - Request for proposal 12-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 11-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76271 IC 01-02-2021: Elaboration d'un plan de formation pour renforcer les capacités des ressources humaines des COAPH. Maroc MOROCCO IC - Individual contractor 25-Mar-21 11-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76269 IC URU18002-1067 - Consultor/a local para la sistematización de información relacionada con aguas urbanas PNUD Uruguay URUGUAY IC - Individual contractor 24-Mar-21 11-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76270 National consultant - Research Analyst UNDP Country Office LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 25-Mar-21 11-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76268 RFP2224 Provision of support to women-headed house UNDP Moldova CO MOLDOVA RFP - Request for proposal 12-Apr-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 11-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76266 RFQ 031/21 Supply and installation of culinary lab equipment for Alaverdi town UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Mar-21 11-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76267 IC-116-2021 Estr Reg riesgo incendio forestal MD UNDP Country Office PERU IC - Individual contractor 24-Mar-21 @ 02:00 PM (New York time) 11-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76225 LTA PROVISION SERVICIOS AGENCIAS DE VIAJES PNUD GUATEMALA GUATEMALA ITB - Invitation to bid 05-Apr-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 11-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76265 RFQ/013/21 – Предоставление таможенных и брокерских услуг UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Mar-21 11-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76264 International Consultant COUNTRY GENDER EQUALITY UNDP Liberia LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 19-Mar-21 11-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76263 RFQ2227 CCDRR Construction company for building o UNDP Moldova CO MOLDOVA RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Apr-21 @ 10:30 AM (New York time) 11-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76261 UNDP-IC-2021-098 - Mid Term Lead Evaluator UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 25-Mar-21 11-Mar-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 76262 ITB2228 CCDRR Supply of 4 Intervention vehicles UNDP Moldova CO MOLDOVA ITB - Invitation to bid 09-Apr-21 @ 10:30 AM (New York time) 11-Mar-21 POLLUTION POLLUTION 76260 Local Junior Technical Consultant on POPs UNDP Turkey Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 02-Apr-21 11-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76258 ETH2345- Two National consultants UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 22-Apr-21 @ 03:59 AM (New York time) 11-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76259 T210302 - 01 International Consultant to conduct a rapid research on the United Nations Convention on International Settlement Agreements resulting from Mediation UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 24-Mar-21 11-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76257 UNDP-RFP-2021-093 Computer based Training Courses UNDP Pakistan PAKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 24-Mar-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 11-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76256 CLOSED EARLY
National consultant - Dialogue Facilitator for the LPDC Project UNDP Country Office LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 25-Mar-21 11-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76255 Extension: MNG/IC/2021/038 - National Consultant - National Expert on Remedy Mechanisms and Judicial Training UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA ITP - Invitation to pre-qualify 02-Apr-21 11-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 73008 Recrutement d´un(e) consultant(e) national(e) Expert(e) en « Energie abordable et durable » ; en appui technique pour la formulation du document de programme structurant sur « Environnement – Forêt – Energie - Changements Climatiques et Risques naturels » PNUD RDC CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 22-Mar-21 11-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76254 MNG/IC/2021/037 - National Consultant - Developing National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights Consultant UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 25-Mar-21 11-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 76253 RFQ Purchase of one IBM i2 Analysts Notebook and UNDP Kosovo Kosovo, UNSCR 1244 (1999) RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Mar-21 @ 11:30 AM (New York time) 11-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76252 Hiring Firm for Production of Video Documentary UNDP Cox's Bazar Crisis Response Office BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 25-Mar-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 11-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76251 Supply Test and Maintenance Instruments-Kirkuk UNDP Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 01-Apr-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 11-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76250 Rehab. of Water Networks Inside Al-Saadiya- Diyala UNDP Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 07-Apr-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 11-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76248 RFP-BD-2021-007: Hiring firm to Develop Interoperable Domestic Remittances Merchants, Women and Youth UNDP Country Office on bealf of UNCDF BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 29-Mar-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 11-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76249 Услуги Национального консультанта по разработке модели расчета и прогнозирования выбросов парниковых газов в секторе «Землепользование, изменения в землепользовании и лесное хозяйство (ЗИЗЛХ)» UNDP Country Office BELARUS IC - Individual contractor 25-Mar-21 11-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 75695 Fourniture de deux machines à laver pour l'Hôpital à Bissau UNDP Country Office GUINEA-BISSAU RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Mar-21 11-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 76247 Purchase of Server items for Magistrate courts UNDP Maldives Country Office MALDIVES RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Mar-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 11-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 76246 Purchase of IT equipments for Magistrate courts UNDP Maldives Country Office MALDIVES RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Mar-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 11-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76244 RfQ 15-21 Review of technical documentation for construction of hot water heating network infrastructure UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Mar-21 11-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76009 Individual Consultant for Development of an Implementation Framework on the Payment for Ecosystem Services in Malawi. UNDP Malawi Country Office MALAWI RFP - Request for proposal 19-Mar-21 11-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76243 Consultant for Preparing SFM Upscalling Project Document Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 25-Mar-21 11-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76240 RFP for Conducting Household Survey in Bangladesh UNDP Country Office BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 24-Mar-21 @ 05:30 AM (New York time) 10-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76239 ITB C2021-007 Branding items LTA China Office CHINA ITB - Invitation to bid 20-Apr-21 @ 11:59 AM (New York time) 10-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76238 CI-017-2021 "Consultoría de Apoyo al INDOTEL para la elaboración el Reglamento de Ciberseguridad para el Sector de las Telecomunicaciones" UNDP DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 22-Mar-21 10-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76223 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA: SDP-2021-005 "Consultoría para elaborar y analizar una "Cartera Verde de Proyectos Financiables alineadas con la NDC" UNDP Country Office COSTA RICA RFP - Request for proposal 06-Apr-21 10-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 76237 RFQ 2021-18 : Acquisition de 2 photocopieuses numériques UNDP Country Office TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Mar-21 10-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76236 MATERIALES DE CONSTRUCCION UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE PANAMA ITB - Invitation to bid 24-Mar-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 10-Mar-21 HEALTH HEALTH 76235 ITB-ZIM-GF-002-2021 UNDP Country Office ZIMBABWE ITB - Invitation to bid 23-Mar-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 10-Mar-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 76234 Rehabilitation Nurseries in Dier Ezor and Hasakeh UNDP SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Mar-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 10-Mar-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 76233 Rehabilitation Nurseries in Aleppo and Al Raqqa UNDP SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Mar-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 10-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76230 PROCESO COL COL 0000132954 Acuerdo a Largo Plazo para el suministro, instalación, puesta en marcha y mantenimiento de paneles solares. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Mar-21 10-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76231 UNDP-IC-2021-047 - Technical Team Lead Consultant - PMIS Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 25-Mar-21 10-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76229 UNDP-IC-2021-048 - Consultant for Designing & Development of 3D VR CSM Simulator - ReAd Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 24-May-21 10-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76228 UNDP-IC-2021-096 Subject Specialist-Governance UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 24-Mar-21 10-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76227 UNDP-IC-2021-095 Lead Evaluator UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 24-Mar-21 10-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76226 UNDP-IC-2021-049 - PMIS Development Consultant Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 25-Mar-21 10-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 76224 3500 PAN 2021 Licenciamiento Microsoft -Academico OFICINA DE PANAMA PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Mar-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 10-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76222 Consultancy – Climate and Security Risk - Scoping Assessment Expert, Crisis Bureau/CPPRI Crisis Bureau/CPPRI UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 05-Apr-21 10-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76221 Request for Quotation (RFQ) for Asphalt Concrete Overlaying Works in UN-House Premises UN Common Service NEPAL RFQ - Request for quotation 04-Apr-21 10-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76220 International Consultant Creative Writer UNDP Country Office LIBYA IC - Individual contractor 19-Mar-21 10-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76218 Avis de Report IC 01-03-2021 : « Analyse des opportunités d'accès au travail des migrants dans le secteur privé et pour l'auto-emploi dans la région de Tanger Tétouan al Hoceima». Maroc MOROCCO IC - Individual contractor 21-Apr-21 10-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76219 CW OF IMMIGRATION STAFF QTERS BANKI UNDP Nigeria NIGERIA ITB - Invitation to bid 19-Mar-21 @ 12:45 AM (New York time) 10-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76217 SOLAR STREET LIGHTS THE IDP CAMP PERIMETER WALL UNDP Nigeria NIGERIA ITB - Invitation to bid 18-Mar-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 10-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76216 ITB-097-21 Rehabilitation of Al Shuaiba Water Treatment Complex, Al Zubair district, Basra Governorate,Iraq RBAS IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 04-Apr-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 10-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75796 Provision of of Solar Panel Street Lights in Banki UNDP Nigeria NIGERIA ITB - Invitation to bid 17-Mar-21 @ 12:45 AM (New York time) 10-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76114 Prequalification for Civil Works - Sudan Sudan SUDAN ITP - Invitation to pre-qualify 11-Apr-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 10-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 76215 Business Process Management BPM Software UNDP Country Office TURKEY ITB - Invitation to bid 07-May-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 10-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76213 RfQ 14-21 Review of technical documentation for construction gas network infrastructure (Lот 1, Lot 2 and Lot 3) UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Mar-21 10-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76212 International Consultant on gender equality and women's empowerment Istanbul Regional Center TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 21-Mar-21 10-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76211 RFP/011/21 THE ASSESSMENT OF SUPPLY AND DEMAND FOR EXTENSION/ADVISORY SERVICES IN BIH UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFP - Request for proposal 31-Mar-21 10-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76210 Individual Consultancy - National Ecotourism Expert - LBN/CO/IC/65/21 UNDP Country Office LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 30-Mar-21 10-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76209 SDP Nº 01/2020 Proyecto PNUD ARG/20/008 Promoción de la inclusión digital y la igualdad a través de la Innovación Pública Federal PNUD Argentina ARGENTINA RFP - Request for proposal 17-Jun-21 10-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 76208 RFQ/035/21 Supply and Delivery of IT Equipment UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Mar-21 10-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76195 221/IC/PDSPE/2021 Recrutement d'un(e)expert(e) consultant(e) national pour faciliter l'élaboration du Rapport National de Revue Volontaire 2021 du processus des Objectifs de Développement Durable de Madagascar MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 23-Mar-21 10-Mar-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 76207 ETH2330-Supply of Root Trainer Pots or Air Pot Pla UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Mar-21 @ 03:59 AM (New York time) 10-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76186 [RE-ADVERTISEMENT] IC/UNDP/GOLD-ISMIA/035 - Consultant for Developing the Concept of Village Responsible Mining and Mercury-Free for Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM) Sites UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 24-Mar-21 10-Mar-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 76206 Consultor en Educación Musical –Catedra en Educación Especial Panama PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 24-Mar-21 10-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76205 RFP 07/21 Development of the Circular Economy Roadmap of Montenegro UNDP CO MONTENEGRO RFP - Request for proposal 31-Mar-21 10-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 76203 RFQ for Supply of ICT Items UNDP Bangladesh country office BANGLADESH RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Mar-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 10-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76204 RFP 005/BFA/PNUD/2020 _ Recrutement d'un cabinet de consultants nationaux/institut de recherche/OSC pour la réalisation d'une étude sur les causes profondes et les facteurs déclencheurs de la radicalisation et de l'extrémisme violent au Burkina Faso UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO RFP - Request for proposal 23-Mar-21 10-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76201 Defining a Package of Public Instruments for De-Risking Energy Efficiency Investment in Buildings (Existing and New) in Jordan. UNDP Country Office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 25-Mar-21 10-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76202 MNG/IC/2021/032 - National Consultant - Support to integrated, results-oriented planning processes UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 24-Mar-21 10-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75819 IC/UNDP/ACHIEVE/056/2021 - SDG Programme, Advocacy and COVID-19 Recovery Consultant UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 24-Mar-21 10-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76200 MNG/IC/2021/036 - National Consultant - Revising the handbook for the representatives of the Citizen's Representatives' Hurals UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 25-Mar-21 10-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76199 MNG/IC/2021/035 - National Consultant - Drafting a by-law for the representative body of the local self-governing bodies UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 25-Mar-21 10-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76198 Lancement du processus de mise à disposition des OSCs des allocations de l'initiative de Soutien Mondial aux APAC. UNDP Country Office CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 24-Mar-21 10-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76197 Acquisition des consommables et équipements de protection covid UNDP Country Office MAURITANIA RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Mar-21 10-Mar-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 76196 LBN-CO-ITB-66-21Supp and Del of Various Trucks UNDP Country office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 31-Mar-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 10-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76194 ITB 042 EID 8714 2021 - Conservation works at Agios Georgios Church at Vatili/Vadili Cyprus CYPRUS ITB - Invitation to bid 12-Apr-21 @ 08:58 AM (New York time) 10-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76193 RFP for Feasibility Study for SWM Project Bangladesh BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 24-Mar-21 @ 05:30 AM (New York time) 10-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76191 RFQ - Co-Shared Kitchen for the BCC Maldives MALDIVES RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Mar-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 10-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76190 CLOSED EARLY
National Consultant to carry out Mapping and Cataloguing of Local Actors (NGOs) in the NW Region CAMEROON CAMEROON IC - Individual contractor 19-Mar-21 09-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76185 3444 PAN 2021 – Consultor/a en Educación Musical – Cátedra en Iniciación Musical Panama PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 23-Mar-21 09-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76176 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA: SDP-2021-007 Consultoría para estructuración y autorización ante la Superintendencia General de Valores de Costa Rica de un trámite de Titularización de Flujos Futuros del pago de entradas a las Áreas Silvestres Protegidas (ASP) de UNDP Country Office COSTA RICA RFP - Request for proposal 23-Mar-21 09-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76184 CLOSED EARLY
3460 PAN 2021 – Consultor Asistente en Educación Musical – Cátedra en Lenguaje Musical. UNDP Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 22-Mar-21 09-Mar-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 76183 IC 3470 PAN 2021 Educación Musical - Contrabajo Panama PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 23-Mar-21 09-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76182 UNDP-OHR-RFP-2021-004-CandidateAssessment UNDP HQ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RFP - Request for proposal 10-May-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 09-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76181 SDC-008-2021- Servicio de Mantenimiento Preventivo y Correctivo a Oficinas y Áreas Comunes con Servicio de Recepcionista del edificio de la Sede Común de Naciones Unidas en México UNDP Country Office MEXICO RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Mar-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 09-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76179 3480 PAN 2021 – Consultor en Educación Musical – Cátedra en Instrumento "Oboe". UNDP Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 29-Mar-21 09-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76178 3443 PAN 2021 - Consultor/a Asistente en Educación Musical - Cátedra en Educación Especial Panama PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 26-Mar-21 09-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76165 INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANT (IC) TO FACILITATE AND SUPERVISE CONSTRUCTION OF 170 BIOGAS DIGESTERS IN SOUTH EASTERN BOTSWANA (RE-ADVERTISEMENT) BOTSWANA BOTSWANA IC - Individual contractor 16-Mar-21 09-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76174 PNUD-EDI-145-2021 Obra Mercado Belen Perú PERU EOI - Expression of interest 23-Mar-21 09-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76177 150-RFP-GBCI-2021-Plateforme e-credit TVA Madagascar MADAGASCAR RFP - Request for proposal 24-Mar-21 @ 10:30 AM (New York time) 09-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76131 PCI-016-2021 Servicios de consultoría para actualizar e impartir el Curso Integridad Corporativa para MIPYMES, en un formato Taller formador de formadores (train the trainers) UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 21-Mar-21 09-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75920 Institutional Relations Consultant - Home based UNCDF BELGIUM IC - Individual contractor 23-Mar-21 09-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76173 Expert national en appui à l'évaluation économique des options d'adaptation et l'élaboration de la stratégie financière du PNA UNDP Country Office HAITI IC - Individual contractor 25-Mar-21 09-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76171 National Consultant Eco Based Systems Adaptation Project South Africa SOUTH AFRICA IC - Individual contractor 16-Mar-21 09-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76170 Consultation Nationale : Assistant technique à la Direction des changements climatiques PNUD HAITI IC - Individual contractor 24-Mar-21 09-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76169 CALL FOR STRATEGIC PROJECT PROPOSALS SOUTH-SOUTH COOPERATION INNOVATION PROGRAMME BOTSWANA BOTSWANA RFP - Request for proposal 02-Apr-21 09-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76168 RFQ 2021-11 : réalisation de deux enquêtes de terrain en matière de jeunesse UNDP TUNISIA TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Mar-21 09-Mar-21 HEALTH HEALTH 76166 RFQ/034/21 Supply and delivery of Micropipettes, Microscopes, UV cabinets, Disinfection UV lamps for work environment, Vortex UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Mar-21 09-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76164 IC - Consultant.e individuel.le pour l'élaboration d'une mallette en carton pour le Tournage rapide des vidéos-tutoriels pédagogiques UNDP TUNISIA TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 23-Mar-21 09-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76162 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA: SDP-2021-006 Elaboracion de estudio económico de estimación de efectos bajo diferentes supuestos de la aprobación de ley para la gestión y regularización de patrimonio natural del estado y del derecho de utilidad ambiental- (ley d UNDP Country Office COSTA RICA RFP - Request for proposal 18-Mar-21 09-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76163 RFP/010/21 Technical assistance to conduct circular economy situation analysis and support the development of the Circular Economy Roadmap for BiH, alongside with formulation of strategic direction for UNDP in this area UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFP - Request for proposal 05-Apr-21 09-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76161 NATIONAL CONSULTANT ON PUBLIC HEALTH AND DRUG USE IN PRISON SETTINGS ON BEHALF OF UNODC LIBYA LIBYA IC - Individual contractor 19-Mar-21 09-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76160 Construction d'un réseau sécurise d'accès à l'infrastructure CORE BANKING SYSTEM (CBS) par les EMFS CAMEROON CAMEROON RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Mar-21 09-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76159 Baseline study of Mozambique's experience in the participation of Preferential Trade Agreements and its implications for the ratification of AfCFTA UNDP Country Office MOZAMBIQUE IC - Individual contractor 22-Mar-21 09-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76150 RFQ - procurement of Lighting and Video and Audio Equipment UNDP Country Office GEORGIA RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Mar-21 09-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76158 ETH2337-Individual Consultant -Senior Researcher UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 06-Apr-21 @ 03:59 AM (New York time) 09-Mar-21 LIVESTOCK LIVESTOCK 76153 Acquisition des produits vétérinaires et matériels zootechnique au Kasaï- Central en 2 lots UNDP-KINSHASA, DR CONGO - CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Mar-21 09-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76157 Beneficiaries Selection Capacity Building Baseline Country Office IRAQ CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 06-Apr-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 09-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76156 Consultant pour l'élaboration de la Stratégie de financement de la SND CAMEROON CAMEROON IC - Individual contractor 22-Mar-21 09-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76151 Закупка услуг по изготовлению 4 (четырех) видео роликов о туристических объектах Республики Беларусь UNDP Country Office BELARUS RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Mar-21 09-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76154 Consultant pour l'élaboration du Cadre de concertation CAMEROON CAMEROON IC - Individual contractor 22-Mar-21 09-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76152 3. Consultant pour l'élaboration de la cartographie des Opportunités d'affaires Farine Local CAMEROON CAMEROON IC - Individual contractor 22-Mar-21 09-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76149 Consultant pour l'élaboration de la cartographie des opportunités d'affaires FORET BOIS CAMEROON CAMEROON IC - Individual contractor 22-Mar-21 09-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76148 LA FOURNITURE ET INSTALLATION DE GENERATEUR DE 20 KVA AU BUREAU DE BUEA CAMEROON CAMEROON RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Mar-21 09-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76144 RfQ 13/21 Design Services Tearce UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Mar-21 09-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76147 Call for Proposals for INGOs and NGOs Under the UNDP project "Enhancing Women Participation in the Solid Waste Management Sector in Jordan UNDP Country Office JORDAN CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 28-Mar-21 09-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76146 Обладнання для мобільних груп Національної поліції, що спеціалізуються на реагуванні на гендерне та домашнє насильство UNFPA UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Mar-21 09-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76145 Procurement of School & Sport supplies UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND (UNICEF) UKRAINE ITB - Invitation to bid 12-Mar-21 09-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76143 Technical Content Editor/Proofreader (Khmer Language) Consultant UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Mar-21 09-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76142 LBN-CO-RFP-60-21 - Rangeland Management Plan - Event ID 0000008718 UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFP - Request for proposal 06-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 09-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76141 Individual Consultancy - International Ecotourism Specialist - LBN/CO/IC/59/21 UNDP Country Office LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 29-Mar-21 09-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76140 Consultant – National Gender Specialist UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 17-Mar-21 09-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76138 sélection d'un(e) consultant(e) sélection d'un(e) consultant(e) national(e) Appui à l'évaluation régulière du système national d'intégrité par les organisations de la société civile en République démocratique du Congo. UNDP DRC CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 23-Mar-21 09-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76137 UNDP-IC-2021-090 - IC Notice Annual Policing Plans UNDP Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 23-Mar-21 09-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76136 sélection d'un(e) consultant(e) international(e) Appui à l'évaluation régulière du système national d'intégrité par les organisations de la société civile en République démocratique du Congo. UNDP DRC CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 23-Mar-21 09-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76135 - sélection d'un(e) consultant(e) international (e) senior - appui à la mise en œuvre de la stratégie nationale de lutte contre la corruption en République Démocratique du Congo. UNDP DRC CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 23-Mar-21 09-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76134 Услуги Национального консультанта по разработке модели расчета и прогнозирования выбросов парниковых газов в секторе «Промышленность» UNDP Country Office BELARUS IC - Individual contractor 29-Mar-21 09-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 75986 Consultant for Jail/ Prison and Community Corrections Management UNDP- Bangkok Regional Hub on behalf of UNODC THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 22-Mar-21 09-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76132 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA: SDP-2021-004 Campaña y Estrategia de Comunicación sobre la prevención de la Violencia contra las Mujeres y la prevención de la Violencia en las Juventudes. UNDP Country Office COSTA RICA RFP - Request for proposal 21-Mar-21 08-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76133 3442 PAN 2021- Consultor/a Asistente en Educación Musical - Cátedra en Iniciación Musical UNDP Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 25-Mar-21 08-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76130 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL: Asesoría sobre criterios técnicos de información estadística en redes sociales y registro de información de actividades virtuales del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud UNDP Country Office COSTA RICA IC - Individual contractor 22-Mar-21 08-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76129 PROCESO COL 0000109045 SOLICITUD DE OFERTA PARA VENTA DE VEHÍCULOS PNUD: HYUNDAI SANTA FE 2 FL GL - MODELO 2012 UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA Other 23-Mar-21 08-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76125 CONVOCATORIA A ORGANIZACIONES COMUNITARIAS PDET SUMAPAZ UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA Innovation Challenge 24-Mar-21 08-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76128 RFQ 017/21 Renovation works in UN building UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Mar-21 08-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76127 3481 PAN 2021 – Consultor en Educación Musical – Cátedra en Instrumento "Fagot en Panamá, República de Panamá" UNDP Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 15-Mar-21 08-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76126 Solicitud de Cotización PNUD-ECU- SdC-ADQ-21-131468- Compra de los insumos y reactivos químicos de laboratorios que permita ejecutar el proyecto piloto para implementación de un método analítico de dioxinas y furanos en el Laboratorio Nacional de calidad UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Mar-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 08-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 76124 CHL-SDC-030-2021 Adquisicion de Equipos Computacionales Country Office CHILE RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Mar-21 08-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 76123 CHL-SDC-029-2021 Adquisicion de Plotter Contry Office CHILE RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Mar-21 08-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76122 MAPPING OF SUCCESSFUL FINANCING STRATEGIES, MODELS FOR COVID-19 RELIEF, RECOVERY, AND RESILIENCE South Africa SOUTH AFRICA IC - Individual contractor 12-Mar-21 08-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76121 3486 PAN 2021 Un (1) Consultor Individual para atender proyecto Termosolar Panamá "Desarrollo del Mercado de Calentadores Solares de Agua en Panamá OFICINA DE PANAMA PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 22-Mar-21 08-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76120 BIH/RFQ-033-21 Procurement and delivery of speleology equipment UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Mar-21 08-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76119 LBN-CO-RFQ-63-21Supp Del and Instal Metal Kiosk UNDP Country office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Mar-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 08-Mar-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 76117 Media Agency Services UNDP Country Office TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO RFP - Request for proposal 09-Apr-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 08-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76118 National consultant - Content Writer for LPDC New website UNDP Country Office LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 22-Mar-21 08-Mar-21 HEALTH HEALTH 76116 ITB-BIH-006-21 Medical Equipment - EXTENDED and AMENDED!!! UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA ITB - Invitation to bid 30-Mar-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 08-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76115 Training on capacity building and use of elearning Albania ALBANIA RFP - Request for proposal 18-Mar-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 08-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76113 Услуги Национального консультанта по разработке модели расчета и прогнозирования выбросов парниковых газов в секторе «Сельское хозяйство» UNDP Country Office BELARUS IC - Individual contractor 22-Mar-21 08-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76112 LBN-CO-RFQ-61-21 MAACHOUK OUTDOOR COMMUNITY SPACE UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Mar-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 08-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 76111 LBN-CO-RFQ-52-21 - IT Equipment for SPIMS - Event ID 0000008711 UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Mar-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 08-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76110 National Project Support Officer (Communication and Translation) for project "Energy Efficiency Improvement in Commercial and High-Rise Residential Buildings in Viet Nam" (Ref. P210303) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 16-Mar-21 08-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76109 National Project Support Officer (Financial and Admin) for project "Energy Efficiency Improvement in Commercial and High-Rise Residential Buildings in Viet Nam" (Ref. P210302) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 16-Mar-21 08-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76108 National Project Management Consultant for project "Energy Efficiency Improvement in Commercial and High-Rise Residential Buildings in Viet Nam" (Ref. P210301) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 16-Mar-21 08-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76107 ITB-001-MRT-2020 LTA Service Voyage UNDP Country Office MAURITANIA ITB - Invitation to bid 25-Mar-21 @ 06:55 AM (New York time) 08-Mar-21 HEALTH HEALTH 76106 RFQ/032/21 Supply and delivery of laboratory equipment UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Mar-21 08-Mar-21 HEALTH HEALTH 76105 RFQ/031/21 Supply and Delivery of PPE Items - AMENDED!!! UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Mar-21 08-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76103 International Consultants (2 positions) to Assess EU Call for Proposals for Mayors for Economic Growth Pilot Projects Istanbul Regional Center TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 22-Mar-21 08-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76104 IC Analyste pour la réalisation d'une cartographie de la contribution du secteur privé au cycle migratoire en Tunisie UNDP TUNISIA TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 05-Apr-21 08-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76102 01 National Technical Consultant for EEBC project (Ref: A-210302) UNDP Vietnam VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 15-Mar-21 08-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76101 01 National Project Technical Advisor for EEBC project (Ref: A-210301) UNDP Vietnam VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 15-Mar-21 08-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76100 UNDP/PN/04/2021 Individual Consultant Procurement Notice - International Individual Consultant to Conduct Accessibility Assessment and Identification of Recommendations on Accessibility of UNCT Nepal Premises and Digital Services UNDP Country Office for UNRCO NEPAL IC - Individual contractor 18-Mar-21 08-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76099 CLOSED EARLY
the Hiring of an Implementing Partner to Set Up and Manage One Dialogue Platform for Farmer-Grazier Conflict Management and Peacebuilding in Wum (NWR) CAMEROON CAMEROON RFP - Request for proposal 26-Mar-21 08-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76098 Cash for Work for Rubble Removal in Pharmaceutical UNDP Iraq IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 31-Mar-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 08-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76097 National Consultancy for Climate Change Adaptation Mitigation Expert UNDP Country Office TANZANIA IC - Individual contractor 18-Mar-21 08-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76096 National Consultancy for Capacity Needs Assessment IWT UNDP Country Office TANZANIA IC - Individual contractor 18-Mar-21 08-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76095 T210301 – 01 Technical assistance for conducting knowledge, attitude and practice end-line survey of explosive ordnance risks in Quang Binh and Binh Dinh UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 21-Mar-21 08-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76094 IC/UNDP/PIID-SSTC/053/2021 - UNDP - Consultant for PIID-ISSTC Project Terminal Evaluation (National Post) UNDP Indonesia Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 22-Mar-21 08-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76093 RFQ 019/21 Procurement of sewing machine UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Mar-21 07-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76092 MNG/RFP/2021/005 - National Vendors - Development of Vocational Training Course for people with disability UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA RFP - Request for proposal 18-Mar-21 07-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76091 3479 PAN 2021 Un (1) Consultor/a para Diagnóstico de capacidades instaladas en las instituciones públicas de la República de Panamá. OFICINA DE PANAMA PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 22-Mar-21 07-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76089 INTERNATIONAL INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANT to Review/Assessment of the Social Protection System in Niue UNDP Country Office SAMOA IC - Individual contractor 22-Mar-21 07-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76087 205/IC/CAPMADA/2021 Recrutement d'un(e) Consultant(e) National(e) Ingénieur en Bâtiments-Travaux Publics ou en Génie civil en charge de l'élaboration du Cahier des charges et du Suivi et contrôle des travaux de réhabilitation / mise à niveau des infrastru MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 19-Mar-21 07-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76085 Travaux de construction d'un marché public à Chindini UNDP Country Office COMOROS RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Mar-21 07-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 76084 Purchase of items for Judicial Classroom Academy UNDP Maldives Country Office MALDIVES RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Mar-21 07-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 76083 Purchase of items for Polytechnic Online Stations UNDP Country Office MALDIVES RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Mar-21 07-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 76082 Supply of IT Equipment Laptops Printers and mobil UNDP SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Mar-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 07-Mar-21 HEALTH HEALTH 76081 RFQ For Biomedical Engineering Tools UNDP Global Fund Project (GFP). AFGHANISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Mar-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 07-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76079 ITB-090-21-Provision of Water to the Villages of Q UNDP IRAQ OFFICE IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 28-Mar-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 07-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76078 UNDP National Gender and Stakeholder Specialist for the CUVECOM PPG/IP (Namibia) UNDP Country Office NAMIBIA IC - Individual contractor 15-Mar-21 07-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76077 RFP-CONSULTANCY FOR DATA COLLECTION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOAL 7, INDICATOR 7.2.1 FOR BOTSWANA'' BOTSWANA BOTSWANA RFP - Request for proposal 09-Apr-21 06-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76076 Environment Expert for development of Strategy for Combating Pollution in Iraq UNDP Country Office IRAQ IC - Individual contractor 31-Mar-21 06-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76074 3497 PAN 2021 - Consultor en Educación Musical – Cátedra en Instrumento "Percusión en las Provincias de Panamá y Herrera, República de Panamá. UNDP Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 12-Mar-21 06-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76075 3493 PAN 2021 - Consultor en Educación Musical – Cátedra en Instrumento "Corno Francés", en las Provincias de Panamá y Coclé, República de Panamá. UNDP Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 12-Mar-21 05-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76073 3484 PAN 2021 - Consultor Asistente en Educación Musical – Cátedra en Instrumento "Percusión en la Provincia de Coclé, República de Panamá UNDP Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 17-Mar-21 05-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76072 3477 PAN 2021 - Consultor en Educación Musical – Cátedra en Instrumento "Tuba" UNDP Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 12-Mar-21 05-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76027 Local Individual Consultant for Developing Recommendations for the Development of a Draft Legislation Regulating the Legal and Institutional Infrastructure of Water and Sewerage Administrations UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 24-Mar-21 05-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76070 18354-2021 Consultoría en desarrollo de BOT para chat (Chatbot Developer) en seguridad ciudadana, justicia y desarrollo Regional Centre PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 07-Apr-21 05-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76071 IC 00117646-1242 FACILITADOR/A (2) PARA LA IMPLEMENTACION DE GRUPOS DE AHORRO Y PRESTAMOS COMUNITARIOS EN EN LA REGIÓN I- (SAN MIGUEL-MORAZÁN) Y REGIÓN II- (LA UNIÓN Y USULUTÁN). UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 22-Mar-21 @ 01:00 PM (New York time) 05-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76069 IC 00117646-1241 "Consultoría para el Fortalecimiento organizativo de la mesa de Mujeres Rurales de la zona oriental." UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 22-Mar-21 @ 01:00 PM (New York time) 05-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76068 IC 00117646-1240 "SERVICIOS FINANCIEROS Y CAPACITACIÓN A ORGANIZACIONES ATENDIDAS POR EL PROGRAMA RURAL ADELANTE" UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 22-Mar-21 @ 01:00 PM (New York time) 05-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75693 ETH2108R National Petroleum and Energy Consultant for Ministry of Mining and Petroleum UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 15-Mar-21 05-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76066 PROCESO COL 0000131513 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Ingeniero Secretaría Técnica Ocad Paz SGR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 19-Mar-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 05-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76065 PROCESO COL 0000131512 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultor Secretaría Técnica Ocad Paz - SGR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 19-Mar-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 05-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76019 Construction d'un marché public à BANGOI HAMBOU UNDP Country Office COMOROS RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Mar-21 05-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 76063 BBRSO131184- ICT Advisor UNDP Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean BARBADOS IC - Individual contractor 19-Mar-21 05-Mar-21 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS 76064 SDC/0080822/030/2021 "ADQUISICIÓN DE TELEFONOS CELULARES" Oficina de Pais HONDURAS RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Mar-21 05-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76062 RECRUTEMENT D'UN (E) CONSULTANT(E) NATIONAL(E), SPECIALISTE EN SOCIO-ECONOMIE POUR ELABORER, EN LIAISON AVEC UNE EQUIPE D'EXPERT(E)S, UN PLAN DE GESTION DES CRISES ET DES COMMUNICATIONS DU GOUVERNEMENT EN COTE D'IVOIRE UNDP ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE IC - Individual contractor 19-Mar-21 05-Mar-21 POWER POWER 76061 RFQ 018-21 Supply and installation of solar photovoltaic system in the community hotel building of Metsamor UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Mar-21 05-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76060 RFQ 2021-14 : Acquisition d'un Broyeur à plastique UNDP Country Office TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Mar-21 05-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76059 SDP-013-2021 Elaboración de diseño editorial, diseño y edición de materiales e insumos para BIOFIN UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO RFP - Request for proposal 19-Mar-21 05-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76058 Recrutement d'un.e consultant national.e, expert en Expert en changement climatique, en charge de l'élaboration de la stratégie nationale d'apprentissage sur les changements climatiques (SNACC) en Côte d'Ivoire UNDP ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE IC - Individual contractor 19-Mar-21 05-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76057 Recrutement d'un.e consultant national.e, expert en éducation-formation, en charge de l'élaboration de la stratégie nationale d'apprentissage sur les changements climatiques (SNACC) en Côte d'Ivoire UNDP ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE IC - Individual contractor 19-Mar-21 05-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76056 Recrutement d'un.e consultant national.e en charge de mener une enquête de référence et un examen des contributions déterminées au niveau national (CDN) et du processus du plan national d'adaptation (PNA) dans le cadre du programme SCALA en Côte d'Ivoire. UNDP ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE IC - Individual contractor 19-Mar-21 05-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76055 Recrutement : consultant.e national.e - intégration de l'adaptation aux changements climatiques, cadre de la révision de la politique nationale Genre en CI UNDP ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE IC - Individual contractor 19-Mar-21 05-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 76053 Request for Quotation -Relaunched Design, Supply and Installation of CCTV at the One UN House PAP Liberia LIBERIA RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Mar-21 05-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76052 BIH/RFQ-030-21 Production of videos within Integrated local development project (ILDP) UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Mar-21 05-Mar-21 HEALTH HEALTH 76051 RFP 023 IND 2021 CoWIN Grievance Query Helpdesk UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 15-Mar-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 05-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 76050 CLOSED EARLY
RFQ N°5-2021: Acquisition de matériels en 2 lots au profit du MBDHP: Lot 1: Mobilier de Bureau; Lot 2: Matériel informatique. UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE BURKINA FASO RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Mar-21 05-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76048 Request for quotations (RFQ) for Electrical and network works for office space Country Office MAURITIUS RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Mar-21 05-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76047 IC NOTICE N°005/2021/PNUD-BFA Recrutement d'un consultant national pour l'appui à l'élaboration du PTA 2021 du projet « Assurance climatique ». UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 15-Mar-21 05-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76049 UNDP/RFP/08/2021 - Digital Diagnostic Assessment for DRR & Recovery UNDP - CDRMP NEPAL RFP - Request for proposal 21-Mar-21 05-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76046 Ref.2021-021 - National Expert on procurement of medicines for treatment of socially significant diseases Kazakhstan KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 19-Mar-21 05-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76045 RFQ12/2021: Recrutement d'une agence pour la mise en place d'une plateforme d'appui à la société civile TUNISIA TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Mar-21 05-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76044 Consultancy to provide administrative support to the United Nations Resident Coordinator's Office (RCO) for Mauritius and Seychelles UNRCO Mauritius and Seychelles MAURITIUS IC - Individual contractor 14-Mar-21 05-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76043 RFQ 11-2021 for Review of urban plan for rural industrial zone in the Municipality of Centar Zupa UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Mar-21 05-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76041 ITB/LBY/PBF/2021/8696 - Rehabilitation of the Youth Center Building for PBF project, in Sirte Municipality, Libya. UNDP Country Office LIBYA ITB - Invitation to bid 22-Mar-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 05-Mar-21 IRRIGATION IRRIGATION 76040 RFQ-TKM-004-2021: Tender for supply and installation of a drip irrigation system UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Mar-21 05-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76038 IC 2021-24 National Laboratory Equipment Maintenance Engineer UNDP Country Office KYRGYZSTAN IC - Individual contractor 24-Mar-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 05-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76037 RFP 2021-25 Support for an organization implementing activities aimed at reducing barriers to access to HIV and TB services related to human rights in the Kyrgyz Republic UNDP Country Office KYRGYZSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 24-Mar-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 05-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76035 RFP Technical Service Providers (National NGOs/firms) to provide; Institutional based Vocational Training Skills, and Community-based Agricultural Value Chain and Entrepreneurship Training in five states of South Sudan UNDP Country Office SOUTH SUDAN RFP - Request for proposal 18-Mar-21 @ 08:16 AM (New York time) 05-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76036 RFQ 10-2021 Development of technical documentation for anti-erosive arrangement of the watersheds of Skopska Crna Gora UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Mar-21 05-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 76034 ITB Civil Works in the Republic of Marshall Islands UNDP Pacific Office FIJI ITB - Invitation to bid 11-Apr-21 @ 06:59 AM (New York time) 05-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76033 IC-PAP3034/2021 - International Consultancy: Knowledge Management Producer Ocean Challenge Initiative and Ocean Action Hub Sida-UNDP Strategic Collaboration on E&CC UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 11-Mar-21 04-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76032 RFP 2021-26 PUBLICATIONS AFT UNDP KYRGYZSTAN KYRGYZSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 19-Mar-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 04-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 76031 CLOSED EARLY
RFQ003TLS2020 - Supply and Installation of CCTV Timor-Leste TIMOR LESTE RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Mar-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 04-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 75935 Consultant on Communications for Business and Human Rights Bangkok Regional Hub THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 17-Mar-21 04-Mar-21 RURAL DEV'T.  (MISCELLANY) RURAL DEV'T. (MISCELLANY) 76030 Call for Proposal - Local Economic Development in Tuva Village, Central Sulawesi (Re-advertisement) UNDP Country Office INDONESIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 11-Mar-21 04-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76029 Re_Advertised - Blue Green Economy and Livelihoods Consultant UNDP Pacific Office SOLOMON ISLANDS IC - Individual contractor 18-Mar-21 04-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76028 HIV/AIDS Specialist (National Consultant) UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 16-Mar-21 04-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76024 International Individual Consultant for Developing Recommendations for the Development of a Legislation on the Functioning of Municipality-Led Enterprises in line with EU Member States' Experiences UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 23-Mar-21 04-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76025 Local Individual Consultant for Developing Recommendations for the Development of a Legislation on the Functioning of Municipality-Led Enterprises in line with EU Member States' Experiences UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 18-Mar-21 04-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76026 International Individual Consultant for Developing Recommendations for the Development of a Draft Legislation Regulating the Legal and Institutional Infrastructure of Water and Sewerage Administrations UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 18-Mar-21 04-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76023 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA (SdP) N° COL‐0000131043 -Cancelado UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 22-Mar-21 04-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75984 Advisor on GBV Sensitive and Survivor-Centered Journalism (International Consultant) UNDP Country Office TIMOR LESTE IC - Individual contractor 19-Mar-21 04-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76021 CI/014/OCR/2021 - CONSULTORIA PARA LA TRADUCCIÓN DEL INFORME DE RESULTADOS DEL UNCT 2020 UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE VENEZUELA IC - Individual contractor 15-Mar-21 04-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76022 SDC-007-2021 Servicios de Limpieza con suministro de materiales, Jardinería, Fumigación y Desinfección a Oficinas y Áreas Comunes para el edificio de la Sede Común de Naciones Unidas en México UNDP Country Office MEXICO RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Mar-21 04-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76020 3308 PAN 2021 – Consultoría para la Elaboración de la Estrategia Nacional del Ambiente (ENA) 2021 AL 2031 y su correspondiente plan operativo indicativo UNDP Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 09-Apr-21 04-Mar-21 WATER SUPPLY  (POTABLE) WATER SUPPLY (POTABLE) 76017 Rehabilitation of Safwan main water pumps station UNDP Iraq IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 24-Mar-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 04-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76015 Sustainable Finance Specialist (National Consultant) UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 16-Mar-21 04-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76012 Appel d'offres n° UNDP/RFP/2021/015 Recrutement d'un cabinet pour la réalisation d'une caravane de formation en leadership et en développement personnel pour l'innovation entrepreneuriale des jeunes et la résilience a l'impact de la COVID-19 en Côte d'Ivo Côte d'Ivoire COTE d'IVOIRE RFP - Request for proposal 22-Mar-21 04-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76014 National Consultant for Jail/Prison and Community Corrections Management UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 08-Mar-21 04-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76013 Expert Consultant on Maritime Security in the Sulu and Celebes Seas UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 08-Mar-21 04-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76010 Communication Officer (National Consultant) for the Peace Programme Team UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 07-Mar-21 04-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76008 Multimedia services and products for South-South Cooperation in promoting mutual learning and collaboration for sustainable development UNDP Country Office CHINA RFP - Request for proposal 18-Mar-21 04-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76006 National Forest Landscape and Illegal Wildlife Trade (IWT) Specialist for the reformulation of the GEF project CAMEROON CAMEROON IC - Individual contractor 15-Mar-21 04-Mar-21 HEALTH HEALTH 76005 RFQ/029/21 Supply and Delivery of Protective suit with hood for single use UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Mar-21 04-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 76004 Baseline study of Mozambique's experience in the participation of Preferential Trade Agreements and its implications for the ratification of AfCFTA UNDP Country Office MOZAMBIQUE IC - Individual contractor 19-Mar-21 04-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76003 Expert national en élaboration de cartographies des risques de corruption dans le secteur de l'habitat UNDP ALGERIA, RBAS ALGERIA IC - Individual contractor 14-Apr-21 04-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76002 Expert national en élaboration de cartographies des risques de corruption dans le secteur de la santé UNDP ALGERIA, RBAS ALGERIA IC - Individual contractor 14-Apr-21 04-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 76001 SDP05 2021 Desarrollo Arquitectonico INVI UNDP Country office DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 25-Mar-21 @ 10:59 PM (New York time) 04-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75999 Digital Conference Support - "Oslo III" UNDP Oslo Governance Centre NORWAY RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Mar-21 04-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75998 Expert(e) national(e) pour l'élaboration du document de projet pour l'appui à la mise en oeuvre de la Stratégie Nationale de Prévention et Lutte contre la Corruption en Algérie UNDP ALGERIA, RBAS ALGERIA IC - Individual contractor 10-Mar-21 04-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75818 IC/UNDP/ACHIEVE/052/2021 - Learning Assistant for the SDG Academy Indonesia UNDP Indonesia INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 19-Mar-21 04-Mar-21 RURAL DEV'T.  (MISCELLANY) RURAL DEV'T. (MISCELLANY) 75994 Call for Proposal - Mitigating the Impacts of Earthquake Disaster and COVID-19 in West Sulawesi (Business Development) UNDP Country Office INDONESIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 11-Mar-21 04-Mar-21 HEALTH HEALTH 75997 RFQ/028/21 Supply and Delivery of COVID-19 AG rapid tests UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Mar-21 04-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75995 Rehabilitation of Malolotja Nature Reserve Access Road to Canopy Tour Country Office SWAZILAND RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Mar-21 04-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 75992 RFQ 039 2021 - Personal Accident Insurance for Committee on Missing Persons UNDP CYP CYPRUS RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Mar-21 04-Mar-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 75996 ITB 2020-157 EXPEDITION TRUCK VEHICL PASSENGER VAN UNDP Kyrgyzstan KYRGYZSTAN ITB - Invitation to bid 02-Apr-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 04-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75993 National consultant - Updating Beirut Rafic Hariri International Airport Assessment within the GARD Response Plan UNDP Country Office LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 18-Mar-21 04-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 75990 RFQ-USAID/ETICA-002 - Supply of uninterruptible power source (UPS)/Поставка источника бесперебойного питания (ИБП) USAID/ETICA UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Mar-21 04-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 75989 Project Development Specialist Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services UNDP Country Office IRAQ IC - Individual contractor 31-Mar-21 04-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75987 Advisory Support on Developing Portfolio of Interventions for Almaty, Kazakhstan as part of the City Experiment Fund Istanbul Regional Center TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 16-Mar-21 04-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75892 IC 015-21- National Consultant for Project Development Specialist for Biodiversity & Ecosystem services Iraq Country Office IRAQ IC - Individual contractor 13-Mar-21 04-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75985 Recrutement d'un(e) Consultant(e) National(e), Statisticien(ne) pour le Programme des Nations Unies pour les Établissements Humains (ONU-Habitat) ONU HABITAT TOGO IC - Individual contractor 24-Mar-21 04-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 75983 UNDP-IC-2021-088 Communications Specialist for Govt UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 18-Mar-21 04-Mar-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 75982 UNDP/RFQ/09/2021 Request for Quotation for Supply and Delivery of Electric Vehicle for DCRL Project UNDP Country Office for DCRL Project NEPAL RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Mar-21 03-Mar-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 75981 UNDP/RFQ/10/2021 Request for Quotation for Supply and Delivery of Motorcycles for DCRL Project UNDP Country Office for DCRL Project NEPAL RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Mar-21 03-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75958 CFP Empowering Community Based Organizations Country Office IRAQ CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 21-Mar-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 03-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75980 Local Consultant for Final Evaluation for the BESD Project UNDP Cambodia CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 10-Mar-21 03-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75979 Consultant - Parliament Technical Support UNDP Country Office FIJI IC - Individual contractor 17-Mar-21 03-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 75978 Consultancy - Consultation, research and knowledge resource on parliaments and hate speech Governance Team/BPPS UNDP HQ/BPPS/Governance Unit UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 18-Mar-21 03-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75976 Training Consultant UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 17-Mar-21 03-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75977 Anti-corruption Consultant on Public Service/ People Effectiveness UNDP Country Office FIJI IC - Individual contractor 18-Mar-21 03-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75975 PROCESO COL 0000128101Consultoría para realizar el análisis de datos provenientes de la base de datos de la Línea Base levantada en los municipios de influencia del proyecto planetGOLD Colombia, dirigida a la caracterización de las poblaciones mineras UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 16-Mar-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 03-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75974 SDP-012-2021 Consultoría dirigida a organizaciones de la sociedad civil, instituciones académicas o empresas para la implementación del componente de capacitación del Pilar 2 de la Iniciativa Spotlight, en los estados de Chihuahua, Guerrero y Estado de Mé UNDP Country Office MEXICO RFP - Request for proposal 22-Mar-21 03-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 75973 INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANCY TO FACILITATE WORKSHOPS FOR ROLLING OUT OF THE SDGs PLANNING GUIDELINES BOTSWANA BOTSWANA IC - Individual contractor 22-Mar-21 03-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75972 ESTUDIOS PRELIMINARES JUZGADOS DE 1° INSTANCIA DE CAPIATA – CENTRAL. JUZGADOS DE 1° INSTANCIA DE FERNANDO DE LA MORA – CENTRAL Asunción PARAGUAY RFP - Request for proposal 05-Apr-21 03-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75971 Rehab. of of Pump Stations-Internal Networks Nin. UNDP Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 30-Mar-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 03-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75970 LBN-CO-RFQ-57-21 - Market Rehabilitation - BH UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Mar-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 03-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75968 Call for Proposal (CFP) (For Civil Society Organizations- CSOs)-UNWOMEN LIBERIA LIBERIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 09-Apr-21 03-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75969 ITB-LBY-SFL-2021-8661 - Supply and installation of Medical Oxygen Generator Facility for Cardiology Hospital in Tajoura - Tripoli - Libya UNDP Country Office LIBYA ITB - Invitation to bid 18-Mar-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 03-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75967 CW- BARRACK BAMA LGA BORNO STATE UNDP Nigeria NIGERIA ITB - Invitation to bid 12-Mar-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 03-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75408 Consultant(e) national(e) en vue de réaliser l'étude de base du projet « Défenseuses des droits humains, actrices de la consolidation de la paix en RCA » UNDP Country Office CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 19-Mar-21 03-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75966 National institutional consultancy service for research on obstacles faced by Viet Nam's small and medium sized firms in their efforts to grow into globally competitive manufacturers (Ref. B-210302) UNDP Vietnam VIET NAM RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Mar-21 03-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75964 UNDP-IC-2021-046 - Legal Expert - ROL Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 17-Mar-21 03-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75965 Invitation to Pre-qualify- EU4S Construction Works Albania ALBANIA ITP - Invitation to pre-qualify 06-Apr-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 03-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75963 UNDP-IC-2021-045 - Senior Legal Expert - ROL - ReAd Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 19-Apr-21 03-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75961 UNDP-IC-2021-043 - Probation & Reclamation Expert Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 17-Mar-21 03-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75960 UNDP-IC-2021-020 - Knowledge Management & Advocacy Expert Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 17-Mar-21 03-Mar-21 HEALTH HEALTH 75959 Consultor Medico. GE EQUATORIAL GUINEA RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Mar-21 03-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75957 LBN-CO-RFP-55-21 - Damour maghdoushe-Comm outreach UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFP - Request for proposal 24-Mar-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 03-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75956 UNDP-IC-2021-019 - Gender Based Violence Expert-ReAd Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 10-Aug-21 03-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75955 LBN-CO-RFP-54-21 - Community outreach activities UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFP - Request for proposal 24-Mar-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 03-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75954 RFQ/027/21 Revision of all phases of Detailed Project documentation of change of purpose and reconstruction of the buildings for the needs of the Faculty of Health Studies Sarajevo UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Mar-21 03-Mar-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 75953 Sale of UNDP vehicle-Nissan X-Trail UNDP Country Office GEORGIA Other 15-Mar-21 03-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75950 Hiring of a national company/firm to support REMA to Retrofit of Fossil Motorcycles to Electric Motorcycles in Rwanda UNDP Country Office RWANDA RFP - Request for proposal 19-Mar-21 03-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 75951 RFQ 2021-13 : Criminal intelligence analysis solution IBM- I2 for Tunisian Ministry of Justice UNDP Country Office TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Mar-21 03-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75945 International consultancy Firm to conduct in-depth assessment study of the industrial zones on environment management and develop a strategy for implementation of eco-industrial park /zone in Rwanda Rwanda RWANDA RFP - Request for proposal 24-Mar-21 03-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 75949 RFQ: provision of IT Equipment UNDP Country Office GEORGIA RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Mar-21 03-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 75947 RFQ - Procurement of Kitchen Equipment UNDP Country Office GEORGIA RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Mar-21 03-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 75948 RFQ 2021-10 : Développement et mise en service du site web / méta-portail pour le Ministère de l'emploi en Tunisie UNDP TUNISIA TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Apr-21 03-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 75942 HYBRID SOLAR System for Sayioun hospital UNDP CO YEMEN RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Mar-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 03-Mar-21 POWER POWER 75946 Acquisition Groupe Electrogène pour PC Missérété UNDP Country Office BENIN RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Mar-21 03-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75944 IC/UNDP/HGI/051/2021 - Consultant to Develop Technical Guidelines of HIV Services Through Telemedicine [Re-advertise] UNDP Indonesia INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 10-Mar-21 03-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75902 RFQ/LBY/SFL/2021/013 - Rehabilitation of Almanara secondary School in Sirte, Libya. UNDP Country Office LIBYA RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Mar-21 03-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75943 RFP 003 Bis PNUD BF Burkina Faso BURKINA FASO RFP - Request for proposal 19-Mar-21 @ 10:58 AM (New York time) 03-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75938 Consultancy services for a Chief Technical Adviser for the 'Restoring Marine Ecosystem Services by Rehabilitating Coral Reefs to Meet a Changing Climate Future' project UNDP Country Office MAURITIUS IC - Individual contractor 28-Mar-21 03-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 75941 2021_UNDP_RFQ 014 MATERIELS INFORMATIQUES EN 02 LOTS POUR LE PROJET POLICE ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Mar-21 03-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75940 RFP-UNDP-RESTORE-131254-011-2021 - The Impact Evaluation of Pre-Employment Card as COVID 19 Recovery Program UNDP Country Office INDONESIA RFP - Request for proposal 17-Mar-21 @ 10:45 AM (New York time) 03-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75937 International Salary Survey Consultant Istanbul Regional Center TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 14-Mar-21 03-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75939 IC/UNDP/BIOFIN/050/2021 - UNDP - National Consultant on Public Environmental Planning and Budgeting Process UNDP Indonesia Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 18-Mar-21 03-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75936 National Consultant for Active Tectonic Fault Mapping UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN IC - Individual contractor 16-Mar-21 03-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75930 17-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-RPP_School of Healthcare UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 18-Mar-21 03-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75934 National Consultant for Processing of Geodynamic Anomalies UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN IC - Individual contractor 16-Mar-21 03-Mar-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 75929 PRC/ZWE/RFQ/002/26/02/2021 Request for Quotation for the Supply and Installation of Call Centre Equipment UNDP Zimbabwe ZIMBABWE RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Mar-21 03-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75933 National Consultant (Technician) for technical work on tectonic fault mapping UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN IC - Individual contractor 16-Mar-21 03-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75932 National Consultant (Technician) to perform technical work on tectonic fault mapping and georeferencing of various objects UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN IC - Individual contractor 16-Mar-21 03-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75931 202/IC/PADRC/2021 Recrutement d'un(e) Consultant national pour l'opérationnalisation de la plateforme intégrée de la société civile pour la mise en œuvre et le suivi ODD MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 16-Mar-21 03-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75928 RFP/UNDP/PETRA/131382/012/2021 - Review of Bill of Quantities (Quantity Survey Consultant) for Construction of Two Landfills and Supporting Facilities in Central Sulawesi UNDP Country Office INDONESIA RFP - Request for proposal 17-Mar-21 03-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75927 Provision of Mural Painting and short video docum. UNDP-Afghanistan AFGHANISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 21-Mar-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 03-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75926 NDMO Gizo Office Extension UNDP Pacific Office SOLOMON ISLANDS RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Mar-21 03-Mar-21 HEALTH HEALTH 75925 IC/UNDP/HGI/049/2021 - HIV Expert for Funding Landscape Proposal of GFATM [Re-advertised] UNDP Indonesia INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 10-Mar-21 02-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75924 SUMINISTRO E INSTALACION DE LUMINARIAS LED UNDP Country Office PANAMA ITB - Invitation to bid 30-Mar-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 02-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 75923 PROCESO COL 0000131094 Suministro y transporte de GAS AL -A-ETCR EL OSO-PLANADAS- UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Mar-21 02-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 75922 PROCESO COL 0000131093 Suministro y Transporte ACPM Antiguo ETCR MIRAVALLE. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Mar-21 02-Mar-21 WATER SUPPLY  (POTABLE) WATER SUPPLY (POTABLE) 75919 SOLICITUD DE COTIZACION: SDC-2021-001 Adquisición de materiales de construcción, tuberías y accesorios para acueductos comunales de la Región Chorotega y Territorio Norte Norte UNDP Country Office COSTA RICA RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Mar-21 02-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75918 Recruitment of National Consultant for the Development of Accredited Entity Work Programme (EWP) UNDP Country Office GHANA IC - Individual contractor 10-Mar-21 02-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75916 18322-2021 Servicios de Consultoria para el diseño e implementación de un curso sobre evaluación de impacto aplicado a Seguridad Ciudadana y Justicia Regional Centre PANAMA RFP - Request for proposal 19-Mar-21 02-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75917 Recruitment of International Consultant for the Development of Accredited Entity Work Programme (EWP) UNDP Country Office GHANA IC - Individual contractor 10-Mar-21 02-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 75915 UNDP-RFP-2021-040 Urban Planning Firm UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 29-Mar-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 02-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75914 Thailand Project Coordination Local Consultant UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 22-Mar-21 02-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75913 Rehabilitation of Bosnaib Electrical Substation in Benghazi City, Libya UNDP Country Office LIBYA RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Mar-21 @ 10:30 AM (New York time) 02-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 75912 PRODUCTION OF AWARENESS RAISING VIDEOS Kuwait KUWAIT RFP - Request for proposal 18-Mar-21 @ 12:10 AM (New York time) 02-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75911 IC/00072164/026-2021 Asesor Técnico Internacional para el desarrollo e implementación del proyecto de eliminación ambientalmente racional de Contaminantes Orgánicos Persistentes (COPS) mediante el coprocesamiento de residuos de PCBs, PBDEs y Plaguicidas OFICINA DE PAÍS HONDURAS IC - Individual contractor 29-Mar-21 02-Mar-21 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS 75906 RFQ 8668 - Supply and Delivery of PA - Public Address System UNDP Country Office AFGHANISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Mar-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 02-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75910 Deliverable-Based Consultancy Services for The Implementation of Learn and Transform Trainings UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 09-Mar-21 02-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 75908 LTA FOURNITURE DE CARBURANT 004 2021 UNDP country Office GUINEA-BISSAU ITB - Invitation to bid 12-Mar-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 02-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 75909 LBN-CO-RFP-53-21 - Community outreach activities UNDP Country Office - LEBANON - LEBANON LEBANON RFP - Request for proposal 16-Mar-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 02-Mar-21 HEALTH HEALTH 75905 RFQ/026/21 Supply and delivery of combined refrigerator/freezers UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Mar-21 02-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 75904 Identificacion, Evaluacion y Estudio de Previabilildad, para la ejecución de una minihidroelectrica en el Rio Midjob Amvom GE EQUATORIAL GUINEA RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Mar-21 02-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 75903 Demostración Piloto de recusos Hidricos en Belebu-Bioko GE EQUATORIAL GUINEA RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Mar-21 02-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 75901 RFQ 030/2021 - Procurement of PCR & Rapid Testing services for Covid-19 UNDP CYP CYPRUS RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Mar-21 02-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 75900 Diseño técnico y plan empresarial para el Rio Tiburones en Bioko GE EQUATORIAL GUINEA RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Mar-21 02-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 75899 Evaluacion de recusos Eolicos: Corisco, Annobon y Bioko, GE EQUATORIAL GUINEA RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Mar-21 02-Mar-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 75897 Extension of deadline_ 26.03.21!!! RFP 2021-23 Provision of online trainings-Digital_Pre bid protocol attached UNDP CO KYRGYZSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 26-Mar-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 02-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75896 EXTENDED: Specialist in Automation of Land Cadastral Works. Leader of the Expert Group UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN IC - Individual contractor 23-Mar-21 02-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75895 EXTENDED: GEO Specialist UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN IC - Individual contractor 23-Mar-21 02-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 75721 INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANCY-DEVELOPMENT OF ANIMATION VIDEO FOR DEMONSTRATION OF BIOGAS IMPACT BOTSWANA BOTSWANA IC - Individual contractor 16-Mar-21 02-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 75894 ITB-088-21 Rehabilitation of the Main Saadiya Water Complex-Diyala Governorate,Iraq RBAS IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 04-Apr-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 02-Mar-21 HEALTH HEALTH 75893 ITB/LBY/SFL/2021/8642 - Supply and Installation of Medical Oxygen Generator Facility for COVID-19 in Benghazi Medical Center, Benghazi, Libya. UNDP Country Office LIBYA ITB - Invitation to bid 19-Mar-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 02-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75891 Recrutement d'un consultant national chargé de mener une étude sur la modernisation et l'informatisation de l'état civil au Burundi UNDP CO BURUNDI IC - Individual contractor 12-Mar-21 02-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75890 Услуги Национального консультанта по разработке модели расчета и прогнозирования выбросов парниковых газов в секторе «Отходы» UNDP Country Office BELARUS IC - Individual contractor 23-Mar-21 02-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 75888 CLOSED EARLY
Call for Proposals from Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), media, including NGOs for small grants to conduct civic education awareness on constitutional making process in Eastern Equatoria, Central Equatoria and Upper Nile. UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE SOUTH SUDAN CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 12-Mar-21 02-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 75887 178/RFQ/PDSPE/2021-Fourniture de 2 000 kits solaires pour Tuléar et Ambovombe Madagascar MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Mar-21 02-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75884 SDG 01-2021(re-announce) - Low-Value Grant Proposals-UNDP UNDP Kyrgyzstan KYRGYZSTAN CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 11-Mar-21 02-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75877 CLOSED EARLY
National Consultant for Training Support in Conflict Management and Peace Building (Bamenda) CAMEROON CAMEROON IC - Individual contractor 12-Mar-21 02-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75885 Rehabilitation of Agricultural Technical Institute in Nimrud (Hamdaniya) Ninawa Governorate, Iraq UNDP Service Center IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 30-Mar-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 02-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 75880 CLOSED EARLY
National Consultant Training Support in Human Rights (Bamenda) CAMEROON CAMEROON IC - Individual contractor 12-Mar-21 02-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75882 179/IC/PDSPE/2021 RECRUTEMENT CHAUFFEUR TEMPORAIRE MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 10-Mar-21 02-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75879 18367-2021 - ACUERDO A LARGO PLAZO (LTA) PARA EL DESARROLLO DE ESTUDIOS CUANTITATIVOS PARA INDAGAR ACERCA DE LA COMPRENSIÓN SOCIAL, LOS FACTORES DE RIESGO Y LA PERCEPCIÓN DE (IN)SEGURIDAD FRENTE A LA VIOLENCIA CONTRA LAS MUJERES Y LAS NIÑAS (VCMN) Regional Centre PANAMA RFP - Request for proposal 25-Mar-21 02-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75881 192/IC/RED/2021 Recrutement d'un(e) Consultant(e) National(e) Ingénieur/Expert en construction en charge de l'élaboration du Cahier des charges et du Suivi des travaux de réhabilitation de Tribunal de Première Instance et de la prison d'Ambovombe MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 11-Mar-21 02-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75878 RFQ-JPT-2021-03 Provisioning of Call Up Taxi-cab Service and Vehicle Rental service on Short- and Long-Term Basis to UN Agencies in Sri Lanka on Long Term Agreement UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Mar-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 02-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75865 International Consultant for Project Final Evaluation UNDP Country Office TIMOR LESTE IC - Individual contractor 16-Mar-21 01-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75875 RFQ National Consultant CPD evaluation 2017-2021 UNDP CO SURINAME RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Mar-21 01-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75876 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA (SdP) N° COL‐0000129610 UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 18-Mar-21 01-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75874 Consultancy for Clerk/ Transport Assistant, IC/PNG/007-2021 UNDP PNG Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 16-Mar-21 01-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75872 National Consultant: Systems and Training Specialist for the Implementation of DevLIVE+ in Tuao, Cagayan (Philippine nationals only) Philippines PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 17-Mar-21 01-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75871 Individual consultancy (on behalf of UNODC) - National consultant at the Terrorism Prevention Branch of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (TPB/UNODC) - LBN-CO-IC-56-21 Lebanon LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 08-Mar-21 01-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75870 SDP-011-2021 Servicios de Diseño y elaboración de materiales de comunicación y productos de conocimiento derivados de la ejecución del proyecto y sus resultados UNDP Mexico Country Office MEXICO RFP - Request for proposal 15-Mar-21 01-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75869 IC-070-2021 Curso capacitacion WEAP UNDP Country Office PERU IC - Individual contractor 15-Mar-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 01-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75868 3419 PAN 2021 - Contratación de dos (02) Técnicos de Mitigación para los sectores No AFOLU y AFOLU, respectivamente. UNDP Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 16-Mar-21 01-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75867 IC/UNDP/RRU-RESTORE/048/2021 - Technical Advisor for COVID-19 Recovery UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 16-Mar-21 01-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75866 Recrutement d'un Consultant chargé de l'actualisation de la grille des Consultants nationaux UNDP-KINSHASA, DR CONGO - CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 10-Mar-21 01-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75863 RFP-RBAS-002-2021 THE SUITE OF ICT APPLICATIONS FOR ISSUANCE OF TRADE, AND TRADE-RELATED PERMITS Regional Bureau of Arab States ( Regional Hub) JORDAN RFP - Request for proposal 24-Mar-21 @ 11:00 PM (New York time) 01-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 75864 Purchase of 5 endoscope equipment UNDP Kosovo Kosovo, UNSCR 1244 (1999) RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Mar-21 @ 11:30 AM (New York time) 01-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75861 01 Vietnamese based firm for micro assessment in 2021 (B-210301) UNDP Vietnam VIET NAM RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Mar-21 01-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 75862 UNDP-IC-2021-083 Consultant Establishment Division UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 15-Mar-21 01-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75859 RECRUTEMENT D'UN CONSULTANT NATIONAL SPECIALISTE EN RENFORCEMENT DES CAPACITES INSTITUTIONNELLES ET ORGANISATIONNELLE POUR LE COMPTE DE L'ONU HABITAT GUINEA GUINEA RFP - Request for proposal 30-Mar-21 01-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 75860 National Consultancy for Protected Area Biodiversity Financing Expert UNDP Country Office TANZANIA IC - Individual contractor 09-Mar-21 01-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 75858 National Consultancy for Forest Protected Areas Specialist UNDP Country Office TANZANIA IC - Individual contractor 09-Mar-21 01-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75857 LBN-CO-ITB-51-21 Shelter Rehab Bourj Hammoud Z123 UNDP Country Office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 25-Mar-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 01-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75856 EXTENDED DEADLINE -UNWOMEN Call for proposal -RPA for economic reintegration of victims of VAW_for publication UNDP CO on behalf of UNWOMEN Skopje Republic of North Macedonia CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 12-Apr-21 01-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75855 National Communications Consultant UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 10-Mar-21 01-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75854 RFP-Strengthening Urban-Rural Linkages in Ajara UNDP Country Office GEORGIA RFP - Request for proposal 09-Mar-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 01-Mar-21 POLLUTION POLLUTION 75853 Call for Proposals for Low-Value Grant Projects / Запрос на Подачу Грантовых Предложений на Реализацию Малых Грантовых Проектов UNDP Country Office KYRGYZSTAN Other 29-Mar-21 01-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75852 183/IC/REAP/2021-Recrutement d'un consultant pour la conduite des ateliers de renforcement de capacités des acteurs ciblés sur l'élaboration de la stratégie régionale Androy Madagascar MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 29-Mar-21 01-Mar-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75851 Выполнение дорожных работ для улучшения организации велосипедного и пешеходного движе-ния в г. Новополоцке на ул. Комсомольская и ул. Блохина (устройство тротуаров, понижение бор-тов) UNDP Country Office BELARUS RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Mar-21 01-Mar-21 OTHER OTHER 75576 252-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP_FUNdraiser: Web-Platform for Youth to Attain Fundraising Skills and Experience UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 23-Mar-21 01-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75850 National Parliamentary Project Coordinator consultant – Tonga UNDP Country Office FIJI IC - Individual contractor 15-Mar-21 01-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75849 National Parliamentary Project Coordinator consultant – Kiribati UNDP Country Office FIJI IC - Individual contractor 15-Mar-21 01-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75847 National Parliamentary Project Coordinator Consultant – Cook Islands UNDP Country Office FIJI IC - Individual contractor 26-Apr-21 01-Mar-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75846 International Specialists on Climate Change Adaptation UNDP Cambodia CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 14-Mar-21 01-Mar-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75842 RFQ/UNDP/PETRA/005/2021 – Provision of Cleaning and Security Services for UNDP PETRA Office in Mataram - West Nusa Tenggara UNDP Country Office INDONESIA RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Mar-21 28-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75845 RFP2021/WSM01 - THIRD NATIONAL COMMUNICATION AND FIRST BIENNIAL UPDATE REPORT (Re-advert2 UNDP Country Office SAMOA RFP - Request for proposal 15-Mar-21 28-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75844 CI.11.OCR.2021Consultoría Especializada de Apoyo Técnico y Metodológico para la Formulación del Marco de Cooperación para el Desarrollo Sostenible entre la República Bolivariana de Venezuela y la Organización de las Naciones Unidas 2022-2025. UNDP Country Office VENEZUELA RFP - Request for proposal 14-Mar-21 28-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75745 Squarespace Web Developer Consultant UNCDF BELGIUM IC - Individual contractor 12-Mar-21 28-Feb-21 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS 75843 RFQ-YEM-0016-2021 Network and Fire Alarm systems UNDP Country Office YEMEN RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Mar-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 27-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75808 International MSME Consultant - Socio-Economic Impact Assessment of COVID-19 in TimorLeste, Round 2 Timor-Leste TIMOR LESTE IC - Individual contractor 09-Mar-21 27-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75841 EOI Diseno y Construccion de Torres de Vigilancia. UNDP OFFICE PANAMA EOI - Expression of interest 05-Mar-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 26-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75840 SDC/00118949/029/2021 OFICINA DE PAÍS HONDURAS RFQ - Request for quotation 04-Mar-21 26-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75798 Hiring Firm for Research & Analysis on Innovative Approaches to Financing Electricity Connections for Low-Income Households in Rural Senegal UNCDF SENEGAL RFP - Request for proposal 31-Mar-21 26-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75839 Servicio de Agencia de Viajes UNDP BOLIVIA ITB - Invitation to bid 26-Mar-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 26-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75838 Réalisation d'histoires et d'un cahier d'histoire sur la base de témoignages Morocco MOROCCO RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Mar-21 26-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75837 Purchase of 5 surveillance thermal imaging UNDP Kosovo Kosovo, UNSCR 1244 (1999) RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Mar-21 @ 11:30 AM (New York time) 26-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75836 RFQ Purchase of 5 Handheld X-ray Scanner UNDP Kosovo Kosovo, UNSCR 1244 (1999) RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Mar-21 @ 11:30 AM (New York time) 26-Feb-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 75835 SDC-11-2021 "SUSCRIPCION DE ADOBE CREATIVE CLOUD FOR TEAM ALL APPS....PARA EL TRIBUNAL CONSTITUCIONAL" UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Mar-21 26-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75834 Drilling works for New Rehab of existing Borehole UNDP Nigeria NIGERIA ITB - Invitation to bid 09-Mar-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 26-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75833 Provision of Solar System DAURA PHCC YOBE State UNDP Nigeria NIGERIA ITB - Invitation to bid 12-Mar-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 26-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75832 PNUD-IC-124-2021 Asistencia técnica para el diseño e implementación de las herramientas del seguimiento a intervenciones relacionadas a la atención de víctimas contra la violencia" UNDP Country Office PERU IC - Individual contractor 15-Mar-21 @ 01:00 PM (New York time) 26-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75830 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA (SdP) N° COL‐0000125959 UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 16-Mar-21 26-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75829 Selection of three (3) CSOs to design and implement community projects, including the NSAP-GBV, Community Priority Plans and Local Sustainable Development Plans (LSPD) and that addresses the needs of women, girls and other groups UNDP Country Office JAMAICA RFP - Request for proposal 26-Mar-21 26-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75817 Call for Expressions of Interest, UNDP Audit and Evaluation Advisory Committee Office of Audit and Investigations UNITED STATES OF AMERICA EOI - Expression of interest 16-Mar-21 26-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75822 RFP/UNDP/TIGER Project/ 0000126141/004/2021 - Training on Capacity Development Leadership for PAs Managers Country Office INDONESIA RFP - Request for proposal 22-Mar-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 26-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75826 00037237- SWVR Design Challenges. UN Volunteers Bonn GERMANY RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Mar-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 26-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75824 Recrutement d'un-e Consultant-e national-e en Budgétisation Sensible au Genre (BSG) Haiti HAITI IC - Individual contractor 12-Mar-21 26-Feb-21 HEALTH HEALTH 75825 Supply of UN Isolation House Furniture Country Office SWAZILAND RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Mar-21 26-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75823 Communication and Knowledge Management Specialist New York UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 05-Mar-21 26-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75821 RFP-UNDP-KALFOR-124134-007-2021 - Economic Valuation of Ecosystem Service of Forested Land Outside State Owned Forest Area in Four Districts of Kalimantan UNDP Country Office INDONESIA RFP - Request for proposal 21-Mar-21 @ 10:00 PM (New York time) 26-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75820 RFP/UNDP/CIWT/124873/008/2021 - Consultant services to implement a National Baseline KAP survey to support communication strategy for a social marketing campaign – RE ADVERTISEMENT UNDP Country Office INDONESIA RFP - Request for proposal 15-Mar-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 26-Feb-21 HEALTH HEALTH 75814 UNDP-ITB-2021-004 Поставка лекарств, медицинского оборудования и средств защиты / Supply of Medicines & Medical Equipment and Protective items Kazakhstan KAZAKHSTAN ITB - Invitation to bid 19-Mar-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 26-Feb-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 75816 RFQ 685 Procurement of servers for National Academy for Public Administration (NAPA) UNDP CO Serbia SERBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Mar-21 26-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75815 214-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-RPP_Preparation, organization, and conducting trainings and discussions for local authorities on the environmental security,, effective initiation, planning, and implementation of initiatives aimed at protecting the environment Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 14-Mar-21 26-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75813 EXTENDED: National Consultant on IT for Land Cadaster UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN IC - Individual contractor 19-Mar-21 26-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75812 UNDP/RFQ/08/2021 Request for Quotation for Development of PSA on GBVAW and its Airing for UNODC UNDP Country Office for UNODC NEPAL RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Mar-21 26-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75811 RFP 2021-22 CAPACITY BUILDING AND GRANT SUPPORT UNDP Kyrgyzstan KYRGYZSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 19-Mar-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 26-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75805 International Consultant in Coral Resilience and Genetic Connectivity for the UNDP supported Adaptation Fund financed 'Restoring Marine Ecosystem Services by Rehabilitating Coral Reefs to Meet a Changing Climate Future' project UNDP Country Office MAURITIUS IC - Individual contractor 14-Mar-21 26-Feb-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 75810 Industrial Machineries and Specialized Vehicles PSU Malaysia MALAYSIA ITB - Invitation to bid 27-May-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 26-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75809 CW PRY SCH Teacher Qtrs BANKI-BORNO UNDP Nigeria NIGERIA ITB - Invitation to bid 05-Mar-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 26-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75807 IC/UNDP/RRU-DIRECT/047/2021 - Consultant for Mapping and Analysis of Vulnerable Groups for DRR UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 12-Mar-21 26-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75806 Recrutement de deux Consultants internationaux et un national pour la préparation d'une étude sur la tarification et l'élaboration d'un modèle de calcul des tarifs de vente et d'achat de l'électricité produite par les mini-réseaux au Burundi UNDP BURUNDI OFFICE BURUNDI IC - Individual contractor 12-Mar-21 26-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75802 IC/UNDP/BIOFIN/046/2021 - UNDP - Liaison and support for financial solution Debt for Nature Swap UNDP Indonesia Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 15-Mar-21 26-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75804 PROCESO COL 0000130359 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Apoyo Profesional en Comunicaciones SGR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 11-Mar-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 25-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75803 PROCESO COL 0000130924 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultor Subregional UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 11-Mar-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 25-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75801 International Short-Term Expert (No.2) on Local Governance Structures UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 16-Mar-21 25-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75800 3426 UNODC 2021 -Consultor/a independiente para apoyo en la elaboración de módulos de capacitación en la temática de: "Extinción de dominio y la administración de los bienes de origen o destinación ilícita" UNDP Country Office EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 09-Mar-21 25-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75799 PROCESO COL 0000129591 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 14-Mar-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 25-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75797 Consultancy to support the development of the national HIV Drug Resistance (HIVDR) prevention and control strategy and HIVDR surveillance protocols and plans in Belize. UNDP Country Office BELIZE RFP - Request for proposal 15-Mar-21 25-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75753 Inclusive Digital Economy Consultant - Libreville, GABON UNCDF GABON IC - Individual contractor 14-Apr-21 25-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75795 Consultant – Parliamentary involvement in Constituency Development UNDP Country Office FIJI IC - Individual contractor 13-Mar-21 25-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75794 CLOSED EARLY
CI/010/OCR/2021 Consultoría Especializada de Apoyo Técnico y Metodológico para la Formulación del Marco de Cooperación para el Desarrollo Sostenible entre la República Bolivariana de Venezuela y la Organización de las Naciones Unidas 2022-2025. UNDP Country Office VENEZUELA RFP - Request for proposal 12-Mar-21 25-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75793 Consultant – Oversight of Debt in the Pacific UNDP Country Office FIJI IC - Individual contractor 13-Mar-21 25-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75792 SDC-006-2021 Contratación del servicio de mantenimiento preventivo y correctivo a los sistemas de aire acondicionado, hidrosanitario, refrigeración y ventilación del edificio de la Sede Común de Naciones Unidas en México UNDP Country Office MEXICO RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Mar-21 25-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75791 SDC-005-2021 Contratación del servicio de mantenimiento preventivo y correctivo al Sistema de Circuito Cerrado de Televisión (CCTV) y Acceso Controlado del edificio de la Sede Común de Naciones Unidas en México UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Mar-21 25-Feb-21 TOURISM TOURISM 75790 RFP 025/21 Consultancy Services to Conduct Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment and Develop Adaptation Plan for the Tourism Sector of Armenia UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFP - Request for proposal 15-Mar-21 25-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75789 "Consultoría Nacional para elaboración del Documento País 2020 (Informe técnico sobre Gestión de Riesgo de Desastres en el Paraguay)" UNDP Office Paraguay PARAGUAY IC - Individual contractor 11-Mar-21 25-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75788 RFQ-LBY-SFL-2021-8560 - Supply and installation of Gharyan Central Teaching Hospital 80 KW Solar Power System UNDP Country Office LIBYA RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Mar-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 25-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75787 Recrutement d'un Expert National en énergies renouvelables pour le développement, la facilitation et la consolidation des travaux de la Conférence sur la transition énergétique et le développement des énergies renouvelables Journées de l'Innovation 2021 UNDP Algeria ALGERIA IC - Individual contractor 06-Mar-21 25-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75786 National Consultant to Conduct Assessment of Child Protection Data Collection Mechanisms in The Gambia Gambia GAMBIA IC - Individual contractor 11-Mar-21 25-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75785 RFQ 06-21 Procurement of Office Supplies Stationary - for all UN Agencies UNDP CO MONTENEGRO RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Mar-21 25-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75782 SDP-113-2021 - Servicio de desarrollo creativo, producción y realización de la inauguración del museo nacional del Perú, en el marco de la conmemoración del Bicentenario del Perú UNDP Country Office PERU RFP - Request for proposal 26-Mar-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 25-Feb-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 75784 MKDRFQ08-2021 for Procurement of tablets UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Mar-21 25-Feb-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 75783 RFQ 07-2021 for Procurement of a 3D software program for creating and designing clothes UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 04-Mar-21 25-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75780 Invitation to Prequalification - to bid on upcoming Design and Build of Eco-Park Containing a Material Recovery Facility and a Green Composting Plant in Cyprus Nicosia CYPRUS ITP - Invitation to pre-qualify 10-May-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 25-Feb-21 HEALTH HEALTH 75781 RFQ/023/21 Supply and delivery of refrigerators and freezers - amendment and extension of deadline!!! UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Mar-21 25-Feb-21 HEALTH HEALTH 75779 RFQ/025/21 Supply and Delivery of COVID-19 RNA extractions - EXTENSION OF DEADLINE !!! UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Mar-21 25-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75778 IC NOTICE N°005-2021/PNUD- Recrutement d'un expert en Archivage électronique des documents pour le compte de la CENI Burkina Faso BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 09-Mar-21 25-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75598 ETH2286A-Terminal evaluation report UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE/ PDC ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 11-Mar-21 25-Feb-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 75777 RFP 004 PAPE / PNUD « Recrutement d'un bureau d'études charge de la mise en service du site Miroir de la CENI Burkina Faso BURKINA FASO RFP - Request for proposal 10-Mar-21 25-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75596 ETH2286 -Technical Advisor UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE/ PDC ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 11-Mar-21 25-Feb-21 HEALTH HEALTH 75776 ITB-BIH-005-21-X-ray and Mammograph UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA ITB - Invitation to bid 09-Mar-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 25-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75775 RFP-IC-2021-02 National Consultant UNDP Thailand THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 08-Mar-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 25-Feb-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 75774 Jaba School- Bethlehem UNDP/PAPP PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Mar-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 25-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75773 RFP-017-IND-2021 - Re-advertised - Knowledge Management and Communications agency for facilitating the S.O.L.V.E.D. Challenge (Social Objectives-Led Volunteer Enterprise Development) UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 05-Mar-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 25-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75771 5-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-RPP_Preparation of recommendations on optimization of the queue control at the entry-exit checkpoints in the East of Ukraine Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 18-Mar-21 25-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75769 EXTENDED: RFQ-TKM-003-2021: Tender for one-time maintenance of biochemical analyzers SelectraProS in regional TB laboratories UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Mar-21 25-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75770 RFQ 2021-09 : RECRUTEMENT D'UN CABINET POUR LE RENFORCEMENT DES CAPACITES DES FEMMES MICRO-ENTREPRENEURES EN SITUATION DE VULNERABILITE DANS LE SUD EN MATIERE D'INCLUSION FINANCIERE ET ENTREPRENEURIAT UNDP TUNISIA TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Mar-21 25-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75707 IC/UNDP/GBV/045/2021 - GBV Specialist UNDP Indonesia INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 11-Mar-21 25-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75768 RFQ - Achat des vivres pour les malades de KIBUMBU 2021 Burundi BURUNDI RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Mar-21 25-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75767 C2021-006 Request for Proposal(RFP) Organization to support youth skills development grant programme China Office CHINA RFP - Request for proposal 29-Mar-21 25-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75766 RFP Local Consultancy Firm to Develop Communication Materials UNDP Maldives Country Office MALDIVES RFP - Request for proposal 11-Mar-21 25-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75765 EXTENDED: RFQ-TKM-002-2021: Tender to procure company services on seismic works UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Mar-21 25-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75764 Rehabilitation Of Emergency Power Supply Line For Al Zewiyah Wtps In Baiji UNDP Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 18-Mar-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 25-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75763 [Deadline extension] T210202 - 01 National Consultant to conduct a legal and institutional assessment regarding beneficial ownership transparency of legal persons in Viet Nam UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 17-Mar-21 24-Feb-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 75762 Supply and delivery of IT equipment and spareparts UNDP Country Office AFGHANISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Mar-21 @ 06:30 AM (New York time) 24-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75710 SDGs and Resilience Consultant UNDP- Seoul Policy Center KOREA (REPUBLIC OF) IC - Individual contractor 09-Mar-21 24-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75760 Finance and Administrative Support UNDP Country Office FIJI IC - Individual contractor 11-Mar-21 24-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75759 PROCESO COL 0000129172 Suministro y transporte de GAS A ETCR MESETAS 1 AETCR MESETAS 2. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Mar-21 24-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75758 PROCESO COL 0000129171 Suministro y transporte de GAS A ETCR COLINAS. UNDP Country Office, Regional COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Mar-21 24-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75757 PROCESO COL 0000129170 Suministro y transporte de GAS A ETCR AGUA BONITA / A ETCR YARÍ. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Mar-21 24-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75756 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA (SdP) N° COL‐0000129325 UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 23-Mar-21 24-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75706 Proceso No. COL 0000128957 -Establecer un Roster d UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 10-Mar-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 24-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75755 SDP-010-2021 Programación de la plataforma Web para el fomento de inversiones en biodiversidad. UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO RFP - Request for proposal 10-Mar-21 24-Feb-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 75754 SDP-123-2021 -"Establecimiento de plataforma digital de escucha y monitoreo de redes sociales (social listening) para los Laboratorios de Aceleración PNUD" UNDP Country Office PERU RFP - Request for proposal 16-Mar-21 24-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75752 PCI-015-2021 Servicio de consultoría para la sistematización de reportes de indicadores socioeconómicos de las regiones del Estado de México UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO RFP - Request for proposal 10-Mar-21 24-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75751 SDP-009-2021 Servicios para realizar el trabajo de campo requerido para el desarrollo de mesas de diálogo regionales en el Estado de México para la identificación de prioridades locales UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO RFP - Request for proposal 17-Mar-21 24-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75750 CI-016-2021 "Contratación personal de apoyo a la coordinación Secretaría Técnica de los espacios de coordinación de la cooperación internacional" UNDP DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 19-Mar-21 24-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75749 PCI-014-2021 Consultoría para el desarrollo de la Metaevaluación a la Estrategia de Evaluabilidad del estado de Yucatán UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO RFP - Request for proposal 10-Mar-21 24-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75748 PROCESO COL 0000129169 Suministro y transporte de GAS A ETCR TIERRA GRATA A ETCR PONDORES. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Mar-21 24-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75736 PROCESO COL 0000129162 Suministro y transporte de GAS A ETCR LA FILA. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Mar-21 24-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75747 Customs Clearance of 40 X 9 6 High Cube Contain UNDP Nigeria NIGERIA RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Mar-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 24-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75746 PROCESO COL 0000128182 Suministro y Transporte ACPM Antiguo ETCR CHARRAS UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Mar-21 24-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75744 Construction Teachers Qters with external works UNDP Nigeria NIGERIA ITB - Invitation to bid 05-Mar-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 24-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75743 Construction -Teachers Qters with Perimeter Wall UNDP Nigeria NIGERIA ITB - Invitation to bid 05-Mar-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 24-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75742 3424 PAN 2021 - Consultoría Modernización y optimización de los procesos de recaudación y gestión de recuperación de cartera morosa del BHN. UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 15-Mar-21 24-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75659 SDC-10-2021 "Impresiones del Tribunal Constitucional" UNDP Country office DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Mar-21 24-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75741 Media-based voter education campaign RFP UNDP ZAMBIA ZAMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 17-Mar-21 @ 01:49 PM (New York time) 24-Feb-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 75739 RFQ/012/21 – Supply of agricultural machinery to Karakalpakstan, Tashkent, Kashkadarya and Surkhandarya regions/Поставка сельскохозяйственной техники в Каракалпакстан, Ташкентскую, Кашкадарьинскую и Сурхандарьинскую области UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Mar-21 24-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75738 National Consultant - Public information officer for the Build Back Better (BBB) programme UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE NAMIBIA IC - Individual contractor 07-Mar-21 24-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75737 Long Term Agreement_ Provision Of Research And Advisor UNDP Country Office MALAYSIA RFP - Request for proposal 30-Jul-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 24-Feb-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 75735 RFP 023/21 RA Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure website development and design UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFP - Request for proposal 10-Mar-21 24-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75734 LBN-CO-RFQ-43-21 - Refurbishment on behalf of UNODC) On Behalf of UNODC LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Mar-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 24-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75732 OFFICE FURNITURE FOR DIFFERENT CAJs UNDP country Office GUINEA-BISSAU RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Mar-21 24-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75733 RFQ for procurement of archive file shelves - rota UNDP Kosovo Kosovo, UNSCR 1244 (1999) RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Mar-21 @ 11:30 AM (New York time) 24-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75117 International consultant-–Value Chain Expert DJIBOUTI DJIBOUTI IC - Individual contractor 03-Mar-21 24-Feb-21 RURAL DEV'T.  (MISCELLANY) RURAL DEV'T. (MISCELLANY) 75731 Call for Proposal - Mitigating the Impacts of Earthquake Disaster and COVID-19 in West Sulawesi (Building Facilities) UNDP Country Office INDONESIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 05-Mar-21 24-Feb-21 HEALTH HEALTH 75730 Supply of UN Isolation House Medical Equipment Country Office SWAZILAND RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Mar-21 24-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75729 RFP Local Firm to Develop Creative Content and Advocacy Messages UNDP Maldives Country Office MALDIVES RFP - Request for proposal 10-Mar-21 24-Feb-21 RURAL DEV'T.  (MISCELLANY) RURAL DEV'T. (MISCELLANY) 75728 Call for Proposal - Support to Local Economic Development in Lubuk Bangkar Village, Batang Asai Sub-District, Sarolangun District, Jambi UNDP Country Office INDONESIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 25-Mar-21 24-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75727 4-2020-RFP-UNDP-BCRAW Assessment of the Cost and Benefits of Climate Change Adaptation in Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management Sectors of Tajikistan UNDP Country Office TAJIKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 05-Apr-21 24-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75726 UNDP-IC-2021-074 Communications and Advocacy Consultant - RCO UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 10-Mar-21 24-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75725 IC - un-e consultant-e spécialiste de l'intégration du genre et des besoins des jeunes et des groupes marginalisés dans les politiques publiques UNDP TUNISIA TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 24-Mar-21 24-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75724 UNDP-IC-2021-073 UNCT Retreat Facilitator UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 10-Mar-21 24-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75719 RFP-2020-072 «Услуги по разработке и реализации программы дополнительного экологического образования на 3-х проектных территориях: Алтай и Саур-Тарбагатай, Северный Тянь-Шань и Жетысуйский Алатау, Западный Тянь-Шань» UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 17-Mar-21 24-Feb-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 75723 RFP/003/21 – Предоставление услуг по разработке и реализации программы менторства /наставничества для женщин-предпринимателей и молодежи в Республике Узбекистан UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 14-Mar-21 24-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75722 INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANCY-GENDER EQUALITY ASSESSMENT – CONSTITUTION OF BOTSWANA BOTSWANA BOTSWANA IC - Individual contractor 05-Mar-21 24-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75720 Community assessments in Old Aleppo and AL Raqqa UNDP SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 08-Mar-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 24-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75718 INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANCY DEVELOPMENT OF PERFORMANCE MONITORING & EVALUATION FRAMEWORK FOR CEDA" BOTSWANA BOTSWANA IC - Individual contractor 12-Mar-21 24-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75717 Construction of building in 4 locations UNDP Country Office Timor Leste TIMOR LESTE ITB - Invitation to bid 11-Mar-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 24-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75716 Supply Electrical Materials for Electricity Sector in Sadiyah sub-district, Diyala Governorate UNDP Country Office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Mar-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 24-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75715 BIH/RFQ-024-21 Rehabilitation of 5 houses in Bijeljina UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Mar-21 24-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75714 NATIONAL INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANCY- UNDP-GEF MIDTERM REVIEW (MTR) FOR KGALAGADI AND GHANZI DRYLANDS ECOSYSTEM PROJECT BOTSWANA BOTSWANA IC - Individual contractor 03-Mar-21 24-Feb-21 RURAL DEV'T.  (MISCELLANY) RURAL DEV'T. (MISCELLANY) 75713 Call for Proposal - Local Economic Development in Tuva Village, Central Sulawesi UNDP Country Office INDONESIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 04-Mar-21 24-Feb-21 POWER POWER 75712 Works and Services for Construction and Operation of Solar PV Plants (Investing in Grid-Connected Solar PV in The Gambia) UNDP Country Office GAMBIA ITB - Invitation to bid 09-Jul-21 @ 11:59 AM (New York time) 24-Feb-21 RURAL DEV'T.  (MISCELLANY) RURAL DEV'T. (MISCELLANY) 75711 Call for Proposal - Local Economic Development in Sambik Elen, Bayan, West Nusa Tenggara UNDP Country Office INDONESIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 04-Mar-21 24-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75708 IC-014-21 Iraqi Chef / Food Specialist, Hungry for Peace Cookbook, UNDP Iraq Country Office IRAQ IC - Individual contractor 11-Mar-21 24-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75684 UNDP-IC-2021-018 - Programme Support Consultant Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 10-Mar-21 24-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75528 IC/UNDP/GBV/044/2021 - GBV Global Pilot Project Officer UNDP Indonesia INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 10-Mar-21 24-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75682 UNDP-IC-2021-017 - Communication Specialist – DU Quetta-ReAd Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 01-Apr-21 24-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75709 RFP-022-IND-2021 - Improved resilience of vulnerable households through climate responsive interventions around 30 JJH structures in 5 Districts in Bihar UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 08-Mar-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 24-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75681 UNDP-IC-2021-016 - Access to Justice & Gender Advisor – DU Quetta - ReAd Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 01-Apr-21 24-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75680 UNDP-IC-2021-015 - Networking Consultant – DU Quetta - ReAd Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 24-Jun-21 24-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75705 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA (SdP) N° COL‐0000129189 UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 11-Mar-21 23-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75664 Consultant for Independent Evaluation Bangkok Regional Hub on behalf of UNOSSC THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 08-Mar-21 23-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75704 CONSULTORIA ANALISIS ESTRUCTURAS ORGANIZACIONALES UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 10-Mar-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 23-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75703 Proceso No. COL 00000128947 Consultor Individual UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 08-Mar-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 23-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75702 3421 PAN 2021 - Consultor Asistente en Educación Musical – Cátedra: Piano para Educación Especial Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 10-Mar-21 23-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75687 IC-013-21 A Historian Specializing in Iraq, Hungry for Peace Cookbook - UNDP Iraq Country Office IRAQ IC - Individual contractor 11-Mar-21 23-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75701 Demande de prix pour "Animated videos Production" Hub Régional du PNUD SENEGAL RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Mar-21 23-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75700 METEOROLOGICAL SATELLITE IMAGES PROCESSING SYSTEM UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE CUBA EOI - Expression of interest 12-Mar-21 23-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75699 ITB/LBY/SFL/2021/8546 - Rehabilitation of Second Ring Road (Road Surface Marking and Landscaping of Green Area both side the Highway) in Tripoli, Libya. UNDP Country Office LIBYA ITB - Invitation to bid 16-Mar-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 23-Feb-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 75698 024-21 Supply and installation of green wooden boxes with and without cover UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Mar-21 23-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75697 PROCESO COL 0000126767 Compra de Maquinas y equipos de coser, accesorios y otros para taller de confecciones en el ETCR Llano Grande Comunitario Confecciones "Hilos de Paz", Dabeiba Antioquia. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Mar-21 23-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75696 Construction et rehabilitation. UNDP Country Office GUINEA-BISSAU ITB - Invitation to bid 31-Mar-21 @ 03:34 AM (New York time) 23-Feb-21 HEALTH HEALTH 75649 Fourniture et livraison des bouteilles d'oxygène à Bissau, Guinée-Bissau UNDP Country Office GUINEA-BISSAU RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Mar-21 23-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75694 Gender equality and social advisor UNDP Sao Tomé and Principe SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE IC - Individual contractor 11-Mar-21 23-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75692 Recruitment of National Consultant (IC) Senior Advisor of DBE vice President – SME Financing Office Under DBE (Development Bank of Ethopian) UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 08-Mar-21 23-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75691 SOLUCION PARA BHN PARA SISTEMA e-IBS DATAPRO Country Office PANAMA RFP - Request for proposal 16-Mar-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 23-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75690 Individual Consultant to conduct Foresight Capacity Needs Assessment and Capacity Building Strategy for the National Planning Commission, Ministry of Economic Planning, Development and Public Sector Reforms and United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Ma UNDP Country Office MALAWI IC - Individual contractor 11-Mar-21 23-Feb-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 75689 Procurement of 3D Printers, Projectors and Interactive Whiteboards UNDP Country Office TURKEY ITB - Invitation to bid 16-Mar-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 23-Feb-21 RURAL DEV'T.  (MISCELLANY) RURAL DEV'T. (MISCELLANY) 75683 Call for Proposal - Mitigating the Impacts of Earthquake Disaster and COVID-19 in West Sulawesi (Debris Clearing) UNDP Country Office INDONESIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 03-Mar-21 23-Feb-21 POLLUTION POLLUTION 75688 RFP 05/21 Preparation for Site Remediation at Aluminum Factory Podgorica UNDP CO MONTENEGRO RFP - Request for proposal 19-Mar-21 23-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75686 Recrutement d'un(e) consultant(e) international (e) sur l'évaluation du financement du développement (EFD) pour la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) UNDP DRC CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 17-Mar-21 23-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75685 ITB-21-001-R1 Conference Facilities and Hotel Accommodation Services on LTA Basis UNDP Country Office SUDAN ITB - Invitation to bid 21-Mar-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 23-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75677 UNDP-IC-2021-042- IC for Civil Engineering Services UNDP-Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 14-Apr-21 23-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75679 Consultancy Firm for identifying Women owned SMEs UNDP-Afghanistan AFGHANISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 13-Mar-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 23-Feb-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 75676 RFQ-2020-082: Procurement of 3 unit of operational off-road Motor Vehicles (ATV) for Monitoring and Fight with Forest Fires/ Закупка оперативных мототранспортных средств повышенной проходимости для мониторинга и борьбы с лесными пожарами в количестве 3 ед UNPD Country Office - KAZAKHSTAN KAZAKHSTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Mar-21 23-Feb-21 POWER POWER 75678 LBN-CO-ITB-50-21- Solar PV and Lithium Storage - Event ID 0000008624 UNDP Country Office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 23-Mar-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 23-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75675 RFP/009/21 Development of Preliminary and Detailed Design of change of purpose and reconstruction of the buildings for the needs of the Faculty of Health Studies Sarajevo UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFP - Request for proposal 10-Mar-21 23-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75673 Sustainable Development Analyst - National Consultant UNDP Country Office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 03-Mar-21 23-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75674 ITB 031 EID 8604 2021 - Conservation Works at Agios Antonios Church UNDP Cyprus CYPRUS ITB - Invitation to bid 29-Mar-21 @ 07:39 AM (New York time) 23-Feb-21 HEALTH HEALTH 75670 RfQ for Humanitarian Supplies to support 7 prisons in Vietnam UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Mar-21 23-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75672 C2021-005-RFP- research and consulting service on Child Bond Standards as the Leading Consulting Agency China Office CHINA RFP - Request for proposal 10-Mar-21 23-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75671 UNDP-RFP-2021-041-topographic survey and planning UNDP-Pakistan PAKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 09-Mar-21 @ 02:30 AM (New York time) 23-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75669 INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANT (IC) TO FACILITATE AND SUPERVISE CONSTRUCTION OF 170 BIOGAS DIGESTERS IN SOUTH EASTERN BOTSWANA BOTSWANA BOTSWANA IC - Individual contractor 08-Mar-21 23-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75668 T210201 - 02 National Consultants for providing research support to partners and national and international consultants and assisting the team in logistical and organizational matters UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 09-Mar-21 23-Feb-21 HEALTH HEALTH 75603 CLOSED EARLY
ITB 021 2021 Temperature Loggers UNDP Country Office INDIA ITB - Invitation to bid 06-Mar-21 @ 07:30 AM (New York time) 23-Feb-21 HEALTH HEALTH 75667 RFQ/UNDP/HEART/129875/004/2021 - High Flow Nasal Cannula Medical Devices UNDP Country Office Indonesia INDONESIA RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Mar-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 22-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75666 RFQ/011/21 – Supply and installation of Fodder Production Complex with production capacity of 6500 kg / day to Karakalpakstan/Комплекс производства основных видов кормов производительностью до 6500 кг в день в Каракалпакстан UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Mar-21 22-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75665 IC/UNDP/KALFOR/043/2021 - UNDP - Consultant for MTR Kalfor Project (International Consultant) UNDP Indonesia Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 09-Mar-21 22-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75663 Provision of Market assessment for agriculture value chain development for smallholder farmer in Cambodia UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFP - Request for proposal 12-Mar-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 22-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75662 Recrutement d'un Consultant National, Statisticien(ne) – ONU-Habitat). UN HABITAT BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 01-Mar-21 22-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75661 SDC09-2021"Adquisición de Equipos y Herramientas para uso de Gases a Base de Hidrocarburos del Ministerio de Medioambiente y Recursos Naturales" UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Mar-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 22-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75657 261-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-RPP Peer-to-peer mentorship program for ex-combatants: veteran to veteran Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 17-Mar-21 22-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75658 CONCURSO No. IC-ADQ-21-130344 – "Diseño de insumos técnicos y comunicacionales en apoyo a los GAD para orientar su aplicación y ejecución al proceso de Acuerdo de Pago Basado en Desempeño" UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 10-Mar-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 22-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75656 National Consultant IT Programmer to support the National Assembly (NA) to develop and roll out a digital platform for Parliament-Citizen interaction UNDP ZAMBIA ZAMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 02-Mar-21 22-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75655 National consultant to conduct the Capacity and Training Needs Assessment of Selected Parliamentary Committees and Staff of the National Assembly on Electoral Reform UNDP ZAMBIA ZAMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 02-Mar-21 22-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75650 Develop an Integrated Financing Framework for Rwanda UNDP Country Office RWANDA IC - Individual contractor 08-Mar-21 22-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75654 PROCESO COL 0000120271 Determinar cualitativamente el logro de los objetivos y los resultados esperados del proyecto "Fortalecimiento de la cadena de valor hortofrutícola en Colombia DEI Rural PNUD KOICA", así como la pertinencia y el impacto social UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 11-Mar-21 22-Feb-21 AGRO-INDUSTRY AGRO-INDUSTRY 75653 RFQ 022/21 Procurement of sheep wool opening & carding machine connected with a wooden roller UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Mar-21 22-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75652 RFP2021/WSM01 - THIRD NATIONAL COMMUNICATION AND FIRST BIENNIAL UPDATE REPORT (Re-advert1) UNDP Country Office SAMOA RFP - Request for proposal 01-Mar-21 22-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75651 Governance and Peace Consultant UNDP Country Office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 28-Feb-21 22-Feb-21 HEALTH HEALTH 75648 Fourniture et livraison des matériels et équipements d'assainissement pour l'Hôpital UNDP Country Office GUINEA-BISSAU RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Mar-21 22-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75647 MANUALES DE RIESGOS BANCARIOS UNDP Country Office PANAMA RFP - Request for proposal 09-Mar-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 22-Feb-21 RURAL DEV'T.  (MISCELLANY) RURAL DEV'T. (MISCELLANY) 75646 Call for Proposal - Strengthening GBV Referral Pathway In the Context of COVID 19 Pandemic Phase 2 UNDP Country Office INDONESIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 03-Mar-21 22-Feb-21 RURAL DEV'T.  (MISCELLANY) RURAL DEV'T. (MISCELLANY) 75645 Call for Proposal - Support to Person with Disability Community UNDP Country Office INDONESIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 03-Mar-21 22-Feb-21 URBAN DEV'T. URBAN DEV'T. 75644 Consultancy Services to Conduct Low Carbon Cities Webinar Series. UNDP Country Office MALAYSIA RFP - Request for proposal 05-Mar-21 22-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75643 RFP/008/21 Building capacities of women leaders to better navigate the political system in BiH and to affect societal transformation UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFP - Request for proposal 08-Mar-21 22-Feb-21 HEALTH HEALTH 75642 LBN-CO-ITB-33-21 Hygiene Kits and Baby Kits UNDP Country Office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 19-Mar-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 22-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75641 Strategic Planning Consultant to develop UNOSSC Strategic Framework (2022-2025) Home-Based UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 08-Mar-21 22-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75640 RFQ 06-2021 Design and Development of Communication and Engagement Strategy and plan UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Mar-21 22-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75639 Framework Agreement: International Senior Technical Advisor (UNDP/GEF) UNDP Country Office TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO IC - Individual contractor 17-Mar-21 22-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75638 Consultant on Big Data Analytics Regional Bureau of Arab States ( Regional Hub) JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 02-Mar-21 22-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75637 ETH2106R: National Economic Consulant for Ministry of Mining and Petroleum UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 08-Mar-21 22-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75636 Individual Consultant-Senior Researcher on Trafficking in Persons (TIP) in the Arab Region Regional Bureau of Arab States ( Regional Hub) JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 02-Mar-21 22-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75635 MNG/RFP/2021/004 - National Vendors - Development of training module for CSOs on budget monitoring UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA RFP - Request for proposal 29-Mar-21 22-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75633 IC/UNDP/KALFOR/042/2021 - UNDP - Consultant for MTR Kalfor Project (National Consultant) UNDP Indonesia Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 08-Mar-21 22-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75634 BIH-ITB-004-21 equipment for detection of illicit weapons, narcotics and explosives UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA ITB - Invitation to bid 22-Mar-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 22-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75632 31-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-RPP_Providing a series of training sessions for trainers on integrating STEM approach into secondary education UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 26-Mar-21 22-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75631 Review of the disaster management South Africa SOUTH AFRICA 05-Mar-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 22-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75630 MNG/IC/2021/029 - National Consultant - SDG Advisor UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 08-Mar-21 22-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75629 MNG/IC/2021/028 - National Consultant - Ethics Officer who supports to the Ethics Councils in the Local Government UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 05-Mar-21 22-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75628 MNG/IC/2021/027 - National Consultant - Ethics Officer who supports to the Ethics Councils in the Central Government UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 05-Mar-21 22-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75627 MNG/2021/IC/026 - National Consultant - Legal Expert UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 05-Mar-21 21-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75626 MNG/IC/2021/025 - National Consultant - Lead Expert on competency based Human Resources Management in the civil service UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 05-Mar-21 21-Feb-21 FORESTRY FORESTRY 75625 RFQ-2021-006 Purchase of 90 smartphones with accessories/Закуп 90 смартфонов с аксессуарами UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Mar-21 21-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75624 ITB-2021-001 Travel Management UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA ITB - Invitation to bid 09-Mar-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 21-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75623 IC/006/21 - Multimedia Designer Consultant UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 05-Mar-21 21-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75622 IC/005/21 - Website Design and Development Consultant UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 05-Mar-21 21-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75621 Legal Consultant (Assessor) UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 07-Mar-21 21-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75620 Individual consultancy - Long-Term Agreement - National Digital Engagement Specialist – 3 candidates will be selected (alternate LTAs in which contracting will be based on availability and raking) - LBN-CO-IC-48-21 UNDP Country Office - LEBANON - LEBANON LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 08-Mar-21 21-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75612 Recrutement d'un Expert National Expert formateur sur l'Après COVID : Prise en charge et conseils UNDP Algeria ALGERIA IC - Individual contractor 11-May-21 21-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75613 Recrutement d'un Expert National formateur sur la Gestion des voies aériennes d'un patient atteint de COVID 19 en milieu de réanimation (Simulation) UNDP Algeria ALGERIA IC - Individual contractor 07-Mar-21 21-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75619 Recrutement d'un Expert National formateur en Ventilation non invasive-CPAP et Ventilation invasive UNDP Algeria ALGERIA IC - Individual contractor 25-Mar-21 21-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75618 Recrutement d'un Expert National formateur en Oxygénothérapie à débit standard et à haut débit UNDP Algeria ALGERIA IC - Individual contractor 25-Mar-21 21-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75611 CLOSED EARLY
Recrutement d'un Expert National formateur sur l'Accès à des plateformes e-learning UNDP Algeria ALGERIA IC - Individual contractor 07-Mar-21 21-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75617 Call for proposal for CSO to Establish a Network of Women CSOs and Support the Independent National Commission on Human Rights (INCHR) to Provide Awareness and Monitor the Courts E in Bong and Nimba Counties Liberia LIBERIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 05-Mar-21 21-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75616 Call for proposal for CSOs to support the establishment of Justice and Conference Centers for the provision of legal aid services, psychosocial support to survivors of SGBV and human rights awareness Liberia LIBERIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 05-Mar-21 21-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75615 Call for proposals for CSO to conduct study on factors that fuel corruption and their patterns and provide training and support for CSOs and the media to monitor and investigate corruption cases Liberia LIBERIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 12-Mar-21 21-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75614 Recrutement d'un Expert National formateur en Techniques de prélèvements et interprétation des tests de dépistage UNDP Algeria ALGERIA IC - Individual contractor 14-Mar-21 21-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75610 Recrutement d'un Expert National formateur sur le Rôle du médecin généraliste dans le dépistage, diagnostic et la prise en charge du patient COVID 19 UNDP Algeria ALGERIA IC - Individual contractor 16-May-21 21-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75609 Recrutement d'un Expert National formateur des cadres institutionnels d'autres Ministères et organismes clés dans la réponse à la COVID-19 UNDP Algeria ALGERIA IC - Individual contractor 20-May-21 21-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75608 Recrutement d'un Expert National Expert formateur Informer et former dans la prise en charge de la femme enceinte dans le contexte de la Covid 19 UNDP Algeria ALGERIA IC - Individual contractor 20-May-21 21-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75607 Individual Contractor (IC) – Research and Data Analysis Consultant UNDP Regional Hub Office-Amman JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 01-Mar-21 21-Feb-21 POWER POWER 75606 RFQ 8573 Solar Dryer-Supply Delivery and Install UNDP AFGHANISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Mar-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 21-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75604 CI-013-2021 Servicios de Consultoría para "Diseño de Estrategia de Género en la Implementación y Gestión Local del Proyecto, e Instrumentos de Políticas para la Gestión Sostenible de Paisajes Productivos de Montaña" UNDP DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 05-Mar-21 20-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75605 CI-014-2021 "Servicio de Consultoría para acompañar al municipio de Yamasá, Provincia Monte Plata, en la formulación de su Plan Municipal de Desarrollo, tomando en cuenta las consideraciones conservación biodiversidad, manejo sostenible bosques y suelos" UNDP DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 05-Mar-21 20-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75602 PROCESO COL 0000130009 Seleccionar una Organización que diseñe e implemente un ejercicio de prospectiva territorial para la construcción de la visión compartida de Bienestar Colectivo de Buenaventura UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 08-Mar-21 19-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75600 3422 PAN 2021 – Consultor/a Asistente en Educación Musical – Cátedra: Percusión para Educación Especial" UNDP Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 08-Mar-21 19-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75599 ToRs for Establishing a Crowdfunding Academy RFQ 09-2021 Morocco MOROCCO RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Mar-21 19-Feb-21 POWER POWER 75597 SdP 3537 UNEP 2021 -CALENTADORES SOLARES UNDP Country Office PANAMA RFP - Request for proposal 18-Mar-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 19-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75595 CONCURSO No. IC-ADQ-21-127474 – "Diseño del documento de Política Pública Nacional de Reparación Integral a sobrevivientes de violencia contra las mujeres y miembros del grupo familiar y sobrevivientes víctimas de femicidios, validada y con estrategias de UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 26-Mar-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 19-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75594 UNDP-RFP-2021-036 Social Entrepreneurship UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 12-Mar-21 @ 02:30 AM (New York time) 19-Feb-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 75592 Supply, Delivery, and Installation Software Licenses, Data other Hardware (LOT 1 and LOT 2) UNDP Country Office GHANA RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Mar-21 19-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75593 Junior Results Based Management and Communications Consultant UNCDF UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 26-Feb-21 19-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75591 SDG Investments Impact Consultant UNCDF UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 25-Feb-21 19-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75590 LBN-CO-ITB-48-21Sup Del Assemb Home Farming Items UNDP Country office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 12-Mar-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 19-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75589 Support to the Gauteng Department of Economic Development in organizing a Small, Micro and Medium Enterprises Summit in February 2021 South Africa SOUTH AFRICA RFP - Request for proposal 23-Feb-21 19-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75584 CALL FOR PROPOSAL FOR CSO GRANT APPLICATION UNDP Country Office ZAMBIA Other 17-Mar-21 19-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75321 Full Rehabilitation of Rutba Municipal Asphalt Plant - Rutba City, Anbar Governorate, Iraq UNDP Service Center IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 30-Mar-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 19-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75587 National Individual Consultant - Terminal Evaluation of National Global Environmental Facility (GEF) CROSS-CUTTING CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT (CCCD) UNDP Country Office TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO IC - Individual contractor 05-Mar-21 19-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75586 18326-2021 Consultoría para el diseño y desarrollo del "Curso inicial del Programa de formación en seguridad ciudadana, justicia y cohesión social de Infosegura" Regional Centre PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 12-Mar-21 19-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75585 RFP Reduce imbalances of vulnerable groups such as UNDP Kosovo Kosovo, UNSCR 1244 (1999) RFP - Request for proposal 05-Mar-21 @ 11:30 AM (New York time) 19-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75582 18331-2021 – Diseño, Desarrollo e Implementación de Plataforma de Educación Virtual para Socios Nacionales Regional Centre PANAMA RFP - Request for proposal 10-Mar-21 19-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75583 **Deadline Extended**RFQ-032-2021 - For the provision of Energy Efficiency Advices for the Designs of Buildings and Facilities Nicosia CYPRUS RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Mar-21 19-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75579 Call for Proposals from NGOs/CSOs _Сomp 2 UNDP Country Office UKRAINE CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 08-Mar-21 19-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75581 RF921/2020/Recrutement d'une Association pour la réalisation d'un rapport présentant une analyse des mécanismes institutionnels et non-institutionnels existants en matière de veille, d'observation et de signalement des inégalités fondées sur le genre et l TUNISIA TUNISIA RFP - Request for proposal 23-Mar-21 19-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75570 ETH2222 National Consultant Inclusive Finance UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 13-Mar-21 19-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75568 ETH2221 National Consultant Inclusive Finance UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 01-Mar-21 19-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75580 Security Services to Safeguard United Nations Common Premises and its Property in Namibia UNDP CO, WINDHOEK, REPUBIC OF NAMIBA NAMIBIA RFP - Request for proposal 10-Mar-21 19-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75561 CLOSED EARLY
ETH2206 National Consultants Inclusive Finance UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 01-Mar-21 19-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75578 ETH2207: National Consultant Training Facilitator UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 18-Mar-21 19-Feb-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 75577 110-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-CSDR-On-line course UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Jun-21 19-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75574 INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANT(Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Expert ) UNDP Country Office - LIBYA LIBYA IC - Individual contractor 05-Mar-21 19-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75575 BIH/RFQ-022-21 Request for Quotations related to procurement of civil works in three Via Dinarica Project partner Local Government Units of Bosanski Petrovac, Sarajevo Centar and Prozor-Rama UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Mar-21 19-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75573 Consultant - Climate Finance Tracking Methodology to support the Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) System UNDP Sao Tomé and Principe SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE IC - Individual contractor 05-Mar-21 19-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75572 Call for Proposal-Tbilisi and adjacent area UNDP Country Office GEORGIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 09-Mar-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 19-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75571 Local Strategic Advisor Philippines (For Filipino Nationals Only) UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 28-Feb-21 19-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75563 58-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-RPP_Audit of the low-value grant projects in Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, government-controlled areas (GCA), and in selected rayons of Zaporizhzhia oblast of Ukraine UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 15-Mar-21 19-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75569 INSTALLATION DE MINI CENTRALE SOLAIRE A AMCHIDE ET LIMANI CAMEROON CAMEROON RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Mar-21 19-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75567 143-IC-GBCI-2021 RECRUTEMENT D'UN CONSULTANT INFOGRAPHISTE METTEUR EN PAGE EN CHARGE DE LA MISE EN FORME DES DOCUMENTS TECHNIQUES DE LA TABLE RONDE DU GRAND SUD MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 08-Mar-21 19-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75566 140-IC-GBCI-2021 RECRUTEMENT D'UN CONSULTANT EN CHARGE DE LA FINALISATION DES AXES STRATEGIQUES 3 ET 4 RELATIFS AU VOLET GOUVERNANCE, SECURITE, CULTURE, CAPITAL HUMAIN, SOCIAL DE LA SIDGS (STRATEGIE INTEGRE DE DEVELOPPEMET DU GRAND SUD) MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 08-Mar-21 19-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75549 RECRUTEMENT DE CABINETS D'ETUDES POUR L'AUDIT FINAL HACT (CADRE OPERATIONNEL HARMONISE POUR LA REMISE D'ESPECES) DES PROJETS ET DES PARTENAIRES DES PROJETS FINANCES PAR LE PNUD EXERCICE 2020 UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO RFP - Request for proposal 01-Mar-21 19-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75565 139-IC-GBCI-2021 RECRUTEMENT D'UN CONSULTANT EN CHARGE DE LA CONSOLIDATION DES DOCUMENTS DISPONIBLES RELATIFS A LA SIDGS (STRATEGIE INTEGRE DE DEVELOPPEMET DU GRAND SUD) ET ACTUALISATION SUIVANT LES PRIORITES DU GOUVERNEMENT DANS LE GRAND SUD MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 08-Mar-21 19-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75564 UNDP-IC-2021-039:National Consultant – Long Term Agreement (LTA) SSAFE Training Facilitator on Individual First Aid Kit and Basic Life-saving Skills UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 05-Mar-21 19-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75562 UNDP-IC-2021-038: National Consultant – Long Term Agreement for SSAFE Training Facilitator on IED Awareness UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 05-Mar-21 19-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75560 IC/UNDP/SPOI/041/2021 - UNDP - Consultant for Developing Gender Policy Paper UNDP Indonesia Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 05-Mar-21 19-Feb-21 IMPORT/EXPORT IMPORT/EXPORT 75559 SDC/00118949/023/2021 Acuerdo a Largo Plazo Servicios de Agencia Aduanera UNDP Country Office HONDURAS RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Feb-21 18-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75558 National Evaluation Consultant for the NEDA-UNDP Strategic M&E Project (For Philippine Nationals only) Philippines PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 05-Mar-21 18-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75557 3418 PAN 2021 - Consultoría de apoyo administrativo y financiero para el Proceso para la construcción del Pacto para el Bicentenario Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 26-Feb-21 18-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75556 INVITACION A LICITAR ITB COL0000128946 UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA ITB - Invitation to bid 18-Mar-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 18-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75555 ETH2250– Recruitment of Local Security Specialist for UNDP RSCA UNDP Country Office on behalf of RSCA ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 28-Feb-21 18-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75554 004/LTA/PNUD/2021-SELECTION D'UNE SOCIÉTÉ POUR LA VERIFICATION DES MATERIELS ET EQUIPEMENTS DE LUTTE CONTRE L'INCENDIE DES BATIMENTS COMMUNS (SYSTÈME DES NATIONS UNIES) Madagascar MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Mar-21 18-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75551 18269-2021 International consultant on data analysis and human mobility Regional Centre - Panamá PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 12-Mar-21 18-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75553 003/LTA/PNUD/2021- Service de Maintenance des équipements de la Maison de Nations Unies (SCANNER A X-RAY ET DETECTEUR DES METAUX) en vue d'un accord à Long terme Madagascar MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Mar-21 18-Feb-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 75552 PROCESO COL 0000122182 ITB UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA ITB - Invitation to bid 18-Mar-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 18-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75550 002/LTA/PNUD/2021-SERVICES DE DERATISATION / DESINSECTISATION / DESINFECTION EN VUE DE LA SIGNATURE D'UN CONTRAT A LONG TERME Madagascar MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Mar-21 18-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75547 IC-090-2021 Elab Exp Tec area cons Lomas Collique UNDP Country Office PERU IC - Individual contractor 08-Mar-21 @ 02:00 PM (New York time) 18-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75548 RFQ for Comparative microscope for ballistic exam. Albania ALBANIA RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Mar-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 18-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75545 SDP-008-2021 Consultoría para apoyar a Nacional Financiera (NAFIN) en el diseño y puesta en marcha de un mecanismo financiero para proyectos que contribuyan al desarrollo sostenible en el país. UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO RFP - Request for proposal 04-Mar-21 18-Feb-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 75149 SUPPLY OF BOSCH MIFARE PROGRAMMABLE CARDS AND NON PRORAMMABLE PVC CARDS FOR UNDSS UNDP ABUJA NIGERIA RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Feb-21 18-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75543 3376 PAN 2021 - SOLICITUD DE INFORMACION OFICINA DE PANAMA PANAMA RFI - Request for Information 18-Mar-21 @ 09:51 AM (New York time) 18-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75542 RFP/007/21 Acquiring and Strenghtening Soft Skills - WiE - EXTENSION OF DEADLINE!!! UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFP - Request for proposal 08-Mar-21 18-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75541 RFP Capacity building on establishment of Measurem UNDP Kosovo Kosovo, UNSCR 1244 (1999) RFP - Request for proposal 04-Mar-21 @ 11:30 AM (New York time) 18-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75538 Individual Consultancy - National Agricultural Expert - LBN/CO/IC/47/21 UNDP Country Office LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 11-Mar-21 18-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75537 RFQ/021/21 Procurement and delivery of mount bikes and biking equipment UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Mar-21 18-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75536 CLOSED EARLY
CFP-PVE-2021-02 Prevention of Violent Extremism with particular attention to Youth UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 19-Mar-21 @ 04:30 AM (New York time) 18-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75535 RFQ Online Specialized trainings on cyber security UNDP Kosovo Kosovo, UNSCR 1244 (1999) RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Mar-21 @ 11:30 AM (New York time) 18-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75534 RFP 2021 03 Online Data Collection and Analysis UNDP Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific THAILAND RFP - Request for proposal 18-Mar-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 18-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75533 SERVICING OF PRINTERS UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE GHANA RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Feb-21 18-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75532 SERVICING OF GENERATOR UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE GHANA RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Feb-21 18-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75529 IC/UNDP/ACHIEVE/040/2021 - Social Innovation Platform and Covid-19 Recovery Facilitator for West Java Province UNDP Indonesia INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 05-Mar-21 18-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75530 SERVICING OF SMOKE DETECTORS AND FIRE EXTINGUISHERS UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE GHANA RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Feb-21 18-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75481 Photovoltaic Expert UNDP Country Office EGYPT IC - Individual contractor 07-Mar-21 18-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75531 RFP03/2021: Recrutement d'une firme ou un groupe de firmes (consortium) pour la conduite d'une étude sur la population des NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training ou ni éduqué.e.s, ni scolarisé.e.s, employé.e.s ou en formation) dans trois gouvernor TUNISIA TUNISIA RFP - Request for proposal 01-Mar-21 18-Feb-21 HEALTH HEALTH 75518 286-2021-ITB-HEP-LTA - establishment of Long Term Agreements (LTAs) for the procurement of anti-hepatitis medicines. HQ DENMARK ITB - Invitation to bid 22-Mar-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 18-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75527 SERVICING OF AIR CONDITIONERS UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE GHANA RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Feb-21 18-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75526 IC 124810 Mainstreaming Violence Against Women and Girls Data Collection & Analysis into Jamaica Injury Surveillance System UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE - JAMAICA JAMAICA IC - Individual contractor 04-Mar-21 18-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75524 Individual contractor- Programme Assistant UNDP Regional Hub Office-Amman JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 24-Feb-21 18-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75525 ITB202101 Windrow Composting Turner Machine UNDP Country Office JORDAN ITB - Invitation to bid 14-Mar-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 18-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75523 IC 127920 Mainstreaming Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) Intervention Strategies into the Jamaica Local Sustainable Development Plans (LSDP) UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE - JAMAICA JAMAICA IC - Individual contractor 05-Apr-21 18-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75521 IC 124809 Legal and Policy Review to Inform Development of Inter-Agency Data Sharing Protocol for VAWG data accessibility and use UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE - JAMAICA JAMAICA IC - Individual contractor 11-Mar-21 18-Feb-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 75522 UNDP-RFP-2021-029 Software Development UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 08-Mar-21 @ 02:30 AM (New York time) 18-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75487 Renovation and Repair Works of Renewable Energy Laboratory in İskenderun UNDP Country Office TURKEY RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Mar-21 18-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75520 Consultant.e national.e pour la création d'une base de données de femmes entrepreneures et porteuses de projet en situation de vulnérabilité dans les 6 gouvernorats du Sud TUNISIA TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 25-Feb-21 18-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75519 IC/UNDP/ACHIEVE/039/2021 - Social Innovation Platform and Covid-19 Recovery Facilitator for Gorontalo Province UNDP Indonesia INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 05-Mar-21 18-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75517 SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF SPARE PARTS CATERPILLAR 40 UNDP Country Office YEMEN RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Mar-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 18-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75508 Chief Technical Advisor - FSM R2R UNDP Pacific Office in Fiji FIJI IC - Individual contractor 03-Mar-21 18-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75516 LBN-CO-RFQ-36-21 Street Lights UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Mar-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 18-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75515 Re-invitation of RFQ for Poly Houses for VCDP UNDP Country Office for VCDP NEPAL RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Feb-21 @ 06:15 AM (New York time) 18-Feb-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 75513 CLOSED EARLY
RFP/006/21 Central registry for the movement of weapons and military equipment in BiH; software solution development UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFP - Request for proposal 17-Mar-21 18-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75514 IC/UNDP/ACHIEVE/038/2021 - SDGs Localization and Covid-19 Recovery Consultant UNDP Indonesia INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 05-Mar-21 18-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75512 Civil Works in UNCAF in Sanaa UNDP Yemen YEMEN RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Feb-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 18-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75511 National Expert on Strategic Development and Exploration of Biodiversity Finance for Thailand UNDP Country Office THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 04-Mar-21 18-Feb-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 75510 Поставка интерактивных панелей, цифровых камер и планшетов UNDP Country Office BELARUS RFQ - Request for quotation 04-Mar-21 18-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75509 National Consultant on data collection for designing MRV system UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN IC - Individual contractor 03-Mar-21 18-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75507 PROCESO COL 0000129736 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL PROFESIONAL JURÍDICO SGR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 03-Mar-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 17-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75506 97049 - National Consultant for the Quality Assurance of Evaluation Studies for the NEDA-UNDP Strategic M&E Project (For Philippine Nationals only) UNDP Philippines, RBAP PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 05-Mar-21 17-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75505 RFP for Risk Model and Monitoring System UNDP Pacific Office in Fiji FIJI 03-Mar-21 @ 01:55 AM (New York time) 17-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75502 3389 PAN 2021 - Servicios de Consultoría en Educación Musical - Especialista en Dirección Coral Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 26-Feb-21 17-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75501 Consultants nationaux en génie civil chargés du suivi la de mise en œuvre des infrastructures dans le Logone et Chari CAMEROON CAMEROON IC - Individual contractor 01-Mar-21 17-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75500 Call for Proposals- NGOs - Intellectual Property Models UNDP HQs - New York UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 10-Mar-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 17-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75499 UNDP-CB-RFP-2021-006: proposal for the Limited Statehood, Non-State Actors and Service Delivery in the Arab States - Research Project UNDP HQ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RFP - Request for proposal 17-Mar-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 17-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75492 Civil Engineer to support the rehabilitation and constructions civil works for the Ministry of Health of Sao Tomé and Principe. UNDP Sao Tome and Príncipe - SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE RFP - Request for proposal 03-Mar-21 17-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75497 Consultor/a Nacional para la Evaluación de Medio Término y Actualización del Plan Nacional de Adaptación al Cambio Climático de la República del Paraguay" Asunción PARAGUAY IC - Individual contractor 03-Mar-21 17-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75496 Especialista técnico de apoyo a la DNCC del MADES, en el proceso de construcción participativa de la NAMA del sector ganadero Asunción PARAGUAY IC - Individual contractor 03-Mar-21 17-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75495 Asesoría técnica en el proceso de identificación de las actividades de adaptación de la NAMA de ganadería Asunción PARAGUAY IC - Individual contractor 06-Apr-21 17-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 73405 Asesoría técnica en el proceso de identificación de las actividades de mitigación de la NAMA de ganadería Asunción PARAGUAY IC - Individual contractor 04-Mar-21 17-Feb-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 75494 Організація онлайн ІТ навчальних тренінгових курсів UNFPA UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Mar-21 17-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75493 PCI-013-2021 Servicios de consultoría estratégica para el desarrollo del Tercer Informe Bienal de Actualización ante la CMNUCC (3BUR) UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO RFP - Request for proposal 03-Mar-21 17-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75474 Gender and Stakeholder Engagement Specialist (National) UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 02-Mar-21 17-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75468 National Environmental and Social Safeguards (ESS) Specialist UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 02-Mar-21 17-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75475 National Technical Expert on Industry UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 02-Mar-21 17-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75491 RFQ/020/21 Procurement and delivery of mount bikes and biking equipment UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Feb-21 17-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75490 RFQ: Research Institutes to support the evaluation of UNDP's performance in social protection and governance (Ecuador-based institutions only) Independent Evaluation Office UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Mar-21 17-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75489 RFQ/UNDP/BFMU/MAINTENANCE OF FIRE ALARM SYSTEM/2021/002 UNDP Liberia LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 28-Feb-21 17-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75488 Individual Contractor – UN House Disability Accessibility Audit UNDP CO, WINDHOEK, REPUBIC OF NAMIBA NAMIBIA IC - Individual contractor 05-Mar-21 17-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75485 OHCHR: NATIONAL CONSULTANT FOR OF DRAFTING PREVENTION OF SEXUAL EXPLOITATION AND ABUSE (PSEA) POLICY UNDP LIBERIA LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 24-Feb-21 17-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75486 A2J trainings (conferences) in Northern Bahr El Gazhal Feb-June 2021 South Sudan SOUTH SUDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Feb-21 17-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75484 RFP Financial Audit of one UNDP projects UNDP Kosovo Kosovo, UNSCR 1244 (1999) RFP - Request for proposal 02-Mar-21 @ 11:30 AM (New York time) 17-Feb-21 LIVESTOCK LIVESTOCK 75483 RFQ-21-001 UNDP Sudan SUDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Feb-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 17-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75482 ITB 001 PNUD TOGO 2021 TRAVAUX DE CONSTRUCTION UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE TOGO ITB - Invitation to bid 09-Mar-21 @ 12:27 AM (New York time) 17-Feb-21 LIVESTOCK LIVESTOCK 75479 RFQ-21-002 UNDP Sudan SUDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Feb-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 17-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75480 Recrutement d'un (e) Consultant(e) National(e) pour l'évaluation finale du projet « Lutte contre l'Impunité des violences sexuelles et autres formes de violences basées sur le genre, appui à l'autonomisation des survivantes en République Centrafricaine UNDP CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 03-Mar-21 17-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75476 RFP-2020-081_Разработкa проекта нац. стандарта по экологическому туризму и плана по внедрению системы экосертификации туризма/Development of a Draft National Standard for Ecological Tourism and a plan for the implementation of a Tourism Eco-Certification UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 09-Mar-21 17-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75376 3362 UNODC 2020 - Consultor/a para la producción de informe regional de capacidad de respuesta de los sectores de seguridad y justicia penal a la Trata de Personas en América Latina y el Caribe". UNDP Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 22-Feb-21 17-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75477 Custom clearing agent for UNDP Maldives UNDP Maldives Country Office MALDIVES RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Mar-21 17-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75473 UNDP PNG HACT Audit FY2020 UNDP PNG Country Office PAPUA NEW GUINEA RFP - Request for proposal 26-Feb-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 17-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75470 MNG/RFP/2021/003 - National Vendors - Development of a set of regulations specified in the new LATUG UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA RFP - Request for proposal 01-Mar-21 17-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75471 MNG/RFP/2021/002 - Local Institutions - Development of E-Learning Management System for the Parliament Secretariat of Mongolia UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA RFP - Request for proposal 03-Mar-21 17-Feb-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 75469 RFQ-020-IND-2021 (Conversion of Flash based eLearning modules into HTML5 based interactive eLearning modules) UNDP Country Office INDIA RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Mar-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 17-Feb-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 75467 RFP-024 Software Development Firm for DevLive UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 03-Mar-21 @ 01:00 AM (New York time) 16-Feb-21 URBAN DEV'T. URBAN DEV'T. 75466 Consultancy Services to Develop of a HDR Satellite Paper on Inequality in Access to Essential Health and Medicine [COVID-19 Vaccines] UNDP Country Office MALAYSIA RFP - Request for proposal 25-Feb-21 16-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75465 IC/00072164/017-2021 CONSULTORIA "Asesoría en Diseño de Especificaciones Técnicas para la Adquisición, Instalación y Puesta en Marcha de un Autoclave en el Hospital Escuela Universitario (HEU)". OFICINA DE PAIS HONDURAS IC - Individual contractor 02-Mar-21 16-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75464 SOLICITUD DE COTIZACIÓN (SdC) COL 0000128183 -Suministro y Transporte ACPM UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Mar-21 16-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75462 18290-2021 Good Growth Programme Terminal Evaluation Regional Centre PANAMA RFP - Request for proposal 04-Apr-21 16-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75463 SOLICITUD DE COTIZACIÓN (SdC) COL 0000128181 -Suministro y Transporte ACPM UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Mar-21 16-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75461 Knowledge Management Consultant (Human Resources) - Accelerator Labs Network - HOME BASED, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA home based UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 08-Mar-21 16-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75460 National Consultant UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 03-Mar-21 @ 03:59 AM (New York time) 16-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75459 Proceso No. COL-00000128073 Consultoria Individual UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 01-Mar-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 16-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75457 Consultancy – Rights Based Governance and Gender Consultant, CB/UNDP UNDP HQ/ CB UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 01-Mar-21 16-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75458 SDC/00118949/021/2021ADQUISICIÓN DE INSUMOS PARA ALMACENAMIENTO, PROYECTO IDENTIFÍCATE/RNP Oficina País HONDURAS RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Feb-21 16-Feb-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 75456 Re-announced RFQ 021/21 Procurement of SUV vehicle UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Apr-21 16-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75455 CI-010-2021 Consultoria Estrategia Comunicacion UNDP DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DOMINICAN REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 28-Feb-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 16-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75454 CI-009-2021 Consultoria Ley MIVHED y Fideicomiso UNDP DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DOMINICAN REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 28-Feb-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 16-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75453 CI-008-2021 Consultoria Fiscal INVI UNDP DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DOMINICAN REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 28-Feb-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 16-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75450 Diagnostic du secteur financier et proposition d'outils de développement des financements innovants pour l'accélération des Objectifs de Développement Durable (ODD) au Burundi UNCDF BURUNDI RFP - Request for proposal 15-Mar-21 16-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75452 Malawi UN Travel LTA UNDP Country Office MALAWI ITB - Invitation to bid 11-Apr-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 16-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75451 Assessment of existing Electrical and Water Services to the UN House Gambia GAMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 02-Mar-21 16-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75448 Recrutement d'un consultant pour la synthèse de la réflexion du SNU et les consultations sur les priorisations accélératrices de développement de l'Algérie UNDP Algeria ALGERIA IC - Individual contractor 02-Mar-21 16-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75442 Monitoring and Evaluation Consultant for JSB South Africa SOUTH AFRICA 05-Mar-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 16-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75447 Recrutement d'un(e) consultant(e) national(e) chargé(e) de traduire les documents rapport et cadre de coopération 2020 Cameroon CAMEROON IC - Individual contractor 23-Feb-21 16-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75446 IC 128784 Implementing Enabling Activities for the ratification of the Kigali Amendment UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE - JAMAICA JAMAICA IC - Individual contractor 30-Mar-21 16-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75445 Measurement, Reporting and Verification system consultant UNDP Sao Tome and Príncipe SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE RFP - Request for proposal 01-Mar-21 16-Feb-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 75444 RFQ/019/21 WordPress site administration, basic design and technical support for project website UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Feb-21 16-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75443 Rehabilitation of Agriculture Storage in Al Muhala UNDP SERVICE CENTRE Erbil- Iraq IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Mar-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 16-Feb-21 FORESTRY FORESTRY 75441 RFQ-2020-084_«ЗАКУП, ДОСТАВКА И МОНТАЖ ХОЛОДИЛЬНОГО ОБОРУДОВАНИЯ И СТЕЛЛАЖЕЙ ДЛЯ СОЗДАНИЯ БЛОКОВ ДОЛГОСРОЧНОГО И КРАТКОСРОЧНОГО ХРАНЕНИЯ СЕМЯН ОСОБО ЦЕННЫХ ДРЕВЕСНЫХ ПОРОД ДЛЯ РГКП «РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ ЛЕСНОЙ СЕЛЕКЦИОННЫЙ ЦЕНТР» UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Mar-21 16-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75440 Provision of IT service – Data and web solution: Development of Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) tracking system for the updated NDC of Cambodia UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFP - Request for proposal 09-Mar-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 16-Feb-21 HEALTH HEALTH 75437 IC/UNDP/HGI/037/2021 - HIV Expert for Funding Landscape Proposal of GFATM UNDP Indonesia INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 02-Mar-21 16-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75439 Provision of Training Materials for Souk Sarouja P UNDP Office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Mar-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 16-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75438 Provision of Logistics and Event Management Services UNDP Country Office TANZANIA RFP - Request for proposal 25-Feb-21 16-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75436 Закупка услуг по проведению дистанционных консультаций и предоставление индивидуальных рекомендаций по развитию бизнеса UNDP Country Office BELARUS RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Mar-21 16-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75435 Закупка услуг по проведению информационной кампании, направленной на продвижение мероприятий по поддержке субъектов МСП в период пандемии COVID-19 UNDP Country Office BELARUS RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Mar-21 16-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75433 130/RFQ/GOUDMADA/2021 Sélection d'une Entreprise pour les travaux d'aménagement de Kiosque pour visiteurs de la Cours Suprême sis à Anosy ANTANANARIVO. MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Mar-21 16-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75434 CALL FOR IDEAS "Women in leadership – Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world" UN Women AFGHANISTAN Other 22-Feb-21 16-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75432 RFP-BD-2021-003: Hiring a firm for Development & Maintenance of Judicial Service Delivery Platform (Enhancing & Integrating Judicial Dashboard, Portal, Cause-list)-a2i UNDP country Office BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 04-Mar-21 @ 05:30 AM (New York time) 16-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75431 Firm for setting up the CCIKM NAP web portal UNDP Country Office BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 08-Mar-21 @ 05:30 AM (New York time) 15-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75430 E-Learning Advisor (IC LTA) UNDP Country Office FIJI IC - Individual contractor 02-Mar-21 15-Feb-21 HEALTH HEALTH 75429 IC/UNDP/HGI/036/2021 - Consultant to Develop Technical Guidelines of HIV Services Through Telemedicine UNDP Indonesia INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 02-Mar-21 15-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75428 Firm for the Greening of the Philippines' Recovery and Resilience Strategies UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 09-Mar-21 15-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75426 CI-011-2021 "Consultoría para el acompañamiento técnico en la implementación del Sello de Igualdad de Género en el Sector Público" Dominican Republic DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 26-Feb-21 15-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75375 ETH2263: Procurement of Maket Shed and Waste Container UNDP Country Office on behalf of UN-Habitat ETHIOPIA RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Mar-21 15-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75424 CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL: Estrategia de comunicación PPD UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE COSTA RICA IC - Individual contractor 22-Feb-21 15-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75425 PCI-012-2021 Servicios de consultoría para brindar tutoría y administración de la comunidad en línea de los Cursos virtuales en materia de Ética Pública, Integridad Corporativa y Gobierno Abierto Municipal UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 01-Mar-21 15-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75423 Innovative Finance Consultant UNCDF CHINA IC - Individual contractor 28-Feb-21 15-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75422 Innovative Finance Consultant UNCDF FRANCE IC - Individual contractor 23-Feb-21 15-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75421 PROCESO COL 0000128063 Suministro e instalación de plantas de tratamiento de agua potable para pozo profundo en el municipio de Uribe Meta Corregimiento de la Julia Veredas Buenos Aires y La Pista UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Mar-21 15-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75420 CONSTRUCTION OF THREE ISLAMIC CLASS CAMEROON CAMEROON ITB - Invitation to bid 08-Mar-21 @ 05:17 AM (New York time) 15-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75419 SDP-03-2021 DISEÑO E IMPLEMENTACION SISTEMA ADM. COMPENSACION UNDP OFFICE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 04-Mar-21 15-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75418 SDP 02 2021 INVESTIGACION Y SEGURIDAD INVI UNDP Country office DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 03-Mar-21 @ 10:58 PM (New York time) 15-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75417 SDC-004-2021 Compra de 8 equipos laptop para el proyecto BUR3 UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Mar-21 15-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75416 CLOSED EARLY
Consultoría para Elaboración de materiales audiovisuales para la participación de Paraguay en la EXPO 2020 Dubai Asunción PARAGUAY RFP - Request for proposal 15-Feb-21 15-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75415 PCI-011-2021 Consultoría para la implementación de soluciones de financiamiento para biodiversidad en Jalisco. UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO RFP - Request for proposal 01-Mar-21 15-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75414 Senior Consultant for High Level Committee (HLC) for South-South Cooperation Home-Based UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 01-Mar-21 15-Feb-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 75413 Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Training Delivery UNDP Turkey Country Office TURKEY RFP - Request for proposal 19-Mar-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 15-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75412 UNDP-ITB-2021-031-Engagement of an Organisation to Provide Event Management Services in Karachi, Sindh UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN ITB - Invitation to bid 08-Mar-21 @ 02:30 AM (New York time) 15-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75411 001-ITB-LTA-2021 - Service de Gardiennage Madagascar MADAGASCAR ITB - Invitation to bid 03-Mar-21 @ 08:30 AM (New York time) 15-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75410 Call for Expression of Interest for Consultants & Mentors on "Support to the Piloting Phase of SDG Impact Accelerator Phase II" UNDP Country Office TURKEY EOI - Expression of interest 31-Dec-21 15-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75409 Recrutement d'une Société pour la fourniture et la pose des ouvertures blindées pour le safe haven au PNUD Bangui (RCA) UNDP CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 04-Mar-21 15-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75407 A2J Meetings in Western Equatoria Juba South Sudan SOUTH SUDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Feb-21 15-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75406 RFQ: Provision and installation of vacuum solar water heaters UNDP Country Office GEORGIA RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Mar-21 15-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75405 LBN-CO-RFQ-46-21Supp Deliv Inst of Chop and Shred UNDP Country office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Mar-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 15-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75404 Call for Proposals UNDP Country Office GEORGIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 04-Mar-21 15-Feb-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 75403 UNFPA/RFQ/KBL/21/01, Purchase Camera and Camera accessories UNFPA AFGHANISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Feb-21 15-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75396 Ref. IC-2021-009_Национальный эксперт по сопровождению и координации работ в реализации II-го этапа Программы кредитования «Эко-Даму»/National expert on support and coordination of work during implementation of the second phase of the Eco Damu micro-loan UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 01-Mar-21 15-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75401 IC/UNDP/RRU-RESTORE/034/2021 - Gender and Social Inclusion for COVID 19 Recovery UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 03-Mar-21 15-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75397 RECRUTEMENT D'UN CONSULTANT INTERNATIONAL CHARGE DE REALISER UNE ETUDE SPECIFIQUE PORTANT SUR LE THEME ( ROLE DE L'INNOVATION DANS LA TRANSFORMATION STRUCTURELLE DE L'ECONOMIE GUINEENNE) GUINEA GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 26-Feb-21 15-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75402 RFP/002/21 - Tender on provision of integrated management system certification services for the Public Services Agency under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the compliance with the requirements of international standards ISO 9001 UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 01-Mar-21 15-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75398 RFQ/018/21 Supply and Delivery of furniture and equipment UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Feb-21 15-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75399 National Consultant for Mapping the Agri-Tech Platforms in Agricultural Development in Cambodia UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 02-Mar-21 15-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75400 IC/UNDP/UNODC/030/2021 - Consultant for Study on Methamphetamine Flows from the Middle East into Indonesia country office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 01-Mar-21 15-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75394 IC/UNDP/GOLD-ISMIA/035 - Consultant for Developing the Concept of Village Responsible Mining and Mercury-Free for Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM) Sites UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 02-Mar-21 15-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75393 UNDP/IC/004/2021-Senior Technical Advisor UNDP Country Office LIBYA IC - Individual contractor 25-Feb-21 15-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75395 CFP for NGOs managing small grants programme UNDP Country Office UKRAINE CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 01-Mar-21 @ 04:59 PM (New York time) 15-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75319 RFP-2020-070: Provision of services on development and implementation of comprehensive measures for integrated pasture management to reduce threats to the forest ecosystems/ Разработка и реализация комплексных мер по интегрированному управлению пастбищами UNPD Country Office - KAZAKHSTAN KAZAKHSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 16-Mar-21 15-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75392 National Consultant as National Recovery Coordinator UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 09-Mar-21 15-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75391 CLOSED EARLY
Rehabilitation of 170 Houses in Al-Eiadhiah-Telafar District-Ninawa Governorate UNDP Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 09-Mar-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 15-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75390 Incubation and Capacity Building for MSMEs UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFP - Request for proposal 08-Mar-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 15-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75389 IC 012/21- NCE Partnership & Resource Mobilization Specialist - Home Based with travel to Baghdad if possible Iraq Country Office IRAQ IC - Individual contractor 21-Feb-21 15-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75388 IC/UNDP/SPOI/033/2021 - UNDP - Consultant to Develop Policy Paper to Assess One Year Implementation of NAP SPO UNDP Indonesia Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 01-Mar-21 14-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75387 National Consultant for Procurement of Health Care Waste Treatment Equipment/Facility (For Philippine nationals only) UNDP Philippines, RBAP PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 25-Feb-21 14-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75386 3409 PAN 2021 la contratación de Un (1) Consultor/a para consultoría en Situación Laboral de las Mujeres en Panamá por efectos del COVID-19: Medidas aplicadas, respuestas y desafíos OFICINA DE PANAMA PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 12-Mar-21 14-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75385 Communication Specialist for the Healthcare Waste Management Project (For Philippine nationals only) UNDP Philippines, RBAP PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 25-Feb-21 14-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75384 Programme Support Consultant (For Philippine nationals only) UNDP Philippines, RBAP PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 25-Feb-21 14-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75379 Expert en Froid-Climatisation ou Electromécanique UNDP Country Office CHAD IC - Individual contractor 01-Mar-21 14-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75383 ITB-LBY-SFL-2021-8504 - Rehabilitation of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Center - Tawergha - Libya UNDP Country Office LIBYA ITB - Invitation to bid 03-Mar-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 14-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75382 Contaminated Sites Management Expert for Identification and Remediation of Contaminated Sites with POPs Project UNDP Turkey Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 08-Mar-21 14-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75363 ETH2269 National Clinical Consultant Doctor UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE on Behalf of UNHCC/UNECA ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 28-Feb-21 14-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75381 ETH2269A Recruitment of National Clinical Consultant nurse UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE on Behalf of UNHCC/UNECA ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 28-Feb-21 14-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75380 Reconstructing Transmission Pipeline between Al Danadan WTP and Booster station, Textile Factory-West Mosul, Ninawa Governorate, Iraq UNDP Service Center IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 29-Mar-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 14-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75378 International Consultant - Legal Expert – Rule of Law UNDP Country Office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 25-Feb-21 14-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75377 ITB-UNDP-PETRA-128542-002-2021 Construction of Health and School Facilities in Donggala District - Central Sulawesi UNDP Country Office INDONESIA ITB - Invitation to bid 08-Mar-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 14-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75115 RFP/2021/04: Consulting services for Enhancing Women Participation in the Solid Waste Management Sector in Jordan - The Facilitation of Local Businesses Plans Through Value Chain and Market Analysis in the Recycling and Composting Sector UNDP Country Office JORDAN RFP - Request for proposal 02-Mar-21 14-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75337 ETH2259:International Firm to Establish Trade PolicyFramework (TPF),Trade Policy Statment and Implementation Plan For Ethiopia UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA RFP - Request for proposal 28-Feb-21 @ 11:14 AM (New York time) 12-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75318 Advisor on psycho-social issues and approaches for attending to survivors of GBV (Qualified National Consultant) UNDP Country Office TIMOR LESTE IC - Individual contractor 26-Feb-21 12-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75374 Recrutement d'un(e) consultant(e) chargé(e) d'une étude sur l'impact socio-économique de la crise COVID-19 sur les personnes et groupes vulnérables et/ou discriminé(e)s UNDP Country Office TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 23-Feb-21 12-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75373 Proceso No. COL-00000127465 Consultoria Individual UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 01-Mar-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 12-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75372 Software Developer for Identification and Remediation of Contaminated Sites with POPs Project UNDP Turkey Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 10-Mar-21 12-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75371 SDP NRO. 05/2021 "Desarrollo y puesta en marcha de una Aplicación Móvil de información geolocalizada y canal de comunicación con Operadorxs del Consejo Provincial de la Mujer e Igualdad de Género de la Provincia de Jujuy para casos de personas en situació ARGENTINA ARGENTINA RFP - Request for proposal 26-Feb-21 12-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75370 Technical Experts on Digital Finance, Migration and Remittances (Roster) UNCDF UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 31-Mar-21 12-Feb-21 HEALTH HEALTH 75367 AP/UNW/HAI/21/003 Prise en compte du VIH/SIDA dans les services de SSR dans les prisons civiles de Cabaret, Cap-Haitien et les Cayes UNWOMEN- HAITI HAITI CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 21-Feb-21 12-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75369 Proceso No. COL-00000127469 Consultoria Individual UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 01-Mar-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 12-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75368 Proceso No. COL 00000127229 CANCELADO UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 25-Feb-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 12-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75366 Proceso No. COL-00000127467 Consultoria Individual UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 23-Feb-21 @ 11:59 AM (New York time) 12-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75365 PROCESO COL 0000128084 Suministrar elementos para proyecto panelero en Tallambi – Municipio de Cumbal – Nariño. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Mar-21 12-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75364 3502 PAN 2021 - 2da CONVOCATORIA ASEG. DE CALIDAD COUNTRY OFFICE PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 19-Feb-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 12-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75362 Consultoria para planificacion estrategica Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 26-Feb-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 12-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75360 RFP 020/11 Technical Consultancy Services to Conduct Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment and Develop Adaptation Concept and Plan for Armenia's Agriculture Sector UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFP - Request for proposal 02-Mar-21 12-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75361 127/RFQ/PNUD-UNUDC/2021- Achat des mobiliers de bureau Madagascar MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Feb-21 12-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75359 RFQ/UNW/HAI/021/002 Appel d'offre Firme de communication pour le développement d'une stratégie de communication pour la diffusion d'informations sur les Services Essentiels disponibles pour les femmes et les filles survivantes de violences UNWOMEN- HAITI HAITI RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Feb-21 12-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75358 PROCESO COL 0000125206 Consultoría para apoyar la implementación de las estrategias de fortalecimiento de capacidades y aspectos normativos necesarios para la gestión de las 22 entidades relacionadas con el sector de la pequeña minería UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 04-Mar-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 12-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75357 La réalisation des supports de communication pour la promotion des prestations des Centres d'Orientation et d'Assistance des PSH (COAPH) Morocco MOROCCO RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Feb-21 12-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75356 TDR pour la conception et le déploiement d'une campagne de sensibilisation et de communication sur le handicap au Maroc Morocco MOROCCO RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Feb-21 12-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75355 PROCESO COL 0000129000 CANCELADO UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 25-Feb-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 12-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75354 PROCESO COL 0000128964 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Técnico - Nivel 3 - DVR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 25-Feb-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 12-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75353 PROCESO COL 0000128961 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Técnico - Nivel 3 - DVR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 25-Feb-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 12-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75351 RFP National Consultant Field Officer UNDP/GCCA+ project UNDP CO SURINAME RFP - Request for proposal 22-Feb-21 12-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75352 Appel d'offres n° UNDP/RFQ/2021/003 sélection d'une compagnie d'assurance pour l'assurance de la flotte automobile du Bureau Pays PNUD Côte d'Ivoire COTE d'IVOIRE RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Feb-21 12-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75350 PROCESO COL 0000128959 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Técnico - Nivel 4 - DVR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 25-Feb-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 12-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75349 PROCESO COL 0000128953 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Jurídico Regional - Nivel 4 –DVR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 25-Feb-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 12-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75348 PROCESO COL 0000128949 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional de Control Interno – Nivel 4-DVR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 25-Feb-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 12-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75347 PROCESO COL 0000128948 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Enlace de Entidad - Nivel 2 – DVR. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 25-Feb-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 12-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75344 IC-082-2021 Especialista en Refrigeracion UNDP Country Office PERU IC - Individual contractor 01-Mar-21 @ 01:00 PM (New York time) 12-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75345 PROCESO COL 0000128944 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Especializado Jurídico Gestión de Conocimiento - Nivel 2 -DVR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 25-Feb-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 12-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75343 IC 02-02-2021-Atelier/Journée de sensibilisation des médias marocains : « Le traitement médiatique de l'extrémisme violent au Maroc ». Avis de report 1 Maroc MOROCCO IC - Individual contractor 25-Feb-21 12-Feb-21 HEALTH HEALTH 75341 Licitación Pública Internacional Nº 01/2021 "ADQUISICION DE MEDICAMENTOS ANTIRRETROVIRALES" PNUD Argentina ARGENTINA RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Mar-21 12-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75342 BIH/RFQ-017-21 Procurement and delivery of construction materialas, electrical equipment and furniture in Mrkonjić Grad Municipality in Bosnia and Herzegovina UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Feb-21 12-Feb-21 INDUSTRY INDUSTRY 75340 Adquisición de Insumos de Laboratorio Biotecnológico para la Planta Industrial de PETROPAR Asunción PARAGUAY RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Feb-21 12-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75339 BIH/RFQ-016-21 Civil works on two tourism infrastructure facilities in two municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Feb-21 12-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75338 National - Editor-in-Chief for Jousour Newspaper Supplement UNDP Country Office LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 26-Feb-21 12-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75334 ETH2205 National Consultant Data Science Expert UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 22-Feb-21 @ 05:58 AM (New York time) 12-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75336 International Team Leader for the reformulation of the GEF Cameroon CAMEROON RFP - Request for proposal 02-Mar-21 12-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75335 International Safeguards Specialist Cameroon CAMEROON RFP - Request for proposal 02-Mar-21 12-Feb-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 75333 RFP/005-21 Designing and conducting trainings on ICT Skills for Active Citizenry - WiE UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFP - Request for proposal 02-Mar-21 12-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75332 CLOSED EARLY
ETH2236 Supply of Uniform UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA ITB - Invitation to bid 25-Feb-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 12-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75251 RFP 04/21 Revision of the Main conservation design for reconstruction of cultural heritage Španjola Fortress in Herceg Novi, Montenegro UNDP CO MONTENEGRO RFP - Request for proposal 02-Mar-21 12-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75320 13-2021-RFQ-UNDP-LITACA2 UNDP Country Office TAJIKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Feb-21 @ 02:00 AM (New York time) 12-Feb-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 75331 RFQ-019-IND-2021 (Request for quotation for Written Translation and Recorded Human Voice-Over Services in different languages) UNDP Country Office INDIA RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Mar-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 12-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75330 RFP/BIH30/2021/02254 Provision of Services Related to Organization of the Media Campaign for the "Women in Election in BiH" Project - EXTENDED DEADLINE!!! UNWOMEN in BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFP - Request for proposal 08-Mar-21 12-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75329 250-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-e-Services - Services linked to expanding the functionality of the "" portal UNDP UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 25-Feb-21 12-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75328 Provision of Travel Management Services-UNAgencies Country Office IRAQ RFP - Request for proposal 14-Mar-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 12-Feb-21 RURAL DEV'T.  (MISCELLANY) RURAL DEV'T. (MISCELLANY) 75327 CALL FOR PROPOSALS FOR NGO GRANT COMPETITION UNDP Country Office GEORGIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 12-Mar-21 12-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75323 Consultancy - Communication firm to support SDG Localization in Maputo and Cabo Delgado UNDP Country Office MOZAMBIQUE RFP - Request for proposal 25-Feb-21 12-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75326 RFP-PADLFIT-001-2021 REPUBLICATION UNDP CHAD CHAD RFP - Request for proposal 11-Mar-21 @ 04:07 AM (New York time) 12-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75306 BIH/RFQ-014-21 Reconstruciton of witness support premisses at the District Court Banja Luka UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Feb-21 12-Feb-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 75324 29-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-SCR-DMS stations UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Feb-21 12-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75322 DIVERS MATERIELS ET EQUIPEMENTS EN 03 LOTS CAMEROON CAMEROON ITB - Invitation to bid 02-Mar-21 @ 12:52 AM (New York time) 12-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75317 RFP 18293-2021 LTA Consulting Svcs on E-Mobility Regional Centre PANAMA RFP - Request for proposal 06-Apr-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 11-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75316 IC/00132174/020/2021 - CONSULTOR LOCAL GESTION DE RIESGO Y LA RECUPERACION POST ETA E IOTA Oficina de Pais HONDURAS IC - Individual contractor 22-Feb-21 11-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75315 PROCESO COL 0000128064 Reparación y adecuación de un sistema de energía solar híbrido para 18 familias víctimas del conflicto armado en Armero-Guayabal (Tolima). UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Feb-21 11-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75314 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA: SDP-2021-002 NAP COSTA RICA PUNTARENAS (CONSULTORÍA PARA LA INTEGRACIÓN EFECTIVA DE ESTRATEGIAS DE ADAPTACIÓN AL CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO EN PROCESOS DE PLANIFICACIÓN DE LOS CANTONES DE PARRITA, BUENOS AIRES, OSA Y MONTES DE ORO) UNDP Country Office COSTA RICA RFP - Request for proposal 09-Mar-21 11-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75313 Supply and installation Two X-Ray machines to Aden and Mukallah, Yemen UNDP Aden sub-office YEMEN RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Feb-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 11-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75274 3366 PAN 2021 UNDP Country Office PANAMA RFP - Request for proposal 04-Mar-21 11-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75312 DEVELOPMENT AND INSTALLATION OF MINING CADASTRE FOR DEVELOPMENT MINERALS SECTOR IN JAMAICA UNDP Country Office JAMAICA RFP - Request for proposal 26-Feb-21 11-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75308 Technical Officer Carisecure UNDP CO SURINAME RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Feb-21 11-Feb-21 HEALTH HEALTH 75305 ITB-003-21 COVID Tests and Viral Transport Medium UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA ITB - Invitation to bid 22-Feb-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 11-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75307 LBN-CO-ITB-45-21Rehab of Tikrit Theater North Leb UNDP Country office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 26-Feb-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 11-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75303 UNDP-IC-2021-033 Transgender Rights Expert UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 25-Feb-21 11-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75302 IC/UNDP/B+HR/032/2021 - Research Specialist for Policy Review UNDP Indonesia INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Feb-21 11-Feb-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 75304 UNDP-SYR-RFQ-008-21 Supply of Hydroponic Barely Un UNDP Syria Office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Mar-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 11-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75301 IC/UNDP/FAIRBIZ/031/2021 - Program Specialist for Promoting Fair Business in ASEAN (FairBiz) UNDP Indonesia INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Feb-21 11-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75297 Consultant - Country Programme Document (CPD) UNDP Algeria ALGERIA IC - Individual contractor 21-Feb-21 11-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75300 LBN-CO-ITB-42-21Const of Car Mechanics Ghobairy UNDP Country office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 02-Mar-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 11-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75299 Consultant.e national.e pour une étude dans le cadre du 10ème anniversaire du Bureau du HCHD en Tunisie TUNISIA TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 28-Feb-21 11-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75298 UNIDO - Call for Expression of Interest - Provision of technical assistance through fostering creativity and innovation to the Lebanese processing Zaatar Sector UNIDO LEBANON EOI - Expression of interest 22-Feb-21 11-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75296 RFP-Recrutement d'un cabinet pour un accompagnement de la mise en service des Espaces « Sénégal Services » selon les normes et standards internationaux COUNTRY OFFICE SENEGAL RFP - Request for proposal 04-Mar-21 11-Feb-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 75294 ETH2268: Supply of Different ICT Equipments UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Feb-21 11-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75295 RFP 2021-19 Technical and expert support KGZ10 KYRGYZSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 25-Feb-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 11-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75293 UNHABITAT - Local Strategic Advisor South Africa South Africa SOUTH AFRICA IC - Individual contractor 24-Feb-21 11-Feb-21 HEALTH HEALTH 75290 LBN-CO-ITB-41-21Sup-Del-Insta of Medical Equipment UNDP Country office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 04-Mar-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 11-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75292 BIH/RFQ-015-21 Procurement and delivery of mount bikes and biking equipment UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Feb-21 11-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75291 IC 2021-020 NATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS EXPERT UNDP Kyrgyzstan KYRGYZSTAN IC - Individual contractor 05-Mar-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 11-Feb-21 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS 75289 Video production for handover of COVID-19 materials UNDP Nigeria Country Office NIGERIA RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Feb-21 11-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75288 RFP-BD-2021-002: Hiring a firm for Deployment, Enhancement & Maintenance of Digital Filing Platform for Supreme Court-a2i UNDP country Office BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 01-Mar-21 @ 05:30 AM (New York time) 11-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75287 IC - Experts Nationaux dans le cadre de la mise en place d'un Roster d'experts de haut niveau pour l'Assemblée des Représentants du Peuple UNDP TUNISIA TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 19-Mar-21 11-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75286 IC-010-21 Agricultural Producer Marketing Groups Specialist UNDP iraq office IRAQ IC - Individual contractor 21-Feb-21 11-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75284 RFP-018-IND-2021 - Production of Audio-Video products for the project: Infrastructure for Climate Resilient Growth (ICRG) Programme UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 24-Feb-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 11-Feb-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 75283 27-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-SCR-Mobile cases UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Feb-21 11-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75282 RFP-UNDP-ENV-006-2021 - Development of a Project Preparation Grant UNDP Country Office INDONESIA RFP - Request for proposal 03-Mar-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 11-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75281 Sustainable Employment Opportunities women youth Country Office IRAQ RFP - Request for proposal 17-Mar-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 11-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75280 International Short-Term Legal Expert on France UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 24-Feb-21 10-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75279 UNDP-OFRM-RFP-003 Actuarial Valuation Medical (from vendor premises) UNDP Regional Hub MALAYSIA RFP - Request for proposal 12-Mar-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 10-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75278 JOF 2541 PLANOS DESENVOLVIMENTO ZONEAMENTO PORTOS UNDP CO BRAZIL RFP - Request for proposal 15-Mar-21 @ 01:00 PM (New York time) 10-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75277 PNUD/SDP-045/2021 Servicio de diseño, desarrollo e implementación de un sistema de gestión documentaria para la trazabilidad de la información de la DREM Piura UNDP Country Office PERU RFP - Request for proposal 24-Feb-21 10-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75216 AVISO DE SERVICIO PARA CONSULTOR/A INDIVIDUAL 2021/1232 UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 25-Feb-21 10-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75276 Consultoría nacional para la contratación de técnicos de soporte junior para implementar y difundir el Plan Nacional de Gestión Integral de Residuos Sólidos Urbanos (PNGIRSU) y el Plan Nacional de Gestión Integral de Residuos Peligrosos (PNGIRP) UNDP Office Paraguay PARAGUAY IC - Individual contractor 22-Feb-21 10-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75275 SDP NRO. 04/2021 "Consultoría de apoyo técnico para el diagnóstico sobre el ejercicio de la medicina legal en contextos de violencia de género" Argentina ARGENTINA RFP - Request for proposal 25-Feb-21 10-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75272 DEVELOPING DIGITAL AND TECH SOLUTIONS NIGERIA JUBILEE FELLOWSHIP PROGRAMME UNDP ABUJA NIGERIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 17-Feb-21 10-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75273 CLOSED EARLY
SDP NRO. 04/2021 "Consultoría de apoyo técnico para el diagnóstico sobre el ejercicio de la medicina legal en contextos de violencia de género" Argentina ARGENTINA RFP - Request for proposal 25-Feb-21 10-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75271 National Consultant to Support Post-Elections Lessons Learnt UNDP Liberia LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 17-Feb-21 10-Feb-21 INDUSTRY INDUSTRY 75270 Mantenimiento y reparación de turbinas y reductores y provisión de repuestos para la Planta Industrial de PETROPAR en la ciudad de Mauricio José Troche Asunción PARAGUAY RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Mar-21 10-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75217 AVISO DE SERVICIO PARA CONSULTOR/A INDIVIDUAL 2021/1237 UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 25-Feb-21 10-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75269 RFP Design and Supervision - Iliria 9-Year school Albania ALBANIA RFP - Request for proposal 23-Feb-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 10-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75268 Consultant.e national ou international pour la conduite de l'évaluation finale du projet Tarabot TUNISIA TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 21-Feb-21 10-Feb-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 75267 Request for Proposal No. RfP21/02203 - Law Enforcement / Design, Development, and Implementation of MIA's Information System "Recruitment and Evaluation of Human Resources" UNDP Country Office MOLDOVA RFP - Request for proposal 12-Mar-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 10-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75266 RFQ for Sewing materials for UNODC GAMBIA COUNTRY OFFICE GAMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Feb-21 10-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75264 Javni poziv za podnošenje prijedloga projekata za dodjelu bespovratnih sredstava u svrhu podrške ženskih medijskih incijativa tokom COVID19 pandemije UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 26-Feb-21 10-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75241 ACQUISITION DES KITS POUR LE CASH FOR WORK CAMEROON CAMEROON RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Feb-21 10-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75265 Services of Consultant on Gender Issues / National UNDP Country Office BELARUS IC - Individual contractor 03-Mar-21 10-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75263 Expression of Interest for the implementation of its 2018 – 2020 Strategic Note (SN) Cameroon CAMEROON EOI - Expression of interest 20-Feb-21 10-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75262 CLOSED EARLY
Recruitment of International Consultant to Support development of baseline and mainstreaming of financial inclusion for the development of Ghana's GEF GOLD+ project proposal. UNDP Country Office GHANA IC - Individual contractor 15-Feb-21 10-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75261 Re- Advertisement Biodiversity Finance Initiative (BIOFIN) -Content and Advocacy development of the online Biodiversity Economy Investment Portal UNDP Country Office SOUTH AFRICA IC - Individual contractor 24-Feb-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 10-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75260 Re- Advertisement Biodiversity Finance Initiative (BIOFIN) -Transactional Advisor for an online Biodiversity Economy Investment Portal UNDP Country Office SOUTH AFRICA IC - Individual contractor 24-Feb-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 10-Feb-21 IRRIGATION IRRIGATION 75252 LBN-CO-ITB-37-21 - Hermel Irrigation Canals - Event ID 0000008516 UNDP Country Office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 08-Mar-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 10-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75259 Re- Advertisement Biodiversity Finance Initiative (BIOFIN) -Digital Development of the online Biodiversity Economy Investment Portal UNDP Country Office SOUTH AFRICA IC - Individual contractor 24-Feb-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 10-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75258 RFQ/2021/07 Fourniture, installation et mise en service de stations de type GPRS pour l'acquisition et la transmission de données en temps réel TUNISIA TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Feb-21 10-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75257 Developing Renewable Energy Atlas for Cambodia UNDP Cambodia CAMBODIA RFP - Request for proposal 21-Feb-21 @ 10:00 PM (New York time) 10-Feb-21 FORESTRY FORESTRY 75254 CONSERVATION POLICY REVIEW CONSULTANT LESOTHO LESOTHO IC - Individual contractor 24-Feb-21 10-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75256 RFQ-072-21-Rehabilitation of Al- Baaj Agriculture UNDP IRAQ OFFICE IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Mar-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 10-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75253 Provision of Individual Service for Nursing Support Coordinator LBN/CO/IC/40/21 UNDP Country office LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 24-Feb-21 10-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75255 ITB-073-21-Rehabilitation of Baiji Asphalt Factory UNDP IRAQ OFFICE IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 03-Mar-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 10-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75250 RFP 03/21 TECHNICAL CONTROL/AUDIT FOR DETAILED DESIGN UNDP CO MONTENEGRO RFP - Request for proposal 01-Mar-21 10-Feb-21 INDUSTRY INDUSTRY 75139 RFQ/010/21 Supply and delivery of equipment, tools and material for the Training Center at the Employment Service of the Una-Sana Canton UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Feb-21 10-Feb-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 75249 Feasibility study for Macademia and Cashew Nuts Value Chains Development for Taita Taveta County UNDP Country office KENYA RFP - Request for proposal 22-Feb-21 @ 08:30 AM (New York time) 10-Feb-21 AGRO-INDUSTRY AGRO-INDUSTRY 75247 A market assessment for the trading of perishable goods and Development and implementation of an e-Commerce Marketplace Platform for the agricultural sector under the JSB COVID PREP project Country Office MAURITIUS RFP - Request for proposal 28-Feb-21 10-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75246 International Consultant - Information Management Consultant UNDP Country Office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 20-Feb-21 10-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75248 Services of National Consultant on Social and Environmental Safeguards UNDP Country Office BELARUS IC - Individual contractor 03-Mar-21 10-Feb-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 75245 Продажа автомобиля ПРООН ФОЛЬКСВАГЕН КАРАВЕЛЛА посредством аукциона с подачей предложений в запечатанных конвертах UNDP Country Office BELARUS Other 03-Mar-21 10-Feb-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 75244 CLOSED EARLY
Sustainable Employment Opportunities for women and Country Office IRAQ RFP - Request for proposal 24-Feb-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 10-Feb-21 FORESTRY FORESTRY 75243 CLOSED EARLY
Cancelled 2021-PN-011-International Specialist for UNDP-GEF Project Development (Team Leader) Home based, with travel to Yangon, Myanmar MYANMAR RFP - Request for proposal 04-Mar-21 10-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75242 Multimedia services and products for UNOSSC South-South Cooperation in promoting mutual learning and collaboration for sustainable development - Webinar Series (ten webinars) UNDP Country Office CHINA RFP - Request for proposal 26-Feb-21 10-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75240 International GEF Project Development Consultant / PPG Team Leader Solomon Islands SOLOMON ISLANDS IC - Individual contractor 23-Feb-21 09-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75239 IC/UNDP/GOLD-ISMIA/029 - Consultant for Developing the Good Mining Practices Guidelines for Primary Ore Small-Scale Mining Sector UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 24-Feb-21 09-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75185 MNG/IC/2021/024 - National Consultant - Public Finance Expert (Ministry of Finance) UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 24-Feb-21 09-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75238 ADQUISICION DE MATERIALES DE CONSTRUCCION Country Office PANAMA ITB - Invitation to bid 02-Mar-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 09-Feb-21 POWER POWER 75237 ITB-019-PHL-2021 UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES ITB - Invitation to bid 09-Mar-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 09-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75236 RFQ 2021-06 : Sélection d'un centre de formation en vue d'assurer une session de formation en faveur de l'ISIE UNDP Country Office TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Mar-21 09-Feb-21 HEALTH HEALTH 75235 Supply and Delivery of Medical Supplies and Equipment (RFQ-018-PHL-2021) UNDP CO Philippines PHILIPPINES RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Feb-21 09-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75234 RFQ 015/21 Renovation of toilets and kitchens in UN building UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Feb-21 09-Feb-21 AGRO-INDUSTRY AGRO-INDUSTRY 75229 EOI 3410 PAN 2021 - Establecimiento de seis (6) Biodigestores Tubulares en porquerizas chicas y medianas en los distritos de Pedasí, Pocrí y Tonosí. UNDP Country Office PANAMA EOI - Expression of interest 18-Feb-21 09-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75232 PROCESO COL 0000126998 Consultoria para el diseño y ejecución de la sistematización del programa de comunidades sostenibles para la paz UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 23-Feb-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 09-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75209 Consultoría para la elaboración del marco legal para la gestión de residuos peligrosos UNDP Office Paraguay PARAGUAY IC - Individual contractor 23-Feb-21 09-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75230 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA (SdP) N° COL-0000124801 UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 02-Mar-21 09-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75231 PROCESO COL 0000127225 Formulación de estrategias para el fortalecimiento empresarial de 80 negocios verdes UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 23-Feb-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 09-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75228 CLOSED EARLY
RFP-LBY-SFL-2021-8461 - Provision of Analytic Support to Conflict Analysis & Response in Libya UNDP Country Office LIBYA RFP - Request for proposal 26-Feb-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 09-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75227 Proyecto PNUD ARG 16/006 - Licitación Pública Internacional N.º 01/2021 - "Adquisición de Tensiómetros y Agujas" PNUD Argentina ARGENTINA RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Mar-21 09-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75226 AVISO DE SERVICIO PARA CONSULTOR/A INDIVIDUAL 2021/1233 UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 23-Feb-21 09-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75225 SDC-08-2021 Const. Laboratorio de Prototipado Centro Mypimes UNDP Country office DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Mar-21 09-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75222 Visual/Multimedia Production on Chemicals and Waste Management GPN BPPS UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RFP - Request for proposal 22-Feb-21 09-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75224 SDP n° 02/2021 – PROVISIÓN, INSTALACIÓN Y PUESTA EN FUNCIONAMIENTO DE UN SISTEMA DE CAPTACIÓN Y APROVECHAMIENTO DEL GAS GENERADO POR EL RELLENO SANITARIO "FACHINAL" EN LA PROVINCIA DE MISIONES PNUD Argentina ARGENTINA RFP - Request for proposal 11-Mar-21 09-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75223 SDP n° 01/2021 – PROVISIÓN, INSTALACIÓN Y PUESTA EN FUNCIONAMIENTO DE PLANTA DE CAPTACIÓN Y APROVECHAMIENTO DE BIOGÁS EN EL RELLENO SANITARIO DEL "PREDIO ECOPARQUE GUALEGUAYCHÚ" PNUD Argentina ARGENTINA RFP - Request for proposal 04-Mar-21 09-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75221 SDC-07-2021 MATERIALES DE CONSTRUCCION INVI UNDP Country Office DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Mar-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 09-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75220 Розробка поглибленого інструментарію з протидії та запобіганню домашньому насильству для корпоративного сектору UNFPA UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Feb-21 09-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75219 Information Management Officer Haiti HAITI IC - Individual contractor 26-Feb-21 09-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75215 International consultant End term evaluation of project "Strengthening Sustainability in the Health Sector in Developing Countries" - Home based HIV, Health and development, BPPS UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 23-Feb-21 09-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75218 Cash for Work for Rubble Removal in Al Multaqa Iraq Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 07-Mar-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 09-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75214 18318-2021 LTA: Consulting Firm to act as  Senior Advisor on District Cooling UNDP Country Office TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO RFP - Request for proposal 26-Feb-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 09-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75213 EVALUATION FINALE DU PROJET PBF Cameroon CAMEROON IC - Individual contractor 22-Mar-21 09-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75212 IC un(e) expert(e) Pour accompagner l'implémentation du programme d'appui à l'Accélération de la mise en œuvre de la NDC de la Tunisie UNDP TUNISIA TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Feb-21 09-Feb-21 HEALTH HEALTH 75211 RFQ/013/21 Supply and delivery of Drive-through test sites/containers for Covid-19 testing UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Feb-21 09-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75208 International Consultants (3) - Niger - Climate public expenditures review and capacity building on climate risk budgeting UNDP Country Office - Niger NIGER RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Feb-21 09-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75207 RFP-017-IND-2021-Knowledge Management and Communications agency for facilitating the S.O.L.V.E.D. Challenge (Social Objectives-Led Volunteer Enterprise Development)". INDIA INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 23-Feb-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 09-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75204 Consultant of the Gender Equality in STEM platform in Europe and Central Asia Istanbul Regional Center TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 17-Feb-21 09-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75206 INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANT (IC) - INTEGRATED NATIONAL FINANCING FRAMEWORK (INFF) ASSESSMENT AND TO DEVELOP AN INFF ROADMAP. BOTSWANA BOTSWANA IC - Individual contractor 22-Feb-21 09-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75205 UNDP/PN/03/2021 Individual Consultancy Procurement Notice for International Consultant for Assessment of Consequences of Agricultural Incentives (Subsidy) on Biodiversity UNDP Country Office for BIOFIN Nepal NEPAL IC - Individual contractor 19-Feb-21 09-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75203 Supply and installation of CC Camera System at SIDCHT Rangamati Office SID-CHT Office, UNDP, Rangamati BANGLADESH RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Feb-21 09-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75202 A HUMAN IMPACT ASSESSMENT OF THE IMPACT OF COVID-19 IN MOZAMBIQUE – TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR LOCAL EXPERTS – UNDP Country Office MOZAMBIQUE IC - Individual contractor 26-Feb-21 09-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75201 IC/UNDP/UNODC/008/2021 - Consultant to Support Strengthen the Disease Surveillance System at the Correctional Health Facility(Re-Advertisement) UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 16-Feb-21 09-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75200 Local Technical Assistant for Dashoguz province UNPP Country Office TURKMENISTAN IC - Individual contractor 22-Feb-21 09-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75199 IC 007/21- Gender Specialist to support in implementation Climate Action for human security in Al Hwaizeh Marshland Project Iraq Country Office IRAQ IC - Individual contractor 16-Feb-21 09-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75195 IC/UNDP/ACHIEVE/028/2021 - LTA for Visual Communications Design Services, for Office and Programme Use UNDP Indonesia INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 24-Feb-21 09-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75194 NATIONAL INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANCY- UNDP-GEF MIDTERM REVIEW (MTR) FOR KGALAGADI AND GHANZI DRYLANDS ECOSYSTEM PROJECT BOTSWANA BOTSWANA IC - Individual contractor 19-Feb-21 09-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75198 RFP Study on Prizren priorities for the citys rec UNDP Kosovo Kosovo, UNSCR 1244 (1999) RFP - Request for proposal 02-Mar-21 @ 11:30 AM (New York time) 09-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75197 SUPPORTING ELECTORAL AUTHORITIES OF MOZAMBIQUE TO ENHANCE THE TRANSPARENCY AND CREDIBILITY OF THE ELECTORAL PROCESS (SEAM) 2018-2021 UNDP Country Office MOZAMBIQUE IC - Individual contractor 28-Feb-21 09-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75196 SUPPORTING ELECTORAL AUTHORITIES OF MOZAMBIQUE TO ENHANCE THE TRANSPARENCY AND CREDIBILITY OF THE ELECTORAL PROCESS (SEAM) 2018-2021 UNDP Country Office MOZAMBIQUE IC - Individual contractor 22-Feb-21 09-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75192 IC/UNDP/UNRC/027/2021 UN Indonesia's Socio-Economic Response Plan (SERP) 2021 Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 23-Feb-21 09-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75094 Terminal Evaluation Consultant Istanbul Regional Center TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 19-Feb-21 09-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75191 Facilitating Visit, Board, Search and Seizure Courses in Maldives 2021 UNDP Maldives Country Office MALDIVES RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Feb-21 09-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75097 CLOSED EARLY
RFP-2021-04 Engineering and Design service Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific (RBAP) BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 15-Mar-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 09-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75190 Re_advertised - National PPG Team leader & Biodiversity/IAS UNDP Pacific Office SOLOMON ISLANDS IC - Individual contractor 18-Mar-21 09-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75189 Re-Advertised - Sustainable Land Management Consultant UNDP Pacific Office SOLOMON ISLANDS IC - Individual contractor 18-Mar-21 08-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75188 National Safeguards and Gender Consultant Solomon Islands SOLOMON ISLANDS IC - Individual contractor 23-Feb-21 08-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75187 National Blue Green Economy and Livelihoods Consultant Solomon Islands SOLOMON ISLANDS IC - Individual contractor 23-Feb-21 08-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75186 EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL SUPPORT FOR WOMEN / YOUTH EMPOWERMENT CENTERS IN THE NORTH WEST AND SOUTH WEST REGIONS CAMEROON CAMEROON EOI - Expression of interest 22-Feb-21 08-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75184 RFP-2021-04 Engineering and Design service UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFP - Request for proposal 15-Mar-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 08-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75055 International Consultant - NAP formulation - Niger UNDP Country Office NIGER RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Feb-21 08-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75183 Individual consultancy - UNODC National Anti-Corruption Consultant - LBN-CO-IC-38-21 UNODC Lebanon LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 19-Feb-21 08-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75182 UNDP/HHD/ RFP/2021/001 - Strategic Support to a survey of stakeholders and the development of two technical papers to Plan for Access and Delivery in Research & Development of Health Technologies HIV, Health and development, BPPS UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RFP - Request for proposal 11-Mar-21 08-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75181 3401 PAN 2021 – "Consultor/a en transversalidad de género para la implementación del Sello de Igualdad de Género en el sector público de Panamá" UNDP Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 23-Feb-21 08-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75180 Evaluation mi-parcours du projet de « renforcement du système de gestion de déchets solides en Haïti (municipalités de Ouanaminthe et de Jérémie) » Haiti HAITI IC - Individual contractor 26-Feb-21 08-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75179 Proceso No. COL-00000127228 -Acompaamiento metodo UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 22-Feb-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 08-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75178 Proceso No. COL 00000127227 Formulacion de estrat UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 22-Feb-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 08-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75177 112/IC/PNUD/2021-Recrutement d'un(e) Consultant(e) National(e) Spécialiste en développement d'entreprenariat innovant et de partenariat multi-acteurs Madagascar MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 22-Feb-21 08-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75175 Procurement of Twin Screw High Speed Pilot Boat UNDP Country Office YEMEN ITB - Invitation to bid 26-May-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 08-Feb-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 75173 CHL/SDC/020/2021 "Notebooks y audífonos con micrófono para telefonistas" UNDP Country Office CHILE RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Feb-21 08-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75172 CHL/IC/011/2021 Especialista en Derechos Humanos para el Proyecto CERALC en Ecuador (Apoyo HRA) UNDP Country Office CHILE IC - Individual contractor 18-Feb-21 08-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75140 Recrutement d'un(e) Consultant(e) national(e) pour réaliser une analyse d'écarts ''Gap analysis'' entre la Convention de l'Union Africaine de Prévention et de Lutte Contre la Corruption et le cadre légal national UNDP Country Office TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 05-Mar-21 08-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75170 Organizational Transformation Communications Consultant, OHR/UNDP - HOME BASED home based UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 22-Feb-21 08-Feb-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 75167 CONSULTORÍA INDIVIDUAL IC/00110454/015/2021 MANTENIMIENTO PÁGINA WEB DEL OBSERVATORIO NACIONAL DE GÉNERO PNUD Oficina de País HONDURAS IC - Individual contractor 23-Feb-21 08-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75169 MNG/IC/2021/023 - National Consultant - Development of a follow-up strategy and action plan for further strengthening of the local self-governing bodies in Mongolia UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 22-Feb-21 08-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75168 MNG/IC/2021/022 - National Consultant - Communications Specialist UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 22-Feb-21 08-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75166 SDP-006-2021Servicios de consultoría de materiales de comunicación para proyecto de impulso a la participación política de las mujeres UNDP Country Office MEXICO RFP - Request for proposal 22-Feb-21 08-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75165 RECRUTEMENT DE QUATRE CABINETS NATIONAUX POUR REALISER L'ETUDE SUR L'IDENTIFICATION, L'ANALYSE DE LA DEMANDE ET LA FORMALISATION DES MARCHES INSTITUTIONNELS DE DIFFERENTES FILIERES UNDP Country Office BENIN RFP - Request for proposal 24-Feb-21 08-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75164 PCI-010-2021 Servicios de consultoría para el diseño conceptual y de contenidos de un ciclo de cinco videos de capacitación dirigido a OSC para impulsar la participación política de las mujeres, en temas de sororidad, nuevas masculinidades, construcción d UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 15-Feb-21 08-Feb-21 POWER POWER 75163 Turnkey Supply and Installation of Wind Turbines UNDP Country Office TURKEY ITB - Invitation to bid 02-Mar-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 08-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75162 PCI-009-2021 Servicios de experto en sustancias químicas, contaminantes orgánicos persistentes y residuos peligrosos para apoyar la gestión de actividades en el área técnica UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 22-Feb-21 08-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75161 RELANCE - Agences /sociétés / entreprises nationales de communication pour la production et l'impression des supports de communication tels que la boîte à images, les affiches et dépliants et la traduction en langues nationales du Guide du détenu Mali MALI RFP - Request for proposal 24-Feb-21 08-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75158 IC-PAP2921/2021 - International Consultancy: Consultant to design an assessment tool and QA framework for implementing organizations' safeguard policies and procedures Central African Forest Initiative - CAFI, BPPS/NCE TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 18-Feb-21 08-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75147 Procurement Notice (IC-PAP-2920-2021) International Consultancy - Lead consultant (organizations' safeguard policies and procedures) Central African Forest Initiative - CAFI, BPPS/NCE TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 18-Feb-21 08-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75150 CHL/IC/010/2021 Especialista en Derechos Humanos para el Proyecto CERALC en Ecuador UNDP Country Office CHILE IC - Individual contractor 18-Feb-21 08-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75153 RFP-2021-04 Engineering and Design service Regional Centre THAILAND RFP - Request for proposal 15-Mar-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 08-Feb-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 75160 19.22.23-2021-UNDP-UKR-ITB-RPP Country Office UKRAINE ITB - Invitation to bid 01-Mar-21 @ 04:59 PM (New York time) 08-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75157 CLOSED EARLY
RFP-2021-04 Engineering and Design service - LOT 2 For Indonesia Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific (RBAP) - INDONESIA RFP - Request for proposal 15-Mar-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 08-Feb-21 FISHERIES FISHERIES 75155 RFP-UNDP-ATSEA-125154-005-2020 - Facilitation Working Group (Pokja) on the Establishment of Marine Protected Area (MPA) in Kolepom Island, Merauke District Country Office INDONESIA RFP - Request for proposal 01-Mar-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 08-Feb-21 HEALTH HEALTH 75152 RFQ/012-21 Supply and Delivery of RNA Extraction kits for laboratories at Canton Sarajevo UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Feb-21 08-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75151 PROVISION OF SERVICES ON RADIO AIRING AND MEDIA ENGAGEMENT FOR UNDP NIGERIA – THE PEACE PROJECT UNDP ABUJA NIGERIA RFP - Request for proposal 21-Feb-21 @ 11:59 AM (New York time) 08-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75148 UNDP-IC-2021-013- Delivery Support Consultant for Watchlist Screening Solution for SECP Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 22-Feb-21 08-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75143 PROVISION OF SERVICES ON FILM, PHOTOGRAPHY AND DRONE DOCUMENTARY FOR UNDP NIGERIA – (THE PEACE PROJECT) AND THE PROVISION OF COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES: GRAPHIC DESIGN, WEB DESIGN AND VIDEOS FOR NIGERIA BLUEPRINT PROJECT.(2 LOTS) UNDP ABUJA NIGERIA RFP - Request for proposal 19-Feb-21 @ 11:59 AM (New York time) 08-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75146 RFP 8491, Assessment of PDs Administrative Services UNDP AFGHANISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 28-Feb-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 08-Feb-21 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS 75145 RFQ 683 Internet Service Providers (ISP) for the UN House in Belgrade re-advertised UNDP CO Serbia SERBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Feb-21 08-Feb-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 75144 RFP-016-IND-2021 - To prepare a strategy on universalition of health care for the State of Chhattisgarh UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 15-Feb-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 08-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75142 BIH/RFQ-011-21 Extended Development of climate change adaptation finance strategy in Bosnia and Herzegovina UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Mar-21 08-Feb-21 HEALTH HEALTH 75141 RFP 8489, Provision of Laboratory Analysis UNDP AFGHANISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 03-Mar-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 08-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75138 RE-Advertisement National Consultancy for components 1 and 2 on Human Wildlife Conflict in South Africa UNEP South Africa SOUTH AFRICA IC - Individual contractor 25-Feb-21 08-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75137 RFP/003/21 PR and Communications Support to Diaspora for Development (D4D) Project - EXTENSION OF DEADLINE!!! UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFP - Request for proposal 26-Feb-21 08-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75136 IC/UNDP/RRU-MPTF/026/2021 - Consultant for the Development of Synthesis Report COVID-19 MPTF UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 22-Feb-21 08-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75135 CLOSED EARLY
UNDPIRH-CFP-202101-Developing Portfolio of the City Experiment Fund ISTANBUL REGIONAL HUB TURKEY CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 22-Feb-21 08-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75134 IC/004/21 - National Consultant to review the financial support mechanism UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 18-Feb-21 08-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75133 IC/003/21 - International Consultant to review the financial support mechanism UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 18-Feb-21 08-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75132 17998-2020 - ACUERDO A LARGO PLAZO (LTA) PARA EL APOYO EN LA ESTRATEGIA DE COMUNICACIÓN DEL ÁREA DE GÉNERO DEL PNUD Y MANTENIMIENTO Y MANEJO DE LA PLATAFORMA DE AMÉRICA LATINA GENERA Regional Centre PANAMA RFP - Request for proposal 11-Mar-21 07-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75129 National Short-Term Expert for the Technical Capacity Development Support to the Gendarmerie and Coast Guard Academy (GCGA) in line with EU and International Standards and Best Practices UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 03-Mar-21 07-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75130 National Short-Term Expert on Project Implementation Support UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 21-Feb-21 07-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75131 National Short-Term Expert for Training of Trainers UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 21-Feb-21 07-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75128 National Water-Engineer UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN IC - Individual contractor 19-Feb-21 07-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75126 Recrutement d'un Expert National juriste en droit de l'environnement, de la biodiversité et sur l'accès et le partage des avantages (APA) (EN1). UNDP Algeria ALGERIA IC - Individual contractor 21-Jun-21 07-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75125 CLOSED EARLY
Recrutement d'un Expert National en inventaire et en valorisation des ressources génétiques de la faune sauvage et domestique (EN11) UNDP Algeria ALGERIA IC - Individual contractor 07-Mar-21 07-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75123 Recrutement d'un Designer graphique UNDP Algeria ALGERIA IC - Individual contractor 21-Feb-21 07-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75122 CLOSED EARLY
Réalisation de film et courts métrages UNDP Algeria ALGERIA RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Mar-21 07-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75127 Recrutement d'un Expert en inventaire et en valorisation des ressources génétiques forestières et relatives aux plantes aromatiques et médicinales (EN8) UNDP Algeria ALGERIA IC - Individual contractor 21-Feb-21 07-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75124 Training for Entrepreneurship in Iran UNDP-Iran IRAN RFP - Request for proposal 07-Mar-21 @ 02:30 AM (New York time) 07-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75121 Recrutement d'un Expert National pour Pour le projet conservation de la biodiversité d'intérêt mondial et utilisation durable des services écosystémique dans les parcs culturels en Algérie UNDP Algeria ALGERIA Other 21-Feb-21 07-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75120 Hydroponic Farming Solutions -RFP-YEM-0011-2021 UNDP CO YEMEN RFP - Request for proposal 23-Feb-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 07-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75119 RFP-2021-04 Engineering and Design service Regional Center THAILAND RFP - Request for proposal 15-Mar-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 07-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75118 CLOSED EARLY
RFP-2021-04 Engineering and Design service Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific (RBAP) - FIJI RFP - Request for proposal 15-Mar-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 07-Feb-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 75116 RFQ/2021/02: IT equipment UNDP Country Office JORDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Feb-21 07-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75114 Establishment and Empowerment of Youth and Women G Country Office IRAQ CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 04-Mar-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 07-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75113 Request for Proposal (RFP) for Development and Maintenance of SharePoint Online (SPO) Applications and Workflows UNDP Country Office NEPAL RFP - Request for proposal 21-Feb-21 06-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75112 Request for Quotation (RFQ) for Long-Term Agreement to Supply and Delivery of Photocopy Paper UNDP Country Office NEPAL RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Feb-21 06-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75111 099/IC/PNUD/2021-Recrutement d'un(e) Consultant(e) National(e) Spécialiste en Energie pour contribuer dans l'étude et l'élaboration d'un projet de Promotion de l'Accès à l'Energie à Madagascar dans le cadre du programme régional du PNUD « Africa Mini-grid Madagascar MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 22-Feb-21 06-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75110 RFQ 2021-03 : réalisation d'une enquête de terrain nationale afin d'approfondir les Connaissances et Perception des phénomènes de la torture et de la traite des personnes ainsi que l'indépendance de la magistrature et le rôle du CSM UNDP TUNISIA TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Mar-21 06-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75107 RFQ N°2-2021 : Travaux de réalisation de trente (30) parasoles selon le nouveau format (surface couverte au sol 2,30x2,80m2) dans la commune de Kaya dans le cadre des actions contre la pandémie du COVID19 pour le compte du PNUD UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE BURKINA FASO RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Feb-21 06-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75108 Longitudinal Study RFP-YEM-0010-2021 UNDP CO YEMEN RFP - Request for proposal 20-Feb-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 06-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75104 IC NOTICE N°004-2021/PNUD -BFA Recrutement d'un Consultant National, Statisticien(ne) (Programme des Nations Unies pour les Établissements Humains – ONU-Habitat) UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 15-Feb-21 06-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75105 UNDP-ITB-2021-028 Creative Media Services UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN ITB - Invitation to bid 01-Mar-21 @ 02:30 AM (New York time) 06-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75103 RFP/UNDP/HAI/21.023 : Conception et Supervision site de lotissement PNUD HAITI RFP - Request for proposal 11-Mar-21 @ 04:30 PM (New York time) 05-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75102 Proceso No. COL 00000127224 Formulacion de proyec UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 19-Feb-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 05-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75101 Spotlight – Container Retrofitting UNDP Country Office JAMAICA RFP - Request for proposal 05-Mar-21 05-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75100 CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL:Evaluation national team expert for the terminal evaluation (TE) project Strengthening Capacities of Rural Aqueduct Associations' (ASADAS) to address climate change risks in water stressed communities of Northern Costa Rica (PIMS 5140) UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE COSTA RICA IC - Individual contractor 14-Feb-21 05-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75080 Conflict resolution Peace building South Africa SOUTH AFRICA RFP - Request for proposal 19-Feb-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 05-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75096 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA: SDP-2021-001 NAP COSTA RICA MATINA POCOCÍ UNDP Country Office COSTA RICA RFP - Request for proposal 09-Mar-21 05-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75099 **Deadline Extended**RFQ-017-2021 - Improvement Works at Gypsou/Akova Cemetery in Famagusta Nicosia CYPRUS RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Mar-21 05-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75098 UNDP/RFQ/2021/008 CÔTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Feb-21 05-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75091 UNDP-RFQ-2021-009 - AFFICHAGE 128 PANNEAUX 12 M2 - PACE COTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Feb-21 05-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75093 Framework Based Individual Consultancy Services for Support to the Municipal Response to Covid-19 and Potential Crisis Situations UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 19-Feb-21 05-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75095 Services of National Expert for PPG coordination and stakeholder engagement UNDP Country Office BELARUS IC - Individual contractor 21-Feb-21 05-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75092 CHL/SDP/016/2021 Consultaría de "Bases para el diseño de un sistema de reconocimiento para la mejora de disponibilidad, acceso, conservación y saneamiento del agua en Chile UNDP Country Office CHILE RFP - Request for proposal 25-Feb-21 05-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75090 01 International Consultant for Formulation of 2021-2025 UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) in Viet Nam (A-210201) UNDP Vietnam VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 19-Feb-21 05-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75077 Extended deadline - RFQ 01-2021 for Design of a Digital Platform [Technical Specification] UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Feb-21 05-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75089 LBN-CO-RFQ-35-21Equip Waterwell Maghdoushe UNDP Country office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Feb-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 05-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75087 LBN-CO-RFQ-32-21Prov.-Instal Visibility Item-LTA UNDP Country office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Feb-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 05-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75088 03 consultants for Case Study on Systemic Investing in Circular Economy in Viet Nam (Ref. P210202) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 04-Mar-21 05-Feb-21 INDUSTRY INDUSTRY 75086 Procurement of "Equipment for Mersin Model Factory" UNDP Country Office TURKEY RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Feb-21 05-Feb-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 75084 Procurement of "3D Printers and Other Related Supplies for Izmir, Adana and Mersin Innovation Centers" UNDP Country Office TURKEY RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Feb-21 05-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75085 RFP-Strengthening Urban-Rural Linkages in Ajara UNDP Country Office GEORGIA RFP - Request for proposal 26-Feb-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 05-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75081 TRAVAUX DE REHABILITATION DU PALAIS DE JUSTICE DE MORA + MAGASIN AGRICOLE DE LIMANI CAMEROON CAMEROON RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Feb-21 05-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75083 CLOSED EARLY
RFP-2021-04 Engineering and Design service Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific (RBAP) NEPAL RFP - Request for proposal 15-Mar-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 05-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75082 RFP-015-IND-2021 (Request for Proposal "To create media and communication collateral in the form of photographs, videos and human stories") UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 22-Feb-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 05-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75072 RFP-2021-003_ Development of Tools (Tests) for Assessing the abilities of candidates entering the Civil Service/ Разработка инструментария (тестовых заданий) по оценке способностей кандидатов/лиц, поступающих на государственную службу UNPD Country Office - KAZAKHSTAN KAZAKHSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 01-Mar-21 05-Feb-21 URBAN DEV'T. URBAN DEV'T. 75078 Consultancy Services to Develop the National Electric Bus Roadmap for the National Transport Policy 2019-2030 UNDP Country Office MALAYSIA RFP - Request for proposal 19-Feb-21 05-Feb-21 HEALTH HEALTH 75079 RFP-ZIM-GF-004-2021 Fiscal Monitoring UNDP Harare ZIMBABWE RFP - Request for proposal 17-Feb-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 05-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75076 RFP-2021-04 Engineering and Design service RBAP PAKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 15-Mar-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 05-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75074 Provision of Data Collection for Household Baseline Survey UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFP - Request for proposal 25-Feb-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 05-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75073 RFQ 2021-16 FIELD EQUIPMENT FOR SNOW LEOPARD UNDP Kyrgyzstan KYRGYZSTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Feb-21 @ 02:00 AM (New York time) 05-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75071 RFQ 2021-11 Construction and renovation works UNDP Kyrgyzstan KYRGYZSTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Feb-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 05-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75070 MNG/IC/2021/021 - National Consultant - Project Administration Officer UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 19-Feb-21 04-Feb-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 75069 INVITACIÓN A LICITAR N°:PNUD-ECU-ADQ-21-126563 "ADQUISICIÓN DE EQUIPOS DE COMPUTACIÓN PARA DEPARTAMENTO TICS DEL CONSEJO NACIONAL ELECTORAL" UNDP Country Office ECUADOR ITB - Invitation to bid 03-Mar-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 04-Feb-21 HEALTH HEALTH 75068 Supply of Rear Load Hybrid Containers to MOH Palau UNDP Pacific Office FIJI RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Feb-21 04-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75067 CI-007-2021 Apoyo técnico para la implementación de la estrategia de localización de la Agenda 2030 en la provincia de Barahona UNDP Country Office DOMINICAN REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 23-Feb-21 04-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75066 3354 PAN 2021 – Consultor/a Individual para el "Apoyo al Establecimiento de la Estrategia de Mercadeo, Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas de la Agencia para la Atracción de Inversiones y la Promoción de Exportaciones PROPANAMÁ" UNDP Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 22-Feb-21 04-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75065 DAM/ENERGY SPECIALIST FOR THE PREPARATION OF A MANUAL ON NATIONAL DAM SAFETY GUIDELINES (NDSG) (Filipino Nationals only) UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 19-Feb-21 04-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75064 PROCESO COL 0000127463 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Economista I Asistencia Técnica SGR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 21-Feb-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 04-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75063 PROCESO COL 0000127352 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultor en Seguimiento y Fortalecimiento a la Gestión SGR. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 18-Feb-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 04-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75062 PROCESO COL 0000127345 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultor SGR Secretaria Técnica OCAD PAZ. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 18-Feb-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 04-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75061 3337 PAN 2021 - Asistencia técnica para soporte técnico de los programas Nacionales de VIH y Tuberculosis del MINSA y la CSS UNDP Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 26-Feb-21 04-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75058 Provision of trainings to Libya Ministry of Planning (MOP) staff UNDP Country Office LIBYA RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Feb-21 04-Feb-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 75060 PROCESO SDC -COL 0000125201 -Realizar análisis de suelos fisicoquímicos y análisis de agua para riego. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Feb-21 04-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75059 Consultoría Nacional para la elaboración de los Planes Municipales de Gestión de Reducción de Riesgo para el Municipio de Limpio, Fernando de la Mora, San Lorenzo, Capiatá, Villa Elisa y San Antonio UNDP Office Paraguay PARAGUAY IC - Individual contractor 16-Feb-21 04-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75057 National Consultant to support the Innovative Challenge of the Acceleration of E-commerce and SMEs Formalization UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 19-Feb-21 04-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75054 Individual Contractor (IC) – Arabic Language Editor Regional Bureau for Arab States JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 14-Feb-21 04-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75056 National Individual Consultant for the Mid Term Review of Climate Resilience Initiative in Malawi (CRIM) Project - IC/MWI/004-2021 UNDP Country Office MALAWI IC - Individual contractor 08-Mar-21 04-Feb-21 HEALTH HEALTH 75053 BIH/RFQ-009-21 Supply and Delivery of Protective gloves UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Feb-21 04-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75052 Recrutement d'un consultant national chargé d'appuyer l'unité de politique et strategie UPS du PNUD preparation/finalisation de documents de projets de renforcement des capacités de Gouvernance économique et Financière. UNDP-GUINEE GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 21-Feb-21 04-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74742 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) for Assessment of the Present Status of Provincial and Local Governments to Localize the SDGs in Nepal (Reference# UNDP/RFP/03/2021) AISN project, UNDP NEPAL RFP - Request for proposal 28-Feb-21 04-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75051 IC/UNDP/ACHIEVE/024/2021 - Communication and Campaign Consultant for the SDG Academy Indonesia - National Position UNDP Indonesia INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 19-Feb-21 04-Feb-21 FORESTRY FORESTRY 75049 076/RFP/APAA/2021 Recrutement des ONG / Associations pour appuyer les communautés villageoises dans la mise en place des 08 espaces verts autour de 03 Aires Protégées Communautaires (APC) cibles du Projet APAA réparti en trois lots MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFP - Request for proposal 17-Feb-21 04-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75050 RFP for Risk Model and Monitoring System UNDP Pacific Office in Fiji FIJI 03-Mar-21 @ 01:55 AM (New York time) 04-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75048 IC 21-013 Policy support Consultant UNDP Country Office KYRGYZSTAN IC - Individual contractor 18-Feb-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 04-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75045 Javni poziv za podnošenje prijedloga projekata za dodjelu bespovratnih sredstava u svrhu podrške incijativama liderki tokom COVID19 pandemije u okviru WIE projektne aktivnosti „Liderke u akciji" - PRODUZETAK ROKA UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 02-Mar-21 04-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75047 RFQ for Polyhouses for VCDP UNDP Country Office for VCDP NEPAL RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Feb-21 @ 06:15 AM (New York time) 04-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75046 ITB/LBY/SLCRR/2021/8452-Rehabilitation of the High Institute of Medical Science and Construction of 4 New Classrooms in Sabratha City, Libya UNDP Country Office LIBYA ITB - Invitation to bid 22-Feb-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 04-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75044 NATIONAL CONSULTANT - CONDUCTING BASELINE SURVEY TO FACILITATE IMPLEMENTATION OF PROJECT (TIER I & II) MSMEs IN VALUE CHAINS OF PALM OIL (KIGOMA), HORTICULTURE (MARA), HONEY (SINGIDA) AND SEAWEEDS AND ANCHOVIES (ZANZIBAR) UNDP Country Office TANZANIA IC - Individual contractor 17-Feb-21 04-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75024 Gender mainstreaming in NDC Enhancement in SA UNDP Country Office SOUTH AFRICA RFP - Request for proposal 01-Mar-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 04-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75042 Разработка продукта визуальной коммуникации (видеоролика) для повышения осведомленности гражданского общества о правильном обращении с отходами UNDP Country Office BELARUS RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Feb-21 04-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75043 Rehabilitation of Al-Baaj First School for Girls UNDP SERVICE CENTRE Erbil- IRAQ IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Feb-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 04-Feb-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 75041 Supply of Cargo Van to Palau UNDP Pacific Office FIJI RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Feb-21 04-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75040 MNG/IC/2021/020 - National Consultant - Communications and Advocacy Officer UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 18-Feb-21 04-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75033 RFP for Feasibility Study for SWM Project UNDP Cox's Crisis Response Office BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 17-Feb-21 @ 05:30 AM (New York time) 04-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75039 MNG/IC/2021/019 - National Consultant - "State Audit - Sustainable Development" course content development and delivery UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 18-Feb-21 04-Feb-21 POWER POWER 74741 RELANCE - RECRUTEMENT D'UN CONSULTANT INDIVIDUEL-EXPERT TECHNIQUE -RENFORCEMENT DES CAPACITES UNDP BURUNDI BURUNDI IC - Individual contractor 22-Feb-21 04-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75037 MNG/IC/2021/018 - National Consultant - "Economic Analysis" course content development and delivery UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 18-Feb-21 04-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75036 ETH2214A-Senior advisor to DBE vice president UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 18-Feb-21 @ 03:59 AM (New York time) 04-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75035 UNDP-IC-2021-012 - Associate Technology Consultant for Watchlist Screening Solution for SECP Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 17-Feb-21 04-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75034 UNDP-IC-2021-011 - Lead Consultant Watchlist Screening Solution – SECP Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 17-Feb-21 04-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75032 Watchman-Gardener for UNDP Project in Turkmenistan UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN IC - Individual contractor 17-Feb-21 04-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75031 RFP 8441, Functional Training for the Afghanistan Anti-Corru UNDP AFGHANISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 17-Feb-21 @ 01:06 AM (New York time) 04-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75030 National Consultant to provide technical support to the Office of the Ombudsman UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN IC - Individual contractor 17-Feb-21 04-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75029 UNDP/RFQ/04/2021 Request for Quotation for Supply and Delivery of Mini Tillers for VCDP UNDP Country Office for VCDP NEPAL RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Feb-21 04-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75028 National Consultant for Watershed Management and Monitoring Plan in Kbal Chhay Multiple Use Area (KCMUA) Cambodia CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 25-Feb-21 03-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75027 PROCESO COL 0000126749 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Asesor Jurídico Nivel 4-DVR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 17-Feb-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 03-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75026 SDP-077-2021 -Consultoría para la elaboración de diagnóstico sobre de cuidados en el Perú UNDP Country Office PERU RFP - Request for proposal 22-Feb-21 03-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74800 SDP-005-2021 Consultoría de apoyo en la actualización del Inventario Nacional de Emisiones de Gases y Compuestos de Efecto Invernadero (INEGYCEI) del 3er Informe Bienal UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO RFP - Request for proposal 24-Feb-21 03-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74799 SDP-004-2021Consultoría de apoyo para el cumplimiento de los lineamientos internacionales de transparencia y reporte de Inventario Nacional de Emisiones de Gases y Compuestos de Efecto Invernadero (INEGYCEI) y mitigación del sector AFOLU del 3er Informe B UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Feb-21 03-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75025 SDP NRO. 03/2021 "Unidad de evaluación de indicadores de riesgo en situaciones de violencia y discriminación por razones de género, en el marco de la Iniciativa Spotlight" Argentina ARGENTINA RFP - Request for proposal 17-Feb-21 03-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75023 ETH2183 IC National Consultant UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 17-Feb-21 @ 03:59 AM (New York time) 03-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75022 PROCESO COL 0000126445 Adquisición de tres (3) máquinas: Máquina empacadora vertical mecánica; Túnel de Termo-encogido y Selladora de Pedal para el proyecto XB "Comercialización de panela orgánica en Santa Rosa del Sur de Bolívar. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Feb-21 03-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75021 PROCESO COL 0000125754 Contratar la adquisición de materiales de obra para la construcción de los centros comunitarios en el Municipio de Ungia (Chocó) en el marco del proyecto Reparaciones Colectivas y Retornos y Reubicaciones MPTF – PNUD. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Feb-21 03-Feb-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 75020 PROCESO SDC -COL 0000126578 -Adquirir plántulas de cacao injertado para 300 familias indígenas de los Resguardos de Puerto Alegre, El Trapiche y Mondo Mondocito, en los municipios de Alto Baudó, Medio Baudó y Tadó, en el departamento de Chocó. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Feb-21 03-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75019 SDP NRO. 02/2021 "Asistencia técnica para la realización de un estudio sobre mecanismos de reparación para víctimas de violencias extremas por motivos de género a nivel local e internacional" Argentina ARGENTINA RFP - Request for proposal 17-Feb-21 03-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 74057 READVERTISED: Request for Proposal for TOR for National Institution/Firm to enhance capacity of Justice and Security Actors UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE LIBERIA RFP - Request for proposal 10-Feb-21 03-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75002 RFQ 03 -2021 for Screening Stakeholder Expectations UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Feb-21 03-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75017 15-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-RPP_Project Elaboration and Development of Design and Estimate Documentation for Creating the Modular Centers at Checkpoints/Розробка проекту та проектно-кошторисної документації створення Модульних Центрів для встановлення на КПВВ Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Feb-21 03-Feb-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 75018 RFP Software for registration of Weapons and Ammu UNDP Kosovo Kosovo, UNSCR 1244 (1999) RFP - Request for proposal 24-Feb-21 @ 11:30 AM (New York time) 03-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74998 International Consultant - Cost-evaluation and cost-benefit Analyses - NIGER UNDP Country Office NIGER IC - Individual contractor 16-Feb-21 03-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75016 RFP-2021-04 Engineering and Design service Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific (RBAP) THAILAND RFP - Request for proposal 15-Mar-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 03-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75015 IC/00110454/013/2021 - CONSULTORIA PARA EL MANEJO DE BASES DE DATOS Y LA GENERACIÓN DE ANALISIS DE INDICADORES DEL OBSERVATORIO NACIONAL DE GENERO "ONAG" Oficina de Pais HONDURAS IC - Individual contractor 22-Feb-21 03-Feb-21 HEALTH HEALTH 75013 REPUBLICATION DAO 026 PNUD PUDC PHASE 2 UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE SENEGAL ITB - Invitation to bid 18-Feb-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 03-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74995 PROCESO SDC -COL 0000125741 -Contratar la adquisición de materiales de obra de los municipios de Cajibio (Cauca), El Rosario, Policarpa y Leyva (Nariño) y El Tambo, San Joaquin (Cauca) en el marco del proyecto Reparaciones Colectivas y Retornos y Reubicac UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Feb-21 03-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 75011 Request for EOI No.8463-Construction of Solar Mini-Grids UNDP AFGHANISTAN EOI - Expression of interest 24-Feb-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 03-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 74965 7‐2021‐RFQ‐UNDP‐HCFC‐@ - Supply of Advanced Refrigerant Analyzer–Identifiers (PRO) for the Tajikstandart, Committee on Environmental Protection, Customs Service and RAC Technical Service Centers of Republic of Tajikistan UNDP Country Office TAJIKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Feb-21 03-Feb-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 75010 UNDP/RFQ/02/2021 Request for Quotation for Supply and Delivery of Motorcycles for Nepal Post UNDP Country Office for UPU NEPAL RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Feb-21 03-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75009 Analyste en Economie Sociale et Solidaire - Systèmes, mécanismes et produits de financement du secteur de l'ESS TUNISIA TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 21-Feb-21 03-Feb-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 75008 UNDP/RFQ/01/2021 Request for Quotation for Supply and Delivery of Pick Up Van for Mail Delivery for Nepal Post UNDP Country Office for UPU NEPAL RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Feb-21 03-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75007 Conflict Resolution Peace building capacity South Africa SOUTH AFRICA 03-Feb-21 03-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75005 UNDP/RFP/05/2021 Request for Proposal for Biodiversity Expenditure Review and Biodiversity Finance Plan Preparation for BIOFIN Nepal UNDP Country Office for BIOFIN Nepal NEPAL RFP - Request for proposal 18-Feb-21 03-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75004 Recrutement d'un Consultant spécialiste en formation et reporting du Projet PAPE au PNUD - BURKINA FASO UNDP Burkina FASO BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 10-Feb-21 03-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 75001 IC NOTICE N°002/2021/PNUD-BFA Recrutement d'un Consultant Assistant (e) Junior en Technologie de l'Information et de la Communication (TIC). UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 12-Feb-21 03-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 75003 UNDP/RFP/04/2021 Request for Proposal for Mid Term Evaluation of Value Chain Development of Fruit and Vegetables in Nepal Project (VCDP) UNDP Country Office for VCDP NEPAL RFP - Request for proposal 18-Feb-21 03-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 75000 CANCELLED---RFQ02-2021 for Design and Development of Communication and Engagement Strategy and plan UNDP CO Republic of North Macedonia RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Feb-21 03-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74994 Anti-Xenophobia anti Discrimination Campaigns South Africa SOUTH AFRICA RFP - Request for proposal 19-Feb-21 @ 09:51 AM (New York time) 03-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 74999 RFQ/009/21 – Запрос на предоставление коммерческого предложения на создание документального фильма о ландшафтах снежного барса в Республике Узбекистан согласно техническому заданию (Приложение № 1) UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Feb-21 03-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 74996 Call for Proposals from Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including NGOs for small grants to provide legal aid including legal representation, legal awareness and legal advice/counselling to SGBV survivors and persons living with HIV/AIDS in Western, Ce UNDP Country Office SOUTH SUDAN CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 16-Feb-21 03-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74997 MNG/IC/2021/017 - National Consultant - Private Finance Expert UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 17-Feb-21 03-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74993 Extension: MNG/RFP/2021/001 - Local Institutions - Developing commentary of the new LATUG UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA RFP - Request for proposal 12-Mar-21 02-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74992 IC/UNDP/MTRE3/023/2021 - UNDP - System Programmer for APPLE Gatrik UNDP Indonesia Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 17-Feb-21 02-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74957 Human Resources Expert (National Consultant) UNDP Country Office TIMOR LESTE IC - Individual contractor 17-Feb-21 02-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 74991 Provision of Assessment of technical assistance to the legal sector UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA RFP - Request for proposal 09-Apr-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 02-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74986 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA (SdP) 01/2021"Proyecto de accesibilidad de la Línea 144 para la atención y asesoramiento de personas no hispanoparlantes en situación de violencia por motivos de género desde una perspectiva integral e intercultural" Argentina ARGENTINA RFP - Request for proposal 16-Feb-21 02-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 74990 SDC-06-2021 "SERVICIO DE TRADUCCIÓN DOCUMENTOS DEL CENTRO DE EXPORTACIÓN E INVERSIÓN DE LA REPÚBLICA DOMINICANA (PRO-DOMINICANA)" UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Feb-21 02-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74988 PNUD-IC-060-2020 Especialista Nacional en QuImicos UNDP Country Office - PERU - PERU PERU IC - Individual contractor 19-Feb-21 @ 01:00 PM (New York time) 02-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74989 Solucion para sistema e-IBS Datapro Country Office PANAMA RFP - Request for proposal 19-Feb-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 02-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74987 3535 PAN 2021 - Servicios de Consultoría para la Coordinación General de Módulo Musical Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 18-Feb-21 02-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74985 PROCESO COL 0000126255 Consultor nacional para el diseño de un programa de mejora continua del proyecto Amazonía Sostenible para la Paz, como preparación para la Evaluación de Medio Término del Proyecto. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 16-Feb-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 02-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74984 Options for Social Insurance Schemes for the Infor UNDP Country Office SOUTH AFRICA RFP - Request for proposal 19-Feb-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 02-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 74983 Unexploded Ordnance Training Courses for MOI UNDP Country Office LIBYA RFP - Request for proposal 24-Feb-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 02-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74942 IMPROVING OF PROPERTY RATES LEGISLATION UNDP Country Office SOUTH AFRICA RFP - Request for proposal 17-Jun-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 02-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 74982 SDC/00118949/011/2021 " ADQUISICIÓN DE MATERIALES E INSUMOS PARA EL EMBALAJE, PROYECTO IDENTIFÍCATE/RNP Oficina de País HONDURAS RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Feb-21 02-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74981 JOF 2594-2021 - Monitoring of Brazilian E-commerce Platforms UNDP Brazil Country Office BRAZIL RFP - Request for proposal 08-Mar-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 02-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74980 RFQ/LBY/SLCRR/2021/8438-Construction and Installation Water Treatment Plant (WTP), Bier Al-Ghanam, Southern Al Zawiya City, Libya UNDP Country Office LIBYA RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Mar-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 02-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74978 PROVISION OF VIDEO-PHOTOGRAPHER SERVICES UNDP Nigeria NIGERIA RFP - Request for proposal 15-Feb-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 02-Feb-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 74979 SDC 04 2021 SERVIDORES CEIRD UNDP Country office DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Feb-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 02-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74977 IC/UNDP/PETRA/022/2021 - Re-Advertisement Drafter for the Construction of Two Markets in Central Sulawesi Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 15-Feb-21 02-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74976 IC 21-12 INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANT SERF RCO UNDP in Kyrgyz Republic KYRGYZSTAN IC - Individual contractor 17-Feb-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 02-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74975 ITB/LBY/SLCRR/2021/8422 - Construction and Installation of WTP Shalgouda,Southern Al Zawiya Municipality, Libya UNDP Country Office LIBYA ITB - Invitation to bid 03-Mar-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 02-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74973 Effectiveness of fees for permits and licenses UNDP Country Office SOUTH AFRICA IC - Individual contractor 24-Feb-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 02-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74974 RFQ/008/21 E-mentoring Platform Solution - DFF - extension of deadline! UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Feb-21 02-Feb-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 74972 Supply of Server Racks and UPS for the Datacenter UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Feb-21 @ 11:59 AM (New York time) 02-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74971 Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) Expert. Sao Tome and Príncipe-UNDP SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE RFP - Request for proposal 15-Feb-21 02-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 74970 RFP - Media and Information Literacy No: CM-FU-TAS-2021-000421 UNESCO Uzbekistan UZBEKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 25-Feb-21 02-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74969 ITB-21-03 Civil Works of rehab in Umracoba Camps country office SUDAN ITB - Invitation to bid 16-Feb-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 02-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74968 Medium-Voltage Line to Feed the Drinking Water Res UNDP Office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 16-Feb-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 02-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74967 RFP202103 Undertake the Mitigation Analysis UNDP Country Office JORDAN RFP - Request for proposal 28-Feb-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 02-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74963 RFQ/UNDP/NAM/2021/009/- HACT FINANCIAL AUDITING SERVICES UNDP CO, WINDHOEK, REPUBIC OF NAMIBA NAMIBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Feb-21 02-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 74772 PRODUCTION OF AWARENESS RAISING VIDEOS Kuwait KUWAIT RFP - Request for proposal 21-Feb-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 02-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74964 075/IC/PADRC/2021-Recrutement de huit (08) consultants nationaux pour appuyer la localisation des Objectifs de Développement Durable (ODD) -Priorisation des cibles et identification des paquets d'intervention pour 4 régions Madagascar MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 15-Feb-21 02-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 74966 RFQ 014 IND 2021 Battery Storage System Jharkhand UNDP Country Office INDIA RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Feb-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 02-Feb-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 69600 627_2020-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-RPP: Computer equipment for the schools of Donetsk and Luhansk oblast (re-advertising) UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Feb-21 02-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 74961 ACDP Research Conference Event Planning and Management UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Feb-21 02-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74962 Local Governance, Participatory Planning and Social Accountability Expert UNDP Country Office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 11-Feb-21 02-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74960 Public Expenditures Management (PEM) Expert UNDP Country Office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 11-Feb-21 02-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74959 National Consultant for Needs Assessment on Medical Waste Management at Healthcare-based Facilities UNDP Country Office CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 08-Feb-21 02-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74958 COVID19 Administrative Consultant UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE NAMIBIA IC - Individual contractor 10-Feb-21 02-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74956 ETH2237 - National Firm Level Consultancy UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA RFP - Request for proposal 16-Feb-21 @ 03:59 AM (New York time) 02-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74955 ETH2213-IC research capacity building UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 15-Feb-21 @ 03:59 AM (New York time) 02-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74954 RFP-BD-2021-005-Training Leather Industries-SWAPNO UNDP SWAPNO Project BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 17-Feb-21 @ 05:30 AM (New York time) 02-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 74953 Consultancy for the Geographical Information System (GIS) Expert UNDP Country Office MALAWI IC - Individual contractor 16-Feb-21 02-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74952 recrute un.e consultant.e national.e pour la mise à jour du Plan pour une réponse socio-économique à la COVID-19 en Tunisie TUNISIA TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 15-Feb-21 02-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74951 PROCESO COL 0000127226 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultor Secretaría Técnica Ocad Paz UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 15-Feb-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 01-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74950 Consultancy to Update Belize's National Climate Change Policy, Strategy and Action Plan UNDP Country Office BELIZE RFP - Request for proposal 01-Mar-21 01-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74949 Consultancy to develop a Docu-Series on Climate Change in Belize UNDP Country Office BELIZE RFP - Request for proposal 12-Feb-21 01-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74948 IAL 00087688 005 2021: Contratación de Servicios de Seguridad y Vigilancia para Hondutel, 9 Meses, Año 2021 UNDP Honduras HONDURAS ITB - Invitation to bid 25-Feb-21 @ 06:30 PM (New York time) 01-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74946 96682 - Digital Consultant - Kathmandu, NEPAL UNCDF NEPAL IC - Individual contractor 10-Feb-21 01-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74945 Deux (02) Consultants nationaux en entreprenariat agricole : développement de projets générateurs de revenus dans la transformation, le stockage et la commercialisation de produits agricoles - Conakry, GUINEA UNCDF GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 12-Feb-21 01-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74944 LBN-CO-ITB-31-21Const of Haris Multipurpose Hall UNDP Country office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 18-Feb-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 01-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74564 Data Collection on Bank Pricing and Fees UNCDF SOUTH AFRICA 31-Mar-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 01-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 74943 Supply of Furniture to Ninewa Governorate in Two LOTS UNDP Country Office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Feb-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 01-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 74893 RFP 02/21 THE DEVELOPMENT OF DESIGN FOR RECONSTRUCTION OF PCB WAREHOUSE UNDP CO MONTENEGRO RFP - Request for proposal 26-Feb-21 01-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 74941 RFQ 012 IND 2021 Solar PV system Manipur UNDP Country Office INDIA RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Feb-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 01-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74940 UNDP-IC-2021-008 - Senior Consultant on Terrorism Financing Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 15-Feb-21 01-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 74939 LBN-CO-RFQ-30-21 - Energy Audit Services - Event ID 0000008433 UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Feb-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 01-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 65880 Recrutement d´un(e) consultant(e) Internationale (e) économiste, Expert en Partenariat et Mobilisation des Ressources, avec une expérience éprouvée en Finances Publiques. UNDP/KASAI CENTRALE CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 08-Feb-21 01-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74938 Individual Consultancy - National LED Lighting Inspection and Retrofit Consultant- LBN/CO/IC/29/21 UNDP Country Office LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 22-Feb-21 01-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74937 JOF 2516 Biomass-based Charcoal in Brazil UNDP Brazil Country Office BRAZIL RFP - Request for proposal 17-Feb-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 01-Feb-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74936 RFQ/007/20 Rehabilitation of 4 houses in Orašje UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Feb-21 01-Feb-21 FORESTRY FORESTRY 74934 RFQ-2020-083 - ЗАКУП БОЕВОЙ ОДЕЖДЫ ПОЖАРНОГО (БОП) / SUPPLY OF FIREFIGHTER'S GENERAL SERVICE UNIFORM (GSUF) UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Feb-21 01-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 74933 CONSULTANT NATIONAL ELABORATION SUPPORT ECOLE CORANIQUE CAMEROON CAMEROON IC - Individual contractor 12-Feb-21 01-Feb-21 OTHER OTHER 74935 Re-adv Request for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) including NGOs and/or CBOs for application of Small Grants to conduct public outreach awareness-raising, information dissemination and coordination on transitional justice UNDP Country Office SOUTH SUDAN CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 15-Feb-21 01-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74932 RFP-Survey on Citizens Satisfaction UNDP Country Office GEORGIA RFP - Request for proposal 22-Feb-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 01-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74930 UNDP-IC-2021-010 - Web-developer & Graphic Designing Consultant Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 15-Feb-21 01-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74931 UNDP-IC-2021-009- Web Animation Support Consultant Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 15-Feb-21 01-Feb-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74929 RFP for Developing BCP in Economic Zone UNDP Country Office BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 22-Feb-21 @ 05:30 AM (New York time) 01-Feb-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74928 P210201 - National consultant to provide coordination and administration support for the implementation of the UN in Viet Nam's UNDIS Action Plan UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 22-Feb-21 31-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74927 IC/00080822/012 "Diagnóstico de la calidad estadística y el uso de la información en la Unidad de Estadística del Poder Judicial de Honduras CEDIJ" Oficina de País HONDURAS IC - Individual contractor 08-Feb-21 31-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74926 Local Junior Expert for Developing and Implementing Local Service Delivery Standards in Order to Simplify the Processes for Service Provision UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 14-Feb-21 31-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74925 ITB 063-21- Rehabilitation of 125 Houses Partially Damage in Seven Villages of Telkaif District-Ninawa Governorate Iraq Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 25-Feb-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 31-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74924 Supplying of Umbrella Bag and Calculator for NUPRP Dhaka BANGLADESH RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Feb-21 @ 05:30 AM (New York time) 31-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74923 Rehabilitation of 131 Houses - Sinjar District Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 01-Mar-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 31-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74921 RFQ-BD-2021-001 UNDP Bangladesh Country Office BANGLADESH RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Feb-21 @ 05:30 AM (New York time) 30-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74852 3348 PAN 2021 LICENCIAMIENTO MICROSOFT INADEH OFICINA DE PANAMA PANAMA RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Feb-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 30-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74920 Local Junior Short-Term Expert on "Developing Standards and Principles for the Establishment of an Effective Human Resources Management System in Local Administrations" UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 14-Feb-21 30-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74919 Local Junior Individual Consultant for Developing a Performance Management System to be Adopted in Metropolitan Municipalities (MMs) and District Municipalities UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 14-Feb-21 30-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74918 Storage Equipment for AIB Albania ALBANIA RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Feb-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 30-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74917 IC/UNDP/IFL/021/2021 - Technical Advisor for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Bond (Local Consultant) Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 22-Feb-21 30-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74916 PROCESO COL 0000125739 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional de Gestión de Información - Nivel 4 - DVR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 12-Feb-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 29-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74915 PROCESO COL 0000125764 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUA Consultor Subregional Junior SGR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 12-Feb-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 29-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74914 PROCESO COL 0000126268 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 12-Feb-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 29-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74913 PROCESO COL 00008427 Fortalecimiento de las capacidades nacionales para cumplir con los compromisos del Protocolo de Montreal en Honduras y Guatemala UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 12-Feb-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 29-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74912 SDP-004-2021 Mapa de suelos y clasific de tierras UNDP Country Office PERU RFP - Request for proposal 10-Mar-21 @ 01:00 PM (New York time) 29-Jan-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 74911 IAL5087SOLUCION CLUSTER DE ALTA DISPONIBILIDAD UNDP EL SALVADOR EL SALVADOR ITB - Invitation to bid 17-Feb-21 @ 01:00 PM (New York time) 29-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74910 3350 PAN 2021 -"Reforestación y restauración en los tramos bajos de los ríos Pedasí, Oria, Tonosí y Guánico en la provincia de Los Santos UNDP Country Office PANAMA RFP - Request for proposal 15-Feb-21 29-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74909 3346 PAN 2021 – Consultor/a Individual Local para el "Seguimiento del Programa Estudia Sin Hambre". UNDP Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 16-Feb-21 29-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74907 PNUD SDP 027-2021 Servicio de consultoría para Capacitación y desarrollo de tableros de control de reportes para mostrar en visores los resultados de la encuesta nacional de Gestión del Riesgo de Desastres – ENAGERD (del 2017, 2018, 2019 y posteriores), u UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE PERU RFP - Request for proposal 14-Feb-21 29-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74908 BBRFP117543 - Institutional Capacity Assessment to Identify Critical Skills and Knowledge Gaps for NDC Implementation UNDP Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean BARBADOS RFP - Request for proposal 12-Feb-21 29-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74906 RFP-UNDP-ACCESS-IDN-0000126190-002-2021 - Community Development Service to Build Institutional Capacity of Renewable Energy Service Company (RESCO) in 23 Villages in Indonesia UNDP Country Office INDONESIA RFP - Request for proposal 01-Mar-21 @ 11:00 AM (New York time) 29-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74905 Terminal Evaluation for Deployment of Renewable Energy and Improvement of Energy Efficiency in the Public Sector (PIMS ID: 4900) Project UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE JAMAICA IC - Individual contractor 08-Feb-21 29-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74903 Услуги Консультанта по научной координации реализации мероприятий проекта UNDP Country Office BELARUS IC - Individual contractor 22-Feb-21 29-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74904 CLOSED EARLY
Consultant.e pour la conduite de l'évaluation finale du projet Tarabot TUNISIA TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 14-Feb-21 29-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74902 37-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-Plastics Assessment of plastics waste management practices in the regions of Ukraine UNDP UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 11-Feb-21 29-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74870 055/IC/PNA/2021-Recruitment of an International Consultant on Climate Investment Facility development MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 08-Feb-21 29-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74653 Consultancy -Technical Assistance - Provincial Development Finance Assessments for Maputo and Cabo Delgado Provinces UNDP Country Office MOZAMBIQUE IC - Individual contractor 08-Feb-21 29-Jan-21 POWER POWER 74901 Supply and Installation of Transformers and Electr Iraq IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 22-Feb-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 29-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74899 RFP-011-IND-2021 (Development of short videos for UNDP-GEF project titled Market Transformation and Removal of Barriers UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 12-Feb-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 29-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74900 ETH2190 IC-Economic and Livelihoods Lead UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 12-Feb-21 @ 03:59 AM (New York time) 29-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74898 ETH2189 IC-Communications and Public Engagement Manager UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 12-Feb-21 @ 03:59 AM (New York time) 29-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74895 RFP-2021-02: Research on Unpaid Care and Domestic Work in Thailand UNDP Country Office THAILAND RFP - Request for proposal 02-Mar-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 29-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74894 RFP-2021-01: Study on Promoting an Inclusive Workplace for Persons with Disabilities in Thailand UNDP Country Office THAILAND RFP - Request for proposal 08-Mar-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 29-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74889 S-RFP - Legal training service for future prof UNDP Country Office Timor Leste TIMOR LESTE RFP - Request for proposal 10-Feb-21 @ 02:00 AM (New York time) 29-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74892 CLOSED EARLY
Senior Statistician – Myanmar VNR Report and SDG Indicator Report UNDP MYANMAR IC - Individual contractor 07-Feb-21 29-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74891 Appel d'offres n° UNDP/RFP/2021/006 RECRUTEMENT D'UNE FIRME INTERNATIONALE POUR REALISER UN « SECOND PARTY OPINION » Côte d'Ivoire COTE d'IVOIRE RFP - Request for proposal 17-Feb-21 29-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74890 RFQ/006/21 - Создание короткометражного (три минуты) мультипликационного фильма на тему: «Давлат хизматлари – хамма учун» UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Feb-21 29-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74864 IC/UNDP/ATSEA/020/2021 - UNDP - Policy and Advocacy Consultant UNDP Indonesia Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 12-Feb-21 29-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74888 International Trade Adviser UNDP Pacific Office FIJI RFP - Request for proposal 05-Feb-21 28-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74887 Procurement Support Consultant Procurement Services Unit DENMARK RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Feb-21 28-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74886 Supply of NGV TECH Spare Parts for TUG-BOATS UNDP Country Office YEMEN ITB - Invitation to bid 07-Mar-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 28-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74885 INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANT -To Conduct UN Liberia Common Country Analysis Liberia LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 05-Feb-21 28-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74884 ITB-21-001 Conference Facilities and Hotel Accommo Sudan SUDAN ITB - Invitation to bid 21-Feb-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 28-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74883 BBRSO126409 - Development of a Gender Responsive Private Sector Scoping Study to explore investment opportunities to enhance NDC implementation in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Barbados SAINT VINCENT & GRENADINES IC - Individual contractor 12-Feb-21 28-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74880 Développement du potentiel de financement additionnel public, privé et communautaire pour l'accélération des objectifs de développement durable UNCDF CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 28-Feb-21 28-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74417 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS ON DEVELOPING STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES AND SYSTEMS NIGERIA JUBILEE FELLOWSHIP PROGRAMME UNDP ABUJA NIGERIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 19-Feb-21 28-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74882 ITB-050/21 - Rehabilitation of 33/11.5 kV 10MVA Substation in Sinjar-Domez, Mosul Plain, Ninawa, Governorate, Iraq UNDP Service Center IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 07-Mar-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 28-Jan-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 74881 CHL/SDC/009/2021 Adquisición de Equipos Computacionales y Plotter para proyecto N°119698 Chile: Reducción de la vulnerabilidad climática y el riesgo de inundación en áreas urbanas y semiurbanas costeras en ciudades de América Latina Country Office CHILE RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Feb-21 28-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74879 Supply and Install Generator 800 KVA Iraq Iraq Office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Feb-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 28-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74838 Solicitud de Cotización (SdC) PNUD-2365/21 "Mejoramiento de Mercado La Villa 14 avenida 18-81 zona 10, Municipio de Guatemala, Departamento de Guatemala" PNUD GUATEMALA GUATEMALA RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Feb-21 28-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74878 Rehabilitation of 3 schools in Sherqa Iraq Iraq Office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Feb-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 28-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74877 RFQ 012 EID 8392 2021 - Conservation project designs of two churches UNDP Cyprus CYPRUS RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Mar-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 28-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74876 Supply of Furniture for Central Library-Mosul Iraq Office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Mar-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 28-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74874 Re-advertised ETH2193A IC Bloggers and Influencers UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 11-Feb-21 @ 03:59 AM (New York time) 28-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74875 Consultoría para la Implementación del Plan piloto de limpieza y cuidado de la Reserva Ecológica del Banco San Miguel y Bahía de Asunción (REBSMyBA)" Asunción PARAGUAY RFP - Request for proposal 24-Feb-21 28-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74873 RFQ 026/21- Supply of Furniture for Medical Fluid Factory-East Mosul-Ninawa Governorate Iraq Country Office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Feb-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 28-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74872 RFQ 024/21- Supply of Furniture for Gifted (Al Mawhubeen) School-East Mosul-Ninawa Governorate Iraq Country Office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Feb-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 28-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74871 Consultoría Nacional para la actualización del marco legal que establece el régimen tributario para Asunción y las municipalidades del interior del país UNDP Office Paraguay PARAGUAY IC - Individual contractor 11-Feb-21 28-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74647 BIH/RFQ-006-21 Training workshop: Remediation of the hotspots contaminated by POPs UNDP BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Feb-21 28-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74869 LBN-CO-RFP-27-21 - Lematic Technical Support - Event ID 0000008409 UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFP - Request for proposal 11-Feb-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 28-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74867 Услуги Местного эксперта по проведению финальной оценки реализации проекта UNDP Country Office BELARUS IC - Individual contractor 10-Feb-21 28-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74868 ITB-PAL-0000126395 Construction of New School UNDP/PAPP PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES ITB - Invitation to bid 14-Feb-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 28-Jan-21 IRRIGATION IRRIGATION 74866 LBN-CO-ITB-28-21 - El Qaa Hill Lake - Event ID 0000008408 UNDP Country Office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 08-Mar-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 28-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74865 RFQ 2021-05 : Service de Maintenance d'une bouée fixe et de trois marégraphes UNDP TUNISIA TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Feb-21 28-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74863 RFQ/LBY/SRLC/2021/010 - Rehabilitation of Gil Saade School in Obari, Libya. UNDP Country Office LIBYA RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Feb-21 28-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74862 National Individual Consultant for the Evaluation of Malawi UNDP Electoral Cycle Support Project UNDP Country Office MALAWI IC - Individual contractor 14-Feb-21 28-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74861 001/RFP/BCR/2021-Recrutement d'une firme pour faire la COLLECTE DES DONNÉES SUR LE "LEAVING NO ONE BEHIND" DANS LES 22 RÉGIONS DE MADAGASCAR MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFP - Request for proposal 11-Feb-21 28-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74860 Supply of Auto CAD software for 21 Users Dhaka BANGLADESH RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Feb-21 @ 05:30 AM (New York time) 28-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74859 Provision of Translation/Interpretation service to Facilitate the Implementation of UNDP Programme in Myanmar UNDP MYANMAR IC - Individual contractor 16-Feb-21 28-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74858 RFQ-21-001 - Saxaul Forest Fencing UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Feb-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 28-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74856 National Technical Expert on Chemicals Scope of advertisement UNDP Philippines, RBAP PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 09-Feb-21 27-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74857 IC/UNDP/ATSEA/019/2021 - UNDP - Graphic Designer UNDP Indonesia Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 11-Feb-21 27-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74854 96573 - Gender and Social Inclusion Advisor for Recovery and Resilience Approaches in the Philippines UNDP Philippines, RBAP PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 08-Feb-21 27-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74855 Research Conference Technical and Administrative Secretariat Services UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 06-Feb-21 27-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74810 Gender Specialist (Consultant – 3 Position) UNDP Timor-Leste TIMOR LESTE IC - Individual contractor 10-Feb-21 27-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74853 Webinar & Capacity Development Consultant UNDP Country Office FIJI IC - Individual contractor 11-Feb-21 27-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74851 SDC-003-2021 Adquisición de Equipo portátil analizador de metales por medio de fluorescencia de rayos X (XRF) para identificación de COPs en plásticos. UNDP Country Office MEXICO RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Feb-21 27-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74850 Crowdfunding and CSO Engagement Expert UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 08-Mar-21 27-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74849 PCI-008-2021 Servicios de consultoría para edición y corrección de estilo de documentos en materia de Rendición de cuentas, Participación ciudadana y Prevención de la corrupción. UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 17-Feb-21 27-Jan-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 74848 SDC-05-2021 "Adquisicion de Equipos Tecnologicos y Mobiliarios para el Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y MiPymes" UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Feb-21 27-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74847 RFP 006/21 "Technical assistance to RA NA Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Diaspora, Youth and Sport in conducting of pre and post a post-legislative scrutiny analysis" UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFP - Request for proposal 17-Feb-21 27-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74846 RFP-YEM-0008-2021 LTA / National Multimedia & Communication Services UNDP Country Office YEMEN RFP - Request for proposal 28-Feb-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 27-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74845 ITB-062-21-Provision of Spare Parts and Repairing UNDP IRAQ OFFICE IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 17-Feb-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 27-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74844 Consultoria Implementacion POUT Asunción PARAGUAY RFP - Request for proposal 22-Feb-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 27-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74843 RFQ 011 EID 8391 2021 - Conservation project designs of a Mosque UNDP CYP CYPRUS RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Mar-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 27-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74832 Consultancy – Data engineer (Full stack developer), Other/Other/UNDP - Home Based Home based UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 10-Feb-21 27-Jan-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 74842 RFQ-YEM-005-2021 5 Laptops UNDP Country Office YEMEN RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Feb-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 27-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74841 ITB-049/21 - Provision of Water to the Center of Qayrawan via RO System-Ninawa Governorate, Iraq UNDP Service Center IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 25-Feb-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 27-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74840 Support Consultant – Nagoya ProDoc Editing – Nagoya Protocol UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE JAMAICA IC - Individual contractor 08-Feb-21 27-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74839 Rehabilitation Al Safena WTP (650m3/hr.) and Supply and installation of New compact unit (230m3/hr.) Sherqat, Salahaddin Governorate, Iraq UNDP Service Center IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 24-Feb-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 27-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74778 Consultant Individuel Conseiller Technique en appui à la mise en œuvre de la Stratégie Nationale de l'Inclusion Financière (SNIF) BUREAU DU TOGO TOGO IC - Individual contractor 07-Feb-21 27-Jan-21 POWER POWER 74837 UNDP-RFQ-2021-026 Supply and Inst 50 KVA Generator UNDP Country Office PAKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Feb-21 @ 02:30 AM (New York time) 27-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74836 UNCT CONSULTANCY TO SUSTAINING PEACE IN KENYA UNDP Country office KENYA RFP - Request for proposal 03-Feb-21 @ 08:30 AM (New York time) 27-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74835 UNDP-CYP-RFQ-013-EID-8400-2021 - Design and Supervision Services for the Community Centres in the village of Risokarpaso/Dipkarpaz in northern part of Cyprus Nicosia CYPRUS RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Feb-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 27-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74834 Lead Project Development Consultant UNDP Stateless IC - Individual contractor 10-Feb-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 27-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74833 8285 Re-adv IRH-IC-2021-008 Istanbul Regional Center TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 04-Feb-21 @ 05:31 AM (New York time) 27-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74831 Strategic communications services for SDG Impact initiative of UNDP Finance Sector Hub SDG Finance Sector Hub - NEW YORK UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RFP - Request for proposal 18-Feb-21 27-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74830 Videographer UNDP Country Office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 07-Feb-21 27-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74828 Photographer UNDP Country Office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 07-Feb-21 27-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74829 RFP Technical Support Consultancy for the National Launch of the UNDP Maldives Accelerator Lab UNDP Maldives Country Office MALDIVES RFP - Request for proposal 03-Feb-21 27-Jan-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 74827 RFP-009-IND-2021 - Developing "Information and Data Portal" for UN in India India INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 09-Feb-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 27-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74826 RECRUTEMENT D'UN CONSULTANT NATIONAL EN DROIT DE L'HOMME CAMEROON CAMEROON IC - Individual contractor 10-Feb-21 27-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74825 Recrutement d'un(e) Consultant(e) national(e) junior Politique urbaine et Relations villes pour le compte de l'ONUHABITAT GUINEA, Office GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 08-Feb-21 27-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74822 Digital Launch of UNITLIFE UNCDF FRANCE RFP - Request for proposal 20-Feb-21 27-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74823 Djibouti Supply of 150 Solar PV kits UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE DJIBOUTI DJIBOUTI RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Feb-21 27-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74824 Appel à propositions Innovation Challenge en réponse à la COVID-19 UNDP TUNISIA TUNISIA Innovation Challenge 07-Mar-21 27-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74821 2021-IC-010 - Individual Research and Knowledge Management (International Consultant) Kazakhstan KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 12-Feb-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 27-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74820 IC 2021-008 NATIONAL CONSULTANT AFT UNDP Kyrgyzstan KYRGYZSTAN IC - Individual contractor 10-Feb-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 27-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74819 Call for Proposal - Indonesia's Green Economic Recovery: Study on the Greening Fiscal Stimulus UNDP Country Office INDONESIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 10-Feb-21 27-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74776 14-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP: Conducting situation analysis and assessment of needs in hromadas of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 11-Feb-21 27-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 69665 759-2020-UNDP-UKR-ITB-RPP UNDP Country Office UKRAINE ITB - Invitation to bid 16-Feb-21 @ 04:59 PM (New York time) 27-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74818 MNG/IC/2021/016 - National Consultant - Vocational Training Expert UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 10-Feb-21 27-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74817 Local Consultant-Mid Term Review (Fiji IAS) Country Office -Pacific Office in Fiji FIJI IC - Individual contractor 10-Feb-21 27-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74816 MNG/IC/2021/015 - National Consultant - Monitoring and Evaluation Officer UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 10-Feb-21 27-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74815 MNG/IC/2021/014 - National Consultant (Extension)- Support to drafting of the Institutional Strategic Planning for Governor's office of the Municipality of the Ulaanbaatar City UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 17-Feb-21 27-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74814 MNG/IC/2021/013 - National Consultant (Extension) - Support to drafting of the Departmental Strategic Planning for Governor's office of the Municipality of the Ulaanbaatar City UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 17-Feb-21 26-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74813 MNG/IC/2021/012 - National Consultant - Technical support to the strengthening of the competency based human resources management in the civil service on a Ministry level UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 10-Feb-21 26-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74812 MNG/IC/2021/011 - National Consultant - Technical support to the strengthening of the competency based human resources management in the civil service on a Local government level UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 10-Feb-21 26-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74811 MNG/IC/2021/010 - National Consultant - Technical support to the strengthening of the competency based human resources management in the civil service on an Agency level UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 10-Feb-21 26-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74809 CI-003-2021 "Contratación personal de apoyo a la coordinación Secretaría Técnica de los espacios de coordinación de la cooperación internacional" UNDP Country Office DOMINICAN REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 19-Feb-21 26-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74808 CLOSED EARLY
PROCESO COL 0000124943 Proceso Cancelado UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Jan-21 26-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74807 TDR IC 05-01-2021 Identification et cartographie des solutions innovantes des jeunes en réponse à la COVID-19 et à la mise en œuvre des ODD Morocco MOROCCO IC - Individual contractor 09-Feb-21 26-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74806 3534 PAN 2021 - Consultor para Coordinación Académica UNDP Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 17-Feb-21 26-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74805 RFP-YEM-0007-2021 LTA International Multimedia & Communication UNDP Country Office YEMEN RFP - Request for proposal 15-Feb-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 26-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74804 Chief Technical Advisor – Kiribati LDCF UNDP Pacific Office in Fiji FIJI IC - Individual contractor 10-Feb-21 26-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74803 Chief Technical Advisor – Fiji R2R UNDP Pacific Office in Fiji FIJI IC - Individual contractor 10-Feb-21 26-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74802 IC URU/18/G31 – 1046 "Consultor/a Nacional para la identificación y sistematización de información social, económica y productiva con foco en género y generaciones, en las áreas de intervención de las medidas de adaptación al cambio climático priorizadas URUGUAY URUGUAY IC - Individual contractor 01-Mar-21 26-Jan-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 74801 Request for Quotation for the Design, Supply and Installation of CCTV at the One UN House PAP Liberia LIBERIA RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Feb-21 26-Jan-21 HEALTH HEALTH 74798 Recruitment of National Consultant to Lead the development and collation of relevant national-level data for the development of Ghana's GEF GOLD+ project proposal UNDP Country Office GHANA IC - Individual contractor 09-Feb-21 26-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74797 PCI-007-2021 Servicios de consultoría para diseñar y generar una red nacional de Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil (OSC) enfocadas en impulsar la participación política de las mujeres UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 03-Feb-21 26-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74758 PROCESO COL 0000120501 ITB Adquisición de equipos, herramientas e insumos tecnológicos, logísticos y físicos para el control de la deforestación en zonas focalizadas de Colombia (UNODC) Country Office COLOMBIA ITB - Invitation to bid 07-Mar-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 26-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74795 SDC-002-2021 "Compra de kits deportivos premio "Concurso Actívate en familia desde casa." UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Feb-21 26-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74693 Framework Agreement for Quality Assurance Consultant (Home Based) UNCDF UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 05-Feb-21 26-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74793 RFP 010/21 HACT Financial Audit of UNDP Armenia NIM Projects UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFP - Request for proposal 09-Feb-21 26-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74792 Consultancy – PMD Global Support, BMS/OHR/HR Effectiveness/UNDP UNDP/BPPS/Effectiveness UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 09-Feb-21 26-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74791 Senior Advisor to the Director of the Rome Centre- Re-advertise UNDP Stateless IC - Individual contractor 09-Feb-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 26-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74789 Recrutement d'un Expert International pour Effectuer un diagnostic des secteurs prioritaires pour introduire la médiation comme pratique favorisant la cohésion sociale en Algérie. UNDP Algeria ALGERIA IC - Individual contractor 07-Mar-21 26-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74790 Recrutement d'un Expert National pour Effectuer un diagnostic des secteurs prioritaires pour introduire la médiation comme pratique favorisant la cohésion sociale en Algérie. UNDP Algeria ALGERIA IC - Individual contractor 17-Feb-21 26-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74788 001DAO-PNUD-TCD-02-2021 LTA SERVICES DE VOYAGES UNDP Country Office CHAD ITB - Invitation to bid 15-Mar-21 @ 08:15 AM (New York time) 26-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74786 Project Development Specialist (International Consultant) UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 07-Feb-21 26-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74787 Technical Consultant on Geo-Spatial Analytics, GIS and Hazard Mapping UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 07-Feb-21 26-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74785 PN-N-210101: National consultant to review existing policies and practices on maintenance for resilient houses UNDP Vietnam VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 31-Jan-21 26-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74784 SLE/ICPN/2021/001 NATIONAL CONSULTANT ICPN: National Consultant UNDP- Nationally Determined Contributions UNDP Country Office SIERRA LEONE IC - Individual contractor 05-Feb-21 26-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74783 RFP-N-210101 a National firm to develop a video on how to build a storm/flood resilient house based on the current designs. UNDP Vietnam VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 31-Jan-21 26-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74782 Call for Proposals from Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including NGOs for small grants to provide legal aid including legal representation, legal awareness and legal advice and psychosocial support to vulnerable groups including women, girls, SGBV s UNDP Country Office SOUTH SUDAN CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 10-Feb-21 26-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74781 Furnishing the ADISA Tepelene Municipality Joint Albania ALBANIA RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Feb-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 26-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74780 Civil Works ADISA Tepelene Municipality Joint Albania ALBANIA RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Feb-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 26-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74779 RFQ/LBY/SRLC/2021/001 - Rehabilitation of Al Disa Primary School in Obari, Libya UNDP Country Office LIBYA RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Feb-21 26-Jan-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 74777 RFQ-012-PHL-2021: Supply and Delivery of Printer and Inks UNDP CO Philippines PHILIPPINES RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Feb-21 26-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74767 Consultant National pour l'élaboration d'un plan de mise en œuvre de la stratégie nationale du handicap DJIBOUTI DJIBOUTI IC - Individual contractor 11-Feb-21 26-Jan-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 74775 RFQ-011-PHL-2021: Supply and Delivery of Tablets and Smartphones as UNDP CO Philippines PHILIPPINES RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Feb-21 26-Jan-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 74774 RFQ-010-PHL-2021: Supply and Delivery of Audio Equipment UNDP CO Philippines PHILIPPINES RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Feb-21 26-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74773 ITB-123905Const. of Solar Energy System for KYWWTP UNDP/PAPP PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES ITB - Invitation to bid 28-Feb-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 26-Jan-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 74306 (Readvertisment) 2021/UNDP-MMR/PN/004 (Long Term Agreement (LTA) for the provision of ICT Helpdesk Service, Preventive Maintenance & Repair Services of Computer System) Yangon MYANMAR RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Feb-21 26-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74771 RFQ 2021 09 Production of videos for CEC UNDP CO KYRGYZSTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Feb-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 26-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74770 Quality Management and Anticorruption ISO Certifi Albania ALBANIA RFP - Request for proposal 19-Feb-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 26-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74769 IC to undertake final evaluation of UNDP-FAO PRJ. UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 08-Feb-21 @ 03:10 AM (New York time) 26-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74768 IC/UNDP/UNODC ROSEAP/018/2021 - Border Management Consultant (INDONESIA NATIONAL) UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 09-Feb-21 26-Jan-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 74732 RFQ 2021-04 : Acquisition de matériels informatiques pour l'ANME et la cellule Annexe du Help desk ANME UNDP Country Office TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Feb-21 26-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74763 National Consultant for Mid-Term Review UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN IC - Individual contractor 09-Feb-21 26-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74766 RECRUTEMENT D'UN CONSULTANT INDIVIDUEL NATIONAL, ASSOCIE SPECIALISTE EN GENRE POUR L'ÉLABORATION DU DOCUMENT DU PROJET UNDP Country Office BENIN IC - Individual contractor 01-Mar-21 26-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74765 RECRUTEMENT D'UN CONSULTANT INDIVIDUEL NATIONAL, ASSOCIE POUR L'UTILISATION DURABLE DES TERRES ET L'AMENAGEMENT DU TERRITOIRE UNDP Country Office BENIN IC - Individual contractor 09-Feb-21 26-Jan-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 74764 RFQ 005-21- Supply of IT Equipment for Gifted (Al Mawhubeen) School-East Mosul-Ninawa Governorate Iraq Country Office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Feb-21 @ 02:06 AM (New York time) 26-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74761 RECRUTEMENT D'UN CONSULTANT INDIVIDUEL NATIONAL, ASSOCIE SPECIALISTE EN DEVELOPPEMENT DES MOYENS DE SUBSISTANCE ET DE SOLUTIONS BASEES SUR LA NATURE UNDP Country Office BENIN IC - Individual contractor 09-Feb-21 26-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74762 MNG/IC/2021/009 - National Consultant - Fiscal Analyst UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 08-Feb-21 26-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74760 IC/UNDP/RRU-RESTORE/017/2021 - National Consultant for Contingency Plan Formulation (Legal) - Gorontalo, Central Sulawesi, and Papua Province UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 16-Feb-21 26-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74747 Recrutement d'un(e) consultant(e) national (e) pour le démarrage du projet régional en République Démocratique du Congo UNDP DRC CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 09-Feb-21 26-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74759 IC/UNDP/RRU-RESTORE/016/2021 - National Consultant for Contingency Plan Formulation (Legal) - Riau, West Java, East Java and NTB Province UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 16-Feb-21 26-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74757 PCI-006-2021 Servicios de consultoría para la elaboración e instrumentación de estrategias de comunicación en materia de Rendición de cuentas, Participación ciudadana y Prevención de la corrupción UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 15-Feb-21 25-Jan-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 74756 RFQ-014-PHL-2021 - Vehicle Rental UNDP CO Philippines PHILIPPINES RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Jan-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 25-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74754 Acquisition des matériels contre le covid UNDP Country Office MAURITANIA RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Feb-21 25-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74752 IC URU18002-1041 "Consultor/a local para apoyo al Sistema de Información Territorial de la DINOT" URUGUAY URUGUAY IC - Individual contractor 10-Feb-21 25-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74753 AVISO DE SERVICIO PARA CONSULTOR/A INDIVIDUAL 2021/1230 UNDP El Salvador EL SALVADOR IC - Individual contractor 08-Feb-21 25-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74751 International IC Senior Researcher-Urban Planner for UN-Habitat UNDP Country Office on behalf of UN-Habitat ETHIOPIA RFP - Request for proposal 15-Feb-21 @ 01:42 AM (New York time) 25-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74750 055/IC/PNA/2021-Recruitment of an International Consultant on Climate Investment Facility development Madagascar MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 08-Feb-21 25-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74749 National Consultant to Conduct Terminal Evaluation of Socio-Economic Empowerment for Disadvantaged (SEED) Youth Project in Liberia UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 05-Feb-21 25-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74746 International Consultant to Conduct Terminal Evaluation of Socio-Economic Empowerment for Disadvantaged (SEED) Youth Project in Liberia UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 05-Feb-21 25-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74748 Long-Term Agreement - National Anti-Corruption and Human Rights Senior Consultant - LBN-CO-IC-26-21 UNDP Country Office - LEBANON - LEBANON LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 01-Feb-21 25-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74745 LBN-CO-RFQ-24-21 - Medical Furniture UNDP Country Office - LEBANON - LEBANON LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Feb-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 25-Jan-21 HEALTH HEALTH 74739 Request for Quotation (RFQ) for Supply and Delivery of Manual Hospital Beds (Reference# UNDP/RFQ/03/2021) UNDP Country Office NEPAL RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Feb-21 25-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74738 103-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-CO Leased printing and paperless services on the basis of a Long Term Agreement UNDP UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 08-Feb-21 25-Jan-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 74725 RECRUTEMENT D'UN CONSULTANT NATIONAL SPECIALISTE EN SYSTEME D'INFORMATION DECISIONNEL POUR L'ELABORATION D'UNE ETUDE RELATIVE A LA MISE EN ŒUVRE DE L'INTEROPERABILITE ENTRE L'ETAT CIVIL ET L'IDENTITE CAMEROON CAMEROON IC - Individual contractor 10-Feb-21 25-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74737 ITB 2196 Conservation Works of Bender Fortress UNDP Moldova Country Office MOLDOVA ITB - Invitation to bid 15-Apr-21 @ 09:30 AM (New York time) 25-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74736 RFQ - Conservation works at Agios Georgios Church UNDP Cyprus CYPRUS RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Feb-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 25-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74729 Decentralization Programme Specialist UNDP Country Office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 02-Feb-21 25-Jan-21 HEALTH HEALTH 74735 RFQ/005/21 Supply and delivery of Drive-through test sites/containers for Covid-19 testing UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Feb-21 25-Jan-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 74733 20-2019-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-SCR-Tablets UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Feb-21 25-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74734 RFQ - Dajti Tree planting Albania ALBANIA RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Feb-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 25-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74731 Розробка та просування комунікаційної кампанії щодо підвищення обізнаності населення про рівний розподіл домашніх обов'язків в період епідемії COVID-19 UNFPA UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Feb-21 25-Jan-21 HEALTH HEALTH 74730 LBN-CO-RFQ-23-21 LOT 1 and LOT 2 UNDP Country Office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Feb-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 25-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74727 IC/UNDP/RRU-RESTORE/015/2021 - National Consultant for Contingency Plan Formulation (Data Collection) UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 08-Feb-21 25-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74728 Individual Consultancy - International Knowledge Management Specialist - LBN/CO/IC/25/21 UNDP Country Office LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 15-Feb-21 25-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74726 RFQ 008 IND 2021 Machinery for Goa UNDP Country Office INDIA RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Feb-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 25-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74724 RFQ REFERENCE: BIOGAS DIGESTER MONITORING EQUIPMENT BOTSWANA BOTSWANA RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Feb-21 25-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74722 IC/UNDP/RRU-RESTORE/014/2021 - National Consultant for Contingency Plan Formulation (Coordinator) UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 15-Feb-21 25-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74723 RFP 006 IND 2021 Project Unnati Sakhi UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 15-Feb-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 25-Jan-21 HEALTH HEALTH 74720 RFQ-002-PHL-2021 - Supply and Delivery of Air Purifiers UNDP CO Philippines PHILIPPINES RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Feb-21 24-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74719 18037-2020: Consultoría para el fortalecimiento y soporte técnico de la plataforma INDICA IGUALDAD 2.0. Regional Centre PANAMA RFP - Request for proposal 23-Feb-21 24-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74718 18046-2020: Consultoría para el desarrollo de una estrategia de comunicación integral de la cartera programática de Violencia contra las Mujeres y las Niñas Regional Centre PANAMA RFP - Request for proposal 23-Feb-21 24-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74717 18161-2020: Consultoría para revisión de estilo de los estudios multidimensionales de femicidio/feminicidio en América Latina del Programa Regional de la Iniciativa Spotlight Regional Centre PANAMA RFP - Request for proposal 23-Feb-21 24-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74716 UNDP/PN/02/2021: National Consultant – GCF Readiness Expert UNDP - GCFRPSP NEPAL IC - Individual contractor 08-Feb-21 24-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74715 Purchase of items for Co-Working Space for the BCC UNDP Maldives Country Office MALDIVES RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Feb-21 24-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74714 RFP 2021-06 Centers for women Osh city UNDP Country Office KYRGYZSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 05-Feb-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 24-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74713 Call for Proposal: GEF Small Grants Programme provides grants to NGOs and CBOs in the areas of climate change, conservation of biodiversity, forest management, international water, chemicals and waste and land degradation. UNDP Country Office JORDAN CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 28-Feb-21 24-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74710 RFP UNFPA/AFG/RFP/2021/01, Baseline Study and Mapping Exercise for the Spotlight Initiative on Ending Violence Against Women and Girls UNFPA AFGHANISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 17-Feb-21 24-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74711 Call for Porposal: COVID-19 support to Local Communities Conserved Areas (ICCAs) in Jordan UNDP Country Office JORDAN CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 28-Feb-21 24-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74712 Provision of Generator Maintenance Services LTA Country Office SOUTH SUDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 10-Feb-21 @ 02:21 AM (New York time) 24-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74709 SUPPLY OF Genuine DAMEN Spare Parts for TUG-BOATS UNDP Country Office YEMEN ITB - Invitation to bid 10-Mar-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 24-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74612 CLOSED EARLY
Call for Porposal: COVID-19 support to Local Communities Conserved Areas (ICCAs) in Jordan UNDP Country Office JORDAN CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 28-Feb-21 24-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74708 Provision of Operation and Maintenance Services UNDP-CO AFGHANISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Feb-21 @ 06:43 AM (New York time) 24-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74706 Provision of cell Batteries size D and C UNDP CO YEMEN RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Feb-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 23-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74705 RFQ 2021 07 Election helpline facility UNDP CO KYRGYZSTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 06-Feb-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 23-Jan-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 74704 ETH1620Re Supply of Different Types of Drones UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Feb-21 @ 01:38 AM (New York time) 23-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74703 RFP 2021-05 UNDP Country Office KYRGYZSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 05-Feb-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 23-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74702 RFP 2020-03 SDP MSM TG SW UNDP Country Office KYRGYZSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 05-Feb-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 23-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74701 RFP 2021-04 SDP PLHIV PAHIV SWID UNDP Country Office KYRGYZSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 05-Feb-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 23-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74700 ITB.20.155 Construction marche Baliverne UNDP-HAITI HAITI ITB - Invitation to bid 08-Feb-21 @ 04:30 PM (New York time) 22-Jan-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 74699 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA PNUD-ECU-SdP-ADQ-21-124232 "Desarrollo de un aplicativo para dispositivos móviles que facilite la automatización de procesos de trazabilidad y producción primaria para cadenas pecuarias en el Ecuador". UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 05-Feb-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 22-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74698 Invitación a Licitar PNUD-ECU-ADQ-21-124827 ADQUISICIÓN DE MAQUINARIA PESADA UNDP Country Office ECUADOR ITB - Invitation to bid 11-Feb-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 22-Jan-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 74696 SDC-03-2020 "Adquisicion de Tokens Azure in Open para el Tribunal Constitucional" UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Feb-21 22-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 73695 RFP UNDP HAI 21 006 Carthographie des aleas (Republication)) PNUD HAITI RFP - Request for proposal 29-Mar-21 @ 04:30 PM (New York time) 22-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74692 3502 PAN 2021 Consultoria para el Acompanamiento UNDP Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 11-Feb-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 22-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74695 LBN-CO-ITB-20-21 -Building Thermal Retrofit - Event ID: 0000008371 UNDP Country Office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 12-Feb-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 22-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74694 National consultant for preparation of instructions for the exchange of data between ministries and departments in the national and global SDG databases UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN IC - Individual contractor 05-Feb-21 22-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74691 Consultancy – System Change financing instruments, BPPS/GPN/UNDP UNDP/HQ/BPPS/GPN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 07-Feb-21 22-Jan-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 74689 RFQ 682 Provision of Internet ISP Providers for UN House UNDP Country Office Serbia SERBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Feb-21 22-Jan-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 74690 RFP 011/21 Development of Wildfire Data Management and Communication System UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFP - Request for proposal 12-Feb-21 22-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74688 Consultant individuel pour la préparation des outils stratégiques de gestion des risques et catastrophes au Togo BUREAU DU PNUD TOGO IC - Individual contractor 07-Feb-21 22-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74687 3213 PAN 2020 - SEGUNDA CONVOCATORIA UNDP Country Office PANAMA ITB - Invitation to bid 08-Feb-21 @ 03:00 PM (New York time) 22-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74686 ITB - Conservation works at Agios Georgios Church Cyprus CYPRUS ITB - Invitation to bid 03-Mar-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 22-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74685 RFQ 007 IND 2021 Machinery UNDP Country Office INDIA RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Feb-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 22-Jan-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 74683 RFP/001/21 - Разработка мобильного приложения "Study abroad" согласно техническим требованиям UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 05-Feb-21 22-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74682 RFP forJob Placement and Business Devt Services UNDP Country Office SOUTH SUDAN RFP - Request for proposal 04-Feb-21 @ 08:42 AM (New York time) 22-Jan-21 POWER POWER 74681 Provision of Transformers in Two Locations Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 23-Feb-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 22-Jan-21 IRRIGATION IRRIGATION 74623 LBN-CO-ITB-22-21-Haouch Al Rafqa Irrigation Canals - Event ID: 0000008368 UNDP Country Office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 05-Mar-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 22-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74680 RFP-Supreme Council of Ajara Comm Strategy UNDP Country Office GEORGIA RFP - Request for proposal 22-Feb-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 22-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74678 RFP/002/21 CAPACITY DEVEVELOPMENT FOR INSTITUTIONAL PARTNERS AND BUSINESS SUPPORT ORGANISATIONS IN THE AREA OF DIGITAL ECONOMY - DEADLINE EXTENDED UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFP - Request for proposal 19-Feb-21 22-Jan-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 74677 21-2019-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-SCR-Car UNDP Country Office UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Feb-21 22-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74676 Senior National Advisor (IC) UNDP country Office MYANMAR IC - Individual contractor 01-Feb-21 22-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74675 Национальный эксперт по укреплению законодательной и институциональной базы по вопросам искоренения насилия в отношении женщин и девочек / Project Expert on strengthening EVAWG laws and institutions UN Women KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 28-Jan-21 22-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74674 Национальный эксперт по проведению коммуникационных кампаний по вопросам искоренения насилия в отношении женщин и девочек / Project Expert on advocacy and communications campaigns on elimination of violence against women and girls UN Women KAZAKHSTAN IC - Individual contractor 28-Jan-21 22-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74673 MNG/IC/2021/008 - National Consultant - Content Writer UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 04-Feb-21 22-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74672 MNG/IC/2021/006 - National consultant - Employment Promotion Coordinator - Re-Advertisement UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 05-Mar-21 22-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74671 MNG/IC/2021/007 - National Consultant - Advocacy and Content Strategist UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 04-Feb-21 22-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74670 Re-Advertisement: MNG/IC/2021/005 - National consultant - Knowledge Management and Communications Assistant UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 24-Feb-21 22-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74669 SDG 01-2021- Low-Value Grant Proposals-UNDP UNDP Kyrgyzstan KYRGYZSTAN CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 27-Jan-21 22-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74668 IC/UNDP/SPOI/013/2021-Consultant for Study on Smallholders Incentive for ISPO Improvement Home-Based INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 04-Feb-21 21-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74667 PNUD.IC.042.2021 Especialista Proyectos E-learning UNDP OFFICE PERU PERU IC - Individual contractor 03-Feb-21 @ 01:00 PM (New York time) 21-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74666 PNUD.IC.041.2021 Especialista en Diseno de Cursos UNDP OFFICE PERU PERU IC - Individual contractor 03-Feb-21 @ 01:00 PM (New York time) 21-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74665 PNUD-IC-030-2021 Especialista en Pedagogia UNDP OFFICE PERU PERU IC - Individual contractor 03-Feb-21 @ 01:00 PM (New York time) 21-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74664 IC/00110454/010-2021 Consolidación Plan Estratégico Institucional (PEI) Instituto Nacional De La Mujer - INAM Oficina de País HONDURAS IC - Individual contractor 01-Feb-21 21-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74661 Local Senior Individual Consultancy (No. 2) on Municipal Councils and Local Electoral System UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 08-Feb-21 21-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74662 International Short-Term Expert on "Developing Standards and Principles for the Establishment of an Effective Human Resources Management System in Local Administrations" UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 04-Feb-21 21-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74663 International Individual Consultant for Developing and Implementing Local Service Delivery Standards for Public Transportation Concerning Public Health Care in Order to Simplify the Processes for Service Provision UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 08-Feb-21 21-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74660 RFP 2021-02 : L'élaboration DES PLANS D'OCCUPATION DES PLAGES au niveau du site De trois communes à Djerba dans le cadre du projet « Résilience Côtière » UNDP TUNISIA TUNISIA RFP - Request for proposal 21-Feb-21 21-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74659 Re-advertisement - Recruitment of National Consultant to Conduct Climate Change Public Expenditure and Institutional Review (CPEIR) for the Government of Ghana UNDP Country Office GHANA IC - Individual contractor 04-Feb-21 21-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74576 Communication and Outreach Consultant Bangkok Regional Hub THAILAND IC - Individual contractor 01-Feb-21 21-Jan-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 74656 RFQ 01-21 Procurement of IT Equipment UNDP CO MONTENEGRO RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Jan-21 21-Jan-21 HEALTH HEALTH 74658 Cleaning and Personal Hygiene Materials UNDP Country Office TURKEY RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Feb-21 21-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74657 International Individual Consultant for Developing and Implementing Local Service Delivery Standards for Public Health in Order to Simplify the Processes for Service Provision UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 08-Feb-21 21-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74654 RFQ/005/21 – Supply of equipment (bakery, pasta production) to Karakalpakstan, Kashkadarya, Fergana and Syrdarya regions/Поставка оборудования (для надомной пекарни, макаронного цеха) в Каракалпакстан, Кашкадарьинскую, Ферганскую и Сырдарьинскую области UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 31-Jan-21 21-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74652 ICN-001-2021-Consultant International chargé d'appuyer l'actualisation de la Contribution Déterminée au niveau National (CDN) 2015 de la Mauritanie UNDP Country Office MAURITANIA IC - Individual contractor 08-Feb-21 21-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74649 Recrutement d'un prestataire pour assurer la maintenance des équipements du bureau PNUD RCA UNDP CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 08-Feb-21 21-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74651 Consultancy - Communication firm to support SDG Localization in Maputo and Cabo Delgado UNDP Country Office MOZAMBIQUE IC - Individual contractor 04-Feb-21 21-Jan-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 74650 Procurement of Medical waste Transport Refrig. VAN UNDP/PAPP PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Feb-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 21-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74648 Recrutement d'un bibliothécaire, documentaliste et archiviste UNDP Algeria ALGERIA Other 09-Feb-21 21-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74556 Recrutement d'un Expert National formateur en communication de crise UNDP Algeria ALGERIA IC - Individual contractor 09-Feb-21 21-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74646 Call for Proposals (CfP) from Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) to become UNDP's Responsible Party under Strengthening the Role of Local Communities/Mjesne zajednice (MZs) in BiH Phase 2" Project - EXTENSION O FDEADLINE!!! UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 26-Feb-21 21-Jan-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 74645 UNDP-BCTA Junior Impact Consultant UNDP IICPSD TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 04-Feb-21 21-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74644 RFQ-008-PHL-2021 - Supply and Delivery of Garments UNDP CO Philippines PHILIPPINES RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Feb-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 21-Jan-21 OIL/GAS  EXPLORATION OIL/GAS EXPLORATION 74643 MyRFQ2021-001 Supply and Delivery of Biofuel B100 UNDP Country Office MALAYSIA RFQ - Request for quotation 31-Jan-21 @ 11:59 AM (New York time) 21-Jan-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 74642 Procurement of ArcGIS Enterprise Standard (B-210103) UNDP Vietnam VIET NAM RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Jan-21 20-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74641 RFQ/004/21 поставка мебели для Центра Государственных Услуг Сариосинского района UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Feb-21 20-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74640 National Consultant for the Mapping and Analysis of Vulnerable Groups for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction (CCA-DRR) in Support of the Digital Readiness Strategy in the Philippines UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 30-Jan-21 20-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74639 3503 PAN 2021 - CONSULTORIA PARA LOS SERVICIOS DE ADMINISTRACION DE PROYECTOS Country office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 11-Feb-21 20-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74638 EXPRESION DE INTERES 3325PNUMA 2021 COUNTRY OFFICE PANAMA EOI - Expression of interest 02-Feb-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 20-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74636 IC 03-01-2021 Consultant.e Appui planification stratégique en gestion axée sur les résultats pour le BCR Morocco MOROCCO IC - Individual contractor 03-Feb-21 20-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74635 IC 02-01-2021 Consultant Appui à la planification stratégique pour le BCR Morocco MOROCCO IC - Individual contractor 17-Feb-21 20-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74634 IC 04-01-2021 Consultant.e pour animer des ateliers de sensibilisation pour les associations œuvrant dans le domaine PVE/CVE Morocco MOROCCO IC - Individual contractor 03-Feb-21 20-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74633 PROCESO COL 0000125247 Consultor Proyecto Tipo SGR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 03-Feb-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 20-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74632 RFP-001-2021-MRT-recrutement d'un Bureau d'études National pour l'actualisation de la Contribution Nationale Déterminée (CDN) UNDP Country Office MAURITANIA RFP - Request for proposal 03-Feb-21 20-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74631 RFQ for "Development of Distance Learning Modules for Relevant Staff of Municipalities and Social Service Centers" UNDP Country Office TURKEY RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Jan-21 20-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74630 Small Grants Programme (SGP) 7th Operational Phase Country Programme Strategy Development for the Kingdom of Eswatini Country Office SWAZILAND RFP - Request for proposal 12-Feb-21 20-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74629 042/IC/UBRAF Recrutement d'un(e) consultant(e) national(e) sur le développement des capacités des populations-clés, organisations et communautés LGBTI pour le projet LPP (Lier la politique à la programmation 'Linking Policy to Programming') à Madagascar MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 17-Feb-21 20-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74628 IC 01-01-2021 Maroc MOROCCO IC - Individual contractor 10-Feb-21 20-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74625 Consultancy - Editor & Resource Mobilization Storyteller UNDP Accelerator Labs, Executive Office UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Other 04-Feb-21 20-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74627 PCI-005-2021 "Servicios de consultoría para el desarrollo del Informe de Desarrollo Sostenible 2020 del sector bancario alineado a la Agenda 2030." UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 03-Feb-21 20-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74626 Recrutement d'un(e) Consultant(e) national(e) « Pour la composante Politique Urbaine Nationale de la Guinée du Projet SANITA » pour le compte de l'ONUHABITAT. GUINEA, Office GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 15-Feb-21 20-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 73250 SO 20238239 - Sanitary accessories' set UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND (UNICEF) UKRAINE ITB - Invitation to bid 08-Feb-21 20-Jan-21 IRRIGATION IRRIGATION 74624 LBN-CO-ITB-21-21 - Qobbet Chamra Irrigation Canals - Event ID 0000008354 UNDP Country Office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 01-Mar-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 20-Jan-21 HEALTH HEALTH 74622 SOM10-RFP2021-01 Somalia SOMALIA RFP - Request for proposal 02-Feb-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 20-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74620 Rehabilitation of 170 Houses in Tal Qasab village Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 22-Feb-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 20-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74619 Procurement of "Furnitures for MoYS Youth Centers" within the scope of "Employability, Entrepreneurship and Social Stability for Syrian and Turkish Youth - in response to the Syria Crisis Project" UNDP Country Office TURKEY RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Feb-21 20-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74618 Implementing Partner for the UNDP's Resilient Livelihood Restoration and Recovery Project for the Typhoon Vamco/Ulysses - Province of Cagayan UNDP CO PHILIPPINES CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 08-Feb-21 20-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74617 ITB2197 Reconstruction works for the MIAs REC UNDP Moldova Country Office MOLDOVA ITB - Invitation to bid 09-Feb-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 20-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74616 Consultant-e, chargé de la production de reportage des projets « AGR Durable et Stabilisation Sociale de Prévention de la Radicalisation et de l'Extrémisme violent en RCA » UNDP CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC IC - Individual contractor 03-Feb-21 20-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74615 Gender Mainstreaming in Community Policing International Expert UNDP Country Office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 27-Jan-21 20-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74614 APPEL D'OFFRE POUR LA SELECTION DE PARTENAIRES POUR LE PROGRAMME ONU FEMMES EN RCA UNDP CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC EOI - Expression of interest 03-Feb-21 20-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74613 RFP-005-IND-2021 - Preparation of Policy Notes related to COVID-19 recovery UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 27-Jan-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 20-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74611 BBRSO124588:EnGenDER National Project Assistant - Dominica UNDP Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean DOMINICA IC - Individual contractor 05-Feb-21 20-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74610 UNCT CONSULTANCY TO SUSTAINING PEACE IN KENYA UNDP Kenya Country Office KENYA RFP - Request for proposal 03-Feb-21 @ 08:30 AM (New York time) 20-Jan-21 FORESTRY FORESTRY 74609 LBN-CO-CFP-19-21Labour Intensive Forest Activities UNDP Country office LEBANON CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 09-Feb-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 20-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74608 Re- Advertisement Rapporteur - Joint UNDP-IOM Program to Fast-Track Joint Response to the Socio-economic Impact of COVID-19 on Migrants UNDP Country Office SOUTH AFRICA IC - Individual contractor 29-Jan-21 20-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74605 Technical Assessment of MOI 7 Story Building UNDP-LOTFA AFGHANISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 07-Feb-21 @ 12:15 AM (New York time) 20-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74607 Rehabilitation of Qayrawan PHC in Qayrawan UNDP SERVICE CENTRE Erbil- Iraq IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 19-Feb-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 20-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74606 IC/UNDP/SPOI/012/2021-Finance and Administration Specialist for NAP SPO Secretariat UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 02-Feb-21 20-Jan-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 74604 RFQ 8324 ICT Equipment UNDP-UNDSS AFGHANISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Jan-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 20-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74603 Enterprise Resource Planning ERP solution for Afgh UNDP-AIHRC AFGHANISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 03-Feb-21 @ 01:07 AM (New York time) 20-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74602 RFP-PVE-2021-01 Conduct a Partnership Mapping and Gap Analysis with Key Stakeholders on Preventing Violent Extremism and Social Cohesion Related Policy Environments in Sri Lanka. UNDP Country Office SRI LANKA RFP - Request for proposal 17-Feb-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 20-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74601 PROCESO COL 0000125246 Consultoría en Apoyo Jurídico SGR UNDP Country Office, Regional COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 02-Feb-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 19-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74600 PROCESO COL 0000125245 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 02-Feb-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 19-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74599 PROCESO COL 0000124814 Profesional Enlace de Entidad - Nivel 3 - DVR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 02-Feb-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 19-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74597 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA PNUD-ECU-SdP-ADQ-21-124430 "Consultoría para elaborar un modelo nacional de Gobernanza para REDD+ en Ecuador". UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 08-Feb-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 19-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74598 PROCESO COL 0000124812 Profesional Técnico - Nivel 3 - DVR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 02-Feb-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 19-Jan-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 74596 SDP 3510 PAN 2021 "Consultoría para la "Producción de doce (12) cuadernos de trabajo de 4° a 6° grado para estudiantes en las cuatro (4) áreas curriculares: matemática, español, ciencias naturales y ciencias sociales" para la Educación a Distancia en el m PANAMA PANAMA RFP - Request for proposal 17-Feb-21 19-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74595 CONCURSO No. IC-ADQ-21-00125242 – "Diseño e implementación de un modelo numérico que pueda reproducir los fenómenos de transformación y de rebase del oleaje sobre el litoral ecuatoriano" UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 19-Feb-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 19-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74594 CONCURSO No. IC-ADQ-21-124436 – "Estudio de la evaluación económica del impacto del gasto tributario y propuesta de incentivos tributarios que aporten a una transición de sistemas de producción sostenible y libre de deforestación" UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 08-Feb-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 19-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74591 RFP/UNDP/HAI/20.210: Recrutement d'une firme pour la réalisation des travaux d'ingénierie sociale PNUD HAITI RFP - Request for proposal 09-Feb-21 19-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74575 INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANT Team Leader/ Research Consultant– Socio-Economic Impact Assessment of COVID-19 in Timor-Leste, Round 2 Timor-Leste TIMOR LESTE IC - Individual contractor 29-Jan-21 19-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74593 3533 PAN 2021 – "Consultor/a independiente para el proceso implementación de la iniciativa de Educación para la Justicia y creación de cátedra universitaria para docentes" UNDP Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 03-Feb-21 19-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74592 CHL/SDP/003/2021 PLAN MAESTRO AGUAS LLUVIAS UNDP CO CHILE RFP - Request for proposal 08-Mar-21 @ 12:30 PM (New York time) 19-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 70010 REPUBLICATION NO 2: IC/UNDP/HAI/20.168 : Recrutement d'un consultant ou d'une consultante en vue l'élaboration du manuel de mise en place des Services Techniques d'Arrondissement (STA) PNUD HAITI IC - Individual contractor 09-Feb-21 19-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74590 UNDP-IC-2021-005 - Consultant as Chief Civil Engineer Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 02-Feb-21 19-Jan-21 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS 74589 Appel d'offres n° UNDP/RFP/2021/002 Recrutement d'une entreprise chargée de l'installation d'une technologie domotique et multimédia à la salle de conférence du PNUD Plateaux Côte d'Ivoire COTE d'IVOIRE RFP - Request for proposal 09-Feb-21 19-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74588 Biodiversity Finance Initiative (BIOFIN) – Content and Advocacy development of the online Biodiversity Economy Investment Portal UNDP Country Office SOUTH AFRICA IC - Individual contractor 05-Feb-21 19-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74587 Biodiversity Finance Initiative (BIOFIN) – Transactional Advisor for an online Biodiversity Economy Investment Portal UNDP Country Office SOUTH AFRICA IC - Individual contractor 05-Feb-21 19-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74586 Recrutement d'un (e ) Assistant(e) Administratif (ve) et Financier(ère) pour le projet sur le Cadre de conformité de la Force Conjointe du G5 Sahel UNDP country office CHAD IC - Individual contractor 01-Feb-21 19-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74585 Supply of Equipment for Laboratories of Anbar Univ UNDP Service Center IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Feb-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 19-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74571 Solicitud de Cotización (SdC) PNUD-2360/21 "Servicios de Alquiler de Vehículos para el Sistema de las Naciones Unidas (SNU) en Guatemala" PNUD GUATEMALA GUATEMALA RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Feb-21 19-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74163 Biodiversity Finance Initiative (BIOFIN) – Digital Development of the online Biodiversity Economy Investment Portal UNDP Country Office SOUTH AFRICA IC - Individual contractor 05-Feb-21 19-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74584 Supply of Furniture for 13 schools in Hawija UNDP IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Feb-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 19-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74583 Rehabilitation of Electrical Transformers UNDP SERVICE CENTRE Erbil- Iraq IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Feb-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 19-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74565 Request For Quotation_ PR Platform For UNDP South Africa Country Office UNDP Country Office SOUTH AFRICA RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Jan-21 19-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74582 LBN-CO-RFQ-04-21Proc of Backyard Composting Unit UNDP Country office LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Feb-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 19-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74581 UNDP-IC-2021-006- National Crime Analysis Expert Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 02-Feb-21 19-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74580 UNDP-IC-2021-007 - National Cyber Security Specialist Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 02-Feb-21 19-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74572 PREQ/UNDP/FJI/003/2020 – Invitation to Prequalification (ITP) for Construction Works (Tuvalu Coastal Adaptation Project) PSU Malaysia on behalf of UNDP Fiji TUVALU ITP - Invitation to pre-qualify 17-Feb-21 @ 12:00 AM (New York time) 19-Jan-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 74579 Procurement of IT Equipment (IT Ekipman Alımı) UNDP Country Office TURKEY ITB - Invitation to bid 17-Feb-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 19-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74578 044/IC/BIOFIN RECRUTEMENT D'UN CONSULTANT POUR DRESSER UN CADRE LOGIQUE DE SPANB (STRATEGIE ET PLANS D'ACTIONS NATIONAUX POUR LA BIODIVERSITE) DANS LE CADRE DU PROJET « INITIATIVE MONDIALE POUR LA FINANCE DE LA BIODIVERSITE – BIOFIN MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 26-Jan-21 19-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74577 National consulting firm to to undertake a Survey to assess the Green Development and Potentials for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Viet Nam (B-210102) UNDP Vietnam VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 01-Feb-21 19-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74545 SDGs and Resilience Consultant UNDP- Seoul Policy Center KOREA (REPUBLIC OF) IC - Individual contractor 29-Jan-21 19-Jan-21 POWER POWER 74574 RFP-087-PHL-2020 (Re-Tender): Services of a Local Firm for Institutional Strengthening and Mainstreaming (Energy Planning, Project packaging and Local RE Policy Making) UNDP CO Philippines PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 19-Feb-21 18-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74573 International Consultant for reviewing the impacts of the project Energy Efficiency Improvement UNDP Country Office VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 24-Jan-21 18-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74569 SDP/0117337/008/2021 SERVICIOS DE AUDITORIA PARA PROYECTOS NIM AÑO 2020 OFICINA DE PAIS HONDURAS RFP - Request for proposal 03-Feb-21 18-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74568 Diffusion d'annonces de PNUD sur le web site en ligne en vue d'un accord à long terme UNDP Country Office MAURITANIA RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Jan-21 18-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74570 PCI-004-2021 Asesoría y acompañamiento en la revisión y fortalecimiento de los mecanismos de gobernanza horizontal y vertical para la implementación de la Estrategia Nacional para el Desarrollo Integral del Sur Sureste UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 01-Feb-21 18-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74567 IC/UNDP/SPOI/011/2021-Program Consultant for NAP SPO Secretariat Office Based-Jakarta INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 01-Feb-21 18-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74457 IC/UNDP/SPOI/010/2021-Stakeholder Engagement Specialist for NAP SPO Secretariat UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 01-Feb-21 18-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74566 RFQ008- ACQUISITION DE REMORQUES SOLAIRES UNDP NIGER NIGER RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Feb-21 @ 10:00 AM (New York time) 18-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74562 Development of a Reporting Dashboard for Interventions to Promote an Enabling Environment & Human Rights in Response to HIV and AIDS in Jamaica. UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE JAMAICA RFP - Request for proposal 01-Feb-21 18-Jan-21 HOUSING HOUSING 74563 Rehabilitation of 150 houses in Qayrawan subdistri UNDP Iraq IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 17-Feb-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 18-Jan-21 IRRIGATION IRRIGATION 74561 LBN-CO-ITB-18-21 - Kfarhabou and Bakhoun Irrigation Canals - Event ID 0000008328 UNDP Country Office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 26-Feb-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 18-Jan-21 POWER POWER 74560 RFQ/LBY/SFL/2021/002 - Supply and Installation of Libyan-Korean Center / 30KW Hybrid Solar Power System in Tripoli, Libya. UNDP Country Office LIBYA RFQ - Request for quotation 31-Jan-21 18-Jan-21 HEALTH HEALTH 74559 LBN-CO-ITB-17-21 Lot 1 and Lot 2 UNDP Country Office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 25-Jan-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 18-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74558 LBN-CO-RFQ-15-21-Ultrasound and Radiographic Units UNDP Country Office - LEBANON - LEBANON LEBANON RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Jan-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 18-Jan-21 AGRO-INDUSTRY AGRO-INDUSTRY 74557 RECRUTEMENT D'UN CONSULTANT NATIONAL SOCIOECONOMISTE CAMEROON CAMEROON IC - Individual contractor 29-Jan-21 18-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74540 International Consultant - Strategic communication, partnership and donors reporting UNDP Country Office CHAD IC - Individual contractor 29-Jan-21 18-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74553 RFQ-004-21 Supervision over the execution of the civil and mechanical works at the different locations in Sarajevo Canton. UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Jan-21 18-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74555 Technical Service Provider NGO-firm to support VTC Country Office SOUTH SUDAN RFP - Request for proposal 31-Jan-21 @ 03:30 AM (New York time) 18-Jan-21 URBAN DEV'T. URBAN DEV'T. 74552 Age Friendly Facilitation Consultant_ Preparations Towards an Aged Nation by 2030 (National Company) UNDP Country Office MALAYSIA RFP - Request for proposal 08-Feb-21 18-Jan-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 74551 CALL FOR PROPOSAL UNDP Country Office GEORGIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 19-Feb-21 18-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74550 RFP-CONSULTANCY TO REVIEW THE NATIONAL YOUTH POLICY (2010) AND DEVELOP A REVISED YOUTH POLICY BOTSWANA BOTSWANA RFP - Request for proposal 05-Feb-21 18-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74549 Conservation Works at Agios Synsios Church Nicosia CYPRUS ITB - Invitation to bid 10-Mar-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 18-Jan-21 HEALTH HEALTH 74548 COMPRA DE LECHE Y PAPILLAS GE EQUATORIAL GUINEA RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Jan-21 18-Jan-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 74547 Supply of Furniture for Supply of Furniture UNDP Iraq IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 04-Feb-21 @ 02:02 AM (New York time) 18-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74546 Supply of Equipment for Soil Concrete Laboratory UNDP SERVICE CENTRE Erbil- Iraq IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 25-Feb-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 18-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74124 16-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-RPP Creation of an web portal of the Luhansk Oblast State Administration with the possibility of implementing an integrated platform of Internet portals of local executive bodies and local governments of the Luhansk oblast. Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 01-Feb-21 18-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74544 INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANCY TO DEVELOP AN ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK (ESMF) BOTSWANA BOTSWANA IC - Individual contractor 01-Feb-21 18-Jan-21 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS 74542 Supply and Delivery of Prepaid Load Cards (RFQ-001-PHL-2021) UNDP CO Philippines PHILIPPINES RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Feb-21 17-Jan-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 74535 ITB - UNDP - SMILE - 124777 - 001 - 2021 - Provision of Temperature Data Loggers to Improve Efficiency of Vaccination Supply Chain in Indonesia UNDP Country Office INDONESIA ITB - Invitation to bid 05-Feb-21 @ 02:00 AM (New York time) 17-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74541 Individual consultancy -National Graphic Designer - LBN-CO-IC-16-21 UNDP Country Office - LEBANON - LEBANON LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 26-Jan-21 17-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74537 International Short-Term Legal Expert on Portugal UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 31-Jan-21 17-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74539 Rehabilitation of Al Atyaaf school and Al Harith UNDP iraq office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Feb-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 17-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74536 ITB-052-21 Supply and install PSA Medical Oxygen Generator for Fallujah Teaching Hospital/Fallujah-Anbar Governorate,Iraq. RBAS IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 16-Feb-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 17-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74534 Rehab AlAlwan Watr Treatment Unit 400m3 Basra Iraq UNDP Country Office, Erbil, Iraq - IRAQ IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 16-Feb-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 17-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74533 Rehab Al Hussein Water Complex Basra Gov-Iraq UNDP Country Office, Erbil, Iraq - IRAQ IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 15-Feb-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 17-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74532 Individual Consultant for Policy and dialogue advisory support, coordination and secretariat liaison of the Social Entrepreneurship Advisory Committee Country office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 30-Jan-21 17-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74531 Extension Alzewia Compact Unit Baiji Salahuddin Ir UNDP Country Office, Erbil, Iraq - IRAQ IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 08-Feb-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 16-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74530 Rehab AlSenia DOW bLDG Baiji Salahuddin Gov Iraq UNDP Country Office, Erbil, Iraq - IRAQ IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 31-Jan-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 16-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74529 Phase 3 Rehab Women Educ Faculty Bldg Mosul Iraq UNDP Country Office, Erbil, Iraq - IRAQ IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 07-Feb-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 16-Jan-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 74528 Provision of Heavy Equip Anbar Part 7 - Lot1- lot2 UNDP Country Office, Erbil, Iraq - IRAQ IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 14-Feb-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 16-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74527 ITB-019-21-Rehabilitation of Four Primary Schools UNDP IRAQ OFFICE IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 07-Feb-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 16-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74526 ITB-034-21 Rehabilitation of 270 Housing Units in Tal-Banat Village-Sinjar District-Ninawa Governorate,Iraq. RBAS IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 07-Feb-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 16-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74525 RFQ-041-21 Rehabilitation of Tolol Al Baj Secondary School and Al Jufar Alhar Primary Mixed School for Boys in Shergat-Salah Al Din Governorate. RBAS IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 14-Feb-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 16-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74285 Construction of zero-energy consumptoion house UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Jan-21 @ 01:00 AM (New York time) 16-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74524 SOLICITUD DE COTIZACIÓN PNUD-ECU-SdC-ADQ-21-112756 - "Acuerdo a Largo Plazo para Servicio de impresión, copiado y artículos promocionales para las agencias del Sistema de Naciones Unidas (PNUD, OPS-OMS, UNWOMEN, UNFPA, UNDSS, OIT, OCR, UNV y WFP)" UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Mar-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 15-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74523 CONCURSO No. IC-ADQ-21-124020 – "Consultoría para el diseño de lineamientos metodológicos para la vinculación entre los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de la Agenda 2030 y el Plan Nacional de Desarrollo del Ecuador" UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 01-Feb-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 15-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74522 Senior Advisor to the Director of the Rome Centre UNDP Stateless IC - Individual contractor 22-Jan-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 15-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74469 Project Management Consultant - Dar es Salaam, TANZANIA UNCDF TANZANIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Jan-21 15-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74521 BRB-000124905 - Gender Advisor and Spotlight Initiative Coordinator - Barbados Barbados BARBADOS IC - Individual contractor 29-Jan-21 15-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74520 IAL 00087688 004 2021: Contratación de Programa de Pólizas de Seguros Corporativos para Hondutel, marzo - diciembre 2021 UNDP Country Office HONDURAS ITB - Invitation to bid 05-Feb-21 @ 06:30 PM (New York time) 15-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74519 Contrato Individual (CI) 120398-2362/21 "Servicios de Consultoría para apoyar el diseño metodológico y priorización de metas estratégicas para la NDC actualizada" PNUD GUATEMALA GUATEMALA RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Feb-21 15-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74518 LOT 7- Design and Supervision Mirdita-Lezha-Durres Country Office ALBANIA RFP - Request for proposal 08-Feb-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 15-Jan-21 HEALTH HEALTH 74516 LBN-CO-ITB-11-21 UNDP Country Office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 22-Jan-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 15-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74517 LOT 6 Design and Supervision for Kamza and Tirana Country Office ALBANIA RFP - Request for proposal 01-Feb-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 15-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74515 LBN-CO-ITB-13-21 Shelter Rehab Bourj Hammoud UNDP Country Office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 04-Feb-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 15-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74513 IC/UNDP/OPS/009/2021 - Junior Consultant for Procurement and Supply Chain UNDP Indonesia INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Jan-21 15-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74514 LBN-CO-ITB-14-21Cons-Rehab of Fishermen Port-Saida UNDP Country office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 17-Feb-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 15-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74511 BBRSO124184:EnGenDER National Project Assistant - Grenada UNDP Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean GRENADA IC - Individual contractor 29-Jan-21 15-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74512 Individual Consultancy - International Consultant for Terminal Evaluation - LBN/CO/IC/10/21 UNDP Country Office LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 05-Feb-21 15-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74510 RFQ 2021-02 : Acquisition de jumelles de vision nocturne UNDP Country Office TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Feb-21 15-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74509 RFQ 2021-01 : Acquisition d'ordinateurs portables durcis, de tablettes et GPS (2 lots séparables) UNDP Country Office TUNISIA RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Feb-21 15-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74508 ITB Procurement of food and hygiene package UNDP Kosovo Kosovo, UNSCR 1244 (1999) ITB - Invitation to bid 08-Feb-21 @ 11:30 AM (New York time) 15-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74507 PREVISION DE SERVICIOS DE SEGURIDAD GE EQUATORIAL GUINEA ITB - Invitation to bid 15-Feb-21 15-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74505 RFP-UNDP-GOLD ISMIA-117572-003-2021 UNDP Country Office INDONESIA RFP - Request for proposal 29-Jan-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 15-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74506 RFP 2021-01 : Recrutement d'un Bureau d'étude chargé de la conduite sur terrain des enquêtes sur l'état de la cohésion sociale à Tataouine et Gabès UNDP Country Office TUNISIA RFP - Request for proposal 04-Feb-21 15-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74504 RFP-004-IND-2021 - Develop, digitize and gamify 21st century skills framework, curriculum, toolkits and learning materials relevant for youth UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 04-Feb-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 15-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74502 ETH2190 Recruitment of Individual Consultant UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA RFP - Request for proposal 12-Feb-21 @ 03:59 AM (New York time) 15-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74501 ETH2189 Recruitment of Individual Consultant UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA RFP - Request for proposal 12-Feb-21 @ 03:59 AM (New York time) 15-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74500 ETH2122 Recruitment of consultants Human Rights UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 27-Jan-21 @ 03:59 AM (New York time) 15-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74499 ETH2193 Recruitment of Individual consultant UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 27-Jan-21 @ 03:59 AM (New York time) 15-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74496 RECRUTEMENT D'UN CABINET EN SECURISATION FONCIERE UNDP Country Office BENIN IC - Individual contractor 29-Jan-21 15-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74498 MNG/IC/2021/004 - National consultant - Public Finance Expert UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 28-Jan-21 15-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74497 RFP: CONSULTANCY FOR COLLECTION OF DATA OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOAL 7.2.1 FOR BOTSWANA BOTSWANA BOTSWANA RFP - Request for proposal 27-Jan-21 15-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74495 Request for Proposal (RFP) for Preparing Leaving No One Behind (LNOB) National Framework AISN project, UNDP NEPAL RFP - Request for proposal 31-Jan-21 15-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74494 RFP2021/WSM01 - THIRD NATIONAL COMMUNICATION AND FIRST BIENNIAL UPDATE REPORT UNDP Country Office SAMOA RFP - Request for proposal 31-Jan-21 14-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74493 PCI-003-2021 "Servicios de consultoría para la planeación estratégica de la implementación del proyecto" UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 21-Jan-21 14-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74492 Obras de Adecuación Radio Nacional del Paraguay Asunción PARAGUAY RFQ - Request for quotation 08-Apr-21 14-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74491 International Consultant, Due Diligence, Domestic / Regional Banks for engagement with Credit Guarantee Corporation Cambodia UNCDF CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 17-Jan-21 14-Jan-21 HEALTH HEALTH 74490 Solicitud de Cotización PNUD-ECU-SdC-ADQ-21-123758 "Adquisición de Kits de Higiene para Emergencia COVID-19 UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Jan-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 14-Jan-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 74489 SDC-02-2021 "ADQUISICION VEHICULO PARA LA COORDINACION UNDP Country office DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Jan-21 14-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74488 Virtual sensitization workshop on creation and operation of ESCOs and Financing Energy Projects UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE JAMAICA RFP - Request for proposal 01-Feb-21 14-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74487 Conduct Virtual sensitization workshop on Energy Management and Renewable Energy technologies particularly Solar PVs. Country Office JAMAICA RFP - Request for proposal 01-Feb-21 14-Jan-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 74486 Solicitud de Cotización PNUD-ECU-SdC-ADQ-21-123931 "Adquisición de Sensor LiDAR y Drone" UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Jan-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 14-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74485 Individual consultancy - National Facebook and social media advertisement and optimization consultant. LBN/CO/IC/12/21 UNDP Country Office - LEBANON - LEBANON LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 22-Jan-21 14-Jan-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 74484 Solicitud de Cotización PNUD-ECU-SdC-ADQ-21-123932 "Adquisición de sistema de reacción a temperatura variable" UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Jan-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 14-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74483 CONCURSO No. IC-ADQ-21-123352 – "Consultor/a para realizar análisis de estrategias eficientes en la logística, determinar criterios cuantitativos/cualitativos para definir las ciudades intermedias y la influencia de las variables de tráfico en el modelo d UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 20-Jan-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 14-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74481 Provision of Animal Feeding Plant in Anah UNDP iraq office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Feb-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 14-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74480 RFQ-003-PHL-2021 Printing and Production of Jackets and Uniforms UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Jan-21 14-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74479 LBN-CO-CFP-09-21 Legal Aid Help Desk UNDP Country Office LEBANON CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 28-Jan-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 14-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74476 Project Coordination Associate (Myanmar National Only) UNDP Country Office MYANMAR IC - Individual contractor 24-Jan-21 14-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74478 RFP to Develop Communication Materials for Public Awareness Campaign on the Constitution and Role of the Justice Sector UNDP Maldives MALDIVES RFP - Request for proposal 28-Jan-21 14-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 73761 ETH1954: Recruitment of National Consultant to Project administration and financial management support to the Sahel Resilience Project Team (open for Ethiopian Nationals) UNDP Regional Center ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 28-Jan-21 14-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74477 National Human Rights Specialist UNDP Country Office LEBANON IC - Individual contractor 28-Jan-21 14-Jan-21 FISHERIES FISHERIES 74475 RFQ/UNDP/GMC/0000121934/003/2021 – Media Support to Facilitate Discourse on Implementation of multi-fisheries/multi-sector WPP (Wilayah Pengelolaan Perikanan) management Country Office INDONESIA RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Jan-21 13-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74474 PNUD IC 014-2021 Ingeniero Especialista Hidrologia UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE PERU IC - Individual contractor 28-Jan-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 13-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74473 CONCURSO No. IC-ADQ-21-122833 – "Sistematización de información económica y financiera requerida para el Segundo Informe Bienal de Actualización (2IBA) y la Cuarta Comunicación Nacional (4CN)" UNDP Country Office ECUADOR IC - Individual contractor 12-Feb-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 13-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74472 SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA PNUD-ECU-SdP-ADQ-21-123755 "Generación de información sobre cambios históricos y proyecciones futuras de variables en mares y océanos del Ecuador bajo escenarios de cambio climático". UNDP Country Office ECUADOR RFP - Request for proposal 22-Feb-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 13-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74471 PCI-002-2021 Diseño y desarrollo de un sitio web sobre las Contribuciones Determinadas a nivel Nacional alojado dentro del Sitio Oficial de País México ante el cambio climático UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 27-Jan-21 13-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74470 RFP-01-2021-GNB-RELAUNCH-Support and supervision a Construction Company in the erection of the Reid Steel WIB steel Frame UNDP Country Office - Global Fund GUINEA-BISSAU RFP - Request for proposal 18-Jan-21 13-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 73941 CLOSED EARLY
Consultor/a Nacional para la Evaluación de Medio Término y Actualización del Plan Nacional de Adaptación al Cambio Climático de la República del Paraguay - SUSPENDIDO Asunción PARAGUAY IC - Individual contractor 20-Jan-21 13-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74468 CLOSED EARLY
Especialista técnico de apoyo a la DNCC del MADES, en el proceso de construcción participativa de la NAMA del sector ganadero ASUNCION PARAGUAY IC - Individual contractor 18-Jan-21 13-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74467 CLOSED EARLY
Asesoría técnica en el proceso de identificación de las actividades de mitigación de la NAMA de ganadería ASUNCION PARAGUAY IC - Individual contractor 18-Jan-21 13-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74466 CLOSED EARLY
Asesoría técnica en el proceso de identificación de las actividades de adaptación de la NAMA de ganadería ASUNCION PARAGUAY IC - Individual contractor 18-Jan-21 13-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74465 Provide virtual meeting development and facilitation support for the 2021 Rule of Law Annual Meeting and the Tripartite Partnership (TPP) Meeting CB/UNDP UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Jan-21 13-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74458 Request for Proposal (RFP) for Behavioural Insights and Impact Study on Pocket Park Accelerator Lab, UNDP NEPAL RFP - Request for proposal 28-Jan-21 13-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74464 846-2020-UNDP-UKR-RFP-SDGsFin Conducting Development Finance Assessment UNDP UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 01-Feb-21 13-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74461 IC-011-2021 Eval Final del Programa ONU-REDD UNDP Country Office PERU IC - Individual contractor 20-Jan-21 @ 02:00 PM (New York time) 13-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74463 National Consultancy for components 1 and 2 on Human Wildlife Conflict in South Africa UNEP South Africa SOUTH AFRICA IC - Individual contractor 28-Jan-21 13-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74462 National Consultancy on biosecurity communications and information flows in South Africa UNEP South Africa SOUTH AFRICA IC - Individual contractor 28-Jan-21 13-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74460 Consultant: Gender and Social Safeguards Consultancy for HWC in South Africa with application to the SADC reg UNEP South Africa SOUTH AFRICA IC - Individual contractor 28-Jan-21 13-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74459 National Coordinator for a GEF PPG Project on Human Wildlife Conflict in Southern Africa UNEP South Africa SOUTH AFRICA IC - Individual contractor 28-Jan-21 13-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74456 IC/UNDP/SPOI/007/2021-Senior Specialist of Financial Needs Cost Analyst for National Action Plan on Sustainable Palm Oil -Re advertised Home-Based with meetings in Jakarta eg. MoAg, UN INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 27-Jan-21 13-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74455 Rehabilitation and Supply of furniture for of Tolol Al Baj Agriculture Section in Sherqat-Salahaddin Governorate UNDP iraq office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Jan-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 13-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74454 Rehabilitation and providing furniture for Shergat Agriculture Section, Shergat District, Salah Al Din governorate UNDP iraq office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 31-Jan-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 13-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74453 IC/UNDP/UNODC/008/2021 - Consultant to Support Strengthen the Disease Surveillance System at the Correctional Health Facility Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 27-Jan-21 13-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74452 Provision of services on strengthening capacities of the participating second tier banks / Предоставление услуг по укреплению потенциала банков-участников второго уровня UNDP Kazakhstan KAZAKHSTAN RFP - Request for proposal 26-Feb-21 13-Jan-21 POWER POWER 74451 Extending Low voltage Networks in Souran and Tibet UNDP Syria Office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Jan-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 13-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74450 **Deadline Extended**Invitation to Prequalification for Morphou WWTP Nicosia CYPRUS ITP - Invitation to pre-qualify 16-Mar-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 13-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74448 032/IC/RED/2021- Recrutement de deux consultants individuels ou groupe de consultants pour l'Evaluation Finale de projet RED MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 10-Feb-21 13-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74449 Rehabilitation of the Guest House in Haditha UNDP Country Office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 04-Feb-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 13-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74447 UNDP/PN/01/2021 - National Consultant – Digital Diagnostic Assessment for DRR & Recovery - Nepal UNDP - CDRMP NEPAL IC - Individual contractor 27-Jan-21 13-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74446 Appel à soumissionner N° CBSP-AMI/AP-2020-12/001 (Appel à Manifestation d'Intérêt/ Appel à Propositions) UNDP Country Office CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC EOI - Expression of interest 05-Feb-21 13-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74445 [READVERTISE] IC/UNDP/CLIMATE/128/2020 - UNDP- CLIMATE CHANGE MITIGATION SPECIALIST UNDP Indonesia Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 20-Jan-21 13-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74444 UNDP-RFP-2021-022 RFP for Engineering Consultancy Pakistan PAKISTAN RFP - Request for proposal 26-Jan-21 @ 02:30 AM (New York time) 13-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74443 Rehabilitation and Stringing of 11kV SC Over Head Transmission Line and LV Electrical Network from Domez SS in Sinjar, Ninawa Governorate UNDP Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 03-Feb-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 12-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74441 IC/UNDP/CCCD/006/2021-Terminal Evaluation of Capacity Development for Implementing Rio Conventions through Enhancing Incentive Mechanisms for Sustainable Watershed/Land Management-National Consultant Home-Based INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 27-Jan-21 12-Jan-21 MINES MINES 74442 Technical Expert in the area of geology mining and quarry management UNDP Pacific Office FIJI RFP - Request for proposal 28-Jan-21 12-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74440 IC/UNDP/CCCD/005/2021-Terminal Evaluation of Capacity Development for Implementing Rio Conventions through Enhancing Incentive Mechanisms for Sustainable Watershed/Land Management-International Consultant Home-Based INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 27-Jan-21 12-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74439 RFP JOF 2414-STN Strategic Planning UNDP Brazil Country Office BRAZIL RFP - Request for proposal 12-Feb-21 @ 06:00 PM (New York time) 12-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74438 ITB-432-20-Provision of Heavy Equipment UNDP Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 09-Feb-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 12-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74437 International Consultant, Needs Analysis Credit Guarantee Corporation Cambodia - Home-based with possible travel to Phnom Penh, Cambodia and Bangkok, Thailand UNCDF CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 17-Jan-21 12-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74436 Ethiopia National Digital Payments Strategy - Digital Payments Technical Advisor - home base UNCDF ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Jan-21 12-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74435 National Digital Payments Strategy - Programme Management Advisor - Addis Ababa, Ethiopia UNCDF ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 29-Jan-21 12-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74431 SDC-01-2021 "REPARACIONES Y READECUACIONES EN LAS EDIFICACIONES DEL TRIBUNAL CONSTITUCIONAL UNDP Country office DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Jan-21 12-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74434 17992 - 2020 - Consultor/a en transversalidad de género en las áreas programáticas de ambiente y cambio climático Regional Centre - Panamá PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 26-Jan-21 12-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74432 Local Individual Consultant for Developing and Implementing Local Service Delivery Standards for Home Care Services for Elderly in Order to Simplify the Processes for Service Provision UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 26-Jan-21 12-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74433 Local Individual Consultant for Developing and Implementing Local Service Delivery Standards for Agricultural Support Services by Metropolitan Municipalities and its Districts for Rural Development in Order to Simplify the Processes for Service Provision UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 26-Jan-21 12-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74430 Expert en Protection de l'Environnement UNDP-HAITI HAITI IC - Individual contractor 02-Mar-21 12-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74429 Consultant National:Ingénieur Civil UNDP-HAITI HAITI IC - Individual contractor 02-Feb-21 12-Jan-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 74428 DISPOSAL OF USED OFFICIAL VEHICLES UNDP Country Office GHANA ITB - Invitation to bid 27-Jan-21 12-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74427 RECRUTEMENT D'UN CONSULTANT NATIONAL SPECIALISTE EN BASE DE DONNEES UNDP ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE COTE d'IVOIRE IC - Individual contractor 29-Jan-21 12-Jan-21 HEALTH HEALTH 74426 Supply of equipment to UN Clinic Banjul GAMBIA RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Jan-21 12-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74425 RFQ-TKM-001-2021: Tender for maintenance of ventilation and HVAC systems in TB institutions of Turkmenistan UNDP Country Office TURKMENISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Jan-21 12-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74424 RFP 681 Supervision of Construction Works on the Student Dormitory in Sjenica UNDP Country Office SERBIA RFP - Request for proposal 26-Jan-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 12-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74423 ITB-001-21 - EE Reconstruction Public Buildings - extension and amendment UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA ITB - Invitation to bid 22-Feb-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 12-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74422 Comparative microscope for ballistic examination Country office ALBANIA RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Jan-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 12-Jan-21 AGRO-INDUSTRY AGRO-INDUSTRY 74419 015/RFQ/TRAC2 SELECTION D'UN PRESTATAIRE DE SERVICES POUR LA MISE EN PLACE D'UNE UNITE D'EXTRACTION D'HUILES ESSENTIELLES A ENERGIE SOLAIRE MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Jan-21 12-Jan-21 WATER SUPPLY  (POTABLE) WATER SUPPLY (POTABLE) 74420 Rehabilitation of the Intake Station and Water Net Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 08-Feb-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 12-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74416 TRAINING SPECIALIST- UNDP/IC/UNODC INTERN'L REGIONAL/001/2021 UNDP ON BEHALF OF UNODC LIBERIA LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 22-Jan-21 12-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74418 un.e Consultant.e pour l'élaboration d'une mallette pédagogique sur la participation citoyenne TUNISIA TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Jan-21 12-Jan-21 POWER POWER 74415 Rehabilitation and Stringing of 33kV SC Overhead T Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 04-Feb-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 12-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74414 RFQ- PAL-0000120181 - Midterm Project Evaluation UNDP/PAPP PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Jan-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 12-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 72641 CALL FOR PROPOSALS PEACE AND SOCIAL COHESION INNOVATION CHALLENGE ENHANCING CITIZEN PARTICIPATION AND CONTRIBUTION TO COMMUNITY PEACE AND SECURITY - SEVEN (7) STATES UNDP ABUJA NIGERIA CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 18-Jan-21 12-Jan-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 74413 RFQ 01/2021/PNUD/COM - Acquisition de 2 camionnettes de livraison MORONI COMOROS RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Jan-21 12-Jan-21 HEALTH HEALTH 74412 ITB 154-2020-UNDP-UKR UNDP CO - UKRAINE UKRAINE ITB - Invitation to bid 17-Feb-21 @ 03:00 AM (New York time) 12-Jan-21 HEALTH HEALTH 74411 BIH/RFQ-003-21 SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF URINE SCREENING TESTS UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Jan-21 12-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74410 IC NOTICE N°001/2021/PNUD-BFA Recrutement d'un contrôleur à pied d'œuvre pour le suivi contrôle des travaux du Poste d'Eau Autonome (PEA) de Madou dans la commune de Yaho UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 18-Jan-21 12-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74409 Recrutement d'une société nationale d'informatique spécialisée dans le développement de sites web, des applications mobiles, des bases de données sécurisées au profit de la CENI. UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO RFP - Request for proposal 19-Jan-21 12-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74408 UNDP-IC-2021-001 National Consultant for Customization and Review of Police Training Modules- Investigations Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 25-Jan-21 11-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74407 UNDP-IC-2021-002 - National Consultant for Customization and Review of Police Training Modules- Investigations Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 25-Jan-21 11-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74406 RFQ-004-PHL-2021 Food and Hygiene Items UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Jan-21 @ 04:00 AM (New York time) 11-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74405 IC/UNDP/MTRE3/004/2021 - UNDP - Consultant for Creative Design and Project Implementation Support Specialist UNDP Indonesia Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 26-Jan-21 11-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74404 RFQ000008283- Office Renovation at UN House Compound Timor-Leste TIMOR LESTE RFQ - Request for quotation 27-Jan-21 @ 02:00 AM (New York time) 11-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74403 Request for Quotation for Fence Construction at National Parliament of Timor-Leste Timor-Leste TIMOR LESTE RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Jan-21 @ 02:00 AM (New York time) 11-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74400 3482 PAN 2021 Asistencia Técnica especializada para la implementación del Componente #3: Apoyo pedagógico integral y continuo UNDP Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 22-Feb-21 11-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74399 3538 PAN 2021 – Coordinador(a) del Proyecto Gestión Integrada de la Cuenca Hidrográfica del Canal de Panamá UNDP Country Office PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 25-Jan-21 11-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74397 17999-2021 Consultor/a en transversalidad de género mediante la creación de un Sello de Género en la Administración Pública Regional Centre PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 29-Jan-21 11-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74395 Int. IC for Developing and Implementing Local Service Delivery Standards for Municipal Fire Services Concerning Developing Preventive and Protective Standards Incl. Emergency Response, Training Programs and AR to Simplify Processes for Service Provision UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 25-Jan-21 11-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74396 Local IC for Developing and Implementing Local Service Delivery Standards for Municipal Fire Services Concerning Developing Preventive and Protective Standards Incl. Emergency Response, Training Programs and AR to Simplify Processes for Service Provision UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 25-Jan-21 11-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74394 Project Evaluation and Insights Consultant UNCDF TANZANIA IC - Individual contractor 22-Jan-21 11-Jan-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 74391 BBRFQ124038 - Acquisition of Mopeds with Carriers Barbados BARBADOS RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Feb-21 11-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74393 ITB-021-21 Installation of Power Feeder for Tikrit UNDP IRAQ OFFICE IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 01-Feb-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 11-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74392 ITB-020-21 Full Rehabilitation of External Consult UNDP IRAQ OFFICE IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 04-Feb-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 11-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74390 NATIONAL CONSULTANT TO REVIEW KIGOMA JOINT PROGRAMME UNDP TANZANIA IC - Individual contractor 25-Jan-21 11-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74389 Spécialiste en stratégies de communication institutionnelle TUNISIA TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 25-Jan-21 11-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74388 RFQ/002/21 Construction works in kindergarden "Pčelica" in Orašje UNDP CO BIH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Jan-21 11-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74387 RFP 005/21 - Technical supervision of capital renovation works for 9 kindergartens UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFP - Request for proposal 01-Feb-21 11-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74386 LBN-CO-ITB-06-21Rehab of ArcencielCenter in Damour UNDP Country office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 18-Feb-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 11-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74385 Rehabilitation of Transfer Pipe and Collection Man UNDP iraq office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Jan-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 11-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74256 Policy support, capacity development and partnerships South-South and Triangular cooperation Istanbul Regional Center TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 25-Jan-21 @ 06:08 AM (New York time) 11-Jan-21 HEALTH HEALTH 74384 DAO 027 2021 PNUD PUDC Phase II FOURNITURE ET INST UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE SENEGAL ITB - Invitation to bid 05-Feb-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 11-Jan-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 74383 Purchase of items for the integrated online planning mechanism for Agro National Corporation UNDP Maldives Country Office MALDIVES RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Jan-21 11-Jan-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 74381 Purchase of items to increase Business Center Coverage for BCC UNDP Maldives Country Office MALDIVES RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Jan-21 11-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74382 Rehabilitation of Medication Warehouse-Hawija Country Office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 03-Feb-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 11-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74380 BIH-RFP-001-21 Regional Dialogue for Future - Request for Final Evaluation of a United Nations (UN) Joint Programme UNDP CO Serbia on behalf of UNDP CO B&H SERBIA RFP - Request for proposal 29-Jan-21 11-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74377 Re-Advertisement IC/OHCHR /National/CEDAW TRAINING /2020/19 UNDP ON BEHALF OF OHCHR LIBERIA - LIBERIA LIBERIA IC - Individual contractor 17-Jan-21 11-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74379 RFQ-018-21 Rehabilitation of Al Sahel Al Ayser Agriculture Section in Sherqat-Salahaddin Governorate + Furniture RBAS IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 09-Feb-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 11-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74378 RFP-005-PHL-2021 Solutions Provider for the Data Warehouse & Management Information System for Renewable Energy Management Bureau, Philippines UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES RFP - Request for proposal 19-Feb-21 @ 05:00 AM (New York time) 11-Jan-21 HEALTH HEALTH 74376 Purchase of Incinerators for Hospitals within the Framework of UNDP Horizons Project UNDP Country Office GEORGIA RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Jan-21 11-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74373 Female Hiring Project for Sewing Workshop in Qaim Country Office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 31-Jan-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 11-Jan-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 74375 RFQ 006/21- Supply of IT Equipment for Medical Fluid Factory-East Mosul-Ninawa Governorate Iraq Country Office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 01-Feb-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 11-Jan-21 HEALTH HEALTH 74374 Mua sắm Thiết bị Y tế/ Procurement for Medical Equipment (B-210101) UNDP Vietnam VIET NAM RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Jan-21 11-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74371 RECRUTEMENT D'UN(E ) CONSULTANT (E) INTERNATIONAL (E ), CHEF DE L'EQUIPE EN CHARGE DE L'APPUI A L'ELABORATION D'UNE STRATEGIE DE L'ENTREPRENEURIAT FEMININ AU TCHAD UNDP country office CHAD IC - Individual contractor 26-Jan-21 11-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74372 001-ITB-OPS-SNU-2021- LTA Gardiennage UNDP-KINSHASA, DR CONGO - CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC ITB - Invitation to bid 08-Feb-21 @ 06:27 AM (New York time) 11-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74370 RECRUTEMENT D'UN (E ) CONSULTANT NATIONAL (E )- EN CHARGE DE L'APPUI A L'ELABORATION D'UNE STRATEGIE DE L'ENTREPRENEURIAT FEMININ AU TCHAD UNDP country office CHAD IC - Individual contractor 26-Jan-21 11-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74369 MNG/IC/2021/001 - National Contractor - Climate Change Specialist UNDP Country Office MONGOLIA IC - Individual contractor 18-Jan-21 11-Jan-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 74368 Vehicle rental with Experienced Driver in Nay Pyi Taw UNDP MYANMAR RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Jan-21 10-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74367 IC/UNDP/ RRU-RESTORE/003/2021 - Economist for COVID 19 Recovery UNDP Country Office INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 22-Jan-21 10-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74366 Supply and Installation of Medical Equipment UNDP Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 31-Jan-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 10-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74364 ITB-429-20:Supply of Genrator for Mosul Courthouse UNDP Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 30-Jan-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 10-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74363 INTERNATIONATIONAL CONSULTANT - NIUE R2R CHIEF TECHNCIAL ADVISOR UNDP Country Office SAMOA IC - Individual contractor 25-Jan-21 10-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74361 International Short-Term Junior Legal Expert on Poland UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 24-Jan-21 10-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74362 International Individual Consultancy Services for Project Implementation Support UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 24-Jan-21 10-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74360 International Short-Term Senior Legal Expert on Poland UNDP Country Office TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 24-Jan-21 10-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74359 CLOSED EARLY
RFQ 003/21 Provision of hospitality services to UNDP Armenia UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Jan-21 10-Jan-21 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS 74358 RFP-SAU-21-001 Development of visual identity for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs project Saudi Arabia SAUDI ARABIA RFP - Request for proposal 02-Feb-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 10-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74357 RFQ-015-21 Supply and install Equipment for Laboratories of Falluja University in Falluja,Anbar Governorate,Iraq. RBAS IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 01-Feb-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 10-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74356 RFQ 022-21 Rehabilitation of Al Shergat Veterinary Medicine Center-Sherqat District-Salahddin Governorate + Furniture UNDP Country Office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Feb-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 10-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74355 Videography service consultancy UNDP Country Office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 20-Jan-21 10-Jan-21 WATER SUPPLY  (POTABLE) WATER SUPPLY (POTABLE) 74354 RFQ-010-21 Rehabilitation of Technical Institute WTP (50 m3 per hr) in Hawija-Kirkuk Country Office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Jan-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 10-Jan-21 POWER POWER 74352 Provision of Electric Power via Diesel Generator f UNDP Office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFQ - Request for quotation 23-Jan-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 10-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74351 RFP-BD-2021-001-Hiring Life Skill Counselling-CHT UNDP SID-CHT BANGLADESH RFP - Request for proposal 04-Feb-21 @ 05:30 AM (New York time) 10-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74350 Rehab. Pipeline Between Shokran Pump St.and Hatra Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 10-Feb-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 09-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74349 RFQ-007-21 Rehabilitation of Pediatric Ward Hawija UNDP SERVICE CENTRE Erbil- Iraq IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 31-Jan-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 09-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74348 Desalination Solar pumping Systems UNDP CO YEMEN RFQ - Request for quotation 28-Jan-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 09-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74346 PROCESO COL 106074 Acuerdo de Largo Plazo para la selección de una empresa corredora de seguros que preste los servicios de asesoría en intermediación para el programa de seguros y suministro de pólizas de seguros contra todo riesgo y seguros obligatorios UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA RFP - Request for proposal 04-Feb-21 08-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74345 PROCESO COL 0000123934 Auxiliar Administrativo SGR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 22-Jan-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 08-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74344 PROCESO COL 0000123933 Consultor SGR Secretaría Técnica OCAD PAZ UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 22-Jan-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 08-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74343 LOT 5 Design and Supervision for Rrogozhina Country office ALBANIA RFP - Request for proposal 25-Jan-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 08-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74342 RFP-002-IND-2021 -Scoping Assessment, Analysis and Identification of Specific Interventions to enhance household income in Dwarka and Jamnagar districts of Gujarat UNDP India Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 22-Jan-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 08-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74341 RFQ 002 – PROVISION OF EXPLOSIVE DETECTION DOG (EDD) SERVICE Country Office INDONESIA RFQ - Request for quotation 26-Jan-21 08-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74340 Construction Of Office Block Wall Perimeter Fenc Nigeria NIGERIA ITB - Invitation to bid 18-Jan-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 08-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74338 Recruitment of International Consultant for Provision of technical support for the development of Ghana's HPMP Stage II project proposal UNDP Country Office GHANA IC - Individual contractor 15-Jan-21 08-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74339 Procurement of Rice, cooking oil, mask, handwashing liquid and fresh milk UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Jan-21 08-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74337 L'ELABORATION DU RAPPORT NATIONAL VOLONTAIRE 2021 SUR LE SUIVI ET LA MISE EN ŒUVRE DES OBJECTIFS DE DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE (ODD 2030) TUNISIA TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 15-Jan-21 08-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74336 Provision of Analytic Support to Conflict Analysis UNDP Country Office LIBYA RFP - Request for proposal 21-Jan-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 08-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74335 BIH-RFP-001-21 AMENDED Regional Dialogue for Future - Request for Final Evaluation of a United Nations (UN) Joint Programme UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFP - Request for proposal 29-Jan-21 08-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74318 Consulting firm to operationalize Server Room MIS UNDP ETHIOPIA COUNTRY OFFICE ETHIOPIA RFP - Request for proposal 28-Jan-21 @ 01:45 AM (New York time) 08-Jan-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 74334 Аукцион по продаже автомобиля / Vehicle sale UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN Other 19-Jan-21 07-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74333 PROCESO COL 0000123409 Consultoría para el fortalecimiento de los procesos de gestión de conocimiento del proyecto ODS enmarcados en las acciones de la década de la acción 2020-2030 de los ODS Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 21-Jan-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 07-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74332 PROCESO COL 0000123480 Consultoria para realizar la sistematización de los informes y casos recibidos por la Comisión para el Esclarecimiento de la Verdad, en la tarea de esclarecimiento, con especial énfasis en las recomendaciones para la NO repetición. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 21-Jan-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 07-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74331 PROCESO COL 0000123481 Consultoria para elaborar insumos para la sistematización de los informes y casos recibidos por la CEV, en la tarea de esclarecimiento, con especial énfasis en las recomendaciones para la NO repetición. (se requiere dos Consultores) UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 21-Jan-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 07-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74330 PROCESO COL 0000123872 Consultor Subregional SGR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 21-Jan-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 07-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74329 PROCESO COL 0000123873 Consultor Subregional Junior UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 21-Jan-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 07-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74328 PNUD IC 008-2021 Profesional Ingieneria Esp SIG UNDP COUNTRY OFFICE PERU IC - Individual contractor 27-Jan-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 07-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74327 Gender expert (Individual consultant) - Lusaka, ZAMBIA UNCDF ZAMBIA IC - Individual contractor 21-Jan-21 07-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74295 Digital Economies and Gender Equality Consultant UNCDF UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 20-Jan-21 07-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74326 SDP-003-2021 Evaluacion Final Proyecto NAMA energi UNDP Country Office PERU IC - Individual contractor 18-Jan-21 @ 02:00 PM (New York time) 07-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74325 18099 UNDP 2021 – Style Corrector Consultants for the Human Development Report for LAC 2021 (2 vacancies available: 1 (English version) and 1 (Spanish version)) Regional Centre PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 28-Jan-21 07-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74324 Research Conference Technical and Administrative Secretariat Services Manila PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 17-Jan-21 07-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74323 HIRING OF A CONSULTANT FIRM TO DESIGN THE STRATEGIC PLAN OF LUANDA ENTREPRENEUR'S ACADEMY Luanda ANGOLA RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Jan-21 07-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74321 IC NOTICE N°065-2020/PNUD-BF RECRUTEMENT D'UN CONSULTANT INDIVIDUEL NATIONAL POUR L'EVALUATION FINALE DU PROJET « ADAPTATION BASEE SUR LES ECOSYSTEMES » DU BURKINA FASO, APPUYE PAR LE PNUD ET FINANCE PAR LE FEM UNDP Country Office BURKINA FASO IC - Individual contractor 14-Jan-21 07-Jan-21 IRRIGATION IRRIGATION 74320 LBN-CO-ITB-2-21 - El Qaa Irrigation Canals - Event ID 0000008268 UNDP Country Office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 15-Feb-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 07-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74319 Design develop publish Charity Resource Planning S UNDP Syria Office SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 20-Jan-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 07-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74317 006/IC/PADRC Recrutement d'un Consultant individuel national pour la consolidation de l'appui du PNUD au processus de Décentralisation et de Gouvernance locale MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 18-Jan-21 07-Jan-21 HEALTH HEALTH 74314 COMPRA DE LECHE GE EQUATORIAL GUINEA RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Jan-21 07-Jan-21 HEALTH HEALTH 74315 RFQ 002/21 Supply of prothesis for UNDP Armenia Project UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Jan-21 07-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74312 CLOSED EARLY
IC/UNDP/ACHIEVE/002/2021 - Consultant for Writing Youth Power 2 (YP2) Proposal - National Position UNDP Indonesia INDONESIA IC - Individual contractor 21-Jan-21 07-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74313 Individual consultancy - National - Anti-Corruption and human rights Senior Advisor - LBN-CO-IC-03-21 UNDP Country Office - LEBANON - LEBANON LEBANON Other 15-Jan-21 07-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74311 02national experts to comment on the energy efficiency relevant contents of the training manuals of construction (Ref. P210101) UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 10-Mar-21 07-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74310 UNDP-IC-2021-021; SUPPORT CONSULTANTS FOR TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE TO GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN Pakistan PAKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 21-Jan-21 07-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74308 RFP/2021/1: Consulting services for Preparation of Detailed Engineering Designs and Site Supervision Support for Conferences Center at MOI UNDP Country Office JORDAN RFP - Request for proposal 24-Jan-21 07-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74307 714/IC/PADRC Recrutement de deux Consultants pour appuyer la localisation des Objectifs de Développement Durable (ODD) Région Atsinanana (Priorisation des cibles et identification des paquets d'intervention) MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR IC - Individual contractor 15-Jan-21 07-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74290 ETH2174-Firm Level Recruitment of Production and Dissemination of TV Dramas Focused on Traditional Reconciliation Mechanisms for the Ethiopian Reconciliation Commission (ERC) UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA RFP - Request for proposal 20-Jan-21 @ 03:59 PM (New York time) 07-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74305 RFQ-Supply and Delivery of Computer 10 unit UNDP country Office MYANMAR RFQ - Request for quotation 15-Jan-21 07-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74304 PROCESO COL 0000122979 Consultoría para aportar al análisis sobre el origen y las transformaciones espaciales y temporales de las Fuerzas Militares en Colombia y casos específicos derivados de su accionar (1958-2016) para la Comisión de la Verdad. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 20-Jan-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 06-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74303 PROCESO COL 0000122978 Consultoría para aportar al análisis de las transformaciones espaciales y temporales de la Policía Nacional y casos específicos derivados de su accionar (1958-2016) para la Comisión de la Verdad. UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 20-Jan-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 06-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74302 PROCESO COL 0000122399 Consultoría para aportar al análisis sobre el origen y las transformaciones espaciales y temporales de grupos paramilitares en Colombia y casos específicos derivados del accionar de dichos grupos (1980-2016). UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 20-Jan-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 06-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74301 PROCESO COL 0000123640 Consultor en Seguimiento y Fortalecimiento de la Gestión UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 20-Jan-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 06-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74299 Policy and Regulatory Expert for the Low Carbon Urban Transport Systems Project Manila PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 12-Jan-21 06-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74300 PROCESO COL 0000123639 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Apoyo Junior UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 20-Jan-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 06-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74298 Project Coordinator – BARMM UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 19-Jan-21 06-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74297 Data Analyst to Develop an Integrated Solution of iPDNA, HBDA, ERNA, RDNA and DevLIVE+ Toolkits (Open for both National and International consultants) UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 19-Jan-21 06-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74296 Recrutement de « Deux consultant(e)s nationaux chargé(e)s de l'évaluation des propositions des OSC, entreprises, entrepreneur(e)s » UNDP Country Office TUNISIA IC - Individual contractor 20-Jan-21 06-Jan-21 HEALTH HEALTH 74294 Research and drafting support for NCD and tobacco control knowledge products (seeking 4-5 consultants) Health UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 20-Jan-21 06-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74293 CI-001-2021 "Formulación de informe sobre la recuperación socioeconómica de personas LGBTI, personas con disca-pacidad y migrantes durante la Pandemia de COVID-19" UNDP DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 15-Jan-21 06-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74292 RFQ-2020-086 Закупка и установка солнечной фотоэлектрической системы (Solar PV) для ПРООН в Казахстане, вносящей вклад в создание умных объектов ПРООН / Purchase and installation of Solar PV for UNDP Kazakhstan, contributing to creation of smart UNDP UNDP Country Office KAZAKHSTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 02-Feb-21 06-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74291 RECRUTEMENT D'UN PRESTATAIRE POUR L'ORGANISATION DU COKTAIL DE LANCEMENT OFFICIEL DU LABORATOIRE D'ACCELERATION DU PNUD EN GUINEE. GUINEA GUINEA IC - Individual contractor 27-Jan-21 06-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74289 CHL/SDP/001/2021 Análisis del Programa de Pasantías de perfeccionamiento para técnicos de nivel superior ("Técnicos para Chile") y su aporte a sus beneficiarios y al país. UNDP Country Office CHILE RFP - Request for proposal 22-Feb-21 06-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74288 RFP-001-IND-2021 - Field Data Collection / Survey UNDP Country Office INDIA RFP - Request for proposal 19-Jan-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 06-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74286 Procurement of office furniture to the Republic of Kazakhstan / Закуп офисной мебели для Республики Казахстан UNODC ROCA KAZAKHSTAN EOI - Expression of interest 18-Jan-21 06-Jan-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 74283 Supply of Infokiosks in a quantity 10 units UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 30-Jan-21 @ 07:58 AM (New York time) 06-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74284 RfP for the Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of an energy Monitoring and Verification system UNDP Country Office VIET NAM RFP - Request for proposal 27-Jan-21 06-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74282 Re-Advertisement- IC 004/20- International Consultant to support on implementation Climate Action for Human Security in Al Hwaizeh Marshland Project Iraq Country Office IRAQ IC - Individual contractor 20-Feb-21 06-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74281 IC/002/21 - Project Thematic Assistant UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 14-Jan-21 06-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74280 IC/001/21 - Project Logistics Assistant UNDP Country Office UZBEKISTAN IC - Individual contractor 14-Jan-21 06-Jan-21 IT / COMPUTERS IT / COMPUTERS 74279 RFQ 8247 for ICT Equipment UNDP AFGHANISTAN RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Jan-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 06-Jan-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 74278 Provision of Heavy Equipment for Anbar - Part 2 UNDP Service Center IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 07-Feb-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 06-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74277 02 National Consultants for Collaboration Systems Administrators (A-210101) UNDP Vietnam VIET NAM IC - Individual contractor 19-Feb-21 05-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74276 PROCESO COL 0000123474 Consultor Metodológico SGR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 19-Jan-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 05-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74275 PROCESO COL 0000123475 Consultor Subregional Junior SGR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 19-Jan-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 05-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74274 PROCESO COL 0000123476 Asistente Administrativo de Gestión de Información - Nivel 2 DVR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 19-Jan-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 05-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74273 PROCESO COL 0000123477 Profesional Especializado Técnico - Nivel 2 - DVR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 19-Jan-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 05-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74272 PROCESO COL 0000123478 Profesional Especializado de Proyectos - Nivel 2 DVR (Se requiere contratar 2 consultores) UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 19-Jan-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 05-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74271 RFP-01-2021-GNB-upport and supervision a Construction Company in the erection of the Reid Steel WIB steel Frame UNDP Country Office - Global Fund GUINEA-BISSAU RFP - Request for proposal 12-Jan-21 05-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 72609 18153-2021 Green Commodities Programme Coordination Consultant Regional Centre PANAMA IC - Individual contractor 22-Jan-21 05-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74270 PROCESO COL 0000123861 Asesor de Talento Humano – Nivel 2 DVR UNDP Country Office COLOMBIA IC - Individual contractor 19-Jan-21 @ 11:59 PM (New York time) 05-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74269 SDP-002-2021 Servicios para la adaptación y desarrollo de materiales de capacitación virtual y facilitación del contenido para el programa de recuperación económica a través del desarrollo y crecimiento empresarial UNDP Country Office - Mexico MEXICO RFP - Request for proposal 26-Jan-21 05-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74268 Consultoría Nacional para contratación de Profesional en Sistema de Información Geográfica para apoyo a la Secretaría Técnica de Planificación para los proyectos POUT del AMA y enlace con el Proyecto ASUNCION PARAGUAY IC - Individual contractor 19-Jan-21 05-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74267 CLOSED EARLY
LBN-CO-ITB-01-21Const of Car Mech Hangar Ghobeiry UNDP Country office LEBANON ITB - Invitation to bid 15-Feb-21 @ 08:00 AM (New York time) 05-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74266 SDP-51-2020 "Servicio de Monitoreo de Medios de Comunicación (Radio, Televisión y Medios Digitales) para la Oficina del Coordinador Residente del Sistema de las Naciones Unidas en República Dominicana" Dominican Republic DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RFP - Request for proposal 12-Jan-21 05-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74265 International Consultant, Public Policy Research - SDG Financing in Cambodia - Home-based, with travel to Phnom Penh and Bangkok, Thailand UNCDF CAMBODIA IC - Individual contractor 15-Jan-21 05-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74264 International Consultant, Development of Subdivision COAs and Nomenclature for Social Protection Floors, Lao PDR - Home-based with possible travel to Vientiane, Lao PDR, Bangkok, Thailand UNCDF LAO PDR IC - Individual contractor 15-Jan-21 05-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74259 Consultancy – Resident Coordination Transition of HR Services BMS/ OHR/UNDP (Re-Advertised) - Home Based Home based UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IC - Individual contractor 19-Jan-21 05-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74263 ETH2173-Firm Level Recruitment for Production and Dissemination of media content promoting discussion and dialogue about peace building and reconciliation for the Ethiopian Reconciliation Commission (ERC) UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA RFP - Request for proposal 19-Jan-21 @ 03:59 PM (New York time) 05-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74262 Drilling Wells for Irrigation in Alous and Albo-Hayat villages in Haditha-Haqlanya- Anbar Governorate – Iraq UNDP Service Center IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 09-Feb-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 05-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74261 434/RFQ/PACARC CONSTRUCTION DE QUATRE (4) CABINES POUR STATION HYDROLOGIQUE DANS LES REGIONS ATSIMO ANDREFANA, ANDROY, ANOSY répartie en deux (2) lots MADAGASCAR ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR RFQ - Request for quotation 05-Feb-21 05-Jan-21 EDUCATION EDUCATION 74260 IICPSD-UNDP Individual Contractor Engaged on an "On-Call" Basis, Trainer for the Training Program on Municipal Enterprises for Local Authorities to Achieve the 2030 Agenda IICPSD TURKEY IC - Individual contractor 19-Jan-21 05-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74258 National Digital Innovation Consultant Country Office MYANMAR IC - Individual contractor 15-Jan-21 05-Jan-21 AGRICULTURE  GENERAL AGRICULTURE GENERAL 74255 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL - FIRM TO CONDUCT TRAINING OF SELECTED PROJECT BENEFICIARIES USING UNITED NATION'S INTERNATIONAL LABOUR ORGANIZATION (ILO) START AND IMPROVE YOUR BUSINESS (SIYB) AND GET AHEAD METHODOLOGIES UNDP Country Office, Kampala UGANDA RFP - Request for proposal 18-Jan-21 05-Jan-21 HEALTH HEALTH 74257 RFQ-YEM-119-2020 Provision of Medication for UN Clinic RBAS - YEMEN- Sana'a CO YEMEN RFQ - Request for quotation 14-Jan-21 @ 11:11 AM (New York time) 05-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74254 RFQ/2021/01: Ras AL-Ain Social Incubation Offices / Building Renovation Works (civil works) UNDP Country Office JORDAN RFQ - Request for quotation 25-Jan-21 05-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74253 RFP for Open Data Information Management System for Aid Management UNDP Pacific Office in Fiji FIJI RFP - Request for proposal 23-Jan-21 05-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74252 National Web Management Consultant UNDP country Office MYANMAR IC - Individual contractor 24-Jan-21 04-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74251 National Consultant for Stocktaking of Gender Responsive Recovery and Resilience Approaches in the Philippines UNDP Country Office PHILIPPINES IC - Individual contractor 12-Jan-21 04-Jan-21 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS 74240 RFQ/UNDP/DGPRU/123734/001/2021 – GPS Tracker Unit and Temperature Monitoring to Improve Efficiency of Vaccination Supply Chain in Indonesia UNDP Country Office INDONESIA RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Jan-21 @ 02:00 AM (New York time) 04-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74250 SDC/00118949/001/2021 - Adquisición de Servicio de Transporte de Carga (tipo camión) Oficina de Pais Honduras HONDURAS RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Jan-21 04-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74249 SDP-001-2021 Servicios de consultoría para generar una plataforma o aplicación virtual para dar seguimiento a las actividades de 51 OSC en 19 entidades del país UNDP Country Office MEXICO RFP - Request for proposal 18-Jan-21 04-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74214 UNDP-BMS-OIMT- RFP-2021-001 Provsion of service on Treasury Roadmap to the Cloud UNDP HQ New York, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RFP - Request for proposal 18-Jan-21 @ 05:00 PM (New York time) 04-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74247 International Consultancy, Development of Tagging Methodology to link budget revenues and expenditure accounts to SDG financing in Lao PDR - Home-based with possible travel to Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR, Bangkok, Thailand UNCDF LAO PDR IC - Individual contractor 08-Jan-21 04-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74246 International Consultancy, Public Policy Research - SDG Financing in Lao PDR UNCDF LAO PDR IC - Individual contractor 08-Jan-21 04-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74242 PCI-001-2021 Inclusión de comentarios y ajustes del Social and Environmental Screening Procedure y Plan de Pueblos Indígenas del Proyecto PNUD/GEF 'Hacia una gestión basada en ecosistemas del gran ecosistema marino Costa del Pacífico Centro-americano PACA UNDP Country Office MEXICO IC - Individual contractor 17-Jan-21 04-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74245 ETH2109-National Senior Planning and Economic Consultant for Ministry of Mining and Petroleum UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 18-Jan-21 @ 03:59 PM (New York time) 04-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74241 PNUD/SDP-660/2020 Inventario y análisis de fuentes contaminantes en el ámbito peruano del sistema hídrico TDPS UNDP Country Office - PERU PERU RFP - Request for proposal 05-Feb-21 04-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74244 ETH2108-National Petroleum and Energy Consultant for Ministry of Mining and Petroleum UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 18-Jan-21 @ 03:59 PM (New York time) 04-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74243 ETH2107-National Mineral Exploration and Exploitation Consultant for Ministry of Mining and Petroleum UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 18-Jan-21 @ 03:59 PM (New York time) 04-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74225 ETH2106-National Economic consultant for Ministry of Mining and Petroleum UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 18-Jan-21 @ 03:59 PM (New York time) 04-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74237 Acquisition de matéries audiovisuels UNDP Algeria ALGERIA RFQ - Request for quotation 12-Jan-21 04-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74236 Digital Consultant UNCDF NEPAL IC - Individual contractor 15-Jan-21 04-Jan-21 POWER POWER 74235 RFQ 001/21 Supply and installation of backup power supply generator UNDP Country Office ARMENIA RFQ - Request for quotation 11-Jan-21 04-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74234 Re-Advertisement IC 003/20- National Consultant to support on implementation Climate Action for Human Security in Iraqi Al Hwaizeh Marshlands Project Iraq Country Office IRAQ IC - Individual contractor 15-Feb-21 04-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74233 SLE/ITB/2021/001 PROCUREMENT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SKILLS TRAINING CENTRE AT HAMILTON AS DETAILED IN THE TECHNICAL DRAWINGS AND BILL OF QUANTITIE ATTACHED TO THIS ADVERTISEMENT. UNDP Country Office SIERRA LEONE ITB - Invitation to bid 21-Jan-21 04-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74232 829-2020-UNDP-UKR-RFP-RPP Service of Representative household survey of 5,700 respondents in Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson oblasts. Country Office UKRAINE RFP - Request for proposal 19-Jan-21 04-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74230 BIH/RFQ-001-21 AMENDED, EXTENDED Supply, delivery and installation of solar hot water preparation system and heating support in UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA RFQ - Request for quotation 29-Jan-21 04-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74231 CFP No. AFG-WPS-CFP-003-2020, "Establish and Run National Women's Peacebuilding Network" UN Women AFGHANISTAN CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget 15-Jan-21 04-Jan-21 HOUSING HOUSING 74227 UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Other 05-Jan-21 04-Jan-21 HOUSING HOUSING 74229 J A V N I P O Z I V za subvencioniranje zamjene peći/kotlova na ugalj i ostala čvrsta goriva certificiranim pećima/kotlovima i toplotnim pumpama u domaćinstvima u Kantonu Sarajevo UNDP Office BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Other 15-Feb-21 04-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74228 Support women members of Ruwwad Al Aghawar Al Shmaliyeh Cooperative in identifying opportunities for business growth, establish effective networks to compete and have market value, generate income and be economically empowered. Country Office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 25-Jan-21 04-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74226 ETH1947A-Two National Consultants to Conduct Assessment on federal judges training mechanisms, develop curriculum and modules for entry, continuous and specialized trainings (Associate Researchers) UNDP Country Office ETHIOPIA IC - Individual contractor 18-Jan-21 @ 03:59 PM (New York time) 04-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74207 CLOSED EARLY
Long Term Agreement for provision of Armed Guard UNDP OFFICE, SANAA, YEMEN YEMEN ITB - Invitation to bid 30-Jan-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 04-Jan-21 HEALTH HEALTH 74211 REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ) for Medicines for Children Suffering from Primary (Congenital) Immunodeficiencies. UNDP CO - UKRAINE UKRAINE RFQ - Request for quotation 22-Jan-21 04-Jan-21 SERVICES SERVICES 74224 INVITATION FOR PROPOSAL (IFP)-LOW VALUE GRANT SUPPORT TO CSOs/CSOs COALITION UNDP Human Rights and Justice Programme BANGLADESH Other 21-Jan-21 04-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 73616 Gender and Social Inclusion Specialist ( National) Timor-Leste TIMOR LESTE IC - Individual contractor 12-Jan-21 03-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74223 Provision of Heavy Equipment for Anbar Governorate UNDP Iraq IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 28-Jan-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 03-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74222 Supply and Install of Oxygen Generator Plant Iraq Office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 20-Jan-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 03-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74221 Rehabilitation of 117 Partly Damaged Markets Iraq Office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 24-Jan-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 03-Jan-21 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 74220 Rehabilitation of Al Khanogah PHCC in Shergat Iraq Office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 17-Jan-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 03-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74219 Supply of Furniture for Student Dormitory Building Iraq Office IRAQ RFQ - Request for quotation 18-Jan-21 @ 07:00 AM (New York time) 03-Jan-21 CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS 74218 Labor and self-employment market assessment UNDP Country Office JORDAN IC - Individual contractor 30-Jan-21 03-Jan-21 VEHICLES VEHICLES 74217 Provision of Heavy Equipment for Anbar Governorate Country Office IRAQ ITB - Invitation to bid 28-Jan-21 @ 06:00 AM (New York time) 02-Jan-21 OTHER OTHER 74216 CLOSED EARLY
TWO Full Solar Pumping Systems -RFQ-YEM-121-20 UNDP CO YEMEN RFQ - Request for quotation 21-Jan-21 @ 09:00 AM (New York time) 02-Jan-21

Kerala Bus Design 3d Sea Org


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