
How To Edit Pictures In Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator is one of the best vector graphics editors. It has almost no limits and can put into life wildest ideas of your imagination. It is known for its excellent work and great results. Professional photographers, web designers can't make head or tail without this programmer. At the beginning it seems to be difficult to work with, but we are not scared and can't miss opportunity to master Adobe Illustrator. And common people also successfully use it, as there are no hardships in working, especially with this short instruction. Now we will start talking about down-to-earth thing, particularly about resizing image in illustrator. There are three methods for this purpose and we will cover all of them.

Resizing images in Adobe Illustrator

The first way

The first way of resizing an image is great and simple to perform.

  1. Obviously you should launch Adobe illustrator.
  2. Click on the <file menu> and choose <open>. Now you have to choose a picture which you need to resize.
How to resize an image in illustrator?

3) Click on image.

4) Move on top, here is a control panel, on the right you see <transform>, so click on it, the window will show up, set the size in uniform field which you need for example 50%. You may write in this field any size you wish in order to resize the image.

5) As a rule we want to preserve proportions of our pictures, that is the reason why we choose uniform. But you may also select non-uniform and decide horizontal and vertical size of your future picture on your own. Besides you have an opportunity to switch preview, so that you are capable to see reflection of your manipulations with you photo on the left. Confirm the changes by pressing <Ok>.

It is rather simple and quick way to change the size of the picture in illustrator.

The second way

One more idea how to resize image is wonderful, especially if you know the exact measurement of the desirable picture.

Click on <Object menu> through submenu <transform> and select <scale>.

resize image in adobe illustrator

The following window appears, you need to set desirable parameters of width and height for you photo and press enter.

This method is also good as it is easy to perform and the result is perfect.

The third way

The third idea is the most obvious as you can drag the corners of you picture on your own to desirable state. With the help of scale tool

Though in this case if you scale such image, pixels will cover your entire photo, which looks really inaccessible.

But you may also use the following tip: on top choose on the right to Image Trace little triangle and click on High Fidelity Photo, the processing will take a couple of seconds.

Return on top and click on Expand. This action will allow dragging your images as we had done it before, but now it will keep proportions and allow to get rid of pixels. It works really well with logos, but with faces or objects after scaling blurry effect appears which is also undesirable. That is why two previous methods will work better with real objects and people's faces.

Benefits of resizing image in illustrator

  1. Probably you used to think about Adobe Illustrator as a super progressive editor for web designers and professional photographers, it is only one side of the coin. Adobe Illustrator is available for everyone who has passion to learn how to work with it, as illustrator is capable to perform even basic actions, and result and quality will satisfy you for sure.
  2. It is available for different IOS both Windows and Mac, which makes this programmer so accessible.
  3. Many people discovered Adobe Illustrator as a great helper where Photoshop can't help. Besides these two usually complement each other.

You may also take advantage of Adobe creative cloud. I should mention it as while downloading Adobe Illustrator you will probably be recommended to try this service. It consists of a set of different apps which provides Adobe systems. Besides it offers immediate updating of numerous apps which dedicated to web designer, drawing and photo editing. The most known apps are Photoshop, GIMP Photoshop Lightroom, and Adobe Illustrator. Creative cloud gives materials, and tips which help to start your work. Membership of Creative cloud can be very useful for progressive web designers who values photo editing and are busy with it almost every day. What is also important that students and teachers can get discount in using it up to 60%! Beginners may also get membership in order to try it. In case you understand that it is not you cup of tea or that you have no need in using it, you can cancel your purchase within 14 days. And you will get your money back. More than that, you may use Creative cloud on several computers.

As you can notice, changing image size in illustrator is almost effortless and brings great results, especially if you know some tips on its usage. This programmer allows you to create real masterpieces to color our daily routine. Make unique design of your website and change the size of photos with the help of illustrator. Don't be afraid of experiments and failures. We are sure that after this post you are an expert in resizing images in illustrator. But this is only the beginning; step by step you will master this editor and be successful at your work and social media and consequently in your life.

How To Edit Pictures In Illustrator


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